#lmao maybe it is was jake from before they know about him and marc is just yelling i didnt do it while jake salsas his way out the door
queerponcho · 7 months
Transfixed | part 4
previous part | part 5
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collage made by me with pictured from pinterest
moonknight!system x female!reader
a/n: I can't even begin to tell yall how cool i feel to have people reading what i write lmao. last week was super busy- i worked six days straight but i am so happy to finally post another chapter!! hope you like/ comment/ reblog if you enjoy(≧∇≦)ノ
Warnings: no use of Y/N, fluff, NOT beta read, gushing about the moonboys, flustered awkward dorks, plot-twists, Jake being a menace, Marc simping HARD, Steven being a cutie as always, spanish (without translations), if I missed anything or made any spelling mistakes pls don't hesitate to tell me!
Summary: finally ya'll get to read about the DATE!! Steven can barily hold it together and Marc stands on the side lines...at least that was the plan, but we all know that plans are made to be ignored. So Steven will unfortunately be interrupted by his brothers...more than once
4,800 words
‘He's here’ you mutter to yourself, running to the door making sure it's him and pushing the button to the intercom. ‘Yes, hello?’
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The sweet voice rips him from his worry that he might’ve rang the wrong door despite checking the name and address for the millionth time. ‘..hello?’ you repeat unsurely into the intercom. ‘YES- uh i- yes hello, it’s Steven?’ he almost slaps himself mentally at his awkwardness but doesn't, when he hears your lively giggle easing him out of self-doubt. You buzz him in and he quickly pushes the door open. Making his way into the older looking building and going in the elevator. You quickly check your reflection in the hall mirror and apply the last layer of your favourite lipgloss when you hear the elevator doors creak open at the end of the hall. ‘You can do this- just be yourself!’ your reflection cringes at the self-pep-talk and you turn away from the mirror finally opening the door. You peek your head out the door and see Steven cautiously walking down the hall looking at all the nametags on the Apartments, before finally spotting you waiting at your entrance. He hurries towards you, you smile warmly at him and he returns the gesture with a flushed boyish grin. You stand in front of each other and you decide to break the silence ‘are these for me?’ you point to the flowers in his right hand. They were beautiful white flowers with red edges. ‘Yes, I- they’re carnations. I hope you like them’ he makes swift eye contact and rests his eyes back on the flowers, almost making you melt at his shy smile. ‘I love them, thank you Steven. Come in! I’ll quickly put them in a Vase before we leave.’ you step back into your apartment and wait for him to come in to close the door behind him.
He steps in and is immediately enveloped in your sweet scent. The Lighting is a warm yellow-y tone, the apartment is definitely not modern and looked rather old, but your personal furniture and decor gave it a youthful and warm ambience. All of it was very you. He loved it. ‘Did you have a hard time finding the apartment? I remember how I used to get lost easily in the first few weeks after I'd moved here.’ you ask him while picking out a vase from the cupboard. ‘Oh no, it was fairly easy to find- I think I've actually passed through here a few times before.’ he says pensively, still standing by the door not really knowing where to move. ‘I really like your home’ Steven says while looking around your open-plan apartment. He could even catch a glance of your bedroom from here, he wondered what it looked like in there…if he would ever get to see it personally…before he can fall down that rabbit hole he hears you answer. ‘Oh, um- thanks’ he catches you smiling and notices how you bite the inside of your bottom lip. He tries to not get caught up in the way you look while flustered like this- it was definitely doing something to him…he just wasn't sure what exactly, or rather he didn’t want to think about it too hard right now. Maybe later when he was back home…’So! Is the restaurant within walking distance or do we have to take the bus? Cuz if we have to take the bus I'll bring my bus-card.’ Steven blankly stares at you with a shocked expression ‘oh bugger, i totally forgot to tell you’ he mutters and avoids eye-contact but continues ‘all the restaurants are closed tonight-’ ‘oh-’ he sees your face fall but continues ‘yeah, I-i noticed a few hours ago and totally forgot to mention it to you since I was so busy buying and preparing the dinner, I am so sorry love- I- i understand if you don’t feel comfortable with going to my place-’ Stevens rambling is interrupted by your hands grasping his left hand, which had been resting on the countertop. Steven just stares at his hand enveloped in yours ‘you cooked for me?’ He snaps his head up and sees your soft smile and warm eyes. He can almost feel his knees give out at the sight in front of him, just now noticing what you're wearing and how beautiful you look in that too-big sweater. ‘Well…yes. Admittedly it might not be amazing but i-’ ‘I’m sure it's great steven, I can't wait to try it.’ you let go of his hand and he watches you grab your long coat and bag. You both head out the door and make your way out the building, on the way down he notices how his hand had somehow ended up back in yours, he feels his brain going fuzzy at the feeling of your hand enveloping his.
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Your POV
Okay well yes, going to a guys place on the first date was something you wouldn't do on a usual date. But this isn't a usual date, is it? This is Steven, and well; Marc and Jake…can't really compare this to a regular dinner with some stranger. In the elevator you catch him looking at you from the corner of your eye. He notices you looking and turns a pretty shade of red, immediately moving his glance back towards the door. You have to bite back a giggle and make a move to take his hand back in yours. as soon as your fingers touch you feel your fingers tingle again. Just like when you were in the kitchen you get this tingling sensation and feel his heartbeat in your palm. As if you were holding his heart in your hand. As cheesy as it sounds, it's almost like you’ve felt this in another lifetime or like this has happened before…
You opt to walk to his place and stroll along the busy London street and talk about casual things like his work in the museum. Apparently he just got a job as a tour-guide in the museum of history and did tours of the different exhibits. His favourite being the Egyptian one. He seems fascinated by your interest in Egyptology and immediately basks in your attention, explaining tons of things to you and almost exploding with energy anytime you ask a question. Answering with “that's such an interesting question-“ or “many historians have speculated and cant seem to agree but I think-“. You can’t help but be almost entranced by his huge urge to teach you about something he clearly loves so much. You have hyper-fixations of your own so you feel very lucky that he's comfortable enough to indulge in his, so freely.  
He slows you both down and steers you towards an old looking apartment building in an okay part of town. It's very central but has the older charm just like your place. you let go of his hand and watch him fumble with his keys. He seems distracted and you hear him mumbling something. You assume he’s talking to Marc and don't feel like it’s your place to butt into their quick exchange. You head in and he closes the door behind you walking you toward the elevator. ‘My favourite god? Oh well that's a hard one-’ ‘Steven, you haven't asked her shit about her interests, shut up for a minute and let her talk!’ ‘bollocks, you’re right- so um, ‘nough about me…you like drawing, eh?’
flustered at the sudden switch of topic you answer quickly ‘yes- I-I love drawing, have loved to draw all my life basically’ ‘oh so you’re a proper artist then! I’d love to see some of your work’ Steven smiles eyes shining with interest ‘well- you’ve seen some before…remember?’ you say and giggle when you notice Stevens face change from fascinated and sweet to shock and somehow…blushing fear? His mouth agape, while staring into your eyes ‘how could I forget’ standing very close once again, you'd moved really close during the too-long elevator ride. Standing toe to toe, staring longingly into eachothers eyes. Marc is pretty sure Steven has never kept eye-contact for this long consecutively. 
But the spell breaks when the old elevator doors creak open and a dim ‘ding’ is emitted from the lift speaker. Steven clears his throat, the first to break the tension and turns away from you walking ahead to his apartment. You manage to unstick your feet from the floor and follow him.
You walk towards a deep navy blue door with the number 502 on it in gold metal letters. Even just the door looks homey and perfectly favours Stevens characteristics. The dark blue representing his shy nature but abundance in knowledge and love to give, the latter you haven't experienced first hand but you’ve felt it each time you touched him and held his hands.
The gold letters shining like his intense passionate nature, the one he exhibited when he told you all about egypt and the ennead. You may have known a lot of what he told you already, but it was so much nicer to hear it in his voice than it was to read it in those dusty forgotten books in the library. 
‘Here we are, welcome to my humble abode’ Steven chuckles and opens the door for you. You return his remark with a roll of your eyes accompanied by a stifled giggle and walk in. If the door of the apartment already told you so much about him, his flat was as if you’d held up a mirror in front of his mind.
It looked exactly like what you’d expect- except for the tidiness…with the little information you’ve gathered on Steven, he certainly didn't seem like a very organised guy. Even just the way he holds a conversation can be all over the place (which admittedly you kinda love), you just assumed his place would reflect that. You leave that thought and look over to Steven, only to realise he’d finished taking the dish out of the oven and had been watching you. He looks back down at the dish quickly,
‘I- well we made a lasagna, well two actually- one vegan and one with meat. Realised I never asked ya which you prefer so we made both’ he says while taking out the meat lasagna out of the oven and placing it on the wooden counter. You can't believe he made two lasagnas instead of just calling and asking. He doesnt stop being adorable and that makes you crave his closeness even more. Once again your mind is reeling with the question you keep asking yourself…”why do i feel so connected to him…” Jake you understand…then again, even he had you in a trance much too quickly. You aren't one to fall in love or even find many non-ficitonal people attractive and captivating. Recognising their beauty, yes. You are an artist so of course you can appreciate someone's beauty, but getting up to follow someone through the library, that was definitely a one-time thing you did only with Jake. He- well they had like a pulling energy around them that felt like it was tugging you closer to them.
You realise that you might’ve been staring at Steven for a bit too long since he started shifting and fidgeting uncomfortably. His face, a deep shade of red. ‘I-is there something wrong?- d’do you not like lasagna? I-I could ask Marc to whip up something el-’ Steven is already cursing himself out mentally for not asking you what you like to eat when he feels your hand around his arm. You tug him closer and pull him into a hug, squeezing him close as if he were to disappear in the next few seconds. You thread your fingers into his curls and tug him even closer. Hearing his breath hitch you feel him melt into your touch and nuzzle his nose into the crook of your neck, calming down by your touch once again. You feel his heartbeat but this time it resonates through your entire body, your hearts beating in unison.
He takes a deep breath and you blush at his content sighing. You hear him mumble something into your shoulder. ‘Hmm?’ ‘So the lasagna is okay then?’ you laugh and keep petting his head softly ‘I love lasagna’ you both pull back and you look into his eyes teasingly ‘and I'd love to try both of em’ you part from your hug completely and shoot him a wink. He blushes and he continues setting everything up while you take a stroll through his open-plan flat. 
You hear clanking in the kitchen and low mumbling, you’re sure Marc and Steven are discussing the previous moment. You give them their space and blend out the noise while looking through the impressive book collection. You assume it’s Stevens with all the egyptology and history titles, you find a few Greek mythology books that you’ve also read yourself before, you love to take a dive into that world regularly and can’t wait to discuss it with Steven. Just at the thought of him, you can feel his heartbeat against your ribcage again, it feels so calming and almost entrancing.
You continue walking along the bookshelf, when you walk past a large fish-tank. It was pretty much situated in the middle of the open flat. In it were two goldfish swimming calmly, merely floating peacefully in the water. In the reflection of the glass you could see Steven zooming from one side to the other gathering the last few things to complete the dinner “presentation”. A fond smile graces your lips when you notice the postcards and quotes around the tank. Some were handwritten post-it notes with french phrases written on them. You move on and keep wandering through the apartment.
You are brought back from your thoughts, when you step into…sand? You notice a ring of sand around Stevens bed, this reminds you once again of the fact that no one knows of your location or these boys. You are in the midst of contemplating a text to your friends when you hear Steven shout- ‘Love, dinner is ready!’ You quickly put your phone back into your bag. You shuffle towards the living room table and try not to fold over at the domestic image before you. Steven is wearing a cute white apron with red strawberries printed on it. In one hand he is holding a bottle of wine, you bite back a smile when you notice he is trying to open the bottle and is visibly struggling.
It’s probably because he forgot to take off the right oven-mitt and the corkscrew keeps slipping out between the fabric. You make your way over to him and envelope his mitt-covered hand with yours slipping the corkscrew out of his limp hand easily. After opening the bottle you sniff at it, checking for the scent and humming at the familiar smell of red wine. ‘Next time, maybe try it without the oven-mitts’ you say with a teasing lilt in your voice and look up at him.
You’d taken off your shoes when you had entered the flat, leaving you in only your wool socks. You have to slightly look up at him only to see him…gazing. He looks at you with a content and loving expression, his eyes shiny and his cheeks flushed. He is breathing steadily and you can feel the warmth radiating off of him and you want to reach out again and smother him in affection that is definitely too early to be giving at this point of your relationship.
You’d moved between him and the table, leaving you wedged in between. You feel yourself getting lost in his eyes, the never ending deep essence in them seemingly carrying so much weight. The eyes, surrounded by tired and reddened skin, made him look that much more vulnerable, making your heart flutter even further for him. You break your eye-contact when you look down at the bottle, and move to hold it up to Steven. ‘Will you do the honours?’ you say with a cheeky smile. ‘Oh, it would be my absolute pleasure darling.’ he says while taking the bottle out of your hand, lingering more than necessary, making the tingle in your fingertips return once again. You keep watching him as he fills up both of your glasses.
‘Alright, I think everything is ready. Take a seat.’ Steven takes off the apron, gestures at the chair in front of him and pulls it out for you, motioning at you to take a seat. You hate how much the gentleman spiel is working on you, but there is a reason why it was established so long ago isn’t there. People doing things specifically to make your life easier, to protect and to impress you has got to be one of the hottest things anyone could ever do. You give in and take a seat on the comfy wooden chair and place the napkin on your lap, watching Steven as he makes his way around the table to take a seat himself. It's a small round table, it has a white table-cloth on it and two candles on a little plate placed at the centre of it. You even hear faint music playing in the back, they had clearly put effort into impressing you and it made your heart almost beat out of your chest.
‘Thank you both so much for cooking, I’m so excited to try this.’ you offer them a thankful smile and Steven returns it with a quick blush and nervous gaze. You look down at your portion of lasagna, Steven had served you half a piece of each dish so you could try them both simultaneously. You pick up your fork and dig in and it's- delicious ‘mhh this is so good omg’ you all but moan at the flavours collecting and mingling in your mouth. You look up when you don't hear any response or even soft acknowledgement toward your statement. You see Steven sitting there in front of his barely eaten vegan lasagna, staring nervously onto the plate. ‘Steven?’
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Before Marc can stop it, he is teleported into fronting. It's been a long time since he was so quickly shoved into control and can’t help but feel bad for Steven for being stuck in the back in such an anticipated moment. Before he can even try and apologise to him he makes note of his surroundings realising quickly what the trigger must’ve been. Steven had taken but one bite of the vegan lasagna and had probably remembered the taste of the lasagna their dad made Marc for his birthday…the one before…before Marc can think any further about his troubling childhood memories, he hears you. ‘Steven?’ you say cautiously. shit - this is so awkward, he has to save himself and he tries to do it in the only way that comes to mind; pretending to be Steven. ‘I-i am olroight luv-oll good’ he puts on an uncomfortable grin and is admittedly kind of impressed with himself. He had previously pretended to be Steven when he used to work in the gift-shop. No-one used to talk to him there though so he just had to continue working to save face. He continues eating and pretends to take a sip of wine, trying to behave and move like Steven does.
You’re a bit confused… Just moments before, Steven seemed really happy and comfortable, now he kinda looked all stiff and was acting really strange. You wonder if they might’ve switched again because he seemed so abruptly different, or maybe one of the other guys had said something to make him nervous. Trying to take his mind off it, you distract him with friendly and curious conversation. ‘So Steven, what made you choose the lasagna as the perfect dish for tonight?’ you ask genuinely curious, already almost finished with your plate. ‘It’s an old famly recepey- o-our dad um I mean father used to make it..’ too focused on the switch of emotion in his eyes, you forget to keep looking for anything that might lead to an explanation to his strange behaviour. He looked kind of sentimental and you feel him wanting to hold things back, before you can tell him that he doesn’t have to tell you anything he’s uncomfortable with, he continues. ‘It’s one of the best memories I have with him, making this lasagna for my birthday…back when everything felt so…right…’ you sit there awestruck by the raw emotion on his face. The warm candle-light reflecting in his tear-welled eyes and casting beautiful shadows on his face, you’re mesmerised. He huffs out a deep breath and clears his throat, lifting his head back up to meet your gaze, smiling at you softly. ‘It’s basically the only thing I know how to make properly’. You don’t notice his accent changing from a bad british, to a chicagen one and instead compliment him on the great job he did.  ‘Well, it’s very delicious.’ you say contentedly and faintly see his face turn a soft pink at your praise. 
‘Oi! So you’re allowed to tell her all about our business but I'm not? That’s very rich of you Marc, you...you hypocrite!’ Steven exclaims into Marc's consciousness, entirely pissed at the fact that Marc basically stole his date from him. ‘Shut up, Steven-’ Marc says through gritted teeth, trying to hide his slip up with a badly timed fake cough. Despite Marc's effort, you hear him, finally putting all the pieces together and notice that you might be facing Marc right now and not Steven. You feel a sense of excitement at meeting this new alter and can’t wait to find out more about him. It did bug you a little that he was trying to pretend to be Steven instead of just telling you, but still, you understood his apprehension since this wasn’t a regular situation for either of you. You hear Marc clear his throat and bring your attention back to him. ‘I’m so glad you loike it dahrlin we really did ouah behst’ now that you had connected the dots to this man being Marc, you had a really hard time trying to ignore the terrible british accent. You hold your breath slightly, keeping back a bubble of laughter and continue eating after smiling at him politely. ‘Marc you’re making me sound like a complete knobhead. I’m an academic for christs-sake, you could at least pretend to have some semblance of respect for me.’ Steven is a petty man, entirely unhappy with his situation, he finds it in his right to make Marc's life a bit harder right now. Another cough is heard from Marc when you hear him mutter something into his napkin. ‘Are you okay? Would you like some water?’ 
‘hmm?? No no alls good, sweets’ he quickly disputes. Now, that you can’t ignore. Despite your biggest efforts you burst into laughter, your stomach hurting from it. You feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes and see Marc gradually joining you, surely laughing just as hard as you, pressing his palms into his eye-sockets. ‘Sweets??? Really?? Steven has never called me sweets- ever’ you trail off into another fit of laughter. Marc calms down and catches his breath. 
‘Dammit- I really thought i’ve heard him say that one before’ you’re laughter dying down, you look at each other, the smiles still glued to your faces and they don’t seem to diminish even after a few minutes. ‘So…what gave me away?’ he asks curiously. ‘You have by far the worst english accent i have ever heard.’ ‘what! That was my best performance by far!’ He puts up an offended act, making you giggle and you try your best to look serious. ‘I'm so sorry to telly you, but you were terrible’ you can't keep a straight face and once again the laughter returns into the room and you wipe your eyes. He extends his hand across the table and you reach out and shake it.
‘I’m Marc’ He says, looking relieved to be able to speak in his own voice and accent once more. You introduce yourself to him and eventually, you both continue eating the lasagna and move into casual conversation. Marc tells you about how he reminded Steven of the fact that every restaurant was closed and how turbulent their day had been. How he cleaned up the apartment and tried to organise Stevens books only to give up after 2 hours and just shoving them under the bed. Cooking for you and making sure that they looked presentable, forcing Steven to use a hair-product and to put on a proper, nice shirt. At the mention of  his shirt, you trail your eyes over him. Noticing how comfortable he looked. He had folded his sleeves up to his elbow, exposing his forearms. He looked so good like this, you felt your mouth watering at the sight of him. You’d stopped listening and at some point he had stopped talking, looking at you smugly and analysing your reaction towards him. He slightly moved his hand, clenching and unclenching it. He sees you biting the inside of your lip and hears Steven in his head ‘Gods she is so beautiful like this’ ‘mmhm, she is…’
the sound of Marc's gravelly voice rips you out of your daydreams, feeling your ears heating up violently. ‘You havin’ fun there, sweetheart?’ Marc says while raising his left eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest, making them look even thicker. ‘I-oh heh…sorry’ you scratch an invisible itch on the side of your neck, and look away from him, averting your gaze from his playful smirk. You felt his gaze staying on you and can’t keep yourself from turning your head back towards him and feeling your entire body buzzing with electricity. Marc was much more intense than Steven, looked intimidating, in the best way.
He looked like he could protect anyone from anything, like he’d do anything for those he loved. His gaze, steady and confident, sure of himself but also guarded, like he wasn’t gonna show you everything right away. He wasn’t Steven afterall, who was the exception, the only man to expose himself completely to everyone without even trying to hide his genuine feelings and intentions. They were so different, all of them so unique and so unlike the other. You feel warmth spread through your body like a warm current passing from your head to your toes. ‘Nono, don’t apologise’ he leans on the table and reaches for your other hand resting on the table, holding it gingerly in his, making circles with his thumb over your hand. 
You watch the movement and look at his hand caressing yours, revelling in the returning fuzzy feeling in your mind and the tingles emitting from his touch. You feel his heartbeat again, slow and steady, like a confident but soft stomp. You feel his calloused thumb making soothing circles and close your eyes at the different sensations, humming contentedly. ‘Hmm’ you humm with the familiar song playing in the back, it was a track from Natalia Lafourcade ‘Caminar bonito, my favourite-’ before you can finish the thought, you hear the chair before you slide backwards over the floor. You look up and see Marc, standing next to you and he tugs you upwards to stand with you.
Now you’re both standing and he tugs you towards the open space in front of the huge archway that they had made into Stevens' bookcase. You’re standing flush against him, chests close together and he takes your left hand in his, intertwining your fingers and moves his other hand to your waist.
His thumb continues soothing you and you place your other hand on his shoulder. You start swaying to the beat of the song, easing into each other's movements. You rest your head on his shoulder and he moves his hand, which was resting on your waist, to the middle of your lower back. You move your intertwined hands closer to you, hugging them towards you and move your other hand from his shoulder to the nape of his neck, softly petting his grown out locks at the back of his neck. Gently swaying from side to side you continue humming to the record. Several minutes later you look up at him and see him already looking at you. Feeling and hearing your heart-beats synced up and the soft beat of the music was making your vision almost blurry. Both of you softly sway to the music, pattering your sock-covered feet on the hardwood floor. He untangles your fingers and holds your hand in his, you feel his hand on your lower back lead you to make a twirl. You both smile and you successfully make the twirl and end up that much closer to him.  Your noses brushing and his, grazing your left cheek.
You let out a soft wavering breath and you look into his eyes. They were darker than before, you would recognise that look from any distance and you know that this wasn’t Marc nor was it Steven, you were certain of it. 
He speaks up, only confirming your suspicion. ‘¿Me dejas besarte, hermosa?’
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a/n: This one is alot longer lmao but i promised the date so here it issss. In the next part Jake ensures that you get home safely and drives you back in his pretty car. Get ready for a cliche rain-kiss and a mysterious cliffhanger ;)
The lovely people in my taglist: @lilladyblink14 @lemongirl5910
please notify me if you want to be added/ removed from the Taglist<3
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rems-writing · 2 months
Is Mingi the God of Death?
》 Pairing: mortal!Mingi x former Moon Knight!reader
》 AU: Marvel au
》 Wordcount: 3,198 words
》 Rating: nc-17
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society @othersideoutlawsnetwork @illusionnet
The happiest of birthdays to my one and only soulmate. Song Mingi 🥰🥰🥰 ilysm. Thank you for entering my life as my ult. You have changed me for the better 🩷🤍🖤
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Lately, Mingi has been having weird nightmares. It ranged from strange ceremonies that involved welcome people into a golden field filled with thin plants to people bowing down before him as they offer things like food, wine
Sometimes, the so-called sacrificial offerings would be struggling to break free from these followers. Other times, the sacrificial offerings would cut out their own hearts and place it on a scale. Mingi would find himself judging those people and either send them to that strange field or the sand dunes, where people turn into sand statues and remain that way for eternity. 
The nightmares progressively got worse as months passed. It was bad enough that Mingi saw people cut out their own hearts and seemingly plead to him for mercy. It got worse from there. 
His previous nightmare involved him embalming someone and wrapping them up like a mummy before encasing them in a coffin. He almost hurled at the sight of the different organs that were bloodied and placed in cracked and faded urns. He didn’t know how it escalated into that since his nightmare started off as him taking care of a person like he was a nurse. He found himself speaking gently to this person as he took care of their wounds.
It was ironic since the person was actually dead.
He didn’t know how to explain all of this to a therapist he was seeing. He never sought out a therapist before, but due to the increasing number of nightmares he had, he was left with no choice but to talk with a professional about it. What made things worse was that he felt guilty for seeing someone to talk about this with rather than his significant other. 
He didn’t want to burden his beloved after seeing you struggle with trying to reign in Sekhmet. 
He knew how much you despised being the avatar for Khonshu, the Egyptian god of justice and the moon. He wanted to make sure that you live a carefree life without having to worry about the old bird popping up out of nowhere.
Which is why he kept this to himself. 
He knew it was wrong to keep secrets, especially since he might get his ass beat by your twin brother. Marc was someone he didn’t want to mess with, especially with his dangerous alter. 
Jake Lockley
In the few times Mingi encountered Jake, he was almost scared away by him. Due to his love for you and his support from both Steven and Marc, he was able to persevere through Jake’s ‘protective’ antics and get him on the young man’s side. 
It also took some convincing from you as well since Mingi would often see (and try not to snicker at) you hit Jake with a slipper. 
My love <3: Hey! Marc is currently over rn and he demands coffee. 
Mingi was currently wrapping up his latest session with his therapist. As he shook his therapist’s hand, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching him from afar. Deciding to brush it off for now, he let go and bid his therapist goodbye before leaving to go home. After a harrowing day at work, he just wanted to snuggle up against you and listen to you ramble about normal life. Speaking of which, you messaged him about something. 
Mingles: lol are you sure it’s Marc and not Steven or Jake?
My love: Steven only drinks tea while Jake prefers ‘the blood of his enemies’ or whatever tf he meant
Mingles: so basically… a cup of milk coffee
My love <3: lol pretty much :P
Mingles: LMAO XD
Mingles: ok bet. I’ll stop by the cafe near our flat and I can get Marc his coffee. Do you want anything?
My love <3: Just your love and affection
My love <3: and maybe an apple fritter. I’m obsessed with those lately. Blame Layla lol
Mingles: Now see if I do that, Marc might beat my ass lol
My love <3: I’ll protect you. I have the power of the slipper! XD
Mingles: You’re so fucking cute. Ok I’ll get those rn. Ily
My love <3: ilyt
Mingi looked up and flinched when he saw the barista looking lifeless. She had white blurred eyes, sunken cheekbones, a jaw that was hanging on for dear life, and a body that was basically a skeleton if you didn’t see the paper-thin skin attached to the bones. He blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking at the barista once again. He was relieved when he saw a healthy-looking woman in lieu of the dead version of herself patiently waiting for him to pay. 
Mingi sighed dreamily as he put away his phone and walked to the cafe. There was no line and there weren’t a lot of people inside, so he was able to get the items quickly. As he took out his wallet, he casually asked how much he owed. He was not prepared for the answer given to him.
“I will offer you my soul.”
“Sorry. I must’ve been distracted. Been thinking about home and work and stuff.” Mingi sheepishly explained, to which the woman waved him off politely. 
“No worries. It’s totally fine. Anyways, $10 is your total.” 
Mingi nodded and pulled out a $20 bill. “You can keep the change. Have a good day.” He said quickly and politely before he gathered his things and walked out of the cafe. With your apple fritter and Marc’s coffee in tow, he walked briskly back to his flat, barely missing the way that some citizens looked with the same lifeless look in their eyes. As he patiently waited for the crosswalk sign to change, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and almost dropped the items in his hand when he saw a dead man looking at him. His head was bent at an unnatural angle, and he spoke in a hollow voice. 
“You left us. You left your true home to be amongst the humans. You are a selfish god. You want to be human so bad? Then you will die like a human!” 
Mingi jumped out of the way as the dead man launched himself at the taller man, only to crumble into pieces when he crashed to the floor. Panic consumed Mingi and he ran for his life when the crosswalk sign changed. He dared to look back. 
He wished he hadn’t. 
A wave of mummified humans came barreling at him with lightning speed, all speaking in an ancient tongue that he somehow understood. The panic turned into fear when he felt someone’s bony fingers brush up against his ankle in an attempt to trip him and drag him away. Temporary relief washed over him when he saw a familiar building a few feet away from him. Picking up speed, he sprinted towards the entrance of the building’s lobby and inserted himself into the closest vacant elevator. He pressed the ‘close doors’ button rapidly as his peripheral vision caught onto the mummies scrambling over one another to get into the elevator. He breathed out a heavy sigh of relief as the doors closed in time and it started going up to his floor. Mingi slid down the wall and exhaled loudly as he patiently yet anxiously waited until it stopped. 
An eerie whisper of his name sounded in the air and Mingi flinched at the sound. He slowly got up and looked around to see who called him. As far as he knew, he was the only one in the elevator. 
The whisper grew louder and Mingi was able to detect a voice. It sounded soft and gentle, yet he knew better than to trust that easily. The lights in the elevator flickered and he looked around anxiously. It didn’t help that there were mirrors surrounding him as well. 
“Over here.”
Mingi looked to his left and his face paled. He was somehow expecting a dead version of himself to be looking at him through his reflection. 
He was not expecting an entirely different man to look back at him. 
As Mingi walked closer to the mirror, he set his things down and looked at his reflection. Whenever he raised his hand, the man would as well. Whenever he bent his head, the man would as well. It went on for a while until Mingi looked up and almost let out a scream. 
The man’s head had an outline of a jackal surrounding him. 
“Who the fuck are you?!” Mingi screamed. 
The man chuckled quietly as he stepped out of the mirror and stood before him. He was dressed similarly to Mingi, but it looked like he went through hell and back. His white dress shirt was torn at the bottom so his abs and slim waist were on display. His black dress pants had chains dangling from the belt loops, his black dress shoes were caked in sand and blood, and his crooked fingers were covered by black fingerless gloves that reached to his elbows, leaving his forearms to be covered as well. His black tie hung loose around his neck and his silver hair was more of a dark and ashen gray. His hair covered his eyes slightly, yet Mingi was able to see through them. The man reached out and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as he stared him down. 
“I am you.” 
“Mingi, wake the fuck up!” 
Mingi heard your worried voice loud and clear, and he sat up straight on the couch, looking around rapidly before settling his eyes on you. Standing beside you were Layla and Marc. Layla looked worried as well while Marc was stoic and had his arms crossed. 
But he too was worried. 
“W-What happened?” Mingi asked hoarsely. His voice was lost due to the scream he let out earlier after that encounter with that strange man. 
“We got a call from the landlord saying that you passed out as you tried to exit the elevator once you reached our floor. I practically sprinted out of our flat as soon as she said that. Mingi, something is going on with you! You’ve been looking paler every day and you’re always so fidgety. Not to mention that you also wake up in a cold sweat and breathe heavily. Even in the darkness of our room, I can see you clutch your chest. Please… talk to me. Talk to us!”
Mingi couldn’t take it anymore. He broke down crying in your arms and told you everything. From the nightmares to the therapy sessions, he vented on and on. While you were consoling him, Marc and Layla shared a knowing look. Yet they stayed quiet as they observed you cradle his face in your hands and kiss his forehead gently. 
“It’s ok, Mingi. It’ll be ok. We will do our best to help.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to be involved with the gods again. If that even is the case.”
“You’ve helped me cope with adapting to our new lifestyle. And for that, I thank you every day for coming into my life. Let me repay you for all you’ve done.” 
Mingi nodded shyly and you smiled before looking up at Layla and Marc. 
A few hours later, you and Layla were discussing amongst yourselves the predicament that Mingi was in while he was in your room with Steven, who fronted after hearing about the nightmares. 
“So you’ve had nightmares that involved dead people, mummification, and the Field of Reeds. Am I correct, lad?”
“Yeah pretty much. And as I said to Y/N, it felt like my nightmares were coming to life. I saw a barista looking lifeless and say that they’ll offer me their soul while another random man called me a selfish god and tried to attack me. Lastly, a huge group of mummified people came running at me.”
“Right… but then what about the encounter you had with that man? He wasn’t dead right?”
“No. He looked more human. He wore a tattered version of the clothes I’m wearing right now yet I know for a fact that he was an entirely different person than me.” 
“Here. Let me sketch him as you describe him.” 
Mingi then proceeded to describe what the man in the mirror looked like to the best of his ability. He probably messed up on a few details since he was gripped with fear as he saw him. Steven finally finished up his sketch and a worried look was on his face as he looked at it some more before he turned the sketch pad around. 
“Is this who you saw?” 
Mingi’s face paled once more as he saw the sketch. 
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“Yeah… that’s him.” 
“Oh bollocks. Lad, I think you might have encountered the Egyptian god of the dead himself.”
“No… Anubis.”
Mingi found himself on a plane to Cairo. He was nervous as hell and couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. You placed a hand on his knee and looked at him with reassurance. “It’ll be ok, Mingi. We’ll see what he wants, and he’ll leave you alone after that. He’ll listen to me.” 
Mingi nodded rapidly as he listened to your confident words. When they landed, they quickly got off the plane, grabbed their bags, and booked it to the hotel they were staying at. Once they were checked in and settled down, they immediately headed towards the pyramids. 
You and Marc were once again back inside the temple of the Ennead. They hadn’t been back here since they trapped Ammit inside Arthur Harrow’s body. As much as you wanted to escape so badly, you knew that if you didn't do this, Mingi’s nightmares would never end. 
“So I just… lay here?” Mingi asked as he pointed to a stone table. You nodded and helped him lay down. Due to his height and big body chock full of muscle, it was a struggle at first. Finally, he was able to lay down properly. His long legs dangled off the table and he cringed when he felt a strange liquid be painted on his forehead. 
“This is just us preparing you for the ceremony. We need to put the symbol of Anubis on you so we can properly communicate with him. Don’t sweat it.” Marc explained and Mingi nodded. Once the preparations were complete, the chants started. 
The more the three of them recited the incantations, the more Mingi felt physically uncomfortable. He was sweating a lot, he clutched his stomach, and he let out painful screams. The screams soon turned into growls and his back achingly arched off the table as black and gold mist escaped his mouth. The mist soon took shape into an all too familiar figure. The figure was hunched over and stood up slowly as the mist dissipated. His eyes glowed brightly before settling back to brown. 
Mingi scrambled off the table as he stood behind Y/N while the man, clad in a black tank top and blue jeans, brushed off his shoulders and looked around. His wavy black hair dangled in front of his eyes.
“Ah. It seems I’m back in this dreadful place.”
His voice, albeit soft, held power. He settled his eyes on Marc and Layla before smiling gently at them. “It’s so good to see you two. How has life been for you guys?”
“It’s been… alright.”
The man nodded before turning to you. His eyes were filled with love and sadness as he walked towards you. He reached out and gently held your face in his hand. Mingi wanted to step in and tell him to fuck off, but for some reason, he knew this needed to happen so he just stood there and watched. 
“My love… I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Seonghwa.” 
‘So that’s Anubis’s human name.’ Mingi thought to himself as he observed the exchange between you and Seonghwa. 
“I hope Mingi is making you happy. Otherwise, my departure from the Duat would have been in vain.” 
“Wait… you left? Why?”
A quiet sigh escaped Seonghwa’s plush lips as he explained everything to you, Marc, Layla, and Mingi. 
“I am a selfish god. I couldn’t bear to be without you. So I left behind everything I once was and entered the mortal realm in a new body. Hence, how Mingi came about.” 
It all made sense now. 
Mingi wasn’t having nightmares.
He was experiencing his past life. 
“Mingi, I am so sorry that you had to go through those visions. I never meant to make you and Y/N suffer. I didn’t realize the consequences of leaving the Duat until they came to fruition. Please forgive me.”
Mingi couldn’t help but feel bad for the past version of himself. All Seonghwa ever wanted was to be with you, no matter the conditions. Mingi gave a small grin to the ancient god and patted his shoulder. 
“It’s ok. I understand. I honestly would’ve done the same thing if I was in your position.”
Seonghwa smiled gratefully and brought the mortal into a hug. Your heart soared at the sight of your past lover and current lover embracing each other like family. As Seonghwa let Mingi go, they connected their foreheads together. Seonghwa placed a delicate hand over Mingi’s broad chest so he could feel the man’s heart under his palm. 
“I will try my best to make sure you guys will not suffer anymore. In return, I simply ask that you keep loving Y/N in the same way that you always have since the first day you two have met.”
“You can count on me, Anubis.”
Seonghwa nodded gratefully and turned to you before pulling into one last hug.
“Until we meet again, my love…”
Seonghwa let go of you and waved goodbye to Marc and Layla before he disappeared in the same black and gold mist. His ghostly silhouette floated around the temple before coming down upon Mingi, who groaned painfully as both of their presences combined. A light shone brightly around the young man momentarily before it dimmed. The three of you uncovered your eyes. Layla gasped, Marc had a half smile on his face, and you were practically drooling at Mingi’s new look. 
Instead of long silver hair, he had black hair swept back to reveal an undercut and his eyebrows were no longer bleached. He wore a black tank top, light blue jeans, and black combat boots. He had sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose and one of his arms revealed a tattoo of Seonghwa’s symbol. 
It was a significant mark of Mingi’s past life as Anubis. 
He smirked as he saw you shamelessly checking him out. He walked over to you and lifted you up in his arms before carrying you bridal style. 
“Come on, babe. The night’s still young. The four of us should go on a double date.”
You simply giggled like a schoolgirl as you admired the confidence Mingi had. You two walked out of the temple while Layla quietly laughed to herself and Marc sighed heavily. 
“Oy vey.” Jake said to himself in Marc’s head. 
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lunathebee · 2 years
Hello 👋🏽 can I request a jealous moon boys HC some hurt/comfort please?
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A/n: ty for sending in a rq, I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu....have I done anything similar to this??? But anw sorry I don't know how to add the hurt/comfort thingy in
Warning: None, beside me never doing a rq accurately enough
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🍓 Steven Grant 🍓
I'm having mixed feelings about him
If it's just a small conversation between you and a man, he would happily go up and join you guys (even if it's a bit awkward)
If there's some flirting going on, he will become sassy, answering back all the questions for you
"Are you free this Sunday Y/n?"
"We have plans this Sunday right love? *Look at you*, yea sorry mate"
"...maybe Monday-"
"Not a chance"
*both men stare at eachother*
Steven looks at him like "are you really going to say all the days?" 💀💀
He doesn't want you to waste more time chatting with this guy
He will grab your hand and pull you away, but not even before saying sorry to the dude (he's so nice)
"Are you jealous Steven?"
"Am I not allowed to? *Pout*"
🥺🥺 please why would you even have eyes for other man
🍓 Marc Spector 🍓
The one that goes *cough loudly* "hey baby, i miss you *kiss* who are you talking to?"
Also, the one that goes for a handshake and grips the dude's hand too hard.
His existence is enough to tell that guy to fck off
If not, he will stand,cross his arm, listen to whatever this guy has to offer
He knows you better than that, and this doofus dude definitely won't steal you away from him
He has the "I don't have time for this" attitude
(but let's be honest, if the dude is somewhat handsome, he will feel a bit insecure and grumpy :(( )
"Are you jealous Marc?"
"Do you still love me? "Stop being ridiculous"
🍓 Jake Lockley 🍓
*BAM* the guy is ded 💀💀💀
LMAO oKAY sorry
Ehem, the real question is why
Jake looks like the most intimidating man on EARTH
So why would anyone even think about flirting with YOU?
Are they blind??? Crazy?? Wanna get beat up???
If Jake sees someone flirting with you, he will keep his cool and watch for another minute
Just lurking, watching
And when he thinks the guy is crossing the line, he will go up and snatch you away
Don't worry he will never be mad or yell at you, Jake will glare at the guy
Telling him with his eyes like "do not talk to my lover AGAIN"
Can you guys tell I have a things for overprotective men-
"Are you jealous Jake?"
"Just wait till we get home"
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xenonmoon · 2 years
Have you thought about trying to draw different versions of his costumes from the comics? Or maybe an evolution of all his different costumes?
Took me a while, but it turned out to be a great idea! Drawing the same subject over and over with different tools helped a lot getting a bit more familiar with the new program. I've ended up doing one sketch / drawing for each costume moonie uses in the comics I've read so far, starting with: 1. Werewolf By Night
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(original: Don and Howie Perlin)
The debut costume! While I liked the slim cape tied at the wrists, the collar always felt a bit off ad silly to me. Loved the silver knuckles and braces inspired by cestus gladiators though!
Fun fact: it was apparently meant to have red eyes at first, as we see in the cover of Werewolf By Night #32. I remember him popping out with red eyes 2-3 more times even in later comics, one for sure #24 from the Moench run
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2. Moon Knight (Volume 1)
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(original: Bill Sienkiewicz)
When Sienkiewicz joined the team it was requested (I think the editor? I've read it a long time ago) a small design change on the cape, making it more like Your Average Superhero Cape(tm). Doug Moench didn't quite dig the idea at first since he found the previous design more unique for the character, but he ended up liking a lot how Bill made it flow in his panels.
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(original: Bo Hampton)
After Bill Sienkiewicz left the series there were a number of different artists taking up his pencil, but two in particular (Keith Pollard and Bo Hampton) unexplainably made him forget what the "under" in "underwear" really meant. Loved how no one quite understood if the suit was of a heavily shaded white or a glossy black, so sometimes it's black with lots of reflections and sometimes it was plain white, lol
3. Fist of Khonshu
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(original: Mark Beacham & Geof Isherwood)
I refused to draw this costume in its entirety and just went for a rendition of my favourite panel lmao
Like really, who thought that golden braces / ankles and wrestler-style belt were a good idea. And the ankh instead of the moon in his chest? Ah well. Didn't last long anyway.
4. West Coast Avengers
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(original: Al Milgrom & Joe Sinnott)
Basically the same as Fist of Khonshu's but THE MOON IS BACK
There is a big gap from here on since I've only just started Marc Spector: Moon Knight and know little to nothing about what's between here and the 2014 run
5. Moon Knight (2014) - Mr Knight & Moon Knight
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(original: Declan Shalvey)
This is actually the first comic I've read. I believe this was the first or one of the first appearances of the Mr. Knight costume? A way to keep helping around (esp. with the police) without Moon Knight's reputation getting in the way. I've forgot a lot about the overall plot, perhaps for the best - I'll read it again eventually, this time knowing what happened before!
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(original: Declan Shalvey & Jordie Bellaire)
I absolutely LOVE this version of the MK costume. It's simple and effective, more than just a skintight suit but less than a full armor so to make it believably flexible to wear, at least to some extent. The black-and-white contrast makes it less flat and easily recognisable. I'm glad it was carried over to later runs, along with the "classic" one.
6. Moon Knight (2016)
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(original: Greg Smallwood)
I'm a sucker for Smallwood's art. I can't help it. I'm almost glad Marc spends a lot of time without any mask in this run, his faces and expressions are just *chef kiss*
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(original: Greg Smallwood)
Did one even for the improvised costume in the asylum, since the other MK suit that appears in this run is identical to the classic one (if I remember well?)
7. Moon Knight (2021) - Mr Knight & Moon Knight
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(original: Alessandro Cappuccio)
I've read the first 3 issues of this run and peeked into some of the later ones for now - I'm not a big fan of how he draws Marc/Steven/Jake's face but the apart from that the art in this run is bloody gorgeous.
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(original: Alessandro Cappuccio)
Ok this took me a bit more than the others. #2 gotta be one of my favourite issues so far.
I saw Moon Knight's costume doesn't change much from the earlier runs and Mr Knight's basically identical, it seems they've reached a bit of consistency lately? I'm still missing some of the runs
Anyway, thank you sm for the ask! I had fun drawing these! Some of these deserve their own post, I'll probably do that later.
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mahalshairyballs · 9 months
I wanted to get back to write a little meta post. Well mostly a little essay related to writing.
And what’s on my mind right now is bisexual characters? Since I've been listening to (bad) reviews of Fourth Wing and am still writing my Moon Knight fic (with bi!Jake)...
I'm always hyperaware of clichés and tropes and stereotypes, and I love to subvert them. But when I create characters it's usually organic and I don’t always think about these while creating them.
One time I realized that I had quite a lot if promiscuous bisexual characters? Maybe? So I'll make a tally of all my bisexual(or pansexual) characters, whether OCs or headcanon of already existing ones and see. Also the promiscuous non-bisexuals too to compare.
I'll probably forget some.
Bi/pan Original Characters
Story 1 - Sorcess-of-old
Bartamon - his flirty attitude is an act, he's devoted to his Queen and then to Legan
Rebania - not particularly promiscuous
Story 2 - present-day-sorcess
(Do I have any here? I don’t remember lmao)
Story 3 - Lena's world
Emmanuel - serial monogamist, he can't be alone for long and loves people but he's very loyal. Got cheated on when he was a teenager, he has a particularly strong stance against cheating ever since. Gets cheated on again decades later by his husband.
(I don’t have only him in that one right? Oh old stories)
Story 4 Lurness heir
Awanakai - particular case, it's in their culture to be polyamorous and having no strings attached, although she got to the highest monogamous commitment with her Emperor
(Same, there's probably more but also it's an old story.)
Story 5 - The Doctor's original companions
Terry - the more 'stereotypical' bi in here I think. He's very indecisive in life and has a hard time with commitment and deep relationships, although it has nothing to do with his sexuality. He never cheated on anyone but got cheated on. Did fall in love with two people at the same time later on (the Doctor and another companion).
Eli* - not particularly promiscuous
Kharmen - shy and not very experienced in relationships, gets to accept her sexuality with another companion.
Rebeca - is an afro-brazilian woman and does 'experiment' with a lot of different aliens during her travels but isn't particularly sexy/sexual otherwise. Knows the time and the place for it.
Frekha/Daz - a teenager at the beginning who hasn't had much experiences there yet, then isn't particularly promiscuous.
Story 6 - The Spin-off
Adevnek - a 2 on the scale, is very reserved and didn’t really try to get with anyone for years after he got separated from his wife. Then he met Maze.
Dalia* - somewhat promiscuous, she's the bar-buddy of Andrei and they often go to hookup bars on their leave.
Story 7 - KECE girls
There's definitely some, I just don't remember exactly who.
Sheppard - somewhat? But mostly because of his issues. He's not promiscuous but he does have a tendency to cheat for self-sabotage.
Story 8 - Outside-stories-characters
Oliver* - is ace, was peer pressured into sleeping with a lot of women. One day he realized he didn't have to keep going with this and decided he would never have sex again.
Bi/pan headcanon for fandom characters
The Doctor (almost always ace panromantic)
James Kirk - ahah I go way back, contrary to popculture idea, no he's not particularly promiscuous.
Julian Bashir & Garak (?) - Garak likes to flirt but they both aren't really promiscuous.
Steve Rogers - more than most people think, but also not really.
Jake Lockley (and Marc*) - he appears to be at first glance because he doesn’t front often and that’s his only way to connect with people, but if he could front more, we'd see that Marc is the horndog of them 3. Marc is also bi, but more repressed than Jake.
Ben - also a repressed bi, didn’t have much sexual experiences before Rey, probably demi-ace.
Rey - yup, and fully assumes it. Although she's monogamous and doesn't cheat. She adapts to the level of monogamy of her lovers.
Finn - also yes, but also same as Rey tbh.
Gay/straight promiscuous characters
Mike - Cis straight man - that's the most stereotypical horndog of them all, he's an old character.
William - cis gay man. He's a lot into hyper/toxic masculinity and likes 'bi-curious' men.
Andrei - Cis heteroflexible man, a man who loves flirting and sex but does it in a very respectful and cooperative way.
Sheppard's BFF - Trans straight man and kinky who prefers Dommes.
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happyk44 · 2 years
Steven preparing him and Layla a nice dessert, sticking it in the fridge for after dinner and then waking up forty minutes later covered in crumbs and an apology note written beside the empty tin
(the apology note is just a short "sorry" with a little heart next to it and he is so mad because he didn't even get to enjoy it so no, fuck your apology and your stupid heart and you)
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leoluved · 2 years
Moonknight boys and aftercare?
moonboys + aftercare
summary: aftercare with the moonboys! warnings: NFSW 18+, sexual content, established relationship, intimacy, mentions of cum, choking, the basics and stuff word count: 660
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steven ☆
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- he loves to take care of you, he is one step ahead of everything, he’s got towelettes for after, water bottles on the side tables, he’s got his grip socks on and he’s ready
- sometimes if he’s feeling cheeky he’ll buy you your favorite snack/food for afterwards as a surprise
- steven is a cuddler, no doubt. he wants you snuggled up on his chest and vice versa, his favorite is when you let him lay his head on your chest and play with his hair, he falls asleep in seconds, instantly..
- i feel like steven’s gotta have background noise to have sex LMAO, he says it’s too awkward otherwise and that he gets too conscious, doesn’t matter what it is, usually it’s an abandoned show/movie or slow french music
- steven always prefers when it’s french music. makes him feel more romantic
- he loves to cum on your stomach, see it splattered across you. to see you tainted with him, but there’s also a sort of prideful emotion he gets while he cleans you up, makes him feel like someone who could protect you from anything. steven’s favorite position is definitely missionary, there’s nothing more he loves than seeing your face as you cum
- hes not very big on quickies because he feels like he can’t take his time before, during, and especially after. steven always claims aftercare is important.
marc ☆
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- marc spector? you mean mr. “you guys are having sex with people who care for you after?” he didn’t really know that much on aftercare, not until you told him, he tried his very best after that
- the both of you kind of switch back and forth on who takes care of who, marc usually always volunteers until you have to mention he did it last time and it was your turn. you just needed a second to “collect yourself”
- he loves getting taken care of after sex, though, it’ll probably be the only time you see him that relaxed and peaceful
- marc does always clean you up after, and asks if you want to shower, he changes your clothes, power speeds to the kitchen for water and brings it back to you. he’s like at ur beck and call really
- you always fall asleep first, not that marc isn’t comfortable enough to, he just likes watching you sleep. hearing your heartbeat and seeing the rhythm of your chest move as you breathe
- marc absolutely loves to cum inside you, it’s his favorite, his second favorite is probably on your ass. honestly? he’s a doggy style man
- after maybe twenty minutes of watching you sleep this man is out cold ..
jake ☆
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- jake over here is probably the one who’s best with his aftercare
- damn, his soft loving look at you immediately after sex is enough to send you to heaven and back.. as if he didn’t already
- he’s rough during the act and his favorite position is definitely cowgirl, but you don’t mind. especially not with how his hands so easily guide you over him, he also loves cumming inside you but he really prefers to cum on your face. he thinks it’s cute how you chase after it
- jake’s favorite thing after is to whisper sweet nothings to you, in your ear, while you start falling asleep, he covers you halfway with the covers and goes on and on about how much he loves you, how good you did for him.
- his aftercare really continues on the next day, you start your morning with breakfast and flowers
- then throughout the day he takes you shopping or to a cute date or dinner, a cute lil nature walk or something to enjoy the air. before his hands are around your throat and it’s a bit of a struggle to.
- he plans to woo you into bed again, but his efforts never go unnoticed..
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enchantcdstories · 2 years
Hi! So I’m on vacation with my family and have been spending SO much time with my nieces and nephew who all under 3 years old and are absolute ANGELS (maybe a little biased on my part but that’s besides the point). How so you think Steven/Marc/Jake would react to an SO who loves playing with/interacting with/taking care babies and toddlers?? Thanks!!!
oh my GOD this is the best thing ever please dont mind me as I got carried away!!! (also dont mind me as I pretty much never interact with kids cause I am a hermit lmao) (also also forgive me I’ve never written jake before and I’m basing him off the MCU show) (Also also also I hope this is what you wanted!) 
When you had been asked to babysit the next-door neighbor’s little girl, Elsie, you had said yes automatically. You loved that little girl in all her 2-year-old glory, no matter how loud she was through your paper-thin walls at times. It was a great experience to broaden your babysitting skills from when you were a teenager, and a great chance to see what your boyfriends were like with children. 
The day started off relatively normal. Mrs. Knight dropped Elsie and a bag of toys and food off bright and early, with instructions on who to call just case an emergency happened and when she would be home roughly. All you had to do was entertain and feed the toddler for 8 hours. 
And maybe tell your boyfriends that they would be sharing a flat with a 2 year old- you might have forgotten to mention that part. 
Marc had walked through the door first, you knew this because he had let out a giant sigh the moment he shut the door. You were perched on the floor, a mound of little plastic childrens toys strewn about the little space, a pile of Steven’s books being used as a makeshift castle for said toys. Elsie was very content to making the little dog figurines (You think they were something to do with paw patrol) up and down the books, giggling like mad as she played. 
Looking up, Marc had frozen in place, staring at the bouncy little girl across from you as she babbled on about the little dog in her hand. Marc gently took off his jacket, the plain black t-shirt stretched across his chest making you grin. 
“Welcome home, you wanna join us?” You grin, holding up the plastic dog as Elsie looked up and waved rapidly. Marc relaxed a bit, though still wore a confused look on his face. 
“I- uh…how long did I black out for…?” He questioned, walking over to you and squatting next to you. You laughed, reaching up for his hands and pulling him closer to you. 
“Mrs. Knight asked me to babysit last night and I couldn’t say no,” you explained. “This sweet little one is Elsie. You want to say hi, Els? This is Marc.” You ask her, directing her attention to Marc. Elsie held up the dog she kept calling Skye to him, scooting herself closer to him. She had a beaming grin on her face. Marc cleared his throat, awkwardly sitting himself down next to you. He leaned in close to you as you took a dog figure and perched it on top of a book. 
“I don’t know what to do…” He mumbled. “I don’t get to hang around kids much.” He looked almost… nervous? “You know for a solid moment when I was younger– all I wanted was to have kids. Then the whole..bird..thing.. Started” Marc shot a nervous look to Elsie upon mentioning Khonshu. You grin, putting a hand on his arm. 
“Relax, playing with her is easy. Feeding her on the other hand…” Your eyes glance up to the fridge that contained some premade toddler meals by Elsie’s mother. “And then there’s the nap she’ll need…I’m sorry but Steven’s bed is getting thrown under the bus for that one.” You had no other options, to be fair- it was the only bed in the room. You watched as Marc awkwardly picked up a toy as he went silent, twirling the toy in his hands and staring just off onto the floor. You knew exactly what was happening. What you weren’t expecting when babysitting- was a child’s ability make Marc’s system front rapidly. 
Like the snap of a finger, Marc had stepped aside for a moment, Steven’s familiar wide eyed confused look glancing around before landing on the little girl sliding her toys along his books. 
“Well, who do we have here?” Steven’s accent chirped, causing Elsie to look up in confusion. You didn’t blame her, but you were used to this now. “A poppet, no doubt.” Steven said, looking around at the toys using his books as architecture. Elsie picked up one of his books, leaning it against another and making a little lean to. You leaned back, watching as Steven was transfixed to the child. 
“This is Elsie, Elsie, this is Steven. I’m babysitting her for the day…Is Marc..?”
“Marc felt too nervous to be around her, says I’m better with kids.” He said, looking back at you with hearts in his eyes. “Might be, part of the museum job, innit?” He shrugged, looking back to Elsie.  “You want to build a pyramid, love? We can stack all the books, yeah? For your little doggies?” He right away got to work, stacking the books up to form a pyramid shape around the toys. Elsie squealed in delight, helping him as much as she could. 
You glanced at the time, noting that she should eat lunch soon, before glancing back to Steven. You could see Steven as a parent, but the fun parent clearly. “Can the doggies take a break while we get some lunch?” You asked outloud, both to Elsie and Steven. Steven grinned at you as you scooped Elsie up, straightening himself out to follow you to the little kitchen. You hugged Elsie to your hip, balancing her wiggly little body as you got the cold meal out and gently heated it up in the microwave, humming gently all the while. You turned around to sit Elsie at the small little table when you caught a goofy grin wiped across Steven’s face. 
“What?” “It looks good on you.” “What does?” “Parenting, with her- I mean. Like you were meant for that.” You blushed at his words, setting the warm meal in front of her and offering her the little plastic child spork. Steven went across the room, digging through a pile of books before sitting down next to Elsie as she calmly ate (which was a shock to you considering how much fuss her mother made over it). 
“Now then, love, do you want to hear a story as you eat?” He asked her, putting a book of egyptian gods and goddesses down on the table. Only Steven would pick up a textbook to entertain a child, you though. Satisfied that Elsie was under good care, you dipped over to the bed for a moment, laying the blankets out in a way that she could nap on them after her meal if she wanted. You listed as Steven started telling her about various gods, leaving out Khonshu after nearly mentioning him and being startled by something. You assumed Marc demanded he didn’t mention him.
 As you worked, you noticed Steven’s voice start to trail off, getting distracted by something before going silent. Elsie made a noise as she ate, mostly out of confusion again. You poked your head around the corner, observing the situation and trying to figure out who was fronting. 
Then it dawned on you– Jake. You didn’t get to see him often, Jake mostly came out when you were asleep or at work, so to see him now was considered a treat. He moved silently, using the children’s spork to gently scoop up a bit of food and offer it to her without a word. Elsie took it gently, watching the man in front of her carefully. 
“Is that good, Corazón?” He spoke gently, scraping the dish to get every last bit. Elsie nodded, still looking at him with uneasy eyes. “His silly accent is gone, I know. He’ll be back, don’t worry, princesa.” You watched as Jake got up from the chair across from Elsie and ran the dishes under the tap, working on cleaning it without being asked. 
“Jake?” You called out, gently approaching him. You were comfortable around Jake, you knew him just a little bit too intimately sometimes, but it had been a while since you last saw each other. He turned to you for a moment before turning his attention back to Elsie, scooping her up gently and turning back to you. 
“Steven was right, you know. Parenthood looks good on you, amor. Perhaps we need to explore our options further than babysitting.” He winked, moving Elsie more comfortably in his arms. You blushed, leaning against a book case. Jake moved to the bed, plopping Elsie down in it and sitting on the bed, tucking her under the soft covers. 
“It’s been a while since I last saw you, I was wondering when I’d get to see you again.” You spoke softly, seeing Elsie’s tired expression. Jake grinned, a different grin than Marc or Steven gave you. More cocky. Jake got up from the bed, satisfied that Elsie wasn’t gonna move from it, and strode over to you– wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You miss me?” His voice was low and husky. You nodded, shooting a glance over to Elsie. She was getting sleepier by the moment, a true gift to babysit. Jake looked behind him, then back to you, nuzzling his face against your neck. “When does she go home?” 
“Later tonight.” Jake hummed a moment, holding you just a bit tighter. 
“I’ll be back later, then. When she’s gone.” He said softly. You felt his arms relax  their grip on you, his head turning back around to face Elsie then felt him huff. It wasn’t Jake anymore, you realized. 
“Oh man, why does he get to have all the fun with her when he pushes me out…” Steven’s voice groaned. You grinned and kissed his cheek, both of you now staring at the little girl. 
“We’ll babysit her again, don’t worry.” 
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mahalshairyballs · 2 years
More on Jakey (or a day ending in -y)
Of course I've been thinking more about that anon ask I got yesterday. So much that I actually dreamed about Jake last night lmao
I've been thinking about the little bits of fics I've written in some posts on here, and how maybe it's true. Maybe I didn't show to full range of Jake's personality in what I've published.
I've written a lot about him, but I haven't written all that much *with* him, especially in scenes where he's more vulnerable. Mostly because I write bite sized fic passages on here, and the scenes where we see more the depths of Jake's emotions are longer and more complex to write.
The scenes where he shows his true emotions outside of their mind also get very heavy and depressing so....
I've shown the first important conversation Marc and Jake have in their innerspace and that one was pretty heavy too. It did show more of Jake caring about Marc though.
This long post is separated in two parts
First one, a bit more character analysis of Jake (because I haven't done it enough lmao)
I've written Jake & Marc fighting and being annoyed by each other, because that's entertaining. Same with Jake poking Marc, he gets some entertainment from that too.
Those are mostly the innerspace scenes with Jake I've posted. So yeah it showed him as more antagonistic.
Jake being defensive and antagonistic towards Marc
I've explained that one before. I'll expand on that a little bit here. To me it makes sense.
Jake is the most 'prideful' of the system. Because he defines himself by what he does, that's the only thing he had. But his biggest critic is himself, just like with the othet boys. Even more so with him though. Jake doesn't have the abyssimal sense of self-worth Marc has, but he's extremely perfectionist and harsh with himself. At the slightlest perceived fault he made, he'll be on his own case. And he'll just expect even more so from himself next time. Jake is Khonshu's precious boy, he's his perfect avatar. He rarely, if ever, disappointed Khonshu. But he's constantly disappointing himself.
Jake rarely ever feels shame, he never had anyone to embarrass, but he does feel disappointment from himself and others. And that's something he hates. He doesn't want to disappoint anyone.
So yes, he has the pride and ego the others lack, but that's because of what he does, of the only things he had in his life, of the fact that he's his harshest critic anyway and also because it's an extension of his role as a 'shield'.
As much as he doesn't want to be the emotional protector and says his role is only being the physical protector, his role still has repercussions on his emotions and personality. Him being defensive is an extension of his role as a 'shield', he's shielding himself too. It's a form of self-protection.
Those apply, again, way more with Jake's close circle than with anybody else he interacts with. Gina, for example, would have *no idea* he's like that.
Layla & Frenchie know he's like that a little bit, but not how truly a big part of him these are. Only Steven & Marc will find out, and only Khonshu knew.
So for starters, there's that in between Marc & Jake's relationship.
And then what fuels Jake's antagonism and defensiveness even more is that Marc *started* to be acerbic with Jake first. Their subconscious prevented Marc from knowing about Jake for a reason. Marc freaks out about Jake and he just can't accept him. This hurt Jake *a lot*. So Jake meets Marc where he's at and lashes out too.
It's like with Steven and Marc in season 1. The main difference here is that Jake doesn't forgive Marc while Marc always forgave Steven.
Marc also doesn't give Jake the opportunity to forgive him. He's always in attack mode when he thinks about Jake or talks to him or even sees him.
*Marc* has to learn to care about Jake. Jake cares a lot about Marc, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he always did. And again, it's when you're heartbroken that you can be the most cruel.
Jake is also bitter, because he thinks Marc wants to prevent him from having a life of his own. Before Marc had no control over that, but now? Jake isn't really wrong here.
So that's why most innerspace scenes I wrote with Jake had Jake angry/rude/purposefully antagonizing Marc.
And Jake is *very* easy to anger in the innerspace, but that's not the only emotion he has. He has *all* the emotions in here.
When Jake doesn't want to deal with Marc and/or Steven, or with his own emotions, and wants to have a little time off, he has a few places in their mindpalace he likes to go to be alone. That bar we saw in that new issue of Moon Knight? That's one. The other one is his cab. Not necessarily the white limo from the aftercredit. Maybe his first cab if he had any before that. He goes there to just take a break. Be in silence for awhile.
He doesn't want to go there to think, he doesn't want to think about anything. He goes there to take a cigarette, take a drink and just be.
Steven does join him in his cab after they start to get along. Jake becomes way less shitty towards Steven the moment Steven gives him a chance and gets less shitty with him too. They do talk about a lot of things there, important things, emotional ones too.
Jake can be, surprisingly to Steven and Marc, very mature, very wise and give great advices on tricky situations. But then be very immature on some other stuff.
Hiding versus Suppressing
Marc is the one who suppress his emotions. Jake doesn't. Suppressing emotions means Marc doesn't even allow himself to feel them. He tries to bulldoze them away, and that can cause a lot of problems in the long run.
Jake *hides* them from others, but he doesn't suppress them. He trained himself to be able to show an emotion sometimes opposite to the one he's feeling. He knew anyway that he wouldn't be fronting for long, and within a few hours max he'd be able to freely express them in their innerspace.
Now though, Jake is fronting for longer and longer. He still express his feelings internally but he has to keep fronting while doing that.
Why did he start doing that anyway ? If he's not ashamed of anything.
Well, other than because of the dam metaphor I've talked about yesterday, Jake does it because he doesn't want to attract attention. He's been used to not being seen, to do his things without anybody realizing he was there. Visibly showing off strong emotions would *attract* attention. Jake would be a really good spy tbh.
So that's another reason why he trained himself to appear so mellow, so level-tempered.
Again, if someone sees Jake being externally upset/showing negative emotions, know that he's feeling those at least 10x more strongly internally at the same time, that's when he 'cracks'.
Now here's a few fic scenes I've thought about but haven't actually written yet, for a reason or another, showing Jake's relationship with other people.
Second part, fic scenes ideas I had to showcase more of Jake's range of emotions
I've shown him flirt with a few people, mostly to show his fun, charming side. So that one has been covered a little I think.
With strangers
I do have a small scene with only Jake (and Khonshu?) and his internal thoughts. It's a bit of an exploration of where he's at at the beginning, and how a random waitress saying his name (and not being called Marc) can brighten his day significantly.
With Steven
I've thought about a few conversations between them, mostly in the innerspace.
One I remember isn't super fun, but it does show that Jake cares about Steven. It's about Jake finding out he gave Steven a traumatic experience unintentionally when they were younger. Steven's memory of it resurfaces and they talk about it.
I think I could also write one with Jake helping Steven through his anxiety. Steven is usually the one who fronts to calm things down when either Jake or Marc are about to break down, but Steven also has his moments of heightened emotions. Mostly with his anxiety. So Jake fronts when Steven is about to get an anxiety attack. And sometimes Jake talks to him, helps him through it, since he's been there. He found his own tools to control his anxiety.
With Layla
I've shown how they'd get that flirty UST going on. They'd also become really good friends but I don't have any specific scene to show for it right now.
I did note down the dialog for their first few conversations though. I could write that one, although Jake does feel a bit distant at first, that's intentional. He's cautious and Layla just found out he exists, he doesn't know what she'll do and she doesn't know him.
With Khonshu
Jake does care about Khonshu, and I've explained why before. He doesn't want to stop being Moon Knight because he's developed a real relationship with Khonshu.
I wrote one minific with only them before, I don't have anything else ready enough with these two to post right now however.
With Jean-Paul
I talked a lot about how Jake loves Frenchie, how they've been fucking for years while Jake pretended to be Marc, how they're dating etc. But I haven't *written* any of those scenes when they're together did I?
There's a few I've been thinking about that I could write. Mostly when Jake reconnected with Frenchie for the first time (I did like that dialog but I didn't write it down 😭), or when Frenchie gives him the 'what are we' question, or when Marc interfered in their relationship and tried to 'break up' with Frenchie (but that's a very pissed off Jake soo xD), or Jake explaining a little more to Frenchie why he avoids physical touches, or Jake trying to get more physical with him.
I can do most of them right now.
I think I wrote one about Jake deciding he wanted to be able to give/take physical touches now, but that was a scene with Layla and he ended up leaving because it was too much.
With Matt
I've thought of a few scenes with Jake/Matt. After all, it's Jake who starts flirting with Matt, and he does this *for* Marc. It's one of his ways to take care of Marc, to do something nice for him. But Jake catches feelings for Matt.
I had a nice moment showing Jake's progress with touches and Matt's understanding of him.
There's also scenes with Marc regretting his decision to not take Jake up on his offer with Matt, then Marc kissing Matt as Jake. In that one Jake gets through a lot of different emotions lmao.
Is there any of those people would like to read ? Which ones should I write next to share with you ?
Please I need more feedback ❤
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