#little elk
chronicowboy · 2 months
Buck doesn't know how long they sit there in that café just talking. He's never had that before. The last time he'd done this, sat across from Natalia in the midday sun, he'd been excruciatingly aware of every passing minute as he tried to be fascinating to her, spun yarns of deaths and near-deaths and deathly comas. Here, now, Buck just exists and that seems to be more than enough for Tommy.
Tommy who hangs on his every word like Buck is the next Shakespeare even as he's rambling about rainbow emojis and allyship. Tommy whose smile is so big and wide that it carves the most beautiful caverns into his face that Buck kind of wants to live in. Tommy who grimaces every time he sips the coffee Buck bought him but dutifully drinks the whole thing over the course of their date even when Buck tells him he doesn't have to. Tommy who keeps muffling yawns into his fist every five minutes having just gotten off a twenty-four hour shift like he'd stay in that uncomfortable metal seat forever if he could.
It's the best second date of his life, so when Buck tells him to go home and get some sleep, he doesn't resist the urge to prolong the date for the few moments it takes him to walk Tommy to his car. With anyone else, so soon into whatever this might turn out to be, Buck would worry that it's too much too soon. But Tommy has been so loud in his affection even with how gentle he's made sure to stay. Buck wants to be as free in his wanting as Tommy as is, so he reaches out and slips his fingers between Tommy's, damn near euphoric when they begin to swing between them as they walk.
It takes a moment to drag his eyes up to Tommy's face, caught up in the feeling of a hand in his. It's not the first time he's held a hand, far from it. Not even the first time he's held a man's hand. But this isn't Eddie letting him squeeze his fingers as he screams in pain. This isn't Taylor indulging him every now and then. This is Tommy smiling softly down at their hands like he's as mesmerised by it as Buck is, the tips of his ears growing pink and sending a giddy thrill of satisfaction through him.
"Can I ask you something?" Tommy says, giving Buck's hand a happy little squeeze.
"Don't think there's a limit on second date questions," Buck replies.
"Evan." And, Jesus, there's something about the way Tommy says his name. Even when it's that chiding little tone that should remind him of his parents, all he feels is an overwhelming warmth, all he can hear is fondness.
"Of course you can." Buck grins and watches Tommy's smile crinkle his face all over again like he just can't help it.
"Why'd you choose that abomination of a coffee for me?" And Buck groans just to hear Tommy laugh. "Really? What even was that?"
"Black coffee four sugars," Buck mumbles, kicking a stone across the sidewalk sheepishly.
"Jesus, Evan." Tommy's laugh is something special, loud and unrestrained and the sound of sunshine maybe. "Why?"
"I-I don't know, I panicked!" Buck doesn't realise he's drifting away from Tommy until the man pulls him back in by their joined hands, and Buck lets the bump of their shoulders calm him. "Just thought, you know..." Buck turns towards Tommy's car, but Tommy drags him gently towards the Jeep, leaning against the door when they reach it.
"You just thought..."
"I don't know." He shrugs, heat rising to his cheeks under the weight of Tommy's bright-eyed attention, lowers his voice all the way. "It reminded me of you."
"What was that?" Tommy grins, using the excuse to move in a little closer.
"It reminded me of you," Buck repeats, clearer this time, more confident. "You know, bit foreboding on the outside, but all sweet on the inside."
"Christ, you really are adorable," Tommy breathes, sounding as effected as Buck feels.
A kaleidoscope of butterflies swarms in his stomach, delightfully unfamiliar to him but already intoxicating, almost addicting.
It's not two men stood on a busy sidewalk in the middle of the day then. It's just Buck and someone he really fucking likes, someone he hasn't been able to stop thinking about for a week, someone he's only kissed once somehow. And suddenly that's a fact that absolutely should be rectified.
Buck steps forward, leaning up just ever so slightly on his toes, and kisses Tommy right there in the middle of LA. And it just feels right. Overwhelming in the best of ways. It's a quick press of lips, something more suited to the schoolboy he feels than the very adult man he is, not the kiss he wants but the kiss they both need. Chaste and lovely. A hello again. A beginning.
Tommy's free hand ghosts against his jaw, a flutter of a touch as Buck falls back onto his heels and takes a breath. It takes Tommy a few moments to open his eyes which means Buck gets to watch them flutter open, dazed and delighted.
"Get some sleep, Tommy," Buck tells him, finally letting go of his hand with a squeeze. "Text me when you wake up."
"Yessir," Tommy murmurs.
And Buck can't resist another kiss then, just as quick and chaste, anything else dangerous to Buck's self-restraint, before he unlocks the Jeep and climbs in. Tommy waves him off, and Buck glances back just in time to see Tommy's hand falling down to his lips as if to chase Buck's touch.
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elkyralt · 3 months
Hey, QSMPtwt that's just migrated-
1. We don't tolerate xenophobia to ANYONE here, and that includes the French and Brazilian community. If you've just moved and are planning to continue that route, please Get The Fuck Out.
2. We can and will criticize the project when it's necessary, but won't hate on any party involved. Criticism and hate are very different things, as one is needed and the other brings everyone nowhere.
3. Please personalise your blogs a bit! Just any background colour and a small bit of header text so people don't assume you're a bot and block you on reflex!
4. We sometimes hold platform-wide events, so you're welcome to participate if you see one coming up :D
5. Tag appropriately please please pleaseeee
6. Don't be an asshole, that's it
7. Enjoy your stay on QSMPblr <3
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snickeringdragon · 7 months
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this is the coolest thing ive ever made
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elkian · 2 years
One of the things that’s incredibly funny to me about Murderbot and ART’s meeting is that Murderbot is being so ridiculous about it.
ART: *bumps up the life support to make its construct passenger more comfortable, watches shows with its new friend, offers free surgery and advice to pass as a human, watches over Murderbot as it goes to do dangerous things, watches out for Murderbot’s new humans*
Murderbot: This asshole boat is trying to kill me and I hate it so, so much. Yes I’m being a brat about it, no I don’t intend to stop-
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threadcountart · 1 year
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Nightmare Elk, Nightmare Elk, Nightmare El—
I need this friend-shaped sleipnir to somehow track down the party so that we may see it again
Also Molaesmyr Elk and Aeor Anglerfish Baby deserve to hang out sometime
Image ID Below 🦌🦵🦵
[Image ID: Greyscale sketch of a giant mutated elk with eight legs and a featureless face. On the right is a close-up sketch of its head. The left sketch shows the side view of a tall elk with 8 narrow legs, a blank face, and irregularly long, tangled antlers stretching above its head. Protruding from its shoulders are two extremely long, thin, humanoid arms with skin colored black past the elbow. The arms bend at the elbow above the elk’s head then come down to drag on the ground behind the elk. Faint light highlights the elk’s limbs and featureless face.
The close-up sketch shows the elk standing amongst dark trees. It’s body is facing the side but it’s head is turned to the viewer with ears and antlers fanning out. The shoulder of one humanoid arm can be seen behind a tree. The shape of its head is normal enough, but other than a bit of fur and a faint contour where the eyes should be, the face is smooth and featureless. It has no eyes, nose, or mouth. But the elk knows exactly where the viewer is.
Text below the close-up reads “CR Ep.56 Molaesmyr” and the watermark on this piece reads “@Threadcountart” and “Do not edit/post/trace” End ID]
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weidli · 10 months
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4.07 / It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
i realize this is supposed to come off as haha dean likes pretty girls but like. what he's actually SAYING is that if he could pick any body to live in he'd pick one that looks like a pretty girl. which is not the same thing
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sagehaubitze · 8 months
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Sundown is elk 'o clock.
In 2001, 25 elk were reintroduced into the Smokies, and another 27 in 2002. They were eliminated from their natural range in the east during the 1700 and 1800s due to overhunting. Now, the population is estimated to be at least 200 and is slowly growing.
and yeah of course I left my telephoto lens at home. 🙃
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virtie333 · 18 days
Sibs finally decided they wanted to go on a hike and shockingly the trail my sister chose was one of my favorites. It was crazy busy, and one of my brother's dogs is dog aggressive like Jackson, so that made it interesting (I had to tell some people forcefully to put their dog on a leash when it ran at Jackson; I don't deal with people's shit when it comes to their pets). Overall, despite only 3 hours of sleep, it was a beautiful hike. The Black Hills always heal me.
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Jackson in Little Elk Creek
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My brother's dogs, Jake and Jessie, joining Jackson. They are Arizona desert dogs, so this was their first time in a large body of water!
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70 degrees and sun. It was super windy in town, but in the canyon it was perfect.
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My brother and sister taking pictures in the Canyon.
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Jackson at the 'white gate' rock formation. I used to ride horses down here in High School!
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tharkflark1 · 1 year
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Adjusted Terra's design a little but i have been meaning to doodle more of them <3
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fergusdraws · 8 months
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more deer! i draw deer a lot these days i guess
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singsweetmelodies · 6 months
the way i just got stupidly emotional listening to an afrikaans christmas song, of all things... 🥹
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chronicowboy · 1 year
actually the worst writer feeling is not writer's block or no inspiration or just an exhaustion that you can't write through, it's when you have that itch to write but inspiration is juuuust out of reach like i can keep brushing my fingers against the corner of my next idea but i can't quite grab it
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elk-scribe · 6 months
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Day 5: Siberian Roe Deer
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snufmonki · 10 months
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i wanted to draw the one instance my hunter/survivor mains have interacted in official art while waiting for something
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heatherwitch · 2 years
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Autumnal vibes 🍂🕯
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