#livewatching spn
sammygender · 1 month
thinking about that bit in the s10 episode i just watched where dean (and sam but i think mostly dean) recounts john taking them to new york and how there was SO MUCH in it. everything made me feel so vindicated i love love looove when spn suddenly lines up with something ive been thinking about. so much there.
dean being 'really underage' so i was thinking like 15 (not that id even describe 15 as REALLY underage, but these are americans) and sneaking out to a sick rock venue... <33. coolest kid around i love him. i like the establishment that dean did do things like that - it both makes me feel happier for him and slightly vindicates me against the people who claim dean was more sam's parent than his brother. thats not true. sure, he raised him, but he also snuck out to go to bars and dumped sam at random places and acted like an idiot older brother. and im glad dean got to do that.
15 year old dean (or some other young dean) being intentionally gotten drunk and implied to be roofied or drugged or whatever by a bunch of girls who were immediately all over him... hello... thats AWFUL..... god he must've been such a looker and i like it when canon acknowledges that. i have this idea in my head of like. 'funny looking' kid dean who's about twelve when he suddenly graduates from funny-looking to like relentlessly beautiful by just growing perfectly into his features. dean is always so aware of the way hes percieved physically in any given situation and always uses it in this specific way, from flirting with every girl around to responding to male aggression by way of cops etc by also like fake flirting or pretending they're sexually interested in him..... i dont always know where i land on 'precanon dean did sex work' hcs but this is something that does intrigue me about it. plus the weird and very sweet protectiveness he always has about sex workers - also just watched that ep where hes like trying to talk the soul-wanting sex worker out of it. ANYWAY. and the extremely casual way dean recounts this like its just?? something that happens to him??? hello???
then dean telling john he'd embarrassed him and he hated him...... doesn't really stack with everything else we've ever heard of child/teenage dean, but it's kind of interesting to consider. i guess he was incredibly drunk/potentially drugged. also this is from dean's perspective, a dean who was intensely gone and probably barely remembers.
and then we get a classic early-seasons style moment where dean recounts something about john winchester and goes Ha! Classic dad! What a great guy! and sam's like Dude wtf?????? except sam isn't snarky anymore so he just does a Look. i mean come on dean. ten minutes ago you said 'john winchester isn't winning any parenting awards' and now you're saying 'he raised us right!'. Dude. You KNOW that is not true. sam also knows you know.
that being said. i like seeing a moment of john winchester just being... a human guy. taking his kids to new york bc they kept begging him to and seeing all the fun sights. scaring the hell out of a bunch of terrifying punk teenagers who got his teenage son drunk. its more interesting to me to think that john is, like, a decent guy, aside from the child abuse, and probably would've been a much better dad if it wasn't for the trauma and the hunting and mary's death (though. i have to say. The way he deals with it is still his character!!! Putting it all on your very young son and venting to him is still like. Not something that a hell of a lot of people would do, even if they got just as revenge-driven. i reckon that specific type of parentification/spousification would've still have happened to dean. mary would've probably done it too.). the young john we see seems like a cool guy and he has strong as hell opinions about his future self's parenting (admittedly while not knowing it's his future self, lol). i reckon, on one level, john and dean did actually really get on. that makes the awfulness of it all so much more interesting to me <3
this post is all over the place but like. what an interesting scene. ill replay it and actually talk about in more depth and a more structured way someday.
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ipromiseimawriter · 1 year
in order to stop (constantly) bombarding the TL, i have an added spn sideblog now!: @stealingdeansgender
pls feel free to follow xx stay silly y’all
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no-gorms · 7 months
do you think you would ever be interested in catching up and finishing watching spn after all
Certainly anything is possible but it's been three years since the finale (thanks tumblr) and longer than that since I stopped livewatching, and though I still happily enjoy the memes and gifsets, there's been no pull to watch the episodes myself. Maybe one day when there's really nothing else to watch🤣
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
from a chat with scylla9726, because the universe is NOT giving me enough time to type my thoughts out coherently this week, and I’m way behind on rewatch notes for the Winchesters already... 
(slightly edited for coherency and to make it a readable format)
i was hoping to get out my thoughts about djinn at least before tonight's episode, and I am definitely not gonna have the time now it's incredibly frustrating! but I'll be livewatching tonight!
scylla9726 Oh i can remember djinn are a big deal in your meta usually. Just so you know, I’m incredibly frustrated that I can’t read yours thoughts. scylla9726 Hope you can get the time someday. I’ve read some meta linking to the mother ship and it’s so delightful
mittensmorgul yeah, and these djinn, which everyone very casually is like "oh yes, this is what all djinn are like" but these djinn? are NOTHING like spn original djinn. they're... bafflingly... completely different in how they operate and I think that's a MAJOR clue as to what is actually big-picture happening, but I can't puzzle out how yet :'D
scylla9726 You’re talking about the monster at the beginning of the episode ? Because Ava’s son can be explained be the fact that he’s half human. I’m not sure I understand. He’s the same one or not ?
mittensmorgul just how djinns functioned as a baseline in our universe, they had to have access to their victim. they kidnap people and keep them in a warehouse. they don't just "invade dreams" of random people still walking around town, you know? yet this political candidate was like... experiencing djinn hallucinations when he was asleep in his office, still functioning.
scylla9726 Yes. But Ada s son different somehow. I can’t remember if he the one who killed in the cold open
mittensmorgul original djinn (and even the "bastard offshoot" djinn) literally needed physical contact with their victims
scylla9726 Yea it was bizarre
mittensmorgul and EVERYONE-- mary, ada, carlos, lata-- they were all like "yeah, this is how djinn work" and i was like... no the heck it is not? and it feels so intentional! like we're supposed to be going wait... why are djinn able to do this?
scylla9726 Ooooh i understand. In their world it airs sense to them but for us it’s strange. You’re right
mittensmorgul it's much closer to the boosted power that AU!Michael was able to give the djinn to affect people in reality, than it was to original djinn of any variety
scylla9726 So… alternate reality maybe ?
mittensmorgul i sincerely hope it's not, and don't really think it's an alternate reality. I think either the akrida are actually creating some sort of instability
mittensmorgul heck i might just copy paste these messages to just put it out there and I have a whole long essay with references etc. to explain this, but I haven't had time to write it ;_; mittensmorgul or if it is an alternate reality, it's somehow meshing with original spn reality because of the akrida, and it's up to dean telling the story to untangle truth from the akrida warping
The fact that they’re pulling uncommon monster. It remind me of something from spn ? mittensmorgul yeah, the "monsters not where they're supposed to be/acting weird" is very s6
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fellshish · 2 years
i support you watching the prequel because i’d rather die than do it myself so i need someone to watch it and report back so i can watch it secondhand and drive myself crazy‚ as is the optimal mode of media consumption on tumblr. also when i went to send this ask i noticed your header image for the first time and i’m fuckin dying thank you for putting that in front of me
Azdjdjdjjddj thanks
Yeah that’s the optimal way to consume spn content. I doubt i’ll be livewatching though but i’m sure there’s other fun blogs who will be liveblogging through it
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childlikemperor · 3 years
hmmm dya ever stop and think maybe super natural has.... uhhh.... some sorta..... prooooble with women.... its so subtle but its there
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angelusiovis · 2 years
i think cas should've stolen lucifer's grace it'd be funny and a girlboss maneuver he deserves a little more big boy grace
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demonbloodhrt · 3 years
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this poll is so riveting i truly dont know what my url will be
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"Team Free Will" *unholy screaming*
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Adam really has never caught a single break in his life, huh?
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I don’t have a good way to watch the finale live but I’ll be here in the War Room monitoring the clown situation. I love you all. Go with God.
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
things I have just learned: leave the zoom “join the meeting” screen open in a tab while you’re distracted with conversations in both discord and tumblr dm’s, and you get redirected to vote.org and can’t join the meeting
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prairiedust · 4 years
Aaaaaa they’re watching Dark Shadows!!!!! Very Nice!
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superlockatrocity · 4 years
“there’s a hot chick buried somewhere in there” :||||||||||||||||
they’re gonna die. i’m focusing on the fact that they’re gonna die in order to ignore the gross making out in front of me. and also the fact that he’s trying to pressure her into sex. START DRIVING AWAY. why would you get out of the car???? lori do you have the key ― WHY AREN’T YOU DRIVING AWAY. NO WHY WOULD YOU ALSO GET OUT OF THE CAR
hhhhhhh this is awkward. why are you painting yourself purple? man why can’t this fraternity be like the one that got that girl her keys back . . . .
ahhh, research. my least favorite part of school
immediately i dislike this ghostie. immediately i dislike this father’s attitude towards drugs and fraternity/sorority socializing. why didn’t she close the door????
sam unless you two are about to commit inc*st i doubt the ghostie is gonna show up why did i bring up that thing
ah. that’s a puddle of blood. why is it the black girl who died :|
two very large men sneaking around an all-girls dorm room with a Very Recent crime scene. this isn’t suspicious at all. dean has Very Good Taste I Don’t Know What You’re Talking About
i don’t like this music At All
saam no, no, don’t do that in the middle of the street! oh my gods
sam??? why??? are you letting her kiss you?
feqhugir you two are such fuckin’ dorks
that fire is gonna do jackshit, i hope y’all know. you need a forge to melt down metal, not a common hearth fire. also you’re gonna get caught.
oh she boutta die if they don’t get that silver melted down
“don’t worry we’re leaving town” pffff
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childlikemperor · 2 years
oh so you can be loyal to cas actively betraying you but the moment your actual brother gets even a little weird its shackles time huh… dickmatized
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