#listen I haven’t touched an AA game in a hot minute but I do remember some stuff anyway :))
journcys · 10 months
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Let’s talk about APOLLO JUSTICE.
Apollo works with Phoenix Wright ( @lawbnd ) in the Johto/Unova regions.
Apollo lived in Unova since he was nine years old. However, After meeting Phoenix and co, he has travelled to other regions. He considers Johto almost like a second home.
As a child he grew up in an unknown region. ( meaning idk what the khura’in equivalent in pokeverse would be yet lmao ). He was raised by a man named Dhurke Sahdmadhi until he was 9 after being separated from his mother and unable to find her. Dhurke felt it was too dangerous for Apollo to stay in his region and had sent him back to Unova where Apollo was forced to take care of himself.
Apollo was abandoned at a young age ( his father was murdered when he was an infant and that’s when dhurke started raising him ) and sometimes comes off as vain, sarcastic and self conscious. He’s kind, though, and had become more grounded since he’s done more cases. He met his mother later in life.
Apollo mostly specializes in flying type Pokémon. His ace Pokémon is his Braviary ( ♂lvl 54 ). The rest of his team consists of Staraptor ( ♂lvl 52 ), Pidgeot (♀ lvl 50 ) and Noctowl ( ♀ lvl 49 ). He also has a Rowlett, Natu and Tailow who are not battle ready.
Apollo also has a Stoutland ( ♂ lvl 70 ) named Holmes, who is battle retired. He has had Holmes since he was in law school—he was adopted from a Pokémon adoption program after being abandoned. He is old, slow, and prefers to sleep all day at the office, however he is very healthy. He doesn’t seem to mind Trucy putting her hat or capes on him but he can get Snippy with Phoenix’s Boltund sometimes. Overall he is a very chill and friendly old dog.
Apollo’s old mentor, Kristoph Gavin, ended up being a murderer and that whole scenario still gives him night terrors sometimes. He’s gotten better, but they still sneak up on him.
Apollo is friends with his old mentors brother, Klavier Gavin, even if Klavier annoys him faster then Phoenix seems to. Klavier is also a prosecutor. It’s great.
He’s a guy doing his best.
Short king at 5’5”.
The bracelet that Apollo wears tightens around his wrist when he notices nervous habits in people that would be subtle to most. This proves that Apollo has a psychic ability, regardless of it being quite small in psychic ability standards. To use this ability, both of his eyes must be locked onto the other person.
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kane-m-killer · 3 years
Here’s a small horror story draft
Has anyone seen Pete? He’s 25,6’1,black curly greasy hair,pimple face? Used to frequent this subreddit often? I wanted to ask you all if you have seen them cause I’m an old friend of his and I wanted to say if any of you saw him or have seen him.
Run away, Run far away.
No I’m not joking either,Or trying to paint him in a bad light. This guy is serious bad news, and if you won’t take my word for it. First off, good on you for not trusting a random Redditor. Allow me then to start from the beginning as to why the next time I see this man it will be in a morgue when we are both dead.
I met him at a A&A meeting. I was in bad shape when I met him, addicted to drinking at 21 and down on my luck. He was a new member we had to say hi to and he sat next to me once he introduced himself.
I can’t remember the details of the conversation but I know we talked about something boring like the weather maybe.
He was there for a few more sessions until he stopped coming.
I didn’t think much of it until one autumn night when I left the building after the meeting,7 weeks sober then mind you, he was there leaning against the building. It was like he was trying to seem cool but in actuality just looked dumb and a try hard.
But nevertheless I still went up and talked to him, I can’t tell you why but I guess it doesn’t matter now. We talked more and his slow monotonous voice gave an air of disturbed charm to me. I thought he was like one of those guys that are bland on the outside but fascinating on the inside. And strangely because of that we became friends.
Friends for 3 years for that matter. And through all that time he was a good friend, he offered his advice and gave me a shoulder to cry on when needed. It’s just that something about his behavior sometimes really should’ve told me he was trouble.
For example when me and him were at a bar being the sober friends at a party and he was flirting with a girl next to us, me being too tired to be a wingman I stayed quiet but listened to his conversation.
“So what are you doing tonight honey?” He started off with
“Nothing to do with you that’s for sure” she retorted and I held back a laugh.
“…You should shut the fuck up then before I take those hot lips of yours and cut them off.” He said with a voice that I haven’t heard him use ever. It was fucking creepy
“Excuse me?!” The lady said immediately getting up to leave
“I’ll be able to kiss your sexy lips all the time if I cut them off, you sure aren’t using them much if you're using them to talk shit.” He continued grabbing her arm. I was utterly shocked and disgusted with him and got up and punched him clean in the face. He reeled back and gave me the dirtiest look and yelled at me, we argued, screaming at each other for a good minute before we were kicked out the bar for disturbing the peace, he left in his car and I was there with no ride.
I was about to call an Uber when someone tapped my shoulder. It was the girl who Pete harassed, she wanted to thank you for defending her and asked if I needed a ride. We talked on the way to my house and I’ll cut off at this bit to just say Her name is Desiree and she’s now been my best friend for three years.
The reason I’m telling you this is because me and Desiree became close enough to move in together, and throughout that whole move from my mothers house (yes I know, cringe) I haven’t told Pete about her and me, in fact I don’t think I had a full conversation with him since the bar fight. And honestly I was fine with that.
I just wish it stayed that way.
It’s been a couple weeks since I fully moved in with Desiree and I was home alone while she worked the night shift. I was messing around on my phone when I felt eyes on me. Not the kind of eyes you feel from a worried mother or annoying friend but just eyes, cold unmoving eyes.
I got up from the couch and looked at the windows. Desiree had one of those studio apartments with the balcony window the size of the wall. I tried to stare into the blackness that was night outside but of course I saw nothing of anything or anyone. But the eyes still wouldn’t leave me. I looked everywhere in the house but no dice.
The eyes felt like it was amused at me failing to try and find its source. I decided it was just my mind messing with me and I just went to bed.
I fell asleep pretty easily after I calmed down and the eyes almost went away,until I woke up.
Now there’s this thing about humans that can detect if it’s life is in danger. I think my body activated because of that. Cause when I woke up I felt a weight at the side of the bed.
Someone was in the bed with me.
I didn’t dare move, I didn’t dare speak. Anything that could have indicated I was alive save for my breathing ceased. I tried to access the situation but a hard metal object touched my back, it felt like every nerve in my body prepared me for this moment but when the moment came I just froze. It’s such a pathetic thing to do but I couldn’t do anything other than freeze.
I felt the person scooch up to me pressing the knife closer at my back, to the point where I was drawing blood and the person’s chest was touching my back. I could feel their hot breath on my neck that night.
We stayed that way for what felt like hours. I think they were waiting for me to move or show that I was awake or something cause I stayed froze in that position, at that time I couldn’t even feel my body with how hard I was trying to keep it together.
The worst part about it was that they never spoke a word, but their eyes were unmistakable. They were the same eyes watching me from afar earlier now staring at the back of my neck waiting for me to mess up.
The front door soon opened with what I assume was Desiree coming home from work, the person in my bed slowly moved away and came off the bed. Their weight being so heavy I almost flew up when they got up.
While they opened the door out of my room I slowly reached for my phone on the desk. I heard him walking downstairs and typed in a number quickly.
Pretty soon I heard it. Desiree’s phone rings. She picks it up and her sleepy but joyful voice almost makes me cry of relief.
“Hey dude, what’s up? Did you go to sleep early?” She said, I can hear her smile as she puts down her things and opens the fridge. I can’t hear the person who was in her house.
“I’m fine, just wanted to say hi, and yeah…could you do me a favor and go outside real quick?” I said trying my best to not sound like I’m shaking as my body finally responds to moving as I snuck out of bed.
“Um,what? Listen man I’m too tired for any games rn.” She said sounding a little annoyed. I don’t blame her.
“Just, go outside like right now.” I hear a creak of wood on her end of the line “please.”
I raised a glass cup high above my head, the plan came to me during the call as I was straining to listen for the intruder. I smashed the glass against the wall and I heard it double on the phone.
“Now!” I screamed into the phone before hanging up and jumping out the window of my room, her apartment was thankfully on the second floor to the way down wasn’t deadly. But concrete on bare skin hurted like a bitch.
I heard a scream from the window and my heart dropped, but the next thing I saw made my whole body stop again. The intruder was looking at me recon the window I dropped from.
And it was Pete.
Me and Pete stared at each other for what felt like eternity, his dark eyes and pimple faced morphed by the dark room into something hideous to look at. I heard the building door open and out came Desiree with blood coming from her arm.
We both ran away with him close behind. It hurt to move after being still for so long but I had to keep running. We managed to lose him in traffic and alleys and after thirty minutes found a police station. We came in scared and with bloody bare feet, we told them everything and we stayed there for the rest of the night.
Some police went back to the apartment and by a stroke of luck found him waiting for us in Desiree’s room doing stuff that I won’t repeat here. He was arrested for attempted murder and breaking and entering. I later found out he was outside watching me through the window via a ladder. So that would explain the eyes.
But something happened in court and he was let go due to good lawyers from his family. He’s out free and I haven’t seen him since
So that’s why I ask, have you seen Pete? I don’t know if he’s moved to another country or is still around here. He could be anywhere and I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea where to look.
Remember what he looks like. 25,6’1,black hair and pimple face. Don’t trust anything he says to you and just run.
And watch the people you meet in a AA meeting
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