#lmao this reads like a wav
softsnzstuff · 2 years
Hellsite strikes again. Someone a long time ago sent me an ask about Streamer!Steve trying to do ASMR or something when he’s sick bc of course he’d try and power through.
The ask got lost in the void but I finally got around to the prompt ~ (Whoever it was, I hope you enjoy!!!)
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Steve was sitting at his desk, microphone waiting for him. He started the stream with audio only and leaned into the microphone, whispering.
“Hey guys, snf, a lot of you have been begging for more ASMR content, so I bought a microphone and everything. I don’t have snff a ton of time this week, and I have cold, but I’m here to talk you to sleep I guess?”
He didn’t quite understand ASMR. He also didn’t want to do the kind where he sat there and made noise with different things. He settled on whispering into a microphone. He got to talk about his week and it felt more personal.
Eddie was on the couch at the back of the room, scrolling on his phone while he listened.
“I don’t really know what you guys want me to talk about…”
Eddie ;)
How was your week?
“I can talk about my week. It started out fine. Eddie and I - H’iGTSH’ew - Excuse me, sorry. Eddie and I had to film some stuff for a brand deal coming soon snfff.”
Steve turned away from the mic to cough into his fist before resuming the whispering.
“I started getting sick last Friday? Wasn’t too bhehh HAESSSSH! ISSSH!”
He tried his best to turn away from the mic, but he was certain the viewers could still lead him.
Bless you, damn!
We should be talking YOU to sleep
“snFF, I’m so sorry. It wasn’t too bad but the last few days I’ve just been so ehhh so sneezy… iKTCH’eww! Hrd’ZIEW! HeSSHhuu!”
Just joined - is he auditioning for a cold and flu commercial?
Aw Steve you sound so sick
You don’t have 2 stream 4 us today bb <3
Eddie had gotten up from his place on the sofa and walked over to Steve, massaging his shoulders.
“You don’t have to do this today babe.” He spoke softly into Steve’s ear. “Come to bed.”
Was that Eddie? 0_o
the relationship is public, what are you? 14??
“Ah shit.” Eddie clocked the chat and giggled.
“Damn m’by fancy new microphone…”
He leaned closer again, and kept whispering.
“You guys got lucky! A surprise appearance from Eddie! He sends his love and says you should hop on his livestream tomorrow afternoon. He’s gonna be SNF playing some new songs.”
can’t wait to learn every word of the song
Wait what time zone???
Eddie leaned towards the mic, “Yeah if I don’t catch this shit Stevie’s got…”
“Geez, You’re supposed to whisper Eddie!”
“Shit I forgot.” The older man leaned in and lowered his voice, “Sorry my bad.”
Steve laughed. “Amateur. Maybe one day we can get him to ASMR with us or something. Until then you’re stuck whehh with me HEH’ishew! HuTSCHuu! Snf HAESSSHIEW!”
Steve sniffled wetly against his hand as Eddie once again leaned into the microphone whispering,
“…Bless you.”
“Tha’gks…” the younger man mumbled. “Until next time, folks. Goodnight.”
He pressed the ‘end stream’ button and plucked a wad of tissues from the box on his desk, blowing lightly.
Eddie clapped a hand on Steve’s shoulder and squeezed.
“Alright buckaroo, you sound absolutely disgusting. I think it’s time for bed.”
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neonovember · 1 year
could you write carmy x reader where she’s a high school friend and carmy always had a crush on her (but he thought she had a crush on mikey) ???? like maybe richie brings her up, and that she’s still in town and SINGLE and carmy gets red like a tomato and ??? richie makes her visit the beef and candy almost has a heart attack?? idk give me some in love carmen !!
pretty pleaseee and thank u
so I got this request and I immediately thought of swim by chase atlantic, and specifically the line that goes;
“I’ve been drowning for a minute, your body keeps pulling me in” 
And holy shit if that isn’t Carmen in his denial-in-love with a long time friend era, I don't know what is. Carmen tries too hard to forget you, but you've marked permanently, you've ruined him for anyone else so can you blame him for waiting for you all this time?
Seriously though this request was so good! I got a bit carried away and turned into a 2 part series that may or may not have drabbles added to the universe…I really hope this isn't just a load of word vomit you don't want to read lmao. I just love their dynamic so much, and also FRIDAY DINNERS AT THE BEEF IS CANON OKAY.
Golden Boy
part one of 2
warnings: miscommunication (i know i'm sorry), friends to lovers, carmen and the reader have horrible communication skills and don't know how to call, angst, anxiety
a/n: part two will be up hopefully tomorrow so look out! it may or may not include a smut scene 😈
p.s, listen to swim whilst reading this you'll thank me later
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You sat hunched in the tight enclosure of the classroom desk chairs, the once loud conversations fluttering across the huddled groups of classmates and friends that stood against tables and chairs now coming to a standstill.
The air of anxious trepidation falls across the atmosphere of the damp classroom, the windows that had been opened to let the air in felt thin as you and the rest of the students you had known for half a decade waited for that familiar ring of the bell.
The bell that would solidify your last day in this classroom, in these run down halls, in the school you had first stumbled into anxious and oblivious at thirteen. 
Your heart ached at the nostalgia of it, and you can't bear to cast your gaze to your friends who had begun to sniffle, like they were holding back tears, the grandfather clock your geography teacher insisted on keeping ticked on as it always did, and whilst you had spent years burning holes through the glass, willing for it to go faster, your one dying wish is for the seconds to tick by in minutes. 
You weren’t ready, it ran straight through you, all this time leading up, from when you had first learnt your desire to pursue architecture till the moment you finished that last sentence on your final exams, you felt you would be filled with joy at the sound of your true departure into adulthood and college.
And yet, you felt like a kid again, learning how to ride a bicycle without the training wheels, trying to reach the fifth monkey bar, falling headfirst into the dirt ground of the field when you had thought you were more flexible then you truly were. 
You didn’t want to leave, you didn't want to leave this place, this place of memories and friends and people you knew and loved. And it was as if God was listening, cause the resounding echo of the school bell rang through the halls and it was as if he said ‘fuck you anyway’.
You gather the haphazard books and papers laying across your desk, you had purposefully delayed packing in order to waste as much time in this memory as possible, before adulthood would take it away and make it something of the past. You hear your friends calling your name, and you tell them to go ahead as you make your way to your teachers desk.
“Hey Mr Jefferson” You say to your teacher has begun to bid goodbye to the leaving students
Your teacher looks up at you with a tight smile, sadness washes over the wrinkles and creases of her features, her auburn hair falling in short waves at her shoulder and her olive lipstick wearing down. You have to swallow to stop the tears from dropping. Your Geography teacher, whilst not teaching Art, had been the catapult to realizing your fascination with Architecture and design. She had even helped tell your parents, who had been set on the idea of you going into Law or Medicine or anything other than creative arts. 
“You’ll do amazing, I believe it because I see how hard you try. Don’t look back at this place, leave with the door wide open and come back only when you want to design me a house” Your Teacher replies with a grin, and before you can reply shes shuffling through her drawers, before pulling out a sketchbook that has been aged and stained with use over the years.
“What’s this?” You ask, twisting the book in your hand, it was good quality, despite being old, it felt like an heirloom.
“It’s one of my sketchbooks I had during college, maybe some of my late night sketches fuelled by coffee and donuts might inspire you”
“I couldn't possible-”
“Yes you could, hell whatever you create will probably be 10 x greater than whatever is in there” Your teacher cuts you off with a chuckle, and you hug the notebook tight against your chest before hugging her goodbye.
You step into the familiar walls of your high school hallways, crowds of seniors running to find their friends and hug them for possibly the last time, test papers and report cards left trampled on the ground, it's chaos, but you love it and the sight almost pulls tears down your waterline.
You walk towards your locker, before you recognize the familiar wisps of blond curls catch your eyesight. Carmen.  You considered him one of your closest friends, bonding together over a love of game** and your equal hatred of your Period 4 Calculus teacher.
Carmen didn't have much when I came to be friends, and after he met you, it didn't really get to him anymore, he had you now, and you were more than enough. Over the years you had gotten close to every part of Carmen's life, Mickey, Richie, Sugar, they were all people you regarded as family.
But there was something unsaid between the both of you, it was like there was something beyond friendship, but the embers had just gathered and had left unignited.
He’s gathering his things from his locker, shoving them into a bag in that messy way he is, and he slams the locker with a jolt.
You're standing stationary in the middle of the hallway, classmates and other seniors running by you in confusion, your friends calling your name annoyed, but it's all muffled, it all doesn't matter because it's Carm and god your heart aches so bad. 
You see Carmen and he sees you, stopping a few meters away from you, and a moment of recognition washes over him as he gazes with those cerulean blues. There's grief in the way you look at each other, tears streaming down your cheek as you try to smile at him, realising this might be the last time you see him, forever, off to an Art school in New York, leaving him behind. You feel like your heart is being ripped from your chest and he shakes his head, his eyebrows scrunching up as he steps closer so that he’s only a whisper from you.
He brings his hand up, brushing a strand and tucking in behind your ear, eyes strained as he wipes your tears away painfully. He moves closer, so that his breath is against your neck and whispers
“Thought you told me you'd punch me in the stomach if I cried on the last day” Carmen whispers into your eyes with a grin that breaks through the tears that cause his eyes to swirl in colour's of waves.
His words make you laugh and cry at the same time, and you shake your head as you reach for his arm, and playfully hit your stomach with it. Carmen rests it against your waist, looking up to you in a pained expression, his eyes shift to the notebook grasped tight in your hands
“New sketchbook? That..doesn't look new” Carmen says, turning his head to examine the old book more closely.
“One of Mrs Jefferson’s, her sketches are..their fucking amazing” You sigh, running your hand across the folded spine of the sketch book.
“Thought teachers weren't meant to have favourites” Carmen shoots out, a playful grin on his lips
“Hmm, well they aren't supposed to tell you exactly” You banter with a giggle, you flick through the pages of the book, half drawn sketches in grey lead and ballpoint, Carmen tracing his fingers gently across the ingrained lines and shades.
“God you're something, you know that?” Carmen says, all of a sudden, and when you look up you realise he’s been staring at you the entire time.
“Bear..” You breathe out.
“I don't know how I'm going to-, I, it's all so much” You exhale, waving your arms around this place that has held so many memories, so much of your past kept in the creaks and cracks of plastered walls and lockers
“You're the only person in this goddamn place that's going to make something out of themselves, I bet my entire life on it Bug. You're going to do amazing, in that big city, you’re going to show em’' Carmen replies, grasping you against his touch tight. You look up at him, trying to memorise every dip and curve of his features, the curl of his hair that shone honey in the sun, those eyes that were always searching, and the small cut on his forehead where he fell off his skateboard that one summer evening.
“Don’t say goodbye”
“Okay” Your tongue feels like deadweight in your mouth. what if i never see you again?
“You say goodbye and it's the end. Just..don’t” I can't breathe carmy.
You can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him, pressing your nose into his shirt to smell the scent of patchouli and cigarettes he always carried, you want to tell him to come with you, to pack an overnight bag and run with you forever, but the words don’t taste right when you try to speak and you see yourself letting him go, and turning away with a shaky step.
Turn back Carmen whispers, so softly that only the gods above and the wind around him can hear it
You feel an urge to turn back, it speaks to you from within, and before you can stop yourself, your neck cranes, turning your body to get one last look at your golden boy before time would take him forever. 
Time would age him into a memory forever.
Carmen feels this tension leave his shoulders at the same time his heart shatters, you will find each other again, even if it was in another universe, where you're sitting across from each other at the kitchen table, going over groceries together with the afternoon light casting its glow across you. He will find you, he will find you and he won’t let go this time. 
“Honestly Ma, it’s fine, I’ll get the movers to come in a little early”. You groan into the phone pressed to your ear, papers and unresolved bills are left scattered across your dining room table and you have this itch that's begun to turn chronic somewhere you can’t reach.
You take a moment to look around your apartment, now barren of furniture, and filled instead with boxes of badly organised stuff you've accumulated over the years. This place, albeit small, had been your home ever since you stepped out of the yellow cabbed taxi on your first day in New York, and whilst it wasn't pretty, you felt a pang of guilt leaving it all behind. These walls had seen you through it all, the late night study cram’s, the breakdowns, the accomplishments, the one night stands. You'd miss her, but maybe you were just a nostalgic person.
You’ve made a life in New York, but you felt misplaced, like pieces of yourselves were scattered across the states. Chicago kept a part of you, and it was only when you had gotten the chance to move back home, did it click. You missed your city. And you had cut your lease and emptied out the last of your savings without a second thought.
Now all that was left was tying up loose ends and making the trip down. It was funny, in a way. You had run to New York to pursue architecture, and it brought you back to the very same place you had left, there was a certain trepidation when you thought of Chicago, it held so much of your past, in its city streets and evergreen trees, and you don’t know if you were quite ready to face those memories again.
It still smelled the same. You itch your nose, sniffling against the blooming scent of cocoa and caramel from the Chicago roads, all this time, and all that you can tell is how it still smelt like maple leaves and chocolate. It was comforting, and it felt like the warm embrace of a childhood friend that had stayed sitting on the corner of your suburban street corner all this time.
“Thank you Mae, really, I got the call last minute in New York to come back here and if it weren't for you, I’d be moving back into my old bedroom at my parents” You reply, gratitude filling every word. It was true, your friend had swooped in the second you called, fixing you up with a lease and an apartment with her realtor links. She came in a clutch, and she had made you promise to never leave her again in exchange.
“Oh shush doll, of course. This is probably payment for all the times I’ve crashed at yours anyway” Mae winks, the bracelets on her wrist clinking against each other. She didn't look like a typical realtor, more like a bohemian solo-traveller with her filly skirts and auburn red hair.
“I’m not going to let a degree transform my entire wardrobe, my clothes are antiques, their heirlooms, they tell a story” 
She had told you once, one late night on the rooftop of your New York apartment, sipping cheap wine and passing a blunt between you both. You wish you had known yourself as much as she did then.
She had visited you a couple times in New York, coming up for work and spending the time at yours instead of spending thousands on an Airbnb, but it had been a while since you've seen her, and all of a sudden you remember how much you missed her laugh.
“I’ve got some time to spend before it’s all hand on deck” You reply, placing the last of your boxes onto the empty wooden floor of the living room.
“Oh yeah? Can’t believe you’re gonna design a whole building on Michigan Av’, your a fucking inspiration Bug” Mae sighs in adoration, and you giggle, the feeling of embarrassment filling you at the mention of your reason back home.
You never got used to the praise and adoration you received over the years, despite your many accolades and awards, you still felt like that hopelessly broke architect student giving up lunch to pay rent. You didn’t remember when things started to change. When did things start to change?
“You know, if you’ve got time, you should check out the Farmers Market near River North” Mae replies, whilst flicking through her phone
“The one on Division Street?” You reply, you had a faint memory of the long strip of stalls filled with fresh produce, food and the rest of the little trinkets that were sold since you were born on the pleated table cloth of sheltered booths.
“That’s the one, this guy named Samson? Makes the best fucking bearclaw in the entire United States. Tell him you're a friend of mine and he'll hook you up…you know since you can't afford it” Mae replies playfully, and you roll your eyes with a laugh.
“Yeah yeah, you hook up with him or something?” You poke back, Mae had the tendency to know everyone in Chicago, from the mailman to the old woman you’d see feeding the bids on a park bench.
“Yeah, actually I did. Not like you could relate, how long has it been, hm?” Mae replies, stepping forward to whisper down at your pants.
“I’m so sorry she hasn't been taking care of you. What are you, mummify her?” Mae looks up from her crouched position with a raised eyebrow.
“Ugh, you know I've been too busy to think about that. She’s gonna have to be patient” You reply, you don’t want to think about how long it has actually been, since you've had any type of release. But the tension has begun to weigh on your shoulders as time went on and you fear it might become something you can’t ignore.
You begin to move some boxes into your bedroom, thanks to your planning your large furniture such as your bed and coach, had been moved into the apartment before the rest of the things had got here, so at least you wouldn't be sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Changing into a pair of dark jeans and a short sleeve top, you loop an embroidered handbag onto your shoulder.
“So, you coming?” You call to Mae, who’s begun to fill your fridge with the groceries she's swung by with.
“Sure would Bug, but got a call to come in. I’ll come by again later this evening though?” Mae replies, with a grunt as she lifts the 2 litre bottle of milk onto one of the drive shelves.
“Yes please, I’m dying for a glass of wine”
“And a blunt” Mae replies, snickering at the way you roll your eyes at her.
Mae offers to drop you off, but you wave her off, telling her you wanted to see a little more of your hometown. You needed some fresh air that wasn't the coffee and smoke scent of the New York streets.
The walk to the Farmers market was a short one, but you felt like you were wading through a current. By the way the memories of your past began to resurface as you passed the streets and shops. Every corner holds a part of you, and you have to rush by your old school to stop the pang of pain that surprises you. You weren't an emotional person, but god it was almost as if you were hanging by a thread the second you touched down on Chicago. 
What was causing this? You felt like you were holding your breath as you stepped through the fallen autumn leaves marking the sidewalk, the gentle sun on your back, what were you waiting for?
You tear yourself from your thoughts momentarily when you catch the looming buildings that had been built on ions ago, the infrastructure of Chicago still enamoured you, in a way that couldn't be beaten by even New York’s impossible skyscrapers.
There was a charm to it, each of the buildings felt like you were stepping into a different decade, they had been the stepping stones to a lot of the infrastructure and architecture that spread into other cities. You felt like you were at the start of it all every time your eyes trailed across the facade and arcades of the century old stone buildings.
Without realising, you had finally made it to the Farmers Market, the constant stream of people coming in and out with boxes of produce or hauling wooden antiques with very audible grunts. You can’t stop the smile stretching your face as you step through the embroidered banner at the front of the street.
Despite the many different stalls and food around you, you don't feel overstimulated. This was your home, you felt like you belonged, like a name scratched into wet cement, remaining ingrained for years no matter the seasons that came. 
You go over the haphazard list of things you wanted to look for in your mind, but you're caught off guard by a stall that seemed to be huddled by patrons. You step towards it, and as people move aside you see the blooming flowers and carefully wrapped banquets in woven wooden baskets to the side of the stall. A short woman with light brown curls is standing at the front, taking down orders with a grin, whilst a rather tall man behind her makes quick work to wrap delicate orders into soft brown parchment paper tied with string. 
And all of a sudden the need to buy pink tulips becomes your first priority. The woman at the front looks familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on where you've seen her, but as you walk up to the front her face morphs into familiar as she looks up at you in surprise.
“As I live and breathe” She says your name with a screech and it's her voice that pulls her name to your mouth. Adeline, a close friend from senior year who’d taught you how to crochet and pick a lock.
“Bug? How've you been? What brings you back to town?” Ade replies after telling the man behind her your order without you even saying a thing. 
“Tulips, pink ones right?” Ade grins, and you have to let out a chuckle at how you haven't changed even a little.
“Got invited to join in designing a new building on Michigan Avenue, so I'll be back for a while-”
“Michigan Avenue? Holy shit Bug! You’re making moves, knew you always were special” Adeline replies with a gushing smile and you rush to reply with the same adoration
“Are you kidding, look at this line” You motion to the increasing line of people forming at Adeline's stall.
“People love their flowers” Adeline replies with a shrug before you shake your head vehemently
“No, they love your flowers, and for good reason, look at these” You gush, pressing your face into the bundle of tulips that had been handed to you.
“They only look that good because Henry's so good at wrapping them” Adeline replies with a laugh, her eyes flicking to the brown haired man dressed in corduroy behind her. A look passes between them that tells you there was more than love between them.
“Henry huh?” You reply with a grin, and the man is quick to introduce himself, and you don’t ignore the cold press of an encrusted band on his ring finger as he shakes your hand with a soft smile.
And it's as if Adeline reads your mind and she slips her left hand in yours, looking up at you with a teary grin.
“Yes, yes I know, I should've called, and I’m so sorry-”
You press yourself against her, leaning over the stall to wrap your arms around her. You whisper words of congratulation, shutting down any words that hinted at you being mad at her.
It wasn't her fault, it should be you she's mad at, you hadn’t really made that much of an effort to keep in contact with your friends back at home, and the reality of it weighed on you heavy now, you had missed so many milestones of your loved ones, all to chase your own dreams in New York.
You felt like you were constantly playing catch up, and you couldn't lie when a strange feeling crept up at the thought of your friends moving on with life. You were so incredibly happy for Adeline, and you were even more elated when she had told you of the Wedding in April that you had to come to. 
But that didn't stop that same strange feeling of being behind everyone else, you had spent so long climbing the ladder to wear what you wear now, relationships and love weren't even a thought, you filled your nights with studying and drawing and the occasional fling, but nothing more. And now doubts had begun to creep in, had you missed out? 
Watching everyone around you get married and have kids whilst you were still drawing buildings in that same sketchbook your teacher had given you 8 years ago. You’re not looking as you walk past the many stalls of the Farmers market, and it is your thoughts again that causes you to accidentally stumble into the hard muscle of a man back. You feel yourself falling, before arm's reach out, grabbing you quickly to stop you from ending flat on your face. 
You breath out a sigh of relief, shaking a head at your clumsiness
“God, ‘m so sorry, I’ve just been in my head, I wasn’t looking where i was going-”
“Holy fuck” Your quick to spit an apologetic thanks, you haven't even looked up to see who you've dubbed into, and when the sound of surprise meets your ease you look up, only to be remain stone faced with your mouth left open.
“Richie?” You say, the shock of it is still in the air. You hadn't expected to see him in Chicago, or maybe you did and it was sooner than you thought.
“When did you get back? Holy shit, thought we wouldn't see you again” Richie replies with a smile
“Yeah uh, came down for some work for a little while. How, uh How are things” You reply with a squeak, you can’t bear to say what you're thinking and Richie nods, a look of acknowledgement in his face. Mickey’s death had shaken you, it had changed you in its own way, and you still grief him, it still hurts when Richie's face kinda falls and melts at the reminder of his best friend's death.
“After, uh, after Mickey, he had left the restaurant, you know, the Beef?” You nod in agreement, the hazy memory of the sandwich shop on the corner of Chicago's, busiest streets, you stomach rumbles at the thought of one of those sandwiches you'd down in less than a minute during your high school years.
“Yeah well, get this, he left it to Carmen. And honestly, I was hesitant at first, real hesitant, I love him, but god, he's a self centred ass coming in like he knew everything, spewing the bullshit CDC shit he learnt up in the big apple? He changed things, and you know how I feel about change, but he made it better, I can;t lie, and you better not tell him this, but the Beef actually..” Richie’s familiar rambles are muffled to your ears, the only thing you can hear is Carmen.
Everything zones out as you scrunch your eyebrows, wincing almost, at the pain and it shocks you, it shocks you how the very name of him still brings back those memories. You still hurt the same way you did the day you left him.
You must have looked out of it, as Richie shakes your shoulder, anchoring you back to the present, and you have to swallow back the bite of pain that bleeds through your chest.
“Did you hear what I said? The Beef’s holding a little family dinner tomorrow, shutting down the shop early, inviting only friends and family, it’ll be like a little reunion for you! You have to come” Richie replies, and you nod trying to seem present.
Carmen took over the Beef? He was in New York? What?
Your mind is scattered with the uproar of questions you have, the thought of Carmen, the memory of him is like a fresh wound. It un tethered and opens up a thread of thoughts and emotions you had thought you bottled up and threw deep into the ocean.
“You, you still talk to him right? Ya’ll were pretty close growing up, like fucking thieves attached to the hip if i can remember” Richie chuckles, fondly remembering the two of you.
You cough back, smiling up at him as you trying to reply coherently
“Yeah, uh sometimes you know” You lie
No. You haven't spoken to him since you left, and it feels like your tongue falls dead when you try to say his name again. You hadn't called and he hadn't picked up. Carmen told you not to say goodbye, but the truth was it had been the end of you even before you had both realised. 
You had spent years pretending like Carmen not calling you, not making an effort to see you after everything didn’t burn, but the reality of it had marked you in a way that felt eternal.
“So you're coming, yeah? You and Carmen can finally catch up” Richie replies with a smile, and look of something passes through his eyes before it leaves, and you have to smile back with a nod, like you and Carmen were still close, like you don't feel that he might turn you away or scream at you the second he saw you, like you weren't both irrevocably in love with each other.
Bear. You missed him, you are shocked by how much you do, you thought bottling up your memories and emotions about him and stuffing them so far back into your mind you forgot would actually change anything. There had always been this lingering thought, at the recesses of your mind, the last thing you imagined before you fell asleep, the feeling that filled you the second you came back to Chicago, it was all Carmen, it was all your golden boy.
And now you would have to see him, in less than a day you would  be in the same room as Carmen Berzatto, you don't want to say it, you don't want to speak it into acknowledgement but deep down, you wanted to see him again. 
Beyond it all, you both were bonded in friendship, sharing something you didn't even have with Adeline or Mae, and you had felt like a part of yourself was missing each day that went passed without hearing from him. Had he forgotten you? Had it been as hard for him to go on with life? He had been in New York for christ sake, he didn't even think to visit you, that thought alone made you want to run back home and never come out.
You couldn't bare the possibility of exposing yourself to such heartache, to the chance of being rejected by the very person who you forever longed for. You were always searching for him, looking through crowds to see the familiar curl of his brown hair, or the scent he carried, ears always leaning in, trying to see if it would catch his syrupy baritone voice.
The two of you were forever connected, like the roots of trees spanning miles under the Earth. The kind of companionship that transcended time and space, and god did you want to feel the sharp edge of his jaw between your hands.
You couldn't stop it now, Richie had opened something you kept locked and sunk for a reason, and now it felt like you would break if you didn't see Carmen. Even if it would break you, even if it was the one thing in this world that would destroy you, 
You had to see your golden boy.
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I made a wav of chapter 1 of my Vox sickfic! This doesn't include the narration: fic linked here or you can keep reading for the fic copied under the cut. I added a slight robot voice effect to the sneezes and coughs, plus there's the sound of Vox's fans (which is the real sound of my laptop fan lmao) - let me know if you'd like to hear a version without these effects.
If there's enough interest I might do more chapters. The main limitation is I don't sneeze a lot even with inducing - these sneezes are compiled from like 5 different sessions smh. (So if a wav where I don't actually include the sneezes, or I reuse sneeze audio I've used before, is of interest to you then definitely let me know cause doing the voices is fun)
“Why are the lights so fucking bright in here? Are you trying to give me a headache?” Vox was often a bit of an insufferable prick, but today he was far worse than usual. His interview for Voxtech Angelic Security was just an hour away and he’d already managed to insult pretty much everyone in the room. The lights dimmed, he returned to a previous complaint. “And why haven’t you turned the AC colder already? It’s like a sauna in here!”
“The AC is already as cold as it goes, sir.”
“Then fix it! God, what am I even paying you for?” He paused, then pulled out his cell phone. “Hey Val, are you free right now? I got an employee I’d like you to knock some sense into—or rip the limbs off of, whichever you prefer. I could do it myself, but I know how much you enjoy that thing.”The employee shuddered. “Great, thanks! See you soon.”
Vox looked around. “Where is my water bottle? There should be one on the interviewing desk. Is anyone around here doing their goddamn job?” Another employee rushed over with a water bottle. “Finally.” He took a sip and immediately grimaced. “Where did you get this? Normal water doesn’t scrape my throat like that! Disgusting.” He threw the water bottle aside, pausing only to make sure the lid was on first.
He took a deep breath, which immediately triggered a coughing fit, his voice crackling like a broken speaker. His screen went grey and fuzzy, static flaring with each cough. “Who did the last maintenance on the filtration system?” A sheepish woman stepped forward. “Fix it! Actually, no. Get out. You’re fired. The air is so thick in here I can hardly breathe.” She hung her head and wandered off. It wasn’t like she was the first to be fired on a whim, and at least Vox didn’t literally tear people apart. “I’ll take a look at it along with the AC, then, sir,” the employee from earlier offered.
“You’d better. But don’t think that’s enough to save you,” Vox said, standing so close the employee could hardly hear anything over the fan. “Val’s still on his way.” The employee gulped.
Valentino began shivering the moment he stepped in the door, but he ignored that and made a beeline for Vox. “Where’s the victim?” he asked with a grin.
Vox pointed to the man cowering in the corner. “He won’t fix the AC.” Val nodded, still shivering. “He says it’s already as cold as it can go, but I’m boiling here!” Val raised an eyebrow at that. A loud whirring started as Vox’s fans kicked in.
Val put a hand on Vox’s forehead, and jerked it away almost immediately. “Amorcito, you’re incredibly hot!”
“Save it for later, Val,” Vox chuckled.
“No, I mean it’s hard to believe how much you’re overheating. And in a freezing room, no less. I thought my hand was going to burn!” Vox crossed his arms and shook his head. “I mean it, Vox, you’re obviously running a fever!”
“Shut up. I’m fi… hi…” his screen flickered with each hitch. “Hi’tzzzcht! Fine.”
“Sir?” The employee raised a finger tentatively, regaining some boldness now that neither of them was ripping him apart. “One of the lights just broke.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me? Just fix it! Ugh, it’s a wonder anything gets done around here.” He gave a long sniff, trying to stave off the buzzing tickle. “And send a cleaning crew in. It’s way too du… huh… huh… hut’TZZZZSHT! Dusty in here.”
“We just cleaned yesterday…” the employee said weakly, trying not to look at the speaker that had just popped.
“I didn’t ask you when the last cleaning was, I asked you to clean the damn studio! Now get on with it before I change my mind and let Val rip your arms off.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” The employee practically ran off to begin his tasks as Val gave a toothy grin, looking menacing despite the intense shivering.
“There you go. I’ll be back here for the sound check. And this place better be fucking spotless.”
Vox and Val walked out the door. “I’ll catch you at the penthouse,” Vox said, activating his teleportation powers. He only made it a few feet. “Hhh’dzzzzcht!” The hallway lights flickered.
“How about we walk together?” Val offered, wrapping his arm around Vox. Vox sighed, but it wasn’t like he had a choice. Repeatedly teleporting a few feet at a time sounded even more annoying than walking. While they walked, Val pulled out his phone with his free hand to text Velvette. “Meet at the penthouse ASAP.”
Velvette almost dropped her phone when she saw the pair of them walk through the door. “Walk” was actually a bit of an overstatement. Vox was practically staggering, leaning heavily on Val for support. His screen was dimmed, except for a bright spot in the center where his nose would be, if he had one. His fans were still whirring loudly. His normally immaculate suit was wrinkled, as if he’d crumpled in on himself repeatedly. The man was, quite obviously, a mess.
Velvette stared in silence for a moment. “Wow. He really does look awful, doesn’t he?”
Vox glared. “I’m fine. I’m just taking a quick break before the studio’s ready for my interview. Those morons still have a lot to set up.” The pair stared at him.
“Um, Vox? You sure now is the best time for an interview?” Velvette asked.
“I’m fine,” he insisted, his hypnotic eye swirling so slowly it might as well be a broken Ferris wheel.
“Right,” Velvette said, rolling her eyes as Vox’s screen flickered again. “Totally fine, and definitely not about to sneeze.”
“I’m not going to… hih’tzzzzch!” He opened his mouth to protest more, but no sound came out. Damn it, were his audio drivers glitching too? Or was it just his vocal cords? He smacked the side of his head with a grimace. “The interview has to be today. If I delay it, it’ll look like we’re hiding something.” Thank god that worked. Vox without his voice was… well, he really didn’t want to think about that.
Velvette raised an eyebrow. “You literally just smacked yourself in the head cause you couldn’t talk. You really think you’re in a good state to be giving an interview?”
Vox’s screen brightened for a moment. “I’m fine! It’s fixed now.” His screen dimmed again, then started flickering. “I’m perfectly heal… heh… hhh… healthy! Just let me go to the godda… ehh… ahh… hah’TZZZZSHT! The goddamn interview.” Valentino’s phone instantly shut off. Velvette, seeing this, clutched her phone tightly to her chest.
Val tried turning his phone back on, but it was unresponsive. “You broke my phone, Vox. You broke my fucking phone! What else are you gonna break if you go back in there?”
Vox frowned. Loath as he was to admit illness, it really was in his best interest to minimize property damage. Especially with a live audience.
“I’ll do the interview,” Velvette offered.
Vox gave a laugh that quickly turned into a coughing fit, his screen a sputtering mess of static again. “No offense, Velvette, but I’m pretty sure you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of the system.”
“And I’m pretty sure you’re not recognizing you don’t have a lot of options. Would you rather send Valentino?”
The other two recoiled at the suggestion. “God, no!” Vox replied. “Ugh, I guess if you really want to, go knock yourself out. My notes are on that tah… hhh… ahh… hah… hah’TDZZZCHT! Tablet.” Said tablet was now stuck in bluescreen. “Shit.” He rubbed his aching head, trying to think.
“Are the notes backed up like the rest of your files?” Vox nodded, not even trying to speak this time. “I can pull it up on my phone, then. I’ve got this. Backbone of the Vees, remember? You just stay here and get some rest,” she said, blowing a kiss as she left.
Velvette strutted out the door, taking with her the responsibility that had been keeping Vox together, and it was like a switch had been flipped. Vox immediately plopped himself down on the couch, limbs dangling limply. “Everything huuuurts, Val.”
“I know, Amorcito, that’s why I’m here.” He gently stroked Vox’s arm. “Now, is it really everything? Or can you be a bit more specific so I can actually help you?”
Vox’s mouth moved, but no words. A frown. A throat clearing sound. More mouth movement, still no words. A deeper frown. A self-inflicted smack on the side of the head. Still no words. The fans kicked into high gear as Vox was about to spit steam out of his head.
“Shh, gentle, Voxy. Let’s try not to blow out the power grid again, hm?” Val patted Vox’s screen. “I’ll get you something for your throat.” He searched through the fridge for some Gatorade. Electrolytes had to do something for an electric being, right? In the absence of any speech from Vox, the fans were even more noticeable. Better grab a cold compress from the freezer too, then. He placed the cold pack on Vox’s screen and handed him the bottle. Vox took a sip and shook his head. His voice still failing him, Vox made images appear on the screen. Val blinked, trying to figure out what he was looking at.
“Something wrong with the drink?” A nod. “Tastes bad?” Head shake. Val tried to think what could possibly be wrong with a drink. “Too liquidy?” Vox rolled his eyes. “Wrong color?” A facepalm. “Uh… too cold?” Vigorous nodding, and then a wince and a dizzy expression. “I got it. Just rest here, Vox. I’ll find you something.”
Val returned a few minutes later with a steaming mug of tea. Vox’s screen was dim and pale, the colors washed out. His weak fingers could barely grasp the handle of the mug. “Oh, Voxy, you poor thing,” Val said, his wings wrapping around Vox for support. The steam from the drink got into Vox’s vents and his screen started flickering. Val noticed immediately and set the mug on a nearby table, holding Vox through the buildup.
“Hhh… hhhh… hhh… hhht’dzchhht! Hhhh’zzzzch! Hhh’ZZZZZSHT! Htchh’RRRRGZZZZZZT! Ugh.” The demon clawed at his throat, then paused in realization. “Fucking hell that hurt!” He winced. “Talking hurts.” Still, better to have a functioning voice, he supposed. He gestured to the mug, and Valentino handed it to him. He took a sip, grimaced, and then finished the rest of the mug in one gulp. Val surveyed the room and realized that a few of the TV screens were out. “Let’s get you into bed, hm?” Vox raised an eyebrow. “Not like that! Unless you want to, of course…” he added, licking his lips. Vox shook his head, exhausted. Val led Vox to the bedroom, the TV clinging hard to the moth as he took a few shaky steps. Val paused, then nodded to himself. He hoisted Vox over his shoulder, ignoring the spluttering protests. “Amorcito, you can barely walk. Let me carry you for a bit.”
Vox huffed, and Val felt the static shock. “You could at least have the decency to carry me like your partner instead of, I don’t know, a corpse?”
Val chuckled. “Have you seen yourself, darling? You practically are a corpse at this point.” Still, he switched to bridal carry.
After what felt like an eternity, dragged out by Vox’s complaining that he was on death’s door, they finally reached the bed. Val laid Vox down and sat next to him. “Now then, does everything still hurt? What can I get you?”Vox’s lips moved silently, then rapidly into what Val assumed to be a string of curse words. Hard to tell without audio. Val sighed. “You really are feeling awful, aren’t you?” Vox nodded. Val stared at Vox for a while until the moth’s singular brain cell finally came up with an idea. He blew a puff of smoke in Vox’s face. Vox flinched, and his screen flickered rapidly. “Hhh… hih… hhhh’dzzzzzzcht! Hih’tzzzzsh! Hah’TZZZZZCHT! TZZZSH! Tzzzsch’TZZZZZST’dzTZZZZZSSHHT! What the fuck, Val?” He rubbed his throat. “Oh. Uh… thanks, I guess? I don’t know. That fucking sucked.”
“If you’d rather not repeat that, then I suggest you get your words out now before you lose your voice again.”
Vox scowled, but he knew it was a valid point. “I just… I’m sore all over. It’s not fair! What did I do to deserve this?” Val raised a finger. “Besides everything that got me into hell.” Val shrugged. “Ugh… my throat hurts, my head hurts, all my muscles ache, there’s this constant buzzing in the back of my head that won’t go away, everythig is blisterigly warmb whatever I try… oh for fugck’s sake, I get congestiod dnow too? Ughhhh…” He groaned and rolled over, faceplanting into the bed.
Val tutted sympathetically. “You never do anything half-assed, do you?” Vox nodded, dragging his screen across the blanket. “Vox, if you’re feeling so warm, why are you still wearing all those clothes?” A pause. Vox wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “There’s no image you need to keep up right now, Vox. Let’s get you comfortable.” Vox sat up and let Val get to work. The crumpled suit was set on a nearby chair. The sweater and shirt were pulled off and tossed to the same chair, Vox dropping his arms instantly the moment he no longer needed to put in the energy to keep them up. The shoes were removed and the pants taken off and folded up with care. As soon as it was done, Vox collapsed face down into the bed again, breathing heavily from the effort.
“You said you’re sore all over, would you like a massage, Amorcito?” A thumbs up. Val got up to find the massage bar. They’d found that using a more solid form helped avoid any accidents… they did NOT need a repeat of the time poor Vox got massage oil stuck in his vents. Val began massaging Vox’s arms, but paused when he felt Vox’s shoulders shudder.
“Hhhh’dzzzzzzchmp!” The sound was muffled into the bed. Vox slowly dragged himself up until he was facing Val. “Hit’chZZZZZZZCHT!” Sparks flew from Vox’s screen and landed on Val’s arm.
“Keep your sparks to yourself, Vox!” he said, wincing at the static shock. “Hmm… that might explain the electronics failures…”
“Sorry, Val.” He said, rubbing his screen. “Wasd’t expectig it to comb that fast.” He gave a long sniff. “Hhhhh’dZZZZZZT!” He pointed at the massage bar. “Can you put that away? I think the scent is too strong right now, my sensors must be acting up.”
Val switched to an unscented massage bar and resumed the massage. A few soft moans from Vox let Val know that his attempts were effective. Eventually the sound dropped off entirely, except for the occasional sneeze, which Val assumed meant the video demon’s voice had given out again. After a while, there was no sound at all except for congested breathing. Val gently turned Vox on his back, revealing closed eyes. Val breathed a sigh of relief. The man was much less exhausting when he was unconscious. Maybe now both of them could get some rest.
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
[EDIT 5/11/2023: Be sure to check out the updated version!] The amazing art in this video was made by @bittybattybunny. She did an incredible job bringing the concept I had for this lil project to life; be sure to check out their other work!
You can listen to this track in high quality on my SoundCloud, as well as find the separate vocal and instrumental renders over on Google Drive -- in both WAV and OGG format! (For charters/modders: tempo starts off as 91, but switches to 110 at about 31.681 secs into the song. Time signature for the whole song is 4/4.) In addition, for the first time in almost two years, I’ve mirrored this video on my YouTube!! The rest of the description (including my brief story idea for this concept) is underneath the Read More.
Story: Boyfriend rummages through Snatcher's things in his tree. The Subcon Minions notice and quickly try to get him to leave, figuring Snatcher will be mad. He is, but not enough to actively hunt down a nuisance that's already leaving. BF is walking out of Subcon Forest as heard in the very start of the song, the old stuff he rummaged through still fresh in his mind as he takes in the once-beautiful scenery. But all of a sudden (at 0:31 in the track,) he trips one of the forest's many traps and is dragged into Snatcher's contract-signing dimension. Snatcher pops up excitedly, looking forward to tormenting someone with the prospect of menial labor (followed by death!) ...But then he sees that it's BF again, and is basically like "bruh..." But hey, a soul's a soul, so he's just gonna get this over with. Or so he thinks.
Ladies and gents, behold: my first "proper" FNF-styled track!! So firstly, like, I am genuinely shocked that I'm THE FIRST ONE to try to make a ground-up FNF track for Snatcher. I can't even find an actual track based on Your Contract Has Expired anywhere (only direct ports with random charts slapped on top,) and that's essentially the Megalovania of A Hat In Time!! ...Anyhow, upon seeing this shocking gap in the FNF fandom's musical lineup, I knew I had to TRY to throw my hat into the ring with this at least once -- I figured at this point that if I didn't do it, chances were slim to none that anyone else would. As for how I decided to go about working on this track: Oh It's You left me so much room for jazzy swagger, and Alpha Bookstore brought the potential to integrate his tragic backstory as the Prince into the mix. I also directly sampled Snatcher's Contractual Obligations for a better transition between the two initial sections lmao. I wanted to have the best of both worlds shine here, and sort of "sum up" Snatcher: a spooky, pompous bastard with a dark sense of humor, but also one that once had a heart of gold long ago (and maybe still *has* a hint of the old him in there... somewhere. If you squint hard enough.) It was tricky to get certain things sounding as I wanted them to, especially since I was worried the two tracks might not fuse well! All in all tho, I am incredibly satisfied with how this turned out, and I hope you all enjoy.
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kushami-hime · 2 months
Guuuuurl whaaaaaaat! The way I sprinted, sprang, and teleported immediately over to that y/uya study aid audio cuz I thought I heard it all already but I guess not and that was sooo cuuuute I love how it was b/aku that sneezed and K/iri blessing him only to get a shuddup in response lmao so like them! Also cracking up over the face that every damn person in the comments was so excited about the b/aku sneeze and even a comment that was like "recommendation for the next video: an hour of B/akugou sneezing" LMAO I'm so deadddd! I think you're so right too regarding the fact that it was a slipped real sneeze that he just decided to keep in there cuz the one I was talking about was actually from one of his lives with s/eiko and sounded just like that!
Same with the y/agami one it was just a couple of blooper clips where a couple of real sneezes happened and impressive ones at that like somehow almost in character and still masculine sounding but I know the audio you're talking about and was so in love with the idea of an AU fantasy B/aku being allergic to listener as a cat folk!!! Such a delicious thought lol one that mayhaps you could add onto someday 😼😸😻
Omfg reading those comments would literally kill me, I'm still waiting and praying one day we get like, a sick b/akugou x listener at some point from Y/uya cause they write him so freaking well, it's where I get most of my inspiration for my own audios!! I had no clue about the live with S/eiko tho 👀
I also didn't know about those bloopers from Y/agami either I am learning somethin new everyday lmao
But yeah I've thought about a fantasy b/aku wav inspired by that same audio but it was like, ages ago when I still listened to her lol
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5 10 and 15 for the asks! :D
HEYHEYYY thank u for these 😋
5. Do you have a sneezing pattern? (ex. you always sneeze 3 times)
- i used to sneeze in doubles everyyyy time but now its singles but with a dumb gasp on the end as if im gna sneeze again but it FAKES ME OUT. EVERY TIME !
10. Do you prefer sneeze fics or sneeze wavs?
- i like them both equally i think tbh. like it depends what mood im in yk?? wavs turn me on more than fics but i also love reading fics cause like. im able to visualise or smth idk i cant put it into words I HOPE U GET WHAT I MEAN HERE LMAO but yeah ill say i like them both equally
15. Do you have any other kinks?
- weirdly besides This im kinda vanilla (as far as im aware) like. i havent really come across anything else im into, mostly cause i dont even know where one would start w that 😭 so yeah
thank u for these!! i feel like i never post any self-obs style stuff on here so this is fun :D
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sapphim · 2 years
hnng at one point I had cobbled together a process for extracting audio files from da2 that involved like. five separate steps, some of which only half worked. stuff like converting a .wav to an .ogg and then converting that .ogg to .ogg again. and I can't fucking. get it to work anymore. I've read all the xentax forum threads and they're just telling me to do things I'm already doing using files I'm already using. lmao rip. well it was good while it lasted. it wasn't good. it was barely serviceable while it lasted.
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nametakensff · 6 months
10, 11, 12 for the asks plsss
Thank you for the asks, lovely! 🥰
10. Do you prefer sneeze fics or sneeze wavs?
Hmm. I suppose it really depends what I'm trying to get out of it? For getting off quickly and reliably, wavs are definitely a go to! If I have more time I loooove reading snz fics though. Words and descriptions when used well are the most erotic things in the world imo! Also love consuming fanfic, not exclusively for getting off. I think it's probably a tie?
(I fucking LOVE a good observation, though 🥵)
11. Do you prefer masculine or feminine sneezes?
I don't think I have a preference! It really depends on each unique sneeze. When consuming content (wavs, videos, fics) it's a pretty even split! I'm a little more picky with my masculine sneezes though
(I approached this meaning more male and female? But it still applies if we're not talking specifically about sex and more like...manliness and womanliness lmao. Or whatever. I'm bisexual, it's literally all good across the board! 💕)
12. What is your favorite kind of sneeze? (harsh, wet, stifled, kittenish, etc.)
Oooh okay. Desperation and/or audible wetness are huge things for me, if I had to pick off the top of my head? But. I genuinely cannot get enough of all kinds of sneezes? I love vocally rich sneezes but I also really love when they just sound completely nasal or like a rush of wetness and air. Also can't say I strictly prefer stifles or let outs - it really just depends on my mood! I love audible build ups and talking between sneezes - someone blessing or excusing themselves is always 😩💦
I think it might be easier to say what I don't care for? And that is sneezes that sound exclusively like a yell, or those that just sound like coughs. You know. Good ol' snoughs. And whilst I can appreciate holdbacks I'm very impatient half the time and just want snz as soon as I can get it so 🤷‍♀️
(I always go back to 'Looking Up and In' on bondi's wav page - partially because I had my first ever orgasm listening to him lmao but also because he has a massive variety of extremely harsh, vocal and desperate sneezes mixed in with some smaller ones that just seem to really scratch the itch for me)
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snaxel69420 · 4 years
red, blue, black!
red: how long have you had this kink, and when did you discover that there was a community for it?
- honestly the sneezing fixation is present in my earliest memories? so forever i guess? the earliest related media i can remember is a disney pluto short, that dumb dwarf, and a brief section in this book series “molly moon” where she describes her music teacher’s nervous sneezing? and i would just come back to and read it a bunch of times with no clue as to why i found it so personally interesting hghdfhh
- i think i became aware of it as a thing that other people experienced sometime in HS. i was watching like a list vid of obscure fetishes and this one was included and i was like “hmmmm” and then ignored it for a while before finally googling and being directed to the forum, where i read, in order: a normal-ish fic abt dr frankenfurter, and immediatley after was affronted a horrifying fic abt a “pussy sneeze” and decided haha no fuck that and i haven’t been on the forum since. for a while after, i thought there wasn’t a community outside of the forum!
- i discovered the tumblr community when i was in college by just searching some generic snz content on here and eventually stumbling across snz-centric blogs and found incredible writing and fantastic art and it was so wonderfully overwhelming. but above all, i saw like nb folk and women creating content which was just so nice oml?!?? both in that we are better at writing than cis men, and also just representation matters! i guess it hadn’t occurred to me that like gay ppl could have this kink too? then, i saw someone post abt watching youtube wavs and was like “wait what that’s a thing?” and upon discovering i lost like a whole month of my life trying to consume allll the content lmao.
blue: how open are you when it comes to talking about it with others?
- it took me years to tell the very first person (my gf, and she kinda found out rather than me confiding in her first) and she took it rly well and even offered to do snexy things w me ! afterwards, my brain basically exploded when i realized that i care way more about the possibility of snex than i do abt the possibility of being ridiculed. so that’s what’s lead to me being pretty open abt it! (also i think that being ~weird~ makes other people less afraid of their own inner weirdness, if that makes sense?)
- i don’t mention it to people unless they’re asking about sex stuff but if it comes up in convo i will basically try to promo the community lmao, i’m like you don’t fuck a sneeze? well why not? unacceptable tbh,,,
- this isn’t directly talking abt it but i promo my MV when i can and like 80% of my videos are snz content so if someone looks me up they’re Gonna Find Out, y’know
black: how do you feel about being the person sneezing, as opposed to the observer?
- i used to hate the idea but now i’m into it? idk, the concept of other people finding me attractive is incredibly foreign to me but also 💯👀 plus ideally i’d like to be a service dom
- the idea of other snzfckrs existing in general is pretty fucking galaxy brain if you ask me, it’s incredible
- oh also i only ever film content when i’m already feeling horny and confident so now whenever i’m either my brain suggests “oh worm, sneeze time?” hhfjdjdjdnd
- the only thing abt it is that aftercare!! is super duper important to me, both as an autistic person who gets overwhelmed by sensory things and as someone where snex feels very intimate and personal to me, so i want to be able to trust and feel loved/cared for after, and finding someone willing to do that can be hard.
0 notes
transtrendhumanity · 7 years
it’s been a bit over two weeks since our last role call, and we have another new face.
i think current front is callon and cilla again? someone practical is near front as well, i think either kestrel or vaccine.
starting from the treehouse today. ceren is flopped alseep on the beanbag chairs in the middle of the room, with kayden kneeling over faer fondly. kei seems a bit interested in our new arrival as well. nero is resolutely pretending not to care, and seems to be playing some kind of shooter game. kitt is half asleep but keeping an eye on everyone. vite is just hyped about breakfast lmao. casey is playing against nero on the gamecube but she’s distracted by trying to keep an eye on ceren, so she’s losing.
nitexx is heading over as we speak, very excited to have another performer in our midst. i think ze might end up disappointed by how shy ceren is lmao. riley seems curious about the new face as well. si manages to reach the treehouse before nitexx does, and gets shushed by kayden before sil can say anything.
si tells me that si’s brining ceren to the main house to meet amelia and everyone as soon as fae’s awake. i nod, and head to the main house myself.
amelia is making mer own tea, for once. gabbi is complaining about it but ne seems very tired. not in a bad way, though. floret seems excited about something, but i’m not sure what. perien is still pleased about the book of scrap paper we bought for kyr. echo is pretending to still be asleep, but she seems to be partially awake.
upstairs, nessie is hanging out with remm while riley is out of the house. remm is still relatively pleased about vir new dress, but doesn’t seem to appreciate me peeking in on them.
haze is curled up at the head of er bed. it’s a bit cold in er room.
raliel is down in the main room, unusually. wav is sitting backwards on ethan’s chair and chatting with the others. waves wings are turned off to preserve the order of the space. rayn is still mostly asleep, floating at the bottom of its tank and bubbling occasionally.
when i make to head towards corian’s cabin, tyto offers me a lift. ey’s hopeful, more vibrant than we’ve seen in a while. today, eir owl form is a large barn owl, rather than the shadowy figure we’re used to. eir transformation back to a human form on the porch is reminiscent of corian’s own time as a bird, though without the hard feelings attached.
ailecent is sitting on the roof, and stares at me impassively as i wave to aer.
kestrel is inside the cabin, with elster and nine and corian. corian is trying to offer council on kestrel’s new kin problems, but i think having company is doing aer more good than any of the actual words. they’re all drinking tea.
nika and ethan are upstairs, but it seems like nika is getting ready to head out for a morning skate. sie invites ethan along, but they respond that they’ll probably return to the main house when sie leaves. they give me a salute when they see me.
heading towards aziden’s mansion... vae greets me in the foyer, somewhere between welcoming and imposing. once vae feels i have been properly welcomed into the house, vae moves on to scolding vyrn and kisoquine for the strange way theyre sprawled on the stairway. vyrn makes a sarcastic comment, but kisoquine doesn’t seem to pay attention.
azdien leads me into the dining room. tobias is at the table for once, along with jody. trysten is standing, waxing poetic about something i can’t quite make out. darion seems to still be sleeping. drohen seems to be paying close attention to trysten’s rant, but not taking it seriously.
azdien takes vaer seat in the reading room, but stays attuned to the conversation in the dining room. vae invites me to look around the mansion to my own satisfaction.
i take my leave of the dining room and visit micah. they’re crosslegged in the middle of the floor, either sulking about something or deep in thought.
upstairs, aren’s door is closed, but much of the wall to his room is made of glass now, so i can see him in his cybernetic workshop, trying to work on larger wings. theyre quite impressive. i’d love to see him and vite work on something together, but i’m not entirely sure how vite would feel about that.
he notices me staring, and lends me a sleek glider to get me up to skye’s cabin. flying without tyto’s aid feels very strange, but not unpleasant. tyto meets up with me above the forest, and we land at skye’s cabin at the same time. fae opens the door to invite us inside, but aloe doesn’t seem interested in seeing me, so i politely decline.
gail is asleep in its lean-to. our connection with ooze ocean is faint and distant.
i realize that i skipped over vex’s quarters, and hop back on aren’s glider to head back to the main house. on my way down i spot yacinthe just outside the tree house, smoking.
i enter through the side door. jace and vex scold me for missing over them: jace playfully and vex with some irritation. jace is working on the scrapbook again, but vex is worried over portraits.
in the back room, venic seems to be up and about again. i dont know when kye brought a coffee maker into the back room, but kye’s using it now. vaccine is standing nearby, arms crossed. 
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obscurum-passagium · 7 years
hot damn i actually got tagged in an ask meme! cheers m8
rules: copy and paste, answer the questions, tag 10 mutuals to do the same!
1. What is your favorite Nancy Drew game and why?
It’s probably SSH tho SAW’s really been doing it for me lately. SSH feels like it has the biggest in-game world to me, it’s really realistic, the theme of “slightly sinister Maya history” is so unique and nothing in any other game really has something like it. SAW also has that great spooky atmosphere & fuckin amazing music. something about it is really soothing to me
2. Have you played all 32 games in the series? If not, which ones haven’t you played? If yes, which one did you play first?
i haven’t played all of them actually. i missed ICE, TRN, WAV and TOT, but i’ve seen walkthroughs of all of them & i don’t feel like i’m missing much
3. What is your favorite line from any character in the series?
all of Professor Hotchkiss’s dialogue from TRT pretty much, though there’s a lot of great banter in FIN too
4. If you could change the ending to any game, which one would it be (no spoilers, though)?
i’d change the culprit of CUR. great game but fucking weak ending.
5. Which game is your least favorite, and why?
LIE. i’ve talked about it before but it’s just so not my thing. in any way. it was  very unenjoyable to play
6. Which character is your favorite? Why?
professor hotchkiss for sure. she was a huge role model for me as a kid. and now i’m my own weird version of absent-minded (amateur) historian who gets fixated on certain foods and subjects (tho tbf this is probably my autism)
7. Which character is your least favorite? Why?
lisa from TRT is fucking terrible, though in a really laughable way. the entire cast of LIE kinda cheeses me off in different ways (maybe more how badly they’re written than any judgement on character, if that makes sense i guess. LIE is just written very very badly to me) i want to punch enrico from VEN right in the fucking face. i know scopa is rigged you fuck ass
8. How do you feel about the whole Nancy/Ned vs. Nancy/Frank situation? Do you ship her with someone else? Who, and why?
i don’t take shipping very seriously unless someone else takes it way too seriously and starts talking shit towards someone else. like chill out my dudes. no one needs to be nasty over these fuckin fictional slices of teenaged whitebread. that said, i have my own ideas and fondness for nancy and ned that doesn’t translate to the idea of frank and nancy. shipping is always projection, too, whether we’re aware of it or not, so to me, nancy’s also a queer pansexual person so shipping her w just one person doens’t make sense. she could date the entire cast of every game i don’t really give a shit. just don’t be nasty to other people over it.
9. Do you have any fun headcanons about any of the games or characters?
everyone is gay
10. If you could visit any of the locations of the games, which ones would they be and why?
the ryokan hiei, wickford castle, castle malloy, deception island
11. Did you read any of the original Nancy Drew books? If yes, do you like them? If no, would you consider reading one?
i read them as a kid yeah, but i can’t remember any of them for the life of me
12. What is one thing any good detective can’t live without?
a boyfriend with a big juicy ass
13. Which game had the best soundtrack?
14. What is one thing you wish HER would’ve included in any of the games (a conversation, interaction, location, feature, etc)?
15. Do you have any ideas for a future game? What is it?
ned gets kidnapped my dracula (see above)
16. How long does it take you to finish a game from start to finish?
i like really taking my time with them these days. wandering around, trying to get all the dialogue out of everyone. not really into speedy playing. i like savouring a game over a few days or week. no idea how that translates into hours tho
17. Did any of the games scare you? If yes, which ones? If no, why?
MHM made me cry when i was 12 (ghost in the mirror)
SSH made me cry when i was 12 (mummy ending)
CUR gave me the willies when i was around 15. dreams, hallway ghost, spOoKy red eyes!
GTH was a bit spooky but mainly jump scares (nancy gasping suddenly being the jump scare more than the ghost)
SAW was definitely unnerving too. the shoji puzzle with the ghost coming after you… yikes
18. Why did you join the Nancy Drew fandom here on tumblr?
just wanted to get in on all the sweet memes u know? but really, it was cool to find a whole bunch of people who i could talk to about the games. when i was a kid i played them with one of my best friends, but we grew apart and you know, whenever you find someone irl who’s played some ND it’s always like “oh yeah i tried one once but don’t remember it” or “yeah my cousin loves those! never played one myself!”
19. What is your favorite Nancy Drew joke (from in-game or even floating around the internet)?
that any of them are straight
20. Who is someone in the clue crew you’ve always wanted to get to know?
i’m not super social but i have gotten to know… almost everyone i’ve wanted to here? there are prob some cool kids that i could talk to more but i’m very shy
21. What are three unpopular opinions you hold about the games?
1) LIE is shit
[that specifically means “it is not a game for me” not “if you like it you are also shit” just to be clear]
2) HAU is great
3) dracula should be in  agame
(i don’t have a third)
22. Do you have any fun theories about any of the games?
everyone in them is gay
23. Who was your favorite animal character featured in the games?
gonna have to go with the phantom horse i think
24. Do other people in your life know about your love for Nancy Drew?
all like three thousand of my twitter followers know about this shit cause i talk about ND a lot lmao (i’m constantly trying to get other ppl into them). and my family knows of course, they consistently got me the games as birthday & xmas presents
25. How long have you been playing these games?
i started playing them when i was about 10 or 11 so that’s 17 or 18 years by now! 
i’m tagging uhhhh anyone who wants to do it? to be fucking honest i can’t for the life of me remember anyone’s handle here. or anywhere online. ever. my brain is made of wind. i can remember avatars but sadly those aren’t taggable. if you read this and want to do it, i tagged you.
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kushami-hime · 2 years
HIIIIIMEEEE-SAMAAA!! I've only barely found you by accident (totally was not even expecting anything even remotely this amazing cuz I'm fucking picky af lol) and I am LEGIT OBSESSEDDD! Your content is PURE JOY/TOP TIER and has made my day/week on several occasions and bruhhh life has been roughhhh this year so that says a lot! I've only seen season one of MHA but now I'm in love with these characters, your portrayal, and hands down spot-on embodiment of them, that I want to go back and watch more! Your Bakubrat is growly fiery perfection in every way (looove his loud, harsh, desperate sneezes <3) and soo fun and hilarious with all of his angry snarky comments/insults/banter which is why he makes the best victim and just my absolute fave lol your recent wav Harpy's Prize was such a masterpiece but I love and listen to all of your content on fucking repeat because you're seriously soo talented at voice acting and creating these immersive, enjoyable, and engaging scenarios/scripts and dynamics with all the sound effects, characterizations, and everything! It's really super impressive, hard to find, and your art is awesome too...like...howwww?! (I don't say these things lightly lol) Anyways! Saw your recent posts and although I VERY eagerly look forward to more of your juicy content I more so just wanted to send some encouragement your way because I know we all totally get it and you have no reason to apologize but I love that you care enough about us all to do so even though we all just want you to be good as well, so don't be so hard on yourself and hope you're taking care aaaand if there's ever anything any of us can do to help, encourage, or support you in these moments, def let us know! You're def up in here doin' the lord's work for all of us so it's the least we can do lol thank you for being you and super glad I found you, you fucking rock, hope you feel better soooon, lovie! Enjoy the rest of your week and get in some good self-care! <3<3<3 (oof lmao sorry not sorry for the super long novel in yo face but wanted to send you all the loves cuz you deserve it!)
Anon I need you to understand that this...literally got me out of bed this morning. Like, I'm not even joking. I need you to know that I legit didnt wanna do anything today but I sat and read this over and over again like 3 times and your support manifested itself and ripped me out of my sheets so thank you for all this love and appreciation ;O;!!!
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sanriopropaganda · 7 years
i was tagged by @lishyloves to do this tag game! thank you sm!! (also sorry this took me forever so many things get buried in my likes)
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better!
name: waverly (i was named after a book not the show l m a o)
nickname: hhhhhhh theres so many and the least embarrassing one in wavs
zodiac sign: taurus 
height: 5′4 (my mom once commented that im short and i was like??? im average sized???)
orientation: bi bi bi
ethnicity: im black and lovin it
favorite fruit: berries of any sort really but mostly raspberries
favorite season: the all have their merits i cant choose a fav (but not winter lmao)
favorite book series: ive always liked the chronicles of vladimir tod but thats really the only series in which ive read all the books
favorite flowers: hydrangeas! 
favorite scent: ummmmmm i couldnt say tbh
favorite color: blue! my room is blue i love it                     
favorite animal: dogs and reptiles (except my mom wont let me get one :-()
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: theyre all good but i drink tea the most
average sleep hours: oh jeez depends
cat or dog person: dogs all the way (although cats are pretty rad)
favorite fictional characters: uhhhhhhhhhhhh i honestly dont knoe
number of blankets you sleep with: one but they vary in weight and warmth
dream trip: japan! i really want to study abroad there in college
blog created: around 2012 and i was looking at blogs even before that ive been here wayyyy too long
number of followers: 1075! thanks guys! 
um i tag anyone wants to do this ! have fun
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kushami-hime · 3 months
Omggfg I just read your 2nd Hawks wav script and this line absolutely sent me: "You just loooove to see me suffer don't you? Well…in this case, hear me suffer…" 🫠🥴🥵🫦
GAHHHHHHH! And the part about not getting too riled up at work! Ahhhhhhh! Literally had a similar situation like that happen with an ex once and could no longer function for the rest of the day LMAO 💀
Is it bad I can't remember which wav this is? 😭😭
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kushami-hime · 3 years
How about a bakugou wav where despite kacchan's loud and explosive personality he's actually revealed to have....cute kittenish sneezes ...probably with bakusquad...it seemed like a fun idea lol
I've thought about this numerous times but never got around to posting about it.
Another person said that Kiri would absolutely call kitten sneezes manly so now that's going into the script for this as well lmao. I've even read fics that were by VANILLAS with this same premise and class 1A keeps trying to make Baku sneeze! Lol
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transtrendhumanity · 7 years
system checkin time! casey at front with callon along side me.
first off, selkie seems to be here??? she’s in a really pretty clearing in the forest that we’re pretty sure sprang into existence just for her. the grass is long and the best shade of green you can think of and there are little white bell-shaped flowers all over the place. she’s curled up sleeping in the middle of it. echo is nearby, i think cilla too. we’re all excited to indoctrinate her into cat squad, even if she is a fox technically.
uhhhh corian’s cabin is not too far off. tyto has been watching selkie too, and nods as we walk by eir. corian seems tired, but offers us tea anyway. nine is napping on a chair.
nika is upstairs... not quite sleeping but dormant. flipping through a magazine and lying down on the couch.
i ask about ethan. elster, from downstairs, tells me that he’s in the treehouse. before i head over there, i ask about ailecent and kestrel, but they’re not here either.
the treehouse is extra rowdy today. ethan and nero are in some kind of argument, but it doesn’t seem serious. vite and yacinthe are dueling, while kitt watches. ceren and kei are on the beanbags, leaning against each other and napping even though it’s noisy. it’s nice to see ethan so active.
innnn the main house... gabbi is baking shortbreads. amelia, like nika, is reading and dormant. floret is actually napping on mer shoulder. i think perien is asleep too but kye’s still sitting upright so it’s hard to tell. the cats, like we said, are out waiting for selkie to wake up. gabbi is telling rayn stories about life at sea while ne bakes. i think?? cyrren is in here? sort of leaning on the counter and adding to gabbi’s stories, and stealing cookie dough while ae thinks ne isn’t looking.
riley is downstairs too, actually. i think si’s on echo’s chair, just kind of relaxing and listening to gabbi and cyrren talk. nessie is upstairs napping. remm seems to be doing some kind of skincare routine. nitexx is in zir room charging.
kisoquine is in the clown dungeon and seems pretty pleased about xyr apparent marriage. vyrn is kind of disgusted by how romo xe’s acting so vyrn is sulking in xyr own room. who would’ve thought lmao. vaccine is also in their own room in the basement of the mansion, alternating between sitting at their desk and pacing. they’re questioning a new kintype.
uhhhh we poke around the hallway to see if jochen has their own room down here, but i think that maybe when he does it will be upstairs instead.
he hasn’t settled down enough to have his own room just yet though. he’s sitting in azdien’s reading chair like tobias used to. azdien is politely ignoring this, and organizing the books on vaer shelves. drohen is also ignoring jochen, a little bit less politely. they serve darion some coffee. trysten accepts coffee as well, and talks excitedly about sier anniversary with viren coming up. jody is muttering about the upcoming concert. micah is at the table today too, with their feet up kind of rudely, but drohen lets it fly. they listen to trysten talk and respond once in a while.
in the actual library, back in the greenery nook, kestrel and tobias are hanging out. it looks like they just finished a game of chess, but now they’re just talking.
ummm. upstairs, aren? is missing actually. someone tells me he might be on a stroll by the cliffside, but i’m not too sure who. micah maybe?
i head back to the main house. haze is still kind of just sulking in er room.
venic is kind of sulking that vaccine won’t play games with them again. jace offers to play instead, but venic doesn’t take them up on it. they’re kind of in a huff about a lot of things, but they seem to be kind of enjoying themself in a way.
vex is napping at eir desk again. jace has put a blanket over eir.
ailecent is still a mass of glowing feathers, napping in the attic.
when i get downstairs again, raliel is there now. wav’s sitting at ethan’s desk, joining chat about the ocean.
we take a roundabout cliffside route up towards skye’s cabin. aren is indeed out there, staring pensively at the ocean. we don’t greet him, but we think he knows we’re there.
skye greets us warmly, and offers us tea. even aloe says hello, from aer bowl of water on the table.
gail is... actually at the window, kind of? hanging out? skye opens the window so it can say hello, but only for a moment, because it kind of freaks aloe out.
skye steps outside to chat, and they discuss installing like a cellar with a separate entrance on skye’s cabin, so gail can have an actual living space. it isn’t really communicating in words, but skye can understand it anyway.
i think thats everyone!! thanks for coming!
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