#loa isn't supposed to be limiting
venussaidso · 2 years
Law Of Assumption has got nothing to do with astrology. It is literally everyone's birthright, I don't care how shitty your birth chart looks like or what zodiac sign you are. Law Of Assumption is not unique to any specific 'star sign'.
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girlblogger16 · 1 month
Shifting Limiting Beliefs: LOA Edition
This was originally for me, however I figured it might be helpful for others as well!
“Shifting is hard” -> Shifting is as easy as blinking.
“Shifting takes time” -> Shifting is instant. I can instantly shift whenever I please.
“Manifesting takes time” -> Manifestation is instant, I already have everything I desire.
“When will I Shift to my DR?” -> What do you mean? I have already shifted, I am in  my DR as we speak.
“How do I have ___ if it isn't in 3D?” -> The 3D doesn't get to decide, you do. imagination is the only true reality, therefore if I have it in imagination I have it in reality. It is the 3D’s job to follow suit of what my mind and imagination know as fact.
“How can I make ___ happen? I'm only one person, and ___ is such a big manifestation. Can I do it??” -> Girl. I can manifest anything and everything I want. I can manifest a damn rainbow unicorn to walk into my room if I please. No manifestation is bigger than another. I am the creator of my reality and my true form is pure consciousness. I am the most powerful being, I am god of my reality and “life”. EVERYTHING is me pushed out. If I decide I want something to happen, it has already happened.
“How am I supposed to manifest ____??” -> Your only job is to simply recognize that you already have what you desire, because remember, when you have it in imagination you have it in reality, because IMAGINATION IS THE ONLY REALITY. It is the job of the 3D to conform to the assumptions of your mind.
“What do you mean ignore the 3D??” -> What you need to understand is that YOU ARE MORE THAN SIMPLY A HUMAN BODY. In your true form you are pure consciousness. The consciousness is responsible for creating everything you see in your reality. Notice how the things you believe are often somehow proven to be true? That's because your conscious assumptions create your reality. All I'm saying here is that in order to “manifest”, you must change your STATE OF BEING aka mindset and knowing. You must know and recognize that you already have what you seek. The 3d’s only job is to conform in proving your assumptions as true. When I say IGNORE THE 3D I mean disregard it because your assumptions create reality and the 3D has no choice but to conform.
“How is the 3D not real???”-> I don't want anyone to freak out thinking that their everyday life experiences aren't “real” so I'm gonna use a different terminology. I would rather say that the 3D isn't the “deciding factor”. I'll provide an example. Let's say “Tina” (Fake Name) is manifesting her desired body. She persists in the fact that she has her desired body, but everytime she looks in the mirror, she spirals with negative self-talk about what she sees. In this case, Tina is thinking from the 3D when instead she must realize that she gets the final say. Once she decides that she has her desired body and fulfills her imagination, it is done. Eventually Tina learns more about LOA and simply ignores what she sees in the mirror, because she knows imagination is the true reality, and eventually the 3D conforms to her imagination.
“Do I need to do 73937652 methods to get my desire” -> two words, ABSOLUTELY. NOT. it is toooo often that people completely overcomplicate manifesting, when really, it's an extremely simple process. Although methods can be helpful, they are NOT necessary for anything. Don't go scrolling tumblr searching for a bunch of different methods and doing them all PLS. lol
That's all I have for you guys today:)! Have a great day and remember to ditch the old story and stick to the new. muah!
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theloaqueen · 1 year
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manifestation is instant
manifestation can & will be instant
there is always movement happening behind the scenes within the 3d even though we cannot see it & us loa lovers can do instant manifestation is just that we have limiting beliefs that is in the way that stops us from getting our stuff like our instant manifestations
now our limiting beliefs can be fixed of course but yes that sometimes stops us from getting what we want
our limiting beliefs can stop us only if you allow it
also yes limiting beliefs literally do exist bc us doing stuff like
- wavering because of us getting all worried about our desires even though we literally have them fulfilled already within the precious good looking 4d & yk what I might as well say this who cares if the desire did not come in the 3d it showed up in the 4d & the 4d is all that matters we are supposed to be/feel our manifestations anyways not exactly take it from the 3d so plz don't let the 3d bring you down bc you didn't 'get' your desires from it
stay delusional & continue imagining in the 4d yall
- is worrying about time time does not at all exist your desires can quite literally come at anytime & besides it is a man made concept anyways the only reason of to why your desire that haves a deadline or whatever did not come bc you prob worried about 'when' it will arrive when it did in the 4d already & you also worried about smt that does not exist for loa which is once again time
- you are lacking persistence & discipline now babe why are you somewhat purposefully stopping yourself from getting your own desires you could be the girl that haves her desires by now & showing everyone that success story but no you keep on getting in your own way now start persisting & disciplining yourself if you want that dream life of yours or just forever stay in the cycle of lack of persistence & discipline your choice
- comparing yourself & your loa journey to others now that isnt helping you at all within your very own loa journey at all isn't it no it is just making things take longer to happen for yourself due to you discouraging/demovaiting yourself because you think that the person who haves their desires or whatever is far much better than you & or they can achieve better success than you even though it isn't true like no babe
you are better than them
you can achieve better success than them
stop putting that person on the pedestal when instead you should be putting yourself the literal goddess of this reality on the pedestal
you should only be praising yourself you are the one in charge afterall
besides you should be the one that should be making them totally jealous & mad at your own success instead
if thoes aren't limiting beliefs than idk what is
now there are quite a few more limiting beliefs that I have in mind but am too lazy to write them all down so this is what you are getting
btw if yall want proof that instant manifestation is a thing
I literally manifested a session that I did not feel like doing today get cancelled on purpose through only affirming & I only affirmed that it would 3 times & once I was done I said 'it is done' & detached from my desire completely
now at first I was kinda hesitant to do that because I thought that it wouldn't work but hey it worked anways today & that is all that matters
so yeah there is my proof that instant manifestation is a real thing that was my very first manifestation btw that had happened today am actually so proud of myself for successfully manifesting that even if it is a small manifestation
now go get your desires or I will come to your house & slap you
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gorgeouslypink · 2 years
Was there ever a moment where you were doubting this whole thing (loa, void, etc)?
I've had different doubts throughout my journey. When I first entered loa, sleep paralysis was the trend, kind of like how the void is now and I tried so many methods to enter and failed back to back. I remember waking up at 1 am, taking melatonin, listening to all these guided meditation and subliminals and nothing worked.
When divineangelbee got exposed, that really affected me because she was my main loa blog where I learned everything from and I had just put so much trust into her. Then ziauhh got exposed and around the same time, another blog i followed posted picture results and literally nothing changed. Following all that, I became so hypercritical of all the loa blogs and how a lot of them seemed like they were lying. I think we've all been in that situation where you're reading a blog's posts and things were just not adding up. I started to feel like a lot of people on tumblr were just lying. It even extended to believing loa in general was a lie because I would watch these Sammy Ingram videos where she'd be like "I'm affirming for weight loss" and then she literally never lost weight and she's supposed to be one of the biggest loa coaches. Honestly, I think the only thing I truly believed in was the void because it was an actual thing outside of the loa community.
What changed the game for me was r/nevillegoddard. They have some really crazy, but proven picture results on there. I know loa tumblr hates them because they're more realistic (and have way more limiting beliefs) but when you feel like everything is a lie, a more mature and "realistic" forum like that is very beneficial. They also have a lot of beautiful, helpful posts on there.
Now, my mindset had changed. I know blogs lie on tumblr and that's why I totally understanding doubting. It's already hard enough when we're programmed with limiting beliefs from birth but then you have some bloggers lying and it's inevitable to feel doubt. However, focusing on the lies and doubts isn't going to improve anything. Find blogs you do trust and create your own success story.
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adambja · 10 months
Paid Tapes + Coaching
The paid tapes have more than 100 benefits
And there is a %35 discount rn 😔🥹🫶🏻
The free tapes have limited BENEFITS like almost 15 benefits (they still work many people got a lot of success stories from them you can check my pinned post later all the success stories will be added)
Just wanted to announce that I have paid tapes too
I have the main self-concept tape "package"
It comes with 3 other tapes
I am in control tape - it's not like the free one at all
Manifesting self-concept tape
I am already in my dream life tape
And I have the void concept package it comes with the self-concept tape and the 3 tapes and the void concept tape
I have the subconscious mind tape (it's ready)
It helps with your relationship with your subconscious mind (they all do but this is so specific)
I have the reality controlling tape (the void state replacement)
It has over 739 benefits one of them is the neurons benefit it makes your brain create more neurons and kill the old ones so you can change your habits quickly with no worries that you might go back to old habits it helps with any addiction you have (I made an experiment with someone who was addicted to nicotine and wanted to stop and they did almost after 2 days of listening to the this tape even felt way powerful than before) it goes with everyone it's literally a life saver!!
I have specific person custom tapes (cheap and powerful af)
I have a money manifesting tape (cheap)
I have a shifting tape
Also I got packages you can literally have all of these tapes for less than it's overall price if you want them all
Even the custom tapes they are cheap when there isn't too much work added to them
I also have low priced tapes - there's a low priced tape from every single tape you see here except for the void state tape due to the benefits (it's all connected I couldn't even make it with less benefits)
Don't come @ me cause I have free resources rn so stfu fr i have both paid and free resources and IF YOU COME @ ME GO TO SAMMY INGRAM AS WELL
And I am not supposed to live by anyone's rules because that's the law and it's free STFU I am not a loa nor non dualism coach I am subconscious mind reprogramming coach 💀💀💀 even a self-concept coach
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remcycl333 · 2 years
tbfh, i can't stand loa twitter 😭
like so many are discussing on how to manifest and also bullshit on neville. I don't like it 😇
it makes me upset that they talk down states and how its unimportant, i mean ofc u affirming mindlessly 24/7 is gonna work, but u may ask why?? bc everyone told u and u built that assumption that affirming mindlessly will still get ur desires!
also I don't like how ppl on there make everything abt affirming..... atp idek if they're aware that it's only a method and affirming is supposed to get u into that state which then manifests. see states again, everything is a state. I feel like the reason ppl/beginner struggle to manifest is bc they don't understand the concept of manifesting. the moment u understand that methods are supposed to get u into the wish fulfilled, which makes it real in ur 4d and then THAT STATE is what produces ur desire in the 3d, ur manifesting self concept is perfect.
also the only affirmations I see on Twitter everyday are sp affirmations, it's just..... funny?😭 like man everyone there on my timeline spirals abt sp's and reposts tumblr posts without credit but loa tumblr is supposed to be bad..... chile anyway
I'm honestly glad that I started with loa here on tumblr and not Twitter, the character limits make my blood boil as well if im being fr
it's funny i got this ask today bc i just noticed last night that people are finally beginning to discuss states on loatwt and how important it is in manifesting! so, progress!!
also i believe mindless affirming works the same way subliminals do. even if your conscious mind isn't paying attention to your affirmations, your subconscious mind can still hear it and picks up on it. but i think that actually paying attention to your affirmations can be a good tool for shifting your state and getting your conscious mind acquainted with the idea of having your desire. if you're mindlessly affirming 24/7 and have a shitty mental diet the rest of the time, you might not see success. this was actually my problem a few years ago, so i speak from experience.
i do agree with you abt the affirming thing. it really irks me when people on there say affirming isn't a technique/a method. their argument is that all of your thoughts are affirmations and you're thinking all day long and therefore can never stop affirming--which is true--but i definitely think they're getting a little confused. when we say "affirming" in the community, we clearly are referring to the act of repeating affirmations. like saying "i am rich i am rich i am rich" over and over again on a loop. that is not natural (for most people). Before you knew about the law, you were still able to manifest using your thoughts, but they were your natural thoughts, not ones that you manufactured with the purpose of either manifesting your desire/getting you in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. so i definitely think that affirming is a technique.
however, we are thinking thoughts all day long, and those thoughts have the same effect as affirmations. that's why we tell you to go on a mental diet. as long as you're keeping up a mental diet, you don't have to repeat affirmations if you don't want to. and a lot of people on loatwt seem unable to differentiate the two.
someone replied to one of my tweets saying that it was impossible to manifest without affirming and whoever suggested you should do that probably hasn't been able to manifest shit. which is just so.....
first of all it was a weird thing for them to comment bc my post never said not to affirm or that affirming didn't work, and we all know (over here at least) that i recommend affirming all the time and never say it doesn't work, bc it does! but second of all, i have also shared multiple times on my page that whenever i finally started consciously manifesting it's because i stopped affirming. i still kept up a strict mental diet, but i was no longer repeating affirmations. so yeah, it's 100% possible. i mean, some people manifest just by visualizing or scripting. affirming is not necessary to manifest, and it's definitely a limiting belief to assume that you have to affirm 5 million times a day in order to manifest. (which is essentially what i tweeted and everyone got mad at me lol)
as for the focus on manifesting sps on loatwt, tbh i'm kinda glad to see it. i'm not currently manifesting an sp, but i learned about loa in 2019, and my main goal for 2019-2020 was manifesting an sp. and nooo one talked about it in the communities i was in. loatwt and loa tumblr didn't exist at the time, so i was on the loa reddit and neville goddard reddit and omg. it was mainly just a bunch of middle aged women and men who were SO mean. they were mainly manifesting money and health and jobs, which is all good! we've all been there! but if you were manifesting an sp or appearance changes they were soooo mean to you. especially since at the time i was an 18/19 year old girl, and they looked down on me sooo heavy for that. they would always tell me to move on from manifesting my sp bc "i was too young" and "i'd find someone new" etc. and if you were manifesting appearance changes, they'd tell you you just needed to manifest confidence instead and accuse you of wanting to change your face/body to appeal to the male gaze and make boys like you. and it was just so???? it was so disgusting.
so all that to say that i'm glad that there is a community on loatwt for people who are manifesting sp's without judgement. since i feel like 80% of them are young girls manifesting sps. and other parts of the internet definitely have misogynistic takes on young girls wanting love and relationships, which is gross imo.
the posting of tumblr posts without credit pisses me tf off. someone with like 2000 followers posted one of my posts with my username cropped out and i quote-retweeted it saying it was by remcycl333 on tumblr and she just ignored me and never gave me credit or acknowledged me at all. just such odd behavior. i've called it out many times but i still see people doing it.
i love my loatwt tl bc i've made lots of friends i adore on there, and i loveee twitter circle its so much fun, but every now and then i see shit that pisses me off. another thing that i've noticed with loatwt is that a lot of them have not been able to grasp the fact that everyone manifests in a different way. and that our assumptions about manifesting affect the way we manifest. for example the person i said earlier who said it was impossible to manifest without affirming. like they said that to ME of all people hahahaha it made me laugh
anyway! i still enjoy it there but i'm hoping they can have some discourse on there that we've had on here like, a year ago. such as the importance of states and how affirming isn't the only way to manifest. cuz i do see a lot of petty and useless arguments on there simply bc two people manifest in different ways. and they're always subtweeting each other it gets on my damn nerves
sorry for typing so much i just wanted to share my thoughts! <3
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siren-melodies · 1 year
Hiii, so idk who else to tell this too but backstory my family has never been religious but lately they have an some points they be making does make sense but some are like I have my own opinion of it
But what has gotten to me is that manifesting is a sin and that we should believe in God and God only and rn idk what to do because I don't want to sin but I also want to manifest my dream life just how I want to live it. The thing is I'm not educated enough in manifesting/loa/non duality even thought I been in this community for almost a year now, to actually tell them about it.
So now I'm stuck.
Religion is a trap, a bubble designed to keep you ignorant. It was created so that you look elsewhere for God when in truth it was you all along. Why would God make the Earth and then not partake of it? There is no other power but you as awareness. Nothing is outside of your control. Religion is full of fuck ass limiting beliefs to make you feel small and incapable. Society is crafted the way it is so that you never awaken to your true identity. It is full of distractions and unnecessary rules and whatnot.. constantly telling you bullshit like you have to work your whole life and slave away, life isn't fair, I'll believe it when I see it, daydreaming is a waste of time, glorified hustle,, superpowers are fantasy and the likes of such. All of this is fantasy to awareness. It is all imagination, a dream. And when you remember who you are, you consciously control the dream. Awareness is in a human body literally just for the experience, to be entertained by it all. You don't need to be educated because there is nothing to learn, just unlearn. This is your rebirth. Start from scratch. In the very first chapter of Genesis in the Bible, God created heaven and earth of of nothing. The world was void and out of nothing, came everything( this is the void y'all) literally mentioned in the very beginning of the holy book. Look it up for yourself. This is why religion and society have done their best best brainwash by the multitude. If people awoke to their true selves, where would there power and authority go? Surely they can't oppress a self-aware God. Lol and a bunch of teenage girls on tumblr fucking know this out of everyone in the world to exist at any point in time. Honestly, it's not even just about manifesting and stuff. That is what ego desires. You are pure awareness experiencing the human body and mind in a dream world. Nothing really matters, never has. You are always awareness. You were before you took on an ego and incarnated, you are during and will be after the character dies. This is a game and it's supposed to be fun! I'm really glad you asked ME this question because I feel I am perfectly qualified to answer. I come from a deeply spiritual family. Starting with my great-great-great grandmother, black magic was heavily practiced in the family, men and women. Seances and speaking to the dead, letting the dead possess your body and speaking through you type of shit. I've always seen and felt dark entities (was attacked a couple times but not anymore bc I'm above those shits) Anywayyyyss, point being that my family went crazy and it passed from generation to generation. Suicides, Drugs, Mental and physical disease, Severe abuse.. until my grandmother decided enough and looked towards Christianity. Now she is a FANATIC. Absolutely ludicrous! It's so amusing hearing her speak about Jesus and crap because in my head I'm going "if only you knew God was right here." She is also one of the dumbest women I know. She believes you shouldn't ask questions about the afterlife and stuff because that is doubting God. And she thinks Saturday is a holy day and you shouldn't even buy anything on that day because it's a sin. She forbids anyone to listen to music and thinks if a woman was raped she has to marry her rapist because sex is holy and the woman is impure... She became a Christian at 19 and now she is pushing 60 with nothing to show for it. She has nothing! Her faith in " God", who is supposed to be a man that lives in the sky, had gotten her absolutely nothing and it is because she is worshipping a false God instead of herself. I don't care if it sounds narcissistic.. Worship Yourself! The moment you want something, give it to yourself. You are not a pathetic little human with it's pathetic little problems. You are sooo much more than this. You are above everything. You are truly privileged to know the truth out of everyone. Everyone else is suffering and going through their own shit, and would kill to know what we know. Don't let this life on Earth go to waste when you can heaven right now! Feel free to DM me for anything
Jezebel 💜
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wrestlingisfake · 1 year
G1 Climax semifinals preview
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The field of 32 wrestlers is now down to four. This show will feature two semifinal matches, with the winners advancing to the final on August 13. Both semifinals are one fall to a finish, with no time limit--there must be a winner.
Will Ospreay vs. Tetsuya Naito - Ospreay's IWGP United States title is not at stake during the tournament. The winner of this match advances to the final against either Kazuchika Okada or EVIL.
This is only the third time these two have met in singles action. The first encounter was last year in the G1 semifinals; Ospreay won that match, then beat Naito again in November 2022. That has me thinking Naito will get some payback here. On the other hand, Ospreay seems to have a fire lit under him ever since his big win over Kenny Omega back in June.
I'm still convinced the obvious direction is for Naito to win the G1 and challenge SANADA for the IWGP world title at Wrestle Kingdom. Of course, the whole storyline is that Naito has been trying to achieve his dream scenario at the Tokyo Dome for ten years, so he could easily fail here to defer the dream another year. But this time around I don't see any reason to hold off. We had an Ospreay vs. Okada G1 final last year, and I doubt we'll get a repeat. Naito wins.
Kazuchika Okada vs. EVIL - The winner goes on to face Ospreay or Okada on the 13th. The premise here is that we're supposed to be emotionally invested in the threat of New Japan making us watch a shitty Evil match, and threatening to give us even more shitty Evil matches. I've been watching pro wrestling for nearly 35 years and I am very tired of "let's do bad matches on purpose to draw heel heat" as a general concept.
Look, I get it. Evil isn't really going to beat Okada or ruin the tournament final or headline the Tokyo Dome. They're just going to make you think it could happen for 20 minutes while Chris Charlton explains why that's terrible booking, so that you'll be excited when Okada manages to win. It's just that I don't care--they did all this four years ago, with Jay White and Kota Ibushi in the G1 final, and I was bored with it then too. I could barely be arsed to pay attention to Evil beating Sanada in the quarterfinals. Those two are bound to headline a big show this fall, and I'll probably forget to watch it. This isn't how heel heat is supposed to work.
Of course, I also get that this isn't for me. New Japan booking is designed to put Japanese butts in Japanese seats. And judging from the crowd response to Evil's shenanigans, they go along with the cheap heat and they're not burned out on it yet. That's good for them, I guess, but I'll probably spend this match balancing my checkbook or something, while I wait for the inevitable Okada win.
SANADA & Taichi & DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru & TAKA Michinoku vs. Hikuleo & Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa & El Phantasmo & Jado - Sanada and Hikuleo were both eliminated in the quarterfinals two nights ago. Sanada is teaming with the other four guys in Just 5 Guys. Hikuleo, Tama, and Tanga are the sons of Haku; Jado is their mentor, and Phantasmo is their new buddy. I assume Jado gets pinned here, but I suppose Taka could lose instead.
Zack Sabre Jr. & Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls & Kosei Fujita vs. Eddie Kingston & Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomohiro Ishii & Ryusuke Taguchi - Sabre was eliminated in the quarterfinals. Haste, Nicholls, Eddie, Tana, and Ishii didn't make it out of the blocks. Fujita was never in the tournament. Taguchi hasn't even been on the tour until just now; I kind of forgot he was there. I'd like to see something happen to set up Sabre's next challenger for the television title, but we'll probably get that on the 13th. As for this match, Fujita should lose the fall.
Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan & HENARE vs. Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji & BUSHI - This is Will Ospreay's buddies from the United Empire againt Tetsuya Naito's buddies in Los ingobernables de Japon. Everybody in this match was in the tournament except Bushi, so you know he's losing the match.
David Finlay & KENTA & Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd & Chase Owens vs. Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano & Togi Makabe & YOH - Finlay just got eliminated from the quarterfinals, so there's nothing left for him or Bullet Club to do on this tour but hurt people. Before the tournament, Coughlin and Kidd were feuding with Goto and Yoshi over their respective tag team championships; I'm not sure if we're going back to that. Actually, I think I'd rather see Yano and Makabe challenge Kidd and Coughlin. I figure either Chase or Yoh loses this match.
Ren Narita & Minoru Suzuki vs. Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma - They keep booking Narita and Umino against one another in tag matches like "look, look, it's like they're going to be Shibata and Tanahashi someday!" but someday isn't now so give it a rest, man. Honma will lose.
Kaito Kiyomiya & HAYATA vs. Master Wato & Hiroyoshi Tenzan - Hayata is the GHC junior heavyweight champion in Pro Wrestling NOAH, so he's coming in for this show to team with fellow Noah guy Kiyomiya. I would have to think they can beat Tenzan and Wato, but NJPW/Noah interpromotional booking never makes sense to me.
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heliosoll · 3 years
Listen listen babes, I love you guys. You're doing the best you can and that's good. But just a little tough love because some of you might not realize,
If you have a perfect self concept, but you're still spiraling, desperately over consuming information, not getting what you want, etc, then you don't have a perfect self concept. I've said before that it's totally normal to still be anxious and impatient but things like spiraling are not supposed to happen. And if you do spiral, then you get over it quickly because you know you're God.
If you're still having trouble with literally any aspect of the law, belief, or manifesting, then you don't have a perfect self concept. Maybe there are some limiting beliefs you still have. Maybe you still think everyone's lying. I don't know why; I'm not there with you. But again, a good self concept isn't just a brief moment of motivation or feeling relatively confident.
A good self concept is an entire mindset. It's knowing that You are God and that You are in control. You won't feel super worried about any of your desires because you know you already have them. You won't be constantly refreshing loa blogs just in case they say something new. You won't be looking for guidance or proof in the 3D.
Change starts with you. Practically every bump in the manifestation road leads back to self concept. I promise you, taking a few days, even a month if you want, to work on your self concept will not hinder your manifestations. Time isn't real - it doesn't exist. You aren't losing time, your desires are still there, you're not losing anything from just taking a day to go over your self concept.
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indianbarbie · 3 years
loa has been becoming the most confusing thing for me, some people say to affirm in present while others say to affirm in future, some people say to assume you already have a good self concept while others say to work on your self concept, some say "just know it'll happen" and when i do it, it never happens, i wanna be able to be like all of you that manifest so well and whenever you want, but how can i do that when im always confused and have no idea what im supposed to do, i've known about loa for 2 years now, and for some reason i still feel like a newbie, i feel like im wasting time. i love ur page, and im asking you because i actually kinda understand your posts
Hi! I totally understand what you mean because there are so many blogs and every single one of them says something different. The most important thing is to remember that what you assume will manifest because you create your reality. Simple. Anything else, like affirming in present/past, any methods, any advice really, should be practiced based on what works for you. Some people like to affirm in present, some people prefer to affirm in future. It's all just the matter of preference. Over consuming information isn't good because it makes you question everything.
Please remember that literally anyone can make a blog and say it's law of assumption and just spread misinformation and limiting beliefs. Not to mention many people are still learning and they change their beliefs over time.
Self concept is important, in my opinion, but that's because it makes everything easier and it makes you feel so much better about yourself. We manifest constantly, no matter if we know about it or not, so obviously it's not like if our self concept is bad we can't manifest anymore.
Maybe try focusing on yourself for a while. What do you want to do? What's the best way for you to manifest? What feels right to you?
Have more faith in yourself, if others can do it, so can you. You just need to find a way that works for you :)
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