#lissan al gaib
mutsubaki · 28 days
Quoting the classical work of art (Fleabag), hair is everything. Let's talk about hair and Dune characters.
I adore how hair and headpieces are treated as a part of the visual language in the movies. Some changes are drastic, and some are more subtile, but nevertheless everything is thought out.
Let's start with Paul Atreides, an owner of the gourgeous head of locks. We are introduced to him with this look:
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His natural curl pattern is layed around his face neatly enough for the lood of the young aristocrat, but has a romantic lightness. He woke up like this. His hair look brushed away for the ceremonial attire, but the pattern stays the same.
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That's how his hair act on Caladan, in his homeworld humidity and weather. Curly, romantic, on the verge of caladan it-boy messiness, but actually easily put together. In later Caladan scenes you don't really see his hair getting in the way of his face, besides a couple frames where front locks follow his movement, not in the wind, not in the training. Because he's used to this enviroment, his body and mind.
When the Atreides arrive at Arrakis, his hair lay flat and are pushed back. He looks into the future, ready to see and adapt, but not much has changed - but I'm atttaching this picture for future comparison of the same hairstyle.
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In the following scenes, the Fluff is subtule, his hair don't really reflect the change of air, but in the Desert the framing of his face in those locks is important.
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At this shot, his eyes look fully covered. The cinematograpy picks up how the first breath of desert air messes Paul up - from his look to his inner core. Here we pick up the theme of the inner strugggle to open up to the vision or not.
And in the following scenes the Fluff comes fully, even when the setting of the scene assumes that he could change and brush, that's just how his hair look like.
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But mind you. In the scenes where Paul has the vision, the director chose to show how his face actually openes by the spice air gush.
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In the following scenes, where the remaining Atreides flee the battle, not much changes. But when Paul and Jessica get out of the sand storm, we get this, laying the grounds for the hair continuity of the following dramatic shots and siginfying the change of Paul's approach for his visions. They survived in the storm because he relied on this part of himself. Bun now everything is even more messed up.
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And you know what follows. The Shot of Paul, head lowered, walikng from the first man he killed, whom he killed, becaule the man himself lead him there in his visions. Nothing about his look now is playful unkeptness.
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In the second part, when Paul is accepted to the comminity, not much changes in his looks. He wears his hair as he used to, only the Fluff is almost constant. He has adapted, and in most of the shots the curls are soft and are constantly picked by the wind, rising the volume.
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How he is a young warrior - a more romantic type, actually reflecting more on his caladanian presona. When he rides the sandworm, he looks like a young man, but soon we'll see a change in this persona.
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Writin this post, I assumed that the Halo of Hair appears later, but actually we see the harshly put back hair even earlier. The decent for the godhood begins after the shai-hulud, when his peers first see him as a prophet in mass. It's when he talks to resqued Gourney when we first see this.
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The transition to the Lissan Al Gaib has already begun. It's not yet settled, we do see some scenes where he looks much softer - like this one, when Chani comforts him:
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But that's how Lisaan Al Gaib wakes up. I think that comparison's to the Vroubel's Demon Sitting had been made a million times.
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No softness, harsh features, rigid hairline. Curls forming the halo around his face. Now compare the waves when Paul first arrives to Arrakis to those tight swirls above his forehead. The desert changed him and his body, and it's translated not only from the eyes. It's an overall look.
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Dune tells up, among other things, a story about traumatic personal change. A break from childood into godhood against Paul's wishes. "When you take a life, you take your own", says the voice from the myriad of Paul's ancestors, and that's what happens. Paul Atreides slowly changes and dies, but his body transforms into a vessel for Lisaan Al Gaib. Yet, in the last shot of Paul in Dune part two, we could see something resembling his persona - a ghost of a romantic hero, grieving his death.
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kihyunsflavor · 2 months
Cross my heart part 1
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Pairing: Feyd-Rautha x f!reader
Summary: When Paul Atreides is killed by Feyd-Rautha, the only hope for the Bene Gesserit plan lies with Feyd. As the eldest daughter of the emperor, your father promises you to the na-Baron to forge an alliance between your two houses. However, this turn of events is not to your liking, and you harbor little fondness for him.
Warnings: arranged marriage, sexual tension (smut in next chapter), mentions of violence and blood, pet names, size kink, enemies to lovers trope (?)
Authors note: English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes. Also let's imagine Margot Fenring did not visit Feyd on his birthday. 
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Horror plays on her face when her lover falls to the ground. Blade buried deep in his chest, where his heart was beating only seconds ago. There is no scream from her, she is quiet as the tears fall. Soon the room is filled with loud gasps and cries. You watch her break down on her knees. Now her lover was dead and the Fremen had lost. 
From the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of your father's face. There's a subtle hint of relief, a fleeting expression that only you can discern. Meanwhile, Feyd-Rautha turns around, a broad grin stretching across his lips. "Is this your Lissan al-Gaib? The Mahdi?" he mocks the Fremen gathered in the hall.
But in that moment, the Emperor and the na-Baron were invisible to them. All attention was focused on the fallen messiah as they swarm around the body. It doesn't take long for the left over armies to come and escort you to safety. Feyd trailed closely behind, a constant amusement playing on his features.
Your father's fury is evident; his clenched fist betrays his agitation. Yet this time, you won and destroyed the upcoming force from Arrakis. You tried to match his steps, but he was eager to leave this planet. You look back once, only to see her again. You didn't. She was hidden by the crowd. Instead, your eyes meet Feyd's. He had been walking closely behind you. "Don't worry, princess." Is all he says. You turn your face away, but he falls into step right by your side.
There is a ship, that will escort you back home. Feyd stayed alongside you and your father until your departure. "For now, I will return to Kaitain. But we will come back and slaughter them all." The emperor declared. Feyd Rautha nodded solemnly. He had dropped to one knee in front of your father. "You will stay here to oversee the spice harvest." There was a long silence. You noticed how your father exchanged meaningful glances with the revered mother Gaius Helen Mohiam. The silent communication left you puzzled, unaware of its significance.
Suddenly, your father rose from his chair. "And I will give you my eldest daughter." 
A cold shudder went down your spine as you heard his words. You stared at his side profile, hoping this was a misunderstanding, but the revered mother came into your sight. You understood why it had been done, you remembered the words from her. Feyd was yet another prospect for the Bene Gesserit. When your eyes fell on the Harkonnen, he smirked up at you. 
"I will not leave with you, will I?" You asked, as the na-Baron had left the room. "You will. He won't claim you until he has proven himself." Your father affirmed. He referrered to the need for the spice harvest to resume successfully.
"He will come to Kaitian when the time is right." 
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When you arrived on your homeplanet, the emperor dissappeared immediately. He was busy tending to the Fremen rebellion. The news of Paul Atreides getting killed by Feyd Rautha spread rapidly. The other houses remained firmly aligned with the emperor, since Paul had attempted to disrupt the spice harvest. Now there was no hope, no Lissan al-Gaib, for the Fremen. No one, who would bring them to Paradise as the prophecy had been told. However, Paul had not been the awaited Kwisatz Haderach, the Bene Gesserit had anticipated. Few knew, but the hope now rested upon your future husband.
Over the past few months, reports were sent to your father. They arrived from Arrakis, each carrying Feyd's signature. He described the spice harvest as successfull and on the best way to reach big numbers again.
As your father reviewed the latest missive, his expression grew pensive. "He seems to exceed the expectations. The baron sent a report himself." The emperor said, while leaning over his table. You nodded approvingly, your heart racing at the mention of Feyd's name. "Will he come soon?" Your father frowned at your question, fully lost in his thoughts.
"My daughter, I think I need to send you away." Your eyes widened, but his remained fixed on the scroll. "You will go to Giedi Prime. Solidify our alliance with House Harkonnen, familiarize yourself with the Baron and find out his political plans. The wedding will take place on Kaitain in due time." You listened well, while he explained. "Will Feyd-Rautha also be on Giedi Prime?" The thought of facing the Baron alone on this dark planet made you shudder. It was a nightmare. "Yes."
Before the month´s end, you yourself send a letter to the na-Baron. It was a request form your father, advised by the revered mother. Every word was carefully written by yourself with your name prominently displayed beneath the message. It was not a long letter. You informed him about your upcoming trip to Giedi Prime to meet his uncle, the Baron. And suggesting that he should join you as well. It was not a plead, but like a beckoning call to him. Of course you had to charm him first. In the future he would either listen to you willingly or you would resort to manipulation. Feyd Rautha was known for his ambitious and ruthless character, willing to do whatever it took to achieve his own goals.
Oh how it angered you to travel to this unpleasant planet - but you were hiding your feelings from everyone. It was a duty you had to fulfill. Showcasing the amicable relations between the two houses was important.
The ship was prepared at the start of the next month, laden with various garments, jewelry, shoes, and other essentials. The dresses, in particular, were meticulously crafted for this trip, symbolizing the prestige and authority of House Corrino. A few servants and a Bene Gesserit sister accompanied you.
The journey was short and soon you found yourself descending into the atmosphere of Giedi Prime. Sitting composedly in your chair, you awaited the ship's landing. A scroll was clutched in your hand, an unfamiliar excitement stirred in your stomach. You read the single line repeatedly. "As you wish, my princess." While technically you couldn't hear him say it, in your mind, it was as if he were speaking directly to you.
He was a very intelligent man, with a mind sharp like a knife, yet charming and handsome at the same time. He effortlessly commanded attention wherever he went. Despite this, you wished you could avoid marrying him. While he ignited unfamiliar passions within you, you were certain they were nothing more than fleeting fantasies. There was excitement, but you couldn't shake the feeling that he wouldn't hesitate to cause you harm. Maybe with time, you'd figure him out better.
As the ship landed, there was no time left to dwell on these thoughts. Stepping out onto Giedi Prime, a servant handed you your long coat, its once vibrant color now subdued by the planet's dim light. The Baron awaited your arrival, surrounded by a crowd gathered to greet you. It was to be a grand entrance, fitting for the daughter of the emperor.
With confidence, you made your way to the Baron, your eyes catching Feyd standing beside his uncle. A smirk played on his lips, betraying his excitement to see you. In that moment, you felt a sense of relief that he was here.
"Welcome to Giedi Prime, Princess. It's an honor to have the daughter of the Emperor grace our humble planet with her presence. I trust your journey was pleasant?" The Baron's words brought your attention back to the present, as he bowed before you, followed by his nephews.
"Thank you, Baron. The journey was indeed smooth," you replied politely. As the three men straightened up, Feyd stepped forward and gently kissed the back of your hand. First, you wanted to pull away, but his touch was surprisingly soft, and you allowed him to continue. After all, it was a well-mannered gesture.
"I was waiting for you, my princess," he whispered slyly, his words dripping with charm. There was a palpable tension building between the two of you, and despite yourself, you found him captivating. Your mind wandered back to the Fremen girl you came across on Arrakis, the one who had lost her beloved. In her eyes, there had been an unmistakable depth of love and dedication. You couldn't help but envy her, for she had someone to fight for, someone to live for. You were never going to experience that.
As you were led through the castle, the architecture and decor caught your attention, though not in a favorable way. Everything seemed dark and robust, with a metallic, cold feeling permeating every corner. The building reflected the characteristics of the residents of Giedi Prime, with their porcelain-white features and hairless appearance. You couldn't help but feel relieved that the wedding would take place on Kaitain, away from this grim atmosphere.
A room was shown to you by Feyd Rautha himself. It was an uncomfortable walk. Conflicting emotions churned in your stomach, leaving you uncertain of how to act. There was only one topic you both could talk about. "I heard the spice harvest is going well," you ventured, breaking the awkward silence. Feyd, who had been walking slightly ahead, slowed his pace and turned to look at you. "Yes, my princess. The Fremen haven't been attacking our spice harvesters. They have withdrawn almost entirely." You acknowledged his response with a subtle nod. "That's great."
Suddenly, Feyd stopped, causing you to pause in confusion. The servants trailing behind also halted. "Is it?" Feyd's smirked, as he turned his body to face you directly, now standing pretty close to you. "Well, why wouldn't it be?" you replied, perplexed by his demeanor. "You know what I mean by that, my little princess," he said, his hand reaching up to caress your cheek. You allowed the touch, still unsure of his intentions. Seeing your confusion, he smiled, showing his black teeth. "My dear, you know what your father told me. If the spice harvest was doing well, I could make you mine." He leaned in, now towering over you. "And if I understood correctly, you're looking forward to our union?" It was as if a switch had been flipped in your mind. Your praise for his work could easily be misunderstood as eagerness to marry Feyd.
You took a step backwards to create more distance between you. Feyd let his hand drop to his side, his smile remaining in place. "I see what you mean now. Perhaps it could be interpreted that way, but it wasn't my intention. I was simply acknowledging the work that had been done on Arrakis." You said.
Feyd appeared disappointed by your response, his eyes betraying his displeasure at your lack of reciprocation. But first, he would have to work to earn your attention. While he may have proven himself to your father, it didn't mean you were now at his feet. You would make it especially challenging for him.
He escorted you to your chambers without uttering another word. "Good night, Princess." His tone was cold and desinteressed. You stood in the door frame, contemplating wether to say something, sensing the shift in the atmosphere. "My Lord." You interjected at the last moment. Feyd paused abruptly, turning to face you. "Thank you for heeding my request and returning to Giedi Prime." You offered him a little smile, before closing the door behind you.
It was all just manipulation, to wrap him around your finger and keep him under your influence. He was thrilled to marry you anyways. Though love and affection were foreign to Feyd Rautha, his sexual desire was his weakness.
next chapter ↪︎
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rabbitbites · 1 month
one thing i love about paul and feyd rautha is how many different dynamics they can have
for example, sometimes paul is the unflinching emperor and feyd is his blood thirsty guard dog who often needs to be reminded of his place
sometimes feyd is the ruthless and sadistic baron harkonnen and paul is his unwilling pet, his human trophy, who hates himself for the way he leans into feyd’s touch
sometimes paul is the charismatic, all knowing lissan al gaib whom feyd is quick to worship on bended knee
sometimes feyd is the outspoken and brazen na-baron with paul as his quiet bride, at his side constantly, content to pull the strings from the sidelines
and they’re all equally in character
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redskull199987 · 3 months
Guess who finally watched Dune Part II :D
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Ya'll, this movie sigle-handedly made me realize again just how much I love movies. It was so fucking awesome. Every littel Part about it
Let's start with the acting. And Oh boy, Every single actor and actress did their job perfectly. Everything felt so real. The Moment Paul drank the Water of Life??? You could literally see how he changed, how he embraced the fact that he is the Lissan Al-Gaib, the acting was literally perfect. And then there is freaking Austin Butler
This man has portrayed Feyd-Rautha so perfectly. When I read the Book, that was literally how I imagined him, it was awesome
Talking of Feyd-Rautha, the fight scene between him and Paul??? It was so good, my jaw literallly dropped when I saw it. The moment they stabbed each other being a reference to Part I where Gurney and Paul trained together, just chefs kiss.
Also, hear me out on Lady Jessica. I was so exited to see her become the Sayyadina. That transition from being a loving Mother to an Almost cult-like religous leader that pushes Paul into a direction of her wishes. It was portrayed beautifully. Let alone her character and Costume design. It was breathtaking.
Another thing that really blew my mind again, was the Soundtrack. Seriously, who let Hans Zimmer cook this hard?? The Soundtrack was literally one of the reasons I was so exited for Part II and was not dissapointed.
Let's also not forget the Scene where Paul rode on Shai Hulud for the first time. My jaw was literally on the Floor the entire Time. That was also one of the scenes, I was most exited for and man, I wanted to stand up and clap after it because it was so fucking awesome. The fact alone that the Fremen ride on the Sandworms has me giddy like a little kid.
And of course, the End, the beginning of the holy war. I must admit, I have not read past the first Book yet, but I am most exited to start now and I really hope that the Franchise gets continued. The final scenes just had so much power in them, you could almost feel the tension in the air, with Paul becoming the Emporer and leading the Fremen into battle. It was just mind-blowing.
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muaddab · 18 days
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in the book it was pointed a few times that paul’s resembles his grandfather who was killed by a bull during the crowd amusement.
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if i remember it correctly, in the first film leto (or who?) said that it was his way of satisfying his subjects’ thirst for spectacles. (i don’t remember the accurate quote — if i've got it wrong, please correct me)
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and this really reminds me about the circumstances which are faced by paul during all series: like (in the film and further in the books), he s just a girl met others’ expectations with mahdi-lissan-al-gaib thing still not only for their satisfaction — yet in messiah it becomes one of the reasons why he could postpone his foreseeable fall.
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paul always denied his similarities with old duke.
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which means even if you are a prophet and if you are able to discern the truth, sometimes — the truth — is really difficult to accept.
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silvyysthings · 4 months
Denis Villeneuve on Timothée Chalamet
“Of course it was one of Timothée's favorite moments, because he was looking for that since Part One! He was begging for that moment, dreaming about it, for weeks and months - the moment where Paul will finally become the Lissan al-Gaib.”
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At the start of playing Stardew I named my animals like bluebell and lady and then I started naming them after sitcom characters but I ran out and now my most recent animals are called Lissan al Gaib, HP inkjet, and Rum ham. Such is the way of life.
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roseunspindle · 3 months
Titles/Names for Paul
Paul Atreides
"My Son"
"My boy!"
"Young Human"
Lissan al-Gaib
Kwisatz Haderach
Young Pup
My Lord Duke
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ruindunburnit · 2 months
Has anyone written a Death Note fic but it's a Dune crossover, with Light believing himself to be the subject of a messiah prophecy as Kwisatz Haderach Lissan al Gaib Kira?
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mutsubaki · 2 months
Paul’s grief when he says “Lead them to Paradise” to Stilgar is one of the most powerful moments in Dune pt.2, in juxtaposition of all grandure of the movie, poweful by subtelty. And it’s not only the implication that Paradise can be interpreted as a place in the afterlife, granted to dead. One thing about Missionaria Protectiva is that they implanted an innatural, impossible dream.
Arrakis is a desert planet. It has always been a desert planet. Fremen culture is build around survival in harsh desert conditions - and fremen are adapt to those conditions.
The dream of Green Heaven is not something that would naturally develop in those conditions - unless it substitutes the dream of a free planet. Fremen are sufferings because they are opressed by outworlders, the Harkonnen - but the promise of messiah is constructed around changing literal climate conditions, which is destructive to the culture and ecosystem, rather than around changing the power structure. Lissan Al Gaib just replaces the Harkonnens.
And when Paul says, “Lead them to Paradise”, to a foreign, destructive path, which image was constructed by the oppressors to benefit them on the fremen behalf, he leans into the Bene Gesserit ways. And it’s tragic, because it doesn’t matter how much he tries to resent those ways, the inertia from a thousand years plan drags even him, the most powerful creature in the universe in that moment.
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