#ira was rowan
writingmoth · 11 months
Secret & battle
2. SECRET - How many unnamed OCs do you have?
hmmm around 5 or so? probably less tbh. i have tons of ideas for stuff i want to eventually write and the characters in these ideas have no name to speak of but i have this weird little system where i use already existing characters in new ideas until they have morphed enough to be their own thing, if that makes sense? so not many unnamed ocs to speak of in the end
10. BATTLE - Who is your most evil OC?
i've been here staring at this ask for SO long but i just don't know? i don't think i have a truly evil oc. reia from antisnowwhite did very shitty things, but she had good intentions. valerian is a selfish brat but he'd never go out of his way to hurt someone who did nothing to him (tho he'd absolutely hurt someone who did something to him and his definition of "something" is pretty loose). even roma's asshole ex is just a very frustrated person in somewhat unfortunate circumstance.
if i had to pick one... hmmmm... reia? she did send a 8 year old into a monstrous forest, after all. but she isn't really evil.
thank you so much for the ask!!!
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perverse-idyll · 5 months
HP Rec Fest Day 5
@hprecfest - theme: non-AO3 fic
We'll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet by dueltastic, Aberforth/Minerva/Severus, balanced between a triangle and a threesome, 20K
Among those who have read her work, Dueltastic is celebrated for her astute, dry wit, appreciation for unsentimental and highly competent characters, and incisive storytelling. The prose is chiseled, lean and quick as a greyhound, emotionally sharp but not dramatic, and flavored with a humane, unfailing sense of humor. This fic follows the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts as filtered through the earthy, ironic sensibilities of Aberforth Dumbledore, aspiring bedwarmer of Minerva McGonagall, and witness to the secret she struggles to keep. The characterizations are marvelous, the chemistry abundant, and the feelings, although tightly reined in, are precisely detailed in pointed remarks and large-hearted acts of care. We have a very ill Snape, a Minerva at the end of her tether, and a shrewdly observant Aberforth who steps in where he's needed. This is what a love story between undemonstrative, deeply feeling adults looks like. (Hot tip: everything Dueltastic has written is worth reading.)
2. A Rowan in Winter by duniazade
2a. No Pepper-up for the Brave
2b. Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
I've grouped these three short fics together because, while written over the course of three years, they're all set in the same AU. These are basically gen fics, glimpses into Severus Snape's impoverished childhood, departing from canon to give him a beleaguered but essentially loving family, a mother hounded by the unforgiving Ministry and a father helpless to keep them safe. There is also, on his mother's side, the heritage of an older, darker magic, a rather terrifying and implacable connection to ancient forces impossible for those of Prince blood to escape. The wizarding world looks very different from this point of view; Severus and his mum are persecuted by the Ministry, constantly under suspicion, and beholden to almost mythic powers that care little for their well-being or their survival in a hostile environment. The stories also shine a light on Severus's friendship with Lily, and the second fic follows them on a late evening detention in the Forbidden Forest that turns suddenly into a snow-bound nightmare. We get to see Lily's fierceness and the close bond between the two children - a bond that has snapped in the third fic, which shows the Ministry playing games with Eileen's life and Severus navigating his choices as an isolated teenager loyal to his mother, forced to grow up too fast, and trying to protect his sense of self while trapped in a game of fate he can't possibly win. He's nearly killed by an IRA bomb; has a reckoning with his mum; and tests himself against a succubus, alone in the dark. The prose style and the storytelling are beautiful and quiet, magical and real. The first story has a darkly luminous ending, but all three are haunting, and the characters who come and go are vivid, even the cameos. But Severus is the beating heart of these stories, and Duniazade will make you ache for him.
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vwestergaard · 7 months
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              ⠀⠀⠀⠀              — 𝒴𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢,                 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔, 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙!
𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝: 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑜 𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑜 _ 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘!
Aviso: O texto faz menção não explicita de mutilação e explicita de sangue. A leitura não é recomendada em caso de gatilhos.
A fumaça gélida pairava no ar ao que Verena expirava, anunciando que algo muito errado estava para acontecer. A loira sabia que não deveria ter saído aquela noite, que atender ao evento elaborado por Gothel, apesar das boas intenções da diretora, só poderia terminar em desastre, pois era assim que estava sendo ultimamente, como se a mulher estivesse banhada em uma maré de azar digna de filmes de terror. Ainda assim, lá estava Verena Westergaard em meio a tantos outros alunos, quando o corpo de Jonathan se moveu roboticamente entre eles, atraindo olhares apavorados, provocando cochichos que se silenciaram no momento que seu corpo despencou sem vida. Tremerra estava realmente em ruinas. Nesse instante, um arrepio correu por toda a extensão do corpo de Verena, acumulando-se ao baixo ventre, numa sensação que ela já tinha sentido antes e que temia com todas as suas forças.
Os olhos desviaram para as palmas das mãos, as extremidades dos dedos pareciam brilhar em tom purpura, desejando romper as barreiras do corpo de Verena e alcançar a primeira pessoa que visse pela frente. Seu consciente, por outro lado, gritava para que não fizesse. Os dedos se retraíram, unhas fincando nas palmas das mãos, enquanto ela fechava os olhos e respirava profundamente para manter o controle de seu poder. "eu não vou fazer isso. Eu não posso fazer isso.", repetia como um mantra, buscando acalmar-se naquele processo e seguia, "você consegue Vee, é só respirar e diluir tudo isso dentro de você.", mas como num estalar de dedos, o improvável aconteceu e a voz de Hans tomou conta de sua mente, ecoando por todos os cantos, enunciando mais alto do que ela mesma podia: "você é ruim nos seus ossos, querida, deixe fluir.".
Os dedos se soltaram, trazendo alivio ao que as unhas afastaram-se da pele, deixando ali apenas as marcas de perfuração e um pouco de sangue que logo escorreria pela palma até os pulsos. Os olhos claros, tornaram-se escuros e o caminhar dela parecia tão robótico quanto o de Jonathan outrora. Ela não pensava em mais nada, não lutava para conter o impulso que corria por seu corpo e exalava de seus poros, apenas queria sentir aquilo de novo, o mesmo que o difusor lhe causou no aniversário de Úrsula. A visão se afunilou ao detectar o possível alvo, fazendo todo o resto desaparecer e restar apenas ele. Westergaard marchava em sua direção, cada passo mais firme que o anterior, até que a distância estivesse reduzida a apenas um. Sua destra ergueu-se no ar, buscando alcançá-lo para estabelecer o contato e liberar o efeito do poder, mas isso mais aconteceu.
No instante seguinte, tudo ficou escuro e só o que conseguia ouvir era um apito estridente em seus ouvidos. As mãos tentaram tapá-los, abafar o som, mas nada parecia ter efeito. Verena caiu sobre os próprios joelhos, atordoa, gritando em dor, suplicando para que alguém fizesse parar. Mas a sensação que durou alguns minutos, pareceu estender-se por horas, até que mais nada restasse. Verena já estava fraca e a cabeça latejava tanto, que mal percebeu quando ficou incapaz de ouvir qualquer coisa que fosse, nem o apito, nem o restante das pessoas a sua volta. Seus olhos se abriram, constatando o caos que ainda acontecia em meio aos jardins, mas nada podia ouvir. Atordoada, ela se ergueu com dificuldade, procurando pela causa daquela dor horrenda, quando ao longe pode ver Rowan Hook perdendo o controle de seu poder.
Por um tempo, Verena chegou a questionar se ela mesma havia perdido o seu, mas olhando ao redor todos próximos pareciam bem. As auras de suas libidos aparentemente intactas, assim como as de sua ira. Algo que, infelizmente, Westergaard agora sabia que estava atrelado de alguma forma ao seu poder, mas ainda não entendia muito bem como. Talvez amor e ódio realmente andem lado a lado, assim como a dor também pode ser considerava uma forma de prazer.
personagens citados: @hookrowan; npc: daddy Hans
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muddshadow · 2 years
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hi hi, you can just call me mud <3
any pronouns, mid-twenties. i like trees, bones, earl grey tea, fairytales and revenge plots, and creatures with sharp teeth. my dream career is transforming into a bird
i write fantasy, horror, and science fiction, usually revolving around some flavor of monster or haunting. dialogue and overly-flowered prose are my favorite
personal tags :  #mud writes , #mud draws , #muddshadow ; all writeblr reblogs under : #other writing
dragon hoard of wips below 👁
THE INHERITED HAUNTING OF TRYSTAN SONG // Urban fantasy, gothic comedy, bloody legacies and a sideways prophecy. After quitting a doomsday cult, Trystan prefers to live simply, spit on responsibility, and run away from his numerous, self-inflicted problems – all except one. And the shadow haunting him intends to stay.
LAMENT OF THE BUTCHER // Dark fantasy, devouring worship, tragedy and changing fate. After dying in every way possible, Adelade returns home with the unexpected company of a kingdomless prince, a vengeful shadow, and a strange little girl. Home is a festered echo now, and the Felled God waits for her with an achingly familiar face.
the GODSPAWN trilogy // High fantasy, dark mystery, monstrous heroism. A world built on bones, breathing magic and nature that speaks, and the escalating riddle of a godling’s revenge. The land is shifting, waking ancient powers and old grudges, and it brings together Yulei the volatile half-sorcerer, Nara the many-faced outlaw, and Kon the defiantly lost soldier. As each struggle to prove themselves in all the wrong ways, a ghost decides it's time to live again.
the duology, BLOODHOUNDS and DANDELIONS // Science fiction, dieselpunk space opera, serrated healing. Rowan, Neve, and Meisha are three hopeful jerks with wounded hearts and vindictive thoughts, trying their golden best not to become villains as they endeavor across a war-torn country. But it’s hard to forget what creates you, especially when the past is catching up.
AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WATERFALL // High fantasy, psychological horror and healing, magicians and manifested emotion. Ysabelle successfully ended the Five Hundred Year War, but she’s ruptured the land and herself in the process. Louis wants to move on from his mother’s death, but the murderer is his only hope. And the Damp calls from down the river.
THE HUNGER ROT // Dark fantasy, romantic horror, immortal warriors who process grief poorly. After several hundred years of fighting side by side, the sudden death of her sister leaves Peony hollow. Hollow enough to help her longtime vampyric nemesis pursue revenge against her sire, even if Sashka keeps secrets.
TWICE DEAD SCAVENGERS // Gothic fantasy, chaotic mystery, the romance of a shared curse and corrupted legacy. A mostly-eaten god is imprisoned beneath the Finch mansion. Geneviere Finch is the prison's resentful warden, and now she must defend it against Uldri, a reaper of restless violence who brings sinister knowledge about her family.
WINGS LIKE WAR // Gothic fantasy, man-made horror, a sprawling city of monster hunters. Noxander loses a parent and then inherits a dark family secret, and Ira struggles not to become the same creature she hunts. From behind friendly faces, a shapeshifter guides their downfall.
// WRITING TAGLIST // @jezifster @athenswrites @magefaery @tate-lin @bloodlessheirbyjacques @tc-doherty @circa-specturgia @werewolfsbutch​ @sentfromwolves @dandelion-tea @kashacreates @theskeletonprior @svpphicwrites @awritingcaitlin @worldbuildng @houndmouthed
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hherongraystairs · 2 years
Au! donde Aelin es una cantante mundialmente reconocida.
Inspirado en Dancing with our hands tied de Taylor Swift.
Es el primer fic que escribo, espero que lo disfrutes ❤
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"My, my love had been frozen
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
Oh, and you held me close
Oh, how was I to know that"
Aelin sentía que su reputación moría cada vez más, lo cual para ella es muy grave. Cuando sos una cantante mundialmente reconocida esas cosas suelen importarte demasiado.
Al despertarse se enteró de lo mucho que hablaron los medios sobre ella mientras dormía. Al parecer, era una perra insensible, manipuladora e interesada que usó al pobre Dorian Havilliard, heredero de una de las empresas más prestigiosas del país, para hacer relevante su música horrible y mediocre. Maeve, la periodista con más rating del país, también filtró en su programa de medianoche información de su vida privada y su fallida y caótica relación amorosa con el guitarrista de Two Souls, Chaol Westfall. El desgraciado aceptó una entrevista con la lacra de Maeve para contar lo supuestamente loca y manipuladora que fue como novia. Todo esto a días del lanzamiento del próximo álbum de Aelin, que conveniente.
La ira y vergüenza de la traición, de haber confiado en una persona como Chaol, ardía con fuerza en su pecho.Su celular explotaba de notificaciones que decidió ignorar por su propio bien. Aunque no le gustaba admitirlo, la imagen que los demás tenían de ella era muy importante para Aelin y leer lo que estarían escribiendo en las redes solo la destrozaría aún más. 
Le temblaban las manos y se maldijo a sí misma por dejar que estas cosas le afecten. Ya tenía veintitrés años, era una cantante reconocida y respetada, seguramente algunos de sus fans saldrían a defenderla de los comentarios maliciosos ¿No? La gente todavía la apoyaría ¿cierto?
Seguían entrando llamadas a su celular así que sin fijarse en quién era lo apagó. Estaba harta, no esperaba que su día comenzara de esta forma. Hoy planeaba juntarse con su manager para definir los últimos detalles del lanzamiento de Heart of fire and flames y luego salir a festejar con su equipo y amigos. Todo eso se vino abajo.
Un rato después, mientras trataba de mantener su mente ocupada en los últimos retoques de la composición de su álbum, alguien tocó a la puerta. Una vez, dos veces, tres. Cada vez con más insistencia.
Estaba considerando hacer de cuenta que no estaba en casa y esconderse en su habitación, evitando las preguntas y acusaciones que le haría quién estuviese del otro lado, cuando una voz que Aelin adoraba escuchar dijo:
—Corazón de fuego, sé que estás ahí. Solo quiero saber que estás bien.
De repente se encontraba abriendo la puerta de su departamento y, sin darle tiempo a reaccionar, se tiró encima de Rowan mientras lo abrazaba. Su delicioso aroma de pino y nieve la envolvió, reconfortandola. Rowan dió unos pasos hacia adelante sin soltarla y cerró la puerta detrás suyo. Aelin se negaba a dejarlo ir así que la tomó en brazos, las piernas de su novia envolviendo sus caderas, y los guió a ambos hacia el sofá. Sentía que un nudo se tensionaba en su garganta y liberó todo lo que estuvo guardándose en estás últimas horas.
Rowan acariciaba su cabello rubio mientras ella lloraba en su cuello, apretando su camisa entre sus manos. Ver a su Corazón de fuego sufrir de esa forma quebraba algo dentro suyo, se sentía impotente por no poder hacer mucho más que permanecer con ella. 
Podrían haber estado envueltos en esa burbuja por ¿horas? ¿Minutos? Pero a ninguno de los dos le importaba el mundo que los rodeaba. Desde que llegó Rowan se sentía más segura. Algo se aflojó y calentó en su pecho al darse cuenta de que, a pesar de todos sus tropiezos desde que comenzó su carrera, Rowan junto a su amor y apoyo incondicional siempre estuvieron a su lado en cada paso del camino. Primero, como su querido e insufrible mejor amigo. Ahora, como algo mucho más íntimo y especial que eso. Aunque todavía no podía definir exactamente qué. Tenía miedo de hacerlo.
— De camino compré una torta de chocolate en el negocio de Lys, pensé en que podríamos comerla juntos.Aelin sonrió por primera vez en el día con su rostro todavía escondido en el cuello de Rowan, ambos sabían muy bien que ella se terminaría sola toda esa torta. Probablemente en un rato estaría quejándose del dolor de panza y Rowan la vería con su mirada de te lo dije, no puedes culparme por esto. Dejó un beso en su cuello como agradecimiento, sintiendo a Rowan estremecerse bajo el contacto de sus labios.
— Eso me encantaría, buitre.
"But we were dancing
Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied
Yeah, we were dancing
Like it was the first time, first time
I had a bad feeling
But we were dancing,
I loved you in spite of
Deep fears that the world would divide us
So, baby, can we dance
Oh, through an avalanche?"
No sabía qué hacer con su vida. Luego de unas cuantas charlas con su equipo llegaron al acuerdo de retrasar la salida del álbum. Gavriel, su manager, daría la noticia ya que Aelin no se atrevía a abrir las redes. 
La única parte de su vida que le daba felicidad se encontraba durmiendo a su lado, su cabello platinado estaba desordenado gracias a todas las veces que Aelin pasó las manos por el.  Era cuestión de tiempo que Maeve se entere de lo suyo con Rowan. Su relación era tan nueva y frágil que Aelin temía que ese día llegue, no quería arrastrar a Rowan a este lío en el que se había convertido su vida, seguramente Maeve los destrozaría al igual que hizo con su reputación. Pero una parte egoísta de ella quería mantener a Rowan a su lado y no dejarlo ir.
Como si pudiera escuchar la tormenta en sus pensamientos, Rowan pasó un brazo sobre su cintura y la acercó a él.
—Buenos días, Corazón de fuego. — Su voz ronca y adormilada provocó algo en ella.
Acarició sus cabellos platinados y volvió a sumergirse en sus pensamientos. Luego de un rato dijo, en voz tan baja que apenas ella misma se escuchó:
 —Creo que lo mejor sería que terminemos. 
Ante esto Rowan se incorporó de golpe y la miró, su rostro estaba serio y los rastros de sueño ya habían desaparecido.
—Con todo lo que está pasando… creo que lo mejor sería que terminemos
.A Aelin le costaba respirar a medida que pasaban los segundos, estaba nerviosa por la reacción de Rowan. Su respuesta fue simple y cortante:
—Ro, no me estás entendiendo.— un nudo comenzaba a formarse en su garganta, se sentó contra la cabecera de la cama y lo miró a los ojos — Soy un desastre, toda mi vida se convirtió en un desastre. Es cuestión de tiempo para que te arrastre a ti también a esta tormenta en la que se convirtió mi vida. Maeve no va a dejarme tranquila, y lo sabes, nunca lo hará. 
A este punto las lágrimas caían con violencia sobre sus mejillas y ya no recordaba cómo respirar. La expresión en el rostro de Rowan se suavizó, puso delicadamente una de sus manos sobre su mejilla y secó sus lágrimas. Inhaló y exhaló junto a ella, ayudándola a estabilizar su respiración. Estuvieron varios minutos así hasta que él respondió.
—No voy a dejar que me alejes a mí también, Aelin. No voy a dejar que te encierres en ti misma. Tal vez estos últimos días hayan sido un desastre pero esto es lo que yo elijo: quiero permanecer a tu lado siempre, ayudarte a superar esta avalancha, al igual que hice todos estos años ¿Sabes por qué? Porque te amo, Corazón de fuego. Y no voy a dejar que nada ni nadie te aparte de mi lado. Vamos a superar esto juntos, hasta cualquier fin.
Rowan apoyó su frente sobre la de ella y Aelin cerró los ojos, se permitió disfrutar de ese momento a la vez que reflexionaba sobre sus palabras. La amaba. La amaba tanto que prefiere pasar por todo este desastre con ella en vez de dejarla ir. Los pedazos de su corazón roto por los hechos de los últimos días comenzaban a repararse de a poco. La tristeza, la ira y el dolor iban desapareciendo para dar paso a estos nuevos sentimientos: amor y gratitud de haber encontrado a una persona como él. 
Después de tantos tropiezos a lo largo de los años, de tantas relaciones fallidas, por fin lo había encontrado a él. A Rowan, su igual en muchos sentidos. Iba a ser difícil, muy difícil, lo sabía. Pero tal vez Rowan la ayudaría a salir de esta oscuridad, juntos podrían hacerlo. Y el resto del mundo, Maeve y Chaol, podían irse al infierno. 
Abrió los ojos y notó su amorosa mirada sobre ella, el celeste y oro chocando con el verde. Posó su mano sobre una de sus mejillas y unió sus labios en un tierno beso, que duró pocos segundos pero demostró todo lo que Aelin le quería transmitir: que lo amaba, que estaba agradecida de tenerlo en su vida, que él la hacía querer vivir. No sobrevivir, no existir. Vivir.
–Hasta cualquier fin.
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Phoenix, Oscar, Leo, Arlo, and 170 More of the Cutest Names For Baby Boys
Brainstorming baby names can be one of the most fun (and important) aspects of planning for the arrival of your little one, but it can also feel really overwhelming. If you don't have certain requirements, like wanting a name that runs in the family, the possibilities can seem endless. Our names are the first thing tied to our identities, and we know how daunting that sounds - so we're here to ease you of any stress you have on your hunt for cute baby boy names. Choosing a cute boy name that will be equally fitting for an adorable infant and the adult he grows into can be a challenge, which is why we compiled this list of cute, unique boy names. You're sure to find an option that flow well with your last name or other kids' names among the cute names for boys we rounded up here. You might even find two that you like to help you out with a middle name option. (Oh, and if you want options for cute girls' names, we have you covered for that too, with our list of cute girl names.) Cute Names For Boys A Abe, Addison, Aiden, Amir, Amos, Ansel, Archie, Ari, Arlo, Asher, Atticus, August, Austin, Avery, Axel B Beau, Beckett, Bentley, Benicio, Benito, Benjamin, Billy, Bishop, Blake, Bodhi, Briggs, Brody, Brooks C Caleb, Campbell, Carter, Caspian, Charlie, Cody, Colby, Cole, Colton, Cooper, Crew, Crosby, Cruz D Dallas, Dash, Dawson, Dax, Deacon, Diego, Dillan, Donovan, Dorian, Duke, Dustin, Dylan E Easton, Eden, Eli, Elias, Elliott, Emerson, Emmett, Ender, Enrique, Enzo, Everest, Ewan, Ezra F Felipe, Finley, Finn, Fletcher, Ford, Frankie, G Gabriel, Gage, Gavin, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greyson, Griffin, Gus Related: Waverly, Merritt, and 103 Other Unique and Beautiful Girls' Names H Harley, Henry, Hudson, Hugh, Hurley I Ian, Ira, Isaac, Isaiah J Jacob, Jack, Jaime, Jasper, Jaxon, Jayden, Jett, Jude, Julian K Kai, Khalil, Kingsley, Knox L Larkin, Leo, Liam, Logan, Luke M Mason, Maverick, Max, Memphis, Miles, Milo, Morris N Nate, Neo, Nico, Noah, Noe, Nolan O Oden, Oliver, Omari, Oscar, Otis, Owen P Peyton, Phoenix, Pierce Q Quentin, Quinn Related: 50 Adorable and Meaningful Names For Baby Boys in 2022 R Remy, Rhett, Rhys, Roman, Ronin, Rowan, Ryan, Ryder S Samuel, Sawyer, Santiago, Sebastian, Shane, Silas T Tate, Theodore, Titan, Tobias, Toby, Trenton U Uri V Valentino, Van, Virgil W Walker, Wesley, Wren, Wrenynn, Wyatt X Xander, Xavi, Xavier Y Yasir, Yates, Yonah, York, Yunis, Yuri Z Zachary, Zaiden, Zander, Zane https://www.popsugar.com/family/Cute-Boy-Names-43713664?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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osseincactus · 2 years
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Pokemon Ocs!! I also drew this a while ago but didn't post it cuz it's just oc stuff but ehh whatever ;;
My protags (sorta) for every gen, they're all related as well in one way or another. I'm gonna make full body ref with their outfits at some point but for now just take them
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As well as a really fast family tree I made to help make sense sorta of their family...
More about each of them under the readmore.
Sera: Pokemon Lets Go Eevee/Yellow whichever you wanna say. Sera is a detective for the International Police, that goes by the code name "Jorts" although he hates using that name. (They got it the first day they walked into work wearing the worst outfit possible and now they all just call him Jorts, he will ask you to just call them Sera)
He's been assigned to try to find the boss of Team Rocket, and on their mission they meet 2 kids that have also gotten tied up in the same mess they're in. He decides to try to keep the 2 kids away from Team Rocket and back on their original track of trying to fill the Pokedex and beat the gyms. 
Regardless of whether or not it worked to keep the kids away, they completely failed their mission from the International Police by falling in love with Giovanni and instead of turning him in they just lied to their bosses face and lived with him and all their cats together in Kanto and Johto until they International Police got off their ass and they moved to Unova together...
Cattiva: Pokemon HeartGold protagonist. Cattiva is originally from Sinnoh, where her parents (Ira being one) met and got married. After its parents divorced it decided to move to Johto with her mom rather than stay in Sinnoh with its dad.
She's a massive trouble maker, doing exactly what people (notably Elm) tell her not to do. It also loves to harass Silver, get in his way on purpose and upset him as much as possible. None of it is for any particular reason other than she just likes to be a jerk, child of divorce moments...
Ira: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire uhhh not protagonist but not not protagonist??? Ira is from Sinnoh originally, he's brothers with Professor Rowan. He has absolute dogshit social skills so it's a wonder he was ever able to get married in the first place. Eventually his wife decided she wanted her life to go in a different direction than Ira did and the 2 divorced. His youngest, Cattiva, moved to Johto with her mom and his oldest, Carnelia, stayed in Sinnoh with her Uncle, Rowan.
Ira himself decided to branch out and expand his horizons now that he was effectively left with no responsibilities and nothing to do, leading him to move to Hoenn. But he moved at the wrong time and ended up smack dab in the middle of Maxie and Archie's fighting.
He didn't intend to give their problems any thought until he got stuck with 2 kids (May and her friend Brendan) and decided that he didn't trust the world to not hurt them. So he follows them around, taking them to and from places to insure their safety (and dealing with anyone that threatens the 2 of them) in the end he took Kyogre with him since it didn't seem safe for children to keep it.
Carnelia: Pokemon Platinum protagonist. Carnelia is the sister of Cattiva and the daughter of Ira. She's the only one of them that stayed in Sinnoh after the divorce, not wanting to leave behind their ambitions for the sake of their family.
They live with their uncle, Professor Rowan, and help him out as much as she can with the Pokedex as well as the students he teaches.
She ends up getting stuck fighting Team Galactic while trying to become Champion. Cynthia and them try their best to help Cyrus and end up having to deal with the mess that is the distortion realm and the almost end of the world.
Volante: Pokemon Black 2 protagonist. Volante is a little coward and a freak... He initially wanted to help out during the events of Black, but ultimately failed to even make a dent in the whole mess leaving it up to another trainer, Esilio, to fix the problem instead. He spent most of his time as a Pokemon Researcher, dreaming of bigger and better plans for the future.
Until 2 years later when the events of Black 2 happened. He finally got the chance to take the wheel and help beat Team Plasma. Although in all fairness he was still a scared little loser the whole time... He did get his gym badges and make it to Iris though!
He has also had ummmm less than sfw... ummm relations with Clay, Alder, and Zinzolin... he's known them... in a biblical sense...
Iberide: Pokemon X Pokemon Researcher and Protagonist. Iberide is a member of the Kalos Pokemon researchers, although not originally from Kalos. They moved to Kalos after them and Sera had both become adults and decided to go pursue their individual aspirations.
Iberide moved to Kalos and started working with Professor Sycamore to fill out the Pokedex and research Mega Evolution. Iberide has now Sycamore for quite a while because of it and as a result also knows Lysandre fairly well too. Although the two had a strained if not hostile relationship from the start... mostly because Iberide had the hots for Sycamore...
Iberide is also blind, the use their Furfrou as a seeing eye dog to help them navigate the world around them. And they help Calem, Serena, Shauna, Trevor and Tierno to beat Team Flare later and keep Xerneas in their own care after the events of the game.
Although after Lysandre's death, Iberide and Sycamore do end up being a thing so....
Stella: Pokemon Sun/Ultra Sun Protagonist. Stella is an Aether Foundation member although she has less than positive opinions on the Foundation itself. She was born in Alola and after meeting Lusamine and Wicke the 3 of them started a romantic relationship with each other. (Although Lusamine was hiding it from her husband and her husband from the 2 of them)
Eventually, Wicke and Stella broke things off with Lusamine since they didn't agree with her plans in the Aether Foundation and started being the people that her kids could confide in.
Stella worked outside of the Foundation to help keep Lillie and Nebby safe and try to stop Lusamine (and later Rainbow Rocket) before settling down as much as she could with Wicke taking in Lillie, Gladion and Guzma.
Sylph: Pokemon Shield Protagonist. Sylph is the younger sibling of Sylvia. They're rude and harsh and don't do well around other people. They have a tendency to be incredibly blunt and say whatever they please regardless of who they're talking to.
They live in Galar, staying their and taking over their brother's spot after his disappearance. Meeting Hop and deciding to take on the gym challenge.
They end up having to deal with Rose and his issues and win against him easily, having no trouble stopping him and getting Zamazenta. The eventually take Leon's spot as Champion although they don't take it to seriously. Leaving to go to the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra.
Sylvia: Pokemon Legends Arceus Protagonist. Sylvia is a mess <33 Prior to getting thrown out of the sky into the past by god, he lived in Galar with his family. He moved to a few different regions to help fill out Pokedexs (including Sinnoh where he lived with Rowan and Carnelia for a while) but always ending up back home.
In Galar he had a relationship/fling with Peony and Kabu before leaving to continue his work with the Pokedexs.
After being sent back to Hisui, he met Commander Kamado and would find almost any excuse to have to go see him for things. Even though he was supposed to be helping solve the issue of the rift and the Pokedex.
In the end he had to beat Volo as well as Volo's boyfriend/tag along in order to stop them from destroying everything. Post that him and Kamado got together and Sylvia accidentally became the reason his entire family exists... He never did get to go home, but it's fine because he gets to have a family of his own anyway.
if you read all of that im gonna make out with you.
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taylorlupin · 2 years
Shooting Stars: Rowaelin
Capítulo 3
Aelin observou o homem que acabou de entrar, o corpo musculoso e pele bronzeada, parecia ter sido beijado pelo próprio sol. Os cabelos dourados e com leves cachos caiam como ondas até os ombros, a boca carnuda e bem desenhada, ele era a personificação de um deus.
Se caso ele próprio não o fosse.
— Fenrys, que bom vê-lo.
O entusiasmo na voz do líder denunciou que aquele era um dos seus melhores espiões. O homem em questão estampava um sorriso arrogante, como se soubesse ser um dos melhores.
— Acho que você vai gostar de saber que Lorcan e eu já entregamos todas as coordenadas e armas precisas para a missão.
Opa, aquele era um assunto no qual Aelin prestava o máximo de atenção. O líder não fizera questão de apresentar-lhe, e parece que o garoto havia ligado os pontos, pois logo tratou de se apresentar.
— Princesa, prazer em conhecer-lhe. Sou Fenrys Moonbeam, segundo em comando da Elite. — Ele disse se curvando levemente, colo todos faziam em sinal de respeito.
Elite nada mais era do que uma das equipes mais bem sucedidas em campo e obtinha os melhores agentes. O primeiro em comando era ninguém menos que Rowan Whitethorn.
Alguém que Aelin não esperava ver tão cedo.
— Aelin Galathynius, líder das forças LN. — Ela levantou-se e o cumprimentou. A beleza daquele homem era sem dúvidas um pecado, e a força que ele exibia mostrava ser um predador letal.
Minutos passaram-se e eles entraram numa conversa acalorada sobre as próximas missões e o quanto eles tinham em comum, mesmo ele sendo de forças diferentes, mas que ambas treinavam juntas na maioria das vezes, seria bom reunir as duas forças em alguma missão futura.
Isso iria trazer apenas bons benefícios, a conversa estava totalmente agradável quando outra pessoa se fez presente na sala e Aelin pensou que aquele escritório não poderia ter ficado ainda menor.
Porque naquele momento, Rowan Whitethorn cruzou a soleira da porta e dos limites que Aelin achou que tinha imposto explicitamente.
— Nunca é bom revê-la, Galathynius.
Aelin achou que nunca poderia ser mais azarada, a julgar pela careta que com certeza estava no seu rosto bem agora. Ela precisava descansar antes da missão, mas seria impossível com a presença constante de Rowan ocupando todo o oxigênio da sala.
— ... E então está decidido, Whitethorn irá nessa missão.
Foi com essa simples frase que o mundo de Aelin parou e ela soube que mataria o líder das missões, se não cometeria um atentado a vida do jovem a sua frente. A roupa dele não era mais a mesma do treino, no lugar da calças de moletom era uma calça preta, jeans, a camisa que antes não possuía mangas, foi dado lugar a uma com mangas cumpridas também pretas e por cima uma jaqueta e couro, dado que os seus cabelos ainda estavam úmidos ele passou no seu dormitório para um banho.
Aelin deveria ter feito o mesmo, sentindo naquele momento uma súbita onda de vergonha, mas foda-se ela não ligava para os pensamentos de ninguém a não ser os seus próprios. Não tinha nada de errado com a sua roupa e muito menos com o seu cabelo que pela textura nos seus dedos estavam no mínimo precisando de uma lavagem.
O seu corpo precisava de uma boa comida e uma cama quente, mas aquilo poderia esperar ela queria ver até aquela confusão ira.
— Espera aí, ele vai participar dessa missão — A voz dela soou abafada demais para os seus próprios ouvidos.
— Algum problema? — Todos, ela queria dizer.
— Decerto, ele não é o mais… qualificado para essa missão — A ideia de ofendê-lo pareceu uma (ideia) perfeita, mas na frente do homem que era literalmente o seu "chefe" não caia bem.
— Ele não só irá ser seu parceiro nessa missão, como também irá-te treinar pessoalmente, o disfarce de vocês está escrito detalhadamente no dossiê que eu deixei nos seus aposentos. — A voz grave dele ressoou por todo o corpo da loira, ela sentiu o seu chão desabar, mas sentia que ele ainda não havia terminado. — Não me decepcionem ou eu mesmo cuidarei de vocês.
A ameaça nada implícita deixou um silêncio ameaçador tomar conta. Aelin olhou pelo canto do olho Whitethorn não fazendo esforço para esconder o quanto detestava estar na sua presença.
Mas ela imaginou também aquela boca dizendo o seu nome nas horas mais impróprias, de preferência com ela montando-o a madrugada inteira. Balançando a cabeça ela saiu, atordoada com a dimensão que os seus pensamentos a estavam levando.
— Serei obrigado a ser seu treinador, poderia ter coisa pior do que aguentar ficar ao seu lado?
Sim, a sua presença é completamente irritante.
Ela queria dizer, mas naquele momento falar era a última coisa que ela queria fazer.
— Encontro você depois.
Quando ele percebeu que ela não iria retrucar, a sua testa franziu, algo não estava certo e ele julgava ser por causa da ameaça, da conceção que eles poderiam falhar naquela missão.
Aelin não se sentiu melhor depois do banho, ou depois que comeu e nem sequer dormiu direito aquela noite. Fosse porque a reunião fora infrutífera para descobrir mais detalhes ou o fato de que Rowan Whitethorn vai à missão como o seu parceiro, poderia ficar bem pior.
E de fato havia ficado bem pior do que aquilo — Dentro do dossiê estava tudo sobre a missão, onde ficaram hospedados e o que eles tinham que ser e o que deveriam fazer para que o plano fosse bem-sucedido. Só não esperava ter que torturar tantas pessoas no processo...
Mas ela estava acostumada com tortura, certo? Ela já sofrera com os piores horrores que se podia pensar, e ao lembrar de Sam... A jovem não aguentou e correu para o banheiro onde, pois as tripas para fora.
Estava escuro, todo o seu corpo doía e a visão embaçada pela escuridão só daria as coisas ficarem piores. Havia uma mesa de metal na sala em que ela estava, no canto esquerdo da sala — a escuridão como Nanquim não deixava ver muito— estava armas reluzentes e três delas estavam encharcadas e pingavam.
Ela iria aprender, a fazer aquilo, tinha de suportar o pior, tinha de prestar atenção. As vozes não eram fáceis de discernir e tampouco importavam naquele momento, apenas na dor e na angústia e no cheiro pungente que trazia ao local abafado, e algo que se tornaria — em breve — um cheiro pútrido.
Os pulsos estavam amarrados, tão apertados que estavam quase em carne viva. A face esquerda estampava um arranhão feito por uma adaga muito bem afiada, cada pedaço foi cortado nos lugares certos para sentir dor e eu vendo aquilo sabia o quão errado era, e odiei-me naquele momento por ter… gostado de ter presenciado cada pico de angústia e desespero, o choro, o odor do sangue que escorria como água daquela mesa, mantive-me quieta o tempo inteiro.
Eu só tinha oito anos quando começaram os testes.
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bbynames · 2 years
cottagecore names
iris, ivy, fawn, maisie, opal, marie, dorothy, alice, frances, florence, opal, augusta, story, mabel, poppy, mildred, ethel, ida, myrtle, thelma, nell, lucy, kitty, hyacinth, lavender, hattie, blanche, mamie, marjorie, della, fern, clover, willow, honey, mercy, effie, nancy, loretta, alberta, eunice, winnie, sylvie, louisa, adeline, sage, rosa, leona, lillie, agnes, irene, meadow, delilah, sunny, elinor, viola, hazel, edna, minnie, marion, pauline
autumn, storm, river, bear, jasper, herbert, alfred, lawrence, leslie, victor, rowan, linus, finch, aspen, ambrose, florent, huck, lupin, otis, wilde, sydney, vincent, chester, clyde, herman, eugene, elmer, earl, charles, linden, juniper, oak, ford, franklin, george, wilbur, roosevelt, william, luther, forest, march, fletcher, jack, brook, russell, lester, ira, lonnie, ronald, lane, valley, theo, sky, cedar, nicholas, philip, abraham, douglas, cornelius
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"You are deemed worthy of seeing the wonders of the multiverse. Enjoy your journeys."
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[Info under the keep reading]
~ This is a ask and RP blog for my original series I've created called "MultiVerse Theory"
~ Lore will be explained throughout posts, and also will be talked abt on my main blog @ahandfulofm0ss
~ This blog will include all characters from my series apart from Ghostie, who has his own separate blog: @ghostietheblueghost
~ This goes for all my RP blogs, but NO NSFW ASKS. Suggestive jokes are alr though
~ Creator goes by Emery/Moss and uses They/He pronouns
~ Ooc comments will be in square brackets signed with "- Em"
~ Because of how vast the multiverse is, any other rp/ask blog is free to interact
~ There will occasionally be mentions of violence so be warned. There will be a tw at the beginning of the posts containing mentions
Brief summary of the characters (in no particular order):
~ Admin/TC "The Deity Of Creation And Reality" - They/Them - Demi-bisexual
~ Cole "The Villain" - He/Him - AroAce
~ Sylie "The Abandoned" - She/They - Questioning
~ Mars "The Captain" - He/They/Xe - Queer
~ Louis "The District Attorney" - He/Him - Gay
~ Ira "The Motherly Goddess" - She/Her - Unlabeled
~ Kilou "The Maned Lioness Goddess" - She/Her - Lesbian
~ Rowan "The Host" - They/He - Gay
~ Emmy "The Fox" - They/He - Queer
~ Livel "The Bird" - He/Him - Pansexual
~ Connor "The Longing" - They/Them - Unlabeled
~ ??? "The Shifter" - She/Her and They/Them - Abrosexual
~ Atticus "The Timekeeper" - He/Him - Gay
~ Meri "The Enderwalker" - He/Him - Unlabeled
~ Emeri "The Powerless" - He/Him - Questioning
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writingmoth · 1 year
character pronouns tag game
thanks for the tag @mjjune and @little-mouse-gardens
for fantasy romance wip:
rowan - he/him
loifa - they/them
moira - she/her
cirilla - she/her
cian - he/him
for antisnowwhite:
valerian - he/him
vespertine - they/them
roma - he/him
reia - she/her
ira - xe/xir/xem
some of these might change! like, loifa was he/him before i started writing fantasy romance wip and realized they used they/them
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ahandfulofm0ss · 4 days
In honor of Pride Month, here's the orientations of the characters in my original series MultiVerse Theory:
Admin/TC: Transmasc non-binary - They/Them - Demi-bisexual
PL!Emeri: Transmasc - He/Him - Unlabeled
Cole: Cis Male - He/Him - AroAce
Sylie: Demi-girl - She/They - Questioning
Rowan: Demi-boy - They/He - Gay (MLM)
Emmy: Transmasc non-binary - They/He - Queer
Atticus: Transmasc - He/Him - Gay (MLM)
Mars: Agender, masc presenting - He/They/Xe - Queer
Louis: Cis male - He/Him - Gay (MLM)
Ira: Cis female - She/Her - Unlabeled
Kilou: Cis female - She/Her - Lesbian
Ghostie: Genderless, masc presenting - He/Him - Unlabeled
Connor: Genderless - They/Them - Unlabeled
The Shifter: Genderless, fem presenting - She/Her and They/Them (in the multiple people sense) - Abrosexual
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Don’t worry, we won’t question your reality. There really is a new episode out today ;)
Join us as we discuss Gaslight (1944) and try to shed some light on its more well-known progeny - ‘gaslighting’💡
(light bulb emoji)
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What can adaptation theory tell us about how language evolves, the use of therapy speak, and the role of media in our understanding of medical terms? Let us enlighten you… 🕯️
(candle emoji)
(candle emoji, diamond emoji, derelict house emoji, person with veil emoji, gloves emoji, framed picture emoji)
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To listen, head to the link in our bio, or find us on YouTube, Spotify, or your podcasting platform of choice 🔗 
(link emoji)
For German, English, Arabic and Turkish speakers (also available in simplified German and German Sign Language) in Germany please visit https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de to find local support in cases of domestic violence
Episode content warnings: murder, domestic abuse and violence, emotional manipulation and gaslighting, including interpersonal, medical, political, and institutional gaslighting. Mentions of institutional racism and white supremacy. Neither of us is a mental health professional and we will be looking at these issues from a cultural perspective.
#Gaslight #Gaslighting #IngridBergman #AngelaLansbury #GeorgeCukor #Gaslight1944 #CharlesBoyer #JosephCotten #MGM #MoviePodcast #LiliAnnaPod #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast 
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
🎞️ “Gaslight” (1944) (dir. George Cukor, wr. John Van Druten, Walter Reisch, John L. Balderston) (Screenplay: https://www.scripts.com/script/gaslight_8807) 🎭 “Gas Light” (1938) (wr. Patrick Hamilton) (premiered at the Richmond Theatre in London) 🎞️ “Gaslight” (1940) (dir. Thorold Dickinson, wr. A. R. Rawlinson, Bridget Boland)
Secondary Sources:🌐 APA Dictionary of Psychology Definition of “gaslight” (dictionary.apa.org/gaslight) 📰 “Donald Trump is Gaslighting America” (2016) (Duca, Lauren) (www.teenvogue.com/story/donald-trump-is-gaslighting-america) 📼 SciShow Psych: “Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality” (2017) (youtu.be/ImBEhNku_YA?si=QimAV-ZdRhigQDEO) 📚“Adaptation and Appropriation” (2005) (Sanders, Julie) 📼 The Take “Gaslighting, Explained | What Does It Meme?” (2021) (youtu.be/eN4la0xOBdM?si=Fh6tClaShAVnoE8B) 🎞️ “The Truman Show” (1998) (dir. Peter Weir, wr. Andrew Niccol) 📺 “Gaslit” (2022) (Starz) (cr. Robbie Pickering, dir. Matt Ross) 📰 “The Limits of Therapy-Speak” (Volpe, Allie 2023) (www.vox.com/even-better/23769973/limits-therapy-speak-narcissist-gaslighting-trauma-toxic) 📰“‘That’s triggering!’ Is therapy-speak changing the way we talk about ourselves?” (Morgan, Eleanor 2023) (www.theguardian.com/society/2023/aug/20/triggered-toxic-narcissist-are-you-fluent-in-therapy-speak) 📰 “What is gaslighting?” (Wilkinson, Alissa 2017) (www.vox.com/culture/2017/1/21/14315372/what-is-gaslighting-gaslight-movie-ingrid-bergman) 📰 “How to Spot 'Medical Gaslighting' and What to Do About It.” (Caron, Christina) (www.nytimes.com/2022/07/29/well/mind/medical-gaslighting.html) 📺 “Live Your Own Life” (“효심이네 각자도생”) (KBS2 2023-2024) 📰 “Time Magazine 2023 Person of the Year: Taylor Swift” (Lansky, Sam) (time.com/6342806/person-of-the-year-2023-taylor-swift/) 🎙️ “Stockholm Syndrome” (2018) (You’re Wrong About Podcast) 📰 “Bystander intervention” (Wiki) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_intervention) 📺 “Unbelievable” (Susannah Grant, Ayelet Waldman, Michael Chabon) (2019, Netflix) 🎞️ “They Cloned Tyrone” (dir. Juel Taylor, wr. Tony Rettenmaier, Juel Taylor) 🎞️ “The Stepford Wives” (1975) (dir. Bryan Forbes, wr. William Goldman) 🎞️ “The Girl on the Train” (2016) (dir. Tate Taylor, wr. Erin Cressida Wilson) 📚 “Rosemary’s Baby” (1967) (Levin, Ira) 📚 “The Stepford Wives” (1972) (Levin, Ira)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     https://www.instagram.com/liliannapod/ Twitter:     https://twitter.com/liliannapod Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹Intromusic🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹Outro Music🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹Transition Music🎹: gas burning stove activation and burn by EdR from Pixabay
Old fashioned clock sound by Pixabay
Walking on wooden floorboards by Pixabay
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rowan-blood · 7 months
Tags (WIP)
Aesthetics Agate Wood Agate Bridge Amber Valley Amethyst Anysta mac Delbaith Aon-adharcach Apple Arid Arid magic user Artwork Aryadna dé Tuatha dé Danann Ashen Asche Avren Author Author's artwork
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Fall Court Fanart Feather Feda Fern Room Fey Fiachra Fírche Fleece Flower Sprites Foundling
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Tags Taran Taran  mac Delbaith The Fox and the Dryad TFATD Thread King Tross
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todonetflix · 1 year
Netflix canceló una producción de género de comedia que fue un éxito y los usuarios estallaron en ira.
A menos de un año de su estreno, Netflix decidió que no lanzará más episodios de una producción súper divertida. Conocé de cuál se trata y todos los detalles, en la nota.
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Después de que Netflix cancela una popular serie de comedia, los espectadores se estallaron en ira. Menos de un año después de su debut, Netflix tomó la decisión de dejar de producir un programa increíblemente entretenido. Entiende de qué se trata y cada detalle que contiene la nota.
Este juego fue lanzado en la plataforma hace menos de un año y fue creado por William Davies. Debido a que Rowan Atkinson, mejor conocido por su papel de "Mr. Bean" en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, es el protagonista, los espectadores se enamoraron de la historia de inmediato. También es apropiado para toda la familia, lo que lo hace mucho más atractivo.
Es posible que se vea en poco tiempo porque la primera temporada solo tuvo 9 episodios que duraron alrededor de 10 minutos cada uno. En cuanto a la trama, se centra en un hombre que debe ejecutar su trabajo pero se ve afectado por imprevistos al punto que se obsesiona con ellos.
La serie de comedia se llama "Man vs. Bee", en espanol, 'Hombre vs. abeja" y según su resumen oficial, "el torpe Trevor se enfrenta a una abeja muy astuta mientras custodia una elegante mansión, pero solo logra causar estragos". Por lo tanto, el divertido título ilustra de manera exagerada lo inquieta que se puede poner una persona cuando algo le molesta.
Crónica escrita por Juana Noceti Sanchez
Fuentes: Crónica, La Nacion
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
Yandere xeha with shy and inexperienced Jessica au:
Luxu: *snores adorably*
Ira: *pinches my forehead with a small smile on my face* I'm guessing you two had a hard time getting sleep last night?
Hana: you have no idea. First, it was Iris needing help with her project and then Rowan refusing to sleep
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