#little angel bashing I'm sorry I don't do that unless I have to
An Animalistic Disaster
CH-20 : The new season of Hazbin Hotel
Summery:You and the crew react to the first two episodes of Hazbin Hotel.
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Angel gently nudged Charlie to wake her up and you called out to Vaggie. After a few tries Vaggie groaned as she opened her eyes a little. She blinked trying to process what's going on.
"Huh...what's..OH (Y/n)!"
She quickly went to heal you but you stopped her. "Hey, it's okay, I'm fine now. Don't waste more of your energy on me alright?" You picked up her glasses that was took off beforehand and handed it to her. " We have four new Hazbin hotel episodes to watch. And Char-" before you could finish, you were tackled in a hug from her.
"(Y/n)! I was so so afraid you weren't going to wake up again!"
You let out a pained groan as you felt the muscles in your body twitch in pain. "Hey, hey honey, you shouldn't hold her so tight. She's hurting." Vaggie whispered in Charlie's ear. Charlie's eyes widened as she immediately let go off you.
"I'm so sorry-" you cut her off before she begins to ramble again. "Hey, it's fine. Vaggie's healing worked a wonder on me" You smiled softly at Vaggie and held her hand. "Thank you, truly. I wouldn't be here without you."
Vaggie felt her heart throb at the action as blush began to paint her face. "Y-yes, of course!" She became bashful very quickly and thanked the upper gods for this power.
Soon, you all bundled together on the floor and placed the laptop on top of your bed. You sat in front of the laptop with Charlie on one side and Vaggie on other. You told them to lean on you if they felt tired. Niffty sat between your legs and you could easily rest your head on top of hers. The spider boy was sitting behind you resting his chin on top of your head and hands on your shoulder. Husk sat beside Vaggie. Pentious and Alastor sat beside Angel.
Before you started the episode, you laid down two rules first. One is that none of them were allowed to walk away in the middle of the show unless it was important. They all had to watch it from start to finish. If someone left in middle, there's no telling what they would miss. A lot of things could be changed by then. And it might cause misunderstandings.
Another one is that, if they show something that they can't handle, for example like Angel's backstory or something traumatic. They can look away. They can watch the rest of those moments alone properly later.
After setting down the rules you finally started the episode. Everyone'd breath hitched as the video began to play.
' Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as heaven. '
"Ohh, that's Charlie!" Niffty pointed out. "Yes, that is my voice...again" Charlie replied awkwardly.
' Drawn in by her fierce independence,  Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dremers fell deeply in love '
'Aww, so that's how Charlie's parents met! How romantic...' you thought to yourself.
' Never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity. Only the cruel and the wicked... '
"Poor Lucifer...I kinda feel bad for him." You mumbled. Charlie looked at you sadly, she felt the same. Turned out Charlie was reading it all from a story book. And there was also a new cat in the show now that can also turn into a key. It wasn't there in the pilot.
' Not that long, only....seven....years... '
'Huh? Charlie's mom is gone? For seven years??' you thought with a confused expression.
' But this kingdom was something she really cared about, something I care about.'
"If she cared for the kingdom that much she wouldn't have left it in the first place." Husk commented. You glared at Husk to shut up in which he just rolled his eyes.
' Well, Hello there you wayward sinner. Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do. That's why you're in hell! '
'Ah, classic Alastor...' you thought with a smile. Alastor's grin widened seeing his handiwork.
' As she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you! '
You gave Alastor a side eye at that. That guy looked very much amused.
' So, what'd ya think? '
' I'm sorry, what the fuck was that? '
You and Vaggie had the same answer in your mind. Just what was he thinking while making that? Well, apparently he wanted this to be shitty since he was mad they didn't use radio instead.
' We're not filming a porn as a commercial. '
'Why not? sex sells, don't it? I swear if you film me goin' at it with mister fancy-talk creepy voice here, you'd be rollin' in participants willin' to stay at this tacky hotel. '
' Haha! never going to happen! '
You had to stiffle a laughter at that alongside Husk and Cherri. Alastor had the same expression on his face like the episode, annoyed and disgusted.
"That certainly would be something to see~"
"(Y/n), no. Don't even think about it." Alastor's eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at you trying to muffle your laughter.
' The gag reflex, the holes,the chest fluff everyone thinks are tits. '
"Wait wait, those were actually chest fluffs then?" You looked at Angel and the fluff that was poking out from his shirt even in his human form. There were some controversial opinions on if they were fluffs or his chest but you guess it's now confirmed.
"That's right baby" He smirked seeing your expression as he looked down at you. "Ya could touch it if ya want, it's really soft~"
That offer....was really tempting. You were dying to know how it feels to touch. But you slapped your face softly. 'Focus, focus (Y/n). You're trying to watch something here with others!'
' Oh trust me, I can... '
The way Alastor turned into his demon for a bit made you feel butterflies inside. You aren't gonna lie that form is hot.
' Why do you think I'm here? You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fuck's bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcin' me? '
' I like being forced '
' Keep that to yourself, Niff '
"Yeah, I do! It's so much fun" human Niffty answered from your lap. "Niffty....honey..." You spoke in a concerned tone at the girl. She certainly had some interesting kinks. To each their own you guessed.
Charlie looked at Husk sadly at the line as Husk looked indifferent at the scene, watching it with bored eyes. She took a deep breath and returned her eyes to the screen.
' Kinky ~ c'mon keep talkin' dirty. '
Human husk rolled his eyes at that. " So Angel calls you Whiskers-" you cut off in the middle of what you wanted to say after seeing Husk glaring at you. You shut yourself off. "Nevermind...."
Later Lucifer called to tell that the leader of the Angel army wanted to meet with him but he wanted Charlie to go in his place. Charlie's face was almost, if not more excited as the video. She was hopeful of how things would go.
' I can do this. Somehow, I know it! '
'ooh, the first song!' you thought in your mind as you focused on the screen.
' This could be bad.. '
Yeah something tells you it's gonna be bad as well. Welp, nothing you can do but just keep watching.
' That bitch is halfway down the street '
' Is she- '
' Oh she's dancin' '
' Ugh ,no.... '
You had a small smile on your face as you watched Charlie sing and dance through hell's street. You missed this, you missed watching the show.
' From the porn studio, where the cinephiles go
To watch award-winning demon bukkake shows '
The truck Charlie climbed up on while singing, it said Helluva post. You wondered it was a reference to helluva boss.
' Holy shit ew my gosh, why! '
'poor Charlie' you thought. But her enthusiasm and cheerfulness throughout the whole song was making you smile.
' To change their minds! '
' And touch my parts! '
Vaggie glared at the snake guy that came up on the screen. It almost looked like she would jump on him if she could.
' Today is gonna be a fuckin happy day in hell! '
With that the first song of the new season was over.
' 'Sup! '
And there's two new characters. Adam and lute. You got both of their cards before. Now time to see what the first human of mankind like.
' Ha! I fucking got you! Did you fuckin' see that? Good shit.'
Yeah, this guy's going to be an asshole. And this confirms your previous thought, this wasn't going to end well.
' I got you again, bitch. Haha fucking' halirious! '
Vaggie sighed, she knew how much of an asshole Adam was. But watching Charlie go through it felt more painful.
' So we need a camera, Alastor? '
Alastor snapped his fingers in the show and a old timey looking camera appeared in Vaggie's hand
' A video.. camera. '
' Hmm? '
Thing time a old broken looking video camera appeared on her hand.
' Alright, let's do this! '
"I don't get why you guys are so insistent upon doing a video commercial. Doing a radio broadcast would be more effective" Alastor commented. "Get on with the times Smiles, no one listens to radio's anymore. Videos and internet are all the shit right now."
"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Alastor turned his head towards Angel at a scarily angle making him gulp and hide his face beside yours. You're sure if he was still a demon, his eyes would be radio dials by now and voodoo symbols would be flying around. You laughed nervously.
"Heyyy, let's both calm down and keep watching alright? Let me pause the video."
' Well, you come- '
' Ohhh~ yes! '
' ...To the right place. '
Pentious was blushing. This was indecency. They were supposed to just film a commercial right? What was this spider guy doing?
' Do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam. I'm the original dick! All dicks desend from me. '
Yeah, can someone slap this guy in the face. You think you already dislike Adam.
' Call me Dickmaster. '
You're sure everyone including you, rolled your eyes at that. You swear to god this guy...
' No our other biggest problem! '
' Oh, uh... ugly people?.. '
As soon as Adam said that, he broke the fourth wall and looked at the screen at you and others faces. "He's one to talk about..." Vaggie grumbled beside you.
Then when Vaggie went to record Niffty, she somehow froze before she could get any word out.
' You're doing great, vagina '
Vaggie blinked annoyingly at that name beside you.
' I wouldn't try that my dear. This face was made for radio! '
"Alastor, what do you mean by that?" You turned to look at him. "Hm, whatever do you mean my dear?" "Your face was made for radio? But you can't see a person's face in radio. So did you just call yourself ugly-" " Not in the slightest, I just don't want my face to recorded in those tacky videos! " "You really should have worded it better then.." you weren't surprised at his answer however.
' Because It won't be so "entertaining" to watch over an empty hotel will it shitass? '
' Fair enough, I'll tell you what! let's make a deal. '
Husk's eyes widened at the sentence as he looked over at Alastor. "Me? Making a deal with this radio freak? Impossible. There's no fucking way" Vaggie declared .
But in the end, Vaggie did make a deal with him, just didn't hand over her soul. Alastor just couldn't bother to tinkle with 'television technology ' again and Vaggie just wanted to make Charlie happy.
"Aww, Vaggie you wanted me to come back to something good" Charlie almost had stars in her eyes as she looked at Vaggie. Vaggie looked down with a blush. "Y-yeah, I suppose I was...in the show.." Charlie then went to hug her tightly which in result you became sandwiched between their hug.
Alastor snapped his fingers making everyone in the hotel appear and changed their clothes.
' Alright everyone! Let's make a fucking commercial. '
Vaggie's outfit was hot. Alastor had good taste."Can't wait to see how that turns out huh toots?" Angel said from above your head. "Seems like it's gonna be sick!" "Well, we're going to find out" you said while pausing the video again.
' Uh no,not awesome. Those are my people, You know that, right? '
' Ohh, yeah. That must suck for you, pfft, hahaha '
"Yeah I think I want to slap this bitch" you mumbled with a deadpan face. "Yeah" "uh-huh" "same" came from around you. Looks like your companions felt the same way about him.
' Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life '
'I feel like every move this guy makes is a mistake.' you thought in your head. Then another song started.
' 'Cause Hell is forever, wether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
Now they boil in the pot '
You didn't like what Adam was saying  but damn, if this song also didn't slap hard.
' And for those of us with divine ordainment
Extermination is entertainment '
'So that's the main reason behind these deaths' you thought. 'Just because Adam wanted his entertainment. What a damn jerk.'
' Long as I've got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That we've made the determination
To move up the next extermination '
"What?" Both the Charlie beside you and the cartoon Charlie said in unison. As the song ended, you patted Charlie's head who was looking down. Now they were about to show the new commercial that both the cartoon ones and the real ones were looking forward to seeing....untill it got cut off leaving you disappointed. Also, did Angel on the show just did a Italian hand sign?
Then they showed a headless angel. Charlie gasped beside you and Alastor raised an eye brow, now finally this was getting interesting. And with that the first episode was over. As for the new characters, you decided Adam was a piece of shit. Lute seemed to be one too. She was pretty powerful as well from what she said.
"Angel's....can be killed?" Angel said on top of you in an angry tone. "What the fuck, how are people only finding this out now?"
"It's probably not as easy as you think to kill an angel,...Angel." you said nervously. "They're gonna show us how to kill angel's right?" Cherri beamed up as she looked over at you. "And then when I get back to hell, I'm going blow those little shits to pieces!"
"Miss Cherri, I would also like to assist you in this quest. With my power we would be unstoppable!"
"Ew, why would I need your help? I can handle it myself."
"Cause I..uh..I.. thought the more people the better, yes?"
"Nah, don't want it" Cherri looked at her nails with a bored look. And Pentious's face went from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. He sat there looking like dejected puppy. You almost felt bad for the guy.
"Hey, no one's killing no one! We're going to make peace with the heaven." She looked back at the laptop. "I hope..."
"Sure, as hell doesn't seem like it. Those guys seemed fixed on killing our asses" Husk pointed at the screen. "Welp, we're not gonna know till we watch more. And these things haven't happened yet. Maybe after you know about the new things, you guys can change your future! So everyone buckle up again." You said while clicking on the next episode.
The second episode started with Charlie freaking out about the extermination time. Angel was saying how it was pointless as he was getting multiple messages from Valentino. You paused at the frame to see what the messages were. And...they were less than the things you'd like to see. That freaking moth.....
"Hey, what the hell? Why are you pausing on that? What's there to see 'ere?" Angel called out, but you could hear the shakiness in his voice. "It's... nothing... I was just curious." you replied before starting the vid again.
' Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination? '
' This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel! '
"I agree" Alastor spoke. "You should use people's fears and concerns to your own advantages. Good thinking Charlie."
"Um, I don't think I was thinking like that..."
Then with a bang, finally there was Pentious. "Look, I'm finally here!" Pentious clapped his hands. "Whohoho, the bad boy is here!" Niffty cheered.Then it showed Alastor having coffee outside on the hotels balcony. Wait what does that mug say? You paused to take a closer look. Oh deer?
"You got a nice cup Al. Did you design it yourself?" You asked while smiling at the man. "Yes, indeed I did. I take it that you're impressed?" He said with a smug grin making you playfully roll your eyes. This smiling bastard.
' Woo, you tell 'em boss '
"I miss my egg boys..." Pentious whispered before putting his knees to his chest and looking at the screen sadly. You decided maybe you'll try to find some egg boy plushies for him, maybe that'll cheer him a little bit.
Pentious looked at the screen hopefully. Maybe now they'll show him defeating Alastor at last. But instead of showing the battle, they cut off to showing the V's, naming Vox.
You were excited, finally you get know more about these three villains. Alastor on the other hand could not care less. They seemed like really interesting characters from all the fan theories and songs and what not. And now you get to see how they actually are. Plus you had to know if the TV demon actually has an animosity with the radio demon. Cause of the popular phrase 'Video killed the radio' or what not. It would be really cool if that actually happened.
Then a call literally showed up on his face that he transferred to one of the monitors. 'That's an interesting power..' you thought to yourself.
' Hello there, Velvette. How are you this hellish morning? '
' Oh, cut the shit, Vox. I need you up here now! '
Ohh, Velevette's voice sounds nice. You liked the accent. Apparently Valentino was causing a racket so Vox was being called for help. His happy smile immediately turned into a frown as soon as the video call was done.
' Oh god, here I go. Valentino. Just another fukin day with Val. Hey, hey, hey. Fuck my life. '
Okay, after this line, you definitely like this character. His personality is amusing. You can already tell how two faced he is too. Angel laughed a little at the scene. "Yeah, I get where his feelings are coming from. Valentino's a bitch."
' What is this? Wrist ruffles! Is it 1750? Burn it like a witches who wore it. '
' No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww. Oh, yes. That's the one. '
You can definitely see why she's the fashion designer now. She's certainly got the attitude. And then Vox went inside Valentino's room which was filled with pink smokes. You didn't know exactly what to expect. From all the songs and theories, he is supposed to be a ruthless mastermind who's even got Vox on a leash.
' Kitty, another drink. '
Huh? Was that a fizzaroli robot? You paused for a moment. Yeah it was, some kinda cheap version of it at least. Valentino threw a glass at Vox, only for him to step out of the way quickly, looking bored. He was definitely used to this.
' Fucking Angel Dust. Who the hell else would I be talking about? That fucking slut walked out on me. Me. I fucking made him. Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes. '
Angel's grip on you tightened just a little bit at that. Suddenly he remembered something. After he came here, he missed many of their appointments. Is it possible Valentino's currently searching for him now. What's worse, maybe he's already in this world and looking for him like this.
You held Angel's hand tightly on your shoulder and gave him a soft smile. Charlie looked distraught at this and leaned her head on his arm. "Don't worry Angel, you're much much more than that. You're a great person. " She said softly looking at him. You nodded in agreement. "We're all here for you okay?"
' Angel is living with Lucifer's daughter now? '
' Yeah, that bitch. Chalkie or Chandler or..I don't know. Something mannish like that. '
"Are they... talking about me?" Charlie mumbled. "Yep..." Angel replied. He prayed this didn't get the hotel in trouble, because of him.
' Val! Think about it. '
The little stunt he did there made you rethink about the theories. Maybe Valentino actually doesn't have much power over vox? Vox seemed to just sway Val however he wants. He was one hell of a smooth talker.
' Someone who owes us much more then money ~ The radio demon is there '
' What did you just say? '
Wooo boy, from the looks of it. You were correct. The TV demon does have a history with the radio demon or Alastor. Oh this was going to be fun. And he owes them something? What could it be?
' Hey killing Alastor is your kink '
"That's one hell of a kink to have. " Angel commented. " A pretty interesting one too..." You mumbled while side eyeing Alastor. You could already smell the fanrt between these two. Classic enemies to lovers trope. Then it cut to Pentious ripping off a piece from Alastor's coat and getting blown away.
' Well it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. '
"How? Literally how?" You commented. "The entire lower part of your coat is already ripped." You looked at Alastor accusingly. "Well, my dear, ripped or not, that slimy, forgettable fellow touched my clothes. And I simply couldn't have that." He said looking at Pentious threateningly as he cowered away in fear.
' See? Look at how he flirts with that guy,and he's not even paying '
Angel rolled his eyes. "Well maybe it's cause someone isn't forcing me to?"
' You still pissed he almost beat you that time? '
' Uh, fuck you '
' Just saying ~ '
And another song was on it's way.
' Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has been who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence '
You paused in middle of his line to see the oh so beautiful drawing made by Vox up close. "Furry....triangle ass..dumb hair...yeah Alastor really does have dumb hair." You snickered quietly before shutting up as you felt eyes staring straight at your soul which was no doubt Alastor's. At least Cherri, Angel and Husk laughed at it. "Also it says dildo on your microphone thingy...is it actually a-"
Before you could finish your sentence you were roughly bonked in the head.
' Stop giving him the time of day
  Don't listen to word he'd say
  Hope he had a nice vacay
But he should have stayed away '
Man, this guy seems to hate Alastor with a passion. You wondered how Alastor felt. But he seemed indifferent and bored, like he was used to these.
' Salutations, good to be back on the air '
A Radio Vs TV song battle, what more could you hope for. Alastor continued to just play with Vox throughout the whole song. It was clear who was more powerful between the two even though Vox tried so hard to make himself look better.
' And here's the sugar on the cream
He asked me to join his team '
' Hold on '
' I said no and now he's pissy
That's the tea~ '
"Wait, wait hold on. You were asked to join the V's? And you declined?" "Yes, I did" Alastor answered your question.   "But why would you do that. " Pentious whined. He wanted so badly to join their team and Alastor had that opportunity and just..passed it? " I had no interest in joining his frivolous team. So I declined, simple as that."
After alastor completely destroyed vox, he buffered and shut off all of the pentagram city's electricity.
' Let's begin
I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone '
Oh, oh. The way he said the first part and then slowly turned into a monstrous form...that was hot as fuck. You had a hand across your mouth as you watched him sing. This didn't go unnoticed by your companions. The way his eyes changed into radio dials and kept ticking was horrifying yet it drew you in more as you kept watching with sparkles in your eye.
' Ffffuck! '
Alastor laughed loudly at Vox's outburst as Angel let out a whistle. "Nice going creepy guy. Ya really showed him his place" He finger gunned at Alastor. "Of course, he never stood a chance in the first place. " He said proudly as he went to fix his bow tie.
So Vox was a whiny, insecured , jealous man, gotcha. You like him, he's fun. Though he seemed strong enough too. He shut off the whole city's power after all.
' Put something inside them. That's how I get the bitches to behave. '
He does what? You and Angel both cringed inside at that line. 'ugh..'
' Someone pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us '
Oh no, you already knew who this was going to be.
' Why, hello, my dear...'
And Pentious got punched just as quickly as he spoke after arriving at the hotel.
' Wait, wait, wait. I come in peace. '
" They sent Pentious?" " They sent me?" Pentious and several others said in the same time. You already knew this was going to happen. This was going to fail miserably, wasn't it? Vaggie glared at Pentious even though he didn't do any of that in real life. "The V's believed in me.." Pentious looked at his hands. "They believed I could do it!"
"Uh, I think you forgot WHY they choose you. " Cherri said shaking her head. However Pentious was too happy to register it.
' What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once... '
Ouch, that hurt Angel a bit, both in and outside of the show. But, that was true right? Angel thought to himself. He didn't have any interest in redeeming himself. He just needed a place to crash in. He shook his head, 'Whatever'
' The bad boy is back. Never leave me again. '
Woah, Niffty, she's.... something else. Beneath you, Niffty giggled manically and you loosened your hold on her just a little bit.
' I definitely remember you now. '
That line sent shivers down your spine, in a good way.
' My name's Sir Pentious
  I like to build
And despite my stupid egg Bois
I think I'm very skilled '
' Yes, yes you are very skilled my boy' You wiped a imaginary tear at that. What a precious bean. You just want to squish his cheeks. Then it cut to a play Charlie was doing with Angel and Pentious. You already saw this small bit in the teaser. But seeing Pentious licking that lollipop in that outfit was still adorable.
Things took a bad turn soon as Angel felt guilty for not properly participating in Charlie's play. He went back to his room with fat nuggets. Angel buried his face in your hair, not liking where this was going.
' You fuckin' slut ! '
' Hey, Angie, about earlier... '
' Kill your whole fucking fam... '
' Work's really stressful... '
' Little cocksucking piece of shit.. '
' You actually think you can change? Addict trash like you doesn't change. I'll see you soon baby. '
"That's not true...Angel...I-" Charlie was about to apologize but Angel shushed her by putting a finger to her lips. "Charlie please not now. I don't want to hear about it. " He had his face buried into your shoulder and whispered. "(Y/n), please continue."
You nodded and leaned your head towards him, hoping to reassure him even a little bit without looking like you're pitying him and paused the episode.
While drinking Angel caught Pentious trying to sneak in CCTV cameras in the hotel. It escalated into a fight quickly.
' Get your aggressively average body, off of me! '
Pentious then put Angel is some kind of hypnotism spell for a bit. You didn't know he could do that. That's cool. It was probably a snake power.
' Do us a favour, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure. '
Pentious felt like his heart was broken in two. He hid his face in his knees. Alastor just let out a 'hmm' boredily. " I hope you learnt your lesson now you slippery shit. " Angel scowled at him.
' It starts with sorry
That's your foot in the door '
This song could only mean one thing. Pentious was going to be a part of the hotel now. You mentally cheered. He deserved this very much. Pentious peeked out from his knees to look at the screen again. The song was really sweet too. Charlie looked so proud of Pentious while Vaggie and Angel was unamused. Niffty on the other hand seemed pissed off.
' I hated that song. Why are you so lame? Not a bad boy. '
"Yeah, he was so cool and now he had to go ahead and ruin it, hmph!" Niffty crossed her hands with a pout to which you sweatdropped.
' You'll have to try harder than that next time, ol' pal, hahaha... '
Everyone looked at this scene with a shocked Pikachu face. And with that, the second episode was done. There were two more episodes left to watch. But before that, your stomach let out an embarrassing noise, making blood rush to your face.
"Ahaha...I forgot I haven't eaten since yesterday. Would you guys mind if I ate a little before continuing the next episode?" You scratched you cheek.
"Of course not, I'm sorry we forgot about that. I'll go get some food -" before Charlie could get up, Alastor stopped her motioning with his hand . "Charlie, you must be exhausted after last night. Niffty dear, could you get up and get some food for our host and the two girls?"
"Going!" Niffty stood up so fast that if you weren't careful she would have hit your chin. While Niffty was coming back with food, Charlie busied herself with talking with Pentious, their apparent new member of the hotel. You picked up your phone and found out you had a new email. It said that Vaggie got the job. You quickly let her know.  While celebrating the news Charlie remembered something.
"Oh no...I forgot to go to the cafe today! I didn't even let them know!"
That was completely your fault. You quickly dialed up Adrien's number to let him know. It seemed like he wasn't that angry. He would have called her himself later after the shift. He wished you a speedy recovery and you let him know that Charlie would come back to work from tomorrow and apologized for the inconvenience. And after that you started texting your co-worker about the situation you were in while waiting for the food to arrive.
Around that time, in the ground of the pond beside your cabin, a red pentagram appeared. From that a blue coloured animal emerged.
The animal had robotic parts all over its body. Actually it was a robot that just had a certain animals figure. While moving around with it's tail, it discovered that it still had sharp teeth in its face, sharp enough to bite through the hardest of things easily. It still couldn't see its whole body properly. Though it only had one thing in its mind currently.
Figuring out where the hell it was.
A.n (please read) : phew, finally done. Sorry for the long wait. I'm currently drowning in studies. Hopefully the chapter was satisfactory. I dunno if I got the reactions right(⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
Also I'm kinda scared to tackle Angel's abuse episode (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I know no matter how hard I try, I'll still probably offend someone. I only ask you all to be patient with me and know that I'm trying my best.
Now for the explanation on the requirements of a new character appearing. I know you all want your favourite characters to come but it has some rules. Making everyone appear is going to make the fanfic a lot messy. I  wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone. So the rules are as following,
- first rule, Reader has to watch a episode of that character. The reason behind all the current characters appearing is because we already saw them in the pilot, reader knows about their character already.
For example, we have finally met Adam and lute in the new episodes. Now they have a chance to come anytime I want in future. But as for Lucifer, he'll still have to wait till we get to his episode. (Sorry Lucifer fans)
- Second rule, If that character is relevant to the story. This entirely depends on me. I already have the whole storyline in my head. I know how the story goes roughly, how it'll end, who's going to die and stuffs.
For example, if any of you ask St.peter to join in the story after his episode but it doesn't go with the plot I have, he isn't going to come.
Hopefully this clears up a lot of things. But if you have any other questions, feel free to ask me in the comments. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Also I want to use Spanish words and phrases for the Spanish people in Hazbin hotel but I'm scared to use Google translate cause how easily it fucks stuffs up sometimes. Does anyone know any good website I could use for that? Or could any of my Spanish readers help me out a bit? (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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I have solved the mystery of why Spike feels so off in AtS Season 5. Because I'm rewatching Buffy's cameos in S1 of Angel and she feels the same way, in that she just doesn't feel like Buffy, at all. She's bitchier, whinier, way more self-absorbed, which was kinda the problem with Spike in AtS S5 as well.
And I can't help but wonder if that's because it's how Angel secretly sees them, so that's how they're portrayed on his show. It explains why he's such a dull hunk of wood and Spike is just charisma and sexiness and love and devotion and danger and pain on BtVS. Because that's how Buffy subconsciously sees them. Of course the actions are still the actions, obviously, however they're perceived, but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean that the characters were written and created from the POV of the protagonist, and even the actions we're not fond of just came along because the protagonist expected nothing less of them.
Would have been interesting to have a Spike series and see how he views these two lol. I'm guessing Angel as one of those French aristrocrats in a powdered wig and Buffy as a sword-wielding queen of the fairies.
Editing to add that I actually think there is a very clear divide on who belongs on which show. Angel, Cordy, Wesley, Faith, Harmony, Dru, and Darla THRIVED on AtS character-wise, and I actually liked every single one of them so much better on that show than I did on Buffy.
Spike and Buffy belong on the original. I'm a strong believer in crossovers, but only in micro doses, haha, and not destroying the stories that BtVS had been so carefully building.
Andrew can bop around on whatever show he wants, he's good at picking up the flavor of whoever he gets close to, like a mushroom.
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
2, or 10, or 24, or 30 for angelamey 😌 (i cannot pick one lmao)
Well, I hope you'll like my choice out of these! ...I picked two! 😈
Once again... this isn't actually smut, but more just foreplay htfkulyg 🙈 but it's rather sexy in it's own right if I do say so myself 😌 Hope it satisfies!!
(ALSO hope you don't mind me hinting at some obvious poly stuff goin on.. as I've said in other recent posts involving these angels, Sebastian and Mey.. well.. it just feels RIGHT that Seb and Mey come together at some point while enjoying these angels too! UwU)
One night of getting into their usual bouts of passion, Angela decided this night to tell the mortal woman something. Something most would wave off as a joke in this time, she knew, and really she didn't mind if that was how Mey Rin did take it, but, well.. there was a small part of her...
“I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing,” She murmured to the girl, smirking and continuing her trail of kisses around Mey's neck as her hand danced around the girl's waist, under her soft nightgown.
The sudden stiffening of the girl's body made Angela practically want to shout an apology in fear of the worst; dreading the thought one attempt at a humorous comment had ruined the night!
However when the angel pulled back fully to look into Mey Rin's face in the dim candlelight, she found instead the familiar signs of surprise, embarrassment, and... perhaps... delight?
A tilt of the head like a curious little bird, eyebrows rising in question.
Oh GOD, was all Mey Rin could think as realization hit her she'd have to explain now. There was no choice, and instinctively the maid whimpered and tried to cover her face.
"I-I'm so sorry, Angela!! Um, I mean, th-that is- Well..."
HOW did one even EXPLAIN this sort of thing?? That her reaction WASN'T just out of interest and also bashfulness but... but..
"Hm.. let me guess, then," Angela started and shifted around, and then Mey Rin felt her breath once again by her neck and shoulder, and her fingers touching on her already loose nightgown, undoing the little buttons in the middle keeping her front from being fully exposed.
"You've been bitten before, I take it?"
And there it was.
Mey made another whimper, longer, and then this time finally peeking out between her fingers a little at the other woman.
She saw Angela's little smug smile that always made her tummy do a flip, and she covered her eyes once more, whining.
"Hmmmm, I wonder where..." Angela was heard mumbling, more to herself; absently. Casually.... Playfully.
Once again, before there was a chance for Mey Rin to get brave enough to answer, she felt breath cover her throat, and exactly where it met her shoulder.
"Was it right here, Mey Rin?" She purred, and Mey soon felt the wetness of a slick, hot tongue just barely lapping at her skin.
Mey jerked as if on immediate instinct, breath hitching, fingers still shielding her face pressing down harder, at first, before she couldn't help but lower them finally a bit.
"Mmm, it's most unusual," Angela went on still so casually, "I don't see any teeth marks of any kind here.. Nor here either..."
On the last part she'd gracefully moved to hover her mouth over more of the shaking girl's shoulder.
Looking back again at Mey Rin once.
Then once again dipping herself to lick and also kiss at the much firmer skin there; tight from years of building up just enough muscle to carry a rifle around.
She'd roamed all the way to the edge of Mey's shoulder, and then gave it a light peck of a kiss, before pulling away once more.
"Hmmm," The angel hummed again thoughtfully, eyes focused on scoping out more of the human girl's upper body exposed before her.
And it took much longer.. long enough that Mey finally opened her mouth, hands hovering away from her face finally, and carefully stuttered out:
"I-I'm not... against it, Angela, n-no I'm not... Just... I.. you know.. I was bitten by Seba-"
Angela's mouth was suddenly diving down, and biting on the juncture of her neck and shoulder on the other side; the one she'd not touched.
Teeth digging hard into flesh, for a good long minute, while Mey Rin choked and panted in response.
Angela had known all along, of course. Hence her little teasing dance around it; As if she didn't care- as if she didn't mind while the pieces were put all together in her mind.
But of course the little sinful fanged beast had gotten a bite or two out of their human.
Angela finally pulled back, licking her own lips and then dipping again to lick at the wound seconds after.
Everything tasting like copper and human and Mey Rin...
"Mey Rin," She mumbled, and wondered consciously if her voice sounded almost drunk or something as she continued to taste of this part of the mortal woman.
Her voice was a mix of her arousal, but also concern for the angel gnawing on her with abandon.
But Angela stopped, and then dove in to kiss a bloody trail up the girl's neck and jaw and then take her face in her hands to look firmly into her trusting emotional eyes.
"I want to mark you all over, Mey," Angela told her.
She'd always been like this, flirty sometimes; forthwith and serious others.
"If he can have a taste of you in that way... so can I."
The mortal in her clutches started to shake, flushing red all over once again.
"Th.. th.. th-that... that you can, Angela," Mey confirmed finally, and smiled almost ruefully back this time.
She reached up then to finally tangle her arms firmly around the other woman's neck, clamping together at the back as if to hold on for dear life.
"Go ahead, then, have your fill of me, I won't mind."
Angela for once was the one to tremble on the spot, and a rarely seen bit of red came into her cheeks.
But then she smirked again.
"I bet you won't," she quipped knowingly.
And dove in once more.
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malinastharlock · 11 months
Malina Reviews Diablo 4
Okay so I am a fan of Blizzard's games and have been since I first played The Lost Vikings and the original Warcraft. So of course I'm going to pick up the new Diablo 4 game and okay the fuck out of it. I've grown used to games having a few glitches and maybe some bugs here and there but omg this is stupid. I have always held Blizzard to a higher standard than other big game companies cuz they only make like 4 titles and they normally go hard as fuck on them and release something amazing. I will not just sit here and bash a game just because a few bugs either but, Oh My Fucking Cthulhu! This is shit! It's a sparklie fun steaming pile of shit, but still shit. So from here I'm going to break down this steaming pile.
The story is basically like any other Diablo game you are the glorified custodian of a war between good and evil and you're just basically cleaning up the crap fest that they leave behind although this time they change it up with the story of Lilith, a demon who got tired of all the bullshit between the forces of good and evil and decides to do her own thing, she found herself an angel who was also tired of the war too, and both decided to make a nice home have some kids but then baby daddy was like naw fuck this shit, I don't want these kids being so powerful that they could destroy me or heaven. So bro bounced and locked her ass up and decided these kids are mine and I'm gonna make sure they never live up to their potential. Mommy got released from the slammer and decided to go on a revenge kick and whoop the shit out of her baby daddy, while also trying to empower her children, but some of her kids are like, "Naw we like being bitches.", so decided to be punk ass bitches and kill her.
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Now me personally, I didn't like it at all. I found myself rooting for Lilith and wishing she won but ::SPOILER ALERT:: she doesn't. No instead she get offed and much like the other day SX ma kina evils can't I don't think she can actually die, but who knows, we might see her later on sometime, much like how he ended up seeing Mephisto again. Yeah, Blizzard made sure to plug as much of Diablo 2 into this Diablo 4 game as a possibly, cuz you know, got to milk that franchise and all that. I will give them props. On one thing, there were several instances in this game where I actually ended up crying, because I was like, "Why? Why did you kill that character you fucker? I liked that one."
I did, however, find a lot more enjoyment out of the side quests in the game, which there are plenty of. There were actually a few side quests that really got me and made me cringe a little. Cringe, as in, Great Cthulhu, that is gross! Still not that bad. I enjoy gross sometimes.
2. The Gameplay
I am sorry you got to give me a second, sometimes when I think about the gameplay it makes you want to puke.
Ok, so normally, blizzard is known for releasing beautiful games. They release games that are good, they look good, they play good, their story is at least adequate, however, I can't say the same for this one. I don't know what happened, and I don't know where they drop the ball. I mean, its still plays like your normal dungeon runner. I really don't know where they went wrong or where to even start, so here's a try.
They brought several elements from Diablo and mortal into the game that I don't mind. It makes it more fun in multiplayer, since if I really wanted to do multiplayer, which is not what I normally like to do with Diablo games. Seriously it's all multiplayer now. 🤢🤮 I really don't think they play tested this game enough because the overwhelming amount of glitches I have found in this game is astonishing for blizzard game. That's not even the worst part. They make you so underpowered at the beginning that everything is a struggle. Unless you run through the entire game and collect every single Lilith statue, you can find then you'll become OP in the game feels like an normal Diablo game. Oh, and collecting all the Lilith statues is pretty dag-on hard unless you get your horse, which you won't get until after act 3, then running all over the ginormous freaking world map that they are creating and probably plan on creating more of sanctuary to go with it as time goes on, or they end up scrapping the whole thing because they screwed up so bad to begin with. Knowing Blizzard, they might do that. I'm seriously starting to think that blizzard is becoming as bad as Netflix, but that's a gripe for another time.
Another huge problem, I see with this right now is the grind after you hit level 50. From level 50 to 100, you have to grind and grind and grind, and it is so tedious, that after reaching level 60, I was like, fuck this I'm out. I'm not out out but I am definitely not going to waste all my time grinding to 100.
As much as I seem to like the horse on the console version, there seems to be a huge problem with the horse just going in general. Like you, you click on the horse and it just stops or it's super slow, and you end up getting hit by all the creatures you're trying to run from or you're just, what is the word I'm thinking of? inconvenienced in a way that it's really irritating.
The Butcher
So like how I said they make you very underpowered and very challenging, I don't mind a good challenge, but when you're getting wrecked by everything when you first start playing your favorite class from the other several games, you can't help but get really frustrated with Diablo 4. Like when you first run into The Butcher and you are running around very underpowered and then he proceeds to makes you his bitch. That really sucks.
3. Graphics
The graphics in this game are actually really beautiful. I love the cut scenes, I love what they've done, blizzard has really come a long way, and it shows. I really do love the fact that they have a giant open world to run around in, and the events that they do are really fun, I love the particle effects. I love that they put so much effort into it, but I also think they could have done more with that least the character creation, but that has nothing do with graphics.
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COSMIC - S3:E3; Chapter Three, The Case of The Missing Lifeguard - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
𝘌𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘋&𝘋. 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦.
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⚠️: more Billy/Mind Flayer shenanigans, more Y/n being Not Straight™️ and slight, whatever the huffy, whiney hell Hopper was during a majority of the season
📝: yall, idk how to describe hairstyles so I'm gonna clear it up now; the hairstyle Y/n is doing on El is the coil ponytail she wears at the end in That Scene™️ 🥲🚚👋📝🛣
Yes, I regret the whole "sisters" failsafe I put in specifically to stop myself. But as it turns out, no I cannot suppress the gay. So innocent, mutual pining ahead! 🥳🎉🌈
A pair of sock-covered feet bounce happily on the carpeted floor as Madonna's Angel blasts through the radio on the dresser. Max jumps back and forth on El's bedroom carpet, singing into the hairbrush she had found on the nightstand. Beside her, sitting on the bed is the girl herself, sporting her new colorful look; engrossed in a selection of teen magazines that are splayed out before her.
"You must be an angel,"
El bobs her head along with the tune, careful of Y/n's hand weaving through her hair from where she's kneeled behind her on the bed. She grins up at Max before going back to her work, her lips moving as she silently sings along.
"I can see it in your eyes,"
Y/n finishes the last coil behind El's left ear, and pulls it together with the other, merging her hair into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. After she tightens the bright blue scrunchie one last time, she mutters a defeated, "Alright. I tried," before she maneuvers around El across the mattress and allows herself to fall back on the right side of the bed, her head propped up on the rows of pillows. She grabs a magazine, boredly sifting through it while El delicately feels around the back of her head with a smile, admiring Y/n's work.
"Full of wonder and surprise,"
El's attention quickly returns to the magazine in her hands when she flips the page. She has to turn it sideways to see the whole thing. A young man, who El guessed to be just a little older than Steve, was smiling back at her.
Max's singing and dancing come to a slow when she notices El lingering on the page. With a chuckle, she discards the hairbrush from where she found it and kneels beside the bed.
"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio," Max simpers.
"Macchio?" El asks with a smile.
"Yeah," Max nods. "he's the Karate Kid,"
Both and El and Y/n jump when Max suddenly cuts the air in a mock karate chop and yells, "Hai-yah!"
They giggle and Y/n just rolls her eyes playfully. Particularly, at what comes next.
"He's so hot, right?" Max asks.
An amused grin glues itself to Y/n's face as her eyes peek out over the top of magazines to catch El's reaction. Y/n's smile spreads, buried under the pages when she sees El's face lit up in a blush.
"I bet he's an amazing kisser, too," Max says, drawing out a funny look in El's eyes. "Hey, uh,"
Y/n finds her eyes drawn to Max when she feels the old mattress dip a little under her weight. She notices a funny, almost intrigued look on her face.
"is Mike a good kisser?" She asks.
Y/n lets out an involuntarily "Blech!" At the question, discarding her magazine back to the pile with her nose scrunched up in disgust despite the smile still on her lips.
El laughs at Y/n, lightly shoving her knees that sat propped up above her as she shoots her a smile. "Not 'blech',"
Y/n has to readjust her head on the pillows to gawk up at El properly, a funny look hidden in her eyes.
"Wait, so is he like, actually," Y/n makes another face, failing to get through the sentence with a straight face. She laughs a little, putting a mocking tone in her voice. "'good' at kissing?"
El doesn't answer right away, much too confused with the direction this conversation had gone. She blushes again, giving her awaiting friends a bashful shrug.
"I don't know. He's my first boyfriend,"
Max is quick to correct her, but she does so gently. "Ex-boyfriend,"
El's face falls.
But Max is also quick to console her. She lands a gentle hand on El's shoulder, her voice going soft.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Okay?" El still doesn't seem too sure. "He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness."
Y/n subconsciously fiddles with the ring pop still on her finger, a thin sheet of plastic still covering the candy diamond.
"I guarantee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now," Max's face scrunches up as she mocks the aforementioned exes. "They're like, 'Oh, I hope they take us back!'"
Y/n laughs, her left hand lightly smacking Max's arm, grabbing her attention.
"Yeah, but, Mike's probably more like," Max fights a sudden laugh when she catches the knowing look in Y/n's eyes. "'I hope they take us back! They have to—'"
Neither Max nor Y/n can fight the grin breaking out on both their faces as they finish in perfect sync.
-"take us back! Nyeh-nyeh-NYEH!"
Once again delightfully confused, El's stare travels between her newest best friend and her oldest; a warm feeling burrowing deep in her chest and gut, her stomach aflutter as she laughs with them.
"God, what I wouldn't give to see the look on their stupid faces," Max says, shaking her head wistfully.
El goes quiet, something neither of her friends miss.
"What is it?" Max asks.
That seems to snap everything into place, and Y/n props herself up on her hands. There's enough mischief in her eyes to match El's, and she quirks a brow.
"Wait. Are you serious?"
El only smirks, shrugging her shoulders.
"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Max asks, only to find herself under two impish stares.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
El sits cross-legged against her dresser, the radio switched to static sitting just above her head. In her hands is the multi-colored headband Y/n had gifted to her over the holidays when her hair started to fall in her face. They both knew it could also double as a comfortable, makeshift blindfold in case she ever found herself traveling to the void again.
As she prepared to do now.
She hooks the headband over her head, pulling it down over her eyes as Y/n and Max took a seat.
"Is this really gonna work?" Max asks excitedly from where she's perched on the edge of the bed.
El nods, and Max's face lights up in awe.
"Holy shit, this is insane-!"
"Right, quiet. I'm sorry,"
Y/n chuckles up at her noiselessly, completely understanding the excitement of it all. Particularly, since she had never once witnessed El demonstrating these powers unless it had been necessary.
Then came the waiting part.
Y/n had forgotten about the waiting.
It was all they could do. Wait as they watch El draw in a deep breath, allowing her mind to reach out to the person it had most.
She feels the imaginary water at her feet first, as she always did. It didn't take her as long as it used to to fine-tune the distorted voices cutting in and out, much like what she found her radio to do sometimes. But she did it soon enough.
She's back in the void, for the first time in a long while.
Part of her was worried it would be harder without as much practice as she got last year, but it wasn't.
The image that lay ahead of her was clear, the voices even clearer.
"What did I do wrong? What could I have done wrong?"
He was laying on the couch. The one from his basement. El recognized it immediately.
And he wasn't alone, that much she  had suspected.
"Do I have to go through this again?" Lucas asks, sounding tired.
He was pacing around the couch, rubbing his face. Will was with them, he was hovering over the small table she had sat at only years ago.
"I see them," El says.
Max lowers herself to the carpet, sitting next to Y/n who leans in curiously.
"What are they doing?" Y/n asks.
The crunch of Dorito chips Mike had shoved into his mouth was loud enough to echo out across the entire void. He continues through an obnoxious mouthful.
"I just don't understand what I did to deserve this,"
El has neared them now, and she turns her head curiously to Will when he scoffed. He looked frustrated, and he sounded it too. But El could tell he was trying to fight it for the sake of his friends' feelings.
"Look, it sucks that that happened," he says. "But why don't you guys try and take your mind off of it for-"
"For the last time, Will. No! Not now," Lucas says, turning away just in time to miss the boy's shoulders slump. He back to Mike, releasing a heavy sigh. "You didn't do anything, Mike. That's my whole point. You're the victim here."
El's eyes fall back to Mike, not all sure about what she was feeling.
"I know," he cries out. "It's just, why is she treating me this way?"
"I don't know." Frustrated, he shakes his head. "What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?!"
"Mike, stop it!" Will has to yell to be heard, but his friends eventually turn their attention his way. "you know what you did wrong!"
They watch him carefully, as does El.
Just grateful to have their attention, he softens just a notch "You messed up, alright? But there's just not much you can do right now,"
"He's right," Lucas sighs, bending over to move Mike's feet out of to make room before taking a seat. "I mean, we told the truth and everything,"
Will let out a bitter laugh. "No, you didn't! You got caught! You told them you were shopping for them, but that's it. You still kept lying about your Nana,"
Max and Y/n watch El carefully, the only indication something had happened came from her angered sigh.
"They lied about Nana," she says finally.
"Oh, I knew it," Max hissed.
Y/n merely placed her forehead in her hands tiredly as she waited for more information.
"But we still tried! That's gotta count for something," Mike cries, stuffing more food into his mouth. "I mean, shouldn't that count for something?"
"Mike, relax. Just... relax," Lucas sighs into his hands yet again, clearly exasperated. "And stop asking rational questions."
"I know, I know. You're right," Mike sighs. His expression quickly turned bitter as he sent his friends a sour look. "Because women act on emotion and not logic,"
"Precisely," Lucas nods. "It's a totally different species."
El's breathing grows deeper and for a moment the pair of friends fear the worst. But the truth was, while El didn't quite exactly know what they were saying, she knew it was foul.
"They say we are 'species'."
-"Come again?"
"'Emotion, not logic."
-"Come again?"
Will shifted on his feet, looking unsure as to what to say, or if he should at all.
"Will is upset,"
Y/n scoffs, looking between Max and El. "He should be if they're saying that shit." She fires, worry briefly taking over her anger over the doubtful thought seeded in her mind. Quickly she leaned forward.
"Wait, he wasn't saying that was he?"
Relief sweep over her when El shakes her head.
She finds her eyes on him again, looking as if he was trying too hard to fit in and not say the wrong thing. El hadn't known him for terribly long, but she knew enough to realize this shouldn't be normal.
"Guys," he says, his eyes darting to the small table he had been setting up. "Come on, it's ready. You already said you'd play a month ago when Dustin got back. I've been planning ever since! And I really think it'll help take your mind off of all this."
Lucas groans.
"Will! We already told you. Not right now," he shakes his head as if scolding a small child.
"They are upset with him."
"Why?" Y/n pressed, sharing an equally concerned look with Max.
"They broke up with you, what else is there to talk about?"
"Easy for you to say, you still have a girlfriend!" Mike throws back.
"'Easy for Will to say,'" El repeats.
Y/n could only imagine what they were putting Will through right now. Or just what her words could mean. Her guilt from having to cancel weighed heavier and heavier.
"He says..."
They all watch, El included, as all his frustrations boil over.
"Well, none of that matters now, does it?!"
Shocked at his outburst, Lucas and Mike break into matching, sour grins nevertheless.
"Then join us, Will," Mike says, sharing a smirk with Lucas. "Join us in trying to figure the greatest mystery of all; the female species!"
"What? What's he saying?" Y/n asked.
But she receives no answer. El had fallen quiet.
El cocks her head, her glare thrown to each boy like daggers, feeling an anger of her own. As well as a protectiveness.
That didn't last long, however. Not moments after, Mike seemed to be challenging his own foul behavior. His mouth opened up wide, letting loose a deep and billowing belch.
"Dude," Mike laughed lazily, gesturing around him as he grinned up at his friends. "You can smell the nacho cheese,"
El recoiled, her upper lip hooking in a grimace both in and out of the void.
She's relieved to see even one of them disgusted by his antics — Will, but it doesn't change her annoyance. But it was better, and far less confusing than Lucas who broke out in a sly grin.
"I get that beat,"
"What?" Mike mumbles in between picking his teeth with his tongue.
Baffled, El looks to Will again whose face pales. He quickly shakes his head, his words pleading.
"Oh, no."
"No, Lucas," Mike says, jumping in. "No!"
El watches curiously as Lucas's grin stretches wider — "No, Lucas!" — and he lifts his right leg — "Lucas! LUCAS!" — and...
El stumbles back in shock when the sound hits suddenly. It echoed louder than the burp had — far louder — and only grows louder as Lucas lifts his leg higher.
El rips the headband off her head to reveal her widened eyes, her shoulders moving and falling in a panicked-like state.
Never blinking, her mouth still wrenched open in shock, she turns to gape at her friends.
"What happened?"
She didn't answer.
"Are you okay?" Y/n pressed, fearing the worst.
She breaks out in a grin, a fit of sudden giggles sent her slouching into the carpet and her head landing in Y/n's lap. Max and Y/n welcomed her reaction with open arms, her infectious laughter spreading to them despite the utter bewilderment they were feeling. Y/n looked down at her friend, trying not to laugh.
El managed to peel her eyes open long enough to see Y/n's crooked smile poking into her view of the ceiling and she loses it all over again.
"What?" She laughs.
"What happened?"
El clutched her aching sides. Every time she tried to speak, the silliness of it all stole her words all over again.
It had been completely revolting and
angering. But it was also the most fun she'd ever had in that horrible place. This also being why it was so hard to wipe the smile from her face.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Will stumbled back as far away as possible from the massive stink cloud he was sure would drown him. Mike had stumbled off the couch, waving at the air as Will buried his nose in his shirt.
"Oh, man," Mike groans. "what the hell, Lucas?"
"Come on, that was impressive,"
"So was Will," Mike shoots him a knowing smirk. "Finally realizing the frustrations of the female species,"
"That wasn't what I said," he shakes his head, growing angrier by the second. "I said it doesn't matter if I have a girlfriend or not right now cause I can't see her! Both of us have to clean up your messes and it's the same reason why we missed our six month anniversary last month,"
Both Mike and Lucas wince. "Congrats?"
Will sighs, throwing himself in his seat at the D&D table.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The cabin's front door was nearly thrown off its hinges as an inebriated Hopper stumbled across the threshold. The door slammed shut behind him, shaking the room as he huffed and puffed. Several times he nearly lost his balance just standing still, but despite the blurred vision and numbed senses he could still make out the muffled radio from his daughter's room.
That wasn't good. At least, that's all Hopper could comprehend right away before he pieced together why; that always meant Mike was here.
And the door was shut.
"Hey!" No response. "Hey!"
The ache of rejection and embarrassment he had been feeling all night had been drowned in bottles of wine from Enzo's, numbing a great deal when Joyce had failed to show. But it couldn't quite extinguish his anger, and that was all that was left now. And he had no problem channeling that into this moment.
In his drunken state, he manages to march across the living room without stumbling into anything and his voice rises behind his gritted teeth.
"When I say three inches, three-"
A small yelp and a short burst of hot hair stinging his sweating skin and knocking over the lamp on the desk was the first thing he registered after the boom of the door being busted open. Before him, was the sight of El and her friends lounging across her floor, flipping through magazines and gawking up at him.
He realized then what had happened judging by Y/n drawing in a deep breath, and dropping her head into her hands. She had clearly been especially startled being so close to the door and had inadvertently created a mini shockwave that swept across every loose item in the room. He could hear her cursing into her hands as Max glared up at him.
"Do you knock?! Jeez!"
"Yeah!" El repeated. "Jeez!"
At that moment, Hopper couldn't remember a time he had back-pedaled so quickly. He could hear his slurred words stringing together a nervous apology.
"Wo-wo-oh, hey," he gulps. "I'm sorry."
The three girls continue to gawk up at him from the floor.
"I thought that, uh-,"
"If you were expecting Mike, he isn't here," Y/n said.
"We wanted to have a sleepover," El says, still beyond excited at the thought of having one since Y/n told her about them almost a year ago. "Is that...okay?"
The word fell out of Hopper's mouth before he could will it, his entire demeanor melting away in relief.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah," he said, his voice going higher than normal as he stumbled through the tension. "Your parents know you guys are here?"
"Yup," Max says, and Y/n nods.
Blazing through the past few moments, or at least attempting to, Hopper waves his arm dismissively and his slurring intensifies.
"Uh, yeah, it's cool. Yeah. That's-That's really cool."
This was great! His "heart-to-heart" had worked. At least the way he did it. He couldn't count on his hands the number of times he had asked El about the others; silently hoping she'd take the hint and get him out of long, awkward discussion. But she never had, she only went on about Mike, and the more the summer stretched on the less he heard about Y/n or—
"Did you need something?" Max asks, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He hadn't realized he had been just standing there, swaying slightly and zoning out.
He was overstepping. He could see that now. And not just because of the embarrassment written all over his daughter's face.
"No, no," he says quickly, shaking his head and making a lazy grab for the doorknob. "Uh, I'll leave. I'll just let you... I'll leave you..."
His voice trails off before being swallowed completely when the door shuts with a click. For a moment, Hopper just stands there processing it all.
A smirk hooked his lips.
No Mike.
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