#liz stewart rambles
frootyrooties · 1 year
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i love this man with all my heart and soul 💞
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moreaugriffins · 7 months
"classic dr who put only the women in tight and skimpy clothes to get the dads (watching the show) attentions"
clearly, y'all have not seen S7 (or The Invasion) of Dr Who because the number of times I see men, especially the Brigadier, showing off their arses to the scene in those tight-fitting boilersuit of a uniform- so much unnecessary 'backs to the cameras' or bending over or just having the Brigadier in centre frame as he goes down that stupid ladder-
(and the third doctor in that white shirt? good grief!)
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wayward-wren · 7 months
I like to think that whenever the Brig is being Particularly Difficult the Doctor is just like "Alright, Brigade Leader" and the Brig doesn't entirely know the context for that but he gets the idea and also context clues
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Me anytime I see anything UNIT related:
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theotherace · 3 years
just realized why asami sounded so familiar.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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BPRD: Hell on Earth ~ End of Days - Chapter Two
Story: Mike Mignola & John Arcudi | Art: Laurence Campbell | Colours: Dave Stewart | Letters: Clem Robins
Originally published by Dark Horse in BPRD: Hell on Earth #136 | October 2015
Collected in BPRD: Hell on Earth - Volume 13: End of Days | BPRD: Hell on Earth Omnibus - Volume 5
Plot Summary:
Iosif, Liz, and Johann investigate the impact site in Kansas, finding some things that shouldn’t be in Kansas. Meanwhile, Panya tries to reach out to Fenix’s mind, finding some things that shouldn’t be in Fenix.
Reading Notes:
(Note: Pagination is in reference to the chapter itself and is not indicative of anything found in the issue or collections.)
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pg. 1 - There we go, the tomatoes as a potential metaphor here. It gives the potential passage of time again, even though presumably not a lot of time has passed since impact, but also the neglect due to Liz sitting concerned with Fenix and in the darkness spawned by the ash thrown up into the air. The metaphor, though, that the natural world has been poisoned. That we’re all dying.
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pg. 2/3 - Gorgeous double-page spread here. Just look at the scale between Iosif’s carrier against the Ogdru Hem and then how they’re dwarfed even by the Ogdru Jahad. I also love that there are still even more varied designs for the Ogdru Hem. They all seem to follow similar themes, but are nicely unique in appearance. Stunning work from Laurence Campbell and Dave Stewart.
The green flame above the dragon’s head is also an important detail.
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pg. 4 - Poor O’Donnell seems broken. 
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pg. 6 - The worry here is impressive. The attachment that Liz has to Fenix, just reminds us of her humanity. How it’s played in shadow is wonderful.
pg. 7 - Kate’s treatment of O’Donnell, keeping him awake and recording his ramblings, seems to be being made a fairly important point. 
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pg. 8 - I like that Iosif’s weird affectations and friendliness still seem to be putting people off. 
pg. 10/11 - Another glorious double page spread here as Liz and Johann confront the monsters.
pg. 13 - I think it’s interesting that Johann seems to have a limit as to how much energy he can channel at any given time. You also have to wonder how the Vril energy can work against the Ogdru Jahad’s powers of corruption.
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pg. 14 - This is just beautiful.
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pg. 17 - The heavy hitters struck out. Definitely not good.
pg. 19 - Interesting that Fenix’s dead sister is present, but not Fenix herself. Where did she go?
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pg. 20 - Taken over by the Black Flame. Now Fenix and Panya are knocked out. More not good.
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pg. 21 - That Liz and Johann didn’t even scratch the Ogdru Jahad is troubling.
pg. 22 - Everybody loves Victorian cyborgs.
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Final Thoughts:
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18
I’m always amazed as to how stories in the Hellboy universe are never afraid to not be optimistic. It should be beaten into us by now that hope is all but fleeting, the world is dying, and it’s time for the next race of mankind to be born in earnest. But, it’s entertaining to see the death throes in the interim.
Especially when it looks as beautiful as we see in the art from Laurence Campbell and Dave Stewart. Campbell’s dark and shadowy style perfectly conveys the grim and decaying atmosphere of the story, along with the immensity of the Ogdru Jahad that crash landed on Earth. Made even better through Stewart’s colours, particularly as Liz tries to light up the monsters. You can almost feel the heat of the fire.
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d. emerson eddy also chucks his dignity and well-being down whenever he falls.
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The New Old West: Contigo Ranch Hotel in the Texas Hill Country
Frede and Claudia Edgerton took a chance on a rambling property in the Hill Country near Fredericksburg, Texas: a replica Old West town complete with a sheriff’s station facade, a saloon facade, and replica Alamo building. The Edgertons, working with their daughter-in-law, Austin interior designer Ann Edgerton, called on architects Kevin Stewart and Liz Rau […]
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frootyrooties · 1 year
alright story time!
so a while back i was going out with this guy (a cute blonde named David ironically lmao) who i didn’t know was a huge fan of the kinks when we first started talking. at the time i only knew of them bc of the song “Lola” which to this day is one of top favourite kinks songs.
anyways, OUR FIRST DATE- guy takes me back to his place after he and i walked around at this festival we had agreed to meet up at. we go into his kitchen (this man literally had the most impeccable looking kitchen btw but that’s besides the point) and then he asks me “ever heard of the kinks?” so ofc bc i liked him and wanted to seem cool in his eyes i lied and said “yes i’ve heard of the kinks. that’s a silly question.” so he whips out a couple bottles of beer, places them on the kitchen island and walks over to his impressive vinyl collection and picks out the enigmatic album Lola versus Powerman and the Moneygoround. he proceeds to put the record on his vinyl player and skips to “Lola” he turns around, smirks at me then walking over to me with a bit of swagger he goes “today, your life’s about to change all bc of me and you’re gonna remember this day years from now. i promise. but first, shall we have this dance?”
and he did exactly that. the song Lola became one of the songs that has redefined my youth. still holds true to this day.
so i take a swig of beer then agree to dancing with him. and there we were, slow dancing in his kitchen while Ray Davies was crooning in the background. then you know..we uhh..kissed lmao it was cute it was cute
that very moment seemed so perfect. like nothing could’ve ever possibly ruined it.
i tell this story with a smile bc to this day i still think about him every now and again. he was a good man for having phenomenal taste in music and for being the reason that i became obsessed with the kinks.
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frootyrooties · 1 year
so i’m currently rewatching the Get Back series and i just wanted to piggyback off of Paul’s comment about Yoko speaking on behalf of John as it relates to songwriting. this is something that, as a long-standing Beatles fan, continues to bothers me to this day.
i understand that John loved Yoko very much and there is certainly nothing wrong about that. i think it’s lovely as a matter of fact. but i am a firm believer of keeping my professional life and personal life separate. speaking from personal experience, i have dated quite a few guys in my life thus far, and each of them were all so lovely and very dear to me at one point. however, i never once thought about bringing any of them to my work place, even when my coworkers were very adamant about meeting them, unless there was a work party of course. i can honestly say i have only brought a boyfriend to one work party and even then, i wasn’t particularly fond of the idea.
turning tables around, i do recall one of my bf’s inviting me to stop into his work for lunch quite a few times to say hi to his crew briefly. i wasn’t too keen on sticking around for long and disturbing his coworkers, even though they all loved and adored me and always wanted me around, but i’m someone who dislikes interrupting people while they’re working so i tend to keep these types of interactions brief (polite of course, but brief).
my point is, John and Yoko had every right to show their love to the world but i am not pleased with Yoko showing up to the studio and being intrusive with professional musicians. she is an artist, not a musician, and should not be giving musical advice to individuals who are professional musicians. i agree with Paul that, while there is absolutely nothing wrong with John and Yoko showing off their love for each other, the dynamics of John and Paul’s songwriting relationship changed significantly when Yoko started coming into the studio and interfering with the songwriting process.
had i been any one of The Beatles, i would’ve strongly advocated for keeping our personal and professional lives separate indefinitely. perhaps it would’ve alleviated some of the strain that was present within the group.
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frootyrooties · 1 year
okay i HAVE to say this on here bc i cannot hold it any longer. the other day my friend who happens to like eric also said that she thinks eric is on holiday as well and most likely feasting on some delicious food. i’m sorry, but that shit just turns me on. i love the thought of him just getting full off a massive buffet of food. that way he will be needing someone like me to rub his belly once he’s all finished eating.
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frootyrooties · 1 year
what's going on in your blog header?
ah yes, i was hoping someone would notice it. what you are seeing is one the best pieces of album artwork ever created- the inner sleeve to one of 10cc’s fabulous albums How Dare You! this is what happens when the wacky brains of the great lol creme and kevin godley are joined with the brilliance of hipgnosis art. the result..a fantastic piece artwork. it is said that the impressively large gathering of people all talking on telephones was perhaps a subconscious foreshadow to today’s mobile obsessed society. interest interpretation to say the least.
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frootyrooties · 1 year
Ok I normally don’t share stuff like this on here but I’m sorry I just need to vent. Today I was invited to a family friend’s holiday gathering (it’s Memorial Day weekend here in the states). Fine with me- I’ve known and adored these people for a long time so I agreed to pop in for a bit since I hadn’t seen them in a while. My mum received this said invitation over the phone and her friend briefly mentioned how my ex bf popped in for a bit to drop off some drinks. This made my anxiety go up bc he’s literally the last person I wanna see at this point in time- he makes my blood boil. As soon as my mum got off the phone I told her to call her friend back to ask and make sure he wasn’t there anymore or I wasn’t going to be making an appearance. Her friend confirmed he wasn’t there so my mum and I went and had a great time catching up with folks..for about an hour..
AND THEN MY WORST FUCKING NIGHTMARE HAPPENED. Out of nowhere, dumbass decided to make a cameo appearance (the ghost of Christmas past, oh what joy). Anyways, there he was, dressed like Glenn Frey Miami Vice style on his Harley Davidson thinking it was gonna have any effect on me (sorry dude it didn’t). I WAS FUCKING LIVID. And the worst part, dumbass decided to show up, made brief eye contact with me, spoke with someone else at the party and didn’t have the common courtesy to say a single word to me. 5 FUCKING YEARS WITH THIS IDIOT AND HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO DO THIS. UNFUCKINGREAL. It took every ounce of me not to go up to him and give him a piece of my mind. Yes, as a matter of fact I do have self control. Everyone looked at me and asked if I was ok knowing he was there. Deep down I wasn’t..but I took some deep breaths and tried to make small talk as a distraction. It worked..for a little bit, but it continued to bother me and tbh I am STILL bothered by it.
This is why I am SO happy to be leaving this damn town and this godforsaken state, even, and to be moving to the place of my dreams (oh California pls be good to me- my soon to be home, pls be good to me). For what it’s worth, I love you NY but it’s time for me to move on. The only reason why I’ve continued to live here was to finish grad school and bc of family and some friends from high school that I still hang with from time to time. Other than that, I am now fully prepared to divorce NY.
My only message to this individual: grow the fuck up. I refuse to be with a man who acts like a child and doesn’t know what kind of future he has in mind for me. For us. I’d rather stay single than be with someone who can’t progress with me in life. A man without ambition, that’s the last thing I want in my life right now.
This court is now adjourned.
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moreaugriffins · 11 months
out of curiosity, does anyone else consider the Brigadier to be a companion?
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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BPRD: Hell on Earth ~ New World - Chapter One
Story: Mike Mignola & John Arcudi | Art: Guy Davis | Colours: Dave Stewart | Letters: Clem Robins
Originally published by Dark Horse in BPRD: Hell on Earth ~ New World #1 | August 2010
Collected in BPRD: Hell on Earth - Volume 1: New World | BPRD: Hell on Earth Omnibus - Volume 1
Plot Summary:
While Abe goes on an off-the-books investigation of “Bigfoot” sightings and disappearances in BC, Kate tries to make sense of the new status quo of the Bureau along with a dysfunctional bunch of agents.
Reading Notes:
(Note: Pagination is in reference to the chapter itself and is not indicative of anything found in the issue or collections.)
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pg. 1 - I like the horror movie vibe here at the beginning as we find out that people are disappearing. After the lore heavy stories throughout the Scorched Earth trilogy, it’s nice to see another approach.
There’s also something on this first page that I only just noticed on this read through that is very nice placement. I won’t spoil it, but great work from the creative team.
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pg. 3 - Also, this is just spooky. The desolation and creepiness of an empty town is felt in Davis and Stewart’s art.
pg. 4 - Why would Abe be interested in “Bigfoot” sightings?
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pg. 5 - This is funny as hell. Also, it seems indicative of the chaos that might be spilling out of the Bureau right now. You’re also left wondering about those two European teams. Why aren’t they calling in?
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pg. 7 - Devon really is acting insane believing the Black Flame’s ramblings about Abe.
pg. 8/9 - Nice double page spread introducing us to the new observation centre. Even though they only seem to be observing the Ogdru Hem in California.
Also, this new bureaucrat guy is already annoying. Good characterization.
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pg. 10 - Of course there’s a growing anti-non-human sentiment. Why can’t the frog monsters eat up the bigots first?
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pg. 12 - Carla Giarocco, the agent whose vest Liz found in the future. This one was a quick turnaround from vision to present.
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pg. 13 - It’s even more haunting when Abe shows up and everyone seems to be gone in this town.
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pg. 14 - Digging up a grave is pretty much never going to lead to something good.
pg. 15 - Especially when it looks like it’s a child’s grave.
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pg. 16 - We seem to be getting hints here that Abe’s search for “Bigfoot” might involve Daryl the wendigo.
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pg. 18 - Great. Johann’s back to his screw off and leave everyone high and dry attitude again.
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pg. 19-21 - I like the switch to internal narration for Abe’s search through the forest. We don’t see this sort of thing often in BPRD so I appreciated in more when it does appear.
pg. 22 - Crazy were-jaguar guy looking even crazier.
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Final Thoughts:
This is an interesting beginning to the next cycle, approaching it from oblique angles, rather than directly continuing the end in King of Fear. Instead of the Bureau as a whole attacking the frog and Ogdru Hem problem directly (as in some kind of full frontal assault on any of the locations), there’s a build for other weird things going on. In going off on the tangent of Abe’s investigation, it keeps the questions regarding the worldwide monster problem constant in the back of your mind as Kate and those at HQ try to deal with it.
By not picking up on it, you’re wondering what’s happening with Liz, the people at Zinco, the red fog frog monsters, and such. And we’re probably not going to like the answers.
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d. emerson eddy would do anything for love, but he won’t do that.
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