in-nightmares · 3 years
@lizard-of-choice said: But... why does Arthur pass out and not Reverb? How does it work?
;;that’s a pretty good question! Reverb for the most part isn’t really all that affected by bad physical things that happen to the body. He feels it sure, but he doesn’t need oxygen personally. So as kind of a spirit inside the body he’s able to kinda pilot it around still even if it’s supposed to be out of commission. For example, he’s worked with possessing corpses before! But Arthur, as the brain that’s technically controlling the body, does need oxygen to stay conscious. It’s kind of strange to explain. Imagine it as... like, a puppeteer, almost? I guess? Where someone can control the puppet but not really be super affected by the things that happen to the puppet. Now, there have been situations where Reverb kinda gets mixed up with Arthur and Arthur fainting can really affect him or drag him down too, but that’s a little more complicated since it has to do with how Reverb got himself stuck inside of Arthur
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Oh no, even the lizard descends to Arthur on this very day. What disastrous puzzles will it ask the poor mechanic today?
"Happy Hatchday," it greets Arthur. "Joyful youth. The lower the count, the more special these are!"
Something about the response sits wrong in his stomach. But he ignores it for now. It was probably nothing. "Yeah-- they're way more fun when you're a kid." He chuckles, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Thanks though. For the well-wishes."
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[ 💀 ] has your muse gone through anything traumatic? if so, how has this trauma affected them?
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
[ 🌎 ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
headcanon memes
[ 💀 ] has your muse gone through anything traumatic? if so, how has this trauma affected them?
“Hoo... odd questions to ask, Lizard. I shouldnt have expected anything less.” But sure, lets express trauma he’s been dealing with, thats fun. “Well, I hope you dont mind if I answer with my death, but... it is one of the most traumatizing things thats ever happened to me. After my death, I was very unstable. I was never able to hold a proper form, and I felt like I was a small child again, forced to my knees and made to submit to the cruelties of even existing. Its been a year, but I only recently got out of a depressive episode that lasted me almost the entirety of that time, until a few months ago. I dont like myself anymore. I cant really see myself as... me.... things like that. I still dont feel like myself, like Lewis Pepper, but I’ll get used to it. I have to.”
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
[Aesthetics and symbols? Ill be honest I dont reference much when writing Monochrome, besides maybe some fanfics where Lewis is the star of the show. ]
[ 🌎 ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
[I do have a few aus for Mono! I have a semi- Au where Mono is the little brother to @talesofnovembria and was turned into a vampire. He also worked as a perfectionist tailor, allowing him to grow gossipy and nosey about others issues and drama. Hes alone most times, mind for his sister, as he hides out in a mansion within a large forest. In another au, he’s a patriarch with a warm smile and bright fire powers, making him similar to the hearth of a home. Hes... overprotective and sort of a helicopter parent to his roommates/ family]
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in-nightmares · 3 years
@lizard-of-choice said: Dear God... how is it reverb that forces me to fucking think about how Goomba's goo tastes
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☕ for Frenzy or if you want, the Lizard XD
Send me ☕ and I'll describe your muse's tea flavor @frenzys-furnace
This tea had the elements he would expect. It was a black tea, earthy and warm, but strong enough to have plenty of bitterness. It was cinnamon and cloves and vanilla, and a smokey flavor like cayenne. There was capsacin, a LOT of capsacin, and pepper, and something else that was hot in an entirely different way. Those Tasmanian peppers, or whatever those things were, that Lewis made him try that one time? What were they called--
It didn't matter, and it was hard to focus on that when his mouth was fucking on FIRE, leaving him panting, with his mouth open and his hand waving in a make-shift fan. It burned his mouth in several ways, and he squeezed his eyes shut as his face flushed, and tingles burned at his throat and made him cough. It continued for a few moments, lingering as a heavy heat. He could maybe drink something, to take away from it, but that might alter whatever flavor came next, and he was hesitant to wash it away, unless it got stronger.
It proved to be the right call. The heat was harsh, almost painful, but when he pushed through, didn't back down, a new flavor took the place of the heat. The spices and smoky profile was still there, still prevalent, but then an afternote chased it, something soft and almost velvety on his tongue, sweet and subtle beneath all the fire and heat, something that tasted heavier and chased away the pain from the heat to tolerable levels, with a creamy shift. The flavor wasn't something he was really used to, but it had a homey flavor, something like sweetpotato pie but sweeter, like it had a hint of toffee and vanilla. It was.....
It was worth sticking out the heat, to taste the softer components underneath.
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With many tonks and crashes the lizard waddles to Arthur. It is more luck that it runs into the mechanic. A tube is stuck on its tiny, geckosized head. "Good evening, human! I have run into a little problem. Would you be so kind and help a lizard out?," it asks.
"How are you faring?," it asks, when freed.
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Arthur blinked hard at the little lizard friend, moving its head about like a little periscope with such a long tube attached. There was a soft chuckle as he tugged it off relatively easily with nature's gift that was having opposable thumbs.
"Here you go, buddy." He used the tube like a baton to give the softest, gentlest bonk to the top of the lizard's little scaly head. "And I'm okay. Things're hectic, but they're always kinda like that. It's when I do my best work." There was a small smile that accompanied a second little laugh.
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The lizard climbs Arthur awkwardly and rests on his shoulders. "Are they bothering you with questions? Want me to spray them with my eyes?" Its clawed hand comes to rest on Arthur's cheek. "Only say what you want to say."
Arthur is still tense, but he does seem to relax at seeing the lizard. He even manages a smile, and his hand reaches up to stroke at its head. "Thanks buddy. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." He stood up. "Why don't I get you something while you're here?"
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"Hey, hey, hey," the lizard sits near Arthur's feet. "Should I call you Nyahthur now?" It giggles loudly. "Don't nyah know that it is a purrfect oppurrtunity for pets? You can receive them this time!"
"Oh my god. You're just as bad as the rest of them." Arthur patted the lizard's head. "You gotta be kitten me with all these puns. They're all clawful."
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A most handsome fat-tailed gecko brings a little box to you. It winks and disappears. The lizard is suddenly standing next to you. "Damn, they're goddamn stupid, but so cute. Couldn't resist hiring one to bring that."
Arthur looked between the lizard, and where the small gecko had been. It was cute, and reminded him of a leopard gecko. Watching waddle with a little box on its back was like being slammed in the face with a serotonin bat of cuteness. “They’re adorable.” Even if they could be himbo geckos, he loved them so so much.
 Arthur glanced towards Zard one more time after taking the box from where it’d been left on the floor. “But...what’s in the box?”
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*offers to spray blood from its eyes at the fey* "I mean, either to deterr them or to distract them, when you attack. I also could go komodo and do chomp!"
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Vanilla Fudge Ripple: a strength headcanon.
Headcanon Meme: Ice Cream Flavors Edition
Vanilla Fudge Ripple: A strength headcanon
Mono is pretty strong, like most Lewis’s are. While he’s naturally on the stronger side, he worked out on and off for a few years. Doing it a lot more after he turned nineteen. It helped him feel happier while his antidepressants kicked in, and being able to carry around his sisters, friends, and even parents, filled him with determination to keep doing it.
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Maybe, just maybe, if you call Splatter Luwuis often enough, he will step back from the claim of your soul? Just saying... After watching his reaction to your... interesting choice of language.
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“His punishment for abandoning me is to be named for 3 days Spwatter Luwuis thank you”
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Arthur! *paws* Have you seen the wilkinson sword advertisement? *wheeze laughs* What is worse? The shattered glass in the bed or the shaving with a sword?
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“I have! It’s pretty funny.”
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“and personally, glass in the bed is way worse. I mean what if you miss a piece? They were pretty clearly going for uh... you know. Stuff. At least the shaving isn’t too bad if done well, and won’t like-- get ya at an inopportune time.”
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Regarding swords, would you prefer a gladius made from the blood of your enemies (would be around 573 humans) or one made from a meteorite *Insert shiny eyes*?
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“¿Por qué no los dos?”
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The lizard is hidden between Arthur's toothbrush and brush. Its tiny head is just barely reaching over the brush. It nips at Arthur's hand when he does not see it and grabs for the brush.
"... So... anyway, gnawing on cables with electric currency makes your teeth feel like popcorn and you cause a blackout. Aaaaanyway, that's how I accidently blocked the Suez canal and that's why the United nations are on the lookout for me."
“If you are the cause of capitalism’s downfall, I’ll protect your little lizard body with my life.” 
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@lizard-of-choice replied:
To be fair, it tastes nearly like a hot chocolate
“I’m squinting really hard at you.”
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