#loetise . 003 .
unpossession · 2 years
Willow’s Journal   |  Page    ??? /  ???
Allie  lights  up  a  room  with  a  simple  smile,      without a thought and without a doubt in her mind that it’s the right thing. Allie doesn’t worry about her teeth, or her hair getting stuck in her lip-gloss. Allie is perfect, and it isn’t like she has to try very hard, but she still tries, just to be fair to the rest of us. Allie is sweet and when I close my eyes and think of her I smell the fairground, caramel popcorn and candy-floss. Today Allie touched my ribbon and it didn’t feel so bad, because there isn’t a bad bone in her body, and she would never hurt me. 
Even if I hurt her, which I’m sure I have, which I hate myself for. Allie is incapable of hurting, but she has been hurt. How is that fair? 
Allie, barbie-doll, pastel-pink-purple-blue-and-gold,  Allie, a psychedelic rainbow of love and like-likes and forget-me-nots. Crossing her fingers and locking her lips with Willow ‘I’m so sorry, I can’t come out tonight because the walls are closing in on me again and I love the feeling of the pressure on my chest.  Allie, all smiles and sunshine insisting on her cup of stars and nursing my worst tempers with sugar-water. 
Allie wilts in the winter. She’s so soft, I think, and I don’t know what she sees in me. She doesn’t pity, she only loves. I think that is admirable. I think I am all pity, sometimes. I don’t love anything until it’s left me and the things I keep I keep because I feel sorry. I want to be more like Allie, I want to hold Allie’s hand, I want to have that same twinkle in my eye. But I am all winter. The only glow I ever get is of the fire. A pale imitation of the sun she radiates. 
for @loetise ! 
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khozmoh · 2 years
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❝  i’m  not  alone,  i  have  you,  ❞  cosmo  said  informingly,  his  lips  tugged  gently  into  that  trademark  half  grin  of  his.  cosmo  shifted  slightly  from  where  he  was  sitting,  the  pair  of  them  splayed  out  on  the  grass  at  one  of  san  fran’s  local  parks.  the  smell  of  wildflowers  and  freshly  clipped  grass  surrounded  them,  and  he  could  still  taste  the  chocolate  mint  ice  cream  on  his  tongue  as  he  pulled  out  his  phone.
          ❝  and  i’ve  got  people  .  .  .  friends,  ❞  he  explained  as  he  opened  his  photo  gallery  and  handed  his  phone  over  to  allie  to  browse  through.  he  had  an  album  for  each  member  of  the  mccall  pack,  most  candid  shots  taken  while  no  one  was  looking.  ❝  they  just  don’t  live  here,  ❞    //    @loetise​  ♡’d  for  a  starter .
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publicabsent · 1 year
@loetise: hold me. please hold me. / accepting.
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she's holed up in the nurse's cabin, allie with her. annette had been ready to patch up any kids (mostly shadysiders) who'd gotten bumps or scrapes from capture the flag, but the reality of this is far worse than she could have imagined. the two small counselors are pressed against a wall under an open window, to hear if whoever is out there killing people approaches. her reluctance toward touch is trumped by both fear & allie's request, frail arms wrapping around the blonde tightly. "w-we -- we h-h-hav-ve to be ... be qu-quiet ... j-jus-st. jus' in c-case."
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sunnyvaler · 2 years
front door wide open, chaos to be seen wherever you look. just inside the house lays the trophy case that makes kurt look like the perfect son, and next to it on the floor lays a puddle of blood. clearly the start of the path, not the end, a blood stained knife sits neatly on the table, as if placed down calmly. along the floor is a dotted trail of blood, a sight that no one ever wants to see. red droplets lead up the stairs and to the bathroom, where kurt is found sitting on the floor, sobbing as he attempts to stitch up the bloodied gash on his leg. stitching up his own wounds is hardly a good idea, but the blonde is so desperate to keep the horrors of his life a secret that he resolves to poor choices.
he looks up when the floor creaks, half expecting to see the terrifying silhouette of his mother in the doorway, asking why he hasn’t cleaned up the mess he’d made yet. but instead it’s a friend, a figure he trusts — but a figure he doesn’t want to admit the truth to. “i— i fe—fell.” spoken through gentle sobs before they get a chance to ask, though the lie is obvious. even without the knife sat downstairs (the weapon so clearly not used by kurt), this isn’t the kind of injury you get from just tripping, and there’s nothing around he could’ve fallen on to cause this kind of damage. but he sticks to the story, even if it’s a shitty one. needle is slippery in blood covered hands, but he manages to once again push it through skin, whimpering and sobbing at the pain. hands shake as he pulls tightly, though there’s still most of the gash to go and it’s obvious that if kurt keeps this up he’ll pass out. “i’m fi— ‘m fine.”
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forbaesa · 2 years
@loetise​     ♡’d !
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                  “     why do these things always happen to me?     ”    
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northliights · 2 years
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name : Aurora Phillips
eye colour : blue
hair style & colour : auburn, wavy/curly, usually falling well past her shoulders
height : 5′3″
clothing style : at home she’s fairly casual - jeans, sweaters or tank tops, sometimes a button-down she stole from Lucas that is ten times too big for her. she does enjoy dressing up to go out, and her one indulgence is the mile-high heels she favors whenever she can get away with them. at work she wears clothing that will help her blend in with whatever situation and location she finds herself, whether it’s an office building with its high-end professional attire (think three piece suits and pencil skirts) or more obscure locations with specific clothing requirements (nursing scrubs to slip into a hospital unnoticed, waitress uniform at a restaurant where an important meeting is taking place, that sort of thing) she tailors her wardrobe to suit the needs of her job. 
best physical feature : her eyes, though she believes her hair is a close second. 
fears : being caged, smothered by other people’s expectations and demands
guilty pleasure : hour-long bubble baths
biggest pet peeve : ignorance
ambitions for the future : to make a name for herself. when daddy is a member of parliament, it’s difficult to build a reputation for yourself without people tying your success to your famous father. she despises him and goes out of her way to disavow any and all connection to him.
first thoughts waking up : no.
what they think about most : once upon a time (no pun intended) her career had been the sole focus of her life. she worked 20 hour days and never stopped moving, always pushing for another story, another break, something to fill the empty spaces. but then she met Lucas. now she sleeps in (!!) on days off, and more often than not her thoughts seem to find their way to him even when she’s meant to be focusing on her work. 
what they think about before bed : Lucas. always Lucas.
what they think their best quality is :  intelligent
single or group dates : single.
to be loved or respected : both. she demands it.
beauty or brains : if forced to choose one, brains.
dogs or cats : cats. small, independent, and vicious if you piss them off. she can relate.
LAYER 005 : DO THEY …?
lie : she is honest almost to a fault, unless she’s going after info on a story. she doesn’t see that as lying, per se, but rather a form of acting. it helps her sleep at night.
believe in themselves : fiercely
believe in love : before? no. now? absolutely.
want someone : yes
been on stage : yes. several times. buy her a drink and she might tell you about it.
changed who they were to fit in : in her professional life, almost daily. in her personal life? never.
favourite colour : purple
favourite animal : fox
favourite book :  the witching hour - anne rice
favourite game :  trivial pursuit
day their next birthday will be : february 4th, 2023
how old will they be : 29
i love : Lucas.
i feel : content...for the first time in my life.
i hide : a great deal from nearly everyone. hazards of the job.
i miss : my mother.
i wish : I could stop time, make a moment last for a lifetime. 
tagged by : no one. i stole it fair and square.
tagging : @spynorth @piraticalwit @lokadottr @liarincommand @pyreshe @pizzatheif @scapedgrace @munstrum @fatecrafted @loetise @crimeloyalty​ @marblecarved @verreprincesse @ofhumanvoice​ @webreak (muse of your choice!) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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destage-arch · 2 years
SEND ME A 💖 AND I WILL SELECT SOME MUSES OF MINE I WOULD LIKE TO THROW AT YOU ! @loetise    ( not being accepted right now )​
[ 001 ]      a.my march , i feel like they could have a really compatible energy. she has verses that could really slot her anywhere and i think a more fantasy tone could fit super well. [ 002 ]     s.teve harrington , falling into either one of your s.tranger things verses - there’s also the scope of moving him and changing the horrors in his world which could be fun. [ 003 ]    m.ia thermopolis , she’s already canonically a disney princess i think we can give her a really cool mixed verse where there’s some fae ... maybe there’s a crisis around them that needs a princess’s support.     [ 004 ]     a.lly liu , name twins. they’re a drummer in a band and they’re the best band ever and yes, i think they’re probably quiet different vibes but my ally is actually really nice so maybe a vibe. [ 005 ]     c.olin bridgerton , we all love a bridgerton au and i think it really lends itself pretty well to the concept of the fantastical.
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unpossession · 2 years
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The  party  has  reached  a  lull,     not many people are dancing or throwing themselves around or laughing. Confined into one room, groups begin to corner off, cliques are formed within the partygoers and soon all there is in the room is the thump of bass and the sound of conversation. Not really a “lose” situation to Willow, but she can see that Allie is bothered by it. She thrives on energy, Willow has noticed. The kind of energy that Willow herself absolutely cringes from. Four glasses of vodka coke in, she’s starting to loosen up, though. 
Which is why when Allie asks: 
“ can't we just... make out, or something? “     --   @loetise​
She actually isn’t too nervous about answering truthfully. 
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              “I mean, yes, obviously.”        Willow smiles, leans in, and presses her lips to Allie’s in a gentle, yet firm kiss.
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