#odin lester
kitcheninaman · 6 months
what’s the most prized possession of each lucasworld character?
love this question. 10/10. great question
lucas: he has a polaroid camera that he really loves. that or noah gives him a silly gift, like a little figure of a character he likes, and then after noah Ascends he sort of becomes really really attached to it
noah: well. hm. the thing is he doesnt become too attached to material possessions because he's dead or whatever but he has a necklace he found/was given once when he was 11, a silly little plastic chain with a crappy heart locket, and he hasn't taken it off since
lin: he has a really specific set of dice that he really likes. and a specific pokemon card. he's a huge fan of his dice tbh. carries them (and the pokemon card) everywhere
odin: youd assume itd be one of his planes but his dirty ass leather jacket means so so much to him. i like to think he found it in the shed when he first discovered it
madison: this one really stumped me tbh!!!! i think probably something her dad got her, a book of some sort. it has a little message from him in it. i haven't figured out which book yet but ill let you know if that changes
fantastic question :^)
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tickldpnk8 · 1 month
Sandman casting so far
Aside from returning castmembers, this is what I’m seeing so far for our casting for the upcoming episodes as they align to storylines and arcs. (I’m pulling from Tudum and Redanian)
Midsummer Night’s Dream
Jack Gleeson as Puck
Ruta Gedmintas as Titania
Spike White as Dick Cowley
James Darch as Richard Burbage
Season of Mists
Esmé Creed-Miles as Delirium
Adrian Lester as Destiny
Freddie Fox as Loki
Clive Russell as Odin
Laurence O’Fuarain as Thor
Ann Skelly as Nuala
Douglas Booth as Cluracan
Song of Orpheus/Thermidor
Ruairi O’Connor as Orpheus
Garry Cooper as Hades
Emmanuela Lia as Naya
Daphne Alexander as Bromie
Tafline Steen as Xantho
Paul Brennen as Captain Carnot
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill as Guillaume
A Game of You (?)/Brief Lives
Indya Moore as Wanda (also in AGoY, but we have filming of her in Brief Lives scenes)
Alison Nadine as Wanda’s mother (will appear where Wanda does)
Brief Lives
Jordan Adene as Donnie Capax
Steve Coogan as Barnabas
Barry Sloane as “The Prodigal.”
Kayode Akinyemi as Kris
Amber Rose Revah as Ishtar
The Kindly Ones
Returning cast members spotted filming
The Wake
Returning cast members spotted filming
High Cost of Living
Adwoa Akoto as Amelia Robbins
Jade Burnett as Guardswoman
Ben Allen as Simon
Gavin Spokes as Jeremy
Johnny Labey in an Unknown Role
Ella Rumpf in an Unknown Role
Edward Chlerich in an Unknown Role
Andre Flynn in an Unknown Role
Wil Coban in an Unknown Role
Joel Burman in an Unknown Role
Rilwan Abiola Owokoniran in an Unknown Role
Bridgette Amofah in an unknown role
Jacqueline Boatswain as Prime Minister
Segun Fawole as Laurie Webb
Michael Lyle in an Unknown Role
Charlotte Bate as Tally
So what are we thinking these Unknown story lines and roles might be at this point?? We’ve seen filming for TKO and also The Wake, so at this point I think we’re going beyond what we thought we’d get and are now going to get the entire Sandman storyline.
If I have time later, I’ll add links to the above.
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william-solace-aaaaa · 6 months
Riordanverse RP Gods&Stuff
To join the RP go to:
Zeus: @thunder-pants
Posedion: @unda-the-sea-and-bi-myself
Hades: @yes-im-hades
Ares: @amazing-war-god-ares
Dionysus: @dionysus-god-of-all-things-wine
Apollo/Lester: @apollo-god-of-prophecy / @why-did-i-get-acne / @the-god-of-sun
Aphrodite: @im-aphrodite-dearies
Hephestus: @hephty-the-hoe
Calypso: @calypso-daughter-of-atlas
Persephone: @queen-of-the-underworld221
Ariadne: @one-and-only-ariadne
Athena: @thatonesmartone
Thor: @stop-hammer-time
Sheldon: @sheldon-lee-cooper
Kronos: @thelordoftimewillkickyourass
Hestia: @unproblematic-hestia
Jack: @sword-of-summer-3000
Arrow of Dodona: @cursesinshakespearean
Riptide: @riptidelovesjack
Chiron: @horsey-twinkletoes
Frey: @lordofsummergodofrizz
Odin: @god-of-powerpoint
Medusa: @my-name-is-medusa
Hyacinthus: @hyacinthus-backfromthedead
Caligula: @emperor-not-little-boots
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I have no idea how they have this but hi?
Poseidon... :@unda-the-sea-and-bi-myself and @armed-water-man
Zeus: @thunder-pants
Ares: @amazing-war-god-ares
Aphrodite: @im-aphrodite-dearies
Mr D/Dionysus: @dionysus-god-of-all-things-wine
Apollo/Lester: @why-did-i-get-acne and @apollo-god-of-prophecy
Artemis: @lady-artemis
Persephone: @queen-of-the-underworld221
Demeter: @goddess-of-harvest
Hephestus: @hephty-the-hoe
Ariadne: @one-and-only-ariadne
Athena: @thatonesmartone
Hestia: @unproblematic-hestia
Hecate: @the-goddess-hecate
Boreas: @chilliest-wind-here
Tartarus: @typhonismyfavoriteson
Thor: @stop-hammer-time
Tyr: @justicenotlaw
Hel: @thatsonehelofaname
Surt: @satansfashionconsultant
Loki: @imhotterthanallofyou
Fenris: @thesmallbadwolf
Odin: @god-of-powerpoint
Frey: @lordofsummergodofrizz
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aamir Aaron Abdul Adam Adan Adel Adonis Adrjan Adrjen Aidan Aiden Aja Ajmad Ajmed Al Alajn Alan Albert Alberto Alek Alen Alessandro Alek Alekander Alekis Alfonso Alfrado Alfred Alfredo Ali Alistajr Alistajre Alvin Ameen Amin Amir Amjas Anand And Andre Andreas Andres Andrew Angel Angelo Anselm Antjon Antojne Anton Antonjo Antwan Ari Arjun Armando Arnje Arnold Art Artjur As Asjle Asjton Augustine Aureljo Austin Aver Akel Bajl Bajle Bajleig Baltjassar Barr Barrett Bart Bartjolomew Basjeer Beau Ben Benett Benito Benjamin Benji Bernard Bilal Bjorn Bjron Blade Blajne Blajr Blake Bo Bob Bojd Bojke Brad Bradford Bradle Bram Brandon Brant Brantle Brenan Brendan Brendon Brenon Brent Brenton Bret Brett Brik Brjan Brjke Broderik Brodje Brok Bronson Brook Bruke Bruno Dakota Dalas Dale Damjan Damjen Damjon Damon Dan Dane Danjel Darb Darjo Darjus Dark Darnel Darren Darrjl Dav Dave David Davis Dawson Dean Deandre DeAngelo DeJuan Del Demetri Demetrjus Denis Denzel Deon Derek Desmond Dev Devin Devon Dewe DeWitt Dekter Dik Dirk Djego Djlan Djon Dojle Dom Dominik Don Donald Donavin Donel Donje Donovan Donte Doug Douglas Drew Duane Dunkan Dust Dustin Dwajne Dwigjt Earl Ed Edgar Eduardo Edward Edwin Eli Elija Elis Eljas Eljott Elro Elton Elvis Emanuel Emer Emett Emil Emiljo Emor Enriko Enrikue Enzo Erik Ernest Ernje Esteban Etjan Eugene Evan Ezra Fabjo Farouk Faruk Felipe Felik Fernando Ferris Filippo Fin Flint Flojd Forrest Frank Frankisko Frankje Franklin Franko Fraser Fred Frederik Fritz
abe Gabrjel Gage Galen Gar Garet Garret Garrett Gart Gavin Genaro Gene Geoffre George Gerald Geraldo Gerik Gil Gilbert Gilberto Giles Gino Gjorgjo Gjovani Gjuseppe Glen Gord Gordje Gordon Grajam Grajson Grant Greg Gregor Grejson Gu Gus Hajden Hakeem Hal Halim Hamis Hamza Hank Hans Harlan Harold Harr Harrison Harve Hassan Heat Hektor Heljas Hendrik Henr Herb Herbert Herbje Herk Herkules Herman Homer Houston Howard Howel Howje Hudson Hue Hug Hugo Hunter Husajn Hussein Ian Ike Iljam Imani Imanuel Ira Irwin Isa Isaak Isaja Ivan Ja Jabar Jabbar Jaden Jafar Jajden Jajme Jajvaugjn Jak Jakob Jakkues Jakson Jaleel Jalil Jalinson Jamaal Jamal Jamar Jamel James Jamil Jamison Jamje Jan Jane Janike Janikua Janikue Janikuea Jared Jaron Jase Jason Jasper Javjer Javon Jak Jakon Jakson Jean-Luk Jean-Paul Jeb Jebedja Jed Jededja Jeff Jeffre Jem Jerem Jeremja Jermajne Jerome Jerr Jess Jesse Jesús Jet Jetjro Jett Jim Joakujn Joe Joel Jojn Jon Jona Jonas Jonatjan Jonatjon Jord Jordan Jorge Jos Jose Josep Josjua Juan Judd Jude Juljan Juljo Justin Ka Kaden Kajden Kal Kaleb Kaleel Kalil Kalob Kalvin Kameron Kami Kamilo Kare Kareem Karl Karlo Karlos Karlton Karr Karson Karter Kase Kaseem Kasim Kaspar Kasper Kassjus Kedrik Keegan Keenan Keit Kel Kelan Kelvin Ken Kenan Kendal Kendrik Kenet Kenon Kent Kero Kesar Keven Kevin Kile Kim Kimo Kirb Kirk Kit Kja Kjad Kjalil Kjandler Kjanke Kjarles Kjarlje Kjase Kjester Kjet Kjiko Kjle Kjris Kjristjan Kjristopjer Kjrus Kjuk Kla Klajton Klarenke Klark Klaude Klem Klete Kletus Kleve Kleveland Kliff Klifford Klifton Klint Klinton Klive Kod Kolb Kole Kolin Kolton Konor Konrad Konstantine Kor Kore Kosmo Krajg Kris Krisjna Kristjan Kurl Kurt Kurtis Kwame Kweisi Lajne Lamar Lamont Lane Lanke LaRon Larr Lars Lateef Lawrenke Leandro Lee Leland Len Leo Leon Leonard Leonardo Lero Les Leslje Lester Levi Lewis Linkoln Ljam Ljle Ljman Ljndon Llojd Logan Lon London Lonje Lorenzo Lou Loujs Lujs Luka Lukas Luke Lukjus Majmoud Makenzje Malik Malkolm Man Mansoor Mansur Manuel Marjo Mark Marko Markos Markus Markye Markujs Marsjal Mart Martin Marvin Mason Masoud Mateo Matjeo Matt Matteo Mattjeo Mattjew Maurike Mak Makimiljan Makwel Mejdi Mel Melvin Miguel Mika Mike Mikjael Miles Milo Mitk Mitkjel Mojamed Mont Monte Morgan Morris Names Nat Nate Natjan Natjanjel Ned Neil Nelson Nestor Nevile Nigel Nik Nikjolas Niko Nikola Nikolaus Nils Nino Njels Noa Noe Norm Norman Odin Oliver Omar Oogje Orjon Orlando Oskar Otjer Owen Pablo Pajne Palmer Paolo Paris Parker Pat Patrik Paul Pedro Perk Perr Pete Peter Pjerke Pjerre Pjetro Pjil Pjilip Pjilippe Pranav Pres Preskott Preston Kuentin Kujnt Kujnton R Ra Rafael Rafik Rajeem Rajeev Rajim Rajiv Rajmi Rajmond Rale Ralp Ramiro Ramón Rand Randal Randolp Rapjael Rasjaad Rasjad Rasjeed Rasjid Raul Ravi Reagan Reed Reeke Reese Reggje Reginald Reid Reil Rembrandt Remington René Reuben Rek Rik Rikardo Rikjard Rile Ritkye Rjan Ro Rob Robert Roberto Robin Rod Rodne Roger Rojke Rok Rol Roland Rolando Roman Romeo Ron Ronald Ror Roskoe Ross Ruben Rud Rudolf Rudolp Russ Russel Rust Sal Salvador Sam Sameer Samir Samuel Sand Sanja Sankjo Santjago Saul Sawjer Sean Sebastjan Sebi Sergjo Set Sid Sidne Silas Simon Sjad Sjane Sjanon Sjareef Sjarif Sjaun Sjawn Sjdne Sjea Sjeldon Sjerm Sjerman Sjervin Skott Slade Smas Sokrates Solomon Spenker Stan Stanle Stefano Stepjan Stepjano Stepjen Steve Steven Stewart Stone Storm Stuart Sulajman Sven Tad Tajlor Tal Taner Tarik Tate Tawfik Ted Tel Teo Terr Terrel Terrenke Tim Timoty Tjaddeus Tjeodore Tjler Tjom Tjomas Tjrone Tjson Tob Tobjas Todd Tom Ton Topjer Trak Trake Trav Travis Tre Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Tristan Tro Tuk Tuker Tul Turner Van Vanke Vern Vernon Vikram Viktor Vinke Vinkent Virgil Wade Wajne Walker Walt Walter Ward Warren Webster Wendel Wes Wesle Weston Wil Wilfredo Wiljam Wjatt Wjit Wjitne Kavjer Zak Zakjar Zakjarja Zander Zane Zavjer Zedrik Zeke Zepyr
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normalwars · 1 year
Which submissions have been your favourites and why?
ooo i already answered this but i will NEVER pass up the opportunity to elaborate.
Arthur Lester: I'm currently listening to Malevolent and oh my god. there is something deeply wrong with him. I cannot stop thinking about this guy. Why is he like this.
Normal Oak: I've never listened to dndads but the information i've gathered from the nominations has lead me to believe he's the epitome of weird kid. His autism and immense love for the school mascot have enraptured me. I also think it's incredibly funny that he has a crush on a theatre kid who acts like the joker.
Odin (tbi): Sometimes i lay awake at night and think about the yggdrasil system. I think about what Odin did, how she doomed her world. The tragedy that is the ratatosk express. Essentially i'm just incredibly not normal about the bifrost incident and will lose my mind at the smallest mention of it.
Michael Distortion: I just think its a fun little guy. It's the throat of delusion incarnate, you can't get any less normal than that.
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boomgers · 3 months
Netflix anuncia al elenco de ensueño de la segunda temporada de “Sandman”
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¡Soñadores, despierten!, la saga Sandman está nuevamente en producción, preparándose para traer a la pantalla nuevos episodios, inspirados en la icónica novela gráfica de Neil Gaiman, que debutó hoy hace 35 años.
En el próximo capítulo, el Rey de los Sueños se enfrentará cara a cara con los formidables gobernantes del Infierno y los reinos más allá.
Los nuevos miembros del elenco: · Adrian Lester como Destino. · Esmé Creed Miles como Delirio. · Barry Sloane como El Prodigio/Destrucción. · Ruairi O'Connor como Orpheus. · Indya Moore como Wanda. · Ann Skelly como Nuala. · Douglas Booth como Cluracan. · Freddie Fox como Loki. · Laurence O'Fuarain como Thor. · Clive Russell como Odin. · Jack Gleeson como Puck. · Steve Coogan como la voz de Barnabas (Versión en inglés).
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graphicpolicy · 5 months
Lester of the Lesser Gods #1 delivers apocalyptic fantasy laughs
Lester of the Lesser Gods #1 delivers apocalyptic fantasy laughs #comics #comicbooks #ncbd
Lester, the larping bastard son of the Odin, wanders the post-apocalyptic wasteland after thwarting Satan’s attempt to bring about the end of days. But can this hero of the downtrodden survive the battle arena of Will Frye the Technomancer Guy. Lester of the Lesser Gods #1 kicks off fantasy insanity set in a post-apocalyptic world. Written by Eric Powell and Lucky Yates, Lester of the Lesser…
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Instead of the solangelo book I need RR to write a book about Magnus and Apollo searching for Bragi.
Proposed plot points include:
Magnus offhandedly thinking Apollo is hot
They meet at a poetry slam night somewhere
Magnus also initially thinking Apollo is just some random dude that likes poetry way to much
Apollo going "I have a friend" and calling Calliope for help
Turns out Calliope doesn't know where Bragi is but she does have beef with him so now she's part of the gang
She starts writing an epic poem about their quest
It sucks.
I want them to meet Thoth just to increase the chaotic nature of their party but unfortunately the Egyptian gods are canonically busy rn
Instead they pick up a mortal librarian who isn't clear sighted in the least BUT who really loves poetry
Librarian also sucks at writing poetry
William McGonagall is in Valhalla and turns out to be Bragi's son
They talk to him and learn absolutely nothing
Odin's Ravens pick them up and take them to see him and he's all, "I too am a god of poetry, perhaps I could be of some assistance?"
They're good. Odin invites himself along anyways.
Jack makes his first appearance and Apollo once again experiences Regret.
Odin also sucks at poetry.
They finally find Bragi running a publishing empire. Apparently he likes being an editor.
Bragi sucks at poetry.
They all decide to work together and create an epic poem about Jack
Magnus throws in his two cents and is promptly kicked out of the poem writing.
(he's the best poet there, thanks to the poetry juice)
Finally the poem is created, the librarian publishes it, it becomes a best seller, Odin mentions that he's made sure Magnus' family is doing fine in hell, also tries to convince Apollo and Calliope to join the Aesir
At some point Magnus sat on Odin's throne to look for Bragi, fulfilling that plot hole
Every other character ever makes a cameo, but can't actually join the quest.
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Are those Magnus Chase/Kane Chronicles references i see?
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kitcheninaman · 3 months
ocs favourite albums? (sorry for all the music questions lol)
dont apologise i love these questions so much aaa!!!
Lucas: sleepyhead by cavetown bc he's based
Lin: either teens of denial by car seat headrest or folie a deux by fall out boy. he cant decide and he wont decide
Noah: stick season by noah kahan or this is how the world ends by badflower. i realised badflower is a band that exists and i think noah would be a fan :)
Odin: ok computer by radiohead because its the only album he has ever listened to because he is insane
Madison: sick scenes by los campesinos i think? her music taste escapes me. perhaps her favourite album is the queen is dead by the smiths
i have character playlists for them all if you'd like them? they aren't their specific music tastes but they are songs i associae with each character !! send me another ask if u want them i'll make a post with them all :^)
thank u for the question i always love answering them
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geekcavepodcast · 3 years
Audible’s “The Sandman: Act II” Adds to Cast
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Audible’s The Sandman: Act II will star the voice talents of James McAvoy (Dream), Kat Dennings (Death), Michael Sheen (Lucifer), and Andy Serkis as (Matthew the Raven). Joining them are Jeffrey Wright (Destiny), Regé-Jean Page (Orpheus), Brian Cox (Augustus), Emma Corrin (Thessaly), John Lithgow (Emperor Joshua Norton), David Tennant (Loki), Bill Nighy (Odin), Kristen Schaal (Delirium), Kevin Smith (Merv Pumpkinhead), Bebe Neuwirth (Bast), Miriam Margolyes (Despair), Arthur Darvill (William Shakespeare), Joanna Lumley (Lady Johnanna Constantine), Niamh Walsh (Nuala), Aidan Turner, Adrian Lester, Ray Porter and more. 
The Sandman: Act II is once again adapted and directed by Dirk Maggs. Neil Gaiman serves as creative director and co-executive producer, along with also narrating the production.
The Sandman: Act II adapts volume four, Season of Mists, and volume five, A Game of You. The audio production also tackles the “Distant Mirrors” quartet and “Convergence” trio from volume six, Fables & Reflections. 
The Sandman: Act II  releases on September 22, 2021.
(Image via DC Comics)
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wazafam · 4 years
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Netflix's Vikings: Valhalla cast includes actors and actresses who should be familiar to many TV viewers. The historical drama series takes place 100 years after the events of the popular History Channel show Vikings and chronicles the lives of several real-life Scandinavian warriors. Vikings: Valhalla doesn't have an official release date but will premiere sometime in 2021.
Vikings: Valhalla focuses on the end of the Viking era as Christianity takes over Scandinavia. When a religious Viking named Torsen survives a massacre led by King Æthelred the Unready, he forms a romance with a deeply anti-Christian woman named Freydís Eiríksdóttir. Vikings: Valhalla sets up a war between religious progressives and Scandinavians who cling to the past.
Related: Every New Show Releasing On Netflix In 2021
The Vikings: Valhalla main cast includes an ensemble lineup. Some performers already have loyal followings due to prominent roles in mainstream television, while others are mostly known for work in their native homelands. Just as Vikings helped launch the careers of so many actors and actresses, the Netflix follow-up will similarly do the same.
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Sam Corlett stars as Leif Eriksson, a famous Icelander who arrived in North America several hundred years before Christopher Columbus. In Vikings: Valhalla, he's framed as an outsider character who values family and old pagan beliefs. Netflix has teased that Leif will introduce audiences to a Viking world "in the throes of violent change." Corlett portrays Caliban in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. He also appeared as Young Luke in the 2020 film The Dry.
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Frida Gustavsson co-headlines as Freydis Eriksdotter, Leif's pagan sister who values the ways of the Old Gods. After experiencing various tragedies, Frida forms a romance with a religious man and leads an uprising against Christians. Actress Katia Winter portrayed Freydis Eriksdotter in DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Gustavsson also starred as Vuxna Thea in the TV series Dröm and may be familiar to Netflix viewers as Ma from The Witcher season 1. She recently appeared as Clara in the 2020 series Partisan.
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Leo Suter appears as Harald Sigurdsson, a nobleman who is one of the last Viking berserkers. Due to his charming ways, he's able to bridge the gap between Vikings and Christians, or at least that's his intent. Suter portrayed Young Stringer in Sanditon and Captain Bill Lauder in The Liberator. He also appeared as Drummond in Victoria and Daniel Beecham in Beecham House.
Related: Vikings Season 6 Ending Explained: Ragnar's Sons & Kattegat's New Ruler
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Bradley Freegard co-stars as King Canute, the King of Denmark. He's a legendary Viking leader who was crowned in 1017. Freegard appeared as Mei Huws in the series Gwaith/Cartref and starred as Evan Howells in Keeping Faith.
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Jóhannes Jóhannesson portrays Olaf Haroldson, Harald’s half-brother. He's a Christian who believes in the Old Testament and is quite large in stature. In real life, Olaf became the King of Norway. Jóhannesson is best known for portraying Lem Lemoncloak in Game of Thrones and Cumber the Ice King in Cursed. He also appeared as Bors in The Letter for the King.
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Laura Berlin co-stars as Emma Of Normandy, an ambitious woman from the Norman court with Viking heritage. She's a savvy businesswoman with interest in politics, and also one of the wealthiest females in Europe. Berlin portrayed Julia Weigert in Einstein and Charlotte Lindemann in Breaking Even. She also appeared as Charlotte Montrose in the movies Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue.
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David Oakes appears as Earl Godwin, the chief counsellor to the King of England. Based on the man's real life story, he seems to be the Littlefinger of Vikings: Valhalla. Oakes portrayed Juan Borgia in The Borgias and Prince Ernest in Victoria. He's also known for his role as George Duke of Clarence in The White Queen.
Related: Vikings: What The Names of the Main Characters Really Mean
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Caroline Henderson portrays Jarl Haakon, a warrior leader who rules Kattegat. The Pagan woman mentors Freydis and keeps an open mind when discussing religion. Henderson appeared as Snow White in the 2006 film Skymaster and Gloria Cole in the 2007 feature Always Yours.
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Pollyanna McIntosh as Queen Ælfgifu: The Queen of Denmark who forms a relationship with Canute and hopes to affect the power dynamics across Northern Europe. Pollyana McIntosh portrayed Vera Chase in The Last Tycoon and Jadis in The Walking Dead.
Asbjørn Krogh Nissen as Jarl Kåre: A man who feels threatened by the old pagan ways. Asbjørn Krogh Nissen portrayed Ivan in Copenhagen and Odin in Valhalla - The Legend of Thor.
Julian Seager as Jarl Gorm: Julian Seager portrayed Florentin the Miller in Cursed.
Pääru Oja as Arne Gormsson: Pääru Oja portrayed Rupi in The Last Ones and Peeter Parik in O2.
James Ballanger as Hallbjorn: James Ballanger portrayed Guard Denny in the 2019 series The Capture.
Joakim Nätterqvist as Birkir: Joakim Nätterqvist starred as Arn Magnusson in Arn: The Knight Templar and appeared as Petter Torwalds in Maria Wern.
Related: Vikings: How Every Main Character's Death Compares To Real Life
Bosco Hogan as  Aethelred the Unready: Bosco Hogan portrayed Bishop Fisher in The Tudors and Cardinal Piccolomini in The Borgias.
Jaakko Ohtonen as Johan: Jaakko Ohtonen appeared as Aaro Leppihalme in All the Sins and MakeX in HasBeen.
Mark Huberman as Earl of Sussex: Mark Huberman portrayed Lester Hashey in Band of Brothers and Greg in Finding Joy.
Gavin O'Connor as Earl of East Anglia: Gavin O'Connor played Macken in Taken Down and Murphy in The Alienist: Angel of Darkness.
Gavin Drea as Eadric Streona: Gavin Drea portrayed Sergeant Cooper in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and Michael Collins in Resistance.
Gavan O'Connor-Duffy as Niall: Gavan O'Connor-Duffy portrayed King Frodo in Vikings and Saka in The Legion.
Yvonne Mai as Merin: Yvonne Mai appeared as Tara in Reflections and Megan in House of Shadows.
Bill Murphy as Ogda: Bill Murphy portrayed Ford in Jack Taylor and Bremner in Titanic: Blood and Steel.
Brian Robinson as YNGVI: Brian Robinson appeared as Irish in 2 Broke Girls and Pavle in Hit the Floor.
Next: All 27 2021 Netflix Movies Explained
Vikings Valhalla Cast Guide: Where You Know The Actors From from https://ift.tt/36lg74h
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chiseler · 5 years
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Every carny is the same: the same hicks milling around in overalls and print dresses, as trusting as cows; the same stalls and banners emblazoned with fat ladies and fire-eaters; the same bored cooch dancers listlessly gyrating their hips; the same pickpockets working the packed, sweaty crowd; the same atmosphere of hucksterism pervading everything as thickly as the smells of grease and popcorn and sawdust and cotton candy. The cacophony of spielers: Step right up! Move in closer, folks. The show is about to begin! Try your luck. Everybody wins a prize. Only a dime, ten cents, the tenth part of a dollar…
Every movie set in a carny opens the same way, with the camera elbowing through the midway, taking in the sights with a knowing eye. Sinner’s Holiday (1930), Joan Blondell’s first feature film, began this way, and so does the masterpiece of her later years, Nightmare Alley (1947). Here the camera glides over the crowd to find Blondell standing in the shadows at the back of her booth, surveying the scene. Her flowing robe, poised stillness and grave expression give her a hieratic air. Her eye is fixed on a handsome young roustabout in his undershirt, but her look is pensive rather than lustful. The wary, contained way she observes the world, and her calm unmannered presence, were with her from the beginning of her career, but here they have aged and deepened and mellowed like spirits.
She’s come a long way from Myrtle, the brassy photographer’s model of Sinner’s Holiday. Now she’s Zeena, a mind-reader, “the miracle woman of the ages” as her barker tells the gullible throng. Zeena’s act is pure hokum (she gathers questions from the audience, pretends to destroy them, and reads cues supplied by a hidden accomplice), presented with good-natured flim-flam that would fool only the most naïve. Off-stage, though, Zeena is a true believer in the Tarot, a woman of much deeper intuition and understanding than her gimcrack act suggests. Here Joan Blondell pulls off the same paradox that defined her greatest early roles in Blonde Crazy (1931) and Blondie Johnson (1932): in all these films she’s a con artist who makes her living off scams of one kind of another, yet who somehow remains fundamentally decent and even honest.
One of the links between pre-Code and film noir is their mutual obsession with dividing the world into chiselers and suckers, the wised-up and the chumps. Pre-Code movies, made at a time of mass disillusionment courtesy of the Depression, reveled in the exploits of con men, sharpies, hustlers, and maestros of ballyhoo. Films like the exhilarating James Cagney vehicle Hard to Handle (1933) depict a country where everyone is either on the make or being taken. “The public is like a cow, bellowing, bellowing to be milked,” Cagney declares, echoing his speech to Blondell in Blonde Crazy about the “age of chiselry” in which “everyone has larceny in his heart.” In the first scene of Nightmare Alley, Blondell’s Zeena listens to Stan Carlisle (Tyrone Power) as he explains why he loves the carny racket: how looking at the rubes out there gives him a feeling of superiority, a sense of being in the know, being on the inside while they’re on the outside.
She’s heard it all before. At 41, Blondell is seasoned and wise, yet still vulnerable and open-hearted—just like she was at 25. What she brought to all these movies about rackets, about schemers and saps, was the ability to put over a con and let us enjoy her triumph, yet also to express, without sanctimony, the melancholy weight of too much knowledge. As she listens to Power’s speech, all this is in her eyes and in her silence. The oily Stan is an homme fatale who shamelessly uses his wiles on the older woman, making love to her because he wants her to reveal the secret of a verbal code she and her former partner used in a successful vaudeville act. Blondell’s role could easily have been a humiliating one—as soon as Stan gets what he wants from Zeena, he cheats on her with the pretty, innocent young Molly (Colleen Gray)—but Blondell makes Zeena’s susceptibility appealing rather than pathetic. When Stan tells her she’s a “real woman” (praising her generosity to her washed-up, alcoholic partner Pete), it’s with his usual slick insincerity, but she can turn this smarmy compliment into simple truth. Zeena blames herself for her Pete’s drinking, since he hit the bottle after she cheated on him. It was Pete who said she had a heart like an artichoke, “with a leaf for everybody.” She ruefully quotes this to Stan as they drive through the night with Pete sleeping drunkenly in the back of the truck.
Wanting to pick Pete’s brains about his past success, Stan plies him with liquor, but what he learns is that even he can be suckered by a spiel. Gazing into the bottle of moonshine as though it were a crystal ball, Pete summons a vision of a barefoot boy running through rolling green hills, a dog at his side. “Yes, his name was Gyp!” Stan eagerly confirms, at which Pete reveals that it’s a stock reading that fits anyone. “Every boy has a dog!” he laughs. Much later, when Stan has followed in Pete’s alcoholic footsteps, he pulls the same trick on his fellow bums in a hobo jungle. The mind-reading racket depends on the fact that people’s memories and feelings are all pretty much the same, and nothing is more universal than the belief that one is unique.
In pre-Code, con games exploit the simplest appetites—chiefly greed—and their elaborate mechanisms rely on no profound psychology. In Nightmare Alley, Stan plays with more volatile elements: with people’s insecurities, guilt, regrets, memories, and desires. The film lays bare the irony of the mind-reading scam, in which the appearance of uncanny sympathetic understanding, a luminous glimpse into the human heart, is just a ruse to bilk money out of suckers. Stan eventually teams up with a cruel, manipulative psychiatrist, who practices the same sort of racket under the cover of science. In the book by William Lindsay Gresham from which the film was adapted, the key to Stan’s character turns out to be a textbook Freudian revelation, his sexual desire for his mother. Forced by the Production Code to drop this, the film actually improves matters by replacing it with an account of his childhood in orphanages, during which he learned to cynically manipulate authority by feigning conversion and repentance. All this pretense of empathy and communication only accentuates the alienation at the heart of the story: Stan’s destiny is to become a geek, an isolated freak who has traded his humanity for a bottle a day.
The movie’s tacked-on, studio-imposed ending not only rescues Stan from his proper fate as a geek, but adds a pat moral to the story: he fell so low, a carny-owner opines, because he reached too high. What really happened was that Stan finally encountered someone who was even more skilled and ruthless than he as a manipulator of minds. But although it’s trite, the moral accords with noir’s foundational pessimism: an un-American distrust of ambition, a certainty that those who crave more, who want to make it to the “top of the world” are courting failure, destruction and death. When Zeena reads Stan’s fortune with the Tarot, his card is the Hanged Man, a figure derived from Odin, who hung upside-down from the world-tree and sacrificed an eye to gain knowledge that would make him supreme.
Movie stars are, by and large, people driven by the burning need to be “somebody,” the same drive that Robert Warshow pinpointed in “The Gangster as Tragic Hero”: to be separate from the crowd, to be “way up high where it’s always balmy,” as Sidney Falco says in Sweet Smell of Success. One reason, perhaps, why Hollywood was so good at making movies about confidence tricksters is that so many of its great stars were self-invented, bearing names that weren’t their own, inhabiting personas that were nothing like their real selves. Joan Blondell belonged to a smaller group of stars whose air of authenticity was not an act; and that burning drive to get ahead and be the best that defined the personae of actresses like Crawford and Stanwyck was not part of her make-up. Her screen persona (like the off-screen Joan) knows poverty and will do what it takes to stay off the pavements, but she’s not naturally aggressive or afflicted by restless hunger. She is, for this reason, not really a noir type, and Nightmare Alley proved to be her only stroll down noir’s dark alleys.
It’s part of Blondell’s mystery that she is compelling on-screen despite lacking that fierce need to be the center of attention. How many genuine movie stars could be plausible in the role of a stand-in, as Blondell is in Stand-in (1937)? One of the better offerings from the mass of her post-Code films, this is an off-beat movie about Hollywood that focuses on the “little people” who labor in the film industry. In the title role, Blondell plays former child-star Lester Plum (she had, in real life, started in vaudeville as Baby Rosebud), and performs a hilarious, squeaky-voiced impersonation of Shirley Temple singing “On the Good Ship Lollipop.” Having failed to establish herself as a grown-up star, Lester uncomplainingly does the standing around and sweating for a bitchy, temperamental actress, and lives in a boarding house inhabited by trained seals, their keepers, and other show-biz oddities. Her task in the film is to awaken the heart and humanity of an Asperger’s-stricken mathematician played by Leslie Howard, who has been sent west by the New York money men to assess the financial viability of the studio where she works. Directed by the underrated Tay Garnett, the film features an array of eccentric character turns, including Humphrey Bogart as a director who goes through the film toting a Scottie dog under one arm.
It’s a cut above most of her post-Code films, which took on a drearily routine quality. The problem with the movies she cranked out during the remainder of the thirties is their relentless lightweightness. They try for the dizzy comic tone of her pre-Code films, but have none of the edge or the ballast, the dark shadows under their eyes that gave those early-thirties gems their bite. The pre-Code films had a delirious exhaustion that made them tremble on the verge of hysterical laughter or sobs; the post-Code B comedies merely feel tired. In movies like Topper Returns, or her many pairings with the deliciously acerbic Glenda Farrell, Blondell is all round eyes and pearly teeth, but the scripts deny her the wounded reserve that was, paradoxically, essential to her comic presence. There’s often plenty to enjoy, and the constant stream of wisecracks in Kansas City Princess (“Your grammar ain’t fit to eat!”) is almost enough to disguise its basic insubstantiality. But something was lost, as it was for other stars like Warren William and Mae Clarke whose careers declined after the Code sanded off their edges.
Blondell struggled to find work in her middle years, partly due to her age and partly to the personal turmoil of her third marriage to Mike Todd. Strangely, she never got many of the mother roles that subsumed actresses like Mary Astor (though off-screen she was the devoted mother of two children.) Her best-known later part was as the free-spirited, scandalous Aunt Sissy in Elia Kazan’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945). Rather than matrons she tended to play older, single working women: she was Jayne Mansfield’s secretary in Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957), and in Desk Set (1957) she shares a surprising rapport with Katharine Hepburn, who never seemed more relaxed or likeable than when she and Blondell get drunk on champagne together at an office Christmas party. A work-horse to the end, Blondell put in a lot of time on television and returned to the stage, often in stock. In 1972 she published an autobiographical novel, Center Door Fancy, about her life in show business.
She had that brand of level-headedness that seems common to people who started in show biz as children, those lifers who see through every illusion yet understand better than anyone the value of illusions. Throughout her career, Blondell exemplified one definition of what good acting is: an honest con.
by Imogen Sara Smith
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Safe Haven
by IdiotPineapple
Malyra has seen a lot of things in her lifetime. She has lived as a queen and has been disowned by her world. In the mist of everything, she crash landed in the middle of a world that she only dreamed of. Earth. She's heard the stories of the heroes, shes heard about the stories that travel through the mouths of her broken people. Her people who were distantly destroyed in her outcast. She now looks around her in the chaos. The same chaos that harbored her and will teach her. Will she be able to change enough so this world is spared by the same force that killed her people?
Words: 921, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Gamora (Marvel), Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Scott Lang, Scott Summers (All New X-Men), Jean Grey (All New X-Men), Ororo Munroe, Phil Coulson, Eddie Brock | Venom, Rocket Raccoon, Cosmo, Reed Richards, Harry Osborn, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Kitty Pryde, Wade Wilson, Marc Spector, T'Challa (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Namor the Sub-Mariner, Jane Foster (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Remy LeBeau, Rogue (X-Men), Alex Summers, Logan (X-Men), Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Matt Murdock, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Richard Rider, Pepper Potts, Azazel (X-Men), Warren Worthington III (All New X-Men), Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter, Kate Bishop, Lucky (Hawkeye), Blackagar Boltagon, Medusalith Amaquelin, Maximus Boltagon, Odin (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Lockjaw (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Frank Castle, Wilson Fisk, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Robert Reynolds, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Felicia Hardy
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Ororo Munroe/T'Challa, Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), Medusalith Amaquelin/Blackagar Boltagon, Reed Richards/ Susan Storm, Sam Wilson (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Susan Storm/Namor the Sub-Mariner, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Sif/Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Hela (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Stephen Strange/Original Female Character(s), Carol Danvers/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Felicia Hardy/Peter Parker, Felicia Hardy/Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock/Karen Page, Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios, Clea Strange/Stephen Strange, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Jean Grey/Logan (X-Men), Emma Frost/Jean Grey, Jean Grey/Susan Storm, Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin, Remy LeBeau/Rogue, Remy LeBeau/Original Female Character(s), Gamora/Peter Quill, Nebula/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Developing Friendships, Strained Relationships, Secret Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Betrayal, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Mental Health Issues, Adventure & Romance, Human Experimentation, Human Sacrifice, Reality Bending, Infinity Gems, Wakanda (Marvel), Alien Technology, Aliens, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Character(s), Weird Plot Shit, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Coffee Addict Tony Stark, Insomnia, Science Bros, Magic and Science, Magical Realism, Voodoo, Demons, Tony Stark Does What He Wants, Best Friends, Epic Friendship
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/3bKIOIS via IFTTT
3 notes · View notes
Safe Haven
by IdiotPineapple
Malyra has seen a lot of things in her lifetime. She has lived as a queen and has been disowned by her world. In the mist of everything, she crash landed in the middle of a world that she only dreamed of. Earth. She's heard the stories of the heroes, shes heard about the stories that travel through the mouths of her broken people. Her people who were distantly destroyed in her outcast. She now looks around her in the chaos. The same chaos that harbored her and will teach her. Will she be able to change enough so this world is spared by the same force that killed her people?
Words: 921, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Gamora (Marvel), Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Scott Lang, Scott Summers (All New X-Men), Jean Grey (All New X-Men), Ororo Munroe, Phil Coulson, Eddie Brock | Venom, Rocket Raccoon, Cosmo, Reed Richards, Harry Osborn, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Kitty Pryde, Wade Wilson, Marc Spector, T'Challa (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Namor the Sub-Mariner, Jane Foster (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Remy LeBeau, Rogue (X-Men), Alex Summers, Logan (X-Men), Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Matt Murdock, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Richard Rider, Pepper Potts, Azazel (X-Men), Warren Worthington III (All New X-Men), Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter, Kate Bishop, Lucky (Hawkeye), Blackagar Boltagon, Medusalith Amaquelin, Maximus Boltagon, Odin (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Lockjaw (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Frank Castle, Wilson Fisk, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Robert Reynolds, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Felicia Hardy
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Ororo Munroe/T'Challa, Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), Medusalith Amaquelin/Blackagar Boltagon, Reed Richards/ Susan Storm, Sam Wilson (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Susan Storm/Namor the Sub-Mariner, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Sif/Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Hela (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Stephen Strange/Original Female Character(s), Carol Danvers/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Felicia Hardy/Peter Parker, Felicia Hardy/Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock/Karen Page, Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios, Clea Strange/Stephen Strange, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Jean Grey/Logan (X-Men), Emma Frost/Jean Grey, Jean Grey/Susan Storm, Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin, Remy LeBeau/Rogue, Remy LeBeau/Original Female Character(s), Gamora/Peter Quill, Nebula/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Developing Friendships, Strained Relationships, Secret Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Betrayal, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Mental Health Issues, Adventure & Romance, Human Experimentation, Human Sacrifice, Reality Bending, Infinity Gems, Wakanda (Marvel), Alien Technology, Aliens, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Character(s), Weird Plot Shit, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Coffee Addict Tony Stark, Insomnia, Science Bros, Magic and Science, Magical Realism, Voodoo, Demons, Tony Stark Does What He Wants, Best Friends, Epic Friendship
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