#lind they are so cute ;_; <333
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loops! is it your birthday did i see that right? HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY <3 so glad i know u i hope you have the best day ever!!!! (also i love the new theme it's so cute)
You saw it right linds!!! Its officially my bday in my side of the pond 😁😁 Thank you lovely, u are the best <333
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hey I just started rdr2 tumblr and I love your writing!! May I send a headcanon request for the boys (or if you don’t want to, just Arthur, Charles, Javier and John) where you’re cold and you either ask to wear their coat or hug them while they wrap the coat around the both of you? Ik this is weird but think it’s so cute! Love your writing and thank you! 💕
aw hi anon welcome to the rdr2 tumblr community, i'm so glad u started one! i love this idea and its not weird so i decided to do all of them <333
Dutch Van Der Linde
Dutch is the type to perform bold acts of public affection and so he constantly drapes his coat over your shoulders around camp.
He loves seeing you stand beside him with his coat when he’s giving a speech or a toast and it makes him feel like he can protect you if he knows you’re warm, cozy and comfortable all the time.
Hosea Matthews
Hosea offers his coat to you while you’re out hunting together. It’s up in the mountain and the nights get unbelievably cold.
Obviously you don’t want him to be cold either and so the two of you share his jacket with it draped over your laps. Your head rests on his shoulder and watch the shoulder while he shows you how to make some predator bait.
Arthur Morgan
When you see Arthur ride back into camp on a cold and chilly night the first thing you do is run up to him and hug him with your arms under his coat. Arthur’s chin always rests on top of your head and his arms come to wrap around your body.
Despite how tall you are, Arthur’s blue coat always manages to drown you— it’s so big and fluffy and he’ll leave it for you to wear so you aren’t cold without him there to supply cuddles.
Charles Smith
Charles wraps you in his jacket when he see’s you shivering in your sleep. Seeing you cold makes him feel ever more protective over you and so he selflessly drapes it over you so the collar is tucked under your chin.
Ever since you woke up with his jacket around you, Charles has let you sleep with it whenever it gets cold. Even if you’re sleeping with him and your head is on his chest, he will pull his jacket over your shoulders.
John Marston
John sees you sitting by the campfire, trying to warm your hands as the night got increasingly colder. He sits beside you awkwardly, not saying a word and holds out his jacket for you to take almost as if he was embarrassed or nervous that you might not take it.
All of John’s nerves die when you take his jacket and smile at him. The whole night you stay sitting together around the fire, your head on his shoulder as his jacket keeps you warm.
Micah Bell
Micah doesn’t have much in terms of possessions but his leather jacket is a favourite of his, that’s why he gets petty when he sees you wearing it around camp. He can’t stay mad at you for long though because his heart melts at just how happy he feels seeing you wear it.
He totally boasts to the other members about you being his and you wearing his jacket but deep down he couldn’t be happier and can’t stop smiling to himself. He hates seeing you cold and if you don’t take it willingly, he’s running around camp trying to drape it over your shoulders.
Javier Escuella
Javier is known to have an array of fancy outfits but his poncho is no doubt his favourite. Not only that but it reminds him of home and has an important meaning to him. That’s why when he wraps it around your shoulders, you know just how much he cares about you.
He doesn’t make a big thing out of it, just wraps you in it when the fire starts to die out and the temperature gets cooler but you wear it on quiet evenings while he plays guitar around the fire.
Bill Williamson
Bill offers you his jacket while you’re on a job together and are on the run from the law. The run down cabin doesn’t offer much warmth so he offers his jacket to you.
His heart melts at the sight at of you in his jacket because none of it fits you. Your arms are hidden in the sleeves and it hangs from your shoulders but neither of you two care at how adorable it looks.
Lenny Summers
Lenny takes a lot after Arthur in that he’s a gentleman at heart. If he sees that you’re cold he doesn’t hesitate to take his own off for you to wear. He always puts others first, especially if he’s sweet on you and so he won’t back down until he sees you’re warm and protected from the weather.
If it’s raining, snowing or just windy Lenny will be there to make sure his jacket keeps you warm even if it means he’s cold himself. When you see that he’s cold too, you offer to share his jacket and use it as an excuse to cuddle together.
Sean MacGuire
Sean, being Irish is used to cold and rainy weather so he’s a bit of a jokester when it comes to seeing you freezing while he runs around full of beans. However he does care about you and when you no longer start laughing at his jokes he’s quick to wrap you in his jacket.
His jacket is covered in dirt marks and smells like whiskey but it’s exactly what you’d expect from Sean and so it warms your heart. Even if you warm up quickly, Sean will still use you being cold as an excuse to cuddle.
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haruchyio · 3 years
sen! ship your mutuals with the tokrev characters they need, not who they simp for ^^
ohhh :O this is a little hard for me because my mutuals had basically trained me to automatically associate them to the characters they simp for but !! i'll try !!
i may have missed a few moots :( i'm really sorry !!
i found katie's ship a bit hard to think about because when i see katie on my dashboard, all i think about is wakasa 🧍‍♀️
first of all, aside from wakasa, i ship you with shinichiro. both of your personalities just lind of click? i can't really think of any reasons aside from you both being each other's pillar of support. you're both so calm but also have this hidden mischievous side and it scares me /hj
he'll be good for you (except when he smokes. pls dont kill ur lungs ty)
eve!! i ship you with nahoya because who else have that matching chaotic energy sjehdjjd but seriously though, i think you and nahoya would be such a deadly combo?? just havoc. havoc everywhere.
nahoya will become your happy pill, especially when you need him the most. got a problem? he's there to beat that problem up lmao
hakkai so you can both thirst over mitsuya together
hi mei, i ship you with ran because he's hot HHASHEHHEH i don't know mei, you seem to be into sexy men and ran is sexy so with all my logical thinking, you'd be so great together
i can imagine you two just flirting with each other ??? i don't know it fits to me HAHAHAHA
i also headcanon ran to be caring when it comes to the people he holds dearest, which is why i also believe he'll be good for you if we ignore the fact that he'll be into a criminal organization like 12 years into the future 🧍‍♀️
bestie !! i know you love mikey but bear with me, i ship you with mitsuya. i feel like your chaotic energy + his calming presence will be good for the both of you.
i feel like you'll bring color to mitsuya's life and he'll also be the anchor to keep your grounded when you're in the mood to create trouble.
also because mitsuya is such a good boyfie material i think he's going to take good care of you <333
hands down, i believe you and kokonoi are perfect for each other.
he will follow along with all your rants, entertain you, and bring you to places he thought you would enjoy being in. if you want to travel? go for it. if you want something? go buy it. you just want to cuddle with him while you sleep? by all means, you're welcome to do so.
i feel like he'll be such a good partner to the person he who managed to catch his heart and interest :"D
chifuyu. definetly chifuyu !! you two would be such a cute pair omg the cutest couple out there !!
chifuyu is such a boyfriend material. i feel like he'll be your pillar of support, someone you can lean onto when you need someone the most. you just look so good together to be honest i cant even put it into words
sanzu, do i even have to explain this one 😩
but fr, it's not because you like him just as much as i do. it's because i think he'll be able to indulge you and entertain whatever that is in your mind.
he may not be a good boyfie but i think he'll do whatever it takes to make you happy :")
hakkai !! i ship you with hakkai because you're both the sweetest?? i believe his shy persona and your caring attitude fits quite well.
you'll be someone who can get hakkai out of his comfort zone, so rather than you needing him, he's the one who actually needs you !!
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