#litg rare LIs
rebelrayne · 2 years
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These are fics I recommend to change your life (and your opinion) of all the LIs that were ranked with negative points with combined like and dislike votes! They are all amazing! Read them and prepare to love these least fave LIs! I dare you not to fall in love with them. Big thanks to @longbobmckenzie who helped out a lot with the recs and anything she recs is amazing, 100% so enjoy these!
In the recs, you will find fics for: Arjun, Bill, Ciaran, Elijah, Elisa, Felix, Harry, Ibrahim, Jakub, James, Mason and Tom.
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fight for it (RATED M) by @queen-of-boops
Arjun has never had a normal life. He's spent his whole life running, his whole life avoiding others. Until he met Emma. But he has a secret, a secret he hopes she'll never find out.
golden thread (RATED T) by @starsarestars
Far away in a world of it's very own, tucked away in an affluent fashion quarter not too far from Bermondsey, is a place where designer heels and exorbitantly overpriced colognes supplied by a buxom Mancunian are a requirement. Verona Lane. It’s all about image first, personality later. The people there have mastered the art of keeping up appearances, even if it means renting the odd Lamborghini to pose outside your obscenely expensive bedsit in Penge with. Verona Lane is where this tale of deception, fashion and seriously questionable decisions begins
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hey stupid, i love you (NOT RATED) by @sparxaf
A bit of fluff in which Bill faces an impossible choice. Five minute word prompt from the LITG FF writer Discord : Mayo Enjoy this lil bit of Bill love. He's a complicated character. I liked him, then I didn't, then I sort of did. Now I love him. He's a weirdo but he's also sweet. He deserves more fandom exposure.
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the only two things (RATED E) by @mrsbsmooth
Based off a writing prompt (Fake Dating) allocated by the LITGWritersRoom on Tumblr. "Sophie". Kelly blurted out. "His girlfriend's name's Sophie. She's a friend of mine. And yeah, she's coming." Oh god. Kelly thought. She really hoped Sophie would be okay with this.
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reap what you sow (RATED T) by @i-boop-you
It's the Stick or Twist recoupling, and Elijah is in for a shock. (Justice for Elijah is served)
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clickbait (RATED M) by kiki_the_creator
Clicks are power, power is money, and Elisa can’t say no to money. Only her newest financial venture is proving far more stubborn than anticipated, and the clicks might not be worth the hassle. Until they start racking up, and up, and up, and she falls deeper and deeper, just for the ploy to begin falling apart in her hands.
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heaven help a fool who falls in love (RATED T) by @crimswnred
When you're young and hurt, love feels so distant. A somber take on Felix.
mind games (RATED M) by @becangle
Felix arrives at Casa Amor ready to romance his dream girl.
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choppy waters (RATED M) by @queen-of-boops
Harry and Piper won Love Island one year ago and it's been anything but smooth sailing.
how the turn tables (RATED E) by @crimswnred
Zoe and Harry have been in a couple for the most part of the season but it’s the first night the Hideaway is open...
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superpower (RATED M) by constantrepeat
Through a desire to please and be a hero to those who mean most to him, Ibrahim's spent his entire life abiding to a stringent lifestyle that's left little room for play, let alone love. However, an invitation veers him off-course and into the world of Love Island, a shameless and saucy destination of romance and debauchery. Hoping to face his fears in order to find someone to share his life with, Ibrahim finds new power through the pursuit of love and the challenges it brings, in a high-stakes environment where everyone's looking to save themselves.
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121°C (RATED T) by margotmuses
Jakub finds that maybe what he likes isn’t what he thought.
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the other side (RATED T) by @rebelrayne
Was it really happening? He had to have been dreaming. He wasn’t big, rugged and buff like Hazeem. He couldn’t be cool and collected like Kobi. He’d never be as handsome as Dylan. There’s no way he could ever be charming or suave like Youcef… He was just… him?
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the challenge (RATED T) by @thesepromises
Hope Adeniyi wants a promotion, and to do that, she needs to score an exclusive merchandising contract with boy band Seventh Heaven following a recent surge in their popularity. Lead singer Mason Knowles wants her to fail; but Hope always plays to win.
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and the day after that, too (RATED T) by @/rebelrayne
In 2016, Summer had a whirlwind romance with a boy with a British accent. He wasn’t very smooth and he wasn’t the tallest guy around, but for those short three months, he was hers.
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mp3minded · 3 months
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I've recently finished a loyal Elliot route for the first time, and these were some cute moments to learn more about him 🥺
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ariendiel · 3 years
What would the LIs' jobs on a farm/barn be? 👁👄👁
YES ALY COTTAGE CORE ASKS WE LOVE IT (thank you, honestly, really appreciate it) ❤️
The LITG LIs' jobs on a farm
Bobby – Milkmaid. In full costume. Always. Also bakes.
Carl – Operations manager. Rarely goes outside.
Elisa – Doesn't go near the farm. Will only step into a field for instagram. Scared of chickens.
Gary – Tractor driver/mechanic. Hums while driving. Living his best life.
Henrik – The animal whisperer. Names all the cows. Sleeps in trees.
Ibrahim – The one guy who just rides horses around pretending to be a cowboy.
Jakub – Lifts heavy stuff. Tractor wheels and hay bales are now gym equipment.
Lucas – Veterinarian. Pretends like he doesn't talk to the animals while treating them.
Marisol – Inspector. Always wears full suits. Hates dirt.
Noah – Bookkeeper. Writes childrens books about life on a farm. Cries when animals are sent to slaughter.
Bonus Rocco – Squatter.
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starsarestars · 3 years
Tell me about Teresa? 🥺
Teresa! At first I thought she was an outlier among my LITG OCs for being rather prickly, but I realised that I tend to write sort of abrasive/snarky girls (Devon and Lily come to mind.) but I think since Teresa is the first OC to make an outing in my FF I’ve got a soft spot for her. I’ve not touched her WIP in ages, but as a character I honestly love her. She’s the type of girl who chases someone across the club, high heels in hand, while absolutely rotten drunk on Lambrini. She is a glass ceiling breaker who represents the girlies who get chilli sauce from their kebab all down their boohoo.com dress. She comes into the show a complete bacchanal of chaos on legs like some sort of early 2000s lad mag caricature of how somebody on Love Island is supposed to act. It’s a front she puts out because Teresa talks a good game about being upfront and confident in herself, but it couldn’t be any further from the truth.
I was thinking she’d stick by Marisol after recoupling with Graham but upon reflection, I think Teresa’s much too proud to set herself up for disappointment again. It wasn’t even necessarily the principal of switching, more so the fact Marisol had gone out of her way to flaunt what she has with Graham and didn’t speak up when he’d not so subtly shade Teresa and undermine what she had with Marisol. She’s not a possessive, jealous person and any attempt to provoke those emotions out of her actually have the opposite effect — She ends up undermining herself and feeling as if she isn’t good enough. Her time on LI would most likely end with her leaving the day before the second to last recoupling, and she very rarely interacts with any of the other islanders on social media unless she’s in their DMs having a chat. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely think she’d still be mates with Henrik, Hope and all the other lads (the “Lads and Tez on tour!” Chant from CA is practically etched in her brain at this point😭) but she’ll do as much as she can to disassociate herself from her time on the show, going as far as to turn down an appearance at the reunion which made way too many people speculate nonexistent rifts between her and islanders she hadn’t even met. While it was a less than pleasant experience, she learnt a lot about herself along the way and came out of it a happier, more mature person. She focuses on her degree, secures an apprenticeship at Carl’s company and ends up settling down in London.
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thatwheelchairchick · 3 years
So, as I’m doing an LITG rewrite, I am playing the game as I write. I have additional scenes and storylines that have played out differently, but either way, I’m playing the game, and I’ve realised that the LIs rarely ask you anything. They love to be quizzed, but there’s rarely a moment so far that they actually say ‘what about you,’ they’re just enjoying the questions (or the attention) and it’s driving me nuts. Like, I’m asking questions because I want to get to know you, but you are learning nothing about me, and I know it’s because it’s a game and they can’t cover all basis, but it’s a bit ridiculous. 
Also, I am going around changing this because I can’t see Bobby or Lucas not actually saying ‘what about you’ once they’ve answered the question, but it’s still stupid. 
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ravenadottir · 3 years
i know I'm late to litg train wagon but i played recently and coupled up with henrik, now im all over tumblr looking for scraps until i found your magical page. Can we get a headcanon or maybe part 2 of Odinson please, maybe with the second child?
it’s never late love. we’re here, we’re simps, and i hope you feel alright and welcome! anything you need, you’re welcome to my inbox!
right now i’m phone-less, so i can’t do a part 2 for his social media, but i can give you some headcanons, the most random possible:
- henrik drives a jeep
- lots of beanies in his drawers and spread around his place
- lives in a small house close to the road
- big backyard with lots of grassy patches
- 5′11′’
- always searching for new licenses
- finished high school already knowing what he wanted to do
- grew up with his parents adopting dogs
- older brother of a girl (i named her juno)
- loves when you braid his hair while he lis his head on your lap
- loves painting your toenails
- it’s rare to have any pharmacos or pills/medicine, unless it’s something natural solutions can’t fix
- has a strong bond with bobby
- lucas is his only brother
- doesn’t understand why people like movies, but he does get movies. he just doesn’t see the point
- wants a nuch of kids but will settle for two
- headbanger “it’s fun, you get all dizzy”
- he wasn’t a genius in school but because he couldn’t focus on tests. he was excellent in the classroom
- loves spending his afternoons in the woods, hanging out with his friends
- the type to have lots of female friends, but was always into one girl that people said was way out of his league
- the girls in school were always doing things to his hair
- learned to cook with his family, when he and his sister were helping with dinner or lunch
- regretted taking lottie on a date and not marisol. he wasn’t interested in her, but she would give him the full scoop on mc
- he and lucas were connected that way already because they were in the same hotel room before arriving in the villa
- gives great advice, especially about family and friends
- F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C with kids
- friends’ children? uncle henrik is their favorite, since he always takes them to fun places
- get used to henrik coming home with a dog in his arms “let’s just take care of him until he’s adopted :((” it’s the fourth dog you have
- bi vibes? fluid? pan? i like to think he’s pan
- H-U-F-F-L-E-P-U-F-F
- plans amazing trips
- dates and gifts are always heartfelt, always with a meaning or an inside joke
*just an observation here: i don’t know if this happened to you, but a user on reddit couldn’t find the good stuff on henrik and lucas because she was on the search bar here, looking through ‘most popular’ posts. may i recommend when you search stuff on tumblr, to change the filter into “most recent”. otherwise, harassing lurik is the only thing that dominates the whole search. and for the rest of the boys is predominantly group posts from when season 2 was still being released.
and if i may recommend something else, this masterlist is for everything i do for him, in particular, and this one has group asks, which i always include him, because i love one boy that has one brain cell.
and i have to recommend blogs that are also henrik stans, and have great stuff for him, between headcanons, random thoughts, art and moodboards, among other things!
@mountainmanxoxo @bubblybabynailpolish @deuchess @smaiihands @crvsh-culture @bellarxse @lianalitg @radiantdae @bobbyboops
if i forgot someone, please tag yourself in the comments?? 🥺🥺🥺
** when i get my phone back i’ll get to add instagram posts for henrik’s 
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longbobmckenzie · 3 years
Hi! If you get this, answer with three random things about yourself and send this to the last seven blogs in your notifications – Anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog! :) [no pressure though]
Hold up, I'm trying to get my lies straight. Wait, wrong game? Whew!
Thanks so much for the ask!
Three things, hmmm... I'm bad at these types of things, but we'll see if I can come up with anything interesting (probably not, I'm quite boring really).
1. I've worked at the same company for over 13.5 years! I've bounced around different departments a bit, but I really like where I've landed.
2. I have a somewhat large family. It doesn't feel that big to me since I grew up in it (and I know plenty of people with larger families), but I know it's also not really the norm nowadays? I like it, though.
3. I'm a big hockey fan (ice hockey)! I feel like in a space like this, something like that is pretty rare. I like some other sports too, but hockey is the big one for me. Before LITG/fanfiction it was my biggest obsession, but I don't have as much time to spend on it as much lately.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 4 years
Lorirwritesfanfic turns two: Blog trivia
Dude, it’s been two years since I joined the fandom! I’m not doing any special giveaways this year, but I decided to celebrate it doing a few things. Tonight, I’m oversharing a little 😅
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A Few Details:
I first played Choices back in 2016 (I think TF book 3 was being written at the time) and I uninstalled the app several times until I started to play RoE and TC&TF. But I only searched for Choices fanfiction after TRR3 was released
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The first Choices fanfic I've ever read was one of @mrswalkerwrites's Drake fics. I don't know if she is active in the fandom, but I still think her prose is outstanding and her writing inspired me to write my own view of TRR, D&D and PM.
The blog was named Choices By Jade because it was supposed to be Jade's journal in which she'd write all her story. Once I wrote a fic through Liam's POV, I thought writing in third person would be a better approach. After I began to write fanfiction for LITG, I decided to change the url.
Making edits reminds me a lot of playing with dolls when I was a teenager, but I rarely do it because it takes me forever to choose an outfit for the characters, especially if I feel like changing colors of clothes or making body swaps between characters 😄
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Number of series: 12 (Choices: 9; LITG: 1; Multiple books/visual novels: 2)
Number of fanfics written: 175 (Choices: 174; LITG: 1)
Most popular fanfic: Feel The Rhythm - M! Raleigh x MC (124 notes)
Most popular series: Liam and Jade's Love Story - TRR
Most popular pairing: King Liam x MC 
Most popular shitpost: Reaction to Diavolos's (the horse) death (111 notes)
Most popular post: @pilitella's fanart of Jade and Liam (386 notes)
Pairings to read: Prince Hamid x MC, Hayden x MC, Jax x MC, Raydan x Kenna;
MCs to write: Jade (TRR), Daphne (D&D), Carla (RoD);
LIs to write: Leo Rhys, Prince Hamid, Jax Matsuo;
Secondary characters to write: Yusuf Konevi, Briar Daly, Madeleine Amaranth;
OCs: Juliet Rossom (Jade's high school friend/undercover bodyguard), Sevim Osmanoglu (Hamid's sister), Queen Mother Sofia (Jade's grandmother);
Tropes: Love triangles, domestic fluff, hurt/comfort;
Popular fanfics:  A Letter To Elise (Liam x MC), Blue (Leo x MC), Home (Logan x MC) Silent Night (Liam x MC);
Underrated fanfics: Infatuated (Prince Hamid x MC), New Year Experience (Logan x MC), Slow (M!Hayden x F!MC), Taking Care (Rafael x F!MC), Unexpected Ways To Please Her (Cassius x MC x Syphax).
Characters I never thought about writing but here we are (lol): Colt Kaneko, Caleb Mitchell, Matt Rodriguez, Chris Powell.
Characters/Pairings I plan to write about: Michael x MC, Raydan x Kenna, Val Greaves, Levi Schuler x MC.
Books I wish I could write about but never did: Wishful Thinking, The Royal Masquerade, Hero
WIPs: 11 (BB: 1, D&D: 1, MOTY: 1; RoD: 1, RoE x TRR: 1; TRR: 5)
Outlines: 41
Thank you for all the likes, reblogs and comments. You’re awesome ❤
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rebelrayne · 1 year
Favorite LITG fics?
If I'm honest, anon, I have not been keeping up very well with my fics. I have some that live rent-free though and that's below (just put in alpha):
🤍 a bite of your love - @0shewrites0
I am particular about Youcef but I loved seeing another side of him here. He would absolutely be like this as a vampire. It's my fave Youcef fic :)
🤍 it's the little things - @justtuesdays
Tuesday has just done a phenomenal job creating this whole universe. I have no idea how she keeps it all straight but I love the interactions of the OCs and how everything has shown it'll be intertwined.
🤍 play to win - @queen-of-boops
I'm not a Harry stan but I really loved him here! As a fellow rare LI stan, I always love when someone makes me rethink the way I think of an LI. Highly recommend for any non-Harry stan too!
🤍 the forbidden fruit - @chroniccomicobsession
Usually I don't read explicit but I just love Carrie, she's amazing. She's so independent, sure of herself. I'm not begging for an update but I am saying I wouldn't be mad if there was one someday (she says as she has two unfinished and untouched wips)!
🤍 transitioning to love island - @whatisreggieshortfor
My dear friend wrote this and really opened himself up and shared his own feelings/possible experience if he was on love island. I enjoyed seeing other characters through Bas's experience.
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ariendiel · 3 years
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Finally getting what feels like their happily ever after, it's time for Noah and Inès to settle back into real life. All while also looking back at the events that happened in the villa, reliving the events as they happen on screen – both good and bad – while also moving on, together.
Link to ao3 — Tag — References 1 — References 2 — Book Cover
About Noah — 10 Songs I associate with Noah — Noah fluff alphabet
About Inès — 10 Songs I associate with Inès — Inès alphabet tag — Inès moodboard — Her closet — Noah x Inès doodle
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Recently married, and having bought the house of their dreams, Noah and Inès finally feel ready to start their own family. However, as always, things rarely work out exactly as planned.
Link to ao3 — Tag
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Miss Adaline Chalcraft is the graceful but headstrong botany teacher at Rosehill House - an old and distinguised boarding school for gifted young ladies in Regency England. As a rare sanctuary for women, it is a place that has long prided itself on the poise and spinsterhood of its staff. Now however, change is arriving in the form of the new librarian, and a man at that...
Link to ao3 — Link to wattpad — Tag — Playlist — About Adaline — About Noah — Art by Sara — Commissioned art by Becky
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A collection of one shots for alternative in-villa scenarios, largely focused around Noah and what might have been. A perpetual work in progress, and open for others to contribute to.
Link to ao3 — What if he knew? — One last time ~ What if he took the Money? — What if he had to choose?
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Answered writing prompts, mainly for Noah but also for other Islanders. My inbox is as always open for more prompts and writing requests.
Tag — A mix of everything prompt list
1. Noah x Inès — 2. Noah x Inès — 3. Noah x Inès — 4. Noah & Jake — 5. Lucas x MC — 6. Noah x MC
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My collection of answered asks on anything regarding Noah specifically, including headcanons, edits and more. I am always happy to receive Noah asks, prompts, thoughts, and questions from any and all of you.
Noah character analysis — Noah route certificate — Current faceclaim — Noah’s birthday and zodiac — Noah au ideas — Noah’s internet search history — Noah's red flags — Noah and grasshoppers
Noah's reading recommendations — Wildest things he’s done
My guide to a nice Noah route (no guarantees)
What would happen outside the villa? — Noah as a boyfriend — Jealousy headcanons — Being his girlfriend — His home aesthetic — If someone were hitting on mc — What would he do if mc received hate? — Long distance headcanons — Reaction to an unexpected pregnancy
Does he enjoy teasing? — What is he into in bed... — Noah's turn ons
Why he switched on mc but not Priya — Why he expected mc to take the money — What if Hope never coupled with him? — How nope did post villa — How he felt watching the show — Noah on day 21 — Noah's reaction to mc doing bits
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All other asks and posts about everything else litg related. Including all other characters, various headcanons, ideas and thoughts.
Boys headcanons — Girls headcanons — Boys bad qualities — Girls bad qualities — More bad qualities in the boys — Surname headcanons — Boys body counts — Girls body counts
LI’s star signs — LI’s longest relationships — Meeting the LI's family — When LIs fell in love
How do the Islanders vote? — What scents would the boys wear? — What scents would the girls wear? — How do the girls cope when sad? — How do the boys cope when sad? — Who would they dress up as? — How do the Islanders celebrate the holidays?
Friendship and relationship headcanons masterpost
Marisol au ideas — Gary au ideas — Lucas au ideas — Carl au ideas
Girls tumblr theme ideas
LITG characters in different eras — LITG character playlists — LITG characters as Cazy Ex-Girlfriend songs — LITG characters and their Hogwarts houses — LITG characters as musical theatre — LITG characters as fairytales — LITG characters and the magnus archives
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