#liquid fusion glue
sramfact · 2 years
The market for liquid adhesives in APAC is projected to register high growth, and the trend is projected to continue during the forecast period. The increasing industrial and infrastructural development in APAC is responsible for its high share. APAC has emerged as the leading consumer and producer of liquid adhesives because of the increasing demand from India, South Korea, China, Indonesia, and others.
APAC is an emerging and potential market for liquid adhesives, in terms of both value and volume. The increasing demand from end-use industries is contributing to the demand for liquid adhesives in the APAC region. The market is also driven by increased foreign investments due to cheap labor and accessible raw materials. Government proposals to improve the manufacturing and infrastructure, and to increase cash-intensive non-residential construction activities, coupled with the increase in the manufacturing of end-use products, are other factors driving the liquid adhesives market.
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dolljunk · 10 months
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Astranova is such an odd doll, but I wanted to have a fully rooted version, so here's my attempt at addressing her lack of scalp.
She has no scalp under her headdress, so I used a Create a Monster wig cap as it was the perfect shape to cover such a large area missing. I trimmed off as much as I could around her hairline but left on as much elsewhere to give the glue I used grip.
I tried rerooting her with the scalp attached, but it cracked apart as I went, so I just rooted both pieces separately and glued them together afterwards with liquid fusion.
This method wasn't strong enough to give her a parting because my wrists were not happy with the poses I needed to get the hair in, but I'm happy she has hair regardless.
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mijlen · 2 years
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Finally finished with my latest custom doll!
It's a glam take on Minty from My Little Pony (G3), specifically A Very Minty Christmas.
Lots of details went into this doll, and it took far and away longer than any doll I've made before. I lost track, but the hours spent easily go above 20.
Details about the construction below the cut!
Face and body
I started with a Vandala Doubloons base for the face mold, which I sliced open 😱 to create my first set of inset eyes. I just love Vandala's face mold, it's very unique and cute compared to others in the MH line (My base stock box dolls have all been super well loved, btw, so no I didn't destroy a mint in box Vandala. I would NEVER!!) The body was a headless stock box Abby, but I only decided to do that after trying and failing to do a peg-leg transplant on Vandala. It didn't matter, in the long run, since I was going to be painting the entire body anyway. Lots of coats of mint green artist's acrylic, cut with lots of flow builder medium, and about three coats of Mr. Super Clear between those coats of paint, and I had my base.
I knew the silhouette and hair I wanted for Minty from my earliest concept sketches, and looking at them I realized: this silhouette won't look "right" on a standard MH slimline. So it was time for some Apoxie sculpt! I gave her some bust and butt implants, as well as some hip and tummy augmentation to round things out in a way that would better serve the design. Then, more paint and Mr. Super Clear to make the body cohesive.
The hair is entirely acrylic yarn. Not only wefts, but I also achieved the voluminous high pony look by needle-felting a ratted base, around which the rest of the wefts were attached. Then, I had to curl them. This was by far one of the most time consuming parts of the process, but I love the outcome. I used the hot chopstick technique. That is, heating up a metal chopstick with a straightening iron, and twisting individual strands of hair around it. It keeps the hair from scorching, and allows for some truly tiny, glamorous curls.
The gown is hand-sewn, but definitely not removable lmao. It's hard to get such a tight fit on such a tiny doll without using stretch material, and I was using costume satin, so I just glued the bodice down once I'd done all I could with darts and alterations.
The skirt went through a few iterations, with different colors being layered in for the trumpet skirt including sheer mint green, sheer white chiffon, and different shades of pink satin. And yes, those were all fully sewn as I made the decision. 😭 Eventually I went with three tiers in the basic hot pink as the rest of the dress, figuring I would add the contrasting color pops with beading.
Oof, the beading. It was a lot of hand beading. Bedazzling? idk what to call it. All I know is that many hours were spent over a pile of rhinestones and beads with a wax pencil and some Liquid Fusion glue, listening to extremely long YouTube video essays as I worked. The more I added, the more I WANTED to add, and I decided not to pull punches.
I added some volume to the skirt with stiff tulle and a half-assed cage skirt made of armature wire. You can't see it, anyway - it's the EFFECT that matters. Speaking of things you can't see, she's just wearing some unembellished hot pink G1 Draculaura boots. 😂
The accessories, including the peppermints and the Here Comes Christmas Candy Cane, were all made with Apoxie sculpt, hand painted/detailed, and varnished. Perhaps my favorite little detail are her "acrylics," which I added using a technique I saw Hextian use in a video - you touch a dab of hot glue to the doll's finger, then pull it back slowly, and trim once dry. This creates a really fun effect of fake nails.
So yeah. This doll was a labor of love, and I'm so glad I didn't take any half-measures along the way. I'm very proud of her. Hope you like her!
One more note: YES I realize the irony of not having any SOCKS involved in an MLP Minty design. I really do regret this, and agonized over it a LOT. I considered making a “pajamas version” of this same doll so I could do a socks-themed outfit, before I realized the dress would need to be glued on. 
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dollsorwhatever · 2 years
Since the topic of glue seepage is coming up again I figured I would share my method, which is a combination of the Totally Awesome Soak and the Tea Tree Oil Method that I was using back in the day lol Keep in mind this method is a lot more labor intensive (and expensive because TTO is expensive) than most so it's likely not the best method for people who regularly collect Mattel dolls from that era or have large MH collections, but I do not frequently buy dolls with glue head so it works for me and I like the results so I thought I'd share lol TTO also has a risk of dissolving face paint (and will dissolve the scalp paint) so you have to be really careful with this method lol Another thing to note is that Oil can degrade certain plastics so there may be a risk of future damaged caused by the use of Tea Tree Oil on doll heads. This is a risk I'm willing to take, but it might not be for you, and there are better methods out there that cost less, have less required labor and are likely safer. While the TA method is definitely the best solution with the lowest amount of risk imo, I wanted to see if it would be possible to not just stabilize/harden the glue but completely dissolve it because I had worries about the glue eventually yellowing the scalp or interacting with the vinyl over time lol Tea Tree oil works well at dissolving liquified glue on the surface of the scalp, but it’s not very good at dissolving the thicker/harder (but still unstable) glue inside the head (and it’s hard to wash out) so i figured that an introduction of Totally Awesome into the mix would do something- and it does:
(Webarella after 1.5 weeks of treatment with no glue left inside her head, on any plugs or the inner surface of the scalp- with the exception of two tiny crumbs of hardened glue that rinsed out right after this lol) Another potential issue is that most glue-heads do not have knotted plugs inside the scalp, so there is an increased risk of the hair falling out once you dissolve the entirety of the glue- for this reason I recommend detangling your doll prior to glue removal so that you don’t have to do any hard pulling once you’re done de-gluing and ready to style! You can also re-glue the hair once you're done with a more reliable, non-leaky vinyl glue like E6000 or Liquid Fusion, that reroot artists typically use to secure plugs. I haven’t experienced any hair loss as a result of this (and I do a lot of shit to my dolls when I style their hair- tugging, flat ironing, washing etc) but I figured I would leave a warning lol  Tutorial below the cut!
Glue Melting Ritual (evil)
Things you’ll need for this dark ritual: -Tea Tree Essential Oil (preferably a large bottle)
-LA’s Totally Awesome household cleaner
-Two plastic syringes
-Shallow bowl
-Virgin sacrifice, optional Step 1- Remove doll head Step 2- Shampoo and rinse with hot water, from the faucet is fine
Step 3- Fill bowl with 50%  hot/scalding water and 50% Totally Awesome, keeping the water level below the doll’s face paint- just above the hairline is good Step 4- Lay dolls head upside down (neck hole facing up) into the bowl, making sure the water is not touching any face paint Step 5-
Shoot a quarter-syringe of tee tree oil directly into the dolls neck hole, rotating the nozzle inside to coat the entire inside scalp- BE CAREFUL, tee tree oil can melt face paint, this cannot touch the doll’s face.  Step 6-
Shoot Totally Awesome inside the neck hole until completely full- make sure you use two different syringes for TTO and TA so as to not contaminate the TTO and TA containers  Step 7- Place bowl somewhere safe, making sure not to jostle it around.
Step 8- Leave soaking for 24 hours, then rinse and scrub head with hot water and Dawn dish soap (you can leave it for longer but I like to redo it every 1-2 days), you’ll know it’s time to redo when the water is cloudy and full of dissolved glue Step 9- Fill head with water and shoot it into the sink until chunks of glue stop coming out- knocking the head (neck hole down) against your palm is good too Step 10- 
scrub and rinse with dish soap again to make sure the face is clean Repeat steps 1-10 until the head is completely squishy and there is no glue visible inside the head- it takes me about 1-1.5 weeks to completely de-glue a doll Step 11- Rinse and clean the inside of the head with dish soap and water, then scrub and shampoo hair and face until all glue and oil are gone (repeat 2-3 times each)
Note: do not stop scrubbing and rinsing the hair until the dish soap is able to form suds; if there are no suds, the glue and oil haven’t been broken down by the soap. Step 12- Condition and leave to dry- if the hair still feels oily or gluey once dry, repeat step 11 Step 13- Reattach head and style! Step 14- Thank the dark lord for your glue-free doll head, perhaps with an animal sacrifice under the full moon
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imreadydollparts · 2 years
I’ve heard a lot of complaints about a specific doll’s hair coming out in clumps and, being experienced with doll hair, I’ve been curious.
But I don’t WANT this doll, so I waited to sate that curiosity until she went on sale.
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She’s just not my style.
But that HAIR.
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Straight out of the package (which has an ungodly number of plastic tabs), her hair looked and felt horrible. A tangled, matted mess.
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And yes, hair did come out in alarmingly large clumps.
But, like I said, I’ve been at this for a WHILE and know that often doll hair doesn’t actually get rooted into the head (it’s just stuck in the hair that IS rooted), and that hair comes out the first time you comb or brush the hair. It’s usually not this much.
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Even with the loose hairs removed, her hair was unruly and I personally can’t tolerate that. The curls were not even or defined, or even all the same texture.
However, none of the hair that was rooted into her head came out UNTIL I was detangling and popped one plug when a bad tangle was stuck in my comb.
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She has the older locked loop method of rooting (like Blythe and 80′s/90′s Barbies) and if one loop comes out, there’s no longer an anchor for the others that were attached to it. More and more will come out the more the hair is handled.
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So, despite being boil dunked to help get her hair under control (it wasn’t enough... I hate hair that tangles more while you comb it), she lost another large amount of hair, this time from her scalp.
I did end up straightening and recurling her hair in a more manageable way, but that’s not relevant here.
So, if you want to make sure none of the scalp hair comes out, or is at least more difficult to take out, you need to take her head off. I like to use a mug, a small sandwich bag, and an electric kettle.
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The sandwich bag lets you heat the head without getting her hair wet.
When her head is hot and pliable, you yank and hope for the best.
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Unsurprisingly, a Bratz style neck knob. They’re not nearly as annoying as Barbie neck knobs.
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Next you need some waterproof glue.
You can 100% do this before even touching the hair for the first time as a precaution and on a doll with curly hair, I do recommend it. I wanted to see how Riviera’s hair behaved without any modifications since that’s how most parents or children would encounter this doll.
I like Aleene’s Fabric Fusion over Liquid Stitch because Fabric Fusion is a thicker gel and isn’t likely to wick up through the hair, ruining it. This is also why you want her hair to be dry. Dry hair doesn’t soak up glue through the strands as quickly or as far as wet hair would.
It also WILL cure and won’t become disgusting and ruin your doll or run down her hair or turn her face yellow like whatever Mattel put in G1 Monster High and Barbies from that time.
I did consider plugging in new hair to replace the hair she lost, but decided against it since she still has a ton of hair and I honestly don’t like her that much.
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I do have some small bottles of Fabric Fusion that I refill from the large bottle instead of trying to squeeze the big bottle in a doll’s head. The little bottle is easier for me to manage.
Anyway, stick the nozzle in her neck and give it a hardy but not excessive squeeze. You don’t need a ton of glue, just enough to coat the roots of the hair.
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Then I will put a cotton swab in there and mash the glue around to help spread it out. A big blob of glue in one spot does you little good.
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Then you wait. The glue needs some time to dry. Come back tomorrow, maybe.
I have a small air purifier with a fan that points straight up which is handy for this kind of thing.
Once it is dry I’ll put her head in a baggie in the mug of hot water again and put it back on her body since I didn’t find a suitable replacement body with legs in my stash.
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
Ea, Our Second Chance (14)
14. Reproduction of Haematophyta
(< 13. Species study: anatomy of Diplostomia > 15. Dissection of trepangfish)
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(full image)
« You already know that all the cells of your body, no matter how different they look, have all the same genes. Brain cells, liver cells, skin cells, muscle cells, they're all genetically identical. This is also true in Ean animals. But not in Ean plants! In fact, almost every red plant you see growing, from your backyard to the thickest jungle, is actually what scientists call a chimera: a mixture of two kinds of cells that have different genes, even though they might look the same under a microscope.
The body of a red plant is made of many different tissues: the outer rind, the inner pulp, the hydraulic vessels, and so on. Each tissue is made up of specialized types of cell. However, a flat cell of the rind might share all its genes with a very different-looking storage cell of the pulp, but not with an identical-looking flat cell right next to it! So the two kinds of cells with different genes, which are called gamotypes, are all mixed together, and they both take all the shapes that are necessary for the plant's life processes.
What's the point of having cells with two different gene sets, if each alone can do all jobs? Scientists think it's to make harder for germs to spread inside the plant's body. Cells of the two gamotypes mount slightly different defenses against invaders.
How is it possible for a red plant to reproduce, then? The tissues of the plant release special ciliate cells, called gametes, produced from both gamotypes, that meet and fuse in the plant's circulatory system. This is like sperm cells fertilizing an egg, except that the gametes look identical. If two gametes of the same gamotype fuse, the resulting cell dies and is digested. If the gametes are of two different gamotypes, than the resulting cell is a hybrid with genes from both gametes (the excess PNA is also digested). But this is not always the case.
Isn't God's creation marvelous? Hypotheses based on Fracturist ideas would predict that one gamotype would put all its energy into producing gametes, so that its genes are more represented in the propagules. This would force the other to produce vital tissues and throw away most of its fitness, or else to respond in kind, which would turn all plants in shapeless masses that do nothing but split. So it would be impossible for Ean plants to evolve complexity: at best, they could aspire to be red slime, just like their bacterial ancestors! Their example teaches us a beautiful lesson about humility and cooperation.
Hopefully many such fusions occur, but one is enough. The hybrid cell divides and forms a slimy mass that circulates freely in the plant (this is what parasol tree syrup is made of). When it reaches the reproductive organs of the plant, which are usually called bulbs, or simply the plant's surface if there's no such organ, then the mass comes to the surface. This is the new baby plant that comes out, in liquid form, from the parent. Usually it forms droplets or soft buds, each of which might break off and become a propagule.
The first red plants on land simply let their propagules drip to the ground or be washed down by rain, while their aquatic ancestors let them go into the water. Others, like the tallest candlesticks, make a kind of foam that the wind carries away. Many use animals for dispersal, making a kind of glue that sticks on their bodies as they pass through, like the beartrap plant, or as they feed on a sweet liquid part of the propagule that resembles nectar. Sometimes all the bulb is sweet and edible, like the "fruits" of the yellow nopal, which people eat as well (in the wild, kirikits break them off and leave propagules everywhere on their way back to the nest). Spongegrass sticks its propagules under the feet of animals that trample it. In some species, bulbs break open on their own (this is called dehiscence) to scatter propagules as far around as possible. For example, the bulbs of the sneezing tree burst when its root hairs feel motion nearby.
One way or the other, the propagules reach the right ground. There they release substances that attract other propagules produced by different plants of the same species. Since they are mostly liquid, the propagules can crawl on their own like amoebae or colloplasms (remember those? Look again at chapter 6 if you don't). When they finally meet, they mix their bodies. Whereas the sperm and egg cells of Earth's animals fuse and put their genes together before they grow into a new organism, the reproductive cells of red plants stick to each other without fusing, and form a chimera.
It's not always this way. Sometimes, three or four propagules meet and form a chimerical plant with three or four types of cells. Scientists once found a fan tree with at least nine kinds of cells in a very dense part of the Oshun Jungle. Sometimes, instead, a propagule founds no one to merge with, or finds only mates from the same parent, and grows into a plant by itself. This plant is non-chimerical, and all its cells have the same genes. Some species, like Jankowski's menorah tree, do this on purpose. Non-chimerical plants grow fast when there is plenty of room and light, but it's hard for them to defend against germs when they start crowding. More rarely, propagules from different species can meet. If they are closely related species, the chimerical plant can stil grow up healthy, but it almost never manages to reproduce because its gametes do not fuse well. »
– Green and Red: Introduction to Compared Biology for Primary Schools (11th edition), Ministry of Education, Olduvai, 299 AL
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This is precisely the sort of nonsense...
« This is precisely the sort of nonsense that, sooner or later, will prevent our nation (and I say "our nation", even as I write from my office in Karisoke) from remaining competitive with the others! Not to mention that it makes, excuse me, a fool out of the One, positing a broken creation that requires special interventions to function. Of course chimerical haematophytes fit God's flourishing as much as anything else; but do Green and Red's authors not believe that He could plan natural processes that lead to the desired outcome without this sort of clumsy tinkering? Do they think He is less skilled at His job than your average codeweaver?
I am a Umojan, and will be one to my rejoining, though my firm belief in the integrity of scientific inquiry has cost me my professorship and several quite cruel accusations of fracturism and apostasy. I would point out that I refused multiple offers of professorship from the New World Academy over their history of contempt for our shared faith.
First of all, it's simply not true that the two gamotypes of an individual are perfectly interchangeable. Often they bear mutations that allow them to specialize for different purposes, e.g. one gamotype might be better at sulfur metabolism and another at xylan synthesis. This means that multiple-gamotype organisms may thrive more than genetically homogeneous ones, at least in certain conditions – a special case of hybrid vigor, if you will. And their difference might be exploited for different conditions, for example developing more the sulfur-efficient gamotype when inorganic sulfur is scarce.
Secondly, runaway defection does, in fact, occur! It just does not stay viable enough! If a cheater mutant could leave all non-reproductive functions to its healthy companion over multiple generations, then yes, the mutation would spread very extensively and spell disaster for the chimerical organization. But it's not actually possible to make a whole functional plant out of a single gamotype, because the same signals that allow gametes to recognize each other also play a crucial role in development. On that regard, see Metharom's work on GTD-group genes.
A single-gamotype plant has fundamentally broken ontogenesis, and does, as the author mention, develop into a puddle of "red slime". But this radically reduces the fitness of the cheater as well, and therefore natural selection punishes the mutation and does not allow it to spread to the whole species. Exceptions such as Jankowskia occur when a rare mutation affects developmental triggers as well. Not to mention the explanation that the textbook itself provides, namely the increased vulnerability to disease!
Thirdly, a few sucessful defectors do exist. There are several known examples of secondarily unicellular haematophytes that crawl into others' bodies and inject their gametes or propagules into the host's lymphstream. The common scab-rust (Rubigella vulneraria) is an example. Hosts have immunitary defenses against such parasites; they do not pose a problem to chimerical organisms anymore than the existence of cancer poses a problem to genetically homogeneous organisms. The One does not need to put crutches on His work: He gets it right the first time.
I doubt this letter will actually reach the Epistle's kind readers, but whoever is reading right now, rafiki, brother, I beg you to meditate on these words! Has not the Prophet said, "He who seeks the One more warmly than he seeks truth shall find neither" (LJY, 23)? God's glory does not fear the truth, whatever it will be. »
– Ashoka Jansen, letter to the Olduvai Epistle, 303 AL; from the archives of the Office for the Promotion of Virtue
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firespirited · 2 years
quick notes for purchasing plastic glues outside the USA or hobby shops:
-plastic weld is known as solvent cement
-liquid fusion is urethane or polyurethane glue
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sleepytoycollection · 2 years
heyyy i was wondering if you had any tips for fixing scalp splits when rerooting? thank you!!
super glue, liquid fusion and just sewing the head back together are all methods I've used
liquid fusion dries flexible with is great for squishier vinyl, but you can't boil wash the hair after. Super glue will hold, but dries very hard and is better for harder vinyl. Sewing the head back together works well, but it's tricky to do and more time consuming
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dollsonmain · 1 year
Unfortunately for me, Dusty’s hairline split again while doing that demo. Liquid Fusion wasn’t enough to save her. She’ll have to have a wig or glued on hair forever.
Maybe she’d survive a tension reroot if I glue her back together. I’ll try it.
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candyhorse · 2 years
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@maleficentmrsofallevil was posting about what’s inside the g3 heads so I wanted to add my own findings from this reroot: no glue, which makes scraping everything out less gross but the melted ends of the hair are significantly harder to yank than glued-in hair. Ended up tearing the middle unfortunately so rooting the part will have to wait until I can get my hands on some liquid fusion.
Her blank face mold is very cute, the eyes are more strongly sculpted than I expected
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tanjirou-no-au · 2 years
BNHA Rewrite: 1B Names
Itsuka Kendo-Zanshin
Big Fist-Fists can increase in size, and are more resistant to damage. Body is reinforced to allow her to support it.
Neito Monoma-Phantom Thief
Copy-Five point contact temporary copy of four quirks, including active mutation quirks. Classed as transformation quirk
Setsuna Tokage-Splitzard
Split-Can split into fifty pieces and telekinetically move them.
Juzo Honenuki-Mudpit
Softening-Render any substance touched into a semi liquid
Yosetsu Awase-Weld
Fusion-Fuse any two objects together down to the molecular level, and undo if necessary.
Sen Kaibara-Spiral
Gyrate-Spin body ports 360 degrees at high speed.
Togaru Kamakiri-Slaying Mantis
Pincer-creation of pincer like protrusions along his body, which can restrain, capture, crush or sever.
Shihai Kuroiro-Shadedancer
Darkmeld-Sink into shade, shadows & black materials, allowing him to manipulate them as well.
Yui Kodai-Miss Measure
Resize-Alter the size of inanimate objects, and release to return to normal.
Nirengeki Shoda-Twin Hammer
Twin Impact-Impact a target, and upon vocal activation, remotely “detonate” a second impact of much greater force.
Kinoko Kimori-Shemage
Bisporus-secrete and manipulate mushroom spores, whose variety & growth speed she can control.
Ibara Shiozaki-Eden
Thorn Tress-Can manipulate and grow the vines in place of her hair.
Jurota Shishida-Gevaudan
Berserker-Grows in size, muscle mass, senses, and bestiality.
Kosei Tsuburaba-Xhale
Solid Air-Solidify air by exhaling and create constructs.
Pony Tsunotori-Rocket Rodeo
Rocket Horn-Detach, launch & control up to four horns as projectiles.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu-Real Steel
Turn body into a steel like substance. incredible capacity for heat.
Manga Fukidashi-Ideophone
Onomatopeia-Generate sound effects that materialize depicted ideas.
Kojiro Bondo-Cemedine
Cemedine-Secrete a glue like substance that can rapidly harden
Reiko Yanagi-Pontefract
Poltergeist-Telekinetically manipulate objects up to the mass the user could theoretically hold.
Hiryu Rin-Dragon Shroud / Long Weizi
Jadescale-Grow scales that can be used as projectiles, spines, armor, with its ultimate expression between a transformation into a bipedal half draconic humanoid.
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sramfact · 2 years
The paper, packaging & related products segment is expected to lead the liquid adhesives market during the forecast period. The growth of this segment can be attributed to the increased use of adhesives in a wide variety of paper bonding applications ranging from corrugated box construction and the lamination of printed sheets to packaging materials used in all types of consumer products and the production of large industrial tubes and cores. Increasing E-commerce has stimulated the growth of this industry.
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dollplanet1 · 2 months
DIY Doll Hairstyles Made Easy: Top Tips and Tricks for Impressive Looks
DIY Doll Hairstyles: Expert Tips and Tricks for Stunning Results
Customizing your fashion dolls can be a fun and rewarding hobby. One of the most enjoyable aspects of doll customization is creating easy doll hairstyles step by step. Whether you’re new to this hobby or a seasoned doll customizer, Doll Planet has everything you need to bring your creative visions to life.
In this article, we’ll explore various hairstyles for dolls. From nylon in various textures to Japanese saran, and from rerooting needles to specialty glues, you’ll find everything you need to customize your doll’s hair.
easy doll hairstyles step by step
Essential Tools and Supplies
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Before diving into the hairstyles, let’s go over the essential tools and supplies you’ll need:
What Are Rerooting Kits?
Rerooting kits are essential tools used by doll enthusiasts, particularly those who customize or restore dolls. These kits provide all the necessary components to replace or add new hair to a doll, allowing for a fresh look or repairs.
Key Components of a Rerooting Kit Needles and Hooks: Specialized needles and hooks are used to insert hair into the doll’s head. These come in various sizes depending on the doll’s scalp and the type of hair being used.
Hair Fiber: The hair used for rerooting can be synthetic or natural. Synthetic fibers are popular for their durability and variety of colors, while natural hair can offer a more realistic look.
Tool Handles: Handles for needles and hooks provide better control and comfort during the rerooting process.
Glue: Once the hair strands are inserted into the doll’s head, glue is used to secure them in place.
Scalp Cleaner: A solution to clean the doll’s head before starting the rerooting process, ensuring better adhesion of the new hair.
Scissors and Combs: For trimming and styling the new hair to achieve the desired look.
Instructions: Step-by-step guides are often included to help both beginners and experienced customizers with the rerooting process.
Nylon Hair
The most commonly used for its softness and easy styling abilities. Available in straight, crimped, curly, s-curl, and micro braids.
Japanese Saran Hair
A popular choice for doll hair due to its matte finish. Saran is a little waxy because the manufacturer adds an anti-static film to the fiber. This can be washed after rerooting to feel more natural.
Rerooting Needles
Essential for the rerooting process and available in 4 sizes. Size 7 is the smallest and is ideal for fine detail, lashes and very small heads like Topper Dawn. Size 5 is the most commonly used for most fashion dolls. Size 3 is for rerooting larger baby doll heads, large fashion doll heads, and for rerooting braids 1mm-1.5mm. Size 1 needles are quite large, but needed for 2mm-3mm braids and for larger fiber like yarn. All needle sizes are helpful to have on hand so that you have them when you need them. When rerooting with larger size 3 and size 1 needles make sure to prep the head with liquid fusion to strengthen the head to avoid splitting.
Specialty Glues
There are multiple glue options. Galaxy glue bonds well to all hair types, can be used to seal acrylic paint when prepping the doll head, and is easy to clean up since it is water based. Fabri-tac glue also works well for bonding to all fiber types, but is flammable. Harsher chemicals are required to clean up from using this product, like acetone or paint thinner. Tacky glue is perfect for making doll wigs. Liquid Fusion is a polyurethane material that bonds to make strengthening layers on doll heads to repair or prevent splits. Triple Thick is a glaze that creates beautiful depth when used over painted lips and eyes.
Apoxie Sculpt
For sculpting custom parts. This is an air dry clay that makes it super easy to create shapes and accessories for your one of a kind creations. This is available in several base colors to make it easier to cover in paint.
Liner Brushes and Gouache Acrylic Paints
For detailing and finishing touches. Liner brushes will create that super fine detail you need for doll scale faceups. Gouache is a brand that is incredibly smooth for those fine details you need on dolls.
Step-by-Step Guide to Easy Doll Hairstyles
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Creating easy hairstyles for dolls can be a fun process. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Straight and Sleek Hairstyle
Step 1: Select straight nylon or Japanese saran hair from Doll Planet.
Step 2: Use a rerooting tool to easily insert the hair to your doll’s head.
Step 3: Once rerooting is complete, use a small amount of specialty glue to secure the hair inside the head. Use a q-tip to move the glue around in the head to get ideal glue coverage. Let dry overnight. If it is still tacky, too much glue has been used and glue needs to be removed with a q-tip.
Step 4: start with a boil wash so that the hair volume is sleek. Trim the hair to your desired length and use a fine-tooth comb to style. Secure with gel or hairspray.
2. Cute Doll Hairstyles with Braids
Step 1: Choose a shade of micro-braid nylon hair.
Step 2: Pre-treat the head by placing it in boiling water for two minutes. If the head still has visible and/or sizable holes,use liquid fusion to cover the holes. It is also a good practice to apply 2–3 layers of Liquid Fusion glue to prep the head before rerooting with braids. You will be using larger needles and the plugs of braids are larger. Liquid Fusion prep will prevent the head from splitting.
Step 3: use a rerooting tool to insert into the head. Use a size 3 needle for 1mm-1.5mm braids. Size 1 needle for 2mm-3mm braids. Another method is using tacky glue, you can glue braids to the head.
Step 4: Boil wash the hair so it lays closer to the head.
Step 5: seal the hair in the head with glue using a q-tip.
3. Curly Ringlets
Step 1: Select larger curly nylon hair (10mm or bigger) for a bouncy look.
Step 2: Use a rerooting tool to insert the hair in the doll’s head.
Step 3: When completed , seal the hair with glue inside the head.
Step 4: Carefully separate a small section of curls and spray with a water bottle.gently comb out curls. Wrap the section around your finger in a ringlet shape. Carefully remove the finger and secure it with gel. Trim curl to desired length.
Tips and Tricks for Perfect Doll Hairstyles
Creating perfect hairstyles for dolls takes practice and patience. Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve the best results:
Preparation is Key: Ensure you have all your tools and supplies ready before starting. Doll Planet offers rerooting kits to help you get started.
Follow Tutorials: Check out the free tutorials on YouTube.DollPlanet.com to learn basic and advanced rerooting skills and techniques.
Join the Community: Engage with other customizers on the Facebook group “Doll Planet Re-rooters & Wig Makers”. Share your work, ask for advice, and get inspired by other creators.
Experiment with Textures: Try different types and textures for a variety of different looks.
Secure the Hair: Use specialty glues to ensure the hair stays in the head.
Exploring Advanced Hairstyles
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Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can experiment with more advanced hairstyles to do on a doll. Here are some ideas:
Part line: Experiment with changing the placement of the partline for a unique look.
Curling straight hair: use cut up straws or pipe cleaners as curlers to create a large variety of curl types.
Fantasy Hair: Combine and/or blend bright colors for your own unique look.
Creating beautiful hairstyles for dolls is a fulfilling way to showcase your creativity and customize your fashion dolls. With the right tools and supplies from Doll Planet, you can easily achieve stunning looks. Whether you’re creating easy cute doll hairstyles step by step or experimenting with advanced techniques, the resources and community support at Doll Planet will guide you every step of the way. Visit Doll Planet for all your doll customization needs and join the vibrant community of doll customizers.
1. How to make hairstyles for dolls?
Making hairstyles for dolls involves using rerooting kits and hair from specialty shops like Doll Planet. Start by selecting the type of hair you want, such as nylon or Japanese saran. Use rerooting needles to insert the hair to the doll’s head, secure it with specialty glue, and then style it using combs, water, and other tools.
2. How to do doll hairstyles?
To do doll hairstyles, select your desired hairstyle, such as braids, curls, or straight hair. Use appropriate hair from Doll Planet and follow step-by-step tutorials. Reroot the hair, trim it to the desired length, and use styling tools like combs, water, and small rubber bands to achieve the final look.
3. What is the best type of doll hair?
The best type of doll hair depends on the look you want to achieve. Nylon hair is durable and versatile, available in straight, curly, s-curl, braids and crimped textures. It is super soft and easy to curl. Japanese saran hair is more matte, ideal for creating sleek, natural looks or restoration. It does require gel or hairspray to hold curls in place. Both types are popular among doll customizers for their quality and range of options.
4. How to style My Generation doll hair?
Styling My Generation doll hair involves gentle handling and using the right tools. Start by detangling the hair with a fine tooth comb. Use small hair ties, water sprays, and styling products designed for dolls for intricate styles. You can create braids, ponytails, and other cute hairstyles by carefully sectioning the hair and securing each part.
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gfs-tanks · 5 months
Superior Corrosion Resistance Enamel Tanks are The Ideal Choice for Agricultural Water Storage
Superior Corrosion Resistance Enamel Tanks are The Ideal Choice for Agricultural Water Storage
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In the realm of agricultural water storage, the quality and durability of tanks play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient water management. Among the array of options available, enamel tanks stand out as a testament to superior corrosion resistance, offering a robust solution for farmers and agricultural enterprises.
As a leading storage tank manufacturer in China. Center Enamel can provide GFS Tanks, SS Tanks, Epoxy Coated Bolted Steel Tanks, Galvanized Tank, Aluminum Dome Roofs, Wastewater and Biogas Project Equipments for global customers.
Configuration of Customized Storage Tanks
Storage tanks
Design Requirements
GFS Tanks
SS Tanks
Fusion Bonded Epoxy Tanks
Galvanized Steel Tanks
ADR Roof
GFS Roof
Membrane Roof
FRP Roof
Trough Deck Roof
Wastewater Treatment Project
Drinking Water Project
Municipal Sewage Project
Biogas Project
Fire Water Storage Project
Oil Storage Project
Water Supply & Drainage System
Seismic Design
Wind Resistant Design
Lightning Protection Design
Tank Insulation Design
WasteWater Treatment Project Equipment Supply
Pretreatment Equipment
Resource Utilization System
Sludge Treatment System
Other Equipment
Mechanical Bar Screen
Solid-liquid Separator
Submersible Mixer
Gas Holder
Boiler System
Boost Fan
Biogas Generator
Torch System
Dehydration and Desulfurization Tank
PAM Integration Dosing Device
Screw Sludge Dewatering Machine
Slurry Separation Centrifuge
Sewage Pump
Mud Scraper
Submersible Sewage Pump
Three-phases Separator
Enamel tanks are assembled on-site from specialized enamel steel plates, hoops, self-locking bolts, sealing glue, and other components. The steel plate raw material utilizes titanium alloy-specialized enamel hot-rolled plates developed in collaboration with leading domestic iron and steel enterprises, and it is shaped using fast and low-consumption on-site assembly technology. After high-temperature enameling at 820°-930°, the enamel glaze fuses with the surface of the steel plate, forming a solid and chemically inert inorganic coating with outstanding corrosion resistance. The enamel process is currently an advanced coating and corrosion protection technology in the steel tank market.
Enamel tanks parameters
Coating Color
Black blue, Grey olive, Forest green, Cobalt blue, Desert tan etc.
Coating thickness
Acid and alkalinity proof
Standard PH: 3~11, Special PH:1~14
6.0 (Mohs)
Service life
≥30 Years
Holiday test
Gas liquid impermeable
Easy to clean
Smooth, glossy, inert, anti-adhesion
Corrosion resistance
Excellent, suitable for harsh environment
Enamel tanks Advantages
Unmatched Durability
Enamel tanks, also known as Glass-Fused-to-Steel (GFS) tanks, are crafted through a meticulous process that combines glass and steel, resulting in a product renowned for its durability. This fusion creates a non-porous surface that is resistant to corrosion, rust, and chemical reactions, making it ideal for storing various types of agricultural water, including irrigation water, rainwater harvesting, and livestock drinking water.
Longevity and Low Maintenance
One of the key advantages of enamel tanks is their longevity. Unlike traditional metal tanks that may succumb to rust and degradation over time, enamel tanks offer a prolonged lifespan, often exceeding decades with proper maintenance. This longevity translates to cost savings for agricultural operations, reducing the need for frequent replacements and repairs.
Moreover, enamel tanks require minimal maintenance compared to other tank materials. Their smooth, non-porous surface prevents the buildup of algae, bacteria, and other contaminants, reducing the frequency of cleaning and disinfection processes. This low maintenance requirement not only saves time and effort but also ensures the water stored remains clean and safe for agricultural use.
Environmental Sustainability
In today's environmentally conscious landscape, the sustainability of water storage solutions is a crucial consideration. Enamel tanks align with sustainability goals by promoting water conservation and reducing environmental impact. By efficiently storing water, farmers can optimize irrigation practices, minimize water wastage, and contribute to sustainable agriculture practices.
Additionally, the recyclability of steel components in enamel tanks further enhances their eco-friendly profile. At the end of their lifespan, enamel tanks can be recycled, reducing waste and supporting circular economy principles.
Versatility and Customization
Enamel tanks offer versatility in design and customization to meet the specific needs of agricultural applications. They are available in various sizes, capacities, and configurations, allowing farmers to choose the right tank size based on their water storage requirements. Whether for small-scale farming or large agricultural operations, enamel tanks provide a scalable solution.
Furthermore, enamel tanks can be equipped with additional features such as insulation for temperature control, agitators for mixing additives, and monitoring systems for water quality management. This customization ensures that farmers can tailor their water storage infrastructure to optimize agricultural processes.
Center Enamel is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise primarily engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of enamel-assembled tanks and diversified environmental protection equipment, as well as undertaking environmental protection EPC projects and anaerobic process segments. Throughout its project practices, the company continuously increases research and development efforts, gathers scientific and technical forces, and establishes a service system covering everything from research and development to after-sales, providing tailored solutions to customers quickly and with high quality.
The measurement standards for projects not only need to meet technical and quality requirements but also must shift towards overall standards of sustainability, quality improvement, energy efficiency, and carbon reduction. In response to market and policy changes, Center Enamel actively leverages its rich experience and research and development strength to empower innovative research and development technologies for enamel-assembled tanks, contributing to the smart manufacturing of diversified environmental protection equipment and environmental protection EPC projects. This aims to meet the diverse needs and project requirements of customers.
Currently, Center Enamel's business covers areas such as kitchen waste, leachate, municipal sewage, biogas projects, aquaculture wastewater, industrial wastewater, drinking water, and firefighting water. In the future, the company's research and development achievements will be further promoted and applied in more projects, striving to achieve a win-win situation for economic, environmental, and social benefits, driving the high-quality development of the environmental protection industry.
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dollsorwhatever · 2 years
hi!! do you have any tips for fixing scalp splits when rerooting doll hair?
Vinyl glue like Liquid Fusion is usually your best bet! @firespirited has several posts about repairing splits iirc
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wh-da-backup · 10 months
lyrics dump- grade 10 so far
Published: Apr 9, 2011
note: these are bits of lines and lyrics i jotted down from whenever my last lyric dump was until about late january (when i started a new songbook) they are in no particular order, chronological or otherwise.
the only thing surrounding me drink the water, it's a part of me immersed with my insanity my insulation from reality -----
we can still be salvaged from this life ----
you drink about music, you brew about leaves you jolt-jump-spark at your own ideas we're easy to talk to, and easy to please come live in my novel, i'm easy to read ----
you bound my arms in puppet strings and dressed me up and made me king and now i bleed imagining i could cut through the puppet strings ----
you'd be even more beautiful without that gun in your hand
you're my favorite waste of time ----
call me names and call me spit bury me in my dug pit oh pity me... pity me...
give me ears to lick and make me beautiful with dumb pinpricks oh pretty me... pretty me...
(and making me tear up my lips oh) ----
I write what I can't say and call it fiction I remember when I used to read sick to my empty/bleeding stomach cesspool genes caffiene dreams ----
the hourglass is filled with quicksand -----
it's cute that you think you'd be so easily replaced; quit calling me pretty, I'm more than a face ----
precious eyes in a beautiful face
stringent dark eyes in a fingernail face ----
I am not down to earth and/or water off in my head somewhere never get things done lazy own daughter
nuclear reactor guild sun fusion sun I'm (a) jaded Ray I'm (a) faded Ray ----
who is standing in the door... way... my heart is a table (my heart is a table) leg and you write on the table (write on the table) write me a new escape ----
eat your solids drink your liquids breathe your gases nothing matters ----
i got your postcard yesteryear the photo said wish you were here but sadly i am out of reach we'll meet again on pensive beach ----
so bombastic oh degrade me
why so shy in silent shell?
leave avec un violon ----
teacups are fragile this one's been pushed over the table's edge
you can hold the pieces together but they'll just fall apart when you remove your hands
and you did but you did the best you can -----
I'll shine in your smile like a firefly's ass
we'll breed the cutest maggots your mother ever saw ---
you feed my ego when i'm broken you're glue ---
I've been known for shooting mirrors no one wants to hold my fingers life is a price
you listen in and think i'm clever stitch the glass and see forever life is nice ----
I can't sleep in this ----
friend, i love you no more scars ----
leave me be I'm no forgever I will have these scars forever ---
this is not a riot, this is the norm. -----
he can read his own mind as you can't do we understand each others' too he wakes at night in violent screams at least he knows what it means to dream ----
all is fair now we're just friends
now we can't move cause we're still friends ----
been thinking about bullets hoping one will lodge
now my mind is blanking no wonder i haven't been shot ----
souls with whom i've shared a room in a house in some past life
it's always better late than never we all love each other now i'm figured out ----
afraid your arms aren't strong enough to crush the world before it crushes her she likes to dream in your ear unconditional listener she likes to hide from everything she wants to tell you all the sad things, things she almost
(things she always) ----
memory barricades everyone sees them your life is tacked up and you dream with your past around ----
to stroke the dreams of anyone dying and be happy for any two people in love ----
butterflies don't cause hurricanes it's the vibrations from knocking on unanswered doors
puzzles click and people feel don't thnk i've ever met such real- life eyes
the hourglass is filled with quicksand and my mouth with sandy lies -----
I like the time you said to me well don't you want it all? and what if overall it's not your fault ------
out of my mind and out of your mind too we talk all night and lips are last to rest we're like the rats i guess little feet and little hearts the music starts there's nothing talk can do -----
so hot and scary let's compare ea- -ch other's lies
be my fracture let's commit a crime -----
we were down not so long ago broken minds and starving egos
people in a world of creatures, humans, talk, and TV zombies
faster than a speeding taxi best and worst and most indifferent
I know you make all the difference
you and I can say anything true and breathing's all we have to do we can stay and dream for hours nothing has to move -----
you put her in the world, tell her it's wrong to see her breath, she'll stop breathing
you build a perfect world take her and put her in that dress mirror bleeding
(tell her she's no good if she can't fit into that dress mirror-reading)
thin as the paper they're printed on ashamed of their own flesh beauty is fleeting
flesh it what it is, plastic flaws and now you must confess-
she's not breathing -----
he's so shallow she's so callow yet their love is hallowed fools will follow -----
this boy will someday be a man this man was once a child ----
we put us down and say we're ugly we are in denial we are beautiful
and all the empty pages we'll write and turn the stages and they will fill with roses human, we are beautiful -----
I see the shadow we cast on a smile in the sky
I hear you drum again and there are major repercussions
you call yourself my ventillation (rusty ankles pay attention) i don't want to need you to breathe
I'll sing you an alibi
fall asleep and you'll forget me never did remember all your dreams
is there something you're not telling me?
those 13 days are my favorite lucid dream -----
you have CDs now I kept the cassettes mix tapes we made recording the radio remember when we recorded the radio? we always laughed at high school sweethearts secretly wishing we knew each other that young
new year denied me millenium kiss -----
light from all around my friends are ghosts who saved my soul and carry on to heaven whole -----
you'll improvise me a serenade ------
and in the days of gold they smiled and weaved their voices to caress the child
sing until the baby breaks
simple as syrup she's as good as drowned
it leaves a candy wake
drink water
gravity corrects ----
I think we're floating out to see we'll build a flag to save our sanity our love is paranoid and in a drowned world there are some things that only swimmers know the sea recedes and she will not grow old -----
should it be something i admire should it be something i resent it seems i'm only smiling when i'm smiling on your latest compliment
when i dress like a bruise ----
on a bridge where rivers meet so cold but not quite freezing the swimmers you and i won't join it seems to me this is a dream
and in the end it's all beneath i'd kiss your teeth and drag my feet and in the end is this the end everything's fair now we're just friends ----
no one's gonna take your records you can paint the walls any colour you like
know i'm never gonna leave you you can stay with me -----
voulez-vous, voulez-vous, you ask the questions but don't follow through
too few freckles under the wrong eye ----
your nickname reminds me of razors i'm sorry i've got a dark mind ----
she is the prettiest poison in apology glass bottles they'll break on your face as soon as you kiss one ----
and wait for the Aurora, borre Alice and as Aurora bore Alice she has been erased -----
we brought her home today she's got a deep voice and when she cries the floor shakes ----
you're so commercial there's industry in misery
you're clueless like me -----
my heart's feet under my mind is caught in my throat tread all the water I got I wish I could float
my heart's feet under my mind is caught in my throat tread all the water I got til the water... chokes
I don't expect a stranger to row up in a life boat don't expect a savior to show up with a raincoat do you expect the answer to show up at your door I don't ----
I've got you in a jar you should not have told me that I seem to like to tap on glass how long before you get tired of this? you'll only get all cut up again breaking out twist around the other way you'll tangle up your puppet strings cutting through the puppet strings -----
the transient
it was all a stupid dream I woke up with your jewelry on my throat -----
tugging on my strands of hair and thanks to you I'm stranded here ----
to see you as i do i wish that you could you're a little to rough on yourself, I believe if it isn't enough if your writing is "good" you can grow as an artist but fire won't breathe
it's life or death for your ideas a title that transcends the years you'll always mean a lot to me regardless of whether you're man of the century -----
he's got music in his head
I want you to be happy even if it means i'm left behind -----
the whole time I was thinking how she's so much more perfect than me with each other you can be yourselves I'm a skeptic- I warp reality
I hate my smile the two of yours spell perfect chemistry you figured out soon enough I'm not the replacement your heart thought I would be
no date no hurt I hope I'm not jealous, if I am it's only of your happiness no lies no secrets everyday in silence, my thoughts growing heavy in my pockets ------
don't mind me I'm only special ---
you cry yourself an ocean hoping it'll drown you I'm sick of playing coast guard to your soul -----
screw the rules, say whatever you want within the walls of the school ----
I saw the light I saw the light I saw the light it passed right through you are you wearing thin my friend?
I saw the guns they were shining in the sun you were born with an army in your hand have you sent them marching in my friend? off to distant lands... ----
my beauty only lies within the clouded eyes on my beholder beholder is no longer blinded I'm a dream you won't remember -----
not gonna kill myself over a bad day, used to be yours but it's your loss anyway -----
stitch-hearted smiles ------
ask me what I'm writing it's ruined and YOU'RE SITTING RIGHT THERE I get a new enemy every year and I make him promise not to care (well it never works) ----
planets in the sewers full of shaved-off hair that's gotta go somewhere -----
love seems to scare you- let's talk about death
like a river, will you take me? ----
I feel better for having spoken ----
you can suck my APATHY
do they speak in signals do the signals carry speech?
we're not broken up just changed
all I do is drink your voice
If I loved somebody I'd be important
my lungs aren't lungs they're a summed-up mess ------
(these are old cause i saved them for some reason)
what are these crystal spheres they fall like rain yeah fall like rain what is this sticky river raindrops fall and sting the spring
red the fissures cut like scizzors red the oil, yeah red black gold my soul the fissures cut like scizzors red the oil, uh red black gold my soul
tangle me in metal strings and string me up like in my dreams
I feel left out of my own conversations silence is an innovation rowing nowhere on a rubber stream
shot my twin brother, thought he was me
saw pavlov's dog chasing schrodinger's cat
I write all these songs 'bout a soul in denial neglected to mention that person was me
there will be other mud-spattered clothing
tournez la page en vie and rivers run avant de vous fermez un oeil
the road will be long the path will be varied some climb to the top and then others are carried
I'd tell my friends but then they would care cause of drama, sew-sight scare
we all need change to complain about
you'll take away my children to own and abuse them and make them your bitch you could turn me into a whore for my fame it aint gonna happen i already know your name
tenderly kiss the gangrene don't be ashamed of your sores rotting is only human
I can't stand this body knowing these are the arms you died in
it's a supernova
I relate to people fine if they're like me
fame is vivisection
the dogs start whining, I already fed you today (lay down) ------
you wear yourself well ----
I'm such a waste I take up space but if the space is in your heart then it's ok ----
he can't sing like an angel or scream like a rock star -----
the earth is pressed against my body she said, "I am electrifying, better out me in charge." ----
I'm ok with anything you want because I know you wouldn't want too much through voices taunting and picture eyes that haunt this is trust ----
your face is flushed, I'm turning read where love is dead the notes have bred you're right about the things you said you're hollow wings, a clouded head -----
she's sitting there painting her suicide portrait notes are for writers she thought to herself
she's been walking on flashlights ever since the coals ran out and she thought all the guitars were teeth to whom will she them all bequeath? ----
my heart is a brick ----
it's got an average mean meaning nothing means nothing means nobody means ----
forget the pages, take my dreams ---
I think that these novels have gone to your head let us be what we are, and not what you've read ------
used to think I was the best, I wasn't good enough I guess ----
loved ones strewn about the floor whoever are you waiting for? ----
speak in reply to conform to convention, speak out of turn and you'll catch my attention ----
I've been an enigma lately because you can't read your own handwriting ------
(this one is also from 9th grade)
you broke into my home passed out on the bed left dream marks on the pillow next to your intoxicated head oh no... won't you see this through?
you opened up your eyes scremaing locked and red slurred the words and asked me not to hear the stupid things you said oh no... won't you see this through? don't go... the sky of blackened blue ------
for a second there i believed in myself turns out you thought i was someone else -----
never gonna grow up always gonna lie never gonna be too pretty might as well die ------
you were only a dream but you were my favorite dream
fire's out
you realized I'm no replacement ------
like this guitar my walls have scars we've all got scars because of me -----
say things to me you needed someone to say to I just want someone I can say
one for change and one to keep it
been thinking about you got nothing better to do
you don't deserve these pictures I wish I could pray your nightmares gone
Unfinished Songs in my Songbook
jeans getting too tight on my legs feet getting too big for my shoes anger's getting too much for my skin to hold one of these days, gonna break lose
body's getting too frail for the grip (my addictions) ego's swelling to great for my skull (go on feed it) hair in my face too long to see anything one of these days, losing control --------
I'm sad, it's hereditary guess I got blue genes oh ha ha very funny it's got an average mean meaning nothing means nothings means
you're bad, this is necessary pass on your cesspool genes we'll smile on our offspring teach them the average mean meaning nobody means nobody means nothing means nothing means
I'm done with thinkin about old wars we'll breed the cutest maggots your mother ever saw
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