#lmk if you'd like to see more
wifeymakesgifs · 1 year
venezia cruz gif icons
Hot off the presses, here’s another icon pack for another gorgeous woman I’m in love with! I’m all for body diverse faceclaims, and whenever I can, I gotta do the thing, y’all! 
In this pack, you can find 53 gif icons of Venezia Cruz, who is a model and influencer! All of these gifs were cropped and coloured by yours truly. Venezia is Mexican, Spanish & Portuguese, so please be mindful when using her! 
TAGGING: @tasksweekly​ for tasks 005 & 075: Body Diversity and Mexico
Please REBLOG this pack, and use it for your needs. Please be mindful of my rules! Also #FREEPALESTINE!
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fishofthewoods · 5 months
Oh my god I woke up this morning and my Stardew Valley meta post had almost 150 notes????? Hello?????????? Anyways I started writing this last night because @moon-is-pretty-tonight left nice tags on the original so thank you so much!!
We know from the starting scenes of the game that the farmer's grandfather loved Stardew Valley. So why did he leave? Pelican Town is a good place to grow old; George and Evelyn are just fine. It's a fine place to raise a kid, but maybe he just wanted to raise his child closer to real schools and other children.
Or maybe, just maybe, he understood.
Was there a day when he was in his thirties where he looked at his friends and realized they weren't like him? That he could run faster than them, work longer, explore deeper into the hidden places of the valley?
Was there a day when he went to the wizard to ask him for help, for knowledge if nothing else? Did he learn then that his family was different? Special? Chosen? And how did he react? He couldn't possibly raise a child in the valley if they would be as strange and fey as him. He had to leave. There was no other way.
But years later, on his deathbed, did he regret that choice?
Is that why he gave the farmer the letter?
Is that why they went back home?
When the farmer steps off the bus that first day, the valley is still on the cusp of winter, just barely tipping over into spring. The flowers are starting to bloom, but a chill still hangs in the air. As soon as the farmer's boots touch the soil there's a change. The air gets warmer. The trees get greener. Not by too much, not all at once, but it changes.
The junimos watch the farmer as they do their work. They're new to farming, but take to it with frightening speed; their first batch of crops is perfect. None of the townsfolk tell them that parsnips don't normally grow in less than a week, that cauliflowers don't grow to be ten feet tall, that fairies don't visit when the sun goes down and grow potatoes and beans and tulips overnight. The junimos talk amongst themselves in their strange, wild language, and agree: this is the one. They're back. The valley recognizes its own, even when they've left for a generation. The farmers have come home.
Things change fast in the valley. The community center, empty and decrepit for so many years, is rejuvenated. (Lewis says it was abandoned only a few weeks after the farmer's grandfather left. Strange coincidence, he says, that it both came and went with the farmer's family.) The mines and the quarry, similarly abandoned, are explored for the first time in ages. The town becomes cleaner, brighter, more vibrant, happier.
And it is happier. Not just the environment, but the people. It's the talk of the town for weeks when Haley does her first closet purge. Leah's art show in the town square is a huge success. Shane's smiling for the first time since he moved to the valley. All of them, when asked, say it's all thanks to the farmer.
People love to ask why Lewis didn't fix the community center on his own. Why Willy never repaired the boat to ginger island. Why Abigail or Marlon never went down to fix the elevator in the mines, or why Clint didn't fix the minecarts.
But isn't it so much more interesting to ask how those things were there in the first place? How they got so broken down? If the stories the townspeople tell are true, the valley was once a beautiful place, flourishing and full of life; why did that change? When did it change?
Was it when the farmer's grandfather, the locus of the valley, its chosen representative, left town?
And if so, what happens when the farmer comes back?
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mintypsii · 9 months
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they resumed fighting 2 seconds later as usual
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well this should be fun
sophie and dex did not have tumblr until around book two three, because 12 year olds are not allowed on tumblr (or elfblr!)
btw thanks @choasuqeen for username help! one of the usernames was in another one but i forgot to credit sorry ;-;
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
Sophie Foster is the "human girl" but like in a good way!! I think it's cool :)
#↝ sophie foster #humans #forbidden cities
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
Why's Sophie foster on trending? Did she accidentally bring an explosive substance to school again lol
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
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🌫️ mist-ified-491 Follow
Anyone else find it hard to believe that of all the times Sophie Foster scraped by death, a tidal wave kills her
(sending my condolences to her family and friends)
#mists posts #↝ sophie foster #↝ rest in peace sophie foster
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🕶️ personal-exile-deactivated20160630
SOPHIE FOSTER IS DEAD??? and that dizznee guy apparently
#↝ sophie foster
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🎁 prattlepin-39 Follow
Today, like many others, I attended the Planting of Sophie Foster and Dex Dizznee.
It seemed the world had changed when she came to the Lost Cities, but now it will go back to being nearly the same as before.
It's a tragic loss, but I'm confident that we will recover.
Rest in peace.
#↝ sophie foster #dex dizznee #↝ rest in peace sophie foster
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
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🖼️ Pterodactyl-enthusiast Follow
How does someone die then come back to life, like that's not possible she died weeks ago
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🥬 raincloudripplefluffz Follow
I'm seeing a lot of different things in the notes can someone please explain???
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🌫️ mist-ified-491 Follow
Anyone else find it hard to believe that of all the times Sophie Foster scraped by death, a tidal wave kills her
(sending my condolences to her family and friends)
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🌫️ mist-ified-491 Follow
Guys I think I called it
#mists posts #SHE LIVES!! #she nearly died but SHE LIVES #↝ sophie foster
319 notes
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❤️‍🔥 Flareadon-07 Follow
The Black Swan is real, and kidnapping children right under our noses! Keep an eye on your kids, make sure they don't leap without a nexus, and please stay safe.
#↝ sophie foster #black swan #black swan conspiracy
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🏙️ forbidden-cities-enthusiast Follow
Guys Sophie is confirmed alive and awake now, i'm crying
#this week has been so emotional
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🌟 your-nexus Follow
i literally have no idea what happened, how is Sophie Foster alive
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lovelaceisntdead · 1 year
I'm going to make some little baby books for Halloween so I want to make little spooky themed stamps for the covers what shall I draw?
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badassindistress · 1 year
Look at my new Vintage Patterns - 1980s Fancy Lady Edition
A friend of my mother's gave me her old patterns (look here for the cute kid's stuff) so I thought I'd ensure you can all marvel at them.
There are some gems of the 1980s here:
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We start with these ladies from 1985 Vogue who have definitely not killed their husbands
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Then quite a nice wrap dress from Vogue Americana. i love when they do both an illustration and a picture
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Then some Dior, not my favourite
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This Givenchy Suit is A Look at least, particularly with the hat
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And then this Nina Ricci dress which is just A Lot. I feel like I'm looking at a nightgown. However, there is a gem hidden in this pattern!
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You get a little Vogue label to sew on your clothes! Just to prove that you are wearing Vogue or something. It's a very scratchy label , which makes it even funnier. I just love it
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tup-ika-5385 · 1 year
Tup Tattoo Origin - Fic Snippet
“May I ask a personal question?”
Sitting in the Maurader's cockpit, Tech glanced over to the trooper sitting in the copilot seat. The reg, Tup, had been more easygoing and open than most, during their joint mission, and he found himself intrigued by the other's nature, especially when paired with some... inconsistencies.
“Shoot.” Tup nodded, giving permission, looking back at Tech curiously.
“What is the meaning behind your tattoo, if it’s not rude to ask? I admit, common knowledge of that particular tattoo seems contrary to your constituent personality traits.” 
“Oh, yeah, sure. I don’t mind sharing.” Tup grinned sheepishly before explaining. “I got it after my first mission with the 501st, for a couple of reasons. I’ve always been a little more… emotional than most troopers; it used to get me in trouble with the trainers, but the one time I really met General Ti, she told me not to be ashamed of my tears– that they… made me human, you know?” 
He gave a self-deprecating smile before continuing. “Then on my first campaign, all but one of my batchmates got killed. On that planet- I can’t remember the name- they had these flowering trees that would bloom for about a month each year, filling the streets with these little blue petals, shaped kinda like the mark on my armor… but the people there would take a day or two to remember their loved ones, those who had marched away…” 
Shaking his head, his voice took on a harder edge. “... Lucky us, that the Separatists invaded at just the right time that we got to see it… but I always liked that idea, keeping them in mind so they’re not forgotten…” He clutched his helmet in his hands, giving Tech a bittersweet smile. 
“The more I thought about it, I realized how fitting it was. The tears for me, and the flowers for my batchmates. It’s hard to tell, but the shape’s a little different between my tattoo and my armor... It wasn’t until later that I learned this symbol is used by civvies to signify that a death has been avenged… but that fits too, I guess.” He took a slow, shaking inhale, clenching his hands into fists.
“When I fight, I’m not out there for the Republic. Sure, I care about keeping civvies safe, but they have choices my brothers never got, and it makes me so… angry sometimes, if I stop and think about it for too long. So whether it’s blasting droids or Separatists, I’m fighting for them, even now that they’ve marched on.” 
Tech was quiet for a long moment, contemplating Tup’s words, more than a little surprised by his openness. “I must express… I do not know what I would do if one of my brothers was… taken from me… you have my greatest sympathies.”
Tup rubbed at his face, warding away any forming tears. Only the roughness in his voice betrayed his thoughts.
“Your remaining brother, what is his name?”
The reflective look on Tup’s face morphed into a small smile. “Dogma... If you guys stick around long enough, maybe you could meet him.”
“I would be honored to make his acquaintance, Tup.”
Full fic:
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
kind of want to start compiling a page on my blog that’s like “*namjoon voice* welcome, first time with bts?”
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stillresolved · 6 months
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.” - Wenzhe @ Lam 👀 (btw if this doesn't make sense, that would be in character for Wenzhe as well FKDLGJF)
@mythvoiced / more random dialogue prompts.
HE USED TO PRIDE HIMSELF on just that– being self-sufficient to the point that if he, of all the students in class, were asking for assistance, then the assignment at hand must truly be difficult. This mindset could easily be applied to other parts of his life. 
Why else would it sting still, needing Wenzhe’s help in this mess. Lamon huffs and rolls his eyes. “You think I don’t know that?” His right arm hangs limply like a rag doll. This time, the collateral in this sudden malfunctioning is a beaker with active yeast. Not exactly the kind of mess that they can leave lying around for an hour or two.
He squats down next to Wenzhe, who for all the energy the latter wastes like cars on exhaust fumes (in chemistry terms Lamon would liken him more to electrons repeatedly colliding and clashing off of one another), has taken to diligently sweeping the glass up into the dustpan. “You just wanted another reason to bug me, didn’t you? The janitor would’ve done it just fine. It’s his job.”
But at this point, they both know it wouldn’t have sat well with Lamon to leave it to the janitor. As the one who made said mess, it would only be fair that he cleans it up, wouldn’t it?
He has a feeling Wenzhe would probably have felt the same way, were he in Lamon’s shoes.
It’s funny, the way disability makes so called self-sufficiency seem like a pipe dream. What used to an aspect he lived and breathed in a mantra, is now a finish line that eludes him more often than not. These days, that feels more like an inconvenience than a dent on his pride.  
A very annoying inconvenience, considering the kind of help it seems to summon these days.
( But then again, isn’t PRIDE considered a sin too? )
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“That’s enough,” Lamon says finally though. With his good arm, he lifts the dust pan, careful not to let the glass shard slip off the edge. The stench lingers as he gives Wenzhe a look– for all the cheeriness the other exudes, Lamon has a suspicion they’re probably not that much better at accepting assistance. It takes one to know one.
That, and anyone who gives advice usually struggles to follow said wisdom.
“What? It’s like you said, there’s nothing wrong with needing help.” Which means not letting Wenzhe do all the work. “It just means this is a two-person job then.”
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grimgummies · 8 months
Hi I hope you don't mind the reblog spam I just. really like those drawings a lot kdsjnkjfnksdfn
Read this going 'what spam?' then it hit me all at once ADIROGORMEGMN
(Also I don't mind the spam but how many,, times,, holy crap /pos)
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toshidou · 2 years
If @erosology and I were to create an 18+ Discord server for the CoD fandom, where you can either talk about fics/fan art you enjoy, talk to other creators and work on whatever projects you have on the go, or find other people with the game to play with you, would people be interested in joining it?
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glacialheart · 1 year
i'd like to write for more characters
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hi maryam hiii i see u on an orv reblogging spree and i NEED to know how far along u are in the novel. thoughts? comments? insults at kdj? 👀🎤
gaby baby my jaw lowkey dropped when I got your message because I was JUST thinking about you :')) getting more and more convinced that we're truly long lost twins hehe also hi hi how are you? I missed talking to you! 
THE CALL OUT??? 🤣 ig my Tumblr reflected the inside of my brain for a hot minute bc ORV has completely consumed my every waking thought like I'm not joking when I say it's the last thing I think of before sleeping and the first thing I think of when waking up most days... 😭 I'm forever grateful to you for passing on the incurable brain rot, it has been life-changing and I say that completely unironically :'))
Wahhh also I'm honestly touched that you care to hear my reactions odsjs you're really too sweet... 🥺♥️ so ty for handing over the mic (you will regret it) 🎤 ahem..
-spoilers under the cut!!-
Soo I've made it to the Journey to the West episode!! 🎉 And man is this arc a dark horse. I understand ZERO of the historical references which made me doubt how much I could get fully immersed into it at first but it's honestly been sooo refreshing and fun, one of my faves so far 😭 Shout out to the authors for fr deciding 70% into the book to let the characters take a break and go on a silly goofy enrichment scenario (I say this now but...watch it have the most twisted conclusion probably KSJSJSJ) ALSO SUN WUKONG IS SOO COOL!!! 😳
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID it still has been emotional MY GOD, for example this campfire scene 
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oh 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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also kdj knew that revealing his identity would get him turned into an outer being but he did it anyway....he loves his companions so much that he just couldn't stay away....
he despises his mother for sacrificing herself for him because he saw it as the most selfish act of betrayal. she never asked. it was never what he wanted. he was left all alone after. yet he does the exact same thing to his companions time and time, again and again. because it's the only type of love he's ever known. he never stopped to consider how his actions could affect those around him before because he was always alone. he doesn't view his life as valuable so he doesn't realise just how much he hurts the others when he throws it away without a second thought. because he doesn't understand that he can be valued. in his head his literal survival comes second to his companions being "safe" and "happy." what he doesn't GET is that that his companion's happiness and his survival are interlinked!! IS ANYONE GONNA TELL HIM THIS? Will he even listen if they do........SIGH. I get why yjh choked and threw him off that bridge now. 
I stopped reading right as they revealed that it's not really his 3rd turn but rather the 1864th turn and he just forgot all his memories...and excuse my language but WHAT THER DUKC??/.WJAT THE FUKC. I almost had a stroke reading this last night because HWTA THE FUKC,..>????? GABY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT
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(mfw the-longer-than-the-actual-bible ORV webnovel reveals a plot twist after 3177 pages that completely recontextualizes the entirety of the story from chapter ONE . HOW.)
Also speaking of world lines and different regressions the.........secretive plotter reveal also had me losing my absolute mind at like 2AM in the morning HEHE
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Sorry but I will NOT be holding THIS MAN accountable for ANYTHING because I support the wrongdoings of hot evil ppl actually and EVIL YJH??? just feels like an absolute fever dream. this is SO UP MY ALLEY (off topic but when everyone theorised the hat man in Link Click would be CXS and it wasn't I was slightly disappointed because of the implications™ and wasted potential angst™ WHICH WE DEFINITELY GOT IN THE END ANYWAY HAHA but ORV was like...don't worry....I gotchu)
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For this line alone IDGAFFFFF he's soo.. he stores his memories in different flavoured biyoo-sized yjhs (!?!) and quite frankly he can do absolutely whatever he wants. Sorry I'm awfully biased but this is the same yoo joonghyuk whose eyebrows appear to be drawn by a single uninterrupted stroke of a famed artists brush we are talking about.... btw that completely unprovoked and infamous paragraph absolutely killed me.......Gaby I fr had to put the book down because of second-hand embarrassment.......KIM DOKJA WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!
Speaking of which I'm so glad that you brought up bullying kdj because similarly to how old people get together to play bingo I feel like this could totally be our shared hobby ^__^ 
KDJ is...well, a lot of things. He's dead AND alive, he's the smartest man in the star stream but he failed his college entrance exams, he has 666 layers of trauma like the world's most fucked up lasagna, he's as powerful as he is powerless, he's lonely when surrounded by loved ones, he has mommy issues, and then to top it all off, he's bisexual? Like DAMN!! Pick a struggle 😔
I remember asking you in the early days why he was your favourite character and..I get it now :') THOUGH PLS do drop all your reasoning down below, we might as well get an orv party going now ⬇️
I'm doing SUCH a disservice to the girls by focusing so much on the losers dudes btw because my not-so-controversial opinion is that ORV has the best female cast in probably...all of media tbh 🫣 but also I fear this message is already getting out of hand so I'll save the ensuing madness for my replies to our ongoing Tumblr chat thesis (IT'S IN THE BACK OF MY MIND, I SWEAR I'LL FINISH REPLYING!! I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN <-- tch, the same of which cannot be said about yjh--)
OKAY FRRR I'M SHUTTING UP NOW, I hope this incomprehensible mess of a message provided you with some entertainment 🤣
If you made it all the way to the end then you deserve a treat fr (pspsp: https://x.com/Phobe2297/status/1801710372954771485?t=PD4k1HEul7U4TJNPjVDt4Q&s=19 & https://x.com/uglycumi/status/1723185548230349077?t=2SnBVpVdMzPPOLZuPrGENw&s=19 🍭)
HAVE A GREAT DAY/WEEK/HOWEVER LONG UNTIL WE TALK NEXT :'D ilysm and always wish that the same happiness you so effortlessly reflect onto others reaches back to you too 💞💖💗✨
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egg-on-a-legg · 11 months
i want to put out more merch but i dont know what people would want to buy...
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
♡ ring pops, chocolates, proposals ! ♡
katsuki loves you throughout the years.
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BOOM !! surprise extra on your foreheads !!! this is basically a lil extra to rpp from katsu n readers pov ! i thought it was cute n i hope yall enjoy it too <33 !! much luv xx
fem reader, slight anime n manga spoilers ! food (candy and chocolate), jealous katsuki, mentions of dicks bc katsuki calls someone one, katsuki n reader are in their 20s, reader loves rain, katsuki does not, proposal, kissinggg, reader likes romance (implied sligthly), katsuki does not (kinda), soft n emotional katsuki bc I LOVE HIM FIGHT MEEE!!! RAAHHH!!!, short n sweet, proposal, lmk if i missed sum else !! <33
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"for you."
katsuki, age 6 stands in front of you. no more words are said from him as he looks off to the side, beet red face turned away from you with outstretched hands. and clutched tightly in his hands, a ring pop in your favourite color.
you beam, immediately taking it from him. "thank you, katsu !" you chirp, quickly popping the candy into your mouth. katsuki's shoulders relax when he sees you've taken the offering from him although he doesn't meet your eye fully just yet.
"do you wanna share ?" you ask sweetly, already reaching out your candy towards him seeing that he didn't have one of his one in hand. he furiously shakes his head, pushing your hand back towards you.
"no ! and this one's for you ! i already got one.." he insists, shoveling around in his backpack before the crinkle of a wrapper grabs both of your attention. he pulls out the bag of sweet ring pops and picks out an orange one for himself. showing it to you while his eyes drift away from yours. you smile, seeing that you can both eat candy together now.
"i-it's a ring. so..you're my wife," he states. your big eyes widen at him and his glowing red cheeks. you look back down at the candy you've been eating pressed around your finger. it's bigger than the rings you see on tv.
you like katsuki. he was a little rough sometimes, and he could be a little mean. but he always played with you and shared his coloured pencils. he'd sit in the reading corner with you and hold your hand when you'd go on field trips.
"oh, really ?" your face heats, he nods. "want you to be my wife, cus haruto's always lookin' at you..a-an' you're my friend. not his." he mumbles bitterly. you like haruto, he's nice to you, but not as much as katsuki. katsuki was your best friend.
"does that make you my husband then ?" katsuki gets red to the tips of his ears and his nose is practically pressed into the collar of his shirt but he nods anyways. you beam again, the taste of the flavoured candy still on your lips. " i like that !"
katsuki blinks at you, chubby little cheeks pulling into a smirk and he drops to sit down next to you roughly on the grass. finally popping his own ring in his mouth.
"then you're my wife, yeah ?" you nod and he grins, you hear the candy clack around his mouth. "means you're only ever gonna be with me." and you nod again happily because you like that, you like the thought of only being with katsuki, because he's your best friend ever.
"mhm !"
"..forever." he adds tentatively and when you nod again he snickers to himself.
wait till stupid deku hears about this.
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valentine's day was fucking stupid. and white day was even stupider.
besides them being the corniest holidays ever, katsuki finds the whole concept stupid. why do you need an entire day just to grow the balls to tell someone you like them ? and the worst part is that some fuckers have the audacity to try that shit with you.
katsuki remembers when he'd started despising the stupid holidays. it was in his first year of middle school and you opened up your locker to see some chocolates and a hand written note.
it was cheesy. and fucking stupid. but you smiled about it.
you fucking liked it.
the bastard even had the nerve to walk up to you at the end of the day, when you're supposed to go home with katsuki and end up coming over to his house to do your homework together (so he could stare at you) then stay over for dinner and play some video games (so he could touch you, poke your sides to make you trip up and pinch your nose when you end up losing to him) or watch a movie (so he could hear you laugh)
you were supposed to be all his. but instead you reassure him that you'll be back in a second.
and katsuki's antsy and so annoyed his skin prickles, but he swallows it down and drags his feet towards the gates as he waits, like hell he'll leave you alone with some limp dick bastard.
he did feel better when you said you rejected the loser, and he felt much better when you still ended up spending the afternoon with him. but he couldn't stop thinking about it.
valentine's day and such was so fucking stupid in katsuki's eyes. but maybe you liked it ? you never cared much for romance outside of those stupid rom-coms you like, but maybe there was more to it.
katsuki couldn't admit it to himself then, but he hates the holidays because there's a whole day for him to grow some balls and ask you out. and yet he couldn't fucking do it.
until his first year at u.a. and you hand him a box of chocolates.
dark chocolate, you specified. "since i know you don't really like sweets all that much." you said. the slight tremble in your voice made him swallow harshly. it felt different than the chocolates you'd handed out to your classmates earlier (which he was absolutely not jealous about. at all.) and the sheer size of the box compared to the little baggies you'd handed spoke too.
these were different. these were just for him.
his bag feels extra heavy when he walks home that day, and he's never loved chocolate more than the day you'd made some just for him.
"the chocolates weren't bad." was all he'd texted you (he wasn't sure he'd be able to talk to you properly on the phone that day lest you heard the shakiness in his voice.) but he knew what he needed to do.
and a few months later, white day rolls around and katsuki still thinks it sucks. it's a stupid holiday. but he spent the entire day making these stupid holiday chocolates for you. and his ears burn when he tells you that he only made these for you, because you're the only one he cares about enough to make some stupid chocolates for on a holiday he hates.
and you smile, so bright and pretty and so you. and katsuki feels like he's on top of the world when you shyly kiss his cheek, your hand in his grip on your way home.
he guessed he'll have to tell his mom about this..and maybe think about thanking her.
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the day katsuki plans to propose to you, it rains.
and not even regular rain, a fucking downpour.
and due to prior experiences and feelings he’s had since childhood, he fucking hates rain.
but you love it. when you were kids you loved jumping in puddles and during morning time, you were drowsier and more prone to falling asleep when it was raining. when you got older, you'd always gasp happily when it started to rain, even though katsuki scoffed every time you did, mean mugging the window. he'd asked you what you liked about rain every year you were together, because it was cold, it made the ground sloshy and slippery and it made his quirk basically obsolete when he was younger and harder to use the older he got. there was absolutely nothing fun about that. and you'd always tell him the same exact thing.
"i like it 'cus i just do." you'd respond simply. he always raised a brow at you, but let it be. he couldn't change your mind about it and that was it.
with his proposal plans down the gutter, you're cuddling bed. you yawn in his arms, the tapping against the window putting you at ease. katsuki can admit it's not ear grating, but he'd much rather it just—not rain at all. and he wishes that so much more now, stupid fucking rain..ruining his fucking plans to fucking marry you..
"why do you like this shit so much ?" he asks you the question he's been asking you for years now as you lay against his warm chest. he doesn't mean to do it, only realising he's been asking you this practically all his life after the fact. and it makes him realise how long you've been together when you calmly respond the way you always have, cheekily smiling up at him.
you stick your tongue out at him "i like it 'cus i just do."
oh. fuck.
katsuki doesn't know exactly why that sets him off. maybe because the fact you've been together for two decades makes him emotional. maybe it's because throughout all these years your answer hasn't changed and you haven't changed and your feelings haven't changed for him. you still smile up at him, you did when you were kids when he'd asked you to be his wife with those cheap ring pops he'd begged his mom to buy. you did in middle school even when he thought you had a crush on izuku for a while and it made him act in such an embarrassing way he doesn't want to remember it, but he does anyway. you smiled up at him when he'd asked you out with the chocolates he'd spend hours working on, making them perfect for you. and when he'd told you to just move in with him because "you're basically here all the time anyway."
you've always been there, and he's always loved you. since the day you'd mesmerised him so much at six years old he had to talk to his mom about you.
katsuki absolutely fucking hates rain, and he doubts that'll change anytime soon, and it ruined his perfect proposal. but he can't hear the rain in his ears anymore when he abruptly flips you onto your back to kiss you. all he hears in the tiny giggles you let out when he smacks three wet kisses onto your lips before diving in for a longer one. i love you, they say. he can only hear your fingers sneaking into his hair and scratching at his scalp and the happy sigh you let out when he runs his tongue across your lips.
"m'breath stinks," you mumble drowsily, katsuki grumbles, pulling away just far enough to tell you "i don't give a fuck." and diving in again. you squeal in surprise. it's all he hears.
"fuckin' love you." he grunts against your lips, you hum, briefly able to pull away to catch your breath to tell him you love him too, and pulling him closer to you, the rustling of your sheets, yours and his, is all he hears.
"yeah ? you love me ?" he whispers, going to nibble at your ear. he's all over you, pressing sloppy kisses along your neck and you giggle, "mhm, love you." you sigh.
"fuck.." he breathes again, bringing his face back up to yours he presses his forehead to yours "fuck—so," he places another kiss to your lips, he gulps "so marry me."
and then you blink at him "what ?" you breathe heavily, softly chuckling. and the rapid beating of his heart is all he hears, but then your eyes go glossy and you whisper, voice broken and wobbly "..what ?"
he huffs to himself, his hands search for yours and intertwine when he finds them. like the day he'd pulled you over to his mom so he could ask her to let you come over to play at his house. like when you'd offered it to him when he took you to prom and you looked more beautiful than he could ever utter. he wonders how you'd look during your wedding. he's thought about it more times than he can count.
he takes a deep breath, not pulling away "i wasn't supposed to tell you like this, fuckin rain.." he scoffs. "but—fuck, i just—you've always been there, always been with me. since i was a snot nosed fuckin' brat and at times were you shoulda left my ass." he's forgotten the shit he wanted to say, simply blurting out what's on his mind. he feels a little bad, because kirishima had helped him with his speech, but his heart beats too hard to care.
"but m'glad you didn't. m'glad you didn't before and i'm glad you haven't now 'cus i love you so fuckin' much." you let out a giggle mixed with a little sob at his constant nervous cursing and it makes him smile lightly too.
"i know there are times where i've been a pretty shit boyfriend but..but i mean it, y'know ?" he sniffs a bit, and you shake your head "you've never been a shit boyfriend, suki. just a bit of a pain in my ass sometimes," you giggle but your eyes are overflowing with tears. he chuckles and fights back tears of his own with a sniffle again.
"yeah, major pain..but even still i—when i told you i wanted you to be my wife back when we were kids, i meant it. an' when that fuckin loser tried to ask you out on valentines day in middle school, i wanted to knock his fuckin' teeth in." he smirks, and you try to hide your laugh with a gasp "wanted to tell him you were mine."
"you're such a baby. i remember how pouty you were about it."
" i wasn't pouty," he rolls his eyes, his smile doesn't disappear. he wipes away a tear about to roll down your cheek before you can get his your shirt sleeve wetter then it already is "you could've just told me back then," you whisper, holding onto the hand on your cheek and pressing a kiss to his palm. katsuki feels his heart swell.
"i should've told you a lot of shit back then," he laments. he remembers when shigaraki put holes in him and the constant flashes of you on his mind. when he woke up in the hospital and you'd been there and he just couldn't tell you those three words. he'd figured that since you were both alive, he could tell you later when shit was less..messy.
except shit kept getting messier, and then when katsuki blew a hole into his heart he'd wished he could've told you how much he loved you.
but then he had gotten another chance, another chance to be with you. to be the best damn boyfriend in the world like he'd promised you he'd be, to make you happy, and he didn't care if shit got even messier, he didn't care to be scared. when he woke up with his mom and dad, a doctor and you. everything else blurred in his mind and despite your runny nose and your mix of how much you'd missed him and how worried you were but also scolding him on how much of a dummy he was, katsuki couldn't help but smile.
his mom still teases him about how the first words that he'd blurted out after waking up from his operation getting chastised by doctors were "fuck, i love you."
"but, i won't regret not telling you shit anymore. i won't wait any longer either," he kicks out of the sheets, reaching for the lowest drawer of his nightstand to pull out a little red box, grabbing you with him and placing you down right in front of him. he kneels down on one knee, like when he used to tie your shoelaces for you because you didn't know how to, and how he does to this day because 'you want to crack your head against the side walk so bad, but i don't wanna see that shit.'
he grabs your hand, and with a wobbly voice asks you "will you marry me ?"
and finally, katsuki stops hearing his own heart beat and hears the gentle tapping of the rain, still pouring, but it puts him slightly at ease when you nod and squeal out a 'yes !'
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redcherrykook · 27 days
── ‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ spot me instead- gym jealousy request
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content: gymrat!JK x gymrat!reader, jealousy, public sex, bending over, choking, mirror sex, ass-guy JK, unprotected sex, creampie
note from cherry: i hope that didn't disappoint cloud anonie, i know u said he doesn't do anything until they r alone butttt i rlly like this scanrio!!! LMK IF U WANT A DIFF VERSION ILY
"Yeah good job on that babe, you're getting so much stronger" jungkook says with a broad smile after you just finished your bicep curls, having upped the weight by 2kgs from to weeks ago
"Thanks" you reply, pressing a kiss to his cheek,
He looks around for a second, hoping to see the same man's eyes watching
That guy had been here for almost all your late night sessions, carefully watching you with that burning gaze of his,
Jungkook isn't a stranger to his girl being oggled at, the gains have been showing after all that work
He did keep an eye out for him though, noting to wrap his arm around your waist more often whenever he was also there
His favorite part about always working out with you was your smile after accomplishing a new set of weights or an extra rep,
His second favorite is the sweaty, flushed look on your face and the way your chest rises in the tiny sport bras you'd wear
He teases you too, sometimes omitting the shirt, sometimes flexing even when it wasn't necessary
Without being able to spot the guy this time, jungkook just resumes his chest press, laying down on the angled bench and watching your plump ass move while you walk off to the back, probably searching for an unoccupied smith machine
He smiles to himself, starting his set like he normally would
However, when he comes back up, his jaw immediately clenches
"Hey, i've seen you 'round here. You look pretty strong" the tall, short haired male says to you
Although kook can't hear the words, the imagine of you in the mirror, smiling while looking up to the muscle mass in front of you is enough to ruin his mood
What is that jerk saying to my woman?
"Ah, thanks" you reply, trying to stay polite when you can see the anger boiling inside jungkook from having caught a little glimpse,
His stare is so strong, you can practically invison his tongue pressing the inside of his cheek, or the way his eyes sharpened
"Anyways, mind spotting me pretty?" the guy asks, a smug smile on his face,
You're about to make a face and dismiss him, your boyfriend however, was way faster
"I'm not usually a fan of guys calling me pretty, but i'd love to spot you"
Jungkook's reply has you trying to hold in a laugh, his broad back in your view, blocking you from the flirty guy's gaze
The guy scoffs, "woah, easy there"
Jungkook steps closer, tilting his chin up to him slightly,
The tone of his voice is stern, so much so that it sounds like a warning, and you just know,
you're gonna get to feel his jealousy pounded into your pussy once this guy left
Knowing Jungkook, he wouldn't mind doing it in front of him either
"Listen, you stop eye fucking my wife and we have no problem, if you talk to her one more time, you're not gonna want to come back here"
Embarrassingly enough that is what it takes for the guy to leave without another word,
It is also enough for the wetness between your legs to rise, probably flooding your light blue leggings with a wet spot between your tighs
"God you're so sexy when you're jealous" you tell him, stepping back to be in front of his Cleary pissed of expression,
You slide an arm down his chest, creeping under the hem of his shirt
"Over to the bench, bend over, you need to he reminded who you belong to" he mutters, landing a harsh smack to your ass,
Not in the mood to piss him off even more, you agree, quickly scooting to the bench
With this time of the night, the small apartment gym wouldn't have any visitors to catch you,
Or so you had hoped, the thrill of it clearly overweighing any and all rationality
You're met with your face in the mirror, folded in half over the angled bench,
Jungkook throws his shirt over to the side, slapping your leggings covered ass once more
"These fucking tight, tiny pants are doing nothing to hide what's mine" he groans, his large palms groping at your cheeks before ripping the leggings down to your knees
He licks his lip as you keep watching him through the mirror, his hands massaging at your ass and smacking it after each soft touch
"You're mine understand? This is my ass, my little cunt, you're all mine"
His hand wanders down to your thigh, slipping between them to rub your clothed entrance with his fingers,
"So fucking wet, i knew you'd like this baby, you just love this don't you?" He says, rubbing his thumb against the soaked material of your underwear before also ripping off your panties,
You moan, head falling down on the edge of the bench,
"Keep watching, see who's gonna fuck you this good" he says, his voice breathy and growly as he spanks your ass once more, having already pulled out his heavy, needy cock from his pants
He pumps it a few times, holding eye contact with you in the mirror, slapping his tip against you a few times
You bite your lip softly, small whimpers leaving your lips while your hands clam around the sides of the bench, eyes almost fallen shut from anticipation,
When he does push himself in, he's merciless, hard thrusts rapidly collding with your skin
"Yeah, take this cock baby, mine, my little pussy" he grunts, slapping your ass repeatedly while you try your best to keep watching his face, twisted in pleasure so beautifully
The bench rocks, lewd slapping sounds echoing around the empty gym,
He keeps pounding into you, harshly fucking his possesiveness into you,
All you can do is moan and take it, too good to even beg for mercy,
Suddenly, when Jungkook reaches that sweet spot right, hitting it with every hard thrust of his hips, you're no longer able to keep your head up,
Jungkook is quick to catch on, his tattooed arm making its way to the front, hand grapping your throat and squeezing it tightly
You let out a loud, strangled moan
"Keep watching who's fucking you so good, keep your eyes on me" he mutters, cursing out under his breath,
Your eyes look back over to the mirror, his buff arms flexing with every muscle, large hand wrapped around your throat and his pumped chest glazing with sweat, all on display for you to admire
Both of you are close, chasing after that knot in your lower stomach to finally burst,
The grip on your throat tightens,
"Say it pretty, who's fucking you this good?"
"You! Jungkook! Jungkook" your voice cries out, cheeks flushed and sweaty while your eyes are in constant connection to his proud gaze in the mirror,
"Thats right baby, who does this little cunt belong to?" he asks again, this time, you need to take a second to reply, your orgasm so so close in reach that it's hard to talk when you're filled to the brim with his thick cock hitting every spot,
"Who's tight little pussy is this?" Jungkook repeats, his groans becoming louder inside your ears
"Yours! Yours kook all yours, fuck please please" you begin to beg,
Once he lets out a last single "fuck..mine.." you can feel his cum filling up your walls, coating you in himself,
His thrusts slowing down with your high coming down on you as well,
Both of you pant, he stops moving his hips and presses a couple kisses to your shoulder, then softly up your neck while removing his hand from your throat
"Mhm.. kook that.. fuck" you breath out with an exhausted chuckle, resting your head on the bench
Jungkook laughs too, spreading your soft cheeks to reveal your swollen cunt leaking with his milky cum, lazily dripping down between your legs
"I know baby.. fuck, you're all mine. Gonna take you home and eat you out yeah? Deserve a nice reward after i was so rough on this pretty girl" his finger reaches down to press on your clit, lips already pressing small kisses on your ass before moving his tongue down to taste himself on you
"You can't imagine how much i love you" you say while moaning softly
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