#live laugh love ryan blaney
blaneycore · 2 years
he <33 i love his voice and smile andandand um hands 😳😳
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A/N: Please be kind and leave feedback. If you don’t like it keep scrolling and don’t be a troll and send hate anons! Hope you enjoy!
Banner made by me!
Eden had just moved to Pittsburgh and was loving her new job with the Penguins.    Despite being a southern bell and loving her Georgia Dawgs football she loved Hockey too.    She had a fun time dragging Chase to Canes games when they lived in Charlotte.   Much to his dismay she had all feeling Chase loved hockey too.   
It had only been a few months since she started and somehow as much as she tried to she couldn't help but fall for the charming Sidney Crosby.    She knew it was wrong to date a co worker especially the captain of the team but he wouldn't let up.    
Finally after months of him pursuing her and flirting Eden finally caved and let him take her out on a date.    That date ended up leading to a second and then a third.     And now she was getting ready for their fourth date and to make it official they were attending the Penguins Night of Assists which was their charity event they hosted every year.   It was disco themed this year and she was excited.  
She put on a blue dress and straightened her hair.  
She had a bag packed because she was going to stay at Sidney's house afterwards.   She grabbed said bag and headed down the hall just as a knock on her door.    She opened it finding Sid standing there looking as handsome as ever.
"Damn baby." Eden says breathless.
"I could say the same thing about you." Sid says kissing her cheek.
"Does it look okay?   Is it disco enough?" Eden asks.
"Eden baby it's fine.  You look beautiful and I'm so happy you will be on my arm and we can make it official." Sid says.
"Are you sure about this?   I don't want to loose my job." Eden says.
"You aren't going to.   There is no rule that says trainers or staff cannot date the players.   It's fine." Sid replies.
"If you say so." Eden says.
"Trust me there it's not the first and it won't be the last." Sid says.
She shook her head as she grabbed her overnight bag.    She grabbed her purse and made sure she had everything.   Phone, keys, money and extra make up.  
"Okay I think I have everything:" Eden says.
"Well then madam our chariot awaits." Sid says holding out his arm.
Eden loops her arm in his and they head out to the limo waiting for them.    Sid hands her bag to the driver who puts it int the trunk.    Sid opens the door for her and Eden slides on in.    Kris Letang was sitting in there dressed in his outfit.
"Hi Kris, sorry didn't realize that you would be here with us.   But should have known because you two are joined at the hip." Eden says.
"Hi Eden, and if you only knew." Kris says smirking at her.
She laughs shaking her head as Sid climbs in beside her.
"I am so happy that you are coming with me and we are making it official.    But before we do there is something you should know." Sid says.
"Are we telling her now?" Kris asks.
"Telling me what?" Eden asks looking between the two boys.
"Yes she deserves to know the truth and then she can make the decision on what happens next.    I trust her enough that no matter what she choices she will not say anything." Sid replies.
"Okay you guys what is going on?" Eden asks.
"Well you see Eden me and Kris well we are a package deal." Sid says.
"'Meaning?" Eden asks.
"Meaning Sid and I are bisexual.   We are in a relationship and have been since like 2009.    We are looking for our unicorn someone to share our life and our love." Kris says.
"Yes exactly so like I said we are a package deal meaning if you date me you have to date Kris too." Sid says
Eden sat there in shock.   
"Can you handle that?" Kris asks.
"Yes Eden say something please?" Sid begs.
"So I would be dating both of you at the same time.    Wouldn't that make me a whore?" Eden asks.
"No baby girl, it would be a poly relationship between you, me and Kris.   But you are not a whore." Sid says.
"Absolutely not." Kris says.
"And whatever I do with either of you wouldn't be considered cheating on the other?" Eden asks.
"Nope not at all." Both Kris and Sid reply.
"Okay I am willing to give it a try.   Remember I have never done anything like this before so I am new to this." Eden says.
"So are we.   Yes we both hooked up with other girls but never anything long term and we both never wanted to be with the same girl before until you."  Sid replies.
"So you guys hooked up with girls and are together?" Eden asks.
"Yes.   Kris and I have been seeing each other since 2009.   But we have to keep the appearance up that we aren't Bi.   Not that I am ashamed to be with him because I am not but no one can know." Sid says.
"Yeah the NHL wouldn't take it well if their face came out as Bi.   But to answer your question yes we used to hook up with girls.   None of them ever knew about me and Sid until you." Kris says.
"You both are pretty hot and I really really really like Sid so if I have to accept you Kris into this relationship then I will.   However I have a few stipulations." Eden says.
"I would be shocked if you didn't sweetheart." Sid says.
"What are they?" Kris asks.
"One: Sid and I go out like a normal couple and every so often Kris you can go with us we can make it look like we are hanging with our friend, two we all get tested for STI's and HIV regularly." Eden starts.
"We get tested every three months.   Also Kris and I are on a HIV medicine have been for a while because lord knows we both hate wearing condoms." Sid says.
"Well good because I am on birth control." Eden says.
"Good is that all?" Kris asks.
"Yes.   Now I have my apartment will I be staying there or what?" Eden asks.
"Maybe for a bit but then you can slowly move in with us." Sid says.
"You guys live together and that hasn't risen any red flags?" Eden asks.
"Oh no I have a house here but I stay at Sid's a lot so you might as well say I live there." Kris replies.
"Okay.   Then we are all in agreement." Eden says.
"Yes and I am so excited." Sid replies kissing her pulling her into his lap.
"Yeah I am happy too." Kris says chuckling.
"We are here." Eden says noticing they had just pulled up in front of PPG Paints arena.
The limo door opens and Eden climbs off Sid's lap and climbs out.    A few minutes later Sid get's out.      Kris  follows suit and they head inside.     They stop and get a picture together.    They then head into the main area.
"Baby I have a lot to do for the event.   Go have fun." Sid says.
"Okay I will come find you in a bit at whatever table you are at." Eden says.
"I will like that.   Laters baby." Sid says planting a small kiss on her lips.
Eden smiled.    She then goes and finds a chair to sit on.    It was in the Wag section near the bar.   She ordered herself a glass of wine.    He phone buzzed it was Chase.
"Hey what are you up to?" Chase texts.
"At the Night of the Assists with Sid." Eden texts back.
"Oh like a date, date?"  Chase asks.
"Yes Chase like a date, date.   But don't worry okay.   No one will ever take your spot in my life.  You are my ride or die and no one will ever change that." Eden replies.
"I know just be careful please.    I don't trust him." Chase says.
"I know and I will." Eden says.
"Have fun and enjoy your night.   I miss you." Chase says.
"I miss you too.   I have to work the 16th but as soon as I am done I am heading to the airport and flying to Daytona." Eden says.
"Awesome, you can stay at the coach with me, if you want to." Chase says.
"Sounds good to me,  I will text you the flight info and times." Eden says.
"Okay, because I will fly back with you.   Maybe attend a game or two?" Chase asks.
"Would love that.   Then you can meet Kris too." Eden replies.
"Okay.   Well go have fun.   Talk later." Chase says.
"Yes definitely talk later :)." Eden replies.
"Text me when you get home.   I love you." Chase says.
"I will and I love you more Clyde." Eden replies.
She then puts her phone back into her purse.    She sips her wine.     Some of the Wags come over and introduce their selves after seeing her come in on Sidney's arm.    They seemed to be nice and she started to let loose and have fun.
Chase had just gotten home from the shop after spending the day getting the cars ready to roll to Daytona.    He fixed dinner and then texted Eden.    He was so happy she was going to come to Daytona but since he started racing in NASCAR she always came to the big  races.      There was a knock on his door.    He opens it finding his other best friend Ryan Blaney standing there.  Fletch was so happy to see him.
"I think he likes seeing someone other then your ugly face from time to time." Ryan says chuckling.
He got down and was petting Fletch.
"Ha ha fuck off." Chase says flipping him the middle finger.
"Now now now is that anyway for a Georgia Peach to talk?" Ryan asks.
They both then let out laughs like hyenas.
"What's up?" Chase asks.
"Wanted to come hang.   Maybe race the Stimulator and prepare for Daytona." Ryan says as he helps himself to a beer.
"Sounds good." Chase says.
"What has got you so happy?" Ryan asks.
"I was just texting with Eden and she is coming to Daytona and I am so happy.   She is going to stay with me and Fletch  in the coach and then we are going to go visit her in Pittsburgh for a few days." Chase says.
At the sound of her name Fletch looked up ears perked looking for her.  
"That is good.   Will you finely tell her how you feel?" Ryan asks.
"She has a boyfriend Ryan.   Besides we are just friends and have been for 20 years man I don't want to ruin that." Chase says.
"Dude if you don't tell her, how are you gonna know how she feels?   Besides if you don't I don't think you will ever find someone and be happy." Ryan replies.
"I don't know we will see."  Chase says.
"Okay you know I will support you either way.    I adore Eden." Ryan says.
"I know, I think everyone does.   She likes you too.   You are my only racing friend that she actually enjoys talking to and hanging out with when she is around." Chase says.
"I am touched." Ryan says.
Chase rolls his eyes laughing.     They then headed into the room where the stimulators were.    Ryan takes a seat in one and Chase in the other and they start to race.     
Hours later they finished playing and Ryan was a few beers in so he decided to crash at Chase's and not risk driving.   Chase let Fletch out and made sure he had fresh water.    He then headed into his room.    He got changed and climbed into bed.    Fletch hopped up on the bed beside him.    
"Guess what Fletch Eden is coming to see us in Daytona." Chase says scratching his ears.
Fletch wagged his tail and got excited.
"I know boy I am excited too." Chase says.
He looked at his phone.   It was almost midnight and still no text from Eden.   
"Hope you made it home safe and sound from your event.   Text me and let me know.    Love you and see you soon.   :D." Chase texted her.
"Also Fletch says Hi and that he cannot wait to see you either. 
Attachment sent."
Chase put his phone on the charger and set it down.    He had a lot to do tomorrow to get ready to head to Daytona.
Chase and Fletch 
It was a little after midnight when the charity event wound down.   Eden had a good time and she even got Sid out on the dance floor much to everyone's surprise.      Sid leads her out to the limo and opens the door.    She climbs in followed by Sid and then Kris.
"Did you have fun?" Sid asks.
"I did.   I had a good time." Eden says.
"That is good.   I am glad." Sid replies.
"Yeah you got Sid out on the dance floor something no one has ever done." Kris says.
"Well I am glad that I did." Eden replies.
"Yeah I had a blast tonight." Sid says.
"Good.   Oh before I forget after the game on the 16th, I am leaving to fly to Daytona." Eden says.
"Oh, what is going on in Daytona?" Kris asks.
"Chase is racing the Daytona 500 and I never miss it." Eden says.
"Okay." Sid says not happy.
"Look if this is going to work you will have to not be jealous of Chase.   He is my best friend and like you and Kris are a package deal, Chase and I are a package deal." Eden says.
"Okay but I don't like it.   He wants to jump your bones and I don't trust him." Sid replies.
"Stop it.   We are friends period.   We have been friends for 20 years." Eden says rolling her eyes.
"I want to meet this Chase guy." Kris says.
"You will because after the race he is coming here to spend a few days with me here." Eden replies.
"Okay." Kris and Sid both say.
They finally arrive at Sid's house and the Limo drops them off.   Sid gets Eden's bag out of the trunk and they all head inside.       It was really late and Sid and Kris would have practice later that next day so they head up to the master bedroom.      Eden pulls her phone out of her purse.   She saw Chase had sent her a text and a picture.
"I am home safely Clyde.   Love you more." Eden replies.
" Also tell Fletch hi for me, give him all the belly rubs and kiss his little nose for me.   Tell him Eden loves him and cannot wait to see him."   Eden replies back to the picture.
She then grabs her charger and plugs her phone in.   She unpacks her bag.   That was when Sid came up behind her kissing her neck.
"I have been dying to get you out of that dress since the moment I laid eyes on you." Sid says.
“I’ve been dying to get you out of those tight ass pants. They don’t hide anything.” Eden says.
“God Eden.” Sid moans as he pulls you closer to him.
What baby?” Eden smiles,
“My darling Eden ,” Sid whispers, kissing her face sweetly.
Sid unzips her dress as she motioned for him to pick her up, legs wrapped around his waist, kissing his lips slowly, hands running through his greyish dark hair. Pulling at it so she could press wet kisses to his neck, his hands gripped onto the underside of her ass as he hoisted her farther up his body, dress falling down to the floor, mouth still attached to his pale skin while he walked her over to the dresser.
Trying her best to pull him on top of her , he knelt between her open legs, peppering kisses to them while she covered her face with bashfulness of the attention she was receiving and the fact she was in nothing but her bra and panties while both Sid and Kris looked on fully clothed
“What’re you shy?” Sid joked while kissing her ankle, her leg in his grip,
“No,” Eden groaned while his hand met her waistband of the lacy underwear she was wearing.
Just I’m practically naked and you too have far to many clothes on.,” Eden moaned out while his fingers danced over her clothed pussy.
Sid chuckled at her statement, however that could quickly change and in a blink of an eye it did. Kris and Sid both stripped in an erotic sexy strip tease.
“You are awfully quiet Kristopher.” Sid says.
“Just enjoying the show.” Kris replies.
Sid nods.
“I love you so much Eden and I’m glad we are official to the world now,” Sid cooed, while pushing down the cups of her bra , exposing her tits to the cool room air, Sid watched as she squirmed at the new sensation of the cold air against her nipples.
“ I love you too Sid and I am glad too,” Eden moaned while using the heel of her foot to push Sid closer to her.
Sid happily obliged in pressing his body against hers. Feeling him hard against her stomach only spurred her on more.
“ Tell me what you want,” Sid spoke quietly in your ear, his scruff prickling the side of her neck, drawing a whimper from her throat.
“Please, Please,” Eden whimpered while bucking her hips towards his cock.
Within a swift motion your legs were placed on Sid’s shoulders, heels pressed to his back while he teased her clit. In seconds her panties were shredded to pieces. Now his head leveled with her swollen pussy, he placed small kisses on her inner thighs, biting slowly on the plush of them. Eden’s back was arched up as she waited for him to give you more, “Sidney , stop teasing me,” Eden pleaded, his fingers rest near her parted mouth, she turned her neck to the left to take his rough fingers into her mouth, hallowing her cheeks as if his fingers were a cock.
“Fuck Eden.” Sid moans.
“Good good.” Kris moans stroking himself watching.
“Loving the view Letang?” Eden asks.
“Fuck yes.” Kris says.
Shifting down her body, Sidney’s mouth became attached to her clit, his tongue moving in circles while he forced her hips down with his strong forearm, his ring and middle finger entered her. Moaning out with zero volume control, Sid chuckled against her pussy, gladly excepting her juices running down his lips.
“Oh my god!” Eden moaned out, “Mouth’s so good Sid ,” Eden whined, fingers lacing in his dark hair while she rocked her hips into his mouth.
“Doing so good baby,” Sid praised as she began to shake with over stimulation.
Even though he had only eaten her out a few times, however, Sid swore he could eat her pussy all day, his large hand gripped onto her ribs, before his fingers began to pinch her nipples.
“Fuck Sid!” Eden moaned while he brought her to another orgasm, his fingers rolling her clit, tongue fucking her entrance.
“ I want your cock, please,” Eden moaned while shutting her legs.
Sid’s head shot up with a grin, his eyes opened wide and mouth dripping with her.
“Do you baby? Will this cock, make you feel so full,” Sid teased, slapping her ass with his large hand, drawing a groan from her.
“Come here babe and get a taste.” Sid says.
Kris comes over and Sid pulls him in for a kiss. Kris sucks away some of the juices still on his tongue.
“Damn tastes so good..” Kris groans.
Eden giggled as Sid picked her up, trying to get her on the bed as quickly as possible.
“Bed now Crosby!” Eden teased.
Sid laughed at her while throwing his head back, “Eager little thing,” he teased back, as he moved.
As soon as he placed her down on the insanely large bed she took to her knees, kneeling in front of Sid. She then took his heavy cock in her hands, while she slowly ran her thumb over his leaking tip.
“Jesus Christ Eden,” Sid hissed.
Eden locked eyes with Kris as held Sids cock in her hands, she then twisted her wrists in the way she knew drove him insane.
“Damn.” Kris moans as he mimicked her movements almost cumming right there.
Eden then darted her tongue out of her mouth, pressing it to Sid’s cock.
Fuck Damn,” Kris groans at the sight.
“You are one lucky bastard Crosby.” Kris adds.
“We are both lucky bastards baby.” Sid says.
Eden laughed as she ran her hands up Sid abs, right before spitting onto his shaft and taking him into her mouth.
They could hear Kris shifting in his spot while a string of curse words left his mouth as Sidney praised Eden.
“Stroke yourself babe,” Sid chuckled.
Kris came closer so Sid and Eden could see him jerk himself off. Eden hands were behind her back as she took Sid down her throat, her throat slightly contracted around his thick cock. He moaned when he felt her choke on him, his moans filled the air.
Gripping tightly on the back of your hair, Sid began to manipulate her mouth on his cock. Edens hands were pressed to his hips to keep herself steady, wet sounds filled the air as she tried her best to take all of him.
Sid pulled back abruptly, making her gasp for air, tipping back her head, “Go help Kris ,” he urged, Eden whined pathetically.
Kris came over to her his cock in her face.
“Hi baby girl,” Kris cooed, his large hand stroking his cock. Pumping it for her.
“Mhmm,” Eden moaned while watching him, bottom lip pressed between her teeth.
“Suck it baby just like you did to Sid,” Kris begs.
Eden spit on his shaft before taking it slowly into her mouth at first. She hollowed out her cheeks as she did. Kris threw his head back in pleasure.
As Eden sucked Kris off she felt Sid playing with her hair, hands pressed to her lower back.
“God baby this mouth is going to make me cum. Are you ready to swallow my load pretty girl?” Kris asks.
Eden nods her need all while reaching for Sid’s cock behind her, she was squirming on her knees from how wet you she was , needy for relief and horny as hell needing to be fucked.
“Fuck,” Kris moaned, picking up the speed of his his thrusts while watching as Sid bent her over, hands gripped tight onto the sheets in front of her, were Kris was kneeling.
Moaning at Kris pulling her hair as she was flushed with his cock.
Sid’s cock bumped her ass, he dropped to his knees to taste her once more, before lining himself up with her entrance.
Eden took Kris all the way down choking as he thrusted.
“Fuck god damn fuck.” Kris calls out as he came straight down her throat.
Eden swallowed every drop and then proceeded to kick him clean. Kris pulls back needed time to recover.
Kris pulls Sid in for a kiss as Sid thrusted into her deeply, his hands squeezing her ass as she dropped herself onto his cock. His hands spread apart her ass as he fucked you.
“Think she can take us both?” Kris asks.
“I think so. Let’s find out.” Sid moans.
Kris didn’t waste no time he thrusted inside her as well. They kissed as they held their cooks together thrusting into her.
With every thrust Eden could feel them get deeper, one of their tips kissing her g spot every time she dropped herself deeper onto them. Sid and Kris moans were wild behind her, the sound of her two boys moaning was near religious, Kris’s deeper moans and Sid’s gasps.
They watched as her tits bounced with each of their thrusts, they watched while they each gripped tighter to her hips.
“Sid, Kris oh my fucking god,” Eden moaned.
Sid gripped a chunk of her hair, pulling her back to meet their thrusts, she didn’t trust herself to keep balance at the rate they were fucking you,
“Sidney ... i’m gonna,” Eden was cut off by a moan coming from the back of her throat.
“M’ sorry can I please cum,” Eden corrected herself.
“Why don’t you ask Kris.” Sid chuckled as they continued pounding into her.
“Kris please” Eden moaned.
Kris was mocking and chuckling at her whining, she could feel that they were both just as close as she was to cumming.
“But you look so good like this,” Kris spoke finally, “Just wanna watch you forever,” he groaned.
“You take Our cocks so good eh?” Sid teased while still not giving her the word, “Stretching out this pretty pussy?” he spoke to himself,.
“Yes,” Eden rasped out, “I love both your cocks,” Eden whined.
Kris pulled her hair back and sucked on her neck, grazing his teeth over her pulse point.
“Cum for us pretty girl,” Sid rasped out.
Eden happily obliged. Sid and Kris groan as they pump her full of their cum. When they could finally move they pull out. Kris goes and grabs stuff to wipe them all off and clean.! He then throws them in then hamper before joining them both in bed.
Post orgasm Eden was laying on Sid’s chest, finger nails running up it. His hand was pressed flat to your face, stroking your cheek with thumb.
“You did so good baby. How do you feel?” Sid asks.
“Sedated.” Eden says.
“How does it feel down there? Kris asks knowing they were both pretty big.
“Sore but I need to become adjusted to your sizes.” Eden says eyes fluttering.
“Yes you do. And you will. Now get some sleep baby girl.” Sid says kissing her head.
“Yes close those pretty eyes and sleep.” Kris says kissing her back.
Eden closed her eyes and was out pretty quickly. It didn’t take Kris and Sid long to follow.
First picture is The story banner, second picture is Eden in her dress, third and fourth are Sid and Kris in their outfits. Fifth and sixth is Chase Elliott and his Dog Fletch.
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11 notes · View notes
blaneycore · 2 years
i've become a nascar page. loles.
live laugh love ryan blaney and chase elliott 😋
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