#locked and plugged
conditioned-to-obey · 3 months
Completely ignoring your puffy swollen denied little cunt. Duct taping it shut while I use your ass instead.
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mommygiran · 4 months
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It’s time to lock you up because you are a pathetic loser and it’s worthless
Send me a dm to get locked
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dmsr-art · 10 months
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harryanthe arm scene but nastier
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ashleywintersin · 6 days
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Are you a submissive slave or a sissyslut who believes in FEMDOM superiority? if yes chat this mistress up immediately!!!
Note: tributes are required and I offer online training sessions also
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umbraria · 2 years
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1k followers reward at twt! - @/edits_umbra
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bivaoliver123-blog · 1 year
Care to play?
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demethinkstoomuch · 2 years
A Survey of House Leadership Titles
We know just enough about each house and its founders that I think there might be some threads to pull at in terms of what different house titles say about the house intends of its leadership, or some other interesting observation  -- in some cases, not a lot, but I’d say enough that there’s enough for me to play with and gnaw on like a naughty cat who should not be chewing embroidery thread.
The Second: No Known Title????
This is so interesting to me. Like, Judith is heir to the House of the Second, and this is a fact that, nevertheless, never at any point makes anything about the internal structure of the second even the slightest bit clear. What is she even heir to? I’m assuming it’s hereditary, because that seems to be the case across the board except for the Sixth. But what is she actually heir to? The training facility? The cohort command within the system??? Something else???
We don’t know, we just know their cohort ranks. Judith’s father was an admiral -- but I am sadly forced to conclude not Sarpedon, because Judith’s father projected a career for her that would force her to stay mostly within the system, and Sarpedon’s career has mostly kept him out of system. This constitutes the entirety of what we know about the Second... But, there’s information in this non-information. What this all says about the Second is that they try and present their cohort ranks as the important ones, the ones that Really Matter...But, then again, Judith, a mere captain, is the heir of the house, so...Are they what Really Matter, really? We don’t know the rules about which contexts things matter in, which I would call not encouraging. That said, I’m betting that Judith a) tries to avoid this contradiction sincerely and steadfastly by honoring the Cohort’s chain of command, and b) she isn’t the only one. If there’s an illusion that there is no mess or complication or strangeness here, it’s a precious illusion that no one intends to disturb until push comes to shove. What the Second cares about most, between their hierarchy and the cohort’s, is a question they do not want to answer.
The Third: King/Queen(?) of Ida, assumed
Man, that is such the most attention-whore title. The pageantry! The showmanship! Crown princes! Princesses! I bet there’s a literal crown, don’t you? (Also, while I’d assume from numerical order that the 5th came after the 3rd, I get the vibe from the general atmospheres of the houses the title order might have been different, that the 3rd picked King and Queen because it’s like Lord and Lady, but bigger and better. If it isn’t, then this is what would have happened if the chronology had played out differently.)
By the way, I do want to know why Babs is a Prince. Like, is that a family rank? A cavalier primary rank? A combined Cavalier-Family rank? A courtesy title? Answer the question, Naberius Tern!
The Fourth: Baron/ess of Tisis
I don’t have much to say about this one, except that my guess is that it’s kind of like the Third or Fifth titles, but, like, different (and a little bit Less Fancy.) I think that is not a coincidence even a little. Also, Baron sounds very cool.
The Fifth: Lady/Lord of Konniortus
Oh, man. I have takes on this one. For one, this is 100% an Augustine decision. For two, Oh, good heavens, he was so smug about it for centuries. It’s powerful, yet understated. Grand as all hell, but not showing off. Everyone would have wanted classical nobility titles, but the specificity of some makes them a bit weaker. I’m thinking of, like, the Lady of the Mercians, or Empress Matilda going by “Lady of the English” as an uncrowned queen for the way the term can sort of gently elide over questions of specific rank. It’s simple, classy, brief.  Augustine is judging half the titles on this list and laughing with a sad shake of his head, like it’s cute that you tried to go as hard as “Lady of Konniortus” and you absolutely failed. And those are the ones where he’s not actively rolling his eyes. But more on that in, oh, about 3 houses from now.
The Sixth: Master Warden
OK, but you know who deserves to be smug for her rad naming skills? Cassie. And I say Cassie, to be clear, because I know it’s her name. Or, the name someone who knew the things Cassie knew about the Sixth. Because, really, I think this refers, in an oblique way, to the Break Clause. Because that clause is, well, it’s the key. It’s the key to the literal and metaphorical lock binding the Sixth House to the empire and to the planet. The whole facility is a prisoner, in a way, overseen by its warden. The whole facility is a lock. And do you know what we call the internal jaws of a lock?
Nothing, actually, because there isn’t a part of a lock that one calls “the internal jaws,” I’ve looked up locksmithing terms when google could not avail me. But...I do know that, if Palamedes and the Sixth thinks of a part of the lock as the Internal Jaws, he’s talking about the little metal pieces inside the lock that the key’s teeth and cut are meant to fit into and around, so only the right key will fit. They are jaws in the sense that teeth fit into them.  When Palamedes makes this little riddle during the Fifth’s dinner party, he’s talking about The Wards. And that it can be unlocked, if a key that fits the ward(en)s is produced, is how the Sixth House is like a lock.
I love that for the Sixth. I got so excited about this realization that I went to some lengths to include this line of thinking in a sixth-house centric fic, because it was simply too good to leave out.They went for an elaborate, multilayered self-created reference that refers back to their secret secession plan, and they’ve stuck with that for 10,000 years without giving away the Bit. Good for them. Really, just delightful.
The Seventh: Duchess/Duke of Rhodes (Assumed)
So, this is more or less just like how I read the Fourth’s nomenclature, except they went with Fancy over Cool. It’s very nearly as important as King/Queen, but not quite, which suits them well enough.  Unless there’s a higher rank and Dulcie’s parents have that rank, which they might. It seems implied. They also keep up the theming, with Pro being a Knight of Rhodes. Point is, they, the Third, the Fifth, and the Fourth are all a part of a system of names, with the Fifth a tiny bit set apart, and the Third probably clawing for the top.
The Eighth: Master Templar of the White Glass
I love this title, and part of what I love is that I know Augustine hates it and rolls his eyes every time he hears it. Because I think it’s a Christabel idea. And I say that for a couple of reasons. The biggest being, it sounds very cool but it makes no sense. Like, flash your mind through literally every point at which Silas or the Eighth house are mentioned. How many of them refer to, in any way, anything pertaining to White Glass? Once, only once. Harrow refers to “White glass mysteries,” but that’s it. It’s a mystery. Outside of that, this title only exists, is only referred to, is only acknowledged at all, in the Gideon the Ninth Dramatis Personae. Sure, the Eighth get described with White, and Templars seems reasonable. They are even referred to as White Templars, because, sure, sensible. But White Glass? Is a throw-away concept here, one only Harrow seems to ever think about. It is a cool-sounding title that refers to nothing of any significance. Its only justification is that it’s rad. It’s just a little stupid, but joyfully so.
Which is not a Mercymorn thing. But I can totally see it as a Christabel decision, one she got very excited about. Like, this is the woman who made One Flesh, One End a thing for the next 10,000 years. Christabel seems to love this stuff, and I think if she got cheerfully enthusiastic about it, Mercymorn would go along with it, and that would enshrine it forever.
The Ninth: The Reverend Father/Mother
So, this is another very good one. Like, Anastasia and Cassiopeia are over here thinking of legitimately good and clever titles, ones which contain a duty, and a secret, and it’s the duty at the core of the house’s leadership, at that. Obviously, the idea of a Reverend Mother is one suitable for the Abbess of a nunnery, so that checks out to begin with, but there’s another layer to it, too. A reason why it’s Reverend Mother and not, say, Abbess, that catches my eye post-Nona, but really ought to have caught my eye before that. “Reverend Daughter,” as a position of heirship, is something important because it’s a Ninth invention. The existence of a Daughter or a Son, as opposed to just having Sisters or Brothers and Mothers or Fathers, creates a direct family line within the ruling family. It becomes a bloodline and an abbey in the same breath.
Harrow insists from the Pool Scene onward that it was critical, the whole future of their house, to have an unbroken bloodline of necromancers descended from Anastasia. And at the end of Nona, we see why: Because Anastasia made a pact with Alecto that is recognized as being attached to Anastasia’s descendants, known by blood. They are the unfulfilled vow, Harrow is right! A line of parents and children, reaching back to their original parent, who made a promise. Mothers and Daughters, all the way down. That’s what the House is really for.
A+ Naming, Anastasia. Fantastic. Beautiful.
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sissymaidscarlett · 4 months
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Starting the week off right 🔐
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bogkeep · 4 months
obviously i am prepared for Every Possible Situation (<- has five sets of earplugs in my bag)
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sens-dessus-dessous · 2 months
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cosmicmewtwo · 1 year
Do you think Bulma ever took Vegeta shopping for tailplugs?
half the DBZ fandom may have bailed for twitter, but clearly all the truly rich Fandom Discussion is still here on tumblr.com
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piratingsoup · 2 years
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emmaspolaroid · 6 months
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@lonely-cereal oh i get to explain this ship. ohhh my god. i don’t have the energy to put this in essay form, but here’s the breakdown of my Rayvio agenda 💜🖤
I personally prefer to ship Ray with someone who isn’t from Grace Field, for Isabella reasons 
and Violet is unlike anyone he’s ever met, in both looks and personality
but let’s be so serious: she looks like a slightly less feminine Norman, has Emma’s courage. the twist is her attitude. I think Ray would be drawn to her.
they instantly understood each other 👇
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they both try to pretend they’re cool and chill, when the opposite is true they care so so so much and have a natural inclination to protect 
they look like punk ass mallrat MySpace emo kids like that’s all i can really say on that aspect. but bro trust me on this just trust me
Ray guided her and the rest of the Goldy Pond kids back to the bunker, and it took two weeks, and they had a lot of time to get to know each other. Violet was relativity uninjured compared to the other GP main players, so she’s probably the one who Ray spoke to most often (aside from Lucas ofc) and they definitely worked together while getting such a huge group across that vast distance.  
And they had even more time to get close during the search for Cuvitadala. further reading. I think, if we’d gotten more fleshed out chapters from that part of the story, we’d see them interacting a lot more.
it’s not a jump to say they became friends pretty quickly, even less of a jump to suggest they have a solid dynamic. we saw them gang up on Emma for being reckless (really, they’re both worried about her), demonstrating that they’re on the same page, and they already move as a unit. 
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(we’re entering headcanon territory so just close your eyes and open your mind to my vision) While I assume Emma and Ray paired off most often during the search for Cuvitadala — they are the besties of all time after all — as well as Ray and Don, I see Violet and Ray being a surprisingly frequent pair. Gilda and Emma definitely take notice of this development.
now walk with me here, because in my expert opinion, this ship is a slowwwww burn. like it takes them almost a decade to actually get together. But they just vibe with each other. they hang out more and more after coming to the human world, growing steadily closer. 
Ray probably understands what’s happening and comes to terms with it first, deciding to simply Ignore these feelings until they go away. He thinks there’s just no way she’d ever like him like that. And seeing as he places such high value in friendship, he might even think it unfair to put those feelings on her. 
Violet is more hesitant, always cautious when it comes to investing emotionally. However, she knew early on this nerd was going to be a problem for her. She also elected to ignore these feelings, and it works for a decent amount of time. 
Time goes on, and they start to grow up. The dynamic changes a little, and their sarcastic banter has become more like play flirting, then more like actual flirting. They both think the other is 100% joking.
But Violet gets annoyed with the will-they-won’t-they a few years after they find Emma, and just decides to say Fuck It and kisses him to get it out of her system. this plan backfires, spectacularly. 
Ray is like Woah ?!?!!! 
They kinda just don’t talk about it and carry on like before, for a few weeks. Until she’s like “oh hey btw what the fuck is your problem” and he’s like “what’s UR problem” and then. bam. Rayvio. Vioray. You agree. 🙏
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x-dudes · 1 year
Thinking so hard about meeting Jake Lockley first and becoming his girlfriend. Jake tries to hide so much of himself to the point where Marc and Steven don't even know Jake exists yet, and you've never been told they exist either. The potential... The situational comedy... The Romance...
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Yaaaa shit, my laptop is fucked
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