randoimago · 10 months
Hi! I saw your requests were open and wanted to throw a kinda chaotic one at you! How would Shadowheart and Karlach react to find their Tav sleeping in the strangest places? Like why are they just snoozing on the ground when the bed is right there? Oh shit they’re laying in a tree like a jungle cat! Tiny closet at an Inn, oh look Tav is in there. How the fuck did they get to that tiny ledge on the cliff wall? Oh guess they climbed up because there’s a sunny spot, well they’re only twelve feet up I’m sure they’ll get down somehow
Finding Tav Sleeping in Random Ass Places
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Karlach, Shadowheart
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Chaotic asks are fun especially with the chaotic shit that you can do in BG3
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The first few times, she got a bit worried when she couldn't find you. Her calling out to you like a lost cat probably woke you up from wherever you slept.
But then she learns that you sometimes burrow into hollowed out tree trunks and nap. Her claustrophobia would never allow her to do that, but good on you getting some sleep! Karlach can't help but make a pained face at imagining what kind of joint pain you'll have.
Karlach would attempt to take naps with you, but she can't. She's too big for most of your sleeping spots or she doesn't want to commit to how high up they are. Now, if you wanted to fall asleep while slung over her shoulder or something then she'd be happier with it.
She's asking around camp about where you went because she wants to talk about something. It isn't until she sees the rustling in a tree and notices that it's you and not a squirrel that she lets out a, "Huh."
She's very amused with the spots you sleep in. Just call for her if you're attacked by an angry bird or something and you need healing.
While it is amusing to see all the random places you sleep, she would like to actually lay in a bed or in a tent to sleep with you (in more ways then one). Might make some "You know, I wouldn't be using all my spell slots to heal if you slept normally," comments due to healing any scrapes or fall damage that occured from you getting out of whatever spot you were sleeping in.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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w-itchblood · 4 years
Hey! Just wanted to say I love your work! I tore my ACL and I’m currently stuck at home but it gave me time to read new things and Muted is my favorite WEBTOON to date! I’m also an aspiring author and wanted to ask how you got your inspiration? Do you plot everything out or let the story flow? And do you have a solid ending in mind or do you let it develop as ideas change? Thank you so much for making my recovery bearable and I can’t wait to see where the story goes!
Chase ( @the-kaiju  ) is forever and always my greatest inspiration vuv  ((We used to - in junior high / high school - pass notebooks between class with various RP’s sometimes up to 11 different ones at a time and I marvel at Past Me’s ability to maintain that many threads of thought lmfaooo)) 
We worked on the idea for muted together and developed the concepts of the families and she worked on the concept for Dendro and some matriarch’s while I fleshed out the Severin family before I later took over the story!  From it’s original concept it has changed a lot - but there are still some major plot points that I aim for. Just the way that I get to those points may change.  Right now I have everything pointed to a very specific direction for the Season 2 Ending but it is more nebulous for how exactly everything will tie up in season 3. So I guess to answer your question its like.... Ideas Evolve as I go  on and it sort of flows back and forth but it’s still the same river it’s going down at the end of the day towards a specific direction.  ((Also I’m very sorry to hear about your ACL - not very comparable but our dog hurt her leg in a similar fashion and I know how much goes into it healing so I hope you recover well/swiftly!!)) 
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puckish-saint · 8 years
I'd probably swear on Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden because it's gay like me!
Y’all giving me book recs here, it sounds really cool!Swearing on a book like that the White House would probably be lit in rainbows for four to eight years without interruptionWhat kind of book would you want to be sworn in on as president?
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looceyloo · 4 years
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Some awesome D&D group/partner commissions from the past couple of months!
Lay // Petros // Talis // Maps (for @lyriumdreaming)
Zilwa and Q’lox’gil (@jinxie013 and hexfish on IG)
Atem // Walker // Organa (for @myfavoritebisexual)
Zaneri and Cedysa (for @hermitqueen and @centrifuge-politics)
Yelran // Lawrence // Georgie // Droop // Venbellis // Mace // Illesys (for Reddit user Questionable_Door)
Zanne and Samuel (for @littlethingsbigpicture)
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ask-fnafsl · 8 years
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“You’re all super sweet!! ♡ ”
((On another note, finally getting back into this! The inbox is open again! ~ ♡)) @babyislovebabyislife @littlethingsbigpicture @paultine
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