#loifa was nima
writingmoth · 11 months
Secret & battle
2. SECRET - How many unnamed OCs do you have?
hmmm around 5 or so? probably less tbh. i have tons of ideas for stuff i want to eventually write and the characters in these ideas have no name to speak of but i have this weird little system where i use already existing characters in new ideas until they have morphed enough to be their own thing, if that makes sense? so not many unnamed ocs to speak of in the end
10. BATTLE - Who is your most evil OC?
i've been here staring at this ask for SO long but i just don't know? i don't think i have a truly evil oc. reia from antisnowwhite did very shitty things, but she had good intentions. valerian is a selfish brat but he'd never go out of his way to hurt someone who did nothing to him (tho he'd absolutely hurt someone who did something to him and his definition of "something" is pretty loose). even roma's asshole ex is just a very frustrated person in somewhat unfortunate circumstance.
if i had to pick one... hmmmm... reia? she did send a 8 year old into a monstrous forest, after all. but she isn't really evil.
thank you so much for the ask!!!
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wilderlingdev · 2 years
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my fave ocs i mentioned on an ask the other day! top is the two forms of loifa, from fantasy romance wip, my nano project, then valerian from anti snow white and finally our very own nima. i havent drawn for reals in god knows how long so it was nice to pick up the pen again!
post with only loifa here.
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wilderlingdev · 2 years
Heyy, could you answer 🌿 and 🌞?
Love you story btw
🌿 who is your favourite character you've ever written?
ok this one is pretty hard.... but probably valerian from my regular/linear novel wip. he's SO chaotic, very vain, sometimes cruel and selfish, but very vulnerable too & with very relatable wants/fears. he's the closest thing to an antihero i've ever written (or will write... since i only have a half finished "zero draft" of this story) and i just adore the way his mind works and the relationships he ends up developing.
🌞 favourite character from current wip
ok, for briarheart it's probably nima. i know we arent supposed to have favorite ROs but well... they are mine. they are a bit like valerian since both are /very/ messy (even though nima is harmless in comparison.... very confused/lost instead of very selfish). i love how vulnerable they are but also how unpredictable they can be as well.
since im also working on fantasy romance wip rn (regular/linear fiction, not an if, im posting more about it on my writing blog) there's also loifa, who is a lot like valerian and nima. in fact, a venn diagram of my current favorite ocs would look like this:
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i have a very obvious type anon 🥲 they even look a bit alike lol
thank you so much!!! i hope i can update briarheart soon <3
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writingmoth · 8 months
Sycamore: Which character is protective, would be a great person to turn to in times of danger?
rowan, certainly. he is very much the protector archetype, sometimes too much even. vespertine from antisnowwhite is also pretty great when it comes to protecting and leadership in general, and isra/ira (i haven't decided yet ;-;) too. also ves from briarheart!! they are all very much the protector/leader type.
thank you so much for the ask!!
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writingmoth · 8 months
how about Pawpaw for the tree WIP asks? - @duskforged
(I know this is the second ask I've sent all day but shh your writing's great)
Pawpaw: How do you name your characters?
there is no rhyme or reason honestly ;-; i try to follow the customs/culture of the place (real or not) but to be honest i'm a big fan of one or two syllables names (i mean... loifa, rowan, moira, reia, roa, nima, ves, isra etc) so if i can get away with one i will probably do it lol
and thank you so much!!! ;-;
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writingmoth · 8 months
comet and satellite!
☄️ Comet - Who is your most self destructive character? Why are they like that?
probably nima from briarheart. loifa has some destructive tendencies too, and so does rowan. nima because... spoilers. loifa because their coping mechanisms are absolute shit and rowan because he's an stubborn ass. you know that person who will break before they bend? that's rowan.
🛰 Satellite - Do you have a character who is very dependent on another character? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
*chuckles nervously* that might be one of my lowkey favorite tropes? i have the guardian and the heartless from the hanging heart, loifa and cyan from fantasy romance wip, even valerian and vespertine from antisnowwhite (kind of). but the only really kinda unhealthy relationship is probably the guardian & the heartless, mostly because the heartless becomes an asshole and the guardian is too loyal to do anything about it. cyan & loifa are mostly just tragic, not unhealthy, and valerian and vespertine are so beyond being normal that it becomes being healthy in the end.
ty for the ask!!
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writingmoth · 3 months
in the topic of names, i made a list of my main wips + its characters and thats what ive got:
fantasy romance wip:
one/two syllables names for the win, apparently (except with aroaceprincess, i guess). just ONE name starting with "a". welp.
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writingmoth · 7 months
happy STS!! let's talk about character dynamics - which characters that get along in your story wouldn't under different circumstances? which would? whose relationships are affected the most by circumstance, and how?
hello, happy STS!!!!
hmm i think moira and loifa from fantasy romance wip would probably never get along under different circumstances, that is, rowan is the bridge between them. it's a similar situation to nima and kaisa from my if wip, briarheart - they are too different. if they hadnt been forced to cooperate with each other bc of rowan, they'd never have given each other a chance. as it stands, they... like each other. with time they will surely become friends (fantasy romance wip is too short for us to get to that i think), but if there wasn't a life threatening situation involving someone they like? nah. theyd never have gotten past vaguely hostile/awkward acquaintances.
now, for the relationship most affected by circumstance... probably rowan and his little sister's, ada. their relationship is strained at the beginning of fantasy romance wip, to say the least. they barely acknowledge each other and just kind of live their own lives even though they live together lol. it's complicated bc ada resents rowan, rowan has elder sibling(tm) syndrome and just accepts ada's indifference and they just... live like that. together but apart.
thank you so much for the ask!!
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