#lm 5.1.2
inmarbleimmobility · 11 months
"the insurgents, under Enjolras' supervision, for Marius no longer paid attention to anything"
lmao marius shows up, gets put in charge, and then does such a bad job enjolras immediately has to take back over. truly one of the guys ever
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thebrickinbrick · 4 months
What Is To Be Done In the Abyss if One Does Not Converse? Part 2
About two o’clock in the morning, they reckoned up their strength. There were still thirty-seven of them.
The day began to dawn. The torch, which had been replaced in its cavity in the pavement, had just been extinguished. The interior of the barricade, that species of tiny courtyard appropriated from the street, was bathed in shadows, and resembled, athwart the vague, twilight horror, the deck of a disabled ship. The combatants, as they went and came, moved about there like black forms. Above that terrible nesting-place of gloom the stories of the mute houses were lividly outlined; at the very top, the chimneys stood palely out. The sky was of that charming, undecided hue, which may be white and may be blue. Birds flew about in it with cries of joy. The lofty house which formed the back of the barricade, being turned to the East, had upon its roof a rosy reflection. The morning breeze ruffled the gray hair on the head of the dead man at the third-story window.
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“I am delighted that the torch has been extinguished,” said Courfeyrac to Feuilly. “That torch flickering in the wind annoyed me. It had the appearance of being afraid. The light of torches resembles the wisdom of cowards; it gives a bad light because it trembles.”
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Dawn awakens minds as it does the birds; all began to talk.
Joly, perceiving a cat prowling on a gutter, extracted philosophy from it.
“What is the cat?” he exclaimed. “It is a corrective. The good God, having made the mouse, said: ‘Hullo! I have committed a blunder.’ And so he made the cat. The cat is the erratum of the mouse. The mouse, plus the cat, is the proof of creation revised and corrected.”
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Combeferre, surrounded by students and artisans, was speaking of the dead, of Jean Prouvaire, of Bahorel, of Mabeuf, and even of Cabuc, and of Enjolras’ sad severity. He said:—
“Harmodius and Aristogiton, Brutus, Chereas, Stephanus, Cromwell, Charlotte Corday, Sand, have all had their moment of agony when it was too late. Our hearts quiver so, and human life is such a mystery that, even in the case of a civic murder, even in a murder for liberation, if there be such a thing, the remorse for having struck a man surpasses the joy of having served the human race.”
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And, such are the windings of the exchange of speech, that, a moment later, by a transition brought about through Jean Prouvaire’s verses, Combeferre was comparing the translators of the Georgics, Raux with Cournand, Cournand with Delille, pointing out the passages translated by Malfilâtre, particularly the prodigies of Cæsar’s death; and at that word, Cæsar, the conversation reverted to Brutus.
“Cæsar,” said Combeferre, “fell justly. Cicero was severe towards Cæsar, and he was right. That severity is not diatribe. When Zoïlus insults Homer, when Mævius insults Virgil, when Visé insults Molière, when Pope insults Shakspeare, when Frederic insults Voltaire, it is an old law of envy and hatred which is being carried out; genius attracts insult, great men are always more or less barked at. But Zoïlus and Cicero are two different persons. Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword. For my own part, I blame that last justice, the blade; but, antiquity admitted it. Cæsar, the violator of the Rubicon, conferring, as though they came from him, the dignities which emanated from the people, not rising at the entrance of the senate, committed the acts of a king and almost of a tyrant, regia ac pene tyrannica. He was a great man; so much the worse, or so much the better; the lesson is but the more exalted. His twenty-three wounds touch me less than the spitting in the face of Jesus Christ. Cæsar is stabbed by the senators; Christ is cuffed by lackeys. One feels the God through the greater outrage.”
Bossuet, who towered above the interlocutors from the summit of a heap of paving-stones, exclaimed, rifle in hand:—
“Oh Cydathenæum, Oh Myrrhinus, Oh Probalinthus, Oh graces of the Æantides! Oh! Who will grant me to pronounce the verses of Homer like a Greek of Laurium or of Edapteon?”
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syrupsyche · 11 months
The insurgents under the eye of Enjolras, for Marius no longer looked after anything, had made good use of the night.
This is fucking HILARIOUS but expected of Marius. Poor Enjolras was probably like *throw hands up* "Guess I have to do EVERYTHING around here"
Feuilly employed these two hours in engraving this inscription on the wall which faced the tavern:—
These four words, hollowed out in the rough stone with a nail, could be still read on the wall in 1848.
Hugo's use of prolepsis here is heartening, especially since we already see that revolutions will continue to rise and rise again from Hugo's previous chapter (though his perspective of them is a little skewed). Even though the barricade is doomed, the cause never is! The people will continue to live and fight for their freedom.
Combeferre, surrounded by students and artisans, was speaking of the dead [...] and of Enjolras’ sad severity. “[...] Our hearts quiver so, and human life is such a mystery that, even in the case of a civic murder, even in a murder for liberation, if there be such a thing, the remorse for having struck a man surpasses the joy of having served the human race.”
We get a glimpse of Enjolras' grieving over his actions through the eyes of Combeferre (and during Logic & Philo week too! How tragic). Indeed, this part reiterates once more the pain of being just. Even though you're "serving the human race", it doesn't erase the blood from your hands. Hugo does well to hammer in the conundrum that is justice.
Everything after this part loses me though but someone smarter than me will be sure to have thoughts on it. Love a little Les Amis bonding session before the end arrives 😁😁
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cliozaur · 11 months
In presenting those monstrous barricades in the previous chapter, Hugo wanted to illustrate how much the art of building barricades had evolved since 1832. Ok.
And while the National Guard left them in peace for now, the insurgents spent their last hours as they saw fit. It’s amusing that Marius “no longer looked after anything,” as if he ever did. No wonder he is back to his melancholic mode (hopefully exacerbated - at least partly - by witnessing Éponine’s death.) Meanwhile, significant changes occurred: the barricades were enhanced, the women from the inn finally left for a safer place, the tap-room was transformed into a mortuary. Feuilly engraved “Long live the peoples!” on the wall of the tavern, so that this part of his individuality and sympathy for the oppressed people would outlive him and remain visible in 1848.
Bad news: insurgents had already depleted all the provisions, and Hugo draws a chilling comparison with the raft of the Medusa—where people resorted to killing and eating each other out of desperation. So, Gavroche is not the only one starving. However, they discovered bottles in the cellar, which would soon play their role.
And then they began to talk—Joly, Combeferre, Bossuet. It’s moving that they finally had the opportunity to reminisce about their fallen friends. I only wish they spoke more about them.
The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault
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dolphin1812 · 11 months
While Hugo isn’t praising 1848, he does recognize that it built on 1832. Any issue in 1832, then, was resolved in 1848, making the protests that much stronger. And this is true ideologically as well - Feuilly’s words lived on until that revolution.
And the people of the barricade themselves have learned, reinforcing the barricade at night and conserving their resources carefully. 
For reference: the raft of the Meduse was a Romantic painting of a shipwreck that happened off the coast of Senegal and became notorious for instances of cannibalism after accounts of it were published in France. Hugo’s alluding to it to underscore the desperate hunger of the men of the barricade and that feeling of being cut off from any resources (with the isolation of a raft paralleling that of the barricade). 
The image of dawn is beautiful, and we get some humor at last! I love that Joly thinks mice are a divine mistake. And I love that Combeferre is trying to think of a way to comfort Enjolras for the murder of Le Cabuc, even if his attempt doesn’t seem successful (we see no response from Enjolras, and he still condemns violence; that condemnation is, after all, key to his philosophy).
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femchef · 2 years
So today was the first day back for teachers (semester starts on Monday) and I was going over my notes from one of my classes and picking out things to share with another teacher who’s teaching the same class on one of our satellite campuses -
So anyway, does anyone want to read my lecture notes on thickening agents that I turned into a study guide (I wrote one up during the semester because we didn’t have any previously prepared materials because other instructors just skip or gloss over the chapter but I felt like it was worth the time to focus on the topic and also I’m a Nerd about stuff that makes things gooey).
You know what - I’m just going to post it under a cut below, because it’s fun and also an infodump.
**For context, even though my notes go into more specifics than the required reading, the book for the class is called How Baking Works by Paula Figoni (3rd edition, tbh needs an update but is a good reference), and the link I am telling them to refer to for more information on gelatin that includes conversion charts is here:
Thickening Agents Study Guide
1. Thickening vs. Gelling
1.1. Thickening = moving slowly, viscous, but still some movement while set
1.1.1. Either when sugars and proteins become loosely entangled or when water is absorbed and trapped by swollen starch granules, or when air bubbles in foams or fat droplets in an emulsion slow water movement.
1.2. Gelling = completely set, no movement whatsoever
1.2.1. When water and other molecules are prevented from moving around at all, usually when sugars and proteins bond or tightly entangle and form a larger network that entraps water and other molecules.
1.3. A number of thickening/gelling agents are interchangeable in different quantities.
2. Food-Grade Gelatin (Type A Gelatin) is produced by boiling or soaking pigskins in acid; the connective tissue breaks down into thick strands of collagen and thinner strands of gelatin
3. Powdered Gelatin is made from lower-grade pulverized sheets
4. For more information, take some time to view the attached link in blackboard and the conversion charts.
5. Vegetable Gums = polysaccharides that absorb large quantities of water and swell to produce thick liquids and gels. Veg Gums are a nice source of dietary fiber (think fiber one Powder added to drinks)
5.1. Pectin = present in all fruits
5.1.1. LM (low Methoxyl) Pectin = Also comes from citrus peels or apple. Used in low-calorie jams and jellies, relies on calcium rather than sugar to solidify. Suitable for dairy-based products. Becomes increasingly firm as calcium is added until it reaches saturation point, at which time it begins to reverse in process and soften.
5.1.2. HM (high Methoxyl) Pectin = Comes as Rapid Set or Slow Set; extracted from citrus fruit peels. Rapid-Set for products that require suspension; Slow-Set for recipes that require a smooth texture with no suspension (such as a jelly)
5.1.3. NH (Thermal Reversible) Pectin = Modified LMP; Requires sugar and acidity to gel (and less calcium), and can be melted, set and remelted – requires heat to activate properly. ‘NH’ because of the Ammonia Hydroxide treatment it receives to modify (NH3(aq))
5.1.4. Apple Pectin = Derived from apples. Usually sold as a powder, can be used as a gelling and thickening agent, as well as a stabilizer. Is high in healthy carbs, dietary fiber, sodium, manganese, copper, and zinc – which is why it is a common ingredient in health supplements and pharmaceuticals. Additionally used in laxatives for natural purgative qualities.
5.2. Agar = Is a polysaccharide extracted from either of two varieties of red algae (ogonori and tengusa); has gelling/setting properties that behave remarkably like animal protein. Less agar is required than gelatin, and agar has the benefit of holding shape at room temperature. Cannot be used to stabilize aerated products, and does not whip well.
5.3. Carrageenan = a family of sulphated polysaccharides, name comes from variety of red seaweed found off the Irish Coast termed “Irish Moss”. Typically used in conjunction with meat and dairy products, for which they work particularly well, in large-scale production for stabilization, thickening gelling and texturing.
5.4. Guar and Locust Bean Gum
5.4.1. Guar Gum = Extracted from the endosperm of Guar Beans (legume); does not self-gel like LBG, but is more soluble. Requires high temperatures, high ph and longer times to cause gelling. Low-cost alternative to many other agents and starches, and is 8 times more effective than cornstarch. Used commercially, and stays stable when frozen/thawed.
5.4.2. Locust Bean Gum = Extracted from endosperm of bean on Carob Tree. Dispersible in hot and cold liquid, and converts to gel with addition of minimal amount of sodium borate. Is naturally sweet and is typically used to sweeten foods and as a replacement for chocolate.
5.5. Gum Arabic = Acacia/Senegal/Indian/Sudani Gum = Harvested from Sap of two Acacia Tree Species. Primarily used as a stabilizer (such as in sodas and cosmetics).
5.6. Gum Tragacanth = derived from several species of legumes in the genus Astragalus (Tragacanth, lit. “Goat + Thorn”, which is common name). Largely produced/exported from Iran. Is viscous, odorless, and tasteless water-soluble sap. Traditional binder for pigments in artist’s pastels, and main gum used in fabricated Gumpaste.
5.7. Xanthan Gum = derived from a species of bacteria, Xanthomonas Campestris (same bacteria which causes a variety of plant diseases, such as black rot in brassicas and bacterial wilt in turf grass). Produced via fermentation of glucose and sucrose. Is used to stabilize emulsions (is not an emulsifier in itself). Also helps suspend solid particles in liquids. Commonly used as a thickener in egg white substitutes and to build matrix in gluten-free products where there is no gluten-development.
5.7.1. Shear Thinning/Pseudo-Plasticity: Non-Newtonian behavior of fluids who’s viscosity decreases under ‘shear strain’. Examples Ketchup and Salad Dressing.
5.8. Methylcellulose = “Modified Vegetable Gum” an emulsifier and bulk-forming laxative. Unique property of Setting when Hot and Melting when Cold – commonly used in ice creams for this reason.
6. Starches = Starch molecules are polysaccharides that are arranged in one of 2 ways: either as long, straight chains or as short, but highly branched chains.
6.1. Amylose = long, straight chain starches
6.1.1.  Clouds when cooled
6.1.2.   Firm, heavy-bodied gel when cooled
6.1.3.   Not freezer stable
6.1.4.   Thicker cold than Hot
6.1.5.  Masks flavors
6.2. Amylopectin = short, branched chain starches
6.2.1.   High Clarity
6.2.2.   Thickens, but does not Gel
6.2.3.   Less Likely to weep over time
6.2.4.  Less likely to weep when thawed (more freezer-stable)
6.2.5.  Same thickness hot or cold
6.2.6.  Less likely to mask flavors
6.3. Cereal Starches = extracted from endosperm of cereal grains
6.3.1. Cornstarch
6.3.2. Rice Starch
6.3.3. Wheat Starch
6.3.4. Waxy Maize
6.4. Root Starches = Extracted from roots/tuber plants
6.4.1. Potato Starch
6.4.2. Tapioca Starch
6.5. Modified Food Starches = Starches treated with one or more chemicals to possess more desirable properties or results. (i.e. increased stability with excessive heat/acid, texture, speed of setting)
6.5.1. Corn
6.5.2. Potato
6.5.3. Arrowroot
6.5.4. Tapioca
6.5.5. Waxy Maize (clear and clearer tasting)
6.5.6. Instant Starches = pregelatinized or cold-water swelling (jello cold pudding mix).
6.6. Refer back to previous chapters about gelatinization of starches
6.7. Refer to chart 12.5, pg. 337 for a comparison of properties
Homework: 1-30, Ch. 12
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everyonewasabird · 2 years
Brickclub 5.1.2 “What is there to Do in the Abyss except Talk“
I’m mostly just going to point to @fremedon​ ‘s excellent write-up for this one and work off what she said.
The symbolism is coming thick and fast; almost every new paragraph is a new major symbol.
I remember Pilf pointing out that Enjolras’s friends failing to sleep when he told them to is the inverse of Jesus on Gethsemane, where he asks his friends to stay awake for him and no one does. Enjolras is not a Great Man, he is one among many. And his friends don’t abandon him.
There’s Feuilly staying awake to write “Long live the peoples” on the wall. He’s spent his life reaching out to the whole world, and now that he can’t reach anyone else, he’s reaching out to the people of the future. And he succeeds--his words will be read in 1848, and it won’t be to Hugo’s side of that fight that they’re speaking.
There’s Joly refuting Grantaire’s belief that revolutions are a failure of God with a humble parable about the necessity and rightness of cats.
There’s Javert and Mabeuf’s bodies making a cross--maybe a dark symbol from the convent, but I can’t tell if it’s actually negative here; the convent was a worse and more doomed barricade, but not not a sister of our barricade. Mostly, it’s the fact that Javert refuses to keep participating in that cross that makes me think there might be something positive about it after all.
There are the women of the Corinthe getting away, let in by the neighbors. They’re the only ones to whom doors will be opened here.
There are the bottles consecrated by storage under Mabeuf’s body. We have no reason yet to know they’re not wine, but presumably everyone present knows what they are and that’s why they’re joking so much about them: they’re the bottles of aquafortis--nitric acid--that will be the last weapons of the desperate insurgents on the stairs. Enjolras seems to be trying to treat the exigencies of war as solemnly as he can and put them in proximity to the symbol of what they are fighting for--be that the old man who was stripped of everything by society except his courage, or else the blessing of the original Revolution which also resorted to desperate measures in desperate circumstances.
Combeferre, as Ellen says, is fraying at the seams here, jumping from serious topics to light ones and back and contradicting himself right and left in terms of what he thinks of swords.
This bit
"Harrnodius and Aristogeiton, Brutus, Chereas, Stephanus, Cromwell, Charlotte Corday, Sand -after the deed, all of them had their moment of anguish. Our hearts are so fluctuating, and human life is such a mystery that, even in a civic murder, even in a liberating murder, if there is such a thing, the remorse of having struck a man surpasses the joy of having served· the. human race."
always particularly unsettles me. Surely the cost of murder is the loss of a life, not the murderer’s own grief? But he’s empathizing hard with Enjolras here.
And then he expands on Joly’s cats-as-corrective idea with the murder of Caesar. Combeferre has been succinct to a fault in the past, but I can’t help thinking Joly said it briefer and better--and also, Joly invoked fewer alternative Great Men while doing so.
And finally, Lesgle, that absolute madman, ends this chapter with what’s landed for me every other time I’ve read this as total gibberish.
Bossuet, overlooking the talkers from the top of the heap of paving stones, exclaimed, carbine in hand, "O Cydathenaeum, O Myrrhinus, O Probalinthe, O graces of Aeantides. Oh! Who will grant me to pronounce the verses of Homer like a Greek of Laurium or of Edapteon ?"
Based on talking with Ellen and Pilf, my best guess here is that he’s noticed the growing epic nature of their barricade and is calling out to the democratic districts of antiquity, wishing that in joining them in epic sacrifice, they could also join them in being a democracy. And, like Joly but unlike Combeferre, he’s invoking the idea of ending the reign of Great Men by invoking collectives, not individuals.
And the chapter title. Hat tip to Ellen for the La Fontaine thing.
The chapter title invokes an idea of cowardice via a La Fontaine fable about a cowardly Hare that’s pleased with itself about frightening some frogs more timid than itself--it compares itself to battle drums and a thunderbolt of war terrorizing an enemy camp. Which, as Ellen says, is wild, because there aren’t any cowards here.
That idea of cowardice is then referenced again in one of the more confusing exchanges. Courfeyrac talks about being glad when the torch is put out:
"That torch, shuddering in the wind, annoyed me. It seemed afraid. The light of a torch is like the wis­dom of a coward; it's not clear, because it trembles."
Ellen’s guess seems pretty solid, that some of what we’re invoking is about cowardly soldiers pleased with themselves at finding someone smaller to terrorize.
But also, of course, there’s a fair amount of bravery, or perhaps showing off, or else of shrugging off his own cowardice by speaking, in Courfeyrac’s saying it. Because as long as the torch was lit it was night and no one was going to attack. Daylight means an end to the wait and the beginning of the fight.
Last chapter, soldiers called hiding behind a barricade inherently cowardly, because they weren’t showing their faces in the open; we know that’s absurd. But it may be that the cowardice invoked by the title and by Courfeyrac is a way of talking about how inherently hideous and frightening an experience it is to wait in inaction all night behind a barricade, knowing you will likely be shot in the morning. Everything in this chapter, perhaps, all the various ways of coping, is meant to be read by the flickering, uneasy light of that knowledge.
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fremedon · 2 years
Brickclub 5.1.2, “What Can One Do In the Abyss But Converse?”
I’m just going to let my reblog of Bird’s post stand for my 5.1.1 reaction; I don’t have anything to add.
This chapter--god, there’s just so MUCH in this chapter. Plowing straight in:
--The title is a reference to another Fontaine fable, “The Hare and the Frogs”: “A hare in its resting-place pondered / (For what else can you do in a resting-place but ponder)?” Donougher’s not: “The fearful hare realizes it scares the frogs, and concludes that there is no coward on earth who cannot find another more cowardly than himself.” Animal symbolism is usually significant in this book, but there is no cowardice at hand--however, in the previous chapter, there was a reference to the attackers of the barricade of the Faubourg du Temple calling its eighty defenders cowards for not coming out to be slaughtered. Maybe this is a reminder that the National Guard, last seen being spooked by a wheelbarrow, are bringing all the violence we’re about to see, in panicked terror, on an enemy much weaker than themselves. We’re reminded in this chapter that there are only 37 defenders left, and that they have no more food or water.
--“The insurgents under Enjolras’s supervision--for Marius no longer paid attention to anything--”
Marius had a moment, after Enjolras tried to make him co-leader, where he actually was paying attention; having made up his mind to kill himself, he snapped out of his usual state onto his other setting, the one where he has executive function. He was inspecting the defenses of the little barricade when he met Eponine.
That’s over now; he’s still acting with tremendous efficiency, but he’s no longer noticing anything. (And this is the only mention of him in this chapter, the second in the volume and the first set at our barricade.) 
--“Enjolras recommended two hours’ sleep. Advice from Enjolras was a command. Still, only three or four of them took his advice. Feuilly devoted those two hours to carving this inscription into the wall opposite the tavern: VIVENT LES PEUPLES.”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Enjolras is the undisputed leader of the barricade, but his people have a finely-tuned sense of which of his orders are actually suggestions (and it’s most of them). Feuilly--effectively the second-in-command, who we last saw in command of the snipers on the upper floors--spends his time crafting a rebuttal to the jingoisitic and insulting graffiti we saw at Hougomont.
Everyone, however, respects Enjolras’s banning of the bottles from the cellar.
Enjolras calls the ground-floor tavern “the mortuary”: it holds Mabeuf, laid out dead on the table, and Javert, tied upright to the pillar; in the light of the room’s single candle they together form a cross shape. It’s an echo of the image of the nun at the post, in the ground-floor brick cloister room of the convent--the image that so terrifies Valjean. Valjean disregards that warning, burying himself alive, and becomes so fascinated by this living death that he starts praying before the penitent nun herself. It’s part of a history of venerating the Infinite’s intermediaries as proxies--we see him kneeling on the bishop’s step at the end of 1.2--but it leads to him performing his own cross-shaped prostration in front of Cosette’s outgrown and embalmed mourning dress.
This isn’t a good image--but it’s undercut by two things. One is the presence of Mabuef, harmless in his life and heroic in his death. And the other--as we will see later--is Javert’s stubborn refusal to take any message from it, good or bad.
--Joly finally delivers his rebuttal to Grantaire’s argument about revolutions showing God’s poverty (and this comes after a reference to Grantaire re: the proscribed bottles, so we’ve just been reminded of him):
“What is the cat? he exclaimed. “It’s a correction. The good Lord, having made the mouse, said, “Oh dear, that was a mistake!” And he made the cat. The cat is the mouse’s erratum. Mouse plus cat are the revised and corrected proofs of creation.”
We were introduced to the theme of the cat-turned-lion as revolutionary back in The Year 1817, in the context of the statue of a cat at, appropriately, ancient Corinth. This is the final word on that metaphor: Revolutions are Providence’s way of correcting the world, but it’s a correction as simple and natural as the cat catching mice; and revolutionaries--far from being Great Men, or even unusual ones--are as common as cats, or can be, if the cats rise to the occasion.
And immediately following this, the rebuke to the Great Man model is underscored by Combeferre.
Combeferre is starting to fray--he’s not flailing like he will be in a couple of chapters, after they learn they’ve been abandoned, but he does go here in one paragraph from elegies for the dead to a justification of Enjolras’s remorse over Le Cabuc to a comparison of translations of the Georgics to a justification of the killing of Caesar which is mostly concerned with who has the right to bitchy literary criticism. Condensing a great deal: “Genius attracts insult, great men are always more or less subject to carping”--but Cicero’s harsh words against Caesar are not this; they are justice, meted out “by the intellect just as Brutus metes out justice by the sword,” and both kinds of justice are leveled against Caesar deservedly: 
“He was a great man: too bad. Or so much the better--the lesson is all the more edifying. His twenty-three wounds affect me less than the spittle in Jesus Christ’s face.”
This is one of two comparisons Combeferre is going to make between Great Men and Christ in these chapters--the other is Napoleon’s cannonball vis-a-vis the light ray. Religion seems to be on his mind in a way it hasn’t been that we’ve seen before, which is understandable enough. And like I said, he’s starting to fray. But he’s also drawing a distinction here between Genius, which deserves respect, and Greatness, which doesn’t; and between Providence and the Great Men who, whatever their power, can still only be its tools.
It’s fitting that Marius has vanished from this chapter--he’s still sunk in Great Man mode, and that has no place here. The last words of the chapter are given to Bossuet, who climbs onto a pile of paving-stones and delivers an apostrophe to the demes of Athens.
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Cats on the Barricade!
This one’s for @lawisnotmocked ! A Further Elaboration of Hugo’s linking of cats and revolutionaries!
For this I did a word search on the Hapgood for any mention of “cat” or “cats”, “kitten”, “kittens”, “tom” and “feline”.  There may have been a couple cat mentions I missed with that method, but I caught quite a few! And they make for a pretty consistent metaphor, too!  Between me and Hugo, this is a long  post, so under the cut for length!
The first Cats of the Republic get a mention pretty early, during 1817, in Bombarda’s (1.3.5).  And it gets a lot  of Mention! (all bolding mine):
"It was a time of undisputed peace and profound royalist security; it was the epoch when a special and private report of Chief of Police Anglès to the King, on the subject of the suburbs of Paris, terminated with these lines:—
“Taking all things into consideration, Sire, there is nothing to be feared from these people. They are as heedless and as indolent as cats. The populace is restless in the provinces; it is not in Paris. (Non-Cat comments snipped) ...In short, it is an amiable rabble.”
Prefects of the police do not deem it possible that a cat can transform itself into a lion; that does happen, however, and in that lies the miracle wrought by the populace of Paris. Moreover, the cat so despised by Count Anglès possessed the esteem of the republics of old. In their eyes it was liberty incarnate; and as though to serve as pendant to the Minerva Aptera of the Piræus, there stood on the public square in Corinth the colossal bronze figure of a cat. The ingenuous police of the Restoration beheld the populace of Paris in too “rose-colored” a light; it is not so much of “an amiable rabble” as it is thought. The Parisian is to the Frenchman what the Athenian was to the Greek: no one sleeps more soundly than he, no one is more frankly frivolous and lazy than he, no one can better assume the air of forgetfulness; let him not be trusted nevertheless; he is ready for any sort of cool deed; but when there is glory at the end of it, he is worthy of admiration in every sort of fury... He is Napoleon’s stay and Danton’s resource. Is it a question of country, he enlists; is it a question of liberty, he tears up the pavements. Beware! his hair filled with wrath, is epic; his blouse drapes itself like the folds of a chlamys...It is thanks to the suburban man of Paris, that the Revolution, mixed with arms, conquers Europe. He sings; it is his delight. Proportion his song to his nature, and you will see! As long as he has for refrain nothing but la Carmagnole, he only overthrows Louis XVI.; make him sing the Marseillaise, and he will free the world.
I’ve included most of this long passage here because it ties into some pretty obvious other imagery later!
I’m not gonna try to myth- or history- check Hugo here because it’s not the point of this post; the point is, look at all this imagery and cat-association he’s giving us!  Cats the animal of Minerva, “the very image of liberty”!  The power of a Parisian’s song to  drive a revolution!  Epic rage hair!  The Parisian, says Hugo, is like the cat, it is “heedless”,“indolent” , “frivolous”,”lazy” -but it can transform into a lion, and even as a cat ,is a symbol of Liberty in a Republic. 
Then we move on , and our next Revolutionary Cat Mention of course shows up in 3.4.1, when one lands right in the center  of our actual revolutionaries:
Courfeyrac had, in fact, that animation of youth which may be called the beauté du diable of the mind. Later on, this disappears like the playfulness of the kitten, and all this grace ends, with the bourgeois, on two legs, and with the tomcat, on four paws.
Courfeyrac is a kitten! And he’ll grow up to be a  good Parisian Cat, no doubt, ready to turn into a lion at a moment’s notice. 
Oh, here’s a moment for a Fans of LM Animal Symbolism!  From 4.11.2, Gavroche On The March:
The gossips of the Rue de Thorigny busied themselves only with their own concerns. Three of them were portresses, and the fourth was a rag-picker with her basket on her back.
All four of them seemed to be standing at the four corners of old age, which are decrepitude, decay, ruin, and sadness...Things of this nature were said:—
“Ah, by the way, is your cat still cross?”
“Good gracious, cats are naturally the enemies of dogs, you know. It’s the dogs who complain.”
“And people also.”
“But the fleas from a cat don’t go after people.”
“That’s not the trouble, dogs are dangerous. I remember one year when there were so many dogs that it was necessary to put it in the newspapers. That was at the time when there were at the Tuileries great sheep that drew the little carriage of the King of Rome. 
The opinion on the street, from the poor women who really know things at this level:  dogs are dangerous, and cats are the enemies of dogs.  What a statement, given the most prominent dog in the book! 
And of course, in chapter 5.1.2,  the final solid Revolutionary Cat of the Republic, sighted at the Corinth, the very image , not of Liberty now, but of the evidence of God’s care in Creation!:
Joly, perceiving a cat prowling on a gutter (a cat in Corinth!), extracted philosophy from it.
“What is the cat?” he exclaimed. “It is a corrective. The good God, having made the mouse, said: ‘Hullo! I have committed a blunder.’ And so he made the cat. The cat is the erratum of the mouse. The mouse, plus the cat, is the proof of creation revised and corrected.”
These are our most obvious links, and they are very clear; the people of Paris--indecisive, fickle, and hedonistic-- are cats. But they are cats who are also lions, and lions and the revolution and the barricade in particular get linked a lot. Just a few mentions:   “(The army) gazed into the dark barricade as one would gaze into a lion’s den.” (4.14.4);  “The barricade once scaled had a mane of lightning flashes. The assault was so furious, that for one moment, it was inundated with assailants; but it shook off the soldiers as the lion shakes off the dogs” (5.1.21)
And, of course;
“All at once (Enjolras) threw back his head, his blond locks fell back like those of an angel on the sombre quadriga made of stars, they were like the mane of a startled lion in the flaming of an halo” 5.1.5
EPIC PARISIAN RAGE HAIR, in its true form as a lion’s mane!:P
I joke, but there really is a nice clear line of Paris As Cat/POTENTIAL REVOLUTIONARY WERELION running through the novel!  It’s about as consistent as Javert’s dog metaphors (and wow someone could probably right a paper on Javert/the cops as dogs and Paris As Cat in Les Mis). 
These are of course not the only mention of these animals in the novel-- Valjean gets compared to a lion a lot (...which , now that I think of it: of course  Hugo would make his symbolic Jesus Man an Honorary Parisian By Metaphorical Association:P) and getting into the lion/ cat dichotomy would make this post way longer than it already is.  And there’s another character who gets a lot of cat  imagery that I want to get into in another post. But the Cat Of Revolution is really consistent on its own, and deserves head scritches! er, and citation. 
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thebrickinbrick · 4 months
Have a few sneak peeks at my barricade day project in progress, courtesy of Cats:
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shashiemrf · 3 years
The Ongoing Trend of Urbanization and Industrialization to Bolster Growth of the Broadcasting Equipment Market 2023
Market Highlights
The market for broadcasting equipment spans across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. North America accounted for the largest market share of 30.6% in 2017, with a market value of USD 1,722.4 million; the market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period. Asia-Pacific was the second-largest market in 2017, valued at USD 1,534.8 million; the market is projected to exhibit the highest CAGR of 7.6%.
The broadcasting equipment market in the US is expected to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period. The major factors influencing this growth includes the high penetration of the Internet which has led to the reduction in the distribution cost of streaming video content as well as increased the demand for OTT content. These developments contribute to the rapid growth of the broadcasting and related industries. Asia-Pacific has witnessed robust growth due to technological innovation, continuous economic growth, and the rising demand for communication services. Moreover, increasing investments in upgrading network infrastructure and optimization of mobile broadband are helping the broadcasting equipment market to grow at a rapid pace in China. The advent of 8K Super Hi-vision and launch of BS 4K has a significant impact on the broadcasting equipment market in Japan with heavy investments being made for the development of video switchers, slow-motion controls, upconverter to 8K, HEVC encoder, 8K recorders, uncompressed transmitters for fiber optics, and uncompressed transmitters for 120 GHz band. Europe has witnessed fast digital transition due to the setup of specific purpose bodies, such as Digital UK, consisting of government departments, regulatory agencies, broadcasters, network operators, and consumer electronics manufacturers, which allowed for a smooth transition process.
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The global broadcasting equipment market is expected to reach USD 7,705.3 million at a CAGR of over 5.6% by the end of the forecast period 2018–2023.
Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 30 market data tables and figures spread over 100 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on “Global Broadcasting Equipment Market Research Report -Forecast to 2023”.
Global Broadcasting Equipment Market Segmentation
The global broadcasting equipment market has been segmented on the basis of application, product, and region. The application segment has been segmented into radio and television. The product segment has been segmented into dish antenna, amplifier, switches, video servers, encoders, transmitters and repeaters, modulators, and others. The region includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the rest of the world.
Some of the prominent players in the global broadcasting equipment market are Cisco Systems Inc. (US), Evertz Microsystems, Ltd (Canada), Belden Inc. (US), Clyde Broadcast (UK), Eletec Broadcast Telecom SARL (France), AVL Technologies, Inc. (US), Global Invacom Group Limited (Singapore), Euro Media Group (France), Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (Sweden), EVS Broadcast Equipment (Belgium), Harmonic Inc. (US), Sencore (US), ACORDE Technologies SA (Spain), ETL Systems Ltd (UK), ARRIS International PLC (US), TAMURA Corporation (Japan), Japan Radio Co. (Japan), Ikegami Tsushinki Co., Ltd (Japan), Shotoku Corp. (Japan), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), Hitachi, Ltd (Japan), and NEC Corporation (Japan).
Table of Content:
3.1. Research Process
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Market Size Estimation
3.5. Forecast Model
3.6. List Of Assumptions
4.1. Overview
4.2. Drivers
4.2.1. Transition Of Hardware–Oriented Products To Software–Based Architecture
4.2.2. Growing Demand Of Over–The–Top Content Via Different Channels
4.3. Restraints
4.3.1. Rapid Change In The Broadcasting Technologies
4.4. Opportunities
4.4.1. Adoption Of 5G Connectivity For Broadcasting
5.1. Value Chain Analysis
5.1.1. Material & Process Equipment Suppliers
5.1.2. Component/Equipment Suppliers
5.1.3. Network Owner & Service Providers
5.1.4. Content & Application Providers
5.1.5. End–Use Hardware Providers
5.1.6. End–Users
5.2. Porter’s Five Forces Model
5.2.1. Threat Of New Entrants
5.2.2. Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
5.2.3. Bargaining Power Of Buyer
5.2.4. Threat Of Substitutes
5.2.5. Intensity Of Rivalry
Get Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/broadcasting-equipment-market-7645
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Market Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.
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linhgd9 · 3 years
Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Analysis By Regional Outlook, Competitive Landscape, Strategies And Forecasts 2027| Metform, Dallan Company, JUPITER
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Los Angeles, United State: QY Research has evaluated the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market in its latest research report. The research study is a compilation of brilliant, thorough, and accurate analyses on different areas of the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market. The researchers have made it a point to explore hidden growth opportunities and pin-point key strategies of prominent players and the successes achieved with their implementation. The segmentation study provided in the report helps players to understand the growth trajectory of all-important segments of the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market. The highly detailed cost analysis, sales study, and pricing structure analysis offered in the report will help players to make some powerful moves in the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) https://www.qyresearch.com/sample-form/form/3263125/global-roll-forming-machines-and-lines-market
Buyers of the report will be equipped with exhaustive analysis of the competitive landscape and powerful insights into the nature of competition to secure a position of strength in the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market. Apart from analyzing the international and regional growth of leading players of the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market, the researchers have shed light on their market share, sales growth, production areas, key markets, capacity, and revenue. The analysts have specially focused on the nature and characteristics of the competitive landscape and changes expected in the next few years.
Key Players Mentioned in the Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Research Report: Metform, Dallan Company, JUPITER, Gasparini SpA, SWAH, Baileigh Industrial(JPW), IED Inc, Formtek, COMETAL IMAL Group, EWMenn, Jouanel Industrie, Dimeco, Samco Machinery, JIDET, LMS Machinery, VLB Group, Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co., Hebei FeiXiang
Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market by Type: Roll Forming Machines, Roll Forming Lines
Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market by Application: Automobile, Building and Decoration, Oil and Gas Industry, Traffic and Transporation, Storage Industry, Others
The global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market has been spilt into different segments and sub-segments with the help of data triangulation and market breakdown procedures. The authors of the research study have carefully estimated the market sizes of all segments studied in the Roll Forming Machines and Lines report. They have also validated market figures of the segments using trustworthy sources.
The regional analysis provided in the Roll Forming Machines and Lines research study is an outstanding attempt made by the researchers to help players identify high-growth regions and modify their strategies according to the specific market scenarios therein. Each region is deeply analyzed with large focus on CAGR, market growth, market share, market situations, and growth forecast.
Questions Answered by the Report:
(1) How will the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market perform during the forecast period? What will be the market size in terms of value and volume?
(2) Which segment will drive the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market? Which regional market will show extensive growth in the future? What are the reasons?
(3) How will the Roll Forming Machines and Lines market dynamics change because of the impact of future market opportunities, restraints, and drivers?
(4) What are the key strategies adopted by players to sustain themselves in the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market?
(5) How will these strategies influence the Roll Forming Machines and Lines market growth and competition?
Request for customization in Report: https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/3263125/global-roll-forming-machines-and-lines-market
Table of Contents
1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Overview 1.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Product Overview 1.2 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Segment by Type 1.2.1 Roll Forming Machines 1.2.2 Roll Forming Lines 1.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size by Type 1.3.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size Overview by Type (2016-2027) 1.3.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size Review by Type (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume by Type (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value by Type (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2021) 1.3.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Type (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume by Type (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value by Type (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2022-2027) 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type 1.4.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.4 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.5 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021)
2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Competition by Company 2.1 Global Top Players by Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales (2016-2021) 2.2 Global Top Players by Roll Forming Machines and Lines Revenue (2016-2021) 2.3 Global Top Players Roll Forming Machines and Lines Price (2016-2021) 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Roll Forming Machines and Lines Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type 2.5 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Competitive Situation and Trends 2.5.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Concentration Rate (2016-2021) 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales and Revenue in 2020 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Roll Forming Machines and Lines as of 2020) 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market 2.8 Key Manufacturers Roll Forming Machines and Lines Product Offered 2.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
3 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Status and Outlook by Region 3.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2026 3.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Region 3.2.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2016-2021) 3.2.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2016-2021) 3.2.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales (Volume & Value) Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 3.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Region 3.3.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2022-2027) 3.3.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2022-2027) 3.3.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2022-2027)
4 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Application 4.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Segment by Application 4.1.1 Automobile 4.1.2 Building and Decoration 4.1.3 Oil and Gas Industry 4.1.4 Traffic and Transporation 4.1.5 Storage Industry 4.1.6 Others 4.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size by Application 4.2.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size Overview by Application (2016-2027) 4.2.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size Review by Application (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume, by Application (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value, by Application (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2016-2021) 4.2.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Application (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume, by Application (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value, by Application (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2022-2027) 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Application 4.3.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.4 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.5 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021)
5 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 5.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 5.1.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 5.1.2 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 5.2 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 5.2.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 5.2.2 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
6 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 6.1 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 6.1.1 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 6.1.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 6.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 6.2.1 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 6.2.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
7 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Region 7.1 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Region 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2016-2021) 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2016-2021) 7.2 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Region 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2022-2027) 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2022-2027)
8 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 8.1 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 8.1.1 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 8.1.2 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 8.2 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 8.2.1 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 8.2.2 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
9 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 9.1 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 9.1.1 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 9.1.2 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 9.2 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 9.2.1 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 9.2.2 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
10 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Roll Forming Machines and Lines Business 10.1 Metform 10.1.1 Metform Corporation Information 10.1.2 Metform Introduction and Business Overview 10.1.3 Metform Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.1.4 Metform Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.1.5 Metform Recent Development 10.2 Dallan Company 10.2.1 Dallan Company Corporation Information 10.2.2 Dallan Company Introduction and Business Overview 10.2.3 Dallan Company Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.2.4 Dallan Company Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.2.5 Dallan Company Recent Development 10.3 JUPITER 10.3.1 JUPITER Corporation Information 10.3.2 JUPITER Introduction and Business Overview 10.3.3 JUPITER Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.3.4 JUPITER Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.3.5 JUPITER Recent Development 10.4 Gasparini SpA 10.4.1 Gasparini SpA Corporation Information 10.4.2 Gasparini SpA Introduction and Business Overview 10.4.3 Gasparini SpA Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.4.4 Gasparini SpA Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.4.5 Gasparini SpA Recent Development 10.5 SWAH 10.5.1 SWAH Corporation Information 10.5.2 SWAH Introduction and Business Overview 10.5.3 SWAH Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.5.4 SWAH Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.5.5 SWAH Recent Development 10.6 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) 10.6.1 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Corporation Information 10.6.2 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Introduction and Business Overview 10.6.3 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.6.4 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.6.5 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Recent Development 10.7 IED Inc 10.7.1 IED Inc Corporation Information 10.7.2 IED Inc Introduction and Business Overview 10.7.3 IED Inc Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.7.4 IED Inc Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.7.5 IED Inc Recent Development 10.8 Formtek 10.8.1 Formtek Corporation Information 10.8.2 Formtek Introduction and Business Overview 10.8.3 Formtek Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.8.4 Formtek Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.8.5 Formtek Recent Development 10.9 COMETAL IMAL Group 10.9.1 COMETAL IMAL Group Corporation Information 10.9.2 COMETAL IMAL Group Introduction and Business Overview 10.9.3 COMETAL IMAL Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.9.4 COMETAL IMAL Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.9.5 COMETAL IMAL Group Recent Development 10.10 EWMenn 10.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors 10.10.2 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Product Category, Application and Specification 10.10.3 EWMenn Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.10.4 Main Business Overview 10.10.5 EWMenn Recent Development 10.11 Jouanel Industrie 10.11.1 Jouanel Industrie Corporation Information 10.11.2 Jouanel Industrie Introduction and Business Overview 10.11.3 Jouanel Industrie Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.11.4 Jouanel Industrie Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.11.5 Jouanel Industrie Recent Development 10.12 Dimeco 10.12.1 Dimeco Corporation Information 10.12.2 Dimeco Introduction and Business Overview 10.12.3 Dimeco Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.12.4 Dimeco Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.12.5 Dimeco Recent Development 10.13 Samco Machinery 10.13.1 Samco Machinery Corporation Information 10.13.2 Samco Machinery Introduction and Business Overview 10.13.3 Samco Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.13.4 Samco Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.13.5 Samco Machinery Recent Development 10.14 JIDET 10.14.1 JIDET Corporation Information 10.14.2 JIDET Introduction and Business Overview 10.14.3 JIDET Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.14.4 JIDET Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.14.5 JIDET Recent Development 10.15 LMS Machinery 10.15.1 LMS Machinery Corporation Information 10.15.2 LMS Machinery Introduction and Business Overview 10.15.3 LMS Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.15.4 LMS Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.15.5 LMS Machinery Recent Development 10.16 VLB Group 10.16.1 VLB Group Corporation Information 10.16.2 VLB Group Introduction and Business Overview 10.16.3 VLB Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.16.4 VLB Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.16.5 VLB Group Recent Development 10.17 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. 10.17.1 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Corporation Information 10.17.2 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Introduction and Business Overview 10.17.3 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.17.4 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.17.5 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Recent Development 10.18 Hebei FeiXiang 10.18.1 Hebei FeiXiang Corporation Information 10.18.2 Hebei FeiXiang Introduction and Business Overview 10.18.3 Hebei FeiXiang Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.18.4 Hebei FeiXiang Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.18.5 Hebei FeiXiang Recent Development
11 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 11.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Key Raw Materials 11.1.1 Key Raw Materials 11.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price 11.1.3 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 11.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 11.2.1 Raw Materials 11.2.2 Labor Cost 11.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 11.3 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Industrial Chain Analysis 11.4 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Dynamics 11.4.1 Industry Trends 11.4.2 Market Drivers 11.4.3 Market Challenges 11.4.4 Market Restraints
12 Market Strategy Analysis, Distributors 12.1 Sales Channel 12.2 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Distributors 12.3 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Downstream Customers
13 Research Findings and Conclusion
14 Appendix 14.1 Research Methodology 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach Research Programs/Design Market Size Estimation Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 14.1.2 Data Source Secondary Sources Primary Sources 14.2 Author Details 14.3 Disclaimer
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Online Education Market Trends, Share, Size, Growth Until the End of 2023
JUNE 05, 2020: Indian online education market
Online education or e-learning refers to a learning system based primarily on formalised teaching with the help of electronic resources such as computers and internet services. Improvement in internet connectivity and digitization are facilitating the growth of the online education market in India. This type of education is delivered in various ways, which include online courses, massive open online courses (MOOCs), hybrid or blended courses and certification courses among others.
To Request A Sample Copy Of This Report @:   https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/online-education-market-in-india-2018-2023/request-sample
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Corporate tie-ups help in the co-creation of industry certified content, which has helped to increase the acceptance of online education among the target user base. Currently, students and professionals (especially IT) are the chief patrons taking up various online education courses. Improved internet connectivity and digital payment options, coupled with the introduction of new learning methodologies such as blended learning and flipped learning is driving the growth of the online education market in India.
Market segmentation
The online education market in India is segmented by category into primary and secondary supplemental education, test preparation, reskilling and online certifications, higher education, and language and casual learning. Test preparation market is expected to be the largest growing segment due to the increase in the number of students opting for competitive exams such as engineering medical exams, and also due to rise in the number of exams for working professionals such as bank probationary officer (PO), union public service commission (UPSC), common admission test (CAT) and graduate management admission test (GMAT) among others. It is segmented by type into vocational education, learning management system (LMS) and virtual schools.
Key growth factors
• Lower infrastructure cost coupled with larger student base leverages economies of scale and lower cost. Online skill enhancement courses are far cheaper than offline alternatives, due to the availability of several free courses. (MOOCs) provide free online courses to different universities, such as Harvard University, Berkeley University of California, Boston University and so on, on key subjects such as computer science, data science, business and management, which are available for anyone to enrol themselves
• Increase in disposable income is egging the young population to enhance their skills for higher growth. The young population with high aspirations but lower income is a good target market for online education. Further, the acceptability of online channels is also higher in the younger demographic
Threats and key players
• Familiarity with offline education system poses a major barrier for online education. Online education is still considered a second class citizen in the education system, and thus, its recognition is limited to institutions of service. Limited availability of internet in remote locations act as a barrier to growth
• The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, Think & Learn Private Limited, Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Tamil Virtual Academy, Medvarsity Online Limited, Vedantu Innovations Private Limited, AEON Learning Private Limited, are some of the major players operating in the online education market in India
What is covered in the report?
1. Overview of the online education market
2. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the online education market (2016 to 2023)
3. Qualitative analysis of the online education market and its segments, by category (primary and secondary supplemental education, test preparation, reskilling and online certifications, higher education and language and casual learning) and by type (vocational education, learning management system, virtual schools)
4. Qualitative analysis of the major drivers and challenges affecting the market
5. Analysis of the competitive landscape and profiles of major players operating in the market
6. Key recent developments associated with the online education market in India
Why buy?
1. Get a broad understanding of the online education market in India, the dynamics of the market and current state of the sector
2. Strategize marketing, market entry, market expansion and other business plans by understanding the factors driving growth in the market
3. Be informed regarding the key developments in the online education market in India
4. Understand major competitors' business strategies and market dynamics and respond accordingly to benefit from the market
To Browse Full Research Report @: https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/online-education-market-in-india-2018-2023
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Executive summary
Chapter 2: Socio-economic indicators
Chapter 3: Introduction
3.1. Online education market definition and structure
Chapter 4: Online education market in India - overview
4.1. Online education market size and growth forecast - value-wise
4.2. Online education market- user base and growth forecast
Chapter 5: Online education market in India - segmentation
5.1. Category-wise
5.1.1. Primary and secondary supplemental education market size and growth forecast - value-wise
5.1.2. Test preparation market size and growth forecast - value-wise
5.1.3. Reskilling and online certifications market size and growth forecast - value-wise
5.1.4. Higher education market size and growth forecast - value-wise
5.1.5. Language and casual learning market size and growth forecast - value- wise
5.1.6. Indian online education market - percentage split
5.2. Type-wise
• Vocational education
• Learning management system
• Virtual schools
Chapter 6: Key growth drivers of the market
Chapter 7: Key deterrents to the growth of the market
Chapter 8: Competitive landscape
8.1. Porter’s five forces analysis
8.2. The Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
• Corporate information
• Business description
• Products and services
• Key people
8.3. Think & Learn Private Limited
• Corporate information
• Business description
• Products and services
• Key people
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thebrickinbrick · 4 months
What Is To Be Done In the Abyss If One Does Not Converse? Part 1
Sixteen years count in the subterranean education of insurrection, and June, 1848, knew a great deal more about it than June, 1832. So the barricade of the Rue de la Chanvrerie was only an outline, and an embryo compared to the two colossal barricades which we have just sketched; but it was formidable for that epoch.
The insurgents under the eye of Enjolras, for Marius no longer looked after anything, had made good use of the night. The barricade had been not only repaired, but augmented. They had raised it two feet. Bars of iron planted in the pavement resembled lances in rest. All sorts of rubbish brought and added from all directions complicated the external confusion. The redoubt had been cleverly made over, into a wall on the inside and a thicket on the outside.
The staircase of paving-stones which permitted one to mount it like the wall of a citadel had been reconstructed.
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The barricade had been put in order, the tap-room disencumbered, the kitchen appropriated for the ambulance, the dressing of the wounded completed, the powder scattered on the ground and on the tables had been gathered up, bullets run, cartridges manufactured, lint scraped, the fallen weapons re-distributed, the interior of the redoubt cleaned, the rubbish swept up, corpses removed.
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They laid the dead in a heap in the Mondétour lane, of which they were still the masters. The pavement was red for a long time at that spot. Among the dead there were four National Guardsmen of the suburbs. Enjolras had their uniforms laid aside.
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Enjolras had advised two hours of sleep. Advice from Enjolras was a command. Still, only three or four took advantage of it.
Feuilly employed these two hours in engraving this inscription on the wall which faced the tavern:—
These four words, hollowed out in the rough stone with a nail, could be still read on the wall in 1848.
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The three women had profited by the respite of the night to vanish definitely; which allowed the insurgents to breathe more freely.
They had found means of taking refuge in some neighboring house.
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The greater part of the wounded were able, and wished, to fight still. On a litter of mattresses and trusses of straw in the kitchen, which had been converted into an ambulance, there were five men gravely wounded, two of whom were municipal guardsmen. The municipal guardsmen were attended to first.
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In the tap-room there remained only Mabeuf under his black cloth and Javert bound to his post.
“This is the hall of the dead,” said Enjolras.
In the interior of this hall, barely lighted by a candle at one end, the mortuary table being behind the post like a horizontal bar, a sort of vast, vague cross resulted from Javert erect and Mabeuf lying prone.
The pole of the omnibus, although snapped off by the fusillade, was still sufficiently upright to admit of their fastening the flag to it.
Enjolras, who possessed that quality of a leader, of always doing what he said, attached to this staff the bullet-ridden and bloody coat of the old man’s.
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No repast had been possible. There was neither bread nor meat. The fifty men in the barricade had speedily exhausted the scanty provisions of the wine-shop during the sixteen hours which they had passed there. At a given moment, every barricade inevitably becomes the raft of la Méduse. They were obliged to resign themselves to hunger. They had then reached the first hours of that Spartan day of the 6th of June when, in the barricade Saint-Merry, Jeanne, surrounded by the insurgents who demanded bread, replied to all combatants crying: “Something to eat!” with: “Why? It is three o’clock; at four we shall be dead.”
As they could no longer eat, Enjolras forbade them to drink. He interdicted wine, and portioned out the brandy.
They had found in the cellar fifteen full bottles hermetically sealed. Enjolras and Combeferre examined them. Combeferre when he came up again said:—“It’s the old stock of Father Hucheloup, who began business as a grocer.”—“It must be real wine,” observed Bossuet. “It’s lucky that Grantaire is asleep. If he were on foot, there would be a good deal of difficulty in saving those bottles.”
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—Enjolras, in spite of all murmurs, placed his veto on the fifteen bottles, and, in order that no one might touch them, he had them placed under the table on which Father Mabeuf was lying.
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