#literally everyone in the Tojo deserves better than this shit
eremin0109 · 9 months
God help me what the fuck is wrong with Kiryu in this game!? First, like a dumbass, he agrees to come back to sort through the succession mess of Tojo (though it's pretty characteristic so I'll forgive him) but then instead of actually taking responsibility, he more or less ropes in Majima to take the babysitter role instead and then when he agrees to do that, this fucker goes back to Sayama and tells her that she can go hard at the Tojo clan, when he KNOWS it's already at the weakest it has been in a decade!?? Potentially jeopardizing the safety of Daigo, Kashiwagi, Majima and the handful of people who have actually given a shit about him?????
Also not him being like "you can point that thing and shoot me" You fucking bitch did you just conveniently forget you have a daughter that loves you??? What about Haruka????
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mewmewchann · 3 years
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Danganronpa tier listttttt
Idk if people know how I feel about these characters, so here ya go! This is my opinion, please don’t attack me for this (also I only did this for the mainline games and Komaru + the Warriors of Hope)
...Also I wanted to go into detail on some of these so yeah Warning: it does get pretty rambly
S tier
...I don’t really feel like I need to explain any of these. MOVING ON
A tier
Chiaki Nanami Please don’t kill me for not putting her in S. I can explain, I promise Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore her and love her relationship with Hajime, but I didn’t really get as attached to her as I did with other characters. I still love her though
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu He has one of the best character arcs in the series, only JUST being outranked by Shuichi. Seriously, best SDR2 survivor, hands DOWN.
Ultimate Imposter Yep. Fake Togami outranks actual Togami by miles. YEAH I SAID IT! Idk, I found them a lot more interesting and likeable than Togami and it was a real shame they got killed off so early. They were pretty fun.
Ryoma Hoshi ...Do I even need to explain why he ranked so high? Like, come ON! He’s one of the most underrated characters in the franchise!
Hajime Hinata 3rd best protag for me (yes I’m counting Kaede shut up), but I still love his arc. 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru He was my fave from the first game for a while, but the Kiyondo stuff kinda brought him down for me. And ngl, at times it feels like people only judge him based on his friendship with Mondo. I still love him though.
Mondo Owada Chapter 2. Need I say more. He’s a pretty cool character outside of that, too.
Komaru Naegi Just copy-paste my reason for Ryoma, it’s practically the same.
Nagisa Shingetsu Best Warrior of Hope. Hands down. I will die on this hill.
Kotoko Utsugi Despite being beaten out by Nagisa, I still adore her. She deserves the best.
B tier
Maki Harukawa Okay don’t get me wrong, I like her as a character, but the main problem I had was that her crush on Kaito kinda came out of left field for me. Like, she was a stoic unfeeling assassin and she suddenly fell head over heels for some astronaut that knocked on her door a few times. It feels pretty rushed (though knowing Tsumugi it probably was) and kinda brings her down a few pegs for me.
Korekiyo Shinguji “Why is he ranked so high!? He’s the freaky incest guy-” SHUT UP. Yes, his character was absolutely obliterated by the incest twist, but outside of that he is actually a pretty compelling character. (also if you look into his writing it’s pretty heavily implied that his sister used and abused him so judging him based on the incest thing alone is kinda odd ngl)
Ibuki Mioda She’s pretty fun. I’m not as head-over-heels for her as other people, but she’s pretty fun.
Celestia Ludenberg See, Ouma stans? THIS is how you do a compelling liar character!
Peko Pekoyama Please don’t kill me. It’s just that outside of Fuyuhiko she kinda felt......Eh? Like don’t get me wrong, I like her, but something always felt missing for me.
Nagito Komaeda My favourite antag didn’t even make A tier whoops- Yeah, Nagito is the best rival for me, but I’m not as head-over-heels for him as the rest of the fandom is.
Kiibo The “that’s robophobic!” joke kinda got old after the billionth time, but other than that he’s fun.
Aoi Asahina Her development is cool, but I don’t really have much to say on her honestly.
Sonia Nevermind Same reason as Aoi, but her relationship with Gundham is pretty cute.
Jataro Kemuri This kid deserves better and needs protection. ...I don’t have much other than that, though.
Monaca Towa This is gonna be controversial, but Monaca is the best villain of the franchise for me. Sure, she’s far from being one of my favourite characters, but she’s menacing and enough of a threat to be a great antagonist.
C tier
Kyoko Kirigiri Please don’t kill me. Like...She’s okay, but for a while I found her kinda......Dull? Idk what to say here.
Makoto Naegi He’s alright, but he’s the weakest protagonist for me.
Tsumugi Shirogane I think people are gonna agree with me the most on this. She’s a decent villain, but the "plainy plainy plain” stuff got REALLY old. (which is partially why I rewrote her entirely in DFTH oops) She’s better than Junko by a long shot, so at least she has that.
Kirumi Tojo She was okay until the nonsensical prime minister twist. Seriously, I detest that twist.
Angie Yonaga ...I don’t really have much to say on her. Like the Atua stuff got pretty old and I found her kinda annoying, but she has enough to put her above the characters I don’t like.
Mahiru Koizumi She kinda felt like a better Tenko, but...Uh...
Teruteru Hanamura Yeah, I don’t outright dislike Teruteru. Shocking, I know. His backstory and the stuff with his mom is charming enough, but the perverted stuff still kinda icks me out. It’s not as bad as Miu’s, though.
Genocider Syo She’s more interesting than Toko, but still not really that much there other than “serial killer that somehow got accepted into this academy but don’t think about that look how quirky she is!!”
Tenko Chabashira Similar to Angie. But the way she drooled over and chased after Himiko was kinda eeeh for me. Not as bad as Souda though, thank god
D tier
Byakuya Togami God, he’s such an asshole. Sure his development and the stuff he does is interesting, but GOD HE’S SUCH AN ASSHOLE.
Akane Owari She’s the most “why the hell are you still here” out of the survivors for me. Like, I don’t outright hate her, but a lot of the time it kinda feels to me like she’s only there for fanservice. (seriously, in one of her sprites she’s literally flashing you. Do I need to say anything else?)
Himiko Yumeno Yeah, she’s also pretty weak for me. Her development post chapter 3 was okay I guess, but it kinda felt too little too late.
Toko Fukawa Ugh. Sure, I don’t really like Togami, but the way she drools over him is gross. Sure she’s somewhat redeemed by her development in UDG, but other than that she doesn’t really offer much.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Didn’t really felt like he offered much other than “blatant comic relief who’s probably a stoner”.
Masaru Daimon The weakest out of the Warriors of Hope by a long shot. Sure, his backstory’s pretty sad, but his personality kinda grated on me, ngl.
Kokichi Ouma PLEASE DON’T KILL ME. Like, everyone hails him as the best written character of the series, but if you look closer into his writing it’s actually pretty bad. Not to mention the stans constantly excusing his actions because “uwu liar boy who’s gay for Shuichi” REALLY brings him down.
E tier
Kazuichi Souda He’s literally all the things people hate about Teruteru, but the fandom barely calls him out for it! Hooray!
Miu Iruma She’s basically just there for NSFW jokes. Need I say more. Also, why is no-one else talking about how problematic the maintenance scene was?
Nekomaru Nidai He’s basically just there for shit jokes. And that really got old for me.
Sayaka Maizono OKAY PLEASE PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND HEAR ME OUT! Look, I’m not gonna deny she was kinda cute, but what she pulled in chapter 1 was honestly really fucking snakey. “But she didn’t know about the class trial stuff!” So what? She was willing to use practically the only person in the academy she was close to as a fall guy so she could get away with murder and didn’t even bat an eye! Even if the trial stuff didn’t happen and she DID get away with killing Leon, did she really think everyone would be okay with it? Hell, did she even CONSIDER how Makoto felt!? Sayaka is a fucking snake! She literally USED Makoto!!! WHY IS NO-ONE CALLING HER OUT!?!?
F tier
Junko Enoshima ...Do I even need to explain this.
Mikan Tsumiki I really didn’t like her, even BEFORE chapter 3. Yeah, I said it. She kinda got on my nerves and the fact that they were playing her up for fanservice despite her backstory was really gross, and chapter 3 just made everything so much worse. Like, her getting her memories back and killing someone could’ve worked, JUST MAKE HER PLAN MAKE SENSE!
Hiyoko Saionji She’s just a fucking bully. Do I really need to elaborate?
Hifumi Yamada ...Again. Do I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS!?
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Please now I am desperate for a Baba breakdown from you. Favorite part of him? Least favorite? What would you change? What do you think is unchangeable? *pleading face*
Oh, I see I’ve sparked an interest ^^; Of course I’ll talk about the best little whore in all of Japan, Baba Shigeki xp 
I joke, but like... have you seen Y5? He’s not leaving much up to interpretation, tbh : | And I love that! Baba is a really fantastic and well-executed RGG character and it’s a shame so much of fandom is sleeping on him. (I know mostly it’s that it takes people awhile to get to Y5 ^^; )
Baba occupies a really important space in the Yakuza universe, the assassin. He’s an important reminder that not Everyone in this universe is a moralistic do-gooder. People like Majima and Kiryu are in fact in the minority. Most of the yakuza are thugs, people ready and willing to hurt others and even kill. And we’ve had assassins before in Kazama and Sera, but they’re mostly out of our hand. We don’t know them too well personally. and that makes sense, they’re the previous generation, their values and choices are reflective of a different time. Our time is largely shaped by Kiryu, he is the yakuza messiah. But just because he’s king god of the criminal underworld doesn’t mean that the underworld isn’t still... y’know, dark and harsh. Especially since Kiryu renounced his throne. 
And Baba is the stark reminder of that. I had been waiting for a long time for us to come into contact with a yakuza member who didn’t fall in line when we finally got to Baba. Because, as we all like to point out, Kiryu’s version of this job is pretty rose-colored and naive. HE might be able to only fight bad people and to use his power to help others, but so few of us are in that position. Kiryu is king god, there are no challenges for him, there’s nothing stopping him, literally. So he CAN just do whatever he wants, up to and including being a good person. Most of us aren’t that lucky, just look at Majima. But even Majima, after a time, gets to be a good person and amasses enough power that he can be nice without it being a death threat. But they’re gods, legends. Your average yakuza member is some punk kid who grew up to being a punk adult who has a shitty boss to answer to and dues to pay. Sometimes there isn’t a convenient bad person to pick on. Sometimes, to save your own neck, you gotta take money from people smaller than you. Sometimes you gotta intimidate and scare people. Sometimes you gotta do unpleasant things to please the boss, to make ends meet, to hold up your end. Not all of us have the luxury of making moral choices. 
And Baba is in a worse position than most. Baba isn’t big and tough. He doesn’t have the physical might to be a brawler, so he can’t be some street thug. His options in life likely weren’t great. Probably an orphan, probably had no one to look after him. So he grew teeth fast and figured out quick that ain’t nobody gonna take care of him, he was gonna have to take care of himself. With a body and face like his, he could easily enter sex work of some kind but that job is punishing for a whole other list of reasons. And Baba’s no dummy, he’s canny, he’s strategic. No, he’s smart enough to use his body to dupe others. He knows people trust his angel face. And there’s more money and more security to be had in a job of violence than selling himself to the highest bidder and forever being at someone else’s beck and call. My bet is Baba’s plan was to make enough money as an assassin that he could retire and live out his life in peace where no one would bother him. And his training as n assassin would keep people off his back. Baba decided a long time ago it is MUCH better to be feared than loved. Can’t rely on love, can’t trust it. But fear, people listen to fear. 
So I LOVE that we finally get the perspective of someone who didn’t get any breaks in life, who wasn’t blessed with divine strength, or lucked into a special position. Baba had to struggle for everything and it made him sharp and it made him paranoid. He doesn’t like killing people, it’s not fun, but he’s so scared of what will become of himself, he can’t bear to stop. He can’t afford to make moral choices. He has to survive, above all things, he has to survive. So another assignment in a prison? Sure, why not. Get close to a guy he has to take out later? Sure, he’s done it before. He’s a great spy, a great flirt. And it makes him feel better to sneer over people too stupid to see through him. They get what they deserve if they believe his honeyed lies. He doesn’t have to mourn his actions if they deserved it. Wash his hands, move on to the next mark. 
Saejima should have been no different. And for awhile, it’s easy. Saejima’s a big dumb hunk of meat. All Baba has to do is bat his pretty eyes and look like he needs help. Piece of cake. But Saejima... is different. Oh, he’s duped, sure enough, he’s gentle and sympathetic and protective, all the things Baba needs, but... One of the reasons Baba hated his past marks so much and felt no remorse killing them, is they all wanted something from him. Every last one of them thought they could get something from him, usually his body, but sometimes not. Every one of them was a selfish piece of shit who would have used him just as surely as Baba is using them right back. But Saejima... Saejima doesn’t want anything. He doesn’t try anything. Even when Baba flirts, even when Baba offers, Saejima acts like he doesn’t understand. The fuck??? It starts to anger Baba, the way Saejima just looks at him blankly and shrugs off invitations. Who does this guy think he is, think he’s better than him? Baba will make him understand, make him want him. Still Saejima is stunned and still he seems to only respond because Baba is asking him to, not because deep down Saejima was trying to use him to. 
Baba can’t... he can’t accept that. That can’t be real. If Saejima really was just helping him because... because he likes him or something, because he’s nice... no, that’s wrong. No one’s good and no one’s nice. Everyone’s out for themselves. No one goes out of their way for each other. Because if they did... then why did no one ever help Baba before? He wraps himself in sureness that Saejima’s just stupid and his selfish instincts are really in there, they’re just slow to appear. He’s just like all the others, he’d kick Baba to the curb the same as anyone else and then... Baba doesn’t have to feel bad about killing him. Then Baba can pull the trigger and all of this will be done. 
He’s sure, without a doubt in his mind, when he feels his hands slip off Saejima on that snowmobile and he’s sent flying, his last conscious thought is that he’ll die here. He’s almost happy. Because then he’d be right. Saejima will have left him and he’d be right. And, maybe just a little, he’s happy that he won’t have to kill Saejima either. Maybe this is best. 
It is the shock of his life when Baba wakes up. He wakes up and he’s warm and indoors and there’s a fire going and weak broth and Saejima hovering over him with a spoon going “You’re awake!" Baba starts crying and Saejima assumes it’s the shock and holds him, actually fucking holds him and... Baba doesn’t think he can do this anymore. How is he supposed to kill the one person who’s ever been nice to him? How is he supposed to look Saejima in the eye and shoot him? Oh god, Saejima should have left him there to die, he should have, he should have... why is Saejima so fucking stupid, why doesn’t Saejima suspect? 
The next couple of weeks are some of the worst Baba’s ever spent. Saejima’s nicer than ever, cuddly and affectionate and warm, and Baba feels sick with guilt. See, this is why he only kills stupid people. This is why he only killed people who deserved it. He can’t... bear this. Pointing the gun at Saejima is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. But he has to, his whole life has been about this, his life above anyone else’s. If he can’t kill Saejima then... what was it all for? What had it all been about? He’s crying. He’s actually fucking crying like a little bitch and he can’t stop. It’s weak, it’s pathetic, but he just wants Saejima to take the gun out of his hand, to tell him it’s going to be okay, to take him home. Saejima screams at him and Baba falls apart. Saejima swoops in on him, holds him close, takes the gun and tells him it’s all going to be okay. It won’t... in the back of his mind, Baba knows even if he fails here, he still has half a job to do. But the fact that... everything out in the open, true colors showing, Saejima is still hugging him and refusing to let go... Baba sinks into that for a minute and believes that maybe there is something else he could do with his life. 
Oh... I have feelings about Baba Shigeki ^^; I love him to death I wouldn’t change a thing. The only thing I want is for Saejima to take Baba home and bring him into the Tojo and then we’re all a weird dysfunctional family together ^^; That’s my dream. Friends and family for Baba X3
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Other ahoges: Makoto | Komaru | Hajime | Matsuda | Munakata | Kaede
Saihara Loses His Ahoge and Everyone Loses Their Shit
Waking up to a mystery has never been a good morning for Saihara.
When he woke up on that particular day, it had been innocuous at first. He did his usual morning routine of getting ready. It's only when he sees himself in the mirror that he notices the difference. He patted the top of his head. Smooth. That's strange... While he wasn't particularly fond of the ahoge, he doesn't remember ever getting it cut. It's just supposed to be there. Always sticking out. No gel or wax could hold it down. Only his hat was able to tame it but he doesn't wear that anymore.
He's already let go of the hat. What's the harm in losing the ahoge too?
"Um... Who are you?"
Apparently more damaging than he originally thought.
Huh? Huuuuuhh???
"Who the hell brought this normie over here?" Iruma greeted him with an insult. Well, it was pretty tame coming from her. "Oh, I get it! You're one of my fanboys! Sorry to bust your nuts but you ain't touching these glorious tits of mine!"
Never mind. Iruma not recognizing him isn't a huge loss anyways.
"Oh, who is this? A new friend?" Gonta waved at him. "Hello there new friend! Do not be afraid, we are good people!"
Such a good friend he was indeed. What did the world do to deserve Gonta?
"Hold up. I wouldn't start getting cozy with the new guy just yet." Hoshi warned. "It's only ever been us sixteen here. Sorry for being paranoid but getting a new classmate out of nowhere is pretty suspicious. The kid's gotta introduce himself first."
Even though they're basically the same age, Saihara will admit any day that Hoshi holds some form of seniority over him.
"He's been quiet though. Hmm, could it be?" Amami stared at him with an unreadable expression. "You have troubles with memory too?"
No, not memory. He's just utterly speechless at how everyone is treating him all because he doesn't have one lock of hair sticking out.
"Perhaps our guest does not feel welcome enough." Tojo proceeds to correct this situation by pouring him a cup of tea. It's exactly his favorite. "I hope that this is up to your tastes. Please, make yourself comfortable. We only wish to know more about you."
He tries not to cry into his cup of tea. He just wishes to know how his friends see him. Just the ahoge? Guys, his eyes are down here.
"Be careful! He's still a menace!" Tenko was already in a fighting position. "I do not know who you are but I do know that you are a degenerate male! And Tenko will not let you and your impure intentions get to the girls! If you try anything, I will break you!"
He just wants his identity back, please don't break him. He breaks easily.
"Too loud..." Yumeno yawned and then slumped in her seat. "Hey, you being here is a pain so could you get out?"
It's not like he wanted this commotion either. He just went here to have breakfast and he honestly feels so attacked right now.
"No non! Don't go yet. Angie senses a divine aura from you!" Angie clasped her hands in prayer. "It's A-OKAY! If you're feeling lost, come to Atua and he will guide you."
He's not even surprised that he's already getting recruited upon supposedly their first meeting.
"And so adds another person to the number of people I will be observing." Shinguji chuckled lightly while covering is already masked mouth. "Ah, I wonder what kind of human you'd reveal yourself to be, kukuku..."
Okay? Sometimes he really wonders if Shinguji's okay.
"Oh, no. This is a problem." Shirogane settled her chin on her hand, contemplating. "We can't have two plain characters. That's just plain redundant."
Well he knows he doesn't have the most... unique face. But still, the way she says it makes it sound like an actual problem.
"I have checked my database of people whom I've previously met and you did not match with any of the IDs." Kiibo crossed his arms. "Please let us know who you are so I can update my records."
Not to sound robophobic but Saihara expected for at least Kiibo to recognize him. If even the robot's program couldn't identify him then this just confirms his fear that this was beyond his control.
"Hey, buddy you've been quiet. You okay?" Momota smiled reassuringly. "Don't freak out in front of us now. Relax, man. We're a loud bunch but I promise that we won't hurt you."
It's really hard not to freak out when you realize that your whole identity is centered around your ahoge.
"Answer if someone talks to you." Harukawa glared at him. "...Do you want to die?"
Whatever happened to that promise that they wouldn't hurt him?
"Guys, you're freaking the new guy out." Akamatsu "Still, it is kind of weird that you're only showing up now. Oh, it's not like I'm suspicious of you or anything! It's just... weird. Hmm, if only Saihara was here. He probably would have some theories."
But he's right here? Literally guys you don't have to look so hard.
"Has anyone seen him? He's never usually late for breakfast."
"Oh, pick me! Pick me! I toooootally saw him this morning!" Ouma "Hey! Look, it's Saihara-chan!"
Everyone turned their heads away from him and towards where he pointed at. Everyone except Saihara himself.
That's why Saihara saw. He saw Ouma take out Saihara's hat (he had been wondering where that went) and he saw... an ahoge on top of it. He saw Ouma wear it. He also saw Ouma smirk at him.
"Where? I don't see him at all."
"Hey guys! It's me! Totally Saihara-chan" Ouma declared oh so innocently despite his smile being anything but. He didn't even bother changing his voice. Or anything else for that matter. He's just wearing a hat with an ahoge ridiculously glued on top.
He can't possibly think he could pull this off.
"Oh, hey Saihara! Where were you, man?" Momota warmly greeted him.
Okay... But to be fair, Momota isn't the... sharpest so...
"Geez, you had us worry for a bit there. What took you so long?" Akamatsu pouted at him.
Not Akamatsu too?? Shit. This was happening.
"There is something... different about you today, Saihara." Kiibo pondered. "Oh but you match perfectly with my identification scanner so it just might be a slight bug."
How can Ouma wearing a dumb hat with ahoge match Saihara's profile? Is he just an ahoge in his ID?!
"It must be the clothes. I mean it's plain to see that this is Saihara since his signature ahoge is there." Shirogane proudly presented.
So he's really just an ahoge in their eyes. That's... kinda sad okay.
"Nishishi!" Oh, come on! Ouma's even doing his trademark laugh and no one's going to point out that inconsistency? Seriously? No one? "I thought I'd try a new look today! Since I'm always wearing emo clothes, I thought I'd spice things up a bit!"
Okay full offense taken. His clothes are black not emo. It's just a coincidence that it's a common color for emos. Hey, black is a general color, okay? He is not emo.
"It looks suspiciously like Ouma's." Harukawa pointed out. "You have poor taste."
That's all she's going to take away from that? His fashion sense?
"Well I happen to think that Ouma has ridculously good tastes! Supreme leader tastes! Godlike even!"
Please, won't anyone at least point out that Saihara will never in his lifetime praise Ouma.
"Angie doesn't know about that last part. Atua says that Ouma's tastes are just so so." Angie commented.
Again, focusing on the wrong specifics here.
"Ah, but one can argue that since Ouma's talent is being a supreme leader then does it not mean that technically he does possess supreme leader tastes? I admit that it's a mere technicality but it fits logic." Shinguji argued.
Hey so, Saihara isn't the most egocentric person there and he doesn't even like attention but can they get back to him? It's bad enough that they think a barely disguised Ouma is him but to get set aside in conversation too? Just when Saihara thought things couldn't get any sadder, it does.
"Does it really matter? They're both menaces! Changing one's clothes does not change the evil within." Tenko sneered.
He's desperate. He will take any insult as long as it changes the topic.
"Whatever. Can we eat already?" Yumeno huffed in annoyance.
Not really contributing to the conversation but at least it's not about Ouma. His standards have hit an all time low.
"Yes, I will get the food served shortly." Tojo politely bowed. "However, it would seem that Ouma is the one missing now."
Aaaaand we're back to talking about Ouma. The same Ouma who's masquerading in a discount costume of Saihara. The one and only Ouma who's snickering right now.
"Who gives a shit about Cockichi?! If the cock sucker wants to miss out on good food then it's his loss!" Iruma ranted.
While she does make a good point, Saihara hoped that someone would have at least noticed that Ouma only disappeared as soon as "Saihara" appeared. But he knew better now than to hope.
"Oh, no! But what if he starves? Gonta don't want friend hungry." Gonta said with genuine concern.
If Ouma really was a friend then he wouldn't be making Saihara suffer like this.
"Eh, he'll live. If he gets hungry, he knows where the food is." Hoshi shrugged. "Just let him run around as much as he want so we can have some peace here for once."
Except the only flaw in that plan is that Ouma is HERE. He's literally right here. Seriously, is it a detective thing that only Saihara is noticing all these discrepancies?
"That's right. Ignore poor Ouma and let him die a dog's death! Nobody likes him anyways! He's the worst!"
Well he's not wrong... But how can he say that so easily about himself??
"Wait. Something's been bothering me." Amami, who Saihara only noticed to be quiet all this time, suddenly spoke up. He wore the most serious expression ever seen on his face. He walked up to Ouma and placed his hand on the hat. It stayed there, gripped ever so tightly.
Could it be...?
"There." Amami said after twisting the cap just a few degrees. He was back to smiling as if a weight off his chest had been lifted. "I apologize for the glaring. It was crooked and I was debating on letting it be but as you can see I just couldn't stop myself, ahaha."
"Awww, it's okay! Thank you, Amami-chan!" Ouma blew him a flying kiss.
At this point, Saihara would have gladly welcomed death.
"Oh, by the way. I almost forgot!" Ouma suddenly turned to Saihara. Oh no. He's wearing that smile. The smile that never leads up to anything good. That shit-eating grin. Ouma is wearing it at full blast.
Saihara should have run when he had the chance.
"I have a theory on the new guy! He's obviously the mastermind because I said so. Listen. I'm a detective so I know what I'm doing. So let's all gang up on him, okay? Let's go, team!"
It was at that moment that Saihara knew he was fucked up.
"Oi, is that true? You think we got ourselves the mastermind, bro?"
"Hmm, Saihara said it so it can't be a lie."
"Let's kill that asshole! I'll fucking cut his dick into pieces!"
"Tenko too will destroy this menace!"
"Please, guys we're more civilized than that."
"Ahaha, let's listen to our leader. Maybe there's still room for negotiations."
"Nyeh, sounds like more work. Can't we just finish him off?"
"...I can kill him quickly but it wouldn't be as satisfying."
"Don't kill him off just yet. We still need information from him."
"It is not a request I haven't heard of... I believe I may be of assistance."
"If you require rope then I would gladly volunteer in tying our culprit up. I have learned of methods where it brings more pain than it does pleasure."
"Oh Gonta does not want to hurt anyone. But Gonta does not like it if this person has hurt friends."
"Well Atua says that this calls for a divine retribution nyahaha!"
"What a plot twist! A mastermind reveal during a filler episode!"
He didn't have to be detective to know that he wasn't going to survive if he stayed there any longer. So he bolted and ran far enough to lock himself in his room. Just outside he could hear his classmates rioting. He knew they weren't allowed to break the door and it seemed that they remembered that rule. He just wishes that Ouma would conveniently forget that he could lockpick doors. Speaking of which, he could hear his distinct laughter bouncing just outside. Atua, if you're out there please spare him.
Saihara already lost his ahoge and consequentially, his identity. He wasn't ready to lose his life too.
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