#literally our group chat as a sitcom
sunshinechay · 11 days
The way my mind connects the dots with 0 hesitation is hilarious. I could be seeing something like "Omg Michael is SO hot, looks so good with his hair like that, my little meow meow!" and Im like "ya Michael-
from the group chat??!!!???
Really be like that (I barely care about any of those people, my brain will just pick at random), wild to see this post in the wild tho, its been years since I saw fans of (pick your fighter).
Only to find out OP is talking about a totally unrelated Michael from something I've never heard of, but its too late, ive already connected the dots in such a hilarious way, I gotta reblog now. But im collecting the new Michael for another similar situation if this ever comes up again.
I remember in high school we had this classmate named John Oliver and for the life of me, I couldn't understand that my friends were talking about John Oliver the tv host. They'd sit there saying the wildest shit like "Did you hear what insane shit John Oliver did last week?" and for a whole 5 seconds I'd be SO concerned about our mutual classmate only to be told this is about some random dude I don't know or watch (back then) and suddenly the world made a LOT more sense. But for those 5 seconds my mind created real terror and I just had to know what kind of sitcom life my classmate was living every fucking week.
So anyways, if you're always wondering why i keep re-blogging posts about your favs with the dumbest tags, its because I keep re-living Last Week with John Oliver time loop with you😭.
I don't even read your url, im just scrolling fast and every time im like "wait Effy slow down, this made no sense, dont just accept that" I look at the url and you're talking about some whole other guy.
Like I really saw your post and went "ah the creepy pasta girlies from 2012 breached containment and hit my dash again...ya...i'll reblog" and it was literally NOT about that Jeff at all.
I need an option to highlight your username in big and bold so my brain understands that your favs and my brain has 0 overlap and idk any of those people. This keeps happening with just you on my dash and no one else. I remembering struggling with my life, during your vegas era (of vegaspete of kinnporshe). Like this is NOT about Las Vegas at all, but if you asked me what my brain ran off with in those 5 seconds, if left unchecked, you'd understand why I love having you in my dash so much. Scrolling super fast on tumblr with you on my dash is just briefly time traveling to another universe istg.
Plus sometimes I do end up watching what you watch like kinnporshe so thats just a bonus.
Glad I could help! Haha
And don’t worry, my brain frequently does this kind of thing as well. Our brains recognize patterns and make connection only it seems our make connections where there are none, but that’s half the fun. Sometimes I laugh at where my own brain takes me.
I saw your tags on the Jeff posts and laughed because omg can you imagine Jeff the Killer reading his own fanfiction 😂😂😂
However, it’s Jeff Satur we’re talking about and honestly the fact he has read fanfiction about himself is both funny and horrifying like “I’m so sorry you had to witness this Jeff…would like some recs for other fics about you?” 😂😂😂
I’m glad that you have liked the BLs you’ve watched. They’re really just something else, in both good ways and bad and I love them so much. So I’m happy I can spread the joy :)
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orlissa · 9 months
The newest episode* of Getting Published Might Not Be So Hopeless After All
*As if there were earlier episodes
I finished a book the other day--it's a recent publication (came out last month), currently at 3,61 on Goodreads with nearly 6000 ratings
It's titled My Roommate Is a Vampire, and the title just about tells you everything that you need to know :D
But in a nutshell: after spending the last century or so in a magic induced coma, our vampire main guy has a deep seated desire to be able to blend in in the modern world, so he places an ad for an unsuspecting human roommate. Cassie (our main female/POV character) is a down-on-her-luck artist currently being evicted from her apartment, so she jumps on the opportunity. Time goes by, not so much stuff happens, and they fell for each other. The end.
Literally. There isn't much else that happens in the book.
That being said, the novel is not without its virtues. The start off situation is funny, especially since while Cassie doesn't know that she is moving in with a vampire, even with the guy's erratic, but heartfelt behavior, the audience does, so there are a bunch of endearingly hilarious situations. I honestly thought this setup would make a great sitcom. Plus all of the chapters start with either a letter/letters, chat messages, google searches, diary entries, etc., which was a narrative choice I really liked, especially since it allowed a glimpse into other characters' thoughts beyond Cassie.
The rest is under cut, because it got long
But holy crap, everything else in this novel was so underdeveloped I can't even express. It was like that author had this fun idea, but nothing beyond it, but was still determined to make it work. Like the publisher saw the opportunity in the setup, and had an editor work on it with the author, but then accidentally ended up publishing the original manuscript before the edits.
The author never took the effort to properly work on the lore. Basically the whole "presenting the lore" part is the two main characters watching Buffy, and the vampire guy (who is named Fredrick J. Fitzwilliam, btw) saying that yeah, the show got some things wrong, got other things right, and there are like 2 examples. We never actually learn how he, himself got turned (or how vampires get turned, for that matter). Also, there is his "mother" in the story - is she his maker? His actual mother? Both? We never learn!
Not to mention his whole backstory. At the point I have to compare it to All Souls, since we have a guy turned into a vampire hundreds (thousands) of years ago, when he was in his mid-thirties. In All Souls (okay, that's a bit longer story, I know, but still, it would take like, what, 5 pages?) we learn who Matthew was in his life, what he liked, what he did, we learn about his family, his tragedies, how he was turned, and, as a vampire, grew from an artisan into a de-facto nobleman. Fredrick, in contrast, started out from a humble home (we never explore how he ended up with upper class demeanor), and apparently did nothing until he was turned in his mid-thirties. Apparently he had no job, no family... And honestly, why wouldn't a guy in his mid-thirties be married in the 18t century? It's just such a lazy job, such lazy writing.
Also, there a scene (there are a bunch of scenes, really, but let me use this one as a example) where Cassie takes Fredrick to a party hosted by her best friend (she has a gay best friend, of course XD), and he prepares by memorizing a bunch of stuff about Taylor Swift, because he did his research, and apparently she is very popular in this age group.
The problem here is that, once again, the author didn't think it through. Reciting random facts is not just odd, but it's like the guy has zero frame of reference--but it's not just he doesn't have a frame of reference, it's that his frame of reference is drastically different. If I wrote it, it wouldn't be just reciting facts, and haha, it is funny, because Taylor is a big deal and I'm resonating with the audience. Instead, let's have Fredrick compare her to the great singers of his era. Like "I read about this lady, and I'd like to hear her sing--what do you mean it's all recorded? And what about live? In which establishment does she sing? In a stadium?!"
(And, yeah, btw, Frederick is said to have been in a coma for a hundred years, but that would mean that he went to sleep in the roaring twenties, and yet he acts Victorian/Regency period, which is, once again *just lazy, unrefined writing*)
The big conflict is supposed to be that Fredrick mother wants him to marry some vampire chick, and he is against it all. I have some many problems with how this plotline is excuted. Like 1, the vampire chick (called Esmeralda for some reason, which somehow sounds really tacky) is never seen in person. She is literally a non-character. Also, throughout the whole book she is super adamant about wanting to get married, then suddenly has a change of heart off screen in the last chapter. 2, Fredrick pulls himself together at some point to go and tell the families in person that he won't marry her, and... he gets taken hostage. And held for days. Which we never see, because he is not the POV character. There is zero tension, zero stakes (not even, you know, the kind you kill vampires with). Cassie figures out after some time that she is missing, she writes an e-mail to his mother that if they don't release him she'll expose vampires on TikTok (wheezing), and then Fredrick mother just backs down and releases him and HAPPY END! Honestly... that's the whol conflict. The sex scene is written with more details.
Talking about sex (because of course there is a lot of longing, and talk about erections, and then a long ass sex scenes, which I did not enjoy, because by then I was done with both characters): when Fredrick is released, he has wounds on his wrists after being tied up, and he is like "don't worry, it's just my heart doesn'T beat, so my blood doesn't flow *like that* so I heal slower :)
Like... okay, listen to me here... if his heart doesn't beat... and his blood doesn't really flow... you know what is highly unlikely to happen, right? RIGHT?!
So yeah, it could have been a good book, but it's just So Damn Badly Written from a technical point of view that I just can't. Nope. I can't.
But if this can get published, then who says I or you can't?
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launchsteinward · 3 years
2 posts consecutively? My, one might think this blog actually gets regular updates.
Art/doodles is courtesy of @dothecatdance
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neurodihuegent · 3 years
[PART ONE] Huey's character development: season 1 to season 3.
with ducktales 2017 coming to a close in less than two weeks, i thought that now was best of all times to create a post of how i think huey has developed as a character throughout all three seasons. please remember, this post is just based on how I see his character development, and you're free to have your own ideas and/or not agree with all of my points!
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1.) learning to adjust to new environments/accepting failures: When we were first introduced to huey's character, one of the biggest take aways was that he's a very "by the book" kind of a person, and has a hard time adjusting to foreign environments or situations that he will need to go with the flow and what he already knows, rather than doing everything by the book.
This was mainly introduced in "The Terror of the Terrafirmians!" in season one, where we could literally see Huey scrambling to make sense of the situation, and at some points, spouting out B.S. to make sense of the situation in his head. While he did end up coming to terms that the Terrafirmians are in fact, very real, he still only decided to believe it once it was documented in his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook.
Progressively throughout the show, we see Huey being put in situations where he has to be able to think quick on his feet rather than anxiously try to sort out all that he knows from the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook. Because of his personality, Huey not only had a hard time adjusting to foreign environments, but it's also been shown that he has a hard time accepting set backs as well. From what we've seen, it's easy to infer that when Huey has his mind set on something, he will do nothing short of achieving that goal: And when said goal is not achieved, or is starting to look like it won't be achieved, he takes it very personally.
This is especially seen in "The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!" and "The Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchuck!": Where in "The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks", even though Huey was definitely more qualified for the position by a significant amount, when Dewey got the position, his first instinct was to get angry instead of congratulate his brother: Granted, Dewey wasn't completely deserving of the position over Huey, and at this point, Huey was just a kid still learning how to manage his emotions, but his instictive reaction tells a lot about his character at the time. Thankfully, we see this progress with "The Challenfe of the Senior Junior Woodchuck!", where Huey is once again put in a situation where the odds were against him, considering that this time around, Violet was more qualified and prepared for the position than he was. At first, Huey does take this badly, getting super anxious that he'll have to do a challenging, dangerous course that no 11-12 year old probably should be doing, on his lonesome without even the help of the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, which has been shown to be a source of comfort for Huey. At one point, he is only surviving through the course by creating a talking Junior Woodchuck Guidebook in his head, but even that goes south as he gets so overwhelmed and anxious to the point where he sets it on fire in his head. Eventually, noticing how far he's fallen behind Violet, and realizing how deserving she is of the title over him despite his love for everything Junior Woodchucks, he is able to come to terms with the fact that he lost, and instead of getting upset or beating himself up for it, he gracefully allows her to be announced as the winner, and shows her his full support. This is meaningful, because if this was season 1 Huey, we honestly can not say that his reaction to his loss would've been the same: He probably would've gotten a lot more upset about it than he actually did in season 3.
"Quack Pack!", despite somewhat being more of a comedic episode, also sheds light on how Huey's learned to adjust with a change in environment: He was the first character (other than Donald, who was fully aware) to pick up on the fact that they are in an alternate universe, set inside of a 1990s sitcom, and becomes increasingly anxious about it as a result, especially since everyone was pretty much oblivious of it at first. However despite this, when the family confronts Donald about the wish, while Donald does make a compelling point of how this scenario gives them a sense of normalcy and security, Huey also brings up the fact that despite the hardships they may face, adventuring is an integral part of their new found family. Even though Huey has always been pretty enthusiastic about adventuring, especially in comparison to Louie and pre-season 3 Donald, there has been times where adventuring has caused him anxiety due to being confronted with new settings or situations that he doesn't immediately know how to handle, so considering this, I think that line alone has shown the great improvement Huey has made with adjusting.
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2.) embracing "The Duke": in the first two seasons, while we always had somewhat of an idea that huey was the triplet that inherited the infamous McDuck anger, "The Duke" wasn't something that was necessarily explored much in the first two seasons, leading people to believe that it was just for comedic plot. However, in season 3, we finally got an image of what "The Duke" actually is and represents, alongside with how Huey truly feels about this side of him.
Based on my perception of "The Split Sword of Swanstantine", Huey sees The Duke as an entire separate entity from himself rather than just how far his anger can really go, decides to completely reject this side and keep it locked away in his brain. Of course, we've had our early season moments where The Duke "slipped out", but for the most part, leading up to The Split Sword of Swanstantine, we never really got a full glimpse of what exactly the Duke is: and given his personality, it makes sense as to why Huey was rejecting this side of him instead. Not only does The Duke represent one of Huey's most vulnerable states, but knowing how far his anger can go, goes completely against the side of his personality that he does allow to shine: Being orderly, being well put together, and being the brain of his sibling trio, which being blinded by anger would all deter. Despite the strength that embracing his anger gives him, Huey obviously still sees it as a weakness, because it's the side of him he doesn't want people to see, especially those closest to him, because before the events of The Split Sword, Huey didn't exactly have the greatest control of his anger, so while nobody would want to think of it, no one knows how far he could really go if he's pissed enough.
However, thanks to the encouragement of Lena, Huey was finally able to embrace that side of him, and fully gain control over his anger which is something we don't typically see with the infamous McDuck Anger, given that the only way he could defeat Steelbeak who had an obvious advantage, was to tap into his true strength. The biggest takeaway Huey got from this situation, is that his anger shouldn't be treated as if it's a separate entity, or as if it's something to be embarassed of, but to truly embrace that side of himself, and learn how to control it, all things that he was able to accomplish by the end of "The Split Sword of Swanstantine".
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3.) building new relationships:
Since season one, it's been hinted that Huey does struggle a bit on the friendship aspect of things. He does have very close relationships with his brothers and Webby, but even these can be hindered by clashing personalities and differing interests. Even though it's fairly obvious that HDLW all love and support each other like family, Huey has never really exactly been shown to have a bond with someone where he shares completely similar interests: Now, this isn't really important in friendship, often times opposites attract even down to the friendship aspect, but it is nice to have someone where you can just sit and chat about similar interests, and do stuff together that you'll both enjoy.
The first time we've gotten a hint at Huey struggling with making friends was in "The Day of the Only Child!", where, if the Beagle Brothers didn't show up, Huey would've been out of luck with finding two other participants for the three-man cookout, considering that everyone else was already paired up and Louie and Dewey were already off doing their own things for the day. Also hinted in that same episode, is the fact that Huey make struggle with loneliness as well (Huey "Be horribly alone." Dewey: "For once!"), given that he's spent most if not all of his life constantly with his brothers and Donald, so even if him and his brothers did have fall outs every here and there, he could always rely on them to be there given that outside of them, he didn't rely have any other friends.
Now, this somewhat turns around in season 2, when we're introduced to Fenton, who Huey not only idolizes as Gizmoduck, but looks at like a genuine best friend and most likely, as an older brother figure. Besides Huey's admiration of Gizmoduck, it's been shown that they bond over their similar interest in science, and in general, Huey is constantly looking out for Fenton and always wanting to protect his best friend from any danger or hurt that he himself can prevent. Despite Fenton undoubtedly being Huey's closest friend, I think that it's also important to shed light on the friendships that he's made that are more in his age group.
Following the events of Astro BOYD!, we are introduced to Boyd and Huey's friendship, two characters that existed in the show prior but never had any interactions. Huey and Boyd bond over their interest in the Junior Woodchucks, something that we once again see Huey get backlash for from his fellow Woodchucks, for being too "by the book" and not just "relaxing and being a kid" (even going as far to label him as a "robot"). Even in Boyd's malfunctioning, Huey is determined to stay by his side until the end, not only because of their shared interests and the bonding they began to do at the very beginning of the episode, but also because Huey understood what it was like to be cast away and treated as less just for being different (or in Huey's words, "wired a little differently"). Even though Fenton is Huey's closest friend by a margin, I would consider Boyd's friendship with him really meaningful, at least given the circumstances of how they became friends in the first place: Two people who were cast aside, for not being what society considered the "perfect/normal kid", and instead of people working with them, they were just cast aside easily. Considering how fast Huey probably had to grow up given the circumstances of living with Donald who, despite being an amazing father figure, dealt with poverty pretty often, it's no wonder why he's very mature for his age and very "by the book", but it's also no wonder why kids who probably didn't have to grow up with those circumstances, would easily be turned off. Louie and Dewey are a lot more understanding considering they grew up in the same setting, but even they dealt with it differently, often leading to their personalities clashing, which is even lampshaded in this episode as another insecurity of Huey's when building relationships ("Are you sure you want me to continue? My brothers are usually *begging* me to stop.).
We're also introduced to another friendship at the very beginning of season three, with Violet. Even though at the beginning, things were a bit rocky considering how anxious Huey was getting from the Senior Woodchuck competition, and his determination to beat Violet, even to the point of leaving him behind when she probably needed him the most, by the end of the episode, we see both Violet and Huey not only reconcile, but start to actually bond. During this high stress situation, Violet was a great source of relief for Huey, using her own experiences of failure to inspire Huey to not give up, and that even if he does lose (which he did) in this specific situation, there'll be more opportunities because he is great when it comes to the Junior Woodchucks. Even when Violet wins, instead of being bitter which would definitely be expected considering that Huey is a child and how much he was anticipating winning, he is able to put his grievances aside and congratulate her because she helped him greatly during a point of weakness. Even if Violet and Huey's friendship didn't end up as closeknit as his and Boyd's, or as prominent as his and Fenton's, I think this was still a meaningful connection for him as Violet was great balance for the anxiety that he was feeling at the time, and despite him leaving her behind, she beared no ill will towards him.
This is only the first part, where I examined what I felt were the key component to his character development over the last three seasons, and the next post will focus on other aspects that weren't as focused on during the series!
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gaiapaia · 3 years
Kermit And Friends: Tony Ricca WWE
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Imagine a church where the reverend is threatened to be locked into a chicken coop by his fiancé at the beginning of service and then threated to be killed Nicole Simpson style by a love interest of said fiancé towards the end of service.
Ladies and gentleman, I welcome you to Kermit and Friends!
The show started off this week with both bad news and good news. The bad news was that Jennifer Lopez’s 6th engagement broke off, but the good news is Elisa’s very 1st engagement is still going strong!
That’s right, despite all the naysayers, Elisa Jordana and Andy Dick’s engagement has survived yet another week. Elisa even has 4 new rings to show for it! But let me tell you... it almost did not survive this show, literally.
First off, Elisa is getting fed up with not being able to reach Andy whenever she wants, so she came up with this brilliant idea of building a chicken coop to keep him locked in. I mean, why not? Andy’s skinny frame combined the long neck sort of does resemble a chicken, so it seems like the perfect fit! Andy doesn’t seem to keen to the idea though so he better just get his act together and start answering every time he’s blessed with a phone call from his gorgeous fiancé Elisa.
This week’s KAF special guest was none other than former WWE Superstar, Tony Ricca. Elisa has a little history in pro wrestling, appearing on WWE Monday Night Raw and starring in a reality show that was hosted by pro wrestling star Chris Jericho. Kermit and Friends also has big wrestling fans on the show such as Socky, Corey, Johnny B, and many more in the chatroom.
Elisa started the interview off by asking Tony about why he wanted to become a pro wrestler. Tony shared it was actually his friends who wanted him to do it, and Andy revealed that’s exactly how he got into acting.
There was more wrestling talk and Tony kindly answered questions from Socky the Sock Puppet, Corey, Eric and other KAF superstars like Trumpster Bob asking Tony to partake in his “Butthole Challenge.” Andy Dick also got Tony to show off his abs so he could gush over his hairy belly. The interview went swimmingly, if you ask me.
During the interview, Andy started facetiming with his handsome friend Lucas. This caught Elisa’s eye and she immediately pounced. “THE Lucas? Aren’t you Andy’s ex, Lucas?”
Lucas denied the claim but Elisa is no fool. She can read Andy like a book and she knows when Andy is really into someone. But Elisa put the claws away and started to have a nice normal chat with Lucas about Andy. As it turns out, Lucas is also a former pro wrestler so he asked Tony a couple of questions too. Maybe we’ll see Lucas back on the show very soon and get to the bottom of him and Andy’s true feelings toward one another.
Kermit’s old friend Kleenex (screenname Christopher Dick) made his return to Kermit and Friends this week. Sitting in his car smoking cigarettes, I could sense Kleenex was in prime form ready to steal the show as the premier Dick on it. After complaining about Elisa’s lack of enthusiasm in her introduction of Kleenex to Tony and Lucas, Kleenex hounded Elisa about the content the show was producing compared to when it first started back in November. Kleenex then set his sights on Elisa’s relationship with Andy Dick, and just as Kleenex’s meter was about to hit red... All. Hell. Broke. Loose.
But not from Kleenex... from ERIC RIGGS! That’s right, Elisa’s friend Eric came flying in like a bat out of Hell and relinquished his fury on Andy Dick.
It was unbelievable. To this point, Eric has perhaps been the sweetest guy on the show. Yeah, he’s out there and his love for Elisa has probably left people baffled, but he’s been consistent in his sweet nature. To see him snap like this was surprising, to say the least.
So what set Eric off? When he talked with Tony Ricca before, he seemed perfectly fine. What I personally believe got Eric’s blood boiling was when Andy bragged to his friend Lucas that Elisa invited Andy to spend the night at her apartment Sunday night.
I did a break down of Elisa’s love history on Kermit and Friends for Valentine’s Day. You can read it here. Eric is featured in the blog. Elisa first met Eric at work, and he became very smitten with Elisa. Hey, who can blame him? He even proposed to Elisa, but Eric had to move to Seattle not long after, so their 'relationship’ became a long distance 'relationship’ following that.
Did they really date? Was Elisa really engaged to Eric?
Elisa is too sensitive towards Eric’s feelings to give a straight answer to these questions, but I know the answers and I will give them to you.
Elisa hung out with Eric many times. His desk was right behind hers at work and naturally as a group they spent many lunches and ‘happy hours’ together with other co-workers. Is that dating? Eh, I’m fine with calling it that if Eric really wants to but you can see where the line is blurred.
As far as Eric’s proposal... there’s an episode of the 90′s sitcom Full House where DJ Tanner’s baby sister Michelle (who is 5 or 6-years-old at the time) falls in love with DJ’s boyfriend, Steve. Michelle asked Steve to marry her and of course Steve said yes to play along and to not hurt Michelle’s feelings. That episode pretty much describes what happened between Elisa and Eric.
Eric proposed in a public setting and Elisa did not want to embarrass Eric by saying no, but she also never led him on by making promises, flirting, doing anything sexual, etc. She genuinely adored Eric as a friend and knew he had a puppy dog crush on her and wanted to never hurt him.
Eric’s move to Seattle was a blessing for Elisa because it meant she never had to break his heart. If you remember the Forgiveness episode of Kermit and Friends, Eric told Susan Shapiro that he was finally over Elisa and looking to move on. Of course, since then Eric has professed his love again with poems, songs, and even a damn book, but still... you just had to think he was somewhat over the idea of truly marrying Elisa.
Boy, is that NOT the case. Not the case at all. Eric full on believes he’s the next Jeff Benzos and that he will help skyrocket Elisa’s career by booking her to perform with him as a duet at Madison Square Garden. And they will do this as husband and wife, despite the mafia, Vice Lords and the people who shot down Kobe Bryant’s plane all being against the idea. In Eric’s mind, the power of he and Elisa’s love can overcome anything. Including and especially Andy Dick, who is a part of the Satanic Cult of Walt Disney, according to Eric.
Eric claims to have super powerful Jewish friends in super powerful places. One phone call from Eric and he can have Andy wacked like OJ Simpson killed his wife Nicole. Or Eric will just do it himself. This would probably be a very scary threat if it wasn’t coming from someone as harmless as Eric Riggs, so it’s just funny. Very funny.
But it’s also a bit sad. Eric obviously has some issues upstairs and has created a fantasy World for himself. Honestly, Kermit and Friends is a wonderful fantasy World as well but most of us are capable of separating our fantasy Worlds from reality. We can tell which is which. Eric doesn’t seem to be able to tell the difference and that’s very unfortunate.
Eric’s rant lasted nearly 30 minutes straight. Non-stop. No one could get a word in edgewise. Elisa didn’t even try for the most part; she was completely silent for well over 10 minutes after it first started. Whenever Andy tried to chime in, Eric was not having it. Thankfully, Andy took it in stride and seemed amused by it all. It was one of the most surreal half hours you will ever witness if you’re lucky enough to watch this incredible show every week.
Elisa abruptly ended this week’s Kermit and Friends after asking Andy if he was ready to go to the Four Seasons during Eric’s tirade. This is one KAF episode that will never be forgotten. If you have not watched it yet, this review is nowhere near giving it justice. Just stop whatever you’re doing right now and click play.
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quite a few of our friends are misfits it’s gonna be really weird studying with them lmao. like idk how seriously tonks and tulip take studying but idk if it’s that much, the last time we tried ‘studying’ with skye she ripped pages from her book and read them on the way to her class, bea literally skips classes so who knows what she’ll be like when it comes it to studying and homework, jae literally says he doesn’t study but i think he also said something about how he crams stuff in the last minute, and fred and george definitely don’t take exams or studying seriously as shown in the books. so yeah it’ll probably be a mess trying to study with all of them lol 🙃
Now this is a sitcom waiting to happen, and I am here for it. I’d imagine that Tonks has a problem with focusing, and so does Tulip, but in a different way? I totally interpret Skye as having ADHD and it wouldn’t surprise me if some of the other characters also fall onto the spectrum. Beyond even just the ones you listed, could you imagine studying with Liz? She’d pull a Hermione and frequently pause to criticize the inhumane decisions about what was being studied. Then there’s Barnaby, bless his heart, who we’d have to keep an eye on to ensure he wasn’t eating the books, and that’s not even an exaggeration. Then you get into Merula who would be trying to flex her knowledge, Talbott and Ismelda who just want to be left alone, and Charlie who goes off on tangents about dragons. Basically, our friend group is a mess and I love them. Could you imagine them in a group chat?
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sagamemes · 5 years
disastrio’s 'the pin list’ text starters.   below and under the cut, you can find ~100 messages dug up from the pins of the cursed group chat of three international friends. slightly edited for roleplay purposes. spelling errors opted to keep in tact to maintain the Energy(tm). edit as you please. tw: nsfw, mention of abuse.
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   u should know by now i'm not as much a complete person as i am several sitcom tropes stacked in an anxiety blanket
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   things that should not be present in making spaghetti and meatballs: sparks   [ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   things that were present when i was making spaghetti and meatballs two minutes ago: sparks
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   give it a good deep fry and it'll make reddit front page
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   you piece of fuck
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i'm not making this up it's a real post
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i just really don't like the look of american hollywood boys apparently
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   quit trying to post porn [name]
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   what's deeper than emotional? are you going to /fuck/ the house?
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i genuinely don't know what i expected googling that thing but that was not it
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i legitimately don't know how you're expecting me to reply to this
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i'm setting up my bfu episode
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   u might finally be free of "[full name] fucks."
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   plural of jerry's is jerry'ses
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   you're sharing so there's a trail in case someone ( maybe yourself ) goes missing when ur backs are turned
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i have yet to whip out dicks young lady
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   lizard brayo
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   fuck the fuck off tunglr
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   what are Christmas goblins if not depression goblins with prettier aesthetics
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   we're just two bitches trying to watch [actor] and then go to bed
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   maybe complaining is what gets it off.
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   well yeah, it's hard to knock on a door that doesn't exist
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   murdered by demons is our go-to
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   we sound like the casting calls for the leads of the same gay cowboy movie
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   any blanket is a weighted blanket when u carry the weight of ur sins
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   We have some Amazing 🌈Bottoms🌈
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   [name] i am confiscating ur thumbstacks
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   what can i say i'm a sexual deviant and i can't be stopped
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   the stars neglected me. they haven't assigned me a fetish
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i'm pretty sure 'you are going to be the death of me' was like. the disclaimer of this entire squad
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   swipe right if you dare!
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   but it tracks for the pachycephalosaurus
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   this chat is going to give me an aneurysm
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   "fully automated luxury gay space communism" is the best tag i've ever seen
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   why don't you have a stockpile of mothman memes
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i really do owe my life to the aesthetic
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   u coax the worst things out of my mouth and then [screenshot/save/pin] them to record my mistakes
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   ur not allowed to die its just the rules
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   you two are going to be the death of me
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   why are you paying for microsoft office in 2019
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   it's nearly [zodiac] season, bitches
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i see your "will make content for rarepairs" and i raise you "will make content for pairs literally no one has ever considered and probably for a good reason"
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i was DOOMED and thus so are all of u
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i am going to snap your fingernails vertically in half
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   own that garbage
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   oh fuck that suck
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   we were building a desert set which was less exciting and more construct-y but it did lead to the following conversation:   [ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   guy walking in: chickenwire, huh. what's gonna come out of that?   [ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   me: quicksand
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   viva la resistance motherfuckers
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   well the ass and the face are the most disturbing part
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   it was still very much about the shape of his teeth
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   a real whoosy boi
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   if i suffer y'all suffer that's the rules
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   also icb ur liveblogging your crime
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   granted i do still want the [body part(s)] to be attached to the person and not just laying around somewhere
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i'm gonna go with "have repressed all memories of this by tomorrow and even looking at this conversation for context isn't going to provide us with information"
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   ... Well if u ever commit a crime and need to change ur hair ur all set
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   oh god i'd completely forgotten about the teeth conversation
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   something about that ass Haunts me
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   [name]'s teeth are,,,,,,, h*t
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   ur not late, any time is a good time to hate capitalism
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   oh shit [name]s pulling out the big guns
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   listen as far as the things you could come back to go i think this is a good one
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   Amateur theatre energy is alarmingly similar to redneck ingenuity energy
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   threat acknowledged
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i take it back i don't want any more information
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   what do we say to the god of baby germs
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   and then Goth happened
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   turn everything into a photishooot
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   but u also would have got pictures of me depositing the tiger in the cow shed
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i feel like you constantly forget that i'm always full of Good Points
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   you want to punish urself by seeking unhealthy relationships. also the stars say u may want to have ur feet fucked
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   "white orc sex slave" is not a phrase i thought i'd hear today
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   yeah raw sexual energy
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   [name] perks up at the mention of lying to the fbi lmao
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   yall are dumb and i love u
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   [image file saying 'mothman respects your position but must express his dissent. also you're going to die.]
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   ...do i need to make the vampire joke
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   ur amazing and so good and so important and lowkey i'm crying abt how much i love u and u deserve every good thing i love u thanks for coming to my ted talk
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   look me in the eyes and tell me steve wouldn't crawl up thanos's butthole to save the world and get bucky back
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   [name] i am going to choke you
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   my brain was immediately with "she took the shirt off to wipe away the blood of someone, possibly someone she murdered, and then had to put the shirt back on
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i literally never know what i'm going to come back to when i open this chat
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i make no excuses for who i am as a person
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i am going to jump off the edge of the earth.   [ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   and that's not me saying flat earthers are right that's me saying i will flatten it myself and then jump off
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i'm trying to show sympathy you fuck
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   what can i say, i'm an escapist bitch
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   i never want to see dick and clown in the same sentence ever again
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   oh fuck off. i don't know what they've done but it's [name] so it's gonna be bad.
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ]   icb we have a test run on new year's eve
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales: Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks! and Quack Pack! Review/Thoughts
Hello errybody, I’ve decided being a huge fan of this verison of Ducktales, and someone who likes reviewing stuff and going on and on at length about it, to review this season’s episodes as they come out, both to get me writing critically again, and to get more non chat content on the old tumblr.  First, while you likely don’t care a little about my history with the ducks; While I , sadly though i’m trying to correct it, haven’t read MUCH of Carl Barks classic donald duck comics nor that of his avid fanboy and clear sucessor in quality and talent Don Rosa, I did read Rosa’s utter classic “The LIfe and Times of Scrooge” mcduck in high school and the story stuck with me sense. I’ll go into Life and Times another day hopefully, but naturally when the reboot was announced I was excited.. a great voice cast, and donald,my boy, as part of the main cast. The show has been a joy to behold and with steven universe having taken a bow JUST a week ago and Covid ravaging our lives, it coudln’t of picked a better time. But do these episodes keep the momentum from an utterly marvelous second half of season 2? The short answer is “Fuck yes” but the long answer is under the cut. 
Challenge of the Junior Senior Woodchucks! While “Challenge of the x” is a popular snowclone title I can’t help but think of superfriends with the title... or now I thought of it shortly before writing this, hearing “Meanwhile at the legion of doom” when they cut to fowl.. or rather “Meanwhile at FOWL” but in that same announcers voice. I”m a dork, that should be obvious But I was hyped for both episodes: Violet is a faviorite mine, I ship her with huey so them interacting for the first time was wonderful to me, and.. okay the subplot didn’t hook me and we’ll get to that, but we had her dads and one of my other faviorites (I have several, get used to it now) , Lena , at least putting in an apperance. And honestly.. the main plot lived up to it. As I said I didn’t really dig the sub plot, more on that in a second, but I REALLY enjoyed this. From the begining Huey was my faviorite of the three triplets, easily, as it’s fairly easy for me a grown ass dork with anxiety, self confidence, anger issues, depression and constant self doubt, to relate to a little duck with the same and I’ve loved Danny Pudi since community, so naturally I was excited for his turn for a spotlight season.  And again the show didn’t disapoint.. Huey has a rather decent arc with some unexpected turns: First unexpectly, the trailer lied as while Huey and Violet look ultra competiive, theirs no real confilct..s econds after that bit the two shake hands (after a good 20 seconds of adorable and hilarous failure to do so that fits both like a glove.), and try to be good sports. The problem is instead internal: As Huey muses to his siblings (Webby very much included, getting her own great bit of encouraging Huey while also assuring Violet she’s also great he just needs it more, which is accurate) “If i’m not hte best junior woodchuck who am I”. Like Louie last season towards the begining (when he didn’t have a clear purpose in their adventuring dynamic) and towards the end (When della nearly took it away from him), he’s nothing without his sense of who he is. It’s easily why he’s the one to comfort him when his other siblings are either torn between two friends or you know, Dewey. Louie knows what it’s like to be rattled about who you are.  And WHY Violet outclassing him rattles him so much is intreating and to me makes a ton of sense: Huey’s identity to me is so wrapped in his intellegence and woodchuckery because , besides being oldest, it’s what he HAS on his brothers. When you think about it, Louie is the charmer, Dewey is charsmaticin his own way and loves hogging attention not to mention being fairly athletic... to stand out Huey NEEDS his brains to be the one with facts, and plans and his book.  He may not be the first on the front lines but he’s the first to solve a trap or figure out where they are if scrooge or his mom hasn’t already.. and if someone’s markdely better at that, and worse in an activity that’s wholy his own and now it’s been revealed impmortant to his mom.. just who is he.  The poor kid simply breaks down at the thought and takes bigger and stupider risks, which is sad to watch.. and thankfully lightned by his delightful mental brekadown in the form of the stephen root voiced JW Guidebook, a talking hallucination who gives huey his knowledge and edge back in the contest.. but it’s STILL not enough. And that’s when the other intresting bit comes into play: Huey.. has a moment of weakness. Despite the guidebook saying to always save your fellow woodchucks when violet gets stuck slipping in a tree.. he does nothing and leaves, despite JW  , whose now become his concious, begging him not to. It’s a sad, well done moment, and one that makes the story richer. Naturally violet escapes and when huey falls off the lava bridge to the finish line in a nother moment of desperation, and after a returning JW burns because apparently ducks and sabrewings are fireproof but imaginary manfestations of knowledge arne’t, she saves him... and is a good friend and woodchuck in NOT chastizing huey for his moment of weakness earlier, but comforting him, revealing she’s tried three times before and adding some more depth to her character: Despite her awkardness with people, she’s a kind, caring person, and gives Huey the lesson he needs: faliure, and the ocasional bout of moral weakness, is okay.. what matters is you learn from it, dust yourself off and keep going. Huey bows out due to this, as while violet is more than willing to let him pass with her, Huey knows he hasn’t earned it, yet, but he can keep trying and that this is her moment, not his. And in that, I feel learns that he dosen’t NEED recognition to be his best self.. he just needs to be a good person and a good woodchuk. I’ts a damn fine story and despite not being the intended premire, works as a great one.. mostly. And also yes I ship them.. as much as two ten-elven year olds can be, but they are adorable and geninley have a good repore.  And before I get to the dispaointing subplot, i’d be an idiot if I left out Violet’s family: We meet her dads, hilariously wearing shirts that say i’m with dad which is also really fucking adorable, and have our first onscreen conformation that Lena’s now her adopted sister, with Lena loudly screaming it in one of the best lines of the episode.. it’s clever to me: it over the top makes sure that we know yes, these men are gay and her parents.. but in a needed way given disney’s tendncy to dance around that or loudly proclaim a minor character no one cares about is gay in a way they can edit out. It’s a great step forward for the channel and the company and good on the crew for going ahead with it and good on disney for not beign dumb about it, nor, like again they have a bad habit of doing, loudly shouting about it to the media. Excellent work. 
Now i’m done rambling about Huey’s psyche and america’s new faviorite gay couple, I gotta get the suplot out of the way: while the whiporwill is freaking adorable as is dewey’s bond with it, otherwise this plot is.. really damn weak: it has some good jokes (Louie’s blunt no when Scrooge asks if hte family wants to fight a bear, Webby’s disapointment when she finds their not walking in the path of literal giants, Donald’s runner with the spy drone mosquito (and Della’s instiance to just let it suck his blood), and Della proving she has the family temper with her own donald brand angry dance) it’s just.. not enoguh. It feels like it’s an oblogiatory plto for the family and while it does set up the season’s overaching plot with a strong character, as it’s intresting learning that Scrooge had an idol at adventuring and thus is following a legacy himself, overall the subplot itself is just there and distracting from the much more intresting A-Story. That being said it was at least sorta worth it for the ending bit where huey and violet suprisingly find launchpad at the end of the trial in a cave.. as do the duckfamily, both groups crying out “Launchpad?!” with launchpad giving out a hilarious “that’s me, i’m launchpad” and while the setup for it was weak, the idea of the family going around the globe to find missing mysteries wile fighting fowl over them is a great concept. Overall a really damn strong start to the season with a weak b-plot and i’m gald even if this isn’t what htey planned to start with it’s what they went with.  Quack Pack: Quack Pack.. is one of disney’s secret shames.. I mean it’s not SO secret as it’s on D+ while this show’s predecessor wonder over yonder and superhero fantasy classic american dragon jake long are not for reasons I sitll don’t get, but that’s a rant for another day. It clashed badly with ducktlaes,was meiocre most of the time (It helps the two episodes I did watch were donald focused as he, a nicely redeisgned dasiy, and their co-worker kent were the highlights), with the boys somehow being more obnoxious than they were at their worst in the original ducktales.  Now that’s off my chest the episode itself.. is really damn good and a nice take on sitcom parody, with the family getting ready for a photo. Dewey’s “since the internet” line in paticular killed because, having watched boths ome of the best sitcoms (roseanne, designing women) and some of the absolute worst (My wife and kids, last man standing,home imporvment etc), most modern ones i’ve seen, even the good ones, have kids written this terrible way. Otherwise though it was highly enjoyable and having Jaleel “Urkel/Sonic the Hedgehog” white here to take the piss out of his former genre as Gene (and doing such a great job I really want to see Gene back next season), is the icing. That and Huey going half insane trying to figure out what’s going on, as well as the unsettling reveal of the studio audience.  Really the ep is a laugh fest, as well as the glorious arrival of goofy who to my relief, wasn’t a hallucination.. which itself is a great gag as is the offscreen internal thought of “okay so now htey ahve to take goofy with them on this deadly adventure all the way back to the states?”. The using of the adults old designs, as well as having dewey do the triplets dance and wear an outfit similar to theirs from “Mr Duck Steps Out” (Which I saw earlier this year and other than daisy’s horrifying early voice it wasn’t half bad). It’s just hard to go into and throughly enjoyable. But analysis right the real meat is in my boy donald: Going into the ep I genuinely expected Dewey to be the obvious source of the wish: while knowing gene was involved meant it was easy to see it was his fault HOW was a good question.. but having Donald do so and throughly enjoyable, and naturally gives us two great gags int he rwo: Donald’s VERY donald response “I wish for that 6 times a day! how wsas I supposed to know I was rubbing up against a magical lamp” and everyone spouting off their catcphrases, all either actual ones, basically something she does all the time turned into one (della) or poor beakly who gets “i’m not a spy” for some reason an dis cross about it. But the fact Donald not only figured it out quickly but wants to stay.. is perfectly in character. Donald in general, and especailly here, dosen’t WANT to be an adventuer anymore: he does it for his family, but he’d probably perfer the tgif lifestyle where problems are minor and solved with heartwarming lessons.. not full of lingering restiments, damage you caused, or loosing a decade of your sisters life and having to struggle to care for her kids. The rest of the familys looks when he gives his reasoning say it all: they really get why he wants this.. but Huey, who nicely got to be the one to break the sitcom news to them on top of everything else, makes an even better one: their lives are who they are.. this.. isn’t real. LIkea tgif sitcom it’s a plastic imitation of life that’s nothing like it: it’s comforting sure since hte real world is fucking complicated and miserable at times.. but hiding from it dosen’t fix things.  And while Donald, of course angrily denies this while his family ends upf ighting the studio audience, it’s Goofy, loveable guest star and everyone’s other faviorite dad, who gets his friend to see the truth: eveyr family has thieir own normal. He and max are  widower and his kid. Just a family of three (I”m counting PJ since , by his tene years at least, Peg is missing, though Iw ish she’d come back as her and goofy would be cute and she deserves better than Pete but whatever, and his dad is an emotionally abusive douchehead). But their happy, they make memories even if goofy like donald can’t walk five feet without the universe, and that’s what counts> it’s a touching sentiment and i’m happy Donald now has a friend whose also a parent and probably made similar sacrifices, and some Donald hasn’t had to just yet and probably won’t now dellas back, but made it through. So donald helps his family fight the  humanoids, take sa picture and it’s just a genuinely sweet ending... a great episode with a great concept that also opens the door for the return of the world’s other best dad more times. And again I want to see him smooch pete’s ex wife. This is the hill I will die on apaprently.. and with that I leave you. it was a good start a fun thing ot dive into and I hope for more.. oh and before I go, while i’m not a GIANT max and roxanne shipper, Idon’t dislike the ship I just don’t hav ea large attachment, it was absolutley WONDERFUL to see that they went to prom together. Okay i’m done, until next week, courage and stay safe. 
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woozi · 2 years
yza 😭😭
i fr almost screamed when i saw that picture hfjdjdjfjfkd pilot cheol OH MYGOD IDHDJJDMDDKKSKD he's the only one who can be trusted with our planes <3 but i can't be trusted around him dhjdjdjdkdkdk i'll faint right there 😭 then wake and then faint again. goodbye my plane dhjddjjd
good news is we've shortlisted flat <3 meh news is we can't decide between the two fhdjjdjd, how did your exams go? also would you look at that 22 finally came, and junhao are back too 💕 how was this week? also omg do you celebrate christmas? i hope your days are treating you well.
i was talking about the skrt skrt only 😭 and also the fact that he saw someone from other group reacting to it on twitter dhjdjdjd i love how his life is almost a sitcom annd that's all on him tbh hfdhjddj i love him :(
not to be biased but i think joshua is really sexy. i love guys with pretty necks and adam's apple hdhdjdjddkkd completely unbiased opinion : jeonghan, hao, woozi.
wbu? 👁️👁️
ms yza how are you handling woozi's magazine cover and news about his mixtape? im so excited <3
this reminds me how jeonghan was talking about how he made his sibling sign up for some class he thought was tough and then left them behind and quit 😭😭😭 i think he shared it during vlive?. ( i have formed habit using their lives as background noise as i do chores fhdjdkkd so i only pay half mind sometimes) he's so 😭😭 he really is something else
you can try these recipes in your free time <3 the first and third are the most indian style as you can get. also 3rd one is titled as curry but it's not exactly curry flavour :3 we don't have any curry flavour it's actually just one dish which is called kadhi. the broth made in video is one part of its cooking. i hope you enjoy them <3
my coaching sir did 😭😭 dhdjjd the assistant teacher at that time started getting busy so me and my friend started monitoring classes on her behalf. it started with just monitoring then taking their tests and then teaching hfjdjdjd. as a kid i used to think about becoming teacher it wasn't a serious dream djdjkrkr but teaching 10th and 9th graders gave me reality check HHDJDJDKDKD esp 10th ones. right now i'm searching for boring 9 to 5 jobs but it's still better than that dhhdj
did you have any dream as a kid? if you don't mind me asking.
SAMEEE the stark contrast between then and now drama tastes in me is huge, it makes me so happy you're loving the drama ( i am guessing you must've completed it by now ) right??? i really love it when not just main leads but all other characters' stories matters as well and binds together with plot 🥺 everything about it felt so warm and cozy. like this drama gave me so many feelings and thoughts i'd like to let out but when i get chance nothing comes out hfjdjdrk it leaves me speechless everytime. it made me lovesick too </3
THE DANCE BREAK BEFORE CRUSH WAS SO 🖤🔥 I don't even bias but my attention was on wonu the whole time hdjdjdjdkd he's so sexy for that. also i may or may not have heard about cheol dissing mama 👀 which one are you talking about? and yeah i agree i trust cheol and if he really was dissing them then i'm extra proud of him dhdjdjdk we love the energy <3
the bio changes of g7 😭 fhjdjrke think it's bit of both, i feel like they enjoy seeing birds go insane </3 ngl i'd do the same if i were an idol 😭😭 maybe that's i like them hfjdjdjfjfkd i miss their stupid asses </3 oh godd. it's already going to be a year soon HOW.
i missed you 🥺 i hope you're resting well also same me @ you i'm vv glad you even take some time out to chat w me <3 ily 💕💕💕 happy holidays :3 and merry christmas if you celebrate 💚 -
ALSO THAT'S GREAT OMGGGGGGG <3 they went kind of well tbh!! except for the econometrics one im not sure what happened FDJKFKDJ but we dont have the results yet so 👁👄👁 ALSO YES I DOOOOOO <3 do u celebrate christmas?
litERALLY!! it boy things <3 also he's just having fun <3
ALSO HELLAUR?????????????? UR SO RIGHT JOSHUA IS SEXY1!!!!!!!!! but like,, he's not the whorish sexy type (like,,, iono hoshi??? mingyu???) but he's more subtle!! WAIT THEYRE PROB RIGHT W GENTLE SEXY??????? WTF WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THIS FJKFDFD AND HAOS NECK OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
sexiest svteenie for me is dk tbh like <3 i do NOT want to elaborate i respect him sm KFJJFKDKJFD
and ur right KJFDDFJFDJK also do u understand korean? 👀 jeonghan IS a menace
OH MY GOD OBSESSED THAT U WOULD EVEN THINK OF SENDING ME RECIPES?????/ ILY SM <3 also that's incredible!!!! i'm def gonna try this soon <3
I LOVE THAT DFKJDFKJFDK teenage kids are sooooooooooooo 👹 i think that teachers are heroes i don't think i can stand that fkjdjfkddf
i actually wanted to be a doctor!! but later on in life i realized i wouldnt be able to handle it when patients pass away so jdsdjkdsjds
AND YES UR SOOOOOOOOO RIGHT EXACTLY <3 i've finished it and thinking abt it still makes me feel 🥺 do u have similar drama recs? hehe
i'm IGNORING wonu i cannot pay attention to him or i might start biting people JKFDKJDFJKDFJK HE IS HOT!! and cheol wasnt like,,, explicitly dissing them he was just like,,, "back then, i thought mama was the biggest thing" and then went on to be like 🤷‍♀️ bc there's so much more to his career than mama KDKJDFJKFDJKFD
I LOVE THAT FDKJFDKJDFKJFDK i'd join u in it if we were in the same group <3 ALSO WAIT OH MY GOD?????????????????????????????? YEAH????????????????????????????????? icb 2021 just went by so fucking fast fdfdkjjdfkjfkd remember when birdies were crying abt it 😭 i thought they would disband too lol JKFDKJDF CAME UP W THE ULTIMATE POWER MOVE THOUGH!!!
AND IMY TOOOOOOOO 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love love sharing things w u it completes my week <3 i hope youre having a great one as well, and merry christmas!!!!!!! 🎄❄💚♥💛 i hope this day treats u kindly <3 ily
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wks-out-of-context · 4 years
Torch - Owner of the blog. motherfucker unlimited. a furry also Ny - main submitter. brain empty head thoughts gone. NOT immune to sunshine x grumpy trope. (she/her) Av - A silly little guy with bad bones and even worse taste. There is only sand in his head (he/they) Aura - (Inactive) splatoon?????  m squib. jotaro kujo brainrot only. i think she’s the only extrovert here. (she/her) Digi - digimon boy, literal child. he’s ▇ in a room full of ▇ year olds. (he/him) Hoshi - Actual Miu Iruma? In this group chat? It’s more likely than you think. (they/she/he) Hye - (Inactive) Probably. I think he might be a cryptid or something, he’s cool. (he/him) Bun - Weeb hours :) Allen walker is baby and she would murder for him - 42-42-564. (he/they) Emi - Clown against Daylight Savings (she/they/it)
Submissions ---
 If you put our names into some incorrect-quotes things or whatever and submit that it’ll probably still be posted under its own tag  or just other interactions that you think fit well enough.
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Just Chugging Along
A new coffee shop opened in Nailsea while I was away, replacing a pub which I had never been in and which was always skipped on even the biggest of pub crawls. I met Daisy there yesterday. Daisy is a girl in the school year below mine, just finished her A Levels, who is going to Colombia in January, enrolled in the same Gap Student Programme as I finished about a month and a half ago. She wanted to ask some questions about the job, the country, the culture, and I found myself almost self-indulgently spewing out any relevant information that popped into my head, rarely pausing to take breath. It felt good to rant so gleefully about my time away, instinctively babbling out advice and recommendations, having an answer to every question that she asked and seeing the nerves and excitement build in her as the conversation went on. It was like a confirmation that it had indeed happened, that I hadn’t just imagined or dreamed it; it was real and I loved it enough to want someone else to love it too.
In the nigh-on-month I’ve been home, the coffee shop is the only thing in Nailsea that appears to be new. A couple of shops and business ventures finding their feet in the town centre in January had ran out of legs by July it would seem, but everything else is basically the same; the same faces are scattered round The Moorend Spout on quiz night; the usually interchangeable neighbours in the house next to mine look as if they are the same; the buses are so late that they’re technically early in proximity to the next one, and the wind blows the first days of August silly and cold. Spoons is dead on weeknights and rammed on Friday and Saturday, full of the local football heroes, the ‘hands-on’ figures of the community, the hard-workers, the pre-drinkers, the students back from uni (usually grouped together with the pre-drinkers), and a small congregation of twats in the corner. And in the morning we all step outside to the same smell of horse shit and weed, the latter of which was so strong this past week that it actually made headlines in the North Somerset Times. But amidst all the similarities, I feel the comforting pass of time through every conversation I have. My friends for the most part are happier, more grounded in the people they are and want to be and firmly on their paths to achieve that. Nearly everyone I bump into has something to show for the past half-a-year; Ellie finished her first year at university with a first; Cop’s started designing and printing his own clothes; I haven’t seen Cara yet but she finished her A Levels as is currently blessing the States with her ridiculousness; I saw my old work-friend Genevieve in a play devised by her and her theatre company, whose existence I only knew of beforehand through snippets of conversation over early morning mass sandwich production. Hell, to be fair to them, the twats in the corner at spoons have progressed in some way, in that they’re into harder drugs now. So although the town itself is as still as it’s always been, I’ve returned in exciting times. I can feel everyone starting to get into their stride, transforming from school friends into real people.
I had a fantastic time in the States. I loved travelling, or rather vacationing alone, making my own spontaneous plans each day and meeting several other travellers whom I’d met the night before for breakfast. I drank malts with a couple from Brighton in Atlanta, I ate fried chicken with biscuits and gravy with a guy from London in Asheville, I sat at the counter in a roadside diner and chatted with the waitress and an older gentleman next to me about how ‘things ain’t how they used to be no more’. I went back to the same diner the next day and the same waitress (also named Alex) asked if I wanted ‘the usual’. From Asheville, I went on a 3-day hike up in the Smokey Mountains and saw a sunset atop Gregory Bald, the awe-striking beauty of which I thought could only exist in Google Images, with all the orange and purple oozing into the clouds and the steam rising from between the slumbering peaks and valleys. I saw 3 members of B.B. King’s band perform in Nashville and, in Memphis, stood in the spot where Elvis Presley first recorded and sat at the piano that he, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis all crowded round in 1956. That day also happened to be the 4th of July; the rain had washed out the already deserted streets of Downtown Memphis, and I couldn’t foresee watching fireworks in the lashing rain at a place literally named Mud Island being any fun, so I watched the festivities from the balcony of the Airbnb with Aisha and Tom, two other lodgers I had just met who were roadtripping their way to New Orleans. Once satisfied that the last red, white and/or blue firework had burst, we watched ‘The Nightman Cometh’ musical episode of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
On the night I got back I hugged my Mum very tightly and went out to see my friends at the place where all roads lead to: Ringers. I walked there leisurely, like I’d never been gone, not having to even think about where I was going and what were the best roads to take. Ellie was waiting outside for me and like me she’d changed her hair to blonde, then Jess came, then Harvey appeared and sprang straight into the tale of how he got stuck in a door in the London Underground earlier that day, then Joe and Charlie came, then Cop, then Chris. All these faces I knew as well as the route to the pub came round the corner and exchanged grins with mine like a reunion episode of some sitcom that’d been off the air for years, or like that really lame scene at the end of The Lord Of The Rings. The more people who showed up, the more I melted back into the familiar flow or banter and inside jokes, so naturally and so easily, as if the night were a record that someone had taken the needle off of 6 months ago and had just put back down. In the days that followed I caught everyone up on what I had done and where I’d been and who I’d met, and in the weeks that followed I came to feel completely reintegrated into the ordinary Somerset Summer daze, crashing out on Golden Valley field, binge watching some TV show when the rain comes, turning up late for every social outing and crushing cans of cider in the garden of whoever’s been kind enough to offer it.
With every new day, everything feels more normal and Colombia feels a little further away. And as bliss as coming home has been, how much it came at exactly the right time, there are things and people that should be here but aren’t here and which Nailsea could never recreate. I think about my housemates from Bogotá every day. Those thoughts manifest in things as little as songs on the radio that I think they’d like or in grand visions of them bursting through the Spoons doors as part of some massively extravagant and completely-out-of-their-way surprise visit. I went to a rave in Bristol with Dom and I’m going to Norwich this weekend to see George, but as I write I suspect that Stephen and Ela may be wrapping up their extended travels in Bolivia and arriving at their respective homes in Roanoke, Virginia and the British Virgin Islands, so very far away. I realised on a dragging Greyhound journey from Atlanta to Asheville, miles and miles away from anyone I even remotely knew, that from now on, no matter where I go, it’s a certainty that I will be far away from at least one person that I love. This fact is actually a good thing, the slow dispersion of loved ones is a symptom of everyone finding their way and achieving their goals; I accept this, but I am still entitled to a touch of sadness every day when I don’t say ‘good morning’ to my friends in the Gap House and every time I go to bed without saying ‘good night’.
The stars over Nailsea are better than I remember. They splash and scurry across our countryside sky in ways I never saw in the orange, cloudy haze of the Colombian night. Sometimes walking back late from Charlie’s or Jess’, I crane my neck up at them and wish that my friends across the sea, in the States, in Spain, in the BVI, could see them, and then I remember that they probably can, and that’s a nice thought. To borrow some words once spoken by a sleepy, traffic-frustrated Stephen, life is ‘just chugging along’ everywhere, and everyone will keep achieving things and developing themselves and I’ll just be so proud of them all. 
Be proud of what you’ve done so far this year, and if you feel like you haven’t done much then there’s still a lot of time left in it for you to change that.
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/it-had-to-be-funny-ive-no-interest-in-settling-scores-comedian-eric-idle-launches-his-sortabiography/
'It had to be funny - I've no interest in settling scores' - comedian Eric Idle launches his 'sortabiography'
Comedian Eric Idle launches his ‘sortabiography’ We’re all individuals. Eric Idle is proud of the success of his fellow Pythons. Photo: Robyn Von Swank Technicolour: Eric Idle during the early days of Monty Python
‘It had to be funny – I’ve no interest in settling scores’ – comedian Eric Idle launches his ‘sortabiography’
It is a comparison that has been made time and time again. Monty Python, it’s said, is to comedy, what The Beatles are to music. If the Fab Four forever changed the pop and rock landscape, it is surely fair to suggest that television comedy would look very different if a bunch of whip-smart and super-funny young men hadn’t appeared on the BBC in 1969 with a show that still generates belly laughs.
It is a comparison that has been made time and time again. Monty Python, it’s said, is to comedy, what The Beatles are to music. If the Fab Four forever changed the pop and rock landscape, it is surely fair to suggest that television comedy would look very different if a bunch of whip-smart and super-funny young men hadn’t appeared on the BBC in 1969 with a show that still generates belly laughs.
Eric Idle – along with John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones and the late Graham Chapman – will forever be associated with his years in Python and he is as well placed as any to appraise The Beatles comparison.
“They weren’t The Beatles until Ringo came,” he tells Review over a sparkling water in a Dublin hotel bar. “When he came, he was the missing jigsaw piece that made it all work. And it’s the same with Python – if you took anyone out, the magic went, too.
“It’s like a good Liverpool football team,” he adds, in reference to the all-conquering Reds of the 1980s. “It’s a team that clicks and works, you can’t entirely explain it. You need these different kinds of talents to gel and it was the same with us.”
Technicolour: Eric Idle during the early days of Monty Python
The 75-year-old comedic giant is in Ireland to talk about his memoir, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Billed as a “sortabiography”, it’s a very funny look-back on a quirky and largely happy life. It shares its name with the song Idle wrote for the gloriously irreverent Life of Brian movie in 1979, and is now one of the most popular songs played at funerals.
He loves the idea that the tune soundtracks events and says writing that song is one of the things he’s most proud of. “Harry Nilsson recorded it,” he says. “but our version didn’t become a hit until 1991 – 13-odd years after it first came out. Simon Mayo [the BBC radio presenter] said it became popular on the terraces first – Manchester United fans had started to sing it [in the unsuccessful, pre-Alex Ferguson days] and then he started to play it at the beginning of his show to cheer people up.”
The song became a number one in Ireland – a fact that tickles Idle, especially as the Life of Brian was banned on release here over concerns it was blasphemous. It would finally get an Irish release in 1987 – and became one of the most popular films of the year.
Idle was busy making the film this month 40 years ago and says it was enormous fun to work with Cleese, Palin et al following the demise of the TV show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, to give it its full name.
Unsurprisingly, a great chunk of Idle’s memoir is taken up with those Python years. Although he says he doesn’t watch it any more – with the exception of clips that might be shown on TV chat shows he appears on – he believes the brand of humour has stood up well. “There were so many different talents, and we sort of spurred each other on to do better work. John had the most superb timing as a comedic talent. Gilliam couldn’t write a sketch to save his life, but his cartoons” – a key part of the Python experience – “were superb.”
The show coincided with the start of colour TV in Britain and Idle believes its importance should not be underestimated. “It really was very important, because if it had been in black and white, it would probably look very dated now, irrespective of how funny it was. People forget what a big deal the colour thing was… but you’ve got to remember that back then, Spike Milligan had a TV series that was called Oh in Colour.”
Idle bristles at the suggestion that Python was an overnight success. He subscribes to the 10,000 hours theory espoused by the Canadian pop cultural writer Malcolm Gladwell about greatness being earned rather than inherited. “We had worked very hard before Monty Python came along,” he says. “We’d done the Frost Report and Do Not Adjust Your Set. We were already very experienced when it came to writing professionally and performing.
“I really believe in the 10,000 hours thing. Look at The Beatles – and Gladwell uses them as an example: they honed their craft by playing all-nighters in Hamburg time and time again.”
Do Not Adjust Your Set – popular on ITV – had demonstrated their collective worth, but Monty Python’s Flying Circus allowed the sextet to push the comedic boat out. “By a serendipitous process, we were given a chance to do whatever we wanted – we literally had carte blanche, but we never got complacent. We were definitely challenging each other to come up with the best possible work.”
Idle is proud of the fact that each member went on to enjoy remarkable careers post-Python. Cleese created one of the greatest sitcoms in Fawlty Towers, Gilliam went on to become an arthouse filmmaker of distinction and Palin is now arguably better known for his outstanding travel broadcasting as he is for comedy.
Idle has been no slouch either. After Python, he created the cult Rutland Weekend Television, which led to the parody Beatles group, The Rutles. He starred in several movies – not least Python favourites like The Holy Grail and The Life of Brian – and was also responsible for one of the biggest Broadway hits of the past 20 years, Spamalot – which was adapted from The Holy Grail film. He is especially proud of the latter’s success. “Only 18pc [of Broadway musicals] make their money back,” he says. “We were into profit pretty early – it has to make its money back before you get any.” It was seen by more than two million people and grossed over $175m.
“People would say, ‘You were lucky to get all that money’, and I thought, ‘You know what, when I got that big cheque, I had worked on it for four or five years for nothing’. It’s only in success that you benefit from a musical.”
Idle decided to pen his memoir before reaching out to a publisher. “It had to be funny, and I like funny books – something like the one that [UK jazz musician] George Melly wrote, Rum, Bum and Concertina,” he says. “I read Steve Martin’s book, Born Standing Up. He’s a friend and I said to him, ‘What did you do?’ and he said, ‘I decided I wouldn’t talk badly of people’ and I thought that was a very good tip going in. I’ve no interest in settling old scores. People tend to do that when they write books at an earlier age – at 50, they try to nail people. But at my age, I don’t see the point. Most of my friends are dead. A lot of it is remembering really good times with really good people – and not taking the chance of being nasty. And I don’t think people like to read that either.”
Despite that vow, he cheerfully admits to sticking the boot into the new-age guru Deepak Chopra, whom he met at a party, and to Denis O’Brien, the controversial American business manager of George Harrison (who was one of Idle’s closest friends) and producer of The Life of Brian. “Even with him I was relatively mild,” he says. “I didn’t go as far as I could – he robbed George blind.” After Harrison took a lawsuit against him, O’Brien was instructed to pay him £6.7m in damages.
Today, Idle lives in Los Angeles. “I went over there when I was 50,” he says. He’s glad to be away from a Britain wrestling with Brexit, and he’s angry at the “idiotic posturing�� of politicians like Boris Johnson. “It’s so depressing,” he says. “These fools have set the country back so much. It’s such a mess.”
And while he may have penned an anthem about looking at the bright side, Idle struggles to see a happy ending for a Britain led by Brexiteers. “I’m not very optimistic,” he says. “We have to put up with that Trump arsehole, but at least he’ll be gone eventually. Brexit won’t be reversed any time soon.”
‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ is out now, published by W&N
Indo Review
Source: https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/books/it-had-to-be-funny-ive-no-interest-in-settling-scores-comedian-eric-idle-launches-his-sortabiography-37459206.html
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