#listen I know this is insane and parasocial and crazy
just-rogi · 1 year
#listen I know this is insane and parasocial and crazy#right?#I’m aware I’m in the wrong here#but#I’ve loved Taylor swift since I was like ten years old#and during her 1989 era she did an interview where she said if calories didn’t count she’d eat chicken tenders#years later she came out and said that during that time in her life she was struggling with ED and was miserable#and was recovering#and has been open about the fact that she’s continued to struggle but is choosing to heal#and she’s been like one of the only public figures to actually talk about ed in a way that actually meant anything to me#and it’s not my business it doesn’t matter ok it doesn’t fucking matter and I wouldn’t say this to her or anyone or w ever#but she was just at a football game eating chicken tenders#and man#it’s not about me it’s not my business and doesn’t effect me in ANY way#but GOD I wanted to cry#bc I feel like sometimes it’s not ever worth it and you never really recover and no matter how hard you try#recovery is unobtainable in any permanent way and you can be clean for days or weeks or months or YEARS#but it never really goes away not really you just kinda have to decide one day that healing is worth more now than how painful#and difficult and humiliating recovering is#and MAN it’s NOT about me and I shouldn’t care about what a billionaire is eating for lunch because it doesn’t effect me#and it’s invasive and parasocial and kinda gross to even know that shit about her#but god idk why her stupid chicken tenders and semingly ranch are making me cry#I hope she loved her chicken tenders I hope they were amazing I hope she didn’t even think twice about eating them#but if she did - because I feel like I always will- I’m glad she chose to get them anyway#it’s so hard to explain bc it feels so stupid lol#fuckin ranch too goddamn lol
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
There is this YouTuber whose channel is called “swiftologist”. I find it very puzzling because even though he can be critical of TS (e.g, her billionaire status and how she got it), he is still supporting her financially and seems to genuinely love her as a person. I was curious about his perspectives on her latest album TTPD, especially on So Long, London (SLL) and But Daddy I Love Him (BDILH). But to my surprise, he is completely on board with everything.
For SLL, he has no problem with her airing out a person’s metal health information and making it about herself. Calling him a Turkey for being boring and bland. I was really baffled at how much hatred he has for this particular ex-boyfriend (Joe Alwyn) and I thought maybe JA did something bad that I wasn’t aware of. Turned out, he really hates JA because he think JA made his Queen suffered from boredom while she could have had so much fun given who she is. In the comment section, her fans are joking about how they expect cooked Turkey (Joe Alwyn) on the menu (TTPD) but they are served cooked Rat (Matty Healy) instead. It’s truly about her personal life (they call it Lore) more than her music to them.
In BDILH, he didn’t think it was about him because he didn’t call her out when she was dating the guy from 1975. He said OG fans “know” TS, so they knew the relationship wouldn’t last because Taylor would soon break up with that guy so they just let her have her funs while it lasted. But the new fans and the general public don’t “know” her so they make a big deal out of nothing, and dare to insinuate that a woman’s good name can be ruined by a man’s actions. First of all, unironically and proudly say you know a celebrity as a person is a clear sign of a parasocial relationship. He and another fan said that only people who “know” TS is capable of appreciate TTPD, very elitist of them in my opinion. Second of all, how can he (swiftologist) think a full-grown adult dating a racist is just a phase or fleeting fun is beyond me.
the first thing i thought of when i finished reading this ask is “is swiftologist white?” and then i checked and he’s white LOL
i find people who are like “i can be critical and acknowledge my fave’s problematic behavior/identity” and then go on to wholeheartedly support them are such clowns. you are only fooling yourself thinking you’re exercising critical thinking about your fave when you’re still going on to support them monetarily.
and it seems like swifties don’t even listen to her music for her music but for the “lore” (as you called it)? its so weird that they bond over their hatred for HER exes??? swiftdom is actually crazy because they are so deeply convinced they know this woman from her music and her overexposed relationships when people who have a normal detachment from this woman have legitimate critiques they interpret it as attacking their best friend without any plausibility. insanity
idgaf how much a celeb overshares about their life on social media or thru their music or thru interviews 99.9% you will never know them as human beings. you will never actually meet and befriend them and KNOW them. taylor swift has so thoroughly convinced her fanbase they do know her through her intentional lack of boundaries and cultivation of parasocial relationships that they will do anything to defend her.
“second of all, how can he…think dating a full blown racist as an adult is just a phase or fleeting fun is beyond me.”
it’s because he’s 1. white and 2. doesn’t impact him. this is near universal truth in standom but most ppl will find harm their faves caused to a more marginalized group negligible if the group isn’t them. and if you’re a swiftie, you still find that shit irrelevant even if it did directly impact you. this is what i mean about swifties being delusional in their politics because there is no way you can unironically yourself a leftist or feminist or ally and be a swiftie when youre simultaneously supporting a woman who is a racist white billionaire who weaponizes white female victimhood to attack people of color.
so yeah. fuck swiftologist and any other swiftie who identifies as anything further left than a moderate/neoliberal when ur supporting a women like taylor swift
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celestie0 · 3 months
Thoughts on K-pop???
ohh i was a huge kpop fan when i was in high school, like the golden 2015-2019 era of kpop 👌🏼 i really liked bts, twice, red velvet, exo (my first group i got into) and hmm yea i kept up w new music n albums n stuff. i eventually just kinda stopped listening to a lot of the songs cuz i kinda grew out of my pop phase once i got to college, if i did listen to korean music it was mostly ballads like akmu or iu or kwill stuff like that!
but yeah i used to be on kpop stan twitter and that was absolutely HORRENDOUS…i still think the kpop community is so insanely toxic and cares way too much/blows SO many tiny minute things out of proportion n frankly idk how fans have the energy to do that every day ✋🏼😭 plus the parasocial relationships is kinda crazy. but again i used to be one of those fans so hahah i think maybe it’s just…a phase people go through
but i love the concept of kpop omg there needs to be more properly choreographed synchronized dancing in pop hahaha. i went to bts’ mots stadium tour at the rosebowl in 2019 and it was INSANE…so worth the money. kpop idols know how to put on a show for sure
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
I need to tell someone this, get it off my chest, and I don’t think my irl friends will understand. So I’m trusting you.
I have never felt more in love in my life. I haven’t fangirled this hard in 6 years, probably never this hard in my life. I’m so in love with this man. I just watched the Elvis movie and of course I thought I was going to have a *little* Austin Butler phase, but to my surprise I barely even touched Austin, to my surprise I’ve fallen down the Elvis Presley rabbit hole, harder than ive ever fallen before. I didn’t know anything about him before that movie and here I am listening to all his music and slowly going thru his movies and TV appearances. I barely say “i love you” out loud but I’ve been saying it over and over when I listen to his singing and when I watch him on the screen.
I feel insane. I’ve been contemplating breaking up with my boyfriend because I feel so in love with this man who, even if he was still alive, i would never be with. I’ve been contemplating convincing myself heaven is real just to know I’ll meet him one day. Very intense. This “confession” is all light hearted, but I am honestly wondering if I’m the only one... I’m going crazy right?!
(I feel very embarrassed to be telling anyone this, so if you think I’m crazy pls be nice😭 but I felt like I had to tell someone)
Oh, Nonnie honey, Nonnie BABY, I think that SO MANY of us here can relate to what you are saying!
First, thank you for sharing this with me! I so very much connect with what you are saying here on a number of levels.
Listen, my life has been a series of hyperfixations and fandoms and there is a very good reason I call myself a “lifelong fangirl.” I’ve made shows/music/musicals/ people my entire personality for certain moments in time for as long as I can remember. Now I’m writing A LITERAL NOVEL imagining a romance with a man who’s been dead for nearly half a century. And I LOVE it. It can be intense and irl people sometimes (often) think I’m nuts but it’s part of my DNA to be this way and I am cool with that!
All this to say that with Elvis Presley, things are a little bit different. This is my second go-around with him and it is definitely more intense in a lot of ways than other fandoms I’ve been in, especially this time around, I think because of the Elvis community on social media has exploded since the movie and there is more info so readily available about him now than ever before. Maybe it’s because the world and life have been a complete clusterfuck for the last few years and it’s just nice to settle into something that makes us feel GOOD and connects us to people. Elvis is perhaps one of the first and strongest parasocial relationships in the world, and research has shown that parasocial relationships in general are on the rise because of what’s been going on in the world. So there’s THAT, too!
But let’s be real—Elvis is unlike anyone or anything before or after him. I am not entirely kidding when I say I’m convinced he has some preternatural/supernatural/ethereal/not-of-this-world quality to him that is simply unexplainable. Like how does a man who has been DEAD 45 YEARS STILL MANAGE TO GAIN/KEEP DIEHARD FANS all this time later? How does he have nearly as many people visit his home as they do the White House? How is he still one of the most prolific recording artists of all time? His fans have been equated to a religion. That is POWERFUL SHIT. It’s as if he was a star than burned so intensely, so brightly, that made such an impact, that the world couldn’t sustain him for a lifetime.
Yet he was a very real and complex human person that did some extraordinary things and had extraordinary gifts and talents. He was good and bad and everything in between and honestly I find him endlessly fascinating and beautiful and tragic. And good god, he was so incredibly gorgeous in such an otherworldly way. Ugh. He literally changed society with his beauty and music. That’s crazy in itself!
I am not a super spiritual person, and fairly skeptical, and yet I too find myself wondering and exploring and experiencing things I never would’ve CONSIDERED before because of him. It’s strange and eerie and blows my mind on the regular, tbh. Somehow, he came around in my life again at EXACTLY the right time and my world is very different/better than it was 6 months ago partially due to his presence.
I, too, have moments of feeling completely insane at how invested I am emotionally in this man I will never meet and how utterly, impossibly strange it feels to hold such love for a person who has been gone longer than I’ve been alive. I am lucky that my partner puts up with me and it and is understanding enough to be like, “this is weird but okay.”
He’s addictive in every possible way. I don’t know how else to describe it. I guess I’ve channeled all these intense and crazy feelings into Pink Scarf and somehow that makes me feel better because I’m creating something from this madness. It inspires me and makes me reach for my own dreams. And I’ve met this incredible community on top of it all.
So, Nonnie, you are very much NOT alone. I can’t say that it’s not crazy because it is a bit but in the best way possible and we’re right there with you!!💗💗💗
But also, take breaks. Don’t break up with your boyfriend (unless it’s truly not working for you in other ways). See and talk to people irl who have nothing to do with E. Read books or watch media unrelated to him. These are things I actively have to do make myself do to stay sane. It’s okay cuz E will always be around when you come back, and so will we!!
I hope this helps. Lovin’ you, Nonnie! 💗💗
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Hi! I'm really interested to hear your opinion on this. Why are people so resistant to the idea that celebrities, to put it bluntly, lie? Even if it's not about someone they stan. It should just be common sense. I'm so frustrated with people taking what celebrities say at face value. And if you dare to suggest that they do, in fact, lie, for whatever reason, people often start acting like you're the stupid one. Like, take Taylor for example. Why do a lot of people simply refuse to engage with any evidence we have and just decide that we're delusional. Because "she's always dated men and is dating one right now". They refuse to even entertain the possibility of these relationship being fake. And it's especially frustrating when it's coming from other lesbians, who call Taylor "the most heterosexual celebrity ever". What is stopping them from just listening what "those crazy gaylors" have to say? How do you break through this denial? I'm just ranting at this point because I was just talking to someone like that, and it's so annoying when people treat you like you're insane without actually listening to you😔
Hello! That is such an excellent question, and it has so many layers to it. But I think the two most prevalent ones I'm going to discuss are parasocial relationships and news media literacy. Warning, this is LONG!
Firstly, let me say that I don't advice to ever try and convince anyone of something that is not a widely accepted truth when they haven't asked to be persuaded. People need to be open-minded and willing to see other people's views and reasoning, in order to come to new conclusions, if they are not in that ready mindset, you're only ever going to get rejections. I'm not a Jehovah's witness, I have no interest in convincing anyone if they're not interested. But if someone came to me saying, 'Hey, I saw xyz and that seems suss, what's your opinion...?' Then I know I have their attention and they are open to listening to my interpretation and the evidence I present to them. If we come to different conclusions, that's fine, but at least you've taken in my reasons for why I believe what I believe. And I'm an academic at heart, academic discourse is ever changing, if new information comes to light, I may change my opinion.
Media Literacy and what we believe about the world
It's sad and shocking perhaps, but trust in reputable news media is at an all time low since 2020 in many developed countries. In a time where raw scientific research was influencing political decision making 'hot off the press', many people lost faith in science because they mistook scientific discourse and peer review as 'changing your mind'. Following the evidence where it leads, can always mean finding something you don't want to see. And that happened a lot during the pandemic. So, while I'm frustrated, I'm not surprised that so many people turned to types of media outlets that would bring them more comforting (if less reputable) news. And we're only three years past that now, I think the general populations' thirst for comforting news is still high, especially when we only see war and destruction everywhere we look. So what we choose to consume, shapes how we see the world, and with more and more people consuming information on the internet, the algorithm keeps them in an echo chamber of those existing views. Now, here is where celebrity culture comes in. Celebrity news are often gems of good and engaging news media, because they evoke emotion that unites people behind something. Celebrity gets married - everyone is happy for them. Celebrities break up - everyone is sad for them. Celebrity cheats on partner or commits some other crime - they are now universally hated. Very simple, gives people an easy way to build a belief system and moral compass on who/what is good and bad. It's also the easiest way to form an opinion on someone who you most likely won't ever meet in person. Now imagine someone coming in with an opinion that challenges those truths that you've built your believes on. You'd most likely get defensive, right? Accepting even the possibility that the truths we accept about the world are based on incorrect information, and therefore might need changing, is very daunting. For everybody. I teach information literacy to Undergraduate students for a living, and even I sometimes have to take a step back from research when the evidence is leading me somewhere that makes me uncomfortable. We all have biases and we like to be proven right rather than proven wrong. Or we might find something that would require us to take action on something. That's a lot of work though and ignorance is bliss so finding information that doesn't fit into our biases and ignoring it is also very common. It's all in the name of protecting the pillars of what we believe to be true about the world. So, to answer your question 'Why are people so unwilling to believe.../unwilling to engage with the evidence': Because they have a lot to loose. One thing that changes might lead to a lot more questions and before you know it, everything you thought was true collapses like a house of cards. You can't be the wrecking ball, people have to pull the cards out for themselves when they're ready. And the biggest celebrity in the world right now being a closeted gay woman? That wouldn't just be about Taylor, it would be a statement on the state of LGBTQ equality/freedom and how far we've supposedly come.
Parasocial Relationships
Ok, here is where we get to Taylor. Because a lot of people's first line of defense is the line 'But she wouldn't lie to us!' And why do they think that? Because she has, maybe more than any other celebrity, cultivated a relationship with her fans where they feel like they know her. But the fact is that they don't know HER, they know the version of her that she has carefully constructed to be her public-facing persona. Parasocial relationships are those where you can't have a true social interaction, because the person you're having it with is either fictional or you don't know them personally. It's a one way conversation. But Taylor has blurred the lines of this so much by engaging with her fans online, meeting them after shows and even inviting them into her house at secret sessions. You almost can't blame little swifties for believing they're besties now when they've met her in person and they've actually talked to her. Or the people she sent presents to for Christmas back in the day. That's something only a friend and not a random stranger would do. Taylor bases her public appeal hugely on relatability, and what is more relatable than feeling like she's your friend, right? And sadly it’s a lot more hurtful to imagine that your friend would lie to you than a random stranger. So, the version of Taylor that meets fans in person and invites them to her house and sends them presents, she would never lie to them. But that version isn’t real, it’s a fictional character built to protect the real person. Real Taylor lies through her teeth to protect what’s sacred to her. All the kids that were invited to the rep secret sessions and came out with stories of cute couple photos of her and Joe and a mission to tell everyone that those songs are about her bf and her bf only… I hate to tell you but you were used for free damage control. Imagine how hurt you’d feel if that was you and you thought you’d met your hero. I have no illusion that Taylor somehow cares about me. We’re not friends and if I ever met her I wouldn’t expect anything more than the chitchat I exchange with my uber driver. (In fact, I recently had a dream that I met her on a bad day and yelled at her 😬)
Compromise or Live and Let Live
Hopefully I’ve given you an idea of why it’s hard for anyone to let go of something they want to believe in. And it may be best to let people believe what they want as long as it’s not hurting others and they’re respectful of other opinions. There may also be a middle ground. E.g. in this context, a lot of people are much more willing to believe that Taylor is bisexual. So it’s possible to acknowledge her queer flagging without immediately calling all her previous relationships into question. I’ve had some lovely respectful discussions over lyrics analysis with people who don’t necessarily believe exactly the same as me. I can respect that others find comfort in stories that I believe to be untrue. I'm sure I also find comfort in things they believe to be untrue. Whatever brings people joy is right for them. If that's gushing over Taylor dating the boy on the football team, let them, that's why she's doing it. I would only argue if the same people don't extend that same curtesy towards us and let us be happy when she looks up at Karlie a million times during a show. And educating people is always allowed. Just because a woman has only dated men doesn’t make her straight (that applies generally, not just to celebrities). Just because you don’t know what queer flagging is doesn’t mean it isn’t happening and other people are picking up on it. But a majority of people will always buy the stories she sells them, and that's because she gives them what they want to see. Like she said in the documentary about what she feels the world expects from her: Live out a narrative that we find to be entertaining, but not so crazy that it makes us uncomfortable.
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alyoshka-karamazov · 7 months
Saw your post about joe and the crazy rumors people come up with and can I just say I fully agree with you😭 and it's so rare for me to find people that think similarly
The parasocial relationship some stans have with Taylor (and her relationships) should be studied fr because the amount of comments I have seen about her personal life is just.... Not it
Also obsessing with an artists relationships just so you can get new music is a bit weird. Like people love to act like they love the new partner until they break up and then they are demanding the tea through songs. Maybe somethings should stay private...
And I'm not here to create beef so if you disagree feel free to just delete this ask and we'll pretend it never happened!!
Anon, I COMPLETELY agree with you, 100%. I think to an extent, all fans of celebrities can get parasocial at times (just part of the territory, unfortunately) but swifties take it to the extreme. Like, I don’t care about Joe Alwyn in the slightest, but the bs with the lies…..I legitimately feel bad for him. I mean, as the fans, we know NOTHING about what happened. All we have are the songs and the upcoming album, but even that isn’t gospel. Because at the end of the day, there’s two sides to every story, so of course Taylor will tell her end, (which she’s completely entitled to do as an artist and I’ll be listening lol, but that doesn’t make it complete unbiased truth) but sometimes relationships just fall apart. There isn’t always “a villain” sometimes people just grow apart. But who knows what actually happened. Not me!
Honestly, the fans’ rampant desire to turn this situation into a “villain-victim” one unsettles me, because they are going off of like. No information and one song. I’ve seen people saying “we’re just holding a man accountable” but 1) you can’t hold someone you don’t know accountable and 2) you don’t know what happened!!! It’s ridiculous. Do you know how bad this is that I’m defending a MAN 🤨 making up fake DV stories based on NO evidence is awful and low.
Anyway, yes anon I totally agree with you. I’ve been a fan since I was a little girl, but there’s a reason I don’t hang out in fan spaces or follow any big swifties anymore because the parasocialism……it’s insane and makes me uncomfortable.
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princeyoon14 · 2 years
as a jewish person how are you feeling about the whole chaeyoung situation? (if you’ve heard about it)
oh my. where to begin?
so i’ve never really stanned twice any further than just listening to their title tracks so i don’t really have an emotional connection. for a while though chaeyoung always rubbed me the wrong way and i never knew why. wish i didn’t figure it out because of this tbh.
but i will say that as a jew it’s fucking crazy how many non jewish people are accepting her “apology”. and please don’t even get me started on her two lined half assed apology. like i’m not black so i have never been in the place to accept the apology of an idol who said the n word you know what i mean?? i do have the right to not forgive them though and that’s what i have done because wtf. they all listen to american and western music. they know what the n word is and not to say it.
but back to chaeyoung and her fans. this is the greatest example of parasocial relationships i have ever seen. her instagram comments under her apology are crazy. kissing up to her and telling her she didn’t need to apologize is insane. people saying we should move on is insane and so fucking insensitive and ignorant. the literal saying every holocaust memorial day is “never forget” so fuck everybody telling me to move on. this isn’t some little joke. this is about a fucking mass genocide and i have the right to be upset and angry and offended for as long as i want.
sorry. i could genuinely go on and on about this because i have had first hand experience of antisemitism. i’ve had pennies thrown at me. i’ve had swastikas written on my desks at school. this is such a serious topic. and antisemitism has been on the rise for a few years now. this is also showing how little so many people care about antisemitism. they literally couldn’t make it any more obvious.
so yeah. fuck her. fuck her supporters. i literally don’t care.
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allylikethecat · 5 months
ok so how are we…
If this is about the new Taylor album...
The feelings are complex and they are not good. I don't want to upset anyone though because I know that a lot of people are enjoying the album and I love that for them!
I will just say I was personally really disappointed by it, and I was going into listening to it thinking this was going to rekindle my love for her, instead it was kind of the opposite. I've been a fan of hers since the debut album, but started to distance myself when all the really intense craziness happened last year. I was so excited to be blown away by the album and just... wasn't which then led to this whole identity crisis because liking Taylor was always "my thing" the number of texts I got today from people I don't talk to regularly or haven't talked to in a while was actually insane, everyone was like "are you so excited!!" and "don't you love it!!" while my close friends were like "I'm sorry." I feel so dramatic and parasocial saying that though.
I saw a review on Stereogum that I think did a good job putting a lot of the same thoughts I had into more concise words. Maybe it will grow on me, but every time I try to do another listen I end up skipping to the next song halfway through.
Sorry for bringing the mood down! I hope you're doing well and had a great Friday! I appreciate you checking in and hope you have a lovely weekend!
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jerzwriter · 5 months
What do you think about TS shading her fans in TTPD?
Hey Nonny!
I should post a disclaimer... because most people (even some who have known me a long time) still don't seem to get my sense of humor in regard to all things Taylor Swift, and beyond. (People really need to lighten the fuck up, but I digress...)
Look, I get it. Being a public figure and having your entire life under a microscope must be hard. I wouldn't want it. I don't envy it. Parasocial relationships are a thing, and people are crazy, so it's gotta suck....
Taylor has carefully cultivated those parasocial relationships and turned them into a profitable business model. It has turned her into one of the most powerful women in the world and has made her a Billionaire with a B. So I think our lil' baby doll needs to understand sometimes she's gonna have to suck it up. You can't have it both ways.
I play the Taylor gossip game - to a degree. It's fun. It's light. It's harmless. Do I think some fans are over-the-top? Yes. A thousand times, yes. To quote my daughter: I'm a Swiftie, so I can say this... some of us Swifties are the most annoying motherfuckers on Earth.
Cosigned. 1,000%. 10,000%.
I think Tay Tay was referring to the Healey affair of 2023, and I have thoughts on that. See, I love Ms. Swift, but I'm not naive. I know she's cultivated an image that is not necessarily reality. But, if she's going to paint herself as a progressive face of white feminism, lgbtq+ causes, and more—performative or not—then she has to walk the walk, and if she doesn't, then she should expect to be taken to task. Healy is a POS, and any association with him would reflect on her. She's too smart and too savvy a businesswoman not to realize that, so I don't give 2 shits about the tears she shed over that.
Now, are some fans INSANE? Yes. Like, I listened to the album, and I'm like, "Oh, Joe, you dirty dog." Me and my friends sent each other amusing GIFs, it's all in good FUN (see disclaimer above). Am I really giving Joe a second thought? No. If I see him on the street, will I attack him? No. Do I honestly care? No. For the record, Taylor has me convinced she is far from the face of stability and is a lil' off too... that's one of the things I like about her... us "off" chicks have to stick together. She herself said she sees her part in the problem, so I'm not sitting here hating Joe.
And while I'll engage in the cuteness that is Taylor/Kelce (what is their couple name? See, this is how much I care...) for FUN... I honestly don't give a damn there, either. Like, it doesn't pay my bills. Doesn't impact my relationships. Do I want her to be happy? Yeah. I want everyone to be happy. But I'm not personally invested. Some fans are... and some push that "off" into the not-fun territory. So I can see that being a bit of a concern... but again, when you cultivate parasocial relationships, this shit's gonna happen. Am I mad at her for the lyrics? No. Will I be relistening and freaking over the music tonight? You better fucking believe it.
Thanks for the ask, Nonny!
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sapybara · 2 years
I am enabling to share your Rubius Dream parallels because I'm really curious
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Oh my god, I just finished Rubius Documental and when he was talking about yt and the fame and everything I could only think about Dream and how he's going down a very similar path.
Dream is a legend, right? An innovator, if you will, in the mcyt area. He is the first one in a lot of ways, he has his friends that are also CCs of course, but he is the shinning star.
Rubius is the literal base of hispanic yt/twitch. He (and others ofc but he is the #1 and we all know it) is the one who paved the way for what the community is today. He has his bests friends that are also CCs, but he is the shinning star.
Both Dream and Rubius started their YouTube career when they were young, they blew up their early twenties and no matter if you consume their content, if you are on the Yt/Twitch sphere you know who they are. They are YouTube's Golden Boys
Both of them met their bests friends on the internet in a random server or forum, none of them met their best friends until years later they first spoke, when they started creating content. Both of them planned on living with them during a few years. Both of them were/are shipped with their bests friends because they have such a strong bond we don't even need to see them together to know they love each other. I saw Rubius and Mangel in the documental (it's been a while since I saw them together on camera) and they are so comfortable with each other, lying on top of each other and hugging and the looks and oh, they are best friends! I will die when we get to see Dream with George bc I'm still amazed at Rubius and Mangel friendship and its been ten years.
Both of them became ridiculously famous at a young age, with huge fanbases that are accused of being a toxic fandom, when in reality thats just a small portion of it and it's actually filled with amazing people—but the general public thinks is bad to watch them. Since they are the firsts, they are also the ones under pressure, people expect SO MUCH from them that they do not expect from other CCs, no matter if they're bigger or smaller. They are both dragged through the mud for the simplest or stupidest things on a daily basis, but theyre still kind hearted and willing to learn.
None of them realize the magnitude of their fanbase yet, I'm 100% sure that when Dream face reveals and starts going outside is going to be just like with Rubius. He knows he has 40mill subscribers on yt, he knows he has 12mill on twitch, but he still feels like we are like ten people who listen to him talk and play video games (same vibes as drodcasts or chill dream streams), and he gets recognized a thousand times on a daily basis, people ask him for pics even when they don't watch his content cause they know he is famous <- I'm so sure that that's what will happen with Dream.
Both of them put so much dedication in their YouTube content, being little perfectionists, making sure to be creative and they are so exigent with themselves. But in twitch they get to be more relaxed and chill and they talk to chat about their silly little interests and they make me so parasocial.
This is not a parallelism (yet) but the Club Media Fest era was absolutely insane for Rubius, it was the literal life of a Rockstar and I hope Dream gets to feel the same when he starts going to conventions. The people, the noise, the shows, the meet&greets, everything was absolutely crazy when Rubius went through that and I really really want to see Dream experiencing that for the first time.
Also "bring your friends with you" is so them, they always make sure to include all their friends and talk about how much they appreciate them is so sweet.
Both of them are also mama's boys and that's endearing <- in the sense that they're really close to them and their mothers are huge pillars for them.
They were both super blonds as kids and now. Well. They are not (sorry Dreamie!)
Of course there's a lot of differences, specially if you take into account that there's a ten year age gap, but whenever I look at Dream and the dream team it's like watching the story repeating itself and is thrilling to see how this one will go.
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