#liverpool wfc x reader
pinkyqil · 5 months
I'm the anon that asked do you write for Sophie roman haug she plays for Liverpool and Norway and would love maybe Sophie and reader have pregame traditions can't go before a game without a peck on the lips and the team haven't lost while doing the tradition
Kisses and wining // Sophie roman haug
You and Sophie started a little pecking each other on the lips. as a little good luck charm to help you both on the pitch not expecting it to be something that became a little superstitious for the team to say the least.
Whenever you both would have that little moments to yourself a little peck on the lips holding hands before the game starts.
it was like a win would be grante.
Both of you never thought that much of it until a successful win that happened convincing your teammates that it had something to do with your little tradition.
"I swear you and soph need to start doing your little kiss more often". Jenna told you
"How does me and sophie kissing as anything to do with the game?".
"I don't know if you realized whenever you both do so we always have an amazing game". another teammate butted in.
"Whatever you guys say". You told them eyes rolling back at them.
"Come on babe they might be right can I get one before this game". Sophie asked you
"No you don't get one". You said before smacking her face as a joke.
"Yeah no". you heard one of your teammates say as they pushed you back towards Sophie.
"Calm down I was just joking of course you cab get on baby". You said before giving her one
"Okay we get it no more getting loveie dovey now we got a game to win". Jenna called out
The dressing room corrupted with laughter as both you and Sophie just rolled your eyes at your teammates jokes and laughter before joining them getting ready for the game
Least to say you guys infact did win the game to ten zero.
leaving the other team no chance to score as Sophie did in fact scored twice with one assist.
Both you and Sophie had teammates jumping all around you and on you.
as this would be the teams biggest win yet this season and they couldn't be more happier for a dumb little tradition.
"Cheers to another big win of the season girls and to r and Sophie good luck kiss that leads the way for us". Niamh your captain said
"Cheers". you said as the room echoed with a loud celebration.
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helen-with-an-a · 12 days
Hi is there any chance you could write for niamh charles please. Maybe niamh proposing after being with reader for a while?
Hiiiii - so I don't know much about Niamh so there may be some inaccuracies but I did give it a good go. I hope you enjoy <3<3<3
Niamh Charles x Reader
Descriptions: Snapshots of your relationship with Niamh
Word Count: 6.9k
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September 2005 – 6 years old
You were terrified, a feeling that consumed you completely. New people. New faces. News routine. New sport. New coaches. New everything. You couldn’t do it. You wouldn’t. You clung to your dad’s leg. Panic rose in your chest, tightening your throat and making it hard to breathe. Without thinking, you clung to your dad’s leg, clutching onto him in a vain attempt to not have to step onto the field.
“C’mon, chickie. You said you wanted to try football like your brothers.” Your dad smiled down at you, his words kind but expression showing his mild annoyance. He looked down at you, a small smile on his lips meant to reassure, but his expression betrayed a hint of mild annoyance. He didn’t understand the storm of emotions churning inside you, the fear that had taken root and wouldn’t let go. “Look at your brothers, they’re enjoying it.” he added, motioning toward the field.
It was true – your old brother’s loved football. So did you. All they talked about for the last 2 years were their football training and matches. But you couldn’t go. You were too little. Not this time though. This year, you were finally old enough to participate. So, why couldn’t you do it? This was what you had wanted, what you had waited for. But the field seemed so big, the other kids so confident, and you felt so small and out of place. You clung tighter to your dad.
“Niamhy, honey. C’mon, the sessions about to start.” Another man caught your attention. He had the same look on his face that your father had. You looked down, following his eyeline. Another girl clung to her father’s leg, about your age, clinging to her father’s leg just like you were. She had big tears streaming down her cheeks, her face scrunched up in a mixture of fear and sadness. You could tell she was just as scared as you were, her small body trembling as she clung to her dad. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it when you’re out there.” He tried again.
Your dad crouched down beside you, his tone softening as he spoke, pulling your attention back. “You don’t have to do this if you really don’t want to, Chickie. But I know how much you’ve wanted to play, how excited you were for this day. Maybe it’s scary now, but once you’re out there, I think you’ll have fun. Just like your brothers.” His eyes searched yours, looking for any sign that you were ready, that you were willing to take that first step.
You glanced back at the other girl, still holding onto her father, but now with her face buried in his leg, her small sobs muffled. Then, you looked back at the field, at your brothers laughing and running around with the other kids. They were having fun, just like you had imagined. Maybe you could, too?
Slowly, hesitantly, you loosened your grip on your dad’s leg. Your heart was still pounding, and your legs felt shaky, but you took a deep breath and nodded, just a little. Your dad’s smile widened, and he gently squeezed your shoulder.
“There’s my brave girl,” he said softly. “Let’s go give it a try.”
You were a brave girl. You could do this. You walked past the little girl, stopping in front of her. “Hi,” you squeaked, taking in her long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She looked up at you, her face still streaked with tears, but curiosity flickering in her eyes.
“Hi,” she sniffed, her voice small and shaky.
“I’m Y/N,” you said, holding out your hand to her. She hesitated for a moment, then sniffed again, wiping her nose on her sleeve as she stared at your outstretched hand.
“I’m Niamh,” she finally replied, her voice a little stronger now. Tentatively, she reached out and took your hand in hers. Her grip was soft and a little unsure,
You squeezed her hand gently, trying to offer some comfort, even though you still felt a bit nervous yourself. “Maybe we can do this together?” you suggested, your voice wavering slightly. It was something your mother said to you whenever you didn’t want to do something.
Niamh looked at you, her blue eyes wide and searching. For a moment, she seemed to weigh the possibility, then she nodded, a tiny, brave smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Okay,” she whispered.
The two of you stood there for a moment, hands clasped before stepping onto the field.
“Ready?” you asked, trying to muster as much courage as you could for both of you.
“Ready,” Niamh echoed, her voice more confident now, her tears drying as she took a deep breath.
March 2013 – 13 years old
“Mum, I’m going to—” 
“Niamh’s, I know,” your mum interrupted, her tone affectionate and knowing. She didn’t even have to ask where you were headed; she’d grown used to the sight of you dashing out the door to Niamh’s house every chance you got.
You smiled sheepishly at her, realising just how predictable you’d become. “Yeah,” you replied, grabbing your backpack, and football boots.
“Don’t forget to tell Niamh your good news,” your mum added with a laugh, watching the way your cheeks flushed pink at the reminder.
You paused in the doorway, the excitement bubbling up in your chest once again. It was the kind of news that made your heart race every time you thought about it, and now you were finally going to share it with the person who meant the most to you.
“I won’t forget,” you promised, though you could already feel the nervous butterflies in your stomach at the thought of saying it out loud. But if there was anyone who deserved to know, it was Niamh.
Your mum waved you off with a knowing smile, and you hurried down the path, the summer sun warm on your skin. As you made your way to Niamh’s house, your mind raced with anticipation, replaying the moment when you’d tell her the news that had changed everything.
When you reached Niamh’s door, you hesitated for a split second, gathering your courage. Then, you knocked, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement swirling inside you.
“You don’t have to knock y’know!” Niamh’s sister greeted you. “It’s always open anyways, and you have a key.”
“Knocking is polite,” you replied, sticking your tongue out at her as you stepped through the familiar threshold, the scent of something delicious wafting from the kitchen ““She’s upstairs,” Lucy supplied helpfully, already making her way toward the kitchen, probably to continue whatever mischief she’d been up to. You struggled to suppress the groan that automatically formed in your throat.
There was only one thing you disliked about hanging out at Niamh’s house: her bedroom. Niamh was a Liverpool fanatic – just like you – but she had taken her love for the team to an extreme that bordered on obsession. Her whole room was drenched in a sea of red: red walls, Liverpool bedding, red cushions, even the curtains were a blazing scarlet. Posters of Liverpool players adorned every available inch of wall space, their intense gazes seeming to follow you no matter where you stood. While you were just as passionate about the team, you preferred to keep your fan gear to a minimum – scarves, jerseys, maybe a signed ball. Niamh, on the other hand, had turned her room into a shrine. The sheer brightness of the colour made your eyes ache every time you stepped inside.
Still, it was Niamh’s space, and you loved her, so you put up with it. You knocked on her bedroom door, a habit you couldn’t shake, even though she always teased you about it. You waited for the inevitable shout of "Come in!"
“You don’t have to knock, you know,” Niamh called out from her bed, her voice light and teasing. She was lounging across her bed, surrounded by red cushions, her head propped up on one arm as she looked over at you with a playful smile.
“Knocking is polite,” you shot back, pulling a face at her as you stepped inside. The room hit you with its usual wave of crimson, but you ignored it, focusing instead on the familiar comfort of being with your best friend.
You walked over to her bed, dropping your bag as you went, and without a second thought, you flopped down on top of her, causing her to let out a gentle grunt as your weight settled on her. The two of you burst into laughter, the sound filling the room and drowning out the overwhelming red for a moment.
As you lay there, sprawled across Niamh like you’d done a hundred times before, you noticed her scent—warm and familiar, like rising bread and cozy campfires. It was comforting, grounding you in this moment, making you feel safe and at home.
Niamh laughed again, wrapping an arm around you and playfully trying to push you off, though not really making much of an effort. “You’re such a dork,” she teased, but there was nothing but affection in her voice.
“And you love it,” you retorted, your face pressed against the soft, red fabric of her bedspread.
“Yeah, yeah,” she said, but she was smiling, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
For a moment, you forgot about the big news you had to share, content to just be there with her, surrounded by the ridiculous red walls, the warmth of her laughter, and the comforting smell of her room. But the excitement bubbling inside you was too much to keep down for long. You couldn’t wait to see her reaction, to share this moment with her.
You rolled off her and propped yourself up on one elbow, looking at her with a wide grin. “Niamh, I’ve got something to tell you,” you began, your voice tinged with the thrill of what was to come.
Her eyes widened with curiosity as she looked at you. “What is it? Don’t keep me in suspense!”
You took a deep breath, your heart racing as you finally let the words tumble out. “I got an invite to go to Liverpool academy trials in June.”
For a split second, the room was completely silent. Niamh’s eyes grew even wider, her mouth falling open in shock. Then, just as quickly, her face broke into the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
“Are you serious?!” she practically screamed, her excitement bursting out of her. Before you could even respond, she grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you playfully. “You’re going to Liverpool Academy trials?! Oh my god, Chickie, that’s amazing!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction, the joy in her eyes making your own heart swell with happiness. “I know! I couldn’t believe it when I got the letter. I’ve been dreaming about this for so long, and now it’s actually happening!”
Niamh jumped up from the bed, practically bouncing with energy. “We have to celebrate! This is huge! You’re one step closer to playing for Liverpool—our Liverpool!”
You sat up, the reality of it all still sinking in. “I know, it’s crazy, right? I’m so nervous, but I’m also really excited. I’ve been practicing every day, trying to get ready.”
Niamh nodded vigorously, her enthusiasm unwavering. “You’re going to crush it, I just know it. You’ve worked so hard for this, and you’re one of the best players I know. They’d be lucky to have you.”
“You aren’t like … mad or anything?”
Niamh’s excitement softened into a look of confusion as she sat back down beside you on the bed. “Mad? Why would I be mad?”
You hesitated, suddenly unsure of how to explain the nagging worry that had been in the back of your mind. “I don’t know,” you admitted, looking down at your hands. “I guess… maybe because this could change things between us? I mean, what if I get in and I have to spend all my time training or traveling? I don’t want to lose you.”
“Niamh’s expression softened, and she reached over, placing a reassuring hand on yours. “Chick, I could never be mad at you for following your dreams. This is what you’ve always wanted. Besides,” she added with a smirk, “I got a letter too.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you blinked at her, momentarily stunned. “Wait, what? You did?”
Niamh nodded, her smile widening even more. “Yeah! I’m going to the Liverpool Academy trials too. I didn’t want to tell you until you told me your news, but now we’re both going!”
For a moment, the shock of her revelation left you speechless. “Are you serious?” you finally managed to ask, a huge grin spreading across your face. “This is insane! We can play for Liverpool together!!” Tears sprung to your eyes, a mix of overwhelming joy and disbelief.
Niamh's eyes sparkled with excitement as she saw your reaction. “I know! I was waiting for the right moment to tell you, but this is even better than I could have imagined. We’re going to be on the same team, can you believe it?”
The gravity of it all hit you like a tidal wave, and you threw your arms around Niamh, pulling her into a tight hug. You both laughed and cried together, the emotions of the moment pouring out in an uncontainable flood. “I love you, Niamh.
“I love you too, Chickie.”
July 2013 – 14 years old
You had waited for over a month. Each day more torturous than the last. And now, you stood in your bedroom, Niamh in front of you, both clutching your LFC-stamped letters. The familiar, crimson logo glinted in the soft light of your room, making your heart race.
Niamh’s eyes were alight with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She looked at you with a hopeful smile, her fingers lightly gripping the envelope as if it were a precious artifact. “Are you ready to open them?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly.
You took a deep breath, nodding vigorously. “Yes, I think so.” You looked at each other, carefully handing the other your letter. This is what you had agreed on – you would open the other’s letter.
With a final glance at each other, you both tore open the envelopes simultaneously, the anticipation palpable in the quiet of your room. The rustle of paper seemed to echo, a crescendo to the moment you had both been waiting for.
You pulled out the letter, your hands slightly shaking. The official Liverpool FC header was unmistakable, and you carefully unfolded the paper. The words began to blur as your eyes scanned them, but you forced yourself to focus.
Niamh’s letter was unfolding in tandem beside you, and you could see her trying to read it as quickly as you were. The seconds felt like minutes, each one stretching as you both read. When you finally reached the end of your letter, a mix of emotions overwhelmed you. Your heart pounded with a strange, exhilarating combination of relief and exhilaration. You glanced over at Niamh, who had the same look of intense concentration on her face.
 “You got in!” you both shouted simultaneously, the words tumbling out in a rush of disbelief and joy. The room was filled with a mixture of exhilaration and sheer elation as you both looked at each other, the reality of the news sinking in.
You took a moment to absorb what you had just read, your eyes widening as the words "Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to the Liverpool Youth Academy" seemed to dance on the page. The letter felt heavier with its implications, you were that much closer to playing proper football.
Niamh’s face was a mirror of your own amazement and happiness. “We did it, Chickie! We’re both going to play for Liverpool!” she said, her voice rising with uncontainable excitement. Her eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, radiated pure joy as she grabbed your hand and gave it an enthusiastic squeeze. The intensity of the moment was palpable, and her touch felt electrifying, like a tangible connection to all your shared dreams coming true.
“I can’t believe it,” you said, your voice trembling with emotion. “This is beyond anything I ever imagined. We’re actually going to be there, together. Liverpool players.”
Niamh’s excitement seemed to bubble over, and she sprang up from the bed, her movements light and buoyant. She began to dance around the room with wild abandon, her laughter ringing like a melody. “We need to celebrate! This is huge! Oh, my god,” she exclaimed, her voice echoing with glee.
Caught up in the whirlwind of her enthusiasm, you felt a surge of emotions that left you breathless. Your heart was racing so fast you thought you might explode with the intensity of it all. It was as if time had slowed down and every heartbeat was amplified by the joy and adrenaline coursing through you.
Without really thinking, you pulled on Niamh’s hand, drawing her back towards you. The warmth of her grip was comforting and reassuring, anchoring you in the moment. As she came closer, you felt an overwhelming urge to express just how much this meant to you both.
In one swift, instinctive motion, you leaned in and placed a gentle, tender peck on her lips. It was a fleeting, but heartfelt gesture, a spontaneous act of affection that seemed to encapsulate all the emotions you were feeling. The kiss was soft and quick, but it spoke volumes about the depth of your bond and the excitement you shared.
Niamh’s eyes widened in surprise, and she froze for a moment, her laughter halted mid-giggle. Then, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and a delighted, somewhat dazed smile spread across her face. She looked at you with a mixture of shock and elation, her gaze softening as she absorbed the meaning behind the kiss.
“What was that for?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, though her smile betrayed her happiness. Her hand still rested in yours, and you could feel the pulse of both your hearts synchronising in this shared moment.
You shrugged, a shy smile tugging at your lips. “I don’t know. But I liked it. I really liked it.”
“I really liked it too.” She smiled broadly at you. “Can I do it again?”
September 2015 – 16 years old
“Baby, don’t be dumb,” you insisted, your voice light and teasing. You were lying on your bed, your leg propped up on a mountain of cushions, while Niamh’s head rested comfortably on your chest. The room was cozy, filled with the soft glow of a lamp and the faint hum of a playlist you both loved.
“I’m not,” she protested, her voice muffled by the fabric of your shirt. She sounded almost petulant, a hint of stubbornness in her tone.
“Yes, you are,” you laughed, gently running your fingers through her hair. The act was soothing, and her relaxed sigh against your chest was a testament to the comfort you both found in each other’s presence. “You not going to the Euro qualifiers just because I broke my ankle is so dumb.” You had broken your ankle the day the selection emails came out. What you were most pissed off about was that it wasn’t even football related.
You were showering, having just come back from a run to clear your head. You had heard the telltale ting of the notification, and you had raced to get out the shower. Sopping wet and slippery, you had tried to rush through the bathroom, barely able to see through the stinging shampoo in your eyes. The tiles beneath your feet were slick, and before you knew it, you had lost your balance. The next thing you felt was the sharp, jarring pain as you twisted your ankle, followed by a loud crash as you hit the floor.
The pain was immediate and intense, radiating from your ankle up through your leg. You had tried to get up, but every movement sent a wave of agony through your body. Desperately, you had managed to crawl over to the bathroom door, reaching for your phone with trembling hands
Your brother’s had laughed. They poked fun at how you had managed to hurt yourself while trying to escape the shower, their jokes punctuated by their good-natured chuckles. Your father had looked at you disapprovingly, his furrowed brows and stern expression reflecting his disapproval. He was a man of practical solutions and strong opinions, and the sight of you in pain, lying helplessly on the bathroom floor, had sparked a lecture on being more careful and not rushing things. Meanwhile, your mother had taken on the role of caretaker with a comforting blend of compassion and efficiency. She had rushed to your side with a calm urgency, gently helping you finish washing out the shampoo from your eyes. Her hands were steady as she guided you through getting dressed, her soft voice soothing and practical as you waited for the ambulance to arrive. Niamh had been a wreck when you told her – a mix of fearful tears and anger at not looking after yourself properly. She had fussed and hovered until you had hauled her over to you, trapping her in your arms and forcing her to nap with you.
 “It’s not dumb. You need me here. We’ve been talking about this for ages, and now you’re hurt. What if you need something? What if you feel down and need cheering up?” Niamh scoffed, tilting her head slightly, looking up at you with a mixture of concern and disbelief.
You shook your head, wincing slightly at the movement but smiling, nonetheless. “I’ll be fine, Niamhy. I’ve got a lot of people still here – my family, our friends, your family. Plus, I’ve got you here with me now. That’s more than enough.” You kissed her forehead like it was a full stop, punctuating the end of your sentence.
She furrowed her brows, her eyes scanning your face for any signs of insincerity. “But what if you get lonely? Or if you need help with something I can’t just do over the phone?”
You laughed softly, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “I’ve got a whole team of people here to help me. And besides, it’s not like we’re saying goodbye forever. It’s a week at a time, max. You’ll be back before you know it.”
Niamh bit her lip, clearly torn between her own desires and the need to be there for you. “I just hate the thought of you missing out on something so big, especially when it means so much to you, to us. And I really want to do this together.”
“Listen,” you said, your voice gentle but firm. “I appreciate everything you’re doing, but you have to put yourself first sometimes. This is a huge opportunity for you, and I don’t want you to miss it because of me. You would insist I go if it was the other way round.”
She sighed deeply, closing her eyes for a moment as if weighing the decision in her heart. “Okay, okay. I guess you’re right. It’s just...hard. I wanted to be there for you, and I feel like I’m abandoning you.”
You stroked her hair soothingly. “You’re not abandoning me. You’re going to do amazing things, and I’ll be right here cheering you on. And when you come back, we’ll celebrate everything together.
Niamh looked up at you with a soft, appreciative smile, her eyes still glistening with a touch of emotion. “You’re really something else, you know that? Always thinking about others even when you’re the one who’s hurt.”
You grinned, giving her a playful nudge. “That’s what girlfriends are for.”
“She chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re impossible. But I love you for it.”
You squeezed her hand gently, feeling a surge of warmth at her words. “I love you too.”
June 2020 – 20 years old
“Chickie, I … there’s something I need to tell you.” Niamh was sitting on the couch, her body tight and rigid as she waited for you to enter the living room. You had been isolating together in your small flat near the Liverpool training grounds. It was nothing luxurious or stunning. But it was yours, yours and Niamh’s—a small sanctuary where you could escape the pressures of the world and focus on your dreams.
You felt the blood rush from your face. Was she dying? Was she sick? Did she do something illegal? Your mind raced through worst-case scenarios, each more terrifying than the last. You had been through so much together, and the thought of something happening to her made your heart pound.
“Just tell me,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady despite the panic that was rising in your chest. “What’s wrong?”
Niamh’s eyes were filled with tears, the bright blue covered by a filmy layer. She took a deep breath, clearly struggling to find the right words. “It’s not… it’s not bad … or at least it doesn’t have to be.”
Your anxiety didn't ease, but you nodded, urging her to continue. “Alright, go on.”
Niamh swallowed hard, her hands twisting nervously in her lap. “I got an offer from another club." Your heart sunk a little further. “And I’m accepting it.” Your heart was on the floor.
The news hit you like a punch to the gut. Your heart sank, and you could almost feel it breaking as the realisation set in. This wasn’t just about a new opportunity for her; it was about a significant change that would affect both of you.
“Baby, that’s amazing!” you managed to say, though your voice was tinged with confusion and hurt. “Why wouldn’t you tell me? This is a huge opportunity for you.”
Niamh looked down, tears welling in her eyes, the weight of her decision evident in her expression. “Because… I wasn’t sure if I should go. I know you’re going through a tough time, and I didn’t want to add to it. I’ve been feeling like I should stay here to support you, but I don’t want to give up this chance either.”
It was true. You had been struggling since the club’s relegation. Each loss, each mistake seemed like a personal failure, and it had been taking a toll on you. The pressure and self-doubt had been overwhelming, making you feel isolated and lost.
“Oh, Niamhy, no.” You reached out, taking her hand in yours, trying to convey the depth of your feelings through the simple act of connection. “Honey, whatever shit I’ve been going through doesn’t mean you should give up on your dreams. I need you to go for this. It’s a huge opportunity, and you deserve it.”
Niamh’s tears began to fall freely now, her emotions spilling out as she looked at you with a mix of gratitude and sadness. “But I don’t want to leave you alone. You’ve been struggling, and I can’t bear the thought of walking away when you need me.”
“You’re not walking away from me,” you said, your voice steady despite the lump in your throat. “You’re pursuing something you’ve worked so hard for. It’s not about leaving me; it’s about following your path. We’ve both had our share of challenges, and this is your chance to shine. I’ll be okay. We’ll find a way to make it work.”
Niamh squeezed your hand, her grip tightening as if she were holding onto the last thread of her resolve. “Are you sure? I don’t want to make things harder for you.”
“I’m sure,” you said with a reassuring nod. “I want you to be happy and successful. If this is what you need to do, then you should do it. We’ll support each other, no matter where we go.”
You leaned forward, the tenderness of the moment urging you closer. As your lips brushed against hers, you pressed a long, languid kiss to her mouth. The kiss was gentle yet filled with a depth of emotion that words alone could not convey. It was a blend of consolation and affirmation, a silent vow that no matter where life’s paths took you both, the love and support you offered each other would remain unwavering.
The kiss lingered, a moment suspended in time where the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of you in a cocoon of shared hope and love. When you finally pulled away, your foreheads rested together, breaths mingling in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
Niamh’s eyes met yours, glistening with a mixture of gratitude and resolve. “I promise I’ll make the most of this opportunity,” she said softly. “I’ll work hard and make sure it’s worth it.”
“And I promise I’ll be here,” you replied, your thumb brushing gently against her cheek. “Cheering you on every step of the way, no matter how far apart we are.” You kissed her again, letting your unspoken emotions seep into it.
“Now, what club are you signing for?” You asked when you parted.
She took a deep breath, “Chelsea.”
May 2021 – 21 years old
Despite not being in the WSL, this season had been the best you had ever played. Your performance on the field had reached new heights; you were faster, more agile, and more precise than ever before. Every match felt like an opportunity to showcase the skills you had honed over countless hours of practice and dedication.
Your team had finished 3rd in the league. But it was your individual achievements that made this season particularly special. You had ended up as the top goal scorer in the league, a title that was both exhilarating and deeply satisfying. It was a recognition of your hard work, skill, and relentless pursuit of excellence.
The feeling of being the top goal scorer was intoxicating. Each goal was a testament to your ability to read the game, anticipate plays, and execute with precision. It wasn’t just about the goals themselves; it was about the countless drills and sacrifices that had led you to this point. The season had been a whirlwind of training sessions, tactical meetings, and intense matches, but it had all paid off in a way that surpassed your expectations.
You had found a rhythm that was almost musical in its flow—a blend of speed, finesse, and sheer determination. Your confidence had grown with every game, and the respect from your teammates and opponents alike had become evident. The accolades and praise were a reflection of your relentless commitment to your craft.
Despite being in the Championship, you had started to gain attention from major clubs. The buzz around your performances spread quickly, catching the eye of scouts and managers from across the continent. It wasn’t long before you were called into the England Under-23s squad, an opportunity that was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.
The call-up was a significant milestone. You were so close to the senior team. It validated all the hard work you had put in and was a testament to your rising star. Joining the Under-23s meant you would be training and competing with some of the best young talents in the country, pushing yourself to new levels and proving your worth on an even bigger stage.
Soon, the offers started rolling in from top-tier clubs, both within the UK and abroad. You found yourself at the centre of a whirlwind of interest, with clubs from across Europe expressing their desire to bring you into their ranks. The prospect of moving to a different country, adapting to a new league, and facing new challenges was both exhilarating and overwhelming.
Each offer came with its own set of promises and opportunities – better contracts, more prestigious leagues, and the chance to compete in European competitions. Your phone was constantly buzzing with messages from agents, club representatives, and media inquiries. The attention was flattering, but it also added a layer of pressure. You had to navigate through the noise and focus on what was best for your future. You had taken less than 10 seconds to tell your agent to say yes on your behalf.
Niamh’s flat was small and perfect. You had helped her pick it out and decorate, at her insistence. She had a keen eye for detail, and every corner of the flat reflected her personality—warm, vibrant, and inviting. The living room was a cozy blend of deep blues and soft greys, adorned with the occasional deep red throw pillows that hinted at your shared love for Liverpool. The kitchen, though compact, was functional and bright, with fresh herbs on the windowsill and a small dining table that had seen countless laughter-filled meals.
Despite its modest size, the flat felt expansive because of how it was meticulously arranged to maximise space and comfort. You had spent countless weekends over the past few months assisting with the interior design, from choosing paint colours to picking out furniture. It had become a joint project, a labour of love that brought you both closer together. She had insisted it was your flat, not just hers. Just like your house in Liverpool was hers, not just yours.
You knocked on the door, your heart racing with excitement as you heard Niamh’s muffled voice from inside, her confusion about the late visitor clear. It was only 8:30 PM, but for Niamh, who cherished her routine and quiet evenings, it might as well have been the middle of the night.
As the door slowly creaked open, Niamh’s face appeared, a mix of surprise and confusion etched on her features. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of you standing there with a bag of takeout and a hopeful smile. She was dressed in comfy sweatpants and one of your old training tops, clearly in relaxation mode.
“Hi,” you greeted, your voice bubbling with excitement as you stepped inside her small, cozy flat. The room was filled with the warm glow of soft lighting, casting a gentle aura that made the space feel even more intimate and inviting.
Niamh’s eyes widened even further, her gaze flitting between you and the bag in your hand. “Chickie? What… what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in Liverpool!” Her voice was a mix of bewilderment and genuine joy, her surprise evident as she tried to grasp the reality of your unexpected visit.
You chuckled softly at her reaction, the sound of her astonishment warming your heart. “I know, I know. But I had a meeting here in London and didn’t want to pay for a hotel,” you teased, your grin widening at her continued shock.
“A meeting? What meeting?” Her brow furrowed in genuine confusion, clearly struggling to piece together the sudden appearance of her long-distance partner.
You continued to smile, revelling in the moment. “Well, I had a meeting, and I ended up signing a new contract.”
Niamh’s eyes were already brimming with questions, her curiosity piqued. “A new contract?”
“Yes,” you said with a nonchalant shrug, “for my new club.”
“New … new club?” Her voice was filled with a mix of disbelief and curiosity, the wheels in her mind turning rapidly.
“Uh-huh,” you confirmed, savouring the way her eyes widened with each revelation. “I’ve just become the latest member of a new team.”
“Wh-what? Which club?” Her voice was a breathless whisper, her eyes locked on yours, eager for the full story.
You took a deep breath, enjoying the build-up. “Chelsea,” you said, letting the name hang in the air for a moment.
Niamh stared at you, her mouth slightly open in stunned silence. The reality of your words took a moment to sink in. “Chelsea?” she finally repeated, her voice tinged with awe. “As in my Chelsea?”
“That’s the one,” you said with a playful wink. “I guess you could say I’ve got a new home now.”
May 2024 – 21 years old
It had been an amazing four years at Chelsea. The transition from your previous club had been challenging, but every hurdle had only made the success more rewarding. Your time at Chelsea had been marked by incredible highs—winning domestic trophies, securing a spot in the Champions League, and forming lasting friendships with teammates who had become like family.
Your growth on the pitch had been nothing short of phenomenal. The training sessions were gruelling, but they had sharpened your skills and bolstered your confidence. The support from your coaches and the camaraderie within the team had created an environment where you could thrive and push your limits. You had even been named Player of the Season last year, a recognition that felt surreal but was a testament to your hard work and dedication.
Off the pitch, life had also been vibrant. The city of London had become a second home, with its endless opportunities for exploration and its rich cultural offerings. Gone were the days of long-distance. Your life with Niamh was perfect. Your home was warm and welcoming, the walls echoing with laughter and the occasional passionate debate over football matches.
Your days off were a delightful mix of exploring new parts of the city, relaxing at home, and indulging in the simple pleasure of each other’s company. Whether it was trying out a new restaurant, taking long walks through the parks, or just enjoying quiet evenings in, every moment with Niamh felt precious. You had both made a conscious effort to build a life together, balancing your demanding schedules with time for each other.
The conversations had shifted from career milestones and football achievements to dreams of a shared future—a future that included a home filled with laughter, love, and the pitter-patter of little feet.
The idea of marriage had always been there, a quiet certainty in your hearts. It was no longer just about the grand gestures or the societal expectations, but about solidifying the commitment you both felt so deeply. You had envisioned it many times: a simple yet beautiful ceremony surrounded by family and close friends, a celebration of your love and the journey you had undertaken together. It was a vision that felt both exciting and comforting, a new chapter in a story that had already been so fulfilling.
It was a quiet day at home, just before the last match of the season. The air was filled with a sense of calm anticipation as you and Niamh enjoyed a rare, peaceful afternoon together. The sun streamed through the windows of your cozy living room, casting a warm glow over the space where you’d spent countless hours creating memories.
You were lounging on the couch, flipping through a book while Niamh was at the kitchen counter, preparing a light lunch. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the aroma of her cooking, creating a comforting atmosphere that was both familiar and cherished.
As you glanced up from your book, you caught Niamh’s eye. She had a thoughtful expression on her face, her hands moving deftly as she prepared a simple but delicious spread. You could tell she was deep in thought, her concentration evident as she worked.
Finally, she set the last dish on the table and walked over to join you on the couch. Sitting down beside you, she took your hand in hers, her touch warm and reassuring. You looked at her, sensing that something was on her mind.
“Chickie,” she began, her voice soft but firm. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”
You tilted your head, curiosity piqued. “What’s up, baby?”
Niamh took a deep breath, her eyes meeting yours with a blend of nervousness and determination. “You know how we’ve been talking about the future, about settling down, and all of that?” she started, her voice steady despite the slight tremble in her hands. “Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what that future looks like, and I realised there’s something important I want to ask you.”
Your heart began to race, a sense of anticipation building as you looked at her. You could feel the weight of the moment, the significance of what she was about to say.
Niamh reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. As she opened it, the glint of a delicate ring caught the light, shimmering with a brilliance that seemed to mirror the emotions in the room.
“Y/N,” she said, her voice wavering slightly with emotion, “will you marry me?”
The world seemed to pause as the words hung in the air. Your eyes widened in shock, and tears sprang to your eyes as you took in the sight of Niamh’s hopeful face and the beautiful ring she held.
You were overcome with a rush of emotion, a mixture of joy, love, and disbelief. “Niamh,” you whispered, your voice cracking with emotion, “are you sure? This is…”
“Yes,” she interrupted gently, her eyes filled with love and sincerity. “I’m sure. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You’ve been my rock, my confidant, and my best friend. I can’t imagine my future without you.”
Without waiting for any further words, you threw your arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. “Yes! Yes, of course, I’ll marry you!” you exclaimed, your voice muffled against her shoulder as tears of happiness streamed down your face.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: in which jenna clark realises she may be a little rough with her girlfriend
jenna clark x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: this is a short one! just fluff
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y/n slowly blinked her eyes open, the sun streaming through the thin curtains pushing her to wake up earlier than she would have preferred for her day off.
The girl sighed and pushed her arm out to touch her girlfriend only to feel an empty side of the bed. y/n sat up, a pout on her lips when she realised her girlfriend was not in the room.
Just as y/n went to move, the door to the bedroom opened and Jenna walked in with a tray in her hands and the small patter of feet echoed. y/n's and Jenna's miniature border collie Mollie jumping at the bed.
"Molls!" Jenna warns, the dog huffing as she moved back down the bed, her head flopping onto y/n's lap as she sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
"Hi fluff." y/n chuckled, running her hand over her head.
Jenna sild onto the bed carefully, bringing the tray down between them where their coffees sat and breakfasts, y/n smiled softly, leaning over to kiss her lover's cheek.
"Thank you baby." y/n sighed, Jenna sending her a bright smile.
"Of course, you've been working too hard, I always say it." Jenna hums.
y/n was in her final year of her solicitor exams and also worked part time in a law firm and in a cafe to help pay for it all. Once she completed her exams, she had a role lined up with a soliciting firm for estate and would be able to stop the cafe job.
However, as they got into the final term, y/n found herself studying late, running off caffeine and tears, frantic writing into early hours of the morning, a few hours of stressed sleep and then straight to work.
Jenna could see her lover burning herself out and didn't know how to stop it, so when they finally had a day off together the footballer made it her personal mission to cheer her lover up.
"I thought we would take Mollie for a W A L K, grab some shopping and bake and watch movies for the day?" Jenna asks her lover as they begin to eat and y/n smiles.
"That sounds lovely." y/n smiles, letting Mollie have a slither of bacon from her plate which the dog whined thankfully at.
The two ate in small talk and giggles before showering together in a similar way, ghosting touches and soft kisses as they washed and changed before moving to get their shoes on.
"Mollie!" y/n called out, the small dog arriving obediently at y/n's feet. "Do you want to go for a..." y/n begins but Mollie saw the lead in her hand and barked excitedly jumping at her playfully.
"I think she's figured it out babe." Jenna chuckled and y/n nodded, clipping her dog onto the lead before the two headed out into the crisp winter air.
y/n shivered slightly, bringing her scarf closer to her neck as she looked back at Jenna, rolling her eyes at the fact her lover just had a beanie and thin coat on.
Jenna always said she never got cold, maybe the fact she was used to playing in cold temperatures helped her, whatever it was, Jenna didn't often feel the cold.
The trio made their way into the park and y/n unclipped Mollie, Jenna throwing the tennis ball which made the dog race after it excitedly, y/n giggling at the dog who sprinted back and let the ball drop at her feet.
y/n smiled and leant down, stroking at the dog and cooing proudly at her, before she picked up the ball and threw it, pouting when it didn't go as far as Jenna's.
"What's that pout for?" Jenna cooed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.
"My throw didn't go as far as yours." y/n huffed and Jenna chuckled.
"Baby, I'm a professional athlete?" Jenna reminds and y/n shrugs, still relaxing in Jenna's arms.
"With your feet." y/n jokingly whined.
"I still need to be strong though baby. So I can fight off those other players." Jenna grins. "And so I can cheer up my pouting girlfriend." Jenna adds.
"How does being strong..." y/n begins but Jenna stops her by picking her up bridal style and spinning her. y/n laughs loudly arms clinging to Jenna's shoulders as the woman comes to a stop.
"What do you think Molls? Cheered up?" Jenna asks the dog who was watching her owners with a tilted head.
Mollie barks at them, before panting and y/n laughs as Jenna puts her down, picking up the ball only to throw it again, Mollie racing off excitedly.
"Cheered up?" Jenna asks, y/n wrapping her arms around the woman's shoulders as Jenna's arms snake around her waist and pull the girl closer to her.
"Mmm. Definitely." y/n grins, leaning up to peck at Jenna's lips twice.
Jenna grins at the affection, her hands squeezing y/n's waist tighter for a moment, the two enjoying their moment of peace as the cold breeze washed over them.
"You're it!" y/n suddenly yells, tapping Jenna and running from her, Mollie jumping around y/n excitedly as the girl grabs the tennis ball and sprints away, Mollie following.
"Get back here!" Jenna yells, y/n screeching as she sees the woman running toward her.
"Mollie come on." y/n giggles madly, her and the dog trying to make it away, however the dog had far more speed.
Two hands grab y/n's waist and she squeals, throwing the ball once again for the dog who bounces after it happily. Jenna grips her lover, exclaiming in victory as she spins her and holds her tightly.
"Jen! Jen!" y/n tries, as the woman stops, still holding y/n above the ground. "Jen, too hard!" y/n warns, tapping Jenna's arms and she gasps, releasing the girl who takes a deep breath in, wincing at her aching waist.
"Shit, sorry baby." Jenna sighs, cupping y/n's face.
"It's okay love, you just sometimes forget the strength you have." y/n wheezes out, smiling when Jenna peppers kisses around her face.
"You're shivering baby, lets head back now, yeah?" She asks, Mollie barking in agreement as the dog had started to shake slightly from the bite of winter.
"Okay." y/n smiles, pressing a kiss against Jenna's cheek as she clips Mollie back, the dog panting as she padded with her owners back home.
y/n was changing her shirt into one of Jenna's jumpers which Jenna had happily taken off as she changed into a fresh one, y/n happily sniffing the clothing before Jenna gasped.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." Jenna says, moving forward, her hand shakily spreading across y/n's waist, where her handprint was already beginning to bruise into the skin.
y/n looked down, not even realising Jenna had her so tightly in the park and expected the bruise. Jenna had yet to touch the skin and y/n smiled softly.
"Jen, it's okay." y/n promises, Jenna looking at her with wide guilty eyes. "Hey, it's okay." y/n promises, pulling Jenna's hand to press against her bruise softly.
"I feel so bad." Jenna sighs stroking the skin slightly. "I shouldn't be so rough with you." She adds.
y/n sighs, pulling the jumper on as Jenna pulls her hand away from the bruise, letting y/n wrap her hands around y/n's shoulders as y/n wrapped hers around Jenna's waist.
"It's not the first mark you've left on me Clark and it won't be the last." y/n says to her, an eyebrow raising suggestively.
Jenna chuckles, knowing well what her lover was talking about and rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to her forehead lovingly, a warmth spreading through her at the way y/n didn't care.
"Besides..." y/n begins, leaning up to whisper her next sentence in Jenna's ear. "I usually like it when you get rough, don't I?" She asks, before pressing a kiss underneath the lobe.
Jenna groans, as y/n leans back down and the player leans down, connecting their lips in a deep kiss, her tongue quickly twisting into y/n's mouth.
"Come on." y/n hums as she pulls from Jenna. "Let's go make some dinner." She adds innocently. She begins to walk to the door but Jenna grabs her arm and drags her back toward the bed.
"Dinner can wait - I want dessert first." Jenna hums as she drags y/n onto the bed.
jennaclarkkk just posted on her close friends story
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alotofpockets · 2 months
Teagan Micah Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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trulyhblue · 3 months
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queen-of-reptiles · 10 months
description: In which Denmark's star girl in swimming has always been very outgoing, which has always made her so popular, especially when she talks about her crushes...
sofia lundgaard x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying sofia is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translation, also just fluff
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y/n just posted on her story
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"Hi y/n, welcome to London!" Marie, the interviewer said.
"Thank you! I am really enjoying looking around." y/n said smiling, her bright smile as sweet as always as they got straight into the interview.
"Well, obviously you are wonderous, three golds at the Worlds already this year, I mean being 19 and so talented, what is that like?" Marie asked.
"Very, very stressful." y/n said with a laugh and the group watching her laughed a little too.
"I bet." Marie nodded.
"I think also, because I am naturally quite a happy person, it seems to have shown during interviews and cameras so now I feel like I cannot be angry or upset, because everyone expects something else from me." y/n explained and Marie nodded.
The interview continued for a bit, until Marie got to her final section, smiling at the young girl who hadn't stopped making the room chuckle since she stepped foot in it.
"And finally, we know you are a big football fan, you have talked about it a lot, who is your favourite player?" Marie asks.
"I think that such a hard question because I like so many players for so many reasons, but I mean Sofie Lundgaard, she's fantastic. Also, pretty, Sofie, I'm single." y/n said.
She looked toward the second camera as she spoke, making everyone laugh again before the interview wrapped up.
"Oh my! She knows who I am?" Sofie asks as she looks up from the video, tearing her eyes from the stunning girl as Rachel snorted, used to the Danish girl's obsession with the swimmer.
"Yep." Yana grins, popping the 'p' with her lips.
"Great, she'll be unbearable now." Missy sighs as the group walk out to warm up on the pitch, Sofie stuck her tongue out at her friend, leaving over to push her when Yana spat out some water.
Both Missy and Sofie shrieked, jumping out of the way but Yana was focussed on something in the stands, and when Sofie and Missy turned they both gasped.
y/n was sat happily in the stands, talking to one of her friends who must have come over from Denmark with her for the few days of interviews she had.
Sofie's eyes had doubled in size as she took in the gorgeous girl, smooth skin and sweet dimples which had appeared as she threw her head back, laughing at her friend.
"Come on love bird." Missy sighed and Sofie tore her eyes away as they began to run.
username1: is anyone at the Liverpool women game rn cause Sofie just looked at y/n like she was an angel and I am freaking out because of it
username2: AND THEY WAY y/n is looking at her? Like she's so amazing... I am going to cry this is so cute
username3: AND AFTER Y/N'S INTERVIEW??????
username4: Sofie better shoot her shot, or I will do it for her!
username5: We don't know if Sofie is even into it though???
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y/n just posted
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tagged liverpoolwfc and y/f/n
y/n just one chance, please...
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username2: no shame
daniels_yana: @sofiielundgaard...
username3: Sofie was a bit quick to like there
username4: y/n is so cute omg 😭😍😍
username5: the way she was cheering in game was so cute i wanted to cry !!!
username6: I spoke to her during half-time and SHE WAS SO SWEET and gave me some gum! 🥹
username7: not even trying to hide it! 😭
y/f/n: she cried when we got back to the hotel, she was too excited...
y/n: stfu 😑
liverpoolwfc: Thank you for your support! Loved having you!! ❤️
y/n: Thanks for the invite! ❤️
username8: Liverpool admin tryna love island it up???
sofiielundgaard: Tak for din støtte! Helt sikkert hjulpet!
thanks for your support! Definitely helped!
y/n: elskede at se jer alle!
loved watching you all
sofiielundgaard: xxx
username9: OMG
username10: this girl forgets she is a public figure and I love it so much 😂
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y/n just posted on her story
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Sofie sat laughing with her teammate Yana as they answered questions for an interview which would go on the Youtube channel, Yana grinning evilly when asked what Sofie liked to watch as a test of their friendship.
"Sofie here is really into her swimming, you, patriot for Denmark and all that." Yana grins. "Though, with how many competitions of a certain Denmark swimmer she watches, I don't know... Maybe it's not the swimming." Yana hums.
"Shut up!" Sofie hisses but the crew had already begun to laugh, causing Sofie to groan and throw her head against the table with a thump.
Yana grins evilly at the camera before feeling a little bad for the blonde and rubbing her back kindly as Sofie leans back up and sighs.
"What can I say? I love my home country." She hums and this again causes everyone to burst out laughing.
username1: The way this plot thickens with every turn!
username2: Sofie admitting she likes watching swimming then Yana being an angel and spilling the true tea
username3: loveeeee Yana sm omg 😍😂
username4: I did feel bad for Sofie though, she looked so embarrassed 😩
username5: yeah same...
username6: She will have let them put that in tho, like they would have removed it if she really wanted
username5: VERYYYYY true 😶
username7: omg that is such a good point!!
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y/n took a deep breath in, her limbs weightless as they floated around her, the swimmer took another deep breath before pushing of the wall and beginning to swim down toward the other side.
The pool she had found was not busy, maybe because it was half six on a Sunday morning. But y/n could never go a few days without swimming, the water was more home than ground was.
y/n did several lengths before she came to a stop, head popping up before she pushed herself underneath the water, using the side to hold her underneath.
The world quietened and blurred above her, the water for that minute, kept her safe. However, she hadn't taken a deep enough breath for longer than a minute and a half, and so pushed herself back up and to sit on the side.
y/n sat quietly, regulating her breath once more as she watched her feet in the water, her braided hair now heavy against her suit clad back.
It was only after a minute, did y/n realise she was no longer alone. She turned her head, looking in the next lane, where to her surprise, Sofie Lundgaard was, head lent back and eyes shut as she floated for a moment in the water.
Her muscled shoulder tensed as she kept herself afloat, and y/n suddenly felt very hot as she lowered herself back into the water to try and ignore the woman beside her.
"Ingen er her normalt på dette tidspunkt." Sofie hummed as she looked back up.
no one is usually here at this time.
"Jeg bliver stort set sindssyg, hvis jeg ikke svømmer i et par dage." y/n admitted with a soft laugh.
I pretty much go insane if I don't swim for a few days.
"Really?" Sofie asked, not overly aware she had slipped into English.
"Yeah, more at home in the water than on land mum used to say." y/n smiled softly relaxing back, her eyes darted up to the clock, showing 6:48.
Sofie and y/n didn't talk much for the new few minutes, an occasional comment or question with an answer would be thrown, but for a bit they just swam side by side, enjoying the feeling of one another's company.
When the clock hit 7:30, y/n sighed and slid up the pool side. Sofie gulped and looked away from the muscled arms which tensed as they pushed y/n from the water.
y/n smiled at Sofie, nodding as she grabbed her towel and walked toward the changing rooms, but as she went to leave the room she changed her mind.
"Would you like to get breakfast?" y/n asked as she turned to face Sofie.
"Thought you would never ask." The blonde grinned and pushed herself out of the water as well.
y/n just posted on their story
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sofiielundgaard just posted on her story
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y/n hummed as she prepared for her final race of the day, it was just a friendly, Denmark's best against each other, but that did not mean she was not prepared.
She had gotten back to Denmark a week ago, after spending three weeks in London, a trip which had lengthened for no specific reason.
She heard the call, the shot and then she dived as soon as she hit the water, y/n knew, she knew she had won, because she was away suddenly.
She pulled ahead, a good few strokes from everyone else, she turned and pushed again, knowing this one was only two lengths. Which after a week of long racing was nice to think.
She pulled ahead further, the commentator shocked as anything as she slammed her hand on the wall, sighing in relief as she pulled herself up, shocked at the way her coach had paused.
"Hvad?" She asked him.
"Hvad?" She asked again, pulling a towel around her body to keep her warm. Her coach just turned her body and pointed to two letters next to her name.
Danish Record.
y/n let out a yell of shock, her fellow swimmers running over to congratulate her as she slammed her hand over her mouth, eyes trying to find someone, who once they had been found grinned wildly.
y/n grinned back, looking briefly at the pool before grabbing her coach and fellow swimmers, the group all jumping in, her coach slightly begrudgingly.
Breaking records was something y/n had been doing from the age of 14, and every time she did, she would jump into the pool. But y/n had just been thrown into today's race as a back up, almost as a joke.
Because breaststroke was not her stroke, but she had somehow just broken a Danish record with it. How? She didn't know nor care as she and her fellow swimmers sunk into the waves of blue, being watched by a very proud blonde.
y/n just posted
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tagged sofiielundgaard
y/n note to self, always go for half six swimming sessions...
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sofiielundgaard just posted
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tagged y/n
sofiielundgaard You know, I don't think I watch swimming for the sport... 🤷‍♀️
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username2: 'I don't think I watch swimming for the sport' hahahahah 😂
username3: FUCK YESSSSSS
username4: I feel like we have Yana to thank for this.
daniels_yana: You do 😌
username5: OMG
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kay bois, struggled with this one, won't lie - so what do you we think???
love ya'll!
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queen-of-reptiles · 10 months
description: In which Missy Bo Kearns and her partner are on opposite sides of a derby, and sometimes, rivalries run a little too deep.
Missy Bo Kearns x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying missy is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, angst, also just fluff
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y/n just posted
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liked by clarewheelerr, nicolinesorensen16,and 109, 376 others
tagged missybokearns
y/n oh so we cute cute...
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username1: the calm before the storm...
username2: what storm?????
username3: It's Merseyside derby this weekend, missy plays for Liverpool, but y/n plays for Everton...
username2: OH SHIT
missybokearns: Wow - cannot believe your mine ...
y/n: ditto baby <3
clarewheelerr: CUTIES <33
meganfinnigan1: slay
y/n: thank you very much Captain
username4: considering how die-hard these two are for their teams, this weekend will be frosty...
username5: They don't even stay in the same apartment the night before, Missy talked about it last derby day, she said to protect their relationship, one of them goes and stays with a team-mate
username6: I respect the loyalty to the team, but is it worth putting their relationship on the line for?
username7: For them? YES
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y/n just posted on their story
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missybokearns just posted on her story
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y/n just posted
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y/n come on you BLUES!!
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username1: COME ON EVERTON!!!!!
username2: I am so nervous!!!
username3: COME ON!!!
username4: LOVE YOU SO MUCH
meganfinnigan1: LETS GOOOOO
nathalieebjorn: WHOOOOOO HOOOOOO
username5: I'm so nervous omg!
username6: why?
username5: Because she and her girlfriend play against each other today and this is the first time since y/n's ankle injury they are doing so...
username6: ahhhh okay.
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username1: did anyone see the way Missy wouldn't look at y/n?????
username2: YES! I thought I was the only one who saw it! y/n looked so sad!
username3: Liverpool really gunning for y/n today!
username4: OMG did anyone see that?? Missy's awful tackle, how wasn't that a card?
username5: y/n looks like she's about to cry I can't!
username6: I feel like y/n's about to snap...
username7: WHAT A GOAL Y/N!!!!!!!!
username8: AHHHHHHHHHH
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y/n sucked a breath in as she broke, her feet nudging the ball as Missy ran at her, but y/n was angry, she was hurt and so she simply dummied one way before turning the other, dragging the ball with the sole of her foot.
Missy was sent completely the blonde pretty much face planting as she went down, fooled by y/n's skilled move, the crowd all 'oooh'd' in shock, cheering as y/n sent her foot through the ball.
y/n paused, waiting before it soared into the top corner, Rachel Lawns merely getting a shocked finger to it. y/n let out a cheer of joy her teammates screaming as they jumped on her.
To have played 70 minutes 1-0 down, to have this happen was incredibly needed. Megan jumped on her shoulder, y/n's hands trying to stabalise her captain.
"You beautiful bitch!" Megan yelled and y/n laughed as they moved back to their positions.
All they had to do was not let Liverpool score. The team had not been expecting a win from this game, so to come away with a draw would be great.
The game re-started, Liverpool moving quickly, but Megan jumped in, intercepting the ball and passing it to y/n. The player turned, only to have two pairs of studs rip into her shin and thigh.
y/n essentially flew back, rolling onto her front and groaning as she looked up, eyes filled with hurt at Missy's face, who looked terrified of the tackle she had just made.
The blues hadn't even raised their hands before the ref had blown the whistle and reached into her pocket, bringing the bright red out in Missy's direction.
"Can you feel this?" The medic asked y/n, the woman still slightly dazed so she hadn't realised they'd even approached.
"Yeah, it hurts." y/n deadpanned, and the medics chuckled, used to her as they helped her up onto her feet.
"Nothing to bad squirt, just a few scrapes." The physiotherapist of the team Stephen said, as y/n joined him on the side of the pitch, begging to be let back on.
Eventually the ref let her back on, but a few minutes later blew the whistle and the draw was set. Liverpool set their heads down in annoyance, but y/n and the girls all cheered hugging.
The start to the season had been a tough one for Everton, they had suffered several annoying point losses, so any points they could scrounge were a blessing at the moment.
y/n was talking with Nicoline, the two having been the first changed as usual as they waited for their team and discussed the newest episode of Strictly.
Nicoline was looking slightly behind and her eyes hardened, her arms folded and she huffed as y/n turned to see her girlfriend waiting sheepishly in the corridor.
It was clear to y/n that she had been crying and any previous anger she held at her girlfriend for her actions on pitch immediately ran from her when seeing her teary eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow Nico." y/n hummed, her teammate pausing as she looked back over at Missy. But y/n's reassuring smile made her nod and clasp her hand before walking away.
y/n and Missy walked to the car in silence, only a few cars being left now as they slid into the vehicle and waited for the other to speak awkwardly.
"Missy?" y/n asked kindly and her tone immediately made Missy break.
"I could have really hurt you." She says softly. "I was so mad, and I just went in and then you hit the ground. I'm so sorry." Missy rambles quietly.
"Hey, I'm okay." y/n hums, her hand reaching over to take Missy's. "We know how we get derby day, so I won't say any more on that and the tackle was rough yes, but it wasn't entirely intentional." y/n says calmly.
"I'm so sorry, I love you so much." Missy repeats and y/n sighs.
"I know Missy baby." y/n promises. "And I love you just as much, especially when you fall on your arse like that." She continues, hoping and succeeding in making her girl laugh.
"Hm, enjoy it now, it will never happen again." Missy promises and her girlfriend laughs, leaning over to capture their lips together, the blonde Liverpool player deepens it quickly, her hand tugging at y/n's shirt, pulling her closer.
y/n could hardly breath when Missy's tongue collided with her, the two trying their best to fight the other but eventually the kiss slowed and they pulled away softly, smiling at each other.
"Oi oi!" Megan yelled from outside the car and the two jumped apart, Megan howling as she grins at them.
"Fuck off." y/n yelled at her close friend who rolled her eyes and stuck her middle finger up before walking away.
"Home?" Missy asked, chuckling at her girlfriend's captain and her antics.
"Home." y/n confirms and Missy turns the car on.
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y/n a point and a kiss, a good night if you ask me :)
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missybokearns may have been a draw, but I won the best prize...
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username1: awwwwwwwwww - Missy and y/n's photos!
username2: SO CUTE
username3: I'm surprised Missy is not in the doghouse after her tackle.
username4: RIGHT? her red was such a ridiculous tackle and on her girlfriend no less.
username5: yeah, like that is someone you say you love????
username6: she clearly didn't mean it and was so apologetic to y/n afterwards, she was crying when she left, and not because of the red card.
username7: if y/n can forgive, your petty asses can too, it was a heated tackle in a heated game, forgive and forget!
username8: I'm still trying to get over y/n's equaliser honestly.
username10: The way Rachel stood no chance????
username11: We need y/n to join Liverpool tomorrow!!!! I would sell a kidney to make this happen people!
missybokearns: I agree ! xx
username11: HOLY SHIT
y/n: Ya'll will never catch me in a liverpool shirt!
missybokearns: I can think of a few instances you haven't minded ; )
y/n: Now listen here you little shit!
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missybokearns just posted on her close friends story
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Missy smiled to herself as she heard her girlfriend singing along to the radio while she cooked them both dinner, yet as she posted the story she heard a clatter and sat up from the sofa worriedly.
"MISSY BO KEARNS." y/n yelled and Missy grinned cheekily.
"Shit!" Missy called as she raced toward the bedroom, her girlfriend right behind her, the story of her in a Liverpool shirt bright on her phone.
Hope ya enjoyed lovelies!!! Thank you for all the requests - I am working my way through them, slowly however .... !! xx
this was supposed to be up a lot earlier but had a lil emergency which i managed to sort !!
Queenie xx
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alotofpockets · 4 months
Missy Bo Kearns Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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queen-of-reptiles · 10 months
description: In which Marie Hobinger's partner enjoys the thrill of surprising her lover after leaving Bayern Munich for her.
marie hobinger x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying marie is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translations and, slight angst, also just fluff
y/n just posted
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liked by, marie_hoeb, manuela_zinsberger and 187, 565 others
tagged fcbfrauen
y/n Danke Bayern für die Jahre, die du mir geschenkt hast. Ich liebe euch alle. ❤️
thank you Bayern for the years you have me. I love you all.
view 18, 098 comments
username1: Nein! Ich werde sie so sehr vermissen! 😭
no! I will miss her so much!
username2: I wonder where she is going next?? 🧐
username3: There is a rumour of Real!
username4: there is also rumours of an English side!
stanwaygeorgia: Gonna miss you mate !! Zeigen Sie ihnen, wie es geht! 🩷
show them how it's done!
y/n: Gonna miss you more G! Ich werde dich beobachten! 🩷
I'll be watching you
manuela_zinsberger: Hmmm, ich frage mich, wohin du gehst ... 😶
hmmm, wonder where you're going...
y/n: shhhhhh 🤫🤫
username5: omg maybe she is coming to Arsenal!!!
username6: But isn't she also really close with Marie Hobinger who plays for Liverpool?
username7: True!!!
marie_hoeb: Where are you in the second photo? 🤨
y/n: lying on the floor behind them, too tired to get up 😊
marie_hoeb: scoring goals is your job?
y/n: so is yours, wouldn't know it tho.....😌
marie_hoeb: Wichser
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stanwaygeorgia just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on their story
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Marie sighed as she put down her phone, slight anger boiling in her at the fact her lover had yet to tell her where she had transferred. After her contract was up, Marie hoped she would come to Liverpool.
But she didn't even know if her lover had been offered a contract by them. She knew Real Madrid had offered and that Arsenal had made a swinging bid for the CAM but she didn't know what her lover had chose.
The two, when they first came together years ago, made a promise to never affect the other with their football, they were to focus on their careers and their careers only, the rest they could make work, even if they were oceans apart.
"You okay?" Grace asks Marie, her head tilted in kindness as she asked.
"Yeah, fine." Marie smiles, accepting her friend's hand to pull her to her feet.
"Right." Matt Beard calls, clapping his hands as the group gather around him and the staff. "Now, we've been relatively quiet this transfer season, however, we have got a new arrival." Matt explains.
"You what?" Jenna asks, confused as to how this was all kept quiet, the press more often than not finding a thread to pull on and unravel.
"It was kept quiet and cleverly so." Matt continues. "But please give a drum roll for..." Matt begins.
The Liverpool women all begin to stomp their feet excitedly and start a quiet 'ooh' with jazz hands, it was something they started a few seasons ago to make newcomers feel welcome.
"Our new CAM y/n l/n!" Matt cheers and y/n jumps out from behind the tunnel, a few of the girls cheering loudly as they knew the girl quite well.
Marie however charged forward, her shorter body wrapping into y/n's the taller girl picking her up and keeping her close to her body Maire pulls her head off of y/n's shoulder.
Marie's hands come around her face, cupping her cheeks as y/n keeps a tight grip on her, the Austrian talking quickly at her, the German language spilling past her lips as she questioned her lover.
"Marie, pass auf, dass dein Team da ist." y/n chided quietly.
marie, careful, your team is there.
Marie had been the one who wanted to keep the relationship quiet, and almost six years in, y/n wasn't as worried about people knowing, but she knew Marie still looked over her shoulder.
Marie huffed out an annoyance, tucking her head back into y/n's neck as the woman set her back on her feet and moved over to the rest of the team.
"I know most of you, I am aware, but either way, It is exciting to be play with all you." y/n hums, her English getting slightly confused in her head, which no one bothered to mention.
"This is so exciting." Grace cheers jumping at her friend who laughs and hugs her.
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tagged y/n and marie_hoeb
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y/n just posted
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y/n thank you for the lovely welcome! I'm ready for this! xx
view all 12, 378 comments
username1: AHHH so excited to have you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
username2: GO ON! THREE POINTS 🥹🥹🥹
stanwaygeorgia: Miss you buddy!!!!!! 🩷
y/n: MISS YOU MORE!!!! 🩷
username3: friendship of the year!
username4: that link up between her and Marie!!!
username5: They're so cute - the are as good together for Austria as well!! 😊😊
username6: Are they dating????
username7: some people say yes, some say no! They have never confirmed.
username6: Okay, thank you!!!
manuela_zinsberger: wrong shade of red :( 😩
marie_hoeb: NEIN!! 🙄
y/n: Sorry Manu! But I look best in this shade. 😏
marie_hoeb: I agree!
username7: So excited to have youuuuu!!! 🌟
username8: 🥰🥰🥰
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y/n laughed as Grace mimicked her second goal celebration, the new CAM subject to some teasing as she scored her second against Brighton and then panicked, not knowing what to do to celebrate.
In y/n's defence she hadn't expected the shot to go in from so far away, so just stood there in shock for a second as her team jumped on her excitedly.
The group had all changed and were heading to their cars and Marie grabbed her lovers bags, packing them in her car as the two had rode here together.
The team didn't seem to question the fact they were living together, despite Marie living in a one-bed apartment. Out of reflex, y/n muttered a thank you in German and pecked her lover's lips, Marie, holding her neck for a moment to lengthen the kiss.
Marie didn't seem to notice as she continued and shut the boot of her car, turning around to see her team paused confused as y/n stood with an awkward look on her face.
Marie paused, going to ask what was wrong when her hand flew to her lips in shock, as y/n tucked her head in her hands as the team flew into shouts of confusion.
"Well, I guess no better time than this." Marie chuckles. "Yes, we have been together, together since we were 17 and no, we didn't feel the need to tell anyone." The girl explains to her teammates.
y/n still had her head in her hands, annoyed at herself for outing them in such a way, so she didn't notice Marie sigh and slowly kneel, her teammates suddenly silencing in shock.
"Meine Liebe?" Marie asked softly.
my love?
y/n groaned, her head still in her hands as she muttered apologies under her breath.
"Fünf Jahre Liebe mit dir, also vielleicht eine letzte Übertragung, meine Liebe, auf meinen Nachnamen?" Marie asked.
Five years of love with you, so maybe one last transfer my dear, to my last name?
y/n's head snapped up, her hand coming up to her mouth as she noticed her love on one knee, ring box in hand. Grace was crying, wiping the tears which wouldn't stop.
"Ja. Ja. Ja." y/n whispered, tears being blinked away as Marie grinned standing up to hug her lover whispering sweet nothings in her ear as the team cheered.
The two pulled away, leaving just enough space for Maire to slide the ring over y/n's finger, before they met in a kiss made of pure love as their team-mates tried to understand what had just happened.
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y/n one last transfer surprise for you all, from y/l/n to Hobinger xo happy six years my love xo
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marie_hoeb my last name will sound great, happy six years baby <3
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username1: HOW THE FUCK
username2: WHOMST THE FUCK
username3: WHERE THE FUCK?
username4: WHEN THE FUCK
username5: how did we not clock it? 6 years
username6: we are all idiots.
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hope this is what Anon wanted !! Tried my best with what was given!!
- Queenie xox
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alotofpockets · 5 months
Rachael Laws Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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