#lin wan er
da-man-si · 4 months
Saw some comments saying wan er is boring and weak and that they prefer Fan Xian to be with Duoduo…so here is a Lin Wan er appreciation post and why those comments are wrong.
Wan er is not boring or weak. People find her boring because they compare her to Duoduo who is an accomplished martial artist and has a much more bold personality and unfortunately nowadays Internet tends to hate gentle women.
Wan er is not a fighter, physically, but she has a backbone and knows to stand up for herself. She is resolute, smart and gritty. When she suspects Fan Xian to be her brother’s killer, she directly questions him with a knife in her hand ready to kill herself if he really killed him, because her love for her brother is just as much true as her love for Fan Xian. She confronts her mother for attempting to murder Fan Xian. Her mother tells her that being with Fan Xian is dangerous but she doesn’t waver. she offers to run away with Fan Xian, which would be going against the emperor, when she comes to know that he is going to beiqi so that he can marry her.
I think she is the shore much needed and wanted by Fan Xian’s turbulent waves. When she refuses to meet him in second season, it’s because Fan Xian needs space and focus right now. She understands he’s seen so much and been through so much. And the 12th episode of second season serves as a testament to why she is perfectly compatible with Fan Xian. When he sees her for the first time after a long time, his face instantly looks so serene, his mind calm, for the few minutes that he looks at her.
And her telling off Chengze for trying to sow discord between her and Fan Xian was the cherry on top. Her back straight, head held high and firm voice, she tells him that she is not going to doubt Fan Xian and no one can stop her from marrying him.
So, if you think Wan er is weak/boring/shouldn’t be with fan xian, you are wrong. You may not like her for whatever reason or prefer Duoduo, that’s fine, but do not slander the girl by making up things that are not true of her character.
PS: I love Duoduo as well, she is awesome and watching her kick everyone’s ass is so fun but I do not see her as Fan Xian’s love interest at all. Accomplice, friend, frenemy? not love interest. these things can be mutually exclusive despite all the tropes out there.
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | the granted marriage pairs
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dramagifs · 3 months
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Lin Wan Er | Joy of Life 2
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prncssguya · 4 months
episodes 11&12 thoughts:
i’m just living for their interactions! it was fun to watch cheng ze lose his composure and fan xian is the only one capable of that
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i’m certain if li cheng ze ever found out that fan xian was his brother, he wouldn’t even be surprised because there’s no other person who could match his insane energy lol
that entire scene with the couples was hilarious and intense. i wasn’t expecting to like the first prince and the northern qi princess so much but they’re so funny and make a good match. his younger brother was poisoned (maybe?) by his arch nemesis and the first prince response was “eh maybe you should give up” lmaoo. i guess he likes fan xian now?
since lin wan er called out li cheng ze for being a snake, she proved she’s stronger and smarter than people realize. i’m glad they’re showing this side of her because i confess i wasn’t interested in her and their romance in the first season much but it’s growing on me now.
ALSO can we talk about the fan family?? i just love them so much and their absolute trust and reverence for fan xian. fan jian didn’t even question being poisoned by his son and played along, even ruoruo was surprised. like fan xian don’t even worry about being recognized as a prince from the royal family. they’re all fakes and schemers but your fan family are ride or dies for you 😤
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atamascolily · 3 months
Thunderbolt Fantasy: In Which I Yap About Swords
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(What can I say? Guilty as charged.)
Thunderbolt Fantasy is about a lot of things, actually, but it's first and foremost a story about swords. So many swords. Magic swords, ordinary swords, demonic swords, holy swords, swords that look like swords but are actually something else, things that look like something else but are actually swords... the list goes on and on.
Thunderbolt Fantasy also has many themes, but I would argue that a major one is that swords are tools first and foremost; whether they are good or bad depends less on the sword itself and more on how it's used.
In the wrong hands, even a holy sword created to fight demons with the purest of intentions can be misused; in the right hands, a demonic sword can save the day, as evidenced by Shang Bu Huan's and Lin Xue Ya's clever team-up using Night of Mourning.
But it gets complicated because swords aren't just tools--or at least not all the time. Season 2 introduces us to Seven Blasphemous Deaths, who blurs the established boundaries--she is a person who is also a sword. Then we have Lang Wu Yao in Bewitching Melody of the West, a person who is explicitly compared to a sword; the climax of the movie hinges on Lang's decision to take full agency for his actions instead of letting unscrupulous people manipulate him.
Bewitching Melody of the West ends with Ling Ya--another character who blurs the line between person and object, and who is sometimes, but not always, a sword--teasing Shang that the Sorcerous Sword Index itself might one day gain sentience. "Any object imbued with strong enough sentiment in time grows a heart of its own! Not that all of them are chatty like me! ... You keep dragging that batch of magic swords around and sooner or later it [the Index] might start talking, too!"
Shang is incredibly flustered by this: "Shut the hell up! Don't jinx me!" He's learned to accept both Lang and Ling Ya as friends and comrades, but the idea of anything more than that scares him. Then he catches himself, "Er, I mean..."
"Mean what?"
And for a moment it seems like Shang is going to tell him, and then he pivots to thanking Ling Y for his assistance earlier and changing the subject. Which is too bad, because I really want to know what he's thinking here. Would it really be so bad if the Index and/or the swords within it was no longer a tool, but a person in their own right? If they could make decisions about how they wanted to be used?
Okay, so maybe it would be bad, given that swords are weapons--they can protect people, yes, but they can also kill them, or turn them into puppets, or generate massive earthquakes. It's only natural they would want to perform the functions they were made for, and some of those functions are terrible. Even holy swords are dangerous, as evidenced by Wan Jun Po being burned alive from the inside out from wielding one of the Three Holy Relics. Good is not soft, to say the least!
Given everything we know so far, it would not surprise me if Shang can "hear" the swords in the Index, and has a sense of their personalities and desires. His restraint in using the Index is entirely justified because these swords are dangerous, even though he has the skills to use them (and this restraint is one reason he can wield them). My personal headcanon is that one reason Lin Xue Ya is such a natural at using Night of Mourning is that he is also incredibly skilled at manipulating people and thus their desires align; he might have more difficulty with a sword that makes other demands of its wielder.
But as we've established, a major theme of Thunderbolt Fantasy as a whole is that even villains can grow and change (cf. Xie Ying Luo's arc in S2) and that people aren't bound by fate--they can and should be able to make their own choices. So why not extend that to the Index as well, especially considering how many people are trying to control it?
And would a sentient Index really be so terrible if it was embued with Shang's feelings? The man who is the moral center of Thunderbolt Fantasy, whom Lin Xue Ya (a master thief) says is the safest place he can imagine? I think an Index that grew out of Shang carrying it for so long would inherit that strong moral center--and I think it would be fitting, given how much carrying it has transformed his life.
One way or another, Shang can't rest until the Index is dealt with. One possibility is that Thunderbolt Fantasy punts the final ending, by having him keep wandering with the Index, but somehow I doubt it--Shang may well continue to journey on, but if he does, I think it will be because he genuinely wants to, or has some other task he wants to do, not because he's still carrying out the same old one forever.
In order for Shang to give up the Index, he has to trust it will be safe from people who will misuse it. We saw how that went at Xian Zhen fortress; even an institution dedicated to preserving the world couldn't keep the Index safe for less than a day, and most of them are worse.
The Index could be hidden, perhaps, or chucked away into the void, but the reason Shang hasn't already done it himself is because the swords are humanity's one hedge against another demon invasion. The swords were created to fight the demons, and they will continue to exist as long as that threat remains. So peace with the demons has to happen first. This is likely for other reasons--see Lang Wu Yao's whole arc--so I feel pretty confident about this. Maybe the swords, most of which originally came from another world, will end up returning there in the end--and like I said, the void of space seems to be a favorite place for chucking stuff you never want to see again (eldritch horrors, Lou Zhen Jie, etc). So it's definitely a possibility.
We also know as of S3 that the swords came from another world, and it's possible that they'd lose their powers if they were returned to their home and be ordinary swords again. So that's also an option.
But given all of the hints and established themes, I'm rooting for a secret third thing: to neither hold on to the Index or to throw it away, but to let it grow up and come into its own. Maybe the Index would decide to leave of its own accord; after all, the swords inside it came from another world and maybe they'd be happier to return there after all. Maybe it'd stick around under the auspices of Dan Fei, Juan Can Yun, and the Hu Yin Shi, who are going to need something to do with their lives once the war with the demons is over for good. I don't know. But I want the Index to have the same freedom as any other character. I want it to be able to choose.
How exactly this would work, I don't know. Maybe the Index is a single entity, or maybe it's a collective intelligence composed of all the swords inside it. Given that Huo Shi Ming Huang's theme centers around this kind of "swarm", and that he seeks the Index, I can't help wondering if the two are connected. But if the Index has to choose between Shang and Huo Shi Ming Huang, I think Shang's influence will ultimately carry the day in the end, though it might get pretty dicey before the end. After all, he's the one who carried it for so long!
(Look, I am but a simple soul--all I want is to see all of the swords flying out of the Index all at once in the climactic battle, preferably under their own accord. Yes, I know that technically already happened in the S2 opening, and it was great, but can we have that as the centerpiece of the final movie instead of 10-15 seconds?? Bonus if that severed arm is still in there and smacks someone across the face.)
All of this is to say, I fully expect that this is going to be a major theme going forward, and I have "the swords unionize" on my personal bingo card.
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milkmynk · 11 months
Snippet of C149 of Erha
(Just posting various translated snippets of my favorite scenes, lol)
Xue Zhengyong pondered for a while before saying, "But I feel that Meng-er isn't wrong, I actually spoke to Yuheng before about finding a cultivation partner."
"Ah?" Xue Meng was stunned, "Dad, you spoke to Shizun about this? He didn't get mad at you?"
"He did." Xue Zhengyong smiled wryly, "He threw me out."
Mdm Wang : "......"
Xue Meng laughed loudly. "I knew it, my Shizun is a celestial to his core, he's not a god but is more like one than a god. Someone like him would have cut off all worldly desires long ago, what would he want a cultivation partner for?"
Xue Zhengyong sighed and was obviously still reluctant to accept it. He was about to continue debating his son on the topic, when suddenly Mdm Wang covered her mouth with her sleeve and whispered, "Husband, stop talking, Elder Yuheng is here."
In the lingering morning mist, Chu Wan Ning stepped on the damp stones as he slowly walked over, his sleeves swaying.
He was wearing a two-piece robe. It was a stately moon-white color, with golden silk embroidered in the hem. As he walked, the gold thread seemed to subtly flow in the sunlight. His hair was held up by a single white-jade hairstick, with a red gem carved in the shape of a plum flower adorning the end. His entire countenance was of simplicity tinged with gravity, an aloofness within his coldness.
At that moment, Xue Zhengyong suddenly felt a little helpless, his mouth opened, then closed.
He thought, perhaps Xue Meng was right.
This kind of person, what kind of woman would be able to stand by his side without being swallowed by his light, without being buried by his presence?
The god walked into the mortal realm, came to a stop in front of the mountain gate, and looked at Xue Zhengyong while frowning.
"Respected leader."
"Haha, Yuheng, the clothes suit you."
Chu Wan Ning lifted his hand, and an extremely complex looking accessory dangled in mid-air. He said, "This accessory that was sent together with the robes, it seems to be different from normal."
"Ah, that is made using the string art of An Lin, what about it?"
The godly daozhang who was far out of the reach of others, slightly wrinkled his brow, and said, "It's too difficult, I don't know how to tie it, could respected leader teach me."
Xue Zhengyong : "......"
After teaching Chu Wan Ning three times, he still could not do it, finally giving up. Xue Meng couldn't look on any longer and volunteered to assist his Shizun with it, and completed it quickly. Chu Wan Ning looked at it and was somewhat surprised, praising, "Not bad."
Standing to one side, Xue Zhengyong couldn't help but think again. He thought, my god, if this kind of person doesn't find a cultivation partner, wouldn't he someday die because he didn't know how to take care of his daily life?
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green-ajah · 2 years
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《 庆余年 》Joy of Life (2019) ⤷ Fan Xian is born in the ancient empire of Southern Qing with memories of the 21st century. He lives in a rural town as the illegitimate son of the Minister of Finance, raised by his grandmother. His mother, Ye Qing Mei, was once a celebrated inventor and the founder of the Overwatch Department, the country's spy network but was killed shortly after her son was born. Fan Xian has since been protected by a blind martial arts expert, Wu Zhu, his mother's bodyguard. He learned martial arts and the art of poison as a child, also assisted by his knowledge from the 21st century. 
After an assassination attempt, he decides to venture into the capital to find out more about his mysterious mother and why anyone would want to kill him, as he perceives himself to be an unimportant person. He also wants to know why he has memories of a sharply different era. In the capital, he accidentally meets Lin Wan Er, the sickly illegitimate daughter of Princess Royal, and falls in love with her. Unbeknownst to him, she is the woman the emperor chose for him to marry so that he would be the new overseer of the Royal Treasury, an institute Fan Xian's mother established in the palace and currently handled by Princess Royal. 
In the capital, however, he gets entangled in the intrigues of the Emperor and the two Princes, as well as the Overwatch Department, leading to him questioning his whole identity and inducing him to find his true life goals, abandoning his original intention to just "enjoy life".
watch on Viki | watch on YouTube | watch on WeTV | watch on Amazon Prime
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the-monkey-ruler · 9 months
Lotus Lantern (2005) 宝莲灯
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Director: Yu Mingsheng Screenwriter: Nine years Starring: Jun Cao / Shu Chang / Enjun / Jiao / Lin Xiangping Yuqiao / Liu Liu Liu Xiaoqing / Yan Danchen / Xie Ning / Wang Weiguo / Chen Chuang / Ding Jian / Xiaofeng Luo Wei / Pu Shiyan Zhang Zhichao / Tian Erxi / Wu Zhou Jie / Guohua You Benchang / Wang Yonggui / Li Baocheng Zhao / Shujun / Li Jianxun Zhu Yaying / Li Liu Jie / Jiayi Ye Yina / Ma Liqing / Yang Si / Wang Wensheng / Ma Jielin / Tian Xuemin / Zhao Qi / Zong Fengyan / Wan Luo Guangyue / Li Dou / Ying / Tang Nien / Liu Shuxing / Shi Liang / Cheng Sudong / Lu Bing / Wang Xiang / Yao Changjiang / Xi Xianfeng / Yuan Han / Shen Jie / Deng Jia / Guo Ye / Wang Jiayu / DuduMore Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2005-10-04 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 35 Single episode length: 46 minutes Also known as: New Lotus Lantern / 新宝莲灯 IMDb: tt4776994 Type: Reimagining
Chen Xiang (played by Cao Jun), a young man in a small town, and his father Liu Yanchang (played by Liu Xiaofeng) have been living a peaceful life until one day, Chen Xiang accidentally discovers that he actually contains "magic power" in his body and could pass through walls effortlessly. After his father learned about it, he told Chen Xiang the fact that he had hidden for many years, that is, Chen Xiang's mother was actually the San Sheng Mu (played by Park Meixuan) in heaven. Because she violated the rules of heaven and married herself as a mortal, she was captured by heaven to an unknown destination. Chen Xiang was shocked to learn the truth and decided to overcome all difficulties to rescue his mother. Er Lang Shen (Jiao Enjun), who sees everything in his eyes, is Chen Xiang's uncle and decides to stop Chen Xiang's journey to save his mother. Thus, this difficult trip to save the mother kicked off with the interference of Erlang Shen. During the journey, Chen Xiang met many kind-hearted people and spirits, encountered various resistances, and even wanted to give up. But in the end, it was no match for his determination to save his mother...
Source: https://tv-1.chinesemov.com/tv/2005/Lotus%20Lantern
Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL10scWhSJdfGojWzhbiYNBCM9KgZi1sk_
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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bean-in-dice · 10 months
Non Pingxie Chinese Fic Recs
Part 1
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There won't be many of these, as I mainly filtered AO3 for Pingxie and the following fics are what I happened to accidentally come across or found in the profiles when I clicked on the authors I wanted to follow. I'm sure there are so many more of great fics but I have only so much time and need the help of filters to retain at least some of my sanity.😭
Part 2
1, 2. In which Wu Xie observes Heihua relationship, I love how despite all the bluff how he genuinely cares
3. Cockroach infestation while Xiaoge is away
4. Heihua kid and Pingxie kid posting on social media about life with their parents, pretty sweet and fun to read
知乎 | 同性恋家庭的孩子是怎么样的?—蟹爪兰的回答,已获得4.7k赞同
5. Heiping fic that made my heart hurt
Another by same author 【黑瓶】风雨河
6. Xiazi teaching a Philosophy class at Wu Xie's uni
7. Su Wan being low-key traumatized by Wu Xie's midlife crisis thoughts, but it's cute and sweet
8. Heihua fic where they reminisce about Er ye and overall warm and sweet vibes with the rest of the gang as well
9. Xiazi and Xiaoge childhood friends
10. A short, one sided HeiXie and HeiPing
11. Lin Liuren's story
12. Wu Xie and Xiaohua talk about Xiaoge and Xiazi
13. Xiaohua's seal has something to say!
14. Wu Xie goes inside Zhang Ancestral Building and yells for Zhang Qiling, accidentally waking up all the Zhang Qilings lol
15. Shahai era XieHei
16. A (somewhat) one sided Huaxie, Xiaohua pov on them and Pingxie
17. Wu Xie meets an old friend (OC) from school. Introspection.
18. Heihua stays over at Yucun and Wu Xie has opinions over raising idle people
19. Xiaohua tells Wu Xie about how he and Xiazi got to know each other
20. Excellent Heihua fic from WX pov in the post-canon where Xiaohua is still trying to cure Xiazi's eyes. CW: Brief speculation of child death
See here for Pingxie fic recs
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wangsejabin · 1 year
Chapter 99
Stepping down from the chariot, Pan'er kept her head hung low.
   She didn't even look at the Prince.
   When she entered the door of the Spring Couple's Cottage, she took a few quick steps inside and asked Aunt Qing where the children were.
   The children have gone to bed and Pan'er is not at ease and probably wants to avoid the Prince, so she went to the children's room.
   The three children slept in the same bed. Zong Yue slept on the outside, Wan Yin slept in the innermost part, and Zong Lin still slept in the middle.
   As soon as Pan'er stood in front of the bed, Zong Yue opened his eyes. He was a child after all, and could not yet act as if nothing had happened, even though he was anxious, like the adults.
   He sat up at once and called out to his mother.
Pan'er made a gesture to him, and the sound was muffled in the latter part of his voice, without waking Zong Lin and Wan Yin.
   "Mother, are you all right?"
   The incident had happened suddenly, when the three siblings of Zong Yao knew something had happened, but did not know what had happened. Fearing that her busy schedule would lead to mistakes, Empress Fu had the children sent back to Jinggu in advance, and when they returned to Spring Couple's Fast, they saw that Mother and Xiangpu had not returned, and after hearing what Wan Yin said when she returned, Zong Yue realised that something might have happened to Mother.
   The three children approached Aunt Qing to find out what had happened, but Aunt Qing had no idea what had happened, so Zong Yue asked someone to call Feng Hai, and only from Feng Hai's mouth did he learn that the Second Uncle had died, but he still didn't know anything else. After staying up for half the night, the three children couldn't hold out any longer before they went to sleep, Zong Yue had a lot on his mind and stayed awake.
   Pan'er sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his son's little head.
   "It's alright, nothing's wrong, don't worry."
   "It's really alright?" Zong Yue was a little unconvinced.
   "It's really fine."
As mother and son were talking, Wan Yin woke up, and as soon as she saw Pan Er, she jumped over and cried, "Mother, you're finally back, I thought something had happened to you. I thought something had happened to you when someone came over to ask questions and I saw how ugly the Crown Princess Mother looked and scolded Fuqiu, saying that she had done something foolish, when Mother had gone with Fuqiu."
   "It's really nothing, isn't your father still here, how could anything happen?" Pan'er coaxed, stroking her daughter's back.
The sound of Wan Yin's crying woke up Zong Lin, and it was chaos, Zong Lin also hugged Pan Er and cried, the sound of his crying almost blew the roof off the room, and brought the Prince here too.
The two little ones cried so much that the prince could not help but smile and want to cry, but he could understand that the incident had scared the children.
He coughed twice and said: "All right, you are all still young, even if something happens outside, it is none of your concern. Rest early, Father and your mother should also go and rest."
Wan Yin poked Zong Lin from behind and Zong Lin said, "But I want to sleep with Mother."
   Pan'er did not dare to look directly at the prince and laughed dryly, "Then why don't I sleep with the children, they are scared today, so keep them company."
   He said to his son, "You're too old to sleep with your mother, have you forgotten what your father told you?"
   "A man cannot grow up in the hands of a woman ......"
   The prince nodded in satisfaction, "You all get an early night's rest, father and your mother will also go and rest."
   He lifted his steps to go outside, and when he saw that Pan'er hadn't moved, he reached out to give her a tug.
   Pan'er pulled back, her eyes glaring at the prince.
   The prince pulled again, and only then did he pull her away.
   Seeing this scene, Zong Yue and Yuan Yuan looked at each other, and then at Zong Ins, who looked dejected, and said comfortingly, "Alright, alright, go to sleep, you have big brother and big sister with you, don't you?"
Zong Lin nodded and lay back down, muttering, "I'm a man, I should sleep alone."
   At the other end, after leaving the room, Pan'er said, "What do you mean by not growing up in a woman's hands? So this is how His Highness teaches Zong Lin in private, that he doesn't want his son to be close to his mother?"
   The prince did not expect Pan'er to countenance this remark, and thought that she was trying to avoid him, which was why she did not want to come out with him.
   "That is not what I meant."
   "Then what does it mean? Your Highness is clearly looking down on women, what is wrong with women? What's wrong with being raised in the hands of a woman? Can a child be born without a woman?"
   Pan'er left in a huff, and the prince stood there for a moment, thinking before following her.
   When he entered the room, Pan'er was sitting in front of the dressing table unpacking her hair and jewellery. The prince glanced at her in the mirror and explained, "I've told you, it's not what you think."
   Pan'er ignored him.
The prince stood, feeling a little frustrated, and raised his voice to call Fulu to come in to serve him and change. Fulu, who had been listening outside the door, came in with his head bowed. The prince went into the bath and when he came out again, Pan'er was already lying on the bed, facing inwards.
   He reacted now, thinking that her anger was a little superficial.
   Propping his elbows on the bed, he crossed to look at her, her eyes tightly closed, as if she was asleep.
   He let out a laugh, "What are you doing hiding from me?"
Yes, what was she hiding from him for, she wasn’t truly angry, but it was a bit embarrassing to say what was on her mind, and she regretted it. But it's too late to regret what was said. 
 "Is it because of the words I asked you?"   
 On the road, the prince was shocked to hear Pan'er's words and finally understood the meaning of what she had said to Princess Yue that day. After being shaken, his attention was instead focused on the once, asking Pan'er when the once was.
 Pan'er didn’t answer him back, and it just so happened that the matter is temporarily skipped over, because they had returned and now the embarrasing affair was being revisited.  
But that was what Pan'er was afraid of. She rolled over and said, "I'm so sleepy, I want to go to sleep, aren't you sleepy, or should I sleep a bit and get up and talk again."
 She looked at him trying to emphasize the look of 'I'm really sleepy and tired and drained'.   
 The prince turned her over, but she wouldn't let him, but he wanted to look at her face, and they were in a one-on-one position.   
 Somehow they became entwined, this time more seriously than every time before, and the Prince kissed her earnestly, concentrating especially on the top of her shoulders and neck.  
  When they were knitted together, Pan'er's chin rested on his shoulder in a choked voice: "I almost thought I wouldn't come back, that even if I did it would be to certain death. I hated him with a passion and was particularly resentful, so I beguiled him and stuck a hairpin into the back of his neck when he let his guard down, thinking I'd drag a man with me even if I died ......”   
 "Would you say I am particularly bad and ruthless, I tell you women are terrible when they are ruthless ...... I actually killed someone ......"   
 The prince stopped and gave her a serious look, reaching out to wipe the sweat from her forehead and the tears from her face.  
 "Well, it's all in the past, don't think about it."    
But how could it be over, after all, it had happened, and it had been such a big deal, and Pan'er had killed a man with her own hands, and before, because it hadn't been resolved and she had to calm the children and the underlings when she returned, Pan'er hadn't shown anything and had been tense, but now that she had relaxed, her emotions had broken down a little. 
  "Don't think too much, you didn't kill the man, I did, I've wanted to kill him for a long time, I've been holding back for so many years ......"  
  Under the Prince's reassurance, Pan'er slowly regained her composure.  
  Calmed down, she also felt that she was crying in an ugly manner, tugging the quilt and wiping it haphazardly on her face. She tried to shield her face from the Prince's eyes, but the Prince tugged at her quilt, not letting her shield her face and saying that she wasn't afraid of being smothered.
Pan'er was so humiliated that she pinned the Prince down with a push from her waist.
The following was a spring scene ,and just as it reached its peak, Pan'er collapsed and brought her lips to the Prince's ear and said, "That once upon a time, I won't tell you now, wait until later ...... maybe when we're both old, I'll tell you ...... "  
   In the Pure One Zhai, the lamp was kept on.The Crown Princess sat in a chair, the hexagonal sheepskin palace lamp on a few tables next to her burning quietly, the scent of tranquilizing incense floating in the room, but the Crown Princess did not feel tranquil at all.  
  Fuqiu knelt at her feet and remained so.  
  She had forgotten how long she had been kneeling, her tears had dried and her whole body was like a wooden statue.
    There were footsteps, and it was Fu Xia who walked in. "Crown Princess, His Highness and Su Liang Di have returned, and went straight to the Spring Couple's Retreat, and the servant girls didn't dare to stop them."
    The Crown Princess sighed and said, "It's just that, with so much going on tonight, I'm sure His Highness is also tired." She said that, but she did not move, and sat for a while longer, seeing that no one was coming, before she stood up.    If she was tired, she should have asked her servants to come and report to her, at least to put her mind at ease, but the Prince had not done so.  
  The Prince Consort felt a little empty inside, and felt that she was too fond of imagining things.Perhaps others didn't know what had happened, but she did, knowing that Prince Chu had died and that it had something to do with Su Pan'er, thus dragging the Crown Prince into it, and that perhaps it had been a set-up against the Eastern Palace, and Su Pan'er had just been mixed up in it.  
  The Crown Princess is not concerned about Su's situation, in her heart, her son Zong Duo is the first priority, the stability of the Eastern Palace is the second priority, and then the rest. But she had never imagined that she would be involved in this matter, and it was all because of Fu Qiu, a foolish person. 
   The reason for this is because of this foolishness. When the Crown Princess moved, Fu Qiu sobbed again: "The servant girl did not expect that Huang Hai would be bribed. He said the Crown Prince invited Su Liang Di to go over, slave servant didn't think much of it, thinking it was just a matter of passing a message, and the Crown Princess was also in, maybe it was the Crown Prince who asked to pass the message to the Crown Princess, and then let the Crown Princess pass it to Su Liang Di, who knows ......"  
  This has been said many times by Fuqiu, so many times that not only is she herself tired of no emotional ups and downs, but the Crown Princess also has no emotional ups and downs from listening to it.  
  The words that should be scolded had been scolded before, and now they were just waiting for the Crown Prince to have an attack.  
  Since Sister Chen left, the Crown Princess has felt that she has become much lighter to the servants around her, and so what if they have been serving her for many years, but they all have their own thoughts.  
  Fu Xia went to pull Fu Qiu, trying to get her to stop crying.   
 The Prince Consort looked back and said, "Come on, don't cry either, there's no telling if this will involve me and the Grand Duke. Go down and rest, I'll go and rest too, it will be dawn if I don't."  
 When the day dawns, there will be endless things to do.   
 The Prince Consort sighed and went to the inner room.
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da-man-si · 4 months
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more triple date in the future episodes please!
(by the way, what’s the name of beiqi’s eldest princess?)
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | Wedding day.
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dramagifs · 3 months
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Lin Wan Er | Joy of Life 2
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prncssguya · 4 months
episodes 23&24 thoughts
UNCLE WU ZHU FINALLY!! what’s he been up to? and why is he hiding from fan xian?
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- the scene with the emperor, fan xian and fan jian was hilarious. fan jian pretending to be angry at FX but not having the heart to beat him and the emperor being so done with both their antics Imaoo
- chen ping ping still being fan xian's biggest supporter. there would've been a tragedy had CPP not given FX the hint about the emperor's plot against chancellor lin. fan xian still has a long way to go before being on the emperor's level
- royal princess continues to be a compellingly evil person. i audibly sighed when she made an appearance because ofc she had a hand in the plot against chancellor lin. i don’t what’s her grudge against him (maybe they mentioned it in s1 idk) but at least he’s a caring parent
- first prince surprised me that he genuinely likes fan xian as a person. at least FX has one brother prince on his side who doesn’t have any hidden agendas
- ye ling er is kinda gullible and seems to be falling into li cheng ze trap. i don't think he'll succeed in ruining the wedding but it's funny to see him try. but i do wonder if fan xian will be honest with wan er about his involvement
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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