#character: li cheng ru
movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | The dynamics between princes.
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web-novel-polls · 7 months
Priest (Author) Character Tournament Masterpost [Complete]
[Last Updated: May 20th, 2024]
Submissions (including Character List) - CLOSED March 11th, 2024
Type of Tournament: Double Elimination
Tournament Tag: #priest character tournament
Start/End: March 16th-May 20th, 2024
Posting Time: 5 pm CST (UTC-6)
Tournament Status: 100% complete
Statistics Post
Winner: Wen Kexing from Faraway Wanderers
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Upper Bracket Rankings
Wen Kexing from Faraway Wanderers
Shuikeng/Puddle from Liu Yao
Cheng Qian from Liu Yao 
Lower Bracket Rankings
Jing Beiyuan from Lord Seventh
Feng Xiaoshu from Lord Seventh
Shuikeng/Puddle from Liu Yao
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[Photo ID - three screenshots of a color-coded tournament bracket with an upper and lower bracket. The first image shows both brackets while the second focuses on the upper bracket, and the final image focuses on the lower bracket. Both brackets have been completed. Wen Kexing won the Upper Bracket, and Jing Beiyuan won the Lower Bracket. The Grand Finals are between the winner of each bracket's finals. /End ID]
Upper Bracket
Round 1, Group A: March 16th-23rd, 2024 
Match 1: Chang An vs. Chu Huan - Winner: Chang An
Match 2: Cheng Qian vs. Tong Ru - Winner: Cheng Qian
Match 3: Li Yun vs. Mu Xiaoqiao - Winner: Li Yun
Match 4: Xuan Ji vs. Puddle/Shuikeng - Winner: Puddle
Match 5: Feng Xiaoshu vs. Han Yuan - Winner: Han Yuan
Round 1, Group B: March 18th-25th, 2024
Match 6: Huang Jinchen vs. Xi Ping - Winner: Xi Ping
Match 7: Han Muchun vs. Sheng Lingyuan - Winner: Han Muchun
Match 8: Yan Zhengming vs. Wu Xi - Winner: Wu Xi
Match 9: Wen Kexing vs. Jing Beiyuan - Winner: Wen Kexing
Round 2: March 27th-April 3rd, 2024
Match 10: Chang An vs. Cheng Qian - Winner: Cheng Qian
Match 11: Li Yun vs. Puddle - Winner: Puddle
Match 12: Han Yuan vs. Xi Ping vs. Han Muchun - Winner: Xi Ping
Match 13: Wu Xi vs. Wen Kexing - Winner: Wen Kexing
Round 3 / Semifinals: April 5th-12th, 2024
Match 14: Cheng Qian vs. Puddle - Winner: Puddle
Match 15: Xi Ping vs. Wen Kexing - Winner: Wen Kexing
Finals: April 14th-21st, 2024
Match 16: Puddle vs. Wen Kexing
Lower Bracket
Round 1: March 29th-April 5th, 2024
Match 17: Chu Huan vs. Tong Ru vs. Mu Xiaoqiao - Winner: Tong Ru
Match 18: Xuan Ji vs. Feng Xiaoshu - Winner: Feng Xiaoshu
Match 19: Huang Jinchen vs. Sheng Lingyuan - Winner: Sheng Lingyuan
Match 20: Yan Zhengming vs. Jing Beiyuan - Winner: Jing Beiyuan
Round 2: April 7th-14th, 2024
Match 21: Chang An vs. Tong Ru - Winner: Tong Ru
Match 22: Li Yun vs. Feng Xiaoshu vs. Han Yuan - Winner: Feng Xiaoshu
Match 23: Sheng Lingyuan vs. Han Muchun - Winner: Han Muchun
Match 24: Jing Beiyuan vs. Wu Xi - Winner: Jing Beiyuan
Round 3: April 16th-23rd, 2024
Match 25: Cheng Qian vs. Tong Ru
Match 26: Feng Xiaoshu vs. Han Muchun
Match 27: Jing Beiyuan vs. Xi Ping
Semifinals: April 25th-May 2nd, 2024
Match 28: Cheng Qian vs. Feng Xiaoshu - Winner: Feng Xiaoshu
Match 29: Jing Beiyuan vs. Puddle - Winner: Jing Beiyuan
Finals: May 4th-11th, 2024
Match 30: Feng Xiaoshu vs. Jing Beiyuan - Winner: Jing Beiyuan
Third Place: May 13th-20th
Lower Third Place: Cheng Qian vs. Puddle
Upper Third Place: Cheng Qian vs. Xi Ping
Grand Finals: May 13th-20th, 2024
Match 31: Wen Kexing (Upper Bracket) vs. Jing Beiyuan (Lower Bracket) - Winner: Wen Kexing
Upper Bracket
Wen Kexing from Faraway Wanderers [Bracket & Tournament Winner]
Lower Bracket
Jing Beiyuan from Lord Seventh [Bracket Winner]
Chang An from Bestial Blade
Cheng Qian from Liu Yao
Chu Huan from Of Mountains and Rivers
Feng Xiaoshu / Princess Jing'an from Lord Seventh
Han Muchun from Liu Yao
Han Yuan from Liu Yao
Huang Jinchen from Itinerant Doctor
Li Yun from Liu Yao
Mu Xiaoqiao from Bandits / You Fei / Legend of Fei
Puddle/Shuikeng from Liu Yao
Tong Ru from Liu Yao
Wu Xi from Lord Seventh
Yan Zhengming from Liu Yao
Sheng Lingyuan from LHJC
Xi Ping from Tai Sui
Xuan Ji from LHJC
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cnovelartreblogs · 2 years
Liu Yao (165 posts)
#liu yao
Alternate Titles:
Liu Yao
The Revitalization of the Fuyao Sect
Author: Priest
cheng qian
han muchun
han tan
han yuan
li yun
nian dada
tong ru
yan zhenming
you liang
mingqian (yan zhenming/cheng qian)
ruchun (tong ru/han muchun)
yuanyun (han yuan/li yun)
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the Liu Yao posters come with a few lines of poetry that serves as character introductions on the official weibo, so obviously I had to try my hand at translating them! 
... that said, I’m well aware that my knowledge of Chinese literature is somewhat lacking, and there’s a lot of room for improvement in both my Chinese and English writing skills. If there are any suggestions regarding accuracy/wording/flow etc, please feel free to let me know!
attempted translations under the cut:
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嚴爭鳴 & 程潛 Yan Zhengming and Cheng Qian
陌上花開早,踏歌江水平。 春風潛入夜,萬物始爭鳴。 Flowers bloom early along the field paths, Joyous songs travel along calm waters. As spring breeze crept in through the night, All things under heaven begin to crow.
poor Yan Zhengming and Cheng Qian, they didn’t get quotes like the other characters... it’s kinda cute that they sneaked their names into the last line, with Cheng Qian’s 潛 (“to creep in”) and Yan Zhengming’s 爭鳴 (“to crow”) for the line that is essentially about new beginnings—Yan Zhengming is the First Disciple, and the leader of the revitalized Fuyao’s new generation, so the imagery of the last line is really neat!
ngl, this text gave me quite a lot of trouble... i could tell there are things going on here that is way beyond my knowledge of Chinese literature lol (the line about joyous songs travelling along calm waters? pretty sure that’s an allusion to a love poem lol, but since the theme of the poem is about the ambiguity of courtship it doesn’t super fit MingQian’s dynamic imo?)
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韓淵 Han Yuan
“师兄给的松子糖,最甜了!” “The pine candies from shixiong are the best!”
四月花載酒,少年不識愁。 一朝畫魂杳,歸來山音舊。 April brings flowers and wine, And the youth did not yet know sorrow. His soul drawn on the morrow, Returning to the mountain’s familiar sounds.
tbh I’m not entirely sure why April (四月, “the 4th month”) is referenced in the text; my best guess is that it’s an allusion to the Tomb Sweeping Festival(清明節)where you pay respects to your family who passed, which is typically held on 4/4 or 4/5 on the lunar calendar. i mean, Liu Yao and especially Han Yuan’s arc concerns the theme of “family” and all...
but yeah, this boy deserved So Much Better...  一道畫魂,讓神仙般快活的日子一去不復返(“不過不算晚,還能讓我看看扶搖山”)... 韓淵你真的好冤啊!!
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李筠 Li Yun
那少年名如翠竹,身也如翠竹:“师父,什么是剑意?” The youth is like the verdant bamboo in both name and shape. “Master, what is swordwill?”
翠竹新雨後,浮生歲月閒。 心有抱樸志,巧解九連環。 Like verdant bamboo after rain, Living life leisurely. With a heart of modest ambitions, He solved the Nine Links cleverly.
Li Yun is the only character so far who got a description in addition to a quote, which was kind of interesting—they picked the quote from the flashback in which Li Yun was prepared to lay down his life to protect his little sister, and it’s one of the only scenes where we see him interact with Master, so the quote automatically gets me fired up lol
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韓木椿 Han Muchun (Master)
“李生大路无人摘,必苦。小潜啊,你心里有数,为师愿你‘自在’。” “Things that seem too good to be true have hidden dangers, Xiao-Qian, you know that already. I wish you a life without undue restraints.”
識得乾坤大,猶憐草木青。 相思豈無益,百花共酒行。 Know the vastness of the universe, Yet cherish the lush greenery. Could no good come from mutual pining? A hundred flowers and jugs of wine as company.
there are a few interpretations for 自在 imo, and in the end i went with ‘unrestrained’ because Master could tell that Cheng Qian is the type of child who places a lot of unnecessary constraints on himself out of a sense of pretentiousness and superiority (child Cheng Qian is judgmental af lol)
there’s also the fact that, at this point, Master thought Cheng Qian was Tong Ru’s reincarnation—and given how Tong Ru never acted on his feelings for Master (with very good reasons) before tragedy struck, Master wanted Cheng Qian to attain happiness in this life
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北冥君 Lord Beiming
“我早知萬事不得圓滿,但為求一綫生機,不悔!” “I’ve known from the start that nothing is perfect. But for the sake of finding a way out, I have no regrets!”
私心成妄念,但忆苦与甜。 众生皆草木,唯你是青山。 Delusion born from selfish desires, Memories both bitter and sweet. All beings are but lowly weeds, But not you, the only evergreen mountain.
the fact that Tong Ru’s labelled as “Lord Beiming” strongly implies the donghua is only going to cover up to Cheng Qian’s [redacted], if even that. 
the rhyme schemes of these poems are also quite interesting: the poems for YZM & CQ, HY and LY has an ABCB scheme in Cantonese (but no significant pattern in Mandarin that I can discern); Master’s poem has an ABCB scheme in Mandarin, and Lord Beiming’s has an AABC scheme in both Mandarin and Cantonese. Hopefully we’ll get Shuikeng and see if her poem also has a ABCB scheme in Canto to fit with the other Fuyao kids?
EDIT: SHUIKENG IS HERE!!! what a cutie ^_^
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韓潭(水坑)Han Tan (Shuikeng)
“叫一声‘师兄’就有四个人来救我,唉,烦死啦~” “As soon as the word ‘Shixiong’ leaves my mouth, I have four guys clambering over themselves to save me... Ugh, so annoying~”
星辰坠烟火,寒潭空照影。 雏凤乘风起,天高万里云。 Stars fall onto the mortal world, A cool pool reflecting shadows. The young phoenix rides the wind, Rising higher than the skies.
ahhhh Shuikeng is so cute! i almost wish the feathers were more obviously stuck in her hair tho... (i thought they were earrings at first lol)
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wikxuexihanyu · 4 years
Chinese popular bands
Let’s try smth new. It’s the first time when I recommend music😅, but this Taiwanese band “Men envy children” is really AWESOMEEE😍😍😍I hope u’ll like it. BTW, it’s your practice in traditional characters😘
P.S. let me know if u like it(♥️ )and I give u more👌🏻😉
是否 應該除掉為你刺的 Tattoo
Shi fou ying gai chu diao wei ni ci de Tattoo
Should I remove the tattoo that stabbed you?
或是 算了吧 就讓我 裝酷吧
Huo shi suan le ba jiu rang wo zhuang ku ba
Or forget it, let me pretend to be cool
也許 這就是長輩說的 人生起伏
Ye xu zhe jiu shi chang bei shuo de ren sheng qi fu
Maybe this is what the elders said
經歷 Everything 還有 Everything
Jing li Everything hai you Everything
Experience Everything and Everything
我 總是天真以為 You are the one
Wo zong shi tian zhen yi wei You are the one
I always think naively that you are the one
但看來 人類不變的就是改變 唉
Dan kan lai ren lei bu bian de jiu shi gai bian ai
But it seems that what humans do n’t change is change.
說要 情人變朋友 該把
Shuo yao qing ren bian peng you gai ba
Say you want your lover to become a friend
Ai wang na li bai
Where does love go
That was never the point of you and me and us
Never the point baby of love
唯一誠實的是 你的心
Wei yi cheng shi de shi ni de xin
The only honest thing is your heart
別讓太 多無奈 背離誓言
Bie rang tai duo wu nai bei li shi yan
Don't let too much helplessness
如果 最後一面 依然不變
Ru guo zui hou yi mian yi ran bu bian
If the last side remains the same
I’ll miss you when you’re gone Woo
And I’ll try my best to move on
是否 應該除掉為你刺的 Tattoo
Shi fou ying gai chu diao wei ni ci de Tattoo
Should I remove the tattoo that stabbed you?
或是 一起分享你給我的苦
Huo shi yi qi fen xiang ni gei wo de ku
Or share the suffering you gave me
應該 恨你或怨你 希望從沒遇見你
Ying gai hen ni huo yuan ni xi wang cong mei yu jian ni
I should hate you or blame you, hope I never met you
或是 消失自己 剪髮旅行放逐 終有一天能
Huo shi xiao shi zi ji jian fa lue xing fang zhu zhong you yi tian neng
Or disappear yourself, cut hair and travel in exile
Wang huai ni
Forget you
Yeah 如果你的愛已逝 像死刑的解釋
Yeah ru guo ni de ai yi shi xiang si xing de jie shi
Yeah if your love is gone
徒留 輾轉難眠 你的熱情成厭倦
Tu liu zhan zhuan nan mian ni de re qing cheng yan juan
Just staying awake, your enthusiasm becomes tired
心已 枯萎又空缺
Xin yi ku wei you kong que
The heart is withered and vacant
其實 真的不難了解 我們之間 最初的愛 不曾改變
Qi shi zhen de bu nan le jie wo men zhi jian zui chu de ai bu ceng gai bian
Actually, it ’s really not difficult to understand that the first love between us never changed
真的 讓人心碎 兩地之間 不停聽著屬於我們的歌 重複一遍又一遍
Zhen de rang ren xin sui liang di zhi jian bu ting ting zhe shu yu wo men de ge chong fu yi bian you yi bian
It ’s really heartbreaking, listening to our own songs between the two places, repeating it again and again
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lucifermeo · 5 years
Ancient China’s fantastic beasts and how to call them (p1)
So I’ve been re-reading my favourite Chinese novels (mainly MXTX and other danmei) using the English translations available online in order to talk about them to non-Chinese speaking friends. First of all, I have to give lots and lots thanks to the fan translators who took out a lot of time to translate and bring these novels to others who don’t speak Chinese, especially considering Chinese is not particularly an easy language to translate to English at all. However, in regards to how certain fantasy entities are often defined in Chinese, some of the English translations that I came across didn’t feel quite right to me. Therefore, here’s a (very limited) intro post I thought I’d make.
Disclaimer/disclosure: Chinese is actually my third language, but the language and culture share tons of similarity with my mother tongue (English is my 2nd, of course), so I was raised surrounded by Chinese culture and literary works. I am, however, a STEM kid through and through, so I honestly have no formal education of Chinese linguistics, and whatever I write here is based on my experience with the words/tropes as well as colloquial uses. I’ll refer to some Western mythology later in comparison as well, and I have even less experience with that outside of reading some Homer and fantasy books. Hence, I welcome any and all criticisms. 
In this post, I’ll just identify some differences between 妖魔鬼怪 - yao, mo, gui, guai, respectively. While they are often used together as a phrase to denote supernatural presence (negatively) in general, each word actually denotes a different type of beings. Do note that authors are at full creative liberty to depict these beings however they want in their novels, similar to how things like vampires, witches, and werewolves can be different in different adaptations (sometimes wildly so - Draculas vs. Edward Cullen anyone?). Below are just some common understanding of the terms, that is, what I would picture in my mind when reading the words without the authors’ explanation.
Let’s start with the easiest type to explain - 妖, yao. Yao is used to describe things or living beings that can turn into human form. Similar to how humans can cultivate natural energy around us to increase our power/lifespan (see: Mo Dao Zu Shi), there is a belief that other living and non-living beings can cultivate energy to turn themselves into human forms. (As to why they would want to be human, well, we like to think ourselves as the superior existence, heh.) These human forms then often possess supernatural powers, most likely closely linked to their natural form. For example, a non-sentient tree or rock can cultivate enough to turn into a human if they are placed in a sacred place, or have ‘listened’ to lectures by some masters of cultivation over a long period of time. A tree that can turn human, for example is called 树妖, shu (tree) yao. Probably the most popular characters in folklore stories is the fox spirit, or kitsune (Japanese), or the 狐妖, hu yao, with 狐 (hu) is a fox. Aside from the suffix -yao, these types of creatures can be described with the suffix -jing, eg. 狐狸精, 树精. The word jing means to understand, to be aware, ergo fit to describe a yao. The closest translation would probably be the were creatures, werewolf, were-lion, etc. Yao is not infectious though, and it can come from non-living things, like rocks.
Another easy class of creatures to identify is 怪, guai. In everyday, non-fantasy meaning, guai means different, strange. Unsurprisingly, it’s used to described monsters, the most straightforward term I think of. Do note that guai often means monsters that are as different from the human form as possible, aka. think Godzilla, not vampires. They are often not of human origin as well. From the works I have read, guai often don’t possess very varied magical abilities, outside of their immense physical strength and at most 1-2 quirks.
Now, 魔鬼 is a bit of a hard one, because sometimes they are used interchangeably, sometimes even together as a 2-in-1 package. Just to confirm my instinctive thoughts, I double-checked on Baidu (aka Chinese Google) to be sure. Let’s do 鬼 - gui first. Most of the time, gui is used to describe ghosts - humans who have died but not moved on or went to (Buddhist) hell or can still return to Earth. While benign ghosts are gui as well, some authors may use 灵魂 (ling hun - souls) to distinguish them from gui, which has a negative connotation. Gui often are sorted into different categories - the hungry ghosts, the violent ghosts, etc. 厉鬼 (li gui) is often the most violent ghosts who died in a horrible manner and wanted revenge against the living. Gui can possess a wide of range of abilities which is not very different from Western horror movies’ depictions. An obvious difference is gui abides by the Chinese Buddhism/Taoist beliefs of reincarnation and karma, rather than the typical Judeo-Christian thing in Western movies (aka none of that cross and holy water stuff). For example, Hua Cheng in TGCF is a 鬼王 - Gui Wang, which is the ghost king. By using the term gui, the author didn’t have to spell out that he used to be a human that died.
魔 - mo is a tricky term. It can be used to describe dead evil people, emphasis on evil. Interestingly, Baidu says the Chinese language does not have the word mo - it is rather an adaptation from the word “Mara” in the Buddhist scriptures. Strictly speaking, mo describes all negative human emotions that prevent humans from practising Buddhism / their quest for Nirvana. It describes doubts, temptations, jealousy, etc. which are the roots to “evil”. This word later evolves to describe “evil” in general. When people are corrupted with thoughts like greed, envy, they are said to develop a 心魔 - xin (heart) mo - literally evil in their hearts. In MDZS, what Nie Mingjue undergoes is called 走火入魔 - zou hua ru mo, which was translated as “qi deviation”. The word mo appears in this phrase, and its linked verb ru mo (to enter/descend to evil). Creatures that are described as mo, then, are implied to be of evil origins. In some texts, they are born from the evil of the world/humanity. In other texts, humans can corrupt themselves to the point of evil, turning themselve into mo. Maybe, mo (creatures) can be translated as demons, or at least that’s how I understand the latter term in the Judeo-Christian sense. Luo Binghe from Scum Villain is definitely a mo, having been inheriting the ‘evil’ blood from his father. Since mo are quite commonly understood as evil, that’s why Binghe has to ask Shen Qing Qiu whether he discriminates against Binghe for his blood.
Then, here comes the confusion: since gui are often evil, and mo is definitively evil, some will use them interchangeably. Which is not wrong - there are no strict rules regulating this as far as I know. However, it’s sometimes a bit difficult to know which English word to use for it - demon and ghost are quite different. Some times I don’t even know LOL. For example, in Guardian (Zhen Hun), Shen Wei is called a 鬼王 (gui wang) as well, like Hua Cheng. However, in the story (spoiler?) Shen Wei was never human - he was born from the ‘evil energy’ of the Earth. Which would make him closer to a mo wang - demon king, but when Priest (the author) uses gui wang, in Chinese it still makes sense, at least to me (and probably readers). I don’t know if I’m making sense here, but mo gui can be a bit difficult like that.
So that’s it for this post. If I’m free, maybe I’ll add on with 神仙佛圣, the good supernatural guys later.
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 1,000+ Singaporean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Siew Feng Choo (1944) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Margaret Leng Tan (1945) Singaporean [Chinese] - pianist. 
Nancy Lam (1948) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, tv personality, and celebrity chef.
Stephanie Marrian (1948) Singaporean [Indian] - actress, singer, and model.
Li Yinzhu (1949) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Anna Ru Ping Lim (1951) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and singer.
Anita Sarawak / Ithnaini binti Mohamed Taib (1952) Singaporean [Malay] - actress, singer, and tv host.
Lena Lim (1952) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Rahimah Rahim (1955) Singaporean [Malay] - singer.
Lynnette Seah (1957) Singaporean [Chinese] - violinist. 
Jacintha Abisheganaden (1957) Singaporean [Sri Lankan, Chinese] - singer and actress. 
Julia Nickson (1958) Singaporean [Chinese] / English - actress.
Marrie Lee / Doris Young Siew Keen (1959) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, director, producer, and writer.
Hong Huifang / Ang Hwee Fang (1960) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress.
Xiang Yun / Chen Cuichang (1961) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Fauziah Ahmad Daud (1962) Singaporean [Malay] - actress.
Zeng Huifen (1962) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Jessica Martin (1962) Singaporean - actress, singer, and impressionist.
Lin Meijiao (1963) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Tan Kheng Hua (1963) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese, Teochew Chinese] - actress.
Qiu Lian Liu (1963) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Khym Lam (1963 or 1964) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese, Welsh] - actress. 
Hanis Saini Hussey (1964) Singaporean [Malay] - model.
Gong Li (1965) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress. 
Chen Liping / Tan Lee Peng (1965) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and model.
Yang Libing (1965) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Chen Xiuhuan (1965) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Bella Esperance (1965) Singaporean - actress.
Ying Yuen / Dawn Yuen / Yokey Tan (1966) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Aileen Tan (1966) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Siow Lee Chin (1966) Singaporean [Chinese] - violinist. 
Edna Wong (1966) Singaporean - model.
Sharon Tay (1966) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, tv presenter, and journalist.
Kym Ng / Ng Kwee Khim (1967) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Gayle San (1967) Singaporean - DJ and producer.
Zoe Tay (1968) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress, singer, and model.
Joyce Beetuan Koh (1968) Singaporean - composer, sound artist, and educator.
Huang Biren / Wee Pat Ling (1969) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
DJ Rap / Charissa Saverio (1969) Singaporean [Malay, Irish] / Italian - DJ and producer.
Irene Ang (1989) Singaporean - actress. 
Margaret Lee / Lee Mui Lin (1970) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress.
Pan Lingling / Phua Leng Leng (1970) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Rosalina Musa (1971) Singaporean - actress, singer, and tv personality.
Patricia Mok (1971) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Fann Wong / Fann Woon Fong (1971) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actress, singer, and model.
Joanne Choo (1971) Singaporean - actress.
Selena Tan (1971) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, producer, director, and writer.
Madeline Chu (1971) Singaporean - actress.
Eileen Yeow / Yiu Ying-ying (1972) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress, model, and Miss Universe Singapore 1991.
Jasmine Lowson (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] / English - actress, tv presenter, and journalist.
Wong Li Lin (1972) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actress, tv host, and businesswoman.
Diana Ser (1972) Singaporean [Chinese, English, Possibly Other] - actress, tv host, tv presenter, and journalist.
Annabel Chong (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] - adult actress. 
Kit Chan (1972) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - singer and actress. 
Pam Oei (1972) Singaporean - actress.
Ivy Lee (1973) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Nora Ariffin (1973) Singaporean - model.
Carole Lin (1973) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Vernetta Lopez (1973) Singaporean [Thai, Kristang, Peranakan Chinese, Portuguese] - actress, radio host, and DJ.
Michelle Goh (1973) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Norleena Salim (1973) Singaporean [Malay] - actress, singer, and comedian.
Janice Koh (1973) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Corrinne May (1973) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - singer and musician.
Ann Kok / Guo Shu Xian (1973) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actress.
Beatrice Chia (1974) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and director.
Michelle Saram (1974) Singaporean [Indian, Chinese] - actress and singer.
Paulyn Sun / Pauline Suen / Alien Sun / Suen Kai-kwan (1974) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and Miss Universe Singapore 1994.
Andrea De Cruz (1974) Singaporean [Chinese, Portuguese] - actress.
Lina Ng (1974) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Nadya Hutagalung (1974) Singaporean [Batak Indonesian, Unspecified White] - actress, model, tv host, and artist.
Mavis Hee / Xu Meifeng / Xu Meijing (1974) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and actress.
Cynthia Koh / Xu Mei Zhen (1974) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress.
Quan Yi Fong (1974) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Colette Wong (1974) Singaporean - tv host and sports reporter.
Tanya Chua (1975) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Sophie Navita (1975) Singaporean [Batak Indonesian] - actress, singer, and tv presenter.
Jacelyn Tay (1975) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress.
Catherine Tan (1975) Singaporean - actress.
Sharon Au (1975) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv host. 
Carol Smith (1975) Singaporean - radio host.
Kam Ning (1975) Singaporean [Chinese] - violinist. 
Cheryl Miles (1975) Singaporean - actress, singer, tv personality, and radio personality.
Michelle Chia (1975) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and tv host.
Constance Song (1975) Singaporean - actress and model.
Loretta Chen (1976) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress, tv presenter, radio personality, and author.
Sharmaine Yeoh (1976) Singaporean - actress.
Evelyn Tan (1976) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and singer.
Vivian Lai (1976) Singaporean [Taiwanese] - actress and tv host.
Yvonne Lim (1976) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Jamie Yeo (1977) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, radio host, and DJ.
Eunice Olsen (1977) Singaporean [Chinese, Kristang, Portuguese, Swedish] - actress, model, tv host, musician, and Miss Universe Singapore 2000.
Belinda Lee Xin Yu (1977) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Melody Chen (1977) Singaporean [Chinese] / Thai, English - actress, tv host, and radio host.
Gwendoline Yeo (1977) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, writer, and musician. 
Michelle Chong (1977) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actress, tv host, producer, and director.
Gina Lim (1977) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Vanessa-Mae / Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson (1978) Singaporean [Chinese] / Thai - violinist and alpine skier.
Joi Chua (1978) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - singer.
Cindy Bernadette (1978) Singaporean [Malay, Hokkien Chinese, Peranakan Chinese, Italian, French, British] - actress, singer-songwriter, director, producer, and screenwriter.
Eelyn Kok (1978) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese] - actress.
Anna Belle Francis (1978) Singaporean [Malay, Unspecified White] - singer.
Zeng Shimei / Priscelia Chan (1978) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Yasminne Cheng (1978) Singaporean - DJ and radio host.
Jean Danker (1978) Singaporean [Chinese, Unspecified White] - radio host and DJ.
Thi Doan Trinh Tran (1978) Singaporean - model.
Stefanie Sun (1978) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - singer-songwriter.
Yida Huang (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Rosalyn Lee (1979) Singaporean - radio host.
Elsa Lin (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Ng Hui (1979) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Bevlyn Khoo (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Deborah Sim (1979) Singaporean - actress.
Cheryl Chin (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Rosanne Wong (1979) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actress and singer.
Lea Simanjuntak (1979) Singaporean [Batak Indonesian] - actress and singer.
Mindee Ong (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Ou Xuan / Jeanette Aw (1979) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress, filmmaker, and author.
Celest Chong (1979) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress, singer, and model.
Kaylani Lei (1980) Singaporean [Filipino, Chinese] - adult actress.
Stella / Stella Huang / Stella Ng (1980) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - singer, actress and model.
Desiree Siahaan (1980) Singaporean [Indonesian, Filipino, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch] - actress.
Gillian Tan (1980) Singaporean - actress and model.
Olinda Cho (1980) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer, actress and entrepreneur.
Rima Melati Adams (1980) Singaporean [Malay] / Thai, Unspecified White - actress, singer, model, and tv personality.
Youyi / Lin Youyi (1980) Singaporean [Hoa, Indonesian] - actress and tv host.
Lydia Look (1980) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and writer.
Nikki Chao (1980) Singaporean - adult actress.
Sarah Tan (1980) Singaporean [Chinese, English] - model, tv presenter, radio host, and DJ.
Kaira Gong (1981) Singaporean [Shanghainese Chinese] - singer. 
Ase Wang (1981) Singaporean [Chinese, Swedish] - actress and model.
Joey Ng (1981) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Rui En (1981) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actress.
Joanna Dong (1981) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer, actress and host.
Angela Lin (1981) Singaporean - actress.
Paige Chua (1981) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress, model, and tv host.
Jocie Kok / Guo Mei Mei (1982) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Vanessa Fernandez (1982) Singaporean [Chinese, Indian] - singer and radio presenter.
Race Wong (1982) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actress and singer.
MAS1A / Masia One / Masia Lim (1982) Singaporean [Chinese] - rapper-songwriter and singer.
Sophine Bai (1982) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Nurul Aini (1982) Singaporean [Malay] - actress and tv presenter.
Lim Peifen (1982) Singaporean [Chinese] - radio host.
Fiona Xie (1982) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Denise Keller (1982) Singaporean [Kristang, Chinese, German] - model and tv presenter.
Yan Kay Kay (1982) Singaporean [Chinese] - instagrammer (yankaykay).
Meivys Sahily (1982) Singaporean / Afro-Cuban - singer-songwriter, model, congas player, and dancer.
Min Lee (1982 or 1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - violinist. 
Jade Seah (1983) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese, Unspecified White] - actress, model, tv host, and DJ.
Maia Lee (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and tv personality.
Roz Pho / Rosalind Pho (1983) Singaporean - actress.
Kelly Poon / Kelly Pan (1983) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - singer.
Tay Kewei (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Adele Wong (1983) Singaporean [Wu Chinese] - actress, singer, screenwriter, and writer.
Joanne Peh / Bai Wei Xiu (1983) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Tanya Barlow (1983) Singaporean - actress, makeup artist, and animator.
Dawn Xiana Moon (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter and dancer.
Lilian Tang (1983) Singaporean - actress.
Jessica Gomes (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] / Portuguese - actress and model.
Milla Khan (1984) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Felicia Chin / Chen Jing Xuan (1984) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actress, singer, model, and tv host.
Karen Ivy Diaz (1984) Singaporean - model.
Sheila Sim (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Wani Ardy (1984) Singaporean / Malaysian - singer-songwriter, poet, and writer.
Pamelyn Chee (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress. 
Simone Heng (1984) Singaporean - tv personality, radio host, and MC.
Annabel Tan (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Meity Chan (1984) Singaporean - model.
Hazlina Abdul Halim (1985) Singaporean [Malay, Unspecified Other] - tv presenter, DJ, radio host, and journalist.
Silver Ang (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer, tv host, and blogger.
Jia Diaz Navergas (1985) Singaporean - model.
Angel Tracy (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Olivia Ong (1985) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese] - actress and singer.
Kylie Chong (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Rachel Kum (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2009.
Tenashar / Debbie Valerie Long (1985 or 1986) Singaporean - model and DJ.
Gayatri Shunmugam (1986) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - model.
Rebecca Lim (1986) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress.
Leandra Veronica Rasiah (1986) Singaporean - singer.
Faraliza Tan (1986) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese] - model and Miss World Singapore 2008.
Oon Shu An (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and web show host.
Peggie Neo (1986) Singaporean - youtuber.
Ling Kai (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Possi Pho (1986) Singaporean - actress.
Dawn Yeoh (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Roshni Kaur Soin (1986) Singaporean - model and Miss World Singapore 2007.
Charmaine Yee (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - tv host, radio host, DJ, MC, and producer.
Bong Qiu Qiu /  Ang Chiew Ting (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - instagrammer.
Kanny Theng (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and tv host.
Cheryl Wee (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Ya Hui / Xu Yahui / Koh Yah Hwee (1987) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress and tv personality.
Sarah Cheng-De Winne (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and musician. 
Daphne Khoo (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Sylvia Ratonel (1988) Singaporean [Filipino, Unspecified White] - singer.
China Soul (1988) 1/4 Singaporean [Chinese], 3/8 Norwegian, 1/4 English, 1/8 German - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Seraph Sun / Seraphine Sng Sin Pei (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and tv host.
Stella Zheng (1988) Singaporean - model. 
Tiffany Fang (1988) Singaporean - model.
Bharathi Rani (1988) Singaporean [Indian] - actress, tv host, and dancer.
Tay Kexin (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Sylvia Chan (1988) Singaporean - youtuber (Ryan Sylvia).
iNCH / Inch Chua (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer, musician, producer, actress and artist.
Nicole Joy Tan (1988) Singaporean - actress.
Tiffany Yong (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and blogger. 
Eito Rti (1988) Singaporean - model.
Shi Lim (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2013.
Vanessa Vanderstraaten (1988) Singaporean - actress.
Lynn Tan (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2012.
Maria Franco (1988) Singaporean - model.
Ling Na Lee (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Gayle Nerva (1989) Singaporean - actress, singer-songwriter, and tv host.
Pilar Arlando (1989) Singaporean [Indonesian, Indian, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch] - model and Miss World Singapore 2009.
Evalee Lin (1989) Singaporean - actress.
Shine Koh (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Munah Bagharib (1989) Singaporean [Unspecified Arab] - host and actress.
Ateeqah Mazlan (1989) Singaporean [Malay] - actress, singer, and dancer.
Sukki Singapora (1989) Singaporean [Indian] / English - burlesque performer.
Melissa Koh (1989) Singaporean - youtuber. 
Apple Chan (1989) Singaporean [Hong Kongese] - actress and singer.
Poojaa Gill (1989 or 1990) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
RRILEY / Sandra Riley Tang (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer-songwriter, and bassist.
Joanna Lim (1990) Singaporean - actress and model.
Sarah Lyana (1990) Singaporean - model. 
Ris Low (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Kassie / Kassima Isabelle (1990) Singaporean [Malay, Iranian, Chinese] / Italian, Irish, English - youtuber (Gloom).
Jamela Spencer (1990) Singaporean - model. 
Tanooja Rai Dixit (1990) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Syazwani Hussain (1990) Singaporean - model.
Joanna Chiew (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Rachell Tan (1990) Singaporean - instagrammer (pxdkitty).
Eswari Gunasagar (1990) Singaporean [Indian] - actress.
Jae Liew (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Burqq (1990) Singaporean - instagrammer (burqq).
Jannassa Neo (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and singer.
Iskandariah Puteri Sarlieman (1990) Singaporean - model.
Lady Kash / Kalaivani Nagaraj (1990) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - rapper-songwriter.
Jill Lim (1990) Singaporean [Chinese, Unspecified White] - DJ and radio host.
Rebecca Chen (1990) Singaporean - model.
Chew Jia Min (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - model and Miss International Singapore 2013.
Janina Espinoza (1990) Singaporean - model.
Cheryl Cheng (1990) Singaporean - model.
Constance Lau (1990 or 1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and radio personality.
Atikah Suhaime (1991) Singaporean [Malay, Javanese, Unspecified Arab] - actress and model.
Michelle Wong (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and tv host.
Sikeen Chan (1991) Singaporean - instagrammer (chansikeen).
Hayley Woo (1991) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actress.
Sonia Chew (1991) Singaporean - tv personality and radio host.
Maria Mulisha (1991) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Kimberly Wang (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and radio host.
Andrea Razali (1991) Singaporean [Malay] - model, makeup artist, and Miss International Queen Singapore 2020. - Trans!
Shelia Tan (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Christabel Chua (1991) Singaporean - instagrammer (bellywellyjelly).
Nadiyah Shahab (1991) Singaporean [Malay] - actress, model, and tv personality.
Eifa Awi (1991) Singaporean - model.
Liyann Seet (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Chloe Ng (1991) Singaporean - actress and model.
Jacqueline Toh (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Ava Aashna Chopra (1991) Singaporean [Indian] - actress and model.
Jayley Woo (1991) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actress.
Rathi Menon (1991) Singaporean [Indian] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2014.
Ferlyn G / Ferlyn Wong (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer, dancer and actress.
Efy Ramdan (1991) Singaporean - model.
Kyla Tan (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Audrey Goh (1991) Singaporean - instagrammer (sparrowonweed).
Jessica Henwick (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] / English - actress.
Miko Bai (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer (By2).
Yumi Bai (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer (By2).
Berlin Ng (1992) Singaporean - instagrammer (berlin.ng).
Mireen Ng (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Tabitha Nauser (1992) Singaporean [Indian] / Swiss - singer.
Victoria Loke (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Rachel Rutt (1992) Singaporean / English - model.
Hema Manwani (1992) Singaporean [Indian] - model. 
Abigail Sin (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - pianist. 
Bhaama Padmanathan (1992) Singaporean [Tamil] - model and Miss World Singapore 2016.
Annette Lee (1992) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese] - actress and singer.
Huyen Nguyen Thu (1992) Singaporean [Vietnamese] - model.
Katrina Ch’ng (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Jamie Guna (1992) Singaporean - model.
Yumi Peh (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Caryl Erika Nillo (1992) Singaporean - model.
Addeva Eow (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Hanli Hoefer (1992) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese, German] - model and tv presenter.
Denise Camillia / Denise Camillia Tan (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv personality.
Drea Chong / Andrea Chong (1992) Singaporean - instagrammer. 
Esther Choey (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Winlove Dela Cerna (1992) Singaporean - model.
Alina Ang (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Stella Seah (1992) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - singer-songwriter. 
Ming Bridges (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] / British - singer, actress and model.
Nurul a’isyah Sudin (1992) Singaporean - model.
Cindy Liu (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Elly Arriana (1992) Singaporean - model.
Xinyan Lu (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model. 
AmanderSings (1993) Singaporean - singer-songwriter and youtuber.
Narelle Kheng (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer, and bassist.
Manuela Bruntraeger (1993) Singaporean [Malay, Peranakan Chinese, Portuguese, German] - model, tv host, Miss Universe Singapore 2017, and Miss Earth Singapore 2016.
Boon Hui Lu (1993) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actress and singer. 
Aurelia Hathaway (1993) Singaporean - instagrammer (aureliahathaway).
Jasmine Sim (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Melody Low (1993) Singaporean - actress and model.
Lisa Marie White (1993) Singaporean [Malay, Unspecified White] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2015.
Maria Savych (1993) Singaporean - model.
Gina Tan (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and model.
Mongchin Yeoh (1993) Singaporean⁣ - instagrammer (mongabong).
Megan Zheng (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and novelist.
April May (1993) Singaporean - model. 
Jesslyn Felicia (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Czarina Justine (1993) Singaporean - model.
Yaya Hamid (1993) Singaporean [Malay] - singer-songwriter.
Tasha / Natasha Low (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer, dancer and television host.
Sonia Tan (1993) Singaporean - instagrammer (okaysonz).
Yumi Chung (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Charmian Tan (1993) Singaporean - radio presenter.
Luisa Gan (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and model.
Dalreena Poonam Gill (1994) Singaporean [Indian] - model, Miss World Singapore 2014, and referee.
Vanessa Peh (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, and Miss World Singapore 2018.
Carrie Wong (1994) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actress.
Kate Liu (1994) Singaporean - pianist. 
Elizabeth Lee (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Mohana Prabha (1994) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2019.
Linying (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Reiko Zhang (1994) Singaporean - DJ.
Sherrill Quek (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Carrie Wong (1994) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] / Malaysian [Chinese] - actress.
Xiang Kate (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Ashvini Anandan (1994) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
L Lee Ying (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Jade Rasif (1994) Singaporean [Malay, Javanese, Chinese, Irish, French, Dutch] - actress, model, and DJ.
Phedra Joy (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Jiayee Chua (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Amaliah Rizqi (1994) Singaporean [Indonesian] - model.
Somaline Ang (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Kylie Yeo (1994) Singaporean - model and Miss International Singapore 2017.
Aylna Neo (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - instagrammer (aylna).
Yue Chen (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Zahra Khanum (1995) Singaporean [Malay, Kashmiri, Pakistani] - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2018.
Fiona Kwek (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Averiana Asang (1995) Singaporean - model. 
Tyen Rasif (1995) Singaporean [Malay, Javanese, Chinese, Irish, French, Dutch] - musician, model, youtuber, personal trainer, and bodybuilder. 
Kimberly Chia (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer-songwriter, and model.
Charlotte Lum (1995) Singaporean - instagrammer (charlottelum).
Kayley Tan (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - instagrammer (kayleytan).
Honora Tajima (1995) Singaporean [Japanese] - model.
Soh Pei Shi (1995) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] - instagrammer and youtuber (speishi).
Chantalle Ng (1995) Singaporean - actress.
He Ying Ying (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress. 
Shalini Paris (1995) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] / English - model.
Adrianna Arumugam (1995) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Denise Soong Ee Lyn (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - instagrammer (denisesoongeelyn).
Hirfana Ahamed (1995) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Jia Hui Tan (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Chrysan Lee (1995) Singaporean - instagrammer (chrysanlee).
Gayathri Gopakumar (1995) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Ashley Nicole (1995) Singaporean - model.
Cleodora Wijaya (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - model. 
Davina Naidu (1995) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Jasmine Sokko / Jasmine Wong Chu Qing (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter and producer.
Sam Rui (1996) Singaporean - singer. 
Cheris Lee (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer, model, dancer, and kpop idol (GBB).
Fiona Fussi (1996) Singaporean [Chinese, Austrian] - model.
Sofia (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model (instagram: cheeesetart).
Nasihah Anuar (1996) Singaporean - model.
Cherie Chan (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model. 
JaJaa Zarinyap (1996) Singaporean⁣ / Thai - model (instagram: jajaazarinn).
Layla Ong (1996) Singaporean - model.
Angie Watkins (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] / Unspecified White - model.
Laanya Ezra Asogan (1996) Singaporean [Indian, Indonesian, Unspecified White] - model and Miss World Singapore 2017.
Celine Leong (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - youtuber (MiniMoochi).
Olivia Sorley (1996) Singaporean - actress and filmmaker.
Cheryl Chou (1996) Singaporean [Shanghainese Chinese] - actress, model, tv host, and Miss Universe Singapore 2016.
Kanika Chachera (1996) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Zanelle (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - instagrammer (znnlle).
Hannah Delisha (1996) Singaporean [Malay] / English - actress, singer, and tv host.
Naomi Neo (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - youtuber and instagrammer (naomineo_).
Jirapa Tosubjaroensuk (1996) Singaporean - model.
Wang Hui Qi (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model and Miss International Singapore 2016.
Nicole Ariel Teo (1996) Singaporean - model.
YanLing Chui (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Ria Sani (1996) Singaporean - model.
Yeap Yi (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Pragathi Guruprasad (1997) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - singer and model.
Saffron Sharpe (1997) Singaporean - instagrammer (saffronsharpe).
Noè Neo (1997) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Debbie Soon (1997) Singaporean - instagrammer (debbwie).
Chen Lyn Tshua (1997) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Shanisse Tsai (1997) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - singer.
Nisa Khalisa (1997) Singaporean - model.
Claire Lim (1997) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Michelle Vito (1997) Singaporean [Filipino, Spanish] - actress and model.
Amber Koh (1997) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Sheen Cher (1997) Singaporean - model and Miss World Singapore 2019.
Jermaine Leong (1998) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and singer.
Calista (1998) Singaporean - instagrammer (xcalikins).
Ivy Lim (1998) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Sue Ann Thomas (1998) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Dolphine Chan (1998) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Zara Felício / Zara Alexandra Felício (1998) Singaporean - model.
Nicole Lee (1998) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Sakshi Sankhyan (1998) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Yeo Selena (1998) Singaporean - model.
Eleanor Lee / Eleanor Lee Kai Xin (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer, and model.
Topaz Winters / Priyanka Balasubramanian Aiyer (1999) Singaporean [Indian] - actress and poet.
Victoria Annabelle Wong (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Erika Tham (1999) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese] / Ukrainian, Dutch - actress.
Ashley Teo (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Ryian Farizza (1999) Singaporean - model.
Meg Charlotte (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Charlene Chua (1999) Singaporean - model.
Jiemin Phan (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Riana Adams (1999) Singaporean [Malay, Javanese, Chinese] / Unspecified White - instagrammer (rianaevett).
Teddy Diallo (1999) Singaporean / Burkinabe - model.
Yeule / Nat Ćmiel (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter and producer.
Nicole Choo (1999) Singaporean - youtuber.
Magdeline Han (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Duan Meiyue (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
R Nametha (1999) Singaporean - model.
Yi Han Si (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Claudia Goh (2000) Singaporean - instagrammer (babyclaudia).
Michy Lim (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - youtuber (TiffwithMi).
Arinah Zaima (2000) Singaporean - model.
Chantelle Lee (2000) Singaporean - singer.
Kelly Yip (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Iman Fandi / Iman Fandi Ahmad (2000) Singaporean / Cape Coloured South African - model.
Natalie Ong (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Princess Ericelle Lising (2000) Singaporean - model.
Shalynn Tsai (2000) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - instagrammer (shalynn.tsai).
Miia Kinnunen (2000) Singaporean - youtuber (miiasaurous).
Ruby Wong (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Sierra Lixing Bustos (2000) Singaporean - instagrammer (sierralixing).
Krysty K (2000) Singaporean - model.
Tiffanie Lim (2001) Singaporean [Chinese] - youtuber (TiffwithMi).
Amy Ko (2001) Singaporean - model. 
Fiona Evangeline (2001) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Thhivya Ashti Siva Kumar (2001) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Cathrina Koay (2002) Singaporean - youtuber.
Keyana K / Melanie Kasise (2002 or 2003) Singaporean [Chinese] / Ghanaian - model and dancer.
Jennifer Chua (2003) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Koh Li Yuan (2003) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Stephanie Carrington (?) Singaporean [Korean, Unspecified White] - model and tv personality.
Esther Low (?) Singaporean - actress.
Jeszlene Zhou (?) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actress.
Elizabeth Camilia Lee (?) Singaporean - model, Miss Earth Singapore 2017, fashion designer, and jewelry designer.
Anita Kapoor (?) Singaporean [Indian] - tv host.
Priyanka Raichanel (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Queen Singapore 2015. - Trans!
Mayling Ng (?) Singaporean [Chinese] / British - actress and stuntwoman.
Nadiah Sapuan (?) Singaporean - model and personal trainer.
Hazel Kaneswaran (?) Singaporean [Tamil Sri Lankan] / Irish - singer-songwriter and tv personality.
Mathilda D'Silva (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter, presenter, DJ, MC, producer, director, and screenwriter.
Wendy Kweh (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Anne Patricia Lee (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Queen Singapore 2013. - Trans!
Claire Wong (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and filmmaker.
Inez Caroline (?) Singaporean - model.
Gail Kaneswaran (?) Singaporean [Tamil Sri Lankan] / Irish - model.
Syltra Lee (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Rumi M. Arystanbekova (?) Singaporean, Kazakh, Japanese - actress and producer.
Fathin Amira (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter.
Melinda Priskila (?) Singaporean [Indonesian, Chinese] - model.
Janani Sridhar (?) Singaporean - singer.
Iris Judotter (?) Singaporean / Dutch - singer-songwriter and producer.
Felicia Teo Kaixin (?) Singaporean - singer.
Neo Swee Lin (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv host.
Aya / Lysa Aya Trenier (?) Singaporean, Irish, Scottish - actress and singer-songwriter.
Gabrielle Ferdinands (?) Singaporean - singer.
Sharliza Jelita (?) Singaporean [Malay] - singer-songwriter and producer.
Malaque Mahdaly (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter and model.
Koh Chieng Mun (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and comedian.
Marla Vera (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Queen Singapore 2012. - Trans!
Ava Lyn Koh (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Maricelle Rani Wong (?) Singaporean - musician, model, and Miss Earth Singapore 2010.
Nora Samosir (?) Singaporean [Batak Indonesian] - actress.
Valerie Lim (?) Singaporean - model, Miss Universe Singapore 2011, and Miss Earth Singapore 2009.
Elizabeth Lazan (?) Singaporean [Chinese, Italian, English] - actress and tv host.
Yulin Ng (?) Singaporean - actress.
Amy Cheng (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv presenter. 
Mae Sta Maria (?) Singaporean - actress, singer, and model.
Krissy / Saradha Vidianand Das (?) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - singer-songwriter.
Meryl Joan Lee (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter and MC.
Caroline Cheong (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Karisa Sukamto (?) Singaporean / Indonesian - model and Miss World Singapore 2012.
G. K. Sanghar (?) Singaporean [Punjabi Indian] - actress, tv personality, and journalist.
The Analog Girl (?) Singaporean - singer.
Anusha Rajaseharan (?) Singaporean [Indian, Unspecified Arab] - model and Miss World Singapore 2010.
Charmaine Palaez (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Larissa Carnegie (?) Singaporean, Indonesian, Chinese, Scottish, Dutch - actress and dancer.
Victoria Songwei Li (?) Singaporean - singer.
Joy Yak (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
et aliae (?) Singaporean - singer.
Noor Hasnah Adam (?) Singaporean [Malay] - actress and poet.
May Yee Lum (?) Singaporean - actress, model, and jewelry designer.
Angelline Chung (?) Singaporean [Chamorro, Indonesian, Chinese] - actress, model, and musician.
Charlotte Lucille-Chia (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Singapore 2019.
Veronica Foo / Veronica Faye Foo (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Gerlyn Cheah (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Global Singapore 2019.
Cheryl Isabelle (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Queen Singapore 2010. - Trans!
Eugenia Low (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress.
Kara Dong (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Earth Singapore 2018.
Anjana Vasan (?) Singaporean [Indian] - actress and singer-songwriter.
Eileen Feng (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Singapore 2018.
Laura Kee (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and tv presenter.
Camillia Dzelma (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Queen Singapore 2009. - Trans!
Serene Koong (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Theresa Wong (?) Singaporean - actress.
Erika Huey Tan (?) Singaporean [Chinese] / Malaysian - actress, singer, and model.
Sonia Slizstar (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Queen Singapore 2004. - Trans!
Tania Lim Kim Suan (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Universe Singapore 2010.
Roxanne Zhang (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, model, filmmaker, and Miss International Singapore 2015.
Nurul Maideen (?) Singaporean - singer.
Dian Hazwani (?) Singaporean [Malay] - singer.
Evon Loh (?) Singaporean - actress, singer, tv host, and radio host.
Jean Tan (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter.
Ivy Tan / Chen Ai Wei (?) Singaporean [Malay, Taiwanese, Chinese] - radio host and tv presenter. 
Elsa Faith (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter, actress, and model.
Beverly Lim Morata (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter, actress, comedian, and podcast host.
Felicia Orvalla (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Earth Singapore 2011.
Amanda Tee (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter.
Qi Qi / Lim Yi Chyi (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - tv host, radio host, and DJ.
ZioZio Lim (?) Singaporean - actress.
Choy Siew Woon (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Tiara Hadi (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Earth Singapore 2015.
Jingru Quah (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, singer, model, guitarist, producer, and composer.
Kate Liao (?) Singaporean - musician.
Raeann Heng (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, filmmaker, writer, and blogger.
Olivia Chang (?) Singaporean - actress and stuntwoman.
Jasmine Tye (?) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese] - singer-songwriter.
Charlene Torres-Tan (?) Singaporean - singer.
Maria Salazar (?) Singaporean / Ecuadorian - actress.
Lorraine Tan (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
May Hsu (?) Singaporean - model and Miss World Singapore 2011.
Emma Precious (?) Singaporean - actress and makeup artist.
Lilian Chua (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress and singer.
Shueh-li Ong (?) Singaporean - composer and musician. 
Stephanie Lim (?) Singaporean - singer (HubbaBubbas).
Calin Wong (?) Singaporean - singer (MICappella).
Tessa Burton (?) Singaporean⁣ / British - model. 
Naomi Huth (?) Singaporean⁣ - model and Miss Supranational Singapore 2019.
Elaine Goh (?) Singaporean⁣ - singer and actress.
Mel (?) Singaporean⁣ - instagrammer (j.oannemelissa).
Karen Beh (?) Singaporean⁣ - model. 
Maria-Anna Weiling Zenieris (?) Singaporean [Chinese] / Greek - model and Miss World Singapore 2013.
Rora Realis (?) Singaporean - singer.
Charity Lu (?) Singaporean - model and Miss World Singapore 2015.
Novita Lam (?) Singaporean⁣ - instagrammer (novitalam).
Josephine Yap (?) Singaporean⁣ - instagrammer (jyjosephine).
Michelle Tan (?) Singaporean⁣ - instagrammer (mirchelley).
Jasmine (?) Singaporean⁣ / Malaysian - instagrammer (ricejasminee).
Elaine Rui Min (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] -  instagrammer (elaineruimin).
Silvia Lam (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Earth Singapore 2014.
Azzah Fariha / Azzah Fariha Samat (?) Singaporean [Malay] - actress.
Vanessa Sim (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Singapore 2014.
Kaci Beh (?) Singaporean - model.
Huda Ali (?) Singaporean - model.
Ashley Soo (?) Singaporean - model. 
Kaigin Yong (?) Singaporean - model. 
Ethel Fong (?) Singaporean - model. 
Hanis Hussey (?) Singaporean - model. 
Junita Simon (?) Singaporean - model - Ford Supermodel of the World Singapore 1995. 
Rachel Wong (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] - instagrammer (rchlwngxx).
Jannah Shaharuddin (?) Singaporean - singer.
Sherly Devonne Ng (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese, Indonesian] - actor, singer and host.
Carolyn Kan (?) Singaporean⁣ - jewellery designer. 
Leong Ying Mae (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Singapore 2012.
Dyna Turmoil (?) Singaporean - singer.
Nicole Wong (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] - instagrammer (ncwong).
Nellie Lim (?) Singaporean - instagrammer (nellielim).
Amanda Wong (?) Singaporean - instagrammer (beautifuladieu).
Linda (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] - instagrammer (lindahaoliyuan).
Emilee Kang (?) Singaporean - singer.
Celine (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] - instagrammer (cel.shin).
Isabel Tan (?) Singaporean - instagrammer (prettyfrowns).
Kate Yong (?) Singaporean - instagrammer (katepurk).
Diya Prabhakar (?) Singaporean [Indian] - model. 
Sharin Keong (?) Singaporean - model.
Choo Yilin (?) Singaporean⁣ [Chinese] - jewellery designer. 
Sherlyn Leo (?) Singaporean - singer (Disco Hue).
Zahira Khaleel (?) Singaporean - singer.
SKL0 / Samantha Lo (?) Singaporean - singer.
handsome girl (?) Singaporean - singer.
Vanessa Hee (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Earth Singapore 2013.
Jeassea K Thyidor (?) Singaporean - singer.
Phoebe Tan (?) Singaporean - model and Miss Earth Singapore 2012.
Candice Foo (?) Singaporean - singer.
Stella Kae Sze (?) Singaporean - model and Miss International Singapore 2011.
Milly Khoo (?) Singaporean - singer.
Geraldine Chua (?) Singaporean - singer.
Annabelle Lu (?) Singaporean - singer.
Loh Wan Hua (?) Singaporean - singer.
Melissa Loo (?) Singaporean - singer.
Wahid Satay / A. Wahid / S.M. Wahid / Abdul Wahid bin Haji Ahmad (1930) Singaporean [Malay] - actor, singer, and comedian.
Choo Hoey (1934) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - musician.
Chua Lam (1941) Singaporean [Chaoshanese Chinese] - actor, tv host, food critic, and columnist.
Tian Liang (1941) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Matthew Tan (1945) Singaporean - musician and bandleader.
Weiqiang Wu (1947) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Eddie Chin (1948) Singaporean - bassist. 
S.C. Lim (1948) Singaporean - actor.
Chen Shucheng / Tan Soo Seng (1949) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor and tv host.
Moses Lim (1950) Singaporean [Henghua Chinese] - actor, comedian, entertainer and food connoisseur.
Rex Goh (1951) Singaporean [Chinese] - guitarist-songwriter and producer.
Huang Yiliang (1951) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - actor.
Henry Thia (1952) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and comedian. 
Richard Low / Liu Qianyi (1952) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor. 
Yawning Bread / Alex Au / Alex Au Waipang (1952) Singaporean [Chinese] - blogger.
Ramli Sarip (1952) Singaporean [Malay] - actor, singer-songwriter, producer, and arranger.
Marcus Chin (1954) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - host, actor and singer.
Lim Kay Tong (1954) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese, Peranakan Chinese] - actor and tv host.
Zhu Houren (1955) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - actor.
Dick Lee (1956) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese, Hokkien Chinese]  - singer-songwriter, playwright and film director.
Melvyn Tan (1956) Singaporean [Chinese] - pianist. 
M. Nasir / Mohamad Nasir bin Mohamed (1957) Singaporean [Malay] - actor, singer-songwriter, producer, director, and composer.
Kuo Juey Hoong (1957) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and writer.
Reggae Ranjhe (1957) Singaporean - actor.
Lim Soon Lee (1957) Singaporean [Chinese] - conductor and violist.
Mark Chan (1958) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - composer, recording artist, singer, instrumentalist, poet and painter.
Chef Wan / Redzuawan bin Ismail (1958) Singaporean [Malay, Javanese, Japanese, Peranakan Chinese] - actor, tv host, and celebrity chef.
Hugo Ng (1959) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and director.
Ye Shipin (1959) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Lim Kay Siu (1960) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese] - actor.
Jack Neo (1960) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor, host and director.
Jeremy Monteiro (1960) Singaporean - jazz pianist, singer, composer, and music educator.
Philip Tan (1960) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and stuntman.
Edmund Chen (1961) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor and artist.
Wang Yuqing / Tan Chooi Leong (1961) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Kevin Mathews (1961) Singaporean [Chinese, English] - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, and composer.
Yuqing Wang (1961) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Xie Shaoguang (1961) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actor.
William Scorpion (1961) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Hector Ho (1961) Singaporean - actor.
Glen Goei (1962) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, director, and producer.
Ivan Heng (1963) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese, Teochew Chinese] - actor and director.
Desmond Shen (1963) Singaporean - actor.
Chen Tianwen (1963) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Maverick Quek (1963) Singaporean - actor.
Zheng Geping (1964) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor.
Liang Wern Fook (1964) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - singer-songwriter and writer.
Gurmit Singh (1965) Singaporean [Punjabi Indian, Japanese, Chinese] - actor, tv host, and comedian.
Rayson Tan (1965) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor.
Felix Cheong (1965) Singaporean [Chinese] - author and poet. 
Roy Li / Li Fei Hui (1965) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - singer.
Hayden Ng (1966) Singaporean [Chinese] - fashion designer. 
Lee Shih Shiong (1966) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - singer-songwriter, pianist, producer, and composer.
Wei Song Lee (1966) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and musician.
Ramon Tikaram (1967) Singaporean [Indian, Malay, Fijian] - actor.
Jimmy Ye (1967) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Chin Han / Ng Chin Han (1967) Singaporean [Hoklo Chinese] - actor.
Ing-How Tan (1967) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and director.
Arnold Gay (1967) Singaporean - tv presenter, radio host, and DJ.
Terence Cao (1967) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actor. 
Kumar / Kumarason Chinnadurai (1968) Singaporean / South Indian - actor, drag queen, comedian, and tv host.
Chew Chor Meng (1968) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor. 
Mark Lee (1968) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - comedian, actor, television host and film director.
Thomas Ong (1969) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and tv host. 
Jonathan Seet (1969) Singaporean [Chinese] / Irish - singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, drummer, bassist, violist, organist, nightclub host, producer, and composer.
Hossan Leong (1969) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - actor, television host, radio deejay and comedian.
James Lye (1969) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actor and tv personality.
Suhaimi Yusof (1969) Singaporean [Malay] - actor, comedian, radio host, and DJ.
Glenn Ong (1970) Singaporean [Chinese] - radio host and DJ.
George Leong (1970) Singaporean [Cantonese Chinese] - musician, producer and composer.
Tay Ping Hui (1970) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor and director.
Cavin Soh (1970) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actor, host and singer.
Rick Tan (1971) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Bryan Wong (1971) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - actor and television host.
A-do / Du Chengyi (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Lin Chien-Kwan (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] - saxophonist.
Darren Lim (1972) Singaporean [Hainanese Chinese] - actor.
Ix Shen / Shen Qing (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and filmmaker.
Allan Wu (1972) Singaporean [Han Chinese] - actor, host, VJ and former model.
Dasmond Koh (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, tv host and DJ.
Cher Ng / DJ Cher (1972) Singaporean [Chinese] - DJ.
Pierre Png (1973) Singaporean [Peranakan Chinese] - actor.
Randall Tan (1973) Singaporean - actor.
Dennis Chew / Zhou Chongqing / Dennis Chong Kheng Chew (1973) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor, singer, tv host, radio host, and DJ.
Samir Sarkar (1974) Singaporean [Indian] - actor and filmmaker.
Fish Chaar (1974) Singaporean - actor.
Alan Tan (1974) Singaporean - actor.
Sheikh Haikel (1975) Singaporean [Malay, Unspecified Arab] - actor, rapper, and radio personality.
Eric Ng (1975) Singaporean [Chinese] - guitarist-songwriter, bassist, keyboardist, drummer, producer, and arranger.
Jackson Tan / The Remix Master (1975) Singaporean - musician, DJ and producer.
Addy Rasidi (1975) Singaporean - guitarist. 
John Klass (1975) Singaporean - singer-songwriter, radio host, and producer.
Vincent Ng / Weng Qinghai / Vincent Ng Cheng Hye (1975) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and martial artist.
Kevin Mark Marghese (1975) Singaporean - actor.
Don Richmond (1976) Singaporean / English, Unspecified Eurasian - singer and producer.
Royston Tan (1976) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.
Aaron Aziz (1976) Singaporean [Malay] - actor, singer, and director.
Hanjin Tan (1976) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and singer-songwriter.
Alan Tern (1976) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor.
Leon Jay Williams (1976) Singaporean [Japanese, Chinese, German, English] - actor and singer.
Adam Chen (1976) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Nick Shen (1976) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor and singer.
Thomas Lim (1977) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and filmmaker.
Fidah Rashid (1977) Singaporean - musician.
Pearry Reginald Teo (1978) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and filmmaker.
Ben Yeo (1978) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor, tv host, and model.
Kris Law (1978) Singaporean [Chinese] / Malaysian [Chinese] - actor.
Trisno / Trisno Ishak (1978) Singaporean - singer.
Julian Hee (1978) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, model, and tv host.
Pakorn Lam (1979) Singaporean, Thai, German - actor and singer.
Chua En Lai (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Adam Toh (1979)  Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Leonard Yong Kiang Lee (1979) Singaporean - actor and stuntman.
Jones Shi Kang Jun (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter.
Mark Hermoso (1979) Singaporean - model.
Ken Kwek (1979) Singaporean [Teochew Chinese] - actor and filmmaker.
Joe Phua (1979) Singaporean - actor.
Alaric Tay (1979) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, director and producer. 
Hady Mirza (1980) Singaporean [Bugis] - singer.
Ashraf Safdar (1980) Singaporean - tv presenter.
Devarajan Varadarajan (1980) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - actor, singer, and director.
Anwar Hadi (1980) Singaporean - actor.
Elvin Ng (1980) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor.
Ian Chinsee (1980) Singaporean - actor and producer.
George Ng / George Young (1980) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese, Greek Cypriot] - actor, tv presenter, and writer.
Sunny Suwanmethanont (1981) Singaporean, Thai / French - actor. 
Jeremy Chan (1981) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and host. 
JJ Lin / Wayne Lim Jun Jie (1981) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - singer and actor.
Kiki Tay (1981) Singaporean [Chinese] - magician, comedian, performing arts director and entrepreneur.
Saito Nagasaki (1981) Singaporean [Japanese] - DJ.
Kelvin Tan (1981) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - singer. 
Taufik Batisah (1981) Singaporean [Malay, Bugis, Indian] - actor and singer-songwriter.
Alfred Sim (1981) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Imran Ajmain (1981) Singaporean - singer-songwriter.
Hong Junyang (1981) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and host. 
Adi Putra (1981) Singaporean [Malay] - actor.
Jon Foo (1982) Singaporean [Chinese] / Irish, English - actor, martial artist, artist, and stuntman.
Kamil Haque (1982) Singaporean - actor.
Jon Leong / Jonathan Leong (1982) Singaporean [Chinese] - performing artist, singer, music producer and actor.
Eli T. (1982) Singaporean - singer. 
Shah Iskandar (1982) Singaporean [Malay] - actor and model.
Jae Ang (1982) Singaporean - singer. 
Daren Tan (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Wong Jinglun (1983) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actor, singer, and tv presenter.
Sylvester Sim (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Loo Zihan (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, dancer, director, and artist.
Abbas Akbar (1983) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - actor and filmmaker.
Marcus Lim (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, director, and screenwriter.
Juan Wen Jie (1983) Singaporean - model, mixed martial artist, and Manhunt International Singapore 2011.
Drake Lim (1983) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and producer.
Jinrong / Vivian Dawson (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] / Unspecified White - actor and model.
Boy Thunder / Gerald Koh (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - radio personality.
TheLionCityBoy / Kevin Lester Sarjit (1984) Singaporean - rapper.
Kang Cheng Xi (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Nat Ho (1984) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actor and singer.
Aqmal N. / Noorhaqmal Mohamed Noor (1984) Singaporean [Malay] - singer, producer, and composer.
Nic Lee / Nicodemus Lee (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - guitarist.
Edmund Yeo (1984) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese] - actor and filmmaker.
Romeo Tan (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Don Valix (1985) Singaporean - model.
Kunhua / Kenneth Chung Kun Wah (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and radio personality. 
Derrick Hoh (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Shabir / Shabir Tabare Alam (1985) Singaporean [Tamil Indian, Telugu Indian, Malay] - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, organist, producer, lyricist, and composer.
Andie Chen (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, host and vlogger. 
Ryan Lian (1985) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor and singer. 
Darryl Yong (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Wei Qi / Chan Wei Qi (1985) Singaporean [Chinese] - keyboardist.
A-TREZ / A'trez / Muhammad Nuridris (1986) Singaporean [Malay] - rapper-songwriter, producer, and composer.
Desmond Tan (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Nesh Patel (1986) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Azmi Danuri (1986) Singaporean - actor.
Teddy Tang (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, model, and tv host.
Edison Ho Jian Yang (1986) Singaporean - model and Mister World Singapore 2012.
Franster Wong (1986) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - instagrammer (fransterwong).
Awi Rafael (1986) Singaporean - singer.
Louis Aung (1986) Singaporean [Burmese] - model.
Diraf Nalsor (1986) Singaporean - model.
Jerry Yeo (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Marco Salvérs (1986) Singaporean - model.
Fakkah Fuzz / Muhammad Fadzri Abd Rashid (1986) Singaporean [Malay] - tv personality and comedian
Nesh Patel (1986) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Samuel Wong / Samuel Wong Rui Xiang (1986) Singaporean [Chinese] - drummer.
Balaji Shanmugam (1986) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Lewis Tan (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] / Irish, English - actor, model, and stuntman.
Zermatt Neo (1987) Singaporean - youtuber. 
Wang Weiliang (1987) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor.
Jaspers Lai (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Sezairi Sezali (1987) Singaporean [Malay] - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Zhiyang / Cheeyang Ng / Ng Chee Yang (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Divian Nair (1987) Singaporean - actor, tv host, radio personality, and director.
Maxi Lim / Lim Jun Liang (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Jason Chee / Chee Pei Kun / Jason Chee Pei Kun (1987) Singaporean - model, personal trainer, and Manhunt International Singapore 2012.
BunZ (1987) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, singer-songwriter, and producer.
Siva Kaneswaran (1988) Singaporean [Tamil Sri Lankan] / Irish - actor, singer-songwriter, and model.
Dee Kosh / Darryl Koshy (1988) Singaporean [Malay, Indian, Chinese] - youtuber.
Faizul Alvés (1988) Singaporean - model.
Elson Soh (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Joakim Gomez (1988) Singaporean - radio host.
Charlie Goh (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and singer.
Raghavendran Rajasekaran (1988) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - flutist. 
Kenny Khoo (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Ryan Tan (1988) Singaporean - youtuber (Ryan Sylvia).
Alex Lim (1988) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Erry Bonch (1989) Singaporean - model.
Ian Fang (1989) Singaporean [Shanghainese Chinese] - actor. 
Akeem Jahat (1989) Singaporean [Malay] - rapper-songwriter and producer.
Nick Teo (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, tv host, and model. 
Hirzi Zulkiflie (1989) Singaporean - comedian, actor and content creator.
Vincent Huang (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Que Andrea Kasbani / Kasbani Kasmon (1989) Singaporean [Malay] - actor, model, and bodybuilder.
Joshua Ang (1989) Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor.
Kevin Chua (1989) Singaporean - actor.
Gen Neo (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - kpop idol, singer, producer, and composer.
Paul Twohill (1989) Singaporean - singer.
Alyph / Alif / Muhammad Alif Abdullah (1989) Singaporean [Malay] - rapper-songwriter, singer, lyricist, composer, and producer.
Ricardo Junius (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Jeremy Koh (1989) Singaporean - singer. 
Vallence Huang (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - model. 
Tosh Zhang (1989) Singaporean [Hakka Chinese] - actor and singer.
Moses Tang (1989) Singaporean - actor.
Benjamin Josiah Tan (1989) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Aiken Chia (1989) Singaporean - instagrammer (aikenchia).
Shawn Lee (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Huang Po Ju (1990) Singaporean [Taiwanese] - actor.
Shane Pow (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Benjamin Kheng (1990) Singaporean - actor and singer.
Joshua Simon (1990) Singaporean [Indian, Chinese] - radio presenter and musician.
Andee Chua (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Fuad Al-Hakim (1990) Singaporean - model and Manhunt International Singapore 2015.
Ross Butler (1990) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese] / Dutch, English - actor and model.
James Seah (1990) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and tv personality.
Amin Alias (1990) Singaporean - model. 
Jon Chua JX / Jonathan Chua (1990) Singaporean - actor and singer.
Sufie Rashid (1991) Singaporean - singer.
Zeaf Niffira (1991) Singaporean - model. 
Aliff Aziz (1991) Singaporean [Malay, Unspecified Arab] - actor, singer, and model.
Nathan Hartono / Nathaniel Xiang (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and actor.
Danial Ron (1991) Singaporean - youtuber and instagrammer (danialron).
Luke Lee (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Harris Baba (1991) Singaporean [Pakistani, Iranian, Indonesian, Chinese] - actor, singer-songwriter, and model.
Roslan Muhamad (1992) Singaporean [Malay] - actor and singer.
Pramit Arora (1992) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Shigga Shay / Pek Jin Shen (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - rapper. 
Adithya Srinivasan (1992) Singaporean [Indian] - singer-songwriter.
Jansen Chew (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Hakym Noh (1992) Singaporean - musician, DJ, director, and artist.
Joshua Judah (1992) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Benjamin Khoh (1992) Singaporean [Chinese] - socialite and model. 
Aden Tan (1992) Singaporean - actor, singer, and model.
JianHao Tan (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and youtuber.
Nanthakumar Ananthan (1993) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Famy Ashary (1993) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2019.
Noah Yap (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and singer.
Ridhwan Azman (1993) Singaporean - actor, singer, and youtuber.
Trevor Tham (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - youtuber (Trevmonki).
Epul Eusoff (1993) Singaporean - instagrammer (epuleusoff).
Chin Ee Kin (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Muhammad famy Bin Shahruddin (1993) Singaporean - model. 
Richie Koh (1993) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Amrit Sandhu (1993) Singaporean [Indian] - actor and model.
Shawn Tok (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Gentle Bones / Joel Tan (1994) Singaporean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, and drummer.
Jonathan Lau (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Xavier Ong (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and model.
Gershon Sng (1994) Singaporean - musician and filmmaker.
Edwin Goh (1994) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor. 
Vincent Sin (1995) Singaporean - instagrammer (itsvincentsin).
Kapil Waskel (1995) Singaporean [Indian] - model. 
Jarren Ho (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Yung Raja / Rajid Ahamed (1995) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - actor and rapper-songwriter.
Timothy Law / Law Hsien Hwee (1995) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Xinde Yap (1995) Singaporean - instagrammer (xindeyap).
MYRNE / Manfred Lim (1995) Singaporean - DJ.
Zong Zijie (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Frank Gálvez (1996) Singaporean - model. 
Elton Koh Yong San (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Farriz Haizad (1996) Singaporean - model.
Benedict Ang (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
LEW / Lewis Loh (1996) Singaporean - singer. 
Eric Yue Yang (1996) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Hugo Ong Jun Hui (1996) Singaporean - model and Mister World Singapore 2019.
Fariz Jabba (1997) Singaporean [Malay] - rapper-songwriter and singer.
Kelvin Lin (1997) Singaporean - youtuber (Gytuan).
Christopher Chan (1997) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Erwin Ralph Tan (1997) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Tan Yan Zhang (1998) Singaporean - pianist, composer and conductor.
Frederick Quek (1999) Singaporean - actor and model.
Shafeeq Khan (1998) Singaporean [Indian] - model. 
Brendan Lee (1998) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Vernon Teo (1999) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Khyan Kotak (2000) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Wen Xuan (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Ryhan Stewart (2000) Singaporean - model.
Brandon Tang (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Nic Kaufmann (2000) Singaporean - instagrammer (nic.kaufmann) and tiktoker (nickaufmann).
Rishi Kumara Rajendran (2000) Singaporean [Indian] - model.
Ang Zhong Hui (2000) Singaporean [Chinese] - model. 
Putra Hambali (2000) Singaporean - model. 
Damien Teo (2001) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Xander Pang (2001) Singaporean [Chinese, Unspecified White] - actor.
Idcriri (2001) Singaporean - model.
Tyler Ong Jing Xiang (2002) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
NeonFlame (2002) Singaporean - youtuber.
Ivan Lo (2003) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Aubrey Suwito (?) Singaporean / Indonesian [Chinese] - pianist-songwriter, keyboardist, producer, and arranger.
Geoff Vizconde (?) Singaporean - model.
Paul Foster (?) Singaporean [Chinese, British] - actor and model.
Lance Lee Davis (?) Singaporean - actor and filmmaker.
Rayve Tay (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Jonathan Cheok (?) Singaporean - singer.
Puravalan Narayanasamy (?) Singaporean [Tamil Indian] - actor.
Duane Ho (?) Singaporean - singer.
Kasper Neo (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - model and Mister Global Singapore 2017.
Christopher Khor (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter and guitarist. - Trans!
Isaac Chua Cheng Pou (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Melvinder Kanth (?) Singaporean - actor and filmmaker.
Jeremiah Choy (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, writer, director and choreographer.
Charles Stitch Wong (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and beatboxer.
Art Fazil (?) Singaporean [Malay] - singer.
Tim De Cotta (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter, bassist, and producer.
Michael Aw (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - author and photographer. 
Dhillon Poh (?) Singaporean - model and Mister Global Singapore 2018.
Li Wenhai (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Yamin Yusof (?) Singaporean - actor, model, Man of the World Singapore 2018, and personal trainer.
Thomas Pang (?) Singaporean [Filipino, Chinese] - actor.
Ikhwan Risydah Nasuha Bin Sapi'ee (?) Singaporean - model and Man of the World Singapore 2017.
Peter Boon Koh (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Ice Asher Chew (?) Singaporean - actor, model, and Mister Global Singapore 2015.
Charlie Lim / Charles Lim (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer, musician, artist and producer. 
Bryan Chan (?) Singaporean - actor.
Andrew Seow (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, model, and media personality.
Primero Ang (?) Singaporean - actor, singer, MC, and videographer.
Didicazli / Didicazli Ismail (?) Singaporean [Malay] - singer-songwriter, tv presenter, and producer.
Faizal Isa (?) Singaporean - singer.
Nelson Chia (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and director.
MJ Kuok (?) Singaporean - singer.
Phone Pyi Kyaw (?) Singaporean [Burmese] - model and Mister Asian International 2019.
Justin Jap (?) Singaporean - singer.
David Lim Hok Liang (?) Singaporean [Indonesian, Chinese] - model and Mister Asian International Singapore 2018.
Jazer Chia (?) Singaporean - model and Best Model of the World Singapore 2013.
Danny Yeo (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, tv host, DJ, director, and writer.
Kee Chan (?) Singaporean - actor.
Dwayne Tan (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Gerome Chew Chin Wei (?) Singaporean - model.
Yan Bingliang (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Noel Ng (?) Singaporean - model and Mister Global Singapore 2016.
Peter Yu / Yu Hongrong (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
Nicholas Tan (?) Singaporean - model and swimmer.
Of Methodist / Chuck (?) Singaporean - singer-songwriter.
Jacob J. Lau (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor.
DJ NOMSTA (?) Singaporean - DJ and promoter.
Tay Yuanqio (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2010.
Shawn Tng (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer and composer. 
Adrian Wee (?) Singaporean - DJ.
Edwin Aw (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2015.
Calvin Tan (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor and producer.
Hassanal Ruslan / Mohamend Hassanal Bin Ruslan (?) Singaporean - model and Manhunt International Singapore 2017.
JUNDA / Hagen Troy (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter and producer. 
DJ Clart / James Tan (?) Singaporean - DJ.
Chen Guohua (?)  Singaporean [Hokkien Chinese] - actor.
Marvin Soh (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2018.
Chew Jun Ru (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - musician. 
Sebastian Foo (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2016.
Huang Qing Yuan (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer. 
Jovin Koh Boon Pin (?) Singaporean - model and Manhunt International Singapore 2010.
Ron Teh (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2012.
Wong Hong Mok (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer-songwriter, music producer and professional photographer.
Jay Lim (?) Singaporean - singer.
Peter Yu (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - model.
Richmond Ang (?) Singaporean - model and Best Model of the World Singapore 2011.
Jonathan Seah (?) Singaporean - model and Mister Global Singapore 2014.
Tengku Adil Bahdar (?) Singaporean [Malay] - singer.
Ryan Chan (?) Singaporean - singer (HubbaBubbas).
Mervyn Ye (?) Singaporean - singer (HubbaBubbas).
Goh Juni (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer (MICappella).
Peter Huang (?) Singaporeae - singer (MICappella).
Eugene Yip (?) Singaporeae - singer (MICappella).
Goh Mingwei (?) Singaporean - singer (MICappella).
Eugenia Yip (?) Singaporean - singer (The Steve McQueens). 
Fabian Lim (?) Singaporean - saxophonist (The Steve McQueens). 
Joshua Wan (?) Singaporean - keyboardist (The Steve McQueens). 
Jase Sng (?) Singaporean - bassist (The Steve McQueens). 
Aaron James Lee (?) Singaporean - drummer (The Steve McQueens).
Keith Yuen (?) Singaporean - Instagrammer (travelinspiration360).
Luke Pereira (?) Singaporean, Portuguese - model. 
Auzaie Zie (?) Singaporean - keyboardist and producer (Disco Hue).
Billy Chua (?) Singaporean - drummer (Disco Hue).
Rush Ang (?) Singaporean - guitarist (Disco Hue).
Theodore Teow (?) Singaporean - singer.
Justin Ang (?) Singaporean - DJ (The Muttons).
Vernon Anthonisz / Vernon A (?) Singaporean - DJ (The Muttons).
Christopher Michael Lee (?) Singaporean - singer.
Joshua Luke (?) Singaporean - model, Mister Culture World 2017, and Mister Culture World Singapore 2017.
Terence Tay (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - singer.
Andy Soh (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2011.
Farhan Shah (?) Singaporean - singer.
Edwin Heng (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2013.
Norman Then (?) Singaporean - singer.
Andy Wong (?) Singaporean - model and Mister International Singapore 2014.
Jerry Ong (?) Singaporean - singer.
Muhammad Ibnunordin (?) Singaporean - singer.
Javier Chan (?) Singaporean - model and Mister Global Teen Singapore 2016.
Lewis Stokes (?) Singaporean - model and Best Model of the World Singapore 2012.
Jonah Sin (?) Singaporean - model and Mister Global Teen Singapore 2015.
Anton (?) Singaporean - instagrammer (mellowedhigh).
David Yeo (?) Singaporean - singer.
Benjamin Chow (?) Singaporean - singer.
Randy Chua (?) Singaporean - singer.
James Tay (?) Singaporean - singer.
Levin Ng (?) Singaporean - singer.
Janson Tay (?) Singaporean - singer.
Ryan Lee (?) Singaporean - singer.
Douglas Wong (?) Singaporean - singer.
Elisha Lim (1978) Singaporean [Chinese] - Non-Binary (They/Them/Their’s) - musician, filmmaker, writer, graphic novelist, and artist.
Nicky Case (1994) Singaporean [Malay, Chinese] - Genderqueer (Any Pronouns) - video game developer.
JY Yang (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - Non-Binary (They/Them/Their’s) - writer.
Victoria Victor / Victor Loo (?) Singaporean [Chinese] - Genderfluid (He/Him/His and They/Them/Their’s) - actor, singer, model, artist, socialite, and activist.
Maddy Barber / Medalina Barber (1973) Singaporean [Chinese] - actress, radio host, and DJ. - Racist statements in regards to Malays and Indians.
Tila Tequila / Tila Nguyen / Miss Tila / Tornado Thien / Nguyễn Thị Thiên Thanh (1981) Singaporean [Vietnamese, French] - actress, model, singer-songwriter, tv personality, blogger, and writer. - Antisemitic statements.
Xiaxue / Cheng Yan Yan Wendy (1984) Singaporean [Chinese] - blogger and television personality. - Ableist and xenophobic statements.
Eden Ang (1987) Singaporean [Japanese, Chinese] - actor and youtuber. - Multiple accusations of sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Sheena Phua (1991) Singaporean [Chinese] - model. - Racist statements in regards to Indians, specifically Sikhs.
Joal Ong (1994) Singaporean - actor. - Posted revenge porn of Christabel Chua after his breakup with her.
Amos Yee (1998) Singaporean [Chinese] - actor, youtuber, and blogger. - Pro-pedophilia.
18 notes · View notes
zirroxas · 5 years
So I Found All the Characters With Unique Backstories
Spent some time rooting around in the files to figure out which characters the game actually gave unique background descriptions to. There’s 94 in total. There’s something around 750 historical characters in the game, but only these comes with unique backstories. 
Some of them are quite hilarious. 
cai mao  -- Competent Sailor  -- "Cai Mao is adept of naval combat, and a budding admiral." cao ang  -- Prince Min  -- "Cao Ang's fate is to one day be prince of the House of Cao, be it in life or in death." cao cao  -- Strategic Mastermind  -- "The wily Cao Cao sees opportunity in the hardships of others, skewing things to his advantage." cao pi  -- Political Animal  -- "In war, you can only be killed once, but in politics, many times.""""" cao ren  -- Brave Hunter  -- "The skills of a fearless outdoorsman --horse-riding, archery, and hunting --make Cao Ren a valued battlefield ally." chen gong  -- Master Magistrate  -- "Chen Gong knows that even great men are imperfect, and righteousness is often not immediately obvious." cheng pu  -- Bandit Killer  -- 'The General of the Household Who Defeats Bandits' is living proof that bravery can overcome adversity. dian wei  -- Brute of Unmatched Power  -- "Such prowess! This is old Elai again!""""" dong zhuo  -- Cruel Tyrant  -- "Consumed by his hunger for power, Dong Zhuo's despotism knows no bounds." fa zheng  -- Vindictive Strategist  -- "The intelligent and vengeful Fa Zheng should not be crossed, lest you become the target of his deadly schemes." gan ning  -- Pirate of the Bells  -- "Cao Cao may have Zhang Liao, but I have Gan Ning! Thus we are evenly matched.""""" gao gan  -- Loyal Nephew  -- "Ever the rebel, Gao Gan's true allegiances shall only die when he does." gong du  -- Master of the Land  -- "Far from being just a heartless bandit, Gong Du is a principled soldier of honour." gongsun du  -- the Warlike  -- "In war, Gongsun Du does what is required of him; he revels in bloodshed and conquest." gongsun zan  -- The Iron Fist General  -- "Defence of the frontiers requires more than just the resources of a warlord, but also a merciless attitude." guan yu  -- God of War  -- "A famed warrior and righteous slayer of all who dare oppose him, Guan Yu's deification is already assured." guo jia  -- Astute Advisor  -- Guo Jia is a confidant of unparalleled foresight --to ignore his counsel is to invite failure and defeat. han fu  -- Diligent Agriculturalist  -- "Using his ability to manage food supplies with tireless efficiency, Han Fu is a most valuable logistician." han sui  -- Tireless Insurgent  -- "Insurrection is in Han Sui's blood. To him, subservience cannot be permanent." he man  -- The Most Powerful  -- "I am He Man, the devil who shoots across the sky! Who dares challenge me\?""""" he yi  -- Leader of the People  -- "With unwavering faith, He Yi inspires others to follow in his righteous footsteps." hua xiong  -- Fierce Beast  -- "With a head shaped like a leopard's and ape-like shoulders, Hua Xiong's ferocity is matched by his appearance." huang gai  -- Unreadable Warrior  -- His outward demeanour belies his real allegiances --Huang Gai truly is the very definition of inscrutability. huang shao  -- Wielder of the Heavenly Way  -- "All uprisings, no matter how widespread, stand little chance of success without strong leadership." huang zhong  -- of the Ageless Strength  -- "The venerable Huang Zhong, to whom age is just a number, is frequently underestimated in battle." huang zu  -- Ranged Ambusher  -- "Huang Zu likes to start offensives on the front foot, from a safe distance and out of sight." huangfu song  -- Aged General  -- "In the brutal business of war, there is no better teacher than experience." jia long  -- Short-sighted Peacekeeper  -- "Jia Long may dedicate much time to forethought, yet still lacks caution now and then." jia xu  -- The Blade in the Dark  -- Decisions made in secret can have the deadliest outcomes. jiang wei  -- Budding Commander  -- "Known for being an expert general despite his inexperience, Jiang Wei has a precocious talent for war." kong rong  -- Master Scholar  -- "Kong Rong claims descent from the great Confucius himself, attested to by his remarkable wit and scholarly fame." kong zhou  -- Pure Conversationalist  -- "A master at the art of Qingtan, Kong Zhou utilises discussion and debate as a means of intellectual self-improvement." lady sun  -- The Rising Sun  -- "As surely as the sun rises, the Lady will always endeavour to get her way." li ru  -- Vicious Shadow  -- Behind every despot's schemes is the intellect of a consummate strategist. ling tong  -- Daring Errant  -- "For some men, war is a chance to prove one's self and seek adventure." liu bei  -- Virtuous Idealist  -- "Despite having come from modest beginnings, the blood of ancient Han emperors flows through Liu Bei's veins." liu biao  -- Gentleman of the Han  -- "A man seldom ruffled, Liu Biao demonstrates his aristocratic pedigree through stable officiality." liu dai  -- Generous Attendant  -- "In spite of the harsh realities of palace life, Liu Dai conducts himself according to his nature: with kindness and benevolence." liu xie  -- Former Emperor  -- "While no longer leading their people, they still strive to bring peace to the land." liu yan  -- Opportunistic Ruler  -- "Some men just want to watch the world burn, while others use the opportunities placed before them." liu yao  -- Welcoming Magistrate  -- "Liu Yao appears to be a 'yes' man, but is nevertheless known for his staunch incorruptibility." liu yu  -- Prosperous Trader  -- Liu Yu's rapport with foreigners and minorities has enabled him to amass considerable wealth from trade. liu zhang  -- Proponent of Peace  -- "A timid and suspicious noble, Liu Zhang displays a willingness to avoid war, even if that means surrender." lu bu  -- Warrior Without Equal  -- "With unpredictable loyalty and unsurpassed martial skill, Lü Bu is the most dangerous warrior beneath the heavens." lu fan  -- Go Master  -- Go is not just an abstract game of strategy --it is a measure of one's aptitude in tactical forethought. lu meng  -- Late Scholar  -- "Despite becoming literate late on in his career, Lü Meng has proved himself a most able scholar." lu su  -- Charitable Envoy  -- "Ever the philanthropic diplomat, Lu Su's affluence empowers his charitable nature." lu xun  -- Scholar General  -- "Equal parts brains and brawn, Lu Xun can oversee both civil and military matters." ma chao  -- Most-brilliant Warrior  -- "With a complexion like jade and eyes like shooting stars, Ma Chao is a warrior truly brilliant in appearance." ma dai  -- Fraternal Warrior  -- There are few things more important to Ma Dai than bloodline and family. ma teng  -- Protector of the West  -- "Ma Teng may treat his friends well, but he remains merciless with the Han's enemies." mi zhu  -- Dependable Administrator  -- "In these interesting times of fluctuating allegiances, the steadfast loyalty of Mi Zhu can always be relied upon." pang de  -- White Horse General  -- "Pang De is an unrelenting force, whose avowed enemies know they must face him sooner or later." pang tong  -- Fledgling Phoenix  -- "Having risen from the ashes of obscurity, the 'Crown of Learned Men' is an advisor of the highest esteem." pei yuanshao  -- Virtuous Outrider  -- "Whether in charge of brigands or soldiers, one must lead by example, always riding at the head of the host." shi xie  -- King Shi  -- "With his long and distinguished record of sophisticated service, Shi Xie is destined for stately eminence." sima yi  -- Silver Eminence  -- "If you cannot fight, defend. If you cannot defend, flee. If you cannot flee, surrender. If you cannot surrender, die!""""" sun ce  -- The Little Conqueror  -- "Sun Ce has been likened to the warrior-kings of old, with an aptitude for military leadership that belies his youth." sun jian  -- Tiger of Jiangdong  -- "Claiming ancestry with the renowned military strategist Sun Tzu, the fearless Sun Jian has war flowing through his veins." sun qian  -- Upstanding Loyalist  -- Sun Qian's word is an unwavering bond. sun quan  -- Emerald-eyed Administrator  -- "Striking looks and a sturdy frame betokens Sun Quan's great nobility, heroism and longevity." taishi ci  -- of Exceptional Dexterity  -- "From horse-riding to archery, Taishi Ci excels in all manner of physical pursuits." tao qian  -- of the Sincere Jurisdiction  -- "Tao Qian may be a highly influential and ambitious figure, but expansionism is not on his personal agenda." wang lang  -- Ardent Educator  -- "A keen imparter of knowledge, even when it is neither wanted nor welcome." wang xiu  -- The Righteous Hero  -- "Never can it be said that Wang Xiu was ever disloyal, dishonourable or unwilling to come to the aid of those he serves." wei yan  -- Disobedient Tiger  -- "For the distrustful Wei Yan, a violent betrayal always simmers below the surface." wen chou  -- Fierce Firebrand  -- "If only Wen Chou were here, I'd have nothing to fear!""""" xiahou dun  -- Hotheaded Officer  -- Those who know Xiahou Dun know not to get on his bad side. xiahou dun 2  -- The One-eyed Exile  -- "You really don't want to know what he did with his eye after losing it to that arrow...""""" xiahou yuan  -- Maker of Ways  -- "When it comes to military logistics, where there's a will, Xiahou Yuan has a way." xu chu  -- Tiger Fool  -- "Xu Chu is a man of simple thoughts and principles, but an impressive warrior who fights with a bestial rage." xu huang  -- Guardian of the Gates  -- "When assigned to guardianship, Xu Huang is an immovable sentinel, requiring a tremendous effort to bypass." xu shu  -- Disguised Diplomat  -- "His body may be in one place, but his heart is in quite another." xun you  -- Gentleman Attendant  -- "A member of the learned scholar-gentry, Xun You is a profound thinker of great insight." xun yu  -- Hegemon's Aide  -- "Here comes my Zifang!""""" yan liang  -- Valiant Vanguard  -- "A foremost general of considerable military prowess, the gutsy Yan Liang is unmatched among ordinary warriors." yu jin  -- Enforcer of the Law  -- "As an imperious, by-the-book disciplinarian, Yu Jin rules his subordinates with fear and drilled-in obedience." yuan shao  -- Preeminent Commander  -- "Yuan Shao's astuteness, dignity and arrogance are the mark of his ancestors, many of whom served emperors past." yuan shu  -- Ambitious Powermonger  -- Yuan Shu is an ambitious but overconfident individual --time will tell whether such qualities shall trip him or aid his desires. yue jin  -- The Lion of Yangping  -- "What Yue Jin lacks in stature he makes up for in fierceness, fearlessness, and deadliness with his bow." zhang chao  -- Flowing Calligrapher  -- Such graceful skills with ink and brush are the mark a man of great education and scholarly puissance. zhang fei  -- Drunken Brawler  -- "Hold my wine...""""" zhang he  -- Courageous General  -- Zhang He's fearlessness enables him to retain his composure when having to adapt to unfavourable situations. zhang kai  -- Slayer of Tyrants  -- "The unjust rulers of the old regime shall perish.""""" zhang liao  -- The Heavenly Dragon General  -- "The model of professionalism and organisation, Zhang Liao has heavenly leadership skills." zhang lu  -- Celestial Master  -- "Just as water penetrates mountains, Zhang Lu always seeks to overcome hardness by his own accord." zhang yan  -- King of Black Mountain  -- "With his scores of followers, the bandit leader known as 'Flying Swallow' wields the influence of a king." zhang yang  -- Ignored Warlord  -- What is the fate of he who is forsaken and unjustly distrusted by his fellow warlords\? Only heaven knows. zhao yun  -- Light in the Dark  -- "In the darkest times of war, the auras of the most resplendent warriors gleam brightest." zheng jiang  -- Bandit Queen  -- "Hell-bent on plunder, Zheng Jiang goes to unspeakable lengths to obtain her loot." zhou tai  -- Man of Many Scars  -- "His scar-riddled skin is a canvas of stories, telling of countless bloody battles past." zhou yu  -- Melodic Strategist  -- "If there is a mistake in the tune, Zhou Yu will look up.""""" zhuge jin  -- Bookish Scholar  -- "Having studied history and poetry in years past, Zhuge Jin is a man who appreciates scholarship." zhuge liang  -- Sleeping Dragon  -- "A peerless genius and insightful strategist, there are few situations that Zhuge Liang's astute intellect cannot overcome."
15 notes · View notes
mejomonster · 3 years
If you end watching The promise of Chang'An, proceed with caution, because Chengyi's character is pure tragedy, the man never gets anything he wants and doesn't catch a breath in the entire drama, also his FL is madam Qinrong from Fuyu Island, the one who said to Sifeng that people consider her the most beautiful woman and I was like "ma'am, you are indeed very pretty, but the prettiest person in that room is Sifeng, not you, sorry not sorry :/" not fox Zihu. Also, did you know that right now Chengyi is filming a xianxia drama with Rattam's actress as his FL? He plays an Emperor in that one, also mydramalist. com/72025-chen-xiang-ru-xie
1 ohhhhh thank you for the link. I love the lead actress in Rattan!
So I am. Super desperate. In agony. Hoping for Cheng Yi to play a fucked up emperor type who’s messed up and cruel and conflicted and power hungry and a hot mess and. I can dream ;-; Cheng Yi if you see this. I’m begging you. You have the Range babe. Do it. Do ittttttt
Like Cheng Yi pretending to be star of Mosha? Peak. Phenomenal. Beautiful. Can we have more please pleaseeee. Cheng Yi when he played killer mode of Xiaoge in tlt2? Can we.. see more? (Also though Imagine if he also brings the emotional depth he always does, to such a character, the fucking delicious phenomenal Agony of that god I wanna see it). He just. He could do power hungry threat Let Himmm.
I love him playing leads that are the epitome of lovable but. I would love to see him play someone terrifying. Like Bai Lin’s actor? He did so good with absolutely terrifying power hungry, and even as Xiao Hua in tlt2 he brought this really interesting edge to the character of Implicit Threat even though he was a mostly good guy (which Zhu Yilong does phenomenally, but especially did in The Shaw Eleven Lang and with Ye Zun - tho to a degree with Shen Wei in tense scenes). And Cheng Yi has absolutely gotten to bring glimpses of it before but I have mostly only seen him in roles that decidedly do not give him a character so messed up he gets to stretch his skills that way very much. He gets plenty of tortured characters tho lol.
Ok so Promise of Chang an is the one out. Which I’ve seen the first ep of. And Dream of Chang An is the one with Ling Longs actress that isn’t out yet? Because I liked the trailer for that one mmm -3-
Edit: also I watched To Dear Myself ep 1 this week and. I honestly can’t imagine more suffering and angst and lack of any hope ever than that show. I can’t. I’m almost certain Cheng yis character in the Promise of Cheng an will be less utterly hopeless than zhu yilongs character in to dear myself. To dear myself gave me lasting emotional damage in 40 minutes ToT. And my dumb heart is like “maybe some of the show has hope” but I saw spoilers and I suspect it’s one long show about hopeless suffering and I can’t do it! Whereas like?? I imagine even if Promise of Chang An is a tragedy?? Maybe it will be like Goodbye My Princess. Goodbye My Princess is so well written (I recommend it’s lovely writing, set, scenery, everything wise). And you can feel the very organic romance and true care and hope and motives and. The tragedy lies in how fucked up their lives are and how because of Who they are theres no way ever for them to have a happy life together. Even if they wanted to, they’d simply have to be different ppl with different lives. Even when they care. The story uses one main magic device and that’s the characters forgetting their past romance/knowing each other partway through - which is cool for a lot of reasons: I love magical usef in mundane to like do something fun while still being mostly grounded, I loved that they were literally going to have to kill each other but the memory loss gave them a chance to fall in love all over. I love that it upped the angst cause even Post memory loss they are on opposite sides of a power struggle and family enemies and do awful stuff. But then realizing oh no - not only did you fall in love with the man who is your kingdoms enemy, but you also forgot he killed your family! You forgot he faked his identity and used you TO kill your family. And then it’s even worse for both of them. To realize this girl you fell for as an arranged marriage hostage, who you at least protect as the least you can do - you’re actually who ruined her whole fucking life. No one can hurt her as much as you did, and you forgot. Ahhhhh and meanwhile! There’s a very cool huge realistic multi country and inner country power struggle. God that show is so good.
#replies#anonymous#Cheng yi#ask#sorry I went on a rant lol LITERALLY LAST NIGHT#me and a friend were thinking about the fake star of mosha part#and how GOOD CHENG YI could be in a fucked up role a la mo ran or actual star of mosha but worse#like I doubt you have seen the Shaw eleven lang#but zhu yilong plays a power hungry prince who’s nice in the surface but fucking FERAL underneath#and in ep 2 he plays a girl pretending to be his character and butchers like 4 men then starts eating them#it’s horrific but god is it amazing to watch and CHENG YI COULD DO THATTTT#even like. the prince of goodbye my princess kind of role!#or the wolf in The Wolf! (tho ideally more personally evil id. I’d just love to see Cheng yi#as someone cruel with power and like. absolutely not an innocent sweetie suffering#but someone who has to be cut down to size. is a sexy enemy. or goes thru a hella redemption arc#(also I looked up that Zhang bin bin kings woman and decided no on that#while I love fucked up characyets the reviews sounded like the story romanticized him#and like? I want fucked up and hey maybe even sexy. but I don’t want the writing acting like it’s good. u feel me?#like goodbye my princess? while it’s romantic af and Delicious to watch? the prince is never painted as a good man#never. and it’s wonderful to watch#or Men with Sword where no one is painted morally and it’s totally up to each watcher to decide for themselves#I loved that#regarding goodbye my princess the thing is#there is hope and kindness despite all the hot mess#it’s so good
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | What a killjoy.
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yaozaisheng · 7 years
Translation Notes for Chapter 9
Hello, hello, sorry for the delay. Chapter 9  in case yall were wondering. We’re really getting into the setting here.
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1. 临兵斗者皆阵列在前 lin bing dou zhe jie zhen lie qian xing
I didn’t translate this because it’s a chant that translates to “The solders rush forward”. These are the nine symbolic cuts or ‘Kuji-kiri’(basically ninjutsu). Following the chant, the priest declares ‘收’ shou which is ‘to put away’ or, as I’ve been translating it, ‘capture’. The container he’s using is a bottle gourd or calabash which is an important symbol in Chinese culture for health, healing or absorbing negative energy (ki). In this case, a demon.
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2. I’ll grind your yuan dan to dust.
立即汝炼成丹 li jiang ru lian cheng dan
“I’ll turn your discipline into a pill” Pill here refers to those spherical pills, like Po Chai Pills. The original would need more explanation so I settled for a localisation. 
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3. A lowly mortal 
我贪恋红尘 Wo tan lian hong chen
So this was difficult to translate but it basically means Doctor prefers to be a normal person. Learning magic 法术, Chinese magic anyway, would mean you become like a superhero. You can fly and do spells and all sorts of neat tricks. (Yes the Chinese like to fly. Or leap up high and hover, like Samurai Jack’s ‘Jump good’) You’d become a superior being. Doctor would rather...not. 
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4. 死到临头还出口狂言 si dao lin tou hai chu kou kuang yan 
“About to die and still spewing crazy words” something to that effect. Essentially, Pang Xi’s little “spoil my fun” statement which displayed not only a disregard for the priest as a threat but zero remorse for his own actions.
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4. Peach wood
From Wiki
The Chinese also considered peach wood (t'ao-fu) protective against evil spirits, who held the peach in awe. In ancient China, peach-wood bows were used to shoot arrows in every direction in an effort to dispel evil. Peach-wood slips or carved pits served as amulets to protect a person's life, safety, and health.
5. Yan Guang- the Taoist priest
So for the next few chapters, this damn priest - *ahem* - this new character will be the bane of my existence. He uses classical chinese where every word is overflowing with meaning. You could write a paragraph on each of his sentences. Yan Guang, I’m begging u, pls chill. 
A couple of things that don’t happen in the translation
He calls Doctor ‘施主’ shi zhu which means benefactor. This is a respectful way of referring to people who pay priests alms. I did consider using ‘thou’ but a google search revealed that ‘you’ was actually more polite than ‘thou’. 
He refers to himself as ‘贫道’ pin dao, which, since he’s a priest ‘道士’ daoshi (taoist) means, poor priest. It’s a humble way of referring to oneself. 
He also uses ‘妖孽’ yao nie to refer to demons. It can mean simply ‘demons’, or it can mean ‘monstrously talented people’, which are what demons are anyway. Talented creatures who can absorb essence. I use ‘cur’ to put a little flavour text in. It’s not necessary but the disapproval doesn’t come across very well otherwise. 
He uses ‘汝’ ru instead of ‘你’ ni for ‘you’.   
Let me know if I missed anything out! I know the lore is getting quite heavy at this point. 
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evermoreyep · 7 years
Another Asian Drama thing. It’s not important. I just get really excited and just wanted to talk about it? There is spoilers in this post. I’m sorry I keep updating.  LOL I just need to like hammer out like the 30 episodes so I can watch something else because I keep stopping because I am bitter. So Bare with me.
Updating this and adding on…..
25 episodes into the Asian Drama…so far,
My favorite characters......
The king - RIP
The Grandmother -RIP
The Body Guard - RIP  (She’s alive. Horray)
The Body guards father - RIP  (He’s alive!!! YAS QUEEN)
Her First friend - RIP
Li Min De’s mother - RIP
People that I like so far……
Wei Young/ Xin Er (Last Princess (Xin Er) whose pretending to be a minister’s daughter (Wei Young) who also happens to be a daughter of a maid, So she already gets treated like shit for being a maids daughter.)
Tuo Ba Jun  (Prince, Xin Er’s love interest, but also her enemy)
Tuo Ba Yu (Played by Vanness Wu, Tuo Ba Jun 2nd oldest Uncle, Xin Er’s enemy,  Li Chang Ru’s love interest)
Li Min De (Xin Er’s fake cousin, but Wei Young’s actual cousin, Minister’s son (Kinda because he was adopted) )
Bai Zhi (Xin Er’s maid who thinks she’s Wei Young)
Cheng De  (Tuo Ba Jun’s bodyguard)
Old Granny Li (Wei Young’s grandmother, Xin Er’s fake grandmother)
People that I absolutely hate with a passion
Li Chang Le (Minister’s older daughter, a bitch)
Li Min Feng (Li Change Le’s brother, Minister’s other son, Xin Er’s enemy, he killed her actual grandmother, also a bitch)
Da Fu Ren   (Also a bitch, petty af)
Chi Yan Nan  (also a bitch, Xin Er’s enemy, He framed her family and killed her dad. Update: He’s also apparently, Da Fu Ren’s nephew.)
Wei Young’s other maid (a snake, a traitor, also a bitch)
Li Shang Shu (Minister, petty af, greedy, also a fucking bitch) 
People I hate who died
Li Min Feng - Rip
Wei Young’s other maid - Rip
People who might know Xin Er isn’t Wei Young
Qi Yi Niang (7th Concubine. Wei Young’s actual Birth mother, granted Xin Er only pretended to be her so 1. She can get get revenge and 2. Wei Young died before she could see her mother and Xin Er is stepping in/)
Tuo Ba Yu
Da Fu Ren
Da Fu Ren’s maid
Li Chang Le
People who I thought I liked, now I can’t tell if I like them or not
Li Chang Ru (Obi, I put her on my like list, but now I don’t know because apparently she’s a snake and a traitor, but won’t hurt Xin Er only if she’s on her good side. Like bitch the fuck.)
People Who found out Xin Er isn’t Wei Young
Qi Yi Niang
Chi Yan Nan
# of times where Xin Er was almost killed/assassinated by petty schemes
So I think it might be better to just delete after I add a little because if I continue to add. This would be really long as fuck. But I mean I can always go back and see what I said. I am still deciding if I wanna do it in bullet point or in paragraph form. LOL 
Uh, I hard core ship Xin Er with  Tuo Ba Jun, their relationship is really cute. But you know if you ignore the fact that Xin Er is out to kill  uo Ba Jun’s whole family.
My blood is boiling. Not only did General Han came back, he killed Xin Er’s people, he is now out to get Xin Er because the minsters wife is his aunt. I can’t breathe.
Chi Yan Nan found out who Xin Er really is Rip
Li Chang Le is fucking petty as fuck and I really really really hate her with a passion. Literally, Xin Er had an opportunity to take her out, but she didn’t and now it’s coming back to bite her in the ass
Xin Er is doing a hunting competition with all of the princes and it’s not going to well. I not saying she can’t win, I’m just saying the minster’s family is against her and their all plotting against her and not just that. The Queen herself doesn’t like her. Honestly, if she wins she could speak to the king, but I don’t know man. This makes me so nervious
30 episodes left......
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theconcealedmemoirs · 4 years
41/50, The Untamed
I want to see Lan Zhan break. Like, really break from his stoic character. I know he’s supposed to be the foil from Wei Xian but I want to see him meltdown from his usual cool self. It would be really interesting to see where his character will go. Yeah, we know he does that when drunk, but I’d like to see his world shattered. I feel like he could have given more emotion when Wei Ying was hanging off the cliff.
Love Wei Xian’s story arc. I love that he went from arrogant and centre of the universe to quiet and assessing his environments first before drawing attention to himself. I also love how he sought independence from the Jiang clan to bringing social justice to the Wen Clan.
I also really like how they wrote Jiang Cheng. I love how his loyalty to his family panned out. His protectiveness to his nephew is so great, I just love seeing him as the strict uncle.
Basically, more character development for my boys, please. They deserve it. Please don’t disappoint me, writer-nim.
Where art thou, Wen Qing jie? I know you are still alive. I can feel it.
If Wei Xian finally avenges all of Mo Xuan Yu’s enemies, does that mean he’ll die? Would be really interesting to see how that goes.
Where did the Wen Clan go? Are all of them truly dead? 
The younger boys from the next generation, how will they change the story?
Si Zhuan = Ah Yuan
Just like Yan Li shi jie, Jin Ru Lan will be Wei Ying’s downfall. It will be interesting to find out what Ru Lan’s reaction will be once he knows Wei Ying is his uncle.
The Jin Clan is getting more slippery like a fish. I wonder if the story ends with them getting slashed.
For good writing, we pray. I don’t want this drama to end. Please be good. 
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movielosophy · 3 months
Episode 23
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Episode 31
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Joy of Life 2 | I think da dianxia is the only one with real jobs
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | the granted marriage pairs
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | Are you afraid of heights? (3 of 3)
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