#lobo is peak
violentt-violett · 1 year
flashback to the time I tried to read Peter David's run of Aquaman (I get very easily distracted)
it was definitely interesting, but just got a bit too edgy for my tastes. it was trying really really hard to make him cool (which is fair, he's a cool character!) but it just came out the other side feeling silly
I got some funny screenshots tho
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the two genders: big chungus and woman drawn by 90s comics artists
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brooooooooo come oooooooon
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okay this line is just good funny lol
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just casually spearing and eating creatures you can talk to, kinda messed up
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me too kon, me too
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I appreciate the double-page spread dedicated to aquaman's rippling muscles
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*laugh track*
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okay but lobo is genuinely peak in this issue, cheese to the max
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they're so cute
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artbyfuji · 1 year
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bro. two mimir.
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deepfried-dildos-again · 10 months
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thorsenmark · 2 months
It’s Never Hard to Find Beautiful Things Outside by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the north while taking in views across the northern New Mexico landscape and Rio Grande River Gorge. I was located on the bridge itself. The Rio Grande is flowing by and through the gorge with ridges and peaks of the Sangre de Cristo Range and Taos Mountains off in the distance.
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promontoryranger · 2 years
Nature Photography -- My Road Most Traveled
I’m a nature photographer. It’s what I do. I go wild for my photography. I go wild for photography! John of Journeys With Johnbo chose this week’s Lens-Artists Photography Challenge, “The Road Most Traveled”. He asks us to showcase whatever style of photography is our go-to, our favorite, our road most traveled. Fall colors on the Denali Highway I don’t think I can define a particular style as my…
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tricoufamily · 8 months
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if you're wondering why bob is here it's bc in the original villareal story there was a very minor background detail that diego lobo and bob pancakes dated in college and broke up tragically and that's where the story peaked. so i included him it's still canon
thank you for these it was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did these in my this is the fall sim style so i'm thinking. if they exist in this universe what's all their opinions on the 'did jacques do it' situation. let's take a look
don: saw a photo of jacques's wife on the news during the investigation. said "whoa mama that's a hot babe!" like johnny bravo and did not read the headline. does not know anything about it still.
vlad: well he's psychic he could figure out the truth if he actually cared. and he has!
olive: obviously respects it. except for the getting investigated part, would never happen to her.
diego: does not think jacques did it but enjoys the tabloids. knows other rich people personally who he thinks have killed their spouses
morgyn: will post things like "friendly reminder that j*cques v*llareal literally killed his wife and is a billionaire so maybe don't go to one of their hotels" on tumblr and will then do a call out post about like a fanfic writer who wrote an unhealthy relationship with more severity
pascal: knows conspiracy theories and this one is bullshit. or maybe it just doesn't interest him as much as aliens and that's why he thinks that
jeb: has a very "well of course he did. them rich folk can do whatever they want. there ain't no hope for the rest of us" while kicking a can down the road approach
bob: thinks he did it. is very alarmed that it was brushed off. eliza's like bob book the hotel and he's like am i going crazy. does anyone hear me.
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survivalist-anon · 3 months
Log 27: Breaking and Entering
The five, unfortunate, and reluctant Astartes...armored with nothing but their fists and civilian clothing....were now in the middle of a mini coliseum.
"....so....this is it. This...is what these mortal value us as....", Bilhard growled.
An enormous TV screen slowly descends from the high ceiling.
As the lights flicker on, Sleen shows up on the feed. "GOOD EVENING FREAKS! I see you've finally made it! Let's check out your competition! Shall we?"
A large door elevates to the several chaos marines that were originally being held. Although most of them have removed what they could of their armor, some were now equipped with makeshift weaponry. Truly something post apocalyptic in aesthetic nature.
In the middle, there was only one who had worn the bare minimum of protection, wearing a traditional luchador outfit, with reds, blues and whites adorning the mask...was El Nino.
Towering over most of the other Marines, something unusual for a first born marine.
He stood out from the team, raised his handa up, and the crowd cheered. He roared as if he's already won. He looks at the group, with a menacing glare.
Something was different about this Khornate fighter. His bravado had substance, his stance had a purpose....he was lucid.
"Damas y Caballeros! Tonight! You all about watch the bloodiest show on earth!", as he boomed his voice to the mysterious crowd of dubious patrons, he than points to Bilhard.
"And you! 'Toro'! Are about to feel my fists! For I EL NINO, shall bestow the THUNDER!", he then proceeds to flex, posing for the crowd. As he turned around to make sure everyone had a fantastic view of his rippling muscles, a conspicuous set of markings could be seen on his back.... healed markings that once formed the sigil of Khorn...
Bilhard, who had never met this shocking eccentric chaos marine, was understandably confused. "........what in the..."
Sten looked to Bilhard with a cocked brow, "It is no surprise that it would be a World Eater would be the head participant of this....".
"He's showing too much personality that's for certain.", Joe commented.
"NOW! It would not be fair to have such 'honorable' brawlers UNARMED AND UNARMORED!", As he points to more MadMaxian wears. Armor and weapons flashed from scrap metal, old car parts and broken industrial grade machinery. Unwashed to boot.
"Well ....it is more than what many of our enemies were willing to give I suppose.", Toke mumbled, he looked at El Nino....there was genuinely something off about him..."aye, Sten....do you suppose you could take a peak man? See what's making him tick?".
Sten had closed in on El Nino the second he saw him, ".....he.....is doing all of this on his own...chaos has....left him?"
Through Sten's eyes, the chaos marines in the back were merely a mess of darkness and depravity....El Nino was a void in that mess....not a light, or a dark emptiness....but a blank space amongst them....as if he was his own presences.
As the gang reluctantly head to their "generously" given gear, their mind had become riddled with questions....one had remained the loudest....
"where the fuck was Wick and Moors?", Bilhard grumbled as he grabbed what looked like trashed power fists, likely from another unfortunate victim from battles prior.
Sten seeing what little this terrible gladiatorial battle had to offer, he had a feeling their luck was about to change, "hmm...I sense not too far."
"NOT YOU LOBO! You are fighting in the ring with me!", El Nino growled.
Sten was to fight El Nino the way he wanted to fight him; Honorably through lucha.
Outside, a set of guards were peacefully keeping watch. Making sure no law enforcement or border patrol officers would come snooping around.
One guard, a rest position was staring off into the evening desert landscape of Nevada.
The other however, was a little more jumpy. "Hey....dude....Pete...."
Rolling his eyes, "what Kieth?"
"It....it happened again....my cousin-", a loud moan from Pete erupted.
"-for FUCKS sake dude....for the last time there's no such fucking things as aliens.", Pete argued.
"But seriously man! My cousin TOTALLY saw one this time! He was driving his truck out in stretch and saw those running light critters! He almost died bruh!", Keith excitedly shouted.
A deep breath spewed from Pete, "your cousin is a desert hick from Arizona who's favorite candy is fentanyl man, get your cousin some help or something that shit is sad a-", suddenly, the headlights of a truck coming towards them.
Raising thier guns. The truck slowly pulled up to their side.
Two men were sitting seated, both wearing rather unrevealing uniforms.
"ugh, hi..ugh... we're here to deliver 60 cases of Snack Cakes?", the driver was doing their best not too look at the guards in the eye.
The two guards began to inspect the truck, "...we didn't get any notice about a snack truck did we Keith?".
Keith inspected the passenger seat, a potent oder of BO emanated from the open window.
"Howdy do!", it was Gus. The driver, Tulio.
The guard stared at Gus, "...bro....why do you smell like shit?".
"Well I was about to ask you the same question! Only instead of shit, it's 20 volts!", the second the guard was about to call for backup, Gus hits him with a high powered taser to the neck.
"Hey what the-?!?", the second shouted but Tulio had swiftly hit him the chest.
"....GUS WHAT THE SHIT MAN?!", the calm demeanor Tulio had put up quickly shifted.
Gus on the other hand was jittery and giddy like a school kid. "Alrighty! Moors! Wick! Show time!", knocking on the back wall of the truck.
"This isn't part of the plan Gus!", Tulio shouted.
"It is now!", he giggled as he prepared his gear and bullet proof vest. "Here! This will protect you from their mind probes!", Gus handed Tulio a small plastic Grey Alien with a little sharpie marked symbol on the back of its head.
"....gringo loco...", Tulio breathlessly muttered.
A loud crash of metal bending had erupted from the back of the truck. A set of thunderous foots steps crunches the dry, sandy ground.
"Gus...you did it again.", Moors voice emanated from the vox transmission of his terminator armor.
Gus, giving his maniac, ear to ear smile. "Juuuuuust like Topeka....", Gus had been referring to an incident where he and Moors had invaded a previously secret government facility.
Tulio looks at the armored Moors, gives a whistle, and nods in approval, "Nice...hey how come you don't gots a beak like Wick's suit?".
A light chortle vibrates from the vox, "preference I suppose, now....let's get drilling.", Moors turns on the power drill on his suit and directly digs at the base of the entrance.
Looking around for Wick, Tulio looked both in the back and the skies for him, "Ugh, say wheres Wick? Wasn't he in the back of the truck?", he shouted over the loud drilling.
Gus has just finished gearing up, "took the back entrance! We're here to distract!".
"oh shit man...", the response was dry and tired.
Sleen, huffing enough cigar smoke to choke a horse, was monitoring the fight below. "Hehehe.... ladies and gentlemen! Our first event will be a one on one fight with "El Toro" and the fan favorite, PINKIE!"
The second his name was announced, the Emperor Children marine, 'Pinkie', had begun to flaunt himself in such vulgar and sentimental ways. Gyrating his hips, having his long tongue feel his face for him and dancing for the crowd as they cheered.
"OOOOoooohhhh! It looks like I am about to get a little 'warm up'~", he hissed seductively at Bilhard. Giggling uncontrollably, "I hope you like 'em HARD and LONG!".
He takes out his favorite weapon, a makeshift hammer with pink and green sprayed painted imagines. Blood having already stained the bright neon coloring for being unwashed. Pinkie swung his hammer around like a baton, demonstrating an unnatural Grace to the depravity of what he was planning to do to Bilhard.
In the meantime, Bilhard, who has not been reluctantly labeled as "El Toro", likely a name that Señor Mateo had given him earlier, was stoic, focused and ready to lay a beating.
Raising both of his fists, slamming them together like a boxer, he was just waiting for an excuse to let what he knew was DECADES of frustration. "YOU WILL THE WRATH OF MY FISTS SOON ENOUGH YOU FILTHY DEMON!".
"Ooohh! A fisting?! Oh I like you already!", Pinkie filtered with him playfully.
"......I believe for the first time in my life am I.... reconsidering my decisions.", Bilhard had just realized what 'fisting' is in the context of earth slang.
Toke, who has firmly armed himself with not one but two smaller hammers, "Too late lad! I see you have never had to deal with Slenessh's grimiest?", speaking from experience, it was a bit of bad luck that he wasn't mathed with Pinkie for this fight. The best way to deal with them, is to defeat them quickly and efficiently.
Two things Bilhard likely knows.
"Hmf, I've dealt with plenty scum like him!", stomping towards Pinkie, ready to fight, Bilhard begins to focus on his strategy against his corrupted opponent.
A referee shortly appears, surprisingly unshaken at the two towering men about to begin this tournament of horrors. "Alrighty! Listen up. Fight hard, fight dirty! The crowd loves it. Oh and Pinkie please don't violate the guy afterwards at least kill him before you rape him ok? It scares off the paying customers.", speaking with such chilling nonchalance.
Pinkie gave a sickening smile, "Oh stahp it! You know much they love an after show!", he licks his lips, just fantasizing what is going to do if he wins.
"Right...have fun boys", running as fast a possible away from both of them.
Without even the courtesy of a bell, Pinkie landed the first hit with his hammer, sending Bilhard off his feet.
Stumbling a little, there was no time to recover as the chaos marine was mercilessly swinging and landing several good hits.
Bilhard, kept his ground and covered his face and head. "YOU COWARDICE-", the heavy concrete of the hammer head landed on his arms and shoulders.
The chaos marines and Pinkie, were cackling.
The other were shocked to see that the fight truly was supposed to be a dirty fight. As they were about step in a make it an even fight, the projector screen with Sleen's face appears.
"ah ah ah, NO TAG TEAM MATCHES ALLOWED.", he presses a button and a silent dog whistle a of sorts chirps throughout the ring.
Every marine, had come to a stand still from the shrill blasting.
The pain was especially brutal for Sten and Toke, their hearing was twice as powerful as the rest of them.
Pinkie on the other hand, didn't seem care, "ew, such an annoying sound....", he genuinely wasn't effected.
Blocking his ears, Bilhard tried to see his opponent who was just unblaikingly glaring at him, waiting for him to stand up.
The noise itself stopped, "Now, let's get the show rolling!", Sleen roared in the speakers.
Right on que, Pinky swung again, however Bilhard had dodged. Weaving way from the next heavy hit, he successfully lands a punch to this opponent's bare pectoral, knocking him off temporarily off his balance.
In a hidden room, Sleen watches from multiple cameras, his patrons now watching from the box seats near the arena. "Hehehe....looks like bird boy isn't coming back after all....too bad....so sad....", he turned around practically growling in delight.
Selene, who was now forced to wear another outfit Sleen had chosen and sadly with few bruises. She sat there silently, fuming with rage a deepened sadness....where was her crow?
Heavy stomps headed to her, Sleen grinned his toothy ugly grin, "Awww what's the-*hack!*-matter?...don't like the pretty dress?", his now clawed finger headed to under her chin.
Her resolve was breaking, for a single tear slid down.
Sleen took this a sign that he was winning his little mental war against Wick..."hehehe... FINALLY...you get the big picture.".
Suddenly, a small beeping had interrupted the scene. "What the?...", he trumpled to the monitors.
His curiosity had turned to fury.
Wick, in full Raven Guard armor, was standing in FRONT of one of the cameras in front of the door.... staring it down as if he knew Sleen was looking.
"ggggrrrrraaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!", he stomped quickly to the door, with his enhanced arm, he decimated the door, but no one was there. "WHERE ARE YOU!!!!! I KNOW ITS YOU!!!!", huffing and heaving, he breathlessly turned around. He slowly walked back, "Looks like I'm gonna have to mo-".
Selene, was gone.
The only thing left, was a black feather.
"-.....no....nnnnnNNNNNOOOOAAAAARARRRHHHHHHHHH FIND THAT SLUT AND HER FREAK! KILL THEM BOTH!", at this point, he was frothing at the mouth, he slammed the monitor system, putting the whole show on autopilot.....
Where things were about to get a lot more.... interesting.
End of Log 27
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster @starfrost740 @squishyowl @sleepyfan-blog @lawnchair86
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kingfreakkxp · 7 months
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YO YO! My name is Chad. I’m a huge comic book fan and own various ones from different series + merchandise 😸 If you couldn’t tell I literally love Lobo from dc cpmics (i need to be him irl). I’m a 16 year old aspiring comic book artist who’s trying to GET KNOWN, so I’m showing off what I do best, draw!
Most of these are my original characters except for the fella with the snazzy shades in the hawaiian shirt, and of course..superman! But the rest of these are mine ^_^ and all of this is my own art
Before I’m asked, yes Astro (the grey fella) IS heavily inspired design wise off of Lobo..long story, but he used to be a persona when I was at my PEAK of loving Lobo and wanted to be him, so I made Astro and he turned into an oc! I even joke about how if him and Lobo ever met they would NOT get along..so yes, in future posts I will talk about him. Plenty.
I hope to make plenty of pals on here as I AM NEW!✌️ my ass itches
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anxietyfluffy · 1 year
my OCs sprites & suspect lineups!
(SPOILERS FOR GAME 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
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Faye is the girlfriend of Duncan, and is a carpenter in white peaks! She grew up in Rhyne Canyon, so she tends to wear clothes made for warm weather. Her daughter is Cosette, a more quiet girl. Faye n Cosette met Duncan due to the fact Cosette was the little girl he saved. When he was in the hospital, recovering after being shot in the spine, Faye and Cosette constantly visited him, thanking him for saving the both of them. Soon, when Duncan left the hospital, Faye visited him a lot more, which lead to them getting feelings for each other - and lead them to getting in a relationship. The two of them were disheartened when they discovered Duncan was a serial killer, Faye never stopped talking to him though, even if what he did hurt the two so bad.
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Here is Aliah Khan, an Arrernte-Aboriginal woman from Australia. She went over the the Concordia Flying Squad originally for training, until she felt a certain connection to someone - Diego Del Lobo. Though, sadly, she could not properly be with him, as she was stuck in a loveless marriage. Though, with the time she got with Diego, their relationship grew to be strong. That was - until he killed Charlie. In ways, she understood why he did what he did, there was no choice on his part. But, the fact he killed someone they both were close to left cracks in their dynamic. And it didn’t help she had to return back to Australia. Before she left, Diego told her to look through his stuff, to where she found a necklace and a notebook. Telling her to keep it, Diego wished her better times in Australia, and that he hoped she’d write to him. Aliah treasured that notebook - which was full of love notes to her, from Diego - and the necklace, passing the jewellery down generations to keep it - and really, their love, safe and strong.
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Brutus & Apollo are the descendants of Aliah, Angel being an adopted brother in their family. Brutus is the leader of the group, and was a detective for Grimsburough, Pacific Bay and the Bureau before making his own police department in his home country, Australia. His best friend, adopted brother and co-worker, Angel, is a loud, party-filled kinda guy. He loves scene music and just being chaotic. Apollo is similar, a care-free man who loves a good swim and a good game of soccer. And AFL. And any sport you can think of, really. Brutus is practically a polar opposite compared to these two social butterflies, he’s practically a hermit, who sucks at social situations. Though, this is made up by his pure smarts and strength. But that doesn’t stop him from being a blunt, awkward man who swears half of the time he speaks. (Also, Brutus has Aliah’s necklace, he just keeps it hidden underneath his shirt.)
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Cecilia Serafina Marconi is Ginger and Tony’s child, born in 2009, she is a more quiet child. Blunt like her father, she doesn’t really have a lot of friends. But, she does have Astrid, her absolute best friend. Astrid is a year older than her, and was originally living with her grandmother, Margaret Littlewood before the events of Dog eat Dog happened. Instead of a dog show though, it was a beauty pageant for children. (Yes, that absolutely makes the case more devastating. :) ) Astrid ended up getting adopted by David Jones, as her parents were dead long before her actual case. 5 years later, she ended up being the loud, comforting friend for Cecilia. They both are inseparable - to the dismay of Tony and David - and always want the other to be there with them even for the most random situations.  If you all have any questions or want to know more about them, ask away! :D
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carrioncop · 3 months
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@stainedpast is looking at something ― perhaps doing his job , though salem isn't entirely sure why he bothers. not much really happens around here ; besides lobo's own doings. the deputy leans over the younger man's shoulder in an attempt to get a peak , oblivious to his crowding of jeremiah's space
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❛ hey , jer ! what did you wanna be when you grew up ? ❜ sal asks with a smile , hands resting upon his hips. ❛ did you always wanna be a lawman ? ❜
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transguygardner · 9 months
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Into the GuyLoboVerse: Day 4
Earth 148: Mamma Mia AU
LUMITA TORASDOTTER is getting married, and she's going to invite everyone. Including her father. Whoever that may end up being. Her mother, TORA OLAFSDOTTER, does not have a lot of men in her life. Luckily, LUMITA has taken a peak at the diary her mother kept the year she was born and has discovered FOUR of them. CLARK KENT, BOOSTER GOLD (yes that's his real name), TED KORD, and GUY GARDNER. LUMITA is sure that she will know exactly which one is her father as soon as she meets him. Will confronting her mother's past ensure success in her own future?
Author's Note:
Ok so this one isn't really about them. But they happen anyways. I love the movie Mamma Mia and I've seen it more times than I can count, to the point that I am more familiar with the movie cast's covers of the ABBA songs than I am with the original. I also think that Guy and Bill Anderson are pretty similar so I had to work out a Mamma Mia AU of my own. Sadly this is one that I haven't done much with after making the initial text post about it but I do hope to make a little fic of it one day.
Guy's looks would be pretty straight forward Guy Gardner-ed versions of Bill's outfits. Guy would be living on a boat like Bill, having decided to go it alone after one too many bad blowups in the superhero community.
Lobo's look is my take at a vacation Lobo. Inspired by his 90210 look in L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual #5 and after browsing some 2007 casual mens fashions. As I am typing this I just remembered that he did have a few vacation looks in Lobo: The Last Czarnian and Superman vs. Lobo, but it's too late. I already drew this one!
Since I don't have any other art for this one here is the cast list:
Tora Olafsdotter as Donna Sheridan
Clark Kent as Sam Carmichael (not divorced in this)
Booster Gold as Harry Bright
Ted Kord as Harry Bright's husband (aka a revamp of Petros)
Guy Gardner as Bill Anderson
Beatriz da Costa as Rosie Mulligan (chosen over Tanya because Rosie and Bill are set up as foils like Bea and Guy are, but I would be reworking a lot of the Rosie and Tanya scenes)
Lumita Gardner Torasdotter as Sophie Sheridan
A yet to be designed alien girlfriend as Sky Ramand (Sophie's fiance)
Sigrid Nansen or Kimiyo Hoshi as Tanya Chesham-Leigh (originally I was thinking Sigrid but they were more Bea's friend than Tora's so now I'm thinking Kimiyo. Still undecided until I read a handful of issues)
Lobo as a surprise character that I made up for the AU
That covers the main cast since Sophie's friends don't really show up after the first act
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this press release from the Center for Biological Diversity:
wenty-three wildlife conservation groups today urged the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Arizona Game and Fish Department not to remove a family of endangered Mexican gray wolves from just south of the Grand Canyon National Park. The agencies have announced they intended to capture and re-release the pack elsewhere.
In early July agency trappers captured and released a female wolf with a radio collar, intending to track her to capture another wolf she was seen with and move both wolves south of Interstate 40. Neither wolf has been reported as causing any problems. This week students in Arizona voted to name her “Hope” and her family the Kendrick Peak pack.
“What a blessing that Hope safely crossed the freeway and found this national forest land teeming with deer and elk, where she and her family can thrive if we let them,” said Michael Robinson, a senior conservation advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Now it’s urgent that wildlife agencies halt their plan to move the Kendrick Peak pack and instead let these wolves live in peace and contribute to the natural balance and the sheer beauty of the Grand Canyon.”
“These incredible wolves should be allowed to be wild and free,” said Chris Smith, wildlife program director for WildEarth Guardians. “The Interstate 40 boundary makes no scientific sense, and that’s what these wolves are showing to the world.”
“As humans, we often feel we should make all the decisions rather than letting wolves show us what they need,” said Claire Musser, executive director of the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project. “Each wolf has a unique personality, and wolves like Hope and the Kendrick Peak pack are showing us that ideal habitat exists north of I-40, where the wolves want to be. If we are serious about wolf recovery, it's time to let our lobos lead.”
“The agencies justify their plans to remove the Kendrick Peak pack under the guise of keeping the wolves safe, but they could instead help to keep the wolves safe by educating the public, promoting livestock management that reduces conflict, and celebrating the return of these iconic animals to northern Arizona,” said Greta Anderson, deputy director of Western Watersheds Project. “We hope they change their plans and embrace this restoration opportunity.”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
For DC some that come to mind are:
Heroes - Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (Ted kord), Grifter or any of the WildC.A.T.S., Big Barda and Mister Miracle (not as unknown but I love them 💕) , The Federal Bureau of Psychics is always fun, Question
Antihero/Villains - ONOMATOPOEIA, Lobo, Vigilante, THE WATCHMEN
For marvel
Heroes - Spiders-Man (just Spider-Man made of spiders 💕) (that’s it sadly, my marvel brain has been off for months)
Thank you for adding some more hero/villain recommendations! I always love seeing who you guys have in mind and seeing ones I haven’t come across yet or have forgotten about.
I’ve been going down rabbit holes recently with watching comic origin videos and I came across both Onomatopoeia and Spiders-Man, and honestly I’m so down to write for them! Along with the other ones you mentioned too! But Onomatopoeia lives in my head rent free now and I genuinely hope I get some requests or asks about him as a yandere cause I’m invested.
I also have been introduced to the comic series Nailbiter and oh my god is my interest peaked. If you or anyone else is into horror comics that is a real doozy of one. And I have slightly contemplated maybe possibly writing for it but I’m still on the fence about it lol.
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 months
Faerie Tales
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I am in full Fate/Grand Order mode right now and it's paying off nicely. I think. It's an odd thing to juggle three mobile titles (FGO, Azur Lane, and Ever Crisis), Baldur's gate 3, Persona 3 Reload, and my millionth run at Mass Effect Legendary. I got too many games on my plate right now. I feel like i should pull back on something but, at the same time, nah? Like, P3R is my sh*t and i am absolutely in love with BG3. I dunno, maybe I'll reassess eventually but my crippling gaming addiction has only a nebulous effect on my choice to continue grinding through the admittedly frustrating and horrifically pay-walled world of the Grand Orders. I do it because i shill hard for Nasu and have for actual decades. Plus, some of the stories are really cool. F*cking Avalon le Fae was peak Type Moon and i cannot wait until the Dragon Slayer money runs out so they have UFOtable animate that sh*t. Interestingly enough, the Faeries are kind of why I'm even writing this update.
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Yo, i popped Barghest! Tam Lin Gawain is easily my favorite of the Faerie Knights. I mean, Melusine is but Barghest is definitely right there with her. Of the newer Servants released since i lost my first account, She ranks right up there in the top ten. Actually, i think she was number nine. Albion was number one, but making it into that top ten is a feat in of itself. Dozens of dope ass servants were added in my years long hiatus and the Black Dog made it to the top of the top. It just kind of blows she's a Saber. I'm lousy with Sabers. A good portion of my Five-Stars are Sabers. Like, i already have Mordred, she will NEVER leave my party, and Artoria. They are powerhouses in their own right but i also have Okita and Altera as back up. That's four Five-Star Sabers. Where the f*ck does my Hellhound even fit? Still, i am mad hype to pop her off the Artoria Caster Banner, because i did it with some bullsh*t Summon Tickets! Pretty sure i got Artoria doing that, too, but that's not why I'm happy.
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You see, that Caster Banner is part of the Twenty Million Downloads campaign. Also [art of that, are two special summon tickets, one for a Four-Star Craft Essence and the other for a Four-Star Servant. I was going to use that ticket on Barghest, even though i already have a ton of Sabers. That's how much i like the character. Popping her off that banner allows me to choose a different Servant now, one that i actually need. I have one Avenger and it's Hessian Lobo. That guy sucks. I mean, it's fine, but it ain't Demon Nobu. However, there is another Four-Star Avenger who i had on my old account. An Avenger that happens to be a Medusaface, and we all know how much of a sucker i am for Medusa. Not only did i get a Barghest on one of the most improbable ways possible, but i was able to outright choose Gorgon! I was able to secure a much need Avenger option AND the Black Dog I've wanted since Avalon was released! Honestly, I wish I had one more of those free tickets. I'm set on Gorgon, for sure, but Lancer Artoria Alter is an option, too, and she's kind of my favorite Artoria. There's just something about an Alter which really does it for me.
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I'm actually really very pleased with this account right now. Sucks I'm still missing a ton of Servants that i want, but progress is being made. I mentioned in my last update i was able to finally acquire Anastasia but, since then, I've also added Ivan the Terrible, Anne Bonny and Marie Reed, Assassin Okita, and Lakshmibai. These are all solid additions, even though they aren't necessarily Servants i would personally choose for myself. I mean, Ivan is, that gigantic motherf*cker is a powerhouse, but considering i don't run at FGO Banners like i do Azur Lane ones, the fact that i have any Five-Stars is kind of a blessing. Obviously, my Mordred is coming along nicely. I've been able to both unlock and max out her second Append Skill, while grinding away at the monumental task of getting that eleventh Bond Level. Right now, that's the current quest. Oh, somehow, i was able to naturally roll a second Mordred so she's got a level two Noble Phantasm now. Just three to go! I'm just chipping away, man. Slowly but surely, I'll have my max Mordred.
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thorsenmark · 6 months
Passing on That Sense of Adventure to Others in Photos by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While approaching the Rio Grande Gorge with a view to the northeast and bridge crossing. This is in northern New Mexico not far from Taos. The ridges and peaks off in the distance are of the Sangre de Cristo Range and Taos Mountains.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
I definitely do not want this to be a bait question, so please feel free to ignore it! I was curious about your take on Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow. Generally in the broad DC fandom, the opinion on Tom King's work is not great imo. But most ppl seem to love Supergirl. Based on the summary itself I feel like I wouldn't like it because it seems like hurt without comfort, but I haven't actually read it, so /shrugs. Anyway wanted to hear your thoughts on it bc I do appreciate your comics posts!
I LOATHED IT. You're 100% right, it's all hurt no comfort. It's yet another example of Tom King getting an insanely talented artist (the brilliant Bilquis Evely) who makes his unimaginative, repetitive writing look profound. I could rant for ages but I'll try to boil it down to key points:
It is literally a ripoff of True Grit. Like he just wholesale stole the plot.
IT'S NOT ACTUALLY ABOUT SUPERGIRL. The main character is an alien teenage girl named Ruthye whose father is murdered, so she hires Supergirl to help her track down her father's killer. It's Ruthye's story, told entirely via Ruthye's narrative, and Ruthye is the character who grows and changes. Supergirl could be replaced by Lobo, or Krypto, or a big stick.
As usual, Tom King doesn't even make the faintest attempt to stay in character. His Supergirl is a surly, miserable drunk who has to be begged to help people.
He also very clearly read exactly one Supergirl comic - her origin story from 1959 - and nothing else. It's the only previous Supergirl canon referenced. There's a whole issue where he retells it in painstaking detail, except he takes a silly Silver Age story and puts it through the Unnecessarily Bleak filter. He explains his miserable take on Kara by wallowing in the trauma of Argo City's destruction. At one point, 15-year-old Kara finds a dead baby. I want to be clear that this backstory is at least FOUR RETCONS OUT OF DATE, but he decided to go back to it because he apparently refused to read more than 8 pages about Supergirl as research, and then he put a dead baby in it.
Supergirl was created to appeal to little girls. This is not my opinion, this is absolute fact: she was designed to get little girls to read more Superman comics. To this day, she remains one of the very very very few characters who is well known enough that little girls can relate to and identify with her, thanks to the CW show (which had its faults but got her character very right) and DC Super Hero Girls. Woman of Tomorrow treats Supergirl, her history, and her intended audience with complete contempt, and making a movie of it that little girls can't see because this shit is going to be rated PG-13 if not R is peak "I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me?" behavior from a grown-ass man. SUPERGIRL DOESN'T HAVE TO APPEAL TO EDGELORDS. SHE WASN'T MADE FOR THEM.
Anyway yes I hate it very very much, and it doesn't surprise me that people who have never liked or read Supergirl think it's great, because it isn't Supergirl.
For a better take on Supergirl who yes, has experience trauma but is still in character, I recommend the current World's Finest series by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. For an AU with an angsty Kara who is still true to the core of herself, Supergirl: Being Super by Mariko Tamaki and Joelle Jones. The upcoming Legion of Super-Heroes movie also looks excellent in this regard.
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