unpossession · 7 months
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@ohfiendangelical said: i just want to acknowledge your technique.
Willow looks confused, but a little pleased. She leans her head to one side, nudging his shoulder with her temple as she continues to play. Her foot bounces on the pedal of the piano in line with each note, changing the tone where necessary... It's something she's trying to practice. For a second, she thinks that practice might be paying off.
Zero's usually very cutting observations about her make her wary of such a build-up. She half-expects him to lay her out now with some kind of sharp, blunt example of her manipulative nature. Your technique, you know? How you make everybody feel bad to do exactly what you want them to do. He wouldn't be wrong, but she's filled with stupid, dumb hope that she might be getting praised for something.
"What about it?" She smiles over at him before quickly turning her attention back to the keys.
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asuyaka · 11 months
I saw that you write for BSD, so can I request a Dazai x Male Reader(could be gn too, I'm fine with whatever) where the reader is also a detective from ADA and they are bloody rich and they love giving Dazai the royal treatment? I'm talking about carrying his stuff for him, buying whatever he wants without even needing to ask for it, paying for literally everything, making him snacks that they know he will like, opening doors for him, letting him walk on the safer side of the street, giving him flowers, playing with his hair, changing his bandages for him, carrying him around when he doesn't want to use his legs, showering him with kisses and compliments, praising him for his work and constantly expressing how proud they are of him, the whole nine yards.
I just want that man to get some good pampering, heaven knows he needs it.
★ - aaaa!!! 'm sooo glad 'm gettin BSD reqs!! >_< dazai isn't really 'm cup of tea, but 'm think he's okay ! (≧∇≦)ノ
☆ - Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader — Can be read as Male reader!
♡ - It's 'm first time tryin' ta write kissin' scenes 'n stuff so please tell me if it's good! Constructive criticism is heavily 'ppreciated! ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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It's not an understatement to say you're wealthy. You've worked hard to get where you are now, been through your fair share of trauma to finally live a somewhat stable life in the ADA.
Someone as wealthy as you with no family members to spoil should have someone to make feel worthy, right?
You do. Your best friend, and somehow boyfriend, Dazai Osamu, and his ever-so-concerning suicidal tendencies.
You love him more than anything, as cheesy as that may sound. And you spoil him to make sure he knows that too. Sure, Kunikida may call it a waste of money, but what will you do with it? You're happy in your quaint little ADA-issued dorm room, and sure people might berate you for not buying a million-dollar mansion but that's a waste of money.
You might be millions upon millions of yen wealthy, but you're humble with it.
Not with your spending on Dazai but... he's your boyfriend, who cares?
You walk into the main ADA office with a bright smile on your face. Not that your expression is visible, there's a massive array of flowers covering it.
"[Name] is doing it again," Yosano says as she rolls her eyes. She was the one who with her expert wingman skills, brought you and Dazai together and you'll always be greatful for that.
You wave at Atsushi who was always front and center at you and Dazai's 'gross lovey-dovey actions' as Tanizaki says.
Atsushi gets up, knocking on the Director's door. "Dazai-san, [Name]-san is here for you."
You shift the bouquet from your center to your left side, hiding an array of gifts in the bag you bought as well.
Dazai walks out of the Director's office, hands in his pockets as he pats Atsushi's head. "Alright, what is it this—" His eyes widen when they meet yours.
This isn't the first time you've given Dazai gifts that were obviously expensive. There was a time when you gave him a car and quickly learned how horrible of a driver he was so you weren't making that mistake ever again.
"All of this is for... me?" Dazai points at himself exasperatedly, his eyes wandering around your frame. The bouquet was almost twice your size, full to the brim with pink flowers— flowers he could easily recognize.
They were Camelllias. Flowers that meant love.
"Come, come! There's more for you." You beamed, putting the flowers down and handing him the bag.
Naomi was curious about what was in it the second you walked past the reception, Kenji, was just a naturally curious person.
Dazai pulls out a sharkitty plush. There were two of them, one in black and another in grey. "Oh, they're matching! I thought they looked cute so—"
"They're amazing— you're amazing." Dazai breathes out, a soft tint of red on his face.
Ranpo makes an overexaggerated gagging noise, leaning back against his chair with a lollipop in his mouth.
"I can easily stop supplying you with candy."
Ranpo takes that as an easy warning, immediately going back to doing his work.
"I have a date reserved for us if you aren't busy?" Your voice comes out sheepishly as if it's your first time asking Dazai out. In front of his co-workers it is, but with the amount of PDA you two do, asking him out shouldn't be this embarrassing.
"Who do you think I am? Of course, they have crabs."
Dazai smiles, grabbing the bouquet and letting you lead the way. You two begin walking, bidding farewell to your co-workers as you speed up a bit, opening the door for him.
"Ughh— just get out already! No one wants to see you two fawn over each other!" Ranpo yells from his chair. You hear Dazai laugh as he waves one final goodbye, glad he doesn't have to do anymore work, and glad he gets to spend time with you— his partner.
You close the door shut, grabbing the stuff from Dazai's arms so he doesn't have to carry anything. He pressed a kiss on your cheek. He loves you, so so much.
"You didn't have to spend so much on me, you know?" He says softly as he stuffs his hands in his pockets again.
"I don't care about my spending when they come to you, Dazai. I've told you this before, anything you want I'll get it for you. You're my boyfriend, and I love you. What more of a reason do I need?"
Dazai's cheeks burn bright. He's never been the one on the receiving end of flirting, but that all changed when he met you.
He's never felt love, romantic at least, until you came into his life.
He wishes you met Odasaku, you two would've gotten along. "I-I know, you're just—"
"Amazing? Perfect? Stunning? Ooo, maybe you're gonna call me beautiful!" You fill in for him, a cheeky grin on your face as you open the car door for him.
You put your gifts in the backseat, settling in the driver's seat with an adorning smile on your face. "Reward your doting partner with a kiss?"
Dazai rolls his eyes but brings his bandaged hand to your cheek. Your lips meet his in the middle and your hand rests atop his. The kiss was slow, your lips pressed against his like they were made for each other— like you two were made for each other.
You break the kiss in a pant, looking at Dazai with nothing short of fondness in your eyes. "You're great, you're so amazing Dazai."
"Shut up and kiss me."
You comply, now leaning over him as your lips press together, your teeth clacked against his. Dazai's tongue twirled with yours, pressing against the roof of your mouth, his hands settling on your hips as a groan left his mouth, your knee resting in the middle of his legs.
The two of you separated, looking at the voice with short breaths. Kunikida was standing in front of your windshield, an exasperated look on his face.
You wave an apology, fixing yourself up and sitting back in the driver's spot.
"You okay?" You ask quietly, you and Dazai's hand still intertwined.
"Dinner, right?"
You nod, pressing a final kiss on his cheek as you buckle him and then yourself. "I love you."
Dazai smiles, grabbing the black sharkitty plush from the back, and leaving it in his lap. "I have a crush on you." He says bluntly, his hands scratching the fur on the plushie's body.
You roll your eyes at Dazai's odd way of saying he loves you, but that's just how he is, and you couldn't have him any other way.
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mingos · 2 months
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in case you're ever wondering what writing as both doffy & cora is like.
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resonette · 1 month
don't worry , god will forgive us .
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(   van helsing. accepting. )
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" you. "
the correction comes like sacrilege, almost. how brazen the flower maiden is when she looks at the goddess, casts her eyes upon her beauty, and still yet finds the bravery to correct her. it will get her punished, of this she knows, but she is not afraid. not she, who has looked upon the world and found it wanting. not her, who is responsible for the continued existence of her people. she is not yet princess, nor queen here, but she knows she is integral to this survival. they have made no mistake in ensuring that the flower maiden knows she will be sacrificed. that is why she must climb the foreseer's tower, seek his guidance, find a cure for her ailment before it is too late. before she dies, unable to help her people.
" our god will forgive . . . you. "
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" but what of me? there is no happy ending for me. i do not get to wed, nor bear children, nor see the beautiful flowers i spent ages of my life planting bear fruit or seed. and what of me, o aurora, for the only way for the rest of my people to carry on is when my blood is spilt? is that why ASTRA has cursed me in this way? is that why you have come to look upon me before i enter the foreseer's tower as so many before me have? i am going to die anyways; i would rather it be at the hand of a man who can present unto me the truth than be laid upon an altar to a god who refuses to look upon me? "
golden eyes tear up, here, wet and wanting like the most divine of waterfalls. it is like she is watering her garden, here, with the way the tears so freely streak down her cheeks, pale skin reddening with each breath the philean girl takes. her hands are overturned, her palms extended. if the goddess so much as wanted her to prostrate herself before her, she would, to prove her point. had the most beautiful of auroras chosen mankind? had there been another to finally, FINALLY , see what the flower maiden had begged for years , eons , lifetimes of seeing ?
" do you wish ASTRA'S forgiveness? because i do. i would throw myself to the wolves one final time if it mean ASTRA would end this hellacious cycle that has been thrust upon me. i cannot remember the lives that came before my own, yet i know they exist. i am dying, goddess, and i am scared. please - do not bar my path. please, o most beautiful aurora. let me find my truths, so that i might die knowing i did all i could. "
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linagram · 3 months
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Hiii! Don't know if you remember me, I send you Naomi and Asahi sketches once. I want to repeat how much I like your project and I'd love to draw more for it, but I miscalculated how much free time I have so it took some time (I was supposed to finish the second drawing two months ago or smth...). Anyway! I present to you: the goddes of Linagram, Andou Miki! (I wuv her) Same as last time, I tried to make it look more like Milgram style, this time with color even. Not sure how accurate it turned out, but I kinda like the result. Tbh at first I just wanted to make an art of her, but now looking at the composition and background style... Dunno I just think it looks like it shoud be a series of art of wardens... I really want to make it into a series, but not sure if I will be able actually do it Aaand I guess I kunda screwed up some of her design details (jokes on you, I coildn't even be consistent with her design in my own drawings lol), but it's too late to change anuthing so whatever In the end I want to wish you good luck with both T3 Linagram and Linagram2 development! Oh, oh, and I also want to ask something, but you obviously don't have to answer: are there any special gestures or facial expression traits that your characters (both prisoners and wardens and maybe even victims or side chars) have that you'd like to point out? Like Shun having closed postures or Kei smiling a lot even if it doesn't look like he feels like it? I suppose you've talked about this before, or maybe someone even sent you a similar ask... If it's true, I'll search it!
SHDJAJASJKSJSJ SHE LOOKS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (and yes i remember you!) i love her expression in the first drawing so much she looks like a tiny scared kitten.. (and she kinda is one) i really love the shading on the second one too it looks so much like the milgram art style!! (and it's okay i kinda forget things when it comes to my own designs too 😭)
oh and also i haven't received an ask like that before so here it is! so sorry i think it turned out a bit long ><
akio is one of the characters who has changed the most throughout the seasons. in season 1 (and before milgram), he usually had this kind of annoyed or more serious face expression (but i really like to make his expressions look like he's a bit nervous or even scared maybe? like he's just putting up a front..)
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in season 2 he looks much more tired and traumatized for obvious reasons and he's supposed to look like he's in a lot of pain (and he is).
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and in season 3, he still looks very tired, but i like to think that now he just kind of.. accepted everything that happened to him. akio doesn't think he'll be able to live that long even if he's able to leave milgram so 😔 akio's character arc is just a humbling experience took too far
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aimi's an interesting case! she's actually a character who has the most consistent face expressions and by that i mean. she's literally almost never seen without a smile on her face.
like this art is the only exception??
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but also, in season 1 the faces she makes are usually more sad or apologetic-looking! she also likes to do. The Thing with her sleeves
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she still has some of that in season 2, but she starts to smile a bit more calmly and even confidently.
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and in season 3? she's in her girlboss era!! she's much more confident now, her smile is more wide, she doesn't look sorry at all!!
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but some of the art that is supposed to show her outside of milgram shows her having the same smile too.. like she started to look more "like a victim" only when she came to milgram.. huh..
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shun is a fun character to draw because most of the time he's either supposed to look stressed (or like "physically he's here, but he's not here mentally") or he's supposed to look so confident that it's kinda scary considering his usual personality. i like to think that in season 1 he mostly looked like the former and started to act like the latter in season 2 only to act like the former again in season 3 because of his punishment.
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like!! the difference!! also im not sure if it's easy to notice but when i draw shun i try to make his poses look a bit.. tense? i like to imagine his movements being a bit unnatural, almost like he's in pain or he genuinely doesn't know how to move or make certain poses. it also could be related to why he has his hands close to his face so often, it's almost like he's trying to check if he's real or not!
like aimi, naomi is almost always smiling and her expressions and poses are supposed to make her look like the "mom friend".
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she also has her hand on her chest very often, to make her look more.. confident, maybe? like she's supposed to have this "don't worry i'll take care of it :)" vibe!
SHE IS LITERALLY STILL SMILING EVEN IN SEASON 3 it's just that her smile is more wide now and it's supposed to make her look more unhinged rather than someone reliable. like aimi, literally the only case of her having a different face expression is this art.
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I HONESTLY CAN PUT KEI, EIKO AND RIKU IN THE SAME SECTION all of them are the smiley characters too but the way they act is a bit different.
kei's smile is supposed to show that there's something. Wrong with this man. like you shouldn't trust him. i'm also not sure if it's easy to see but kei often has this expression like he's looking down on someone. he's supposed to look all cool and when he's drawn with another character, he's almost always going to either look at them or look somewhere else, like there's another person that we don't see.
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this is also one of the reasons why this art with him and someone who is (or was?) very precious to him is so important bc he's!! looking UP at the boy!! and he's not smiling!!
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riku also likes to smile a lot but it's often supposed to look a bit. forced. it's like kei really believes that he's better than others and breaks when he realizes it's not true, meanwhile riku has the same belief about himself but he KNOWS he's not really special or unique, so he has no choice but to fake it until he makes it. when i draw riku, i always have this sort of rule (?) in mind: riku's smile is never sincere. he is always too worried about his image, popularity and reputation. he hates himself too much to be truly happy even for a moment. which is why him suddenly not smiling in his t3 art is so scary to me it's like.. idk, it's like he's too broken to even pretend to smile now..
eiko is very interesting bc unlike the guys she is a genuinely very confident woman! she doesn't have that many issues with her self-esteem, yes, she's a bit too much of a perfectionist, but honestly, she just has very high expectations from others and if we compare that to kei and riku's problems, that.. doesn't seem too bad to me. her expressions are also often supposed to look like she's laughing at someone or she's about to tell a joke or she's just being playful.
asahi's expressions are surprisingly hard to come up with when i draw him, so i usually just go with whatever i think is cute or shows his personality well. so most of the time he looks disgusted or angry, but i like to make his expressions adorable at the same time too! like akio, he also often looks a bit scared or stressed on the inside. he is also often seen chewing on something.
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yurika is another character i find hard to draw when it comes to expressions and poses.. but that's also why i like to take advantage of her. reputation in the linagram fandom and i like to make her look a bit insane!! i get to go crazy with her poses too like girl get a snickers or something!!
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and when she's not in a silly goofy mood she just looks kind of >:( i also have a rule similar to the one with riku: if yurika is smiling, her smile is usually fake.
tumblr pic limit is killing me we have to do the rest of this quick!!
reina is another character that changed a lot and if in season 1 she was usually seen smiling, she quickly dropped the facade after it ended and now she is only seen with a more cold and emotionless face expression. who knows, maybe she will smile again one day..
eiji, ironically, was supposed to have expressions and poses a bit similar to kei in season 1, but after it ended and the plot (and yurika) hit eiji badly, i can only imagine him looking more and more stressed with each day. the fact that he's actually similar to kei, but he can't pretend as well as he does..
miki is almost always seen being a bit sad or scared, and she only starts to smile more when season 2 begins and she starts embracing her role here. interestingly, her smile isn't supposed to look fake or forced, and it's actually more sincere compared to kei and riku. when season 3 starts, she lets her hair down and her eyes become more empty (same goes for eiji, who had "swirly" eyes in season 1 and the beginning of season 2) and her tone is more cold.
hinode is a bit.. too relaxed for a guard. he often presses a finger to his chin, like he's curious about something, he's always smiling and his smile is like.. you can't say it's sincere, but you can't say he's faking either. he also often has to lean on something or someone because he gets tired a bit too easily so he's usually seen either sitting or lying down and if he's standing, he's either leaning on a wall or someone's shoulder (usually miki's).
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kgmilgramau · 1 year
Why Carla and Penny hate each other?
Nugget: I can't explain it, so better to listen...
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Interrogation Log
003 penny
nugget: Ahem, I have a special question for you, 003. Why don't you like Carla?
003 : What!? No, no, haha, you got it wrong. I really like Carla. Even more than anyone else!
003: Carla doesn't like me. I don't understand why, and one day She try to punch me. If Felix hadn't stopped her , then I would have been punched until my cheeks were swollen haha.
003 : I think someday I'll be friends with her.
nugget : Got it, this question is over, done.
nugget : I wish you could do it.
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Interrogation Log
004 Carla
nugget: Ahem, I have a special question for you, 004. Why don't you like penny?
004 : Hmmm, is it that obvious? So you probably know why
004 : you seen that face that looks harmless like that? you don't know what's inside her , She would never be a good person anyway. If she was a good person, how could she be here? The fact that she don't accept it and act like it's a school really want to throw up.
004 : she just like that stupid student council president.
nugget : Got it, this question is over, done.
nugget : I can't forbid you to think like that. But don't hurt other people.
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Complete the question#1
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realpontchartrain · 2 days
good morning!! <3
Gluten morgue !!! Glad to see you’re back on tumblr some more lmao, I missed you!!!
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babyitsmagic · 1 year
@constellaticnsx sent: [ refuse ] sender refuses to help receiver for wilder from andie &lt;3
he gets it. he actually does. if their roles were reversed, if she were coming to him for supplies, he'd also tell her to fuck right off. but he doesn't have time for her to be reacting this way. he doesn't even have time for an actual hunter to get to town. or even to, maybe, desperately, call talia. no. whatever's cropped up in town needs to go now and he's one of the only people here capable of handling it.
and, unfortunately for them both, andie is one of the only people here with the supplies he needs.
"do you think i'd be here if it was fucking important?" he snaps. "or have you not heard about the corpses found yesterday?" it's a small enough town. he doubts she hasn't heard, doubts she thinks it was an animal attack. whatever it was wasn't human. probably had never been human. not a werewolf or a vampire, but something... worse.
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intistone · 2 years
Wait, is Y/N missing an eye??
nope, thats just a kelpie stage or eye glitching.
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It's a concept I came up with to determine the emotional balance of how a kelpie's mental state is at right now.
circles represent normal or "neutral" eyes. the more unbalanced or affected the kelpie, the eyes will counterract with the human or kelpie shifting transformation, creating clashing X-looking symbols. A single X over one eye is quite common, but two over each eye means unstable and currently in danger (black fluid represents blood), and the single X over both eyes....
...well lets just say not many kelpies manage to reach or survive that stage.
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@asprinkle said: "I'm not used to this. Being cared about." prompts for people who refuse to let anyone care about them. | accepting.
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"But you should be." The Goddess tells him, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "You deserve to be. Will you tell me about him? I'd like to know a little about the one who has seen how wonderful you are."
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unpossession · 1 year
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The only time he really even acknowledges that he has emotions is when he's drunk enough to talk about them. The room for dialogue about what Hawk feels has always been practically nonexistent, even before everything got fucking awful and impossible, but lately there's been a wall up, hasn't there?
Willow thought she'd been imagining it; convincing herself of some unperceived distance being placed between them - that they only talk when she seeks him out, affection is only given if she reaches for it first. There's been a shift since she started to pretend that it doesn't exist, though, and they seem to be having a nice night.
She doesn't know how drunk he is, or if simply acting like things are the way they were has made it so, but she's leaning on his shoulder, feeling the world spin around her in the way only tequila makes it spin. Listening to him talk. She didn't have to prompt him, this time.
i don't like to lose control of my emotions. - @skullfck
"I know you don't," Whether or not it's a somber confession, she can't help but feel a little relief as he slurs it out. She turns her head to look at him, using a clumsy finger to brush some of his hair out of his eyes. "I think you keep 'em controlled a little too well, sometimes. Hard to read..."
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curseofbreadbear · 1 year
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UNPROMPTED || ALWAYS ACCEPTING! || @staystillgregory
staystillgregory asked: "Cassie? Oh, holy shit...are you okay?"(Thanks for liking my inbox call! Obviously for Cassie, you pick the circumstances! :3c)
❝ Gregory?? ❞
[His name came out as a whimper; after all that she'd been through, being deceived and manipulated by everything under the sun with HIS voice, seeing him in person almost felt overwhelming. She had been stuck in an abandoned Pizzaplex all night, convinced that if she didn't do what HIS voice told her, then he would wind up dead. She had been cornered, chased down, tricked, and worst of all...]
[Cassie's head was so mixed-up now that she didn't know who to trust. Now that he was here, all she wanted to do was hug him and cry -- but as her new inner cynic callously reminded her, this was the voice of the boy who'd sent her tumbling down an elevator shaft. He was the reason she was currently covered in scrapes and bruises, and why she could barely walk. Now that he was here and in person, now that he was reacting to her sorry state, she couldn't help wondering if it was really him who did all those cruel things...but she also didn't know what to believe anymore.]
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❝ I don't understand! ❞ [And so she erupted, confused, frustrated, and teary-eyed. She didn't know how else to express the whirlwind of emotions she was feeling right now.] ❝ Where have you been!? I was worried SICK about you! I didn't know where you were, and out of nowhere, I get this message to meet you at the Pizzaplex, and -- and -- ❞ [Okay, and now she was sobbing so much that the flurry of her words was incomprehensible. There was just so much she wanted to say, so much she needed to question him on...but she couldn't get any of it out right now if she tried.]
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wantsforever · 8 days
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✉ → "i'm doing some of my best work here and you don't even have the decency to roll your eyes at me. honestly, it's hurtful." / @foreverwants
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it isn't robin's voice that pulls him out of his thoughts, it's the way her eyes bore into him like he did something to personally offend her. ( in hawkins, you'd be a fucking idiot to not be aware of your surroundings. visually, he was there, but mentally? different story. )
"shit, sorry."
the apology comes quickly and it's muttered, straightening his posture after spending the last thirty minutes leaned over the counter of SCOOPS waiting for the next customer who, at this point, steve is starting to doubt exists at all. it's dead today, even more so than it usually is on a wednesday afternoon, and he can't seem to keep his focus on anything ( or anyone ) but nancy.
"i'm listening, you're hilarious, ha-ha."
the right side of his lips quirks into a half-smile, but it quickly fades off of his face. the same miserable expression he's been wearing all shift.
"did i tell you about the part where she walked right past me, though? seriously, who does that?"
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ourpretender · 7 months
— [ TRUSTED ] receiver gently telling sender “just let go” as they get them to finish. / @tragedyrich
for all of his new fortune, oliver still has a preference. it's a flexible one, a desire that pairs well with a myriad of situations, and requires little finagling. mostly, he just wants to see felix, to watch him unravel -- to memorize each sound and expression, to recall it with clarity. and it's why oliver can satiate himself on handjobs alone -- on sharp, blinding strokes -- on giving, on giving, on giving. it's why he straddles felix's lap, left hand cupping the rosy flush on his face, while his right fists the base of felix's prick, tugging. he hardly even notices his own erection, hardly cares when felix's chest rises with the attention, when his mouth is open, coursing pleasure evident in his moans. "come -- felix, come on darlin'," oliver coos, eyes tracking up and down the tense coil of muscle -- the furrow of his brows. his thumb rubs bluntly over the tip, rolls around it with cruel precision, before stroking to the base again.
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skysaunter · 8 months
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@unwaivering 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 :: With some convincing and maybe some pleading on her part, Violet was sitting in Dex's Dinner practically humming with excitement. Though she was not really showing it. Her shades were covering her blue eyes and she was tapping a gloved hand on the table as she waited. Anakin should be here. That's what Kenobi told her. Glancing at the watch on her wrist, she was sure she had the right timing.
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              𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝙻 𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝙰 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 ,  swiftly followed by the suspicion that this young woman, violet or whatever her name was, might be slightly delusional—just a tad.  as rex and ahsoka had so kindly put it, violet likely fell into the extensive category of anakin skywalker’s many, many fans, and this calculated claim of kinship was a means to stand out amongst a sea of nameless faces, all vying for a scrap of attention from the  𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝑵𝑶 𝑭𝑬𝑨𝑹.
it was a scenario not too challenging to fathom, given that most ‘fans’ were ordinary citizens who felt a profound debt to their saviors and expressed gratitude through generous donations of credits or resources to the grand army of the republic—an act of benevolence anakin found admirable.  peculiar individuals of the less normal variety, however, like those who rushed to mob him on the streets, seemingly oblivious to basic concepts such as personal space, approached appreciation in the most unorthodox of ways, to say the least.
the latest debacle had featured a rather zealous fanatic who claimed obi-wan kenobi had been harboring a secret family, and it was they who had given birth to all eight of kenobi’s children.  of course, the whole thing had been an absurd fabrication from the outset, but that didn’t stop the media from descending into a complete frenzy over the potential scandal.
it made sense, in a sad, terrible way, why people detached from reality, sedating themselves with parasocial delusions whilst wars raged on across the galaxy.                but then last night happened, and the entire world flipped on its head.  after hammering out a litany of overdue reports together, obi-wan admitted there could be truth to the claim, acknowledging a brief encounter with…
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              𝚅𝙸𝙾𝙻𝙴𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙲𝚄𝙻𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙴.   the force, ever-responsive to its beloved child, revealed the contours of her presence—the feathery edges of her mind, an indistinct amalgamation of excitement, unease, and anxiety—seated alone in a booth farthest from the entrance of dex’s diner.  the force was a leaden weight on his shoulders as he approached, an irrefutable echo of breath and blood that he consciously set aside.
❝so, you’re the mysterious sister i never knew i had.❞ anakin blinked, pushed back his hood, then slid into the booth opposite his alleged sister, raising an inquisitive brow.
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❝well, this is a surprise—and a lot to take in… just hope you’re not here to pull one over on me.  dex doesn’t take kindly to troublemakers, and he really hates it when customers break his plates.❞
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linagram · 3 months
[ 𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚊𝚘𝚖𝚒'𝚜 𝚝𝟹 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ]
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SHUN AND NAOMI!!! (it was so painful to write this interrogation. why are they like this)
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Q.01. "Do you think you deserve to be loved?"
Shun: Yes, even though I'm such a loser.
Naomi: No.
Q.02. "What do other people expect from you?"
Shun: That I will be a perfect husband, a perfect father, a perfect son. They just want me to be perfect, but I'm not.
Naomi: A lot. But mostly they just wanted me to act like a normal person. 
Q.03. "How do you feel about being unforgiven?"
Shun: It's not fair.
Naomi: I told you I'd accept your decision no matter what, but looks like it was a lie. Sorry.
Q.04. "Do you think you were in the right to kill your victim(s)?"
Shun: Yes.
Naomi: A good person wouldn't do something like that, but I'm not a good person.
Q.05. "Do you share any similarities with your parents?"
Shun: My parents are too different from me. Way too different.
Naomi: Maybe I really am just like my mother.
Q.06. "What could your victim be thinking about when you murdered them?"
Shun: It all happened so quickly, I don't think they had any time to think.
Naomi: Sometimes I think about how he probably didn't even know it was me.
Q.07. "How have you felt during your punishment?"
Shun: Betrayed.
Naomi: That punishment was all about memory loss, right? How could I possibly remember that?
Q.08. "Why have you stopped talking to other prisoners?"
Shun: I only need Eiko. 
Naomi: I don't find them that interesting and they don't find me interesting as well. It's more simple than you think.
Q.09. "How did you do in college?"
Shun: I dropped out.
Naomi: A few breakdowns here and there, but at least my grades were good.
Q.10. "Do you think it was possible for you to solve your problem without committing a murder?"
Shun: I would still end up killing at least one of them just because I'm that dumb.
Naomi: I don't know which problem you're talking about. I have many of them.
Q.11. "If you ended up being executed, how would you like to die?"
Shun: I don't even want to die?
Naomi: Make it quick. I've suffered enough.
Q.12. "Do you think there's a prisoner who absolutely should be voted innocent?"
Shun: Eiko.
Naomi: I've said this before: it's up to you.
Q.13. "Is there anything you want from the guards?"
Shun: Please, don't give me any false hope ever again.
Naomi: Be more careful with your decisions.
Q.14. "What do you do when you have free time?"
Shun: I talk to Eiko. It's not like I have anything better to do. 
Naomi: I think about my cat.
Q.15. "How does it feel to know that you were never truly loved by anyone in your entire life?"
Naomi: It's not like I deserve to be loved anyway.
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