#literally what is up with tumblr formatting on asks. why can’t i italicize some words. i italicize it then it randomly turns
strixhaven · 6 months
🪄 WOOSH!!!
literally been contemplating nonstop about what lyrics i wanted to go auauuauuagh about but because I’m in Izzy mode rn (my default state), it’s gotta be the last two verses of Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain.
Blessed be the Daughters of Cain  Bound to suffering eternal through the sins of their fathers committed long before their conception  Blessed be their whore mothers  Tired and angry, waiting with bated breath in a ferry that will never move again  Blessed be the children  Each and every one come to know their god through some senseless act of violence  Blessed be you, girl  Promised to me by a man who can only feel hatred and contempt towards you
I am no good nor evil, simply I am  And I have come to take what is mine  I was there in the dark when you spilled your first blood  I am here now, as you run from me still  Run then, child  You can't hide from me forever
even as the nature of his curse has changed. this didn’t. and it makes me pace my room for hours at a time thinking about him. my boy. my blorbo. my everything.
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marie-dufresne · 7 years
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
I refuse. To pick just one. So HERE. we go.
1. Fancy fucking formatting. I’m gonna say it because it’s the salt meme and lots of people ain’t gon’ like it, but to me, fancy formatting is a mask for bad writing. Distract them with the oohs and aahs and symbols for fucking letters and punches of bold and w o r d s that are spread apart like a horny bitch for no fucking reason. 
Seriously. I can’t stand that shit. If it’s bolded or italicized, it better be for fucking emphasis. If it’s a strikethrough, I want a clever use of that shit because I don’t think there’s a legit reason for it aside from...literally nixing an idea. 
You are not here to decorate my dash with words. If ya wanna do that, make some typography and post that file. J. F. C.
I want to explore characters with people. I want to break hearts. I want to make someone squeal with cuteness. I want. fuckin’. STORIES, man. Come on.
2. People who constantly reblog memes and prompts from me but never actually fucking send anything in. I’m pretty sure we’ve all been guilty of this at one point or another, but there are some people with whom it is a CONSTANT. And it drives me insane like WHY DO YOU FOLLOW ME IF YOU DON’T WANNA INTERACT. Like, for me personally, I’m fully aware that I come off as a raging cunt, but that’s because I am. But that doesn’t mean we can’t RP. Read my blog; we all have a grand time.
3. The constant need for smut. Oh my God please not everything revolves around sex.
4. Whiny motherfucking bitches. You know the type. If they don’t get the “right” blogs to like their starters or send in asks, they throw those big temper tantrums and delete their blogs, only to pop up a week later with a new one? Yeah. Them. The ones that cry “shyness” or “anxiety” or “insecurity” in order to get their inbox flooded with their groupies licking their assholes to keep them on tumblr? Yeah. Them. It’s the motherfucking internet and we’re ROLEPLAYING fucking ANIME characters. Like are you kidding. None of us are cool. 
5. Whiny motherfucking bitches version 2.0. The ones that will find a way to be offended or hurt by something either a mun or muse says, regardless of context or who it was intended for. AKA, everyone who’ll probably bitch about this post.
6. Trigger warnings. I mean this is kinda a general tumblr thing that’s leaking into a cultural thing which is terrifying but I’ve seen people tw food, water, (I wish I was kidding) pregnancy, babies, and a whole slew of other things that literally keep the human race going. Like are you kidding. Enough is enough. The internet has never been a fucking safe space. And as for the tw happy people in our fandom in particular, here’s a big old ?????????????? for you. 
Have ya seen the series?
7. Ship wars. And I don’t even need to go into it because we’ve all heard it a million times. It’s 2017. Why is it even still a thing.
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