somethingtocallmine · 5 months
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meamidstthechaos · 5 months
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rotisserierosier · 9 months
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naive-daydreamer · 1 year
Mahmoud Darwish, King Solomon, Neil Gaiman, Nikita Gill, Mary Oliver, butterflies rising, Lang Leav, rachel h, Alexandra Vasiliu, Shayan Das : *writes masterpieces of stories and poems*
Me: *screaming, crying, suffering, etc. in bilingual frustration* WHY I CANNOT BE YOU
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weatheredlaw · 11 months
I've been reading logolepsy, and I am in awe of your ability to keep distinct voices that are so completely accurate to the original media. Do you have any advice on how do do this, or is the nascar thing where there is no trick except practice and hard work and running fast while turning left? Also: I found your tumblr after reading your work and I am amazed to hear about the Hugo award! I've been going all over your blog to see what you won it in. I'd love to read it.
off the bat, the hugo award is a joke (sorta) because AO3 won the hugo award and so technically anyone who's published to AO3 won it as well (sorta) lol. i do not actually have a hugo award. maybe someday!
now, to answer your question: logolepsy is a group effort, between myself and the wonderful @vehlr who i tricked into writing a "short letter thing" with me years ago and now here we are. my dear friend V took over varric's words and i had cassandra's. however, character voice IS a fanfic thing i pride myself on being pretty decent at recreating so i will give advice as best i can:
as simple as it sounds, it helps to be able to reread, rewatch, or relisten to the voice of the character you're emulating. for me, watching cutscenes of da:i and da:2 were great for writing varric and cass because it's sorta inconvenient to have to replay a game just to hear a character voice lol.
another thing i will say is my brain is pretty good at recalling the things i'm hyperfixating on, and for some reason character voices just get stuck in my head and i find them not as difficult to recall and write as other things. but as you said, i do think practicing and practicing is definitely a really good way to get that down. i hope this helps a bit!
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logolepzy · 7 months
HEY i don’t know if anyones asked you this but how’d you come up with your username?
its based on the word “logolepsy” which is a term to describe the fascination/obsession with words! i just changed the ‘s’ to a ‘z’ but i thought it was fitting since this is an account for writing :33
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read logolepsy as legolepsy. excuse me while i die of embarrassment
What flowers for your funeral? Dear anon, you will be missed.
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engagekiss · 2 years
What would be your advice to one who wishes to start ones own coining blog? In regards to flag making, picking the right label && ensuring it sound nice, and colourpicking, all of that. *Not Forced, of course. If any others who may view this ask && would like to provide their two cents that would be much appreciated as well. Have a lovely night.
~~ The Celestial One (Is that label alright? Feel free to alter it as you wish.)
the goddess has mentioned before but scy uses lunapic’s flag maker to create scythes flags before editing them ! the creator can’t really help with colorpicking, as vi has words associated with colors already due to synesthesia && normal word association … for example, the word logolepsy looks green to virtual ! in terms of labeling … here’s a nice carrd full of suffixes ! aside from that, the goddess just squishes two words together … “ piantic ” is just piano, haunt, and the suffix -ic
apologies if scy wasn’t much help ( TT TT )
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kirinda · 6 months
Defunct, Lucida and Logolepsy !!
Defunct (adj.) No longer existing or functioning. Are any of your f/os from media that is already completed? If you could have any new content for your f/o, what would you like to see?
can we get another etoranger collab in a mobile game i play this time. i dont think it needs a remake or movie but another collab would be cute. but a remake would mean merch and i want a model kit of my boytoy. literal toy
Lucida (n.) The brightest star in a constellation. What makes your f/o special to you? What about them makes them shine brighter than everyone else?
still kiri HES JUST SO SILLY strange old man robot and then boom hes a twink with a really cute smile. his stupid accent is so so cute to me his voice is everything
Logolepsy (n.) An obsession or fascination with words. Have you read any good fics involving your f/o lately? Or is your f/o lacking in available fanfiction?
there is no fics for my fos except law in which case they are bad and try to make him an edgy dom. hes not that
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rkivestation · 1 year
Beautiful Tragic;
It's a little beautiful with you. Times when I made you happy I would be satisfied. Times when I boosted the unknown dopamine within you I felt satisfied. Times when I made you taste my addiction to logolepsy I felt satisfied. Times when I showed you path of your worth I felt satisfied. Times when you loved yourself I felt satisfied.
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It's a little tragic with you. Now that you make me happy I feel happy. Now that you touched me I want more. Now that you smiled at me I'm philocalist. Now that you gave me your words I'm a lexophile, addictively. Now that you show efforts my serotonin boosts. Now that you're all mine,yet not mine, I'm proprietorial. Now that we are inseparable I fear everyday. Now when you're sad,I'm breaking. Now when you're hurt,I'm dying. Now when I'm hurt for you, I'm aching, mind-blowingly aching. Now that we are a sweet tragedy,I'm obsessed. Now that you love me I love you. A little too more. A little too more.
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The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life, spiritual conversion.
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psychoticauthor · 3 years
I’ve gotten into finding cool words and their definitions, so here yall go. Onism
(n.) the awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience
(n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind
(n.) an impractical dreamer
(n.) finding something beautiful without looking for it
(n.) an obsession with words
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artbyc · 4 years
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rotisserierosier · 3 months
ice hockey player james potter x actor evan rosier
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naive-daydreamer · 1 year
I created a word that, in my eyes, it is legitimy, and in my heart, I hope it to be used and remembered: Verakensi'naísh:
That word would be the one that describes the inability of stop feeling; it would be the name of the deepest form of empathy.
Use it, if you wish to. Write poems with it, let your tongue became familiar with it, be identified, too. I am going to do all of it, and more, but I thought that it would be so selfish of mine to not share this new word with all the ones that needs it.
So here it is. Use it wisely.
—The Solivagant.
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weatheredlaw · 2 years
Top 5 Cass/Varric fics you've written.
1. Logolepsy, co-written with the fabulous @vehlr
2. Aloft on the wind
3. My heart is fire
4. Of the rarest sort
5. The heart replies
(Mobile is being dumb about links just read them all 🥺)
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