writingmoth · 4 months
🖊️ + any character's name that starts with an A
- @duskforged
This is my secret: I did not see the end of the world. As the world broke and wailed like a dying beast, I walked through my forest in peace, watching young apprentices learn how to manipulate the blood of the now agonized Earth, their guardians hovering over them. They bowed to me when I approached, hope shimmering in their eyes just like it did in yours. It was easier for me to recognize such things back then, as it was to laugh and frown and build expressions from nothing, to shape my voice into questions. I was, slowly, becoming like your people, years of teaching the ways of earth-blood manipulation carving away at my nature.
from HALF A HEART, my short story in the COMMON BONDS anthology <3
i don't think i have a character whose name starts with A??? i think?? i'm trying to come up with someone but theres nothing </3
ty for the ask!
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k--havok · 4 months
Writing Trope Bingo
ALRIGHT gonna try and kickstart a new tag game now I guess! I'm gonna go ahead and credit @duskforged for creating this card format and finding the website as well.
Rules: Either download the blank copy or go to BingoBaker and fill out a card with the tropes and elements in your WIPs. Tag as many people as you like and see who can get a bingo!
Mine is:
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I'm gonna go ahead and tag everyone who interacted with the original post and soft tag some of my mutuals as well! @ryns-ramblings @authoralexharvey @jadiealissia @kaylinalexanderbooks @akiwitch @kckramer @hesperos-xi @puttingwingsonwords @digital-chance @rainbowcoloreddays @teafuelledwritng @spookyceph @mikathewriter @riveriafalll @vesper-roux @pandoras-comment-box @alecthewreck @somethingclevermahogony @simonnebethel @star-ch4ser @televisionjester @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @elsie-writes @toragay-writing @jezifster @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @oh-no-another-idea @hallowedfury @asassydork @blind-the-winds and an open tag for anyone I missed!
Blank card will be under the cut!
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encrucijada · 4 months
badly described wips poll.
tagged by @duskforged , thank you!
okay we all know i have like 50+ wips so we're gonna leave it there
tagging: @onomatopiya @macyqwrites @coffeeandcalligraphy @harehearts @cream-and-tea @saltwaterbells ... and anyone else who'd like to do this! tried to pick people i know have various wips
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pen-of-roses · 5 months
Badly Summarized WIPs Game
I was tagged by both @concealeddarkness13 and @grailfish, so thanks guys!
Some of these are doubled shhh!
Tagging: @abalonetea @duskforged @somealienquill @mrs-mikko-rantanen and @ anyone else who wants to
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whgmasterofceremonies · 6 months
Writeblr Hunger Games Round 21
It's happening! Get ready for the Ultimate Chosen One Challenge!
Reminder of the Basics: Writers submit their characters as potential candidates and then I put them in the Brant Steele Hunger Games Simulator and share the results. In the meantime, the writers can write and share stories (from giant text posts to just a couple of sentences) about their characters being in the Games!
Note: characters’ canonical powers, strengths, abilities, disabilities, and weaknesses will not be taken into account by the simulator. Every outcome is random and everyone has an equal chance for victory or disaster.
How we’ll do things this time: each writer who wants to participate can submit up to three original characters, preferably ones whom they assign "Chosen One" status to for any given reason, they would like to see fight in the Arena. Please reblog this post only or else send this blog an ask/message with your characters’ information.
In your submissions, please include your characters’:
Name (what you would like to see them repeated as over and over in the simulation)
A little bit of background as to why they're the Chosen One (just your favorite, fated by prophecy, turns out to be a hero...)
Rather than having a standard round with deaths, we will tweak the arena events to things like "Character X and Y are forced into an obstacle course. X wins but is injured" or "Character Z faces holograms of their worst fears. They surrender and leave the Arena" until one champion is left standing!
Submissions begin today
Writing prompts will be posted later this week
Submissions close Friday, December 22
Initial Reaping with list of characters is posted Saturday, December 23. Please let me know if I've misspelled anything, you'd like to make adjustments, etc.
Official Reaping will be posted probably next Wednesday, December 27
The Games begin the day after that, with one in-Arena day posted per real-world day
This is likely going to be a very short round, but let me know if you'd rather it be drawn out longer--or if you have any other questions!
Tagging those who were interested: @duskforged, @pen-of-roses, @waltzshouldbewriting, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @concealeddarkness13, @maple-writes, @ratracechronicler
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piecesofeden11 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
And now for something completely different. As, after a long hiatus, my DnD campaign has finally picked up again, I have found that much of my worldbuilding has gotten a little outdated by split-second decisions at the table and, frankly, bs I made up on the spot because it felt right in that second, so I'm currently busy revising a lot of the lore for my world. My WIP I offer today to those interested, therefore, is a little snippet into the Divine lore of my homebrew setting, Irion. (@my players. This is all safe for you, as it's knowledge your characters would have more or less :D <3) I'd love to hear what everyone thinks!!! (even if you know nothing of DnD <3)
Myth: As the Ancients ruled what is now Irion (which is, technically speaking, only the Sister Continents and the Islands), there were seven Kingdoms in total. Izmera was Queen of one of them, until a war broke out amongst the Kingdoms.
Ruthless and powerful, Izmera won the war, crowing herself Empress of all of Irion. The cost of the war was great, extinguishing the Ancients from the world or driving them back towards the Worlds beyond the Veil, realms and planes outside of the known cosmos.
Izmera, however, held on to her throne and watched over the new life spreading across her kingdom, elves and dwarves and humans and all manner of other folk starting to settle and she followed their progress with interest.
Those fortunate enough to gaze upon her began to spread word of her divinity, setting up shrines and temples in her name and honor, thus starting her following as a goddess.
Of the Ancient that stayed, Exias was closest to Izmera and they are said to have been lovers. The Elven folk of Irion claim to be the offspring of their union.
That about sums up the bulk of Exias' involvement in the world. He is said to hold no interest in the mortal realm and rarely is his influence felt in the world.
The most involved and beloved of all the divine of Irion must surely be Korien Songbird. Her willingness to sacrifice herself when Exias, in a stroke of cruelty, demanded an offering of 12 children in order to bring rain to Korien's native lands, caught the eye of Izmera. Stories about how exactly this sacrifice happened or was supposed to happen, vary from place to place. In some, she merely offers her death instead of the 12 children, in others she bargained with Exias that the children would have to be his own, born of her own body. Whichever tale is told, the result is always that Izmera, disgusted by Exias' cruelty, stepped in and saved the young princess, elevating her to godhood and preserving her youth and beauty in immortality. Korien accepted the goddess' gift and declared herself the goddess of death. She is said to appear to the sick and dying, be it on their deathbeds or on battlefields, giving them comfort in their last moments and leading them to the city of the dead beyond the veil.
Next came Yara Duskforged, an empress of dwarven descent, who set out to build the greatest empire the world had ever seen. Under her rule, dwarves began to mine under almost every mountain in Irion, creating an unfathomable network of caves and cities below the earth. Her origin is disputed nowadays, with every dwarven clan claiming to be in direct line to her and their city build on top of Yara's legendary empire.
According to legend, Izmera came to Yara on her deathbed and, impressed by her tenacity, offered her immortality.
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mjjune · 5 months
Find Lines Tag Game
thanks so much to @jezifster for this game!! i love this concept
rules: find a line in your wip (dialogue or not) that fits the parameters given by the person who tagged you. then change one of the parameters and tag people.
tagging: @isabellebissonrouthier @duskforged @bebewrites and anyone who wants to!
your lines: all of them are the same except #1 changes to "About Moonlight/Sunlight"
see mine below! all of these are from twtr <3
1. About Light
When he lifts his head from his hands, opens his eyes, he feels more grounded. Sunlight trickles in through the curtains, so there is little point in going back to sleep. There is something he must do, before the bell rings for morning prayer.
2. Is Said In Anger
They yank your head up and tear the blindfold so you can see their horrible masks—royal armor, sleek black but shining, with abyssal crescents for eyes. “What were you doing with the princess in Darscafor?” Princess? Your mind races, that red hair flashing behind your eyes. “What did you do to her?” “I saved her.”
3. Mentions Texture
He nods, and she steps forward to press into him, despite the roughness of his armor. Though her touch is light, light enough that he can barely feel it through the metal, he does feel the softness of her hair against his chin. “I’m sorry.” “It was not your fault.” His heart pounds in his chest, aching. “I would do it again.”
4. Shows Tension
The creature looks over its shoulder, and even from the distance, he feels its eyes daring into him. At first, normal eyes, but they flash sliver, as quick as a blink. But it does nothing. It doesn’t shift or approach or vanish into fog. Staring down its hunter, his poised arrow means nothing to it. Eyes bleed silver, this time holding. It is not The Wolf.
Mentions Heart/Heartbeats
The guards who let him in do not follow. They merely shut the door behind him, trapping him with them. Stepping up to the table, he kneels to bow low, heart pounding. He has passed all her tests and done everything she required to be free. He should have known it would never happen.
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TAGLIST: (message or comment below to be +/-) @aether-wasteland-s @annetilney @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @cljordan-imperium @dogmomwrites @dustylovelyrun @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @forthesanityofstorytellers @ghafasinej @helioscenic @isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marrowwife @mr-writes @macabremoons @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations @tate-lin @thyroidhormones @verba-writing @vsnotresponding @wildswrites
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duskforged · 9 months
artblr/writeblr (re)intro
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edit 9/24/23: updated game list
hello, one and all, to my artblr/writeblr, duskforged. my interests are massively widespread and i swear i pick up more hobbies than i care to count, so this will be my catchall art blog.
my name is hesperos wingrove, i am trans + nonbinary (they/them), and i am an artist, writer, and worldbuilder, among other things.
my preferred genre is fantasy but i sometimes dabble in historical fiction and sci-fi. i also write fanfic, draw blorbos, and try my best to not cry while learning how to code python.
i am a security guard for my day job (don't ask), and studied graphic arts at a vocational center.
my links!
more about my WIPs/projects under the cut! this includes: novels, comics, fanfics, and video games. there is quite a few of them.
For color coding: purple is considered priority within the category; red is 'stuck' or 'back burner', i enjoy the idea but am not currently working on it; green is finished (rare); blue is pre-planning/plot bunny stage/not yet posted.
Unto Summer Kings | wip intro | arthurian legend, fantasy, historical (ish)
Arthur lives in a lull period between greater moments in history - the fall of the Roman Empire came before he was born and the future is yet unwritten...
The Vespertine | wip intro | fantasy
Aselhi is one orphan among many on the streets of Kestramore, eking out a living as a servant in a minor household. Unlike other orphans, they're one of the vespertine, an alien people who ate through the cosmic Weft separating Moia from the other realms and setting the Causeways alight....
Lodestar | wip intro | sci-fi, speculative fiction
When Lieve was young, they used to dream of visiting Earth. Now an adult, they know that is but a wish made by a foolish child. Now, they toil on the inner asteroid belt, alongside most of their peers...
Amid Wisteria | wip intro | fantasy
Having grown up on the isolated western coast of Aeros, Arêllan ve Povunra Aelisâm is only 29 years old when their mother, the Lady Matriarch Povunra, declares they will be adopted into the esteemed Llanaere family and live in the distant capital of Maêla...
Sanctuary | wip intro | fantasy
After becoming a war hero in New Ánasezan Movement, Lady Alessámira Nasánza Solsinat is a knight who has retired from fighting. Three years have passed since the old monarchy was overthrown, and Ánaseza has finally returned to something resembling contentment and peace. Unfortunately for Alessa, darkness still lurks underneath the veneer of this new nation...
These Absent Gods (title WIP) | fantasy
Malachi was built for war - all war demons are. But they certainly weren't built for cleaving to a pact, much less one written by an idiot and enforced by the blood of an innocent. But here's what that idiot doesn't know: the one who bleeds is the one who owns the pact. Albae is just unfortunate enough to be that sacrifice.
Cracked Prophecy (title WIP) | fantasy
It was an accident, honestly! Grand Duke Hektor was supposed to be unkillable by any man, and here's Corbin, ruining the prophecy in that final battle. Now he has the enraged chosen one, Nirsaa, on his tail, and as he is lifted to new heights within their society, he realizes something about himself that no one saw coming. (or did they?)
The Hanged Man | Naruto | SI/OC-insert as Hatake Sakumo
Waking up in the body of a man the day before he's supposed to die isn't the greatest thing. Especially when I know what's going to happen to his son.
The Ever-Growing Gloaming | Baldur's Gate 3 | SI/OC-insert
It all started when Vespere tripped inelegantly through the fabric between realities directly into an illithid's vessel as it split the Planes into Baldur's Gate. On one hand, they're lucky enough to survive the experience. On the other… they have a tadpole in their head, a dream visitor they don't trust, and have somehow ended up being the face of a party of absolute fucking weirdos. Oh, and what's worse, they don't even know how to get home from here. Joy.
hope is a weapon / hope is a skill | Star Wars | SI/OC-insert, outsider POV
With the addition of the small planet of Edhen to the Republic, Senator Bryn Laverne is a new player on the field. The Clone Wars have just begun, and no one is quite sure what to make of it. Except the new senator, of course.
the stars that listen | Star Wars | AU, crack-y
Tiring of the Order's treatment of his padawan, Obi-Wan takes Anakin back to Tattooine with every intention of freeing first Shmi, and then the planet as a whole. This snowballs into a desire to free the entire galaxy from slavery and other systemic woes. Obi-Wan just didn't anticipate all but stealing half the Jedi Order doing it.
Winter Wakes The Wolves | Game of Thrones | OC-insert (sorta), crack-y
They don't know how they ended up here, but each one of them knows what will happen at Harrenhal. They're desperate to change the timeline, and clearly the best way to do that... is to bring an industrial revolution to the North. (Four random people get inserted into the bodies of Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna, and Benjen Stark a month before Eddard goes to foster at the Eyrie.) Inspired by Red Pill, Blue Pill (Falling Into Wonderland) by writing_as_tracey
Trickling | MCU/Thor | time-travel, genderbending
Loki dies on the Statesman and awakes in their childhood bedroom on Asgard, centuries before the Avengers would be born. Alas, this timeline is one step to the left, and they're left in the body of a little girl - not a little boy. Inspired by the Song of the Yggdrasill by Valerie_Vancollie.
(more TBD)
You don't know how you ended up here, but you do know that wherever this is, it isn't Earth. You suppose you're lucky you haven't died of some sort of alien disease or exploded into hives from an allergic reaction. But now you have a new cellmate, and they seem hellbent on teaching you a language you've no context for...
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sleepyowlwrites · 4 months
✍🏻 and 🌐 for that emoji ask list. - @duskforged
✍🏻 - How long have you been a writer?
I've been writing since I was 8, but I've been a writer since I was 13.
🌐 - What’s the weirdest thing you’ve searched on Google for a fic?
I rarely do research for fics, so I'm trying to think of something I might’ve searched for. I did try to get the naming and titling right in my The Untamed fic series, since it's a Chinese drama and it's very particular.
I can't think of anything weird. It's usually just what plants are good for reducing a fever or what are green gemstones or what is the name of that specific power rangers episode
Thanks for asking, gorgeous url (I'll find a nickname for you eventually)
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kashacreates · 2 years
✨🌈Ask Days List🌈✨
Basically, on ask days, I tend to come up with a question or two and send them to a handful of people. This list helps me organize this process.
Asks are zero pressure.  They tend to be related to the day (world building on Weds, general writing on saturday, etc.) and generic. 
✨✨🌈Due to the sheer volume of participants: Asks are now a prompt post on the appropriate day that tags the entire list!  I also pull from this list for tag games like tunesday, Find the Word, and more. (I can’t guarantee response to every single person on the posts, but I’ll do my best.) Thank you all!🌈✨✨
Like, reply, or reblog this to be added to this list. 
You!  Once you’ve interacted with this post!
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writingmoth · 9 months
how about Pawpaw for the tree WIP asks? - @duskforged
(I know this is the second ask I've sent all day but shh your writing's great)
Pawpaw: How do you name your characters?
there is no rhyme or reason honestly ;-; i try to follow the customs/culture of the place (real or not) but to be honest i'm a big fan of one or two syllables names (i mean... loifa, rowan, moira, reia, roa, nima, ves, isra etc) so if i can get away with one i will probably do it lol
and thank you so much!!! ;-;
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Happy WBW, Dreams! What sort of spiritual/belief system(s) exist in your world for Tears of Iron? God(s), nature, spirits, etc? - @duskforged
Spiritual/belief system in Tears of Iron
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Interesting question. Let's see:
There are no gods and no religions in Tears of Iron. People who have magic don't believe in any other supernatural than the one they can see and research directly. (There is enough of it as it is).
Since natural elements, landscapes and places have their own wild natural magical energy called magicae, that you have to understand and address correctly to use in elemental magic, people worship nature and really personify it. Gardens, rivers, little ponds to specific beaches or parks etc - they are treated as if they had their own personalities, names, moods.
It's common to talk to flowers, trees, animals, insects, anything. They are part of nature, pure and magical in a humanely uncorrupted way.
It's believed animals become spirits after their deaths and join up in the flow of magical energy in the air that runs through the universe. There are even instances where you can see this happen, giant ghostly silver whales swimming through the sky, antilopes running through snow forests, wolves and lions and fish at the beach. The Flying Islands are very popular spirit place for its concentration of wild magic.
I'm not sure if to include werewolves and other kind of Shifters in this universe. But if I did, it would go really well with the spirit animals. People would turn into spirit animals themselves after death and those that would be born with the ability to shapeshift would actually be those, who were particularly happy/powerful magical spirits and retained that connection even in their new human lives. Werewolves and co would be therefore very respected. They wouldn't have to hide and they would never be seen as monsters.
And I guess that would make people believe in reincarnation very widely. Not proven and not plot relevant, but it would go with the "everything is connected" theme.
People believe and worship and pray to the universe. To that vast flow of energy that binds everything together. Believing good and bad things come back, because life isn't fair, but the universe is and every action, energy, even every thought makes little ripples in the net of the magic that spreads over the cosmos and comes back. In unusual forms, not always from the direction expected or deserved, but it always comes back, one way another.
Though there are different schools of thought that think about this. One says that because of the universe and magic that connects everything, every person's life has value in the grand scheme of things, whether they achieve big things or get acknowledged for it or not. It values order, universality theory that at the core everyone is the same and should seek similar things from life. And that if you are happy or not depends on your mindset, and how you choose to look at things, cause doing things in order and how they are supposed to go is the best. Leads to perfection, impact and fulfillment.
The other considers this approach to be lazy, encouraging inaction and stagnation, and instead admires chaos as source of creativity and energy. This second school says the magical connection of the universe doesn't necessary make meaning, but underlines the importance and power of coincidence. You can never know what the winds of chance will bring or where your actions will lead, that's why you have to take chances, be spontaneous and impulsive, get out there and try things out. Cause you may never know, maybe your big meaning or life changing event waits just around the corner. It also encourages lack of planning, breaking traditions, doing new things and making mistakes as something crucial to creating your own meaning in life.
Thanks for the question, this made me think and come up with some new possible threads to follow^^
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pen-of-roses · 9 months
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tag @chauceryfairytales!
My words are green, rain, ghost, cat, and time. I'm pulling across three different wips here
A flurry of blue and green feathers had him turning quickly to the source, memories of an elaborate cape of a similar design and a cocky voice filling his mind.
Just outside the door they hadn’t bothered to close, the rain was heavy enough to obscure the rest of the town, and it drummed a pounding rhythm on the roof. Hopefully the old wood could stand one more night. Or day. Whatever fucking time it was now.
Ghost-Abyssal Damned
Even her own friends would struggle for more insight into her as a person past the surface level of her interests. It doesn’t seem to be a purposeful thing though, she’s rather warm and inviting after all, it’s more just, Ilm exists as a ghost of sorts, slipping from one group to the other easily, fitting in with practically anyone and everyone, but never really lingering or connecting, and keeping to herself most often. Not an unusual habit for the scholars of Glassfeld.
Very confused that I can't find one for cat when I know one of my characters has a cat??? Maybe I'm looking through the wrong files
“Hm? Oh you mean in my apartment all that time ago? You think I don’t know about every single shardwalker the moment they fall onto this shard? I’d be a fool not to.”
Tagging: @concealeddarkness13 @duskforged @ratracechronicler and @sparrow-orion-writes (feel free to ignore if you don't do these)
Your words are: fire, lonely, hope, ancient, and song
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theprissythumbelina · 2 years
Get to Know Me Better Tag
I got tagged by @sergeantnarwhalwrites and @thetruearchmagos for this tag, thank you both! Rules are to answer the questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Favorite Color: I’m a big blues person, but I do like a nice burgundy. 
Currently Reading: Saint Death’s Daughter (Its soooo good), Dragonflight, and whatever I have to for classes. 
Last Song: Enchantress by Two Steps From Hell, but I’ve had Through Glass by Stone Sour stuck in my head for like, 3 days. 
Last Series: The Sandman on Netflix!
Last Movie: Uhhhhhhhh...I genuinely don’t know. 
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet, I’m definently not a spice person. 
Currently Working On: I’m trying to rest between TA-ing, going back to school, and working a weekend job, but right now its research proposals for a couple potential grants. I may have the occasional breakthrough creativity.
Tagging @italiangothicwriteblr , @goneahead , @shawdios ,  @equusgirl-writes , @duskforged , @moonscribbler , @aschlindartroom , @aohendo , @thewriteflame 
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
i dont know them very well, but @hyba's prose always makes me go heart-eyed.
@writingonesdreams has really fun ideas that are always a joy to read about
@pen-of-roses has delightful worldbuilding I always go :0 :0 :0 whenever i read something new abt Eshaven.
from @duskforged!
Very talented writers, I can personally vouch hyba and Dreams ^^ Always something neat going on with them, and I hear a lot of good things about pen-of-roses as well.
Thank you for stopping in for Something Neat Sunday.
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avrablake · 2 years
Happy Birthday! For WBW (if you so choose), how are birthdays celebrated, marked, or otherwise declared in your world? - @duskforged
Thanks so much!
This is a fun question that I haven’t really thought about. I think it would definitely depend on the person, where they are from, and their status.
For ordinary people in the Wilds or villages in both Military and Syndicate territories, I think birthdays would be simple ordinary celebrations. Being told happy birthday from your friends and acquaintances. Maybe receiving a few gifts. Maybe treating yourself to a nice meal with friends and family.
For the wealthy, high-status people in the city, birthdays with be big social events and an excuse to promote yourself among the social elite or to gain favor with potential political allies.
I think among the Syndicate leadership and fighters, birthdays might be forgotten about or go unacknowledged. Someone like Reizen would think of such things as a waste of time and would not celebrate his own birthday or anyone else’s. That mentality would likely trickle down to those under his influence. Some of the younger people might give birthday gifts to their romantic partners, but it would be viewed by the older people as one of those silly thing young people do.
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