#list product on google shopping
leapfeed1 · 10 months
Ecommerce Product Data Feed Management services
Maximize online sales with our Ecommerce Product Data Feed Management services. Optimize, sync, and enhance product listings effortlessly. Drive success with precision data management.
shopping data feed management services
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sabjolelectronics · 3 months
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"Fast and willing to help thank you"
This is one of the recent reviews we received. Client wanted to connect products on #website with Google Merchant. We helped her with setting up the account, uploaded the #products, and linked the products to Google. Now client has all selling products showing on google shopping tab.
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ecomhardy · 3 months
How to Connect Shopify Listings to Google Merchant Center with Google & YouTube App - Part 13Connecting and listing your Shopify products to Google Merchant Center using the "Google & YouTube" app on Shopify is a streamlined process. Here 19s a step-by-step guide to help you: If you don't have Shopify, Try Shopify for just $1; https://ecomhardy.com/shopify Step 1: Install the "Google & YouTube" App 1. Log in to your Shopify Admin Panel: Go to your Shopify dashboard. 2. Go to the Shopify App Store: Click on "Apps" in the left-hand menu and then click "Customize your store" at the bottom of the page. 3. Search for "Google & YouTube": Find the "Google & YouTube" app by Shopify. 4. Install the App: Click "Add app" and follow the prompts to install it. Step 2: Connect Your Google Account 1. Open the App: Once installed, open the "Google & YouTube" app from your Shopify Admin. 2. Connect Your Google Account: Click on the "Connect Google Account" button. Sign in with the Google account you use for your Google Merchant Center. 3. Grant Permissions: Allow the necessary permissions for the app to access your Google Merchant Center account. Step 3: Set Up Google Merchant Center 1. Link to Google Merchant Center: If you already have a Google Merchant Center account, you can link it here. If not, the app will guide you through the process of creating one. 2. Verify and Claim Your Website URL: Ensure your website URL is verified and claimed in your Google Merchant Center. The app provides guidance on how to do this if it's not already done. Step 4: Configure Your Product Feed 1. Product Settings: In the "Product feed" section of the app, configure your product settings. 2. Target Market and Language: Choose the target market and language for your product listings. 3. Shipping and Tax Settings: Set up your shipping and tax settings according to your business needs. This information is crucial for accurate product listings. Step 5: Sync Products to Google Merchant Center 1. Product Feed Sync: The app will automatically create a product feed with your Shopify products. 2. Review Products: Review your products in the "Products" section of the app to ensure all necessary information is included and correct. 3. Submit Feed: Once everything looks good, submit your product feed to Google Merchant Center. The app will handle the syncing process. Step 6: Monitor and Optimize 1. Monitor Your Listings: Check the "Diagnostics" section in Google Merchant Center to monitor the status of your listings and fix any issues that arise. 2. Optimize Listings: Regularly update your product information and optimize your listings for better performance on Google Shopping. Additional Tips - Follow Google 19s Policies: Ensure your products comply with Google 19s policies and guidelines to avoid disapprovals. - Update Regularly: Keep your product information up to date in Shopify to ensure accurate listings in Google Merchant Center. - Utilize Analytics: Use Google Analytics and the reporting features in Google Merchant Center to track the performance of your listings and make data-driven decisions. By following these steps, you can successfully connect and list your Shopify products to Google Merchant Center using the "Google & YouTube" Shopify app.
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arinfotech · 2 years
10 Benefits of Google Shopping Ads You Need to Know
There are several different pieces of information that may be included in a shopping ad, including a picture of the item for sale, its title, price, and seller’s name. It improves the click-through rate since people already have a solid impression of the product before clicking on the ad. Learn about the many parts of “Google Shopping ads” and how to properly configure them in your feed by reading this article.
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risoria · 4 months
so. have you seen the pictures from Rafah of the blackened, charred infants? the toddler with no head?
i would like to ask a favour of everyone seeing this post, from one human to another. don't think about the things you can't do - because as it seems, nothing is enough, and nobody can do enough - there is no use to be paralyzed by these thoughts. instead focus on the things you are already doing and the things you can do. i will start by compile a small list of personal suggestions, and please add to it from your own resources! this list is not numbered, i will just add things that i can think of off the top of my head and if it is of any help to at least one person, thats good. take care of yourself - that includes taking care of others, and this world we live in.
this is obvious but keep listening to Palestinian voices. i am mostly active on twitter so i will give some examples from there: Hind_Gaza, HossamShabat, BayanPalestine (press). MuhammadSmiry, does community work with Care for Gaza. m7mdkurd. Everyone is saying mostly the same thing - keep talking, keep protesting, keep boycotting. so do it.
keep talking. humans are social animals and it's as simple as this: the ongoing genocide is dire, urgent and catastrophic - i dont think i need to tell you that. but when people, a lot of people, share posts with each other and reiterate this fact the urgency will be felt stronger by everyone, and reach people who would otherwise maybe not see the reports of the genocide on their screens. if people instead choose to stop sharing and stop talking because it's "been so long" or it's "too difficult", the suffering will become normalized and the only thing people will see on their feeds are mundane things - food, pets, fandoms, and it will send the message that oh, it's not that important after all.... sometimes, you SHOULD feel disturbed and uncomfortable. these feelings are not evil - they will be channelled into actions to better a situation and better the world. silence is violence.
search for protests near your town, sometimes they're hard to find but once you find your local organizations for the Palestinian movement, follow them and you will usually find them! this all depends on where you live of course - but most often there will be fundraisers and events and mailing campaigns etc, and the more people joining the better. and, most importantly i would say, share these events and pictures (no faces of strangers, ofc! from protests on your facebook, twitter etc - because that way people close to you will see them and that it's completely rational and normal to attend protests, and if they've been on the fence maybe they will reach out and join you.
donate if you are able and share links to the different organizations - some examples are Care for Gaza, Sulala animal rescue, the Gazan Municipality Life for Gaza project (https://gaza-city.ensany.com/campaign/6737), the PCRF.
individual gofundmes - here is the google doc with a lot of campaigns, but im sure there are lots of them that arent yet added: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-DDMFyn-ttboPXrz1bB3MFk7BlzCwfugh4259Wh7U1s/htmlview
donate e-sims, which will be sent by the Esims for Gaza team to people in Gaza, to help communicate with their families etc during blackouts. it's very quick and easy and on nomad you can get a referral code which gives someone else 25% off their first purchase, and there's also often different bonus codes. on the website there's tutorials for how to buy the different esims. https://gazaesims.com/
there's some different charity shops where you can buy Palestinian products and the proceeds help Palestinian artisans and people. here are some examples, please add more if you know any: https://handmadepalestine.com/ (based in Ramallah, Palestine), https://forpalestine.dk/ (based in Denmark), https://www.shoppalestine.org/ (based in the US)
boycott!! the BDS of course have their targeted brands (https://bdsmovement.net/) but there's also for example the witness website with lists of brands and the reasons for boycotting them (https://boycott.thewitness.news/) and some different apps that do the same thing, like the "no thanks" app. yes, the list of brands is very, very long. maybe all of it isn't feasible BUT i think a good start would be to go through them and decide which ones are unnecessary either way that you're better off without (mcdonalds, starbucks etc), and then which ones are part of your usual shopping routine, make a mental note of them and pick different options - see it as an opportunity to try new things, to support local brands and smaller businesses!
go do yourself a favour and give Palestinian-Canadian artist Nemahsis' new single "stick of gum" a listen, it's super good! <3 https://youtu.be/VsqYlmf3SAg?si=EK_TZjo0Ijny8hMT
please, add more tips and resources below or just share your own pictures or art or thoughts!
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cutiecon · 3 months
What is CutieCon?
Cutiecon is a one day, 5 hour online convention for the agere community (adults only)! It will be held on a discord server, with multiple chat channels, an artist alley, and live events! It will be on a saturday (date tbd) from 5-10pm. Here's the break down:
Chat Channels
There will be multiple chat channels to mix and mingle with other regressors/caregivers! There's 2 of every chat to allow for multiple conversations, including:
General chat
Questions and answers
Fandom zone
Live Events
There will be five live events held on voice chat/ stream, one every hour. They will be:
A mixer, where we play games to get to know each other
A panel about agere gear: how to obtain it, how to make it yourself, storage, etc
A craft along, making multiple crafts with household items (supply lists will be posted prior to the event)
A bake along, making treats from common ingredients (a list will also be posted prior to the event)
To cap off the night there will be a movie watch party! The movie will be voted on.
Artist Alley
The artist alley will be a channel where agere vendors make one post describing what they sell and how to get in contact with them! It's basically a directory for as many agere shops and artists as we can find, and will be compiled into a Google doc or post to be accessed after the con. Anyone who sells agere related products is welcome! Including:
Art commissions
Writing commissions
Mystery boxes
Anything else!
Leave your information in the askbox if you'd like to be included!
This con is still in the planning stages, so things are subject to change, but these are the basic details! Hopefully the con will be held in the next two months, before school starts, but no guarantees.
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You can’t shop your way out of a monopoly
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then SAN FRANCISCO (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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If you're running a business, you can either invest at being good at your business, or good at Google SEO. Choose the former and your customers will love you – but they won't be able to find you, thanks to the people who choose the latter. And if you're going to invest in top-notch SEO, why bother investing in quality at all?
For more than a decade, Google has promised that it would do something about "lead gens" – services that spoof Google into thinking that they are local businesses, pushing down legit firms on both regular search and Google Maps (these downranked businesses invested in quality, not SEO, remember). Search for a roofer, a plumber, an electrician, or a locksmith (especially a locksmith), and most or all of the results will be lead-gens. They'll take your call, pretend to be a local business, and then call up some half-qualified bozo to come out and charge you four times the going rate for substandard work:
Some of them just take your money and they "go back to the shop for a tool" and never return:
Google has been promising to fix this since the late aughts, and to be fair, it's a little better. There was once a time when a map of Manhattan showed more locksmiths than taxis:
But GMaps is trapped in the enshittification squeeze. On the one hand, the company wants to provide a good and reliable map. On the other hand, the company makes money selling "ads" that are actually payola, where a business can pay to get to the top of the listings or get displayed on the map itself. Zoom out of Google's map of central London and the highlighted landmarks are a hilarious mix of "organic" and paid listings: the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Barbican, the London Eye…and a random oral and maxillofacial clinic in the financial district:
Hell of a job "organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful," Big G. Doubtless the average Londoner finds the presence of this clinic super helpful in orienting themselves relative to the map on their phone screens, and it's a real service to tourists hoping to hit all the major landmarks.
It's not just Maps users who'd noticed the rampant enshittification. Even the original design team is so horrified they're moved to speak out about the moral injury they experience seeing the product they worked so hard on turned into a giant pile of shit:
Now, when it comes to locksmiths, I'm lucky. My neighborhood in Burbank includes the wonderful Golden State Lock and Safe, which has been in business since 1942:
But you wouldn't know it from searching GMaps for a locksmith near me. That search turns up a long list of scams:
It also turns up plenty of Keyme machines – these are private-equity backed, self-serve key-cutting machines placed in grocery stores. Despite Keyme calling itself a "locksmith," it's just a badly secured, overcaptilized, enshittification-bound system for collecting and retaining shapefiles for the keys to millions of homes, cross-referenced with billing information that will make it easy for the eventual hackers to mass-produce keys for all those poor suckers' houses.
(Hilariously, Keyme claims to be an "AI" company):
But despite the fact that you can literally see the Golden State storefront from Google Streetview, Google Maps claims to have no knowledge of it. Instead, Streetview labels Golden State "Keyme" – and displays a preview showing a locksmith using a tool to break into a jeep (I'd dearly love to know how the gadget next to the Slurpee machine at the 7-Eleven will drive itself to your jeep and unlock the door for you when you lose your keys):
It's pretty clear to me what's going on here. Keyme has hired some SEO creeps and/or paid off Google, flooding the zone with listings for its machines. Meanwhile, Golden State, being merely good at locksmithing, has lost the SEO wars. Perhaps Golden State could shift some of its emphasis from being good at locksmithing in order to get better at SEO, but this is a race that will always be won by the firm that puts the most into SEO, which will always be the firm that puts the least into quality.
Whenever I write about this stuff, people inevitably ask me which search engine they should use, if not Google?
And there's the rub.
Google used predatory pricing and anticompetitive mergers to acquire a 90% search market-share. The company spends more than $26b/year buying default position in every place where you might possibly encounter a new search engine. This created the "kill zone" – the VC's term of art for businesses that no one will invest in, because Google makes sure that no one will ever find out it exists:
That's why the only serious competitor to Google is Bing, another Big Tech company (Bing is also the primary source of results on Duckduckgo, which is why DDG sometimes makes exceptions for Microsoft's privacy-invading tracking):
Google tells us that the quid-pro-quo of search monopolization is search excellence. The hundreds of billions it makes every year through monopoly control gives it the resources it needs to fight spammers and maintain search result quality. Anyone who's paid attention recently knows that this is bullshit: Google search quality is in free-fall, across all its products:
But Google doesn't seem to think it has a problem. Rather than devoting all its available resources to fighting botshit, spam and scams, the company set $80 billion dollars alight last year with a stock buyback that was swiftly followed with 12,000 layoffs, followed by multiple subsequent rounds of layoffs:
The scams that slip through Google's cracks are sometimes nefarious, but just as often they're decidedly amateurish, the kind of thing that Google could fix by throwing money at the problem, say, to validate that new ads for confirmed Google merchants come from the merchant's registered email addresses and go to the merchant's registered website:
Search is a capital intensive business, and there are real returns to scale, as the UK Competition and Market Authority's excellent 2020 study describes:
But Google doesn't seem to think that its search needs that $80 billion to fight the spamwars. That's the thing about monopolists, they get complacent. As Lily Tomlin's "Ernestine the AT&T operator" used to say, "We don't care, we don't have to, we're the phone company."
That's why I'm so excited about the DOJ Antitrust Division monopolization case against Google. Trusting one company to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," was a failure:
I understand why people want to know which search engine they should use instead of Google, and I get why, "There aren't any good search engines" is such an unsatisfactory answer. I understand why each fresh round of printer-company fuckery prompts people to ask "which printer should I get?" and I understand why "There are only six major printer companies and they're all suffering from end-stage enshittification" isn't what anyone wants to hear.
We want to be able to vote with our wallets, because it's so much faster and more convenient than voting with our ballots. But the vote-with-your-wallet election is rigged for the people with the thickest wallets. Try as hard as you'd like, you just can't shop your way out of a monopoly – that's like trying to recycle your way out of the climate emergency. Systemic problems need systemic solutions – not individual ones.
That's why the new antitrust matters so much. The answer to monopolies is to break up companies, block and unwind mergers, ban deceptive and unfair conduct. "Caveat emptor" is the scammer's motto. You shouldn't have to be an expert on lead gen scams to hire a locksmith without getting ripped off.
There are good products and services out there. Earlier this year, we decided to install a (non-networked) programmable pushbutton lock. I asked Deviant Ollam – whom I know from Defcon's Lockpicking Village – for a recommendation and he suggested the Schlage FE595:
I liked it so much I bought another one for my office door. Eric from Golden State Lock and Safe installed it while I wrote this blog-post. It's great. I recommend both of 'em – 10/10, would do business again.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: alicia rae (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kehole_Red.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
Budhiargomiko (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wasteland.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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Any tips on writing for people with ADHD and a short attention span?
Hello! As someone who was recently diagnosed/had to go through the process of jumping through hoops to get meds, I've been trying to put together some new writing routines to get back on track. It has... been a process. Here are some things I've learned (from my personal experience, your mileage may vary):
Writing everyday doesn't work. I think this really common advice has been debunked overall, but let me tell you, there are days when the energy bar starts on empty and stays there. I can function, but the creative juices aren't there. Trying to stay creative by other means, either by reading or working on another hobby, can be a way for you to keep your day productive instead.
Hard schedules don't work. To reflect the above, I can get up at 5am every damn day, but only some of these days will get work done before work. That isn't to say you shouldn't try to make a schedule and stick to it - you'll definitely get more done that way. But it isn't always going to work, and you shouldn't beat yourself up if you can't keep to it every day.
Being 'plugged-in' definitely doesn't work. The 'oh I need to look up how to spell this oh no I'm twelve pages into a Google hole' is definitely still a trap. To keep focused, keep that instant internet away from you. Need to look up something, slap a note on it and come back when you know you don't need to write another 1000 words.
Medication/caffeine/whatever you use to function can only do so much. I can drink a cup of coffee and immediately slam myself into bed. My meds exist to get me through the work day, which is what I need them to do, but won't always be able to keep me through the extra work day. Trying to stay awake and focused when my brain is fucking done for the day just doesn't work. Instead, I have to focus on what does - writing in the morning or at noon, making time when I know I can still function rather than trying to take it on at the end of the day when I know I'll be spent.
What has been working and I've been trying to incorporate more has been:
Drafting on paper. This has always worked for me, and it continues to work for me. Physically writing the words down and editing as I type them does slow down the work, but it makes much more sense to my brain.
Using color codes/other visual tools. Color-coding characters, using different colored pens for types of notes, and flashcards help me flesh out plots. It makes plotting more like an art project, but that in itself can help me be more creative. If you like working on a computer and not by hand, you can spice up Excel sheets and Google docs with different fonts, templates, and adding notes.
Lists, lists, and more lists. I have a planner for work, I have a planner for my personal life, and I have a notepad where I write down all my daily goals, however small. Using a combination of the three has been working great for keeping me on track. For me, physically crossing things out and checking things off is a great motivator.
Alarms and writing sprints. Slap a timer to a screen and write to it. Use an online writing sprint, hop into a work-focused Twitch stream, or use a timed YouTube video to put yourself in a focused environment with a goal in mind.
Relocate. There are certain areas of my apartment that I've dubbed 'The Ooze Zone' where all I can do when I'm there is get nothing done. Unfortunately, because my apartment is quite small, the Ooze Zone takes up most of it. So if you can't set up an office space or a designated area where your brain knows to get work done, consider checking out your local library, a relatively peaceful park, a friend's house, or a cheap coffee shop. I know somewhere who would just drive somewhere and do 80% of his writing in his car. If you can't do your work from home because your brain won't let you, look into alternatives.
If you have meds, take them. Getting medicated and on the right dose is hard, believe me. I've been trying to get back the swing of things after a. being checked out from not being medicated and b. being checked out from not having the right dosage/type of meds. It is a process, but if you have the ability to seek a diagnoses and treatment, it is worth pursuing. If you have meds, take them on a regular schedule and how your doctor recommends. Add an alarm on your phone to remind yourself. Make it part of your routine. Doing it haphazardly is only doing yourself a disfavor.
And lastly, Get More Sleep. The number one thing that may be fucking you over is not sleeping enough. Having ADHD is directly tied with having more sleeping problems in both children and adults. If you have this problem, it is affecting you way more than you know.
Here's the thing - I thought I had a great sleeping schedule for the longest time, and could not figure out why I was so exhausted half the time. But I recently got a fitness tracker, which informed me that actually, my sleeping patterns were complete dogshit. I may have been in bed for eight hours, but I spent three of them tossing and turning.
Make a sleep schedule and stick to it. Go to bed at the same time of night. Consider getting a sleep tracker to see where your sleep patterns are messed up and what you can change to fix it. This sucks, believe me, but going to bed at 9pm to account for that time you'll spent tossing about before you get up at 6am may be the only way to recover those missing sleep hours. Even if it feels like it's taking away from your free time, you will function better overall.
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writingwisterias · 2 months
(I don't speak English, I trust Google Translate, please don't treat me badly like other writers 😔) Seeing that on your list, Piers and Jake are very empty, and I don't know if you can do this type of writing where each character reacts to X situation.
In this case I would like to know the reaction of Piers, Jake and Chris (Leon optional) if Reader gets her period in public, in case it is uncomfortable for you to write that, maybe a simple writing of the RE guys reacting reader snuggling tightly against them and hiding her face in the middle of their chest
If you don't know how to write everyone's reaction, I'm fine with just Chris (my favorite) I hope you pay attention, if not, that's fine, thank you.
Thank you the request! I trust google translate too so don't worry I have to use to talk to some of my non english speaking coworkers! I hope you enjoy this! ~ Mads <3 (Not proof read)
Warning: Periods, Cramps, Blood, Period accidents in public, Comfort
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Chris Redfield
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Chris had taken you out to brunch with his friends, all of them enjoying the one rare moment of peace they all go together. You spent the time getting the office gossip from the girls that Chris never bothered to get whilst he was at work. You were having a good time until you felt the familiar stabbing pain in your lower back. You suddenly straightened your back in response accidentally knocking Chris' arm. Chris turned to you thinking that you were trying to get his attention, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at your pained expression. "Everything alright, Love?" He whispered leaning in close. You shook your head slightly, "My period has just started, I'm having some cramps" Chris laid his hand on the small of your back and began to rub small circles in hope to ease some of the pain you were feeling. "Do you want to leave?" he whispered again before placing a small kiss on the crown of your head. You shook your head again leaning into his arm. "I'll be alright if you keep doing this" you joked, you posture loosened as he continued to rub your back. Chris chuckled and moved his hand up your shirt so you could get the heat of his palm too. You smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss before returning to the conversation with Jill and the others.
Piers Nivans
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You had somehow managed to persuade him to take you to disneyland. You had spend the day meeting all the characters, eating all of the expensive themed junk food. Piers even treated you to your own lightsaber which you repaid him with lots of kisses and thank yous. However you were both now stood in the que for a rollercoaster ride, Piers was just ahead of you looking over the heads of people to try and see the board displaying the wait time. You were absent mindedly scrolling through your phone at all the photos you had taken during the day favoriting any of the one you wanted to post or print out. The girl behind tapped you on the shoulder, you turned to look at her with a smile. "I just wanted to let you know that you are bleeding through your jeans, do you need any products? I have some spare" she asked you, her tone was comforting and she held out a few tampons. You smiled taking the products she had held out to you and put them in your bag, you were too far in the queue now to be able to see the damage. Instead you tapped Piers on the shoulder causing him to turn and look at you with a smile. "Can I borrow your hoodie please?" You asked him innocently. Piers nodded not even hesitating to pull it off and hand it to you. You took it and wrapped it around your waist to cover the stain. "My periods bled through my jeans according to the girls behind us. I'm just using it to cover it up" You said sheepishly as you tried to gauge his reaction. "No worries Love, it's getting kinda hot anyway" He said kissing you on the head before he leaned round to make sure that the hoodie covered up the mark.
Jake Wesker
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You were in the ladies toilet at the grocery shop as you silently cursed the world for the timing of your period. You couldn't leave the stall without making a mess of yourself and you didn't have any products in your purse to use. So you had to call your boyfriend who was waiting for you outside. "Hey babe, I need you to run to the female hygiene section and get me some pads please" you asked him. Jake stood by the entrance of the doorway almost like he was buffering. "Uhhh sure, What type do you need?" he asked as he began to walk over to the correct aisle. "just the basic ones please" you responded down the phone silently praying he would go a bit faster so you could actually finish the shopping and return home for cuddles and junk food. Jake stood there for like 5 minutes staring blankly at the wall of products trying to think about the ones you might have had at your house. "what brand?" he asked nervously. "just always jake, it should be a pink packet" He didn't respond for a while but you could hear the chatter of the other customers at the store as well as the beeping of the cashier. He eventually spoke as he approached the bathrooms. "I've got them" he said looking at the packet that was in his hands. "You'll have to come in" There was a beat of silence as you assumed Jake was taken aback by your statement. "There's no one in here, just come in, I'm in the last stall" Jake didn't reply instead you heard the door open and the packet landed at your feet. You muttered a thanks through the phone laughing at his delivery. Once you had finished and walked out the bathroom you were met with a scowl which made you chuckle as you finished the rest of the groceries.
Leon Kennedy
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Leon was tucked underneath one of the many throws you insisted of having whilst you were out drinking with a few of your friends from work. He was scrolling through his phone as the crappy late night tv was on in the background. He was waiting for you to eventually call him to be picked up but it was rather early on in the night. He felt his eyes begin to close until he was scared awake by his phone vibrating in his hands. You were calling him. "Hey Sweetheart is everything alright?" He asked. He could hear you crying on the phone which made his heart beat fast as he tried to think of what could have possibly happened. "My period started and it's down my legs, can you come and pick me up please" You whimpered as you looked down at the blood streaks. You felt disgusting and just prayed for the earth to swallow you up whole so you didn't have to stand here like this. Leon quickly got up and raced to his car, taking a small towel and one of his hoodies with him to give you. When he arrived he gently guided your form towards the car, allowing you to hide behind the door as he wiped your legs down as best he could. He then passed you his hoodie to slip over your form knowing it would fall at least mid thigh and hide the mess. "The seats, I don't want to ruin your car" You spoke quietly. His heart broke at how small you looked as you stood there, he couldn't wait to just snuggle with you when you got home and hopefully try to ease the symptoms. He put the towel on the chair and sped home as fast as he could to make sure you got comfortable and forgot about this as quickly as you can.
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leapfeed1 · 10 months
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Looking for amazon seller account management, bulk product upload, data entry, inventory management, product image editing services at affordable prices. Contact us today.
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active-mind-15 · 11 months
If the GoM + KagaKuro + Momoi had YouTube channels
I saw a headcannon post like this a few days ago and thought I'd take my own crack at what I think the YouTube channels of the main cast of KNB would look like if they had them. Hope you enjoy!
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Mainly on the book side of YouTube.
He likes to do book reviews and book recommendation videos and keep people updated on what he's been reading recently.
He also does this thing where he opens up a Google Form every once in a while and takes suggestions from his subscribers on what to read and then he'll pick a few suggestions at random and give his thoughts in a video.
Sometimes he does vlogs where he hits up his favorite bookstores and encourages people to visit them (he mainly supports local bookstores and also is a big library advocate and often urges his viewers to support their local libraries, too).
On occasion, he uses YouTube shorts or the community tab to post pics and short vids about Nigou like taking him for a walk or dressing him in cute outfits (Nigou is Kuroko's pfp on his channel).
Kuroko also never shows his face in any of his videos and his viewers always get so curious about what he looks like, but when they ask for a face reveal, he never budges.
Because no one can see his face, they focus a lot on his voice and Kuroko has been told by many people that his voice is calming and he could definitely dip his foot into ASMR. He compromises by posting the occasional video of him reading excerpts from his favorite books.
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Very much a "ball is life" type of guy. He posts clips of his basketball game highlights from school tournaments. Also posts clips of him playing streetball with his team members from Seirin and sometimes other GoM members if Kuroko invites him to come play.
He posts travel logs, too. It could be something like him heading to LA to visit or to get some basketball training in with Alex. OR he could do "day in the life" vlogs in Japan where he just shows people how he's living. He posts them very sporadically, there's no schedule for any of his vlogs.
I feel like he could also do those "What it's like to live in ____" videos where he tells people about his experiences living in the US and Japan and gives people travel tips he's picked up along the way.
I bet he has YouTube shorts where he films what he eats in a day, and because of the sheer volume of food he consumes, his subscribers always think he's bullshitting because who tf eats that much in 24 hours?
He also does YouTube shorts where he cooks simple dishes. He always gives people an ingredients list so they can try the recipes, too.
He probably has both a domestic and international viewer base because he's bilingual (and I saw a headcanon someone had that Alex taught both Himuro and Kagami some Spanish so maybe he's even trilingual). When talking directly to viewers, he switches between languages a lot.
I bet he does livestreams too every once in a while when he's alone on a basketball court at night and wants some company, so he just props his phone up and comes back to it every so often to read the live chat.
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Oh, he's a beauty guru through and through. I know he's got makeup tutorials on his channel. He also does viral makeup challenges (or maybe he creates his own challenges and they go viral on their own).
He also posts a lot of GRWM videos. Sometimes he gets ready for modeling work, and other times he gets ready for school or a basketball game.
Also, he deffo gets sponsorships from cosmetic brands all the time like maybe foundation or face wash. He just has so much social media presence that brands are all lining up to ask Kise to use their products.
I can see him doing vlogs, too. Usually when he's out doing modeling work. He likes to show his subscribers behind-the-scenes stuff about modeling and how the industry works.
He 100% does clothing hauls, too. He likes to pick clothing brands he thinks deserve more love so that his subscribers start shopping there and the brands get more business.
He does livestreams where he does Q&A with his subscribers and talks more about himself there. They're a fan-favorite because subscribers get to see him more laidback and comfy.
I can also see him trying to do simple dance challenges for YouTube shorts as well. He usually tries to drag his Kaijo teammates or even the other GoM into it. Some are more receptive than others, to put it lightly...
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He's a weirdo (said endearingly) on YouTube. He makes content for all the boys and girlies interested in obscure niche topics.
I'm sure a good chunk of what he posts is related to horoscopes and compatibility stuff.
He also does livestreams where he does fortune-telling for his subscribers, usually summoning the power of whatever his lucky item is that day.
I would also like to think he does videos picking apart popular conspiracy theories and then going to war with said conspiracy theorists in the comments.
But then another part of his channel is almost like "study with me" type videos where he shows the process of completing homework or getting ready for an important test/exam.
A lot of people under his comments for those videos ask him for study tips and he freely gives out advice.
There are also people under his comments who talk about how stressed school makes them and he's actually very encouraging and supportive to them in his own way. He's big on motivating his subscribers to try their hardest and not to get too down on themselves if their results aren't as good as they expected. Because of this, his subscribers love to update him on their academic progress, both the good and the bad, and Midorima reads every single one of their comments.
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Probably the most sporadic poster of them all. Nobody ever knows when this boy will post and he gives no heads up either. YouTube community tab is for losers. You'll see his videos when you see them.
Most of the time he uploads videos they're usually super short, maybe no more than 2 minutes long. And the content of these videos could honestly be about anything.
Sometimes they're clips of gameplay from a video game and other times, it's just him filming random stuff that captures his eye.
He doesn't edit or nothin, he just rawdogs the YouTube experience and posts his videos as they are from his phone.
In a way, you could call some of the videos vlogs, but they're just so short and borderline cryptic that his subscribers don't see them as anything other than shitposts. And that's precisely why Aomine has amassed a sort of cult following.
The non-shitpost short videos are ones where he films himself catching bugs in the summer. Those are actually super cute and wholesome because he likes to share factoids about the bugs he caught.
The only times he does longer videos is if he posts clips from streetball matches he has with the other GoM + KagaKuro. They're usually titled something like "Kicked Kagami's ass in b-ball today". Any and all dislikes on videos like that are solely from Kagami and all the burner accounts he uses to dislike Aomine's videos.
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I think his most popular segment would be snack/sweet reviews. Especially when there are new limited edition flavors of something. Sometimes snack brands like to send him mystery boxes for him to open up on camera.
He also likes to talk about what he eats when he travels to new places, giving tips on places to eat in foreign countries that you may not find on an initial search online.
His subscribers treat his word like the holy bible and a lot of them will not trust a snack unless Murasakibara has said it's good. He's like the Keith Lee of snack YouTube. Very wholesome but also holds a lot of authority.
I think he would totally do mukbangs, too. He noticed his subscribers love it the most when he eats crunchy stuff, so a lot of his videos around that are him eating chips or his maiubo sticks. It's basically ASMR, at this point.
While he does mukbangs, he likes to rant talk about his day to his subscribers. They find it very endearing when he gets invested in telling stories.
I remember Fujimaki once saying Murasakibara's alternate future job would be a baker/patissier, so I think Murasakibara would also have content where he's just baking. He likes to take suggestions on what he bakes from subscribers. His taste testers are his Yosen teammates or the GoM if he happens to be down in Tokyo/Kyoto for whatever reason.
The only non-food content he has on his channel is his livestreams, where he plays video games. He either plays cozy farming sims or horror games. There is no in-between.
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A total equestrian boy. A good chunk of his channel is riding sessions he has with his horse, Yukimaru. He answers questions about horses from his subscribers in the comments all the time. Sometimes you will see him under the comments of other good horse YouTube channels gushing about how beautiful those YouTubers' horses are and how well their owners take care of them. He asks them about certain riding gear he sees them use, too, so he can buy it for himself.
Another chunk of his channel is music-related. He likes to upload videos playing his favorite pieces on both the piano and the violin. He takes song requests from his subscribers, too. Once in a blue moon, he'll even post a piece he composed himself. One time, he posted a video of himself playing the violin for Yukimaru, and his subscribers thought it was the most precious thing ever.
He also posts videos of himself playing shogi, either by himself or whoever he has convinced into playing shogi with him. It's usually Midorima, and he always loses.
Speaking of Midorima, Akashi noticed his "study with me" videos and wanted to try doing it, too. This eventually led to once-a-month livestreams where Akashi studies by himself in his room. This led to his subscribers nicknaming him "Lofi Girl". He did not understand the reference.
He posts basketball stuff on there, too. Usually, stuff he's taken from his own team's practices as he observes them from the sidelines.
He also sometimes posts YouTube shorts of the Uncrowned Kings when he's hanging out with them. They're always candids of them engrossed in a conversation, or when they're goofing off, and during those times, when Akashi feels compelled, he'll sneakily record them and post it later, almost like an archive of memories to look back on and smile.
He's also pretty passionate about mental health and sometimes talks about it on his channel, encouraging people to normalize conversation around it. He gives updates on his own mental health journey (yes, I have a headcannon that he starts going to therapy after the Winter Cup) and his subscribers are always so supportive of him for being open and honest about it. His transparency in turn inspires his subscribers to take their own mental health more seriously and they give Akashi updates of their own. He always loves hearing their progress and always tells them to hang in there.
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She loves a lil vlog here and there. She loves showing people what she does on a day-to-day basis. Her editing style is also super adorable.
She also likes to livestream to just talk to her subscribers about anything, really. A lot of times, it ends up being about romance, though.
Her content has a slight overlap with Kise in which she also does GRWM videos. Usually for school or to go into town. Sometimes this bleeds into her doing videos where she puts outfits together for specific situations and gives fashion/makeup advice to subscribers.
She does hauls, too, but it's all bath salts and bath bombs. She has an extensive collection of candles, too, and she loves to tell her subscribers when she gets new stuff.
She's probably also done a room tour, too, I bet. I like to think her bedroom has that gamer-girl vibe. Just all cute shit but at the same time she gets down to business you do not play around with data analyst Momoi.
I would say she also includes the other miracles the most out of everyone. Kise is usually the most willing participant in her videos. They probably team up for makeup challenge videos. Somehow they rope Aomine into them to be their test subject, may God bless his soul.
She also likes to take videos of the GoM when they have get-togethers. Her subscribers get a kick out of seeing their antics and they constantly tell her she has amazing friends. Momoi agrees.
Anyway, that was it from me. I don't think I've ever done a KNB headcanon post like this before, so I just wanted to try. I hope you guys liked it! ✨✨✨
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elaine19day · 5 months
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To those who are confused as to where and how to buy OldXian's new artbook and merchandise, let me try to break it down for you.
A few days ago, OldXian announced the pre-sale of their new artbook which comes in two versions.
Variant A (regular) includes: - the new artbook - a poster - 2x postcards
Variant B (deluxe edition) includes: - the new artbook - a poster - 2x postcards - 4x buttons - a shishiki board - a sticker sheet - a 24 page booklet
Furthermore there's two new acrylic standees which can be purchased separately. A tianshan and a zhanyi version.
The cost of these items is as follows: Artbook (version A): 89 Yuan [roughly: 13 USD | 12 Euro | 10 GBP] Artbook (version B): 189 Yuan [roughly: 27 USD | 25 Euro 21 GBP] Acrylic Standee: 49 Yuan (each) [roughly: 7 USD | 7 Euro | 6 GBP]
All of these items are available for purchase in their taobao store now, under this link: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?ft=t&id=786971367604
But if you have trouble creating a taobao account or your country isn't on the (very short) taobao shipping list [China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand] then you have several other options to get your hands on these new items.
1. You could use aliexpress, koonbooks or any other China-based shopping app/website to buy these things from a 3rd party seller.
Now, keep in mind that these sellers obviously want to make a profit, so you will pay more than in the original taobao shop. However, on the plus side, they usually offer free shipping, which is nice considering that items like artbooks are heavy and shipping costs are based on weight, so if you pay over, some of that money also goes towards covering the shipping costs, which is not bad.
The risk of ordering with such a website is obviously that the independent seller could turn out to be a scammer and keep your money and not send you the goods. I have no idea about koonbook's policies, however in the case of aliexpress you are at least protected by such practices and should you not receive what you paid for, you will be refunded and get your money back.
Also keep in mind that the artbook and merch is still in production at this point! But Old Xian said the merch will be shipped out BEFORE May 20th. That's less than 4 weeks from now.
That being said - in some cases the merch will be cheaper on aliexpress after official ship-out, because there will be more people offering it, competing for best prices.
However there's obviously also a risk that the deluxe edition will sell out before that or that these re-sellers only ship the artbook itself with none of the extras.
Here's two links where you can have a look at potential resellers, but carefully think about all the pro's and con's I gave you before you consider to buy. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006893284852.html https://koonbooks.com/products/old-xian-19-days-art-collection-3-chinese?variant=46493038674166 2.
The other option you have is using a taobao shopping agent. If you google that, you'll find dozens of websites offering their services. I myself have used parcelup, 42agent and superbuy before. Here's links to all of them: https://www.superbuy.com/ https://parcelup.com/ https://www.42agent.com/ What all of these agents have in common is that you need to create an account BEFORE you can start searching and shopping. All you need for that is a valid email address. I'll show how it works with superbuy screenshots here. After you signed up, you can copy the taobao-link I gave you earlier and paste it into the search-field.
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What will come up is an embedded view of the taobao listing where you can pick which variant you want and then add it to your shopping cart.
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Once you have added everything you want, click on the shopping cart and simply follow all further payment instructions.
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They will also ask you if you want them to keep the original packaging or if you want them to remove anything unnecessary and repack everything in order to make it weigh less so shipping will be cheaper. It's up to you. You will then be asked to pay for items, domestic shipping (so mosspaca studios can ship the goods to your agent's warehouse) and in some cases a service fee. For example, superbuy has no service fee, however they stopped offering paypal as payment method recently so you'd need a credit card or other online methods to pay for your order and everything. Parcelup, however, still offers paypal, but they also charge service fees. (They are fairly low though, if you ask me.) So after you paid for your goods, they will order the items for you and then you'll have to wait about 4-5 weeks for them to arrive, because keep in mind - like I said earlier - everything is still in production and Old Xian aims to ship everything out before the 20th of May. There's hundreds, if not thousands of parcels arriving to all agent's warehouses every day, so it will take them a few days to sort through things after your order arrives. You need to be patient!! They will get back to you with pictures of your order, trust me. When this happens you need to look at the pics and if everything is okay, you can reply to them to proceed. You will then be presented with shipping quotes. Usually they offer more than one shipping method and some are tracked, others are untracked, some will take only a week or two until they arrive at your doorstep, others will take 6 weeks or up to two months. Choose wisely which method you want and consider what is in your budget. (Obviously fast shipping with tracking is more expensive than slow shipping without it, however personally I'd always recommend a tracked service.) Just to give you an estimate on what to expect when it comes to international shipping - parcels with that amount of merch and weight, will always cost me about 50 USD or more to ship from China to the UK, where I live. (So keep that in mind before you order. International shipping is very expensive!) But once you picked a shipping method, you pay for it (that's your 2nd payment) and once they have processed that - your goodies will be on the way to you within a few days. And that's it. Sit down, eat your food and wait patiently for it to arrive. If you have further questions, just plop them into the comments and I'll try to answer them.
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fuckyeahpaperco · 11 months
Hi everyone! I'm so excited to officially announce the Fuck Yeah Paper Co Etsy shop! To mark the occasion, I'm launching two brand new sets of Pedro Pencils for the pilot of our hearts, Frankie Morales, and for Pedro himself:
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The first run of the Pedro Pencils were priced at mates' rates, so I'm adjusting the prices to cover my costs, time and processing fees now that I'm moving onto Etsy (it's impossible to take orders via Google forms in the long run!).
But, to get my shop up and running, I am offering a discount code to my Tumblr girlies (gn) to purchase one set of pencils at current prices (US$10 per set + US$7 shipping). If you would like the discount code, please DM me ASAP as numbers are limited.
If you want to bring a set of Pedro Pencils home with you, please do it via the link above, as I get a discount on processing fees if you do. I have only listed a part of my stock for the soft launch to smooth out any kinks in the Etsy process. If anything sells out, please just shoot me a message and I will let you know when it will be restocked!
I have a couple more products that I'm hoping to launch in time for holiday shipping. Follow this account @fuckyeahpaperco if you'd like to keep up to date with stationery news. Any reblogs and signal boosts of this post would be very much appreciated, thank you everyone for your support so far ❤️
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achromablanc · 7 months
since there's gonna be another strike on the 18th-24th, reminder that there is an app called No Thanks by BashSquare that will help you to find if the product you are buying is boycotted or not.
as far as im aware, this app is completely safe to use! it works by scanning barcodes of products with your phone camera and matches them to boycott lists. if there is any shopping you absolutely need to do doing the strike, the app is a must.
google play link:
ios app store link:
no thanks on twitter:
and please remember to do what you can to donate esims as well, as there is still no internet!
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horrorhorizon · 3 months
Boycott masterlist
This is a list of different boycotts. I hope you take the time to look through this list to boycott what you are able to. Money speaks, make sure yours goes to the best palces. These are humanitarian based boycotts, mainly supporting palestine, but other causes are included.
this post is continusly updated, check notes for most recent version
boycott euro vision
updating boycott list + the ability to scan a product -> app called "No Thanks" ios store google play store
The Witness is a website very similar to no thanks, no ability to scan products however
CJPME another website with boycott list for Palestine, this one is good for more obsure items not on all lists, like produce and plastic items
List of toys, proof, and alternatives
Ethical Consomer is a website with a boycott list across a broad range of issues, but especially the palestinan genocide. They also have ethical shopping guides. Direkt link to boycott list
Boycott Isreal is a website with a boycott list organised by catagory and impact
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months
Hello! I've been boycotting Marvel ever since I saw the BDS notice you reblogged however I'm a bit confused: when the post says it's okay to buy from independent sellers does that mean it would be okay to buy the Scarlet Witch comics from a small comic book store? Or it is just meant to say it's okay to buy comics from other prints and companies if we know they aren't supporting Zi0nists?
This is my personal philosophy, which is A) subject to change; B) not intended to be proscriptive or authoritative; C) not a representation of the BDS movement, its praxis, or its goals. I've made my beliefs very clear about Palestinian liberation. I am 100% pro-boycott, but I would urge you to defer to actual movement organizers and leaders, which I am not.
Boycotting is a goal- and result-oriented action, and organizers name specific targets for a reason. My understanding is that the primary targets of the Marvel boycott are Marvel Studios and the M C U. This is a cultural boycott that was called specifically in response to the upcoming Captain America film. Marvel Studios has also historically had close dealings with the United States military industrial complex.
The comic book industry is an incredibly unbalanced system. Low sales impact independent retailers first, and with much greater severity than the publishers and corporations, and the majority of writers and artists who work for Marvel or DC are in vulnerable positions where project longevity and job security often depend on presale numbers. For these reasons, I have always prioritized buying print, buying from local independently owned comic book shops, and going out of my way to place preorders for titles that I want to support.
Marvel is a large corporation and it's owned by Disney, which is also a target for boycott and divestment, so you would be within reason to boycott all Marvel products, but to the best of my understanding, BDS has not listed comic books as a target-- and I don't see the impact as being optimally productive, due to the economic imbalances I described. I, personally, have continued to purchase print comics from a local store where I am familiar with the staff and owner, and I trust their politics. I do my best to keep track of the public behavior of writers and artists, and only purchase work made by people I feel I can similarly trust.
If you choose to purchase Marvel or DC comics, I would encourage you to perform the same due diligence, and ONLY buy print and ONLY buy local. Don't make digital purchases or buy subscriptions directly from the company, and don't buy merchandise, specifically of the M C U.
I would strongly encourage you to match your purchases with donations. The most effective way you can give money right now is by donating to personal fundraisers. My friend Eeri has organized a spreadsheet tracking GoFundMe drives for dozens of Palestinian families and individuals, all of which have been verified. They've also made individual posts and reels for each fundraiser that you can share on your instagram, if you have one.
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