#literally only way out of this situation is praying to Allah for things to change
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sisterssafespace · 1 year
Asalamualaykum i hope you're well❤️. Once again i did something stupid. So im a very impulsive person tooo impulsive and it is really affect me deen wise. So last year i was attending concerts and other impermissible gatherings where music and alcohol and other drugs is and in those gatherings i would remove my niqab and hijab and wear things i shouldn't all because of my fmo and wanting to fit in with my non Muslim friends. I really cant help it especially when i feel pressured to attend. This year i told myself that i would not attend there was event that just passed it was supposed to be happening on Sunday and i told myself that i wouldn't get the tickets for it and i didn't. But there was event on Saturday and i went the whole of Saturday dodging my impulses to buy the tickets to go but then 2am Sunday morning i got tickets and went to the event (it ended at 5am) i compromised my deen again. My non Muslim friends were at both events and i mostly wanted to go to be with them both events. I am already someone who struggles with low emaan all the time. I dont pray ever because of procrastination and i do have the urge to i really do. The only time i prayed consistently ever was this year Ramadan and 2 months after. I had never felt so close to Allah and my deen than when i was praying consistently. I just feel so lost and that im destined for jahanam and i if carry on likes this there is no hope for me at all. I literally cannot to talk to anyone about this because im afraid of being judged by others and those close to me.
Wa alaykum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu dear,
Sübhanallah you sounded very aware of the situation in your ask. Your words reflected someone who's mature enough and smart enough to know right from wrong. You are also fully aware of the consequences of your actions and that you are - in your own words - compromising your deen. The good thing is that the feeling of guilt or regret that you feel afterwards, the unpleasant feeling that settles in your gut, that actually shows that you have a pure heart, you have a good nature, a good fitrah, you just get carried away and you let shaytan manipulate you sometimes. See if you weren't a good girl and if you didn't love Allah swt, if you had completely gone astray then you wouldn't be feeling this way.
Now, what are you going to do about the situation? I feel like there are 3 major points, all of them have been discussed and mentioned before on this page in previous asks:
1) Do not despair of Allah's mercy. As long as we are still breathing, as long as there is still rooh in us, Allah's door is always open and we can always come back.
2) Recognize the shaytan's traps and stay away from them - close the door that will lead you to relapsing/ sinning
3) Strengthen your Eman with your daily remembrance ( adhkar ) and duaas: you need to shield yourself and protect yourself with reciting your morning and evening adhkar, as you will be asking Allah swt to protect you from all evil, from shaytan, to forgive you, to guide you. Adhkar are a believer's best friend. Once you commit to them you will definitely feel the change in your life even in the smallest details. There are apps that provide these adhkar with translation and the app would even notify you to remind you to recite them.
Listen my dear, you are a smart girl Allahuma barik, all you have to do is not act upon your impulses. And as an impulsive person myself, I know from the experience that the way to control that is to be one step ahead + Taqwa (awareness and consciousness of Allah swt). How? As for being one step ahead or let's call it prevention, you need to clean out your environment just like someone detoxing their body for them not to get sick or someone who's gonna start a diet so they clear out their kitchen and fridge from anything that's unhealthy and might be tempting. Like as a simple example, I would delete that app for the concerts/events.. which is related to point 2. And if the weekend is coming and you can anticipate that your friends will go out and invite you, prepare yourself to say no, practice saying no, or just straight up tell them that you can no longer associate with such environments! Because sweetie at the end of the day, the friends that are going to make you sin and are going to take you away from Allah swt are not your friends. But to be completely honest, I don't blame your friends, at the end of the day they're non-muslims, from their perspective there is nothing wrong with going to these events for them. It is your responsibility to stand up for what you believe and what you represent. I bet it is also very confusing for your friends to see as this Muslim girl who just removes her niqab and hijab ( and her beliefs) for a couple of hours to have fun?? I am so sorry to tell you that it reflects such a bad image of Islam, which is not what we are supposed to represent! I am trying to look for the softest way possible to tell you this but please never do that again! I know you might be wearing the hijab and the niqab for a different reason, maybe it's a cultural thing, maybe it's not your fault you don't understand their value, their meaning and their sacredness, maybe you didn't choose to wear them in the first place but please respect your hijab, and your niqab, please do not violate their sanctity by associating with alcohol and concerts. It is really painful to know you are going through this. I feel like we need to have a long conversation about the meaning of hijab and the reason why Muslim women choose to wear the niqab, about their meaning, about the mothers of the believers, about the sahabiyat who gave their lives for us to be walking around today in our hijabs, and why Islam in one word means to submit to Allah swt and obey His orders.
I don't want to make this too long for you, I just want you to know that I am not judging you, no human being is perfect, no muslim is pious enough or religious enough not to sin and not to make mistakes, we are all sinners in different ways, it is just Allah's mercy and setr that is covering us. But please sweetie, you sound like a mature young lady who can be responsible and can make good choices. So please make the right ones. In Islam Halal is clear and Haram is clear. There are no blurred lines. And if you are old enough to concerts alone and pay for them alone, then you are old enough to make the right decisions.
One last word: whatever you do, do not quit praying, it is the prayer that holds that string between you and Allah swt, it is the prayer that washes away the sins. May Allah swt accept from you.
I am sorry if anything I said came off as harsh. I hesitated for days before I could write this answer because I didn't want to be overly dramatic or come off as brutal 💔 May Allah swt guide us all. I pray that Allah swt forgive me the shortage of my answer. I wrote from the heart, in shaa Allah I managed to write what Allah swt had inspired me to convey. I pray from the bottom of my heart that Allah swt shows you right from wrong and guides your heart, ameen. Please stick to your adhkar, make istighfar as much as you can and send prayers upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as well.
Here are a couple of duaas you can recite in your sujud:
رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغۡ قُلُوبَنَا بَعۡدَ إِذۡ هَدَيۡتَنَا وَهَبۡ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحۡمَةًۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلۡوَهَّابُ
Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestow.
يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
Oh turner of the hearts, keep my heart steadfast upon your deen.
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah 🥺.
- A. Z. 🍃🤍
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sub-matlabi · 6 months
I want to get married to someone. But that person has made it clear to me that they are not interested. Actually they backed out after agreeing. Everything was set, even the date was fixed but then they started making excuses and it ended so horribly that there is literally no hope or way for it to happen now. That person has hurt me a lot. I have suffered great personal and family loss because of them. I want to let it go and move on but It doesn’t seem to go away from my heart. I can’t let it go. Even when I try my best I still find myself feeling the same thing. It’s been almost a year. I have been looking for other proposals and as soon as my family finds a good match I will get married. This struggle in me confuses me. I believe that dua can change anything. I want to make dua for that person to come back to me. I know it sounds so weird and silly. Even I feel it funny as I write this but what to do with my heart which doesn’t give up. I want Allah to decide this matter for me now. I have waited so patiently for ramzan to come so that I can talk to Allah about it. What should I pray for in the last ten nights? I don’t know why I still want to get married to that person. I want to let it go but I can’t. Please tell me what should i do? What dua should i make? At times it weighs so heavy on my heart that I can’t stop crying. My desire to be loved and accepted by that person isn’t letting me move on. I am tired of fighting with myself. Last night I thought okay yr I surrender to this and I will make sincere dua to Allah to get married to them. It seems unlikely but my heart won’t give up. I’ve been making continuous Quranic dua for a righteous spouse but at times I ask Allah to make that person better for me. Just yesterday I offered 2 rakat nafal prayer specially to forget all of that and by isha i had such a severe anxiety and panic attack that I cried in prayer and asked Allah to send them back. I know that person doesn’t want to marry me at all. I know I will move on too. But what to do with these feelings and this hope and faith in dua. At times I can literally feel that person. Like I can literally feel that they have moved on and it hurts. I am learning to accept it. And i made dua that I stop sensing them. My heart feels attracted to them this is why i can sense them. I want it all to end and if it doesn’t then I want Allah to make us better for each other and unite us as spouse soon. Please help me understand all this and please make dua for me. I am in extreme emotional distress because of all this. Nobody seems to understand. And I cant explain it either. Please do reply and please give me sincere advice. May Allah bless you.
Assalamu Alaikum, Dear brother or sister! I hope I will be able to guide you. Reading all that you have mentioned I assume you already have a strong faith in dua, you are lost and cannot figure out what's right for you. Truth is that only dua can help you in this extreme situation where you are fighting with your nafs. You need to learn the way to make dua. Remember you have to put Allah swt before anyone else. When you are praying to him use his attributes that show his omnipotence. He likes to be called upon by his attributes. Recite surah doha on daily basis as it helps to calm down your heart. You must learn the duas of Hazrat Musa AS, Hazrat Salama AS, Hazrat Younas AS. These duas have helped me and many others alot. Seek for Allah's guidance. Ask him to bless you with a righteous spouse. Never stop praying. Pray to him again and again until you get married. Have strong faith in him. Even if you want the same person back in your life ask Allah SWT to bring him back but only if he is suitable for you. Remember that you have no idea if that person would have been the righteous spouse for you. So never ask Allah to give him back to you at any cost. Always pray that bring him back if he is the best match for me. Always ask him to bless you with the best in the dunya and akhira even if you think you don't deserve it. And please don't cry for human beings. It's not worth it. Cry only in front of Allah and only for him.
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b-lessings · 3 years
Hope you’re doing great Insha’Allah tala!
I’m struggling w/ something since long. I got into university in February. I take hijab as well as niqab alhamdulillah. But ever since my university started, I’m facing issues in making friends. Every other girls group has guys in them and it’s very hard for me to hang out w/ guys in the group (which isn’t even permissible). My friends from high school who are in university with me now have changed so much. Their thoughts and opinions have changed. I literally have no sincere friend ever since the university started and it’s actually getting hard for me now cuz I can’t even discuss things related to studies.
I get upset, anxious, stressed out. My heart feels so heavy. I just don’t know why. At times, I think of sitting with the girls in a group despite of the guys being there. But I just don’t know I just can’t do that. I’d want you to please remember me in your khaas dua’as and any advice you’d want give me.
Honestly, this dunya is such a jail for momin. It’s becoming so hard to live with all the fitnas around. My heart cries everytime and I just don’t know I feel like my will to live is ending.
Jazaakillah khair♥️
Wa Alaikum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu sister,
First of all, I just want to say congratulations on getting into university, that's a great accomplishment. And also, congratulations on wearing Hijab and Niqab Ma Sha Allah, Allahuma barik laki 🤍🤍 May Allah swt ease your path and keep you steadfast on his straight path, ameen.
Reading your ask, I remembered a post I saw recently that basically says that it is not easy to choose the path of Allah swt in our modern day world which is full of fitnah and sins tbh. So your feelings are very valid, the situation you are living is really difficult and you have all the right to feel saddened, upset and confused. And especially if you live in an environment where Muslims are not the majority, it gets even harder. (but even if you live in a Muslim majority country, it is still challenging, sübhanallah). I know and understand your need especially at this stage of your life and this age to belong, to relate to someone or a group of people, to be socially active, to be accepted and not marginalized, to enjoy yourself and your youth, to have a 'community' and it is incredibly hard when you don't find people with common principles and shared beliefs. But you CHOSE the path of Allah swt. In the eyes of Allah swt you are in a much higher ranking. And this could be your test. Allah swt could be testing your sincerity and your honesty in the lifestyle you have chosen, He could be testing how much you love Him and want to obey Him. So He is putting these temptations at your display to see which way you will go, are you still going to hold on to Allah's rope or give in to the worldly temptations. And it is well known that Allah swt saves his hardest tests to the best of his people. When you look at these friends of yours hanging out with guys and leading a fun life so simply with no complications, I want you to remind yourself that this life and that pleasure is only temporary, and that at the end of the day, when we stand before Allah swt on judgment day, what YOU ARE DOING right now by staying away from free mixing and respecting your islamic dress code and your faith, that's what matters, that's what is going to save you in shaa Allah. I promise you, these worldly pleasures have shaytan's scam drawn all over them. May Allah swt keep you steadfast on the straight path and protect you from Shaytan. Ameen. And I know free-mixing is one the biggest fitnahs but worst case scenario, if you really had to interact with them, you should still remain respectful and within the limits that Allah swt allows. Kheir in shaa Allah sister.
As for the loneliness, I feel for you, but do not despair my dear. Allah swt says in surat Ta Ha (20:46) Do not fear, indeed, I am with you, all hearing and all seeing. As a matter of fact, you have Allah swt by your side, you CHOSE Allah swt as your companion. Allah's words (the Quran) could be your best friend. Here's a tip, I don't know if you can carry a small book of the Quran in your purse or bag wherever you go but you can download your favorite recitations on your phone, and whenever you are community, going in or back from uni, you can just put your earphones on and listen to them, for it will bring your heart peace and contentment in shaa Allah. And I know as humans we always feel the need for socializing and exchanging stories, you can use Tumblr for that, you can post alllllll the stories you need/ want, talk about your day, interact with sisters who not only will in shaa Allah understand you but also might be going thru the same thing and struggles as you, and thus, could help out bi ithnLlah. You can also read books, listen to podcasts etc. It is definitely beneficial for your knowledge and personel development but also, it will distract you from all the fitnah going on around you, my dear sister.
Finally, I don't want to make this too long for you, but I have one quick tip, when it gets too hard, remind yourself that you are doing this for the sake of Allah swt, the almighty, the wadud (ever loving), the gracious, the most kind, the most gentle, the one who is waiting for us to run to Him,talk to Him, confine in Him, so that He will in shaa Allah please us and comfort us. Please think of this my dear sister. I pray that Allah swt fill your heart with strength and sabr, I pray He enable you to see the truth and the fakeness of the worldly pleasures, and keep you steadfast on his straight path. You are living your own Jihad journey my dear, and you will be in shaa Allah rewarded with the biggest blessings. Ameen 🤍.
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Humans Are Weird: Women’s Edition Side Stories
Up until second part of this story is what happened to me today at school. I’m not even kidding. This literally happened. Just imagine me as our story’s main character and this is essentially what happened.
By the way, I go to an American university, but this side story takes place in Jordan because that’s where Fatima’s family currently lives.
Aisha sat in class as Dr. Whitethorn lectured about grant funding and how to differentiate legitimate from predatory scientific conferences. Aisha glanced up to her left, taking a quick look at the clock. Only two o’clock. Hope we get out of class early, she thought before glancing back at the lecture slides.
Again, Aisha’s mind wandered away; she was not interested in today’s lecture. Instead of listening, she people-watched from her seat near the door that gave her a clear view of the well-lit hallway and dimly-lit space between her class and the one a yard across from her. However, she tried to focus on the lecture, on knowing the red flags of predatory scams included no official conference website, no conference committee, etc, etc... And her mind wandered again to the door, but only to catch a glimpse of a blond young man dressed in black lurking outside of the other classroom. What’s that guy doing? Is that a gun? Aisha tired to catch a glimpse of the telltale bright orange gun tip of BB guns on the young man’s gun; she desperately prayed within the next five seconds to spot the bright orange tip that she was not seeing—
Suddenly the man rushed into the classroom across from hers and shouted “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!” followed by a loud THUMP. Panicked, Aisha and her class rushed to the blackboard, hiding from the sight of the gunman. In that split second, Aisha thought whether she should grab her jacket; should she grab all her belongings; should be barricade the door with the chairs? She was fucking terrified, just like the rest of her class.
Huddled in the corner with her classmates, Aisha pulled out her Comm Dev and half-whispered to Dr. Whitethorn: “Should I call the police?!”
Dr. Whitethorn nodded. “Yes, I don’t have my phone on me.” Just as she spoke, another THUMP sounded and Aisha, with trembling fingers, tried to recall how to type in 211 into her Comm Dev.
The next three seconds were agonizing as her Comm Dev rang once and a calm woman’s voice sounded on the other side of the communication. “211, what’s your emergency?”
Aisha, her voice trembling as much as the rest of her body, stammered. “A-A man with-with a-a g-gun just walked into the classroom across from us... H-He yelled—” I don’t remember what he yelled, something like ‘get down’ or ‘get down on the ground’, but maybe I imagined that? Oh no. Everyone’s hushing me, telling me to whisper. I need to learn to whisper. “—and then a-a sound—”
The 211-operator asked, “Ma’am, where are you located?”
“T-The fourth f-floor of the main building, of the U-University of Jo-Jordan.”
“Ma’am, I don’t know where that is. What is the address?”
Shit, what is the address? “I don’t know the address. It’s just the main building. T-The fourth floor.”
“What street is it on? Al Jama’a?”
“I don’t know. Oh—” Jennifer, who Aisha was huddled against, had pulled up the address of the school. “Queen Rania St 275, Amman.”
“Can you say the address again, ma’am? 27—”
“275, Queen Rania—Wait.”
“WE’RE OKAY!” Just as Aisha tried to finish the address again, Jonathan walked into the room and announced they were safe from the gunman because the young man wasn’t a real gunman.
“It’s not real,” she said as a relief washed over her.
“Ma’am, what’s going on?” the 211-operator asked.
“It wasn’t real,” she replied, still trembling, but with a lighter heart.
“Are you sure?”
Aisha paused and captured bits and pieces of what Jonathan was saying to them. “Y-Yes, it was a-a drill for the other class. Oh Allah. That wasn’t funny. We’re okay. It’s okay.”
“Okay ma’am.” And that ended the communication.
Aisha and her class spent the next ten to fifteen minutes getting their nerves back and laughing at themselves over the whole incident.
“So, what was that about?” “I didn’t even see the gun. I just heard him yelling.” “Apparently, it was an A.L.I.C.E. training for the Introducing University Life course.” “God, that was terrifying.” “The guy from the other class is going to come over later to talk to us about what happened.”
Dr. Whitethorn said to Aisha “I didn’t even know what was happening. I was just watching the expressions on your face change.”
Aisha nervously laughed, most of her trembling having subsided by then. “Yeah, I was looking for the yellow-orange thing that goes on BB guns.”
“It was a BB gun?!”
“No, I was looking for the orange, bright tip thing that goes on top. I was hoping it was a toy.”
Samira, from the seat beside Aisha, laughed. “I didn’t even know he had a gun until you said so.”
Aisha shook her head and giggled. “That was the only reason I was making those faces.”
Sarah and Janet, on the other side of the room, added to the conversation. Sarah said, “We were going to barricade the door with the table.”
Janet nodded, “Yeah, we were going to do it in another minute.”
Aisha felt relief that she wasn’t the only one thinking about barricading the door, but they had a better idea on how to do it.
Jennifer then jumped into the conversation, saying, “I was debating whether or not to bring my things with me—”
“Oh, that’s a smart idea,” Dr. Whitethorn interjected.
“—Yeah, like, I didn’t want him to know people were in here.”
Then Rachel added, “I literally texted my mom ‘I love you’ during the whole thing. She texted back me back, ‘You know this is your mom, right?’ Like, I know you are.” They all burst into laughter and talked and talked, letting out nerves, shared thoughts, and relief.
After another few minutes, Dr. Whitethorn tried to steer them back to the lecture slides, but Aisha’s mind definitely did not want to focus anymore. Aisha was focused on people-watching again; she watched as the other class let out and impatiently waited for whoever was supposed to talk to them about the fake gunman.
Eventually, a large, imposing man, a least foot taller than the student who played the gunman. The man knocked on the door, giving Dr. Whitethorn a scare, before she invited him into the room to introduce himself to their class. “Hello everyone,” he began as he put his bag down on the nearby recycling bin, “I am Sergeant Richard Qasim and I am impressed by all of you. Never in my career have I seen anyone, any class, act like you all did. No one, especially not from one of my classes, has reacted so strongly and correctly at the prospect of a potential shooter.” Sgt. Qasim continued to praise them and explain how what happened earlier was part of an advanced A.L.I.C.E. training for the other class. He explained how A.L.I.C.E. stood for alert, lockdown, inform, counter, and evacuate; he told them about the university’s first responders app; and then he gave them future advice on barricading the door using the table and Comm Dev connection cables. After a few laughs and complaints, including showing them how the gun was a bold navy blue toy gun and a black handgun, he parted ways with them after he praised them more for their quick actions.
“Well,” Dr. Whitethorn began, “I don’t suppose anyone feels like finishing class. Everyone’s nerves are still running high.” Aisha and her classmates voiced their agreements. “Alright class, I’ll see you next time.” And, with that, class was dismissed.
“A FAKE GUNMAN?! WHAT?!” Aisha’s mother, Fatima, practically screamed during their FaceSpeak session on Aisha’s Comm Dev.
Aisha laughed, trying to reassure her mother, “Mama, I’m okay. We’re all okay—”
“—Silence, you are not okay, you empty head! They should have warned your class! You’re still trembling even now. No, I can see you are still afraid, habibti. I’m going to file a complaint to the university—”
“And what, Mama? You’re, like, thirty-seven billion light years away. I’m fine. I’ll be fine, Mama. Besides, I only go to the university for my advanced courses two days out of the week. Sorry Mama, I have to go. I need to wake up early for school tomorrow. See you. Love you. Bye.
Fatima groaned at the blank Comm screen after her daughter cut their FaceSpeak session early. Reclining in her office chair, Fatima wondered where Aisha got her free-natured spirit from. Well, she is just beginning her teenage years, Fatima thought, the child’s bound to brush things like this off. Kids always feel like they’re invincible. Sighing, Fatima stood and stretched her body, trying to rid herself of her worries, though she knew that would be impossible. Aisha was her only child, born from her child-marriage, and the light of her life. No one could compare to her little Aisha, her beautiful child. Then again, I don’t let that many people into my heart in the first place.
“Fatima,” Lt. Gen. Vallion poke their head into her office. “I have a problem.” Vallion’s ears were drooped and she could hear their tail swishing the air behind them.
Smiling, Fatima asked, “And what is the problem?” as she grabbed her hoodie and walked over to them.
Vallion remained hesitant until she was by their side. “...I accidentally threw Noor’s favorite sweater into the incinerator. I didn’t mean it! The sweater was already in the disposables bin, but you know how she can sometimes just leave things lying around...”
Unable to stifle her laughter, Fatima assured Vallion she would help them out. “First, you need to search for an equally high-quality sweater to replace the one you destroyed. The higher the quality, the more likely she’ll forgive you. Second, you need to apologize and explain the situation.”
“But she’s as scary as you when you’re pissed at me,” Vallion whined, anguishing over their dilemma.
She rolled her eyes. “And you are the superior officer, so I don’t know why you’re being such as pussyfoot. C’mon, Mx. Lt. Gen. Vallion.” Squarely smacking them in the back, Fatima couldn’t help thinking how different her life now was.  I don’t let that many people into my heart, but the ones I do let in are always the best.
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snowwolf1118 · 7 years
Humans Are Weird: Women’s Edition Side Stories
Up until second part of this story is what happened to me today at school. I’m not even kidding. This literally happened. Just imagine me as our story’s main character and this is essentially what happened.
By the way, I go to an American university, but this side story takes place in Jordan because that’s where Fatima’s family currently lives.
Aisha sat in class as Dr. Whitethorn lectured about grant funding and how to differentiate legitimate from predatory scientific conferences. Aisha glanced up to her left, taking a quick look at the clock. Only two o’clock. Hope we get out of class early, she thought before glancing back at the lecture slides.
Again, Aisha’s mind wandered away; she was not interested in today’s lecture. Instead of listening, she people-watched from her seat near the door that gave her a clear view of the well-lit hallway and dimly-lit space between her class and the one a yard across from her. However, she tried to focus on the lecture, on knowing the red flags of predatory scams included no official conference website, no conference committee, etc, etc... And her mind wandered again to the door, but only to catch a glimpse of a blond young man dressed in black lurking outside of the other classroom. What’s that guy doing? Is that a gun? Aisha tired to catch a glimpse of the telltale bright orange gun tip of BB guns on the young man’s gun; she desperately prayed within the next five seconds to spot the bright orange tip that she was not seeing—
Suddenly the man rushed into the classroom across from hers and shouted “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!” followed by a loud THUMP. Panicked, Aisha and her class rushed to the blackboard, hiding from the sight of the gunman. In that split second, Aisha thought whether she should grab her jacket; should she grab all her belongings; should be barricade the door with the chairs? She was fucking terrified, just like the rest of her class.
Huddled in the corner with her classmates, Aisha pulled out her Comm Dev and half-whispered to Dr. Whitethorn: “Should I call the police?!”
Dr. Whitethorn nodded. “Yes, I don’t have my phone on me.” Just as she spoke, another THUMP sounded and Aisha, with trembling fingers, tried to recall how to type in 211 into her Comm Dev.
The next three seconds were agonizing as her Comm Dev rang once and a calm woman’s voice sounded on the other side of the communication. “211, what’s your emergency?”
Aisha, her voice trembling as much as the rest of her body, stammered. “A-A man with-with a-a g-gun just walked into the classroom across from us... H-He yelled—” I don’t remember what he yelled, something like ‘get down’ or ‘get down on the ground’, but maybe I imagined that? Oh no. Everyone’s hushing me, telling me to whisper. I need to learn to whisper. “—and then a-a sound—”
The 211-operator asked, “Ma’am, where are you located?”
“T-The fourth f-floor of the main building, of the U-University of Jo-Jordan.”
“Ma’am, I don’t know where that is. What is the address?”
Shit, what is the address? “I don’t know the address. It’s just the main building. T-The fourth floor.”
“What street is it on? Al Jama’a?”
“I don’t know. Oh—” Jennifer, who Aisha was huddled against, had pulled up the address of the school. “Queen Rania St 275, Amman.”
“Can you say the address again, ma’am? 27—”
“275, Queen Rania—Wait.”
“WE’RE OKAY!” Just as Aisha tried to finish the address again, Jonathan walked into the room and announced they were safe from the gunman because the young man wasn’t a real gunman.
“It’s not real,” she said as a relief washed over her.
“Ma’am, what’s going on?” the 211-operator asked.
“It wasn’t real,” she replied, still trembling, but with a lighter heart.
“Are you sure?”
Aisha paused and captured bits and pieces of what Jonathan was saying to them. “Y-Yes, it was a-a drill for the other class. Oh Allah. That wasn’t funny. We’re okay. It’s okay.”
“Okay ma’am.” And that ended the communication.
Aisha and her class spent the next ten to fifteen minutes getting their nerves back and laughing at themselves over the whole incident.
“So, what was that about?” “I didn’t even see the gun. I just heard him yelling.” “Apparently, it was an A.L.I.C.E. training for the Introducing University Life course.” “God, that was terrifying.” “The guy from the other class is going to come over later to talk to us about what happened.”
Dr. Whitethorn said to Aisha “I didn’t even know what was happening. I was just watching the expressions on your face change.”
Aisha nervously laughed, most of her trembling having subsided by then. “Yeah, I was looking for the yellow-orange thing that goes on BB guns.”
“It was a BB gun?!”
“No, I was looking for the orange, bright tip thing that goes on top. I was hoping it was a toy.”
Samira, from the seat beside Aisha, laughed. “I didn’t even know he had a gun until you said so.”
Aisha shook her head and giggled. “That was the only reason I was making those faces.”
Sarah and Janet, on the other side of the room, added to the conversation. Sarah said, “We were going to barricade the door with the table.”
Janet nodded, “Yeah, we were going to do it in another minute.”
Aisha felt relief that she wasn’t the only one thinking about barricading the door, but they had a better idea on how to do it.
Jennifer then jumped into the conversation, saying, “I was debating whether or not to bring my things with me—”
“Oh, that’s a smart idea,” Dr. Whitethorn interjected.
“—Yeah, like, I didn’t want him to know people were in here.”
Then Rachel added, “I literally texted my mom ‘I love you’ during the whole thing. She texted back me back, ‘You know this is your mom, right?’ Like, I know you are.” They all burst into laughter and talked and talked, letting out nerves, shared thoughts, and relief.
After another few minutes, Dr. Whitethorn tried to steer them back to the lecture slides, but Aisha’s mind definitely did not want to focus anymore. Aisha was focused on people-watching again; she watched as the other class let out and impatiently waited for whoever was supposed to talk to them about the fake gunman.
Eventually, a large, imposing man, a least foot taller than the student who played the gunman. The man knocked on the door, giving Dr. Whitethorn a scare, before she invited him into the room to introduce himself to their class. “Hello everyone,” he began as he put his bag down on the nearby recycling bin, “I am Sergeant Richard Qasim and I am impressed by all of you. Never in my career have I seen anyone, any class, act like you all did. No one, especially not from one of my classes, has reacted so strongly and correctly at the prospect of a potential shooter.” Sgt. Qasim continued to praise them and explain how what happened earlier was part of an advanced A.L.I.C.E. training for the other class. He explained how A.L.I.C.E. stood for alert, lockdown, inform, counter, and evacuate; he told them about the university’s first responders app; and then he gave them future advice on barricading the door using the table and Comm Dev connection cables. After a few laughs and complaints, including showing them how the gun was a bold navy blue toy gun and a black handgun, he parted ways with them after he praised them more for their quick actions.
“Well,” Dr. Whitethorn began, “I don’t suppose anyone feels like finishing class. Everyone’s nerves are still running high.” Aisha and her classmates voiced their agreements. “Alright class, I’ll see you next time.” And, with that, class was dismissed.
“A FAKE GUNMAN?! WHAT?!” Aisha’s mother, Fatima, practically screamed during their FaceSpeak session on Aisha’s Comm Dev.
Aisha laughed, trying to reassure her mother, “Mama, I’m okay. We’re all okay—”
“—Silence, you are not okay, you empty head! They should have warned your class! You’re still trembling even now. No, I can see you are still afraid, habibti. I’m going to file a complaint to the university—”
“And what, Mama? You’re, like, thirty-seven billion light years away. I’m fine. I’ll be fine, Mama. Besides, I only go to the university for my advanced courses two days out of the week. Sorry Mama, I have to go. I need to wake up early for school tomorrow. See you. Love you. Bye.
Fatima groaned at the blank Comm screen after her daughter cut their FaceSpeak session early. Reclining in her office chair, Fatima wondered where Aisha got her free-natured spirit from. Well, she is just beginning her teenage years, Fatima thought, the child’s bound to brush things like this off. Kids always feel like they’re invincible. Sighing, Fatima stood and stretched her body, trying to rid herself of her worries, though she knew that would be impossible. Aisha was her only child, born from her child-marriage, and the light of her life. No one could compare to her little Aisha, her beautiful child. Then again, I don’t let that many people into my heart in the first place.
“Fatima,” Lt. Gen. Vallion poke their head into her office. “I have a problem.” Vallion’s ears were drooped and she could hear their tail swishing the air behind them.
Smiling, Fatima asked, “And what is the problem?” as she grabbed her hoodie and walked over to them.
Vallion remained hesitant until she was by their side. “...I accidentally threw Noor’s favorite sweater into the incinerator. I didn’t mean it! The sweater was already in the disposables bin, but you know how she can sometimes just leave things lying around...”
Unable to stifle her laughter, Fatima assured Vallion she would help them out. “First, you need to search for an equally high-quality sweater to replace the one you destroyed. The higher the quality, the more likely she’ll forgive you. Second, you need to apologize and explain the situation.”
“But she’s as scary as you when you’re pissed at me,” Vallion whined, anguishing over their dilemma.
She rolled her eyes. “And you are the superior officer, so I don’t know why you’re being such as pussyfoot. C’mon, Mx. Lt. Gen. Vallion.” Squarely smacking them in the back, Fatima couldn’t help thinking how different her life now was.  I don’t let that many people into my heart, but the ones I do let in are always the best.
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ninequestions9 · 6 years
Vivek, 33, Energy Engineer
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
Finding something deep and meaningful like in terms of a relationship. I meet a ton of people, but a lot of people that I meet seem superficial and don’t really put themselves out there and make themselves vulnerable. They just put on this perfect facade and sort of stay closed off. It’s really hard to find people who are genuine with whom you can forge a meaningful connection. This is not just a relationship or a girlfriend, it’s friends or people in general. Not saying that I haven’t met people like that, it’s just challenging and it’s frustrating when it doesn’t happen as easily as it used to back home or when I was in college or school where you were around people most of the time. It was just easier to make that connection, but once you start working in a big city and there’s just so many people it’s just not easy. Something I’m working on, but I get frustrated sometimes.
2. What trait do you wish you most had?
I wish I was a better artist. I’m an engineer so I’m very Type-A. I’m good at math and I’m good at figuring out how things work. I feel like my education kind of stunted my artistic skills. So I started playing music when I was in high school and that was one way of expressing my artistic side, but my parents never really encouraged it because they were all like “Study, study, study! Do your math and science! Do your engineering! Focus on that. This is not going to earn you any money.” But they didn’t realize that art helps you form your personality and shapes you as a person. I’m still a decent musician, I just wish I was better. I also took up dancing later on in life and that’s another way of expressing myself. I just wish I was better at it.
3. What are 3 characteristics you look for in a friend?
Ambition and drive. Like someone who is driven like me. Someone who I feel inspired to be around because I believe you are really the top 5 people that you hang out with and I like hanging out with people that have this fire inside them like “I want to do this,” so that inspires me. That’s not the top priority, but that’s one of the things I like to look for in someone. Someone who is empathetic, able to understand, is a good listener. Someone who is dependable and who is there for you and just not a flake or whatever. You could be the best person on earth, but if you’re not around there’s no point in having you as a friend.
4. What makes you feel brave?
I feel like my upbringing and my education are things that really shaped me and I feel like I can take on anything that’s thrown my way. I’ve faced significant challenges getting to where I am right now and the only reason I’ve been able to get to where I am is because I was raised the right way and I got a good education, thanks to my family. Honestly, I feel like I can take on any challenge thanks to my educational experience.
    A challenge I faced, for example, was moving here and assimilating into society. That was a big challenge for me. I never really fit in initially and then I had to figure out how people in this country work. Not literally, but you know, what makes them tick. What people look for and what you need to do in order to be accepted by society. Like how do you behave? I’m from a completely different culture and I just did not fit in here. Figuring that out was a big challenge and once I figured that out, I was pretty proud of myself. Now I can be Indian when I want to and be American when I want to and I can just switch back and forth. It’s not a big deal.
5. What makes you feel vulnerable?
*I accidentally skipped this question. Oops*
6. What was your proudest moment?
Finishing grad school. I struggled a lot before I entered grad school and I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to finish. It was really, really hard and I felt like the stupidest guy in class because everyone else was so smart around me. I was somehow able to pull all nighters and do whatever it took to get my grades up and graduate and get a job when the economy was at its worst. I was one of the first people to get a job in my graduating class; I was very proud of that. Just being able to make it on my own, stand on my two feet in a new country was my proudest moment so I could tell my family “Hey, I can fly away now! I have my wings! I’m good!”
7. Who is your role model / hero and why?
My dad. He’s really shaped my personality and a lot of things I do and a lot of things that I know right now is thanks to him. He’s very frugal, he’s very disciplined and he gave up a lot in his life so that his children could have more. Even now, he has a decent amount of money he could roam the world, he can do whatever he wants, but he’s still very principled and disciplined and he still wants to leave as much for us as he can after he’s gone. I really appreciate that. How can he be so selfless? He is my role model. I aspire to be like him. I aspire to be selfless, generous, and kind like him.
8. What is one life lesson you’d like to pass down to future generations?
Don’t be afraid to venture outside your comfort zone. Don’t live in a little bubble.  It’s ok to make mistakes. That’s how you learn. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Life’s too short to not have adventures.
    I was in this relationship for like 6 years, 19 to 25, I was afraid to step outside. I was in my bubble. I was afraid to go out, try new things. I was afraid to step into a bar because it was just outside my comfort zone. Then eventually my friends coaxed me out of my shell. They were like “It’s ok! You can go out! You can meet people! It’s not a big deal. You can make friends here.” That’s what I did! And I’m so glad I broke out of that rut and that pattern and I just picked up so many different hobbies that really helped shape my personality. I’m really glad I did that and I’m really glad I had that network of friends that pulled me out of my shell.
9. What is your opinion of Jesus?
Good old JC! So I’m not religious. I feel like it’s a great story, but that’s all it is. The reason we got religion in the first place is so that we have a set of rules that everyone can follow and trust each other. Humans can only have 150 people in a network. It’s scientific. That’s the number of people you can keep track of. After 150 you just can’t keep track of people. So when our villages started getting bigger and bigger, we needed some sort of rule or laws. Like who decides when you get married, who decides what to do and all those questions that we face in daily life. Who writes them down? That’s when religion came in, but how are these laws going to be enforced? There’s got to be some sort of punisher god. An invisible force that punishes you when you break the law. So that’s how the whole concept started, but it just went too far. Which is why we have the situation right now where people are killing each other over religion. They’re like “My religion is better than your religion. Jesus is better than Allah! Blah blah blah.” I’m like “No, it’s all a made up story.” You’re not going anywhere after you die. You’re not going to heaven or anything. That shit’s stupid! It’s all made up! If you believe all this then fine but it really doesn’t mean anything. At the end of the day just be a good person. That’s what really matters. It doesn’t matter who you pray to or whatever you do. That’s just my take on it. Damn, Jesus, great story, but I wouldn’t change my life around some book. The book says something sure, but I’m not going to follow it. If there is scientific evidence that might benefit me, sure, but if not, no. Science always trumps religion. I’m just too practical.
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The reason I am taking a break from blogging is because i dont feel comfortable anymore talking about my life here. I am not such an open person; I prefer keepimg things to myself. It is only him who id talk to and a few bits and bites with other people rarely maybe! Although everything I have blogged about till now, I am cool with it and if i ever feel like somethings worth making a post about and havung it engraved online over here I sure will I guess
Few things have been stuck in my head. One is that in one of my old posts I said that it just feels like we stopped talking and nothing else. Well i dont think it is as simple as it sounds. Because its not just that. Not talking comes with a lot of other situations which are handled way too diffetently. Many of which pierces through my heart and is way too painful to have to accept. But long story short, we are not what we are anymore, atleast not right now. He is not ‘mine’ to call and literally everyone else in his life is technically closer to him and more accessible for him than I am. And God, that makes me feel so jealous.. Its so hard to be okay with this fact. I find myself almost at the verge of questioning life as to what have i done to be at this place but.. It is for Allah’s sake so yes I should leave it to Him and just pray and have patience.
Another thing is that. There is really not much I can do about us.. Other than to wait for him. I really can’t think of something i could possible do for us; even if there is anything, I think there is more to what he should take care of.
BUT, here is what I think i should do. Infact I think it is my responsibility/ duty. I owe it. NOT to him only though but to everyone else who loves me. Definitely my family. And I think also people like my friends and others at uni I will have to encounter on a daily basis.
So let’s come to the point. I think I should thrive to be a better humanbeing. That includes improving on a religious level, improving academically, improving my personality in general. As for friends and colleagues, it is about team work and helping each other out, being there for someone in need if within your capability. As for family, it is letting my parents know that they have raised a good person and so much more. As for him, it is not being any less than what he deserves, what I want him to have in life, of being responsible for whom his kids may call mom one day inshaAllah and.. So much more again! I feel like i should always thrive to get better. This means being hard-working, acquiring more skills, contributing in a positive way around you.
Another thing is that, in one of his blogs he was talking about having problems of directing his blogs towards me, as if he was talking to me. This is something very hard to control and I think no one will understand what he meant more than I will. So to make it easy for both of us, and also to add to that the reasons I put forward as to why Im not so comfortable blogging, I decided to not use tumblr regularly. When we were together, i used to feel the strong -need- to always make sure we maintain communication. As much as communication is a two person thing, I still used to believe that if any one person puts the extra effort and sincerely holds onto every chance of staying in touch, things will be fine. I still believe so. Now, me believing in such an idea does not really mean I fancy it or like it but whatever. Whats inportant to realize over here is that it should not be the case now. We are not together anymore. As much as i want to know every tiny detail about him all the time 24 7; I am not entitled to get all that information anymore. And I should accept it and act like it - whether i like it or not - And like i said, no, i dont like it but yeah.. And the only way I make it easier for myself to accept that is by using tumblr less; not regularly. That way i believe he can blog knowing its uncertain if i am going to read it anytime soon and also I get to realize over and over again, with a heavy heart that things have changed!
Okay so when I was talking about how there’s only so less I think i can do other than to wait, I also had to add to that about how i keep thinking about the past from time to time and it draws a lot, let me repeat, A LOT of emotions. Once again, there is not anything i can do about them and i should pray to Him and leave all these emotions behind and just have Sabr (patience).
Also, today is the first day I am fasting. Yes, like after missing out on 21 days of Ramadan this year and over 4 weeks of not praying. Here i am! So thats why I had to blog. Needed to leave a mark!
Also, this Eid, inshaAllah we might spend it in Makkah. I am looking forward to it!
Finishing the Quran will not be possible I think. I mean its not impossible actually but i dont think i have it in me to do so but inshaAllah lets see. I will keep reciting and giving it my best. One thing i often see is how we often feel like its just these 30 days you get a chance to finish the Quran. Like its now or never typa shit! I mean cmon, Ramadan does end but life goes on. Turn to the next page and keep reciting feom the Quran everyday even after Ramadan. You will finish it eventually. For many of us, we hardly spend enough time reciting if any page at all throughout the year and suring Ramadan wr aim to finish the whole thing -which is not bad though- but what is bad is how IF we arennot able to do so we feel like its the end if the world. Feel like such failures. That is so wrong. Obly people who spend significant amount of their time reciting Quran and finishing it every year might feel bad if specifically during the month of Ramadan they were not able to do so for any reason. Ugh ok enough..
And as for working out, I just worked ou for 2 days so far and I am having all positive vibes in me. InshaAllah I will be able to get very regular at it. The thing with me is this is not new for me. I lose significant amount of weight every vacation. 6 kgs is a minimum! But the thing is that very thought can sometimes make me overconfident! Also another thing is the slow result. From my experience, in the beginning when you start working out you hardly see changes but what is important at this stage is that you go on. Carry on. If you dont see any weught changes, i think it is better to focus on the mental soothing working out brings about. I mean its not all about losing weight. It also cleanses your soul. You get to relax! Its more like at the start, you have the 'stubborn weight’ which doesnt drop but once it DOES, and you carry on, it just keeps dropping way easily. So you just need to hang in there. Working out also teaches patience which i really like and need veing such a perfectionist.
So now to end this post. Good thing i brought the fact about me being a perfectionist up cause this is where i need it. Being a perfectionist, wanting that perfect life. Well, ik this life is not perfect; it is not aupposed to be. But then there is still some sanity you can pray for, you can wish for perfection to an extent. And right now it is the complete opposite of “perfection”. It is like not 'zero’ perfection but more like the scales have moved to the negative markings! And that disturbs me so much..!
Aha. Thats it for now! :)
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quranreadalong · 7 years
#27, Surah 4
That last wife-beating ayah was pretty heavy, I know. Fortunately, today’s section is less about how to discipline your disobedient wives and more about how disbelievers suck. It almost feels refreshing, doesn’t it? Surah four’s been pretty light on it so far, but the chapter is still young.
4:35 mentions a sort of Islamic marriage counseling via proxy, where, in the event that a man and his wife seem to be unhappy or headed for divorce, mediators from members of both of their families meet and decide whether this issue should result in the marriage continuing or being dissolved. Neutral enough (although in practice it often results in the woman being goaded into staying in an unhappy or unsafe situation tbh).
The next ayah is one of those verses, common throughout surah four, that is fine until you reach the very end:
And serve Allah. Ascribe no thing as partner unto Him. (Show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and unto the neighbour who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbour who is not of kin, and the fellow-traveller and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess.
Well........ we’re just gonna ignore that whole “be nice to the human being you are enslaving” part and put this down as good with an asterisk. Anyway, the next ayah continues this train of thought, condemning greed, but then shifts into kuffar hell counter (1) territory without warning:
For disbelievers We prepare a shameful doom
So repetitive and we’re barely 500 ayat into the Quran. The next ayah is basically a rephrasing of this one, saying again that greedy people and those who “believe not in Allah nor the Last Day” are hellbound and friends of Satan. In contrast, 4:39 says that Muslims have nothing to fear from death, which is neutral on its own. 4:40 is even good on its own, saying that Allah rewards good deeds (of Muslims). You already know where this is going:
But how (will it be with them) when We bring of every people a witness, and We bring thee (O Muhammad) a witness against these?  On that day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger will wish that they were level with the ground, and they can hide no fact from Allah.
Allah sent Mohammed to judge the disbelievers, so follow Mohammed or suffer eternally to the point you’ll wish you were six feet under. Bad and another kuffar hell counter update (2).
4:43 tells Muslims that they can’t pray if they’ve been in contact with gross or icky things lately, like poop or their wife’s vagina. This is a reference to purification/ablution/whatever you wish to call it, which is accomplished with water. The full ablution is termed ghusl, while wudu is basically lesser ablution, ie washing less of your body. Tayamum is the term for ablution that can be done if you don’t have any water handy. The Quran barely mentions any of these things; their instructions are in the ahadith.
There are many reasons why one might need to purify oneself via one of the above methods. The reasons one needs to perform wudu are especially petty. Like........ passing gas. Lo! Allah loveth not those who smell of Taco Bell. Allah also does not want to hear your prayers if you’ve had sex, done some other sexual activity (including wet dreams!), or had your period without sufficiently cleansing yourself. You have to take this bath that has various steps first. Hope you don’t have any urgent prayers the moment your period stops!! (I should mention that the phrasing of this--if “ye have touched women”--causes some Islamic scholars to think you need to perform ablution if you’ve literally even touched a woman, so that’s cute.)
Now let’s talk about the disbelievers a bit. 4:44 reminds us, as we have been told many times before, that Jews are trying to lead Muslims astray. The next ayah names such people enemies. Don’t worry, Allah will deal with them. Bad.
Speaking of Jews, they suck.
Some of those who are Jews change words from their context and say: "We hear and disobey; hear thou as one who heareth not" and "Listen to us!" distorting with their tongues and slandering religion. If they had said: "We hear and we obey: hear thou, and look at us" it had been better for them, and more upright. But Allah hath cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, save a few.
Dumb Jews refuse to obey Mohammed, save a few. (We will talk about the, like, three converted Jewish guys who are “the few” in a little while.) They are cursed, as we have established 100 times by now. But remember this “we hear and disobey” thing? We were told Moses’ disbelieving followers said it, and now Mohammed’s contemporary Jews say it, too. Also, the “Listen to us!” thing was also in the second surah--Mohammed forbade his followers from saying it. Islamic scholars believed it involved some shifty wordplay on the Jews’ part, but no one could ever figure out what wordplay.
The following verse is also talking about Jews, and note that Mo’s already piss-poor attitude towards them is worsening with time:
O ye unto whom the Scripture hath been given! Believe in what We have revealed confirming that which ye possess, before We destroy countenances so as to confound them, or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers (of old time). The commandment of Allah is always executed.
Literally “obey me or else”. Nice! This section is horrible and extremely bad so far! The curse in question, if you recall, is that Allah turned the Sabbath-breakers into apes and pigs. Strap in because the whole remainder of this section is fucking terrible. First of all, polytheists? Sinners.
Lo! Allah forgiveth not that a partner should be ascribed unto Him. He forgiveth (all) save that to whom He will. Whoso ascribeth partners to Allah, he hath indeed invented a tremendous sin.
Note that the threat of hellfire is only implied but not stated here, so I am kindly not including it in the counter. It is still bad, though!
4:49 mocks those (Jews) who claim to be pure (not that Mohammed would ever try to do such a thing, no sir!), which is neutral on its own. Those people tell lies about Allah and are thus sinners. Hmm... I think I get it, Mohammed, but can you be a little more specific? Sure, he says:
Hast thou not seen those unto whom a portion of the Scripture hath been given, how they believe in idols and false deities, and how they say of those (idolaters) who disbelieve: "These are more rightly guided than those who believe"?
Ah. What, exactly, Mohammed was referring to is debated but everyone agrees that it has to do with venerating objects (not “worshiping” them, not that Mohammed could tell the difference) and superstition. Al-Wahidi has a story about the Jews praying to Meccan idols which is probably bullshit. Anyway, Mohammed says it’s bad and people who do it are cursed and will have no helpers.
His rant about The Jews continues in 4:53-55, saying that they are greedy and envious of Allah blessing Muslims. They shouldn’t be jealous, he says, because the Jews were already blessed a long time ago via Abraham--at least those who followed his commands. “And of them were (some) who believed therein and of them were (some) who turned away from it. Hell is sufficient for (their) burning”. Also:
Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.
Ah, finally an unambiguous kuffar hell counter (3) update. Torturing disbelievers eternally, the way of Islam.
That seems like a good place to end.
NEXT TIME: More of this, I am sorry to say.
The Quran Read-Along: Day 27
Ayat: 22
Good: 2 (4:36*, 4:40)
Neutral: 5 (4:35, 4:39, 4:43, 4:49-50)
Bad: 15 (4:37-38, 4:41-48, 4:51-56)
Kuffar hell counter: 3 (4:37-38, 4:42, 4:55-56)
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