#fake tv tropes
the-raging-tempest · 7 months
TV Tropes Page for Lariel
(Finally) Which I may update in the future. Just a general content warning because it touches on some potentially triggering topics below.
Fake Tv Tropes for Zrise
Abusive Parents: Lariel spent most of her childhood wearing an anti-magic collar. One that could also compel her obedience and suppress her magic. She did not rebel often but when she was caught she was met with swift orders to obey. Kept even more isolated than her brother. She was not allowed outside the estate, and even when events were held in their home Lariel was not allowed to attend.
Accidental Murder: On Lariel’s birthday she accidentally killed her mentor, Eithon. Releasing the storm within her. Lightning struck down at a large branch of a tree. Snapping it and setting it a flame. By the time she was conscious and aware of what had happened it was too late. Her family had already decided he was collateral damage.
All-Loving Heroine: Lariel will always give someone a second chance. Will always reach out her hand in friendship. She believes love is powerful. Not just romantic love, but love of all things.
Badass Adorable: Despite her appearance and demeanor she can easily level city.
Beautiful Singing Voice: A trained harpist and singer. Though she does not advertise this ability. Haunting and nearly magically enchanting due to her sorcerer bloodlines of Air and Fey.
Beware the Nice Ones: A polite, gentle and kind woman, who you really don’t want to get angry. As she can unleash quite painfully deathly magic. In her greatest moments of despair and destress she can be taken over by the storm within her.
Blank White Eyes/Monochromatic Eyes: When Lariel is using magic her eyes become unsettlingly blank because they glow a very pale purple.
Blow You Away: Can bend the weather and winds to her whims. As she becomes even more powerful can walk on air.
Break the Cutie: She’s hard to break but in some of her worst outcomes she loses herself to despair.
Cannot Spit It Out: Lariel has a hard time expressing herself to people. Especially if romantic feelings are involved.
Child prodigy: Most times Lariel attributes her talent and skills to that of being commanded to do so. As a child she excelled at all her studies. To the point it frustrated her family who could find no fault to punish her. Unless they gave her an impossible task. Her quiet and unassuming nature hides someone extremely smart and certainly not at foolish as she may appear.
Cloudcuckcoolander: Considered a ‘strange’ girl by most. Her lack of socialization and her propensity for indulging in her imagination means she is often lost in thought. Some see her as disconnected from reality because in spite of her life and family she chooses to see the good in the world. Finds the weird charming. Looks for the beauty in the ugly.
Cursed With Awesome: Her sorcerer's bloodline is something Lariel often battles with. Causing her to think she is a danger to others and herself. If channeled correctly she can be an unstoppable force who helps and saves her friends and loved ones.
Cute Bookworm: Lariel is an avid reader. Shy and (charmingly) awkward despite her charisma.
Dark Secret: Killing her teacher. She never meant to hurt him and in fact begged the Gods to trade her life for his. This event leads her to believe she is a danger to others around her.
Dark and Troubled Past: Lariel was isolated to the estate. Never allowed to leave. Never had friends her own age outside of her brother. Was made to wear an anti-magic collar that forced to obey her family’s commands. Watched her brother drown and was chased to be killed after him.
Desperately Craves Affection: Her noble upbringing and her complete lack of socialization means Lariel is desperate for friends. Lonely and awkward but trying her hardest. Even though once she gets it she’s very embarrassed.
Easily Forgiven: She forgives her brother Zrise for his mistreatment of her. Believing he’s troubled but there is still a sweet kid in there. She does not know of his darker deeds.
Elemental Powers: The powers of air, lightning, rain, snow etc. Can control the weather and storms.
Friendless Background: Due to her isolation she never had friends. The one she did consider her friend, Venan. Used her.
Gibberish of Love: Often loses her ability to speak well when trying to talk to the object of her affection.
Gilded Cage: Lariel had all the luxury and refinement a noble life could provide. Literally trapped to never leave. Forced to obey her family’s every order.
Glowing Eyes Of Doom: When Lariel grows increasingly upset or is using powerful magic her eyes glow.
I Am Not Pretty: Despite her beauty she was always talked down to by her family for her half-elven traits. Believe herself unattractive for her lack of elven features.
I Just Want to Be Free: Lariel wishes to escape and live her life without the judgement or control of her family.
I Just Want to Have Friends: Part of her wish for freedom is the wish for companionship.
In Vino Veritas: Lariel doesn’t drink often but when she does, she speaks her mind and acts with polite decorum like never before. Usually to comedic effect.
Ms.Imagination: Often lost in thoughts. Thinking about what if’s, could have beens, and inventing stories for why someone is dressed the way they are. Easily distracted.
Nice Girl: She believes everyone deserves kindness.
Nay-theist: She knows the gods are real and powerful beings. But she doesn’t trust them. Such divine authority is used and abused. Lariel thinks of them as disconnected and not concerned enough with those smaller than themselves. Losing the forest for the trees. Not to mention her own personal grudge against Sarenrae.
Power Floats: When using her powers she can float off the ground and even move small distances this way.
Purple is Powerful: Her favorite color. Often adorned in lavender and lilac. Despite her fragile seeming appearance she always is in a shade of purple. Hiding her power in plain sight.
Runaway Fiancé: Lariel runs from her engagement to Kraler. Using the travel to his home as a means to escape. Stealing the means to escape her collar during transit.
Shrinking Violet: Especially in the beginning of her journey. Before she really knows how to socialize.
Silk Hiding Steel: Her kindness, politeness, nor lady like demeanor are an act. But she is not helpless. Learning how to wield the facade of obedience. Strong willed. Fights when it is necessary against those who would use and abuse others. She is not as easily manipulated as she seems.
Shock and Awe: Controlling lightning with ease.
Sophisticated as Hell: She has a habit of sounding overly formal or bookish. At times a little too literal, oblivious, and naive.
Strong Family Resemblance: She doesn’t know but she looks a lot like her paternal grandmother. So much so if her father saw her he’d be suspicious.
Tender Tears: She's a notorious crier when things are happy, sincere, and honest.
The Cutie: Sweet, kind, gentle. Seeing the good in others and the world despite her own troubles. Willing to give anyone a second chance. Helps animals and children.
The Ingénue: Her demeanor often drives others to wish to protect her or to become a person who deserves such kindness from her.
The Redeemer: Welcoming even those most cruel. Everyone needs love, she says. As long as we work on that not hurting other people.
Weather Manipulation: Speaks for itself.
White Sheep: From a family of arrogant, hedonistic, manipulative, diplomats. She sticks out like a sore thumb as genuine, kind, and caring. Wanting nothing to do with her family’s tainted legacy.
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geekgirles · 3 months
I love the myth about Hades and Persephone as much as the next girl, but am I the only one who would like for people to focus more on Dionysus and Ariadne? From a narrative and creative standpoint, I mean.
Despite my love for it, I'm no mythology expert, but you can't deny the appeal behind a story about a woman who was abandoned/forgotten by her first love, for whom she gave everything up, meeting and falling in love with a god who loved her genuinely, never mistreated her, and went as far as making her immortal so they could be together.
Can you imagine the potential this story has for modern retellings and tropes? Fake Relationship to Make Your Ex Jealous that Becomes Real, Ladykiller in Love, Cant' Act Perverted Towards a Love Interest, Single Woman Seeks Good Man...
Or for the sake of Pride Month, given Dionysus' love for crossdressing, the fact that Ariadne didn't seem to mind about most, if not any, of his affairs with others, and the undeniable fact that practically no one in Ancient Greece was straight, it also opens up the possibility of playing with queer characters and relationships beyond the nuclear family archetype. An actual modern retelling could even feature a transmac or nonbinary Dionysus in a committed yet open or even polyamourous relationship with Ariadne.
There's also what happens after they end up together, like exploring Ariadne's possible insecurities over being a mortal married to a god and the possible power imbalance. Or her getting used to Olympus or even struggling to move on from Theseus. Oh, and from Dionysus' side, the exploration of finally meeting someone who is immune to his godly charms and chooses to be by his side because she genuinely likes him!
You can't tell me this myth doesn't have the makings of a great source of content.
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akkivee · 6 months
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quite literally the hypnosis mic experience lmao
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pensbridge · 1 year
Enemies‐ friends‐ fake-dating-> to lovers: They're all just an elaborate ruse for the fact that every single one of them are idiots🌟🌟. They're in love and they're just disasters who can't get their shit together!
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"My favourite thing to pass the time?" You ask
Reading through the TV Tropes website about Ninjago
(One such highlight:)
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1) Who let the Paleontologists onto the website
2) No need to be condescending
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angels-creative · 4 days
i hate being the main character I HATE IT
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
what if one day steve and danny stumble into what they think is a crime scene but actually turns out to be the production of a cop tv show and the more they find out about the show the more familiar all the details seem until they realise to their horror that someone is making a tv show about a fictionalised version of their team. of course it's highly sensationalised and inaccurate but has just enough details for it to feel creepy and make steve and danny suspect someone they know has fed the production some information. (jerry, it was definitely jerry)
turns out they can't shut it down because all personal information has been changed and there's not enough actual accuracy in the show to impact their procedure/operations since the viewers don't care about accuracy so much as entertainment and interpersonal relationships between characters.
they are, however, welcome to stay and watch the filming as long as they don't interfere. it's actually a bit amusing to watch their all too familiar banter from the outside, danny grins and pointedly looks at steve when his counterpart lectures his partner about recklessly risking his life and steve smirks when his calls danny's 'a nagging wife' which makes danny huff and glare adorably.
nothing could've prepared them to what they saw next, when their characters' usual heated argument suddenly turns into them making out against the wall in the interrogation room right in front of the 'suspect'.
their simultaneous 'what the hell?' startles everyone but the writer and director defend their choice 'just because it didn't happen like that with you guys doesn't mean we aren't allowed some creative license and our viewers respond well to passion. especially since two episodes ago captain o'malley finally confessed his undying love for his partner and sergeant walters reciprocated they are supposed to be unable to keep their hands off of each other. just like you were, i imagine, when you first succumbed to the obvious attraction between you two. all that flirting couldn't be for nothing.'
afterwards danny is quiet and steve angrily promises to have a word with jerry. when they confront him steve asks why, on top of everything, would jerry say that steve and danny are a couple? they are in for another shock when jerry says that he didn't. apparently the production team just assumed, based on all the details and behaviour, because it made more sense for their characters to be romantically involved rather than not.
steve is rattled because he feels exposed but the absence of danny's ranting is worrying so he overcomes his fear to ask what's wrong. danny surprises him with how small and resigned he sounds when he murmurs 'is the idea of being in love with me really so off-putting to you??'
steve realizes his reaction was misinterpreted and ended up hurting danny's feelings so now he has to risk admitting the truth even if it means making things awkward because he can't stand danny thinking he's not worthy of his or anyone else's love.
he never realised he was that obvious and being confronted with the opposite made him act defensively. 'i was bitter, and resentful, it felt like they were throwing what i could never have in my face. how unlikely is it to be hopelessly in love with your best friend and have him magically reciprocate? the chances are probably one in a billion'.
steve is afraid he made things awkward with his confession and tries to leave a speechless danny, until he is stopped with a hand on his wrist and a blinding smile. 'you big oaf, did it never occur to you that i am your one in a billion? now let's make our fictional selves jealous.'
once they are done making up for lost time they send jerry a gift basket.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
You ever forget a trope exists and then you remember all at once and you forgot just how much you love the trope.
May or may not be writing a “make out as a diversion/to avoid capture/etc” scene
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catboygirljoker · 7 days
Do you have an account on TV Tropes?
no account but i used to spend hours and hours and hours browsing that website back in the day lol. baby autism brain loved Categories
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the-flower-named-fire · 2 months
I like any 'False Trope'
False Chosen One
False Heir
False Villain
False Hero
False Reason
False Past/Backstory
False Mcguffin
False Identity
False Message
False Legend
I particularly like fraud (pretending to have powers? pretending to be the chosen one? pretending to have done great heroic acts? Fake King/Heir for the throne?)
My favorite ending for this is either meeting the REAL one and getting owned
Or Genuine Impostor Trope
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ayahpolls · 1 year
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the-raging-tempest · 9 months
TV Tropes Page for Zrise
I may update this in the future. Just a general content warning because it touches on some potentially triggering topics below.
Fake Tv Tropes for Lariel
Abusive Parents: As a child he was corporally punished by his step-father until he got big enough to fight back. Treated not as a child but as a weapon.
All for Nothing: As he looks back and sees the ashes in his wake he realizes too late that what he burned along the way was what he really needed. 
All of the Other Reindeer: His family treats him like an outsider. Then when Zrise gets exposed to the outside world most people treat him as strange and scary. He resents this. Never welcome where he is. As a noble he’s a bastard. As an inquisitor he’s a noble. Even when people treat him with kindness it’s because they want to use him.
Always Second Best/Can't Catch Up: No matter how hard he tries his sister is better at almost everything. 
Ambition is Evil: One of the driving forces behind his actions. He wants to become so powerful that no one can hurt him. 
Anguished Declarations of Love: The only way he ever admits any romantic feelings. 
Bastard Understudy: Each mentor who attempts to take him under their wing. He eventually turns on them. 
Being Evil Sucks: After the temporary highs of revenge, power, and hedonism fade. All he is left with is the truth that he doesn’t even know how to be happy anymore. There's always someone looking for justice and vengeance. He will always be fighting to stay alive.
Beneath the Mask: Having to be many things to many people on many occasions. And often failing to live up to the expectations the Mask set. Zrise is afraid to look Beneath the Mask because he believes he will hate whoever is underneath. That whoever is underneath is truly worthless. He can slip into Becoming the Mask. Where he loses himself and it’s too late to turn back.
Birthday Hater: Each birthday he sees as a day closer to death. Despite his sister’s request to spend the day together, he always flakes. Caught up in thinking about how he’s wasted his life. He avoids it, gets drunk, and picks a fight.
Blessed with Suck: He worships his Goddess so that he wouldn’t have to die and slow agonizing death. To get his medicine. His gift is an almost normal life, the only problem is the price he's always paying is doing their dirty work.
Blood Knight: He loves to fight. At times he says it’s his life's purpose. It’s the only time he feels competent. Battle is where he feels he has purpose.
Cruel to Be Kind: Zrise often pushes people away because he believes himself to be dangerous. He knows what he’d do to his enemies and those they love. He knows what he himself has done to the ones he loves. He doesn’t want it to happen again. Though he never goes about explaining it this way. He often pushes people away in moments when he does not trust himself. 
Dark and Troubled Past: Zrise was killed as a child. Drown intentionally by his mother. Only for her to realize she’d have to suffer consequences after his sister ran off. He was then resurrected through a necromantic ritual. Though the ritual was not complete as it required his mother’s heart as sacrifice. A price she wasn’t willing to pay. Through his childhood he was constantly sick and weak due to the ritual being incomplete. Leaving his body wanting to decay and corrupt. He required blood transfusions to retain his personhood and not become a shambling corpse. Though the curse still makes its way through his body and soul. He was fully aware when his soul was ripped away before his untainted self could be judged. Warned that the punishment for trying to cheat death was far worse than death itself. Zrise tells himself that this experience was a bad dream. Though the memories of that day still recur in his sleep. Not allowing him to rest. He blames the Gods who wish to punish him, rather than his mother for his murder.
Defiant to the End: He’ll always die kicking and screaming. Spitting in his enemies face. He never begs for his life.
Despair Event Horizon: Depending on his life path different events can trigger this. Usually though it is he loses his connection to both his sister and mother. 
Divine Punishment: Zrise can turn from his Goddess should he choose. But then he must face the consequences of becoming like the very heretics he hunted.
Doom Magnet: The ones who he actually cares about suffer the longer they are around him due to the consequences of his actions and his inability to face them. 
Even Evil Has Loved One’s / Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Zrise has a deep soft spot for both his sister and his mother. Both are tied in deeply with the trauma of his death. His mother for his murder, and his sister for leaving him behind. His craving for love from his mother drives him to act out, longing for her attention. The comfort of his sister's love often causes him to selfishly drive others away from her. His loyalty to one or the other can greatly influence his fate.
Face-Heel Turn: Can be in relation to his sister, mother, and the Knight Commander. Applies to Oria and Relik.
Fate Worse Than Death: His soul is tainted from the necromancy performed on him as a child. Taken before his soul could be judged untainted. He deeply fears what awaits him in the afterlife. 
Handsome Lech: Faithful worshipper of the Goddess of Lust. Known as a rake and a scoundrel in high society. He is known to pursue sex with anyone who can tolerate him with something to offer. When people can look past his undead nature he is attractive enough to get people’s attention, but they don't stick around for long. His personality and behavior drives others away from him. This is often intentional and self destructive on his end. 
Heel-Face Turn: To the Knight Commander on certain paths. Going from wishing to betray his sister to choosing a slow death to protect the ones he loves. Trying to be worthy of love.
How The Mighty Have Fallen: At his highs he is protected by some of the most wealthy and powerful. It all comes crashing down and he’s left with nothing, not even his grandfather’s name. And all his former allies are out to kill him. 
Identity Breakdown: Can either make or break Zrise. At his lowest he realizes how long he’s been a shell of himself. 
Kick the Dog: He has many moments that could be considered kicking the dog. Cruel to both animals and children when they bother him. Don’t ask him for charity. His version of mercy is a swift death. He is also often cruel to his sister. 
Love Makes You Crazy: How this manifests greatly depends on the object of his affection. Though he will do increasingly bizarre and desperate things for their attention, affection, and loyalty. Can include; Attempting to scare, fight, or kill any rival. Murder on their behalf. Changing the way he dresses and speaks. ‘Accidently’ bumping into them. Full blown denial that they aren’t interested in him. Being violent at perceived rejection. ‘Tests’ of their loyalty. Pursuing someone else in hopes they become jealous. Looking through their personal belongings. Etc. 
Love Makes You Evil: In the past Zrise killed his former rival and lover. Happens in certain paths if enabled by the Knight Commander.
Love Redeems: If the Knight Commander and Lariel can get through to him.
My God, What Have I Done?: Often Zrise realizes much too late that his plans will require a sacrifice he was never ready to make. Only now if he fails to follow through he might just end up losing it all anyway because it’s already been set in motion. 
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Even when Zrise does try to finally atone and ‘make up’ for what he’s done, it’s too little too late. The enemies he’s made along the way are not satisfied until all the suffering he has brought is paid back in full. Leaving those he loves in the crossfire.
Pater Familicide: One of the worst outcomes for him. When he doesn’t see a way out and he can’t bear to let his family see who he's become. 
Professional Killer: Torturing and killing enemies of the faith is his job. He gets very defensive when people criticize this. 
Sadist: Zrise has found a way to enjoy his work. That is to enjoy suffering. Both of others and his own. 
Sanity Slippage: Guilt, fear, and forces greater than himself, make him start to slide further and further away from sanity. 
The Berserker: Charges into battle like he has nothing to lose. Sometimes it's arrogance that the divine will protect him. Sometimes it’s full blown rage. Sometimes it’s a deep desire to hurt himself. Either way he doesn’t back down.
The Caligula: In some timelines; After murdering all the family above him he rules over all of what the Ellvesem family held. With one surviving family member he believes he can control. Abusing and using his family’s former allies. OR rising to Godhood his divine powers let him become his worst self.
The Hedonist: He often looks for a quick fix for his mood. Sex, drugs, etc. Sex is often his go to. Though in certain circumstances he can also indulge in his bloodlust. He's bad at thinking of the long term and looks for what is quick, easy, and pleasurable. (Even if that’s self flagellation)
The Starscream: In trying to befriend those more evil and powerful than himself he ends up envying and resenting them so much he plans to kill them and take their place.
Tragic Villain: It’s hard to say what path his life would have taken if his mother had not done what she did. If he didn't feel he needed to do whatever it took to survive.
Troubled Abuser: As much a victim and a perpetrator in the cycle of violence. Often accepting abusive and awful behavior because of how he was treated. Believing he must dish it out so he doesn’t have to be at its mercy. 
Unwitting Pawn: Often he falls right into the traps his mentors set for him, even when he tries to defy them. 
Undead Always Ends: Usually Zrise does not survive succumbing to the curse or worse.
Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Lariel often tells stories of a younger less jaded Zrise. One who carefully tended to plants in the family’s greenhouse. Who wanted to be a knight in shining armor. Who played tricks and pranks. A boy who tried to befriend everyone he ran into. Her brother who would look at the stars with her and talk about the adventures they would go on when they grew up. 
What Have I Become?: After he was brought back to life Zrise found his own body, a stranger. Fangs, cold gray skin, dark hair and nails. He has believed himself a monster since that day. 
Your Approval Fills Me With Shame: Certain mentors' approval fills him with a deep sense of shame once he starts to try to pull himself together. Often paired with trying to do the right thing and failing miserably.
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Dark Secret
False Utopia
Town with a Dark Secret
Empire with a Dark Secret
Sadly Mythtaken
Secret Past Catches Up
Cassandra Truth
Secret Test of Character
Secret Relationship (friends? romance? parentage? Secret Student? Secret Lover/Secret Child?
Hidden Purpose Test
Secret Keeper or Secret Secret-Keeper.
False Testimony/Confession/Charges
Anything 'Fake' (Redemption? Object? Reveal? Defector?)
Secret Plan
Hidden Agenda
Secret Mission/Deal
Secret (Evil?) Powers
Secret Friendship
Secret Message (like wearing an certain color means something? In code? A page in a book?)
Secret Passage/Path/Room/Door
Secret Society/Hidden Village
Ancient Conspiracy
Map All Along
All Just a Dream
Secret Art
Secret or Hidden Witness
Shared Mass Hallucination
Invisible Writing
The Unmasking
Really Royalty Reveal
Unaware Pawn
Keep in the Dark
Unwitting Muggle Friend
Locked Out of the Loop
It Was with You All Along
A person is tortured to get said information.
A thing they did. A thing they are doing. A thing they were going to do.
You were raised your entire life with a purpose, but of course nobody bothered to tell you.
The secret coul get someone in trouble (a threat?), you could be forced to lie or hide it? The secret you hurt a innocent too as a collateral together with the culprit? Or you? To use you? To kill you? You friend did a bad thing, but you don't want to rat him out? Going as far to cover up for him? Or the secret would cause your friend to do a bad thing? Or put two friends against each other? Your Faction is the one to blame?
Investigation of the Evil Authority's shady corrupted business can get you being named unlawfull or a traitor. You may look very suspicious too.
This can be about a posmortum character, maybe even the reason they died.
Secretly working with each other?
A Bad Thing that happened to you, but you hide. Fear of your loved ones's reactions?
Forced into a Fake Relationship?
Manipulation: To do something to her/him? You involve a person into something without telling her about all of it (plan? conflict?) or lie to get her to do/don't do a thing? So he/she won't run? Or stop them?
Do Anything in Secret (from which characters?) or it Happened and Hide it.
A character begin forced to keep a Secret.
Taken to the Grave
Card up in the Sleeve
Different Reason
Cover Up
Change of the Plans
A given Information
False Cause
'Normal/Mundane’ characters unaware of their conections with the ‘mystical’ can be used as pawns more easily. Or just someone with unaware secret that a bad person knows.
Maybe its not even about the assunt itself, just the fact they lied and its possible consequences. Or the reaction to the reveal (whose?), or what the finder do with the secret. A lie can lead people to do bad things, especially if told by people they trust.
A secret can cause misunderstanding, can get people blamed, put in danger or saved by it, people can be killed to keep it a secret or after it is revealed, because of the content. The lack of the true and whole information about the situation when making a action can lead to many paths.
For the secret keeper? The uninformed? The actuator? The subject? The object? The finder? The tattler? The liar? The revealer? The victim? What are their Character Archetypes? For me, identifying which characters (can? have to?) exist in a Trope helps organize the plot.
Character B has an secret that makes Character A angry. Character B can be or not aware of the secret about themselves.
Character A is told an secret about themselves and has an bad reaction at that, affecting his relationship with Character B.
Character B tells Character A the secret about A, mostly likely different story than the lie B made about it.
The reveal can be about both. Maybe they chose to have different reactions to it. To put more drama, add another trope before/during it, like an Death or Betrayal.
A character makes a reveal about themselves. Or a third party makes the reveal of a secret to their friends.
A reveal about a third person, a group, a place or a object.
A reveal about the group they are in? Maybe one if the friends already know? Maybe they are even part of the secret?
The group you are with can be aware of a secret about you that you don’t know. Or a person you trust hid something that affects you.
If lies and secrets are involved, even more conflict. Maybe its not even bad stuff, the problem itself is that they lied/keep secret and its consequences.
Or the refusal to talk about it even under pressure, or forcing someone to keep a secret
Or reveal or declaration about a person without permission or knowledge.
The reveal mostly can take two paths: a total new information being given (It happened) or the story told different of what really happened (how?)
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sothischickshe · 2 years
No but really which of these is the silliest:
Dean hiring some useless children to kill rio, who instead end up robbing the lawn
Rio not even hiring Beth to kill boomer, just telling her to do it without the suggestion of financial compensation, and then barely checking she managed it
Beth hiring some random weird old man she convolutedly found to kill rio (who she reasonably legitimately believes is a threat to her/loved ones), who turns out to be the personification of both incompetence & creepiness
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crancisfrozier · 2 years
How is every single news article getting the goncharov characters wrong it’s LITERALLY spelled out in Beelz’s poster. That’s like the only concrete lore this movie actually has.
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thatdude-noah · 1 year
the urge to infodump except it's just. medical information. i just wanna infodump about medical care to you guys. i just wanna give a lecture about bones.
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