logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 7/Halloween Special- Halloween Tears}//Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You (Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE)
A/N:Y'all ik Halloween was like, a week ago, but I wanted to make this chapter good for y'all. I didn't mean to make it as angsty as I did so yeah-
here's your warning for crying, emotions, and Logan snapping at Patton. Enjoy!
It was finally Halloween, and the Core Sides were rather happy due to this fact.
Everyone in the house was so excited. Patton and Roman had been planning the perfect little day for their regressors for weeks, and had managed to keep it secret until just a few days prior. The two boys weren't to keen on it at first, worried about going out while in littlespace, but they were quickly reassured that everything would be alright.
They'd be trick or treating, watching children's Halloween's movies, and so much more. This was supposed to be a fun day for everyone.
Also, this was the first time ever that Logan voluntarily regressed.
"Do you have all the makeup stuff for your costume?" Roman asked, looking to Logan, who was currently using scissors to cut up a plain white t-shirt.
"Yep! My costume is gonna look so cool once it's done!" Logan cheered. He sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by different supplies. He kicked his feet underneath of him, swinging them back and forth just above the ground. He was around fifteen, but his positive emotions made his behaviors mix between those of a teenagers and those of a older toddler.
But he swore up and down that he was strictly a teenager at the moment.
"I'm sure it will, kiddo." Roman smiled at him, picking up his glass of water and ruffling Logan's hair on the way out of the kitchen.
Logan continued to work on his clothes for his costume, using paints and pens to decorate his shirt. He was shocked when he heard a knock at the door. "Can someone get the door?" Logan called out, setting his stuff down and turning in his seat so that he could see into the living room, he had a good view of whoever could be behind the front door.
"Who's here?" Patton came down the stairs, looking to Roman, who sat on the couch with Virgil.  Roman shrugged.
"All four of us are here...so it could only be-" Roman spoke as Patton approached the door.
"Hello!" Remus cheered, greeting everyone the moment the door swung open. Janus seemed a lot less excited to be there, his arms crossed. Virgil locked eyes with him for a second, immediately burying his face into Roman's side. Roman wrapped his arm around him, holding him close.
"Chill out, we're not here to hurt you or anything. Remus thought-" Remus interrupted Janus's words with a look, silently urging him to correct himself. "We thought that we should celebrate Halloween with you...since we're trying to be kinder and work together and everything."
The Core Sides and Dark Sides were currently in a weird spot. After much conflict, they decided that they wanted to try and unite, be kind and stuff. But it was pretty hard to work together with someone when you've had a ongoing rivalry for the majority of your existence.
"You guys usually throw a party..but I'm assuming that something else is happening today?" Janus's eyes landed on Virgil, then on Logan, who quickly casted his glance downwards.
"Something else, yes. And you weren't invited," Patton finally spoke up, giving them a unkind glare that was so unlike himself.
"We're not here to start a fight! Why can't we join in on the family fun, hmm?" Remus tilted his head, looking at Patton with pleading eyes.
"Because.." Patton trailed off, looking over the the kitchen entrance at Logan, who was packing up his stuff in hopes of getting out of there. Patton couldn't come up with a good reason.
It was true, they were trying to work together and get on better terms with one another. If Patton blocked them out every time they initiated time together, then nothing would get better. But Virgil and Logan were regressed, so he needed to find an excuse.
"Cat got your tongue, Patton?" Remus questioned. Janus gave him a look, as if telling him to drop the mean tone.
"If this is about the nerd and the emo regressing, we don't care. We're open to spending time with them while they're in headspace." Janus explained.
Logan's head shot up, looking at them. Patton got the question out before him or Roman did, though. "How do you know-"
Janus cut him off, raising his hand in front of Patton's face, causing Patton to shut his mouth. "Virgil regressed even back when he lived with us...and he didn't hide it well. And it doesn't take genius to figure out that Logan does it too. We were never judging of it."
Patton nodded slowly, looking to Roman. "Let me talk to Roman, okay? Come sit inside for now." Patton stepped to the side, letting them in and shutting the door behind them. "Logan, watch your brother, please."
Logan nodded, agreeing to the task. Roman stood up, keeping hold of Virgil's hand and leading him over to Logan. "He's kinda scared..be nice to him, okay?" Roman asked.
"Of course," Logan stood up, taking Virgil's hand from Roman's, causing Virgil to pout. "Dad says that I'm a good brother." He spoke as if his words would erase any worry in Roman's mind that Virgil wasn't in good hands.
"You are, baby. You're doing great," Roman assured, turning to face Patton without another word.
Janus and Remus sat on the couch, looking back at Logan and Virgil, who seemed pretty scared. "You don't have to be scared of us. You know that, right?" Janus spoke first, locking eyes with Logan. He figured he'd understand what he was asking more then the toddler.
Logan shrugged, moving to pull out a chair for Virgil. Janus seemed kind of hurt my that response, but he didn't comment on it. "What are you two being for Halloween?" Remus offered, trying to redirect the conversation.
"Kitty!" Virgil blurted out with a light giggle. He couldn't talk super well when he was this young, so Logan was a little shocked to hear him respond so quickly to people who he hadn't been regressed around in a long time. Janus and Remus gave fond smiles to him.
"Really? That sounds like a great costume," Janus complimented. "How about you, Logan?"
"Uh, a zombie." Logan replied, his voice full of that teenage awkwardness that he absolutely hated. He didn't sound put together and smart, like when he was big. But he didn't sound cute either, like when he was younger. He just sounded weird.
"Ooh! Are you gonna do like, fake cuts and stuff?" Remus asked. Logan shrugged again.
"Probably, I'm not good at it though." He replied.
"Remus is very good at fake gore stuff! If your...caregivers?" Janus seemed questioning of the term, but Logan nodded, allowing Janus to continue. "If they let us stay, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you with your costume." Janus looked at Remus, who quickly nodded.
"Sounds good to me." Remus affirmed.
"Really?" Logan seemed excited. He knew how good Remus was at fake gore stuff. Of course, his powers aided in that, but he was also just decent at special effects makeup. Remus nodded. "Cool." Logan smiled, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable then he did before.
They really weren't there to hurt them, or even make fun of them for regressing. They were being nice. Logan didn't make an effort to continue the conversation, turning and continuing his process of packing up his costume supplies so that he could bring it upstairs.
Roman and Patton didn't come back down stairs for a few minutes. When they did though, they came to stand in front of the couch, Patton making a motion to Logan to come into the living room.
"Okay, so we decided that if the boys are comfortable with it, then you can spend Halloween with us." Patton announced. There was a pause following his statement, so he spoke again. "What do you think, boys?"
"I'm okay with it, I guess." Logan said, before looking to Virgil next to him. Virgil nodded, seemingly nervous and hesitant, but not saying no.
"Okay, then it's settled. What's the plan for the day?" Janus leaned forward, looking at the two core sides in front of him.
"Where should I even begin?"
"Where's Logan?" Roman asked, sitting at the kitchen table with Virgil, helping him with his kitten whiskers. Of course, the toddler didn't enjoy sitting still, so Roman had to keep scolding him for moving.
Which of course led to Virgil feeling bad, setting an endless cycle of messed up makeup and babyish apologies. "Upstairs with Remus, he's helping with his makeup. They said they were almost done, though." Patton explained, setting two baskets down on the kitchen table.
One was shaped like a witched cauldron, and the other was a light blue basket covered in superhero stickers and sharpie doodles. You could probably figure out which one belonged to who.
"Okay, cool. I'm almost done with Vee, then we can get shoes on and head out." Roman smiled at Patton, who nodded. Patton went to exit the kitchen, pausing to kiss Virgil's forehead before continuing.
Upstairs, Remus held up a mirror for Logan as he packed up his makeup stuff. "Whoa! This looks awesome!" Logan exclaimed, looking over his face.
Logan was, at first, a little uncomfortable being alone with Remus while regressed. But then, Remus starting asking about his interests and what made him choose to be a zombie, and suddenly, that worry faded away as he rambled on about comic books and Netflix shows.
And just like his family, Remus sat there, listening and urging him to go on as he applied his makeup..
The fake gashes looked pretty convincing, and the dried fake blood on the side of his face looked pretty cool. He just hoped he wouldn't freak out his little brother to much. "Thank you," Logan remembered to use his manners, handing the mirror back to Remus.
"You're welcome. My brothers good at the glam makeup,but gore had always been my specialty." Remus smiled, stuffing the mirror into the makeup bag before making it disappear.
Logan gasped, "We aren't supposed to use our powers anymore."
"Technically that rule only applies to you guys. The Dark Sides never agreed to it." Remus corrected.
"Oh," Logan paused, not knowing what to say. He didn't have to continue his statement, because Patton's voice interrupted the conversation from the door.
"You guys may not have agreed to the rule, but while you're here, with us, please refrain from using your powers. The rule is in place for a reason. " Patton gave Remus one of his 'stern dad' looks, silently telling him that if he didn't do this, the invitation to spend Halloween with them would be quickly revoked. The Dark Side rolled his eyes, but shrugged.
"Anyways, you look amazing, darling! Did you thank Remus?" Patton turned to Logan, looking him up and down and observing his costume. Logan nodded quickly. "Good job. Virgil is almost ready, so you should probably get your stuff together quickly before we head out." Patton instructed.
"Okay, dad." Logan grabbed his phone off of his desk, before heading out of the room.
Remus and Patton followed him out and down the stairs.
Time to go trick or treating.
The boys definitely had fun trick or treating. Patton stuck to Emile and Remy's neighborhood, the people were generally kinder in that area of the town, and they got no more then a few odd looks due to Virgil and Logan's behavior. Since all the interactions were quick, and Logan spoke for both him and Virgil, most people didn't even notice them.
It just looked like they were a few young adults going out because they wanted free candy.
Logan insisted that he didn't need to be watched, so him and Virgil walked a bit ahead of the other four, stopping at houses and collecting candy. Virgil seemed pretty excited, giggling and babbling things to his older brother. Eventually, Patton caught up to them and told them that they should walk home soon.
"But dad-"
"No buts. We've been walking for a while, your bucket is basically full, and everyone is tired." Patton spoke sternly, watching as Logan gave him an annoyed glare. "Lose the attitude, right now. Or that candy will be taken away until you're big again." Patton threatened, raising his eyebrows and watching to see if Logan was gonna push this farther.
"Oh my god," Logan rolled his eyes, holding his basket closer to him. "Sorry."
His apology wasn't genuine, he was just annoyed and wanted his carer to drop the topic.
Patton gave him a look that said 'we'll talk about this later', before directing his attention to Virgil. "Did you have fun tonight, baby?" he asked him. The other three had been trailing behind them, but Roman came forward to take Virgil's hand.
Logan dropped of behind, not wanting to listen to the two caregivers fuss over Virgil, instead matching pace with Janus and Remus. "You okay, Lo?" Remus asked.
Logan shrugged. "Dad's mad at me because of an attitude I don't even have," he complained, seemingly disappointed or upset about something.
Janus looked in front of them as they walked, where Patton was. "I'm sure he isn't mad at you. I think everyone is just a bit tired from walking, everything will probably be good once everybody has gotten the chance to sit down."
"You think?" Logan asked, swinging his basket back and forth a bit. He felt bad. He wasn't trying to upset his caregiver with his annoyance about going home. He was just a little annoyed, and Patton threatening to take his candy just put him in a worse mood. But now, he felt bad for ever being annoyed in the first place.
"Yeah, definitely. I don't think Patton could ever be mad at you," Remus jumped into the conversation, wrapping his arm around Logan's shoulder as they walked. Logan didn't seem convinced, but he went quiet and dropped the subject. Remus and Janus didn't make him talk, simply walking with him as Patton and Roman led the way back home.
Virgil was giggling about something when they got home, following Roman inside. Remus led Logan inside, while Janus paused at the door Patton held open. He made sure that no one else could hear him, speaking quietly. "Can you talk to Logan and make sure he knows you aren't mad at him? I think he feels bad for giving you attitude earlier. Me and Remus tried to comfort him but I don't know if it helped."
Patton's face softened, and he nodded. "Yeah, of course..." he trailed off. "Thanks, for trying to help. It means a lot to me, and I'm sure it does to him too."
Janus smiled, "Of course."
He walked inside without another word. He busied himself with turning on the requested children's movie (Nightmare Before Christmas) while Roman helped Virgil take of his shoes. Patton shut the door behind him, looking around for Logan, who seemed to be gone.
He locked eyes with Remus, glanced upwards, silently telling him that he had gone upstairs. Patton gave a thankful nod before disappearing up the steps.
Patton found Logan in the bathroom, rubbing at his face with a makeup wipe, his eyes a bit teary. He seemed frustrated, and emotional. Logan jumped when he caught Patton's face in the mirror, seeming to register that he left the door open.
He sniffled, "I'm just getting out of my costume." he explained, rubbing at his eyes quickly, casting them downwards. Now, his demeanor was embarrassed, and shy.
Teenagers weren't supposed to cry when their parents were upset with them. That was something Little Logan did.  He was to old for this.
"Logan," Patton approached him, taking the makeup wipe out of his hand and pulling him into a hug quickly. Logan rested his chin on Patton's shoulder, not cuddling into him because he didn't wanna get makeup all over his shirt. "Why didn't you tell me you felt so bad, hmm?" he questioned once pulling away.
"You were fussing over Virgil and you seemed upset," Logan shrugged, pulling another makeup wipe from the container and wiping down a section of his face, focusing on the mirror instead of facing his Dad.
Patton gave him an apologetic look through the mirror. "I'm sorry that I was focused on Virgil, I should've paid more attention to you and realized that you weren't okay."
Logan hummed, "It's whatever, I don't need extra attention. I'm a teenager that can take care of myself, I don't even know why I got so upset." he scoffed, seemingly annoyed with himself.
"That's not true, Logan. Biological teenagers still need attention, don't they?"
Logan shrugged. "They do sometimes, yeah." he admitted.
"And they don't completely take care of themselves either. And you shouldn't feel like you have to either," Patton explained. "And you're allowed to feel emotions, baby." he added.
"Every emotion but annoyance, right?" Logan challenged, looking directly into his eyes through the mirror before glancing away, focusing on wiping down his face once again. Patton's mouth fell open. He didn't know how to reply to that.
"Every time I get annoyed, I'm told not to give any 'attitude', even if I don't realize that I'm doing anything wrong!" Logan exclaimed, his voice laced in frustration. "You talk about expressing emotions but the moment it's not positive or something you can fix with a hug and some dad advice, suddenly it's not okay anymore."
Patton seemed hurt by that, but he slowly nodded. He couldn't take this personally right now. He needed to talk this out with Logan, and hopefully set him back up to have a good night. Patton went over to close the bathroom door. "Sit down," he instructed, lowering the toilet lid.
Logan seemed confused, but he took the order quickly. Patton took the container of makeup wipes before sitting down on the edge of the bathtub next to him. Logan turned to face him, not knowing what was happening.
Was Patton mad at him for snapping? Did he hurt his dads feelings? Did he just make everything worse?
He felt like he did.
"I'm sorry that I made you feel like you couldn't express your emotions," Patton pulled another makeup wipe out, cupping the clean part of his face and wiping down another. "You're allowed to be annoyed, or even angry with me. You might not like some choices I make and I understand that, I just don't like it when that happens."
Logan noticed the forced neutral expression on Patton's face, like he was trying to avoid giving away what he was feeling at the moment. "But.." Patton started speaking again, "That doesn't mean I should be so harsh on you when you do get annoyed."
Logan nodded in an understanding way, letting Patton clean his face. Patton continued.
"I'll try to get better about that,l promise. I'm glad you talked to me, though."
"Dad, I didn't mean to hurt you! You're doing amazing, I promise. I just lashed out because I'm emotional and-" Logan started up his quick, panicked rambling, and Patton held his hand up, telling him to stop. Patton started speaking, his face softening a bit.
"It's okay, baby. I did something wrong here, not you, okay? You don't have to feel bad for communicating with me." Patton spoke softly, wiping his face one more time before throwing away the wipe. Logan nodded slowly.
"And just so you know, I was never mad at you." Patton added.
"Really? I got so worked up and emotional for no reason?" Logan seemed shocked. Patton smiled lightly,
"Guess so."
Logan laughed, leaning forward and hugging him. This time, he snuggled into Patton's shoulder. "I'm sorry if I messed tonight up." he mumbled. Patton quickly pushed him away from the hug, his hands on either of Logan's shoulders as he looked him directly in the eyes.
"You messed nothing  up, baby. You still had fun trick or treating, right?"
Logan nodded quickly, smiling. "Yeah! Me and Virgil got a lot of candy and people complimented my costume!"
"One emotional part of the night doesn't ruin the rest of it. We agreed to a late bedtime tonight, remember? There's still time to have more fun," Patton assured. Logan nodded.
Patton kissed Logan's forehead before standing up and going over to the door. "Come on, I'm pretty sure Virgil would love to cuddle his amazing big brother right now." He held it open, making way for a laughing Logan to walk through.
Logan's first Halloween spent regressed may not have been absolutely perfect, but spending it with his family still assured that it was still amazing. He couldn't of asked for a better day then Trick or Treating and cuddling with his little brother.
Then getting his makeup done by Remus. Then getting praised by Roman.
Then being with his family.
There were ups and downs to every relationship, including a regressors with their caregiver. But those downs don't erase the good parts. After every valley, there was a hill.
And right now, watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, surrounded by people who cared about him, eating Halloween candy, was definitely one of the hills.
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somethingfearless · 7 years
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The master at work. ❤️ #littleLogan
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#Repost @little_lulu_puff ・・・ I hope it's not too late for #featurefriday because I just fell in love with this adorable little cosplayer @angelfires963 ❤️ How amazing is he? 😍 #cosplayers #littlelogan
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onlyhumanlogan-blog · 8 years
@LittleLogan: So. This is 24.
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ofthedeaddesigns · 7 years
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Hanging out with little baby logan today #littlelogan #babysitting #tiojuan #uncleclub
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somethingfearless · 7 years
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This poor dog. This poor, poor (overly gentle) dog. ❤️ #littleLogan #sweetAnniston #marshallmarshallmarshall
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#RepostPlus @kidslittlecosplay - - - - - - Well the wait is over! He is my newest Cosplay. You can see me at the @calgaryexpo Friday - Sunday • Special thanks to @beatbot1 for the original Iron Man template and building the helmet. And the rest of the armor and build by @redmooncosplay • • #IronMan #endgame #marvelcosplay #kidcosplayer #tonystark #LittleLogan #marveluniverse #infinitywar #cosplay #lilcosplayer #robertdowneyjr #yyckids #kidcosplay #kidswhocosplay #yyc #kidslittlecosplay #marvel #avengers @robertdowneyjr @marvelstudios https://www.instagram.com/p/Bws9CTsDkcg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12mfqrh6vecxp
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hilarytuckerart · 7 years
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Went walking in the heat with sleepy baby and @shelaghcully ! Miss this lady! #heat #immelting #babyboy #LoganXavierTucker #LittleLogan #mommylife
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onlyhumanlogan-blog · 8 years
@LittleLogan: Some Valentines Day that was.......
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eenktruoc-blog · 10 years
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I'm never on here anymore because.... babez.
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 4- Discussions and Punishments}//Soft,Cute, and Far Smarter Than You (Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE)
A/N: I don’t wanna be the one to beg for reblogs or votes, but I feel like people aren’t seeing my stuff much anymore? Or I’m just not getting a lot of feedback. So if you enjoyed this, please support it and reblog/leave a comment or something, I appreciate stuff like that so much!
Logan did not see the point in this. He did not wanna suffer through this conversation with his caregiver, but Patton said that it should happen. When Logan and Virgil revealed their headspaces back to back, Patton and Roman both had questions. And now that Patton has gotten to see Logan in his headspace a few times, he had a few more.
So that's what this was, an opportunity for Patton to ask Logan questions and hopefully get honest responses. "I know, I know. You don't wanna do this, but I have so much that I'm curious about! I feel like there's certain things I should know if I'm gonna keep being your caregiver."
Logan sat in his chair, spun around so that he was facing his bed, where Patton sat. Patton figured he'd be more comfortable in his room without the other two there. "okay, get on with it." Logan instructed. Patton sighed, starting off with a simple one.
"What's the entirety of your headspace range?" he questioned. Logan thought for a moment.
"I don't ever seem to younger then three, and the oldest I've ever felt without being completely big is around sixteen." he admitted. He shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable. He still wasn't quite used to talking about his headspace like it was a normal thing. Being able to just casually talk about things like his headspace range and his little gear preferences, it was weird.
"Thirteen years? Wow." Patton seemed shocked when he thought of it that way. "Okay, next..." he paused, "is there anything I can do to be a part of your regression while you're a teenager without overstepping or making you uncomfortable?" he seemed nervous, but he genuinely wanted to know.
"Oh! Um..." Logan paused now, thinking. "I don't know. Just kinda what you did last time I regressed to those ages, check on me and stuff. What you did last time was actually pretty perfect." he shyly smiled at Patton, who excitedly beamed.
"Really? Awe!" Logan coughed, snapping Patton out of his excitement to keep going with the questions. "Okay, overall, is there anything I could do better while you're little?"
"Maybe use the term 'regressed' when asking about it, or talking about that in general. I kind of associate 'little' with by kidspace and anything below that. So when talking about my teenspace..." Logan trailed off.
"Use the term regressed instead! Got it. Anything that'll make you more comfortable, kiddo." Patton nodded. "Hmm...is there anything else I could do better?" he asked. "Or something you'd like me to start doing?"
"Maybe...." Logan paused, feeling as if his thought was stupid. He continued anyways though. "Maybe we could start doing punishments and rewards. Not when I'm a teenager, but when I'm a kid and stuff." He didn't make direct mention of his younger headspace, but Patton brushed it off and continued talking after a moment.
"We could make a sticker chart for little Logan! Whenever you behave well, you can add stickers to the chart! We can make a system and everything." he said, Logan nodding. "But punishments? What would we even do?"
"I mean, most kids get timeouts and stuff. I don't know. I don't really misbehave though, so we don't have to worry about that." Logan now regretted bringing that up. Patton seemed skeptical immediately.
"Okay, fine." he sighed, "for now, we won't worry about punishments. But the moment you start being bratty while regressed, we are sitting down to have this conversation again." he playfully threatened. Logan gave an understanding nod, and they kept talking.
Questions and questions came from Patton, and Logan did his best to reply honestly. Patton felt as though open discussions were needed for this to work, and though Logan didn't like the awkward conversations and such, he agreed.
But what he said, about him behaving while regressed wasn't always true. And Patton was going to discover that really soon.
"Daddy, don wanna." Logan whined, fiercely shaking his head.
"Baby, you have to get dressed! You can't stay in pajamas all day," he paused, trying to find a way to convince him. "Your PJ's are so adult, but you're a baby, aren't you?"
"No!" Logan kicking his feet up. He still sat on his bed, his arms crossed as he absolutely refused to get ready.
"But darling," the nickname made Logan blush, but he still held his grumpy face. "You'll look so cute in your space onesie, don't you want your space onesie?" Patton pulled the piece of clothing from his lap, holding it up for him.
"If you want, you can wear just the onesie! Or you can wear overalls with it! How does that sound, baby?" Patton asked. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with Logan staying in his pajamas, but he knew Big Logan would've wanted Patton to have him change. Logan hates staying in the same clothes for too long, no one really knows why.
Logan made grabby hands for the onesie, bouncing up and down. Patton didn't actually expect that to work, so he looked confused. "Space!" Logan giggled, kicking his feet again,except this time it was in a happy way. Patton had successfully diverted his attention.
"Yes baby, space. You know quite a bit about that, don't you?" he asked, reaching out for his hand to help him up. Logan started speaking, mindlessly taking his hand and standing up.
"Mhm! I know lots and lots about da stars, it's..it's weally weally cool!" his voice seemed to get even tinier when Patton tapped the side of his arm as a signal to lift them. He did so, and Patton pulled his shirt over his head with a chuckle.
"Yeah? Why don't you tell me something cool about the stars, Little Scholar?"
Whatever that slight brattiness that overcame Logan when he first got up was gone for the time being, washed away by Patton's adorable attempts at distracting him and making him slip younger.
"All done, baby boy!" he cheered once Logan was fully decked out in his cute little space onesie, animated spaceships and stars covering his figure. Logan giggled. "Now...do you want a pacifier today?"
He shook his head quickly. "Okay, well if you do want one, just let me know and we'll come pick one out, okay?" Logan nodded now. He hesitated, rethinking his decision.
"um..can I has one?" he mumbled shyly. Patton never understood the indecisiveness that Logan had sometimes, but he didn't complain. He only chuckled again, before turning around and locating the black chest on top of Logan's dresser. He had been working with him on not hiding away his little gear as if he was ashamed of it. So the pacifier chest currently sat on top of the dresser, not in the bottom drawer.
"Which one, sweetheart?" he asked. Logan took one of the modified baby pacifiers, which was dark blue with a spaceship on the button. It was a originally a toddler MAM pacifier,  but the nipple was switched out for an adult one.
"Look at you, all cute and adorable." Patton cooed as he slipped the pacifier into his mouth. Logan smiled adorably behind it. Logan walked up to the mirror on the back of his door, looking at himself. He wore the onesie, and that's it. He whined, because he didn't want to wear overalls, but he also felt uncomfortable in just the onesie.
It was cute, and he didn't mind Patton seeing him like this, but he didn't want to walk around the house. "Whats wrong, baby?" Patton questioned. Logan silently pulled at the onesie, in a downwards motion. "You want some pants? We can find some overalls-"
"No, no, don wanna!" he said. Patton's eyebrows creased in confusion.
It took them a bit to work it out, but he settled on white shortalls. All was well in the house, Logan was adorable, and Patton was getting ready to make breakfast. This day was sure to go great.
What could go wrong?
So much. So much could go wrong.
"No, no, no!" Logan shouted in his babyish voice, "Don wanna."
"Calm down, baby. Please," Patton instructed. Logan shook his head. Virgil and Roman watched in silence. Logan was partially fussy due to the fact that Virgil wasn't little, so he was the tiniest side in the house, which made him feel vulnerable and frustrated.  And also, Patton was trying to make him clean his toys up.
"Come here." Patton instructed, in a slightly strict but soft tone. Logan shook his head, remaining in his spot on the floor, a plastic toy space ship in his hands. When he was little, Logan often ignored small things that big him would totally freak out about. For example, cleaning up after himself.
Usually, though, Patton would remind him and he'd do it with little complaints. But today, for some reason, he absolutely refused. "Baby." he called in a more serious voice, trying to convince him to get off of the ground.
Is it bad that Virgil and Roman were just a little amused by this? Patton looked absolutely tripped up on what to do, and just shocked. But he covered it up with a serious face as if he had any idea what he was doing or how to react.
"Logan."  He finally said, in a much harsher voice that he immediately felt bad for using. Logan dropped his toy, whimpering very quietly. Virgil could practically feel the babyish anxiety radiating from him. Logan got up slowly and shuffled over to stand in front of Patton, looking down and biting on his lip.
He didn't have any of his stuffed animals or his pacifier (he'd left them where he had been playing). "I'm sorry if I scared you, or anything. But you weren't listening before and I didn't know what else to do." Patton apologized. Logan nodded slowly, only glancing up at him a bit.
"Now, why don't you want to clean up your toys?" he asked.
"I don't wanna!" Logan whined, shifting on his feet.
"I know that you don't want to, but why?" he questioned once again.
"Don't wanna!" he simply shouted, stomping his foot on the ground with a huff. He crossed his arms.
Patton knew this is where he should punish him, but they didn't discuss punishments. So he said the first thing that came to mind. "Go sit in the kitchen. You're in timeout." he ordered, Logan seemingly shocked.
"No,no,no,no." he wasn't shouting, or directly defying him. Instead, he was muttering to himself, closing in on himself and looking ready to burst into tears. "No!" he shouted quickly, before running off and around the couch. Patton didn't even process what was going on until he was all the way at the bottom of the stairs.
Roman and Virgil still didn't give any input, not quite knowing what to say. What they would've suggested, Patton already tried to do. Softly talk him through what's going on, try to find out why he's acting this way. And resort to timeout if needed.
"Logan!" Patton called, turning on the couch so that he was looking at him. He slipped on the stairs and stumbled a bit. He paused, pouting with a quivering lip. He took a deep breath before grabbing onto the railing and continuing to quickly pace up the stairs. "You're going to hurt yourself, sweetheart." he tried again, but Logan ignored him, and within seconds, his door shut behind him.
Patton sighed, going to stand up. "Maybe you should give him a second?" Roman suggested. Patton nodded,
"Not to long though." he confirmed. He knew he was crying, and that he was probably scared that Patton was mad at him. He'd give him a second to calm down, and then go comfort him himself.
"Hey, you dealt with that well. He didn't react well, but you're doing a good job." Virgil smiled at him, and Patton smiled back weakly. He was oh to worried about his baby boy.
"It's also gonna be okay. I think he's just emotional about something unrelated and he's just acting out a bit. And also fussy about being the littlest one. Everything's gonna be okay." Roman reassured. They were both using reassuring words that actually helped a bit. Telling him that he wasn't a bad caregiver, and that everything would be okay. It calmed him a bit before he headed up the stairs.
Patton tried opening the door, but pulled his hand back when he realized it was locked. "Baby boy, can you please open the door for Daddy?" he called out.
"Why?" he heard a wavering baby voice come from inside the room, Logan had most likely been crying, as Patton predicted.
"Because I want to talk to you, Logan." Patton spoke softly, tapping his foot a bit while he listened for a reply.
"Go 'way." he could barely make out his voice and sniffles due to how quiet he was.
"I don't want to go away, darling. I promise that I just want to help you, okay? I'm not mad at you, if that's what your worried about." He could hear Logan slowly approaching the door, and suddenly he could hear his voice much more clearly.
"weally? Not mad?" he asked in a heartbreaking voice.
"Of course I'm not mad! I'm sorry I snapped at you, and gave you a timeout. But punishment doesn't mean that I'm angry with you, little one." he spoke in a promising voice. He heard Logan unlock the door and back away. Patton quickly swung the door open and shut it behind him, finding the boy with his knees to his chest in his office chair.
He was sucking on his thumb, and still looked nervous. Patton came closer to him slowly, and Logan dropped his legs, adjusting them so that they were hanging normally off of the chair. "Okay, do you wanna explain what happened down there?" Patton crouched in front of the chair so that he met Logan's eye level.
Logan still found a way to avoid looking at his face, though. "Why were you so against cleaning up, hmm?" Logan gave a light shrug, but eventually started speaking. He pulled his thumb out of his mouth before doing so.
"Just didn't want to. To small...and sad." he mumbled the last line.
"Sad? Oh, baby, why are you sad?" Patton's face dropped and he looked at him with even more concern in his face then before.
"Feel bad." he whined, shifting in his seat uncomfortably.
"About refusing to clean, or something else?" Patton asked. Logan was weirdly emotional today, and now that he thought about it, it was possible he was upset about something since that morning, like Roman had suggested.
"Smallest one here, an-and m' a baby and you has to take care of me. Feel bad." he repeated himself, inching his thumb back towards his mouth. Patton took a second to process before he spoke in a really soft, but direct tone.
"You never have to feel bad because I'm taking care of you. I know that you don't like being the smallest side in the house, or feeling like a baby, but you don't have to act out because of it. I can handle a three year old, you don't have to be sad." he spoke with the hope that Logan would understand him. He reached forward and pulled his hand away from his mouth.
"m' sorry," he apologized.
"For what, sweetheart?" Patton asked softly.
"Not being good. Don't like getting in trouble." he sniffled lightly.
"You're not in trouble anymore. This doesn't mean you'll get out of timeout any other time you act out, but today's the exception, okay?" Logan softly nodded, and Patton leaned forward to kiss his forehead.
Logan looked down and swung his feet a bit. "Thank you, daddy." he mumbled.
"Now, lets head downstairs and pick up those toys, hmm? Then we can take a nap and move on from all this. How does that sound?" he offered, Logan nodding and letting Patton take his hand.
Logan didn't want to talk about punishments, but Patton was right about the fact that they probably should. Especially now that he knew that Logan wasn't always the most well behaved, even if it was emotion based brattiness.
So, now Logan knew that the dreaded conversation had to happen.
But like everything else, he knew that it'd turn out fine.
It always did.
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somethingfearless · 7 years
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We had such a great day, just us two. I don’t know how I got so lucky. Or how he got so great. Or why I was chosen to be his mama. This is all just the best. ❤️ #littleLogan (at Crayola Experience)
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#Repost @kidslittlecosplay ・・・ What you lookin at Bub?!? Are you Mutants ready for Wolverine Wednesday? Just preparing for the Calgary Expo next month 😎 . . . #wolverinewednesday #CalgaryExpo #littlelogan #wolverine #logancosplayer #hughjackman #wolverinecosplay #ccee #comiccon #xmen #kidcosplayer #kidsofinstagram #littlecosplayer #sizedoesntmatter #kidsofcosplay #cosplaying #kidscancosplay #kidsthatcosplay #cosplay #practicemakesperfect
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hilarytuckerart · 7 years
Day in with the munch! Little monkey is such a ham! #LittleLogan #LoganXavierTucker #babysmiles #lovemybaby #littlemonster #stopgrowing #navywife #cutiepatootie
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onlyhumanlogan-blog · 7 years
@LittleLogan: Today is terrible I'm going to crawl under a rock now
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