#litg Talia x mc
whatisreggieshortfor · 11 months
Pride Plans
Winnie was just trying to hook her brother up.
She didn’t expect to crush on his best mate.
Talia x MC, Rohan x Jake
Talia was just trying to find her best mate. It shouldn’t have been hard. Even in a crowd as big as this waiting for the parade to start, it shouldn’t have been hard. How do you miss a man that’s over six foot tall and built like a Greek God??
Her gaze became glued on another figure, not who she was looking for, but who complains they didn’t find the Greek God when they stumble upon the Goddess? Talia was used to people being stunned by her beauty- she wasn’t narcissistic about it, but she did know she looked good. But right now, she felt like she was stunned, stuck in place as she took in the way this woman looked.
The stranger wasn’t moving with an exacting confidence she would expect, more like a self consciousness she was trying to hide by pretending. Her denim shorts showed her tanned legs, and her crop top nearly made Talia’s mouth water- the yellow and pink and blue of it telling her that maybe the stranger was looking for someone like her. The words scrawled across it made her laugh, ‘My brother told that girl bi bi bi’. Her chestnut hair tumbled in a loose braid over her shoulder, her chocolate eyes taking in everything they could as she kept pointing out things to the man beside her-
The man.
The man Talia had been looking for.
And he was walking next to Talia’s new goddess.
When Jake caught sight of her, still poised on top of a float for the parade the riders had been gracious enough to let her search from, he raced over, hoisting her off and into his arms for a cuddle, “Tals! I almost thought I’d never find you.”
“Y-yeah,” she shook her head, trying to clear out the daze, “We should’ve coordinated better, actually planned on a spot more specific than the start of the route.”
He chuckled, releasing her from his grasp, “Guess neither of us took into account how many people would be here.” Talia’s gaze was sucked back over to the woman from before, standing just behind her best mate with an amused look in her dark eyes- eyes that looked disarmingly familiar this close. Jake turned, gesturing to her, “Talia, please meet my sister, Winslow.”
Talia’s eyes bugged out, making the woman in question giggle, “Call me Winnie. Jakey likes to be a scrub and use my full name.”
Jake rolled his eyes with a grin, “Whatever you say, Win. This is Talia, my-“
“Your ex you stayed friends with after a failed first date, I remember,” she waved him waved with a cheeky smile, “Seriously though, Jake? You let that go?”
Talia snorted, entirely catching the way Winnie seemed to be checking her out, “It wasn’t him,” she offered with a smirk, “It was the poetry.”
“Oh, I see.” Winnie nodded seriously, like that explained everything.
Jake held up his hands, “And you wonder why I didn’t introduce you sooner. Can you let a man breathe?”
Winnie rolled her eyes before offering him a mischievous smile, “I actually have someone meeting us, too. Should be here any minute.”
“My best mate.”
Jake was a very tanned man, but Talia watched some of that color seep away, “Oh, please tell me you didn’t-“
“Winnie!” A cheerful voice called out, turning she saw a darker skinned man jostling through the crowd with a grin on his face, “There’s my beauty!”
“Rohan-“ Winnie sighed, but he cut her off.
“Oh, sorry, I was talking about Jake.” The man winked, watching the flush erupt in Jake’s face, Talia felt giddy.
“This is Rohan?”
Jake took a deep breath, “Talia, please. Not a word.”
“No words needed,” She smirked, giving the other two a wink. Her attire matched nearly with Jake and Rohan, at least in a color scheme of blue and pink and purple. Rohan had forgone a shirt, body paint smearing the colors across his torso. Talia noticed the way Jake’s eyes kept creeping back over to look at him, no matter how much he tried to stop it.
Falling back a step behind them as they started the walk along the parade route, Talia leaned over to Winnie, “So, Jake clearly fancies the pants off Rohan. What’s the hold up?”
Winnie snorted, waving away the guys’s attention when they turned around, “Glad you noticed. You know that girl Cherry he had been seeing?”
Talia gestured to the scrawl on her shirt with a nod, “He said she was being snakey, wouldn’t go into specifics.”
Winnie pursed her lips, “I liked Cherry at first. Then she started flirting with my ex right under Jake’s nose. Me and the ex were heading to splitsville so bang on, scrubber, and all that- but she had also started seeing Rohan. Rohan had no idea she was seeing Jake. My brother had liked him before meeting Cherry, but because he’s my best mate Jakey didn’t wanna make a move.” She sighed, watching them wistfully, “Jake’s too pure for his own good. He tried to move on with Cherry and it bit him in the arse. I’m hoping to convince them to give it a go.”
“I’m in.” Talia nodded decisively. She had never liked Cherry, knew she was up to no good and constantly blaming it on a naturally flirty personality. “But how do we do it?”
Winnie grinned, “That’s where a few favors come into play.” She send a text from her phone, and Talia watched ahead of them as a large man checked his own cell- only to step back and stumble right into Rohan, sending him tumbling into Jake who instinctively caught him in his big arms.
“Sorry about that fellas!” The big man smiled, “Sometimes I forget how much space I take up.”
The redheaded man next to him offered his own smile, “Come on, Tai, leave the gorgeous couple alone.”
Her brother and best mate both blushed at the statement, glancing at each other and away when their eyes met, but Jake chose to shuffle over to a booth, looking at the pins they had for sale. Winnie smirked, shooting a thumbs up to the couple, “Onto the next attempt.”
The larger man leaned over when they were in earshot, “Win, I love the whole plan here, but what happens if it fails?”
“Ciaran knows.”
The redheaded man in question gave a nervous smile tinged in amusement, “She’s gonna lock them in a closet.”
Tai laughed loudly, shooing the women away to keep following them before Talia could even comment, so she directed it to Winnie, “Wouldn’t that be easier than subtle hints?”
“Maybe,” She confirmed with a devious look in her eye, “But I have hope they aren’t that dense. Besides- you know the funniest thing about the plan?”
Talia quirked a brow, eyeing her curiously, “What?”
Winnie’s eyes sparkled in the sun as she leaned closer, “Jake and Rohan have already met everyone involved. But they literally forget everyone else when they’re together.”
Talia would argue that she absolutely did not cackle while hearing that, but she would be lying.
As the walk dragged on, they ‘stumbled’ upon Arjun and Elijah, who were taking Polaroid shots of couples out together. They posed Jake and Rohan before either could correct them, as planned. And Winnie and Talia, not as planned.
Yasmín appeared with her guitar, singing love ballads as AJ threw glitter and flowers over them.
Youcef and his girlfriend, both dressed like they were about to walk a Pride runway instead of a parade, who fixed matching make up specials in everyone’s respective flag colors.
The plan should’ve been going off without a hitch.
And it was, following her brother and best mate, Winnie almost felt like a third wheel- especially since the boys obviously forgot they came together. Had it not been for Talia she absolutely would have been.
Talia, who dragged her to a face paint booth while Jake distracted Rohan at a food cart.
Talia, who was the exact picture of beauty and grace Winnie had always fawned over, even in heels baking in the London sun.
Talia, who was the embodiment of everything Winnie had ever wanted when she met her exes, humor and intellect firmly making their presence known under her gorgeous looks.
Talia, who watched eagerly whenever Winnie’s friends appeared to help match make their best mates.
Talia, who was her brother’s ex.
Winnie was fighting a losing battle, trying to maintain her focus on her brother’s love life even though the Amazon beauty next to her made it painstakingly difficult.
That was the hitch in the plan.
Winnie hadn’t expected Jake to invite Talia when she asked him to go, though looking back she really should have. Any time Jake had any event or plans and he was allowed to bring someone, he always took Winnie or Talia if he didn’t have an actual date- so it was nearly an unspoken agreement that he’d be bringing her today.
“You know I see what you’ve been up to, yeah?” Winnie snapped out of her head to see Jake nearly looming over her, glancing she could see Talia pointing something out to Rohan at a stall down the path.
“I’d hope you see it,” She muttered petulantly, “I’ve called in a lot of favors to show you that you need to be together.” Jake’s brow furrowed, a question in his eyes, and Winnie indignantly smacked his arms, “Are you daft!? What the bloody hell did you think I was up to?”
Jake rubbed the spit she hit, looking far more sheepish, “Well, your objective was achieved. I kissed him while you were off in your own world.”
She pouted, “Well, what did you think I was doing?”
“I was talking about Talia,” he gestured over to them, holding up bi pride shirts to each other, before looking back and smirking as Winnie’s cheeks filled.
“I have no idea what you mean.” She muttered, looking away and crossing her arms over her chest like she needed to protect herself.
Jake was the last person she’d ever need protection from.
He pursed his lips though, nodding, “Well, on the off chance I’m not wrong-“
“And you are.”
“-you should know that she’s interested, I can tell. I think you’re both nervous to make a move because of me, but consider this my blessing being granted.” He squeezed her shoulder, and looking up she saw the warmth she knew she’d find in his gaze, “Talia and I- we weren’t right for love. But I know her well enough now, and I’ve known you forever. The two of you, I can see that going well.”
“God, you’re such a melt.” Winnie scoffed jokingly, giving him a grateful smile.
Now she just needed to make a move.
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
It's not homophobic being mad that youre making Bobby gay when he's not
Bruhhhhh. I'm not gonna get into any more disk horse (TM) after answering this.
Bobby has no canonical sexuality. Bobby has no canonical sexuality.
Bobby has no canonical sexuality.
In canon, he has sex with MC and Lottie and is flirtatious towards Noah, but at no point did the writers make him say "I am straight/bi/gay/queer".
That's the case with nearly every other islander (excluding Marisol, Angie, Tai, and AJ). We have a pretty good idea that some characters are bi because we see them dating both men and women (Arjun, Elijah, Ciaran, Talia, Cora) but they don't specify their identities in canon. So while you shouldn't discount their same-sex attraction or see it as unfortunate for your cishet MC, you also can't say "they are canonically bi" when they could be pan, queer, gay, etc. And you cannot state that any character is by default straight, because that's homophobic and also just not true in canon.
Any fan claiming that the 'canon' sexualities of a character is x y or z is wrong, because we simply don't know that. Hell, I would even say that if a S2 writer came forward and was like "we wrote Bobby as gay but in denial" I would say it doesn't actually matter, because he's a static character in media that is not ongoing. If it's not in canon explicitly, it's up for interpretation, and that means no one is the authority on it.
All of that is to say that it's NONSENSE to get defensive, send anons, or fight over anyone's interpretation of a character's sexuality because It Does Not Affect You. Write your fics where Bobby is straight and solely in love with your MC. Play your game denying that he's interested in Noah. It doesn't matter. People's headcanons are no more or less valid than yours, and they don't inhibit your ability to enjoy a character.
But what does matter is that:
It's homophobic to insist that people can't interpret a character as gay or that a character being LGBTQ+ 'makes the character worse' or 'ruins them'
It's biphobic to be upset that a character you want to date might also be attracted to other genders. I don't even know how to explain how fucked up it is that people think that.
It's just bully behavior to go to someone with an interpretation you don't like and send them anons/make demands about how they interpret characters.
The LITG fandom on tumblr has been through this, like I said, THREE separate times since 2019. It's insane to me that people a) are biphobic/homophobic enough for this to keep happening b) don't have critical thinking skills to just let it go and disengage with content they don't enjoy c) are obsessed with Bobby enough where the controversies are ALWAYS about that little man.
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
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@litgwritersroom is a tumblr-based prompt area. Want to see a two characters hook up? Have an AU idea? Or a specific scenario you want to see? Submit an ask and we might take a stab at it! Here are some of the fics I've written for LITG Writers Room so far:
Note: All of the below fics are also available to read on my Archive of Our Own page
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✅ - Done |🌷- Fluff | 🔥 - NSFW | 🤡 - Comedy |😖 Angst| 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+
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See you soon - Tim and MC have to decide who leaves (1.5k) ✅🌷
Cabernet Sauvignon - Jake x Talia x MC threesome (4.3k) ✅🔥🏳️‍🌈
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Three in the morning - Bobby at work, crushing on a pretty nurse (3.5k) ✅🌷
Electromagnetic - Carl's a Star Trek captain (3k+)✅🌷🔥
Tom's Game - Bad Tom meets Bad Priya (3.5k+)✅🔥
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Follow your instincts - Tai smut with a plot (3.1k) ✅🔥
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A Sign. Any Sign - Bruno in the heartrate challenge (1k+)✅🔥
Chanel Paris-Biarritz - Why Youcef never went for MC (2.1k)✅🌷🔥
Dylan's Redemption - Dylan learns about respect (5.5k) ✅🤡
For a Minute - Oliver sticking up for MC after Dylangate (2.5k) ✅🌷
He was sure - Oliver smut (2.5k+)✅🔥
Let's go - Angie in the heartrate challenge (1k+)✅🔥🏳️‍🌈
Tom's Game - Bad Tom meets Bad Priya (3.5k+)✅🔥
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Dasvid Anya- Finn's exhibitionist kink (1.5k+)✅🔥
Jaded - The Suresh cheating story (4.5k+) ✅🔥😖
✅ - Done |🌷- Fluff | 🔥 - NSFW | 🤡 - Comedy |😖 Angst| 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+
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adam-memeleri · 3 years
prompt 24. tender for litg talia x mc? there’s not enough fics for her 😔
there really isn’t anon and it’s such a shame, so i tried to give this one some extra length and definite extra softness too lmao
mini story prompts
Talia x MC (Lilac, she/her)
~600 words
Talia’s fingers brush over her skin, touches light and sweet, yet every movement is weighed down by a sleepy haze, a relaxed state. She stretches her legs with a soft groan, muscles twitching beneath smooth skin before she settles, sinking back into the warmth of the sheets she’s been buried in for an amount she doesn’t know anymore.
It’s a moonless night, the only glimmers in the sky being the flickering of man-made yellow and a faint dusting of stars, barely visible in the city. Not that any of it matters right now, that anything has captured Talia’s attention the way fluttering eyes and the gentle slope of brilliant features has. None of it matters when pale curls shift with each exhale, when curves rise with every inhale.
The pad of her finger trails idly over a sharp jawline, the dip of a cupid’s bow, the ridge in a nose from a long-forgotten break. She memorises every pore, every rise and fall of skin and muscle and bone, as if she were to ever risk forgetting them.
She wants nothing more than to stay here for eternity, to let the world pass her by, for this quiet moment to stretch as far as it can. But eventually it will snap, pulled too thin. Eventually it will come to a halt, the inevitable rising of the sun breaking the midnight spell. Eventually it will disappear like the moon in the clouds, the man-made yellow joined by a man-made thunder.
Eventually, but not now. Not in this second, this second where Lilac’s eyes blink open, slow and weary as her lips curve, gentle and tired. “You’re still up,” she whispers the words, her breath warm where it brushes Talia’s skin.
“Mmhmm,” Talia hums, low and heavy in the back of her throat. Her fingers continue their pattern just as before, tracing every feature resting before her, filling her line of sight, causing a swell in her heart.
Lilac’s heavy-lidded eyes turn inquisitive, a bright curiosity illuminating irises the colour of the clouds hiding the crescent moon. And the swell only grows, pulled by a tide from those moons, lurching her chest, lapping at her ribs in a steadily increasing rhythm.
A soft breath releases from her lungs, slips past her lips at the sight of the carefully amused twist in Lilac’s for once unpainted lips. She shrugs, the gesture lightly jostling the bed, lightly adjusting the atmosphere, “Just wanted to enjoy this.”
The twist grows, blossoming like a flower, petals unfolding in a mischievous grin. “Without me?” Lilac’s tone is teasing, glowing with more affection than the stars’ and their true light.
A chuckle reverberates in her chest, just as warm as her hum, just as sweet to Lilac’s ears. Talia lets their foreheads meet with a bump, lets her wandering hand slip into messy tresses, fingers filling with them, lets the tiny gap that separated them, that let the world in between them, close, “Only with you.”
Lilac’s smile is infectious as it shines, shines so bright even in the dark of night, even in this moment, this precious moment. “Such a sap,” she murmurs, lips moving with every syllable, and Talia’s rich blue eyes trace them, trace every line and dot and dip and peak for the hundredth time tonight.
“Only with you,” she repeats, the words a comfort as they rest on her tongue, a blanket wrapping tight around them. Tight enough to pull them together, for lips to brush in only a ghost of a kiss. But it’s enough. It’s enough for now, for tonight and it’s moonless, cloudy sky, for this perfect moment, however long it may last.
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milly-plays-litg · 3 years
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In honour to our queen Talia ♥️
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another-lottie-simp · 4 years
Hello! I'm going to post a series of crossover headcanons regarding LITG. That means picking one islander and placing it in another season. I'm accepting requests if anyone is interested to see their favourite islander in another season. The first one will be Talia. This post is dedicated to the awesome @bubblybabynailpolish and her awesome headcanons. Next one will Henrik in S1 babes <3
PD: I got carried a little but please keep in mind that English is not my native language, so if you see something that is phrased weirdly, just let me know.
Talia in S2: 
If Talia was part of S2, I do think she would arrive on the 5th day along with Lurik. I can picture her being civil to Lucas because she’s not very much into his poshness and his attitude at all but she feels that she has no reason to be really mean to him, they just don’t have much in common but they would respect each other. 
On the other hand, I see her having a platonic friendship with Henrik and even coupling up with him as friends if she doesn’t fancies anyone back in the Villa. If he’s the returning Lurik or he manages to make it to the final recoupling after CA after being rejected by MC and if she’s not in her route. He's just one of her closest friends in the Villa, there’s nothing sexual or romantic between them.
After MC and Priya, I feel that Talia is tied with Hope as one of the most attractive females in the Villa, which leads to certain “unwanted male attention” in her words, especially from Rocco which is a source of arguments and drama between her, Marisol and Lottie. Talia may be nice, chill and hating drama just like in S1, but she’s not going to be a doormat and will take no shit about Lottie’s rants about Girl Code or Marisol’s psychoanalysis. Much less she’s going to tolerate Rocco trying to graft on her.
She agrees with the idea of the girl code, but thinks that Lottie executed her ideas poorly. Talia sees the good intentions in Lottie's idea of Girl Code but thinks that they could work better if she were less abrasive in her interactions with the other girls.
Regarding the rest of the boys and assuming she had seen certain events on telly like the kiss between Lottie and Gary or Rocco trying to graft with the rest of the girls behind Lottie/MC’s back, she would be cautious of both Rocco and Gary. I can see her vibing a lot with Bobby and even coupling up as friends if he’s not coupled with MC because of the jokes and the banter. Before ON, their friendship would be much like hers with Tim in S1. I don’t see her interacting much with Rahim because they have little in common and she's going to be straight up annoyed with him during the girls day drama later.
During the Most Dateable challenge, she’d be super happy to help Henrik and give him advice on how to apply lipstick correctly or help him to pick the color of the lipstick he’s going to wear. I can also see her helping Bobby to put on Priya's dress.
After Henrik (and Bobby before ON), I feel like she would love to hang out with Noah in the Villa, much to Hope’s chagrin because she will feel threatened by her beauty and her warm, approachable personality and they will clash for that. Talia and Noah would be talking a lot about their tastes in books and music while he braids her hair first but later about their experiences in the Villa and more serious chats. To Talia, her hair is something she cares a lot, but she would trust it only to Noah (and later to MC).
She certainly would not be a fan of his behaviour towards Hope and Priya/MC during the aftermath of ON but she wouldn’t judge him that harshly. Instead, she would offer him her honest opinion if he asks her. I don’t see her pursuing a romantic relationship with Noah for the same reasons she didn’t work with Jake in S1 as a couple but I can see her having an innocent, healthy male-female friendship with him, like hers with Jake in S1.
As for the girls, she has a crush on MC and they flirt a lot prior to CA if MC acknowledges that she’s bi in the beginning of the game. If MC is romantically interested in her, they would be able to couple up after CA, game wise. 
If MC is straight or not really interested in Talia romantically, I can’t picture Talia going for Elisa because I feel like she is too high maintenance and extra for her and I don’t think she would have vibed much with Marisol either because she’s very calculating and unnecessarily childish for her liking after noticing that she's with Graham to try to make MC jealous. Instead, I can see Lottie secretly having a crush on Talia despite being openly mean to her when they first met when she was coupled up with Rocco.
Regarding the other girls, she would vibe the most with MC, Priya and Lottie after Roccogate drama ends, but like I said before not much with Hope and Marisol. This is something that really pains me to say, but I think she would be pretty much indifferent to Chelsea because they don't have much in common. Yeah, she might find Chelsea genuinely funny sometimes after the Ministry of Sound Party drama ends but they wouldn't be that close like she is with MC, Priya or Lottie.
She'd made sure that Bobby actually faced consequences after ON, because she never approved it when Bobby and Priya approached her to see if she was up to try to turn Noah’s head. She refuses quite offended, because her friendship with Noah is more important to her than some petty drama. Even if Priya is upset after Talia refuses to take part in ON, she understands why she refused. This will be the first source of drama between Bobby and Talia.
Like I said before, they'd be closer because I headcanon that Talia has literally the same ethnicity of Bobby (white British/Jamaican) and they would share a lot of things in common about Jamaican culture, besides she would also enjoy Bobby’s dumb jokes.
But that doesn't mean she would be pleased all the time with his behaviour. Bobby's attitude after ON is something she's not going to tolerate and she won’t hesitate to call out him especially if she's aware that he played a big part in ON, after he starts to play fool in the Ministry of Sound Party and later playing peacemaker with Marisol while Priya/MC is enduring the shitstorm alone during the aftermath of ON.
She's 👏🏾 not 👏🏾 here 👏🏾 for 👏🏾 the 👏🏾 peacemaking 👏🏾 bullshit 👏🏾. After Priya leaves the Villa, she pretty much ignores Bobby unless is really necessary to talk to him. Bobby’s part in Priya's dumping was the final straw between Bobby and Talia.
I think she would be closer to Priya because she'd appreciate Talia's carefree and non-judgemental personality. As for Lottie, they'd be closer after the Roccogate drama ends but they would start their friendship after she stands up for Lottie by calling out Gary for kissing her after Hannah left the Villa the same night when Chelsea entered the Villa throwing shade to Lottie. 
From Hope, she would be quite disgusted with her behaviour after trying to put all the blame against MC/Priya after ON. She might understand why Hope is legitimately upset but she won’t allow her to insult only Priya/MC for making a pass/kissing Noah while ignoring Bobby’s part during ON. 
At CA, the only guy that she remotely likes is Kassam after finding Elijah, Felix and Arjun annoying and not vibing much with Carl and Graham. She might find him interesting, but not enough to take him back to the Villa. If MC is in her route, she might acknowledge her crush on Talia during the CA days which is a source of more drama with Marisol, because she's going to be jealous of Talia.
During the girls day, she would try to reason with Shannon that Jo is not the only responsible for the kiss with Ibrahim, not because she likes Jo (in fact, she’s not a big fan of her attitude), it is mostly because she wants to have quality time with MC (or Lottie) without drama enjoying the beach and the drinks. Since her efforts trying to reason with Shannon are futile, she might sneak with MC or Lottie to the beach. She won’t be here for petty drama that doesn’t affect her directly.
When the baby challenge happened, Talia is an utter mess because she’s not used to taking care of babies and she’s quite creeped by the fake baby, but she would attempt to help MC to take care of it.
If Lottie gets dumped before the finale, our Aussie witch lady might regret not making a move on Talia if MC is not in her route. She mostly regrets it because due to her stubbornness trying to pursue something with Gary that she realizes now is not going to last much. She kinda regrets ignoring her feelings for her all this time, also for her fear of being rejected. When MC is not in her route their story is a literal enemies to friends to lovers but if MC is coupled with Talia, Lottie will back off and keep her feelings to herself. If Bobby is dumped before the finale, he might apologize properly to both MC and Talia for what he did in ON.
She makes it to finals but depending on who is coupled up with her, she might win with MC or end in third place if she coupled up with anyone else, she loses to MC and her LI if she didn't cheated with Elisa/RLurik and Nope who ends in second place.
Finally, overall I feel like she would vibe a lot with lighthearted guys who are not afraid to do silly things much like in S1 (in a friendly way) and guys that are being comfortable with their masculinity, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t call out things that are utter bullshit to her like Bobby’s involvement in ON. Talia is usually quite easy to talk, fair and she was hands down the kindest female character in S1, that was the main reason why I can picture her being closer to characters like Lottie, Priya or Noah, because she wouldn’t judge them of the things they do or if they want to talk to her something private, however, if they ask her opinion she will very blunt and she will stand for what she thinks is the correct thing to do. 
As a LI, she would be super supportive of MC if she doesn’t want to be involved in petty drama or if the Villa is forcing her to be a people pleaser and she doesn't want to be. Also, if Talia sees that someone is giving MC shit for any reason, she will stand up for her. In this regard, she wouldn’t be far different than Lucas but overall she would be a very chill LI like Henrik because she would trust a lot in MC unless she cheats on her before the final recoupling.
That's it for know. Like I said I'm gonna post a series of crossover headcanons and requests are open!
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eryfeiron · 3 years
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girl you tell me
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iwannabetaliaswife · 4 years
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so i guess they tried to make her look more realistic but kinda failed
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
Homebound, Chapter 1
Sequel to Runaways, Part 2 of Chasing Forever
“Lottie's wildest fantasy is coming more and more real everyday, the line between imagination and reality blurring as she explores her new relationship, a relationship she's dreamed of for years, and one she's pretty awful at navigating.”
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sadgirllovesmusic · 5 years
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whatisreggieshortfor · 11 months
Rivalries Don’t Make Friends
@perfectlysunny02 i finally did it.
(Before anyone says it- I know AJ plays field hockey. My bestie verified it for me- but I wanted to expand the available choices so she plays ice hockey here.)
AJ knew the trouble of falling for a member of the rival team.
It was not something you should do, a betrayal against the loyalty of your own team if the rivalry between the teams was strong enough.
But there’s a flaw in the design of things like rivalries.
They only work when you can see the other person’s face.
The team had convinced her to go out after a match, just a simple night at the pub after a match as they tossed back a few pints. AJ wasn’t a heavyweight when it came to drinking, but she knew her limits and danced right along them, even as she actually danced along the floor with her teammates. Tai had just finished spinning under his arm when she collided with another body clustered with friends, “Whoa- I’m so sorry!” AJ giggled sheepishly, Tai falling back with the team to watch the scene unfold, “I should know better than to get on the dance floor after a few pints. My feet never cooperate.”
The absolutely gorgeous babe in front her smirked, hands holding AJ’s arms from catching her in the stumble, “Didn’t think anything could knock away your stability- not with the way you move on the ice.”
AJ blinked, surprised even as more giggles escaped, “Are you a Manchester Thunder fan?” Something about the woman’s face was tickling a memory in her hazy mind, like she was familiar.
“You could say I’m more of a Liverpool Blaze fan, myself.”
AJ gasped, “Rooting for the enemy??”
The girl chuckled, shaking her head, “But I am a fan of yours, Jones.”
AJ felt her cheeks flush. Sure, she knew she had fans, but most were men who just liked the sport or the type of women you’d see body checking a stranger over some petty argument. She had never met a fan so… effervescent. So beautiful. “You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” AJ offered instead, watching as amusement danced in her gaze.
“Sunna.” The girl grinned, “My name is Sunna. How bout you let take you for a dance to make up for running into me?” Sunna winked, “I doubt the big man is your boyfriend, I’ve heard it’s bad luck to date within your team.” Hearing a snort, AJ could see one of the women from her group just behind her nudging the couple next to her. Ordinarily she’d wonder what that meant, why she nudged them when she mentioned dating teammates- but AJ was distracted. Sunna’s hands were warm on hers, and the shimmering colors in her hazel eyes had AJ’s tipsy mind locked in a trance. So she let herself be led into a dance, “Yeah, there’s a couple on my team that actually split, but Levi and Lucy are too competitive to let it stop them,” she offered offhandedly, spinning and twirling and holding Sunna as the hours creeped on, before suddenly Tai was making his way over.
“AJ, we’re glad you’re having a good time and all, but Gary is itching to get home before he hurls up his pints and we got practice tomorrow.”
The blonde felt a wave of disappointment, but Sunna gave her a smile, “I hope you’ll let me get your number first. I go back without it, Angie and Miles will never stop prattling on about it.”
So that night, AJ left with her number, and a date on the books. Levi and Lucy wouldn’t stop teasing her about it, jokingly poking fun at how much she would blush any time a text came in. And their teasing got worse as the days went on and more dates were ticked off. A drink, a dinner, a movie, eventually they scheduled for date number five after AJ’s next game. She couldn’t wait, no relationship had ever felt so right. Sunna understood her passion, mirrored her energy- she didn’t believe in soulmates, but if they existed then Sunna was hers.
Sunna had never cared for rivalries, none of her teammates did. Sure, they played their hardest in every game because they could get competitive, but the idea of one specific team being their target to beat in a season never made sense. She had a regularly ongoing competition with Oliver and Talia at practice, they took shots at her goal and she had to block. If they made the shot more times than she saved the block then she had to buy them a pint, and if she blocked more than they made they had to buy one for her. Angie and Jake would laugh at them as they practiced themselves. The other players would often complain to Tom, but even as the owner of the team he let them do as they pleased no matter how much it agitated their coach, Graham didn’t appreciate it but he could admit they were efficient when the time came. But Liverpool Blaze wasn’t known for being just efficient. They were ruthless on the ice. During games it was like they were different people. On the ice none of them batted an eye at bloodshed, their enforcers were brutal and their defense was impossible to get passed. Off the ice Jake was sweet and off writing bad poetry or making sure the team ate well, Oliver could often be found playing with his cat or looking at books from his grandmother in Malaysian culture. Talia was pulling pranks that no one could avoid being the target of, Angie would be making snarky comments and helping Talia. Sunna was never what someone expected when her uniform came off- gone was the laser focus that never let anything stray by her, no grace as she moved. Her teammates called her a bubbly fountain of terrible humor, much like her brother Bruno.
But as much as they gave their all, rivalries weren’t an interest. They played because they loved the sport, winning was a bonus. Every member of the team and staff knew that-
Which is why Tom looking as anxious as he did at the locker room as they dressed was out of the ordinary.
Sunna nodded her head to him, dropping the braid she’d been securing and raising an eyebrow as her teammates all watched curiously, “What’s going on, Tommy boy?”
“Nothing.” He said quickly, far too quickly for it to be the truth.
Sunna scoffed a laugh, crossing her arms as she eyed him critically, “You look like you did that time you strapped on skates and Jakey checked you into the glass.”
Tom’s already pale face lost even more color at the mention, hand instinctively shooting up to rub at the shoulder that had taken the brunt of that impact, “Just a… friendly wager. With the owner of the Manchester Thunder.”
“Hamish?” Talia cackled, “You hate that guy! You always say- what is it?”
“That he’s the you that grew up with freedom?” Angie offered, Talia snapping her fingers at the phrase.
Tom gaped, sputtering in response, “I don’t hate him! He’s just rather- he can be chaotic!”
“Weird to bet on the championship,” Oliver offered with a wry grin, “That’s the biggest choking day for players.” Tom squeaked in response.
“What did you bet him exactly?” Jake questioned curiously.
“That we’d be the winner, obviously.”
“Okay…” Oliver nodded, “But what did you actually bet him?”
Tom sighed, adjusting his neck tie- the same tie he wore to every game, “He bet his watch against my tie.”
Sunna snorted, not caring to cover her face as she laughed, “I’m sorry- that watch that you said cost more than my flat? Against your tie? Why your tie?”
“It’s my lucky tie.” He pouted, staring at the monstrosity of color. It had been paired with his actual present as a joke gift- chosen by his players during the holidays one season, Sunna was actually the one that presented the gift to him. It was a mesh of plaid and swirls, nearly every color in the rainbow crammed into it, and it matched almost nothing he wore- but Tom had always cared for it more than anything else he wore, because they had taken the time to get it for him.
Sunna sighed, a smile playing at her lips, “Suppose we need to win then. Gotta save your special tie, don’t we?”
The rest of the team laughed to themselves as they moved about dressing into their pads and jerseys, putting on their gloves and helmets. Tom may have been an odd man to decide to buy an ice hockey team after the life he grew up with, but they were endeared with him all the same.
It didn’t occur to Sunna until her skates hit the ice, face guard firmly in place and helmet strapped and tightened, she was damn near at her place on the goal line before she realized whose team Hamish owned.
Angie howled with laughter when Talia looked Sunna’s way before the ref dropped the puck, “You better not go easy just because your little crush, Kaminski!”
Sunna smirked, whipping her glove off long enough to flip her the bird before the game commenced.
And both teams gave the entire match their all, the only opponents in the league that could keep up with each other. Angie would score, and then a player would manage to slip the puck past Sunna, until the final seconds sat on the clock. Talia had gotten Liverpool up by one as the last ten seconds slowly ticked down, and Sunna recognized the player racing her way.
The words left her lips, puck knocked safely away just as the buzzer rang out, “Thought you had a slicker slap shot than that, Jones.” AJ’s head snapped over as the crowd screamed, Sunna pulling her helmet off to let her braid fall over her shoulder. She was trying to joke, engage in the banter she had grown accustomed to on their dates, but the blonde’s face clouded in anger.
“What?? You’re that Kaminski!?”
Sunna blinked, unaware of the tension that was clearly piled up on AJ’s shoulder, “Uh, well, yeah- is it that important?”
“Is it-“ The cheering crowd could almost overpower her shouting voice if they hadn’t still been so close, AJ’s face was red with rage, “You don’t think it’s important to know you play against me?? Have you just been dating me to get tips to use against us!?”
Sunna’s teammates had been cheering, heading her way to celebrate when they caught wind of AJ’s angry yells. The brunette girl reached out, some mix of confusion and regret in her face, but the blonde slapped her hands away, “AJ-“
“No!” She snapped, “Dating rivals is the forbidden rule! Right up there with a teammate’s ex!” She sped away off the ice before Sunna could respond.
Angie raced over with Jake, but Sunna just shook her head, giving them a glassy eyed smile, “Guess we saved Tommy’s tie, huh?”
“Sun,” Jake started, but she shrugged him off.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” she laughed with no humor, “Rivalries- they always gotta ruin the great love stories, huh?”
AJ felt like an idiot for not connecting the dots sooner- of course it had to be that Kaminski, what were the chances there was another that understood the intricacies of the sport she’d loved for so long? Levi and Lucy wouldn’t stop giving her shit, making practices in the following days feel like they dragging on even longer. Hamish had always joked with their coach that AJ needed to burn off extra energy, even after practice, but now she just felt tired. Tai was growing more and more worried about her, and Gary was starting to pick it up, too. She didn’t have any excuses to tell them to stop their worry, because truth was she knew it was her fault. Rivalries are supposed to go two ways, but Liverpool had never cared. When the teams would have their tit for tat prank wars, the Blaze only ever responded. They never instigated.
When she had joined the team the feud was at a full blown scale, and she could remember how excited Hamish got when Liverpool was bought by Tom- only to be let down when he made trades. Tom let go of veteran players in Liverpool to trade and draft, until the team was the unstoppable force on the ice they are now. Sunna and Angie and Talia and Jake and Oliver were all recruits he had brought the team. But the new team didn’t care to keep it going, no matter what Manchester did.
So why did AJ let it be such a big deal to her?
Why did Manchester care so much more about this imaginary feud than Liverpool did?
The simple answer was that she didn’t know.
The complicated one involved the mistake she had clearly made.
AJ spent hours, memorizing every piece of information about every member of Sunna’s team. She had never looked into them before, only ever catching their faces on fan posters and things, so she hadn’t made the connection until Sunna had pulled her helmet off at the game. But now the more she learned, the more she realized how wrong she had been. Oliver worked with nursing homes on his time off- Jake offered free meals to the homeless. Angie was a volunteer paramedic with the fire department- Talia wrote music reviews for bands that were just trying to get their start, helping a lot of them get their big break with her name attached to praise about their demos.
And don’t even get AJ started on Sunna. Animal shelters, soup kitchens with Jake, running grief support groups, a professional stand up comedian for a brother. She couldn’t find a single thing she didn’t like.
And she had fucked it up.
Stumbling upon the team at another pub hadn’t been in her plan, but she couldn’t have raced to the table any faster without mowing people down.
But Angie cut in as soon as she opened her mouth, “Sorry, mate. This table is reserved for Liverpool Blaze players, ya know, since you need to be told specifically.”
Ouch, but she deserved that. The one she recognized as Talia shot up from where she’d been making heart eyes at Oliver, eyes narrowing with a blaze when she recognized her, “Oh, the damage in the rink wasn’t enough?”
“Come on, guys,” Oliver intervened, “You know Sunna wouldn’t want you giving her grief over it.”
“Just because Sunna is a pushover when she cares about someone doesn’t mean we are.” Angie shot back.
Oliver putting up his hands in surrender before he looked at AJ, “She’s not here. Probably with Jake again.”
AJ felt her mind swirl with what that could mean, knowing that any of the possibilities were her own fault, “Has she… has she talked about me? At all?”
“Ha,” Talia scoffed, “Wouldn’t shut up about you before. Now she barely says a word. Only Bruno and Jake can get her mouth moving.”
Again, the possibilities swirled at the word choice, but AJ had focus, “I- I need to talk to her. I wanted to apologize- I can’t mess this up again.”
Angie glared at her, “We’ll pass along the message.”
Oliver rolled his eyes, understanding of their anger but annoyed they were ignoring Sunna’s wishes to be civil, “You don’t even have a clue, do you?”
“A-about what?” AJ felt a deep pang of worry that he was about to confirm her worst scenario thoughts.
But he just shook his head with a sigh, “The way she would look at you. I mean, even just a picture of you. She’ll prang on about how moony Talia and I get- but when she looks at you… did you ever feel the way she did?”
AJ wanted to cry.
She had always thought her dates were the problem, that they were the reason a second date never happened. But Sunna had unlocked something of her that she threw away.
Her dates weren’t the problem. She was.
Racing through stoplights, AJ sped to Sunna’s flat- remembering it from their dinner date. Fist slamming into the wood, she was absolutely not prepared for a shirtless man to answer.
“Oh, hello, AJ.”
She blinked, eyes readjusting and focusing on his face. Jake. She felt her shoulders slump, “Hi, uh, sorry for interrupting your date. I’ll just-“
“Date?” He quirked a brow, confusion painting on his face in heavy strokes as he pulled on the shirt he held in his hands that didn’t quite fit him right, “My girlfriend is at temple, what do you-“ His eyes widened, recognition finally flitted through his irises, “Oh! Oh, you want to speak to Sunna? Uh, come in, come in.”
Jake grabbed her hand, pulling her over the threshold before she could stop him, and another male voice caught her attention immediately, “Sunny, mate, these are my best jokes. Something’s gotta make you laugh eventually.”
“Not really,” Sunna’s voice drifted over from the living room, “I’m sorry. I know you guys are trying, I’m just…”
“Bummed? Heartbroken? Too lost in love to cheer up even though your hilarious brother came all the way here?”
“You literally live down the hall, you prat.”
“You should shut up. Running your mouth already distracted you enough to spill oil on Jake’s shirt.”
Jake cleared his throat, watching their heads swivel his direction before their eyes landed on AJ, “Sunna has a visitor.”
Bruno narrowed his eyes, but stayed silent as the blonde tentatively waved, “Hi… I wanted to say sorry. I never should’ve blown up on you like that. I spent… a lot of time on our dates talking up the rivalry- why would you want to tell me after that? I didn’t make it easy for you- and- and I don’t actually care, ya know? I don’t care what team you play for because you still play and you love it and you understand why I love it and-“
Sunna clamped a hand over AJ’s mouth, the blonde had been rapidly talking and hadn’t even noticed her approach, but Sunna kept her hand in place, “I’m going to let go, and I need you to tell me the broiler plate reason of why you’re here, okay? I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
Slowly and gently, Sunna peeled her hand from her face, and as soon as it was cleared AJ spoke again, “I want you to give me another chance.” Sunna’s hand finally dropped all the way to her side, vaguely aware that her best mate was forcing her brother out into the hall as her mouth fell open and hope sparkled in her eyes. AJ took hold of her hands, “Please. Give me another chance, I promise I won’t mess this up again.”…”I promise I’ll try not to mess this up again.”
Sunna laughed, how could it have only been a week since AJ heard that sound and yet it still felt like she was coming home to hear it now? “Another chance, then.”
(A few months later, at the banquet to start the following season, AJ and Sunna arrived together. And by the end of the night, Hamish had finally agreed to trade Levi and Lucy away to Jasper- the bottom team in the league- after Lucy had targeted Sunna for ‘accidental collisions’ throughout the night after Levi had tried flirting with her. AJ couldn’t figure out why Lucy was annoyed, Sunna wasn’t her girlfriend, but at least they’d be gone.)
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museaux · 5 years
I was supposed to be grafting on/coupled up with Jake on my s1 replay but here I am, coupled up with Talia again...I have no regrets
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justtuesdays · 2 years
top 5 litg ships (can be either characters x mc or character x character)?
ooh, i like this ask, let's see...
platonically speaking
jake x rohan | in both the platonic and non-platonic, those two are wholesome together
tim x talia x mc | another friend group that cannot be missed, those two were there for mc from the start
angie x mc| no one has your back more than this girl and you can say otherwise, i just will agree to disagree
bruno x youcef / bruno x kobi |i'm sorry but that goodbye scene between bruno and kobi is just soft; bruno and youcef is a bromance that can't be missed
lucas x henrik | the duo the leaves all other duos in the shadow, still wishing they had more scenes of these two
thabi x james | those two were meant to be like no other pairing
mc x bruno | this guy is the biggest sweetheart, i can't, have you met any other islander who would happily take you anywhere else instead of straight into the drama
jake x rohan | i said what i said
thabi x youcef| those two had something, it was there and then it just never got spoken about
angie x oliver | they haven't gotten anywhere yet, but i know those two would be fire
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
Wip ask game
Rules: Post  the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how   non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most   intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something  about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @lilyoffandoms​ ❤
I swear I thought I haven’t added any new wips since the last time I was tagged to share the content of my wip folder, but I was so wrong lol
Choices Folder
Blades of Light and Shadow
Soft Side | Nia x Mal
Bloodbound: Wanted
Chapter 14 | Adrian x Scarlett (F!OC), Samantha [n*fw]
Desire & Decorum (modern day AU):
1. Meant To Be
Chapter 26: When The Bubble Bursts | Hamid x Daphne (MC)   [n*fw]  
Chapter 27: Reconnect (working title) | Hamid x Daphne (MC), Sinclaire, Alisha (F!OC)
Chapter 28: Things They Can’t Control (working title) | Hamid x Daphne (MC), Annabelle x Veronica (F!OC), Bartholomew x Yusuf, Luke x Cordelia
Chapter 29: If It Was You | Hamid x Daphne (MC), Annabelle x Veronica (F!OC), Bartholomew x Yusuf
Chapter 30: Answers (working title) | Hamid x Daphne (MC), Annabelle x Veronica (F!OC), Bartholomew x Yusuf
1.2. MTB universe One shots
Practice (working title) | Sinclaire x Alisha (F!OC)
Refined Taste (working title) | Hamid x Daphne (MC) 
Bad Parenting (working title) | Hamid x Daphne (MC), Veronica (F!OC), Talia (F!OC)  
OTP Asks | Hamid x Daphne (MC)   
Sick/period prompts: Hamid x Daphne (MC), Annabelle x Veronica (F!OC)
2. A Promise mini series:
Part 4 | Hamid x Daphne (MC), Hamid x Sibel (F!OC)
Part 5: Last Chance | Hamid x Daphne (MC)
3. Unfortunate Circumstances:
Part 3 | Hamid x Daphne (MC)
Part 4 | Hamid x Daphne (MC)
4. Pillow Talk series (multiple choices books): Soft Touch | Hamid x Daphne (MC) [n*fw] 
The Royal Romance:
1. For The World To Know
Chapter 13: Consequences | Liam x Jade (MC)  [adult content]
Chapter 14: No Matter What | Hana, Jade (MC)
2. A College Romance - Part 2 | Liam x Jade (MC)
Love Island The Game folder
1. Unforgettable Summer:
Chapter 3: Crossroads | Levi x Jen, Levi x Jane
Chapter 4: Too Good To Be True | Levi x Jane  [n*fw]
2. (One shot LITG 2) Like A Fool | Lucas x Rosalie (MC)
The Wayhaven Chronicles folder
Breakfast | Nate x Stella (F!Detective) [n*fw-ish]
Art In Motion (figure skating fic) | Nate x Stella (F!Detective)  
Blood Ties (working title) | Rebecca, Nate x Stella  (F!Detective) [adult content]
OTP Asks
Smutty folder multifandom (old kinktober prompts)  [n*fw]    
breast worship | rough sex: LITG Levi x Jane (MC)
What Happens At Night fingering: Simon x Daphne B.
dirty talk | stockings: Ryan x Sarah (F!MC)
mirrors | leather: Rafael x Evelyn (F!MC) 
anal play | teasing: Brody x Delilah
begging | scratching (? 🤔): Annabelle x Veronica (F!OC)
costumes | pet play | envy kink: Logan x Carla (MC) 
multiple orgasms | joi: Banner x Kate
feet | anal sex: Liam x Jade
play party | lap dance | silk/lace: Jax x Samantha
sleepy sex, morning sex, silk/lace, sensory play: Hamid x Daphne (MC) 
Speechless breasts worship | Annabelle x Veronica (F!OC)
tagging: @missameliep @princess-geek @storyofmychoices and anyone else who feels like sharing their wips
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leirsulien-archive · 2 years
ooh wait you play litg? if you dont mind me asking, who were you romancing?
besides jakub ofc - sorry x
I did play season 1 and 2!
in season 1 i romanced talia and jake but talia is definitely my fave, she's my wife and i miss her every day 😔
in season 2 I romanced most of the characters a bit (except jak*b ofc, don't confuse me with lyu, i for one actually have taste ❤️) but full routes I only did for marisol, lucas and bobby the true loml, the #1 baby girl, the one and only
I liked marisol herself but didn't like her route. HATE how in the sapphic routes you can only get together in the last few days bc "otherwise some of the men would have to leave 🥺" like this is literally a competition and they could choose eachother if they weren't cowards <3 her route would've been so much better if you could have gotten together in casa amor. also somehow her and mcs dynamic felt kinda off to me after they finally got together idk
also fr wish we could've romanced blake. like why fight over a man when we could literally be making out with eachother instead 😩😩😩
also desperately wanted to romance priya, so homophobic that we couldn't. and shanon and chelsea
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ariendiel · 3 years
Tumblr media
✨ Bobby & Henrik — Bobby & Marisol
✨ Chelsea & Jakub — Chelsea & Hannah — Chelsea & Jo — Chelsea & Lucas
✨ Carl & Kassam
✨ Elisa & Blake — Elisa & MC
✨ Ibrahim & Noah — Ibrahim & Other Boys — Ibrahim & MC — Ibrahim & Lucas
✨ Hope & MC — Hope & Gary — Hope & Priya
✨ Lucas & Noah — Lucas & MC — Lucas & Gary — Lucas & Marisol — Lucas & Bobby — Lucas & Henrik — Lucas & Elisa
✨ Marisol & Noah — Marisol & Gary
✨ Noah & Henrik — Noah & Hope — Noah & Kassam — Noah & Tim — Noah & MC
✨ Priya & Elisa
✨ Arjun x Henrik — Arjun x Priya
✨ Bobby x Noah — Bobby x Lucas
✨ Carl x Lucas (and mc) sandwich — Carl x Priya (and mc) sandwich — Carl x Priya
✨ Chelsea x Henrik — Chelsea x Bobby
✨ Gary x Noah (and mc) sandwich — Gary x Bobby (and mc) sandwich — Gary x Henrik (and mc) sandwich
✨ Hannah x Rahim
✨ Hope x Jakub — Hope x Henrik — Hope x Jake
✨ Levi x Mason
✨ Lottie x Hannah — Lottie x Henrik — Lottie x Kassam
✨ Lucas x Henrik — Lucas x Noah (and mc) sandwich — Lucas x Noah x Marisol sandwich — Lucas x Elisa — Lucas x Priya — Lucas x Noah
✨ Marisol x Bobby — Marisol x Lucas — Marisol x Hope — Marisol x Priya — Marisol x Elisa — Marisol x Shannon — Marisol x Hannah — Marisol x Seb — Marisol x Tai — Marisol x Henrik — Marisol x Lucas (and mc) sandwich — Marisol x Talia — Marisol x Elisa (and mc) sandwich — Marisol x Jake
✨ Noah x Jake (and mc) sandwich — Noah x Priya
✨ Priya x MC — Priya x Bobby (and mc) sandwich — Priya x Arjun
✨ Tai x Ciaran (and mc) sandwich — Tai x Henrik
✨ Blake — Bobby — Carl — Elisa — Gary — Lucas — Marisol — Noah
as always, feel free to send me asks
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