nottapossum · 4 months
Itty bitty sinners part 1.3
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Tw: Implied r*pe and abuse, little in distress, implied abusive relationship, implied child abuse, being called a failure, crying, keeping secrets, hiding ones little headspace, lmk if I should add.
I'm gonna pick up the pieces And build a Lego house When things go wrong we can knock it down My three words have two meanings There's one thing on my mind, it's all for you And it's dark in a cold December But I've got ya to keep me warm And if you're broken I'll mend ya And I keep you sheltered from the storm That's raging on now.' Lego house ~Ed Sheeran.
~~~Sir Pentious and Charlie:~~~
“Okay, Pentious. I feel like the best way to get you to heal is if we start encouraging your regressed self to come out so we can heal that inner child!” Charlie announces. 
“How are we supposed to do that?” Pentious asks. “I've never even refresssed before.”
“It's regressed, actually.” Charlie corrects. “And there are many ways to start! Today I think we should take it easy.” She explains. “Do something fun to relax you.”
“Okay? I suppose.” Pentious says. He does trust Charlie, he figures if she wanted to kill him, she already would have, so he has nothing to lose, right? 
Charlie and Pentious are in her office for the hotel's very first regression session. 
Charlie is no therapist or an expert on regression and healing- but, hey! How hard could it be? 
Charlie offers her hand to Pentious, and he takes it. 
She walks him over to the small couch and coffee table in the room. 
“I got you a gift.” Charlie says, holding up a present wrapped in yellow and blue wrapping paper. 
“A gift? For me?!” Pentious asks, his pupils expanded. But he stops himself from taking it. “Wait a minute- how do I know this isn't an explosive of some kind?” He asks. 
“It's not.” Charlie says.
“That's exactly what someone who has an explosive would say!” He says. “You can't fool me, miss missy!” He hissed. 
Charlie rolls her eyes. “Okay, I'll open it to prove there's nothing to be afraid of.”
“No! I want to open it!” Pentious says, taking the gift and unwrapping it.
“You sure you're not little now?” Charlie mumbles. 
“What is this?” Pentious asks. 
Under the paper, there was a box with a building of some sort on it, and when he shook it, it made a rattling noise. 
“This is a lego set!” Charlie says. “I figured since you love to build, this would be the perfect toy for you.” She says. Charlie takes the box and opens it, pouring its contents onto the table. 
“Well, now you've gone and broke my new box.” Pen complains. 
“No no no, it's supposed to be opened.” Charlie says. “We follow this instruction manual to put the house together.” 
Pentious looked at the colorful blocks with intrigue. “And this will help me ‘regress’ as you say?” He asks, adding quotation marks around the word ‘regress’.
“Can't hurt to try.” Charlie says. “Now, If you'd like, I can help you, but if you would rather do it yourself, that's okay too.”
“I…” Pentious thought about it for a moment but then smiled at Charlie. “I'd like to do it together.”
“Great! Let's start with bag one!” Charlie says. 
Pentious agrees. He's actually feeling a lot calmer, more willing to try this. 
He knows about building, there's no pressure in it, and at least he's not alone.
Charlie grabs the little booklet and they take turns following each page exactly. 
Charlie started with the base, then told Pentious to do the next page. 
“You're a natural at this, Pen. Are you sure you've  never played with Legos before?”
“It's not rocket science.” He says as he places the blocks as the picture shows. “I'm used to working with heavier machinery than this.”
“Right, but still. You're doing a great job.” She says.
He was a little confused by the compliment, he didn't accomplish anything new, it was just a toy, right? It wasn't going to be used for anything practical. 
But the compliments didn't stop there, every time he did something new, she told him he was doing a good job.
Having Charlie there to compliment everything he was doing… it was so different from what he was used to…
“Charlie?” He asks.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” She asks. 
“Compliment me.” He explains. “It's nice- but they're only blocks. Right?”
“Right, but you are doing a good job.” She says. “It doesn't matter how big or small it is. It's nice to be noticed when you do something well. Right?”
Pentious looked down at the blocks again…
Suddenly he can recall being a kid. 
He was always interested to see how things worked. 
He was always interested in building, creating something magnificent!
He worked so hard, all the time. 
Trying to be something! To change the world for the better…
‘You will never get anywhere with these lousy contraptions.’ 
‘You are a disgrace.’ 
‘He won't amount to much.’
‘So much wasted potential.’
And it never changed, the older he got, the degradation got worse. 
Then, the worse he got. 
‘You are a fucking loser.’
‘This is exactly why no one loves you.’
‘You must be really bad at this.’
Pentious's breathing tighten. 
“Pen? Are you okay?” Charlie asks. 
Pentious set his arms on the coffee table and set his chin atop of them. “You don't have to be nice to me.” He says. “I know you only do it because you have to.”
“I do it because I mean it.” Charlie says. “No one here has made as much progress as you have, Pen.” She says. 
“There wasn't much to work with.” He mumbles. 
Charlie rests a hand on his shoulder. “Pen, you are a lot…” She says.
Pentious raises an eyebrow.
“In a good way!” Charlie says loudly. “I just- you have so much good about you! I can see it. And in any case…you deserve kindness.” 
“How?” He asks. 
Charlie frowns. “Everyone deserves kindness, at least in the beginning. I'm sorry no one showed you that when you needed it.” 
Pentious looked away from her again, not exactly sure how to respond…or process that. 
Was kindness something he was supposed to be familiar with all along? 
If kindness was something most kids understood…
Why wasn't he worthy of it before? 
“Pentious?” Charlie asks. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine.” He says, wiping away some tears. “Don't worry about me.”
Charlie takes his hand. “Hey…”
Pentious turned to look at her.
“It's going to be okay, kiddo. Whoever hurt you before, they can't hurt you now.” She promised.
Pentious nods, trying to calm down. Why was he crying?! He shouldn’t be!
“Do you need a hug?” Charlie asks.
Pentious shakes his head. “No, I'm alright. I was just taken by surprise.” He explains.
Charlie nods. “It's okay, this is a safe place, no one here is going to judge you, especially not for showing emotion. It's a good thing, a healthy thing.”
“Are you sure about that?” Pentious asks. 
“Absolutely.” Charlie says. “You're doing a great job; I am so proud of you.”
Pentious smiles despite the tears. “T-thank you, Charlie.” 
~~~Vox and Velvette:~~~
Vox had only begun working when he got the call from Velvette. 
“What's up, Vel?” He answered.
He hears soft crying on the other end of the call. 
Oh shit. Not good.
“Vel?... Velbelle?” He asks. “What's going on? Are you okay? What happened?” 
“Mmm.” She whines. “I-I tried to stay big, Vox.” she says, wiping some tears away. “I really did.”
“Hey, it's okay, Vel. It happens. Do you want me to take care of you?” He asks. 
She nods. “Yeah.”
“Alright, I'll be right there, Princess. Hang on.” He says, hanging up on her. 
Vox assigned jobs to his…employees then headed over to Velvette's room. 
“Vel?” He asks, knocking on the door. 
Velvette opened the door fast and hugged Vox tightly. “I'm sorry.” She cries, hugging him close. 
“Hey, it's okay.” Vox says. “Did you call Val?” He asks. 
Velvette nods. “After I called you, but he didn't answer.” She says.
Vox nods. “Alright.” He picks her up and sits down on the couch with her in his arms. 
“It’s alright, baby. I'm here.” he says, patting her back gently. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” He asks. 
Velvette shakes her head, then buries her face on his shoulder. 
“Alright, Princess.” Vox pets her head gently. “You don't have to.”
Vel starts to relax against Vox, finally feeling calmer after the rough day she's had. 
“Do you want anything, sweetie?” Vox asks.
Velvette doesn't want Vox to move, but she wants her doll. 
Ugh! There's no predicament worse than this predicament!
She whines again, not wanting to say it- because Vox will move, and she can't have that right now!
Vox can tell Velvette is getting a little fussy, so he decides to put something on to calm her down. 
The TV turns on and Sofia the first starts to play. 
Vox texts Val to give him updates on Velvette, he's hoping he might take over sometime mid-day so he can get some work done.
But he got no response. 
Velvette eventually gets up and grabs her dolls after the first few episodes of Sofia play. 
“V?” Velvette asks. 
“Yeah, Vel?” Vox asks. 
“Play wif me?” She asks, handing him one of her dolls. 
Vox smiles and takes the doll. “Anything for you, princess.” 
He may have had a lot to do today, but Vox honestly didn't mind playing with her.  He needs to practice hairstyling anyway. 
And hey, if it brings a genuine smile to her face, it's worth missing a day of work. 
~~~Charlie and Sir Pentious:~~~
Pentious finished the lego set. It was a decent sized set but it felt as if it took them no time at all. 
“Great job, Pen! High-Five!” Charlie shouts
Pentious tilted her head. “High...what?”
“High-five! It's like clapping but with friends.” Charlie explains. “To congratulate you for a job well done.”
“Oh! Okay.” Pentious says.”How does it work?”
“You hold up your hand, and I will hit it with my hand and it'll make a clapping sound.”
“Oh, alright, I will give this high-fiving a try.” He says, pen held up a hand and Charlie high-fived him. 
Pentious smiles. “That was…cool!” Pentious says. “Could I give you one?” He asks. 
Charlie chuckles. “Sure thing.” She held up her hand and Pentious high-fived her back. 
Pentious smiles, that was actually pretty fun. 
“Pen, before we end this session, is it okay if I ask you some questions?” Charlie asks. 
“Are they going to be as difficult as the questions on the test?”
“No, I'm just curious about how you felt today went.” She explains.
“Oh, well. I liked it…I had a nice time.” He says.
“Did it make you feel any younger?” Charlie asks next. 
Pentious shrugs, he was reminded of his childhood a lot- but he still felt like the same person as always. Just- vulnerable-er. 
“It's okay, we can try again tomorrow if you want.” Charlie suggests. “Even if you don't regress, it's a good stress reliever.”
“I think I would like that.” He agrees. 
Today was fun! Even if it's a bit confusing…
But, either way he enjoyed spending time with Charlie and receiving complaints for his efforts.
Maybe this regression thing could actually help him.
~~~Vox, hours later:~~~
Vox has been with Velvette all day. 
Not once did Val answer his texts or calls-
He's been spending all day today and yesterday with Angel Dust!
Something about ‘making him pay for leaving.’
But, it didn't fucking matter! They had a child to take care of, there are priorities!
Vox calls Val again, and this time he doesn't stop until Val answers.
“What?” Valentino answers harshly. 
Oh, so he can answer the phone. How nice. 
“Val, where are you? I've been trying to reach you all day!” Vox complains. 
“I am with Angel Dust.” He purrs. “Why? Are you jealous, baby?” ~
“Val, why don't you leave Angel alone for now and meet me in Velvette's room?” Vox asks. 
“Why would I do that?” Vox asks, very obviously smiling at something behind the phone. Probably Angel. 
“Because we have a little…princess who needs our… special attention.”
Valentino is quiet for a moment. “What?”
Vox rubs his head. “For fucks sake.” He mumbles. “Velvette is regressed! And I could use some help.” Vox whispers harshly. 
“Okay Okay, for Satan's sake, you don't need to shout.” Val says. 
“Look, I have a lot of work to do, and-” 
“Oh! And I don't?!” Val asks. 
“Fucking with Angel is not work; besides you have been filming nonstop for two days. I think you’re due a break anyway. I have work that I haven't been able to accomplish because I've been taking care of Velvette while you ignored all her calls.” 
“You can work from anywhere.” Val points out. 
“Just-” Vox grips the phone tightly. 
There's nothing the moth loved more than to get on his nerves.
 “I'm not playing games, Val! Get. Over. Here!” Vox says.
“Fine, whatever.” Valentino hangs up.
Thank fuck! 
Vox turns back to Velvette who was asleep in his arms. 
“You're lucky you're so cute.” He says, petting her hair. “You know that?”
Velvette wrapped her arms around his neck.
Yeah, she knows.
~~~Valentino and Vox:~~~
Valentino hung up the phone, looking over at Angel who was absolutely exhausted.
Good, he should know who he belongs to. 
“Looks like we'll have to cut today short.” He says. “But I want you all back here bright and early tomorrow!” He shouts. 
The crew started to pack up their things.
Angel sighs in relief, seeming really happy to finally go home.
“Did you get that, Angel?” Valentino asks. 
“Yes, Val.” Angel says, turning away from him. 
“Good.” Val says, then walks out to meet the other V's. 
“Thank fuck, where have you been?” Vox asks as Valentino finally walks into the room. 
“Had some things to take care of.” Val says. “What's her deal today?”
“I don't know, she didn't want to tell me.” Vox says. 
“Aw, poor baby girl.” He says. “Did you have a rough day?” He asks the sleeping girl.
Vox hands Velvette over to Val. “Take this.” 
“The fuck?” Val asks, still taking her though. 
Vox sighs. “I told you I had important work. Plus, I've been with her all day. So guess what? Tag, you're it.” He says smiling before exiting the room to leave them. 
Val rolls his eyes, but then smiles at Velvette. “You are lucky you're so cute, babydoll.” Valentino says to her.
Things were relatively quiet at the hotel, probably due to Charlie trying to fix everyone with her stupid test. 
In what way does knowing someone acts like a child from time to time help them with redemption?
Why, Alastor has known many regressors who are also horrible fucking people- take him for example.
Being a regressor did not stop him from brutally murdering and eating the corpse of his very own-
“Alastor! I caught six bugs today! I stabbed them to death and drank their blood!” Niffty rambles as she jumps on Alastor's head, interrupting his thoughts. 
“Hello, Niffty.” Alastor says. “How are you on this fine day?”
“Great! The flying goats flew away from me when I tried to give them a haircut today!”
“That's nice, dear.” Alastor says.
“Hey, Alastor, guess what?! Charlie said I'm not a pet anymore! Isn't that nuts!?” She asks, laughing. “I told her that was ridiculous! Ooo! And I saw a bug near Florence the stain! And I cleaned the hotel six times! Hehehe, It must be cleaaaaaan!!!” She giggles evilly.
Alastor exhales, and removes the young woman off his head. “Niffty, dear?” 
“Go play in your maze for a bit.” He says. “You need to wear yourself out so you'll actually sleep tonight.” He says. “We don't need you running around here after dark.”
“Okay!” Niffty squeaks and runs to her room.
Alastor chuckles, oh how he adores Niffty’s energy and enthusiasm. 
What was he thinking about? Oh yes, Charlie's regular delusions. 
 Oh, when will she ever learn? 
“Vaggie Vaggie Vaggie!!!” Charlie runs full speed towards her girlfriend. She grabs her hand and swings her around.
“Woah- what happened?” Vaggie asks once they stopped spinning. 
“Today's session with Pentious was amazing! I feel like I can really make a difference and help them all heal!” Charlie says excitedly. 
“And by them all, you mean Angel and Pentious, right?” Vaggie asks. 
“I mean all of them!” She says. “I mean Angel and Pentious, Niffty and Husk, and Alastor!” 
“Charlie…” Vaggie rests her hands on her girlfriend's shoulders. “Remember that conversation about taking things too far and buying the whole little store? We're there.” Vaggie says. “You can't force someone to heal if they don't want to.”
“I know that!” Charlie says. “I'll just lightly suggest it a few times, and eventually when they want to heal, I'll be here!” She says.
“Charlie, I know you want to help them but remember when we talked about boundaries.” She reminds. 
“Don't worry, Vaggie. I won't do anything too extreme; I promise.” She says. “Ooo! What if we built a whole nursery for everyone!?” 
She hears the front door of the hotel opening, and Charlie grips Vaggie's hands excitedly. “I'll bet that's Angel! I'm going to tell him the awesome news!”
“Charlie, wait-” Vaggie tries to stop her, but it's too late. 
Angel walked back into the hotel, exhausted and overwhelmed.
How can someone be so fucking cruel?
‘How could you be so cruel, I was just trying to help you!’ 
Angel shivers at the memory.
He has to stop going back there…
“Oh, Angel!” Someone touches his shoulder, causing him to flinch and jump back violently. “Ah!-”
“Oh, sorry.” Charlie says. “You okay?”
“What do you want, Charlie?” Angel sighs in both annoyance and relief. 
“Where have you been? It's been two days.” Charlie says. 
Angel crosses his arms “Uhm work. Where else would I be?” He asks.
“Oh right. Well, after everyone took the test, we've been working on improving the hotel by helping everyone's individual needs, and it's been going great!” She says.
“Cool.” Angel says as apathetic as possible in hopes she'll actually get the message that he's not interested in talking to her right now.
He starts to move again when Charlie grabs his arm. “What?” He asks, annoyed.
“We were hoping you might take the test too.” Charlie says. 
“I'm good.” He says, continuing to walk upstairs to his room. 
“Oh…okay.” Charlie says. “Well, I'm here if you change your mind!” She shouts so he can hear her. 
Angel shuts and locks the door and exhales sharply. 
He's okay, he's here, he's at the hotel now, he's fine! 
He takes a second to calm down as tears pour down his face.
What a lousy fucking week. 
He hated Val more than he ever thought possible! 
He kneels onto the floor next to his bed and removes the floorboards under it. 
He pulls out his special box he had stashed away. 
Angel grabs the key (which was hidden inside his pillowcase.) And unlocks the box. He grabs his small baby blanket he had hidden inside it.
He keeps digging through the box for his pacifier, but it's not there. 
He looks around the room, it has to be here! Where is it? 
Then he felt a small scratch on his leg. 
He looks down and sees Fat Nuggets, holding the pacifier by the handle in his mouth. 
Angel takes it from him. “Thanks, Nuggs.” He pets the little pig then holds him close. 
He puts his binkie in his mouth and crawls onto the bed, holding Nuggets and the blanket close to him. 
He’s okay…
He’s safe now. 
Val can’t hurt him…
Not here…
No one can.
Angel's tears fall faster as he sinks his face into his pillow. 
He wished he could believe that…
He pulls out his phone real quick and puts on an episode of Peppa Pig. 
He finds himself suddenly smiling.
And he can finally relax. 
'I'm out of touch, I'm out of love I'll pick you up when you're getting down And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now.' ~Ed Sheeran, Lego house.
Notes: I know it's not super interesting yet, but it'll get there, I promise.
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baby--charchar · 3 months
Charlie: Angel, what do you see in this picture? *holds up a photo from the last time Vaggie went into babyspace*
Angel: Oh that? That's shnookums! Aww, isn't she darling? Got her lil binki in her mouth and she's sittin' in that baby bouncer Luci made for her. I see she's still clingin' onto that old tattered blankie for dear life haha. She just loves that grimy old thing. Ain't she adorable? Just a total doll.
Charlie: *points to Vaggie across the room* And this is...?
Angel: A stone cold bitch.
Vaggie: *flips him off*
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razzle-n-dazzle · 4 months
"Looks like you could use some help, from the big boss of hell himself!"
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ᯓ★ Good evening, my name is Lucifer and I'm your host for this evening's entertainment! Welcome to my blog, I'll be providing fanfiction services for your enjoyment and consumption, so please stay tuned and enjoy the show.
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ᯓ Master list ᯓ Anon/Tag list ᯓ Author's Choice
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ᯓ Lucifer ᯓ Alastor ᯓ Angel Dust ᯓ Husk ᯓ Adam ᯓ Vox ᯓ Ozzie ᯓ Fizz ᯓ Beel ᯓ Vorext ᯓ Blitzo ᯓ Etc. don't be afraid to ask!
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ᯓ Fluff ᯓ Hurt-Comfort ᯓ Gore ᯓ Hurt ᯓ One shots ᯓ Headcannons ᯓ etc.
Don't be afraid to request any sort of fanfiction as long as it's not violating basic DNI! Be civil, please. (I also have the right to deny any requests if they make me uncomfortable.)
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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anxious-lee · 4 months
Ready, Set, Go! - Hazbin Ficlet
(in which Husk can't give the Angel the starting signal <3)
"Alright, ya ready?"
"No no, wait wait! Shit- just- oh god" Husk groaned. He couldn't believe that he was having THIS much difficulty keeping still. And Angel hadn't even started tickling yet!
Not that the actor minded. He was plenty happy laughing at Husk's trouble. It was fun watching him twitch and pull away from hands that he, ironically, wanted on his body.
He tried again to speak, his voice a tad quiter. His whole body was contorted away from Angel's like he was being tortured. "O-okay okay, I'm ready. Just go," he said, squeezing his eyes shut, waiting.
He waited still, after what felt like an eternity. There was no shriek, no yelp, no barrage of prods triggering a spasm. No nothing.
Husk cracked one eye open to discover that Angel hadn't even raised his hands into position.
"Oh wait was that my cue? Oops, sorry~" Angel feigned innocently.
"You fucking asshole!! I told you I was ready!" Husk cried, grumbling the last part, "Now I gotta psych myself up again..."
Angel finished his giggle fit. "Alright, alright. Are you ready now?"
"Ready for me to tickle tickle tickle you alllllll over?"
Husk growled into his palms. "Fuck you."
"Well, that's a real shame! Only good boys get tickled!" Angel admonished.
The kinky undertone was not lost on the bartender.
"Ah, dammit! Yes! I want you to... do the.. thing..."
Angel grinned. "The tickle thing?"
"... yes."
"Okay!" Angel cheered excitedly, "Heeeere weeeee go!"
And so started the madness.
Just as Husk desired.
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labyrinthofsphinx · 3 months
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Watched episode 4 again. Making Angel happy is my coping method.
And you know I had to slide in just a little bit of Huskerdust.
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babybluebunco · 5 months
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angeldust adult pacifier
price: $60 USD free shipping within the US
!! DO NOT steal or copy our designs !!
Customs: Open
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bi-bi-bi-buckley · 4 months
just ✨him✨
(and his boyfriend)
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I'm so obsessed with this man I catch myself acting like him 😭😭
Which is bad when it happens at work 🥲
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tv3headz · 6 months
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It's very unlike me to actually draw a trend, so I guess this is a first of mine. Anyway, Here's Flutters and Angel. Flutters probably gave Angel THE stare to throw away his cigarette after this.
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Btw I know their height difference is inaccurate ok
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illustrative-robot · 4 months
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the-smallest-spider · 2 months
Hello!! Welcome to my blog! This is the general rules, info, and status post, so please be sure to read it before interacting!!
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1. This is an entirely SFW blog! That means no NSFW, kinks, anything like that. Please be respectful!
2. Be kind! Being mean is only going to get you blocked.
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- Angel uses Anthony when regressed!
- He usually regresses between 2-6 years old!
- When he starts regressing, it tends to go quickly and he drops hard.
- He likes pacifers and soft, cuddly toys!
- His favourite cuddly toy is a pastel pink stuffed rabbit, but he’s cuddle Fat Nuggets more often than not!
If you want anymore info, please feel free to ask!!
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Inbox: Open!
DM’s: Open!
RP: Open!
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Mod is 24, and, as guessed, also a regressor!! This blog is also partly run by an Angel fictive who also regresses, so this blog is mostly his with me monitoring it. Main blogs, respectively, are @catearedbeauty (I follow back from this one!) and @dumblittlespiderslut (Angel’s is, obviously, NSFW heavy AND TRIGGERING so don’t go there unless big and you can handle it!!)
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helluva-hazbins · 1 month
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nottapossum · 4 months
what would happen if you gave angel candy?
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He loves Candy! ❤️
He wants all the candies!!!!
He promises that he won't go crazy! He won't get sugar high- he can totally handle it.
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But Husk has tried giving him some sugar. It always ends with Angel staying up all night playing some sort of elaborate game that ends up destroying the hotel.
He also gets a little crazy.
So Husk's gotta be careful with Angel's sugar intake.
He won't make the same mistake again.
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Husk: "Angel, it's time for bed. Come on."
Angel: "I don't want to go to bed, Husky! I want to play! I want to play dolls!"
Husk: "You'll be cranky tomorrow if you stay up."
Angel: "Will not!"
Husk: "You will. So, how about we read a book, get you some warm milk and-"
Angel grabs Husk's face and moves it close to his face so they're nose-to-nose.
Angel, whispering: "Play with me, Husky."
Husk pushes him away: "Angel-"
Angel whining: "Pleaaaaaaaaseeeee!!!"
Husk sighs: "Fine. Fifteen minutes, then you go to bed, deal?"
Angel: "Deal!"
Husk played dolls with Angel until he finally settled down.
Angel didn't go to bed for another 3 hours.
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baby--charchar · 4 months
Big Vaggie: Look, I think most people here would be fine with our regression, or at the very least wouldn't be assholes over it. But it's just none of their fucking business and I don't want people finding out.
Baby Vaggie: *has snuck out of her room while Lucifer was tending to a tantruming Charlie, rode the elevator down to the lobby, and is now coming up with ways to entertain herself downstairs while Angel and Husk stare in shock*
Angel: Well...well hey dollface...what's with the get up? *vaguely gestures to her pacifier, baby communication cards on a lanyard, tattered blankie, and diaper peeking out over her pajama pants waistband*
Baby Vaggie: *is still coming up with ways to entertain herself that are absolutely awful like climbing on the bar and jumping off the couches*
Angel: Woah, baby!! *catches her mid air to avoid a concussion*
Lucifer: ...Can you hand her over? Uhh...please?
Angel: ...*hands her over after detangling her fingers from his thick hair*
Lucifer: Thanks. Uh, you didn't see anything. Or else she'll kill us both when she snaps out of it. Got it?
Angel: Got it.
*he did not actually 'get it.' In fact, he followed Vaggie and Lucifer up to their rooms out of sheer curiosity and boredom, and spent the night entertaining Baby Vaggie cuz he genuinely finds her funny and endearing. And sees Lucifer as a hot mess in distress when caregiving. So yeah. That's the story of how Big Brother Angel came to be.*
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shiiepie · 3 months
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Angeldust as a pony
⚠️NOT my base!! Original artists signature in the corner!!
I found the base on Google so i don't actually know who the og artist is or their rules for the base, so if this needs to be taken down I will
Og base under the cut
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wither-shadow · 2 months
Platonic stuff with Angel Dust? reader is a chaotic little sunglasses gremlin and is a little sister figure
So basically, another Nifty?? (Lol)
He will do his best to shield you from Val whether or not he suffers the consequences
He is a cuddle bug who loves to be hugged by you and only you (with the exception of maybe Charlie and husker)
Will let you pet Fat nuggets if you arre gentle
He catches you sneaking off with Nifty all the time. You two never stop with your shenanigans
He keeps you away from alastor because he doesn't want alastor killing you lolol
Will help you out if you need help with anything (even boy/girl problems)
Picks you up and puts you in air jail if you have had too much to drink
He loves leaving you with Husker because he knows that he can depend on his best buddy to watch you, but when he gets back, you are absolutely terrorizing Husk (the poor baby ;-;)
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lilivae · 3 months
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I just want a tiny little figure of AngelDust <3
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