#liquid marijuana drink recipe
thecandywrites · 7 months
Monster March 2024- Day 3- Extra-Dimensional Being
Glass Cannon
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Or, more specifically, Night Action- Monster March Style. With a Jumper twist. Now, while the term Glass Cannon has it's own meaning, this is obviously, a twist on it. And, hopefully, once I finish Monster March. I can go back and finish this. I'm trying extra super hard to stay on track and post these, on time. So I'm doing my best to post at least a part 1 of all of these prompts.
As always, a huge thanks to @borealwrites for their amazing Monster March 2024 prompt list. Enjoy.
Monster March 2024 Day 3- Extra Dimensional Being  
Night Action Monster March Style
Glass Cannon
Teagan pulled into the driveway of her grandparents house and couldn’t help but cry fresh tears. She felt like she just wanted to jump into a black hole and disappear forever. But she also knew her family would jump in to save her, no matter how badly she felt she needed to disappear. 
Teagan felt like her life was in chaos. 
Her partner, fell in love with a client. And her partner and the client practically took her business and all of her customers right out from under her. With no more clients, she couldn’t afford to rent the space. And had to move all of her things out of there and into storage. Her savings dwindled when she tried to restart the business but failed because where she had moved to, while it was good she was unknown, she just couldn’t get a foothold. She lost the new space, and her apartment, all at the same time. So she was essentially homeless, jobless, out of money and out of options. 
Her parents had already been moved to an assisted living community because of dementia and other health issues. And so she couldn’t go to them. 
All of her siblings just didn’t have room in their homes, with their families that always felt like it was bursting at the seams already. She had already couch surfed her few remaining friends and now, the only place left to go, was her grandparents house. 
Her grandma Hyacinth, came out of the house and came to her driver’s side door and opened the door to reach in and hug her. 
“Oh honey, it’s ok. It’s ok. You’re here now. You’re safe and sound. Come on, let’s get you inside.” She urged as Teagan nodded into her grandma’s shoulders and unbuckled her seatbelt and came inside where they had made Teagan’s favorite dishes to give her as much comfort as possible as Teagan sunk down into the dining room chair and while she didn’t feel that hungry before, now that she was sitting here, she realized she hadn’t eaten anything of real sustenance in weeks as Hyacinth scooped big portions onto Teagan’s plate as Teagan began to cry less and less with every bite she took. 
Her grandpa Jude had gone and gotten some help from a neighbor kid to start unpacking Teagan’s car of her things to move her into the guest bedroom. 
“Thank you Grandpa.” Teagan said between mouthfuls. 
“You’re welcome Sweetheart. You just go ahead and keep on eating. Sport and I got this.” He waived off as the young kid seemed to be like 12 or 13. Teagan had known the kid to shovel driveways and mow lawns for the neighbors for the last couple of years and Teagan could only hope he was charging enough to do such things. 
“I just…I just don’t know where to start.” Teagan finally confessed to her grandma. 
“Start fresh. That’s all you can do. Tomorrow will be a new day. And the important thing is, is that you’re safe here. You can rest here. You need to rest and give yourself time to adjust and once you’ve recovered and settled, then you can focus on where you can go from here. Your grandpa and I still have a bit of money in savings. It’s not enough to reset you completely. But it’s enough to buy a seed or two to plant and grow.” She reassured her granddaughter. 
“Here, have a drink. I got a new recipe, I want you to tell me what you think.” She offered as she inched the glass closer to her granddaughter. 
Teagan picked it up and took a sip. 
“Is this…is this a liquid marijuana?” Teagan asked as she could distinctly taste the midori melon liqueur. 
“I like to call it a Lady Green, sounds more sophisticated. I still have a firm no drugs policy, even in name.” Hyacinth waved off in a teasing tone as Teagan snorted a laugh into her drink before she drank more. This was one of her favorite drinks too. Sweet and fruity and lethal as far as alcohol content. Her grandparents were a bit eccentric, but adorable and lovable all the same as Hyacinth giggled with her granddaughter. 
“Have you gone to see Mom?” Teagan asked.
“Yes, she thought I was an old neighbor of hers. Poor thing, quite out of her mind.” She shook her head. 
“Yeah, she had no idea who I was when I saw her either. And Dad, his knee replacement surgery didn’t go as well as he hoped and he isn’t healing like he should. He's practically wheelchair bound now. I’m really worried about him.” Teagan admitted. 
“Me too. But, the important thing is that they are where they will receive the best care and help and support right where they are.” Hyacinth reassured her before her phone rang and she answered it. 
“Hi Hi.” She answered it once she got up and then went to a counter where her tablet was. 
“Yes of course, I’m going to send you the address and the code ok?” She offered before she went and seemed to do a few taps on her tablet before looking back up and away as she listened to who was on the phone. 
“Did you get it?” She asked and smiled and nodded. 
“Good. Have the day you deserve.” She offered before she hung up. 
“Another AirBnB reservation?” Teagan asked. 
“Yes. They come in all the time, both day and night.” She excused as she returned to the table with her. 
“But it’s how we afford to live here and take care of your parents when the facility can’t cover everything.” She sighed. 
“Once you get settled, I’ll take you around to all of them and let you have your pick of whichever one you want though. It’s the least we can do. But it will just take a while for that to happen. You just need to be patient.” Hyacinth offered before Jude got the last of the items and paid “Sport” for the help before Sport happily pocketed the money and bid them goodbye and to call him if they needed help with anything else before Jude came in and sat on the other side of Teagan at the table. 
“Glad to have you home Sweetpea.” He cooed as he hugged her from the side and kissed the crown of her head. 
“Thank you for taking me in.” Teagan offered. 
“Oh don’t say it like you’re some poor orphan. You’re family. You stay as long as you want and as long as you need to- to get your feet back underneath you. You’ve been through enough hell as it is. We don’t need to add to it. We know how much you love your independence and self sufficiency and the blows to your pride to just come to us and ask, have been too big and too tough if you ask me. Just sit back and let us take care of you for a bit. You’re not being a leech or anything. Everyone falls on tough times. This is just yours hitting all at once.” Grandpa Jude comforted and reassured her as he rubbed circles into her back. 
Teagan happily wrapped each arm around each of them on either side of her and hugged them. 
“Thank you.” She thanked them. 
“You’re welcome. Now eat up. You’ve lost too much weight as it is.” Hyacinth insisted once she dumped another spoonful of stuffing onto Teagan’s plate while Grandpa Jude gave her another scoop of gravy for her mashed potatoes. 
It took a while to get used to all the calls that they got, as it seemed like they were getting at least several an hour, as they would get a call and then need to make a few more with each one. Teagan wondered if her grandparents must have had dozens of places that they rented out. But couldn’t find it in her heart to be upset about it. It would hopefully just be that many more options for her moving forward. But she was not about to complain. She had a lot of aunts and uncles that were more or less “adopted” and the family was always going here or there and doing this or that. But her grandparents seemed to be home base and a touchstone for everyone else and how they kept it all straight was beyond Teagan’s understanding. 
After a few more days of this, Teagan seemed to acclimate and began to anticipate the calls and would hand her grandparent’s their tablets or their phones- only moments before their phones would ring as they would be around the house, doing various things and pause to direct the cleaning service they hired to clean the AirBnB’s after each guest would stay as Teagan was just happy to rest, help with meals and cleaning up to let her grandparents continue to “do business”. As it was clear that it was booming for them. Which, she could be happy for them. But also knew, it was a lot of work too and didn’t envy them. But Teagan rather liked all the distractions from what she was dealing with. She still remembered how her grandma liked her tea, how her grandpa liked his coffee and other little things like that. She was happy to play “caregiver” to them, even though they didn’t need that much “care” in that sense. Just the occasional reminder to eat and drink every so often and bring chargers to charge their ever ringing phones and tablets as they would move around their home throughout the day.
“You know Teagan, maybe we ought to train you on how to manage all of this. Your grandma and I might want to really, fully retire someday. And it would be nice to leave this business to a family member who would be able to manage it and make it grow. It’s like you have a sixth sense about it.” Grandpa Jude began as Hyacinth paused to give Jude a meaningful look. 
“I wouldn’t wish the constant phone ringing on anyone in the family.” Hyacinth gently contested. 
“Besides, we already have buyers cued up for our business. Who have been getting their feet wet and are gaining a lot of experience in handling this. I think if Teagan can wait it out for a little while, we can just give her, her share of the sale with everyone else. And really let her build something for herself. And not just continue this never ending cycle. These are supposed to be our golden years Jude. I feel like my mother when she was a phone cable girl, always patching calls through. Being a hub to receive requests and directing them to their final destinations.” She offered with a tired sigh as she tried to get back to her knitting from her last set of phone calls and at least remember to drink her tea while it was still warm. 
“Not that I don’t think you can do it. I just think you can do something more noble and worthy of your time than just managing this tangle.” Hyacinth reassured Teagan. 
“Yeah, I’ll be honest. It’s not my cup of tea. I like my peace and quiet and solitude.” Teagan offered with a polite smile as she lounged on their sofa and read a book as Hyacinth gave Jude an ‘I told you so’ look as Jude rolled his eyes before other calls came in that took their attention once again. 
However, that night, Teagan awoke and frowned when the house was deathly quiet. The phone calls had ceased and when she checked her phone. It was showing something similar to a blue screen of death. No signal, no wifi, nothing. Which was extremely odd. She tried to turn on the light, but the power was out. Which would explain the unsettling quietness. Nothing was on. Not even the clocks on the walls ticked. Something was wrong. Grossly so. Every hair on Teagan’s body stood on end as impending doom grew like a boulder in her gut. And suddenly, she got the sensation that so many people were jumping just outside the home and closing in. Like a pack of wolves. 
Teagan got up and went through the darkened house, and peeked into her grandparent’s room, to see it was empty. Bed wasn’t even disturbed. And just as she was about to go to the bathroom, she heard her grandparents frantically whispering downstairs. 
“We should have moved Teagan yesterday!” Jude harshly whispered as he racked some loads into his shotgun. 
“I thought we had more time!” Hyacinth defended as she was pulling her decorative cookie jars down and pulling weapons and ammo from them and tossing things over to Jude who was at the table loading their ever growing arsenal as Hyacinth seemed to pull more and more weapons that were hidden all around their kitchen! Teagan stared wide eyed and slack jawed. The most dangerous thing her grandparents had ever handled before was a chef knife. Where did all of this come from?
“We need to jump her.” Jude insisted. 
“Except that they will use that to track her that much faster. She can’t jump on her own. We can use our rabbit hole in the closet to get her out of here. Send her to the Fluers.” Hyacinth said. 
“She’s already so delicate, this would break her if we did that.” Jude argued. 
“Then we’ll make her Bullet Proof. I’ll go wake her.” Hyacinth decided before she went to get to the stairs to see Teagan already on the middle landing. 
“Oh good! You’re up. Put this on.” Hyacinth urged her as she brought her to the kitchen and put a backpack on her as Jude was writing something down. 
“What’s going on? Why do you guys have so many weapons? Are we about to get raided or something? Do I need to jump out of here?” Teagan asked.
“No, don’t jump!” Hyacinth sharply urged her. 
“We are going to put you into the closet. The closet is going to portal you somewhere safe, when you get there, get on a phone and call this number and say these exact words in this exact order. And then give them this message. Do not jump and portal back here! Do you hear and understand me, Teagan?” Jude asked once he put the paper into her hands and then held her face in his weathered hands. 
“Yes Sir.” Teagan nodded as tears soon glassed her own eyes. 
“Good girl.” Jude offered with tears glazing his eyes as he kissed her forehead and then left to get something. 
“And do not use your own jumping and portaling abilities once you are through. Because if you do, another jumper will jump through your portal to where you just portaled from. And once they get your portal signature, they’ll be able to track you and hunt you down. Do not, under any circumstances jump to true friends or anyone in the family because the people that are outside and closing in on us, will kill everyone in the family. Even your baby nieces and nephews. You can’t lead this danger to them. Got it?” Hyacinth urged her as she fitted the backpack to her granddaughter. 
“What the hell is going on?” Teagan asked. 
“We don’t have time to tell you. We only have time to save you. Don’t worry about us ok? We’ve been through worse. When this is all over, go to the Fluers. Tell them you’re a consigliere. They’ll give you- your true inheritance. But that’s only after this danger is gone. And you are truly safe ok?” Hyacinth urged her. 
“We love you.” Jude offered before he came up and injected something into her neck as she whimpered and hissed in pain before Hyacinth injected her with something else in the other side of her neck as she looked hurt and betrayed at her grandmother who could only give her an apologetic smile. 
“Go, go now!” They urged as they both shoved her into the closet and suddenly the closet floor vanished and she was suddenly falling and all around her was a blur of light and color as a glass tube seemed to encapsulate her and protect her from around her before suddenly it stopped, but only for a moment, just as she was about to leave the tube, it went again and by the second time it stopped, she tried to get out again, only for the tube to lock and send her again, this time the colors all around her moving in all manner of directions that made her so dizzy. She felt like she was in a roller coaster as her body’s center of gravity seemed to move and switch around before it finally stopped and the tube shattered all around her as she put her arms above her head to keep the glass from scratching her head. As she expected to feel the glass shards cut her hands. But thankfully they just slid off of her like snow. As that was odd. Now, all around her feet was just a ring of snow. 
But that roller coaster of a ride had made her sick but she wanted to throw up. But she couldn’t. She needed to get to a phone. She opened what felt like a closet door to find another house around her as she quickly grabbed the phone to call the number. 
“Yes, go ahead.” She heard a male voice answer on the other side. 
“Hi, Hi, Night Action! Jade. Soap. Ivy. Dove.” She read off the first line that her grandfather had written down. 
“Thank you. Is this Pheonix or Raine?” He asked. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. What is going on? Who is this? Who did I call?” Tatum cried as she heard him take a measured breath. 
“What was the name of your primary school?” He asked.
“What primary school? I went to school in the US. Is that like an elementary school or something?” Teagan replied. 
“Ma’am. You’ve called the wrong number. I have to keep this line free.” He tried to dismiss. 
“No! Don’t hang up! My grandparents told me to call you. Jude and Hyacinth Smithenson. My grandparents are in trouble. They portaled me to…I don’t know where, they gave me this paper and told me to say “ Hi, Hi! Night Action!” and then ‘Jade, soap, ivy, dove and to tell you that “the hub is compromised, infiltrated and ambushed and that the hub is being flushed”. But you have to help them! Someone cut the power to their house. And the house is being surrounded and they’re probably after me too! I felt it. At least a few dozen people jumped all around my grandparents house. It was like a pack of wolves!” She exclaimed as she read the rest of the message. 
“The hub was compromised? infiltrated? And ambushed?!” He repeated, in shock. 
“Yes! You have to send someone to help them! They wrote down that they were flushing it though? What does that mean?” She asked before she heard him repeat what she had just told him. 
“What’s happening?” She asked before she heard him tell whoever else he was talking to- the address of her grandparent’s place. 
“What’s your name?” The guy on the other side of the call asked. 
“Teagan, Teagan Smitherson. I’m their granddaughter.” She answered before he seemed to whisper something under his breath that, if she had to guess, sounded like an ‘oh shit’. 
“Teagan. I’m Payton. The phone that you’re calling from, does it have a pie symbol on it, like the  square root of pie?” He asked before she pulled it away and looked at it. 
“Yes.” She confirmed. 
“Press that key. And the phone will tell me where you are so I can send you the right help.” He instructed before she did. But only a few seconds later, she felt a tingle and someone jumped to the middle of the street as she saw the rifle across their chest.  
“Shit, what kind of signal did I just set off? Someone just jumped outside the house!” She asked. 
“What?!” He exclaimed before he started barking off all kinds of codes and orders on the other side. 
“Teagan, I’m just now getting the signal here. Is the place you’re in- have either a basement or an upstairs?” He asked. 
“Both. I think.” She answered. 
“Ok, what you’re going to do is open the door to the basement and then run upstairs. But stay low and try not to get seen. 
“It’s gonna be hard with this backpack on my back.” She offered. 
“Then take the backpack off and throw it into the basement before you go upstairs. Chances are, they’re tracking whatever is in the backpack.” Payton directed her before she did as he told her and opened the pantry, then the bathroom before finally finding the door to the basement and tossed it down the stairs before she quickly and quietly closed the doors and then crouched and went towards the stairs. 
“Ok, the backpack is in the basement, I’m headed up the stairs. Now what?” She asked. 
“Get to any room with a locking door. Lock it and then leave it closed but not inside the room itself. But it’s going to give you time for help to come. Get to the farthest bedroom. Do not lock that door, but hide in the closet.” He instructed her before she heard the other jumper break into the house next door and then, the gun that they had, was being fired. 
“They’ve followed me here, they’re going to the other houses and they’re shooting the neighbors!” She whispered in a whimper from the closet before she heard guns go off form all the houses all around her. 
“They’re shooting all the neighbors! All around me! More jumped after me!” There’s a whole group of them!” She breathed before the door got kicked in downstairs. 
“Shit! They’re here! They’re inside! They’re gonna find me! But Grandma told me not to jump.” She shuddered as tears streaked down her face. 
“Yes, don’t jump. They will follow you. Don’t jump. We just need to get to you first. But for now, be quiet, be as quiet as you can be. But if they get to you first, fight, fight for your life and fight like hell until we can get to you ok?” He tried to coach her before the intruders came up the stairs. 
“You still with me Teagan?” He asked, but all he heard was shuddering breath. 
“Press the pound sign if you can’t talk.” He told her before she did. 
“It’s gonna be ok. Help is only seconds away. I have an entire team coming for you. And they will be in the house in only a second.” He tried to say before she felt the tingle and then suddenly all around her, a whole group jumped into every room of the house and suddenly all the guns were going off before she was in another glass box, this one, not moving but bullets were bouncing off of it. She was essentially a goldfish and in fishbowl. She could see and hear but not escape. She felt so helpless as she heard the barrage of gunfire all around her but was helpless to either help or escape. 
Then, once again, silence before the glass vanished. 
“Teagan? Teagan Smitherson?” She heard her name. 
“Someone is calling my name.” She breathed into the phone. 
“That’s Commander Juno. You can answer her, you’re safe.” He told her as he breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Juno?” Teagan finally answered before the closet door was opened. 
“Hi Teagan. I’m Juno Bexly. Payton sent me here to get you. You’re safe now.” Juno offered as she offered Teagan her hand to help her to her feet. 
“You’re safe now Teagan. That’s Commander Juno. She’s a badass. She’ll take great care of you from here on out ok? You did great. I’m so proud of you. You’re gonna be ok.” Payton offered. 
“Thank you Payton. Thank you for helping me.” Teagan tearfully offered. 
“You’re welcome. Happy to help. I’m gonna hang up now ok? I’m gonna check up on your grandparents.  You’ll be ok.” Payton urged. 
“Yes, please, thank you. Goodbye.” She answered before she hung up the phone. 
“Is the backpack still in the basement?” Teagan asked Juno. 
“No, they got it before we could get here. Half of them jumped out the moment we jumped in. Half of my team is jumping after them and hunting them down. We killed all the others.” She offered as Teagan watched as the dead bodies were tagged and then jumped to somewhere else.
“What about the neighbors?” Teagan tearfully asked. 
“They’re all dead, aren’t they?” Teagan asked before Juno nodded. 
“All for me? All for…a backpack?! What the fuck was in that thing?” Teagan asked before Juno enveloped her into a hug. 
“I don’t know. But backpacks can be replaced. You can’t.” Juno tried to offer. 
“But what about Granny and Papa? Are they still alive?” Teagan asked. 
“I don’t know. I haven’t heard.” Juno offered. 
“But for now, let’s just get you somewhere safe ok?” Come on, I’m gonna jump us back to base.
“Wait, where am I?” She asked. 
“We’re in a suburb of Nashville Tennessee.” She answered. 
“But…But I jumped from Oregon.” Teagan offered. 
“Actually you jumped a hundred and eleven times around the world. Which is why we had such a hard time tracking you and finding you. But now, we’re about to jump to Washington D.C.” Juno informed her before they stepped onto a jump pad. But Juno jumped. Teagan was simply left to stand there. 
“Oh shit. Boss, we have a problem. Miss Smitherson can’t jump.” Someone reported. 
“That’s ridiculous.” Juno answered before she jumped back and tried to jump again. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Juno barked at the others. 
“I don’t know.” They offered before they tried to give Teagan a body tag and the body tag itself jumped, but not her. 
“General Jordan, we have a problem. We can not get the target to jump.” Juno reported into a radio on her shoulder. 
“Try every dimensional jump we can.” General Jordan offered before Teagan was moved from pad to pad as they were all set up around the house. But with no success. 
“What the everloving fuck?” Juno growled. 
“This is not your fault Teagan. This is not your fault. I just have never had any being not be able to jump before.” Juno quickly reassured her. 
“When my grandma sent me, she put me in a glass tube.” Teagan volunteered. 
“And right before you came, another glass tube came around me.” Teagan added. 
“Gods damn it.” Juno hissed in realization. 
“Hey General Jordan. I think have to Glass Cannon her.” Juno informed her superior. 
“Glass Cannon?” Teagan repeated. 
“Glass Cannons is a very, very specific form of jumping. It takes glass from the mirror realm to encase the subject in a bullet proof, perfect case, The only time the glass cannon shatters is when it delivers the payload to a final destination. That’s how you survived 111 jumps with no harm to your being whatsoever, most can’t do more than 20 without getting violently ill.” Juno explained. 
“When I jumped here, the glass shattered. I expected it to cut me.” Teagan answered.
“Where? Where did it jump you here?” Juno asked before Teagan led them to the downstairs closet and the moment they opened the closet, it looked like there was a heap of snow on the floor of the closet before everyone else took a huge step back as Juno pulled Teagan away and behind her.   
“Oh shit. This isn’t normal glass. This is….this is snow glass. It’s the most specialized glass there is. When it breaks, it falls like snow. But it acts like fiberglass to everyone else. Only the most precious world leaders jump and portal in snow glass. Who put you into this?” Juno realized. 
“My grandparents, Hyacinth…” Teagan began. 
“And Jude Smitherson, also known as Raine’s Pheonix, orchestrators of the Central Hub.” Juno finished as she seemed to look at Teagan with more appreciation. 
“Excuse me?” Teagan asked. 
“They are very important people. I’ve never met a family member of theirs. Ok. If Raine’s Pheonix saw fit to send you in snow glass. We’ll…find a way to send you back to safety in snow glass.” Juno offered. 
“I need a snow glass sent here. Target is leaded out.” Juno directed into her communicator on her shoulder. 
“Leaded out?” Teagan asked. 
“It’s a thing for your protection. Your grandparents made it so that no one can jump you without snow glass. And no one can get that and we have to get all kinds of special permissions to even get one.” Juno admitted. 
“Captain, we have a problem. The target is leaded out. And can only be portaled through a snow glass cannon. The only way to bring her in is either we need to get one, or bring her back physically. I will need an envoy.” Juno reported. 
“Now that the target is secured. We need to secure the payload. I need your team to continue to track it.” General Joradan instructed. 
“I can take her back Sir.” Juno offered. 
“No, I need you to lead your team to secure the payload.” General Jordan contested. 
“I’ll go. It’s the least I can do for Raine’s Pheonix.” Payton offered from beside the General who had come into Headquarters once alerted that Raine’s Pheonix and the central hub had fallen. 
“Ok, go.” General Jordan insisted before Payton vanished into a shadow and came out of a second one on the other side as Juno nearly jumped out of her skin. But Teagan had turned her head towards the darkness seconds before Payton got out of it. 
“I hate it when you do that Blackwater.” Juno complained. 
“Sorry. Miss Smithenson.” He offered to Teagan. 
“You’re Payton. From the phone.” Teagan recognized his voice. 
“Yes. I understand that you’re leaded out. Practically bullet proof.” Payton began as Teagan blinked in surprise. 
“That’s what she meant.” Teagan whispered. 
“That’s what who meant?” Payton asked. 
“My grandmother, before she put me in that snow glass cannon. She said she would make me bulletproof.” Teagan repeated as she reached up to rub her neck where her grandmother had injected her. 
“Did she say anything else?” Payton asked. 
“It’s um, it’s just all fuzzy and then a blurr.” Teagan offered. 
“Well, it’s been a rough night. You should be getting some sleep. I’ll get you somewhere safe, away from all of this.” Payton offered as he gestured the shot to smithereens house. 
“Thank you.” Teagan nodded. 
“Do you trust Payton?” Teagan murmured to Juno as she was reluctant to let go of Juno’s arm. 
“Oh yeah. You’re in great hands. Think of me as a first responder and he’s a whole damn Emergency Room, if not- the whole ass hospital. He will protect you with his life. He has some real power behind him, I only have my team. I’m gonna hunt the bastards down and give those caught in the crossfire tonight, justice.” Juno nodded.
“Well, teamwork makes the dream work right?” Teagan reminded her. 
“Of course. Besides, with just you and him, you’ll be able to move to the D.C. Headquarters a lot easier and quicker than me and my team could get you there. One woman being protected by 6 armed body guards in a three SUV caravan is gonna turn some heads. But just the two of you traveling alone are gonna look like a couple on a road trip. No one is gonna give you and him a second thought or glance. You’ll practically be invisible to the average set of eyes. Plus Payton practically sets the standard for asset care. But when I’m done hunting, I’ll come back and check up on you ok?” Juno offered. 
“Ok. Thank you Juno. Good luck.” Teagan offered as she gave Juno another hug. 
“You’ll be ok. You’re in safe hands.” Juno reassured Teagan. 
“Here, since you had to throw off your backpack to throw your scent off. Take this ok? It’s practically a standard issue asset bug out bag. Chances are, that backpack was just a bug out bag. This is another one. It’ll get you by until you can get to home base, ok? You’ll be ok. Don’t be afraid to take and use everything in it ok? Think of this as a gift, one that you never have to pay back ok? Your grandparents most likely sent you with a bug out bag and you had to dump yours to throw off your scent. This is just a replacement,, ok?” Juno offered before she handed Teagan a duffle bag that was handed to her from another teammate. 
“Thanks.” Teagan offered as she took it from her and tried not to fall over when she felt like the bag weighed half as much as she did. 
“Come on, we should get out of here.” Payton invited before he escorted her out of there and into a vehicle parked in the driveway before Teagan got in the passenger side and just stared, rather blankly at her hands with the duffle bag between her feet as Payton began to drive out of there before a series of clean up vans came driving into the cul de sac as Teagan recognized the name of the cleaners. 
“The Wright Clean.” Teagan scoffed when she recognized it. That’s what they were really doing. They were probably always cleaning this kind of thing up. 
But now, how big was this mess that she found herself in now? And how far would go?
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getbudslegalize · 2 days
How to Make Cannabis Infused Sugar: A Complete Guide 
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How to Make Cannabis Infused Sugar: A Complete Guide For The Sweet-Toothed
If you're looking for an easy and versatile way to add some THC to your cooking, cannabis sugar could be the answer. Cannabis sugar is sugar that has been infused with cannabis oil, which contains the psychoactive compound THC. The bottom line, it will get you high, pampering you with the euphoric and relaxing effects of cannabis. Why Cannabis Sugar? Cannabis infused sugar is a great option for people who want to consume cannabis discreetly, without smoking or vaping. It is also a convenient way to dose your cannabis, as you can measure the amount of sugar you use and adjust it according to your preference and tolerance. Canna sugar can also enhance the flavor of your food and drinks, adding a subtle herbal note that complements many dishes.
How Much Marijuana Flower Should I Use For My Sugar Recipe?
The amount of flower you need to depends on how potent you want your sugar to be and how much THC is in your flower. A general rule of thumb is to use one gram of marijuana flower per cup of sugar. However, you can adjust this ratio depending on your desired strength. What Type of Sugar Is Best to Use? The best kind of sugar to use is granulated sugar because it has a large surface area and can absorb THC oil well. You can also use other types of sugar, such as brown sugar, powdered sugar, coconut sugar, or raw cane sugar, but they might have different textures and flavors that could affect the final product.
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How to Make Cannabis Infused Sugar Step-by-Step
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Making cannabis infused sugar is a super easy process that involves decarboxylating your cannabis, infusing it with high-proof alcohol, and then mixing it with sugar.To make infused sugar, you will need:- 1 cup of granulated sugar - 1/4 cup of cannabis flower - A baking sheet - A grinder - An oven - A glass jar with a lidHere are the steps you need to follow:1. Preheat your oven to 240°F (115°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.2. Grind your cannabis flower using a grinder or scissors and spread it evenly on the prepared baking sheet.3. Bake the cannabis for 30 to 40 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it turns golden brown. This step is called decarboxylation, which activates the THC and other cannabinoids in the plant.4. Transfer the decarboxylated cannabis to a glass jar and pour enough alcohol over it to cover it completely. You can use any high-proof alcohol, such as Everclear or vodka, but make sure it is at least 80% alcohol by volume (ABV).5. Seal the jar tightly and shake it well. Then place it in a dark and cool place for at least two weeks, shaking it once a day. This step is called infusion, which extracts the THC and other compounds from the plant into the alcohol.6. After two weeks, strain the alcohol tincture through a cheesecloth or coffee filter into another glass jar. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the cannabis material.7. In a small saucepan over low heat, gently simmer the alcohol until it reduces by half. Be careful not to boil it or expose it to an open flame, as alcohol is flammable.8. In a large bowl, combine the reduced alcohol with your sugar of choice and stir well until the sugar dissolves completely.9. Spread the canna sugar on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and let it dry completely.10. Compliments! Your precious sugar is now ready! Store it in an airtight container in a location away from direct sunlight, humidity, and heat. This will help preserve its potency and freshness for up to 6 months.
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How Do You Use Canna Sugar?
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You can use cannabis-infused sugar as you would use regular sugar but with some extra benefits. You can add it to your coffee, tea, smoothies, lemonade, cocktails, or any other drink you like.You can also sprinkle it on your oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, pancakes, waffles, or any other breakfast you enjoy. You can also bake with it or use it to make candy, jam, frosting, or any other sweet treat you crave. How To Dose It Safely? The dosage of THC sugar depends on several factors, such as your weight, metabolism, tolerance, and desired effects. It also depends on the potency of your THC oil or tincture and how much sugar you use.A general rule of thumb is to start low and go slow. Begin with a small amount of THC sugar, such as half a teaspoon or one teaspoon, and see how you feel after an hour or two. If you don't feel any effects or if you want stronger effects, you can gradually increase your dose until you find your sweet spot.You should also be aware that THC sugar may take longer to kick in than other forms of THC, such as oils or gummies because it has to go through your digestive system first. However, it may also last longer in your system because it is released slowly into your bloodstream.As always, consult with your doctor before using THC if you have any medical conditions or take any medications that may interact with THC.
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What Are The Benefits of Using Cannabis-Infused Sugar?
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Some of the benefits of cannabis sugar are:- It is water-soluble, which means it can be easily mixed with any drink that needs sugar. - It has a sweet taste, which can mask the earthy flavor of cannabis that some people dislike. - It can provide the same psychoactive effects as other cannabis edibles, depending on the potency and dosage of the THC sugar. - It can be infused with other herbs and spices to create unique flavor profiles for different recipes. - It can be difficult to dose accurately, especially if the THC content of the cannabis strain is unknown or variable. - It can have a delayed onset of effects, which can take up to two hours to kick in, depending on the metabolism and tolerance of the user. - It can have a longer duration of effects, which can last up to eight hours or more, depending on the amount and potency of the THC sugar consumed. - It can have adverse side effects, such as anxiety, paranoia, dry mouth, red eyes, increased heart rate, or impaired coordination, especially if taken in excess or by inexperienced users. Final Thought We hope this blog post has answered some of your questions about how to make THC infused sugar.Remember, weed sugar should be used with caution and moderation and only by adults who are aware of the risks and benefits of consuming cannabis. It should also be stored in a secure, labeled container away from children and pets who may accidentally ingest it.If you have any other questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us on our social networks. We'd love to hear from you!
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FAQs Is cannabis infused sugar safe? Yes, THC sugar is generally safe for most people, as long as you use high-quality ingredients and follow the instructions carefully.However, some people may experience some side effects from THC or sugar consumption, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, low blood pressure, or increased blood sugar levels.If you experience any adverse reactions from THC sugar, stop using it immediately and seek medical attention if necessary. What are the benefits and side effects of using THC? THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, responsible for the euphoric, relaxing, and appetite-stimulating effects of the plant. THC can also have some therapeutic benefits, such as reducing pain, nausea, and inflammation.However, THC also has some potential side effects, such as impairing memory, cognition, and coordination, increasing anxiety and paranoia, and triggering psychosis in some individuals.Therefore, THC use should be carefully weighed against its benefits and risks, and done under the guidance of a medical professional if possible. Can I infuse the sugar with CBD? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound derived from hemp or cannabis plants that has many potential health benefits. However, it is not legal in all states or countries, and it may interact with some medications or medical conditions.Therefore, before attempting to infuse sugar with CBD, you should consult your doctor and check the local laws and regulations regarding CBD use.One possible method to do it is to use CBD oil, which is a liquid extract that contains CBD and other cannabinoids. You will need a saucepan, a glass jar, a spoon, a baking sheet, parchment paper, sugar, and CBD oil. Here are the steps to follow:- Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. - Measure out the amount of sugar you want to infuse and spread it evenly on the prepared baking sheet. - Drizzle the CBD oil over the sugar and stir well with a spoon until the sugar is coated with the oil. - Bake the sugar in the oven for about an hour, stirring every 15 minutes to ensure an even distribution of the oil. - Transfer the sugar to a glass jar and let it cool completely before using or storing it. - You can use the infused sugar as a sweetener for your tea, coffee, baked goods, or any other recipe that calls for sugar.However, be aware that the CBD content and potency may vary depending on the type and quality of the oil you use, as well as the amount of sugar you infuse.You should start with a small dose and adjust accordingly based on your personal preference and tolerance. Read the full article
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rootslosangeles · 1 year
Beyond Brownies: Exploring the Variety of Edibles in Los Angeles
The traditional classic brownie typically comes to mind when you think about cannabis edibles. However, cannabis-infused treats have come a long way since the days of simple baked desserts. There are a wide variety of unique and tasty edibles in Los Angeles. Here are a few to keep in mind.
Beverages Beverages are one of the fastest-growing types of cannabis-infused edibles. There are several types on the market, including sparkling water, lemonade, tea, and more. One famous brand is Cann, providing THC and CBD drinks in unique flavors like Blood Orange Cardamom and Lemon Lavender.
Chocolates Who doesn’t love a decadent chocolate bar? Cannabis-infused chocolate bars come in various flavors and potencies. Kiva is a familiar brand in Los Angeles dispensaries, providing flavors like Espresso and Tangerine.
The brand Defonce creates artisanal chocolate bars in classic recipes like Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt. Either way, you’re sure to find a decadent treat you enjoy.
Gummies THC-infused gummies are one of the most popular types of edibles in the market. They are easy to dose, portable, and come in delicious flavors. They aren’t as demanding as a full brownie or dessert, making them great for a quick pick-me-up.
There are countless brands available, but a few to keep in mind include Kiva, Froot, and WYLD.
Mints Are you seeking a discreet and practical way to enjoy cannabis? Look no further than infused mints. Brands like Mr. Moxey’s and Breez offer THC and CBD-infused mints in flavors like peppermint and ginger. They’re perfect for when you’re out and about and an exceptional alternative to smoking or vaping.
Savory Snacks Did you know there are THC and CBD-infused savory options? Although many people associate edibles with sugary desserts, brands like Lord Jones and Kushy Punch offer beef jerky. Other brands like Pantry and Mellows create delicious cannabis-infused popcorn.
These snacks are excellent options for those who prefer salty over sweet or if you’re looking for variety in your edible game.
Tinctures Tinctures may not come to mind when you think of edibles, but they are a popular method for consuming marijuana orally. The liquid extracts are usually applied under the tongue, creating a fast-acting and discreet tool to medicate.
Popular brands like Papa & Barkley and Care By Design offer a range of tinctures in different strengths and flavors. Many tinctures can last you a month or more, depending on your tolerance and usage.
Find the Best Edibles in Los Angeles Today! If you’re looking for the best selection of cannabis edibles in your area, look no further than Roots LA! Our dispensary offers a wide variety of delicious cannabis-infused edibles from popular brands like Kiva, Plus, and Defonce. From chocolates and gummies to mints and beverages, we have something for every taste and preference.
At Roots LA, we pride ourselves on offering a welcoming, supportive environment for all our customers.
So why wait? Come visit us in person at 11045 Sherman Way, Sun Valley, CA, 91352, or contact us to learn more about our menu and services. 
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cookingrecipeguide · 2 years
Liquid Marijuana Shot.mp4 from Cooking Recipe Guide on Vimeo.
If you would like to drink sweet and fruity drink recipe, then Liquid Marijuanas shot is an excellent one to have. It is easy to make in your home bar. Just you need all the ingredients for it. It will make a few minutes to make.
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dmtvapepen · 2 years
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DMT Cartridges: Do They Contain Components of Ayahuasca?
dmt vape pen double blind While it’s also found in ayahuasca (which, in said form, lasts a few hours), drinking ayahuasca or smoking powder from a pipe isn’t the only way to experience DMT. It can also be mixed into e-liquid (a.k.a. “vape juice”) and inhaled using common vaporizers. These vapes require no alterations for those who want to use them for DMT, according to various online forums for DMT enthusiasts, who recommend using the DMT e-liquid with vapes like the SMOK AL85 (which retails for $50 USD). Pre-loaded DMT vape pens can also be found online for as little as $280 for a package of five cartridges.
And while the intensity of the experience is dose-dependent, vaping DMT can cause similarly intense hallucinations as consuming it in more traditional ways.
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How Does a DMT Vape Compare to a Cannabis Vape?
As with cannabis, vaping DMT has its benefits, like convenience, ease of use, and a degree of control over how big of a hit you can take. But also, as with cannabis, the question remains: Is vaping safe when it comes to DMT?
There’s plenty of reason to be concerned about the health effects of inhaling DMT-infused e-liquid in light of the new, deadly lung disease that’s been tied to vaping.
Since August of 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported 60 confirmed deaths and another 2,668 hospitalizations in America due to EVALI (which stands for e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury).
EVALI causes severe lung infections in otherwise healthy individuals. Health experts have found that vaping cannabis and/or tobacco e-liquid is a common thread among patients with EVALI. Since making that discovery, researchers have begun analyzing the chemicals used to produce cannabis and tobacco e-liquid, but they haven’t given the same attention to the potential health risks of vaping other substances, like DMT.
Research on DMT Vape Pen Effects
“I don’t know of any research on DMT vape pens,” Thomas Anderson, research director of the Psychedelic Studies Research Program at the University of Toronto, tells DoubleBlind. “As far as I know, there is zero research on that topic. As such, honest scientists could not authoritatively comment on whether DMT vape pens are especially safe or dangerous or anywhere in between.”
Read: Rick Strassman on DMT and the Mystical State
While there is no hard evidence on this issue, there are reasons to be wary of inhaling DMT-infused vape juice. The CDC notes that cannabis vape pens purchased through “informal sources” (including the black market) “are linked to most EVALI cases and play a major role in the outbreak.” Those findings suggest that cannabis consumers could drastically reduce the risk of developing EVALI if they stick to using regulated vaping products purchased through licensed sources in states that have legalized marijuana. By sticking to regulated products, consumers can rest assured that what they are vaping does not contain vitamin E acetate, a cutting agent that has been strongly linked to cases of EVALI.
But that solution won’t work for anyone using DMT, which is still prohibited throughout America and most of the world, so there are no regulated devices or licensed retailers for DMT vape pens. Without regulation, consumers cannot be 100 percent certain that DMT vape juice acquired from an informal source is free of vitamin E acetate or other harmful additives.
Without regulation, consumers cannot be 100 percent certain that DMT vape juice acquired from an informal source is free of vitamin E acetate or other harmful additives.
The only way for a consumer to know what is in their DMT vape juice is if they make it themselves. There are plenty of recipes for DMT e-liquid available online, including ones that use propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), which are key ingredients found in JUUL pods. Neither PG or VG has been connected to EVALI (though one recent study suggests that vaping either chemical can cause lung inflammation over time).
Health & Legal Considerations of Using A  dmt vape pen double blind
Of course, since there are no scientific studies on the short-term or long-term effects of inhaling DMT vape juice, there’s no way of knowing what sorts of health benefits or risks it could present to consumers. And even if DMT e-liquid is benign, vaping it nevertheless puts consumers at risk of suffering legal ramifications. As long as federal law enforces DMT prohibition with the threat of imprisonment, no method of smoking or vaping it can be considered completely safe. Each person has to make this decision for themselves, calculating whether the therapeutic benefits outweigh the potential mystery of what’s really inside the pen and the need to conceal use from family and friends.
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johnystar021 · 2 years
Marijuana Advances of the 21st Century
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In 2012 six-year-old Jayden David, who suffers from Dravet's Syndrome, was given liquefied cannabis drops and for the first time since he was four months old, went an entire day without a seizure. At one point, Jayden was prescribed 22 anti-seizure pills a day, and while they controlled the seizures, the pills left him immobilized due to the side effects. But a non-psychoactive form of marijuana that does not get him high, has now allowed him to run and play like other kids. Jayden and millions of people around the world, who suffer from a variety of ailments, benefit from the medicinal qualities of high cannabinoid or high CBD marijuana strains.
Cannabinoids are the main chemicals in marijuana.
In recent years, various research and experiments have resulted in production of high CBD marijuana strains and in a large percent of these strains, THC is non-existent. But it doesn't take research to know that inhaling any kind of smoke into your lungs is bad for your health. Because of this, new ways to administer medical marijuana are being invented so the patient no longer has to smoke to medicate. Cannabinoids can be so beneficial; the human brain has two built-in cannabinoid receptors, which regulate certain body functions. These are just some of the advances in the research and study of high CBD medical marijuana in the 21st century. Can you order marijuana from California online dispensaries.
Cannabinoids are the main medicinal ingredient in marijuana. While THC is the main psychoactive ingredient, cannabinoids are known to have anti-psychotic properties, which counter the effects of THC. With this in mind, production labs are now growing strains of marijuana that contain a high concentration of CBD's. Some of these strains have CBD concentrations as high as 20%, which allow people living with illness to benefit from medical marijuana without the high associated with THC. Up until recently, a big concern for some, was the fact that in order to use medical marijuana, an individual had to get high as a side effect.
That made many question the intentions of a so-called medical marijuana patient.
Does he or she really have an ailment or do they just want to get high? With high CBD strains, getting high is no longer a factor while medicating with marijuana. Therefore these strains will make it safe for everyone, from small kids to elderly adults, to medicate without concern of any intoxicating effects. The development of high CBD marijuana should continue to help completely remove the stigma from its medical use.
There was a time when if a patient wanted to use medical marijuana, not only did they have to get high, they had to smoke it. Smoking anything involves inhaling harmful chemicals into your lungs that were released as the medium burned. Today there are numerous ways of administering and self-dosing medical marijuana.
They range from vaporizing, cooking, and drinks, to oral sprays and tinctures.
Vaporizing involves heating marijuana to a point where it produces a vapor, then inhaling the vapor into the lungs. For smokers, vaporizing is the non-smoked method most often recommended as an alternative to smoking because vaporization releases about 5 compounds, whereas smoking marijuana releases about 111 different compounds. Cooking with medical marijuana involves heating marijuana and butter. The butter traps the chemicals and is then used in any dish of the patient's choice. Various drinks can also be made with the butter or some can be bought already made.
Tonics and tinctures are made when marijuana is soaked in an alcohol solution, transferring the cannabinoids to the liquid. The tincture can then be rubbed on skin, taken by drops or sprayed into the mouth and put into foods and drink recipes as well. Medical marijuana also comes in the forms of ready-made candy and various other sweets, all of the high CBD form. Still, as with any type of medication, the attractively packaged items should be kept out of reach of children.
Cannabinoids in medical marijuana have the same effect as the cannabinoids that already occur in every person. The human body naturally produces cannabinoids similar to those of marijuana on its own. Researchers at Brown University have shown that the brain produces anandamide, which is a pain suppressing cannabinoid. This naturally produced chemical affects the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors of the human nervous and immune systems respectively. These cannabinoids regulate physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.
They also regulate sleep patterns and act as natural inflammatory agents.
CBD's from medicinal marijuana have been recognized for their ability to act as antioxidants in the brain. German researchers have found that cannabinoids are capable of not only cleansing damaged brain cells, but also triggering the production of new brain cells. This has led to high CBD marijuana being researched as a treatment for concussions in professional athletes. With the added CBD's from medicinal marijuana, patients can be treated for a variety of other ailments and conditions. The marijuana could be prescribed for anything from simple appetite loss to pain caused multiple sclerosis; because a lot of times, the ones produced by the body are not enough.
Since the days of Reefer Madness, the study and research along with negative views of marijuana have come a long way. Science is giving us a clearer understanding of what is in it and how we can utilize those ingredients to benefit and treat ailments of the afflicted. As I've shown you, medical marijuana no longer has to be smoked. More importantly, high CBD marijuana will not get a patient high, at all. The fact that the human body makes and uses its own cannabinoids anyway, should be an eye opener to the medical field.
Marijuana as a medicine is as or more effective than almost any prescribed drug on earth and research is proving that it is so much safer. With the high from THC being negated in high CBD marijuana, and new ways of medicating without smoking; there is no longer a reason for selfish organizations to keep something with the potential to be so beneficial, from those who would clearly benefit from it.
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cannabutter0 · 2 years
The Right Way To Make Cannabutter: Cannabis Butter For Beginners
If you want to try brand-new methods to incorporate cannabis into your body, try cannabutter. It is one of one of the most ingenious methods of making use of weed. The trend of weed intake is expanding with each passing day. People are ending up being a lot more likely towards hemp and also associated products. The boost in the recognized medical benefits of the cannabis plant likewise urges individuals to take it up. As a result, countries across the globe are additionally attempting to legislate weed usage. It won't be long before it becomes extra lawful and conventional. You can locate it in the form of a number of items. These consist of drinks, pre-rolls, gummies, oils, as well as various other edibles. You can additionally buy weed online legitimately from marijuana shops. Meantime, you can discover just how to pass a medicine test for weed on the web. Weed butter is utilized in several cuisines. Most cannabis brownies, cupcakes, and also other edibles include weed butter. In some areas, people additionally include butter in their drinks, such as tea or coffee. For that reason you can include the weed butter in your early morning coffee or evening tea. Furthermore, you can use it to produce numerous mouthwatering recipes.
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Whether you are cooking a medium-rare steak or having pancakes, weed butter will never disappoint you. It will certainly offer you with the primitive butter structure and also taste you look for, together with a durable comforting effect. You might be wondering whether weed combines with particular fatty substances. Both these substances have a various consistency. Mixing them may appear an unusual concept. Nevertheless, that is not quite the instance. The components present in the weed have certain fatty substances. Fats do not blend with liquids such as water and also some alcohol. The reason is that fats are hydrophobic, which in layperson's language implies water-hating. Approaching the Process Making weed butter is an immediate process, and it does not require a certain set of skills and knowledge prior to making it. You do not need to have some additional info or insights concerning the composition of cannabis as well as butter to obtain optimal outcomes. It is feasible to make the cannabis butter in the house and store it for more use in your diet. All you have to have is persistence and a capability to taste quality butter, which will certainly help you generate one of the most tasty weed butter see here beurre de marrakech. There are numerous action in the entire treatment. You need to stay eager while doing every one to make sure that the cannabis butter has the preference and also impact you look for.
The following are actions you can follow to make weed butter: Acquiring the Ingredients Just like waging any other food preparation undertaking, you need to gather around the active ingredients you require to develop this instilled butter. Once you obtain them, you will have an overview to adhere to for making quality marijuana butter by using the most effective weed stress. A lot of these products are already present in your home. Therefore, this instilled butter dish will be convenient for you. The following action after decarboxylation is making cannabutter. This is one of the most vital step you should comply with accurately and without effort to make quality weed butter. The most effective thing is that most components are readily available in your cooking area. The complying with are some of the primary components you require to make these cannabis edibles: The cannabis flower stress you make use of for making cannabis butter will figure out the top quality of homemade edibles you derive from it. You must make use of top quality stress. Each cannabis flower has a distinctive taste, as well as the firms give a range of options with various tastes. Therefore you can cut the ones that match your palate. These tastes are most likely to show in the resulting butter. Consequently, whatever homemade edibles you pick to generate from this butter will certainly have the exact same preference.
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charlnrick-blog · 4 years
Benefits of CBD
In 2012 six-year-old Jayden David, who suffers from Dravet's Syndrome, was given liquefied cannabis drops and for the first time since he was four months old, went an entire day without a seizure. At one point, Jayden was prescribed 22 anti-seizure pills a day, and while they controlled the seizures, the pills left him immobilized due to the side effects. But a non-psychoactive form of marijuana that does not get him high, has now allowed him to run and play like other kids. Jayden and millions of people around the world, who suffer from a variety of ailments, benefit from the medicinal qualities of high cannabinoid or high CBD marijuana strains. Cannabinoids are the main chemicals in marijuana. In recent years, various research and experiments have resulted in production of high CBD marijuana strains and in a large percent of these strains, THC is non-existent. But it doesn't take research to know that inhaling any kind of smoke into your lungs is bad for your health. Any and all benefits of CBD?    Because of this, new ways to administer medical marijuana are being invented so the patient no longer has to smoke to medicate. Cannabinoids can be so beneficial; the human brain has two built-in cannabinoid receptors, which regulate certain body functions. These are just some of the advances in the research and study of high CBD medical marijuana in the 21st century.
Cannabinoids are the main medicinal ingredient in marijuana. While THC is the main psychoactive ingredient, cannabinoids are known to have anti-psychotic properties, which counter the effects of THC. With this in mind, production labs are now growing strains of marijuana that contain a high concentration of CBD's. Some of these strains have CBD concentrations as high as 20%, which allow people living with illness to benefit from medical marijuana without the high associated with THC. Up until recently, a big concern for some, was the fact that in order to use medical marijuana, an individual had to get high as a side effect. That made many question the intentions of a so-called medical marijuana patient. Does he or she really have an ailment or do they just want to get high? With high CBD strains, getting high is no longer a factor while medicating with marijuana. Therefore these strains will make it safe for everyone, from small kids to elderly adults, to medicate without concern of any intoxicating effects. The development of high CBD marijuana should continue to help completely remove the stigma from its medical use.
There was a time when if a patient wanted to use medical marijuana, not only did they have to get high, they had to smoke it. Smoking anything involves inhaling harmful chemicals into your lungs that were released as the medium burned. Today there are numerous ways of administering and self-dosing medical marijuana. They range from vaporizing, cooking, and drinks, to oral sprays and tinctures. Vaporizing involves heating marijuana to a point where it produces a vapor, then inhaling the vapor into the lungs. For smokers, vaporizing is the non-smoked method most often recommended as an alternative to smoking because vaporization releases about 5 compounds, whereas smoking marijuana releases about 111 different compounds. Cooking with medical marijuana involves heating marijuana and butter. The butter traps the chemicals and is then used in any dish of the patient's choice. Various drinks can also be made with the butter or some can be bought already made. Tonics and tinctures are made when marijuana is soaked in an alcohol solution, transferring the cannabinoids to the liquid. The tincture can then be rubbed on skin, taken by drops or sprayed into the mouth and put into foods and drink recipes as well. Medical marijuana also comes in the forms of ready-made candy and various other sweets, all of the high CBD form. Still, as with any type of medication, the attractively packaged items should be kept out of reach of children.
Cannabinoids in medical marijuana have the same effect as the cannabinoids that already occur in every person. The human body naturally produces cannabinoids similar to those of marijuana on its own. Researchers at Brown University have shown that the brain produces anandamide, which is a pain suppressing cannabinoid. This naturally produced chemical affects the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors of the human nervous and immune systems respectively. These cannabinoids regulate physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory. They also regulate sleep patterns and act as natural inflammatory agents. CBD's from medicinal marijuana have been recognized for their ability to act as antioxidants in the brain. German researchers have found that cannabinoids are capable of not only cleansing damaged brain cells, but also triggering the production of new brain cells. This has led to high CBD marijuana being researched as a treatment for concussions in professional athletes. With the added CBD's from medicinal marijuana, patients can be treated for a variety of other ailments and conditions. The marijuana could be prescribed for anything from simple appetite loss to pain caused multiple sclerosis; because a lot of times, the ones produced by the body are not enough.
Since the days of Reefer Madness, the study and research along with negative views of marijuana have come a long way. Science is giving us a clearer understanding of what is in it and how we can utilize those ingredients to benefit and treat ailments of the afflicted. As I've shown you, medical marijuana no longer has to be smoked. More importantly, high CBD marijuana will not get a patient high, at all. The fact that the human body makes and uses its own cannabinoids anyway, should be an eye opener to the medical field. Marijuana as a medicine is as or more effective than almost any prescribed drug on earth and research is proving that it is so much safer. With the high from THC being negated in high CBD marijuana, and new ways of medicating without smoking; there is no longer a reason for selfish organizations to keep something with the potential to be so beneficial, from those who would clearly benefit from it.
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xpresswebmarketing · 4 years
Understanding and Making the Most of the Recipe
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Have you ever looked up a recipe online and finished up purchasing $70 worth of ingredients to allow it to be all? It is so popular that these days using the millions of recipes that can be found online today. However some dishes, like a noodle sauce, do have 30 or more ingredients, so this does not always need to be true. If there is a single thing I've learned in my career, it really is that more is not always preferable.
I always tell my students never to take the very first recipe that you find and run with this. With the ease of searching on the internet, you should locate 4-5 recipes to equal dish and then take a second to browse through them in order to locate the usual denominators. If you're on the lookout for a hummus recipe and everyone has chick peas, tahini, garlic and lemon, you then also can guess that you're most likely the primary ingredients you want to be sure to really have. By finding these same base ingredients, so you are going to be able to create your own variation of the recipe without even stepping too far off bottom. Below are 3 different ingredient lists to make hummus with the common ingredients highlighted.
Following comes the cooking process. Perhaps not everyone has a vita mix or perhaps even a Ninja blender, and that is fine! I never fail to try to ensure that I possess the apparatus and a different means to cook up the dish as a way to create a related item. If you're earning a noodle soup along with the recipe maintains to combine the roasted cubes of butternut squash, then take a move . Yes, a butternutsquash will prepare faster if you roast and dice it until you puree in a blender with the liquid.
But slicing it half and roasting the skin side up will help you save you in the long run as the procedure for peeling and dicing a hard skillet such as butternut is laborious and difficult. Once roasting the halved butternut until tender, then you can scoop it with a spoon along with an immersion blender will get the exact same, if better, final product.
Pairing Inch
Melt the butter in a big pot, and cook the onion, celery, lettuce, celery, and skillet 5 minutes, or till lightly browned. Pour enough of the chicken stock to pay for veggies. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer 40 minutes, or until all veggies are tender.
Move the soup into a blender, and mix till smooth. Return to marijuana, also blend at any residual inventory to attain desired consistency. Season with pepper and salt.
Recipe 2
Soften the butter in a soup kettle over medium heat, then add the onion, salt, and pepper, and cook for 10 minutes, then before the onions are still soft.
Insert the roasted butternut squash cubes and cinnamon, and simmer for 2 minutes, then until the cinnamon smells fragrant.
Add the stock, bring the liquid to a boil over high heat, then lower to a simmer. Cook for 2 minutes at a simmer.
Puree the soup, either either using an immersion blender, or by massaging the soup slightly and mixing into a blender (you will probably need to get this done at batches).
Taste the soup, and see if it needs more seasoning.
Drink is, or with a spoonful of thick cream plus a couple pumpkin seeds, if desired.
Recipe 3
Combine salt and curry powder; set a side.
Rinse lentils; set aside.
Heat butter in a sizable sauce pan over medium heat.
Insert curry mixture; stir fry till fragrant, about 1 second.
Add garlic, onion, and ginger; cook until translucent, about 4 minutes.
Include skillet; prepare until only starting to soften, about five minutes.
Add stock and water. Bring to a boil; reduce to a simmer.
Cook until squash is tender, about 10 minutes.
Stir in legumes; prepare until soft, 10 to 15 minutes.
Today that you have assembled your own simplified recipe and know exactly how you're getting method the ingredients, then next includes the seasoning match. If you know that you simply want 1 teaspoon of salt on your recipe, that does not signify you are likely to hold back until the limit to quantify your own salt and put in it directly before you are eaten. The purpose of salt is to enhance the tastes of your food of course, when used properly, then you can bring out the tastes of each ingredient individually to produce a balance of tastes that are vibrant.
If you are after a recipe, then your own best guideline is to gently season with pepper and salt every time you add a second component into the pot or pan. By doing so you're pulling moisture from just about every fixing and letting the heat to evaporate the water, in turn emphasizing your flavors more and longer. This trick alone will help you to generate a depth of flavor which may shock your pallet. Let us try it inside this farro recipe.
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answerblognet-blog · 6 years
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cordflat73-blog · 5 years
Learning to make Your Own Cannabis Gummies at Home
Gummy bears can be a amazing treat of which most of us have got enjoyed from childhood. Ever since we’re all grown right up, it only makes sense to enjoy a much more experienced version of this well-known candy. Enter; cannabis gummies! Homemade cannabis gummies are an easy way to enjoy the rewards of cannabis anytime, where ever, and without having to be able to deal with often the slack that people will provide you as soon as you’re smoking cigarettes a good articulation. The most effective part is that anyone can make your own personal 100% natural cannabis-infused gummies at your home. Nonetheless first, let’s take some sort of look at so why cannabis-infused gummy bears are incredibly brilliant. Why Cannabis-Infused Gummy Carries Are Brilliant When we can’t refute that store-bought gummies are hassle-free in addition to delicious, it’s also correct that they’re filled with manufactured flavors and artificial additives the fact that are harmful to your own health. Homemade gummy carries, in contrast, are not just more flavorsome plus beautifully textured in comparison, but they also feature wholesome natural elements that are good for you including fresh fruit together with medical cannabis. Plus, it is simple to store homemade gummies to remain them fresh without this using nasty preservatives. Most you have to do is coat them in certain sugar so that many people don’t remain together together with keep them within the refrigerator until you’re all set to feed on them again.
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You are going to furthermore find that it’s very much less difficult to stick along with your encouraged dosage involving medical pot when prepared consuming it through the use of cannabis gummy molds. Now you can retain track of how several gummy bears your have to have every time and you’re very good to go. leaf marijuana Having said that, often the best part about gummy bears is that they actually enable typically the marijuana to quickly process into your bloodstream so that will you can experience the helpful effects swiftly after intake. Setting up Homemade Gummies The first step to getting ready homemade gummy bears is to prepare the particular marijuana 1st so that will it’s psychoactive. It is performed through a process honestly, that is known as decarboxylation, which in turn is just a fancy expression for heating up the plant just enough to have rid of typically the carboxyl atom from the THCa chemical. To do this particular, simply pass on the ground cannabis onto a good linen of parchment papers which has already been placed upon the baking pan. Then, place the pan into an oven which has recently been preheated at 240 levels and leave it inside for 60 minutes. Following you may have taken the weed out and about, make the tincture that you will use any time cooking and/or baking by means of soaking your own personal decarboxylated cannabis into a food-grade liquor liquid for a number of several hours. Make sure an individual shake the liquid vigorously every couple of mins to ensure that everything is adequately implanted. DIY Pot Gummy Recipe Ingredients: one-fourth cup of drinking water two to three teaspoons of cannabis tincture (depending on the desired potency) 2/3 pot pulverized berry, thawed one tablespoon associated with lemon juices Granulated carbohydrates 3 tablespoons of gelatin Silicon mould sprayed w/ cooking product Medicine dropper Recommendations Dump the pulverized fruit, lemon juice and normal water straight into a medium-sized saucepan Cook the mixture on a good slight heat until combined Increase 2 to 3 teaspoons of the cannabis tincture Pour 3 tsps of gelatin and beat until smooth Take often the skillet off the heating and start serving the mixture into many silicon mold using the medication dropper Chill the silicone mold in the fridge to get 15 minutes or maybe so Take the mold out of the chiller and reduce the gummies into tiny, bite-size segments Coat the gummies inside sugar plus pack all of them into a good foolproof gift basket to keep from the chiller for about 2 in order to 3 weeks There you go! Your very unique handmade cannabis-infused gummy carries to enjoy whenever you like!
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barrcso-blog · 6 years
[ camila morrone, cis female, she/her, twenty-four ] IRELAND by LIZA ANNE ? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of LUCILA BARROSO. maybe because they’re ENERGETIC but also MERCURIAL. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since MAY of 2018 in 102 and have 1 ROOMMATE. ( GOD IS A WOMAN ) 
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hi hi everyone ! i’m...ngl i haven’t been in a rp like this one in quite some time so excuse me while i get settled in. name’s luna, i’m 24 and this is my child, lucila ! you guys can thank G for *ahem* bribing me in here. just kidding she literally just recommended this rp and i jumped on board in a fraction of a second. i honestly don’t know what else to add except for telling you guys i’m up for chatting, plotting and basically anything so never hesitate to hmu ! i’m leaving a “”””””bio”””””” for lucila below the cut -- feel free to snoop !
tw;; drugs, death, suicide
born in sunny miami, lucila -- or luchi, as her mother tenderly called her -- grew up surrounded by color, culture and sand. her parents, argentine immigrants, coddled her with affection to spare and fed into her syrupy disposition. bedtime stories were accompanied by the lull of her mother’s voice and her father’s guitar or ukulele. 
this did not mean, of course, that the girl was purely sunshine. every now and then a storm would hit the bay and luchi’s childish tantrums would fill the space of her home. tantrums that were hardly limited or shut down. her parents’ idea of liberty left her in her amplified freedom of expression until the storm passed, the crying and kicked stopped, and the calm settled in.
the texture of her mother’s deadlocks was a feeling that stuck to her fingertips long after her whirlwind mamá took her band on tour up the east coast, leaving lucila to be cared for by her father. a sweet man, yes, but not superman when it came to cooking or guiding preteen girls into womanhood. they managed, though, as supportive families do. 
the barroso’s were not traditional in many ways. a bohemian lifestyle colored luchi’s lifetime and prompted her to become the woman she would later grow into. string instruments below fingertips and an ocean breeze bringing in the perfume of marijuana to her nose. 
a sense of family, however, was certainly present. daily calls to her mother made the separation easier, as did the video calls with her abuela and primos who mostly watched her grow through a webcam. she still grew up with a mate straw pressed between her lips; drinking the hot liquid until her tongue turned green with the bitterness. she still wrote down abuela’s recipe for a pasta frola and listened to the likes of gustavo cerati and spinetta. she still attempted to dance tango whenever her cousin flew to miami for a visit. and she still cried her eyes out the day they got a call from a maryland hospital and were informed of her mother’s untimely death. suicide, they called it, and they could only believe it. 
perhaps this blemish in her happy childhood, brought upon when she was thirteen, was what gave lucila her volatile nature. what led her to dedicate her days to lazy strums upon a ukulele and temporary jobs. perhaps this was what triggered, or rather, amplified her flighty nature.
she studied, sure, and gave her faraway family the pleasure of having an architect in the family. a degree that was certainly never used as it should have been. she saved the career in her back pocket and began her trip up the east coast, retracing her mother’s steps and trying to understand the whys and the hows. 
baltimore was her last stop; her mother’s soul’s final resting place. the closing location. lucila’s intentions ? to understand. just that. to see the place where her mother had decided that she’d had enough of whatever ailed her. mystery that, to this day, luchi is still trying to solve.
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palestinexjp · 2 years
What Are Kratom Edibles?
Kratom edibles are a great way to consume kratom in a variety of forms. They can be mixed with liquids such as chocolate milk, orange juice, and water. Unlike most other forms of kratom, however, these do not dissolve well, making them expensive and time-consuming. Also, it is possible to ingest kratom while drinking food or drinks, which can make you look insane!
While the FDA has not approved kratom edibles, it is safe to consume them. Because they can be mixed with your favorite food, they make it easy to take your daily dose. While you should be sure to watch the heat and measure the correct amount, they can be a convenient way to get the desired effect. This article explains how kratom edibles can be a great way to consume kratom without having to leave your home!
As kratom is legal, you can make your own kratom edibles at home. It is possible to purchase kratom from vendors, but this can be risky, as the government may want you to use it for medicinal purposes only. Additionally, making your own kratom edibles will give you a more consistent, fresher experience than buying them from a vendor. This article will also give you some helpful tips for how to make your own kratom edibles.
One of the most common forms of kratom edibles is gummy candy. The earthy flavor of the Kratom powder is perfectly complemented by the intense sweetness of the gummy candy. Another form of kratom edible is gummi candies, which are chewy candies infused with a small amount of the herb. Generally, kratom is in the form of powder, although whole dried leaves are sometimes used too. The powder is then combined with gelatin and sugar and poured into molds of gummy candies.
While the effects of kratom and marijuana are similar, the dosage used for these products is often more accurate. When making kratom edibles, remember to check the label, so you know how much you're taking and how much you'll need to consume. The most important thing is to read the ingredient list when purchasing kratom edibles. Once you've determined the correct dosage, you can begin enjoying your new kratom habit.
Eating kratom is easy and convenient for those on the go. Traditional kratom powder is cumbersome and hard to use outside the home. Eating kratom edibles, like cookies, can be enjoyed on the go with no problems. These edibles contain alkaloids, including mitragynine and 7-hydroxy-mitragynine. They activate internal receptors and trigger the calming and energizing effects of kratom.
In addition to its medicinal properties, kratom can also be consumed in many ways. For instance, kratom powder can be mixed into milkshakes and smoothies. Then, it can be added to any sauce or dish recipe. When mixed with sugar, kratom can be drizzled over any dish. Other kratom edibles include gummy bears, which are similar to chocolate candies.
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Many kratom users have become accustomed to eating kratom edibles. These treats have the benefit of being delicious and convenient. They contain exact doses of the substance, making them ideal for people who want a precise dosage. The FDA does not yet approve kratom edibles for human consumption, but this could change in the future. For now, kratom-infused products are available online.
Eating kratom edibles releases the active components gradually in the digestive system. The plant's soft tissue lining helps Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine to reach the bloodstream. Although the blood-brain barrier is very sensitive in the gut, its effects are still at a reasonable level. Therefore, it is important to follow instructions for dosage. There are a few important things you should remember about kratom edibles.
The effects of kratom and marijuana are similar. While you should avoid taking large doses of either herb, combining them can be a great idea. Just make sure you read the ingredient list and calculate the exact dosage before preparing your kratom and marijuana edibles. And if you are looking for a great tasting and healthy snack, kratom edibles are the perfect fit for you. A tasty treat that's safe and easy to make is now available online!
Contact us on:
Website: https://www.earthgrownwellness.com/kratom/
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aussiethcedibles · 2 years
Can I Buy Edibles Online
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You may have started consuming edibles instead of smoking weed and cannabis as they are more delicious and provide you with a variety of options. Some people want to quit smoking but cannot entirely consume marijuana and cannabis, and edibles are the perfect option. However, some people doubt if it is legal or safe to consume edibles that contain cannabis, so let us tell you that eating raw cannabis and marijuana is safe. People have been consuming them since ancient times. Although raw cannabis can be eaten, it will not have the same impact as cannabis-based products since it must be activated through a process known as decarboxylation. Raw cannabis includes tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), which must be heated to become the active forms, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), as in smoking or baking. As a result, eating raw cannabis does not have the same benefits as eating cannabis that has been heated, such as candies, tinctures, or baked foods. Though you can't get high by eating raw cannabis, some supporters feel that the wide range of plant components it contains may provide distinct health benefits. Edibles, often known as cannabis-infused food or marijuana edible, is a food product that contains decarboxylated cannabinoids as an active component derived from cannabis extract. 
Although edible can refer to either food or drink, a cannabis-infused beverage is more explicitly referred to as a liquid edible or drinkable. Most of the edibles are a type of cannabis that may be eaten. Unlike smoking, when cannabinoids are taken into the lungs and quickly enter the circulation, peaking in about ten minutes and wearing off in a few hours, cannabis edibles can take hours to digest, with effects peaking two to three hours after intake and lasting up to six hours. THC is mostly in high concentrations in most edibles, but not in every case. It can cause various symptoms such as relaxation, tiredness, dizziness, dry mouth, euphoria, depersonalization and derealization, hallucinations, paranoia, and decreased or increased anxiety. Edibles with a high THC content are used for recreational and medical purposes.
Some edibles have minimal THC and are high in other cannabinoids, the most frequent of which is cannabidiol (CBD). Compared to smoked cannabis, the fundamental characteristic of cannabis edibles is that they take longer to affect users. The first mention of edibles in Europe was in a cookbook produced by Bartolomeo Platina in 1465 called De Honesta Voluptate et Valetudine, which translates to "On Honorable Pleasure and Health." In the early 1960s, the first cannabis edible recipe debuted in the United States. Therefore, weed marijuana is a part of history, and you can safely consume edibles, so whenever you need some edibles, visit the most renowned and trustworthy site Aussie THC Edibles. We provide a variety of products and strains, and when it comes to edibles, we have tons of fusion with our secret recipes and ingredients, which you never find on any other site. Hence, visit our website aussiethcedibles.com and scroll down to our product line; we will provide you with original quality marijuana, which will give you unimaginable after effects, so grab some fantastic deals from our site now. Read more...
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Utilisation of Leftover Cannabis Trimmings Can Be Very Productive
Cannabis and its leftover trimmer 
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The cannabis plant's blossoming buds have traditionally been the show-stealer, thanks to their high concentration of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which affect users. Many people are unaware. However, other plant portions, particularly the trim left after harvesting, can be used for various applications. We'll show you how to recycle your seemingly useless cannabis trimmings in this article, so you don't squander this incredible plant. 
The upcoming article will throw light on the following queries. Let's see all at once:
What is the meaning of Cannabis Trim?
Explain Sugar Leaves and Fan Leaves and discriminate between them?
What can be the productive use of Marijuana Trimmings? 
So, we will study the above queries and get answers for them one by one. Lets Start!
Meaning of Cannabis Trim:
Cannabis trim refers to the sugar leaves, fan leaves, and fragments of cannabis buds taken off cannabis plants after being harvested. Professional cultivators and home growers harvest and trim cannabis plants once they have reached full maturity (trimming scissors). Trimming is a manual process done by hand, but more significant commercial enterprises may employ machines to complete the procedure.
Trimming cannabis after harvest makes the product more visually appealing and potent by eliminating extra plant matter. Trim contains some trichomes that hold THC, but it is not nearly as strong as buds. Trim and shake are two different things, and the loose buds and trichomes naturally fall off during storage. 
Sugar Leaves Vs. Fan Leaves and Difference among them:
 Fan Leaves:
Fan leaves are the more giant leaves that protrude from the cannabis plant's branches and have almost no euphoric qualities (cannabinoids). 
Sugar Leaves
Sugar leaves, on the other hand, are often high in cannabinoid-rich trichomes, making them far more beneficial than fan leaves. Sugar leaves are smaller than fan leaves and grow from buds rather than branches.
When it comes to repurposing your scraps, these tiny leaves are great. 
Productive use of Marijuana Trimmings: 
Now that you understand cannabis trimming let's look at some things you can do with your trim. The list below shows the productive use of cannabis leftover, and it is highly versatile and can result in something useful for everyone.
The manufacture of cannabis concentrates and extracts is one of the most prevalent cannabis trimmings among farmers. Any remaining cannabinoids in the trim can be removed and transformed into concentrates like shatter, wax, and kief using a variety of processes. Grind your cannabis trimmings like you flower for a bowl or joint to prepare them for extraction. Keep in mind that some concentrates will necessitate the use of solvents. 
Trimmings in Eatables  
Cannabis trimmings can be used in both recipes and as garnishes in cuisine. The first step is to use a heating technique called decarboxylation to activate any cannabinoids in your trim. The trim can be added to any cooking when decarboxylation is complete for a slight buzz. Consider tossing the leaves in a salad or coarsely grinding the brownie batter. Trim can also be turned into butter, oil, or flour for more effective consumables, as mentioned further below.
 Trimmings in Beverages 
Certain kinds of beverages can also add cannabis trimmings to drinks. To prepare a psychoactive beverage, you must first decarb the trim to activate the cannabinoids. 
 The most well-known cannabis-infused beverages are listed here:
 Dairy Product (Milk)
 After decarbing, coarsely ground your trimmings to make cannabis milk. Take a quarter-ounce of cannabis trimmings per four glasses of whole milk, combine the ground cannabis with milk and cook for an hour to an hour and a half (ensure the liquid does not reach boiling point). Finally, sift the milk through a micron filter or cheesecloth to separate it from the plant particles, and let it cool before drinking.
 In Liquor (Vodka)
Because alcohol and cannabis tend to amplify each other's effects, cannabis-infused vodka is a great way to get the most out of your trim. Vodka is one of the most typical alcohols to be infused with cannabis. Grind your cannabis after decarbing it and soak it in vodka for a long time before removing the plant material to infuse vodka with cannabis trim.
Cannabis in Juice
Trim in juice is the way to go if you want to obtain something other than a high from your leftover cannabis. Dr. William L. Courtney, a dietary cannabis specialist, has long advocated for juicing raw cannabis to benefit THCA and other vital elements in the plant. To make your natural cannabis juice, throw your cannabis trimmings into a countertop juicer.
First, grind your trim—a half-gram of cannabis and three cups of water. Boil the water in a pot with a tiny bit of coconut oil or butter. After that, decrease the heat to a low simmer and add the cannabis. Leave the mixture for approximately an hour to simmer over low heat, occasionally stirring, before filtering and using the infused water to make coffee as usual.
Composting in the Garden
Consider composting your cannabis clippings if you have a garden. Composting is an excellent approach to decrease trash while also enriching the soil. Cannabis stems, stalks, and leaves with minimal cannabinoid content have high nitrogen and low carbon content, making them ideal for composting. You may also use the trimmings to make compost tea to nourish your plants while they're growing.
Bringing up the rear
Although cannabis trim isn't the most appealing component of the marijuana plant, it can be made more useful in many ways. It's vital to remember that trim-based treatments are far less potent than flower-based products. To attain that increased potency, you can substitute flowers for any following purposes.
Are you interested in producing your cannabis or medicating with any of the cannabis products mentioned in this article? You can get no better platform than Online MMJ Card California to get yourself evaluated by authenticated and registered MMJ Doctors.
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