#listen ice has things to do place to be and mav wants to talk but they don't have time so he picks him up and go
tgmsunmontue · 5 months
Saga of Solitude 4/?
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. IceMav AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
PROLOGUE (He remembers)
HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights - set 2009)
Updating ~weekly (longer chapters).
ONE (2000) TWO (2001) THREE (2002)
                His summer at home is very different. He insists on looking after the girls every day that he’s home, making the most of his time with them. He works on their swimming with daily trips to the swimming pool, then the library or playground. Gets them out of the house so Ice can rest and Sarah and Melissa don’t have to worry about a day-camp for at least three weeks of the summer. He enjoys family dinners, watching movies with Ice, playing cards and just being at rest. Pete is off somewhere and Ice is tightlipped about it, and he wonders if they fought about it. Wonders if Maverick even knows about the operation. Mav hasn’t asked about Ice in any of their Saturday phone calls, which is unusual when he’s deployed and Bradley is home. He doesn’t know what to say or do though to make it better.
                Tamsin and Petra are seven and five now, still think he’s the best thing ever and it’s nice to have people in his life who are so easy to please. He takes photos and sends them to Natasha, tells her he’ll see her soon on the carrier for their summer placement. He can’t wait, but also he doesn’t want to leave where he is right now. How actual parents do this he has no idea.
                He doesn’t expect anything for his twentieth birthday, not with Ice’s health and Maverick being deployed but Ice tells him to get dressed and that he’s going out. Tamsin and Petra were already picked up by Melissa, her coming in and checking on Ice before decrying that he still needed to rest.
                “Uncle Slider?”
                “Hey kid. Come on. I’m taking you out.”
                “Uh. Okay?”
                “It’s fine. Ice and Maverick both know. This is a sanctioned mission.”
                Bradley laughs then, follows him out to his car. They end up in a military bar, not definitively army or navy or air force but something of a mix, a neutral territory.
                “Everyone, this here is Bradley Bradshaw. Goose’s boy.”
                Oh. Holy shit.
                These are all people who knew his dad. That definitely know Iceman and Maverick. Maybe not about them being a couple, and he’s not going to say anything. Names and callsigns, he doesn’t know what names belongs to who, but Wolfman, Merlin, Jester, Sundown, Chipper, Warlock. Nearly all of the 1986 Top Gun class his dad was part of and he feels Slider’s hand pat his shoulder as he goes up to get a round of drinks. The stories start then. and he understands the need for the alcohol now. And the neutral territory. They’ll all be able to walk out and leave this behind them.
                He doesn’t say much, just listens intently and wishes he could take notes. His dad, his parents, have never felt so alive than they do right now, everyone talking about them. The jokes and pranks his dad played, his fierce loyalty, his patience. His mom’s ability to put them in their place with a look, but her sense of humor and love of life. Also her view that RIOs were better than pilots. He hasn’t ever heard Maverick or Ice say that, but then again this isn’t something they ever talk about. Apparently many of these men used to visit when he was little, and he hates having to admit that he doesn’t remember many of them, lost to childhood.
                “Do you play?” the one Bradley thinks is Merlin asks, head jerking toward the piano.
                “Do you play the piano? Your old man was pretty talented. Pretty sure half the women Maverick picked up were only because he had Goose as his wingman.”
                Slider coughs a sip of his beer and Bradley catches his eye. Slider knows and Maverick and Ice, he knows he does. The idea of Maverick picking up anyone that isn’t Ice sits in his gut oddly, even if they seem to ignore each other a lot of the time.
                “Yeah… I can play. I’m part of the D’n’B, as well as the choir at USNA.”
                “Oh great, come on then. Great Balls of Fire for us old timers aye?”
                “Yeah. Okay.”
…             …             …
                Later, when he lets them back into the house, Slider apparently staying in the guest room, he sets the coffee machine going when Slider accepts the offer of coffee.
                “You seem pretty at home here.”
                “It is home. Even more than Mav’s place really. Mav comes here more often than Ice goes there. There’s room for the girls and for me.”
                “Ah yes. The girls,” Slider says, letting out a huff of breath which Bradley isn’t sure how to take. Disbelief, annoyance? He’s not sure. “The lengths Ice has gone to keep himself safe. Well. Him and Maverick I suppose.”
                “Oh. Yeah. Widower and divorcee. Just friends…” Bradley mutters, because he knows now, now that he’s a bit older, that Maverick and his mom marrying tidied several things up legally, but also offered something for Pete to fall back on. Grieving widow not prepared to marry again, no woman will ever measure up to his late wife, Etc. etc. Slider hums, takes a sip of his coffee and studies Bradley over the rim of the mug.
                “I know you’re at USNA and you’re keeping it quiet just how… entrenched your upbringing has been in the Navy, but I just thought I’d let you know you aren’t alone, no matter how it might feel. Tonight, thought I’d try and show you that level of brotherhood. Any one of those men would help you out.”
                “Uh, thanks Uncle Slider.”
                “Don’t mention it. Now. Have Ice and Mav pulled their heads out of their respective asses yet, or are they still not talking?”
                “Oh. I thought that might be the case…” Bradley says, letting out a long sigh at having his suspicions confirmed,
                “Neither of them have told you?”
                “Huh. Well. They’re both stubborn jackasses and can’t tell each other that they love each other with normal words.”
                “What happened?”
                “Maverick got new deployment orders, said he was going to put in a special request. Ice said he’d breakup with him if he did that. Which went as well as you can imagine. I didn’t hear the yelling, but Sarah tells me it was impressive.”
                Bradley groans.
                “Ice also said he wants to break up with him because he shouldn’t be burdening Mav with a dying man, which I thought was a bit melodramatic myself. Clearly he’s spending too much time with Maverick. Anyway, they said they’d talk when Mav got back.”
                “God they’re idiots. And Ice isn’t dying. Melissa told me he’s going to be fine.”
                “That they are. I wish I could say they’ve mellowed with age, but they haven’t. Gotten more stubborn. Your father and I used to despair of them getting their shit together.”
                “Do you really think they have their shit together? Even now?”
                Slider makes a you’ve got me there expression and shrugs his shoulders.
                “At least they’re… more together than they were. Even if they have to deny they’re anything more than friends. Having to hear them make comments about being like brothers when someone questions how close they are… it’s all a bit messed up.”
                “Yeah. it is.”
                “How are you handling it all?”
                “Handling what?”
                Slider just gives him a look like he thinks Bradley is an idiot.
                “Your step-father is deployed, your other father figure is sick. You’re about to start your third year at boat school all while… keeping a big part of your identity under wraps. Ice had me. Mav had your dad. Tell me you have someone.”
                “Oh is right kid. Hell. Neither of them did it alone. They had people who had their backs.”
                “I don’t have anyone. But. I could. She’s…”
                “Yeah, wild concept I know, but they let women serve in the Navy now.”
                Slider rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh.
                “Lord you’re an ass. You’re both the best and worst of them all.”
                “What do you mean?” Bradley asks.
                “Your dad, your mom, Mav and Ice. You remind me of them all at different times. Just then you were all Ice, but earlier, all I could see was your Dad. And Carole. Then I see you with Tamsin and Petra and all I see is Maverick with you when you were little.”
                “Makes me feel old.”
                “Surely getting old beats the alternative,” Bradley says, and he means it as a joke, before realizing that the alternative is death, and given his parents, and Ice’s cancer and Maverick currently being deployed it’s far too close to home.
                “Shit kid, you’ve gone pale. Take a pew. It does beat the alternative. You’re right. It’s a privilege getting to watch you grow up. And my own kids. Maverick and Ice are proud of you. I hope they tell you that.”
                “Uh, no. Not really. I want to make them proud though.”
                “Well, they tell me every time I talk to them. They’re not the best with words.”
                “Yeah. I do know that.”
                “Try and be better than them. Trust someone.”
                “I’ll try.”
…             …             …
                His palms are clammy when he places the call, waiting for Natasha to pick up. She meant to be arriving Sunday afternoon, but if she can change her bus ticket then… he can try this whole trust thing.
                “Hey Natasha.”
                “Bradley. What’s with the phone call?”
                “I was wondering if you wanted to come and stay for a couple of nights before we start our stint on the carrier.”
                “Seriously? You offering up accommodation?”
                “Yeah. You want to meet my kid sisters?”
                “They are the superior Bradshaws.”
                “Ha. Yeah. Um.”
                “Are you asking me out? Is this a weird date thing?”
                “No! No. Just. Definitely not. Not a romantic thing. Not at all. I am definitely not interested in you like that at all. Ever. Never will be.”
                “Wow. Okay. Thanks for that ego boost.”
                “Shit. No. Look. You’re my best friend. Can we just… talk when you arrive?”
                “There has to be a talk? For friends? Why… oh. Okay. Right. Holy shit. Of course. I’ll see you Friday. Can you pick me up from the bus station?”
                “Yeah. Course.”
…             …             …
                Later afternoon on the Friday he sees her step off the bus and grins, raises a hand in greeting and then she’s shoving her bag into his chest while she hitches her garment bag over her shoulder.
                “Come on. Take me home sailor…”
                “Ugh. Don’t say it like that.”
                Natasha snickers at his expression and they talk about her visit to her cousin, which he understands is one of her few family members that talks to her. He’s not sure what she’s done exactly that has made them angry at her, but he’s hoping that they might be able to exchange stories, he just has to take that leap of faith and open up first.
                He stops in driveway of Ice’s house, rests his hands on the steering wheel and wonders if he should say something. Prepare her. It’s not even been a month since they left boat school for their short three weeks of leave. Nothing has changed and yet he’s about to do something risky.
                “I’ve sort of got a complicated family.”
                “You and everyone else. You’re not special.”
                “No. I know I’m not. I don’t want to be. Just… this is my uncle’s house. He’s the father of my sisters.”
                “So, they’re actually your cousins?”
                “Well. Tom isn’t related to me by blood at all. But he was my second legal guardian. I lived with him and his wife when my step-father was deployed.”
                Her eye snap to him then and he licks his lips.
                “Should we go inside? I can introduce you to my uncle. Uh. He’s got cancer, recovering from an operation from a few weeks ago.”
                He doesn’t give her much choice, slides out of the car and grabs her bag, not going around to open her door because he wouldn’t for any of his friends and she is just that. Maybe the closest thing he’ll ever have to a grown adult sister if this whole weekend pans out like he’s hoping it will. She follows him and when he pushes the door open and kicks off his shoes Ice is in the kitchen making some tea, a herbal one that makes the kitchen smell earthy and sweet. Apparently one of the few things that helps the soreness in his throat.
                “Hey Ice. This is my friend Natasha Trace. Natasha, this is my uncle Tom, also known as Rear Admiral Kazansky.”
                “Nice to meet you sir,” Natasha says, smiling tightly and she shoots Bradley a small glare.
                “And you Natasha. No titles inside the house necessary. Or out of uniform. Welcome. I’m sure Bradley will make you feel welcome and show you around. I’m just going to go and do some reading.”
                “You’re meant to be resting,” Bradley states.
                “Turning pages in a book isn’t exactly taxing Bradley,” Ice says, rolling his eyes. “Also why you’re on hosting duties. I’ll be in my study.”
                He watches Ice walk away, glances to where Natasha is also watching him and then she’s turning to him, eyes flashing and stepping in close.
                “Rear Admiral! Your uncle is a Rear Admiral!”
                “I did say it was sort of complicated. Uh, and that isn’t all of it. You want a drink?”
                “Do you have beer?”
                “Sure,” Bradley states, because while he doesn’t drink very often, he knows Ice isn’t going to be angry if he offers a guest a bottle. First he shows her the guest bedroom so they can leave her gear, before leading her out to the back garden, both holding bottles of beer.
                “So… if having a Rear Admiral as an uncle isn’t all of it, what is all of it?”
                “Well. My stepfather is currently deployed. His full name is Captain Peter Mitchell, callsign Maverick.”
                “The guy with the air-to-air kills. Oh my god. Ice is Iceman.”
                “Yeah. There’s more. My dad was a RIO. He flew with Maverick. Um,” he swallows against the tightness in his throat. “He died in a training exercise. Nick Bradshaw, callsign Goose. I was three.”
                “Holy shit. I just thought you were going to tell me you were gay.”
                “Well. That too. But I figured I’d get the more shocking stuff out of the way first.”
                She lets out a huff of amusement and Bradley knocks his shoulder against hers, his stomach churning with nerves.
                “It’s fine. I’m not telling anyone. So… your sisters are Kazansky’s kids?”
                “Yeah. His ex-wife Sarah has them tonight, but she’s dropping them off tomorrow.”
                “Okay, so it is a little complicated. I’ll give you that.”
                They sit in silence for a bit but then he hears the roar of a bike and he stiffens, immediately alert. Then the front door is opening and he’s heading towards it, heart racing.
                “Ice! I’m home. Bradley?”
                Ice has beaten him, his study is closest to the front door and Bradley wonders if he knew Mav might be home early. He wasn’t meant to get back for months. Wasn’t meant to see Bradley, not that he’s paying any attention to him right now, his hands are on Ice’s face, pulling him down into a kiss, words being exchanged between them too quiet for him to hear. He glances back to see that Natasha has followed him, her eyes wide as she looks at Ice and Mav kissing in the hall. Bradley can’t help but look back. He’s never seen them like this, and he guesses it’s after a fight and a deployment, however short, and there’s definitely passion and depth of emotion there. Pretty sure there isn’t going to be any further talk of breaking up.
                He turns to Natasha.
                “We should go out for dinner. Come on. My shout.”
                He can get Ice or Mav to pay him back later, pretty sure they’ll appreciate the alone time right now. He hugs Mav hello and goodbye, does the briefest of introductions and lets them know they’ll be back later.
…             …             …
                “God I hate you for making you go,” Pete says, his lips placing soft kisses along his jaw. “I love you more than I hate you though.”
                Tom lets his hands run down Pete’s chest, trembling slightly because as much as he’d pushed him to go, he’s so glad to have him back. He’s also glad that Bradley has just upped and left them alone, because he doesn’t think he has it in him to hold back and remain stoic in the face of Maverick safely returned to him once again.
                “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you go. I just…”
                “Don’t ever make me leave you again. Not when you need me.”
                “I’m fine.”
                “Bullshit. But I’ll let you believe it if you need to.”
                “Pete…” his voice sounds rough and broken to his own ears and he wraps his arm around him. “I’m sorry.”
                “No more talking of setting me free, or being a burden okay? You are mine you hear me?”
                Tom nods, throat tight.
                He’s not going to ask how or why he’s back two months earlier than planned.
                Doesn’t care.
…             …             …
                He knows he made the right call when he and Natasha return a few hours later, having decided to also see a movie. He walks in and he does a double take, Ice and Mav were clearly lying with each other on the sofa, although they’re in the process of separating when they see them. He wants to tell them they don’t have to, that it doesn’t bother him, then he realizes that it maybe bothers them, having other people see them like that. They excuse themselves to bed and he guesses it’s too late for them to try and slip back into the closet with regards to Natasha knowing. He knows that wasn’t in the plan. Mav isn’t meant to be here, but he’s pretty sure Ice isn’t going to be sending him back to his own house anytime soon. He should let Slider know they pulled their heads out of their asses.
                The next morning they’re sitting around the table, quietly drinking coffee and eating, discussing plans for the day when he hears the knock at the front door. Then it’s opening, he grins across at Ice and Mav, glances at Natasha with a smile on his face.
                “Tamsin and Petra.”
                That’s all the warning they get, there’s the sound of running feet, then excited gasps and…
                “Papa! Papa! You’re home!”
                Oh shit, he’d forgotten about Petra and Tamsin both calling Mav Papa. And of course they’re going to be excited to see him. Tamsin hops onto Ice’s lap and gives him a kiss on his cheek and he’s automatically pushing the hot drinks to the center of the table where they’re less likely to get knocked. Then Sarah and Melissa are walking in, looking tired and Melissa is still in scrubs. Bradley does the introductions, watches Natasha’s face as he deliberately drops and her wife Melissa. He’s pretty sure he’s just earnt the complicated family descriptor, because she’s looking at Maverick and Petra, then Ice and Tamsin, immediately seeing the resemblance he didn’t see until last year.
                He knows everything is going to be fine though, Natasha compliments Tamsin’s t-shirt and Petra’s hair clips, and immediately the novelty of someone new to talk to is there, increasing the level of chatter. Natasha looks thrilled, immediately moving to sit on the ground so they can play with her hair. He looks up to find Ice and Mav both watching him and he mouths what at them, trying to figure out what they’re thinking.
                They sure as hell know Natasha isn’t there as a potential girlfriend, although given that Tamsin has just asked that very question and Natasha has explained that no, she is definitely not Bradley’s girlfriend, just a friend of his from school. That’s when they make the connection of her being the one who drew the pictures and she’s dragged away to do coloring. He turns on them.
                “Just thinking that you’ve got the same luck we had in picking good friends is all,” Ice states, and Bradley glances to where Natasha has been taken by his kid sisters.
                “Yeah. I guess I do.”
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calkale · 2 years
Younger icemav headcanons
older icemav headcanons here
Another timeline before i get into it ✌️ they met at top gun obvi and hooked up after the layton rescue, mav went back to top gun (for 3 months) but still kept in touch with ice, mav finally confessed years later it was like 1995-2000, they went through a bit of a rough patch after that but they did make up and started their relationship, mav became a test pilot in 2006 and ice stopped flying around then too
-Ice has a tramp stamp, this one is not up for debate this is real val kilmer told me, he got it in like 1984 but imagine that sexy old man with a tramp stamp hello
-mav thinks the tramp stamp is really hot but he does make fun of it
-the biting thing ice did in the locker room awakened something in mav, that was when he realized just how much he wanted ice
-one time when mav got deployed for like a year ice didnt bleach his hair and let his natural colour (medium to light brown) grow out and when mav came back he was so shocked, he dyed his hair again years later but they both agreed ices natural hair suited him more now
-mav drinks instant coffee and ice hates it
-Ice smells like coconut, this ones kinda canon cause of the shaving cream or whatever in his locker. He has coconut shampoo and conditioner too he takes such good care of his hair and forced mav to do the same, he figured out mass hair type and picked the perfect shampoo and conditioner for him
-mav was the one who confessed, he couldn’t take just hooking up and being that weird line between friendship and relationship anymore he needed to tell ice how he felt, ice was terrified but he did want to be with mav and he told him that, mav didn’t understand immediately, they got in an argument about it and after slider came and talked to mav, he overheard most of it and he knew how much ice liked (loved) mav so he had to do something. He had watched their whole relationship and listened to ice go on and on about mav for years and didn’t want it to end just because ice couldn’t talk about something. He knew it probably wasn’t his place to tell mav about ices past but if ice hadn’t told mav by now he probably never would, mav was stubborn and it did take about a month to really rebuild what they had but they agreed to give an actual relationship a try
-before carole died she told ice she hopped there would be a day they could get married, she was one of the few people who knew about their relationship and really wanted the best for them, ice never told mav she said that until their wedding day
-they look after bradley all the time, they pick him up from school, take him out for ice cream, take him to the beach and he loves it, one day when they were picking him up from school he told his friend that his dad and pops were here and ice and mav almost cried right there
-they share clothes, mav steals ices shirts and sweaters and theyre too big for him but he loves it cause it feels like a hug and smells like ice, ice also wears mavs shirts and theyre way too small on him theyre so tight but that doesnt stop him and it shows off his muscles so
-mav loves being called cute or pretty, hes so used to people just calling him hot or sexy (which he is) but the first time ice called him cute he blushed so hard
Nsfw under the cut
-they’ll fuck anywhere, usually its when they’re both drunk and horny and looking for a place to do it but it happens when theyre sober too
-mav is the one who gets fucked, he tried fucking ice once or twice but neither of them really liked it, mav takes control sometimes but its rare, ice likes being in charge especially in the bedroom
-ice loves to edge mav, he always wants to see how far he can go and loves to hear mav beg
-he also loves to overstimulate mav
-mav definitely has a think for ranks (so does ice but hes less likely to admit it), mav calls ice admiral in bed and they roleplay, every time ice goes up a rank mav makes such a big deal over it
-ice loves to make mav watch, he’ll fuck him in front of mirrors and hold his head so he cant look away or he’ll tie mavs hands behind his back on a chair then lay on the bed and get himself off, he knows mav loves it just as much as he does
-he also likes to make mav get off by himself, he’ll make him rub on his thigh or finger himself, this is usually a little reward after he’s been a brat all day because he doesn’t deserves ices dick but he does deserve to come
-ice loves when mav wears panties, he’ll wear them all day and sometimes he’ll show ice in the morning so every time they see each other throughout the day ice knows or he’ll keep it a secret until ice undresses him
-mav also loves dressing up for ice, he likes wearing girly stuff like short skirts, short shorts, little dresses, lingerie but also those jeans he always wears that make his ass look amazing he knows those drive ice wild (those r the only type of jeans he owns), he likes wearing suits too or his dress whites ice thinks he looks so cute when hes all fancy
-yes they keep the skirts and dresses on when they fuck
-mav loves ices mouth on him, his mouth, his tits, his dick, his ass, anywhere, he loves when he marks him up too he loves seeing the bite marks and hickeys ice leaves
-theyve had threesomes with slider before, not a lot they prefer when its just them but ice wanted to see slider fuck mav because of their size difference
-mav loves how much ice talks during sex, ice loves to praise mav or call him a brat and put him in his place, he loves telling mav what hes gonna do to him or what hes doing as hes doing it
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slidersimp · 2 years
Top Gun headcanons
Top Gun headcanons because my brain go brrrrr
-Maverick loves when Jake calls him Pops. At first he didn’t really care because he knew Jake was just being an ass but Jake kept calling him it during training and/or after the mission and Maverick realized he really liked it.  Bonus points if you pair it with the Jake has an abusive father headcanon and never had a good father figure to look up to so by calling Mav Pops he is allowing Mav into that role for him.
-Maverick loves to snack. In his carrier days, anytime he had a moment of free time you’d find him in the mess hall munching on something. A bowl of blueberries, celery sticks, an apple he cut up with his pocket knife. Once he started working at Top Gun he kept the break room fridge stocked. Everything was labeled with sticky notes and do not touch on threat of death. Jester stole from him constantly, but he was sneaky about it so Mav never found out it was him, but Viper and Ice always knew. When Mav goes back to work there post TGM, he keeps a mini fridge in his office and the Daggers figure out if you ask Mav for a snack he will never let you go hungry. 
-Slider loves stealing Ice’s books. It started out because he was bored on deployment and he wanted to know what the fuck Ice was taking about and then it just grew from there. He never asks for the books, Ice just learns to leave them out after he finishes them and a few days later he’ll find them near Slider’s bunk with a ratty old bookmark tucked between the pages. 
-Ice reads classic literature. The first time Slider picks up Fahrenheit 451 after  Ice is done with it he nearly calls a therapist. Instead he calls Merlin, who has also read the book and he despairs when he sets Ice and Merlin off on an hour long discussion of the book. 
-Maverick loves kids. I think we all knew this one, but after Slider and Merlin have kids Maverick wants nothing more than to be the favorite uncle and has managed to beat out every single blood related sibling Slider, Merlin or their spouses have. He spoils the kids rotten taking them to the beach or out for ice cream. When one of Merlin’s kids starts questioning their gender he brings them to his hangar and teaches them mechanical shit like fixing cars and working with power tools. The experience is affirming but it also gives the kid someone to talk to about what they’re struggling with, and Mav is a great listener.
-When Slider and Merlin aren’t posted in the same place they call each other at least once a week. After smartphones become a thing, they text constantly. Half the time it’s complaining about Ice or Mav but the other half is just them shooting the shit and being bros. Their kids joke that they’re dating and they picked up the joke from Ice and Mav. Their spouses just find it amusing.
-Slider will throw an absolute fit if he has to fly in Maverick’s backseat but Maverick actually likes it. Not only can he tease Slider and pull a bunch of maneuvers that piss him off, but if he can’t fly with Merlin he likes being able to fly with someone familiar and as much as Slider complains, Maverick knows he respects him and thinks he’s a good pilot. If Slider does end up in Mav’s backseat, the minute something serious happens he’s fully on board with Mav, helping him out exactly how he knows Mav works best with and even complimenting him when they get back safe.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
I get a kick out of you
Tumblr media
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x Reader
Platonic! Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x Reader
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Warnings: This chapter changes points of view a bit. Between Mav and Rooster, Ice, and Reader. Prepare to read a lot of the mission dialogue.
30 years later and Maverick is back in Top Gun. This time to teach it. It’s his turn to deal with his past, but it’s going to be OK. You’re there to help him. Both of you have someone to look out for.
Admiral Tom Kazansky and yourself are still going strong. Married life is treating you well, but his health is taking a turn. Tom wants to do his best by Pete, but some things are out of his hands.
They both need you now more than ever.
Word count: 2.7k
Chapter Seventeen - Talk to me, Goose
Maverick had kissed Penny at the end of the night and taken you back to his place. You waved to Penny as you left and told her to call you if she needed to. She just told you to look after him. You nodded.
You spent the night at Maverick’s place, sleeping on the sofa like he used to do when he stayed at yours. It was comforting.
Maverick woke early the next morning. They had to be on the boat in an hour. You woke up to see him off, which he was thankful for. You smiled softly and reminded what you said yesterday. Not goodbye. See you later.
He repeated it to you before he left.
When he was gone, you had texted Tom.
You: He’s gone.
But you knew it was too early for him to see it yet. You tried to get on with your day without worry, but it wasn’t going to be much use. You would worry until the moment you heard they were all safe and sound.
You made breakfast and tried to watch TV, but you couldn’t focus on it.
Your mind was busy thinking of your boys.
Maverick looked out to sea.
They were way on their way now. Soon he would have to choose his team and go pull of a few crazy stunts to keep the world safe once again. He had a choice to make and all he could think about is the conversation you had with him in the bar.
You would never forgive him.
Your disappointment.
“Talk to me, Goose.”
He listens to the sound of the water. He feels the wind on his face an in his hair. He thinks of Goose. If only he was here.
“Captain Mitchell!”
Pete turns around to see Warlock behind him.
“You’re where you belong,” Warlock tells him.
You had said the same thing.
“Make us proud.”
Maverick turns back around when the platform lowers. It’s time. He steps on it and heads up to the deck.
“It has been an honour flying with you.” Maverick tells them, looking over the pilots in the room. 
This is the day they have all been training for. 
“Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more.”
Cyclone turns to him. “Choose your two Foxtrot teams.”
“Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob.”
“And your wingman.”
The silence in the room is heavy. But Maverick knows who he wants up there with him. He can’t let you down. He can’t let him down. 
Bradley lifts his head from its bowed down position and looks at Maverick.
“The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any reserve role that’s required. Dismissed,” Warlock says.
Bradley feels stunned.
Hangman, a little disappointed.
Phoenix and Bob, nervous.
Fanboy and Payback, focused.
This was it.
“Your target is a clear and present threat. A secret uranium enrichment site under rogue state control. It’s an underground bunker, tucked between these two mountains. Your route of ingress is heavily defended by surface-to-air missiles backed up by fifth-generation fighters.
Once your F-18 strike team crosses the border, Tomahawk missiles from the USS Leyte Gulf will launch a synchronized strike on the enemy airfield here. This will knock out their runway. But you’ll have to contend with any planes already in the air. The moment those Tomahawks hit; the enemy will know you’re coming.
You time to target will be two minutes and 30 seconds. Any longer than that, and you will be exposed to any aircraft the Tomahawks may have missed.”
Warlock gave the brief.
“This is what you’ve all been training for,” Cyclone says. “Come home safely.”
That’s what Maverick had trained them for.
Rooster walks across the deck. Jets were being prepared for take-off. Soon, he would be up in the air with Maverick. There wasn’t enough time. Enough time be ready. Enough time to think. Enough time to mull over the fact Maverick had chosen him.
There wasn’t enough time to apologise to you.
Rooster comes face to face with Hangman who looks at him.
He half expects a comment about Maverick’s decision, instead he gets something else.
“You give ‘em hell!” Hangman shouts over the sound of a helicopter.
Hangman walks on.
Maverick is checking his jet when Rooster approaches him. Rooster calls out to get his attention and he turns around to give it.
“I... I just want to say-”
Bradley is interrupted by a loud radio.
There wasn’t even enough time to do this, it would seem. Everyone on the deck runs to their positions. It was time to prepare for take-off.
“We’ll talk when we get back,” Maverick told him.
Rooster nods.
Right. When they get back. They would both come back and have that talk. 
Rooster turns to leave, but Maverick calls him by his name. He turns to look at Pete again.
“You got this.”
Bradley could almost hear you saying those words too. You believed in him, just like you did with his father. Maverick believes in him too.
What Bradley didn’t know was that Pete wasn’t actually expecting to come back. He would lay down his life for Bradley if it meant he got to come back home. You wouldn’t lose another Bradshaw. Just a Mitchell, if he could help it.
You’d be angry, but he’d do it.
Canopies down, jets cleared. It was time to get in the sky.
“Dagger One, up and ready on Catapult One.” Maverick.
“Dagger Spare standing by.” Hangman.
“Dagger Four, up and ready.” Payback and Fanboy.
“Dagger Three, up and ready.” Phoenix and Bob.
“Dagger Two, up and ready.” Rooster.
“Send them.” Cyclone.
Jets fired up. Signals given. They take off, one by one. The Dagger Squad are airborne. No going back now.
You sit by the window of Maverick’s housing. You’re metaphorically biting your nails with anxiety. If only you had a crystal ball that could see into the future and show you, they would come home safe and sound. Only then would you be able to rest easy.
It was because of this feeling that back in the day you walked out on Ice. He had been deployed, and when he came home you had gone. You couldn’t handle the fear and the waiting. The uncertainty of him coming home.
That was the worst mistake you had ever made. You had regretted it but hadn’t gone back. It was because of Top Gun that you got your second chance.
It would be because of Top Gun you lost Maverick and Rooster if anything happened. They were being asked to do the impossible. Well, it had been impossible. Maverick showed them it could be done, but there was no more training. They had to do it for real.
Your phone lights up. You look away from the window and at your phone.
Tom was sitting in his office. His computer was off. He promised he wouldn’t secretly work behind your back. No, his office brought comfort to him. Here he was surrounded by his achievements. Proof of the things he had done in his career.
He was thinking about you.
Tom knew today was the day. Therefore, you’d be worrying. Probably alone because he wasn’t there with you. However, he could change that for you. One message to Penny and you have company, at least.
He had to message you too. He needed to know you were doing okay.
Tom: Talk to me, honey.
You took a moment to reply, but when you did, he smiles at his phone.
You: I need you.
His heart yearned to be there with you, but Penny was the next best option. You shouldn’t be alone when a mission like this is happening. You need your boys safe and sound.
Tom: I have sent backup.
He chuckles to himself. He can imagine the confusion on your face when you read that.
You frown at your phone. What did that mean?
Before you can even type out your question, someone knocks on the door. You had been too busy on your phone to see anyone walk up to the house. However, when you go gaze outside, you recognise the car sitting out there.
You hurry to the door.
Opening it, you come face-to-face with Penny.
“Tom sent you, didn’t he?”
Penny smiles softly.
“I think we could use each other, to be honest,” she replies.
You smile and let her in.
As Penny head inside, you lift your phone and type a response to your husband.
You: Thank you.
You tuck your phone away and follow Penny into the living room, needing the distraction she’ll bring you.
It’s going to be a long day.
“Enemy territory up ahead. Feet dry in 60 seconds. Comanche, Dagger One. Picture.”
“Comanche. Picture clean. Decision is yours.”
Maverick looks back at Rooster’s jet. No going back. Just onward. Rooster can do it. Maverick knows he can.
“Dagger attack.”
The Tomahawks are airborne. They fly right over the Dagger squad.
Now it really is too late to go back.
“Daggers, assume attack formation.”
The jets line up perfectly.
“Dagger set. Proceeding to target. Two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, mark.”
“Two mark.”
“Three mark.”
“Four mark.”
The time is set and counting down. 
“Going in,” Maverick exhales.
Left. Right. Left. Right. So close to the ground, but under the radar. They pass the first SAM site.
“Looks like we’re clear on radar, Mav,” Phoenix says.
“Let’s not take it for granted,” Mav replies.
More SAMS up high.
“We got two minutes to target.”
“Copy. We’re a few seconds behind, Rooster. We got to move.”
30 seconds until those Tomahawks reach the enemy airstrip.
“Dagger, Comanche. We’re picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts.”
They weren’t supposed to be there.
“Comanche, what’s their heading?” Phoenix asks.
“Bull’s-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest.”
“They’re headed away from us. They don’t know we’re here,” Rooster says.
“The second those Tomahawks hit the air base; those bandits are gonna move to defend the target. We have to get there before they do. Increase speed.” Maverick states.
Phoenix follows Mav right away, increasing her speed too.
Rooster looks up at the SAMS above. While Maverick and Phoenix carry on at a faster pace, Rooster does not. Meaning Payback can’t move faster. They’re behind schedule now.
The Tomahawks hit enemy base.
The bandits switch course to go and defend the target.
“Come on, Rooster. Bandits inbound. We got to make up time now. Let’s turn and burn.”
Meanwhile, Maverick and Phoeniz are way ahead. They fly through the pillars of a bridge with ease. They’re so close.
“Guys, we’re falling behind. We really gotta move.” Fanboy shouts.
“If we don’t increase our speed right now, those bandits are gonna be waiting for us when we reach the target.” Payback says.
Rooster breathes heavily.
“Talk to me, Dad,” he whispers.
“Come on, kid, you can do it.” Maverick mutters, hoping Rooster would pull through.
He can do it.
Maverick knew it.
You knew it.
His dad would have known it.
Rooster just has to believe it.
“Don’t think, just do.”
Rooster hears Maverick through the radio.
Bradley exhales deeply and narrows his eyes.
He can do it.
Rooster punches it and off his goes. Payback is in shock as he tries to keep up.
“Jesus, Rooster, not that fast!”
“That’s it, kid. That’s it,” Maverick says.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
Rooster is flying!
“Damn, Rooster, take it easy!” Fanboy calls out.
Dagger two is re-engaging.
Hit your target and come home.
Thirty seconds to target.
“Bob, check your laser.”
“Air-to-ground check complete. Laser code verified, 1688. Laser is a go!”
Rooster and Payback fly through the bridge Maverick and Phoenix had gone through before. Fanboy freaks out in the back.
“Phoenix, stand by for pop up strike.”
“Dagger Three in position.”
“Popping in three, two, one.” 
Both Maverick and Phoenix fly right up, narrowly missing the mountain side. Theu invert as they pass over the top and turn back up right as they decline down the other side.
“Get me eyes on that target, Bob.”
“Dagger Three. Stand by, Mav.” Bob says, through clenched teeth. He’s aiming.
“Come on, Bob, come on.”
“Stand by.”
The target locks beep.
“I’ve got it. Captured!”
“Target acquired. Bombs away.”
As soon as Maverick has fired, both jets pull up and make the steep incline over the next mountain. This one is the tough one.
“We have impact! Direct hit. Direct hit!” Bob confirms.
Miracle number one.
“Dagger Two, status.” Maverick calls.
“Almost there, Mav. Almost there.” Rooster replies.
Rooster and Payback have inverted over the first mountain wall. Making their way down to the target. Unfortunately, something is wrong with Fanboy’s laser.
“Deadeye. Deadeye. Deadeye.”
“Come on, guys, we’re running out of time. Get it online!”
They’re closing in on the target. Rooster needs that target confirmation for an accurate firing line.
Meanwhile, Phoenix, Bob, and Maverick are fighting to stay awake as they got further up the mountain side. They are approaching 10G.
“Get it online!” Payback calls.
“No time. I’m dropping in blind.” Rooster states.
“Rooster, I got this.” Fanboy yells out.
“No time. Pull up,” Rooster orders.
“Bombs away! Bombs away!”
Rooster drops his bombs, and they fall into the hole Maverick’s bombs had made.
Now Rooster and Payback follow Maverick and Phoenix’s route up the mountain.
The bombs go off.
“Bull’s eye, bull’s-eye, bull’s-eye.” Comanche calls.
Miracle number two.
“Now they’re in coffin corner,” Cyclone says, as everyone around him celebrates.
They still have to get home.
Penny hands you a coffee and sits down with you by the window. You’re looking out again, eyes focused on the streets. It’s rather quiet out there. It feels strange watching cars go by, or the odd person.
They have no idea that somewhere out there, right now, are naval officers on a job to protect them from enemy threat.
They have no idea that friends of yours are risking their lives for them.
“Hey,” Penny calls out to you. You turn to face her. “Don’t go down that road.”
“What road?” You ask.
“That road your mind is taking you to. I’m worried too, but we have to stay positive. You and I both know Mav.”
You smile.
“Yeah, we do. But even the best can lose sometimes.”
Penny places a hand on your arm and gives you a small squeeze. You turn your eyes back to the window and look up at the sky.
You have no idea that they have hit their target yet. You also have no idea about what’s about to happen with them. Though, you do know when it comes to dogfighting, they’re all skilled in the art.
“Talk to me, Goose,” you whisper. “Tell me your boy is safe.”
You close your eyes and rest your head against the window frame.
“Tell me Maverick is safe.”
Maverick and Phoenix fly above the hard deck and the SAMS lock on. They are now open to attacks. It’s time to do that pilot shit.
Smoke in the air!
“Phoenix, break right.”
“Emergency jettison. Dagger Three defending.”
“Here comes another one!” Bob calls out.
“Dagger One defending.”
Rooster and Payback fly over the mountain top and above the hard deck. More SAMS lock on. Now they are also open to attack.
Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!
“Break right, Payback! Break right.”
“Breaking right!”
“Oh my God, here they come!”
“SAM on your six, Rooster!”
“Deploying countermeasures.” Rooster hits a button.
Flares fly out.
“Negative contact.”
“Dagger One defending.” Maverick swerves and hits his own button.
“Talk to me, Bob.”
“Break right, Phoenix! Break right!”
“Mav! Nine o’clock! Nine o’clock!”
“Rooster, two more on your six.”
“Dagger Two defending.”
“Payback, SAM on your nose.”
“Dagger Four defending.”
“Rooster, tally, seven o’clock!”
“Talk to me, Bob!”
“On our six!”
“Dagger Two defending.”
“Phoenix, break right!”
“I see it!”
The sky is full of SAMS chasing jets. The radio is full of chatter. Jets fly across the sky, firing flares and watching out for each other. It’s chaos up in the sky.
“Dagger Two defending.”
Rooster hits his button, but nothing happens.
“Shit, I’m out of flares!”
“Rooster, evade, evade!” Maverick looks back.
“I can’t shake ‘em! They’re on me! They’re on me!”
Maverick does the only thing he can do in that moment. He breaks, pulls upward between Rooster and the missiles, and shoots his own flares, being hit in the process
His plane goes down.
@callsignscupcake - @topgun-imagines - @sitkafay - @theghostofshadows - @shianshian4315 - @mischief-siriusly-managed - @sarahissilent - @mackycat11 - @alphabetsalad - @byebyebreezywrites - @nyx2021 - @alanadetigy - @luckyladycreator2 - @fxngsfxgxrty - @snubug - @almondtofu1 - @criminalmindsandmarvel - @cycbaby - @marchingicenotes7 - @mavericksicybabe - @some-lovely-day - @shakespear-picaso-lovechild - @poppet05 - @ducks118 - @callsignecho - @whovianayesha - @ts1mp0ne -
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polar-equinoxx · 2 years
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Angst, hurt/comfort
1,020 words
Maverick hates sleeping in the same bed as Ice. He also hates himself. Tonight makes it way worse.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
third person
Here comes another night of awkward bed-sharing with Iceman. Maverick thinks, sighing quietly as he enters the bedroom. Its not that he minded sharing a bed, it’s just that it was kind of strange to do so, and they did so nearly every time they were based somewhere that required a hotel or similar place. They were hardly past the phase in-between rivals and friends, it was just strange. And Ice had been almost uncharacteristically nice to him these past few months after graduating. He didn’t need to be, Maverick almost didn’t like it, he was so used to defending himself, and with Ice being more of a friend, it just felt so unusual.
Ice is on the left side of the bed as he usually is, as Maverick gets in and lays on his back. He felt empty inside as he often did, but this time it was somehow worse, being less than a metre away from someone that he could talk to. Not that he would.
“Hey,” he says, even his quiet voice loud in the silent room.
Obviously Ice hadn’t fallen asleep. Maverick stays silent.
“..you okay?”
“Why are you being nice to me?” Maverick says, fixing his eyes on the dark patterned ceiling.
“W-what?” Ice’s voice immediately sounds confused.
“Someone’s told you to be nice to me,”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Mav, no one has said anything to me?”
He sighs, tired of Ice’s innocent sounding voice. “Then tell me, why ever since Goose you’ve decided to be nice to me?”
“Because I care about you?”
“No you don’t, stop pretending like you do,” he says, looking to the right.
“...Pretending?” Ice echoes. “You think I’m pretending?”
“Yes, you don’t have to hide the fact you don’t care, I don’t need anyone, I’m fine-” he frowns, turning on to his side.
Maverick’s voice sounds like knives. “Leave it, Ice, go back to sleep,” In an almost silent voice, he adds, “I’ve gotta get through this on my own,”
Iceman stays quiet for the next few seconds, and Maverick thinks he’d finally been able to shut him up, until he sighs.
“I know your mind won’t be changed but-”
“I don’t care,” he says sharply, but he can’t help but listen to what he says.
“-but let me just say two things. One; no-one has told me to be nice to you, and second, I promise you that I do care, and I will care, whatever you tell me otherwise,”
Ice leaves it at that.
Maverick doesn’t reply, but he glares at the black shadows from the curtains on the floor. He feels everything all at once, and it’s terrible.
Anger at Ice, no wait, at himself for being unable to articulate what he was thinking in a way other than way more viciously than needed. Empty because he just successfully disconnected himself from the one person he was at least a little bit familiar with. And hurt at the memories of Goose rushing around his head at the speed of light, which prevented him from coming to bed earlier than one am or having a full three nights of sleep in a row.
He hated himself.
Hated himself for losing his best friend and RIO like that in a goddamn training accident because he wanted to get the shot and couldn’t wait, and consequently got caught in some stupid jetstream. For losing control of the plane and unable to recover it from it’s fatal flat-spin. For it all to be nobody’s fault but his.
That, combined with what Ice just said, digs a hole in his floodgates; the water behind them spewing out so fast it feels like he’s stuck, rooted to the spot, staring into the pitch black of the room, but somehow he swallows and turns over on his back again, stealing a glance at Ice, who is on his back too, but he’s facing the other way.
There’s fire behind his eyes and a lump in his throat.
Say something, say something to him Mitchell.
“Ice I’m sorry-” he gets out, his voice cracking, pressing a hand to his eyes.
Ice turns his head back to look at him as soon as he heard him say his name. “Maverick..”
Finally Maverick bites his tongue and looks at Ice, on the edge of breaking.
Ice sighs softly as he turns onto his side to face him. “Come on,” he says, holding out his hands. “Stop pretending you’re okay all the time,”
Now he has eye-contact with him, he can’t let go of it, can’t do anything else.
“Mav, come here, it’s okay,” Ice murmurs, scooping his arms around Maverick and pulling him close.
And now that he’s there in Ice’s arms, that’s it. The floodgates open and the waves of absolutely everything, of guilt and hurt and despair and emptiness, crash into him all at once. He doesn’t care that he’s sobbing, or that he’s feeling everything all at once like this.
“Shhh…” Ice slowly runs his hand through Maverick’s hair, and the touch sends shivers through him, despite how strangely warm he was.
And that warmth, he last felt warmth like that the last time he flew with Goose, and Maverick would have never thought he’d feel it again, let alone from Iceman. It made it feel like he could get through this.
A little more than five minutes later, Maverick sniffs, rubbing his eyes to clear the last tears from his cheeks, but he doesn’t make any attempt to move away from Ice, he didn’t want to.
“You can go to sleep if you want,” Ice whispers, his arms still around him.
He was tired, the outpouring of emotion and the crying had taken it all out of him. So he just lays there, slowly letting his eyes close, listening to the sound of Ice breathing. It’s weirdly comforting, being this close to him and not having to pretend he was okay like he did to everyone else he knew.
For the first time, Maverick had fallen asleep in Iceman’s arms, and he wasn’t embarrassed to admit it.
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pollyna · 1 year
love your thoughts. ice doesn't say shit so imagine when they find out only when he has to be hospitalized in the end. other alternate versions - ice has already lost his voice by the time they all meet again so on top of everything else he doesn't even think he can make himself heard to them in the way he wants to be heard. or the all hurt no comfort version - ice is already gone by the time mav and bradley reconcile and his tombstone doesn't say beloved husband or father because he didn't think he has the right for those things to be there.
U know what's the beautiful thing? Either way it would break them, Mav and Bradley, but in different ways?
In the first it would make them angry at Ice, because he didn't call, he didn't reach out and now the time is near it's end and they have so much to talk about, so much to mend but what they can do is sitting at the right and left of Ice's bed and watch Slider hold his hand and talk softly to him, day after day until Bradley gets recalled on duty and Mav has mach 9 to achieve. Ice dies listening to the sound of his best friends voice, retelling all the happy times they shared and silly stories of back yards and little feet stomping on the ground because "daaaad, pops doesn't let me have cookies before dinner!"
Ice dies, Mav goes down, and Bradley flies.
In the second case, I think they would just try again because no voice doesn't mean no words, but it would take them to be calmer and actually ready to listen to what Ice is saying. (My favourite h/c is that Bradley learns ASL so he can translate what Ice is saying, and sometimes Ice gets frustrated because his hands aren't fast enough and his kid - doesn't matter what him or Maverick say- is crying and he can't stop thinking about shutting up and just hugging them both. He has been waiting for 10 years for that).
The last one is a lot. Ice dies, and they both know about it only later, after the mission, and after Mav puts them back together and it fucking take times. A part of Mav is always questioning why nobody's talking about Admiral Kazansky and why Cyclone looks at him like he does something wrong every time he breaths but it's not until they both are in front of Ice's new place that he understands. And maybe not even then. The woman who opens the door barely smiles at them, or at all.
"He's going to be happy to see you finally solve all your problems," she says, giving them the address to another place before shutting the door. Slider is waiting for them at the end of a path, older than Mav would have ever thought to see him, and he too doesn't smile. Mav and Bradley are just so fucking confused by it all and what make it worst is that the tombstone has only Tom's date of birth, of death and his rank, no other word or anything else.
"Why do you let the tombstone so empty? Where's the lov-" Bradley asks, incredulous of what he's seeing.
"Mav and him never actually got married, and you both said he wasn't your father. So he thought he didn't deserve it. Because putting it on there would have made it a lie. He wasn't nobody's husband's and nobody's father's."
When Bradley turns to look at Maverick, he finds him on his knees, crying and looking at the empty tombstone like someone is repeatedly stabbing him in the heart.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Sub Rosa | Part Two: The Cover Up | Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw (18+)
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Warnings: Secret relationships, pinv, unprotected sex, oral (m&f receiving)
“So how long have you been fucking Ice’s daughter?”
Rooster paused, his hands still on the folded pile of clothes in his locker. He took a deep breath and turned, looking Jake in the eye and raising an eyebrow at him.
“What did you say?” Rooster gave him a chance to move on and let this go. Jake grinned at him, placing a toothpick between his teeth, “I said: how long have you been fucking Ice’s daughter, man?”
Hangman had known about Rooster’s dirty little secret for three whole days now, and he had just been brewing over what he should do about it. On the one hand, he was kind of impressed that Rooster had a dangerous bone in his body. On the other, Rooster was an asshole in the air and Jake liked to mess with him on the ground.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Rooster turned towards his locker, pushing his clothes to the back, zipping up his flight suit and slamming the thin metal door shut. Hangman chuckled, passing the toothpick from the right side of his mouth to the left.
Jake followed Rooster as he began to leave the locker room.
Today was the final day of Admiral Kazansky’s birthday celebrations. It was his sixtieth and after forty years of service, the Navy was making a fairly big deal out of it. Rooster checked his watch. The airshow was beginning in ten minutes, where they both, along with four other pilots, were going to fly in sync for some of the biggest names in the United States Navy.
“His youngest too,” Hangman tutted, his eyes twinkling as he walked alongside the other pilot. “Shit — you didn’t take her virginity did you?” Rooster turned, cornering the shorter man and invading his space, “Would you shut the fuck up?”
Jake raised his eyebrows, “You did, didn’t you?” Rooster rolled his eyes. He hadn’t, and that was none of Jake’s business either way. Jake’s smile grew regardless, he clutched his stomach as he began to laugh, “Ice is gonna fucking kill you, dude.”
“Are you gonna tell him?” Rooster’s voice was lower now as he checked the hallway for others that might be listening in.
Hangman laughed again, shaking his head, “No fucking way — I’m not getting involved. It’s your balls on the line, bro, not mine.” He scoffed, finally nudging past Rooster and continuing along the hallway. Rooster let out a breath, following Jake along the hall.
“She is hot. Always walking around in those tiny fucking dresses, can’t say I hadn’t thought abou-“
“Watch it.” Rooster warned with an elbow into Jake’s ribs, looking seriously at the other pilot.
Hangman rubbed at his aching ribs as the pair rounded the corner, “What? — you fuck Ice’s kid under his own roof and I’m not allowed to say she has a nice ass?”
Leaning against the wall, his eyes on his watch, Maverick lifted his head and stared at the two young pilots before him. Both froze, like caught schoolboys. Even with sunglasses on, Rooster could feel Maverick’s glare.
“Mav, I can explain, I—“
“Don’t!” Mav didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to hear any more. He didn’t even want to hear what he had. He knew better than anyone, the dangers of screwing an Admiral’s daughter. Last time he did that, he had ended up in Bolivia for two years.
Sure, Penny was the best thing that had ever happened to him, but that was different.
Maverick sighed, putting both of his hands up, “Get outside. We’re gonna do this airshow, we’re gonna pretend everything’s fine, and then you and I are gonna talk.”
Rooster knew better than to argue. He nodded his head. Maverick turned and left the building, leading the idiots behind him out onto the tarmac. He heard a soft ‘oof’ from behind him as Rooster drove his elbow into Hangman’s ribs.
Standing out on the tarmac between your mother and father. Lined up right next to about eight more nicely decorated Admirals. Ice had made a lot of friends in his career, and they were all here to support him.
Every single person with the power to decide upon the rest of Rooster’s career, standing neatly in a line with the one girl who had the power to derail it completely.
Rooster avoided your gaze, adjusting his shades and staring straight ahead as he walked towards the planes. Maverick and Hangman, however, were staring straight at you. Your smile faltered slightly, your heart falling into your stomach as you realised they both knew now.
You glanced up at your father’s standing proud as he said something to Admiral Caine, his hand resting on your shoulder. He squeezed you gently, turning and giving you a proud grin.
The airshow went seamlessly. You had been terrified that either Mav or Hangman would say something stupid over comms. Or that Rooster would say something himself to try to straighten things out. That something would go wrong. It went seamlessly. He flew perfectly, like always.
After the airshow, it became more of an informal event. Drinks and food in the Officer’s club. You had been here many times, at many events like this. Each more boring than the next for the child of an Admiral. You stayed with your mother, listening to her chide you about frowning so much.
You weren’t even really listening, you were just watching the door while stirring the ice in your lemonade with a straw. Waiting for him.
Hangman and the other pilots entered the room with your father, all of them smiling. Your father patted Jake on the shoulder and shook his hand before they went their separate ways. You wondered if he would ever accept Rooster like that if he knew about you two.
Currently, your father liked Rooster a lot. You knew the story, how he had flown with Bradley’s dad back in Top Gun. Your father had a lot of admiration for the things that Rooster had accomplished. With Mav being his best friend, they talked about Bradley a fair bit.
You knew that if you were older — if your relationship had begun under different circumstances — that your father would have been thrilled with your choice of a partner.
You waited patiently for him to walk through the door behind the others, but he didn’t show. Neither did Maverick. You frowned, glancing around to see if you had missed them entering, only to be quickly scolded by your mother for frowning again.
“How long has this shit being going on, Bradley?”’
Rooster sighed softly, letting his head fall back against the wall behind him, his arms folded over his chest as he waited for this to be over. “Since Thanksgiving…” He mumbled, avoiding looking Maverick in the eye.
“Thanks— Since Thanksgiving?” Maverick whisper-yelled, hitting Bradley in the arm. Bradley shrugged his shoulders, unsure what Pete wanted him to do about it at this point. “Brad, that was five fucking months ago!”
“I know…” Rooster sighed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“W- Hold on,” Maverick pinched the bridge of his nose, “Do you mean when you were at my place on Thanksgiving?”
Rooster’s lips quirked slightly, fighting to keep the smile off of his face. He couldn’t help that he found it funny. Maverick’s jaw dropped.
“Are you kidding me, Bradshaw? What is wrong with you? — she’s been away at college, how the hell have you even been seeing her?”
“I go up on weekends.” Rooster shrugged, like that was going to be an acceptable answer.
Maverick sighed. He reached out and gripped the back of Rooster’s neck, forcing his nephew to look him in the eye. “Look, Ice is one of my closest friends — but I can’t protect you here. If he finds out, you’re done.”
Rooster rolled his eyes and squirmed out of Maverick’s grasp, “He’s not gonna find out.”
“You have to just end it.” Maverick pleaded, searching Rooster’s face for any sign of regret whatsoever. He found none. “Maybe you can start seeing her again in a couple of months, do it right, take her on some dates. Alright?”
“Look, Ice isn’t going to find out. If this goes somewhere, we’ll tell him. Until then, he doesn’t need to know.” Rooster answered. He wasn’t just going to end it. He didn’t know if he could.
“This doesn’t end well for you, alright?” Done listening, Rooster had already begun to walk away. “Do the smart thing, Bradley. Just end it.”
Rooster rolled his eyes, not bothering to look back as he headed into the event room with the others. He fit in with the other pilots like he hadn’t been missing at all, smiling at something Fanboy had said to him.
You turned back to your mother before anyone caught the longing stares you were giving him across the bar. Your phone buzzed on the table, and was in your hand before your mother could even notice it was making a noise at all.
From Nick: Hangar D, 20 minutes
Your cheeks flushed with heat as you glanced back at Rooster excitedly. He had been saved as Nick in your phone for weeks now, after you had realised that you didn’t like the thought of your parents seeing his name pop up on your phone. Nicholas was his middle name but they wouldn’t put that together.
“Mommy, you don’t mind if I drive myself home, do you? — I have kind of a headache.” You asked gently, reaching out and placing your hand over your mother’s. Maverick, standing on the other side of your mother, deep in conversation with your father, shot you a look. You smiled sweetly at him as your mother handed you the keys to her car.
He watched you grab your bag and leave with an impressive level of calm. Then, he watched Rooster check the time on his watch. Exactly five minutes later, he narrowed his eyes as he watched Rooster make up and excuse and leave through the same door.
Hangar D was the furthest Hangar from the events hall, and also the closest to exit C, which had the least security. You parked in your mom’s car beside the door to the hangar, busying yourself with fixing your makeup whilst waiting for Rooster.
You flinched at the sound of something hitting your window, sighing in relief as Rooster opened the car door, laughing at your reaction.
“Move up, honey.” You moved over the centre console, sliding into the passenger seat, sitting up on your knees and leaning across to kiss him as he took the driver’s seat.
“You look so fucking good in this dress.” Rooster hummed against your lips, “God, I’m a lucky man, huh?”
You smiled against his lips, sitting back down in the seat and locking your fingers between his. Rooster squeezed your hand gently, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing your knuckles as he turned the keys in the ignition.
He pulled the car away, heading along the road far enough that you reached the automatic security gate. It scanned the licence plate — no need for guards that might spot the two of you together.
“So, I take it Mav wasn’t happy when he found out?” You asked, stroking his strong hand delicately with your thumb. Rooster chuckled, shaking his head slightly, “He wasn’t thrilled that we fucked in his bathroom, no.”
You groaned, “Why would you tell him that?”
“I mean, I spared him the gory details but I told him it was at thanksgiving - he figured it out. He wouldn’t have known at all if Jake wasn’t such a loudmouth.”
You squeezed his hand, “Sorry for getting you in trouble with them.”
“I can handle those guys.” Rooster shot you a wink through the lenses of his shades, turning his eyes back to the road. “Anything for you anyway, honey.”
You giggled softly, setting his hand on your thigh with yours over it, sliding it up to the edge of your white dress, “Anything?”
“Baby, we’re like ten minutes away.” Rooster glanced between you and the road as he pulled up at a red light. You raised an eyebrow at him, batting your eyelashes playfully, “Is that a no?”
Rooster laughed breathily, squeezing your thigh, “I don’t think I’ve ever told you no, have I?” He realised. You smiled at him sweetly. He slid his hand between your legs, pausing as he realised you weren’t wearing anything under that classy white dress of yours.
“Baby.” He breathed, turning his head towards you, “You did not stand next to the most important men in the Navy with no panties on.” You could tell he was trying not to laugh.
You licked your lips, pushing your hips forward against his hand, “Jealous?”
He chuckled, shaking his head at you as his thumb circled your clit, his eyes on the road ahead, “You are somethin’ else, Kazansky.” He pulled away from the red light, hand resting casually at the base of the wheel as his other worked between your legs.
You took your lip between your teeth as you watched him drive. Something about watching him drive an eighty five thousand dollar car in a flight suit made you want to tell him to pull over right then and there.
He glanced over, watching you squirm against his hand, leaning in and kissing you gently, “Almost home, honey.”
Rooster’s place was a cute little white cottage on the coast with a porch out front and a sunny backyard. His neighbours were all in their eighties. The first time he had brought you over, you had thought he lived with his grandma until you went i inside.
You just hadn’t been expecting him to live somewhere that was so nice and peaceful. You had been expecting a bachelor pad.
He swung the car into the driveway, switching off the engine and crossing in front of the car to open your door for you. Once you were on your feet his hands were on the backs of your thighs, hoisting you up and over his shoulder in one swift move. His hand came up and landed on your ass, ensuring your dress was covering your modesty as he shut the car door, his lips quirking as you squealed in his arms.
“You feel like fucking in a bed that’s actually made for adults this time, baby?” He fished his keys out of his pocket, balancing you over his shoulder with his other hand, turning his head and kissing the back of your thigh, making you laugh even more. It was once he had said this that you both caught the sound of a hose turning off, looking to the side to see one of Rooster’s elderly neighbours looking entirely scandalised at what she had just heard.
“Sorry, Mrs. McKeldrick.” He waved at her, keys in his hand, you still over his shoulder. Your cheeks burned as you forced yourself to also wave, unable to keep yourself from laughing. She stared you down as Rooster slotted his keys into the door and carried you inside.
He whistled casually, turning and locking the door behind him, tossing his keys onto the side table and walking you through the house, his hand on your ass. He thought back to what Hangman had said earlier; you did have a nice ass.
Rooster set you down on your feet in front of his bed, brushing your hair back down into his previously neat style like he wasn’t planning to mess it up completely soon after. He lifted your chin and just looked you over, his soft brown eyes taking in your features.
“What?” You whispered, feeling suddenly self-conscious in the quiet of the room. Bradley smiled, brushing his hand over your cheek, finally leaning in and pressing to yours, “Just admiring that pretty face.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at him, swatting at his chest, “Don’t go all soft on me now, Bradshaw.” He chuckled, shaking his head, “I’m rarely soft when you’re around, baby.”
You giggled as he grabbed your hips and pulled you against him, pushing you down onto the mattress with his knee between your legs, “Especially not now I know you’ve been out here wandering around with no panties on.” He murmured against your lips, sending shivers down your spine. He tucked his arm under your back, flipping you over onto your front, sliding your hair over your shoulder and kissing the back of your neck.
You hummed, arching your back and pushing your ass back into his crotch. He pushed harder again you, sliding your zipper delicately down your back, leaving kisses along your skin as he went until it hit the bottom. He slid the dress down, dropping it to the floor and leaving an open-mouthed kiss at the base of your spine before pulling your hips up off of the mattress and turning you back onto your front.
“Get comfy.” He murmured, already slipping between your legs. You whimpered gently, shifting up closer to the pillows, watching him take off his sunglasses and drop them onto the rug. Though Rooster wasn’t the first person you had had sex with, he was the first guy who had gone down on you. And he loved doing it.
He had been visiting up at college every weekend since January, and he knew you like he knew how to fly now. His nose nudged you clit slightly, his hands under your knees, pushing them up to your waist, out of his way as his tongue teased at your hole.
Your friends back at college had made fun of you when they heard you were spending your spring break at home instead of going to Mexico with them. You would make the same choice a hundred times over to be here, with him, like this.
“Were you hoping I’d fuck you on base?” He stopped, pressing his lips against your thigh, trailing his fingers along your hip. “That why you had no panties on?”
You took your lip between your teeth, pushing your fingers into his curls, batting your eyelashes at him, “Maybe I was.”
His eyes stayed on yours as his hand slid between your legs, stroking at your clit, “My dirty girl.” You shivered as his tongue teased at your hole once more, letting out a breathy moan and pushing your head back against his pillows.
The thing was, Rooster knew he was good in bed. He knew that you went crazy for him. He knew that the guy you had slept with before him didn’t even close to compare. This afforded him certain luxuries. Such as being the biggest tease in the fucking world.
“Tell me what you were thinking out there today.” He slid his ring and middle fingers into you, making you hiss at the certain stretch.
“I was thinking…” You paused and swallowed as he curled his fingers expertly inside of you. “Fuck. I was thinking that my boyfriend looks hot as fuck in his… shit, Rooster — in his flight suit.”
Rooster hummed against your clit, turning his head and sucking a kiss into your thigh, “Is that right?” He murmured, not looking at you as he buried his face between your legs again.
“And I was hoping that he might, holy shit, let me ride him while he wore it.”
Rooster groaned against your core, pulling your hips towards him, feeling you shudder. His eyes flickered up to you, watching you writhe under him as you came, cursing his name breathlessly.
You blinked, feeling him kissing his way up your body, grabbing your hips and your waist as he did, humming softly as he reached your jaw.
“I think that can be arranged, baby.” He breathed, already tugging at the zipper of his flight suit. He sat back on his knees and slipped his arms out, tugging off the black t-shirt he usually wore under the suit, then slipping his arms back into the suit.
You smiled as you slid into his lap, pushing the fabric off of his chest just enough to kiss his collarbones, sliding your fingertips along his toned torso, sliding the zipper all the way down. Rooster’s hands came up to rest on your hips as you pushed his boxers down, wrapping your hand around the base of his length, pumping it slowly.
“Tease.” Rooster challenged, his eyes flickering between your hand and your face. You smiled at him cutely, wriggling between his legs, sticking your tongue out and pressing it flat against his tip, pumping your fist up to almost the tip and then bringing your mouth back down on him with your hand.
Rooster’s hand came to rest on the back of your head, his fingers curling around the hair at the base of your skull. You moaned gently around his length, making him groan. What a sight. Him with his head leaned back against his headboard, eyes shut in bliss, his sandy curls resting against his forehead, slightly disheveled.
“That’s it, honey,” Rooster guided your head down a little further, “Doing so good.”
You looked up at him through damp eyelashes, blinking back tears as you held him at the top of your throat, your fist pumping around the base of his cock. Rooster’s cock twitched at the sight.
Rooster groaned, nudging you back and tugging you back into his lap, grabbing the base of his cock one hand, then you jaw with the other. You steadied yourself on his broad shoulders, leaning in and pressing your lips to his as you sank down on his length.
“Fuck, baby…” Rooster’s grip on your jaw kept your eyes on him. He slid his hand down from your jaw to your chest, groping at your breast as you rose back up on your knees.
He took his lip between his teeth, grabbing both of your hips, guiding you as you bounced on his cock, his eyes on your face as your brow furrowed in pleasure, your head leaned back.
You felt him shift slightly, pressing his heels into the mattress for better leverage, bringing one hand up to grasp the back of your neck. He snapped his hips upward, meeting you halfway, dropping his mouth down to suck at your breast. Grabbing a fistful of his hair with one hand, you grabbed onto his knee for leverage with the other.
“Hold on, shit,” Rooster panted against your chest, swallowing hard as his fingertips pressed bruises into your hips, “Fuck — you’re gonna make me cum.”
You smiled, leaning down and kissing the spot just below his ear, your lips grazing it as you spoke, “I want you to cum.”
“You and that filthy fuckin’ mouth.” He dragged his lips across your throat, his grip on your hips tightening as he guided you. “Are gonna be the death of me, baby.”
You knew he was close, trying to hold out. His voice strained, the veins in his throat pressing out against his tanned skin, his cock throbbing each time you bounced down against his length. You gasped, digging your fingernails into his thigh, shuddering as he buried himself deep and spurted inside of you, his lips kissing lazily at your throat.
“God, I fucking love you.” Rooster confessed breathlessly against your chest, holding the back of your neck as he cradled you against him, still rutting his hips up into you.
You opened your eyes and blinked at him, lips already parted in a breathless haze. You raised your eyebrows slightly, waiting for him to realise what he had said.
“I love you.” He slid his fingers up your neck and into the hair at the base of your skull, pulling you down into a kiss.
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minmimi2 · 2 years
unfinished business / Maverick
˚♡⋆。 paring: young!mav x female!reader
˚♡⋆。 warnings: little bit of spice but not smut, mav being annoying.
some enemies to lovers bc i love this trope
˚♡⋆。 summary: you and maverick hate each other, so let's see how you both do when viper pairs you up for an excercise that ends getting a little bit more heated than it should. 2.0k
y/c/s = your call sign
the gif????!!! somebody check my pulse please
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it was no secret to everyone in the naval academy that you and maverick did not get along, not at all, like not even a slight chance, it also wasen’t a secret that everyone and i mean everyone was tired of your bullshit, the constant competitions against each other and the stupid fights over small things just because both of you wanted to be proven right, goose and iceman had the worst part of it all, the two of them damned to listen to each complaing and bitching all day about the other. Iceman was your best friend, for years now, he’s been with you through thin and thick, and it was no guess why you were that close, some people even thought you were related, because you surely shared a single brain cell together and had the same type of personality, but maverick could swear he would get along better with ice that he’ll do with you, that man has some serious issues against you, mutual as it was, the only important thing was: who was the better pilot? The numbers were always so close and constantly changing to second and first place, and you two were known for being part of the best pilots on top gun, but it wasn't enough to end this rivalry.
Ice and goose would often find themselves talking to each other and agreeing on the fact that the two of you were so much alike, both cocky and stuborn risk-your life for the show type of pilots.
so your surprise was geniune when after you sat down opposite from maverick and goose, of course sending some deadly stares over to his way, you heard that for the next exercise you’ll be divided into pairs, you turned your head to face towards ice and gave him a small grin and he answered raising his eyebrows, the cold duo ready to sweep everyone off. But almost immediately your mischievous grin was erased from your face as Viper accentuated on the fact that he would be the one choosing the pairs, okey fine, you’ll be fine as you don’t get stuck with m-
“y/c/s and maverick” Viper read out loud as he scratched something on his folder.
your body froze and your breathing sharped, your head turned so fast you might off snapped your neck, just to find maverick already looking back at you, with the same suprised expression on his stupid face, almost at the same time you two got up from your chairs and started talking on top of each other “Viper Sir listen you know i can’t work with her” maverick tried to reach closer to the commander “Sir there’s no way this would work please, just pair me up with anyone else” but as much as you pleaded and begged Viper didn’t even raised his head from his papers and just gave you a vague hand gesture and added “i don’t wanna listen, it’s final, now sit down and act like godamn adults”.
You let your body weight fall against the chair, totally defeated, your head was thrown back and a long sigh exited your mouth, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you faced ice who was trying to hold back a smile, you shook your head and gave him an annoying look and a roll of eyes.
there was no way in hell something good could come out of this.
When the meeting was dismissed you took a deep breath and with that hopped you swallowed some of your pride, nothing was gonna ruin your good numbers on activities, so if you had to be the bigger man (woman) and put on the pants you'd do it. You confidently aprocched maverick and tapped his back, maybe a bit aggressively, but he completely ignored you and continued his conversation with goose as if nothing was happening, goose’s eyes balanced between mav and you and also in between your annoyed expression and his chill one, sometimes he wondered how his best friend could be so childish, but he was having none of it, he gave you a small nod and waved “hi y/n” then went ahead and patted mav’s shoulders and began walking out of the place, leaving maverick with his words half unsaid. 
You cleared your throat and called “maverick”, he took his time to turn around to face you, but when he finally did, he was wearing a fake smile you wanted nothing more than to punch out of his face, his nose wrinkled as he answered “yes?” how could he get more irritating every passing second you spend with him, before you spoke again he came an inch closer and looked down “quickly, i don’t want anyone thinking we’re friends” you clenched your fists together, literally this close )( to losing all your remaining patience, “you know nobody thinks that” you whispered back, trying to control your violent impulses against him, you breathed in and out one more time “just tell me when and where and let’s get this done with” his eyebrows frowned while he made a thinking noise, it was really taking the best of you not to do this exercise for free and punch him right there. You were about to call him again “mav-” “practice room, 1800 hours” he spoke and began to walk away, leaving you standing there, with some much anger you’ll be sure to use within the exercise.
1830hs, practice room.
you’ve had arrived earlier to the place anyway to streach and to prepared yourself for seeing his stupid face twice in one day, but now he was really hanging by a threath, 30 minutes had passed and he’s still hasen’t showed up, and by the moment he did, you were sitting by the corner, with your eyes resting and your head pressed against the wall, the sound of the door opening made you aware and when he came walking in, with his relax rithym and his cocky smile, the last drop of the glass was the first thing he said “damn y/c/s we haven’t even started and you’re already resting, put some effort on this please” his voiced sounded dumd and playfull. You swore you’ve never gotten up so fast and in no time you were throwing a punch across his right cheek “just so you see how much effort i do put on this” you gave him your signature grin while you walked backwards and brushed your lips with your tongue, trying to set him off.
1930hs, practice room.
This had to be one of the most intense training you’ve had on a while, the assignment specifically specified none of the teammates should be hurt, but just some body on body maneuvers, and if you had to be honest, on both sides, you had play a bit dirty and being a little more rough than you were allowed to be.
you stopped keeping track of points a while ago, now it just looked like an angry fight, he would pin you down and you’ll do the same right after. Your shirts were covered in sweat and the room felt like a giant oven. The exhaustion was starting to get visible on the two of you, but neither maverick or you were willing to give up first, the next time he pinned you down to the ground he flashed a victorious smile but took an extra couple of seconds before getting back up, pressing his body against you, with his two hands on the sides of your head, his chest was so close you could closely look at his erratic breathing, his legs were practically in between yours, guiltily touching.
His eyes remained closed and you cached by the corner of yours his arms were starting to tremble next to you, so you took the opportunity to turn things around and by a simple and fast movement you were now sitting on top of him and maverick found himself strapped to the ground with his eyes winded at the sudden action, have his eyes always been this green? “It's that the best you can do, uh? he asked, almost breathless, he really needed a break, and so did you, but those words were not coming out loud, you shook your head as you gave him a small laugh, and let your body rest completely against him, accidently sitting in his crotch, your eyes startled when you felt a certain something making contact with your body, you quickly tried to lift up, brushing against him again, but two strong hands on your waisted kept you still, “don’t move” he looked up at you from the floor, his forehead furrowed and his jaw clenched, your mouth opened and closed trying to find something to say, but your brain felt scrambled by the heat that traveled down your body. In one swift movement he raised you both from the ground, holding you by your legs and placing them around his waist until he hitted the nearest wall and pinned you to it, his face was inches away from yours, both breathings finding each other in the middle, there was no way maverick was making you felt like this, stomach dropping and face heating, the same maverick you’ve hated for as long as you can remember was pinning you against a wall, holding you by your thighs close to your ass and it felt nice, it felt hot.
you were tempted to do something, just to brush your lips on his, or get any contact at all, a sudden need to kiss him was taking over your body and mind, “what is it y/c/s? i’ve barely even touched you and you’re all fuzzy” your eyes moved to his as he spoke but changed direction again when he sweep his tongue on his lips slowly, or you saw it in slow motion, doesn't matter, now they looked shiny and bright, like they were begging to be filled by you, you moved your head forward trying to get a taste of them, but he jerked backwards, only to smile whilst he slightly shifted his head to his side and he pressed his his tongue inside his cheek, has this man always been this hot?? he launched forward and captured your lips in a needy kiss, and you both devored each other like you were starving for years, and you were. 
He slowly set you down and his hands traveled from your thighs all the way to your waist, squeezing it and bringing it closer to his body, pressing his hard on up against you, and those training shorts were doing him justice because you were feeling everything throughout the thin fabric. The kiss continued to be fast and messy, but exactly how you both needed it to be, in between little breaths you found your hands moving all over his chest and resting on the waistband of his shorts, ready to pull them down, but the unwelcoming sound of the door trying to be opened made you and maverick freeze in the spot, both your lips swollen and redish, hairs messed up and breathings panting, you looked at each other, muffled voices were speaking from the other side and you catched the “mav are you still in there? it’s our turn now” they tried to twist the handle but the door was locked, you turned again to face at mav and he just raised his eyebrows, when did he lock the door?
One of his hands found its way to your face and softly cupped one of your cheeks “you’re really red right now” he laughed, and you playfully pushed him off you, “we’re not done yet maverick” you pointed a finger at his face, “i was hoping you say that” his eyes glinted while he smiled.
Somewhere not far from there, on the hard deck, goose and ice where sharing a beer over the counter of the bar whilst goose spoke: “im telling you ice it’s all unresolved sexual tension” while ice slowly nodded and took another sip of the bottle, agreeing with this friend.
if only they knew.
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frick6101719 · 4 years
Bored and supposed to be researching federal powers, so what better time to take advantage of @endlessnightlock​‘s free-for-all tag? 
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
Mav, mostly, or Frick. I have no problem with Maverick but no one really calls me that
2. when is your birthday?
January 10th 
3. where do live?
In the magical world that is rural Ontario. Ever seen Letterkenny? 
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Drinking wine, watching The Mandalorian, and reading over my notes on the National Concern Doctrine trying to make headway on an assignment. Might take a break to work on some writing soon, we’ll see. 
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
I’m all over the place, honestly, and my fandom investment ebbs and flows constantly. Currently I’m investing the most time and energy into The Hunger games, A Song of Ice and Fire, The 100, and... maybe Stranger Things? Since I still have what is officially a WIP for that fandom? 
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
It’s been driving me fucking up the wall. I’m really lucky that I was still able to work over the summer and my school program is one that is fairly conducive to online learning, but being stuck at home is making me go completely insane. As I’m sure is the case with most extroverts!
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Daydream Believer by the Monkees but also Mistake by Middle Kids 
8. Recommend a movie.
Been thinking a lot about Nightcrawler, recently, and if you find psychopaths interesting and like a thriller, it’s amazing. Or if you want something lighter that will make you feel MANY THINGS and is just generally an unqualified masterpiece of fun cinema go watch The Man From U.N.C.L.E. right now you will not regret it
9. How old are you?
10. school, university, occupation, other?
Law school!
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold fuck I cannot handle the heat. Pretty sure something upset my internal thermostat because I’m perfectly happy floating around in our pool when it’s 65 degrees F or not wearing a coat in the middle of winter.
12. Name one fact that others might not know about you.
I can play piano! I started taking lessons MANY YEARS AGO (I won’t say how many because I should be much better than I am for how long it’s been). One of the nice things about the pandemic locking me up at home has been the time to practice which has been nice, and an amazing stress-reliever.
13. Are you shy?
Absolutely not. 
14. preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest pet peeves?
I really don’t like gossip, honestly. And when people get snappish... I just feel like there’s never any need to take out your own frustrations on other people who aren’t the cause of them. Being kind is not that hard! 
17. rate your life from 1 to 10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be:
Right now like a 7. Which feels extremely spoiled to say because with everything that’s going on I’m so lucky for how things have gone for me and my family... but my mental health has taken a huge fucking hit this year, and after being so excited for law school for like five years it’s been rough starting it online. 
18. What is your main blog? 
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
Honestly I’m so tumblr-inept I could not possibly run a side blog. If only for the simple reason that I have no idea how.
20. Is there something people need to know about you before you become friends?
Only that I would really like to! Meeting new people and talking with them about the things that excite them is something that never fails to make me happy. Feel free to reach out any time, for any reason, and I would love to chat :) 
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pollyna · 2 years
Ice starts picking Maverick and throwing him over his shoulder everytime Mav loose himself in talking and they have to go somewhere right that moment and Ice knows it will be faster that way. Goose starts taking pictures and he has enough of them to do a complete twelve months calendar with a different photo of them going somewhere, sometimes even with other people around talking to Mav or to Ice. It's fucking hilarious and Goose makes pretty money out of selling it the year later.
(Ice saves some of them away and, they made him Admiral, he puts it on the wall behind his desk, so everyone can see what the fuck they were doing back in 1990, the year before the one they actually put their heads on their shoulders. Or at least, that's what Slider implied with his speech during the reception of their wedding.)
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