#logging into my puter to post
the-raging-tempest · 7 months
TV Tropes Page for Lariel
(Finally) Which I may update in the future. Just a general content warning because it touches on some potentially triggering topics below.
Fake Tv Tropes for Zrise
Abusive Parents: Lariel spent most of her childhood wearing an anti-magic collar. One that could also compel her obedience and suppress her magic. She did not rebel often but when she was caught she was met with swift orders to obey. Kept even more isolated than her brother. She was not allowed outside the estate, and even when events were held in their home Lariel was not allowed to attend.
Accidental Murder: On Lariel’s birthday she accidentally killed her mentor, Eithon. Releasing the storm within her. Lightning struck down at a large branch of a tree. Snapping it and setting it a flame. By the time she was conscious and aware of what had happened it was too late. Her family had already decided he was collateral damage.
All-Loving Heroine: Lariel will always give someone a second chance. Will always reach out her hand in friendship. She believes love is powerful. Not just romantic love, but love of all things.
Badass Adorable: Despite her appearance and demeanor she can easily level city.
Beautiful Singing Voice: A trained harpist and singer. Though she does not advertise this ability. Haunting and nearly magically enchanting due to her sorcerer bloodlines of Air and Fey.
Beware the Nice Ones: A polite, gentle and kind woman, who you really don’t want to get angry. As she can unleash quite painfully deathly magic. In her greatest moments of despair and destress she can be taken over by the storm within her.
Blank White Eyes/Monochromatic Eyes: When Lariel is using magic her eyes become unsettlingly blank because they glow a very pale purple.
Blow You Away: Can bend the weather and winds to her whims. As she becomes even more powerful can walk on air.
Break the Cutie: She’s hard to break but in some of her worst outcomes she loses herself to despair.
Cannot Spit It Out: Lariel has a hard time expressing herself to people. Especially if romantic feelings are involved.
Child prodigy: Most times Lariel attributes her talent and skills to that of being commanded to do so. As a child she excelled at all her studies. To the point it frustrated her family who could find no fault to punish her. Unless they gave her an impossible task. Her quiet and unassuming nature hides someone extremely smart and certainly not at foolish as she may appear.
Cloudcuckcoolander: Considered a ‘strange’ girl by most. Her lack of socialization and her propensity for indulging in her imagination means she is often lost in thought. Some see her as disconnected from reality because in spite of her life and family she chooses to see the good in the world. Finds the weird charming. Looks for the beauty in the ugly.
Cursed With Awesome: Her sorcerer's bloodline is something Lariel often battles with. Causing her to think she is a danger to others and herself. If channeled correctly she can be an unstoppable force who helps and saves her friends and loved ones.
Cute Bookworm: Lariel is an avid reader. Shy and (charmingly) awkward despite her charisma.
Dark Secret: Killing her teacher. She never meant to hurt him and in fact begged the Gods to trade her life for his. This event leads her to believe she is a danger to others around her.
Dark and Troubled Past: Lariel was isolated to the estate. Never allowed to leave. Never had friends her own age outside of her brother. Was made to wear an anti-magic collar that forced to obey her family’s commands. Watched her brother drown and was chased to be killed after him.
Desperately Craves Affection: Her noble upbringing and her complete lack of socialization means Lariel is desperate for friends. Lonely and awkward but trying her hardest. Even though once she gets it she’s very embarrassed.
Easily Forgiven: She forgives her brother Zrise for his mistreatment of her. Believing he’s troubled but there is still a sweet kid in there. She does not know of his darker deeds.
Elemental Powers: The powers of air, lightning, rain, snow etc. Can control the weather and storms.
Friendless Background: Due to her isolation she never had friends. The one she did consider her friend, Venan. Used her.
Gibberish of Love: Often loses her ability to speak well when trying to talk to the object of her affection.
Gilded Cage: Lariel had all the luxury and refinement a noble life could provide. Literally trapped to never leave. Forced to obey her family’s every order.
Glowing Eyes Of Doom: When Lariel grows increasingly upset or is using powerful magic her eyes glow.
I Am Not Pretty: Despite her beauty she was always talked down to by her family for her half-elven traits. Believe herself unattractive for her lack of elven features.
I Just Want to Be Free: Lariel wishes to escape and live her life without the judgement or control of her family.
I Just Want to Have Friends: Part of her wish for freedom is the wish for companionship.
In Vino Veritas: Lariel doesn’t drink often but when she does, she speaks her mind and acts with polite decorum like never before. Usually to comedic effect.
Ms.Imagination: Often lost in thoughts. Thinking about what if’s, could have beens, and inventing stories for why someone is dressed the way they are. Easily distracted.
Nice Girl: She believes everyone deserves kindness.
Nay-theist: She knows the gods are real and powerful beings. But she doesn’t trust them. Such divine authority is used and abused. Lariel thinks of them as disconnected and not concerned enough with those smaller than themselves. Losing the forest for the trees. Not to mention her own personal grudge against Sarenrae.
Power Floats: When using her powers she can float off the ground and even move small distances this way.
Purple is Powerful: Her favorite color. Often adorned in lavender and lilac. Despite her fragile seeming appearance she always is in a shade of purple. Hiding her power in plain sight.
Runaway Fiancé: Lariel runs from her engagement to Kraler. Using the travel to his home as a means to escape. Stealing the means to escape her collar during transit.
Shrinking Violet: Especially in the beginning of her journey. Before she really knows how to socialize.
Silk Hiding Steel: Her kindness, politeness, nor lady like demeanor are an act. But she is not helpless. Learning how to wield the facade of obedience. Strong willed. Fights when it is necessary against those who would use and abuse others. She is not as easily manipulated as she seems.
Shock and Awe: Controlling lightning with ease.
Sophisticated as Hell: She has a habit of sounding overly formal or bookish. At times a little too literal, oblivious, and naive.
Strong Family Resemblance: She doesn’t know but she looks a lot like her paternal grandmother. So much so if her father saw her he’d be suspicious.
Tender Tears: She's a notorious crier when things are happy, sincere, and honest.
The Cutie: Sweet, kind, gentle. Seeing the good in others and the world despite her own troubles. Willing to give anyone a second chance. Helps animals and children.
The Ingénue: Her demeanor often drives others to wish to protect her or to become a person who deserves such kindness from her.
The Redeemer: Welcoming even those most cruel. Everyone needs love, she says. As long as we work on that not hurting other people.
Weather Manipulation: Speaks for itself.
White Sheep: From a family of arrogant, hedonistic, manipulative, diplomats. She sticks out like a sore thumb as genuine, kind, and caring. Wanting nothing to do with her family’s tainted legacy.
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Good morning, fuckers
God didn't kill me in my sleep so I'm once again out for mischief
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valen-dreth · 1 year
i left u comments btw :3
i see them!!! thank you so much! 🩷
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littlestpetgoth · 1 month
sorry for no posts i got logged out on my puter and i cant rememeber my login and am too lazy to check…..
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hailtotehthief · 2 years
Com(puter) Log: 2-27-23
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(B)LOG of the information I have gathered tonight. LEnd an ear if you would my dear....
anyway. i searched every mention of “thom yorke” and “radiohead” on datalounge - heeding interesting results. “interesting” meaning there werent quite many and there was a large discrepancy in attitudes. Photographed below:
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a lot of unrest here.
i think it is logical and “Just” to say overall gay guys really dont care for radiohead that much. supporting my theory that radiohead is not gay and is actually awesome. 
still, i really wanted to find some guys cranking it over thom, particularly small and very blonde thom of the “90s”. i had a vision that there had to be some guys out there that that was their thing. or that there must be a market that could be manipulated to behave this way.. the search continued as curiosity knows no end until the condition is treated.
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I did find a thread where a couple guys confirmed their lust. and some guy fought the original guy in the comments because he started the conversation by declaring pansexuality and the second guy was calling it unnecessary for him to say his sexuality and then added that he finds ed and jonny the hottest. another guy said hes talked about how hot thom is almost every day for the past 5 years (Unphotographed. just believe in me.).
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every thing and every where is full of love, I say. .
i stopped this search and instead found slideshow videos of thom on youtube. by “videos” i mean a couple as there are not many in the slightest from the time period the artform naturally occurred in (2000s-2012 maximum). But.. some guy decided to honor what was lost and has been making a couple since a year ago. a very honorable mission.. fell in love for a moments time but he has a twitter. and is saturating the fanfiction market with thom x reader mpreg and breastfeeding and the like (more points for love_but i cannot compete with that). if you are that guy and find this tumblr post i have no apology for you, but a clarification that this just happens in small moments naturally and all should be in love with the world. and its basically the same as when i had gotten the fabric to make a plush of a modified bear and the fabric cutting guy at joanns asked me more about it and it made me blush lots for 1 day then it all returned to the earth. it keeps going and we all keep experiencing each other in this world and getting whatever consequences out of it. something like that...
In my research i had also found out about reported “Bootlegs” that have popped up at multiple thrift shops and are officially recognized on the internet (discogs) like “Ground Control To Major Thom”. I have also fallen deeply for this. If anyone could get their hands on a copy of this id give any thing i can in return for ever.
i have had Banana Co on for quite some time and im not sure why. premonitions perhaps......
here is a little picture i had made of Mituna in recent times but worlds away.
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hajihiko · 2 years
Any ways as to connect your device to the puter? For drawing and all, seems like there’s one million and one ways to do it and somehow seem iffy or not as efficient
Not sure what this means but I'll try
When I use Krita and CSP, I just save my process to my device and upload as a file from my device. I think CSP automatically connects you, you just gotta log in on both your art app and the browser website, and I don't think Krita needs any internet access, just Access to save your files.
I don't connect my mobile tablet to anything but the wifi, thereon I post online.
When I connect my tablet, it's also pretty straight forward, I either connect it with a cable (my port broke sadly) or I make my device scan for the driver of the tablet via Bluetooth.
if you mean sth else, do please elaborate BC I'm not sure
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skorchinq · 5 months
Bows Only: WE'RE SO BACK!!!!!!!
[Image IDs in alt text]
Ok so apparently the last time I updated was in August? And it's April now... um. Sorry about that? I didn't realize it's been so long TTOTT there hasn't been much to talk about honestly
Actually uhhh scratch that. I didn't update in so long ON PURPOSE. Totally. The reason I didn't was because I didn't want to update again until the curse of Jean was broken. And guess what finally happened B)
But before we get to that, let's start where we left off with our last post... way back in August of 2023...
As we waited with bated breath for the release of Version 4.0, I did manage to get a few more notable acomplishments. Namely...
Childe friendship level 10!
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And clearing floor 9 with all 9 stars! (I still cannot do this consistently on this account as I type this btw ._.)
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When 4.0 finally dropped, I fist went to wish on Yelan's banner. Things were off to a great start:
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We got another stringless! I already had two built up, so I used this one as refinement for one of them.
And then... the shooting star lit up gold, and... well, you know how that went.
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Try as I may, and Try as I might, Yelan would not come home. And, in this account's most humiliating L to date...
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The banner cycle ended with no Yelan and no Lyney.
Still, I could not afford to simply give up. I still worked hard throughout September, earning primogems and building my characters...
I got this really satisfying set of Daily Commissions once
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So like. That kinda makes up for not having Yelan. sure
Also! I decided to test Childe's limits!
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Look at that damage. All Tartagles babyyyyyyy
And uhhh the date on that one is in September and the date on this next one is in January so. I suppose nothing of interest happened in those months. Makes sense honestly, I had enough to gurantee a 5 star on here so I wasn't quite as desperate for primos and therefore wasn't logging on much... Plus with all the new content that comes with a major version update I was spending more time than usual on my main, leaving less time for this account. But anyway!
In the second half of 4.3 came two very important banners, one for each of my accounts:
On my main, My Raiden went from C1 to C2!
And, here on Bows Only, that 50/50 gurantee from the Yelan disaster finally came in use:
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After dodging us countless times... in 2.8... in 3.2... in 3.7... Finally... FINALLY!!! We've obtained the most elusive fireworks maker!
Our quest to max ascend all our characters also continues:
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And uhhh here's some event scores:
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I also did Klee's story quest, and something they mentioned at the end really stuck out to me:
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...They talk a lot about Ludi Harpastum in this quest, but we still haven't gotten to see that festival in game... Not once...
And it was soon after this that... my computer broke .-. I downloaded genshin on my phone while I waited for the repairs on it to be complete, but mobile genshin fricking sucks so I was only logging onto my main account to do limited time events and that's IT. I wasn't even doing my dailies on there and I was barely even touching Bows Only at all...
And it was only supposed to be a couple of weeks, but things kept getting delayed (They ordered the part they needed. they were sent the wrong one. they sent it back. they got the right part but it was broken. they sent it back. they got the wrong part again--) and my computer was gone for like two months TTOTT So I was stuck on mobile for the entirety of 4.4 and the better part of 4.5...
But eventually my dear puter came back to me (and I deleted genshin off my phone immediately) and I was able to consistently play on both accounts once more! It's a good thing, too, because coming up in 4.6 was a Lyney rerun...
I decided to do the Ararycan quest on this account because there's a follow-up to it I still haven't done on my main and I wanted to replay the first as a refresher. And uh
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How do I still keep forgetting this is my name. Genshin characters talking about David Bowie still throws me through a loop.
We garnered up primogems upon primogems... by the time the 4.6 update day came around, I had 94 fates at hand. But I also had 0 pity, and no 50/50 gurantee...
I knew what was coming. I knew exactly what to expect. When that shooting star turned to gold, it would be C5 Jean coming to greet me. But even so, I had plenty of savings, and 3 weeks to get even more. As long as I was a little lucky with how many fates it took for each 5 star, getting Lyney afterwards wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
At the 5th 10 pull, it turned gold. "Good," I thought. "That's early. I could get back up to soft pity before the banner ends."
And then, on 52 pity, the impossible happened...
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Ever since this account first came to be, nearly 2 years ago now, we've lost ever single 50/50, and to the same character no less. But finally, after L after L, right when I least expected it, we've finally taken the W. And it's all thanks to this wonderful, amazing, magical catboy. Thank you, Lyney. I love you
I... did not prefarm for him like at all but that's okay, I had over 100 fragile resin saved up. I fought that crab countless times, and in only a day:
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It's what he deserves <3
He's not the only one who got to be ascended that day, either. After him, there was only one character left who was still on ascension 5, but not for much longer:
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Now that all of our characters are max ascended, we have three main goals for this account:
Continue to build our characters in other ways. This includes ascending and/or replacing weapons, leveling up talents, and of course, the artifact grind... and also I might level the characters up to 90. We'll see. Pretty sure I have the books for it tbh
Gather primogems. Because of how early we got Lyney, we've got a good head start on our savings for the next 5 star bow to release or rerun (though the only character we still need to rerun is Yelan). But it's always better to be safe than sorry. Just because the curse of Jean has been lifted doesn't mean we can't still lose 50/50s (though if we lost a 50/50 to Tighnari I'd be quite amenable to that). And finally...
Advance the main story. Cyno's Act II story quest is being added this version, so I'd like to replay Act I on this account first before playing the new one on my main. In order to do that though, I first must complete Act IV of the Sumeru Archon Quest-- and I haven't even done the Chasm Archon quest on here... Still, I think it's about time we did the Sumeru Archon quest. Actually, assuming there's another Traveler Archon Quest coming before Natlan, which there ought to be, I should play Caribert on this account too. So, that will be our goal. We play up to Caribert, and then give archon quests a rest for another while.
With those goals in mind, I think this series may be seeing more frequent updates for a while... maybe. Don't @ me if that ends up being wrong.
As always, feel free to send a friend request if you're on Europe server:
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And if you're on America server, here's my main:
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hazmaticalblue · 6 months
are you. not supposed to be able to edit posts? i can (im mostly a mobile user i havent bothered to log in tymblr my puter)
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zuxigo · 1 year
One of my computers has graphics gale on it but I can't draw on it because the touchpad is shit so in order to get things from one to the other I have to export unfinished drawings as images and then save them all as a draft post on tumblr and then log onto tumblr on my other puter to finish it in graphics gale. I'm literally a fucking genious of engineering.
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girlblocker · 2 years
will either be extremely online and blocking random people today or will be logged off. no idea which yet
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hi omg hi omg hi
I am so so sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a whiiiile, idk how long it’s been. between working 2 jobs 6 days a week at the end of 2019 and then panini, I just haven’t been on tumblr... deadass, since maybe early 2020? I didn’t have a good ‘puter at the time and my old ass iphone was maxed out on storage so I had to delete my tumblr app.
it’s def been over a year since I’ve logged in here. I apologize to all of you babes profusely for not getting to your requests, but I have them saved. tbh I didn’t have the inspiration to write for almost a year... but my loins, they burn and my fingers, they fing... I now have a new laptop soooo I think enough is enough and it is time. if y’all are still horny4yakuza, then I got y’all. Also Loki is coming out kinda soon soooooo....
I got my Majima tattoo finished a couple months ago, caught covid (at work)  a week later, was very sick, grateful to not require hospitalization but every day of those 2 weeks I fell asleep wondering if I’d wake up worse. It was terrifying and I only wish it on the worst ppl in the world.
I will try to cross-post between tumblr and ao3, but I am delving heavily into editing rn.
so where I’m at is: I have mayyybe 2 or 3 finished fics and DOZENS of WIPs... as y’all prob know, I have a slow burn fetish but once I start going, if I can’t finish, I get stuck soooo... I may need y’all to help ya girl out.
OK ANYWAY, my ao3 is Akimama, if y’all wanna bookmark or whatever. I’m a WIP, everything’s a WIP.
hope you all have been well, so much love to all y’all.
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There is Always a Little truth in the Myth’s ! 
A Guy Get's up in a Cave in the Age of fire and Scream's to the other in the Cave ! BROTEHER'S AND SISTER'S !!! 
... Mean wile ! random person ( Pissst, he's Crazy ! right ) other random person   ( Yah, there no way to send your voice accorss the world !, in a fraction of a Second ! - i Mean Light Screan's that displayed word's, play music and was able to show you a Stram of Imagen's  Synced with Sound ! - wtf, thsi got is insane ! We human's/entoman's Never where able to save any more data then a few 100 book's ? ) 
some random person in the back, - dude, like wtf ! what this is ... are these light Window's he's talking about ) random guy in the front, - Don't Pay any attation to him, he probley ate the wrong mushroom's ! and went insane, there was was and or ever will be a device that can hold mass amont's of data can have a Mechinal Eye, where other can see you can talk to you threw this ... light box ??? wtf ??? and then take a image of your face and ... what did he say ??? log it aka a wood log .... ??? i'm confuse !!! ) ( old guy, Person in far left, and in thhe back, ) - i think he might be talling the truth, there might be a de vince soem call it the com-muter ! i thing it's, not wai, comniy-puter ??? 
Wait, wait i think i got thsi, commy put er ??? i don't kno, but i Do Kno, that thay had a thing call a Board thay used ot make the "word's"on the Ligth box, thay Pressed these soft thing's, on the Board and it make letter's on the light box and thay did a thing called ??? no wait i thin it was called sending, or a post ) guy in the right - ( you mean a Out post ) old guy - ( No ) guy on Left - ( No Compost ) old guy - ( No either, it was a a Board with key's ..... i .. i don't kno but i do not the baord had a green board under it and that's, Where all the Magci Happned ! * People around him * -  ( How ! did it work ! ) guy on the stage - I SWEAR TO YOU ALL I AM NOT INSANE I SWEAR THSI WAS A REALITY IN THE LONG, LONG TIME AGO IN OUR WORLD !!! BEFORE IT WAS  A WORLD OF FIRE !!! THE WORLD WAS GREEN AND COLD !!! BUT THE WORLD WAS GREEN AND FULL OF MANY GERM'S THAT WOULD EASELY KILL US TODAY !!! 
Random person - (Dude, soem one shut him up het's on a rant not abotu a Green world, dude, the world was never fucking Green, it we was alwasy hot and red, the earth was never green and the Sea was alwasy gray-ish becuz of all the ash ! - this guy is not i'm sure in mentally ill )   Old guy - ( no, no he's right at one time the earth had alot of Green Plant's on it ! ) * Crowd Around the old guy * - ( FUCK YOU OLD MAN !!! AND YOUR SO CALLED DATA ON THE GREEN BORD MAKE THE LIGHT BOX WORK ! FUCK YOU !!! KICK THEM BOTH OUT FO THE CAVE !!! PIECE'S OF FUCKING SHIT'S !!! )
old guy and the guy on stage ! - ??? - ( what just Happne ) old Guy - ( thay rejected our Infomaion ) and then a ufo fly's over making the Loud Wooshing sound ! and it rock and shake the entier cave, people run out to see the gray's fly on by on a computer ship ! as it doc's into the mother ship ! my Point to this short story ! is that, people are fucking stupid ! and i only hope the next model doesn't fail and if it dose, Maybe A Certain event need ot happen to wipe out both the gray's nd all of there "model's " an all of the life left on the earth . . . becuz fuck this Planet !
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sacramentocadentist · 6 years
Fix Prestashop Errors and Problems
Fix Prestashop Errors and Problems
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I will fix prestashop errors and problems
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