#little nightmares northwind
bunnaoi · 2 years
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Be wary of the crows, they’re curious for a reason
Sorry for my lack of posts! I’m currently on vacation, I’ll post more soon hopefully 🕺
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umbrarkzoo · 1 year
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Comic characters dont get enough love
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Assorted headcanons about my current Team Dragonborn:
Lydia Iron-Forged:
Former Companion, left after being invited into the Circle
Serious to a fault—a fan of deadpan humor, to the point where you often can’t tell if she’s actually joking
Older sister ran off to join the Stormcloaks, carries an amulet of Talos that was sent home shortly after
Can lift a werewolf if she really tries
Likes her mead with snowberries
The kind of drunk that laughs at everyone and everything. Tally thinks it’s an unsettling change
Practices, either with sparring or with forms, her swordplay just before dawn
Has a soft spot for horses, uses them as a litmus test—good people always take care of their animals
Can cook, mostly hunts for her own meals. Makes a good hearty stew
Sword is named “Stormblight,” enchanted with shocks. Was a gift from her father, bought off a Khajiit caravan
Has a scar on the back of her neck from a fight with a troll
Mikael used to pick on her when she was a little girl. Her sister taught her how to punch to break noses, and Mikael’s nose hasn’t been straight since. She’s the one woman he won’t flirt with
Bisexual, with a preference for Ysolda women
Kaidan (of Northwind):
Once had an affair with a young noblewoman named Isabel. She got engaged to the count of Bravil, so he tried stealing her away and was thrown in the dungeon for it. Paid the fine, was going to serve sentence (40 lashes), but Isabel got in the way of one and stopped the whole thing. She didn’t say anything else except to tell him to leave. She still has a scar on her cheek
A thrill-seeker, though won’t admit it. Takes vampire contracts for the rush of adrenaline
The tattoo on his face marks him as blood-kin to the Orcs
Has a faded lightning-pattern scar spread across his back, beneath the newer interrogation lashes. Rosalind gave it to him
Could learn a shout if he really, really tried for it. Not as easily as the LDB, but in a vastly shorter time than the Greybeards (as per the Akaviri Dossier). Would learn Aura Whisper (Laas Yah Nir) if given the chance
Can follow being read to much more easily than reading. Not that he can’t read, just prefers a voice—pages blend together after awhile
Very much a “hold my beer” kind of drunk. Don’t tell him he can’t do anything or try to show off in front of him
Does scrimshaw to burn extra stress, especially after a nightmare. Tries to make his work useful in some way (ie a horn, some cups, a knife, etc)
Sells his scrimshaw in between contracts
Gets tense and snappy from moon sugar withdrawal
Caryalind Thallery:
Wears gold lipstick when in town. It’s very subtle and usually only noticeable to fellow Altmer
Is a slow morning person—the kind to wake up early, but spend the next hour basking in morning sunlight in a silk robe with a coffee
Skyrim’s air is NOT good for his curly hair. Whenever he can manage it, he scrounges up some septims and stops by the caravans to see if there’s any orange oil in stock. He always smells faintly of oranges
Whenever Cary senses magicka, he immediately goes on high alert, even if it’s just Restoration
Cary got a handful of threatening/hateful letters as prince, and kept them, feeling terrible and not as if he should be allowed to throw them away. His friend back home (Termia) found them one day and convinced him to burn them with her
His hair is soft. Very soft. Feather-down soft. Yes, it’s natural
His calian (sphere of aetherquartz that denotes his place in Altmer society) is clear magicka blue, the size of a clementine, and has translucent etchings of his birthsign’s stars set in it. Sometimes he almost laughs at the irony
Taliesin (alias):
He used to write up letters on the field about things he’d seen to send to his sisters. Couriers were sparse, so sometimes he’d wind up sending 5 at once because he’d been holding on to them. He keeps them in his robe, next to his chest
He had a packet of letters on his person when the Talos Shrine incident happened. They got bled through
He still writes sometimes, even though he might never be able to send them
He once swiped the head Justiciar’s hood and pretended to be him to amuse his colleagues. Said justiciar walked in on it
He will judge you SO HARD if you eat dog meat. No it’s not the same as when he eats slaughterfish, slaughterfish at least have the decency not to slobber everywhere!
A decent cook, if only because he got tired of having to special request everything
Very intelligent. Not in the sense of book smarts (though he does have those), but he has an uncanny knack for reading the room and gauging reactions—part of it is to be of service to whatever his current task is (knowing when someone is about to run, playing good cop/bad cop with other agents) but the majority is because he had to learn how to read his father’s bad moods
Pays extremely close attention to how his friends react to others’ mistakes. Especially mistakes he has in common with them. What’s the difference between his past and Paarthurnax’s? Kaidan’s? Caryalind’s? Bonus points, this means you can gain his trust more effectively by treating people besides him well
His jokes and wit double as a litmus test. When he meets someone, it’s to test how much of a pain they are to get along with. Past that, it’s his subtle way of checking in; if someone who normally laughs at him is annoyed, or someone who’s usually annoyed doesn’t react, something’s wrong
Complains because it’s cathartic and misery loves company
Has a few dragon scales in his pocket once he starts traveling with the LDB. It’s to show his sisters if he ever sees them again
Accidentally acquired a taste for firebrand wine—Summerset cuisine is notoriously delicate, so drinking firebrand was the “cinnamon challenge” in the Solitude Thalmor ranks. Naturally he wanted to show off and one-up everyone
Like Kaidan, is a “hold my beer” kind of drunk. If the two get drunk together, they’ll keep one-upping each other until they either black out or are physically separated
Never learned how to swim because when he was little, his father deadpan-joked about maormer in the water kidnapping altmer that didn’t behave. He avoided deep water like the plague, then never remedied it when he got older
Calian is milky-rose quartz, big as a gooseberry. It got chipped once on the field; after repairing it, he’s padded its box with as much cotton as he can get
An absolute ace at card games, and decent at dice. Won his horse in a game of cards. Loves her to death and spoils her
Has a lovely voice but makes you earn it. Favorite song to sing is “Star-Eyed Bride of Alinor”
Very much an “I told you so” kind of person, takes it to the point of “Oh, I was right? What was I right about? Speak up, my pointy ears can’t detect your whispers of shame.”
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redtoondevils · 2 months
Before the release of LN 3. I really hope that Low does not turn into to the Mirrorman, or the Northwind. Or if they are really both entities. The chances of that are still aired to likeliness, like that to Mono.
The Little Nightmares comics are like the extended world, to the in game Little Nightmares, for whom the audience, link the characters up to the cannon.
Where the game uses the concept as Easter eggs, and locations the game shows, and the rest is up to speculation.
Already, it is implied in his description, that he's been trapped in the Spiral for years. And is finding his way home.
Could mean more than one thing. One, he is not a young kid. The description didn't specify how long he's been in there for. If he grew up when he was really little. Or is actually...Forever young, like Peter Pan.
And number 2, would be because he is actually the Spirit, longing to escape. The dreaded theory of this. Why I do not want him to change, is because the Mirror man, how he is seen in the comics.
Is extremely cruel. He extends his hair growth, to grab kids. To kidnap them, kill them, and even turn them into twisted monsters.
Low must have some pretty messed up event happen to him, for him to make a felony commitment. Such as that. And even corrupting the world all together. To follow an arc like that is so intense.
I hope that's not the case.
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weirdway-jester · 3 years
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Art requested by : @nxrthwind for The NorthWind in the LN1 comics!
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pandoraarti · 3 years
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<<Aren't you tired of running? Aren't you tired of hiding?>>
Finally, goodness my line art pens may have suffered but I got it done.
Anyway, my attempt at stylizing The North Wind with my style.
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princeleonstuff2 · 3 years
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nxrthwind · 3 years
Broke: Menacing boss theme for the Northwind
Woke: A shanty-style song telling the tale of The Northwind
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wildfire317 · 6 years
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These are my little nightmares O.C’s Ms.Jacqueline Lope better known as Ms.Jackalope by the children on the far left and my four kiddos Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve on the right. Ms.Jackalope is a deer-taur - rabbit person hybrid who is roughly twenty years old and until she came to the maw for work she lived in a small farming village which was close enough to the sea to hear about the maw but far enough to thankfully not be visited by the maw while it looks for new children. Unfortunately the year before she went to the maw her village was burnt to the ground by hooligans from the city near the sea which the maw was often picking up passengers from. She was the only person in her blood family who survived and the oldest out of all of the people in her village who survived and she decided that as she was the eldest she would go find work while everyone else stayed behind to fix up what remained of the village. As she had heard of the maw and figured that as it was so famous it would pay well and that would be where she would go for work so she could send the money back home despite the place making her feel highly uncomfortable. She has grown very fond of the children and intends on getting as many out and away from the maw as physically possible, she tends to take the healthiest kids she can find and sneaks them into her room where she can let them out into the vents and has marked the path out with a little help from the nomes. She often helps the other staff care for the children and is more often then not the one who ends up giving them fresh clothing and haircuts. She is very affectionate towards the children and is often found humming lullabies in Gaelic to get them to sleep, she absolutely adores playing with them and giving them rides on her back. She often gets along with the rest of the staff despite being quite introverted she is quite friendly. When it comes to the maws cooking she often refuses as she is almost completely herbivorous but she cannot turn down any form of sweets. She is very protective of all of her friends, however when it comes to her fellow staff being her friend will not stop her from chasing and scaring them off antlers first if she finds them chasing or attempting to injure a still living child in anyway. She is quite protective of Nine, The maws rejects and children One through Eight of the children of the maw. Ten, Eleven and Twelve or The Maws Rejects as they are called are all eight years old and all orphans from one of the many villages tormented by the northwind however their orphanage was shut down due to most of the children going missing because of the northwind. They were picked up as cargo for the maw but when they were brought aboard their disabilities were revealed and they were sort of discarded from the rest of the prison children and kept as sort of pets to some of the staff. They are often helping the other staff find things that are easily lost track of such as cigarettes and lighters. Nine who is fourteen is quite a story her village was near the woods and haunted by the fae which were obsessed with children and often stole them away for their own malicious purposes. So to combat this the towns children acted as dolls whenever the fae were stalking the streets and Nine was one of the best as she learned to act like a marionette puppet with the help of nomes but eventually she was caught and was torn between going to her almost certain death with the fae creatures of the forest and the unknown with the ferryman. She chose the unknown and has now mapped the entire maw due to various escape attempts that she has yet to die from as when she is caught she is often mistaken for one of the janitors puppets and taken back to his quarters where she quickly and quietly escapes back to play area where she is commonly found. She is one of Jacqueline’s favorite children and she herself is very much like jacqueline as she is very much protective of her friends and like to help her fellow kids escape, as well as being extremely introverted and highly antisocial because she does not want to deal with losing a friend because they were not clever or fast enough to evade capture and survive on their own. But despite her best efforts she ends up befriending the maws rejects and one through eight of the children of the maw and is at this point praying that none of them get caught.
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redtoondevils · 7 months
The giant doll baby theory. (Little Nightmares 3.)
My giant doll baby theory is this. I think that the giant doll baby is perhaps a robot. With/or the concepts of it being a vehicle, or a cyborg. Part organic, part robot. An artificial being crafted by the dark magic by someone. Or an ancient demi god, summoned by the Mirrorman./Northwind. Very much like the robot's from War Of The Worlds.
Theory 1. The baby is a robot, because of it's movements and it's robotic eye. That has the same magic found in the Maw, when the eye solidifies kids, if they get spotted.
This detail would explain how the eye in the Maw works. It's like it's connected. It's operational electronically between the eye and the doll baby.
The clue is the eye's movement, it moves side to side. It acts like a camera. It probably is, the lenses you see through it on those counters, you see in the secret rooms. That operates, through the lenses of a Robot.
Theory 2. Tied with 1. It is possible that the Robot is a vehicle. It's unclear who is driving it. This idea, comes with the fact that it looks like it's been driven. It's destroying buildings. And it's a very big robot, thus giving it's headspace plenty of room, for someone to sit in it. And control it.
This would also explain why it's eye movements are rigid. And is glowing the same light through the eye. The person behind it, is shooting their magic out of the eye. That's making the kid's freeze. This concept is very common in many robot movies.
Theory 3. Another likelihood of it's creation. That the doll baby is artificially made by someone, as a security drone or something. Designed to guard the secrets with in the Nowhere. Locked up somewhere, for centuries until it get's activated again, by it's creator whenever it's needed.
Final theory: The giant doll baby is was summoned by the Mirror Man. After being buried for a long time. (Or like the artificial theory, it was created by somebody else. And then summoned by Mirror Man, after it's been discovered by him.)
Then the Mirror Man started to use it as a weapon, and gave it commands to do his bidding. That would too explain why it was behaving so hostile. Then lastly, the Mirror man gave it some of his powers, that gives it the ability to freeze kids.
Those are my theories about what I think about the giant baby doll monster, and hope you enjoyed!
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bunnaoi · 2 years
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Sketchdump time!!
Bunch of sketches I made back in January that I never ended up posting! Also ft some out of context things for my au involving Seer and Northwind 👀👀👀
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bunnaoi · 2 years
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Now now Northwind, it’s not very nice to use a child and her abilities to search for things.
Sketch I decided to slap some color on c: Northwind’s using Seer here as a ‘guiding eye’ to assist him in finding Six and Mono. Uh oh. 👀
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bunnaoi · 2 years
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2 little sketches based off of a wee little thing I’m writing of Seer and the Northwind! (Spoiler; that big crow is him in disguise 👀)
I might post the finished writing thing on ao3, but I’ll need to see if anybody would even be interested in it. (Writing isn’t my forte so it aint the best believe me x.x)
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bunnaoi · 2 years
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1. Six sketch
2. Seer sitting around with her eyes uncovered to get used to her ability. Gravekeeper encourages her to do this to overwin her fear
3. Northwind being a bitch
4. A happy little Christmas Seer doodle
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bunnaoi · 2 years
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Aren’t you tired of running?
Aren’t you tired of hiding?
The North Wind is such an interesting character despite there being so little information on him.
However, I took it into hands to try and smack a human form on him! This design IS loosely based off of a design previously made by @wdcee !
Enjoy this evil bird man.
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bunnaoi · 2 years
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Don’t test the North Wind’s patience, he doesn’t have much of it to begin with.
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