#lmao marty is absolutely a handful though
okay-j-hannah · 1 year
A Merchant Sailor
Pirates of the Caribbean : Fic
Will Turner x Reader
Word Count: 3061
Warnings: Swarthy pirates fighting each other... Will being lied to... Will also being a sweetheart 
Request: “This is me absolutely begging and foaming at the mouth for you to write a Will Turner x reader. I’m fine with fluff or smut lmao. I have a couple ideas if you also want to write multiple (or blend them into 1), you totally don’t have to though. Being Jacks sister but also constantly making berth at Port Royale when you were younger, results in a close friendship between you and a certain Mr. Will Turner. The killer is, you always told Will your brother was a merchant and that you would accompany him on his trips. In reality, you were always off doing pirate things with Jack. Consequently, the day Jack broke into Mr. Brown’s smithery, you later arrived with Will. This resulted in a 2 on 1 fight (or maybe not) with a lot of confused looks being shared between Jack and yourself. Plus Will defending your honor” @gingerdissapointment
A/N: Pretending to be a merchant, you befriend Will Turner as you keep your pirating a secret, until your brother forces you to reveal the truth
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Her sword clashed terribly with the swarthy pirates of the East Atlantic, fighting over hidden treasure beneath the sandy shores of a neutral island. She kicked up the dry sand, silencing the battle cry of the enemy.
He spit and scratched at his eyes as (Y/N) jabbed the sword into his stomach, shoving him aside. Whipping around the beach, Jack pranced away from a group of opposing pirates. She rolled her eyes at his wailing.
“For the love…” she ran after her brother, realizing that with the crew winning the battle, the other pirates were running for Jack. In his hands lay the key to the gold.
She waved off Cotton’s parrot and threw a dagger at Marty, the blade sticking into the sand, to give him a chance to cut the ropes around his wrists. Ahead was Jack and a quartet of pirates splashing along the shore.
The erratic steps of their captain sent seawater cascading onto his pursuers. The noise was enough cover for (Y/N) to pull another dagger from her many pockets and throw it at the furthest pirate. It sunk into the back of the assailants neck, sending him splashing into the sandy water.
The remaining three didn’t notice the bigger splash as they continued their cries of pursuit. (Y/N) was gaining on them, searching for another object to throw at them, silently thanking her brother for his distracting, wild methods of escape.
She spotted a mound of rock creeping out of the ocean and as they neared it, she grasped a pockmarked rock from the thick, muddy sand. Grunting from the momentum, she swung her arm wide and launched the weathered stone at the next pirate. She successfully cracked the top of his skull, forcing him to fall froward into the sea and salt.
The thunk of his unconscious body alerted his crewmate, a bare chested man with sunburnt skin. He seemed momentarily confused to see a much younger girl running at him.
It was enough of a distraction that he didn’t react to the elbow she rammed into him. With the speed of her steps it was the right amount of force to throw him from his feet. She slashed her sword across his legs as she tumbled forward, hopefully keeping him incapacitated and unable to follow further.
Adrenaline coursed past the burning of her muscles as she screamed at her brother, “I swear to God you will be carrying me back to the ship after I save your pitchy drunken arse!”
She reached the last assailant, tackling him into the salty shore. Her cry of accusation spoke through Jack’s panic, making him peek behind his shoulder and then stop altogether, completely perplexed as to why all four pirates chasing him just moments before were all in the seawater.
But a second longer he realized it was his little sister rolling around with the final pirate, splashing wet sand and salty water all around them.
“Oh,” Jack gasped, winded from his erratic run, “The cursed stowaway decides to be helpful.”
“Bastard,” she growled, finally pummeling the hilt of her sword against the pirates temple. “I was never a stowaway.”
Jack made a disgusted face as the pirate’s flailing limbs stilled against the shore. “You disturb me.”
“Likewise,” she breathed heavy, rising to her feet completely soaked and flecked with sand. “Do you run like that on purpose?”
“I have no idea what you mean.” He pushed past her, extracting the old rusty key needed for the hidden treasure of the island.
She wobbled on her shaky legs, “You look like you’re running on hot coals, prancing on your tiptoes like that.”
They followed their footsteps quickly being washed away by the frothy waves. They passed over the rocky pockmarked mound and after pausing in her bickering with her brother, found something half submerged in the water.
Saltwater seeping into her boots, she crouched and extracted a massive opalescent seashell. It glimmered in a rainbow of colors with the sunlight warming the face of it. It was peach and coral and lavender and seafoam and crystal blue.
It made her chapped lips smile at finding another relic of the ocean for her best friend.
During the many adventures of Jack Sparrow and his stubborn little sister, they managed a few trips to the provenance of Port Royal. There (Y/N) had befriended a young blacksmith apprentice.
At the age of thirteen she was mastering the art of pickpocketing and stealing small objects from markets and stores. On her way to swipe a few daggers from the outside barrel, Will Turner had come out with grease stained hands and a soot covered face.
She quickly dropped the blades back in the barrel.
Will looked her up and down, a young lad of her similar age. “Can I help you?” He eyed the hand she hid behind her back.
“Just… looking for a gift,” she cleared her throat, “For my brother.”
“You want to give him a sword?” Will rubbed his dirty hands along his apprentice apron, “Is he a part of the Navy?”
She blinked a few times, “He’s a merchant. We sail to different ports to sell our goods.”
The answer seemed to put him more at ease. He believed her. “I could see where a sword might be helpful. There are less friendly types along distant shores – pirates and the like.”
She nodded slowly.
There was a pause before he continued, “I’m William Turner.” He seemed bashful to extend his grimy hand.
She gave a shy smile, weeks at sea with a motely crew and her pirate brother made her yearn for friends and company. She slowly accepted his hand, “I’m (Y/N).”
“And your surname?”
“Just (Y/N),” she smiled.
He smiled back, “It’s not proper to call a lady by her first name.”
She almost gawked – it was the most manners she’d seen in years, “I have no other name.”
“Your family name?” he asked, a little line appearing between his brows. “What of your brother?”
“We were orphaned at a young age,” she shrugged, “There was no record of our full titles.”
Will nodded solemnly, “I’m sorry.”
She looked towards the ground, “I’ll tell my brother of your smithery. Perhaps we’ll visit again.”
A desire to give her more of a reason to see him again, Will extracted a freshly polished sword from the wall. “Here, use this for your gift.”
“But I haven’t any money,” she said quietly.
“Then I’m gifting it to you,” he grinned, “I’m learning to make swords, I’ll just make another to replace this one.”
She laughed, “Thank you, Mr. Turner. I should do well to return the favor in the future.”
He passed over the hilt, “I look forward to our next meeting, Miss…” He seemed to struggle for a moment, “Miss. (Y/N).”
Five years had passed since that initial meeting and at reaching adolescence, (Y/N) was excitedly walking the streets of Port Royal to find the smithery. Over the years she had developed the habit of collecting trinkets and objects of her travels to show Will.
He still believed her to be a merchant, learning the trade from her honorable elder brother. And he found himself looking hopefully towards the white sails of the docks more than once to see her briny steps.
He longed for her visits, growing accustomed to her witty banter, wild stories, and lovely smile. And in the meantime, he practiced the art of black smithery and fashioned her intricate and deadly weapons, hoping to be of help as she sold them at the next port.
In reality (Y/N) was using these gifted weapons in her adventures pillaging islands and seeking treasure with her pirate crew.
To make herself feel somewhat better about all the lying, she sought to gift bits of all the gold and treasure she found to Will. He always got so excited to see things from beyond the shores of Port Royal.
“Mr. Turner,” she said orderly, “The coals have gone cold. What are you doing dallying about?”
Will turned from his workshop table, smile already on his clean shaven face. The summer had been kind to him, growing a couple inches and broadening his shoulders since the last time they met.
“Miss. (Y/N),” he said quietly, as if relieved she had come back at all. It was easy to imagine horrors befalling her while at sea, “You can’t imagine how good it is to see you.”
They hugged each other, (Y/N) laughing and Will grinning. He apologized for getting soot on her cheek, attempting to rub it away, “I’m so sorry.”
“Not at all,” she waved his fingers away, not wishing to have him feel how flushed the action made her.
He seemed in a similar state as a pink color flooded high on his cheekbones. “You’ve brought me more souvenirs?” he said as he spotted the bundle under her arm.
“Yes,” she said eagerly, “You’ll never believe what I found.” She went to the workshop table and laid out a roll of leathery animal skin, a few jagged shark teeth, and the opalescent seashell she found on her last adventure.
“Did you trade for some shark?” he laughed, touching the dried, scaly shark skin.
(Y/N) smiled, remembering the time she killed the reef shark while circling the coral shoreline of a tiny island. She was alone in a paddleboat and saw the opportunity to stick her sword through the predators skull.
“Yes, I’d say it was a rather lucky trade. Can’t you use this skin to make sword handles?”
He nodded, “That I can.” He looked at her from the corner of his eye, shy in how much he wanted to look. He never knew how long it would be between visits and while she was there he wanted to soak up every second.
“How long are you here?” he asked, hopefully.
(Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek, “Three days.”
Will sighed, nodding to himself, “Well then, we’ll just have to make the most of the next three days.” He untied his apron and made sure the furnace was cut off from heating more fuel.
“What is there to do that we haven’t already done?” she laughed, remembering days of captaining sailboats, sword fighting in the square, climbing palm trees, and catching crabs.
Will seemed undeterred by the question, “There’s plenty to do. We haven’t swum in the pools by the cove. We haven’t gone for tea in town. We haven’t ever attended the Governor’s Ball before.”
“The Governor’s Ball,” she scoffed, “Please, Will – a merchant has no place at a ball.” A pirate has no place near the highest powers of the British garrison.
“Don’t worry, I know people in town. We can find you a dress and I can teach you anything you’re worried about.” He returned to her side and took her hands, “Let me take you dancing.”
She looked at him in wonder, “You’d take me dress shopping?”
He smiled and gave a quiet nod, “I figured we’re not kids anymore, (Y/N). We could… we could go to a ball together.”
She squeezed his hands a bit tighter, “All right,” she smiled, “All right, but only if we can still go hunting for coconuts and go horseback riding through the town.”
“Whatever you want,” he grinned, “I’d go pirating just to spend another day with you.”
She froze, still with a smile on her face, “Would you really?”
He shrugged, “Maybe.”
A few years later and (Y/N) had found herself back in Port Royal and scouring the streets for her idiot brother.
After a long time coming mutiny from Barbossa, Jack was left stranded with nothing but a pistol. (Y/N) having fought and spit and destroyed half the Black Pearl to keep the mutiny from happening, she was left to the brig.
As skillful as she was, (Y/N) was out of the prison within a day, finding her way to a paddleboat and rowing for the remote island Jack was on. She was soon picked up by a real merchant boat that passed rumors of a peculiar wily man telling stories of roped sea turtles.
It led her to the nearest ports to where she learned Jack had stolen a sailboat that was headed to Port Royal.
And there she was in search of the pirate, hoping she could stop him before he did anything terribly stupid.
She spotted a curious number of redcoats marching in the streets. She tried to keep them from her mind as she nodded to some of the shopkeepers that recognized her from previous visits.
That was until she noticed a heavily scarfed man sneaking into the smithery, beads and all. She groaned, running for the shop.
“Jack,” she whispered, closing the wooden door behind her with a click of the lock. “What the devil are you doing here?”
He was hanging by the cogs of the donkey operated machine, accomplishing his goal of breaking his chained wrists apart.
“(Y/N)?” he said, “How did you find me?” He peered over his shoulder as if to see the army it must’ve taken to track him down to Port Royal.
She rolled her eyes, “After years pirating with me you still doubt my capabilities. I wasn’t about to stay on the Pearl with Barbossa and his stupid monkey.”
“I’ve found myself in a bit of a problem,” he said, brandishing the cuffs on his wrists.
“I can see that,” she cursed, hands on her hips, “You’ve got the entire British army knocking down every door.”
Speaking of which, someone was coming through the front.
“Damn,” (Y/N) whispered, feeling her brother drag her into a hiding place.
It was Will coming home, no doubt, from dropping off another well forged sword. He settled into the shop, inspecting his tools when he came upon a hat.
A pirate hat.
(Y/N) glared at her brother and bared her teeth, “You piss poor excuse for a pirate.”
Jack leapt from his hiding place, sword in hand to take back what was his. He directed the blade at Will’s chest.
“You’re the one they’re hunting,” Will said. “The pirate.”
“You seem somewhat familiar – have I threatened you before?”
(Y/N) smacked her face with a hand, scrounging for the nearest sword, which wasn’t hard considering they were in a blacksmith. She watched carefully as Will and Jack shared a few feints and parries with their swords.
She was impressed to see that Will had continued to practice his swordplay.
It wasn’t until a hurling sword stuck itself in the door that (Y/N) made her appearance.
“Will, stop!” she cried, brandishing her weapon, “Please, leave him alone.”
“(Y/N)?” he questioned, focus momentarily off his target, “When did you get to Port Royal?”
Jack had extracted his own sword, “Come along, dearest. It’s best we leave.”
Will flipped his head between the pair of them, “Excuse me?”
“I’m really sorry about this, Will.” She swallowed hard, sidestepping towards the window as Jack did the same, “But we need to go.”
“You and…?” he frowned, “The pirate?”
“My brother.”
Stunned, Will almost missed the attack coming from Jack. He swooped to the furnace and pulled out a red hot sword, blocking the incoming blow.
(Y/N) screamed, “Jack! Leave him alone!”
The pair of them struck and danced and parried around the forge – Will angrier than (Y/N) had ever seen him.
“How do you know (Y/N)?” he demanded.
Jack made a face as he blocked another blade, “How do you know (Y/N)?”
“He’s my brother, Will,” she cried, stomping her way to where she might join the swordfight. “I lied about him being a merchant.”
“A merchant,” Jack grimaced, “Could’ve done better with the lying, love.”
“(Y/N) is not a liar,” Will gained a few steps with his hard hitting blows, “She is an honest woman and a fair fighter.”
Her sword came between them, directing Will’s into the ground, “I’m sorry, Will.”
He was breathing heavy, bewildered, “But he’s a pirate.”
Jack pointed his sword in (Y/N)’s direction, exasperated, “SHE’S a pirate!”
Will gave him a scathing glare before completely disregarding his weapon and tackling Jack to the ground. They rolled around the hay and dirt as (Y/N) shouted at them.
“This is not how to handle a misunderstanding, Will! Jack, pull yourself together with what little dignity you have left. For God’s sake…” She planted herself between the brawling pair and shoved Jack to the side, keeping him from launching a counterattack.
“What is he so hellbent on protecting your name for?” Jack wheezed, using one of his many scarves to dab at his neck.
Will was boiling, “(Y/N) is an honorable woman and I won’t have you slander her name with titles like pirate. She is respectable and good and not at all capable of what you’re suggesting.” He looked towards (Y/N), “I refuse to think of the most important person to me as a criminal.”
(Y/N)’s mouth fell open, “Will…”
“Well, I hate to break it to you, mate,” Jack said, twirling his sword around, “But she’s my sister. And by association – a pirate.”
Will let his arms hang limp at his sides, staring at (Y/N)’s feet – unable to meet her eyes. “Is that true?”
“I knew I wouldn’t be welcome if I told you what I really was,” she grimaced, “I didn’t plan on us becoming friends.”
He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, “All those gifts you gave me…”
“Listen, Will…” she didn’t dare take a step forward, “I know you’re mad. But I never lied about anything else. I never pretended around you. This is me, pirate or not. You know me. And this is not how I would’ve told you, but for the sake of me not getting hanged today – could you please let us go.”
Will looked deep in an inner turmoil, fists clenching as he fought over her words. Jack was still trying to yank out the sword pinning the door closed.
“I haven’t forgiven you…” he muttered, letting out a great sigh, “But there’s a path out back you can take for the docks.”
(Y/N) nodded, “Thank you.” She placed a hand on his arm while on her way out. “I’ll come find you tonight.”
He clenched his jaw, but finally looked at her, “Just come back safe.”
Her heart beat a little harder, a little warmer, “I will.”
Tag List:
@caswinchester2000 @aria253264 @bippity-boppity-boopa @kaqua @cameleonfrenzy @shyposttree 
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inspectorseb · 2 years
So I had an absolutely amazing time tonight and I’m still super happy about it. I’ll attach some pictures I got even though there’s not that many. The last one is a pic of me and my mom but obviously I blocked out our faces lol.
• Luckily the people sat around us were still really nice, we were also sat around 3 or 4 other isles fans
• My mom actually ended up getting a puck that got stuck between the glass and the netting. She got it by all the people around us telling her to bang on the glass lol. After she got it everyone still cheered even though we were wearing isles jerseys
• The guys are just as good looking in person and they’re much taller than they appear on tv and pictures
• Probably didn’t need to be there to know but the refs were absolutely terrible on both sides
• During warmup I made eye contact with Alex and Ryan multiple times. Every time I made eye contact with someone I swear I felt my heart jump lol.
• It’s still super weird to see Giroux in a non flyers jersey. I’m not a flyers or sens fan but it was really cool to see Claude play since I’ve watched hockey since I was small. Even though he was extremely pissed tonight lol.
• Also this morning when we were checking out of our hotel from last night I saw people in front of me in line with isles sweaters on and I learned that the isles were staying at the same hotel I stayed at last night lmao
• After every period ended Casey or Marty went over to argue with the refs
• And Casey also went around for a few minutes with his hand up his shirt (?) lol
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andypartridges · 3 years
tagged by the bestie @whats-her-name-virginia-plain <33
1. what is the first song you remember hearing? apparently the first song that was ever played to me as a baby was brown eyed girl by van morrison, but my earliest memory is probably dancing to feeling hot hot hot by the merrymen with my dad
2. what is the first band you got into? thanks to a) my primary school music teacher who taught us how to sing yellow submarine and b) the no. 1s compilation cd in my mum's car, i got into the beatles at the ripe old age of 8. i remember one day in class i had a sore stomach and my teacher put on her magical mystery tour cd to cheer me up :') i know literally all of their songs like the back of my hand and they're just a band where in terms of their music nostalgia overrides critical thinking ability for me lmao
3. do you collect any physical music? yes !! i started collecting vinyl at 11 when i got my hands on a copy of seconds out by genesis and now i have around 200 lps. if i really like a band i will probably have some interest in getting all of their stuff on cd too. i'd love to collect cassettes but i literally cannot justify spending more money, ESPECIALLY when i don't even have a cassette player hfjdfjdks
4. what is your favourite piece of music memorabilia? absolutely my signed poster of r.e.m. that now sits above my desk. it's from the front cover of a magazine shoot circa 1995
5. what's your favourite concert you've ever been to? in 2019 i got to see the 1975 with one of my best friends and it was probably the most dopamine my brain has ever produced in my entire life. some other faves include seeing the church perform the entirety of starfish in 2018 on their anniversary tour and the b-52s in 2017 !!
6. if you could see one artist who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be? first thing that springs to mind is queen with freddie mercury, but after giving it some more thought i'd love to see crowded house with paul hester
7. have you met any musicians? unless you're counting my twitter interactions with andy partridge and robyn hitchcock, then nope
8. what is your go to album when you're feeling sad? 16 lovers lane by the go betweens. one of my top 3 favourite albums of all time and it is my no. 1 album to listen to when i feel homesick or particularly shit
9. what is your go to album when you're feeling happy? skylarking by xtc. the flawless transition from summer's cauldron to grass is serotonin in audio form
10. what is one music documentary you love? the chills: the triumph and tragedy of martin phillipps is one of my favourites, if not my favourite music documentary. at the height of my obsession with the chills i think i watched it 5 times in one week lmfao
11. what is one concert DVD you love? i don't think i actually own many concert dvds, but i love r.e.m.'s tourfilm and all of the rush concert dvds my dad has brought over to watch with me
12. do you prefer listening to playlists or albums? i love both !! i'm a chronic playlist maker - the stuff displayed on my spotify profile is like. a quarter of the amount of playlists i've actually made. but i love listening to albums in full from start to finish too, especially when they're made to be listened to that way
13. do you prefer to listen to albums in order or on shuffle? as i said, i listen to albums from start to finish, but sometimes i jump around if i'm in the mood for something. i don't usually shuffle albums though
14. what is your favourite deep cut song by your favourite artist? inside and out is a genesis song that should've been on wind and wuthering and the fact that it isn't haunts me to this day
15. what is your favourite cd/cassette/vinyl you own in terms of packaging? my vinyl copy of 14 songs by paul westerberg is designed to look like a book with the tracklist being a table of contents and the gatefold sleeve is an interview with him which is super cool. i also love my vinyl copy of in reflection by marty willson-piper that has a little booklet on how each of the songs was written/recorded :-)
if you actually read all of that ily <3 i'm gonna tag @bbbrianjones @gloria-gloom @cloudbear @westerberg and @earthandsunandmoon if you'd like to and haven't already !!
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27emailsicantsend · 3 years
My Muffy Dream
Absolutely no one asked for this, but I figured since I am a Muffy stan, I need to tell you guys about the dream I had last night.
So I turned on the TV and Andi Mack started again for a 4th season. The producers changed their mind and gave a season with AM in high school. The first episode was from Marty’s perspective and it was called “Monday with Muffy”. Don’t ask me why lmao. Anyway, it starts by giving a back story to Marty about his love of soccer and how he only lives with his single mom. He gets to school after a few weeks away from Buffy (for whatever reason, I think he was at soccer camp?) and she stands up and just looks SO excited to see him. Like I wish I could replicate the look on her face, she was in almost happy tears to see him. So she ran up to him and he put his arm around her shoulder and they talked about how much they missed each other and how happy he was to be with his girlfriend. Then they walked out into the hall where Andi was kissing Amber and Cyrus was standing there awkwardly next to them and he was way taller than usual. Buffy was super confused and she was like, “what is going on?” and Andi said, “don’t you see? We’ve all changed so much”. So then Buffy was like, “yeah, I guess that’s the biggest part about high school. Change.” Then Andi and Amber ran off down the hall holding hands, Cyrus went left down another hallway, and Buffy and Marty walked down the opposite way down the hall from Andi and Amber. Then this montage happened where Muffy were holding hands and with each step they took it symbolized another day, so their outfits changed with each step even though they were still holding hands across time. Then I woke up. 
Nothing too crazy but it made me miss my comfort show and one of my top OTP’s. Really wishing we got that high school season because it would have been so cool to see life from Marty’s perspective, as well as Amber’s, TJ’s, etc. I just thought that was such an interesting idea for a new season.
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smarti-at-smogwarts · 3 years
🧩 for Marti?
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Okay so might as well start with contrast because Marti is technically the actual opposite of me. 
I was a pretty rough and tumble kiddo and tended to want to dress like the boys in my schools bc social dysphoria probs ( though now I also like girl/lady people clothes so lmaooo guess that where the fluid comes from) and   also I was ( and still to some degree am) very “literally i would rather eat my own bones than cry in front of people” as opposed to Marti who’s Unapologetically Girly ( which is hella valid)  and who’s  answer to “are you gonna cry or fight?” is “Okay first of all, I’m gonna do both”  ( which is also hella valid) 
Also I wish I knew as much about how to put an outfit together/clothes as Marti eventually does ( I’m the uh...same jeans and whatever shirt I find layin round kinda person. Unless I’m planning to dress up or something but like it happens very sporadically as fun as I find it ) also I tend to prefer leggings or jeans and Marti likes things she can twirl around in  ( skirts, robes that are similar to skirts, dresses, ect) 
I’m the oldest of 3 and Marti is the babiest sibling of 3. It absolutely affected us both our behaviors in ways that you can tell our respective sibling role. 
Some similarities/stuff of mine I gave her like I guess there’s a few:
We both have adhd and struggle with RSD and emotion dysregulation. 
We both have trauma/baggage from family separation/losing family ( though she has less overt trauma and is better adjusted bc she was younger and had like a bunch of older ppl between parents, step parents, and sibs all lookin out for her and making sure she was okay and I was older when mine happened) 
We both struggle with focus in class and learn hands on more than via lecture.
We both hate Snape. ( though to be fair I TRIED to give him a fair unbiased look through Marti’s eyes and then he went and was mean to her too lmao) 
Both grew up as Daddy’s Girls.
I literally gave her my annoyance/reaction when I tell people my pops stayed home with me while my mom worked when I was a baby and they go “wooowww howww unuuuusual”  ( though with her its when ppl say that about her dad keeping custody of her and her brothers and her mom having partial custody/ her dad being her main guardian) which is eyerolls or sass or both. 
We both like rock and pop music equally. 
We both have hyper empathy and likely to protect people 
Her entire concept playlist is my teenage girl from the 2000s pop music from HS. 
Send me a 🧩 and an OC
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welcometotheocverse · 3 years
🌟 for Elliot pls?
:D aaaah! I’ve had him in the brain a lot lately okay sorry this got long And also im rewatching rn so its sorta season 1ish.
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Elliot is Rory’s younger twin. He was given Christopher’s middle name. He’s mostly grateful it was the middle name.
He and Rory are super close. It was just the two of them ( and then Lane) The Twins That Read A Lot. Because they had each other they didn’t have much incentive to make friends outside of each other ( Elliot more than Rory) and extrapolating from the Pilot where Rory doesn’t seem like she has a lot of friends ( or any sans Lane) and is lowkey scoffed at for reading the assignment I’m gonna go with “other kids weren’t that keen on making friends with them either”
Rory’s the talkative one, he’s the quiet one. This is a bit of Rory also being protective of him/noticing when he looks overwhelmed and just...talking up a storm as is her wont and subtly getting attention away from Elliot. For a lot of the early season they’re not seen one without the other ( keeping in mind their arch is to learn it’s okay to have different dreams and even go different places ) 
Sorta shy and a bit more introverted than Rory. Once you become his friend however he pretty much would die for you and his face absolutely lights up when he sees you as opposed to his usual reserved nature and he talks to you albeit not as much as his twin ( unless hes super excited or talking about something he finds interesting then the resemblance kicks in lmao but thats the exception)  its like a switch ( seen with Rory, Luke, and Lane in canon and Sophie/Paige in their xover)
Likes hanging out at Luke’s. They both sorta enjoy... being quiet around each other. Elliot thinks he has a really calming vibe …when Taylor’s not there.
Ms Kim doesn’t like him because he’s a boy so he’s not allowed at Lane’s like Rory is ( honestly the feeling’s mutual bc “I’m pretty  sure locking you up for days and keeping you from school falls under child abuse also wtf” and lowkey the girls are like “lets just keep you not in the house” Lane might be closer to Rory but they still talk music together. She’s part of the reason his music taste actually started deviating  from  Lorelai’s and Rory’s.)
He doesn’t like unfair treatment of other people. It really gets to him. Examples are Ms. Kim to Lane and his grandparents and father to his mom. Later examples are Mitchum Huntzberger, and Marty. ( he’s pretty unimpressed with Marty and how his feelings for Rory make him act in general tbh but what he does with Lucy is just...it really bothers him he’s adamant that  Rory should tell Lucy the truth.)
Highkey  he has about zero patience for bad/toxic parents partly bc of his own feelings about Christopher and to an extent his grandparents that he keeps minimizing so they get projected on...everyone else with bad parents lol.
 Logan’s still a bit amazed that this shy soft spoken kid he met in his junior year went off like “He’s not your fucking property” when Mitchum went on his “You’re available when i say you’re available” tirade ( Elliot was ngl intimidated/scared of Mitchum who pretty much went “Who the hell are you??!” but Logan’s his friend and that wasn’t okay and he kept eye contact with the asshole until Logan diverted his attention back to him/the fight they were having and made sure he at least told Logan afterwards because “but he shouldn’t..” and “he shouldn’t have” and “No! No..it’s not Okay. “)
But also like constantly “it’s not a big deal” when it comes to his aforementioned feelings about Christopher and pretty much anything he might be angry about. 
Lowkey spends a lot of time Rory goes through relationship drama between “????” and “wowww dodged a bullet” Rory throws pillows at him for the latter because “If I’m gonna rant at you El, you could at least give me sympathy.”
He does have some insecurities about his orientation born out of just..f.eeling othered due to isolation and also some stuff he’s heard his dad say.
He figures out he’s asexual before he figures out he’s aromantic and has to deal with a lot of “Are you sure?” and “is that..is that normal?” from some townsfolks before he figures out Luke can scare them off and he lowkey spends a lot of time at the dinner during this time. Luke smiles at him and gives him muffins tho he’ll deny deny deny if you mention it.
A bit more sensitive than Rory like on the pilot episode when he notices Lorelai is worried about Chilton/having to ask her parents for money he stops at the base of the stairs and asks “is...everything okay mom?” and is kinda just in tune with how the people he cares about are feeling/picks up on things like that.
He...doesn’t super like his grandparents because of how they treat his mother.  Emily already made him a bit anxious because of her passive  aggressive nature ( he’s giving me some anxiety vibes tbh) and the fact that he thought the fact that his mom kept them away sorta ominous.  A lot of season 1 is him looking down at his plate and tensing with every “your mother’s golf clubs are in the attic along with the rest of her potential” and Richard’s “he ( Christopher) always was a smart one that  boy, you two must take after  him” and “as a maid with all your brains and talents” and it sorta...yeah he spends a lot of time looking at his plate and swallowing resentment. There are times where it gets better but overall he’s never completely at ease around them. He’s very quiet but civil around them even as he grows some affection and builds bridges with them along Lorelai and Rory. And I haven’t even figured out the fallout with the thing they pull at the wedding.
Emily at least once asked off handedly why Elliot wasn’t seeing anyone and I’m still figuring out if she says something like “that’s not normal” before Lorelai or Rory intervene.
(( Full disclosure Emily reminds me a bit too much of my own relationship with my mom and its really hard to write her favorably though I at least try to be fair. So Elliot is sometimes  a bit harsh on her and very in Lorelai’s corner when Emily and Richard are...less than nice. ))
Sort of a mamma’s boy. Rory and Lorelai have their special connection but so do Elliot and Lorelai. Rory was a bit more extroverted and would play/hang out with Lane while Elliot was perfectly content as a babie curling up with his mom and reading. It worried Lorelai a bit, how hard it was for him to reach out ( she never had that moment she had with Rory and Lane of “my kid has a friend” with him) but he always had Rory yknow so she calmed herself with that. Sometimes when Rory’s with Lane he’ll hang out at the Inn and work there. He somehow got in to Michel’s good graces ( “because you are quiet and unobtrusive”  and got him to teach him French 
Very tactile. When he’s getting nervous Rory will reach out and grab his hand or Lore will put her hands on his shoulder and he’ll calm down. He does the same when wanting to comfort friends or just wanting to show affection ( will lean on Finn and Colin a lot as he gets closer to them or accept that they’ll just throw an arm around him)
Meeting the LAD bridgade kids makes social events with his grandparents so much easier like ohmygod subparties with Logan Colin Finn and Rory  become lifesavers. ( its not so much the drinking as having someone you can laugh with while dodging your grandparents friends and the girl they told to look for you yknow)
He has more resentment towards Christopher than his sister and doesn’t see him with the rose colored glasses Rory sees him in their younger years. His absence hurts him a lot. He hides it well and is nice enough towards him because he loves Lorelai and Rory and wants them to be happy/have a good time but if you catch him on a bad day you might get a rant about how little Christopher knows about them and how little he was there  and “he just drops by, spends like a day with us and leaves yknow...it’s...and we’re supposed to be happy???” and the fact that he doesn’t wanna tell Rory or Lorelai bc he thinks it’ll upset them just  sorta...makes it worse.
And then at some point  Christopher pops off with “and how long are you gonna entertain this phase of his Lore, a boy his age should be dating” and while Rory’s making angry noises and Lorelai’s saying “Outside. Now” ( though they don’t know the twins are listening) he just gets...this thin unsurprised smile and...yeah it’s not great. 
Very supportive of people he loves. He’s constantly telling Rory through the Chilton years that she’s smart enough, more than smart enough to get through this and helps her study. He makes sure he tells Lorelai he loves her or hugs her if he can tell the dinners are a bit hard on her. Honestly a total cream puff. The resentment for his grandparents and father is mostly buried and comes out like when he’s upset/they do something that provokes it. Mostly he’s a really soft boy and kinda soft spoken, loves reading about science and space ( he balances out Rory’s preference for literature and history though they both like poetry and Elliot occasionally reads prose as Rory lets him infodump sometimes about science journals) and loves his friends so so dearly. Will get angry a la Beware The Nice Ones if you hurt them though the first thing he’ll do is comfort them/try to cheer them up.
He loves Stars Hollow but being the only aroace person he knows of there ( and fielding well intentioned “are you sures?” and “oh honey you’ll find someone someday”s and just..alot of early 2000s Star Hollow-ness ( “Hey kiddo you gonna bid on a basket this year?” “oh you’re getting handsome, gonna find yourself a girl for the starlight festival?” “is he..youknow?” is just...a lot? He wants to spread his wings and find his place/people like him/feel less isolated.
He still loves his town though as its his home and raised him his sister and in a way his mother. He visits while he’s at Yale ( the distance helps tremendously as does the ability to just...leave again) like Rory and says hi to Miss Patty and Gypsy and Andrew ( he loves Andrew omg. One of the few people who didn’t just assume he and Rory were always reading the same books) He helps the 30-Something gang find jobs/fine tune resumes  though im not including anything else form ayit and checks in how they’re doing bc..its still his town. They’re his family. “my nuts-o, extended...well meaning but sometimes overly invested and too-pushy-and-slightly-overbearing family.” even as he dreams of getting out a lot and once he does he...really likes it. He loves them
He goes to Yale because Rory goes to Yale (because again the whole Learning To Be Independent From Your Twin...kind of a slow process for him) and gets sibling-adopted by Finn and Colin  in a turn of events he’s pretty much confused over like im p sure they were like “hes ours now” and Elliot was like “im ...you’re...w..what?” and Logan who Knows Finn and Colin is like “don’t fight it” and lowkey adopted him too.
Im cutting myself off bc this got Long and im sorry lol
Thank you so much for the ask <3
send me a ✨ and i’ll tell you about a random OC
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babbushka · 5 years
For the prompt please! It can be whoever you choose!! H: “Here’s your coffee.”“I would move heaven and earth for you, my savior.”
I wanted to pull a wild card and write for someone different but i really do just love Flip so much lmao. I hope you like it, thank you for requesting my dear friend!!!
Word count: 1400
Warnings: none!
(prompt from this list!)
It was raining out when you pulled up to the station for the third timethat week. Armed with your umbrella, you made a run for the front door from yourcar, careful not to jostle the armful of things you were carrying on the way.
“(Y/N)! Good to see you again, how are you today?” One of thesecretaries, Sylvia, greeted you as you hurried to put your umbrella in aplastic sleeve so it wouldn’t track water all over the station.
“I’m well, thank you!” You smiled back at her. She came around the counterto help hold your things while you shrugged out of your coat, hanging it up onthe rack next to your husband’s parka. “I trust everything is alright with Samand the kids?” You asked, graciously taking back your belongings.
“Oh they’re doing just fine.” Sylvie beamed, “Marty just got acceptedinto his top pick college, we’re very proud.”
“Mazel tov!” You exclaimed, so proud of young Marty too. “Please sendthem my love!”
“Thank you, and of course.” Sylvie said, before pointing to the backwith a wink and whispering, “Your man’s down in his usual spot.”
“Thank you Sylvie.” You winked back, slipping past the authorized personnelonly door that non-officers really weren’t supposed to use.
But frankly, you spent so much time at the station that you werepractically exempt from the rules, and you smiled at everyone who greeted youon your way to visit your favorite detective.
Flip was surrounded by paperwork when you rounded the corner and passedthrough the door where the detective’s desks all were corralled.
You were glad that you decided to pay a visit, with the way Flip lookedup to his eyes in manila folders. Bored at home, you had decided to visit your manat work, a thermos of joe in one hand and a brown paper bag of pastries inthe other. Flip, Ron, and Jimmy were in the middle of a huge narcotics case –big enough to be working with Denver PD, and you knew it was going to be a longnight for him.
You had been with Flip long enough to know that the job wasn’t alwaysglamorous or high-energy like tv or movies made it seem, and you knew that onnights like these, the ten cent office coffee wasn’t going to do much for him.
“Are you real? Or have I finally lost it?” Flip asked dreamily when youstepped into the room.
“I’m real honey.” You said with an easy smile, crossing the room andplacing the thermos and the pastries on his desk, right on top of one of thefiles.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes, ketsl.” He sighed, his big hands on yourwaist as he pulled you to sit sideways in his lap, hugging you.
“You have been here a while huh.” You pressed a kiss to the side of hisstrong nose, making him smile.
He was the last one behind as per usual in the detective’s unit. He hadspent just about twelve hours working so far, with at least two more to go, buthaving you around made him forget how tired he was, or how he had been staringat the same sentence for twenty minutes just trying to make it make sense. Withyou there, he felt revitalized.
That feeling grew when you unscrewed the cap of the thermos and poured someof the freshly brewed coffee into the lid for him.
“Here’s your coffee.” You handed it to him, his hands immediatelyseeking the warmth of the steel cup.
He took a long sip and exhaled happily when he was done, humming aroundthe taste of the familiar home brew. And then after he savored the taste of it,he took another big gulp that scalded the back of his throat, but it wasabsolutely worth it. He could practically feel the caffeine perk up his system.
“I would move heaven and earth for you, my savior.” He thanked you bypressing little kisses all along your neck and on your cheeks, and you laughedat his dramatics.
“Maybe you have lost it.” Youteased, kissing him anyway with a big goofy smile. “Can you tell me anything?”You asked, situating yourself more comfortably on his lap.
“Nope.” He said, in that way that absolutely meant when we get home.
You grinned and snuggled against his chest for a minute, content to justbe with him and see him, but the more you sat in his spot, the more thepaperwork felt like it really had to be done. As much as you loved Flip and youloved visiting him, you never wanted to actually get in the way of his work,especially with how important the work was.
“I don’t want to stay too long and distract you, I just missed you.” Yousaid, making the motions to get up.
“Please distract me, ketsl.” Flip groaned, not letting you go anywhere,his strong arms tightening his grip around your middle, making you laugh.
“Maybe I can help?” You offered, but he shook his head.
“You really shouldn’t be looking at this.” He made no move to block anyof the top secret information though, and you quickly glanced over everything.
It looked like some sort of cocaine ring bust that they were setting up,and you already started committing names and faces to memory.
“Then take it home where I can’t look at it some more.” You kissed his dimplewhen he laughed.
“You’re trouble, you know that?” He asked, letting you go so you couldstand. You walked over to the radio and turned it on low, bringing in some softrelaxing jazz music to fill the silence of the air.  
“Yeah but I’m yours, and I bring scones.” You gestured to the bagsitting on Flip’s desk.
 He grabbed the brown bag and his thermos in one big hand, and took yourhand in the other as he lead you to the lounge where you could relax on the bigsoft sofa. You brought the radio along and happily sang along to Ella Fitzgeraldand Louis Armstrong.
You spent only the next half hour there, making sure he ate the sconesand got some sugar in his system to go with the caffeine. You’d be sure to worksome healthy vegetables into his meals the next day, but right now you knew heneeded the energy boost.
You and Flip played cards with the deck that you brought, you winningevery round. Flip maintains that he was just too tired to play properly, but youknew that he let you win on purpose. One of these days, you were going to give hima real run for his money – but today was not that day.
The rain lightened up by the time you finished up the fourth round ofrummy. With a sigh, you looked at the clock, it was ten p.m., and as much asyou hated leaving him, you knew he’d be here for a long while still.
“If you’re not home by one, I’ll come by with more coffee.” You said, gettingup from your spot on the couch and stretching.
“I love you so much, you’re too good to me.” Flip said, wanting nothingmore than to go home with you. He knew that the faster he got through all this,the faster he could leave.
“I love you too chamudi, come down here and kiss me.” You could see the renewedspark in his eyes, even if they were a little red from the strain. Seemed likecoffee, good company, and cards were just what the doctor ordered to getthrough a long day of work.
He happily obliged, kissing you gently on the lips before pulling backand kissing your forehead.
“I’ll walk you out?” He offered, but you shook your head.
“No, no more procrastinating.” You teased, squeezing his hand. He rolledhis eyes with a smile, and squeezed your hand back before letting you go. You slungyour purse over your shoulder and kissed him again, “I’ll see you at home?”
“As soon as I finish, I’ll be there.” He promised.
With a happy nod, you left the station, waving goodnight to Sylvie onyour way out. Small trips like these to the station always brightened yourmood, and definitely made Flip’s night better. Remembering his miserable expressionfrom before he noticed you in the doorway, you gave a little chuckle.
You wondered how he ever got anything done without you, but then thoughtthat it didn’t matter, because he’d always have you to look after him in thefuture.
Tagging some pals! :) As always, if you’d like to be added or taken off the list please just shoot me a message!  @fullofbees@spinebarrel @oh-adam@dreamboatdriver @bad–bad–man@thecurlycaptain @bourbonboredom@driverficarchive@aweirdlookingtree@rosalynbair@redhairedfeistynerd@adamsnackdriver@glitzescape@arwarz @adamsnacc-kler
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yeswevegotavideo · 5 years
@thegrandwilde, I got inspired from our earlier conversation and you did say you like getting introduced to new music so… (Though actually, feel free to ignore this post entirely, I just like info-dumping about They Might Be Giants and this is a convenient excuse to do so lol)
Apparently it was three asks, maybe there were more I didn’t see, but these are the songs I’ve seen referenced in those weird ass tmbg asks (Spotify links):
The Mesopotamians
Birdhouse in Your Soul
Don’t Let’s Start
And really, those are great songs, but speaking as someone who has obsessively listened to this band for 32 (of 36) years, these are some equivalent or better ones under the cut. One from almost every album, actually.
(*Favorite albums)
Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head (They Might Be Giants, 1986)
Their least-refined album, being their first, but full of a lot of gems, actually.
Ana Ng (Lincoln, 1988)*
Much more polished than the first. This one’s hard to choose one song from, nearly every one is gold.
Your Racist Friend (Flood, 1990)
Probably their most popular album, at least from my era? Extremely popular among Mormons for reasons I’ve never really understood.
I, Palindrome, I (Apollo 18, 1992)*
Arguably my favorite album to this day, not just from TMBG, but generally. It’s actual perfection, is all. Next to impossible to choose a single song to feature.
No One Knows My Plan (John Henry, 1994)*
Their first album after adding more members/instruments, including some horns, which they would keep from this point forward. (Now they’re two Johns, two Dans, and a Marty). Arguably their first commercially viable album, and likely the thing that got them noticed by TV producers. (Soon after this, they wrote The Daily Show theme and have been more or less industry staples ever since. They wrote the Malcolm in the Middle theme song, as well.)
Pet Name (Factory Showroom, 1996)*
Another basically perfect album, next to impossible to choose a single song from. I only chose this one because it’s awesome and a bit more chill than a lot of their stuff.
Doctor Worm (Severe Tire Damage, 1998)
One of their better-known songs, from an almost entirely live album, but not a live song. I see people quoting this one semi-often and wonder where they heard it.
Reprehensible (Long-Tall Weekend, 1999)
The first full-length online-only album ever released by a major artist. Which is amazing. (They were also one of the first major artists, if not the first, to have an official online radio station, in 1999. Which is insane.)
This song is a good representation of a mainstay of TMBG: pairing perky pop melody with vaguely (or sometimes blatantly) sinister lyrics or subject matter. One of my most favorite musical tropes (gee, I wonder why? Lol)
My Man (Mink Car, 2001)*
Released around the time John Flansburgh started his electronica/hip-hop fusion side project, Mono Puff. I’m not wild about the project, but being in that headspace did wonderful things for this album.
This song is featured to demonstrate their extreme, general nerdiness (especially John Linnell’s, who is my preferred John). Insofar as they have managed to turn the 3 word phrase, “I am paralyzed” into a 3 minute song, without once using the actual phrase.
Experimental Film (The Spine, 2004)
A good, solid album, another one it’s hard to choose one song from. The video for this song was done by the Brothers Champs, creators of Homestar Runner. The story goes that they each found out the other were huge fans of theirs, collectively did whatever the middle-aged man equivalent of a fangirl-squeal is, and began collaborating immediately. They still do, occasionally.
The Cap’m (The Else, 2007)*
It took me a while to warm up to this album, but now I absolutely love it. While looking for a song to post, I realized one of the anon asks quoted this song.
The Lady and the Tiger (Join Us, 2011)*
A nearly perfect album marred by a couple of songs that I legitimately dislike. That is…not a thing I say about TMBG often. *shrug* They can’t all be Apollo 18.
This song baaaarely squeaked by ahead of You Probably Get That A Lot, When Will You Die?, and Cloissinné because the Bassline. Fucking. Slaps.
Money for Dope (Album Raises New and Troubling Questions, 2011)
Released as a companion to Join Us, including some songs cut from the album along with some b-sides, live tracks, & remixes. It’s got some good shit on it, including Marty Beller Mask, easily one of the most surreal songs they’ve ever written.
But I featured this song because it was the inspiration for my The Young Ones: Love & Mobsters fic: Dope, and because it’s one of their many songs that is literally just a list of things, which is very them.
Call You Mom (Nanobots, 2013)
Another solid album, but not one of my favorites. It might just be too new for me (she said of the 6 year old album), but it might just not be one of their best albums. *shrug*
They Might Be Giants has a very distinct sense of humor. This song is just about the perfect example of that.
Erase (Glean, 2015)
The first album released after they started their new Dial-A-Song project, which they turned into a song-a-week challenge. As a result, the album isn’t like, exceptional, but there are a lot of gems, actually.
This is my favorite song on the album because it’s about the creative editing process (yes, a rare TMBG song that is definitively about something) and I feel it on a spiritual level.
Bills, Bills, Bills (Phone Power, 2016)
I’m not familiar enough with this album to have much of an opinion on it, I don’t listen to it much. But I had to include this song because I legitimately fucking love TMBG covers, and this one was…unexpected, lmao.
Mrs. Bluebeard (I Like Fun, 2018)*
The first album released after the 2016 election, and it shows, with a strong thread of fears about aging, loss, vague despair/disappointment, and political anger (An Insult to the Fact Checkers is a blatantly anti-Trump song). I fucking love it.
This song is just really well composed, and also demonstrates a strong feminist sensibility, rarely seen in ostensibly cishet(?), white, male baby-boomers (young ones, but still).
(Yes cis, dunno if het? Neither are particularly effusive about their personal lives. They’re both married which, of course, means literally nothing.)
I mean, they’ve clearly always been liberal commie bastards (see Your Racist Friend above), but they’ve become more vocally so over the past few years.
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leaveharmony · 5 years
It’s so hard to type on the tablet so I did only the briefest of summaries at the time.  An account of random Tana encounters in NYC over supercard weekend, cut for length.
Anyway - I’d promised @lone-gunwoman-of-the-week a new york postcard, which with one thing and another I had forgotten entirely about until Saturday, when we passed a big rack of them outside a touristy place down the street and I stopped dead and pointed, “POSTCARD!”
We were on a trek to Macy’s at the time, looking to get mum an emergency replacement purse because hers had blown out its zipper with all the stuff she was carrying in it - the last straw was after Wrestlecon when she couldn’t find her Metrocard, and then it just gave up the ghost.
(Macy’s was way too expensive as an aside - we ended up going to K mart lol.  Those all closed here like two decades ago!)
So we got the postcard, and then a stamp at the other gift shop in the hotel...only I was in pretty rough shape so we decided to go back up to the room so I could actually write the postcard & address and such.  So we went back down to mail it, conveniently at the letterbox at the other end of the lobby.
Like I say, @joshi-hashi by total coincidence booked us at the same hotel where the whole roster was staying, so over the course of three days I ran into / saw, including but probably not limited to: Kazu, Ishii, Sho & Yoh, Yano, Tacos, Goto, Shingo, Naito, EVIL, Will, Shibata & his lions, Juice, Zack (we kept riding the elevator with him lol), Jay, Tama, Haku, Yujiro, Gedo, Jado, Taguchi, Rocky, Ren, Shota, Red Shoes, Sato, Marty, MiSu, Taka, Kota, Kagatsu & a few of the other Stardom girls, Sumie...
Again, I was in rough shape and mum was faring no better, so in the window of time between waking up and the show, we could have gone and done more tourist stuff but after the subway disaster on Friday, we elected just to stay around home base, Saturday.  And I needed to sit down, so we picked a spot on one of the long padded couches in the lobby to recoup a little.  Not a minute later, Tacos, Goto & Yano rounded the bend from the elevator - we’d somehow managed to time it so that we were sitting there as literally everybody was making their way across to MSG for the show.  Hand on heart, total coincidence...I just wanted to mail a postcard lol.  As obviously times when you can just sit there comfortably and watch the whole NJPW roster walk past are fairly limited in number, we elected to stay a while.  Kazu actually came from the direction of the doors but he did have a suitcase, so I have no idea where he’d been - he grinned at us when we waved though.  Shota smiled too, Kota managed somehow to smile, wave and bow without even slowing down because that’s just the kinda guy he is.  MiSu looked at us like we were nuts every time we waved lol but we kept doing it anyway.  Most didn’t notice - I always feel like being to forward is rude so we just kept to our seat & waved rather than trying to get selfies or start a conversation - everybody was obviously all over everywhere and busy.
I couldn’t help myself on a very specific occasion, though.  “We’ll wait til 3:30,” I said casually, fooling no one.  We had the end bench right by the little dividing wall that obscures the elevators; he emerged nearly right next to me and I sprang up like a jack in the box.  My hair was pigtailed and I had my hat on rather than the feathered headband & ponytail, and I was dressed like a normal human being rather than wrestling Cinderella, but he remembered me ^_^  I didn’t want to detain him or anything so we just clasped hands again & I wished him luck - though I guess it didn’t help much.  But I was so happy just to see him again, for what I figured would be the last (probably only) time casually.  Two really sweet Japanese ladies also spotted him on the way out and physically chased him down the lobby to say hi lol.  The pillars were a little in the way but we could see him beaming while they gushed over him, and then they took a selfie.  I guess they must have complimented his hair (which looked fucking amazing) because he told them getting it done for the show cost $300 lol.  It absolutely looked it.  We were still sitting there when they came back and of course they noticed my Tana shirt - they both had his shirts on too (I think he might have signed them on the spot cos they were both proudly showing me the autographs).  So we had a really lovely chat in what they could manage in english (much much better than my broken Japanese).  Rachel appeared not long after, summoned by my mention of Kota going past, and so we all talked a while.  I just.  I love wrestling lol and the kinship of wrestling fans.
Later, after Supercard (which was on whole at least live very good, apart from some really, really stupid decisions on ROH’s part) it was past midnight when we got back to the room; our airport shuttle was due to arrive at 3:05 last we’d heard, but mum had a text message waiting RE: a slight bump up to 3:15, something schedule or logistics related I guess.  So we figured that there was no point going to bed as we’d maybe get two hours’ sleep before the wake up call and it’d be better to use the time packing and getting everything arranged.  When more or less everything was, I went up to floor 12 to sit up at the common table with Elle & Rachel (admittedly I broke into a bit of a sprint when Elle texted to say Tana’d gone past lol).  By another total coincidence as we were sitting there loudly discussing the show, an absolutely lovely gentleman who works in what sounded like a v. important position with NJPW World happened to walk past and overhear.  He’s obviously got a vested interest, so he u-turned as I was saying “If someone had only just casually seen this as a first introduction they’d probably come away concluding New Japan is amazing and ROH is terrible.”
“New japan is amazing?” he echoed, to a chorus of Yes’s.  So we had a chat for about twenty minutes giving him general feedback, telling him how we all met cos of NJPW, how we first heard about it, watch every show live, showed him all our costumes for the show, etc.  He got a handle on Elle and Rachel’s names but kept calling me “Hiroshi” because he’d seen me the day before at Wrestlecon in my Tana dress lmao.   He was a real sweetheart - a fan turned employee, living the dream.  He thanked us for paying his salary, essentially lol.  I should have thought to ask him about putting out an english subtitled version of Shinsuke’s Wonderland interview XD
But I had to run not long after he left, cos I’d cut it a bit fine with 20 minutes or so before the shuttle was scheduled.  We weren’t sure if the driver would come looking or if we had to be outside, so mum checked the keycards while I ran to see if I could ask the doorman, figuring he/they would keep a better watch and know what to look for, or just know which way it would be.  That early in the morning there wasn’t a doorman, though.  So to play it safe we stayed by the doors just inside, keeping watch, figuring at about five min before the appointed time we’d go outside.  “The lobby seems so empty without all the wrestlers in it,” mum remarked.  I figured that late, everyone must have gone to bed already.
Not long after though, TAKA came in with uh...let’s just say ‘some lady friends’ and hope they were fully informed lady friends.  “There, happy?” I said to mum, looking back towards the door in time to see Kota heading for it with a few of the accompanying entourage I figure must have been staff, translators and officials - they were everywhere too, this weekend.  I thought for a split second, ‘Oh good, I’ll be able to congratulate him!’ before he faded to a gentle haze in the background, as the sun himself said something on the way past and walked on by the door, towards Macy’s.  I don’t even think I said anything to mum but she probably understood when I took off at a dead sprint, not even bothering to drop my suitcase handle, just towing it behind me like a little red wagon.  I blew past Kota without even looking at him (I’m so sorry dude!!!!) and went as fast as my poor abused knee could carry me the way he’d gone - he hadn’t gotten far, just tucked around a little corner by the entrance - I think he was gonna do another selfie or panoramic lol. 
Again, the man is fucking unflappable, as he didn’t even raise an eyebrow when confronted with a disheveled, panting nutcase in a trenchcoat and newsboy cap being smacked in the back of her legs w/ her own suitcase at the abrupt stop.  “We’re just waiting for our airport shuttle!” I blurted.  “So I get to say goodbye!”
He actually managed to look happy to see me, bless his heart lol.  He thanked me for the third time, for the doll I made him, and I just said thank you for everything.  Again - I don’t like to be too forward, I don’t even think I could bring myself to ask for a hug, I’m too shy & too much of a headcase wrt fear of being a burden or an annoyance.  But he came at me first, and when the Ace has his arms open to you, there is but one possible course, and that course is to throw yourself into them lol.  He is a wonderful hugger :’)  It’s like being wrapped in the embrace of everything that is good and pure in this world & that’s not even hyperbole, that was really how it felt.
I’m so glad I got to say goodbye.  I mean...it would’t have broken my heart, you know?  There’s always that “Oh maybe I’ll see him again at random” thought in the back of the mind but it’s utterly without expectation.  But I was blessed enough to have the chance to speak to him twice, by chance. 
It really was like a lil fairytale; my lil wrestling Cinderella dream come true in a way I never would have actually believed.
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multimetaverse · 6 years
i just saw a post of yours where you said you thought cyrus was gonna be paired with tj even before the muffin scene. how so? (i ask bc i really didn't think anything of it until the swing scene lmao)
Thanks for the ask (and sorry for this long ass reply!). If anyone else has any asks my ask box is always open. I had a bunch of mostly in show reasons and a few real world reasons why I was 80% confident that Tyrus would be a thing after 2x05 aired (this jumped up to 90% after the muffin scene and 100% after the swings). 
-I think most people thought that TJ was an ‘evil’ replacement for Marty who took over Marty’s storyline with Buffy but I thought from the beginning of TJ’s arc that he was in fact an ‘evil’ Jonah and the show has proven me right
-You don’t introduce another confident green eyed sports captain and not have him interact with at least one of the two characters who have a crush on Jonah. 
-Marty’s line in 2x03 that TJ ignores him in their classes together is an overlooked but important line. This line tells us that sexism isn’t his only motivation for hating Buffy and that he’s an aloof jerk to almost everyone. 
-When we’re told that a character is an aloof jerk to almost everyone it’s a setup for when that character is actually nice and kind to someone and lo and behold TJ and Cyrus had such a moment
-Given that he’s similar to Jonah in many respects TJ could have been for either Andi or Cyrus but in 2x02, 2x03, and 2x05 they give Cyrus moments and lines associated with either TJ or basketball that imo were subtle foreshadowing
-In 2x02 Cyrus spends most of his brief screen time throwing the ball the wrong way into the hoop, it’s mostly just a reason to include him in the ep but it does start the association between him and Buffy’s basketball storyline and I think a set up for a future scene where TJ teaches Cyrus how to properly play
-In 2x03 Buffy says that TJ hates her and Cyrus replies that he hates TJ then asks who TJ is, it’s a throwaway line that could have been said by anybody but it leads in to 2x05
-In 2x05 Cyrus tells Buffy that her basketball game was the most excited he’s ever been for sports and that he was never bored once, he even compliments her on her ‘assist’ to TJ ! (and the implication that Cyrus is more excited by Basketball than Ultimate is interesting to say the least)
-This whole scene was very bizarre to me on first watch, why was Cyrus having so much fun watching a game where Buffy is never passed the ball and when she does get possession TJ snatches it from her hands? And then later in the ep Cyrus encourages Buffy to try and be polite with TJ and even though they’re clearly yelling at each other Cyrus thinks that his advice worked
-These little moments spread out over 3 eps have the effect of creating a link between Cyrus and basketball and more specifically Cyrus and TJ, something that wouldn’t be necessary unless they were going to be having scenes together
-The final in show clue for me was that TJ and Buffy have no chemistry. The show has done a great job in making sure the characters have great chemistry with their love interests: Buffy and Marty, Andi and Walker, and Jonah with Andi and Cyrus. TJ very clearly was not cast to have chemistry with Buffy which meant that he was made to be paired up with someone else
-The actors for Cyrus and TJ are the same age irl. Since Josh is older than the rest of the kid cast I was always sure that the actor cast to play Cyrus’ love interest would be roughly the same age as him
-I don’t think Disney will make Jonah bisexual and even if they did it wouldn’t be until the last minutes of the series. This creates a huge problem as leaving Cyrus single for the rest of 2b, S3, and a probable S4 would make Disney look bad and would get them lot’s of negative press
-It was always likely then that Cyrus would get a love interest but what are the chances that Disney will have 3 LGBTQ characters on one show? Frankly, I think people sense that it will either be Cyrus and TJ or Cyrus and Jonah and this is why there’s been so much wank online, one ship sailing will necessarily involve the permanent sinking of the other
-I never thought Walrus was gonna be a thing. It became clear very quickly in S2 that they were gonna take Cyrus’ storyline very slowly and I just didn’t think that his story would be in a place that allowed him to flirt with or ask out or be asked out by a boy by episode 13. (Kudos to Josh and Darius for that beanie photo though, that was some masterful trolling)
-I don’t think Terri was ever planning to do it but I’ll bet that Disney absolutely forbade a love triangle that pitted Andi against one of her best friends. GMW was destroyed by it’s love triangle that pitted the main character against her best friend and Andi Mack definitely will not make that same mistake. I always thought it likely that Andi and Jonah would break up and never date again but also that Cyrus would move on from his crush on Jonah thereby keeping the focus on the friendships among the Good Hair Crew
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berlinallover · 7 years
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: Kurt/Peter! Admittedly I haven’t really explored many other options, but this is a really adorable and pure ship that makes me very happy.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Most things, really, though I do have a couple rules. I don’t write smut on this blog because I suck at it, and I absolutely will not do incest/selfcest, rape, or anything else involving icky sexual things you could get arrested for. I also don’t write polyships based on bad past experiences. But I’ll do most other things at least once. I one time seriously discussed a verse where Kurt was a murderer and in a weird polyamorous incest ship with the Maximoff twins with my best friend -- but it was going to break two of my rules, and I thought that was pretty damn dark considering the usual content of this blog.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I can’t give you an exact number, because I used to say “anything over 7 years difference” but then Kurt started dating Peter, who is 9 years older than him. More than a decade older usually makes me uncomfortable though. And if they’re legally an adult before the other is born, then it’s pretty much irreparable at that point. The older one is going to end up being a parental figure, and that’s just not my thing. Also if one of them is underage, that’s an immediate ick. Back to not wanting to write things the muses could be arrested for.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Yes. I usually only ship with muns I feel comfortable with, so that I can feel safe communicating with them properly. I’ve shipped with a handful of people before, but so far I was already at least sort-of friends with the other mun before diving into that. Plus Kurt’s demisexual, so it needs a lot of lead up that can be really tedious and annoying for some writers, and I totally understand that. So I generally just pursue friendship relationships with muses, and see if anything happens from there.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: Ahhhhhhh well Kurt seems to stay pretty... snuggly the whole way through, so it’s not very sexy in a traditional sense. I’m pretty good at knowing when he’s headed somewhere now, but I don’t write smut in very explicit terms, so... Maybe when Kurt’s sounds start getting too sexual?
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: Always @silverliniing that’s for sure. I actually set up this blog originally because we’d started shipping these two off of tumblr, and I started realizing how much I loved writing Kurt. And I’ve discussed it with @haplesstimetraveller in very preliminary terms that we didn’t get far with (although Kurt still has a ridiculous crush on Marty). But so far that’s it!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: You never have to ask to flirt with Kurt. And if they’re having chemistry, go right ahead and follow it. But I do want to discuss it -- at least to make sure we’re on the same page -- before it turns into a proper ship! Though I’ll absolutely contact you about it if you don’t contact me first and I’m feelin’ it.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I love having ships to explore the character having a close relationship with one other person and watching them learn how to problem solve as a team, but since I’m pretty picky about ships, it’s not something I pursue usually? I love friendships and familial relationships just as much as I love ships. But Kurt also needs a lot of kisses in his life, and since he has yet to find a mama to kiss his forehead, he has to settle for his boyfriend.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Technically, but so far only silverliniing has actually shown any interest. So I’m also kind of one-ship just by the default that I only have one ship!
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?:  I’m literally both at the same time. I’m super chill about the idea of having ships, but as soon as I get one I will never stop texting you about it. Ask silverliniing, she knows.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Lmao I have so many ships in this fandom. To list a few: Kurt/Peter (as stated), Erik/Charles, Jean/Scott, Alex/Darwin (and also Alex and Darwin I multiship with “being alive”), Rogue/Ororo, Laura/Warren (tho while the comic version makes me laugh a ridiculous amount my fav version of this is when it’s Ben Hardy Warren so they’re equally messed up), Logan/Moira (which happened accidentally in an off-tumblr RP with a friend and then I got invested), and Jubilee/chili fries.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Do a thread with me first to see if they’ve got chemistry, then hit me up to chat about it. Cause I am a massive pain and you probably don’t want to ship with me after reading this anymore.
tagged by: stolen off of: @haplesstimetraveller tagging: Anyone who wants it!
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
I have no idea if you are still taking requests or not but if you are, can I get a uh muffy fic with a side of fluff and an extra large sick Buffy? (Asgds I just had McDonald's ignore me lmao)
Sick at Home: Muffy One Shot
“Marty, I’m serious, please stay home,” Buffy begged, right after a sneeze.
“No, we need to get you to a doctor or at least let me bring the stuff I got you to take care of you,” Marty insisted over the phone.
“No, don’t do that- wait a minute! You told me you didn’t have the stuff already”.
“Ok, I lied, but I thought that if I told you I didn’t have it then you would be more willing to tell me what you actually need”.
“I don’t need anything, Marty. My dad got me all the medicine and food I could ask for. I’m really sick and don’t want you getting sick to”.
“I have the immune system of an immortal being, Buffy,” Marty said. However, his voice sounded a lot closer than over the phone. Buffy snapped her head around to her door frame. Marty was standing in the door with a wicker basket filled with goodies. He was using the arm with the wicker basket to also hold his phone to his ear, because his other arm was behind his back.
Buffy didn’t look good. Her hair was incredibly tangled and messy, her dad’s large old t-shirt she used as a pajama shirt had a stain from two days ago, there were tissues all over her bed, her nose was incredibly stuffed, and her eyes were so swollen she looked like she was having an allergic reaction.
“What are you doing here?! Go home!” Buffy demanded, hanging up her phone.
Marty smiled, awkwardly dropping his phone in the basket, and sat on her bed, making sure to keep his other arm behind his back and hidden from Buffy.
“I told you, I’m taking care of you. Now, hush, Driscoll”.
Buffy couldn’t help but give him a small smile. She really didn’t want to get him sick, but the sentiment was nice and she didn’t have the energy to keep pushing him out, so she just let him keep talking.
“Now, I brought everything you need. Cold medicine, rags to wet and cool down your fever, crackers, soup, High School Musical 1-3- you’re favorite- oh! and this”. Marty pulled out a small brown stuffed bear. It had a little red ribbon tied around it’s neck and racing shoes on it’s feet. He handed it to her and she began to examine the bear, grinning.
“I named it Muffy,” Marty said proudly.
“You’re kidding me,” Buffy said, completely dry, looking over the bear at Marty with a blank stare.
“What?! I like it!” Marty said, defending himself.
“You’re really going to name the bear the ship name Andi gave to us?”
“Yeah, I thought it was symbolic”.
“Well, I think it’s silly”.
Marty looked a little hurt. He tried to take the bear away from Buffy, “well, fine then. I’ll take it back”.
Buffy yanked the bear back to her chest, “no, no, no. I like it.” Buffy looked at the some more and giggled to herself a little. “Muffy”.
Marty watched her for a second, realized he was staring, and then jumped off the bed. “Well, how about it, Buff? What do you need me to do? You hungry? Need medicine? How about a movie?”
Buffy adjusted herself up her in bed a little. “I really don’t need anything, Marty. I also really don’t want you getting sick. I’ll be fine. I promise”.
“I didn’t say I was leaving. I asked what you needed. So if you don’t need anything, then why don’t we go do something. How long have you been in bed?”
“Aside from the bathroom? Couple of days. Why?”
“Well, off we go”. Just then Marty walked over to Buffy and scooped her up in a bridal carry. She tried to fight him off, giggling, but she was too weak.
Marty grinned and said, “you have no power over me, Driscoll,” giving his best maniacal laugh. He carried her and Muffy down two flights of stairs into the basement and set her on the couch. He grabbed some blankets from a large wicker basket in the back corner of the room and opened them up on her lap.
“I’ll be back,” Marty said. Buffy couldn’t help but roll her eyes and smile. What did she ever do to deserve him?
About two minutes later, Marty returned down the stairs with the wicker basket and a pillow under his arm. It had all three of the High School Musical movies in it, two water bottles, and the crackers he bought. Buffy was looking at Muffy again, playing with it’s arms, when she looked up and saw Marty.
“Thanks. You were pretty fast getting all of that,” Buffy said, impressed.
“You must have forgotten, I’m 11.5,” Marty said with a smirk.
Buffy rolled her eyes again. She had definitely fallen for an idiot and she couldn’t be more happy about it. She loved how quirky he was. How he kept her on her toes, making her laugh with their competitive bants. He molded into her personality perfectly and she was so thankful for that.
Marty put the first High School Musical in the DVD player and popped out the bottom half of his couch cushion so he could put his feet up. He set the pillow down on the opposite side of Buffy, away from him, so she could lay down and stretch out if needed. Marty set down, giving a small old-man grunt.
“Isn’t it funny that Troy and Gabriella met at a party and are dating. And we met at a party and now we’re dating?” Buffy asked.
“Ease up on the cough medicine, Driscoll. We aren’t exclusive, yet.”
Yet. Buffy liked the sound of that. It had only been a week since they kissed at Andi’s party, but she was ok if they moved a little faster.
The movie began and Marty got settled in. Buffy was still sitting up and she looked at the pillow. Then to Marty. Then to the pillow. She chose Marty. She laid her head down on his chest and wrapped her arm around his stomach. Marty gave her a suspicious look and said, “hey, I thought you didn’t want to get me sick”.
“Too late for that. You decided to stay. Your fault”, Buffy said as she nuzzled her head in a little more. Marty picked up the arm that she was laying again and rested it along her side. He gently moved his fingers up and down her lower waist and side. It tickled her, but she liked it. 
They spent the rest of the night watching the movies. They moved positions, but still had one person either laying on the other’s lap or shoulder if they did.
When the third movie came on, Buffy was out cold on Marty’s lap. He scooped her back up, carrying her back up the stairs while she held Muffy tight in her arms. Buffy wriggled a little, but Marty just hushed her, telling her to just keep sleeping.
He laid her down in bed and pulled the covers up over her. Marty looked softly at Buffy for a few seconds and then put his hand on her cheek. It felt warm, but like the fever had lowered slightly. He rubbed a thumb back and forth on her cheek, said, “Good night, Buff,” pushed her hair back with that same hand, and kissed her forehead. He walked out, quietly closing the door behind him.
Two days later, Buffy was feeling much better so she went back to school. After first period, she hadn’t seen Marty anywhere. She saw Andi and Cyrus talking by a locker and ran over to them. “Hey, have you guys seen Marty anywhere? I’ve been looking everywhere for him”.
“He’s in my first period and his mom said he was out sick,” Andi said, gripping her backpack’s arm straps and shrugging. Cyrus shook his head “no” as well.
After school, Marty was scrolling on his laptop when he heard a tap on the door. “Come in!” he uttered, through a stuffy nose, getting a small cough.
“Told you you would get sick,” Buffy said, cocky.
Marty rolled his eyes as he closed his laptop and put it on his pillow next to him.
“Anyway, I brought this for you, you left it at my house,” Buffy said, holding up the wicker basket.
His hair was messy and his cheeks and nose were red and flushed. His bed was a lot cleaner than Buffy’s was when she was sick, but his face was a lot more sweaty and shiny from the fever. Marty smiled through his tired eyes and propped himself up in his bed. Buffy sat on his bed by his feet, setting the basket down next to her.
He noticed the High School Musical movies back in the basket, as well as White Fang. She had also brought him new crackers, soup, and cold medicine, with his rags cleaned and ready for reuse. He also noticed a black item in the bottom of the basket.
Marty looked at Buffy with a suspicious grin, “what’s this?” He asked, pulling the black item out to reveal a black stuffed bear.
Buffy smiled, but her lips started quivering as she tried not to laugh. “Barty,” she said. She couldn’t control herself, though. She busted up a huge, gut-bellied laugh. Marty tried to contain himself but ended up laughing too.
“We’re kind of stupid, huh?” he asked.
“We’re the absolute worst,” she said, both still laughing, hysterically. 
Both of them calmed down from laughing and Marty just stared at Buffy, smiling.
“What?” she asked, giving a slight chuckle under her breath.
“Nothing... I’m just... really lucky to have you,” Marty said, still smiling.
Buffy titled her head kindly at Marty and gave him a soft grin as she said, “me too”.
Requested by: @dancerdramatic14
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wildcherrypepsihero · 7 years
1-100 please! And have a good day! :)
Holy CRAP! THANK YOU! Seriously, you can PM me your url if you want some asks sent your way! You’re too kind :)
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? Yeah, I think so. I’m pretty much uncomfortable with hand-holding or long hugs/cuddly with anyone but my SO. I’ve tolerated it before for friends who are going through stuff, but I really enjoy personal space. I would be pretty uncomfortable if Marty did anything cuddly with someone else, too. Kissing is pretty over-the-line for me.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Hasn’t everyone? Yes, I have.
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Deafness at will?Like the ability to create total silence. I get overwhelmed pretty easily, and I hate a lot of noises, so it’d be nice to shut it out sometimes!
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Absolutely not!
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. I don’t drink, sorry!
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? He was a douche and was only interested in me for sex. Which was super gross because he was a lot older than me.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Old age. Painless.
8. What are your current goals? I have a ton of goals right now!!! I want to get a cartilage piercing, I want to lose weight, I want to get straight A’s, I want to get a tattoo I want to make new friends, I want to become more involved with my religion, I want to save up for my gap year between undergrad and grad school, and I want to make the most of my time between now and when I graduate!
9. Do you like someone? Been dating the love of my life for almost three years!
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? I’m trying not to hold grudges about it. It’s already in the past!
11. Do you like your body? Sometimes! I’m a lot less mean to myself than I used to be.
12. Can you keep a diet? I’ve never dieted! I’m good at eating well, though!
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I’d agonize over it for a long time, but I’d draft a speech on how important knowledge is and try to talk about acceptance and stuff. The political scene is rough right now.
14. Do you work? Yep! I’m a paid intern at school for English, and I’m a carpenter over the summers!
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Does the entire genre of “vegetables” count? If I had to pick one... Maybe broccoli? I really like tomatoes, too.
16. Would you get a tattoo? Yep! I want to get an Italian worker bee on my left wrist.
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? My education!
18. Can you drive? No. My anxiety is pretty easy to hide, but it’s been pretty crippling, too. I wish I could do normal things.
19. When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful? Today! I was really self-conscious at the beach, but my boyfriend was lovely and texted me encouragement!
20. What was the last thing you cried for? My grandfather who passed away a few years ago.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of! I don’t have time to journal or to even write stories on their own, but my planner acts as my journal. It’s one of the most treasured things I own.
22. Is life fun? Absolutely!
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I think farting in public is gross and disrespectful, but in private with people you know is totally fine.
24. What’s your dream car? Convertible VW bug!
25. Are grades in school important? No, as long as you’re learning! In my experience, though, when I’m learning, my grades are good. When I’m not learning, they’re not. But that isn’t the case with everyone!
26. Describe your crush. Dorky, cute, kind. My best friend.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? A Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell and Hidden Figures!
28. What was your last lie? “No worries!”
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? Any time I told some wildly untrue story in my youth to seem interesting.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? YES.
31. Something you did and you are proud of? I’ve had straight A’s two semesters in a row, I’m publishing multiple articles in TWO journals with my school, and I’m in the Honors program at my university!
32. What’s your favorite cocktail? I don’t drink!
33. Something you are good at? Critical analysis of language!
34. Do you like small kids? Well enough!
35. How are you feeling right now? I’m really tired.
36. What would you name your daughter/son? Noelle/Phillip. Both named after family members.
37. What do you need to be happy? Marty, a good book, a comfy bed, and a job at a university!
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? At any given moment, I’m ready to punch two specific people in the face.
39. What was the last gift you received? My dad got me a bunch of patches for my bag!
40. What was the last gift you gave? I can’t even remember. It was probably for Marty.
41. What was the last concert you went to? Probably Sara Bareilles!
42. Favourite place to shop at? I like stores like Target! I also like Francesca’s.
43. Who inspires you? My mom and my first professor.
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? N/A
45. How old were you when you first got high? N/A
46. How old were you when you first had sex? 19
47. When was your first kiss? My senior year of high school
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? I have a workout, meal, and overall points plan!
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I wish I’d taken my English classes more seriously in high school.
50. Post a selfie. I’m horrible at taking pictures. I’m pretty much exactly like this emoji: (ง°ل͜°)ง
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Marty!
52. Name one thing that terrifies you. UNCERTAINTY.
53. What kind of books do you read? Realistic fiction and creative nonfiction. I don’t have a lot of tolerance for ridiculously fictitious stories anymore.
54. What would you tell your 12-year-old self? Life is going to get hard. Learn how to cope with it sooner. Ask your mom for a fucking therapist.
55. What is your favorite flower? Purple coneflowers have had my heart for years, but a lot of bee-friendly flowers have been growing on me.
56. Any bad habits you have? Maybe it’s not a habit more than it is a symptom, but I scratch at my ears until they bleed and clean them until the protective layer of wax is gone and they get infected. Not fun :(
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? Low-maintenance, low-drama dorks.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? I didn’t even notice this was on here twice when I reblogged it.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? I really hate hot fruit and mushy hot vegetables.
60. Are you in love? Yes!
61. Something you find romantic? Laughing together! And cuddling :)
62. How long was your longest relationship? My current one! Almost three years!
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? These seem pretty heavily based on stereotypes. Three things that irritate me about PEOPLE are 1. over-dramatic, 2. little to no forethought about most things, 3. UNWILLING TO SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS THROUGH SIMPLE COMMUNICATION.
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? See above.
65. What are you saving money for? New apartment things! Cork board, rice steamer, etc.
66. How would you describe your bad side? Stubborn, holds grudges, easily irritated.
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I’m trying really hard to be a good person. I still have a lot of really selfish habits and mindsets, but (weirdly enough) my experiences with religion have helped me change them.
68. What are you living for? My lovely SO and my passion for English and higher education!
69. Have you ever done anything illegal? Nope!
70. Do you like your body? See above? I guess?
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? No, I don’t think so.
72. Ever sent nudes? Nah. The NSA doesn’t need to see anything but my fully-clothed body.
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
74. Favourite candy? I really like Butterfingers! And Hostess mini powdered donuts, if those count as candy.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @barry-bluejeans - I love all that sweet taz content. There are some other taz blogs, too, but I really love this one.
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favorite game? Starbound, right now! I also adore Stardew Valley.
77. Favorite TV series? I love Brooklyn 99 and Parks and Rec.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Uh, yeah! I think I am? I recently got introduced to a really open branch of religion and I’ve been learning a lot. I don’t think there’s a man in the sky who knows everything. I think God is a limited entity that exists in the interactions between people? Like... I don’t know. God is the forgiveness between two people for the initial awkwardness of conversation. God is the need for letting grudges go quickly out of personal growth, not out of charity for the other person. God is the overwhelming sense of calmness we get when we’re out in the quiet of nature. God is the ever-expanding universe getting to know itself, if that makes sense? I dunno. I’m still a little embarrassed about religion, but I really like to explore it in writing lmao.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? A Book of Bees! YES! It was so poetic and peaceful! My copy even had grammatical errors and typos, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the book!!!
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? Extremely admirable, especially when it’s in protest of the current meat industry.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Since my sophomore year of high school, though I’ve deleted a few times to start over.
82. Do you like Chinese food? YES!
83. McDonalds or Subway? Subway, I guess? These are both kind of bad options.
84. Vodka or whiskey? I don’t drink...
85. Alcohol or drugs? Neither... Although I would choose pretty much anything over drugs.
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? Been out of state, but not out of country (YET!)
87. Meaning behind your blog name? It started out as a vent blog. I deal with a lot of things through humor, so a lot of my reactions to sad relatable posts would be to laugh and then cringe.
89. What are you scared of? Still uncertainty! Also not a big fan of heights.
90. Last time you were insulted? This idiot from school said that I was a bad friend, that my best friend was in love with me, and that my boyfriend was probably cheating on me.
91. Most traumatic experience? It happened a long time ago, I’d rather not answer.
92. Perfect date idea? Cuddling at home! Or going to a museum!
93. Favorite app on your phone? My smartpen’s app! Or garage band!
94. What color are the walls in your room? Green!
95. Do you watch YouTube? Who is your favorite YouTuber? I watch some youtube. I like Animal Wonders Montana and Dollightful!
96. Share your favorite quote. As a word person, I have a lot of favorite quotes, but right now it is the following: “Some beekeepers recommend continuous feeding of all hives in the springtime, arguing that a steady supply of sugar syrup tricks the colony into believing there is nectar flow in progress, which stimulates the queen to lay a greater number of eggs than she normally would. I have tried it but find it unsatisfactory, and have concluded that it is impossible to trick bees. They know their world better than I do.” -Sue Hubbell. There are so many from this book that I adore but this one is one of my favorites.
97. What is the meaning of life? A good book on a beach with the one you love.
98. Do you like horror movies? Yeah, I guess! In small doses.
99. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Probably loads of times in high school. She was terrified that I was never going to get my act together.
100. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I’m very lucky to have wonderful parents, a perfect monogamous boyfriend, and a passion that I’m good at!
101. Can you keep a secret? I feel like I misnumbered these somehow. Also, some of these are repeats, so fuck it. I’m doing 101. Yes, I can keep a secret, but not from Marty. Thankfully, Marty can also keep a secret.
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