#listen I know no one else cares about Apple Thangs
blairdiggory · 5 months
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Apple Thangs my beloved!!!!
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
13 for steve and billy ?? if that’s okay to ask for two characters :))
of course you can! ♥ esp for prompts like this one!
13.   a song made suddenly precious because of a special someone
I’m obsessed w/ Bruce Springsteen.
Re: all these fucking posts i’ve made talking about/mentioning Springsteen...
x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   
but also i know not everyone is exactly here for the constant reminders and references to Springsteen. so I’ll do one Springsteen song and another non-Springsteen song to even it out ♥
kay so Springsteen! 15000000% Backstreets. I’ve mentioned it, I’ve talked about it, I’ve probably made any of y’all who have been following me for a while fucking sick over it but I swear guys it’s such a “gay boy in a small town running away w/ his friend to make out and fuck in the backstreets” anthem!! and i just!!! pleasepleaseplease listen to the song and imagine this:
Billy and Steve driving out to an empty field somewhere along the backstreets of Hawkins that are just filled w/ farms and fields and that’s absolutely fucking it. It’s almost the middle of summer and Billy and Steve have been spending so much time together, getting to know each other and listening to music together and smoking w/ one another. And so Steve takes them to this empty field that he especially likes bc it always has wild sunflowers and he loves sunflowers.
So Steve parks the car in the field, on one of the little dirt roads leading up to the orchard a little ways away, just far enough that Billy can make out tree looking objects, and he lets his tapes play. He has Springsteen in the tape player, and they’re laying there in the tall grass, on their backs. Billy has his knees up, feet set on the ground, while Steve has his laid out, one ankle crossed over the other. And they’re just… talking. Letting the setting sun bask a golden glow over them and the trees and the sunflowers around them as they talk about people and getting out of this small town. And the little beginning piano of Backstreets plays beneath their conversation as Steve eyes Billy, watches his lips move as he talks about Max and Hop and El. as he begins to talk about California. Watches his adam’s apple bob and his hands fidget a bit where they’re crossed on his stomach and damn his hands are nice and Steve is so mesmerized by this boy and he’s been so mesmerized by this boy that he seriously can’t think of anything else but kiss him kiss him kiss him-
“Fuck it.” He mumbles, reaching out to grab the sides of Billy’s face and pull him into a kiss. Their first kiss. As the song picks up and the chords hit harder and the drums come in Steve pulls himself on top of Billy, straddling him and kissing him hard. Holding the sides of Billy’s head and feeling Billy’s hands reach out for Steve’s waist.
~Trying in vain to breathe
The fire we was born in
Steve pulls away at tying fate between our teeth and they’re laying there, Steve still on top of Billy, both of them still holding each other, breathing each others breath and laughing a little bc wow that happened. They both want it to keep happening.
And so now every time that song comes on, they feel their hearts pick up bc wow… they feel so perfect in those moments. That song means everything now.
Now that i’ve got Bruce out of the way, I really wanna say Wild Thing - The Troggs. bc I really fucking love the idea of Steve belting this song out dramatically.
Like??? This song being about Steve OBviously falling in love w/ Billy. And Steve being absolutely drunk off his ass, somewhere where they’re alone and steve is tripping over his feet and suddenly-
WILD THANG... you make my heart sang
and Billy is like... amused and mortified??? bc Steve is running around, borderline convulsing to the beat, singing along, until the talking part comes up and Steve is still singing along w/
“Wild thing I think I love you
But I wanna know for sure
So come on and hold me tight”
and this whole time Steve is walking his way up to Billy, trying to saunter but really falling over w/ each step bc he’s drunk and clumsy. and he ends up in front of Billy, wrapping his arms around Billy’s neck, feeling Billy’s arms wrap around his waist, and he looks Billy in the eyes, noses barely touching, energy between them flaring up as the song sings I love you but Steve can’t do it. Doesn’t sing it. Just stares as they search each other’s face before-
the beat picks up again and Steve starts fucking headbanging to the song and Billy has to jump back.
“You almost broke my nose, you dummy!”
and Steve’s dancing and singing so seriously but Billy is breathing hard and sitting on the ground now, watching with an amused smile bc this boy is such a damn dork.
Until the next speaking part comes on and
“Wild thing I think you move me
But I wanna know for sure
So come on and hold me tight”
and now Steve is crawling into Billy’s lap, back to Billy’s front, wrapping Billy’s arms around his chest as he lays his head back and says: “You move me.”
and it’s in that little pause where they feel everything. All of the energy and the emotions and the connection... until Steve shoots himself out of Billy’s hold at the beat, getting back up to dance around and Billy is groaning, hanging his head low with a “you’re so fucking embarrassing, Harrington.”
Except Steve doesn’t care bc he’s singing and looking at Billy and pointing to him like he’s singing to him and the song is fading out and the light is fading on Billy’s face and Steve is staring like the world is in front of him and he can’t believe it and-
“I love you.”
Steve says. Loud enough for Billy to hear except he doesn’t believe it. Suddenly looking so fucking sober Billy thinks it might have given the poor boy whiplash. and he just looks at Steve with wide eyes and Steve stares back and then Billy goes: “It took singing ‘Wild Thing’ for you to say that to me?”
Steve swallows.
“Okay, I’ve gotta go.”
and he walks past Billy, but Billy grabs as his ankles, then pulls him down by his legs and his ass and his lower back until Steve is on the ground with him and Billy’s looking at Steve w/ “You’re a moron.” before kissing him.
and it’s cheesy and ridiculous but i love bright fluffy things so yay♥ silly boys being absolutely ridiculous.
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rihstopher · 7 years
Short: Social Disconnect
Christopher is nosily strolling Instagram from the boredom that is consuming him. Today he’s the only one home which gives his mind a lot of time to roam. He clicks on his notifications to witness he is tagged in more pictures of his ex and her mystery love interest.
When pictures leaked a few days ago he didn’t know how to feel about the ordeal. She’s called him several times to give him an alibi for her actions yet her calls have gone unanswered.
They’ve been working towards rebuilding and reconciled as friends some time ago. He just wish he received a heads up before her affair went viral. She’s know about every woman he’s had in rotation or been seeing. That’s one thing people from the outside never knew about him when it comes to that woman he rarely lies to her about anything. She knows more about him than anyone walking this earth.
His doorbell chimes removing him from his thoughts. He places his cellular device down on his marble counter before trotting towards the door. He isn’t in the mood for company nor was he expecting it. He peers the door slightly open to see his aunt Christine standing on the opposite side. He huffs in annoyance unsure of why she’s here, but he’s certain it has something to do with being worried about him.
Aunt Christine has always used methods of tough love. She believes in allowing people to figure out things on their own, but she had to visit her nephew today to give him a piece of her mind.
“Hey Auntie.” He kisses the side of her plump jaw as he allows her access to come in.
She scans her deep chestnut eyes around the vicinity to notice any foul play and to see who’s around. She knows when her nephew gets in depressive states he can revert back to old habits or bad people.
“Hey baby. I see none of those no good niggas are around.”
Chris chuckles in response to his aunt’s bluntness. Leave it to Christine Brown to never hold back. Her tongue is brazen and her mouth is unfiltered. She’s the total opposite of her sister Joyce.
“You know lately I’ve been doing shit solo.”
Lately he has slowly been ridding his crew of all the bad apples and niggas who don’t mean him any good. The last year a lot of things have been placed in perspective. Outsiders may not see his growth but his family does. The two walk to the living room where he was previously seated.
“So what’s going on with you and Miss Thang? When you are isolated and ignoring people it’s normally because you two are at odds.”
“Man I don’t know shit was just good. We were cool. I saw her before she left and everything then I have to find out through Instagram she fucking another nigga.”
“Have you talked to her Maurice?”
Christine hasn’t always been the biggest fan of Rihanna during the course of this love affair. When things went sour many years back she felt protective over her flesh and blood. When they reconciled she knew the love between the two was mutual.
She has told her nephew a dozen times that if this is what he wants he must fight for it. She’s been around many girls he’s introduced the family to and no one has left the same impact Robyn did.
“I’ve been ignoring her dumb ass. I’m not really mad. I’m confused. Confusion is normally something felt when we’re in contact.”
“Have you two been smashing Chris?”
“Auntie what the hell? No we haven’t and if we were I wouldn't tell you. We decided not to have sex. It normally complicates things and we get super intense afterwards.”
Christopher partially tells the truth knowing the once couple recently engaged in a passionate sexual exchange during Robyn’s last visit.
“Chris call her and talk to her. She’s probably feeling neglected or scared. I’m a woman I know these things.”
“Wow Christine taking Robyn’s side? Damn it’s going to snow in hell tonight.”
“It’s not about sides baby. It’s about right and wrong and compromise. You have to play fair. You’ve been having little chicken heads in rotation and you’re going crazy over one man. You two have always been possessive over one another.”
“ I get that but I’m honest auntie. I tell this girl every damn thing. I know we aren’t together I just want the respect as her best friend. And I’m even more annoyed I see dumb shit like if Kae was around I wouldn’t want Rih when I was chasing her ass since the break up in 2013.”
“Call her. If you want this you can’t give up. You’re a Brown. We don’t let shit stop up. And don’t bring that little bitch up you know I can’t stand her. People who don’t truly know you feel like you genuinely wanted that girl when you did things to get a reaction from the one you truly love.”
The petite model Christine is referring to is his ex who is using manipulation to gain sympathy from the media. Since the start everyone told him she was no good for him, but Christopher was spiteful he had to prove a point. He had to prove everyone wrong and it hurt Robyn the most. She saw posts on social media that she knew never stemmed from genuine places.
“I don’t know what to do auntie.”
“ You are damn near thirty and I want you to get this right son. I want you to live in happiness. You know who your happiness is and where it lies so stop being a pussy.”
“I’m going to call I promise.”
“Don’t do it for me. Do it for you. I’m going to head upstairs to take a nap. I’m linking up with my sons later for dinner and you’re coming.”
“Ok I’ll be ready.”
He knows exactly what his aunt is up to and he feels it’s time to bury the hatchet. Christopher hasn’t really been on speaking terms with his younger cousin Austin for months, both men are very prideful and their mothers have tried everything to get the two in the same room. At one point he was Chris’s mini me and did everything by his side. In early adulthood Chris feels he’s acting out and letting people in his ear.
He nervously dials the number he knows strictly from his memory. Shockingly she answers the phone quickly on the second ring. Robyn places her phone near her best friend’s face allowing her to read the contact information of the caller.
“Answer it bitch.” Melissa encourages her
“Hi Maurice.” She swallows a wad of air silently telling herself to breathe.
“What’s up Fenty?”
“How are you?”
“I’m aight I see you’ve been busy though.”
Melissa looks at her with an I told you so bitch face. Mel instructed Robyn to be careful about her dealings and she would tell Chris if she had to. It annoys Robyn at times that her best friend loves her ex as a younger brother and they keep in contact and his side is taken when Robyn is in the wrong.
“Don’t be like this. If you were going to be a dick why did you call?”
“I really don’t know Robyn.”
The sadness lingering throughout his vocal chords makes her feel awful. No they aren’t official and yes they discussed seeing other people while they’re in the process of figuring it out and she still feels wrong for acting like the single woman she technically is.
“Chris don’t do this. Don’t make me feel bad for this shit. We mutually agreed to see other people.”
“Seeing and fucking doesn’t exactly correlate Fenty.”
“Chris don’t act like you’re only fucking me when you have your little hoes.”
“I haven’t had sex with any other woman since we did what we did.”
Sex with Robyn lives Chris craving more and normally other women can’t please him the way Robyn does. She knows his body well and vice versa.
“ What the fuck do you want me to do huh? You want me to wait around for you? You want me to allow you to strip me of my walls again just to hurt me? I always have to remember to do me because this thing we have is unpredictable.”
“I just want you to be truthful. I asked if you were seeing someone else and you lied. I know you so well and I knew you were fucking lying. Normally when you get distant and standoffish you’re either seeking comfort in another man or getting cold feet again.
You talk about this shit like it’s a fucking game Rihanna. You know how I feel.  If we’re going to move forward you can’t keep reverting back to the fucking past.
“I’m not yours what do you want me to do?”
“Just admit you were wrong but I know doing that is hard for you to do.”
He knows it’s unfair to ask her to place her love life on pause when they’re uncertain where they stand. She knows how much he loves her and she truly wants him but old baggage and public perception drives a wedge between them.
“I apologize Chris.”
She softly mumbles a sincere apologetic gesture through the receiver.. This shows Chris some type of growth. At time she allows her pride to speak for her and she just swallowed it for him.
“Thank you.”
“I love you. Do you love me?”
“Is that even a question nigga? Just because I have an attitude doesn’t mean my love stops for you.”
“I just needed a little reassurance. Well I have to go Jenn is telling me I have to be on the set in five. When I get home how about we sit down face to face and lay a few things on the table.”
“I’d like that Fenty. See you soon.”
The two ended the call on a mature note. The duo is truly surprised the way things went. Many times they engaged in verbal wars over the phone when things were on edge. Chris is happy he listened to Aunt Christine and settled the water under the bridge. They just have to remember to take things slow and see where things go when she returns home.
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Day in the Life of a Working Post-College Celiac
New blog post! I don't know if all bloggers are super curious or if I'm the only one, but there's something immensely satisfying about seeing what someone else's life is like. Not only is it a little escape from our own, but you can also get some major #lifegoals - ranging from some delicious new recipe to meditation inspiration. Now, I'm not promising either of those from my "a day in the life..." But, if reading last week's post about my work with Entity Magazine peeked your interest, here's what my workday really looks like. Of course, this day turned out a little more exciting than some - but you'll just have to keep reading to find out why!
8:45: My alarm goes off. I usually wake up earlier than this, but Daylight Savings has been kicking my booty. My old college roommate can attest to the fact that I NEVER snooze on my alarm...but the few days before, I did. Multiple times. So I decided to listen to my body, sleep in and cut my workout short. Soooo worth it. I also spent a few minutes linking up my latest blog post to that day's link parties. (If you're a blogger and haven't discovered link parties yet, get on that train! Such a great way to share your posts and meet some more awesome bloggers!) 9:00: Jump on my stationary bike and start working on an article for Entity. I know people never understand how I write and exercise at the same time, but multi-tasking is my jam. 10:00: The mailman is here! I got a surprise from Path of Life since I won Amanda's giveaway at Gluten Free and Dairy Free Reviews (check out her blog ASAP if you never have!). Path of Life offers a variety of frozen foods, many of which feature quinoa and other ingredients (so far, the Mexican mix with black beans and mango is my fave).
One of the many meals now stuffed into my freezer!
10:05: Check my email...and see I received my seventh grad school rejection, this time from University of Wyoming. This was one of the top four schools that I wanted to get into, so it was definitely a brutal day. But I'm trying to focus on competing for funding in the one school I've been accepted to (Minnesota State University, Mankato) and praying for the other three schools I haven't heard from. [Note: I wrote this blog post about last Wednesday, so I've received some more grad school news since then...] 10:10: Hop in the shower. I never understood the purpose of robes until I moved to Colorado Springs. Now, I 100% percent get it. It's freakin' cold right out of the shower, and I can't get dressed quick enough. 10:30: Finish one article for Entity and start the next. I also am sipping my usual morning "tea," which is warm water with a squeeze of lemon and a shot of apple cider vinegar.
On Instagram...versus real life!
11:30: Enjoy a late brunch. I don't know if I totally buy the whole intermittent fasting thang, but I naturally don't tend to get hungry until around 11 (usually because my night snack can happen as late as 10:30 the previous night). I also love working out first-thing in the morning on an empty stomach. It works for me, but you do you! And, no, my breakfast usually doesn't look as beautified as the photo I share on Instagram. This is what breakfast at work really looks like: defrosted smoothie, toppings all over the counter and munching in front of the computer! 11:30-2:15: Pulling a Rhianna and work, work, workin'. I did take one short break, though, to go for a walk with my folks to enjoy the insanely gorgeous weather. I know people out East are struggling with snow storms (and I totally wish you the best!), but we're loving the high 60s and 70s (!!!) here. 2:15-4:30: I typically work until 3, but today I had an oh-so-special doctor's appointment. (Feel free to skip this section if you're the queasy type or eating). I've struggled with an ingrown toenail for the past five years, and have had it cut three times. After it began ingrowing for the fourth time a few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to real treatment - aka the one where they effectively burn the nerves of your toenail to keep parts of it (in my case, both outside edges) from ever growing back. My doctor was HiLaRiOuS and definitely made the surgery a lot more enjoyable tolerable than it would've been.
5:00: Finally arrive home from my doctor's appointment! I was extremely grateful for numbing shots, medical insurance and my mom's foresight to throw a flip-flop into my purse since I can't wear tight, closed-toed shoes for another 10 days. I was starving (I usually eat supper early...like 4:00 early), so I threw some sliced veggies to broil in the oven, microwaved a potato, defrosted some chickpeas, added a slab of avocado and chowed down. 6:00-7:00: While my dad left to go help teach a class on first-aid, Mom and I tried out another episode of our latest guilty pleasure: Bull. For any NCIS fans, this is the new series featuring the same actor who played Anthony DiNozzo. We'd give it a solid C. Some of its episodes are great, others...not so much. 7:20: Decide to do some stretching, even though I can't do my usual yoga routine because of my toe (which, at this point, had come back to life with fury). Unfortunately, part of the deal with fibromyalgia is that, whenever my muscles get tight, they don't loosen up easily. And, thanks to tensing up during my toe appointment, I had one heck of a headache. Thankfully, a little stretching and some help from our hand-held massager did the trick. Sometimes chronic illnesses suck, but it's all about learning what self-care tactics really help your body at its best.
My usual night activities...
8:30: Snack time! My night snacks are more like meals because 1) I like to fuel up for my workout the next morning, 2) It tastes freakin' delicious, 3) I have a major case of the night munchies and that's 100% OK. Rather than portioning out ingredients into a bowl, I basically just take over a kitchen island and spread out all of my options so I can have a lil' bit of this and that. 9:00: Take one Tylenol Codeine to manage the toe pain...and keep watching random food shows on Netflix until bed. 10:30: Realize that I am apparently a Tylenol Codeine lightweight...so I crawl into bed and call it a day! So, that's what a day in the life of a working post-college celiac looks like! Some days, it seems like I have the most boring life ever. Others? I'm wishing for my non-exciting days to come back! I don't know how long this routine will stay, but I know I'm making the most of it for now. Do you like reading about a day in other people's lives? What does a day in your life look like right now? Don't tell me I'm the only girl you loves these kind of posts! via Blogger http://ift.tt/2nYlfmW
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