#listen i'm also white. but at least i know how to make things taste good
mildmayfoxe · 1 month
was just violently confronted with the memory of being at a (white) friend's house & being offered peanut noodles and being like "oh sure thanks :)" and then being presented with a pyrex of spaghetti with the barest anemic suggestion of peanut sauce. no spice. no citrus. no salt. i ate some and she was like "do you want more i made so much" and i was like "no 👍"
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Of course asking people which monster they find more fuckable is a good way to get them to say funny things, so I got a lot of funny comments on the Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon Tournament. So as usual, I compiled a list of the ones I liked best, ordered by the poll they were commented on. Enjoy!
Barometz vs Dryad (round 1 part 1)
dryad boobs in my mouth please please please you're nothing
Man-eating plant vs Mandrake (round 1 part 1)
getting my dick digested by a pitcher plant
its what laios would have wanted
Skeleton vs Dullahan (round 1 part 1)
why is the armor sweeping?? how are ya'll planning to fuck the armor??? at least the skeleton you could like wedge a vibrator or fleshlight into the pelvis. I forgot this is the celibacy site and fucking is not a real physical thing on here
fools do not see the eroticisim of plate armor
Phoenix vs Harpy (round 1 part 2)
harpy has a tits out kinda look
Griffin vs Hippogriff (round 1 part 2)
Me at first: really? You’d fuck the horse? Me, remembering the barded penises of felines : no wait you’re right
White dragon vs Red dragon (round 1 part 3)
It's canon that white dragons fight furiously while red dragon is the equivalent of that blue hands dinosaur in Prehistoric Planet
white dragon is cuntier somehow
Treasure insects vs Succubus (round 1 part 3)
another tits out kinda look
normal poll matchup. normal poll. do people want to fuck a succubus or inch long insects. who will win
Huge scorpion vs Huge spider vs Mimic (round 1 part 3)
What you do to the mimic is hidden from the eyes of all
The mimics got that dog in it
dark souls mimic resemblances have me thinking unwise
something about the mysterious air around the mimic
Golem vs Ice golem (round 1 part 4)
Same deal but one freezes ur junk off I think the winner is clear
Gargoyle vs Hag (round 1 part 4)
..abusive mother kink????
Familiar vs Jack Frost (round 1 part 4)
familiar is customizable 👍
Doppelganger vs Demon (round 1 part 4)
That stupid sexy cat simply slays too much cunt
Hippogriff vs Fish-man (round 2 part 1)
no offense to my buddy fish-man but that hippogriff is too majestic
Living armour vs Undine (round 2 part 2)
One if the extras has a really perturving bit: Undines fed by consuming liquids with mana. Holm mentions regularly feeding it BODILY FLUIDS.
is wearing living armor anything
White dragon vs Green dragon (round 3)
she made that dragon sooooo cunty and for what
Cockatrice vs Demon (round 3)
you should've put the slutiest picture of the demon. to remind everyone that ryoko -sensei is down BAD
no one: ryoko kui: i am going to make a lion demon that is SOOOOOOO [redacted]
everybody vote for demon! a vote for demon is a love letter to Ryoko Kui
I do find it funny we're blowing the demon whore moments on like, the cockatrice matchup
This manga is so slutty and yet so tasteful in it that you can't really call it anything but great in every aspect of its eroticism
Mermaid vs Harpy (quarter finals)
i am so mad rn. a mermaid !? more fuckable than a harpy!? for shame tumblr for shame
White dragon vs Succubus (quarter finals)
Dragon fluffye!
Chimera vs Mermaid (semi-finals)
sorry mermaid. falin fucks supremely.
sorry falin. gotta stand up for my fellow merfolk here
a vote for chimera is a vote for lesbians
Succubus vs Demon (semi-finals)
Not even the sucubbi stands up to the limitless demon sexo
if you think about it. the succubus can turn into the demon's many forms
Chimera vs Demon (finale)
fags and dykes fighting to the death over this one
Listen man. Even if I'm gay I understand why Falin is winning but- Consider that the demon knows your exact wants and desires and could satisfy your sexual needs perfectly. Also when he's buff and humanoid near the end
either of them deserve to win but demon sweep because that fucker showed up in a dream to me once
Mermaid vs Succubus (battle for the bronze)
mermaids can't lose to magical mosquito people PLEASE
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"Angel. You feel like… like it's my birthday."
STOP WHAT IF the reader just starts to like, bake her own cake for him everytime on his birthday and the cake would be covered in edible flowers , his favorite flowers, maybe celebrate his little birthday somewhere secluded and they share little kisses after like omgondidbg (and omgonssk little flowers on his hood)
And why do i feel like his favorite color was red, black, anything that reminds him of violence and any color that is a resemblance of his childhood ,because fighting is the only thing that could distract him from his own mental problems and violent fantasies, and after he met her, his favorite colors changed into ones that remind her (and himself) the most, white symbolizes her innocence and the vast difference of how they both perceive the world, and green symbolizes moving on from some things? He may not move on from his violent tendencies, but maybe he doesn't always need to hold on those painful memories alone, maybe he doesn't need to come back to his room alone with his own sick and twisted world, maybe he can share some of it with her.
maybe thats why kö had a slight dislike of her wearing a black dress :p
Gahh what a message! You know I love you, right??
This birthday idea is so so sweet 😭💞 I know these two cuckoos would have the sweetest moments together. Can totally see them having a birthday picnic under the spring/summer trees (for some reason I'm convinced König's birthday is in May–June. Probably June, yandere König is a Leo sun & Scorpio rising I just know it lmao)
But look, now that you brought up colors I just have to start rambling again... (I'm sorry I'm a rambler)
I was supposed to share this in an author's note but never did so I'll share it now: the dresses symbolize the reader's mindset and reflect her stages of initiation. So:
Yellow = joy, optimism, curiosity, sunshine
Multi/flowers = femininity, fertility, sexual awakening, birds and bees, seduction
White = innocence, purity, hope, coldness, emptiness
Black = otherworld, power, darkness, grief, rebellion
Red = blood: the color of life, death, aggression and (re)birth. ("Birth is through blood")
And yes, König craves the innocence, purity, the angelic aura of the reader. She's like a drug to him when she's outside, dressed in those summery sweet colors, catching some air and watching the sun & the clouds (all the while he walks "underground", in darkness and in filth, watches the world through a black hood).
She reminds him of memories he doesn't even have (if that makes sense). She also reminds him of a certain memory he does have & which is filled with peace and light: the day he enlisted and celebrated by having a few beers. Apple trees were in full bloom and he was so at peace because he was in control now: he was in charge. He could finally leave his childhood home mainly filled with memories of abuse (I'm guessing not only his abuse but his mother's as well).
The evening was filled with the soft light of an early sunset and he thought those cute white blossoms were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It was a brief experience of what paradise might look and feel like before the army and fighting and war became his second home. But as you said about the colors red & black: he likes them, they're what he's good at, but it's not very cheerful or soothing!
When he first saw the reader she instantly reminded him of those cute apple blossoms and the paradise he never really got to taste. And even if his angel "fell" in the end, König adores both sides of her (the "blood-red woman" and the "apple blossom girl"). After all, there's two sides to him as well: the lonely boy who wants to protect the innocent... and the vengeful, grown man who wants to drown the world in blood and bury himself inside a woman to get at least some comfort.
And listen, I'm so glad you noticed the "dislike for the black dress" moment... Because it's there for a reason! König absolutely does not want her descending to the blackness he knows so well. His Engel might look good in red, but she doesn't belong in the ultimate darkness. It's kind of bittersweet how König wants to save her from that by taking the blame for her crime in the end (because he already knows he can bear the dark).
I don't know if this sounds gibberish but I just love to add symbols and metaphors in my stories... and I'm so happy you noticed there's a thing with colors going on 💋
& König needs that birthday cake, he needs those flowers and he needs to see her angel in a white dress and they both need to stop fucking around and go touch the grass 🤍💗
"maybe he doesn't need to always hold on those painful memories alone, maybe he doesn't need to come back to his room alone with his own sick and twisted world, maybe he can share some of it with her" -> look, I'm crying... 😭😭😭
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saintarmand · 2 months
wait I need to hear about the Daniel Lestat parallels
in answering your question i ended up typing a lot about a lot of things... some of which i think is pretty good and some of which is messy nonsense. enticing sneak preview:
daniel and lestat's similarities
the show overall as a story about how substance abuse affects families
how daniel mirrors both louis and lestat as a husband and as a father
facts, conjecture, and lots of theories about different aspects of daniel's backstory:
how antoinette may parallel armand, madeleine, and daniel's daughter
how daniel might mirror claudia???
like lestat, daniel can be pretty arrogant. they both love to lecture. "this is just how it is, listen to me, i would know! i have so much experience and knowledge to share." classic old white man behavior. hell, they're both old bisexual white men even. like lestat, daniel doesn't think of himself as racist but is still throwing microaggressions at both louis and armand.
daniel & lestat, danlou & loustat
lestat and daniel are both judgmental of some of louis's life choices (though usually different ones) and are not shy about saying so. they both make faces at louis eating animals—daniel also just louis eating in general ofc. but WE KNOW he still secretly thinks it's sexy and is also perhaps a bit jealous when louis is drinking from a hot guy, much like lestat. (don't pick the jacked sailor louis!!! great aesthetic but NO.)
so personality-wise, daniel is a combination of both louis and lestat. (he even has some claudia in him with his quest for the truth. i bet claudia would love to be a journalist, digging up dirt on people, exposing corruption! she's already a prolific writer too. but i'm getting sidetracked.)
both loustat and danlou are fond of each other, attracted to each other, but are also constantly bickering, sometimes in all good fun and sometimes not.
we see daniel yelling at louis in the show, and he's always yelling at armand in devil's minion. like lestat, he has a lot of anger in him. i bet he could throw a punch too back in the day. and while i don't think he was abusive to his wives, we know he wasn't a good husband either. especially while he was using.
and this is where we get to the most important parallel between them: lestat's "overindulgence" in killing is analogous to substance abuse. of course drinking too much blood doesn't actually make him act the way he does, but what happens in the show is still very reminiscent of the way alcoholism and drug abuse contributes to relationship problems. the substance itself doesn't lead to abuse, but it exacerbates things.
human blood is drugs actually
in the books, lestat talks about getting drunk a lot when he was human. louis calls himself a drunk too, and in the show their relationship starts by them going out all night almost every night. then they start going out every night to drink human blood. louis feels pressured to drink in order to please lestat, but eventually he wants to cut back. lestat is angry, telling louis it's stupid, there's nothing wrong with drinking, it's pointless, it's gonna be so hard, you won't be able to do it. and of course he feels like it's an attack on his own blood drinking. louis doesn't ask lestat to quit with him, but out of respect for louis's choice, he doesn't drink around louis anymore. lestat starts having parties at the house all the time. louis is totally fine with it, he's there, it's fine, it's fun. at least until it starts to get out of hand. and then lestat's fucking around on him too. eventually louis has a big relapse, things get way out of hand, it costs him his job even, lestat's like lol welcome back! told you this would happen! so louis breaks up with him.
but whooops he comes back carrying a child. you know, in his arms! he really wants to keep the kid. lestat acquiesces. louis doesn't go back to drinking human blood, but he doesn't have to because lestat has a new drinking buddy, a 14-year-old girl! he gave her a taste and she loved it! yay! louis tries to warn her about potential consequences. he's had a lot of them. she was a consequence even, but a good one. but she likes drinking with lestat, and eventually she starts going out on her own. and it gets out of hand.
daniel is sober now, "like louis", but he had a big drug problem back in the day. louis asks him about the "best he ever had." black tar heroin is nothing compared to what lestat gave louis that first time. yeah, it's not just drinking, it's hard drugs that lestat gave his kids.
louis's family doesn't know what the hell he and lestat get up to all night but they know it's nothing good. he stopped coming over for months, even years, but one time he showed up, watched the baby for just a second, dropped him on the floor. he wasn't invited to the kids' birthday party cause they're afraid of him. he showed up late and broke the door. they cut him out entirely. are he and his... partner, the right kind of people to adopt?
one time the cops get called. they raid the house but the evidence is well hidden. mostly. they refrain on calling the child welfare league but they don't like what they see. louis and lestat lecture claudia; louis about the drugs themselves, lestat about not hiding her tracks well enough. and speaking of, are those track marks on her arms? we don't do that kind of thing in this house!
claudia tells louis he's the one who brought her into the house. enabled lestat to give her a taste. she leaves home, staying somewhere new every night. she's still using, on her own and in dangerous situations. eventually she returns home. it's safer with someone watching your back.
lestat and claudia say louis's abstaining comes off judgmental. so he starts using again too. they throw a big big party with great party favors. claudia puts something in lestat's.
in season 2 (and i'm spoiling the whole plot), claudia and louis will travel around looking for people who are into the same stuff. the ones they find are pathetic, living like trash. then they find a group having some real fun, big parties. louis's not into it, but he's into armand, who doesn't mind that he doesn't use as much. claudia will get sick of the parties but get louis to give this woman she meets a little taste like lestat did with her. but armand doesn't want claudia around. armand and louis will keep using together, meet a guy in a bar. give him a taste of the good stuff. eventually louis will want to cut back again, and armand accepts it, even helps him. but louis's not much fun anymore.
just this once, daniel is a step ahead of louis; daniel's second marriage has already fallen apart.
daniel and alice
daniel compares louis to his first wife when he tells her about her dyeing her eyebrow; she thinks she has a flaw and tried to cover it up, but daniel likes her the way she is. lestat treated louis's aversion to killing like a flaw, and louis internalized that, calling himself a botched vampire, but daniel likes that about him. louis is like alice in a way.
some wild conjecture: what if alice was an addict too? what if daniel somehow contributed to her addiction like lestat did with louis? what if alice stopped using like louis, while daniel continued like lestat? or maybe she never used any drugs, but started drinking due to strain on her marriage; a more indirect cause. and what about the kids? what if, like claudia becoming a blood drinker like her parents, daniel's kids ended up inheriting his addiction too? becoming alcoholics as teens or adults? or maybe it affected them even more directly, like one of them accidentally ingested something he left lying around, and almost died like claudia? okay, that got dark... maybe daniel avoided getting his kids directly involved, perhaps by simply not being around much, and that's one of the differences between their stories. narrative foils aren't supposed to be identical after all, just further the same themes. a parent's substance abuse affects the children, one way or another. we don't know the details, but like lestat's fledglings, daniel's kids don't talk to him anymore.
daniel proposed to alice "after he got his shit together" but we don't know when this was. we do know daniel had a daughter by 1978 (7 years before car seats are mandatory) though we don't know how old she was—probably under 6 given he was imagining her in a car seat. we can probably assume alice is the mom, and based on her commenting on this part of his memoir that he never owned a buick, we can probably assume they were together around this time, or at least in contact. we also know he used black tar heroin in 1978.
this is only like semi-canon but on his linkedin page it says he started working as a freelance investigative journalist in 1982. it could be a random date but i imagine he's "got his shit together", working real jobs. so maybe it was around this time that he and alice got married. if we're assuming the devil's minion mind wipe theory is true, it would also be very fitting if the confusion of lost memories was what drew him specifically to investigative journalism as opposed to the portrait pieces he did before that. he doesn't know what the truth is anymore, so he starts looking for it wherever he goes.
and speaking of devil's minion, if daniel was cheating on alice with armand, then he's a lot like lestat indeed. but his secret lover is so secret he himself doesn't even know about him anymore. (or maybe alice did know there was someone, and felt very gaslighted when daniel suddenly started insisting it never happened after basically admitting it before? or maybe daniel's denials just suddenly got so convincing she agreed to marry him?)
two marriages, two children?
in 1985, daniel and alice were talking past each other when she told him she was pregnant. he was like remind me again later
louis and lestat didn't have another kid together, but lestat did make another vampire: antoinette. lestat had a child! while the marriage was going badly, a few years after getting (back) together. just like our boy danny.
after "breaking up" with lestat, louis will also have a "child", madeleine. he's giving claudia a "sister" while he's dating armand.
so here's a two-part prediction: 1. alice dumped daniel before their second child was born. 2. daniel met his second wife before his second child with was born.
so like lestat turning antoinette, daniel got alice pregnant BEFORE getting dumped like lestat (pun intended).
and like louis turning madeleine, daniel's second child was born AFTER he met his (soon-to-be) second spouse.
what if, like armand, the second wife didn't like daniel spending much time with his kids? it's been known to happen. we know absolutely nothing about this second marriage but i think we'll get something in season 2. is there something daniel shares with armand as the types of husbands they make? i bet there will be
daniel's childhood?
we know where daniel is now, and a little bit about how he got here. but the thing we know absolutely nothing about is where he started.
daniel was already struggling with drug abuse by the time he met louis and armand, doing what he "had to" to get high. we know it's not really the only reason he frequented gay bars, but still. he was at a point where he was willing to play the crack whore. so what led to it? addiction doesn't come from drug use alone, and genes aren't enough either. there's always something you're struggling to cope with that leads you to drug abuse. so what was it? his sexuality could be enough, but i bet there's more to it than that.
if we're looking for lestat parallels, rape trauma works. maybe his interest in claudia's assault was personal, his flippancy a defense mechanism? certainly a possibility. but childhood trauma seems like the safest bet, doesn't it? lestat certainly had it. but i don't wanna focus on him now.
i mentioned earlier that daniel and claudia share a passion for the truth and for writing. what if he had some of her childhood too? abusive parents, parents abusing drugs or alcohol, parents fighting a lot, parents cheating on each other. pick as many as you like. maybe he was even a band aid for a shitty marriage. maybe there was a difficult divorce. maybe one of his parents had an awful new partner and said they'd dump them but never did, or got back together every time. picked someone else over him over and over again. he certainly had a lot to say about that! maybe he gets so incensed over being lied to because his parents always lied to him too. maybe his outburst wasn't about louis at all. maybe memory is the monster. maybe his parents cursed him into the darkness. lestat's did, and he cursed his own children in turn. i bet that's what happened to daniel too: they fuck you up, your mom and dad; the poison drips through; we dance on the strings of those who came before us; memory is a monster. maybe daniel became his own father too. his father or his mother or both. it's usually both, right?
this is louis's story first and foremost but parts of it are claudia and lestat and armand's too, and daniel functions as a funhouse mirror for all of them!!!
in adding the chapter headings i ended up moving things around so idk how coherent this is but i fear proofreading would only result in me editing this forever and i would really like to avoid locking even more posts into the drafts vault. 😭 hopefully it coheres? thank you for reading and please let me know your thoughts!
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mcl-ng-hr · 2 months
I finally decided to write my thoughts about the game down! So here is my own "little" review, which is in fact quite long, and segmented in three parts, beginning with a general review, then my personal opinions on the LIs, and finally some more specific likes and dislikes.
Thanks in advance for reading 😘️
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General Opinion
First off, the interface is refreshing, and I appreciate all the efforts put into it, although I admit it can be quite heavy, and therefore buggy (even without anything else running, on a good laptop). For this reason I'd like being able to disable some features (the animation of the transition between pages, for example, gives me a lot of troubles).
I like that Candy can have a more defined personality, and I also like how we can better understand the intention behind the answers now. No more "what? but that was not what I meant by choosing this"! For the new AP and gems system… I am still wary of it for now, and will see later if it is really as manageable as it seems. I also like sending hearts to other players, so even if they don't end up useful I'm still happy to have them I personally like the idle mini-games, and am quite curious about how the other game will be. I also think the calendar is a nice touch. And lastly, the jokers seem nice and promising, though I would have preferred having a stock-limit instead of them being temporary.
Story-wise, I like that things are going rather quickly for the beginning, and I trust they'll know when to slow things down later. I saw a few reviews saying these two first episodes felt punitive, and let me tell you… Yes. Amanda disliking me right of the bat on my first play was unexpected. So was Roy. And Devon. But I think it is kind of the point of starting a new game, we don't know their personalities yet, so it's quite normal to screw up when not using guides. But yeah, it was frustrating and Devenmentiel broke my heart.
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The Love Interests
Jason is my favorite so far. Why you may ask? … I find him funny. The man is just having fun being an annoying bitch, and I absolutely love that for him! He also was one I had a quite good Lo'M with at my first play without even trying (rip Roy and Devon who did not appreciate), and it felt quite nice since things did not go so well with most of the other characters. And of course being the antagonist has its own ring, and in my taste the white streaks of hair too.
Amanda comes in the second place with Thomas. Even though my first play did not go well with her, I managed better on my second, and I quite like the relaxed Amanda.
For Thomas, he is the one I had the easiest time with on my first play, everything went smoothly and I found him pretty nice and relatable, though I do not plan on following his route.
Devon is the one I am the most neutral about I think, I don't particularly like or dislike him yet, though his route does intrigue me in a "Ah shit, here we go again" kind of way.
… Now, listen. I do not dislike Roy. He honestly seems like a great dolphin-loving guy who likes to be half-naked a lot and decided to dislike me when I was trying hard for him not to! He is just not my type. This is nothing personal, I swear! Joke aside, Roy is the one I like the least for now. And honestly, it is a shame, because I totally see why other people appreciate him. But the warningless half-nakedness happening twice summed to his for now unexplained short-patience with Jason really did not woo me, quite the opposite in fact.
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Other things I like:
I find Candy's customization quite good! Whether it is for the illustrations, where you can choose between different skin colors, or for our profiles. Candy can also have disability aids (though no mobility aids yet) and a panel of skin features for really cheap, and you can not know how happy it makes me! There also are so much outfits from the beginning, and though many of them have to be paid with real money, Beemoov needs to be profitable, so I think it's rather fair (and hopefully, we'll be able to get those outfits through mini-games).
The music and the animation. I said it before and I'll say it again, I absolutely adored the theme switch when Jason appeared, and I also liked the creativity in the animation very much too. I can not wait for other such things to happen again.
Things I find too bad:
So far there has only been one character that is not thin (two if you count Danica who will show up later), and I regret that all of the men Love Interests are so fit. I can not tell you how down bad I would have been for a fat Devon or Roy (I get that Roy is the athletic type here, but you can be incredibly strong and not be skinny).
Amanda being rich was really emphasized, too much for my taste, on my first play it made me feel like being rich was her main personality trait, which made me uncomfortable. I would have preferred a more subtle way to express it (show don't tell amiright?).
I would have loved to see more not-conventionally-thought-as-attractive features in the LIs, like visible disabilities for example, or different noses, or scars, the kind of things that make the characters feel more real.
What I hope for later:
For the characters of color to be written like ones, with at least their cultures included in some aspects of the game. I understand Beemoov's wish to keep the game lighthearted, so I'd personally understand if they choose not to show racism in the game, but I would also hate that to be an excuse for ignoring the characters' cultures when addressing them would actually be relevant. Here is a better post about the matter.
More non-skinny characters.
Hopefully some in-game disability representation.
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✨Prepare for an unsolicited info dump✨
I was tagged by @onlyancunin - thank you 🖤 Now let's do this.
Do you make your bed? Hahaha nope. Maybe Saturday morning, when my bad conscience forces me to take care of the things I let slide all week.
Favorite number? -7 (a good angle for placing objects in your designs imo)
What’s your job? Art Director in Advertising.
If you could go back to school would you? Oh I don't know. You mean like jump back a few decades? It would be fun for a week probably! Have stupid teenage fun, no cares about the future, only school? No pressure of social media? Sounds nice, doesn't it? But like, learn a new trade/job? There are things I would love to do but I am a nest-builder. I need my safety, and starting off new it too scary for me.
Can you parallel park? No driver's license, so no.
Do you think aliens are real? Little green men visiting us? No. Alien life? 1000%. How arrogant must one be to believe this planet is the only one with life on it in the vastness of the universe.
Can you drive a manual car? Still no driver's license, so no.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Corny German village pop music from the 90s. There's a time of the year when I listen to the songs my parents listened to when I was young and with no worries. If it sounds like a sunny barbecue during your summer holidays I'm in.
Tattoos? No. I wouldn't know what to get? The only thing I've loved long enough to consider putting on my skin forever is Lord of the Rings.
Favorite color? Black and Halloween Orange.
Favorite types of music? My taste in music depends a lot on the season. So I get the whole range from Singer/Songwriter, Electronic Music, Classic Rock, Viking chants, Classical music, Pop, Hip Hop - you name it.
Do you like puzzles? Only if they are not too difficult. I hate feeling stupid and inadequate 🤭
Any phobias? Not phobias, no. But I will slightly panic if a hornet gets to close. Oh, also? Fuck mold! The thought of having to touch moldy food? UGH!!!
Favorite childhood sport? I never played much sport. I'm a big girl. But I enjoyed ice skating the few times I've been.
Do you talk to yourself? I think the occasional phrase is uttered. But it's only saying thoughts out loud, no back and forth.
What movies do you adore? Lord of the Rings ✨. I can't count the number of times I have seen these movies in total. But I've seen Fellowship of the Rings at least 12 times on the big screen, including special screenings, open-air in castle ruins and with a live Orchestra. That does not count my frankly countless re-watches. I take one weekend each winter, just for myself, my couch, snacks, and all three movies. Extended, OBVIOUSLY. (Besides: the white-hair-pointy-ears-kink must have started somewhere)
Coffee or tea? I'm a coffee girl, or rather, "Milk with sweetener and some coffee"-girl. But a nice herbal tea is always welcome. And I have like 8 different brands of English Breakfast the in my cupboard.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? Not quite sure. I think a sculptor? We had these rocks in primary school, they were soooo easy to carve. And I enjoy it so much :) No pressure tags, if you're up for it: @nyx-knox @littlelovelore @vixstarria @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate
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bananaminbaby · 2 years
Who in Haikyuu is the best in bed?
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pairings: Kuroo x reader, Sakusa x reader, Hinata x reader, Bokuto x reader, Mattsun x reader
cw: 18+ content - minors dni, pussy eating, fingering, creampie, mattsun's big dick
note: unfortunately i cant include this in the series since its sfw only, but i like this kind of asks, keep them coming
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He teases a lot. Kuroo knows how the game works. He knows when to play hard and when to take it slow. Which is why everytime his cock is in your tight hole, he'd leave you in a crying mess. His cock always angled to that spot that makes you gush more and his hands always busy groping your boobs, your ass or any part of your body.
He can tell from the way you moan and your pussy clench that you are close. So he slows down his pace, alternating between grinding his hips and slow deep thrusts. He focuses more on whatever it is his lips are on. He loves kissing you and your body. Definitely a body worshipper.
"God, kitten... you taste so good, almost as good as how you feel around my dick."
As much as he says he hates germs and contact with people. I think he's one of the best when it comes to pussy eating. He's neat right? He'll make sure he laps any juices that gushes out of you and pushes it back in.
He's not shy with using his hands either. He's always got at least two fingers burried in your cunt and his other drawing circles on your clit. And if you try to close your legs on him, one arm is enough to push you legs against your stomach and hold it down in that position while he continues to devour your cunt like a starved man.
"Mmhmm... Give me another one baby, I know you can do it- come on my tongue and fingers, angel."
This man lived in Brazil, you think he didn't learn a thing or two? He's very eager to experiment. No matter how weird you think it is when you suggest it to him, he'll always agree to try it first. His motto is to always try it first before saying no.
I also imagine he has a hairy chest, and despite all of the positions that you've tried with him, his favourite is still missionary. He loves having the best seat to looking at how his cock dives in and out of you, how you tits jiggle at every thrust and how your face scrunch up in pleasure. He loves placing his hands on your hips, pushing it down as he fucks into you. He doesn't care how loud of a noise it makes because all he can hear is your screams of pleasure.
"Louder, princess... Let everyone hear that I make you feel so good everytime we fuck."
I think he gets pussy drunk. He'll get so lost in the feeling of how his dick is wrapped around your warm and tight cunt, that he'll start thrusting like crazy. He cums heavily too. But don't worry, he's got the stamina and cum to last for a few hours.
Every fuck session, he needs to have his balls emptied- preferably in you. His cock would often have a white ring around it, and because of how quick he is fucking you, a string of cum connects your hips. And like Kuroo, his hands would also be looking for something to hold on to. But more so because he too stimulated and he needs something to ground him.
"Ah... Ah.. Fuck, baby, s-so tight. I-ah! I'm gonna cum, you ready baby? I-I'm gonna cum in you."
He's got a big dick. Sure, big dicks don't mean a good fuck if he can't use it well. But the thing is, he does know how to use it. Every time you have sex with him, your pussy always feels the stretch. The stretch so delicious, filling and brushing against every inch of your cunt. He gets cocky every time you start whining about how big his dick is, he'll smirk and tease you, grinding his hips so that you'll feel more of him.
Or if he's feeling mean, he'll pull out, and now you're left with an empty cunt and you hate nothing more than that. He'll make you beg for it while he fucks his fist in front of you. And when he does put it back in, he won't listen to the next time you whine about his big dick because he knows that you enjoy it as much as he does.
"Oh poor bunny... Looks like your cunt is too tiny to fit my cock. But thats okay, we'll make it work, don't we?"
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artzzyb00-27 · 8 months
{💜Kimchi Prep & Dish💜}
Korean readers need more representation. That's it. Also, if I ever offend any of you white people. Please, respectfully, get over it. No one has said anything(maybe because I haven't joked about it yet satirically) but I've had experience with people telling me the being racist to white people was a thing. And that they shouldn't be responsible for their ancestors actions. Then later on go to make racist jokes. Not saying I hate white people, I just don't immediately like you guys. The bar is not the hard to overcome anyway. Just don't be a racist biggot and we're good.
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In Queens there was a small Korean restaurant with a pretty decent community filled with familiarity. Something that attracted a quartet of mutant turtles who were always longing for new experiences. And places like this were perfect.
The culture was unique, music was widespread, and people were of different variety and presentability. Proven especially with Iseul Ok(pronounced; 'Ock'). One of the daughters helping out at her grandfather's restaurant. The turtle brothers had saved the blind man before from some low lifer's and he repaid with food for life. No complaints were made, anything to stop eating pizza whenever they couldn't get any specific ingredients.
So when they told him about their situation, he told them to come after hours so they could eat in peace behind the building. Which turned to them meeting his youngest grandchild. She was really sweet. Shocked about their appearance at first but then quickly turned when she started cracking jokes with Mikey. So Donnie watched. Observed. Tried to make sense of her. Learn about her.
He gained an interest to learn about the culture of her and her family. Which turned to him asking about Kimchi. Since it had gained a lot of popularity on TikTok, and it reached his 'For You Page'. To say she was ecstatic was an understatement.
"Kimchi's really important to us. It's a national treasure. You know for some people it represents love and future?" She asked rhetorically, which made Donnie tilt his head to the side smiling. Listening to her ramble was something he found appealing. She wasn't ashamed for her culture, which sadly was something that happened to often in cultures who weren't colonizers.
"How come it's popular?"
"Our ancestors wanted to achieve balance between nutritional qualities and health. At first it was pretty bland. Some salted vegetables with Korean Radish. Later on spices were added. There's a lot versions of it now but they each have the same origin. At least 180 varieties."
"Damn! People sure love their food." Donnie mused as Iseul collided her hip with his playfully. After fully making it Iseul turned to Donnie with a weary smile. He smiled back at her nervously.
"Sorry, it's just,... usually for it to get good fermentation it should be stored for at least one or two days. Or sometimes two weeks. You can try it now and bring your brother's back so they can taste the good version."
"Whatever you think is best. I'm only just learning." Smiling, Iseul grabbed a piece that looked more covered in the spices and fed it too the 6'11 turtle. Who leaned to reach her 5'10 stature, which was taller than most women in her community. Older generations barely reaching 5'3.(Y'all are tiny, no offense)
Savoring the flavor, Donnie's eyes lit up at the texture and amount of flavor. He was so happy in fact, that he started churring. Shamelessly might I add. Which made her happy. It showed that he was comfortable around her and didn't try to mask himself to appear more "normal".
"It's delicious, can't wait to try it again in a few weeks." He smiled at Iseul and helped clean up the kitchen after putting the Kimchi away in storage.
"Remember to bring your brothers. I want them to get a good taste of it." Nodding in agreement, he left her apartment and arrived home around 2:30 am.
A few weeks later the brothers were headed to Iseul's apartment to try out the infamous food Donatello had been hyping up. Smirking in amusement Raph nudged his older brother who returned the emotion and turned to his nerdy brother.
"Question. How long have you been waiting for this?"
"Not long, like two weeks. Only because it makes the flavor set in more." Nodding at the explanation Leo glanced at his other two brothers and looked back to Donnie.
"And you're sure it isn't because we haven't been able to see her that you're so excited?" Rolling his eyes, Donnie turned away from his leader.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." A small laugh came from Mikey as he walked up to his brother in purple coloration.
"Bro, if we were messing with you, you could tell. Be honest now,.." A pause fell over the turtles waiting for the youngest one to finish his sentence, "Have y'all kissed yet? Ow-!"
Getting hit by a pebble to the noggin wasn't fun. Especially when it was thrown slightly faster than usual by the most yolked out of the ninja quartet. Glaring at his little brother, Raph turned to his twin brother.
"Ignore him, let's just go. But D, seriously. Just ask Ise out man. Her family already knows about you. Not much stopping you," Donnie went to open his mouth to retort but was shut down by Raph. "Cept for losing the friend-ship, and yadda yadda."
"We'll make give Donnie advice later. We gotta hurry before Iseul starts spamming our phones." Leo told the others before running off with the three in tow.
Arriving at the apartment, Iseul opened the window for them to come in and made sure no one was watching. Setting their weapons down somewhere safe the brothers went to relax on the couch and started the Nintendo to play Mario Party. All of them except for Donnie and Iseul who was getting the giant container of Kimchi out.
"Feast your eyes, Dontron." She said while lightly pushing it towards the turtle. The food was bubbling and making noises. Eagerly Donnie grabbed a piece of cabbage ate it. Eyes lighting up in enthusiasm. Turning his head to the tall girl next to him.(Who was still small compared to Paul Bunyan over here.)
"It's even better than before! You have to let me take some for Splinter. Guys get in here!" With a few seconds the turtles and Iseul were snacking on the Kimchi while also enjoying video games and at some point a movie. After some talking the brothers got ready to leave. All but one.
"You guys get going. I'll catch up." He said handing Leo the bag containing a portion of Kimchi for their master. Agreeing, the three turtles left through the window and headed up to the roof. Iseul looked at Donnie confused. That is till he pulled her into a hug, which she reciprocated, and began talking.
"This is really hard to say and get off my chest. I know we're best friends and we don't keep secrets from each other and you've said before that you can tell me anything,.." Taking a pause after putting the girl down and looking at the ground to avoid eye contact he barely lifted them to see her face. She caught on to what he was saying. "But that's also why I'm not as nervous to tell you this because I know that you're not someone to shut out others who are emotional or don't think before acting. Something I admire about you the most."
At that point Iseul got on her tip toes and kissed him on his cheek. Standing there in shock and lifting a hand to touch the area she kissed. Hearing a click they both turned to the window and saw Mikey laughing and running back onto the roof. Groaning Donnie looked back to Iseul and smiled.
"Let's make this official tomorrow. My grandpa is making a giant buffet for the community and he wants all of you to come. Could also give them a chance to meet Splinter." Nodding, Donnie leaned down slightly and kissed her forehead and ran out the window.
Jumping up to the roof ignoring his shit-head brothers staring him down after smiling at the pictures the youngest turtle took.
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brightgnosis · 1 year
“Wow, ‘tomato clam juice cocktail’. What a weird 50′s recipe! They ate some really gross things in their day”
Meanwhile my uncle (a white trash redneck transplant to Oklahoma, originally from Washington): Literally still drinks clamato beer daily in 2023 and has for as long as I can remember, ever since I was a literal child.
Also: Bloody Mary’s are still popular, and are barely just one step removed from them ... There are, in fact, even clamato versions that do exist and are still incredibly popular in some regions!
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This is why I absolutely hate people like B. Dylan Hollis who make it an entire point of their whole personality and schtick to shit on Vintage Recipes — and that whole trend in general. Especially since it's most frequently being done by privileged people specifically to recipes belonging to minorities and the severely impoverished.
It's also why I'm always telling people that Vintage cooking is not actually all that weird at all- or, at least, isn't actually any weirder than things we still eat today ... As with all things in both life and history: You just need the actual historical context in order to understand food trends properly.
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ETA: Don't @ me with Hollis apologetics because "well he eats everything he makes". Ultimately that's not really the point, it's missing the point entirely, because eating it and making fun of it are two very different things (I can't believe I even have to explain that). So is getting upset whenever it actually tastes good because you expected (and actively wanted) it to be bad- because your schtick actively hinges on old food being "bad" or "weird" or "backwards" compared to modern food.
Also do not @ me with a "well have you told him about this context yourself to see if it changes his behavior?", either. Because yes. I have actually told people like this many times. However? It's ultimately not my job to educate others on this stuff in the first place. Largely I am not a food or history educator. This is a hobby and an interest for me- not my day job. It is not my responsibility to educate people.
But furthermore- and most importantly: I shouldn't have to educate people like Hollis (and the hundreds of others who do this; he's far from the only one, only the most popular currently) on something which they should be reasonably be educating themselves on. Especially not when the historical context is something they will naturally come across anyways whenever uncovering these materials to begin with. Because you literally cannot divorce things like food and fashion from their sociopolitical, economic, and other historical contexts. It's impossible to do.
Like ... Listen ... I have been doing early 20th century fashion and food and domestic history for nearly my entire life at this point. This is not new to me at all, and I am not a stranger to this. I literally run an entire blog that's dedicated to correcting misinformation about the early to mid 20th century in some facet, hilariously enough. And something I know for certain, beyond a shadow of any doubt, from doing this for as long as I have? Is that you cannot pick up or look for materials on these subjects without inherently running into some element of their appropriate historical contexts (how do you think I got into it, y'all) ... Historical contexts that should make any reasonable person who cares stop and think "hmm" for two seconds. But they don't because they don't care.
It's very rare that educating any one of them suddenly makes them start caring because caring literally ruins the entire schtick. And that schtick hinges on the fact that we are socially conditioned to think of making fun of the past (but especially the 1900's to 1950's) as "weird" and "backward", as acceptable and even outright encouraged, regardless of the historical context. And the kind of people who get into that kind of an act are not the kinds of people who care about historical context, historical integrity, ancestral compassion, or any of the other concepts. What they do care about are the laughs they can get at the expense of our ancestors (many of whom are still living) and what they frequently had to make do with, or proprietarily innovated.
I will delete your comments and block you.
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ETA 2: Yelling at me to "let people have fun", calling me a "pretentious gatekeeper" and saying "who cares about the historical context, it doesn't matter", before finishing your ignorant tirade off with "I don't care if you delete my comment and block me" doesn't make you a white knight or mean you win any kind of a fight. It just confirms you as one of the exact idiots I was talking about.
No one is stopping anyone from "having fun", here. I literally do have fun making vintage recipes all the time, and have an entire collection of vintage cookbooks, and I enjoy hosting vintage themed holiday parties all year (which I put a lot of research and dedication into every time); I even shop and wear mostly vintage clothing and jewelry, lol ... There are plenty of ways to respectfully "have fun" in the vintage world, with vintage things (or, further than that, in the antique world, with Antique things). It's not actually difficult. The difference is called actually having a little respect for people and their lived histories and experiences.
If your idea of "having fun" includes actively making fun of the food and clothing, histories and life experiences (etc) of the poor and impoverished, sometimes disabled, often people of color- and that bare basic historical context absolutely doesn't matter to you on any level, to the point that even remotely pointing it out is "pretentious gatekeeping" in your eyes? You need to actively check your abelism, classism, and racism, seek some fucking counseling, and learn to be an actual goddamned Human Being.
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2af-afterdark · 5 months
Randomly Rating the Alt (Beta?) Designs in Journey to a Nu World
Listen, I saw these and some of them made me so happy and others... I died a little inside. Someone told me these are closer to their beta designs and that would make sense given what the event is, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, I'm sure it's their beta colors with their current designs at best. Making whole new sprites to perfectly match their beta counterpart would have been an ordeal. So... for all intents and purposes, I am rating them as alternate color schemes than as beta designs. Although, I do admit that I want to make a few comments on their roles in the event at least...
Ratings below for post length and because some people may want the designs to be a surprise.
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10/10: I love him in all forms. No notes. Said it once and I will say it again though: he has Rin's silhouette. I guess it makes sense given what their relationship is, but it's uncanny.
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8/10: His pallet swap is very minor, and the purple accent is actually really cute on him. Plus, I am a fan of soft pastels and his alt colors are so gentle. Still loves money and is so very violent. Love that he had beast tamer aspects in the fight against the heroes. Love that he's always a boss. I love him.
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2/10: I love Morvay, but... they stole all of his color! There is just so much black in this design and it all sort of drowns out the overall character and makes him more muted. Also, they hid his titties and that is an unacceptable crime! Bonus points to both him and Aster though because their alt designs of aspects of the other's base color scheme (Ater's hair is the pink and purple of Morvay's jacket, Morvay's jacket is a more bright pink and black than Aster's).
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10/10: I am a simp. Kuya is there. His titties are out. His collar makes him look like a whore. I am simple. I have simple desires. Also, you know, his loyalty in this event was actually kind of interesting. He was all for working with the Demon King and even selling the rouse. Plus, he gave off the feeling of being a secretive and wise advisor when he hinted to Eiden that he knows there are worlds with alternate versions of them out there.
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3/10: His main blue hair is much better than the teal in his alt look. I do like the flower in his alt look, very appealing, but not enough to save just how... meh he is over all. I don't know. I just feel the teal is really jarring, especially given how much less it fits in with his outfit than his usual scheme.
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5/10: This is not to say I hate Yakumo's alt design. It's just... there. The only thing that changed were his clothes. I like the red and white on him. A lot. But the lack of design on his shirt or pants is kind of sad. Middling design.
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0/10: WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY BOY?????? He looks like your neighbor named Steve! THIS IS A CRIME!!! HE'S JUST SOME GUY! GIVE ME BACK MY SLUTTY PRIEST.
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-10/10: Blade... Your hair is as cute as always. The color looks as good on you as always. However... that outfit... Are you an assassin or a court jester? It's so bad. OMG, I hate it.
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8/10: You know what? I know it's just an outfit swap, but it really works on Dante. White looks really good on him and so does an open shirt. The shawl is always really nice in that blue-green color. It matches his eye and gems on his necklace. It's just very appealing overall. Also, it really let's him show off that tattoo! Which, you know, is a weakness of mine.
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5/10: I don't hate it but I don't like it. I don't know. It's not bad, just not to my tastes. Although, I giggle that he's a bard! Not an alchemist, but a BARD! That is hilarious and I cannot explain why.
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4/10: Again, kind of a meh design. I feel the yellow accents on his alt design would be better for Karu because then the eyes would match better. IDK, something about it just isn't working for me and I cannot place my finger on it. Also, we never saw Karu. I know the event was short, but... really? No Karu?
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6/10: I like him better as a blonde, personally, but the scars are so amazing on him. Plus, the darker green to match his darker hair and the little leaf designs on his jacket are just very charming. I like the design. I with they would keep the scars because they really are just amazing. Although I miss Topper...
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1000/10: NEVERMIND! He is perfect in all forms! ALL HAIL TOPPER!
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blorb-el · 2 years
Hello! What are the things that you'd like to see (or see more) in a Superman story?
o/ !
hmm, fanfiction or canon? Because in fanfiction... we're all here for fun, and I'm more interested in reading something the author's genuinely interested in writing. What I want out of canon Superman stories is pretty different than what I’m looking for when I fire up AO3. That being said, here is a long stream of consciousness of fanfic concepts that are currently living rent free in my brain. at least the sfw ones lol
there was An Art gremlin did a while back of Bruce tearing up when Clark was washing his hair and tbqh i think that would go both ways. the idea of an invulnerable man being treated softly drives me insane
superbat hand kisses. do i even need to elaborate. i will (threat)
i love plotty long world built alien space mission fic, which I realize is hard to write, but I love it anyway
Kryptonian. I know the grammar is hard and the vocabulary is sparse but I would be willing to beta or translate lines of dialogue if anyone wants to include Kryptonian in their fics...
(clark and diana teaching each other kryptonian and themysciran greek…)
general Kryptonian worldbuilding. I am on the verge of trying to encyclopedia precrisis Krypton just so people can throw in tanthuo flez or :dhosurro.
also kryptonian myths, ethics, nicknames... like just tossing it out into the wild that zhor krigia means bright heart... clark calling kara kir-a as a pun on bright... kara calling clark kahl-te...
also alien biology but that’s a given with me. still. had to throw it in
i know i'm superbat on main but. good clois content...
good kara content................
kara where she shows up and is markedly Other and. everyone is at first confused (’that’s not how kryptonians are’) and then slowly realizes how much clark masks...
how many languages does Superman speak? Can Superman pull a child out of a mudslide in rural India and reassure her she's going to be all right and help her find her parents - in her own language? (yes. ideally he should be able to.)
the adventures of insomniac superman. precrisis the man only sleeps 1 hour a day. granted lots of time is taken up studying aforementioned languages but. 3AM clark sitting in an all night diner in texas because there was a robbery nearby and he needed to not to be alone wanted coffee afterwards. clark watching the earthrise standing on the moon. sunlight tasting different at different altitudes.
(clark bringing a moon rock back to bruce like hey thought you might like this)
you know those fics where clark meets the batfam and like. learns to get along or whatever with them. that but in reverse. give me bruce wayne learning how to tolerate the menace that is jimothy james pulitzer prize winning photographer turtle boy menace olsen
young clark reading. actually clark in general reading but especially young clark reading, trying to understand his place in the world. Superman should have an opinion on Nietzsche's Ubermensch.
clark as a chaotic good person locked into a society and a role that demands lawful goodness of him
well thought out implications of growing up with superpowers. not to toot my own horn but this post i did from a while ago explains why the concept of infrared vision still lives rent free in my head
i am ALWAYS trash for listening into people's heartbeats. it makes no sense auditorially but neither does superhearing in general. read this fic diptych from bruce and then clark pov it's about their twinned nightmares and listening to heartbeats and overhearing bruce crying and the hurt of privacy invasion!!! then go read the first one in the series. wah.
The Call from Batman Black and White has a pretty garbage Clark but the idea that sticks in my brain from that is when Clark is afraid he’s just another tool in Bruce’s utility belt. chefs kiss. god i love angst. not the time to angst when someone’s bleeding out clark but god i love it anyway. anyway fic of this scenario (Clark is Bruce’s absolute last resort and he has to call on him) but not bad
crossovers... get flashpoint kal some HELP that man needs HELP
just because bruce timm was not going to address clark being essentially sexually assaulted during that arc doesn't mean we gotta leave it alone
anyway basically. just. good characterization. or. i’ll settle for interesting characterization at this point. my personal standards of clark characterization hinge on my three favorite Capital S Superman Stories: birthright, all-star, and miracle monday. if a fic has just one of the aspects of those characterizations I'm content. I would elaborate on that but this is already too long.
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meadow-dusk · 2 years
Challenge: Tag a couple of your mutuals on this ask and give them a compliment. Go ahead, brighten their day. 🌟
this is such a cute ask, thanks anon!! I'm gonna do ten and try my best here.
(the number of things I wrote about you is just a function of how well I know you but I am so grateful for each of you!! 💕)
SISTER ^ that's always to the tune of "Sisters" from White Christmas in my head, obviously (or maybe it's Gabriella and Taylor comparing their nail beds in HSM...🤔)
getting married this month!! everyone say congratulations!!!! 🎉
awesome supporter. texts me encouragement in the middle of long runs
joined Buffalo Springfield Friday wholeheartedly after I introduced them to her on a beach day ("Stills sun, Richie rising")
most varied music taste of anyone I know and good taste in TV shows too, esp smart comedies
#1 confidante forever and ever amen
the first person ever to dm me here (it was about my tags on her amazing gifs of Crosby & Nash singing Long Time Gone)
I still remember being really excited someone reached out directly to me. thank you for that 😊
absolute sweetheart and she has proven it through and through
super smart scientist out there making a difference in the way we treat the environment
top 0.005% of David Crosby listeners (Spotify wrapped 2021)
I have to talk to her everyday or something isn't right
called me out for saying "pizza is just a canvas" on which many potential variations can exist.
don't say that to an Italian ^
literally inspired me to share my thoughts on music using tumblr because of how she does so openly and skillfully!
fierce advocate for underappreciated artists. especially the ones she loves most.
country music expert with a beautiful voice
incredibly kind thoughtful and supportive no. matter. what.
seriously such a good friend.
I can go to him at any hour of the day/night with an obscure Neil-related comment and he will understand me completely, and vice versa honestly
extensive knowledge of animal facts
extensive knowledge of the Buffalo Springfield
extensive repertoire of memes that always suit the conversation
keeps me in the loop on Gen Z language (I had no idea what "pog" was, dude.)
so open and loving!!
tells it like it is
hard-working. back at it getting a degree now
honestly THE Stills girl™️. She just is. We should double-date sometime 😂
or at least those CSNY ice cream pajama parties she's always talking about...
I'm forever mad at Tumblr for not letting me talk to her normally. I will be so thrilled if it gets fixed.
amazingly hilarious
unapologetically awesome
classy and respectful
I always love when she tags me on things !!
Bee Gees superfan in my mind. You're who I think of when they come on now
purest love for David Crosby I have ever seen!
really knows her stuff.
look. there can be multiple David girls. It's what he would want.
sweetest commentary and tags
your story about Farm Aid like literally made me cry one day
fellow Laurel Canyonite at heart
really supportive and sweet. always willing to listen. I felt comfortable sharing with her almost right away
also a David girl. You guys go hard, you know that?
very smart and very well-spoken
as of today, the birthday girl!! HBD Lexie 🥳
I can't hear Chicago anymore and not think of her!! she's the queen
ps okay I heard "Lost in the Woods" from Frozen II and it sounds like a Chicago homage to me. Do you agree???
so giving and kind!
always sends asks (and occasionally images of Neil 👀) my way
insanely creative.
like, inspirationally so. her gifsets and photosets made me want to step it up
so much love for her faves
uses the cutest tags! sometimes I'm just like yeah, you know what you're right, they ARE "soft" 🥺
I heard two Steve Winwood songs in a row today and thought of you immediately.
hope all you guys have an awesome day/night/weekend thanks for being in my life
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4, 6, 16, 21, 26 and 31 for the asks? -captain
4. What do you wear when you have to dress nicely? Honestly I never go to any events where I have to dress up so I actually don't know. I know I'd be uncomfortable in a dress/skirt but also in a suit so I guess I'd just go with my usual jeans (the ones without the patched up hole on the knee lol) and shirt with an open button up or something.
6. What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book? I currently have about 5 books I've started reading and I'm using a mix of library receipts, free bookmarks, postcards and random scraps of paper.
16. Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique? My Ghost Files hoodie! Got it last fall and I've been wearing it almost every day when going out, it's super comfy. It's black with the white Ghost Files logo on it and it also glows in the dark which is so cool.
21. What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? Answered here. Shorter answer: Cave paintings, Monet's landscape impressionism and paintings of ships on rough waters.
26. Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties? I think I'm pretty decent at cooking and ok at baking but mostly make simple things. My favorite things to make that usually turn out pretty good (for my tastes at least) are pasta with spinach and tomato sauce, chicken quesadillas and oreo cheesecake.
31. What’s the last music video you watched? Oh I like never watch music videos lol. Gotta go check my youtube history. Technically it's Never Gonna Give You up bc April 1st where I clicked on the link knowing it would be that but I just enjoy the song haha. I also watched part of Love From The Other Side from the new Fall Out Boy album. But I usually only listen to the songs.
thank you!! :)
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Hey Mod Akane! I hope you're doing well :) I was hoping to get a romantic matchup for Doki Doki Literature Club, My Hero Academia, and One Punch Man please!
Name: Zachary
Likes/Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Cooking, Learning Obscure Facts, Conspiracies, Meteorology, Astronomy, 80s music (though I like most music), Going on Walks (especially while listening to music), Lasagna (seriously I'm like Garfield when it comes to lasagna), doing a little trolling, being the best person I can be for my loved ones, and being with loved ones for that matter, though I do enjoy a decent amount of alone time.
Dislikes: Being a burden, seafood, fake people, being looked down upon
Personality: I'm a pansexual INFP with he/him pronouns! I'm very eccentric to say the least, I like to go on the road less traveled on and try new things. A walking disaster but I wouldn't have it any other way! I try to be nonconfrontational and work things out, but I won't be a pushover. I enjoy my alone time, but also enjoy being with my loved ones. I like to find a good balance. I try my best to become better every day. I'm not perfect in any sense and do fall into depressive episodes, but I try my best to be at least decent. I'm not the best at communicating, but once I find someone I can trust I open up easily!
Physical traits: Skinny, tall, white with a light tan, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair parted in the middle, green eyes. I usually like to wear a cool jacket or overshirt depending on the season.
Also I didn't know where to put it but I figured it might be important to add I'm the oldest of 9 kids, with 5 sisters and 3 brothers. I don't know if it will be relevant but :p
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I hope your happy with who I matched you up with.
Your Doki Doki Literature Club Matchup Is….
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* The literature club often gets annoyed when the two of you are late too a meeting because you both decided to go on a spontaneous trip to a new store that just opened up
* The two of you make a habit of trying out a new activity every Saturday
* Sayori will often run up to you excited to share with you something new she found on the internet that the two of you can do together
* Sometimes you both will even invite the rest of the club to come along with you guys
* Everyone calls the both of you the eccentric couple due to you both having similar personalities, but people find how the two of you can keep up with each others energy endearing though
* Whenever you want to have some alone time Sayori respects it, but make sure you reassure her it’s not because of her, since sometimes she starts to doubt herself in secret
* Likes that your not a push over because sometimes she doesn’t put her opinion across and she’s glad she’s got you there to be the assertive one in the situation
*Since you both don’t like confrontation, but your more willing to put someone in their place than she is
* The two of you can relate to each other, since you both fall into depressive episodes and it’s reassuring that you both can lean on and understand each other
* You both comfort the other when one of you falls into a depressive episode, since you both understand the signs one of you is going through one without either of you being verbal about that fact
* Even though Sayori shares a lot of things some of the more darker aspects of her life she keeps quiet about, so just like you it takes her time to open up about them, but once you open up to her it encourages Sayori to do the same to you
* She loves tasting anything you cook, especially if it is something sweet
* Will be over the moon if you make her lunch for school
* Anything you write she will read even if it takes her a while to get through it
* She will even take some book recommendations from you, but probably gets bored with reading it and ends up watching the movie at least that’s something
* Happily listens to all the obscure facts you know and happily goes around telling everyone
* “Hey, look what Zachary taught me!”
* Being the oldest one of your siblings comes in handy when dealing with Sayori since she can at times act childish, so it is very helpful to know how to deal with that
* Would love it if you let her wear one of your cool jackets or over-shirts, but won’t ask directly for it and instead opts to tugging on the sleeve of the one your wearing and compliments it hoping you get the hint
* Tries to learn to make lasagna for you, but ends up burning it maybe you can give her some cooking lessons
* She likes to play a few jokes on people herself, so she would happily help you do some trolling, but her laughter does often give it away
* Admires how you always try to be an amazing person and that’s one of the reasons on why she fell for you
* Will accompany you on your walks and if you play some music she starts twirling around with one of your earbuds in her ear making the wire tangle with the other one in your ear
* The two of you spend dates coming up with new conspiracies, especially ones you think could be taking place at school
* Doesn’t really understand meteorology and astrology, but she happily listens to you rant about it even if she does ask some dumb questions she is interested none the less
* But don’t go on about them for too long because she might accidentally end up falling asleep
* Overall, Sayori and you are a really good couple and you both are really lucky to have each other.
Your My Hero Academia Matchup Is….
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* Your spontaneous trips help Momo loosen up a little because usually she likes to stick to what she knows and not try anything new, but once you drag her with you on a few she starts to enjoy them
* She would never join you on them during school time though because she doesn’t want to be late, but if she fails to convince you not to go on them she will write down any notes to give to you if you miss them from being late
* She likes that your on the more the eccentric side because she herself is quite shy and she needs a bit of chaos in her life to bring her out of her shell
* Momo respects when you want some alone time and asks if you want her to stay with you and if you say no she will make you some tea and then leave you alone for the rest of the day
* Sometimes she thinks it’s her fault when she’s going through an insecurity episode herself, so during that time you should spend it with her and just remind her that she’s fine you just like to be alone sometimes
* She will be happy you took the time to reassure her even if she knew that she was just self doubting
* Momo isn’t that big on confrontation either and often tries to play peace maker when people have an argument
* She appreciates when you come to her defence though, since if someone snaps at her she usually becomes at a loss for words when people turn on her like that
* When you fall into depressive episodes Momo doesn’t know what to do, so decides to read up on it thoroughly, so she can better help you
* If you really want her to give you space though she will respect that, but she will check up on you every once in a while to make sure your doing okay
* Is overjoyed when you finally trust her enough to tell her private things and swears to keep them to herself and she makes good on that by never uttering what you told her to anyone else
* She returns the favour and shares things private about herself to you as well
* Will taste test anything you make and makes tea to go with whatever meal you have prepared
* Momo can’t really cook that well, due to usually having her personal chefs do it for her, but she is happy to aid you with the basic tasks of cooking and gathering the ingredients part. Will be very appreciative if you take the time to teach her how to cook yourself
* Will read anything you write and due to her being top in her class she gently points out any grammar mistakes you may have made to better improve your writing
* She can’t give any help on the story telling part though since she is not the most creative person when it comes to that part
* Will listen to all of your obscure facts and recites some she has learnt herself from reading information books and lends some to you in case you want to learn even more obscure facts to tell people
* Likes to hear stories about what your siblings have done now, since she is an only child, so doesn’t know what it is like to have a big family
* Will buy you new cool jackets and over shirts to wear as presents she buys you branded ones as well
* She also gets one of her family chefs to teach her how to make Lasagna to surprise you with it and if it doesn’t turn out quite right she gets the chef to make you some, so she can give it to you
* Isn’t much of a jokester herself, so this is one thing your going to have to teach her and soon she will be making loads of jokes in no time, even if most of them don’t land very well
* Loves going on walks with you it helps calm her down and she does give your music a listen too, since she wants to know more about you maybe you both can swap playlists sometime
* Doesn’t really believe in most conspiracy theories, but will happily listen to one’s you come up with or have researched about, maybe you both can have a debate on why it’s real or not
* Knows a lot about meteorology and astrology from reading them in books, so you can both have conversations about the subjects during one of your dates
* Her knowledge probably won’t be as broad as yours though because that’s not the only thing she researched about and put all of her attention on to
* Overall, Momo is a great girlfriend and the two of you make a good couple even if you both have a few differences you both get along very well with each other.
Your One Punch Man Match Up Is….
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* Always accompanies you on any walks you want to go on because he enjoys them and also wants to make sure your safe
*Because what if you stumble across a monster when going along some unexplored path
* He does like your eccentric personality it’s what makes you unique from everyone else and is something he admires you for
* He can also handle it very well, since most of the people he hangs around are quite eccentric themselves even if they don’t mean to be
* When you want some alone time it is hard for Genos to understand at first, since he thinks there are ways he can help
* But after Saitama explains it to him and he does some analysis himself he gives you your alone time
* When you want to hang out with him again though he’s right outside waiting with a meal ready for you to eat
* Genos is not a massive fan of confrontation, but he will not hesitate to do it when someone has done something wrong or has done something to wrong you
* Even if he isn’t very good at coming up with insults he will still reprimand them as much as he can
* If you ever defend him against someone he very much appreciates it
* Though he does say to let him handle it next time because he doesn’t want anyone doing something to you in anger from your words to them
* When you fall into depressive episodes Genos is unsure how to handle them he becomes overly caring just wanting to make you feel better
* He reads tonnes of books and does loads of research just to figure out the best way to handle it
* He will give you space though once you finally tell him to
* Does get worried though, so Saitama ends up having to reassure him, much to his dismay, that you will be okay during this time
* Swears on Saitama’s life that he will never repeat your secrets to anyone, even if he can sometimes be a bit of a blabber mouth, but he will tread with extra caution to keep your secrets to himself and safe from prying people
* He is quite happy when you finally trust him though
* Even though he is not required to eat if it is something you have made he will gladly try it and give you his opinion on it
* Sometimes he over exaggerates his compliments on the food, since he loves you and wants to make you feel proud of what you have made
* Genos is also not too bad at cooking himself and he will help you in the kitchen to the best of his ability
* One time though he accidentally released to much fire from his hand resulting in the both of you having to evacuate the kitchen
* Saitama still ate the burnt food that was still in the oven after the fire was put out though
* Genos is happy to read any story that you have written and feels honoured when you allow him too
* He does try to give you more ideas on what to write, but most of his ideas aren’t very good
* Genos will listen intently and write down all the obscure facts you tell him
* He even does a data analysis to find some more obscure facts that you might not know, so he can tell you them
* Will help you to look after any of your siblings if you ask him to, hopefully he will get along with all of them
* Any money he gets from being a hero he tries to save it aside, so he can buy you some cool jackets or over shirts as a gift, since you deserve to be treated by him
* Will teach himself how to make lasagna and after many failed attempts he can finally present you with his creation
* Hopefully you will like it
* Doesn’t really understand jokes that much, but will still laugh anyway
* Please laugh at his jokes even if they are unfunny he is trying his best to make you laugh
* He did a whole survey to find out what the perfect joke consists of
* His joke turned out far from perfect though
* Will accompany you on walks to make sure you are safe and because he enjoys spending that time with you
* He will listen to your music and he actually enjoyed it, he doesn’t really listen to much music, but maybe he should start. Hopefully you can recommend him more songs to listen to
* Genos kind of believes in most conspiracy theories if their is evidence that it could exist
* So any conspiracy theories you come up with he is definitely believing because your his lover and he doesn’t doubt you
* Will find out more about astrology and meteorology just for you and does loads of data analysis on them
* Hoping to impress you with his knowledge and to benefit yours about these topics you love to discuss as well
* He loves it when you talk about them to him as well and will always write detailed notes on what you tell him, like your teaching a class of only one student
* Overall, Genos is an amazing boyfriend to have and he appreciates everything about you and will do everything he can to understand your interests and desires even if they are a bit confusing for him to understand straight away on his own.
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cosettepontmercys · 6 months
Hi! I hope you had a very merry Christmas! I think you said you celebrate it. Did you do anything for the holidays or get presents? don't worry..it wasn't late or anything. I just couldn't reply until now. Oh that sucks..I hope you recover in time for the new year.🩷
I think it's already happened with some songs on Fearless cuz she didn't have her accent as much. I agree with Hey Stephen and a few other songs. I realized that I never asked you how you felt about the changes in the Better than Revenge rerecording. Overall I understand the change, and the new lyrics make sense, but still prefer the original lyrics lol. I love her accent too but I never could really tell if it was completely fake or not but her baby voice is cute.
I think if the cuts make sense, I won't really mind but it's not like it's my favorite musical either. The trailer came on yesterday and I told them it was a musical and they said it as a musical will ruin it so I do wonder how regular non theater people will feel about it overall. They always hate or make fun of musicals though and it will make it cheesy or something since my family quotes the original movie all the time. So I feel like the quotes don't translate in the musical as much, and even if Legally Blonde was a little different, the changes made sense of improved it in some way. I listened to the Megan song too and just felt it didn't add much either. I don't know if i will watch it yet, but I've already missed Wonka and Color Purple for this week so I will see if I can watch it this next week. I will probably watch Dicks at some point too, so I'm glad your friend liked it.
I love White Christmas even if it doesn't feel as Christmasy as other Christmas movies. I just finally watched the movie version of Holiday Inn last night, but was familiar with the musical. I also love both! I also count Rent for musicals lol. But mostly I prefer ones where the family is getting ready for or around Christmas like Elf, National Lampoons, and A Christmas Story, and Surviving Christmas. I also have a few new ones I still wanna watch for this year. I was going to send you an ask saying December 24th 9PM Eastern standard time...but then I remembered you've never seen Rent! My sister and I were trying to think of New Year's resolutions in song lyrics and my sister said that from here on in, I shoot without a script..instead of my old shit..would be a good one for me lol. We always try to do a Taylor one too so I'm thinking either Karma or You're on your own kid..make friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it..you've got no reason to be afraid and I'm gonna try to remember that throughout the year and try new things maybe. I remember I used I got harder smarter in the nick of time..I rose up from the dead..I do all the time as one when rep came out. I mostly just think it's fun, so if you wanna try to think of one, you can.
I finally listened to the Fruitcake EP and I agree..it was so good! All of the songs were mostly different, which is kinda fun. I think it would be hard to think of different types of Christmas songs, but she did such a good job. New years yet might be my favorite or at least the one I can remember the most. What do you think your version of a Christmas song would be? I guess I never asked you if you are musical at all or if you play any instruments. I don't actually, but I do like to sing and sometimes make up songs. That question is just for fun though so no pressure, and I don't really have an answer either.
I think I only read 3 or 4 full books this year. One was the stepping off place that I finished back in January, and that was definitely my favorite. I know I've talked about it already, but I really loved it so much. The other was Mistakes were made which was fine. I just found out the same author has another book out soon and I think I would be interested in reading it, cuz I enjoyed her writing. What about you? The last one was The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Do you still plan on reading or watching the movie? I'm still in the middle of a few including Business or Pleasure I hoped to finish by the end of year but I still have like 50 pages. I also skimmed most of Our Year of Maybes. I enjoyed parts of all these but didn't love them. I hope to change my reading habits for next year and definitely finish more..we will see my progress by the end of January. There were a lot of months I didn't read at all, so I'm hoping to change that too. Omg I wish you would have told me you were continuing your Night Circus reread! I could have tried to read a bit more. I just assumed you were taking a break like me lol. I want you to know if you don't finish your Les Mis reread it's also okay..don't stress.
Oh I didn't know you haven't seen them but I actually didn't watch the Office until like 5 years ago. I grew up watching Friends and quote it all the time though! Idk if you mean you just never watched the whole show or that you didn't know it at all. Parks and Recreation is another one of my favs..similar to the Office. I also love Schitt's Creek! But the humor is just different from back then, cuz it's newer. and New Girl is another newer one which is kinda more similar to Friends. Of course How I met your mother is the most similar to Friends...but I prefer Friends the most. I got a Friends calendar for Christmas actually, and also a Taylor one. Cristin Miloti was the mother in that show and was also played the original Girl from Once on Broadway, and I guess I forgot to mention that in my last ask. I knew the Guy actor from another show too, which is Shameless. I think Once was before the shows technically, but I knew them from it by the time I got into Broadway. That version of Falling Slowly just seems different from the movie somehow but I still like it. I would recommend Begin Again cuz I liked some songs.
I loved that dream cuz she gave me some earrings. I only remember three or four titles. But it seemed like the length of a full album cuz a group of four of us were reading off the titles and it was like three each or something. Name someone I love, something to take, watch me, kiss some other person. Possibly fireworks but idk. Some of the titles made me think of a new album but some make me think of rep lol. I wish I remembered more. But it is almost impossible to envision her new album and like I said, I'm sure the titles are way off anyway. I always like knowing song titles and wondering or guessing what a song will be like though. Anyway I hope you feel better! Try to rest as much as you can and hopefully relax the next few days. Sending well wishes for your Wednesday and the rest of your week!
hello friend!! hope you had a lovely holiday + a wonderful new year, if i don't talk to you before then! i do celebrate it! it was a very quiet, lowkey christmas, since i still have the plague but it was very lovely! how was your christmas? do you have any fun new year plans?
my favorite present that i got is a pink scarf that my mom got me — it's super cozy and just so cute!! which, i think by now, is no surprise, since i am A Pink Girl at my core! one of my friends got me a raccoon themed christmas gift, which i also loved — including a raccoon oodie, a raccoon jellycat, and of course, toto got his own raccoon animal too!
with better than revenge, i definitely understand why she changed the lyrics, and i'm glad she was able to create a version of better than revenge she was proud of! i definitely still on instinct sing the old lyrics, but i don't think i particularly prefer one over the other, just that i'm more used to the old ones!
one of my family friends hates musicals and she got tricked into taking her kid (the 15 year old who i affectionately call my younger sister) to wonka and didn't realize wonka was a musical, which was funny! the text i got when she realized did make me chuckle, i'm not going to lie. i haven't watched any of those movies — nor have i watched the eras tour from home! i have it rented, but i just haven't been feeling well enough to sit through a three hour movie unfortunately. but i'm starting to feel a little better so hopefully i'll have time to watch that soon!
i love the holiday inn musical — i think it's so fun! fun fact, the first time i watched the holiday inn movie was at a holiday inn. i went to florida on a work trip in 2019, and my flight home got cancelled and the airlines put me in a holiday inn for the night so i figured it'd be the perfect time to watch holiday inn (even though it was summer) because i liked the musical! i definitely know the rent december 24 9pm reference and usually participate in it on twitter but forgot this year :( it made me feel like a bad theatre kid haha!
i love the idea of doing resolutions in song! i finally wrote out my reading goals for my book blog earlier, but haven't completely finalized my personal resolutions yet. i think the YOYOK one is so good! some other ones i thought of:
innocent — minds change like the weather/ i hope you remember today is never too late to be brand new
starlight — look at you, worrying too much about things you can’t change / you’ll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way
august — to live for the hope of it all
they're not as good as you're on your own kid though, and i'm sure i'm missing something super obvious!
i think fruitcake's EP is so fun and different! like upbeat and a bit sexy and just so fun! it's something i can see myself listening to year-round. i played the piano as a kid (i don't remember a thing now) and took a semester of guitar in high school (was not good at it), but am not musical anymore! sometimes i think about picking something up again, just for fun, but i think i prefer being arts and crafty over being musical. i think if i had to do a christmas song though, it'd probably be something a little more melancholy and slower — kind of how phoebe bridgers' christmas songs sound, i think. what about you?
i still plan on reading tbosas and watching it! but i did not get to reading the hunger games at all this month. but at some point i will do that and then we can discuss 🤍 i did end up finishing the night circus (the original plan was that i'd mail it out this week for book club, but given the plague, i'm pushing it off to next week), and also les mis (although i would not recommend reading the first 50% over the span of 3 months and then reading the last half of it in the span of a week). i think i'm done reading for the rest of the year and am excited for a little bit of a break! and then i think i'll go back to the starless sea in january!
i did watch parks and rec! i've only seen it once, but i watched it in college with one of my friends who said i was very leslie in terms of drive/organization/etc. it's funny you brought once up, because i was listening to once on vinyl today — it's such a good show. i love it so much! there are a lot of shows (friends, HIMYM, gilmore girls) that i think i would've loved if i had watched it when it was first airing, but i've been spoiled on every platform for so many things that i don't think i'd find it fun now! also i am so much worse at watching tv now than i was when i was in school, for some reason!!
that sounds like such a fun dream! i don't usually remember my dreams (but i also have a hard time sleeping so there's that)! do you think ts11 will have a more pop sound? or do you think it'll be something else? i keep seeing clown theories on twitter about new year's day (taylor's version) or a rep announcement on new year's day ... what do you think?
also!! i got your other ask about music! i think i need to do another listen through of the albums before i can pick favorites, so i will save the ask for when i get a chance to do that and then get back to you!!
hope you're doing well, my friend!! 🤍
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authorautumnbanks · 9 months
Wish I Could Curse You (5)
Series master list
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"Kagome, get behind me!" InuYasha moves to shove Kagome behind him. He quickly draws the Tessaiga and points it at Suguru. His ears swirl around and hone in on Suguru. His white hair fluffs up in agitation. If he were an actual dog, his fur would be standing up.
What is Suguru doing here? Kagome shoves InuYasha to the side and steps around him. She points a finger towards Suguru. "Wait a minute, that's Suguru, he's fine," she stresses, but InuYasha just snarls in response.
A curse appears behind Suguru, with its teeth bared. The cursed energy is oppressive. She's not a curse expert or anything, but this feels like it might be a special grade.
A bit overkill in her opinion and not welcome here on the shrine. She lets some of her powers leak through, enough to show that curse she means business if it gets any closer to them.
So help her if that thing attacks InuYasha. She'll exorcise it and then rip Suguru a new one for not listening to her.
"Damn it, Suguru, put that thing away now before I purify it. InuYasha is my friend. He's not an enemy and I'll be so pissed off if you try to fight him or so help me." Kagome stomps her foot, feeling more like she's back to being a teenager and trying to keep InuYasha and Koga from killing each other. "And you know how I feel about curses on these grounds."
Her chest rises rapidly, like she's run several laps around the shrine grounds. It's a good thing she does not contribute to the curse infestation because the negative emotions boiling in her gut are enough to take down a nation. He needs to withdraw his curse like now.
The curse inches forward, but stays a reasonable distance away. It must feel her own powers rising in preparation for an attack. She will not allow that thing to go after InuYasha. Sure, Inu could probably kill it - exorcise it - whatever, but that's not the point. Kagome cannot handle another blood bath on these grounds.
She's barely keeping it together as it is.
"Kagome, I know you aren't thinking straight. He must have done something to you," Suguru replies. A giant worm that looks like a baby with a swollen face wraps itself around his waist. He pulls out what looks like a pair of nun-chucks. "Vermin, I don't know what kind of trick you are playing, but I don't take too kindly to those trying to harm my people."
InuYasha scoffs. "Vermin? Says the worm-fucker." He waves the Tessaiga around.
"He's not playing a trick on me!" Kagome holds out both hands and blocks Suguru's view of InuYasha. "Do you even hear yourself? How would he be able to do that? I'm a priestess. Such magic does not work on me." Her words don't make much of a dent. The curse looks back at Suguru and then creeps forward.
It takes small measured steps as though it is afraid of getting closer while also being afraid of what Suguru may do to it if it does not comply. It should be more concerned about what she will do to it if it does not back the heck back. Her mood is souring faster than spilled milk.
As grateful as she is that Suguru does not want harm to come to her, he is overstepping.
"Look, if I was under his control would I be able to do this?" Kagome turns to the side so Suguru and InuYasha are both within her eyesight.
"Oi! No!" InuYasha exclaims, sheathing his sword. "At least let me go to the grass—"
"—Sit boy."
"Fucking hell," InuYasha grumbles from the ground. The curse fades away as quickly as it came.
Kagome pulls her powers back in and lets out a long-suffering breath. The air tastes sweeter without that thing around. Her arms shake ever so slightly. She takes in a couple more breaths and tries to regulate her breathing.
It's fine. No one got hurt. There will be no more battles here.
She's gonna have to go around and tinker with the barrier after this. Clean the grounds. Scrub the house down.
"The hell? Did you just command him?" Suguru doesn't put his weapon away, but he lowers his hands as he walks forward. His dark almond-shaped eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him.
It must look otherworldly to people who aren't used to such things.
"It's subjugation beads," Kagome explains. She bends down and holds out a hand to InuYasha. "Sorry, Inu. He was convinced you put some kind of spell or curse on me. Though I don't know why, since you know it shouldn't work on me. And get rid of that thing."
"Theres a lot I don't know about you, Kagome. The last thing I know is what does or does not affect you. I mean, you fell for Satoru's charms." The last part, Suguru spits out like it is the worst taste in his mouth. "And you are hanging out with this... InuYasha." The worm wrapped around him sucks in the weapons and then fades away.
Kagome swallows down the bile.
"Who the hell is Satoru?" InuYasha takes her hand and then dusts his pants off. "Is that why you haven't been coming around?"
"Don't worry about it." Kagome rolls her eyes. She hasn't seen Satoru since that day he showed up at the shrine and then that random encounter at the grocery store where he pestered her for her number. He hasn't come around since, but he sends her messages every day about everything and nothing at all.
She never should have given him her number. A moment of weakness on her part. He's too attractive for his own good and should be avoided from here on out.
Suguru clears his throat. "Is this curse yours, then?" His jaw ticks. She can practically see the steam rising from him.
"Oi! I have had enough of this bastard. First vermin, now curse? How about I shove Tessaiga up your ass?"
Kagome sighs and places a hand on InuYasha's chest. "InuYasha isn't a curse. He's a half-demon." This is so frustrating. The last thing she wanted was for Suguru and InuYasha to meet. As far as she is concerned, there is no reason for Suguru to know more about her than he needs to, but here they are. Now she has to explain things.
Why couldn't Suguru just not show up uninvited? He knew she was going to be busy.
"A half demon?"
"Half human, half demon," she explains. "He is not a curse though, and he doesn't mean anyone harm. Right Inu?" Kagome raises a brow at InuYasha, who just grumbles under his breath about stupid humans.
Suguru still looks not convinced, but he doesn't look as though he is going to attack InuYasha either. "How many demons do you know?"
"Um.. enough? That's not the point here. Why are you here? I thought you were going to exorcise that curse without me." She quickly changes the subject. "Did you not go home and rest first?"
"I was worried about how you left. I had to make sure you were okay," Suguru says, lowering his voice. His words are like honey dripped in poison. As much as she wants to believe him, something keeps her back. Like he's trying too hard to win her over.
She frowns, more perturbed by why she doesn't trust Suguru. He hasn't done anything to her. He's even showed her how curses work and how to properly exorcise them, so no one else has to suffer the same fate as her family.
"Can I just get the baby shit and be on my way?" InuYasha cuts in. "You know Hana is trying to nest and shit." He crosses his arms.
"Don't make me S-I-T you again." After all this time, Inu is still as rude as ever, though he has a point. There is no real need to have him sticking around if she isn't in danger. "I got everything in the kitchen." Kagome heads towards the house, stopping to reach for Suguru's hand on the way.
Suguru allows her to tug him towards the house. Kagome peeks a glance at their intertwined hands. He's been pretty clear about what he hopes blossoms between them, but she can't bring herself to make that leap.
The problem must be her. Her mind is a mess ever since... that day. She blinks, dispelling the image.
Better to focus on the situation at hand.
"So, you were getting the baby supplies for him?" Suguru glances over his shoulder. Kagome can feel the animosity brewing between him and InuYasha.
"Yep!" she chirps, overtly sweet to drown out the tension between those two. "InuYasha's wife is due any day now, so he's a bit anxious to get back to her." She leads them into the house and towards the kitchen, where all the gifts sit on the table.
"And you couldn't get your own stuff?" The accusation hangs in the air, just waiting for its target.
InuYasha bares his teeth and flips Suguru off. "Listen here, ya wanna be tough guy. The only reason why I'm not beating your ass is because of Kagome."
Kagome pinches her nose and counts to three. Nope. She's still annoyed with them. "Can we just not for like five minutes? Suguru, I know you don't like curses, obviously, but InuYasha is not in the same category as those things. He's just like us. He's half human," she stresses.
"Sorry," Suguru amends, leaning on the table and somewhat blocking InuYasha from her view. "I'm still worked up. It's not every day you come across a demon."
"Where's Hobo? I liked him better."
Kagome's mouth drops. "You can't say that! That's so rude," she hisses.
Suguru's mouth goes taunt. "Hobo? Are you talking about Hojo?"
"Yeah, that dude was way better than you. At least he had some sense about him."
"Okay, I think it's time for you to go on home now, Inu. I'll be around later this week, promise." She steps to the side, ignoring the way Suguru's expression darkens. She'll address him after InuYasha goes home. "Do you need any help carrying some of that?"
InuYasha gives her a 'be real' expression. He scoffs and lifts the bags. "You been spending too much time with these humans."
Kagome holds her tongue. InuYasha's wife is human. Funny how he forgets that whenever he wants to get on her case about not visiting the past as often as she used to. It's not that she doesn't miss everyone, but her family got hurt because she was off helping villagers instead of helping her family here.
Inu doesn't get it. The past is his time. His home. This is her home. It's not so easy to pick up and go. There is no one else to run the shrine. No one else to keep things going.
"Goodbye, Inu." She walks around the table and pushes him out the door. "Hurry up and go," she whispers. "I'll keep Suguru distracted. He doesn't know about the well."
"Seriously? Fine. Whatever. But I don't like the guy. He smells funny."
Kagome rolls her eyes. Everyone in this time smells funny to InuYasha. He's just being paranoid, as usual. Everyone is an enemy until proven otherwise. It's a wonder he managed to settle down with how little he trusts people outside their group. She gives him a nod and then closes the door.
"Sorry about InuYasha. He's pretty protective of me."
"He knew your ex? Doesn't seem like the kind of man you would bring around a non-sorcerer."
Kagome falters. What's with the interrogation? She should be getting on his case for showing up unannounced when she told him not to do that. "A hat takes care of Inu's ears, and his hair doesn't stand out that much." She swallows back the 'Satoru has white hair too' and continues on as if she wasn't thinking about bringing up his not best friend.
"It seemed like you were going to go off with him and forget about our plans," he says with a sigh, hurt tugging at the corners of his lips.
Plans? They had that curse to exorcise, but didn't he say he would... oh fuck!
"Suguru, I—"
He waves her off. "You've been through a lot. I get it. You know I lost my parents to curses as well." He rises and stands closer to her. So close, he could reach out and touch her. "I haven't had lunch if that's what you meant. The curse will be more active tonight, so we should still exorcise it later, tonight as planned."
Kagome sighs. Busted. She was totally gonna go back to the past with InuYasha and hang out with the others for a bit. Staying in the shrine is stuffy. Everywhere she turns, there are memories she can't shake. "If you haven't eaten yet, then we could go grab something to eat now."
"A date then?" He smiles, as though he knows he has her in his trap. "That's how you can make it up to me."
"You don't give up, do you?"
"I know what I want." He runs his knuckles down her cheek and then toys with a locket of hair. His eyes soften.
She opens her mouth right as her phone buzzes over and over in her pocket. She flashes Suguru a regretful smile and pulls away to check her messages.
Satoru: Let's meet up tomorrow night. Scratch that. I'll pick you up. Wear something comfortable.
There's an attachment of a blindfold? The heck is that supposed to mean?
Her brows furrow. Suguru comes up behind her and curves his body around hers with his hands flat on the wall. She's trapped. Kagome turns around right as he leans his head down.
His lips seal over hers and the phone clatters on the ground.
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