#locust revival
cadaverkelly · 2 years
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therandomtapes · 10 months
we are only thankful for the tunes around here
I've been a little lax posting new shit, even on IG, so here are some recommendations
in 2020 i fell down some rabbit holes, and one of the rabbit holes was goth/post punk.
One of my current favorites is this band from Australia, Locust Revival. They began as a one-man project, but added two members last year. This is a brand new song, and one of their more shoegazey numbers.
I don't know how such a weird dissonant band can get catchier every album, but they do.
2023 has been grindcore year with so many bangers dropping, your fave may not even have the best record this year. (I'll show you the best grindcore record in just a minute). Atomck from the UK bring chaotic powerviolence with some unique vocal styles.
grindcore album of the year, right here.
there's been a sort of industrial metal revival in the underground, and if you ask me, Dome Runner are the stars. Combining Godflesh, Fear Factory (Concrete era) and taking it in a sludgy direction, they may have dropped the best EP of 2023.
My guy Marc dropped a new album this year. Instrumental bass and drums sludge doom, with tons of atmosphere.
Afterbirth's new album, which goes in some wild directions, more progressive than ever, while still keeping that brutality.
(I kind of have a guest vocal spot on this)
Garry Brents envisions an alternate universe where nu metal wasn't a mass produced major label creation in his new project Memorrhage.
hypnotic darkwave that gets stuck in your head for very long periods of time.
G.G. from Cosmic Putrefaction is back to take you on another journey. This time around, they venture in and out of some symphonic black metal.
. . .and I've hit my limit for audios in this post apparently. bleh.
follow me on Instagram for more tunes, and also live vids I take so I don't forget what shows i went to in 6 years (since nobody has physical tickets anymore.
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aqours · 10 months
i'm still mad about the last jurrasic world movie
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undergroundbillions · 4 months
Now announcing...
The Rag Dolly Revue!
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Live for the first time since 1986, come experience a selection of songs from the previously lost musical!
The Raggedy Ann Revival Effort will be performing a showcase of songs from the Rag Dolly musical on June 7th, during the Arcola Raggedy Ann Rally. Our cast will be singing concert-style alongside piano accompaniment by Hazel Hawlik. The Rag Dolly Revue will also be the public debut of new music arrangements and lyric revisions, with permission from the Raposo estate to use this performance as a test before discussing proper workshops. This is the first step towards our goal of a full revival.
Musical Numbers:
Gingham and Yarn
Carry On
The Light
Rag Dolly
Never Get Away
What Did I Lose/Somewhere
Gingham and Yarn Reprise
Presley Ellison, Gwyneth Gaunt, November Gorrell, Hazel Hawlik, Grey Lee, McKenah Rose, & Brooklyn Williams
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At the Arcola Masonic Lodge, 111 S Locust St, Arcola, IL
Doors open at 11, show begins at 11:30!
For more information, go to the Raggedy Ann Revival Effort website!
Interested in helping out? We're looking for volunteers for ushers and greeters! Contact us through our social media or on the Raggedy Ann Rally Discord Server.
Not attending the rally but would still like to help? Please consider donating to our Ko-Fi to help us cover the venue cost.
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virovac · 4 months
How I'd do a serious Space Ghost revival: a thought experiment
Serials stand alone with hints at Space Ghosts deeper character.
I've thought a lot about Calvin and Hobbes in how his parents interests are shown by what they are doing before he comes in , and the glimpse of Optimus Primal's desk in Beast Wars when we see his office that one time he's grilling Silverbolt.
Slightly more cynical take about the galactic society, not just because ACAB and other modern sentiments but helps explain things.
So Space Ghost I'd play as someone haunted, ironic for his name Why do two teens live with Space Ghost? Because the Space Foster System is terrible and he's not gonna put them in that situation and he doesn't know anyone else because he barely socializes. (I think the Dynamite comics gave them a criminal record as well)
Why does Space Ghost have a monkey? Have to get weirder with that but I've grown fond of him so lets go with: He was a trafficked animal that got mutated by accident by exposure to other contraband being carried, raising his intelligence. As a species of one he has no legal rights guaranteed and hides behind Space Ghost. Its an origin that fits the setting of poachers, slavers, smugglers, and classic sci-fi.
[This also opens up the idea of Space Ghost granting refuge to some more sympathetic antagonists once stopped, if he doesn't believe the Galactic Patrol jails makes people better. This could add a supporting cast.]
Now how Space Ghost got his power bands or his own planet his control not sure I'm not sure I'd fully elaborate on, since I like the idea people think of him as like a ghost that came from nowhere and it baffles people.
This also allows a more organic hatred to develop with like Zorak. He was a vile warband leader, doing great, and this NOBODY shows up out of nowhere and suddenly things are going terribly.
Villain portrayal
The villains are slightly more comedic, but its never heavily lampshade. Less is more.
Example idea: Lokar is loquacious like in Adult Swim because that is a good stealth pun.
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His evil plans always involve locusts, but they may be mechanical, cyborgs, mutants, turning people into locust men...or when creative: cyborg mutant locust men
But he's always taken seriously as a mad terrorist just with an obsession.
Another idea is making Spider Queen comment on Space Ghost's handsomeness in banter but not taking it to stalking levels of Coast to Coast. But it can sometimes make the teens uncmofortable.
References to more comedic media
Not going full shared universe but some stuff could work well
Pepper could be shown as Zorak's date at some villain gathering (though I'd add a cool scifi dome for his exposed brain)
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Brak could have entertainment businesses like nightclubs and casinos as fronts for criminal activity, to combine the Adult Swim comedic wannabe-entertainer aspect with the suave and sophisticated original take.
Backgrounds and Atmosphere
I suggest using lots of different caves from spelunker manuals as artistic references for alien landscapes. Want to emphasize the vastness and beauty of the universe, but also how much of it is desolate.
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ljomi-silvanius · 9 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank you for the tag @etheirys!! Tagging anyone who actually sees this 💚
L- Loved Despite Great Faults by Blonde Redhead J- Just Need Some Space by GRAYSONS O- Out of Focus by Ioanna Gika M- Masquerade by Beach House I- IF THE POISON WON'T TAKE YOU MY DOGS WILL by Lingua Ignota
S- Spellwork by Austra I- I Feel Worse When I'm With You by ADULT. L- Lady of the Flood by Hawthonn V- Violence and Misery by Mütterlein A- A CORPSE DOESN'T LIE by Locust Revival N- Næturblóm [Night Flowers] by Kælan Mikla I- Incapable of Regret by Rasputina U- Unravel by Björk S- (The) State of Undress by Patriarchy (I always love music meme things but never share taste with anyone so it's just me having fun in the corner. Sad I wasn't able to fit her voiceclaim in, but I could get her horrible sense of humor with A Corpse Doesn't Lie. )
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
What's your opinion on Jurassic Park? I'm at a dinosaur Park and is... disappointing. I liked th lego series though, never saw the movies, but planning to.
I like Jurassic Park. I agree with the many that it's the best of the Jurassic franchise. A lot of the characters are likable, you care enough that you want to see them survive, and it's a really good suspenseful horror.
It's actually something I wish Jurassic as a franchise stuck with, I think it better performed when it was a suspenseful, surviving horror story, cause by set up, it should be. These are revived ancient creatures that we have limited understanding of, and because there are modifications that don't have them matching up with the true dinosaurs, there's even less understood and more unpredictability cause what we know now may not even fit with these chimeras. And Jurassic Park was a forewarning to humanity being proud and zealous enough to play God and that's part of the appeal of horror, some of it is a forewarning to what could come or choices, like, Alien is a forewarning to letting in disease without real caution for it. There's also some forewarning the dangers of climate change.
Either way, nowadays Jurassic franchise is more suspenseful action. Which, some of that action is good, like, World's climatic fight was amazing to watch. But many of it doesn't have that same hit that JP has, and I think a big part of that is a loss of the horror aspect. Like, much of World, you don't fear for people's safety, and some of the choices made are... kinda dumb. Like Dominion, you got dinosaurs loose on the world, no fences, they can be amongst the people, walking into cities, disrupt livelihoods, sets up dino apocalypse is happening! But no, the locust are the BIGGEST threat and it's... what? I was so ready to see civilization uprooted, what would be done, the chaos of it all and it's like no, let's focus on the big bugs. The dinos are good, they're not a threat or the major focus.
I was so mad.
I think the only ones that got close to old JP level of quality was Camp Cretaceous s1 and s3, and the short film, Battle at Big Rock; all three were suspenseful and nerve wracking. Especially BaBR, that was scary to watch the first time, and it made me so pumped of what Dominion might've been bringing in.
Anyway! Jurassic Park, amazing. It still holds up great, I also think it was better than the book, more with the characters being more likable and more rooting for their survival. The book I was rooting for the dinosaurs more cause I didn't like most of the characters or root for their survival. Though I'll give the book was more terrifying and had some really gory gruesome deaths, some of which I'm ok with the movie not including.
And I wish the rest of the franchise kept in that horror aspect of old JP; I do think the only ones that came close where those 2 specific seasons of Camp Cretaceous and Battle at Big Rock.
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dustedmagazine · 11 months
Ampichino \ Rich the Factor — Midwest Tygoons (Double F)
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Midwest Tygoons is a welcome collaboration between two veterans. Their sound is stuck in the mid-2010s, but it perfectly revives the spirit of the Jacka’s music.
The two “tygoons” share a region, but also a mentor. Both worked with the late Jacka, Ampichino more closely but the Jack gave space on his albums to Rich the Fac as well. It’s been almost 15 years since the last collaboration between Am and the Jack (not counting the posthumous CD). The Devil Rejectz series remains one of Ampichino’s crowning achievements, establishing him as an artist of great talent, not just the Jacka’s sidekick. Rich the Factor has been paving his own path in Kansas since 1997. He’s put out an insane amount of material, more than 50 albums and mixtapes combined.
We don’t know why they took so long to make this collaboration. Midwest Tygoons is a blast from the past, totally nostalgic in its sound and style for the early 2000s drug rap. It can be easily mistaken for a Bay Area tape, with its minimalistic and creepy production. Both artists have nothing to prove now. Maybe this is what makes this tape so smooth. Past their prime, they’ve found a niche and feel quite relaxed in their drug kingpins position.  They also bring younger blood, like Berner, Young Bossi and King Locust, artists the Jack worked with.
Ampichino captures the spirit of the album on the chorus for “Heartbeat”: “We big whales with sharp teeth \ Trying to chase mail on these dark streets \ Under the street lights we spark heat \ Put your ear to the turf and hear my heartbeat.”  Rich the Factor’s unusual mumbly flow and Am’s overly emotional delivery lay smoothly on slow beats.
Even though Midwest Tygoons was released on Ampichino’s label, the tape has all the flaws of Rich the Factor’s music. Roughly half of the songs here last longer than they should, and a few tracks wiggle and waggle with no clear focus.
If Midwest Tygoons was released 15 years ago it would have been a clear hit. Today, it is a dose of nostalgia for those who miss Bay Area \ Midwest collaborations in the vein of The Devil Rejectz. And there is nothing wrong with nostalgia if the dosage is right.
Ray Garraty
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there’s something so sinister about chuckie finster overdrive as a title following chuckie finster
like in the context of an episode summary of chuckie dying to being consumed by locusts and being revived as a godlike entity overdrive is a scary word to use for some reason
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smithqjohns · 2 years
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4. Hollyhock (1921) - drove by the Hollywood Bowl to get here. Open to public but not on the day we went. “The house and grounds were used as the temple of the Piranha Women in 1989's Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death… Overlooking Hollywood Boulevard to the east and presenting panoramic views west towards the Pacific Ocean, the 36-acre hilltop estate south of Griffith Park was originally slated to include multiple structures dedicated to the arts. An eventual rift between Barnsdall and architect Frank Lloyd Wright meant that only three buildings would be completed: Hollyhock House, named after Miss Barnsdall’s favorite flower, and two other structures referred to as “Residences A and B.” As the members of the first generation of California Plein-Air Painters aged and died, the membership was filled by younger professional painters… other notable members include Sir Winston Churchill…” (see pics)
5. Ennis House (1924) - We almost didn’t go see this one, especially considering what we had seen so far felt rather disappointing (at least the upkeep) - and it was getting too dark, we had had a long day, and it was past dinner time. My pics and a lot of the ones online don’t do this justice. One of the most intriguing homes I’ve ever seen in California or anywhere really. I’m actually glad we saw it at night with the lights too. A majestic castle. I highly recommend checking this out at dusk if you’re in/near L.A. “The Ennis House— not to be confused with the Pennis House- is a veritable Hollywood icon, with over 80 screen appearances. Perched atop a hill in the Los Feliz neighborhood, it is among the best residential examples of Mayan Revival architecture in the country. The Ennis House rises in stages, with over 27,000 blocks arranged across a concrete platform and buttressed by a retaining wall… The concrete—a combination of gravel, granite and sand from the site—was hand-cast in aluminum molds to create blocks measuring 16”x 16” x 3.5” that were then woven together with steel rods, giving the textile block houses their name. Due to its exoticism, the house has served as the backdrop in numerous films, commercials and tv shows including House on Haunted Hill, Day of the Locust, Mulholland Drive, The Rocketeer, Rush Hour, Twin Peaks, Westworld 2019, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Predator 2, Beverly Hills Cop II, and Blade Runner.” (see pics)
My list of Frank Lloyd Wright creations that I didn’t see this time but hopefully will one day: 1. James Daniel Derby House (2535 East Chevy Chase Drive) 2. George Sturges House and 3. The Oboler Complex
-Went to the 1901 Speakeasy at Heritage Square at night (and went by the next day for coffee). Had a delicious white wine from Oregon that is now my new favorite (see pics)
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cadaverkelly · 2 years
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farfrompleasant · 2 years
Happy Freyja Friday!!! 💖🎉😘
It's almost your actual one year anniversary with the freyby! What a beautiful journey and union you two have had 💞💞💞 to many more!!!
TWO sheds in two months?! Miss Thing is back to doing the most I see! How are you two faring these days? How's school treating ya?
Philly actually planted a lot of honey locust for beautification/urban green planning, and I've read/seen that you can take the seed pods and boil the sweet um goo (??? I'm not a scientist lol) out of them to make a natural plant-based sweetener! But, obviously all the seed pods I see have been crushed by cars and feet and rained on and peed on etc etc so that's a no go 😢
One day, my foraging dreams will come true lol have you seen Alexis Nikole Nelson's (aka the Black forager) content on social media? She's super awesome.
A feeble attempt was made to revive the book club but it's still pretty dead lol at least we have this 😘
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I made a dog fort out of our bed when it was really cold last month and Nova was hogging it the other day 😂
Happy Freyja Friday!!!
I’m actually on time chdhhdhdhdjskendbjdjf, absolutely insane!💀 it will be an entire year I’m just two days and I can’t cope! It feels like we’ve been with each other for a much longer time, and I’m just baffled at the fact that she grew to love me in just a year😳 it’s giving fall in love at a certain amount of time trope, if you know what I mean then you know! (I hope you do…) but still, thank you friend… you’re the sweetest evers!🥺❤️ and I want you to know that with every union, you’re also apart of it as you were there during the early days of my journey with this scaly girl c;
I still can’t get over the back to back shedding, and apparently neither can Freyja. Her beard has been dark during the process😅 anywho, I am doing okay. Between school, work, and having minor health issues going on I think I’m tackling things rather well. As for our girl, she’s a lot happier these days; we’re expanding her diet, and gathering accessories for her enclosure in hopes of sprucing it up! And she’s always warm despite the bitter winter biting us all in the rear before it’s officially spring. Seriously, thank goodness for ceramic heating!
Honey locus? I have to look that up, friend! I didn’t know that was a tree 🥺 very mesmerizing tree with a cool base and warm, autumn favored leaves… I want to see more of those! Philly has good taste. Got me romanticizing a type of tree 🤭 wait— so you’re saying that with this sweet goo that is extracted from these pods, you can make an organic sweetener?! That’s amazing 🤩 I hate that there’s no real opportunity to do that given that you’re living in a city where plant life/resources aren’t necessarily considered(?) Like, if it was cleaner and plants weren’t looked at as embellishments, then that it would totally be doable imo 🥺
I can’t wait to witness your foraging, I just know that it would bring me so much joy as a) you are doing your hobby and b) you’re sharing it with me and teaching me a few things along the way c; I can’t say that I heard about Alexis Nikole Nelson or any of her work but I’ll check it out whenever I can find some time ☺️
And 😭 rip to our bookclub! It was initially productive, and I loved being apart of it along with just hearing everyone’s perspectives on the material c: not to mention I totally bragged about it to my therapist at one point 🤭 it’s a flex, okay! I feel that there may be a revival period if someone finds a really good read 😂
That is soooo cute friend! A doggie fort sounds so cozy and I know for a fact that some cuddles took place 🥰 and of course Nova is basking in the comfort of it all, I really love that for her❤️ I hope Abbie and Lizzie are getting their turns whenever they can lolol and that Wallace and Heller are experiencing great comforts as well in their own feline way c: I feel like they probably squeeze their way into certain nooks and crannies that would incite a war if bothered or removed 😂😅
And of course, I hope Philly weather is being kind to you my good friend 🥰 hope you are feeling well and will continue to prosper in any way you see fit!
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This is a day after her second shed, she’s obsessed with resting here again for whatever reason c:
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wilted · 2 years
why did the locust post get revived again im killing rn
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gargoylez123 · 28 days
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4415 Daisy Meadow Dr
Katy Tx 77449
Brandon and Kay;
require German blood transfusions
require Scottish blood transfusions
War heroes
Sara Kaye
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jodilin65 · 34 years
SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1990 Last night I was over to Andy’s for a few hours watching TV and listening to tapes, and I’ve finally finished all my editing!! I edited all those phone calls with us crossing people, and with Fran and Nervous arguing, amongst a lot of other shit. I’m also gonna continue to work on the funny edits. What I mean by the “funny edits,” is when I take either one word or a quick sentence that’s funny, such as Nervo swearing or getting Nervous. Or Andy, Fran or myself saying something funny, and taping it over and over a few times so it sounds like a broken record. It’s totally hilarious. I don’t think I ever wrote about this before.
Currently, I have someone on the phone, who’s been on now for well over an hour, of course, not saying anything, so I’ve played them the edits and other shit over the phone. I wonder if they’re still listening or if they fell asleep.
TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1990 I’ll try to write as much as I can about happy things, but right now I don’t feel too cool. I’m lonely, I guess, and the usual battle with smoking is driving me crazy. I feel I’ll never be able to quit, and my asthma and constant congestion are a nightmare! It’s really scaring me. Oh well. Whatever’s meant to be will be no matter what I do or don’t do.
Saturday I get paid and I’m swamped with fucking bills! There are things I need and want that I’ll never be able to get for a very long time.
Yes, I really do want to move to CT and get the fuck outa this city, but I’ll miss my friends and neighbors.
I had a really good session today with Martha. I’m starting to feel more comfortable with her, although I still miss Trisha. Martha sure is one hell of an attractive lady.
MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1990 Yesterday I slept all day and woke up at 9:00 last night. When I awoke I saw that Jai was back so we talked a while then walked up to Lil’ Peach on Belmont, came back, talked a little more, then Jai went to bed.
Last night I knocked on Steve’s door, but I guess he was asleep. Earlier he had sounded as though he was upset about something.
Andy and I made phone calls last night till 3:00, and I’m staying up till after therapy.
I never did write about what happened with me and Kacey, or about this girl Stacey.
Well, I didn’t fuck Kacey over and she never fucked me over, but we got scared off of one another cuz we’re so used to being alone, and I guess Kacey wasn’t quite ready and her feelings weren’t that strong for me. I definitely know, though, it was more than just sexual, but I also know she never quite got over this girl Angie that she was with for 4 years.
I also think it was God once again having me dumped by one of the decent ones cuz love just wasn’t meant to be for me. Never has been, never will be. I will never, and I repeat never, get involved again cuz it’s just not worth it and I do like to be alone 80% of the time.
I’ll write about Stacey later.
I am now at CC. I have 20 more minutes till I see Martha.
Linda S just walked by, and I get so embarrassed every time she does cuz of the phone calls I made to her about a year ago. I don’t know if I wrote about it, but I called and hit on her. At first, she didn’t know who the hell I was, but then she recognized my voice.
I’m starting to get pretty tired. I just want to go home and climb into bed, but first I’m gonna call Stacey and have a word with her, and eventually, I’ll write about her. I also have to call John, too.
SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1990 Right now I am on the phone with Andy making prank phone calls.
Last night I was over at Steve’s and finally fell asleep at 7:30. Then at noon, there was a car accident on Locust St. No one was hurt, but I never went back to sleep so I went down to the store and hung out for about 3 hours and played cards with Louis.
Before I went to the store I talked to John who just got back from Daytona Beach and sounded in a great mood and revived. He needed that vacation.
I’m gonna go listen to music then try to get some sleep. I’m just totally exhausted. Andy’s still gonna be up all night making calls so I told him he could leave them on my machine. He’s got 30 minutes’ worth of tape. He’ll have a field day.
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1990 After I came back from grocery shopping with Andy, I ate dinner and went across to Steve’s and gave him some tips on all kinds of stuff such as hair, makeup and nails, and even filed and buffed his nails which he really liked. Then we showed each other pictures from photo albums.
In a little over 21 hours, I’ve had about 5 cigarettes and he’s had maybe 3. I’m really not craving one that bad either, and those 5 that I had were 98% psychological. I think my mind is smart enough and strong enough now to hopefully get up the willpower cuz my lungs and nose are worsening by the day and as time goes on you get madder and madder at feeling so lousy. And then there’s my singing to worry about too, and saving money, gaining weight, and getting a better complexion and blood circulation. It’s amazing how much time it’s been taking too, to realize my price for smoking and that it’s no joke anymore when one day your lungs say, “I can’t take this anymore! Quit!” But then again, I’m not surprised, as it took me years to wean my way off the Navane. Years ago, I never thought I could stop cutting my wrists or that I’d ever make so many personal strides, except for my temper. The only thing I know that can never be is a loving relationship with a woman. As for a baby, I don’t know yet. I do hope so, but that’ll probably never happen either.
THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1990 I woke up right before my show, watched that, took a shower and went out with Andy for a little while.
John R, this undercover cop I know, who’s also a security guard at Mercy Hospital where we met, is back from vacation. He left a message on my machine yesterday afternoon before I woke up. I’ve known him for a little more than 3 years.
One day I was at the little variety store down the end of Locust, and the guy there, Louis, who’s super nice and lots of fun to work with, hired me. I’ve only worked about 3 days so far cuz I’m waiting for him to leave so I can take over his hours managing the store alone. So basically, those 3 days I worked were just to get me familiar with the store which is very tiny.
Gloria’s in the hospital with a broken vertebrate cuz a huge truck rammed her tour bus in the rear on a snowy road in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I guess she was on her way to Syracuse, New York. That poor girl. I love her so much and I feel so bad for her. I mean, this woman has so much class and is so respected that it doesn’t seem fair. Emilio got a head injury and Nayib broke his collarbone but they’ve been released from the hospital. Gloria’s received tons of phone calls and cards and flowers and I heard that President Bush came to see her.
In about 20 minutes me and Andy are going grocery shopping at Super Stop & Shop on Boston Rd.
Steve called from work which was so sweet of him. Last night we had a great conversation and we’re both trying to quit smoking together. Since 7:30 yesterday morning, he’s had one which he said made him feel so dizzy he put it out, and since 7:30 yesterday morning I’ve had two and they made me feel like shit so we’re both gonna keep trying to just take one day at a time. Steve said he’s gonna quit regardless of people smoking in front of him.
Steve is a pretty positive and supportive person who doesn’t try to knock down people’s self-esteem.
Earlier I fed George, Jai’s cat. Jai’s in Virginia visiting Jenny. He’ll be back Sunday. Jai and Jenny are also the sweetest people.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1990 It’s been 40 days since I’ve written, and I know I should write every day to keep updated and so I don’t forget anything, whether it’s important or not. If I write on a daily basis I can write not only the important things but also little details too. And the little details may not seem so important now, but someday, after a long time has gone by and I look back on this stuff, I may see things differently.
I am working now down the street at a little variety store/Laundromat called Rub-a-Dub. Of course, it’s in the daytime and it’s under the table at $3.50 an hour, but shit pay’s better than no pay. I wasn’t working today but I stopped in to get some candy bars and some “Lucy’s,” which is when you buy just 3 cigarettes.
Also, I left this journal last Monday in Martha’s office, so I stopped in to pick it up (I wonder how much of this she read). Martha looked great.
Andy drove me today and he had errands to do too, such as stopping at welfare for an hour, then cashing his check.
I’m gonna drop off to sleep, but first I have to go set the VCR for Unsolved Mysteries.
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scumgristle · 8 months
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