#loetise. 001.
sayitan · 2 years
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❝  found  you,  ❞  neteyam  said  in  way  of  greeting,  with  a  wide  smile  on  his  lips  neteyam  stood  partially  bent  over  so  that  he  could  slip  through  her  front  door  and  occupy  far  too  much  space  in  her  foyer.  her  cottage  had  been  difficult  to  find,  tucked  away  within  dense  woods  and  shrouded  in  the  familiar  scent  that  neteyam  had  come  to  identify  as  simply  allie.  ❝  are  you  still  hiding  from  the  cold?  ❞  //  @loetise  ♡'d  for  a  starter
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tiderideraa · 2 years
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❝  you  never  talk  about  them,  ❞  harry  said  as  he  thumbed  the  small  mound  of  scar  tissue  that  marred  allie's  otherwise  smooth  skin.  it  wasn't  the  first  time  that  harry  had  caressed  the  scars  or  paid  especially  close  attention  to  them,  but  it  was  the  first  time  that  harry  decided  to  acknowledge  them  verbally.  he  glanced  back  at  allie's  face,  burrowed  into  the  pillow  under  her,  sunlight  streaming  through  the  open  window  and  brightening  her  hair  to  shades  of  honey  and  gold.
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        ❝  tell  me  about  it,  ❞  he  said,  as  always  he  seemed  to  claw  through  the  concept  of  asking  permission.  harry  pressed  his  palm  flat  against  her  back,  dragging  his  hand  over  her  skin  and  the  scars  that  were  the  only  proof  that  allie  had  ever  had  wings  to  begin  with.  ❝  tell  me  what  happened  to  them,  ❞    //    @loetise​  ♡'d  for  a  starter  .
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victim9d · 10 months
@loetise | spotify wrapped starters | 31. buzzkill baby - mck.enna gr.ace.
this was supposed to be fun. it was supposed to be a happy day. the twins always have big parties for their birthday, always try to have as much fun as possible in as short of a time as they can. after all, once the party’s over they have to go back to real life, have to face their parents neglect - or worse, their attention. a party is only thrown to keep up appearances, expensive outfits and decorations to try to show status. cassie’s barely eaten for days, the dress she’s wearing still just a bit too tight. her chest is barely held in, practically spilling out of the dress - something her mother says is part of the design. she’d spent the whole night on her feet until now, terrified that bending or sitting would rip her dress or expose far too much to everyone around her. but here she is, on the bathroom floor in tears, vodka in hand. it had taken her a few minutes to even let allie in, even longer for her to finally speak. “do i look awful?” desperately asked, though she’ll only accept one answer. she already knows what she thinks. she thinks what faye thinks. “faye said i look like a slut, and my dress is too small, and i’ve been talking to such a nice guy and-and i really liked him but i just walked in on her fucking him.” she’s rambling through tears, not sure what upsets her more. she takes another drink, allows herself to take a single breath. “and she wouldn’t even touch me tonight, like, at all. like, am i so totally undesirable? do i really look so awful? my moms gonna kill me if im ugly in the photos!”
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publicabsent · 2 years
nettie is presented with a cluster of pink and purple flowers, weaved into a wreath in the shape of a heart. giggling, she drops it over her head so it falls around her neck like an oversized necklace, and some of the glitter bounces from the wreath upon impact. “ happy valentine’s day, nettie! love you! ” 💐💝
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a quiet gasp, the smile & shock combined into a big expression. "o-o-oh, it -- it's l-l-lov-vely ... !" she's actively ignoring how the glitter will be everywhere on her, forever. it's fine.
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sunnyvaler · 2 years
front door wide open, chaos to be seen wherever you look. just inside the house lays the trophy case that makes kurt look like the perfect son, and next to it on the floor lays a puddle of blood. clearly the start of the path, not the end, a blood stained knife sits neatly on the table, as if placed down calmly. along the floor is a dotted trail of blood, a sight that no one ever wants to see. red droplets lead up the stairs and to the bathroom, where kurt is found sitting on the floor, sobbing as he attempts to stitch up the bloodied gash on his leg. stitching up his own wounds is hardly a good idea, but the blonde is so desperate to keep the horrors of his life a secret that he resolves to poor choices.
he looks up when the floor creaks, half expecting to see the terrifying silhouette of his mother in the doorway, asking why he hasn’t cleaned up the mess he’d made yet. but instead it’s a friend, a figure he trusts — but a figure he doesn’t want to admit the truth to. “i— i fe—fell.” spoken through gentle sobs before they get a chance to ask, though the lie is obvious. even without the knife sat downstairs (the weapon so clearly not used by kurt), this isn’t the kind of injury you get from just tripping, and there’s nothing around he could’ve fallen on to cause this kind of damage. but he sticks to the story, even if it’s a shitty one. needle is slippery in blood covered hands, but he manages to once again push it through skin, whimpering and sobbing at the pain. hands shake as he pulls tightly, though there’s still most of the gash to go and it’s obvious that if kurt keeps this up he’ll pass out. “i’m fi— ‘m fine.”
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forbaesa · 2 years
@loetise​     ♡’d !
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                  “     why do these things always happen to me?     ”    
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@loetise​:    “ you’re welcome to stay here. “
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           she’s cold, bruised up, & frightened. she was lucky enough that the first house she found was welcoming enough to let her in -- she didn’t dare push her chances by asking to crash on the couch, though annette can only imagine how dismal she looks. at the blonde girl’s statement, though, the injured brunette jolts to her feet (with some difficulty) & holds her hands up in front of her, as if surrendering. “o-oh, n-n-no, i -- i couldn’t, i ... i should pr ... probably g-go home -- i-i -- th-thank you, r-really, i just ... i can’t.”
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goodpersn · 3 years
@loetise    :    ❝ you know what happened to you was wrong, don’t you? ❞
                      and    there    it    is,    words    he    just    doesn’t    process.    immediately    head    is    tilting,    brows    gently    furrowed,    searching    her    face    for    the    meaning    he    can’t    work    out.    what    happened    to    him    was    wrong.    no,    that    doesn’t    seem    right.    that    seems    like    the    easy    way    out.    that    seems    like    avoiding    the    fact    that    he    must    have    done    something.    his    brain    just    wont    accept    otherwise,    won’t    accept    that    bad    things    were    done    to    him    because    his    father    was    cruel.    he’s    certain    that    it    must    have    been    his    own    fault.            “        don’    understan’.        ”             voice    is    quiet,    nervous,    as    if    the    words    are    just    asking    for    a    horrific    response.    she’d    never    do    that,    he    knows    that,    but    still    his    anxiety    is    clear.
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northliights · 2 years
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name : Aurora Phillips
eye colour : blue
hair style & colour : auburn, wavy/curly, usually falling well past her shoulders
height : 5′3″
clothing style : at home she’s fairly casual - jeans, sweaters or tank tops, sometimes a button-down she stole from Lucas that is ten times too big for her. she does enjoy dressing up to go out, and her one indulgence is the mile-high heels she favors whenever she can get away with them. at work she wears clothing that will help her blend in with whatever situation and location she finds herself, whether it’s an office building with its high-end professional attire (think three piece suits and pencil skirts) or more obscure locations with specific clothing requirements (nursing scrubs to slip into a hospital unnoticed, waitress uniform at a restaurant where an important meeting is taking place, that sort of thing) she tailors her wardrobe to suit the needs of her job. 
best physical feature : her eyes, though she believes her hair is a close second. 
fears : being caged, smothered by other people’s expectations and demands
guilty pleasure : hour-long bubble baths
biggest pet peeve : ignorance
ambitions for the future : to make a name for herself. when daddy is a member of parliament, it’s difficult to build a reputation for yourself without people tying your success to your famous father. she despises him and goes out of her way to disavow any and all connection to him.
first thoughts waking up : no.
what they think about most : once upon a time (no pun intended) her career had been the sole focus of her life. she worked 20 hour days and never stopped moving, always pushing for another story, another break, something to fill the empty spaces. but then she met Lucas. now she sleeps in (!!) on days off, and more often than not her thoughts seem to find their way to him even when she’s meant to be focusing on her work. 
what they think about before bed : Lucas. always Lucas.
what they think their best quality is :  intelligent
single or group dates : single.
to be loved or respected : both. she demands it.
beauty or brains : if forced to choose one, brains.
dogs or cats : cats. small, independent, and vicious if you piss them off. she can relate.
LAYER 005 : DO THEY …?
lie : she is honest almost to a fault, unless she’s going after info on a story. she doesn’t see that as lying, per se, but rather a form of acting. it helps her sleep at night.
believe in themselves : fiercely
believe in love : before? no. now? absolutely.
want someone : yes
been on stage : yes. several times. buy her a drink and she might tell you about it.
changed who they were to fit in : in her professional life, almost daily. in her personal life? never.
favourite colour : purple
favourite animal : fox
favourite book :  the witching hour - anne rice
favourite game :  trivial pursuit
day their next birthday will be : february 4th, 2023
how old will they be : 29
i love : Lucas.
i feel : content...for the first time in my life.
i hide : a great deal from nearly everyone. hazards of the job.
i miss : my mother.
i wish : I could stop time, make a moment last for a lifetime. 
tagged by : no one. i stole it fair and square.
tagging : @spynorth @piraticalwit @lokadottr @liarincommand @pyreshe @pizzatheif @scapedgrace @munstrum @fatecrafted @loetise @crimeloyalty​ @marblecarved @verreprincesse @ofhumanvoice​ @webreak (muse of your choice!) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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destage-arch · 2 years
SEND ME A 💖 AND I WILL SELECT SOME MUSES OF MINE I WOULD LIKE TO THROW AT YOU ! @loetise    ( not being accepted right now )​
[ 001 ]      a.my march , i feel like they could have a really compatible energy. she has verses that could really slot her anywhere and i think a more fantasy tone could fit super well. [ 002 ]     s.teve harrington , falling into either one of your s.tranger things verses - there’s also the scope of moving him and changing the horrors in his world which could be fun. [ 003 ]    m.ia thermopolis , she’s already canonically a disney princess i think we can give her a really cool mixed verse where there’s some fae ... maybe there’s a crisis around them that needs a princess’s support.     [ 004 ]     a.lly liu , name twins. they’re a drummer in a band and they’re the best band ever and yes, i think they’re probably quiet different vibes but my ally is actually really nice so maybe a vibe. [ 005 ]     c.olin bridgerton , we all love a bridgerton au and i think it really lends itself pretty well to the concept of the fantastical.
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publicabsent · 6 months
@loetise. / accepting.
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the gentle tap to her nose stops annette in her tracks -- she blinks, rapidly & confusedly, before turning to look at allie. she can't resist the tug of a smile at her mouth, before reaching up to return the gesture, making a boop sound.
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sunnyvaler · 2 years
his nerves are obvious, even as he attempts to hide it. far too close to them, heart pounding harder than he can take. his gaze locks on their mouth, stays there a little too long before drifting to their eyes. the tension is obvious, but he's just about oblivious to it. "do you— uh—" voice soft and nervous, looking down as he gets more and more flustered. but he builds the courage, finally says it: "can i kiss you?"
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publicabsent · 7 months
allie arrives in a whirlwind of curls and pink ribbons, bearing the brightest smile, with hearts and glitter all over her dress. she presents nettie with a bundle of pink, red, and white flowers. of course roses, but daisies, lilies, babies breath, hydrangeas, too. the flowers sprinkled with glitter- that's all over her, too -and have a ribbon tied around them. however, tucked into the ribbon is a little owl plushie holding a heart. and then, of course, she asks. "will you be my valentine?"
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a gasp. "o-oh, a - allie --- !" the brunette grins, gingerly setting the glittering flowers aside to wrap her blonde friend in a hug. "of -- o-of c-cours-se, oh m-my good - goodn-ness -- s's-so lov-vely, th - than-nk you -- !"
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publicabsent · 8 months
@loetise. / accepting.
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one thing annette has always found admirable about allie is her unshakable ability to find beauty in everything. but now? with her hair cut so short, as punishment, more uneven than usual? annette is not exactly vain, nor does she have too much stock in her hair, but it's the thought behind it. annette hadn't mentioned the drastic change, & neither had allie, but the statement brought the already melancholy brunette to tears. she covers her face with pale hands, quiet sobs shaking her. it's so embarrassing, to have such a reaction to a compliment. if her scalp wasn't still tingling from the tug & the chop, she'd at least shrug it off. but as it is, here she sits on allie's floor, curled up & crying.
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publicabsent · 9 months
happy holidays, nettie! here’s a baby cactus!! it’s in a tiny lil pot with an even tinier pink bow and ribbon and!! it’s for you <3 lots and lots of love forever, allie🌵💕
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a gleeful gasp escapes her, cupping the cactus gingerly before setting it down to throw her arms around allie's neck. "o-oh, th-thank you, than-nk y-you! i l-lov-ve it!"
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publicabsent · 9 months
@loetise: i'm glad to call you my friend. / accepting.
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oh, & that pierces the brunette's heart far deeper than she could have predicted. annette doesn't realize just how profoundly allie's words have struck her until she feels the tear roll down her cheek. "o-o-oh --" & with that, she tosses bony arms around the blonde's neck, a wordless display of gratitude.
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