#lng industry
notwiselybuttoowell · 11 months
Critics point out that the production of LNG, when drilling, production and burning are considered, is a major driver of the climate crisis. Studies have shown that while gas emits less carbon dioxide than coal, it often also involves the leaking of large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
“This is a carbon mega bomb,” said Jeremy Symons, a former Environmental Protection Agency official, of CP2, which has requested a permit to operate until 2050, a point when Biden aims for the US to have zeroed out its emissions. “The scale of the project is almost unfathomable and it locks us into a fossil fuel dependency for the next 30 years. If all we do is shift from coal to gas, we are cooked.”
According to calculations by Symons, who runs his own consultancy, the CP2 project would cause 197m tons of planet-heating gases each year once fully operational, including emissions from the production of the gas and its eventual burning overseas, which isn’t counted in the US’s own emissions tally.
This scale of emissions is 20 times greater than the controversial Willow oil project in Alaska, which was approved by the Biden administration despite a huge outcry from Democrats, tribes and climate campaigners earlier this year.
Should several dozen other proposed gas-export facilities along the Gulf of Mexico also be built, then the overall emissions toll would be gargantuan, according to figures Symons shared with the Guardian. If all planned terminals go ahead, it would result in an extra 3.2bn tons of greenhouse gases each year, he found, close to the annual emissions of the entire European Union and severely imperiling hopes of avoiding catastrophic global heating.
“It’s an unbelievable amount of pollution and it would spell game over for a livable planet as we’ve known it,” said Symons. “We would double LNG production just with the gas terminals that have been proposed, meaning we are just shifting emissions overseas even as we act on climate here in the US. We’ve left the back door wide open, and profit-seeking oil-gas companies are taking full advantage.”
The CP2 project is awaiting permission from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Ferc), which regulates pipelines, as well as the US Department of Energy. Several Democratic lawmakers have criticized Ferc, and the Biden administration, for repeatedly approving huge gas projects despite concerns over damage to the climate as well as to the air and water of nearby communities, already overburdened by a tangle of oil and gas infrastructure along the Gulf coast.
Ferc has been “captured by the fossil fuel industry”, complained the US senator Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat, after the agency approved a separate gas plant in the Pacific north-west last week. “Ferc may be an obscure federal agency to most people, but there are important decisions on the horizon at Ferc that will determine whether the world meets its climate goals,” he said. “With projects such as the Calcasieu Pass 2 LNG export terminal on the horizon, right now, the signs aren’t good.”
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head-post · 10 months
Europe ready for cold winter, no gas crisis
This year’s heating season in Europe started on 7 November with tanks full to capacity: with the onset of cold weather, EU gas storage facilities were almost 100% full, IntelliNews reports.
Moreover, the Europeans are delaying drawing gas from their reservoirs as demand exceeds imported pipeline gas via Ukraine and Turkey. They continue to buy imported LNG from countries such as the US and Qatar to put aside excess reserves in reservoirs for as long as possible.
The gas reservoirs themselves cannot fully supply Europe for the entire winter period. The system has been designed so that during the summer months, when demand is low, excess pipeline gas is stored in the reservoirs, while in winter demand increases and this extra gas is withdrawn from the reservoirs. However, the stored gas only covers excess demand due to cold weather, not all demand. In cold winters, the reservoirs barely cover the really large excess demand.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Gastech 2023 to showcase climate-focused innovation and create credible, tech-enabled routes to net zero Climate technology is a critical component of the world’s decarbonisation efforts and, in recognition of this, Gastech 2023 has expanded to include a dedicated Climatetech exhibition and conference programme, which will bring together established energy players, policy analysts, investors, and Big Tech. https://www.lngindustry.com/special-reports/28082023/gastech-2023-to-showcase-climate-focused-innovation-and-create-credible-tech-enabled-routes-to-net-zero/
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supplyside · 11 months
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LNG tanker construction
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kp777 · 7 months
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kite-observer · 2 years
Flex Ranger LNG Carrier - tap the photo to see panorama
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leopardus1960 · 22 days
🚀 Looking for Reliable Petroleum Supply? 🌍
I’m excited to share that Leopardus Petroleum Ltd is offering a comprehensive range of petroleum products from top Kazakhstan refineries. Whether you need Aviation Kerosene JP54, LPG, Diesel Gas D2, or any other petroleum product, they’ve got you covered.
They provide flexible delivery terms (FOB and CIF) to major ports including Rotterdam, Jurong, Houston, and Fujairah, ensuring you get reliable supply with competitive terms.
🔹 Products Include:Aviation Kerosene JP54 LPG LCO Virgin Fuel Oil (D6) Diesel Gas D2 LNG Mazut-100 Jet Fuel (Jet A1) EN590 Diesel ESPO Crude Oil
For inquiries and more details, reach out to
Mr. Adji Guntur Witjaksono Commercial Director: 📞 Whatsapp: +447508171978 ✉️ Email: [email protected]
Feel free to connect and explore how they can meet your petroleum needs!
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creativeera · 27 days
LNG Bunkering: The Rise of LNG as a Marine Fuel
State of Global Shipping Industry and Environmental Regulations The global shipping industry plays a vital role in transporting over 80% of world trade. However, it also has significant environmental impacts as ships predominantly use heavy fuel oil (HFO) which emits large amounts of sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases that are harmful to human health and contribute to climate change problems. In order to reduce these emissions, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced increasingly stringent regulations on the sulfur content of marine fuels. TheIMO's flagship maritime emission control area called IMO 2020 requires ships to use marine fuels containing maximum 0.5% sulfur content compared to 3.5% sulfur content cap earlier. This has proven to be a challenge for the shipping sector to meet the new norms and find alternatives to compliant low sulfur fuels in a cost effective way. Rise of LNG as an Alternative Marine Fuel Liquefied natural LNG Bunkering has emerged as one of the most viable alternative marine fuels to comply with IMO sulfur emission regulations. LNG burns cleaner with negligible sulfur and particulate emissions making it a compliant marine fuel under the new IMO rules. It also results in 20% fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to heavy fuel oil. Additionally, LNG is currently the most cost competitive and abundantly available alternative fuel compared to other options such as biofuels and hydrogen. Major advantages of LNG include reduced engine maintenance, longer service life and improved fuel efficiency of vessels. Global LNG trade has increased manifold in the last decade making LNG readily available for bunkering in main ports and shipping lanes worldwide. Growth of Global LNG Bunkering Infrastructure In order to facilitate the use of LNG as a marine fuel, LNG bunkering infrastructure needs to grow significantly from the current low levels. Major LNG Bunkering projects are currently underway in key bunkering hubs of North West Europe, USA, Australia and Asia Pacific. However, challenges remain with coordinating bunkering operations, developing standards for cargo handling, ensuring safety protocols and supplying LNG to smaller ports outside major trade lanes. Pioneering work is being done with mobile LNG bunker vessels and tank trucks that can offer bunkering services in ports that lack permanent infrastructure. International collaboration between governments, ports, shipping companies and energy majors will be crucial to scale up global bunkering and supply chains sustainably in this decade. Standardization bodies like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are working on comprehensive bunkering standards and guidelines. Initiatives like the GTOG Alliance aim to accelerate the take up of LNG and establish a global bunkering network by 2025. Economics of LNG Use in Shipping The viability and adoption of LNG as a marine fuel also depends significantly on the price competitiveness relative to conventional bunker fuels over the long run. Currently, LNG for shipping has some premium over high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) prices, though it is cheaper compared to the new compliant low sulfur alternatives. Ship owners also require to invest in expensive retrofitting and storage tanks for running ships on LNG. However, LNG prices have stayed stable and even corrected in recent times while HSFO and compliant fuel prices continue fluctuating sharply. As global LNG trade increases in volume and bunkering infrastructure expands, prices are expected to normalize further. Existing ships that get retrofitted for dual fuel engine capability can achieve payback on investment in 5-7 years and offer 20 more years of price stable operations. Newbuildings fitted with LNG propulsion enjoy faster payback and consistent long term savings. Overall, with stricter emission regulations, LNG is set to become increasingly competitive on commercial terms as well over the next decade for the global shipping sector transitioning to cleaner alternatives.
Get more insights on LNG Bunkering
Priya Pandey is a dynamic and passionate editor with over three years of expertise in content editing and proofreading. Holding a bachelor's degree in biotechnology, Priya has a knack for making the content engaging. Her diverse portfolio includes editing documents across different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. Priya's meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset in the world of content creation and refinement.
(LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/priya-pandey-8417a8173/)
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pixelmesh-studio · 1 year
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Ein flotter Besuch in Mukran auf Rügen.
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electronalytics · 1 year
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head-post · 10 months
The division of Cyprus prevents it from exploiting its gas resources
The Republic of Cyprus is divided politically and ideologically, which poses problems for its gas exploitation plans.
Cyprus is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, close to Israel, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt.
This island is also very important geopolitically due to its position between Europe and the Middle East. Over the past 15 years, many offshore gas fields have been discovered in Cyprus. A lot of countries hope that with its gas, Cyprus will be able to have a greater impact in the Middle East.
Middle East expert Cosme Ojeda of Spain’s CEU University in San Pablo believes the gas fields could create an opportunity for regional peace and facilitate de-escalation of the conflict between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus.
“The gas fields have the potential to enormously increase the prosperity of everyone involved. This kind of pipeline projects can’t be realised alone and force opponents to work together.”
In the Middle East conflict, Turkey supports Hamas, while Cyprus has sided with Israel.
Learn more HERE
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writerfx · 1 year
Ukraine Crisis Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany!
Mike Whitney • February 11, 2022 | The Unz Review “The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago…
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mohitbisresearch · 1 year
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newsglobmedia · 2 years
Floating LNG Power Vessel Market Is Set To Fly High Growth
Floating LNG Power Vessel Market Is Set To Fly High Growth
Market Overview | Floating LNG Power Vessel Market The global Floating LNG Power Vessel Market was valued at USD 5.87 billion in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% during 2017-2021. The demand for FLNGs is driven by the increasing trend in developing countries toward cleaner energy sources, such as renewable energy and electric vehicles, which are creating an opportunity for new LNG…
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kite-observer · 2 years
BW Brussels LNG Carrier - click the photo to see more high quality photos and panoramas.
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thelostdreamsthings · 8 months
A decade later, the midwife of Maidan, a humiliated and defeated Nuland, speaks from Kiev.
Her accomplishments:
▶️ Russia is stronger than ever since the breakup of the USSR, globally and nationally. Putin enjoys high approval ratings and Russia is more unified than ever.
▶️ Crimea is still Russia and Sevastopol is not a triumphant new addition to the U.S. global military empire.
▶️ Nuland literally f@ked the EU. Europe was forced to replace cheap Russian energy with expensive Russian energy, laundered through various middlemen. Entire industrial sectors have been gutted.
▶️ 440,000 dead Ukrainians.
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US to EU.
🔵"we forced you to cut ties with Russia and its supply of cheap gas trough their gas pipelines, we even blew up Nordstream 2, we promised you we had you back in supplying LNG"
🔵"well guess what....we lied, you fcking morons believed us lol"
🔵"anyway your ties with Russia are over now and for decades!!!, just keep on obeying us, we might supply you LNG when prices are higher"
🔵"for the time being, keep cleaning our boots, bow and say thank you sir and shut the fck. up"
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Joe Biden announced a suspension of gas exports to countries that do not have free trade agreements with the United States.
In the photo, countries that have such an agreement in the United States are marked in green. That is, the United States stops supplying LNG to all of Europe and Asia.
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