#little bad since so many people talk about what an amazing movie it isšŸ˜‚ But no itā€™s really good
fan-of-young-royals Ā· 1 month
I just got the idea for a young royals fanfic based kind of on Citizen Kaneā€¦
I might have to write it but I think Iā€™ll also have to do math to figure out their agesšŸ˜­ (and possibly watch the movie a shit ton of times)
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yossariandawn Ā· 4 years
Kate Fuller!
this is also for half of @alwaysupatnightā€‹ā€˜s ask, Seth Gecko is next! Sorry it took me so very, very, very long šŸ’–
Kate Fuller: behind the cut!
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Why I like them:
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Let me count the ways šŸ˜‚. But in all seriousness, Kate is such an amazing character, and I love her to pieces. When Iā€™ve talked about her before in these kinds of things Iā€™ve tended to focus more on about her flaws, which may give a unbalanced view of how I see her, but I just love so much that sheā€™s allowed to be both genuinely good and genuinely flawed! Women characters in particular who are kind or sweet or driven to help and do good are too often flattened down to only those characteristics, so I really love that the show actively fights back against that so strongly and consistently with Kate. The show is extremely interested in also exploring the negative sides of her personality, so we get to see her forgiving nature is both a positive (optimistic about peopleā€™s ability to the right thing, inspirational to others) and a negative (willing to work with, help, and even love people who rob, murder and act selfishly) her desire to help sometimes leads to her overstepping, or making the wrong call, Ā her ability and desire to understand other people is also what lets her strike so effectively at their weak spots. From the very first episode, she isn't only a sweet and devout believer of God, she's also allowed to be suspicious and secretive with personal goals and desires beyond the people she loves the most, even though family is still shown to be extremely important to her. One of the first things I loved about her was her commitment to finding out the truth about what happened between her dad and her mom the night of the car crash. She thought there was a good chance she was going to uncover something earth-shattering, but she continued to dig anyway. She wants to understand, not just the good in her family, but also the bad. She feels the hurt and pain, and is also allowed to push past those feelings, which makes her choice to forgive and trust all the more poignant.
Why I donā€™t: I donā€™t really have anything I donā€™t like about her, other than there is so much more of her that I want to see. I would have especially loved to see the gaps between seasons. And to me, one of the big downsides of Amaruā€™s possession lasting almost all of season three is we donā€™t get the careful Seth/Kate storyline parallels that we had in the first two seasons which I always really enjoyed. But I do still like the possession story line, I just wanted more Kate after too.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):Ā 
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This is so hard, and is subject to change, but since I need to pick just one now, I'm going with The Take. It shows so many sides of her, every scene she is in is important, and really cements her role as one of the main characters, not just as a final girl by default, but someone who is capable of surviving and living in this world of monsters and criminals. She fights back against Sex Machine, going so far as to stab him (a human! technically) in the back without remorse, her scene with Scott is brutal, the hurt and rejection and anger setting her on her season 2 journey to try and save her brother, her dadā€™s death scene is so powerful, showing off both her buried anger and pain and then her quiet strength, faith and love. The Freddie scenes are both so sweet and so revealing too. I love that she had real chance to try and go back and try for something resembling a more normal life, and she doesnā€™t. She stands in the sun instead, battered and bloody and chooses the criminal over the lawman. The line about the RV ā€œbut not in that. HELL NOā€ is both a bit of lightness after the heaviness of everything that had come before, and some great symbolism, a nice little reminder that the trappings of a more ā€œnormalā€ isnā€™t what she would choose for herself.
Favorite season/movie:Ā 
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Season 2! She fights so hard, against pretty impossible odds, and she actually struggles with finding the right way to live in a world where her brother is now a literal monster. Her death scene will always be one of my favorite ā€œdeathsā€ of all time. Iā€™m glad her story didnā€™t end there, but it was such an extremely powerful moment that had been carefully built up to the whole season, and it had such a lasting impact on a the other characters in the show too, but my favorite part of it was that it was about her, and how she felt about dying, with the reactions of Scott and Richie being secondary to the scene.
Favorite line:Ā 
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Kate covered in blood, both scared and determined is one of my favorite moments, and itā€™s such an important line for her, not to mention one of the central themes of the show.Ā 
Favorite outfit:Ā 
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Because she looks amazing in it and because of what it symbolizes in terms of where she is mentally and emotionally. It's a quick but significant glimpse of her future post Amaru, and I love that we get to see her looking so confident and in control, stepping smoothing into her role as an equal partner to the Geckos Brothers. Plus the symbolism of her in a white dress and new cross paired with her still red hair and black gloves? Such a great visual representation of what sheā€™s gone through, and how she's balanced the good and the bad into something new and beautiful and uniquely her.
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Seth Gecko. Two people from different backgrounds with very different life experiences and way more in common than you would think at first glance, they were drawn together from the start. I loved all the little moments in the first season where the fascination and interest in each other peeks through, even while trapped together in such nightmarish circumstances. And Iā€™m such a sucker for partnerships where two people balance each other out in different ways, where they both actually know each other on a deeper level. While I would have still loved them paired up together nonromantically, I really love what a romantic relationship says about both of them, the extra layers it provides that they would both be interested in each other in that way and open to pursing it. Season 3 ends with a new beginning for both of them, and they developed such a complex and rich history together in the relatively short time they knew each other. The chemistry between them leaps off the screen, and you quickly feel like these two people are just so important to each other.
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Scott Fuller. Her relationship with Scott isnā€™t easy, but itā€™s incredibly powerful, and one of my favorite things about the show. Season 3 leaves them with a lot of potential to rebuild something good, and maybe even better than before.The fact that they both had complicated feeling surrounding his adoption was really interesting and realistic, and it never invalidated that they were family in every way that matters. They fought and loved like real siblings, warts and all.
Head Canon:Ā 
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I think she likes cooking or baking, and would get a lot of joy of being able to feed her people. I havenā€™t completely decided if she would be any good at it, or just enthusiastic and determined šŸ¤£ And I wish I could remember the fic, but I saw a headcanon in a post season 3 fic that said the reason why she was able to be up and swinging a sword around so quickly after her incredible blood loss/transfusion was because the piece of Amaru left inside her (that kept Amaru from killing her outright) was also giving her a boost physically still, up until she went through the gate. I didnā€™t really need the extra explanation, since the show was never in interested in medical realism (Richieā€™s hand and Sethā€™s withdrawal cycle being two big examples) but I did like that idea. And anyone knows what fic Iā€™m talking about please let me know so I can link it!
Unpopular opinion: This one is hard to answer, because the fandom opinions I disagree with most strongly seem to be outliers, not popular ones. Almost everyone I see on here agrees that she is a vital part of the story and a complex and interesting character, so itā€™s incredibly jarring for me when I realize other people see it differently. I am realizing that Season 2 was not a favorite season for Kate fans though, which I completely understand, as it is not a happy one for our girl (or any of the characters honestly) So I suppose that fact that itā€™s my personal favorite season for her is a bit unusual.
A wish: That post season 3 she gets some down time to heal and grieve all sheā€™s lost. Poor girl has been running from one tragedy to another since before the show started, and she needs a break where she doesnā€™t have the weight of the world on her shoulders. And I'd love to see her crossbow make a comeback.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Keep her human in the show! I've said it before in other places, but she works best as a human for me. Other than that, if the show came back I hope they don't try and turn her into some heavy brawler of a fighter. I think with some training and prep she can hold her own decently, but she's still pretty small compared to most people. Oh, I would absolutely love for Seth to teach her how to fight dirty though! (where are the fics, people?!)
5 words to best describe them: Strong, Clever, Kind, Brave, Deliberate
My nickname for them: I am not a nicknamer, so I have none.
Thank you so much for the ask @anakin-skywalker šŸ’–
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amandayuebing Ā· 2 years
So, how is married life?
I know it hasn't really been that long, but every time I take a little hiatus from my blog, it's not that I don't have anything to write, but I feel like I don't know how to write anymore.
I also recently realised that I've written about what our wedding was like, but I still haven't talked about how married life has been. It's one of the questions I get asked so much as a newlywed, but it's also one of the hardest questions to answer.
Married life has been...
Stressful (but a lot less stressful than wedding planning...)
All of the above, all at once.
Honestly, there's a lot to say, but at the same time not a lot to say? Also, tbh when people ask me, I'm not sure what they want from me šŸ˜‚. It does seem like an awfully personal question, but I'm sure it's one of those polite things people ask to make small-talk.
But yes, married life has been wonderful, because we finally get to come home to each other after the end of the day. Whether my day was good or bad, being around him makes everything that much better.
Getting used to each other's living habits is a bit of an adjustment though, and it is sometimes stressful, but nothing we haven't been able to handle. There are all these little things which require compromise, which you only learn about from being married or living together with someone.
Things like what they eat; the body wash, shampoo or laundry detergent they use (trialling whether or not we want to use the same brand to save space in the bathroom and money buying two or more of the same type of product); sleep habits (for example, he's a hot sleeper and doesn't like too many blankets and I'm a cold sleeper).
There is a bit of an adjustment period, that we're only now starting to get out of. Not just because we've never previously lived together before, but neither of us have actually ever lived with anyone else before, aside from our own immediate family.
As some of you might know, though, I previously lived by myself during my final years as a uni student in a tiny studio. I loved it.
I called my apartment my own little "Koriko"; the city by the sea in one of my favourite movies, Kiki's Delivery Service. I even had a little blog dedicated to it named "My Own Koriko" where I'd write in it like my diary about all my little adventures... All the everyday little things I'd learn about living independently which felt so exciting at the time. It was so much fun. It's a shame I took it down...
It's been tiring because suddenly, living independently, there's always so much to do and not enough time (or energy)! Suddenly as married adults with our own home, time has become so precious. We really have to prioritise things like:
Cooking and meal planning. Oh my goodness, while living at home I seriously took for granted how hard it is to just think of what to eat for the week and plan out our grocery runs...
Exercise. Squeezing in time to exercise is still something we're learning to prioritise, because often if we go to the gym or whatever straight after work, it means we'll end up having very late dinners by the time we get home and start cooking... Sometimes we also plan to go for nightly strolls after dinner, but for some reason lately, it's always been so rainy. At other times honestly, we're just too tired. It's something we both need to get better at. (Also personally, I still haven't found a type of exercise that I enjoy enough to commit to. I used to really enjoy barre and HIIT classes, but the places I went to have closed down, and the classes for the gyms around us sadly don't suit my schedule šŸ„²)
Cleaning. There's always something to clean. From the kitchen, each time we make a meal (which is 3 times a day), to laundry, to needing to vacuum almost constantly because somehow there's always dust and always so much hair (my hair...)
Socialising. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to how hard it is for schedules to align as adults... Even harder since Covid.
Time with our families. It's a difficult balance spending as much time as we (reasonably) can with our ageing parents (especially after Dad had his stroke), also spending time as fairly as we can with both sides of the family, and wanting our own independence.
Dates. After all, we're a married couple and not roommates.
It's been amazing, feeling like our little apartment is becoming more and more like our own, starting to get into a rhythm of what a typical week at "home" feels like; being able to visualise a little clearer what the future looks like.
Whilst home doesn't feel like my own little Koriko, it's been really nice...
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